#peter wiggin
rrcenic · 10 months
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so,,, i finished my summer reading,,,
have an enders game doodle dump :)
if the enders game fandom is like. alive and queer please please please talk to me!!!
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transrevolutions · 8 months
ender wiggin would start a twitch gaming channel for whatever game they're hyperfixated on at the moment but then become scarily good at each one scarily fast. everyone thinks they're hacking and it makes them sad because they just wanted to have fun playing video games online. they end up getting extremely famous but also controversial (because of the hacking allegations) and eventually they collab with petra (who plays combat games exclusively but is an incredible shot), alai (who specializes in rpgs but branches out occasionally) and bean (who actually just hacks but it's his coding skills he shows off not his gameplay). they end up starting the most batshit insane minecraft smp in the history of the universe.
peter and valentine are still highly popular anonymous political influencers in this universe btw
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kenonade · 2 months
Ok here’s the promised art dump!! putting the less finished stuff beneath a cut bc its quite a long post <3
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endearingwiggin · 15 days
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guys do you fw my peter wiggin mini design or is this a stupid ass take 🙏🏻 book says he has dark tousled hair and I was like??? ender is blonde how does that work?? so i gave him dirty blonde hair, dark in comparison to ender’s hair. wiggin’s genes when i get you wiggin’s genes shakes fist
also shirt was based on this post:
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thebeanestbad · 6 months
from a peter enthusiast to another,,, my question would be: why >:) (in a why do you like him way)
for me i loveloveleovllvlevolev his character development. from eg to shadow of the giant he’s so bad at doing things its so endearing,, he’s simultaneously trying his best whilst somehow doing his worst,,, he either thinks he has no idea what he’s doing or he thinks he knows everything when the reality is always the opposite. and he’s funny. he’s the only character that OSC doesn’t take too seriously which makes the Weird Racist/Sexist OSC Opinions that come out of his mouth just that much more bearable
YES you get it omg. Like in Enders game he was an interesting character but not really a lovable character, if you get my drift. But then in the shadow series you get the experience of him slowly becoming the worlds most powerful leader while also being a desperate 20something who just wants his mom to say that she’s proud of him.
At the end of the day, most books in the series are about being Just Some Kid being put into the absolute worst situation of your life. And while EG is the pinnacle of that, Ender always has a bit of a Main Character Polish on him. He’s allowed to fail, he’s allowed to make bad decisions, and he’s allowed to be insecure, but Peter is allowed to be pathetic. Ender fails way beyond the point where most people would break— and to his credit, so does Peter. But while Ender goes semi-comatose in his military officer’s space barracks after being forced to unknowingly commit xenocide, Peter gets depressed after failing to notice that his guest was planning to murder him, and his parents have to drag him out of bed and pour water on him. And then they have to go live in Ender’s space barracks so Peter doesn’t get murdered by the guy he invited into the Hegemony compound (for… some reason).
Also, there’s something very… uniquely 20-something about Peter. He’s in the odd place of being able to choose what he wants to do, and basically be considered an adult, while also having the ever-looming sense of “who the HELL let me be in charge of ANYTHING”. He has a touch of relatability that’s missing from a lot of characters.
In addition to all of that I love to see a cringefail losing.
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radiobatter · 1 month
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stupid idiot learns his actions have consequences
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ehhgg-art · 8 months
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me?? actually working on my au???? in 2023????? it’s more likely than you think.
(sketches by themselves under the cut)
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gailhai1storm · 2 months
may i have some peterachilles thoughts/headcanons/anything 🥺
The fact that I havent read all the books that have them as central characters makes. this a bit hard, like I have thoughts but its hard to speak on a lot of it.
So im going togive you my thoughts on both of them just in stream of consciousness cause that will probably work better.
Ok so Achilles is so fucking facinating to me, cause he is absolutely masterminding things and plotting but I get the distinct feeling that he actually does overestimate people
there is hubris there but he truly thinks people are also plotting against him and thinking the same way he is, while also understanding that he is better at it than them.
