#ozai alta
bigquestionmark · 3 months
the way people treat ozai and ursa is so similar to how people treat jiang fengmian and yu ziyuan
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Kindhearted princess
fire nation royal family x reader
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The fire nation love their royal family as they had ruled the nations with pride and strength, making the fire nation proud and strong over the many years. From fire lord azulon to his sons and his grandchildren, everyone in the royal family had the respect of the nation. There had been someone in the royal family that seem to burn by her own candle flame, the youngest grandchild of fire lord and youngest daughter or ozai and ursa. The princess that seem to be called by her people and other the kindhearted princess.
y/n " ......" you are walking down the hallway of the palace heading towards, someone chambers. You had walked passed some servants and guards who are carrying some stuff, and stop and bow when they see you. You had give them a smile as you kept on walking until you reached the chambers of your older brother zuko.
????? " y/n"
y/n " zuko I came to see you ... you are really leaving I can go speak with father and he ..."
zuko " no I wish for you not to be brought into my issues anymore"
y/n " Zuzu you are my brother I will do anything for our family"
zuko " it will be okay if I return with the avatar everything will be fine"
y/n " ......."
zuko " it all will be okay if have all my stuff and anything else I will needed packed, come on we can go to dock together"
y/n " okay" you and zuko had walked towards the dock together making some small talk.
zuko " I will miss you"
y/n " I will miss you as well big brother"
iroh " wait up you two"
y/n " uncle"
zuko " uncle what going on here"
iroh " well I'm coming with you zuko as you will need all the help out there, and guidance as well and don't worry I spoke with my brother about this already"
y/n " uncle are you really going"
iroh " yes my niece but don't worry we will all stay safe"
y/n " good and I will pray for the safe return of you two and the whole crew, and hope you both come back with good stories to tell"
iroh " we will and I think the crew will be high hopes hearing, you wish us luck on our trip away from home"
y/n " thank you"
zuko " stay strong my sister and don't only our sister and anyones else, to break you spirt"
y/n " yes Zuzu"
iroh " yes remember my lessons with you and the advice I have given you, I will be hoping you will be doing well here as well when we are gone"
y/n " thank you uncle and brother I will make sure to make you both, proud and I will make sure I do well when I'm here" you had hugged your brother and uncle, right before they left the nation on their journey to find the avatar. It will be a very long time until you saw your brother and uncle once again.
many years later
y/n " ......" you are feeding the turtle ducks you had gotten sick of being stuck inside all day, the ducks seem to be having a good time with you until someone came behind you soon scaring the ducks away.
y/n " azula" you soon got up and hugged her you are the only few people that she only to hug her.
azula " hello little sister now may you tell me why you are feeding these annoying creatures"
y/n " they are not annoying azula I think they are cute and I love feeding them"
azula "sure"
azula " so how was the meeting with father what did he tell you"
azula " that choi failed him and now it my time to take matters into my own hand"
y/n " I didn't like the idea of the raid on North Pole"
azula " i don't get you my sister you are from one the most important and powerful family here, and you decide to be always peaceful even towards our enemies"
y/n " azula they are just like us and I don't like the who idea of using my title and bending to get people to do anything"
azula " so I will have to worry about you as well"
y/n " azula"
azula " i will be leaving to go look for the avatar and Zuzu along with uncle"
y/n " azula please don't hurt them they are still family"
azula " don't worry"
y/n " I have many reasons to worry azula I know you"
azula " i will be good for now but I still going after the avatar anyways I will tell Zuzu and uncle you say hello"
y/n " I wish I could come but father will not let me"
azula " we all know why you are not ready and you will be good here, father will make sure you stay safe and that means staying here ... but hey I will bring you back any gift I get on my travels"
y/n " yes sister please be safe out there and with anyone else who joins you"
azula " i will be good but I will come home vicarious"
y/n " yes sister" azula and you had spent some time together as she was planning her trip to leave, the next day she had left home to go after the avatar and the rest of the family.
