#pick up the phone anymore and is seemingly always busy :(
bylertruther · 2 years
hi, friends! if you know me, then you know that i love to spread misery and pain, so please allow me to remind you all that this is a mike missing will and feeling homesick for him and terribly untethered after he moves away song<3
I don't know what to do without you I don't know where to put my hands I've been trying to lay my head down But I'm writing this at 3 a.m I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me On sunny days, I go out walking I end up on a tree-lined street I look up at the gaps of sunlight I miss you more than anything I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me And autumn comes when you're not yet done With the summer passing by, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me
(for extra angst sprinkled on top, listen to the acoustic version and think abt mike writing and playing a similar song tht he won't ever play for anyone bc it's much too revealing and too honest.)
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spooo00oky · 6 months
Siren’s Spell
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Chapter Four
Paring: siren!Wooyoung x reader
Genre: fantasy, eventual smut, romance, fluff
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, Thalassophobia, cliff hanger! (again I’m sorry I can’t help it)
Author’s note: SURPRISE!!! I’m so sorry for the wait on this chapter, my life got unexpectedly busy with a change in jobs on top of my other job as well as doing a bridal party’s makeup. Phew! This chapter also had a good chunk deleted so this is as much as I could salvage in order to surprise you all with my original update plan. It’s going to be shorter than what it normally is but it’s a good one I promise! I hope you all enjoy this update and as always please consider reblogging my works and let me know what you all think! I hope you all have fun this holiday season and be sure to not get sick!
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Wooyoung’s Current became a regular appearance at the den. Whether it was a singular member or all of them, they would drop in for a visit whenever either Wooyoung or I were home. Their presences surely livened the place up, and it truly did start to feel like a home the more they came around. Wooyoung seemed happy with the change of atmosphere as well, a seemingly permanent smile on his face whenever I’d catch his gaze from across the room. Maybe he was also happy to see his mate and his friends getting along so well. 
Seonghwa came around more often than not to the point where Wooyoung made the comment that he might as well have his own room here. I didn’t mind the frequency of his visits. Yeosang and Seonghwa were quickly becoming close friends of mine. Seonghwa would ask me many questions about fashion and Yeosang would ask me his own array of questions. It was a give and take relationship between us and it gave me something to do while I was home. Wooyoung tended to whine when my attention was away from him for too long, but I knew he didn’t truly mind that much. I could feel the contentment rumbling through him at seeing me laughing and smiling. Plus he was easily appeased with my head resting on his shoulder, despite his friends’ teasing remarks. 
Though I loved to see them all, it wasn’t quite the same as being with my own friends. Wooyoung seemed to pick up on my change in mood one day and asked me about it. Despite my assurances that I was fine, he was persistent that he knew what was wrong. 
“My friends and I would get together a lot at my apartment and now we can’t really do that anymore. I love having your friends here, but I wish I could still have that with my friends I guess. It isn’t like they can come here whenever they want, with the water pressure and all,” I explained. 
Wooyoung frowned. “Do you wish the den was on the surface like your old home was?” 
I had quickly shaken my head when he said that, knowing that if I wanted it he would move everything up to the surface without a second thought. Yeosang had explained that while sirens could shift to walk on land they couldn’t stay up there forever. They had to return to the water eventually. If Wooyoung moved the den to the surface, he would only get to enjoy a few hours of our home before having to return to the water. He would be the one that was unhappy even if he said otherwise. I could live without seeing my friends outside of work if it meant that he didn’t have to be miserable. 
“I’m happy with it here. It’s just going to take some getting used to, that’s it.” 
Wooyoung thankfully didn’t press the issue more but it clearly didn’t sit well with him because a week later I had walked into our bedroom to see him tapping away on my phone. His eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion before he looked up at my entrance and tried to hide it behind his back. He tried to deny it when I asked him about it, pulling me down onto the bed and into his arms to try and distract me from it. I had pushed him off slightly to reach and grab it before his hands could stop me, and I was greeted with my text messages pulled up and a greeting typed into the search bar. I gave Wooyoung a questioning look and he gave me a sheepish one back. 
“I don’t know how to work it.” 
I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of me and it made him groan and hide his face in the pillow. “Why can’t you land dwellers use sprites like everyone else does?” 
“Because we don't, that's an outdated form of communication, Wooyoung,” I told him with a smile. “Plus sprites don’t like us much and half of the letters we’d ask them to deliver would disappear entirely.” 
“Sprites are always nice to me.”
“You’re a siren. You have the power to make them obey even if they didn’t want to so they were probably intimidated by you. Plus sprites are part of the sea kingdom, they’d be willing to help you more than a surface dweller any day.” I purposely left out the part that sprites were notorious flirts and every siren I’ve met so far has been beautiful. Pretty privilege was definitely a thing when it came to sprites. 
“What were you trying to do anyway?” 
Wooyoung’s ears tinted pink before he pulled his face away from the pillow and I saw that his cheeks were the same shade. “You still seemed upset that you couldn’t see your friends as much, so I was going to invite them all out along with my friends to dinner. It wouldn’t be a permanent solution, but I thought it would be something.”
That was the first instance of when I felt like I could kiss him. The feeling had hit me so hard that I had to check that I wasn’t leaning forward to do so. I mentally shook myself, blaming the bond between us for the sudden urge to do so. I couldn’t stop the wide smile from spreading across my face however, and I did lean forward to give him a hug in gratitude. He immediately accepted it, pulling me in even closer with a smile. 
“I appreciate it, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Would your Current even want to meet my friends?” 
“I’ve already discussed it with them and they want to. Some more than others of course,” he added in. “I was more worried about your friends refusing because I didn’t make the best first impression.”
I felt my heart swell as I pulled away enough to look him in the eye. It was hard to think of what I wanted to say, too many thoughts running through my mind. One of the most prevalent being that I think Wooyoung was making me fall in love with him and fast, and the other being that I really wanted to kiss him. I ignored the second thought and settled on pulling my phone out again and sending out a message to my friends for dinner with everyone. I felt Wooyoung’s gaze on my movements and I went slowly enough so he could see how to do it in case he needed to know for future events. 
A week later we were all gathering for dinner, the Current certainly standing out among the crowd. They had eyes on them since they entered the restaurant but they didn’t pay any attention to it, focusing on my friends who were trying to start a conversation with them. San and Mingi thankfully acted friendlier with Wooyoung unlike their first introduction. They were a little tense when they greeted him but slowly relaxed as Wooyoung began to crack jokes with his friends. Wooyoung wasn’t even using his ability but he was warming everyone up to one another. It was mesmerizing to see how easy it was for him, and as we settled down for dinner I felt my body relax. The Current and my friends got along like they’ve known each other for years. I was so worried that dinner would be awkward but I realized that I had nothing to worry about. 
“Are any of you coming to the fashion show?” Mingi asked the table. 
Seonghwa immediately perked up, a bright smile lighting up his face. “Wooyoung and I are coming.” Even a blind man could see how excited he was. 
“Would this be your first one?” San asked as he sipped from his glass. 
“It would. Y/n told me that I would enjoy it.” 
San grinned at me. “Are you going to introduce him to Hongjoong?” 
“That’s the plan,” I told San with a smile. 
San smiled at Seonghwa. “Mingi and I will make sure you have fun. Y/n’s cousin Hongjoong is coming as well, so you’ll really like it. He owns his own label so he’ll be another person you can talk to about these things.” 
San and Seonghwa started chatting about the upcoming show and I was so lost in watching everyone else around us I nearly jumped when Wooyoung spoke into my ear. “You should eat more.” 
I glanced down at my barely eaten plate of food. My appetite hasn’t been the best lately and I knew it was because of the upcoming show. My nerves were getting the best of me, this happened every time. “I’m not that hungry.” 
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes. “You’ve barely eaten anything the past two days. You need to eat more.” 
“I‘ll eat something later if I’m hungry. I promise.”
He wasn’t having it and he picked up my fork and scooped up some food. “Open.”
“Wooyoung, no. We’re in front of our friends.” 
“They can watch, I don’t care. You need to eat.” 
I blushed as my mind instantly went into the gutter. “Wooyoung please.” 
“Say ‘ah’.”
“Glad to see he’s making you eat. You do this every show we have a show,” Mingi said with a smile as I opened my mouth. Wooyoung had a small smile on his face as he fed me a forkful of food before he was scooping up more. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” I whined as I took the bite he offered me and chewed. 
