#paul rovia imagine
Hi :) Could I request a Paul Rovia x Female Reader fic please ? Like either Paul or reader is having a panic attack / feeling depressed and their best friend comforts them in the sweetiest way possible. 🥺 With hugs, hair stroking, sweet words etc... Thank you ! 😊
You're Safe
Pairing: Paul 'Jesus' Rovia x Fem!Reader
Summary: Whilst out on a supply run with Jesus, you get attacked by walkers and you're thrown into a panic.
Warnings: Panic attack.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! This is my first time writing for him so I hope it's okay and I hope you like it!
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You couldn't move as you stared at the corpse that was currently staggering towards you. You were clutching your knife tightly in your hands but you just couldn't move.
You'd never been good with walkers, ever since you watched them tear your parents apart in front of you. And it didn't help that this was only your second proper encounter with one.
You thought you'd be okay. When you agreed to go on a supply run with Jesus, you were confident that this time you'd be better. You'd be brave. But here you were, staring at a walker with wide eyes whilst you stood frozen with fear.
You flinched when a blade suddenly broke through the walkers forehead, sending blood spattering on your face. And when the corpse dropped to the ground with a sickening crack, you were suddenly thrown into a panic.
You backed away, pathetically collapsing to your knees and you felt like you couldn't breathe. You felt like you were dying. Tears started to escape your eyes as you remained cowering on the floor.
And you were so consumed with panic that you barely even registered Jesus' hands coming to grip onto your shoulders.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked quietly. "Look at me."
"I'm sorry...I...I thought-" You still couldn't breathe as you looked up at him. "I feel...I feel like...I-"
"I think you're having a panic attack, so you've just gotta try and take deep breaths okay?"
You nodded, your eyes still stinging with tears as you tried to do as he said.
"You're okay, you're safe." He assured you, his grip still tight on your shoulders as he spoke to you. "You're safe."
You kept your focus on him as you tried to control your breathing, and when you finally managed to calm down, you couldn't help the sob that wracked through you. You felt broken.
"Hey, it's okay." Jesus said softly, bringing a hand up to rest against your cheek.
"I'm sorry." You choked out, shaking your head at him.
He just gave you a sympathetic smile before pulling you into a hug, gently stroking his hand through your hair. "Don't be sorry, okay? There's nothing to be sorry about."
"I thought I'd be fine. I thought I could do it."
"It's fine, it doesn't matter." He said, pulling back to look at you. "The fact that you're out here is enough. Are you okay?"
You nodded. "Yeah, thank you."
"No problem." He smiled before pulling you back into a hug. "Just...don't force yourself to do things if you aren't comfortable, okay?"
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[Main Masterlist]
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
MarchWeres prompt day 3
The Bite
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Paul "Jesus" Rovia
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Your shared trailer was quiet tonight with Jesus out on patrol. Life was getting crazy again and you were suddenly missing your best friend almost half the time with how busy he was.
Sleep wouldn't come to you, but maybe it was for the best when the door opened and Jesus stumbled in. You watched him be as quiet as possible but barely keeping himself upright and tripping over rugs and even air.
"Jesus, what happened?" You were on him in a second, leading him to sit on the couch and switching on lights to inspect him.
You helped him out of his coat and quickly saw his shirt soaked in blood.
Before you had a chance to take a look at the wound your wrist was grabbed.
"Dixon's in the area.." You shook your head, not understanding why he was telling you. "He bit me."
You sank down to the floor at his words. You knew what was about to happen, were you really going to keep him in here? You needed time to prepare, to inform people. Time that you didn't have because as soon as that bite wound healed over, your friend would start changing..
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Hi everyone. I don’t do this often as I usually ignore any unhappy messages but it’s gotten to the point where I can’t ignore it and need to address it. I’ve written for the walking dead for over 4 years now and I’ve always written Paul rovia as friends and friends only with female readers. And that has always been the way for a long time. Please note, as I would rather not get rude threatening DM’s please know these stories about this character are about Paul and reader as friends. I would never write Paul with a female character romantically. In the last twenty minutes I’ve gotten over 15 messages from different people about this “issue” and each one has been fairly rude, I apologise if somehow these friendship stories have offended you. Never have I ever done Paul x a fem reader romantically because I find that incredibly weird. Even with some requests that I haven’t answered people have asked for female character being romantic with him and i immediately delete it because that’s a no go for me. I’m only human. I’m only writing stories because I like to, it’s not that serious. Again these stories consist of friends helping each other and in other stories the reader and Paul are brother and sister!!! Nothing more nothing less. If it was with a male character I would do it differently if requested! But PLEASE think before you message me with abusive language. If you still have an issue with it please feel free to drop me a message and we will resolve it. Thank you. I will not be discussing this topic again.