I find this fucking hillariouse to put againct Peter who first off knows that Achilles could fucking destroy him and probably is trying to and is smarter than him. But Peter also has this odd confidence in himself and what he is doing that I find so utterly fascinating. I actually know someone a lot like peter and just that deep knowledge that you are missing something pared with hubris is facinating.
Thats the main place (from what ive read) that I get the ship from. It makes the trust Peter has make more sense. He wants to give Achilles freedom, and shiney things, because he enjoys him. He trusts him, but at the same time he cant.
I always imagine both of them just so paranoid about the other, Achilles more than Peter, cause peter has confidence in a way Achilles doesn't. Achilles does not understand kindness, not really.
Its part of what makes there dinamic to intesting,
Achilles wouldnt understand the kindness a first, wouldn't understand that this is admeration not pitty or groveling
cause Peter does not view Achilles as greater than him, but his equal his match, they challenge each other.
I picture them in a spiral, thinking their thoughts, pulling and pushing but perpetually funneled together and into the same place around and around.
They are infatuated with each other, and it tastes like medium rare steak, their relationship, sweat, and full, but you can still just almost taste the blood.
They are vile and put each other through the ringer but at the end of the day they love the others mind, the others drive, and they end up needing each other.
because to loose your match is to loose yourself.
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paint-water-again · 8 months
i think Ender's Game would slap harder if Ender was a trans girl or nb (under the umbrella)
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rrcenic · 9 months
i got halfway through my summer homework and then procrastinated by drawing the characters i was supposed to be writing about
have some low quality photos of enders game doodles
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(btw petra and ender are both so transgender to me ask me why i have reasons)
bonus crowley and aziraphales take on two of my favorite books, lord of the flies and enders game (murder tweens <333)
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macbethz · 2 years
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tfw you are the clone of humanity’s greatest leader made from his brothers memories of you as his childhood tormentor 
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kenonade · 4 months
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my favorite type of enderverse fanart to draw is the type where if i didnt label this as enderverse fanart nobody would ever know. like. hey guys. this is my original character peter wiggin. i made him. i sure did!
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yoonyia · 4 months
peter headcanons, go!
ok don't kill me but I didn't get Achilles x peter at all
like I'm so sorry, I do think Achilles was a subconscious bi awakening but like they don't work together at all, it's like loving a mirror, or a sibling, or a clone, it just doesn't work for me. Shipping them together feels like shipping oncelor with himself but you somehow found a plot hole to abuse and personally selfcist troupes just ain't my cup of oatmeal
I know that wasent technically headcanons but I feel like I should address that idea of mine before I continue
ok so real headcanons
hes a natural blonde like ender but he dyes his hair black
at some point in his life he had a mullet
he never went on a date before, or ever really talked to girls his age
he sleeps with a photo of Val and ender below his pillow
he dreams of ender a lot
he misses Val a lot
he keeps thinking of himself as a horrible person so he keeps trying to be ender (the peter 2 line of, "I was trying to do what ender would have done" felt like a peter thing, his only reference to a good moral compass was ender so he just follows that, Val dosent count cause altruism is a waterfall not compass)
he's a fun sock guy
he hated valentines anime collection
he likes sandwiches
he can do the weird hand thing where it can bend at just the first joint
he has ocd but mostly the compulsive thoughts part, it just never stops
he has seasonal depression
Cocoa is his favorite drink, second favorite is sourpatch vodka (its a real thing)
he hates taking naps
he dislikes it when people smokes near him
he's built like a wooden plank, punch him hard enough and he snaps in half exploding into splinter bits
if ender is a corn guy peter is a corn is ok guy (Val hates corn)
Peter listens to purely classical music and then a bit of random k pop that he dosent really understand but listens to anyways because sure why not
also the wiggin family has korean friends and that's where ender learned korean from (im sorry I keep talking about ender in peter headcanons I just like ender KDKDK)
he dosent have severe joint pain even when he dies
his mother regrets giving him a weak heart
he likes cooking but can only really make Sunnyside up eggs (and burns them often)
he has no real interest in marriage or kids
he has a wall with red string and papers on it
before he dies he knits a blanket
he owns several cats, all of which are hairless cause petra is allergic
the older he gets the more easily he cries
by the time he's 40 I think he becomes very empathic, hopefully he does cause he wants to rule the world
he likes to dance but only alone where no one can see him
he has an extreme hatred of cheetos
he can't swim
he will not admit it but swimming pools and manta rays scares him
think that's about it
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reading-sometimes · 11 months
Peter Wiggin SHC Sorting (and Valentine)
I'm sorting Peter from Ender's Game. The system that I'm using by @wisteria-lodge is explained here.