“Not on this one. You lose weight every show we have because you nearly stop eating. Someone has to make sure you do.” 
It was a losing fight, so I let Wooyoung feed me a few more bites before I held up a hand and took the fork from him. He raised a brow but relaxed when he saw that I was feeding myself now instead. I could hear the soft purr coming from his chest and I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Wooyoung can be a little rough around the edges but he has the best intentions,” Yunho commented as he chuckled at our antics. “Sorry if he’s upset you both in the past with his mouth.” 
San laughed. “It was a misunderstanding. Mingi and I are protective of our y/n and after hearing how they came to be, we might’ve overreacted. It’s all water under the bridge now though.” 
Wooyoung seemed to settle at that and gave San and Mingi a grateful smile. My own smile mirrored his as we eased back into conversation, all tension gone now.
We stayed at dinner for much longer than intended and it was late when we finally parted ways. I followed the sirens back to the docks and they quickly jumped in before resurfacing momentarily to say their goodbyes. Yeosang promised to come and visit me soon, as did Jongho and I waved as they ducked beneath the water. 
Wooyoung jumped in and slapped his now wet clothes onto the dock and began to fold them up as I sat on the edge. I waited until he finished before I lowered myself into the water. Wooyoung was quick to pull me in close. Even though it wasn’t as bad anymore, my heart did leap into my throat whenever I hopped in. It didn’t help that the water was freezing at this time of night. 
“Hold your breath,” Wooyoung murmured and I took a deep breath before I felt the water move over my head and I knew we were moving. 
The trip was just as quick as it always is, and in no time at all we were resurfacing in the den. I could tell there was a change occurring in me because I wasn’t nearly out of breath as I usually was from the trip. I could’ve been under for a few more minutes before needing air. 
I crawled up onto the ledge and watched as Wooyoung hopped up as well. I quickly turned around as he began to stand up straight, remembering that he was naked. “I’ll go put your clothes in the bathroom to dry out,” I called over my shoulder as I walked away with pink cheeks. His laughter followed after me as I retreated to the bathroom and hung up the clothes.
I wasted no time in undressing and hopping into the pool, my muscles relaxing as the warmth eased all tension from my body. It did nothing to ease the ball of nerves in my chest. I sighed and sunk into the water until only the top half of my head stuck out. 
I knew what was happening. It was all I could think about anymore, and I wanted to put all of the blame on the bond but I was slowly but surely falling for Wooyoung. Did I find him attractive when I first met him? Of course. Were romantic feelings developing more now that we were living together? Definitely. Were things moving too fast though? Was all of this normal for a bonded pair? My only experience outside of human relationships was Logan and that wasn’t much of a pleasant experience. 
I shook away those thoughts. Yeosang said that feelings developing was normal over time, and that I would experience some changes. But Wooyoung was a good male, he had charm, a good heart and an infectious laugh. It was hard not to love him, bond or not. 
So why did the thought of letting go and falling for him completely make me beyond nervous? 
“You’re going to experience some changes, but growing gills isn’t one of them.” I jumped at the sudden sound of Wooyoung’s voice. I turned to see him leaning against the doorway in only a pair of sweatpants with a smug smirk on his face. “You should probably get out of the water before you start to get pruny.” He chuckled as I scowled at him before he left. 
Once I was sure he was gone I dunked my head beneath the water and groaned. Maybe him knowing exactly what he did to me was part of why I felt so nervous. 
Feeling a little better once I was clean and changed into comfy clothes I made my way back into the room. Wooyoung was already in bed and smirked when I crawled in next to him, but he didn’t say anything if he could smell my emotions. I was grateful when he motioned with his hand and the wall sconces turned dark, plunging us into darkness. 
It was silent, the only sounds in the room were our breaths and the sounds from outside echoing in. After a while I had thought that Wooyoung had just fallen asleep and I shut my eyes to try and do the same but his voice had me opening them again. 
“Why are you so afraid of the water?” 
This was a question I was expecting to come up eventually. I’m a little surprised it didn’t come up sooner.
“I nearly drowned in a frozen lake when I was a child,” I told him softly, almost afraid that if I spoke too loudly it would ruin the moment. “Hongjoong had to drag me out.”
Wooyoung was quiet. I waited for his next words, wishing I could see his expression just to get a glimpse of what he was thinking. Could he see me? I never thought to ask, but it would make sense if he could with it being so dark in the river. I fixed my expression into a more neutral one. 
“That’s a pretty good reason to be afraid of it. I thought it was because you didn’t know how to swim. I was going to go and get you a life vest and teach you.”
I snorted and lightly smacked his chest, making him chuckle as well. “I appreciate the thought but I’m actually a pretty good swimmer. I made sure I was in case something like that happened again.” 
“You’re missing out on learning from a pro.” 
I rolled my eyes. “You are built to be in the water. Me? Not so much.” 
Wooyoung went quiet again, and I began to worry if I had somehow upset him by refusing his swimming lessons. His voice was much quieter when he spoke next. “Are you sure you’re fine with being down here? We can move to the surface, I wouldn’t mind it. I’d have to ask for your help with finding a place up there though.”
I leaned up onto my arms, hoping I was looking at his face in the darkness. He didn’t laugh so I’ll take it as I’m doing a good enough job. “Where did this come from? I told you I was happy being where we are now.” 
“I could smell your anxiety when you were in the bathroom. I assumed it was everything finally catching up with you.” 
I sighed and rested my head against his chest. My cheeks began to burn as I began to think of ways to explain this to him. 
“It’s not that, I promise.” 
He was quiet, waiting patiently for me to continue and I internally groaned. 
“It’s just that I’m nervous about if we’re moving too fast and maybe I’m worried about what others will think. I’m also worried that my feelings for you are ingenuine and it’s only the bond that’s making me feel these things,” I struggled to get out. “It has nothing to do with where the den is.”
Wooyoung took in my words quietly, waiting patiently for me to get everything out that I wanted to say. Once I was finished he began to soothingly run his thumb up and down my arm until there were goosebumps forming on my skin. He was processing everything I confessed and I gave him time to do so. 
“You should stop worrying your pretty little head about what others think.” I opened my mouth to snap something back but his next words had my cheeks burning and left me sputtering. “By siren standards we’re taking things at a snail’s pace. I should’ve already marked you and started a family with you if we were moving at the normal pace. The only opinions that matter are yours and my own, and I’m happy with the way things are now, so don’t worry about that.” 
He did have a point.
“Also, the bond can’t make you feel things that you don’t already feel. It only intensifies them over time.” He paused as if something just occurred to him and I was about to ask when he was suddenly pinning me to the mattress beneath us. A squeak left me at the sudden motion before his lips were at my ear, his breath tickling me. “Which means you were attracted to me from the very beginning weren’t you.” 
My eyes widened in shock and I knew he was grinning, knowing he had me right where he wanted me. My tongue was tied as I felt his lips graze my cheek, my heart hammering in my chest. My mind had been turned to mush in the matter of seconds. A part of me wanted to deny it just to spite him, but what was the point? He knew I would be lying. And maybe this could also be a conscious step forward with coming to terms with my feelings for Wooyoung. 
“And what if I was?” I asked, deciding to be bold instead. 
His chest rumbled against mine and I felt him pull away just enough to look at me. The lights dimly lit themselves again, just enough for me to make out Wooyoung’s expression above me. My breath hitched at the raw yearning I saw in his hooded gaze. It was a look I had yet to see on him before, much less be on the receiving end of it. 
A grin slowly tugged his lips upwards, no doubt in regards to my reaction. He was going to hold this over my head for a week. I already knew it. “I’d say that I was attracted to you as soon as I laid my eyes upon you, and that it really pissed me off to see you with another guy you obviously had no interest in.”
My heart fluttered in my chest at his confession, and warmth spread through me like a fire. My mouth opened and closed for a moment as I struggled to think of a response; as I struggled to even process what I was feeling and what I wanted right now. His presence was dizzying, my mind fuzzy. His fingers trailing up and down my sides didn’t help, it only distracted my thoughts and jumbled them even more. 
Finally I managed to settle on one thought that was circling in my mind, and I had a feeling it was shared with him as well. 
“Kiss me.” 
The movement of his hands paused momentarily as the grin on his face grew. I could practically hear the “I told you you’d beg for me to kiss you” in his mind but thankfully he didn’t voice it. Instead he leaned in closer so his breath fanned over my face. “Are you sure?” 