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celtic-crossbow · 6 months
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gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
Y/N, arguing with Daryl while he drives: Oh, Jesus, take the wheel!
Daryl, confused: He ain’t here.
Y/N: You’ve never heard that?
Daryl: What? Jesus?
Jesus, popping up from the backseat: Yeah?
Y/N: Where’d you come from?
Daryl: If ya say anythin’ ‘bout a virgin, so help me god—
Jesus: No. Jesus.
Daryl: Y/N, take the wheel!
Y/N: Daryl!
Daryl: Y/N!
Jesus: Jesus!
Daryl and Y/N: Shut up!
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storywriter12 · 29 days
How they cuddle you🥰
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Simon⬆️(just imagine hims coming home from a long day)
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Paul rovia "Jesus" ⬆️ he will always be away and you will miss him so everytime he comes back you will drop everything and jump into his arms and he will catch you
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Abraham ⬆️he likes to hug you from behind he dies this in the mornings when you are making breakfast he woukd sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around you, you will jump "shh it's only me" he would say in your ear and kiss you on the cheek then your neck.
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King ezekiel⬆️
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raewritesfiction · 2 months
Norman Reedus Imagines
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** Denotes DESCRIPTIONS of s3x/acts
^^ Denotes MENTIONS of s3x/acts
You Promised ** [Daryl Dixon]
Pillow ** [Daryl Dixon]
True Love Trilogy ** [Daryl Dixon x Paul “Jesus” Rovia]
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firsttransfootman · 1 year
Okay, I know I wrote in my description that I'm currently in Shadow and Bone phase. But my first post here just needs to be about my first love - The Walking Dead. And because I'm nerd, I need to show this here.
    So...if you also was watching TWD episode by episode every week when it was released, you for sure remember the break between seasons and half season. Always around 4 months and of course, there were a lot of leaks, photos from drones and rumors.
    It was the first quarter of 2017 (omg it was 6 years ago) and we got this leak. I couldn't find it on the internet and on my phone I only got the Spanish version. Basically it means "In the 13 episode we will get a reveal that Paul "Jesus" Rovia is homosexual". In the show it was actually changed and we got a reveal in episode 14, bcs of the switch between 13 and 14 episodes (for people who don't remember that were 2 episodes which were both  happening at the same time but in two different places and which was first doesn't really matter).
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So it's around a month or two before the premiere of season 7B. I'm 15 and I can't stop thinking about what they are going to do. I write some propositions and I'm gonna share them now with you guys. Some of them contain minor spoilers from the comic books.
   1 . Somebody is gonna fall from him. I was 15, in denial that I'm mostly gay and just thought "It's Tom Payne, everybody finds him super attractive, right?". So, in my mind, some character would just develop a crush on him or fall in love. Of course, female character, maybe some dramatic kiss scene when he needs to take a step back and say "I'm sorry, but it's not gonna work". I didn't have anybody particular in mind for this. but it was still an option. 
   2. Similar to the first one but just looking for comfort. I started reading more comics. and if somebody didn't read comics, we got a lot  more  friends with benefits and "lovers" (meaning only bed lovers, not really relationships). Michonne was literally trying to sleep with every black guy in comics. So I was thinking maybe Sasha or Maggie would need some comfort after what Negan did and he would just be there for them. Even if they didn't try to sleep with him, maybe some cuddling and him saying this just to be sure they don't want anything more. Maybe before this some typical TV scenes after which people ship them a little bit or something.
   3. Some gay comfort scene with Daryl, Aaron, Eric or four of them. If anybody don't know this - there are rumors that Daryl was supposed to be gay and reveal of it was planned for season 3 or something around but they resigned of this concept (probably gonna write more about this someday). Anyway, I was thinking about a couple of options here:
    3.1. Jesus having amazing gay radar and just goes to talk with Daryl in casual  acting like it's obvious. He would panic and, you know, be grumpy about that OR which I actually think would actually be  the best way - also act like this is basic knowledge. People would be so freaking mad.