Peter - the guy who kills squirrels, threatens to kill his siblings, has low empathy, and manipulates everyone - is a Badger Lion. He has a strong Glory Hound Lion primary model, though, so I had a lot of trouble figuring out if he was a Paragon Lion or a Badger primary. I considered that he was a Snake primary that models a Badger primary, but that didn't fit - he talks too much about the world as a whole like it's something intrinsic to him. That's the whole point of his character - no one's really sure about his motivations (except Valentine, his sister, and that's what makes her so powerful). He cried over Ender's bed when he was sleeping and apologized for hurting him, even saying that he loved him. Was he doing that out of real pain or because he knew that Valentine was watching (and he continued hurting Ender afterwards, anyway)? He wants power, and he's learned that the best way to get it is by being someone that other people want to put in power.
Peter thinks that his Badger Primary model comes naturally to him, even though his Glory Hound Lion model is always what he thinks of first, and he has to push his Lion model away more often than not. He believes that it's "better not to be distracted by the interference of personal fame" (at least, not yet). I'd say that deep down, he probably hates himself (since he shows all of the traits of narcissism, and a narcissist's power is born from their insecurity). He's always seen Ender as being better than him, since Ender achieved everything that Peter always wanted, and he's probably jealous of Ender.
Peter and Ender are very deliberate foils, and they have the same goal - to save humanity. Peter wanted to go to Battle School, but he wasn't accepted (Ender's mother says that it's because "he was too ambitious, too rebellious, too unlikely to fulfill assignments and follow orders."). He wasn't deterred for long, and created his own path; he assumed the role of Locke, a perceived adult who wrote political essays. Ender was used by the Battle School teachers, constantly underfoot; Peter "knew that the world was his to change, if he found the right levers to pull."
Ender didn't want to kill anyone. He's terrified of it, comparing himself to Peter despairingly, but he's tricked into committing genocide against an entire species, essentially being worse than Hitler. When Ender feels trapped with bullies, he attacks them mercilessly to win not just that fight, but to stop every fight that could happen after that. Peter is the bully, but if he were in that situation, he'd probably smoothly talk them down. It's doubly interesting that Peter's a Lion secondary while Ender's a Snake secondary. Peter saves humanity, while Ender destroys a civilization. Humans are the real enemies, not the aliens that humanity has been fighting; both Ender and Peter realize this.
Peter is a Badger, but he's also willing to use other people to get to his goals - not that he'd ever murder anyone like Ender, even if Ender did it unintentionally. He uses his Glory Hound Lion Primary to justify his Badger impulses, and vice versa. Peter rages at one point that he was the "kind one" when he's comparing himself to Ender, but he also says that Ender wasn't "selfish like Peter".
It's implied that Peter hates Ender because Peter thinks that his parents love Ender more than they love him. His mother and father tell him that they're proud of him, and he "almost staggered under the emotional blow. They had just told him the thing that he had wanted most to hear his entire life, without ever quite admitting it to himself. Tears sprang to his eyes. Far from thinking him a second-rater, a disappointment, they were as proud of him as they had ever been of Ender. All he could feel that night, as he finally went to bed and drifted off to sleep, was utter, foolish happiness." This was the paragraph that sold me on Peter having a Badger primary; a burned Badger primary, specifically, with his "trusting people will get you killed" line.