My lips curled up into a smile and I rested my hands on his shoulders. I rubbed my thumbs across the smooth skin there in reassuring circles. 
“I’m sure Wooyoung. Please, kiss me.” 
He didn’t waste another moment as his lips connected with mine, a content sigh slipping from him as we melted into the kiss.  Despite the slow pace it was dizzying, and nearly stole my breath. My hands found their way into his hair as his tongue teasingly traced along my bottom lip. I granted him access as my fingers played with his hair, holding him even closer to me as the kiss deepened. My mind was so swept up in the kiss that I didn’t even realize Wooyoung was purring until we pulled apart for air. 
I couldn’t stop the breathless giggle that bubbled out of me as we pulled apart, the vibrations from his chest still being felt. He let out his own chuckle before pressing a kiss to my forehead and lying down beside me. He pulled me on top of him in the same movement and I didn’t even try to remove myself from my new spot, instead cuddling into Wooyoung’s warmth. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now,” he said softly, the lights turning off once again. His hands trailed lightly up and down my back and I hummed.
“So have I.” 
Finally it was the day of the fashion show. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Wooyoung knew it as well, his nose would subtly scrunch up whenever he was near me, smelling my anxiousness. No matter what I did to ease my nerves I couldn’t completely shake them. He did try his best to help me, going as far as making me my favorite breakfast and rubbing circles into my tense shoulders and doing things to try and make me laugh. I could see the tension leave his own shoulders when I laughed at something he had said, and I doubled down on trying to relax when I realized that Wooyoung was worried. I appreciated the effort, and once this day had passed I’d find a way to make it up to him. 
I distracted myself by helping Wooyoung with his outfit for as long as I could. Despite how put together he usually looked he was struggling with what to wear for the show. Part of me thinks that Wooyoung did it on purpose because when I went to help him with his shirt he snuck in a kiss on my forehead. His laughter sounded out above me and I hid my face in his chest. 
Seonghwa arrived some time after that and I was delighted to see that he didn’t need help with his outfit, looking handsome in a velvet suit. I said as much and heard Wooyoung grumbled something unintelligible as he moved past me to get ready to leave. Seonghwa gave me a pleased smile despite Wooyoung’s pouting and thanked me. 
“You look lovely tonight as well,” Seonghwa said as he followed me towards the exit, where Wooyoung was already waiting. 
I thanked him as I sat on the ledge of the pool and slowly lowered myself right into Wooyoung’s waiting arms. I took a deep breath and we dove beneath the water and began to head to the surface.
Minutes later our heads broke the surface of the water and I quickly pulled myself over the edge of the dock. I took in a deep breath of fresh air as I waited for the males to shift and put their pants back on. Thankfully no one was really paying attention to us as they walked the busy streets, most of the attention was drawn to a new street performer that had set themselves up on the sidewalk. From the small sparks and streamers flying through the air and the delighted cries coming from the nearby children it sounded like it was a good show. It might’ve been a wizard if they were able to put on such a display. 
Finally the males made their way onto the dock, fully dressed now. Seonghwa’s eyes shone with pure excitement and it was hard to not be affected by it. Wooyoung came to my side and with a wave of his hand the both of us were completely dry. Seonghwa rolled his eyes and waved his hand, removing the water from his person as well. “You could’ve extended the service to me as well, you know.” 
“My mate takes priority,” Wooyoung said and dodged the hand that reached out to grab him. 
I rolled my eyes at their antics, a smile on my face before I began to head towards the venue. The males were quick to fall into step beside me, Wooyoung’s arm snaking around my waist. I caught Seonghwa’s eye at the action and we shared a smile. He has also been a great help with accepting the bond and offering advice when asked, and the happiness he felt for us shown in the smile he sent our way. 
The venue was buzzing with excitement upon arrival. Not many of the guests had arrived yet as we were early to help with preparations, but the staff of the label and additional help were seen bustling about. I easily spotted San and Mingi at the far side of the room and made my way over there, hanging onto the two males with me so I wouldn’t lose them. 
My friends looked like they were in a tense conversation before they spotted me. They broke out in smiles at my entrance and pulled me into quick hugs. “You’re just in time. Bell was about to start doing a toast with everyone and was wondering where you all were,” San told us. 
“There’s nothing for us to help out with?” Seonghwa asked, having been prepared to be hands-on with the setting up part of the show. 
Mingi shook his head. “Nope. Belle hired additional help with setting up and everything’s run smoothly. There hasn’t been a misstep with anything and everyone has been on time. I think this has been the easiest show we’ve had yet.”
“Don’t say that yet the show hasn’t even started,” I pointed out with a smile. “You’ll end up jinxing us if you keep saying things like that.” 
“I’m sure they’ll love it all,” Wooyoung said, giving my side an affectionate squeeze. 
I opened my mouth to thank him but was cut off by a squeal of excitement and Belle suddenly appearing in front of me. “You’re all here! I’ve been looking for you, here, have a drink for a toast,” she said and with a snap of her fingers a floating tray full of flutes of champagne appeared before us. We all grabbed our glasses and watched as Belle called out to gather everyone’s attention before standing in the center of the room. She smiled once everyone had quieted down before raising her glass in the air. 
“I’m not one for drawn out speeches, so I’ll make this quick,” she started. “I want to say thank you to everyone that has made tonight happen. Thank you to all of you who have worked tirelessly the weeks leading up to this to make sure everything runs smoothly and that everything was planned properly. Today wouldn’t have started off as well as it did if it wasn’t for you.” Her eyes roamed until they had gone over every one of her office staff members, sending a warm smile our way. “I also wanted to thank my team for working hard for months leading up to today. I know how stressful things can get working in this industry and I thank you all for pushing through and seeing it to the end. I know it’ll all pay off in the end.” 
She raised her glass in the air and we mirrored her reactions. “To everyone here, thank you!” 
The room erupted into echoing sentiments as we all took a drink from our glasses. With the preparations done and the only thing left to do is wait for the rest of the guests to arrive, conversations started up as the people mingled with each other. Seonghwa began talking with Mingi and San, asking questions that my friends readily answered. I was happy to see them getting along so well, but it still didn’t make the feeling in my belly disappear. 
I turned to look at Wooyoung. His gaze met mine and he burst into laughter. “I can see the panic in your eyes. They’re going to love your designs, you don’t need to worry.” 
“I know but I can’t help it. I always get nervous like this before a show. No matter how hard I work on something I can’t help but feel that it’s just not enough,” I explained. 
He looked towards our friends before he guided me away from the crowd and into a more secluded corner. I didn’t fight it as he shielded me away from any wandering eyes with his body, looking down at me with concern in his gaze. “Why do you think your designs aren’t good enough?” 
“Well I feel like a few of them might be similar to another designer’s ideas, so I feel like they can be repetitive.” 
Wooyoung thought about it for a moment. “Have you thought about seeing your designs from an audience member’s point of view?”
My brows scrunched in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Well everyone has their own take on things and has their own unique way of doing things. The way you design clothes is not and will not be the same way another designer does it,” he explained. “People in your audience love your designs for the way you do them because it’s your spin on something, if that makes sense.” 
I gazed up at him in wonder for a moment before breaking out in a warm smile. The weight in my belly had all but disappeared after his words sunk in, and I felt more than heard his purr when he smelled the difference in my scent. “See? There’s nothing to be stressed about. They’re going to love a design because it’s your unique way of designing something.” He gently smiled before pulling me in for a hug. 
I buried my head into his chest with a sigh. I felt most of the tension leave my body after that, and I relaxed into the embrace.
“And if they don’t like what you have to offer I’ll eat them.”
I lightly swatted his back at that causing him to laugh. He rubbed a soothing hand up and down my back to further ease any tension away before we pulled apart slightly at the sound of someone clearing their throat. 
“You lovebirds need to get a room next time.” I heard Mingi say, laughter in his voice as we looked to see who was trying to get our attention. His smile widened when I rolled my eyes before he half turned to motion behind him. “There’s someone here to see you.” 
My gaze went behind him and I gasped when I saw who was standing there. 
“Hongjoong!” I squealed in excitement as I ran into his open arms. 
He laughed as I pulled him into a tight hug, his familiar warmth surrounding me. “Nice to see you too, y/n. I’ve missed you so much.” 
