#over heaven
mazanarry · 18 days
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What would happen if Dio Over Heaven brought vanilla ice back from hell? 🤯🤯🤯
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Dio brings him back as a rotting corpse still with signs of life💀💀💀
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Now cadaver ice is now Vanilla ice over heaven 👀‼️
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brightgoat · 1 year
My thoughts on JJBA OVER HEAVEN
So first of all -
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it seems my JJBA binge is not over yet, I am still on the desert island and instead of their being water sources large enough to get waterboarded in like last time, I am instead finding small refreshing puddles.
This is copy pasted from my twitter so pardon if its formatted weirdly
I read the novel and- (spoilers under cut)
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although it might be dubiously canon, I like it a lot that I think it should be considered so, and in my mind overrides any inconsistencies that the anime/manga may bring up. The timeline seems fucked either way you look at it, fittingly for this story I guess
I liked how it showed the evolution of his idea of ‘heaven’ and how it slowly became what Pucci defined it as. I like how it gives depth without straying from Dio’s insane villainy. and the mommy issues were certainly something as well It actually made me appreciate part 1
I have realised this while I was still watching the anime, but the novel confirms it; all the villains either represent a part of Dio, the big bad
Kars - Dio’s desire to constantly transcend his current state, humanity and whatnot, keep moving up the power scale
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Kira - Dio’s idea that all humans live for ‘peace of mind’, as he puts it for himself- ‘preparedness’, knowing that the future will be fine
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Diavolo - Dio’s resolve to move only forward, only towards the future
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I do love how for the two Stand users, their Stands complement their motives, Kira creating time loops to ensure nothing bad happens to him, and Diavolo ‘skipping time’ to move into and foresee the future. Kira is more ‘stuck in the past’ and Diavolo is heading for the future
Dio is in the present, he merely stops time for a few seconds. It sets up the time manipulation premise in the simplest way and also gives him the further mindfuckery he needs to arrive at his conclusion
And then Pucci, the final villain, is Dio’s resolve to get to ‘heaven’, the culmination of the mindfuckery- their conclusion of it being that the definition of ‘heaven’ is obtaining peace by knowing all of the future and all of fate, and living it out in preparedness.
Their Stands are also opposite of one another, Dio stops time for a brief moment and Pucci accelerates it for all of eternity. Pucci is the kind of fucking guy to spoil the entire movie before watching it
I do love how they define fate as ‘gravity between people', and connect that to the theory of relativity (i’m always a sucker for this kind of shit) combining scientific theory with ideas of fate through a religious character is also just a cherry on top, I love it
THAT and how his Stand Whitesnake, whose powers are to extract ‘souls’ (or so to speak), is covered in the abbreviation of DNA compounds. Also fun fact whitesnake’s voice is based off of patrick star from spongebob
Overall, it was interesting to read how Dio became obsessed with the concept of fate, Ironically, were JJBA to be written with more foresight (preparedness even), then maybe Dio’s thoughts could’ve been more implemented into the story. Don’t get me wrong, he should still be his insane-cartoonishly-evil self at the same time, I love him for that. However, this novel was not written by the OG author, so who knows how canon it even is.
Another thing of note: Dio and Pucci seem to arrive at their idea of ‘heaven’ independently (you could argue Dio kind of began it by suggesting the idea of ‘gravity’ to him), but it was Pucci’s circumstances that ultimately led to it. Dio, at least for a few pages, believes that what one is born into decides everything. And they were born into vastly different situations. Dio talks a lot about his hate of nobles and ‘inheritors’ and hated both his biological and adoptive family.
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Pucci is from an influential wealthy family and loved them so. Dio’s sibling was a miscarriage and Pucci’s presumed-dead-twin was actually alive. But both lived circumstances that arrived to a shared idea of ‘heaven’. Dio knows at least the deaths in Pucci’s life, I wonder if he knows his background and if knowing it would challenge or confirm his idea of fate.
I can’t help but wonder how Pucci felt reading the diary through Jotaro’s memories. Also wonder if Pucci saw how Dio died through none other than Jotaro’s memories as well.