   3.2. Some deep conversation between him and Daryl, their backstory, of course, mostly Paul doing the talking and some sentences like "I don't know why I'm saying this to you . We don't really know each other".
   3.3. Some fluff comfort scene with Aaron and Eric, maybe even play it as a joke with their iconic sentence from a comic book. So in the comics, Aaron, after Eric died, says something about them being their last gays in the world. Like can you imagine a scene like that:
J: "So you live in this house?"
A: "Yeah, almost from the start."
E: "Two last gays in the world."
J: "So I would be third."
A: ...
E: ...
J: ...
D: "Forth!"
T: "Why people always forget lesbians?"
   4. Alex! Yeah, for people who didn't read comics or did it some time ago and don't remember Alex is Jesus' lover and nurse in Hilltop. In the comics, we got reveal in the way that when Paul is in Hilltop, Alex comes to his room and asks him to cuddle and read with him. With time, it's clear that Alex wanted something more and Paul just didn't feel it. They eventually split apart, Alex got a boyfriend and hopefully happy ever after. Anyway, this would be cool. Some one-sided love, an amazing example of the fact that being gay doesn't mean somebody would fall for every guy and it's a good example of grey side of Jesus bcs he really isn't honest with Alex and doesn't treat him like he should. Also, we would get a nurse, which would be cool bcs in the show I sometimes feel like they forgot that doctors aren't the only people who work in healthcare. Like paramedics and nurses exist.
   5. Like literally anything other than what we get. Don't get me wrong - this scene with Maggie is cute, but because it's the only scene about that, I needed something more. If he eventually got a romantic or bed partner I wouldn't say anything, but after he died people all over the internet literally arguing that he wasn't gay on a TV show bcs nobody remembers this scene. It was a pre-credits scene which you could really easily skip and you didn't know you had missed anything.
    I think they know they have Aaron and Eric so they don't want to have another gay couple (so Alex wasn't an option) and want this to be quiet. It was just a preparation for the future Aaron and Paul, which we never get. It's really sad bcs after this, Paul was literally cut off the series, being in a couple of episodes per season to the point when actor just don't wanna be part of it anymore (and I can't blame him). Even after that, they didn't have enough courage to make him and Aaron officially a couple of lovers. We only got suggestions and baits but nothing official.
    I would really like to read a fanfiction about any of the options which I wrote above. In the meantime, have an amazing weekend and to the next!
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holy-rovia · 2 years
paul rovia + shepard love
Elections had been a weirdly hectic time with the renewed interest in organized search parties arising at the same time. They had a better handle on how they would function and a solid group of volunteers, but otherwise Jesus didn't see that slowing down any time soon. It made Shepard's arrival all the more timely.
He'd been looking for an assistant at the housing office for a while, and he'd been strapped enough for time and short enough on offers to go ahead and hire him over text message, skipping the whole interview and paperwork process for the time. He'd needed help now; they could sort out the rest when things settled. Now, he didn't see much point interviewing. It was hard to imagine someone better-suited to the job. Shepard was hard-working and good at talking to people and figuring out what they needed.
He'd still called him in to the office to officially hire him if he still wanted the job though, and he smiled when he saw him. Jesus hated desks, and he nodded toward the thrift shop couch in the corner, two to-go cups from Caffi Rhees on the coffee table. "Hey. I wanted to thank you for all your help the past couple weeks. If you still want the job, I'd be glad to have you on full time. I promise it's not always as chaotic as it's been."
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ivycovehq · 4 months
welcome to ivy cove, alex! we can't wait to meet lexa kom trikru, raven reyes, jacaerys velaryon, paul ‘jesus’ rovia. please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours.