I pulled away with a smile up at him, noting the high end fashionable outfit he wore. “I’ve missed you too, I’m so happy you could make it today!” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You’ll have to introduce me to whoever you were hugging a minute ago, but that can wait until after I introduce you to someone special,” he said and turned to someone I hadn’t noticed standing behind him before. She was a beautiful brunette, but not dizzyingly like Wooyoung or Seonghwa were. She was prettier than any normal person, so she definitely wasn’t human. Maybe she was a vampire? 
I was about to reach out to introduce myself when Seonghwa caught my eye, and I realized that he was watching the woman before me like a hawk. His gaze didn’t waver from her, and his stance was tense. He looked like he was ready to jump in between us, to attack her or to shield me, I wasn't sure. I looked back at the woman and realized she  hadn't even looked at me, her gaze focused behind me. I turned to see Wooyoung rooted to his spot, glaring at the woman. I hadn’t seen him this upset since that day with San and Mingi, and even then he didn’t look as hostile as he did now. 
“Maggiore, I’d like you to meet my cousin y/n. Y/n this is my girlfriend Maggiore. She’s a fan of your work so I thought I’d bring her with me today for you both to meet,” Hongjoong introduced us and it was like the spell was broken. 
Her cold expression broke and she smiled warmly at me, holding out her hand for me to shake. “‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hongjoong talks about you a lot so I just had to meet you!” 
She took my hand and shook it and I saw Seonghwa flinch, like it was taking everything in him to not separate the two of us. If Seonghwa was reacting like this I could only imagine how Wooyoung was fairing behind me. Just who was this woman before me that made both males react so tensely? 
I winced as her grip tightened on my hand momentarily and I looked up to see her eyes not even on me but on someone behind me. I didn’t dare look behind me at Wooyoung, instead I glanced towards Hongjoong for any possible answers but he had been swept up in conversation with Mingi and San some feet away from us. 
“You need to leave.” 
I turned to look back at the woman who had yet to release the death grip she had on my hand. Her expression was menacing as she glared at me. She seemed to be waiting for something to happen, and I raised a brow at her. “Excuse me?” 
That seemed to be the wrong answer because her eyes widened in pure rage and she took a step closer to me, her aura turning threatening. I bit my lip to hold back the cry of pain as I felt her grip on my hand tighten. Any more and she was going to break it. “I said leave.” 
There it was. It was there, trailing after the last syllable of each word she said. There was power behind her words, interwoven in the smoothness of her voice. A power that I felt roll off of me like water droplets on a window. Siren. My eyes widened and I looked back at Wooyoung to see his face scrunched in fury as he stormed over to us. By the time I looked back to Maggiore, Seonghwa had already pulled her away from me and was leading her away from Wooyoung and I. “You’ve got a lot of nerve for pulling a stunt like this.” I heard Seonghwa mutter to the woman as he casually led her away.  If I hadn’t heard his harsh words I would’ve thought they were old friends catching up; keeping up pretenses for the sake of everyone present. 
“Are you alright?” Wooyoung asked, gingerly taking my hand in his. He frowned when he saw the flesh there was already beginning to bruise. “I’m so sorry about this, I never thought she’d make an appearance here today of all days.” 
“Who even is she?” She was a siren, that I already gathered from the way she tried to compel me to leave and it didn’t work. I remember Wooyoung mentioning before that a siren’s powers won’t work on me anymore now that I was bonded to him. 
He sighed, looking down at me with a mixture of concern and sadness. I hated seeing him like this. “That is Maggiore, my ex.” 
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bcolfanfic · 18 days
hi! argue for the agents prompts for ev and helen because i love helen and i’m so curious to what their dynamic looks like in the yv au
this is kinda slice of life from larger plot line @swifty-fox and i have been developing. abusive bf never got a name lmfao we have been calling him "fuckface" exclusively but. just so no one is confused it's *not* nash. this takes place post-afghanistan war being over and him being dead. ev stayed in the military and does flight instruction at a base in west va around where helen lives (where nash was from, and in this au her too) which is how they got connected and became friends post-war to begin with. curt is kickin around here because he went on a field trip to whop fuckface's ass. (and sees a lot of his own mom in helen which is a whole curt lore Thing but that's more rachel's zone).
They had settled into a routine of sorts. Blakely went to work in the morning while Helen stayed at his house with Wyatt. She pattered around, did laundry- did anything really to make his base housing one story feel less cagey.
When he got back, they'd eat together and spend a couple of hours doing what Jean had tenderly dubbed "playing house" during her last phone call to Helen. After putting the three-year-old to bed, they'd settle down on opposite sides of Blakely's bed and it was nothing more or less than that. Save for Wyatt waking up a little past 2am and wanting B'akey every other night.
For a woman who had been roughed up by her piece of shit boyfriend two weeks ago, Helen seemed to be doing marginally okay. The scratches on her face were healing and didn't seem like they'd scar. She told Blakely his flight uniform looked nice on days he had to leave for work in it, laughed over dinner and smiled at him when she crawled into bed- seemingly inching closer to his side each night.
But the routine wasn't supposed to include him giving Curt permission to go beat on the guy only to get a text that he'd shown up to Wyatt on the front porch with Helen inside telling him to leave because they were just talking.
“And what if he is sorry, why’s it such a big deal to you if I forgive him?” Helen said, scrubbing a cup as bitterly as it was possible to do such a thing.
It was the third day since Tuesday that they'd had this fight, and he wasn't even sure who was picking it first anymore.
“Cause I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him and I don’t understand why you do. Look at your arm- all he has to do is says Oops! and you'd go back to him?" He said, voice going up an octave. "You'd bring Wyatt back around that piece of shit after he scared him so bad?”
Helen put down the cup she was washing, furling and unfurling her fingers. She spoke at the kitchen counter more than she was him, her back still turned.
“He never touched Wyatt, I already told you that. People can change.” Helen said, her voice softening slightly. “And I still don’t see why it's any of your business,” she continued.
“Because it's my preference that you don't go back to someone that put his hands on you? Kinda feels like common sense to me Hel, what type of friend would I be if I just sent you on your way to him."
Blakely was exasperated, and felt his face tightening.
Curt had tried to get across to him, in other words- that growing up in a stable home made him sheltered.
"You're doin' a good thing Blakely, but it's not always so cut and dry. If you don't think you got the patience to stick it out when she wants to hit reverse y' gotta look after yourself too."
But that was silly, he thought then. Helen could never be too much for him.
He saw Curt's point now.
Helen still wasn't facing him, but he could see the tension in her shoulders, the way she inhaled and gulped, like she was trying to choke something down.
If she had been trying to bite her tongue, it didn't work.
“You’re not my boyfriend Ev, it’s none of your business who is.”
“Yeah, cause you really know how to pick ‘em.”
The second those words left his mouth he wanted to shove them back in. But he couldn't now- not when all the air had been sucked out of the room in a millisecond.
The folded flag sitting on the windowsill that they'd taken from her house for safekeeping seemed to have grown eyes, which glared at him accusatorily.
A little noise escaped Helen, like a hurt animal, and Ev pressed his face into his hand, dragging it down.
“That’s not- shit Hel, I wasn't talking about Nash,” He said, inhaling when he sensed her turn around, taking a couple steps closer to him.
“No- you were talkin’ about him. Cause you’re jealous, been jealous of him since you started coming around. Everyone wants something and- you aren’t any different.”
Her voice was tight, and she was so close to him now that he could feel her breath on his face- her eyes searching for something in his.
There were things he wanted, a lot of them. But it was a prioritized list. It always had been.
"I want you to be safe, Helen," he said quietly. "For Wyatt to be safe. You want me to apologize for that?
Helen wrapped her arms around herself, thumb rubbing at a tender mottled yellow-green mark on her bicep.
"I want you to be honest with me," she whispered, looking at Blakely with a faint sniffle. "Because right now, you're not being that and you know it."
"Are you?" he asked back, his voice barely above a whisper.
Helen started at him, inhaling, crossing her arms over her body a little tighter.
"I don't know what that's supposed to mean Ev."
"You know what it means." He replied, locking eyes with her- trying to soften his gaze. "I want to be honest, but you have to work with me here hon, cause I- I don't wanna overstep. Kinda means you gotta go first."
For a second it looked like she was going to respond- lips parting to speak. But there seemed to be some sort of override and a flash of panic flashed over her face.
Helen took a step back, breath catching in her throat.
"I- I need to go get Wyatt ready for dinner, I'm sorry," She stammered, brushing past him and away without waiting for a response.