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Also i don’t know why, this is probably not what is implied cuz it wouldn’t fit characterwise(unless?) but……… did Pucci take Dio’s memory of showing him The World????? Why is it written this way and if so then adhsagdah??
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Anyways if you ask me if i’m team ‘ora-ora’ or team ‘muda-muda’ its the latter for me baby
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kohakuace · 3 months
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Over Heaven DIO!
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anongalactic · 7 months
Don't know if this counts more as a theory or just my analysis of things, but i am firm believer that the "Heaven Plan" is actual bullshit.
What created Made In Heaven was not the sacrifice of sinners and the coordinates and the phases of the moon or whatever-- it was Pucci's resolve. His dedication. All stands we've seen evolve have done so thru great character development or a significant moment, and thats what happened with Made In Heaven. Completing the steps of Dio's "Ultimate Plan" that Pucci had dedicated his entire life to, in body and in soul, was what caused the flipping of that mental switch.
The "plan" is quite literally incomprehensible, means absolutely nothing. Dio didn't have any actual genius revelations about life, he emerged from the endless crushing abyss (both mentally and physically) of the ocean for 100 years and declared himself a martyr. Understanding that Dio is only a "genius" through how much of his insanity you can ignore is integral to understanding his character, and Pucci. Pucci translated Dio's nonsense ramblings into a set of steps for him to follow, a clear goal to achieve-- THAT is what made it work, not the actual content of the diary. That's what priests do, interpret stories and words of a text to find meaning and direction. Pucci was so dedicated to this because he was once just a kid just struggling to find meaning and direction in life, burying himself in a church he couldn't quite believe in-- and he found comfort in the promises of a false god, a being that offered him the answers to the universe and all his worries. Offered him salvation.
That is what Made In Heaven is. The product of one man's devotions to a plan he carved out from the words of a mad man.
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goescribe · 4 months
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ive been reading jjba over heaven-- an important aspect (to me at least) is dio's constant tendency to overthink, write himself in circles, and immediately take back the things he writes . it all makes him weirdly empathetic, this bit stuck out to me
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khanumshahrzad · 2 years
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Dio writing his diary inside of his fuckhouse in Egypt circa 1989. colorized
All i could comment is that i was inspired to draw this while reading over heaven. this guy fucked up and gay, you can't tell me he wouldn't have a pompom pen with a gay little heart on it and write in his silly little gay diary while kicking his feet in the air.
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dessertbird · 2 years
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Choosing Dean. Always. ☺️😊❤️
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strawberry-metal · 1 year
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Yo check it out. I found some really old art I made back when I was new to the JoJo fandom! I made it after finishing Eyes of Heaven, and Kaz and I discussed how a Jotaro Over Heaven would look, and since I pair my oc with him, we ended up discussing what if two people could have Over Heaven so here’s Shanna if she had Mother Earth Over Heaven. This is not canon and never will be, it’s just a fun lil what if doodle I made. In the corner is Over Heaven Jotaro picking her up by the cheeks lol
Sorry Sha, you’re still on the shorter side!
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amekikai · 1 year
Been reading Over Heaven and I actually cried for a while over it.
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imdead770 · 2 months
Percy "put your minecraft bed beside mine" Jackson
Annabeth "making an architectural masterpiece" Chase
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autoneurotic · 2 months
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i’m going to throw the fuck yp WHOOOOOO made this WHY is it in my break room im losing my mind
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fancyfeasti · 4 months
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"I guess you have changed."
-Husk, Hazbin Hotel Ep. 8
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lazycranberrydoodles · 3 months
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hua cheng's patience: infinite
hua cheng's impulse control: zero
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anongalactic · 7 months
as the resident Guy Who Read Over Heaven and Won't Stop Thinking About It. I REALLY want to talk about it more but i also want to encourage people to read it on their own. But dear god. I have many thoughts
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arcane-gold · 9 days
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what a simple thing it is to be happy
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eyes-of-nine · 3 months
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minimum wage coded scrunkly and his very good pupper
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