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( Alex, She/They, 30, GMT ) woah! was that LEXA KOM TRIKRU walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE 100. they’re TWENTY-NINE and live in CORDOVA GROVE but watch out because they can be RUTHLESS + COLD-HEARTED but are actually BRAVE + HARD-WORKING. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of BRAIDS ON HER HAIR, LEATHER JACKET AND COMBAT BOOTS, LATE NIGHT JOGGING THROUGH THE WOODS when imagining them. / Alycia Debnam-Carey, she/her
( Alex, She/They, 30, GMT ) woah! was that RAVEN REYES walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE 100. they’re TWENTY-NINE and live in FULTON PARK but watch out because they can be AGGRESSIVE + IMPULSIVE but are actually INTELLIGENT + RESOURCEFUL. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of RED JACKET, A BRACE ON HER LEG TO HELP HER WALK, OIL STAINS AND DIFFERENT TOOLS ON HER POCKETS when imagining them. / Lindsey Morgan, she/her
( Alex, She/They, 30, GMT ) woah! was that JACAERYS VELARYON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. they’re TWENTY-FIVE and live in FULTON PARK but watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE + HOT-HEADED but are actually LOYAL + CARING. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of BLACK CURLY HAIR, BOOKS SCATTERED AROUND HIS BEDROOM, A LOUD SCREECH FROM A DRAGON IN THE DISTANCE when imagining them. / Alex Fitzalan, he/him
( Alex, She/They, 30, GMT ) woah! was that PAUL ‘JESUS’ ROVIA walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE WALKING DEAD. they’re THIRTY-EIGHT and live in SHOREGRAZE RIDGE but watch out because they can be STUBBORN + SARCASTIC but are actually OBSERVANT + STRONG-WILLED. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of LONG BEARD, A BEANIE AND A LONG BLACK LEATHER COAT, A LOUD SCREAM AS HE WAKES UP FROM A NIGHTMARE when imagining them. / Tom Payne, he/him
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writeshorror · 2 years
pinned. summary & links!
hello! welcome to my original character that’s been a couple years in the making either in short stories, imaginings in my head or a meager attempt here til i got the courage to really DO this. please read below for a tl;dr rundown of an introduction or bop over to my links for more a more in depth look at this guy! 
who this? seance alder is horror based with cross-overs welcome in any fandom that i’m familiar with. even most that i’m not. my main cross-overs would be marvel, the walking dead, far cry 5, and anything paranormal, ghost hunting, psychological horror or horror related. basically, toss me your ideas and let’s plot! as i dig in, i will flesh out his au’s that will include in depth marvel, twd and other verses. as for now, his default verse is set in moon/moon township (or pittsburgh), pennsylvania or nyc. but with his travels, he can be about anywhere your muse may be.
status: he is divorced (of which i am open to plotting exes with mutuals if you’re into that thing and we mix on ideas!) with no kids, bisexual and demiromantic. his age range goes from 35 to 46 and as such, any romantic partners should be 25+ with a preference for 30+. other relationships are open to plotting whether it be platonic, one night stands, etc. but heavy ships should be in those age ranges with no real limit on how much older the muse is than him. he’s open to that.
novelist: seance is a well known novelist in the horror genre. think clive barker and neil gaiman had a baby and stephen king got to be the babysitter. his stuff isn’t for the weak of heart and it’s pretty dark. he’s ventured into fantasy a few times. but it always leads back to horror with him. his series that he is most famous for revolves around a 1920s setting his hometown and carries the name of where it was ‘birthed’ under each heading. and if you want to learn more, write with me!
college: an alumni of johns hopkins university, he returns there often to lecture on writing and psychology. also taking the time to tour other universities as a guest speaker as well as appearing at writing and horror conventions when he has the time or interest. the latter is difficult at times seeing as how he can be quite a recluse when the mood hits him.
cross-overs: mcu (a very vocal critic in publication against the avengers once their damage began to cost human lives, he has published several articles that are widely known as some of the worst against the heroes to date. let him be your canon’s critic, let’s get some tension going!) twd (a member of alexandria, he has been there since the beginning and helped build and craft the town before it all fell. as the others began to splinter, seance went off on his own and is later seen outside the commonwealth, avoiding joining the city and sticking to his own means until he’s not given much of a choice) and more to come!
.rules    .biography    .memes
other blogs.
LOYALTYWORN (bucky barnes, main blog) NOMADICAL (paul rovia, medium/low activity)
this blog is mutuals only but my askbox is always open for ooc and plotting stuff!
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Judgement Free (Paul Rovia)
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Pairing: Paule Rovia x Platonic!Reader Words: 1.3k+ Warning(s): Scars/self harm implication A/N: Lowkey forgot Tom Payne plays Jesus AND Malcom Bright for a second until I searched a gif up ahaha. I hope you enjoyed! Request:  Paul rovia x best friend! Reader where her sleeve slips down and he notices her scars. She rushes off and aviods him for the rest of the day until he corners her and she tries to push past him but he won't let her and he confronts her about it? Very Fluffy and please make it long? Thank you 👉👈🥺❤️ -✨
The sun leaked into your home in Alexandria, signalling it was time for you to get up and start your day. Today was the day Paul, your partner in crime (for all intents and purposes), was due to visit. Ever since you met you guys were thick as thieves. He was always a ray of light for you during this shithole of an Apocalypse and you always tried your best to be the same for him.