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finallydelight · 1 year
My Only One | Ming Chapter
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January 19, 2023
Ming stared at her phone, her chat with Mark open on her screen. She had been excited to see that the young man had sent her a voice message, it wasn't something he did much, only if he was too tired to type his thoughts.
So, when he started his message with that he didn't want to talk to her anymore, her mind went blank and she had to restart the message several times. His words weren't the best thing to wake up to in the morning.
Mark's voice broke her heart, it was scratchy like he had been crying for a while before recording it. She didn't know where all of that was coming from. Just the day before they had been sharing songs with one another to add to their playlists.
''Hey, Yer! Do you want pancakes or eggs- Oh my god, are you okay?''
Soomin ran up to her best friend, who hadn't realized tears were running down her cheeks. She sat down next to her on the bed and put her arms around Ming, rubbing her hands up and down Ming's arms.
Ming didn't say anything, she simply pressed play and Mark's voice was heard through the room. Soomin frowned throughout listening to the entire message, just as confused as Ming. ''What does he mean 'someone else'? You don't have a boyfriend.'' She noted.
''He doesn't want to talk with me anymore, Min-ah.'' With her teary eyes she looked at Soomin, not believing that it was Mark who was saying all this.
Soomin pouted at her words, giving her a big hug. ''Oh, Yerimie… I don't know what to say.'' They remained like that for a few minutes, Ming silently sobbing in her best friend's arms.
A thought suddenly came into her mind. ''What if he's talking about Yeonjun?'' Ming said, pulling away from the embrace. ''What if he knows we kissed?''
''Did you tell anyone?'' Soomin asked her.
Ming shook her head, the only person who she had told was sitting next to her. ''No, only you.''
''Well, maybe Yeonjun told someone and they told Mark.'' She nodded at Soomin's words, that was the only explanation for the entire situation. ''I'm gonna call him.''
Just like Ming expected, it didn't take long for the man in question to pick up the phone. ''Yes, Yer?'' His voice beamed through the phone.
''Hey, uh, small question- did you tell anyone about, uh, well, when we were in the practice room and stuff?'' She stuttered, a bit embarrassed about directly mentioning the kiss.
Yeonjun chuckled. ''Did I tell anyone about us kissing?'' He seemingly wasn't as embarrassed as her.
''Yes, that.''
''I, uh, told Chan.''
Ming's eyes widened and her heart dropped to her stomach. ''You told Chan? Lee Chan? My member, Chan?''
''Yes…'' he trailed, ''was I not supposed to do that?'' Yeonjun got nervous at her words, suspecting he made a mistake by telling Chan.
''You only told him? No one else?''
''I only told Chan, I promise.''
She knew for a fact that Chan isn't close with any of the NCT members. However, other members are close with them. Which means that Chan told one of the members about her and Yeonjun, and that member spilled the beans to someone from NCT who then told Mark.
''Okay, thank you. Bye.'' Ming quickly hung up, not caring if it might come off as rude.
''The members know.''
Soomin' expression mirrored Ming's, disbelieving wide eyes. ''You think Chan told them?''
''He has to have told someone, how else would Mark know?'' Ming argued, not seeing any other way to how Mark would think she had someone else.
''Are you gonna send something to Mark?''
Ming shrugged her shoulders at Soomin's question. ''I don't know, he's probably not gonna respond so does it even matter what I send?''
The female idol stood up from the bed. ''Well, I'm gonna go to the dorm and I'm gonna kill Chan.''
Soomin weakly laughed, still concerned about the situation. ''You know you can always come here, right? I'm never too busy for you.''
''I love you, Soo.'' After putting on her shoes, she approached her friend again and embraced her. They have known each other for 13 years, they practically grew up together. Soomin was that constant she could always fall back on, and she couldn't be more grateful for her.
''I love you… now go murder that dinosaur.''
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Ming was probably going to receive a ticket for the way she was speeding down the streets of Seoul, but she was angry and ready to combust at any time. She sprinted up the stairs and instead of taking the normal route, and going to her own dorm, she went to the other one.
She typed in the code and didn't waste a second to storm inside, not even taking off her shoes or jacket.
''Lee Jung Chan!''
The eyes of Cheol, Joshua, Jun, Dokyeom, Seungkwan and Vernon looked up at her, most of them flinching by her sudden appearance.
''Is everything okay?''
''Where is that little bastard?'' She ignored Joshua's question, looking around the living room and not spotting her fellow member there.
The members glanced at each other, not knowing what to do. They hadn't seen the young woman that angry in years. Wonwoo was the one to bite the bullet. ''Kitchen.''
''Thank you!'' They were surprised she still held her manners and thanked the man for telling her where the maknae was.
Ming angrily stomped to the kitchen where she was met with Mingyu, Minghao and the culprit. She pointed her finger at the latter. ''You! I'm gonna kill you!''
Chan's eyes widened and alarms went off in his head telling him to run, so that's exactly what he did.
''Come here, you punk!'' Ming didn't waste a second and ran after him as he left the kitchen and took the other door to go back into the living room, hoping to use the other members as human shields. ''Yerim, leave me alone! I didn't do anything!''
At first, the others thought it was funny to see the two youngest play this cat-and-mouse game with each other as it brought back memories from when they were teenagers. However, it quickly became clear that Ming might actually wanted to hurt Chan.
Cheol stopped Dino's running by grabbing his shoulder, while Mingyu easily picked up Ming and lifted her feet off the ground to be sure she wouldn't run off again. ''Let me go!''
''What is this about? Why are you so angry?'' Their leader asked, looking at the woman in Mingyu's arms.
Ming rolled her eyes, her anger still not simmered down. ''Why am I angry?! Because of that little shit, Mark thinks I have a boyfriend and he doesn't want to talk to me anymore! That's why I'm fucking angry!''
''I didn't tell him anything! I don't even know what you're talking about!'' Chan yelled back, defending himself from her words.
''Stop acting innocent! I know you blabbed to the members about Yeonjun! You're the only one who knew!'' Ming continued, Chan's defense making her more frustrated.
Cheol pulled his hands from Chan's shoulders. ''He's the only one that knew what?''
''Yerim, I promise you, I swear on our friendship that I didn't say anything to anyone! I don't know how Mark found out!''
Ming shook her head. ''Don't swear anything on our friendship! How dare you! You're the only one who knows about Yeonjun, he told me himself! Just admit that you snitched!'' Tears welled up in her eyes, upset that Chan would swear those lies on their friendship.
''I didn't snitch! I'm sorry that Mark doesn't want to talk to you anymore, but it's not my fault, so stop yelling at me!'' Chan started getting emotional as well, they had never fought like this and he wanted it to end.
Ming struggled in Mingyu's arms, wanting to be let go. ''Why are you being like this! Just tell me the fucking truth!''
''Stop it!'' Cheol's voice boomed through the apartment, followed by a silence where a dropped pin could be heard.
Mingyu dropped Ming from his arms and she fixed her clothing, while Chan took a couple steps back, still not trusting she won't start chasing after him again.
''Both of you sit down now.'' The leader's voice had reduced in decibels, but the sternness was still there and the two youngest followed his demand right away. Ming took the seat next to Dokyeom, while Chan sat next to Wonwoo. A clueless Vernon in-between them.
Cheol pointed his finger at Ming. ''You have some explaining to do and you're gonna do it calmly, without raising your voice or attacking your brother. Physically or verbally.''
Ming looked down at the ground, feeling like a child being grounded by their parents. ''I got a voice message from Mark in which he said that he didn't want to talk to me anymore, because he thinks I have someone else.''
Joshua went to stand in front of her, next to Cheol. ''I thought you weren't talking to Mark anymore?'' He recalled their talk from a month ago where she said that she hadn't spoken to him since she went to his concert.
''I lied.'' She mumbled, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
The silence irked her, and she looked back up at the two men. Joshua seemed more disappointed than angry, while Cheol had an unreadable expression on his face.
''Just talking or also meeting him?'' The lack of emotion in the leader's voice scared her, her eyes hesitantly going to his.
Ming observed her feet again. ''Also seeing him outside of our schedules.'' She knew one day her lies would catch up to her, but she didn't care much at that moment. ''But that's not the point now-''
''Oh, is the fact that you've been lying to us for months inconvenient to you right now? I'm so sorry, Ming.'' Cheol's sarcastic tone resulted in a loud sigh from the woman in question.