He thinks about people all the time; he misses Valentine, he wants his parents' approval, he wants world peace. He's willing to do anything for that goal, stepping on whoever he deems necessary to get there (hence his Lion primary model being Exploded). He desperately wants to be a Double Lion, since he never quite admitted to himself that he wanted his parents' recognition. Maybe he just wanted to expunge every sign of weakness or vulnerability in himself that he could find.
He repeats multiple times that he sent Ender away from Earth, away from him, for Ender's own protection, that it was the kindest thing that Peter could have done for him, like he's trying to convince himself. He gets mad whenever Ender's name is even brought up. Valentine chose Ender over him, and Peter "missed her, of course". He says that Valentine was "stupid to choose Ender and exile over Peter and life".
His drive for power is, ultimately, a way for him to find belonging, a way for him to fight his insecurities. The world knew that "Peter would matter now and in the future". It says something that whenever he talks about power, it's intrinsically tied to people noticing him. He "was envious of the Russian sense of national identity, the cohesiveness of Russians when they felt their country was in danger," and he "sometimes caught himself wishing that he weren't in this thing so utterly, absolutely alone".
Peter has a Snake secondary model. He brags about "manipulating the press", and he lies constantly. I considered that he was a Snake secondary, but he's so determined and disciplined that he's definitely a Lion.
For a quick note on Valentine - she looks like the stereotypical Snake Badger platonic "love interest" sorting at first glance. Everything that she does is for Ender, and she follows him even after he leaves Earth. However, she has a Snake secondary model that she uses quite well, particularly with Peter when she's writing as Demosthenes. She's very manipulative and powerful, and I feel like a lot of people don't realize that.
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radiobatter · 23 days
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hegemongg!!!!!!!! hedge!!!!!!
been art blocked ☹️
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ehhgg-art · 5 months
Not to come out of literally nowhere but your Ender's Game mafia au is super cool and intriguing 👀 would you mind sharing some plot bunnies?
HELLO I’D LOVE TO SHARE !!!!! it’s a bit long though so strap in
its basically a divergent universe from about halfway through shadow puppets where instead of taking over the compound achilles just runs. in this story i’ve characterized achilles a lot differently where he’s less of an R-rated looney toons villain and more of like. a Guy. he just wants to survive and believes that world governments are obsolete and weak and his real chances of survival are back in his element: the streets.
but before he leaves, he makes sure to leave his mark on peter. they have a one night stand after tensions between them inevitably rise, which they both craved and regretted. it was the most loved achilles ever felt, the most love that peter had ever shown. but it also cemented achilles’ decision to leave.
achilles leaves, and peter lets him.
it changes peter. he gets his shit together and decides to actually do his job. he ends up going into the field as much as his office. takes it upon himself to learn self defense and distance himself as far as possible from being achilles’ parallel. he doesn’t want to be associated with him, doesn’t want to remember him. he’s a lot more jaded, gives up the hegemon position at a relatively young age and decides to spend the rest of his years as an underground journalist and informant. there’s probably a bounty on his head in a few countries. he has managed to piss many, many people off (as per usual).
as for achilles, he goes back to rotterdam to reclaim his crown. he’s something like a boogeyman there. he controls most of the waterways and their “cargo”, which can vary from drugs to weapons to refugees escaping the war waged in the east. he’s a benevolent leader but a foreboding foe. yeah, he’ll take you in whenever you’d like, but if you wrong him he’ll have your head. he’s both a businessman and family man, being savvy while keeping those around him afloat. if the leaders he served under didn’t do it right, then he sure as hell will.
as for the rest of the cast, i think most of them have moved on. it’s about a decade or two after the events of the shadow saga, bean is in space, petra making a life for herself without him, virlomi and suriawong following their own endeavors trying to repair their countries after the events of shadow of the hegemon. it’s a more peter / achilles centric story in that sense.
now i don’t really know Why peter has to work with achilles, but he does at some point. it’s going to have to do with some international scandal and achilles’ connections. it’s a partners in crime type of thing, while also trying to navigate their past fling.
there’s a lot of bad blood between them, but they make up (and make out).
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