You slid out of bed and threw on some clothes, whichever were the least dirty, and your sweater. You were glad to weather was starting to cool off, wearing long sleeves and and sweaters was getting rough during the intense heat. You had scars along your arms and they weren't something you wanted people to see. Everyone has scars they earned from the apocalypse but yours were from before, from a darker time. Even with the seemingly end of the world where you were covered in dirt, blood, and walker guts your past kept you feeling insecure.
You shook your head at the memories and made your way out the door. There was no time to dwell on life before walkers, you had your best buddy and gardening to do. The day was a warm one, but thankfully bearable enough. You made your way to the gardens, saying hi to a few people and friends along the way. You saw a few people from Hilltop around so you knew Paul was probably at the gardens waiting for you. When you arrived you saw a few people working on different sections and then your eyes landed on Paul, who was leaning against a post.
His face lit up as he saw you approaching, "I was worried you were going to ditch me today."
"And not spend the day with my best friend? I wouldn't pass that up for anything." You grinned. "Well, maybe for a fresh set of clothes."
"I am glad to know you would leave me to work for a new set of clothes, (Y/N). I honestly would too." He snickered and handed you the tools necessary. "They want us to make a new plot and lines for future plants today."
"Sounds good. You got the left side and I'll get the right?"
"Sure. Whoever finishes first gets this can of soup I found."
"You're on, Jesus."
You and Paul finished your sides at the exact same time, which made you both share a laugh. Paul picked up a canteen he had brought and took a quick swig and then offered it to you.
"It's water. You better drink some." He pushed it towards you more.
You grab it and knock back a sip, the some-what cool water did quench your thirst for the time being. "Thanks." You handed it back to him but notice his attention wasn't on your face. Your heart sunk when you followed his widened eyes to your somewhat revealed forearm. His blue eyes snapped to your face and you could feel a sense of anxiety and fear. You didn't want him to see this at all.
He went to open his mouth but you didn't want to hear what he had to say, the anxiety coursing through you was making you think a bit more irrationally. So you walked away from your friend, or more like rushed off from him. You didn't want to face his pity or even look him in the eye. It was a secret of yours you hadn't shared to your closest friend and you felt a sudden wave a guilt wash over you. He told you all of his past, but you couldn't share this detail to him? Or worse, he was disgusted at your past actions. That painful thought made you almost break.
You went over to Carols home to hide away, hoping she needed your help. You didn't necessarily wanted to avoid Paul, but right now you needed to clear your thoughts and emotions. Luckily, Carol needed help with organizing her supplies. Carol did ask why you weren't with Paul but she backed off when she saw the anxious look on your face.
When you finished helping out with Carol you peered out onto the street, looking out for Paul. You didn't see him anywhere so you took that as your queue to scurry off to the pantry to see if they needed assistance there.  With luck on your side, they needed a helping hand after someone left for the day. There were conflicting emotions and thoughts plaguing your mind and avoidance was your best idea in the moment.
You were stacking some cans in the back when you heard an all too familiar voice in the pantry.  You glanced between the shelves and saw Paul talking to the guy in charge today. Before you had a chance to duck away his eyes locked onto yours. You gulped and tried to escape quickly through the back although you knew he was going to follow you anyways. You dipped out the backdoor hoping he wouldn't be able to catch up.
"(Y/N) please." His voice stopped you in your tracks. Your heart beat was pounding in your ears as you looked for away to avoid the situation but saw your back door escape was futile. It was just a simple back yard with some boxes of found supplies. "(Y/N)..."
"What, Paul?" You sighed, trying to control how shakey your body felt in this moment.
"Why have you been avoiding me since the gardens?"
"Why do you think, Paul?" You said a bit harsher than intended.
"Is it about what I saw? (Y/N)-"
"I don't want pity. They were from a darker time in my life when I didn't know any better coping mechanisms." You turned to face Paul while your arms subconsciously wrapped themselves around your waist. You could feel the annoying sting of tears start to prick your eyes. "I feel like I am a shitty friend for not telling you after you told me so much-"
You were interrupted by your friend pulling you into a tight hug, resting his head against yours. "I don't hold any pity for you (YN). I was just a little shocked, but you are my closest friend I don't hold any bad judgement towards you at all.  I don't care that you didn't tell me before, it doesn't matter. We all have things we have trouble bringing up, so don't feel guilty about not telling me."