Dokyeom briefly glimpsed at Joshua who was already looking at him, both having the same thought on their mind. ''That was you in the park, wasn't it? With Mark?'' The American asked, already knowing what the answer was gonna be.
Ming nodded, remembering how they had almost been caught by the two vocal team members when taking a stroll in the snow.
''Why did you lie to us, Yerimie?'' Mingyu joined in, feeling a bit hurt by Ming having lied to them for several months.
She scoffed, all her frustrations returning. ''You're actually asking me why? Did all of you suddenly forget how you admitted to not trusting the guy? Or getting mad that I went on a date with him? Or the time I invited him to our dorm and Joshua was blatantly rude to him? And I still want my explanation as to why he thinks I have someone else! I should be interrogating all of you, not the other way around!''
''Yerim, I didn't tell Mark anything.'' Chan spoke up after being quiet since they sat down.
Ming stared at him, unimpressed. ''Bullshit!'' The two went back and forth again with each other, arguing like two toddlers who are fighting over a stupid toy.
Meanwhile, a guilty Seungkwan watched them from behind. As soon as Ming started screaming about Mark thinking she has a boyfriend, his conversation with Jungwoo the day before came into his mind. He recalled singing to himself that she had a boyfriend, completely forgetting that the NCT member could still hear him.
Realizing it had gone too far, he interrupted the younger ones. ''It was me.''
At the confession, Chan and Ming stopped bickering and everyone in the room watched him. Seungkwan took the space in-between Joshua and Cheol. ''I was talking to Jungwoo on the phone yesterday, and he said something about that new restaurant by Han River that you went to with Soomin. I told him that you went there and I was gonna look for you to ask you about it, so I asked Chan where you were. He said you were on a date with Yeonjun, and I might have said something about you having a boyfriend. I said it jokingly, but Jungwoo must have heard it and told Mark about it. I'm so sorry, Yerimie.''
Ming attentively listened to Seungkwan, remaining quiet even after he was done. ''I'm sorry too, Ming-ah,'' Chan added, ''I shouldn't have said so carelessly that you were on a date with Yeonjun.'' He apologized.
''You're going out with Yeonjun as well? Were you planning on telling us that or not?'' Cheol interrupted, shocked at how much she actually had been hiding from them.
Ming stood up from the couch, she had enough of the interrogation she was being put through. ''I'm leaving, this is giving me a headache.''
''You can leave when you tell us the truth, Yerim.'' Cheol stared down at her, motioning for her to sit down again.
She groaned. ''The truth? Alright. While I was seeing Mark, I also started seeing Yeonjun. I felt conflicted about my feelings, because they're both great guys and I wasn't sure what to do. However, I made up my mind. That's why I wanted to talk to Yeonjun yesterday, but-''
''You've been going on dates with two guys and you didn't think once to mention it to us?'' Joshua interrupted this time, absolutely flabbergasted that she had been hiding this much from everyone.
She looked over at Joshua with wide eyes. ''Are you even listening to me?''
''Yah! Kim Yerim, don't talk like that.'' Cheol scolded her, not like the attitude that came with her words.
Ming rolled her eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day. ''Oh, yeah, defend him again! Like you always do!'' She argued with him.
''So, all those times you said you were with Soomin or with Chaeyoung, you were with either of those guys?'' Joshua demanded, the question coming out urgently.
She shook her head. ''No, not all those times, just a few times.''
''You said you were with Soomin yesterday, was that also a lie?'' Cheol asked her, his patience running out.
''I was with Soomin yesterday, that wasn't a lie.''
''But Yeonjun said-''
''Yeonjun canceled, he was too tired from his schedules and I went to Soomin's house instead.'' Ming interrupted Chan, who clearly hadn't been informed that Yeonjun had called her saying they should meet another time.
Vernon spoke up for the first time since Ming arrived. ''Is Yeonjun your boyfriend or not?'' He was confused as to why Mark would be upset about Yeonjun apparently being the girl’s boyfriend.
Ming shook her head. ''No, he's not my boyfriend.'' Since it was Vernon, she dropped her defensive behavior and calmly answered his question. The man simply nodded, having all the information he wanted to know.
''This entire situation is the reason why I don't involve you guys in my love life, or whatever is left of it. I get that some of you still think of me as that 11 year-old girl that always wanted to hug and hold hands with everyone, but I'm not, okay? I'm 24 years-old and I'm allowed to date whoever I want to date!'' Ming got all her frustrations off of her chest, she had been wanting to say those words for a long time.
Cheol looked down, before making eye-contact with Ming. ''I understand that, but we just want to look out for you and when you lie to us, we can't exactly do that.''
Ming made her way to the hallway, just wanting to be left alone. ''I don't need you to look out for me! I know it's hard for you to accept, but you're not my fucking father, Cheol! I don't need to share every single detail of my life with you.''
''Alright, I'll stop caring then! Do whatever you want to do, Kim Yerim! If you want to be an adult so bad, go be an adult! But don't come crying to me when those boys are gonna break your heart and you want to talk to me about it!''
Ming's words had broken something inside the man who had been taking care of the young woman since she was 11 years-old. According to her, she didn't need him anymore and that was the last thing he would ever want.
Hearing his ramble of anger, Ming threw one last dagger in his heart.
''I hate you, Choi Seungcheol!''
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Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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biscuit-munchies · 3 months
Hi! I just found your PLA Paul AU and I'm loving it! I feel so terrible for poor Reggie, and Brandon too! :'(
It's made me think though, how would Paul & Brandon react if it was Reggie who disappeared?
How would Paul deal with Reggie just..being gone?
I've had this thought in mind since PLA came out, sorry if the question is weird tho =w=
Also I really enjoy your art! x3
OOOOOHHHHHH you done got my brainworms acting up again! Also im glad you enjoy my art lol >v< Strap in cause this is gonna be a LOOOONG post! OK SO! Here's how it would go: Paul would be traveling around, searching for pokemon with strong EVs and IVs (yknow, the usual) and like all similar trips he would check in. Paul and Reggie would usually check in like once a week when paul would reach a pokemon center, but Paul hadn't been near one in a while so he thought Reggie would call him on the phone today.
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It's been quite a while since Reggie called him (he didn't realise that it was that long) So he tries to call Reggie back. It rings, no answer. He tries again, still nothing. Paul's a little confused but shrugs it off, thinking that his brother is just busy or something and that he'll call him back. So his journey continues, walking along different routes and catching some promising pokemon, but his mind would always wander back to his phone. He eventually reaches a pokemon center and tries to call Reggie that way, and he STILL doesn't pick up. His guts churn a little in concern, Reggie isn't one to forget things like this as he's gotten on Paul's ass about checking in more than once. Paul tries not to worry and think logically as he eventually boards the plane back to Sinnoh. Maybe Reggie is just really busy this time around and forgot to turn his ringer on. Maybe Reggie's phone broke somehow. Maybe Reggie just doesn't want to call him.
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Paul sighs to himself, maybe he was just overreacting and his brother was just abscent-minded about the whole thing. He then heads back to Veilstone City with a little pep in his step, thinking of ways snark on his brother about the whole calling thing. Paul would climb the small steps to the porch of their home and he opens the door, ready to yell to his brother in the home. Only...
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The house was absolutely trashed. Paul could not believe what he was seeing. There's no way that the house was- He drags his feet along the dirtied floor, furniture was knocked over, many dishes were either left in the sink or strewn about the floor in pieces. He looked out into the backyard- Where was all the pokemon Reggie was raising? It was like someone... someone broke in and- Paul could feel his heart start to race as his trudge turns into a brisk pace as he goes through the entirety of the house. Calling out to his brother as he tried to keep his voice steady. "Reggie? Reggie! Where are you?"
The bathroom. His Room. Reggie's Room. The Kitchen. The Living Room- The Living Room? Paul stopped. Then raced towards his backpack to get his phone in a frenzy and called the police. The Living Room floor was covered in blood.
After the police arrived, Paul went into autopilot, more out of shock if anything. The officers asked him different questions he didn't care to remember, and it was only when a familiar voice piped through the crowd. "Paul? Boy, are you alright?" Paul looks up from the ground to see a broad green suit right in front of him. "...Brandon?" He asks hesitantly. After that day, Brandon took Paul in as Paul couldn't stay at the Tobari house anymore (with it being a crime scene and paul can't pay mortgages off). Arceus, Brandon worried that the police would make Paul a ward of the state but was relieved to know that Reggie put Brandon down as a surrogate guardian to Paul. (my little head canon don't worry bout it ;P).