ozai " my daughter I have called you here so we can speak"
y/n " yes father"
ozai " now that your brother and sister are gone, thing around here will be changing"
y/n " I understand father"
ozai " good as your duty if being princess of the fire nation, you have a image to uphold and duties as well ... I know you will do them well being their for the family and nation, but you need to know that your ability of kindness could be seen a weakness you can't always let your kindness rule over you when you are in changer of stuff my daughter"
y/n " I know father but this how I'm"
ozai " I know I know my child but I need you to know, that you can't always be kind when it come to our people or anyone else"
y/n " yes father but I will always make sure our family and people are good, even if they are fire nation or not"
ozai " that what I love to hear my daughter now you are free to go, as I have a meeting with the generals and sages"
y/n " yes father take care"
ozai " you as well my daughter" you soon bowed to your father as you soon left the throne room, as the meeting was getting ready to start. You are walking down the hall way of the palace looking at the portraits, of the royal family member past and present. You had thought about everyone words, and you were going to stick to being yourself as that is something you love dearly no matter what everyone else had to say about it.
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xmsmarvel18 · 3 months
Four Boys Who Have
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Daddy Issues + Their Moms Not Being With Them(Either They Were Sent To Other Places Or Passed Away)
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Can't Believe They Have The Harsh Childhood And Yet They Were The UNDERRATED CHARACTERS in the show. Their Moms Were Still By Their Sides Before Disappearing From Them.
At least, they managed to gain trust from their friends and stand up to their fathers in the end.
I'm proud of my boys!😭💖
(I know there are other shows which have similar problem here but I get use to recent fandom that I watched.)
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animateddadbracket · 2 months
Worst Animated Dad Bracket Round 1
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Propaganda: Claude: He never wanted to be a father. In fact he wanted to kill the child he was tasked with raising. Then he emotionally and phytologically and probably physically abused him
Ozai: Burned his son’s face and then exiled until he finished a mission that was supposed to be impossible. Made his daughter believe her only value was as a weapon and drove her to a psychotic break when she realized nothing she did would ever be enough. Played his kids against each other to the point that they tried to kill one another as teenagers.
Fire Lord Ozai is from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Claude Frollo is from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
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queenofstresss · 3 months
I watched Netflix's ALTA again and it's actually good and funny. I like it and I'm glad they renewed it for two more seasons so we get the whole experience before making too many decisions about the show. I recommend watching it again if your initial thoughts were that "this is shit and nothing like the original" or if you just questioned everything.
Even if this show isn't your cup of tea, you'll always have the original💜 and if you don't like this (it's fine) or still say that it's the worst, but I SWEAR NOTHING CAN BE WORSE THAN THE MOVIE THEY MADE ABOUT AVATAR (idk what year that was) THAT WAS HORRIBLE..
Someone posted their first thoughts about the show when it came out and I reblogged it and honestly, they're very good points - it was kinda weirdly paced, some things the characters did were little questionable, scenes changing etc. - and they were my first thoughts as well, I still stand by them but that's just cos the original is just so good (plus I have hard time receiving new things about the things I love, ex. Anything about ALTA)
First time watching was just pure confusion and anticipation, hoping they won't fuck up, but the second time watching really did make me like the show and what I think was good about this, were the actor choices.. Some look more like their characters than others but all were top notch. Unlike in the movie they made year whatever, it was just a disaster.. I actually love the relationship between Zuko and Iroh in this as well🔥☕
But yes please do watch it again cos really NOTHING can be worse than the movie..
If you're still reading this, thanks for coming to my late night ramblings lol
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thecountesstribe · 3 months
A huge mountain sized hill I'm willing to die on is both Ursa and Ozai were shit parents. No I'm not talking about the live action (I've seen it just no comments besides at least Daniel Dae Kim was and is still hot but that's besides the point.) I'll never forgive them for the way they treated their children at all. Azula and Zuko didn't deserve that.
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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smollucy · 4 months
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frankie-idk · 1 year
alta better get a hunger games level renaissance when the netflix version comes out
i don’t care if it’s rubbish the originals better get the respect they deserve
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iiii blame u @trashfactorysstuff 😰
no but fr i Always was kinda sad how eh dull it was written like oh he is evil she is innocent 😒 GIVE ME A FALLING OUT OF LOVE ARC BRO
like we all say f7ck the comics so yk why not this too?
i do love ikem 🫶🏼
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it didnt 🫶🏼
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(her skin is so white cuz of make up btw)
idk i Always had an obssesion with their (and azula and zukos) Relationship to eachother i was just a coward 🙌🏼
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winnie-the-monster · 8 months
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I know this is really belated, it has long been jossed by subsequent material, but I wrote a Tyzula fic that attempted to continue the Avatar comics timeline post-Imbalance while also incorporating the other extended universe material.