You were a bit shocked, but couldn't say anything. You gripped onto the back of Paul's shirt and cried silently. He rubbed comforting circles into your back as you cried.
"I know my reaction wasn't ideal, but trust me when I say I love you dearly and you didn't judge me so I won't judge you."
"I love you too, Paul. And I am sorry I ran off and avoided you all day. I just didn't know how to face you after you saw. My mind was playing tricks on me and I thought you would be disgusted or something." You pulled away from him to look at his face. "Pretty silly."
"Nah, not silly." He chuckled and smiled. "We have a few more hours left until I have to go back to the Hilltop... How about we find Rick and prank him?"
"If we get in trouble it is hundred percent your fault."
"You would throw your best friend under the bus like that?"
"When it comes to messing with Rick? Yes." You both laugh. "Unless we are needed elsewhere, we can always just hang out in my house. I should have some old board games I found."
"Have I ever told you I kick ass in Monopoly?"
"No you haven't, and I am scared to see how true that is."
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Paul 'Jesus' Rovia ~ Masterlist
Fluff = ♡
Angst = □
Hurt/Comfort = ☆
Other = ◇
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You're Safe ☆
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[Main Masterlist]
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Worry- Paul Rovia
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Pairing: Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia x Reader
Characters: Paul Rovia
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 424
Author: Charlotte
Normally you helped do the supply runs for your community but as you had a likely sprained ankle, you stayed back, and Jesus went on his own. You were very worried about him when he didn’t return the day he was meant to. The two of you had become very close since you had first met and had become the best of friends even though you had no idea if you would have ever have spoken to each other if you hadn’t been put into an apocalyptic setting as you had.
Others told you not to worry as you out of everyone knew that supply runs sometimes lasted longer than they were originally planned to. You knew logically he had likely found somewhere to hide for the night as he hadn’t found a lot, so decided to look for more elsewhere before heading home.
You patiently waited by the gate for your friend to return to your home community, every second dragging on. You were desperate to see him again and you could only imagine the different terrible outcomes that could come with the dangers of the world. After spending what felt like a lifetime at the gate, you finally saw the beanie on top of the long hair that you so desperately wanted to see.
Quickly you shouted for the gates to be opened, letting him in. He barely had a chance to get into the community before you pulled him into a bone crushing hug. You hoped that he didn’t bring anything breakable with him as he was forced to drop all of the supplies to receive the hug.
“I thought you were dead,” you exclaimed. “Why the hell did you take so long?”
Jesus hugged you back but by the time the hug ended he noticed the tears upon your cheeks and felt terrible for causing the worry from you.
“I had to hide out for the night and decided that I could travel out further with the extra rest to find more. Anywhere local is now empty and we are starting to run out beyond what our gardens can provide. I didn’t realise you would worry so much,” he apologised.
You playfully hit his shoulder for making you worry so much about him being lost out in the world.
“You’re my best friend,” you frowned. “Of course, I’m going to worry and if you think otherwise you are not nearly as smart of a man as I thought.”
“I’m sorry,” he smiled softly. “I won’t go off without you again.”
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fanoftheimagines · 4 years
This is a bit of a rant, but it needs to be said. It’s going to be a bit controversial, so bear with me. 
I recently scrolled through Tumblr and AO3’s Paul “Jesus” Rovia imagines. Needless to say, I forgot how awful people are when it comes to his character – Now, I’m aware that Jesus is long dead on TWD and fanfic for him has gone way down, but I still feel like this is a big deal.
People, specifically women, think it’s okay to just do female!reader stuff with Jesus. They seem to conveniently “forget”/blatantly ignore the fact that Jesus is canonically gay in every version of TWD, be it show or comic. Gay. Not bisexual. Gay. As in exclusively attracted to men. It’s incredibly homophobic to do x reader fics where the reader is female. It is also homophobic to ship him with female characters in the show, but that’s not what this post is about.
If you think it’s okay to write a Jesus x female!reader fic, you are homophobic. You are actively erasing his sexuality. Erasing a queer character’s sexuality is basically saying that you do not see their sexuality as important, that it is something that can be removed and modified to fit your straight whims. A character’s sexuality – Jesus’ sexuality – is an important part of their character. It is something that makes up their character. Erasing such a part of them is not only disrespectful, but homophobic as well.