Paul seemed to completely close himself up, seemingly not wanting to believe that Reggie was now a missing person. He doesn't sleep much, doesn't eat much, and seems to get annoyed or angry at every little thing now. Brandon worries about him.
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Paul doesn't want to talk about what happened at all, for he is angry at the world for taking away his big brother. Paul thinks that if he ignores the problem, that it'll go away andReggiewillcomebackand saysorryforleavinghimbehindandPaulcouldsaysorryfor-. But, as feelings do, his emotions reach a boiling point.
It was supposed to be a 'meh' day, Paul didn't know why Brandon tried to confront him about his self-destruction coping mechanisms. Things got heated, and Paul snapped back at him in a visceral rage.
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"Why do you care, of all people?!" "So what if he's gone?! It's not like I care! It's not like he cared!" "It's pathetic of him to go missing like that! He had competent pokemon to protect him!" "How did no one notice the house was trashed until then?! Did nobody care to check?!" "Why didn't you check on him?!"
Paul went on his tirade for Arc knows how long, letting all his frustrations out in the open. He probably didn't know the magnitude of what he was saying, nor did he care. His tantrum continued on until he was out of breath. He was never like this, being this emotional, and Brandon just stood there with a knowing expression.
"So what if I wasn't there for him?! So what if he's hurt somewhere?! So what if I-"
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"If- If I wasn't-"
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"If I wasn't a good enough brother to him...?"
Paul hangs his head low, his figure lightly shaking as tears fell from his cheeks. He just uttered the thing that has been eating at him for weeks. How pathetic he is, saying that in the open, to Brandon of all people. He expects Brandon to reprimand him for saying those horrible things, what he doesn't expect is arms wraping around him in comfort. Paul stiffens and looks up hesitantly, that knowing sad look still on the elder's face. No matter how mature Paul acts or how grown up and knowing he thinks he is.
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He's still a little kid.
For Brandon, it eats away at him to see Paul like this. Brandon and the rest of the frontier brains went through something similar.
When Anabel dissapeared.
For Paul to be going through this as he is... Arceus... He'd never dream of it. And yet, here they are.
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They stay like that for several minutes before moving to the couch. They sit in silence before Paul whispers a quiet "m'sorry..." "For what?" Brandon answers, A Pause.
"...for sayin' those things t' you... you didn' deserve that.." He moves his head up slowly, eyes red rimmed from tears. "That was pathetic of me to do.. m'sorry."
"Don't worry about it, boy... I'm just glad you're lettin' it out now." Brandon cracks a small smile to him. "We'll get through this, you and I, so don't worry about it." . HOLY FUCK that was long, I basically made a psudo-fanfic right here lmfao. So yeah hope you enjoy!!
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dilfiam-afton · 1 year
“You´ll be fine” pt 3
summary; smut/lemon. Quite some text. Don´t like it? Don´t read it! 
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Since the last time you spent over at Michael´s, a lot has changed: his best friend, aka your former boyfriend broke up with you during the sleepover you guys had, and Michael´s girlfriend,aka your best friend didn´t even bother to try and comfort you and as if that hadn´t already been horrible enough they all have been refusing to speak to you ever since.That wasn´t even the worst part.
Now the worst part is that you guys have been a friend group ever since you were little, and during every summer-vacation you guys went on a roadtrip with Michael, his two younger siblings (which both shared a room alone), your other two friends and, obviously, their father William(who had an entire room to himself). William would drive you all up to some kind of mini-hotel in his family van and then just tell you guys when to be where for activities he booked and that´s that. Usually you didn´t mind sharing a room with all your friends, especially not since William was the one paying for YOUR vacation but this time the fact that you were no longer friends and you were being left out by your former friends was weighing down your mood. 
You quietly sat on the last row of the family van, silently trying to mind your own business. Your former friends sitting in the row in front of you, all happily typing away on their phones. Probably in a group-chat and most definetely about you. You sighed as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. Why didn´t your mom just let you stay at home?? “Dad?” Michael broke the silence. William hummed in response. “Can Y/N please sleep in a different room? We don´t want to share rooms with them anymore.” “Hm? Why is that?” William shot his son and his friends a quick glare through the front view mirror, letting his gaze scan over your face quickly. 
“Well...” Michael stammered. Great. Your friends hate you now, and they didn´t even know why. “I thought you all were friends, no? Well then where is Y/N supposed to sleep?” “Can´t we book them another room?” a sigh escapes Williams plush, yet rugged lips “No, Michael. We booked exactly three rooms. The hotel is always busy and you know it.” “In your room, then.” “Why I don´t think Y/N would appreciate that much or would you, Y/N?” now it was your time to stammer. “I guess it´s okay, if it´s not a problem for you, Mr.Afton.” “Now now, don´t you worry. Everything will be just fine.” 
Everything seemed to go smoothly for you now as it seems! You were settled into your shared room with William rather quickly and he assured you that sharing a room with him doesn´t bother him at all, and that he his sure that this vacation will still be as fun to you as it was all those previous years, if not even more so. You spent the remaining time of the day with William, Evan and Liz, watching your former friends giggle, seemingly having the time of their lives form afar. 
At the end of the day, after dinner you decided to go for a quick shower while William tucked Evan and Liz into bed. Halfway through your shower you felt as if someone was watching you, yet decided to brush it off as regular anxiety. After you completed your routine, you headed back to the large hotel room, which looked like it was a living room and a bedroom in one except there was no couch, forcing you and William to share a bed.
Not that you minded, of course! But the older man always gave you butterflies, and made you rather nervous. You always hoped he wouldnt catch onto it; he did. Many years ago already. And believe it or not; he was thrilled to share a bed with you! Think the room was missing a couch? No, he specifically asked for a room without a couch, as he already knew you would have to share a room with him!
You spotted William in one of the armchairs, reading whilst happily puffing away at a cigar. "All done" you said, more to yourself than to him yet he picked up on it "My turn in the bathroom, then!" "Were you waiting?" "Indeed I was. Quickly went and relieved myself whilst you were in there, really needed to go. Sorry if I happened to spook you a bit." "Oh uhm, no, don't worry. I suppose it's alright." Heh. That's what I thought." and with that he left to the bathroom. After inspecting the room you decided to head to bed, already getting comfy.
After a solid half an hour you heard the shower turn off, and a semi-wet haired William stepped back into the room, promptly plopping himself down next to you in the bed, on his side, supporting his head on his hand. "And how was your day?" why would he ask you that?? "Oh it was okay..what about yours?" he chuckled. "It was quite alright..Listen, I'm sorry they're being like that. I am pretty sure they'll be over it in a few days." "Either way, I don't exactly want to surround myself with such immature people." he cocked his eyebrow at you "So you'd rather be with good, ole William instead?" flustered, you nodded. "No need to get shy now."
The other man let out a sigh, as he now flopped on his back, arms behind his head causing his shirt to rise up, exposing a thick, reddish brown trail with white specks* down to the hem of his flannel pants. You giggled to yourself, you found that rather adorable. William cocked a brow at you “What?”, he seemingly didn´t know if he should be emberassed or flattered. “well, I can see your belly.” great, Y/N. Tf kind of a response was that now? “what about it?” you giggled now. “ever thought of a belly ring?” “oh shush.” he pulled his shirt back down now, you let out an “awh” in slight disppointment. 
The disappointment turned into pure shock when William decided to just take his shirt off as a whole, leaving you to eye his body up and down. He was awfully handsome, much more so than you´ve ever thought. “Oh please don´t hold back-” William rolled his eyes, seemingly being annoyed at how shy you´ve gotten “I haven´t gotten this much attention in a decade.” Slowly you raised your hand to touch his exposed torso, holding your breath as your hand made contact with his skin. Huh? His skin was quite tender, and despite being stubbly all over, also somewhat soft? Well- you did practically find an entire drugstore of skincare products in his bathroom last time and apparently he does use all of them. You gave him a few squishes here and there, as if you were testing how tender he was. A muscle of his flexing beneath your hand every now and then. 