It focuses on the Fire Nation and talks about, among other things, the effects of Sozin's criminalization of queer folk, the abusive nature of Fire Nation asylums, and Zuko's struggles to de-Sozinize the Fire Nation. However, it gets really dark at times, and not everyone gets a happy ending.
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So if you guys have time, I would be honored if you took a look at it. Thanks!
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thisentertaining · 1 year
Do we ever see Ozai actually care about stopping Aang?
Honestly, other than Zuko, does he ever send out ANYONE to find the Avatar??
Zhao stumbles across him and kinda sorta adds 'get the Avatar' to his 'to do' list, as like a potential hobby he can pick up during his actual job of harassing Zuko and killing the moon. The siege of the North is a much bigger deal to him, and it seems that Aang being there is a convenient happenstance, not the main reason for the invasion.
Then, Azula is sent to capture Zuko and Iroh, runs into Aang and decides to switch targets. She is never told to go after him by the Firelord.
The Fire Nation soldiers in the Earth Kingdom don't really look for him, they just kinda react when he shows up but no one is proactively seeking him out.
Even the Rough Rhinos, they are sent after Iroh and Zuko I think, and just decide to throw hands when they happen across the GAang.
Like... do we ever see this man actually assign someone to capture the Avatar? (Zuko doesn't count) Even Zuko hires an assassin after Aang, which is move than Ozai ever does.
Intentional or not, this shows just how over-confident and egotistical Ozai was, to not even really feel threatened by the Avatar's return.
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
You will be amazing on day
zuko and mom reader
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life had changed for you when you had married Prince ozai, for the sake and wellbeing of your family and village. As the duty of daughter and wife had been something you are balancing, that was until motherhood had came into the equation. Now your had become a lady of the nation and a soon to be mother, in the royal family. You had made a promise to love your children and care off them, along with teaching them well in hopes they didn’t become like their father.
zuko “ mom” you are feeding some turtle duck by yourself in one of the palaces, many gardens when you had heard someone calling you. As you soon looked up to see it zuko, he soon reached you.
y/n “ hello my son why has made you run away the way here”
zuko “ I wanted to show you the gift uncle iroh sent me” zuko soon showed you a earth king blade as he sat down next to you.
y/n “ wow this is amazing craftsmanship and the words are wonderful as well”
zuko “ It say never give up"
y/n " yes it those your uncle might have a good reason for you giving you that my boy"
zuko " yes mom ... umm mom what is your family like" you had gotten very quiet when you had heard zuko asking about your family, you never told zuko or azula about your family. As your husband and azulon hadn't allowed you to speak about them, or even allowed you to go see them as well.
y/n " ......."
zuko " mom are you okay"
y/n " I'm good hey hey don't you come feed the trutepl ducks with me"
zuko " okay mom" you ahd given zuko some of the bread and he was feeding the ducks.
zuko " mom do you ever think I will be gifted in fire bending like everyone else in the family.even you are gifted as well"
y/n " well yes one day you will be an amazing fire bender but it take many years to master, fire bending my boy you and you are good already I love the moves you do"
zuko " even if I fall on my but"
y/n " yes even if you fall on your butt" you soon brought zuko close to you making him laugh, and bring him into a warm embrace. Him and azula are you most valuable treasures.
y/n " you know you coming from a very long line of proud fire benders"
zuko " I do"
y/n " yes and one day you will be added to that list of amazing fire bender"
zuko " thank mom"
y/n " you are welcome"
zuko " mom when I get older and I will be the best prince you can be proud of"
y/n " oh zuko I'm already proud of you and all you have done now, and I know you will do many greta things when you are older"
zuko " will you be there when it happens"
y/n " yes I will but if I'm not there I will be there with you in spirt and heart, no matter where you go I will always love you"
zuko " yes mom"
y/n " if you want to run along and play with your sister and her friends you can, you don't have to stay here with me"
zuko " I rather stay here with you a bit longer mom"
y/n " okay you can and hey I will tell you some great stories of spirts, so you can learn about them as I know your uncle has been telling you enough"
zuko " yes mom I will love to hear more stories"
y/n " well that good to hear" you had sat with zuko feeding and watching the turtle ducks in the pond, as you had been telling zuko tales about spirts from all the nations. You knew zuko will be amazing one day but he will have to go through a long journey, in life and experience many things as well but one day he will be amazing. Deep down you are hoping the ozai doesn't try to control him, as you couldn't bare the thought of your kids becoming like their father when they could become their own person in the end. There was also the hope that you will be there to see the grown up, and see their future selves.