There seems to be a lot of excuses when it comes to writing these types of fics. It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t do it. It doesn’t matter if someone requested it – you can always refuse to do a request. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman who’s attracted to the actor – I get it, Tom Payne is hot, but he plays non-gay characters you can write fics about. So stop with the excuses. Stop with the “well, then I’ll just make it gender neutral and leave it up for interpretation!” Stop with the “well I headcanon him as bisexual, so it’s okay!” Stop casually writing him with female!reader. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
If you do this, you are being homophobic. You are actively hurting the queer community by erasing that character’s sexuality. You clearly do not respect the queer community or queer people.
As part of the LGBT+ community, I refuse to stand by and not call out this kind of behavior. So, if I ever find someone – I don’t care who, even someone I love reading – I will block you. No questions asked. I’m sick and tired of dealing with homophobia in fanfiction. If you leave nasty asks in my inbox, I will delete them immediately, so don’t try. I’m tired. I’m done.
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alargerworld · 5 years
Everyone: How close are you to having a chaotic nervous breakdown?
Me, proudly:
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rosa-berberifolia · 5 years
Love Letters|TWD x Reader|Paul Rovia x Reader
A/N: My first time writing for TWD, please be kind. The scenario kind of isn’t canon but I don’t care. Don’t @ me. 
Be Warned: its a little angsty
Word Count: ~700 It’s short, sorry
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Back in the day when your group found Rick you had already sort of been a part of his family. You were nineteen when the group found you and Lori had lovingly became our surrogate mother. So when Rick came around and saw how Lori had kind of adopted you, he welcomed you into his life with open arms. And so in this apocalyptic world you had managed to find a family again, and even though you had watched your real family die and you frequently had to fight off zombies, you grew to be happy with your new family.
Then, you arrived in Alexandria and it was a dream come true. 
One day you were helping to unload a bunch of supplies from Hilltop and you couldn’t help but notice a certain long haired someone. He was introduced to you as Paul, and you gave him your name as well. Both of your gazes lingered on each other a little bit longer than normal, and both of you blushed when you caught each other. But nothing was made of it. And you parted ways a little disappointed that nothing happened, but you were excited to see him again.
He came the next time Hilltop brought supplies and again you helped to distribute them. Unfortunately you were too shy to do anything more than just gawk at his handsome features. And he was either too shy or too busy to talk to you.
It was like this every time he came. About three visits from Hilltop later, you were in your room doing (insert hobby). You heard a knock on your door.
“Yeah?” You asked. Rick opened the door and smiled at you.
“This was on the door step.” He said handing you a small package. It was wrapped in paper that was covered in hand drawn flowers. You were confused and shocked to say the least. Rick looked at you expectantly. But you raised your eyebrows at him. He sighed and shook his head. “I’ll leave you to it then.” He chuckled and walked out of your room.
You looked the package over. The outside didn’t say who it was from. You carefully unwrapped it. It was a small box and a couple pieces of paper folded together. You put the latter aside and took the box in hand. You slowly lifted the lid and exposed a dainty looking necklace. It was a thin silver chain with a pearl hanging off of it. It was simple but beautiful. And the only piece of jewelry you had gotten since the outbreak. You couldn’t contain the smile that broke out over your features.
“What’s that?” Carl’s voice sounded from your doorway.
“A gift I think.” You said looking at him. You patted the bed next to you signalling to him that he should come sit with you. He did with plop, trying to be silly to make you smile. You picked up the paper that came with it to try to figure out who it came from.
It was a letter. The handwriting was neat and legible. You read the words aloud.
“Dear Y/n,
I wish I could tell this in person, but when I see you, everything stops. All I see, hear, and feel is you. My brain goes blank and I can only think of how you look when you smile. I can’t form thoughts or words, I can only revel in the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh, or how they furrow when you try to lift something too heavy – as you often do.
I can tell that you are enthusiastic about helping your community. You are very caring and I love that about you. I see the way that you tell jokes and try to put a smile on everyone’s face that you care very much about the people around you. That’s how I know that you are truly a wonderful person.
I hope that the next time I see you I will have the courage to talk to you. Just don’t run your fingers through your hair, please. When you do that my heart skips and beat and I forget to breathe.
Ever yours,Paul”
You finished reading the letter with the hugest smile on your face and you couldn’t wait for the next delivery from Hilltop.
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