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dominicared · 8 months
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animateddadbracket · 2 months
Worst Animated Dad Bracket Round 2
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Nolan Grayson: Didn't tell his son Mark that he was an alien conqueror sent to take over the earth and that he expected Mark to join him until after Mark had started his superhero career. For some reason it didn't occur to him that his superhero son would object to conquering Earth. Attempted to beat Mark to death when Mark understandably wasn't okay with all this. Later he does manage to muster up just enough remorse to leave the planet, take a second wife and have a new son. When his home planet finds him with his new wife and decides to attack the planet he's living on, instead of leaving the planet to keep it safe he calls Mark up to help him make a suicidal stand against his homeworld. He gets captured, and Mark then has to raise the baby brother he left behind
Ozai: Burned his son’s face and then exiled until he finished a mission that was supposed to be impossible. Made his daughter believe her only value was as a weapon and drove her to a psychotic break when she realized nothing she did would ever be enough. Played his kids against each other to the point that they tried to kill one another as teenagers
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On Aang sparing Ozai
It's one of the most controversial plot developments in *Avatar: The Last Airbender*: Aang choosing to spare Ozai, one of the most deplorable human beings in the franchise. A lot has already been said on the move and likely will continue to be discussed in the future. All I can do is throw my two cents into the ring on what is a pretty hot button topic for a lot of fans.
I personally have no issue with Aang sparing Ozai.
Or rather, I think it's the more moral option available.
The question of whether or not to kill a villain is a recurring theme in a lot of fiction. If given the chance, should one execute a bad guy in cold blood? That the crimes are so horrendous, they justify their death. And the answer is usually: no. No it's not. Taking a life is arguably one of the biggest decisions one could face, and it should never be easy.
Case in point: Ozai. No one's going to argue that Ozai is a monster. He's a genocidal warmongerer who is willing to screw over his own family just to stroke his ego. Trying to advocate for his survival is to be in one of the worst positions imaginable. I can understand wanting Ozai dead.
But Aang...Aang is not a god.
The Avatar is meant to bring balance to the world, yes. But the Avatar should not be judge, jury, and executioner. Otherwise the whole point of the human side of the Avatar spirit is completely lost. To determine who lives or dies puts one above humanity and all the institutions that are supposed to punish war criminals like Ozai. Which goes against the point of Aang's character.
Aang was able to defeat Ozai and capture him to be tried fairly before the world. And it's not just because he wants to stick to Air Nomad beliefs. It's because he believes in people. That all have the capacity for good. To quote the kid himself:
Aang: Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation, have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.
That everybody should be given the chance to do the right thing. Handing Ozai over to the world to be judged and his regime dismantled does give the Fire Nation the chance to do the right thing. And if they fail to do so, it was their responsibility, not Aang's (especially since they failed to do so in the comics and that caused a myriad of problems). Especially when others were in a position to kill or stop Ozai but for one reason or another failed to do so (case in point: Iroh and Zuko).
Cause Aang's just a kid. He shouldn't be a god.
Which goes into the bigger argument for Aang sparing Ozai.
Aang's just a kid.
A child.
In what universe should a 12 year old be judged for not killing someone? The same kid who naturally cracked when the Air Nomads pushed him to embrace his duties as the Avatar far too early? It's bad enough he's put in the position to save the world, now people are expecting a kid to kill now?
Aang shouldn't even be fighting wars. He should've been a kid, but was forced to grow up, a recurring theme that was there from the very first episode. Remember when Katara admitted she forgot what fun was like? Yeah. Imagine a whole world like that where kids are forced to fight in wars. And it IS a problem on all sides.
So the question remains: since when did we start believing kids should be gods?
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