A soft chuckle errupted from Williams chest, distracting you from your thoughts. “Do you know flattering it is for an old man like me to have such a beatiful/handsome lad/lady admire me?” he pulled you towards his chest, basically tucking your head under his chin, calmly inhaling your scent. You gladly nuzzle into him. You took a few more minutes just admiring his body from the different angle, taking your sweet time staring down every inch of him. Wait- why is the waistband of his pants lifted from his belly ever so slightly? You un-nested from him, to shoot him a questioning look. Fortunately for William, you over-estimated the space between the two of you, so now your noses were touching, granting him the perfect opportunity to catch your lips in his. After a few seconds of tensing up, you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss and to let him take the lead. 
Minutes pass, and the two of you were still very eagerly exploring the other- Williams hands littering the sensitive skin on your torso with gentle, loving, little pinches whilst your hands just caressed his broad back. The room was lulled in near complete silence, with only a muffled moan from you, or a calm sigh from William to be heard every now and then. 
Soon enough Williams large hand took yours and placed it at the hem of his pants- oh. Undecided you gently ran your fingertips across the hem of his slacks, then softly around the bulge which has formed in the hours ago already, softly teasing him. Williams hands now cupped your butt, pulling you closer into his larger frame, and as he did so he gently parted your lips with his and let his tongue explore your mouth. The tingly heat you´ve been carrying in your core for well over an hour now growing unbearable- making you feel sick. Thus, you decided to let a finger run right over Williams clothed erection. You didn´t want to wait much longer- and apparently neither did he since he thrusted upwards into your touch as you ran your finger over his clothed frenulum. But wait- as you fully reached the tip you could feel the fabric of his slacks to grow soggy with pre-cum. You softly giggled to yourself, slightly proud and happy that you make men feel that way. 
Just as you tucked your finger under his waistband to teasingly, slowly pull it off him you felt him squeeze your bottom with one of his hands, letting a finger slide over your underwear to your pulsating groin, gently applying pressure to your most sensitive spot with just his index finger. You hissed in pleasure, and for the first time in hours you properly removed your lips from his. Now glancing at your finger, which was still neatly tucked under his waistband you bit your lower lip as you imagined what would possibly be awaiting you under those layers. William chuckled, carefully watching you as you slowly but surely de-robed his lower half. You were a little shocked to find his erect member completely are in front of you right after you just pulled down his pants. Was he not wearing boxers?? This whole time? You didn´t care enough to ask, attentively looking at his rather large shaft. He was´t too long yet rather thick, and uncut with a few blue-greenish colored veins running along his length. He actually looked nice! Well groomed, too. 
But now what? You thought to yourself. Helpless, you looked at William, who in response gave you a deep chuckle “No need to be intimidated, Love. I don´t need much” so you did the first thing that came to mind; grab it. Just grabbing him, your hand meeting the curly hairs at the base of his shaft. Curiously, you noticed his member eject a little more pre-cum. He really doesn´t need much..You slowly started to pump your hand up and down at a steady pace, not wanting this moment to pass too fast. Absentmindedly, you straddled his hand, which was still nestling in between your legs, causing his his hand to apply more pressure to the sensitive area of yours. William must´ve finally dropped his teasing manner as he now pulled aside your underwear, sliding a thick finger into your heat, curling and uncurling it within you. Ugh you were so pent up already- you felt like you could easily tip over the edge with each passing second. 
William was a blunt man, and you were very well aware of that. Yet you hadn´t expected him to not drop this habit when it came to being intimate. He was just directly looking at you now, light grey orbs directed at your own “I want you.” emberassed by that, you just nodded in response. You knew what this meant; it meant to lie back on your back, letting the older man take control. And that was exactly what you did. Now that were comfortably placed on fluffy pillows and your thighs were wrapped around Williams waist he was intensively staring you down, his erecection pressed to your hole, waiting for your consent. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, gently tugging him towards yourself. Your heart was racing, part of you simply couldn´t believe this was really heppening, you were unable to speak clearly from excitement, your voice barely above a whisper “make me yours, William..”. And so he did. You could feel the hot, tingling, burning sensation within you as his shaft parted your walls to make room for him. You just stared down,in disbelief, slight shock and pain. The feeling of Williams chest vibrating against yours quickly whisking you away from your thoughts, and back to him. He seemed to be rather amused by your reaction, softly giggling. “You alright?” you just nodded as your walls became more and more adjusted to him. William pressed a kiss to your forehead before he proceeded to slam himself into you. 
After a few, solid minutes you felt confident enough to engage a bit more, caressing his back up and down as he thrusted into you, genlty dragging your nails over his back every now and then, tangling your fingers in his hair, letting your head fall back in pleasure..It was like William finally managed to tear down the invisible walls you built between the two of you, and it truly was beautiful. 
While the both of you reached your limits, William held you close to him, just squeezing you against his chest as he spilled into you. Now you truly were his...
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(to be continued ? Also; I know this is long- but ngl i do prefer longer texts over shorter ones..)
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Your One True Nemesis
Chapter 16: also on AO3 Masterlist Here Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 2.5k i am truly sorry for what this chapter contains. if i had known... look just go with it, it is what it is request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: angst, spying, fingering FINALLY MY GOD
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With the shame of your dream still tinting your cheeks a light pink, you left your bedroom in the first clothes your hands reached. It was probably wise not to irritate Eddie anymore than you already had by waking up this late in the day. And as you approached him at the small dining table, you could feel the nerves settling in your stomach, as though you were about to be reprimanded severely for the crime of catching up on some sleep.
“Sorry about that, I’m ready to… what is it you needed me to do first?”
You looked around suspiciously, noting that the living area was oddly tidy, and that Eddie was eating lunch which he had obviously made for himself.
“This is the last thing I need to get to Jonathan for now. Here.”
Without looking at you, he passed you the bag with the contents already inside.
“I’m assuming you’ll want to go meet up with him.”
“I don’t mind…”
“Ah, sure. Well, it’s raining. It would be wise to take your jacket.”
He gestured at it with his thumb, still cold and inattentive.
“Where is it-”
“I put the note in the pocket. Hurry up… please. You’re already late. Though I’m sure he won’t mind waiting for you.”
His tone was odd, unsettling. Something was wrong with him, something was going on. But you knew better than to pry, especially not when you’d already seemingly held him back. Picking up your jacket on the way out, you searched in the pocket for the note Eddie had left. You’d been ignoring your phone so far since you woke up, trying not to get distracted, but as you left the sewers, you took a glance. There were two texts from Mark.
“Running late? Or has the great Riddler forgotten that he has an appointment.”
“Hey, I don’t mind hanging around for a gal like you, babe. But let me know if I’m wasting me time ;)”
You typed quickly as the elevator shuddered upwards.
“I slept in, my fault entirely. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”
The reply was quick.
“No problem, babe. But you owe me one!”
It was hard to contain the smile. A playful back and forth was always welcome when your every day conversation with Eddie was stilted and filled with tension and what seemed to be constant errors on your part. You let out a sigh, heaving open the elevator door and stepping out into the sunlight.
Below you, Eddie listened to the small radio he held in his hand. He could hear you sighing, that meant the microphone in the button on your jacket was placed perfectly, which he knew it would be. He had to be sure that you weren’t divulging any secrets to this henchman. To make sure that you weren’t getting too friendly with him. Of course, anything else you did was your own business. He was purely focused on securing his work and his business. It wouldn’t hurt to find out a little bit more about your behaviours in the real world though.
You cringed at how enthusiastic you sounded as you greeted Mark. Slowing down the jogging pace at which you approached him, you tried to avoid too much eye contact. It didn’t deter him though, as he was quick to wrap his arms around you in a tight embrace, only letting go after what felt like minutes to lift your chin up, dropping a soft peck on your lips before he let go completely. You blushed as you watched his smug grin spread over his mouth, his own cheeks slightly tinged with pink as he spoke.
“You’re so late!”
“I know, I know. It was… a weird evening. I didn’t get a lot of sleep and what I did manage was… not great.”
“Aw, babe. Bad dreams?”
He offered a mocking pout before playfully shoving your arm. You tilted your head, visibly unamused but still smiling.
“I’m kidding! What was it? Stress?”
“No… well, maybe. I don’t know. Weird anyway. Just… the usual. With Eddie.”
“You wanna take a walk? Clear your head?”
You handed him the parcel, and he gave you the vials, the standard exchange. But he held his hand out afterwards, waiting for you to take it.
“C’mon. It’ll do you good!”
Why stop now? Why rush back when you hadn’t done so any other time? Besides, Eddie mentioned this was the last exchange for the time being. You had no idea how long it might be before you saw Mark again. Of course, you could just message him. But that felt like a whole new level of commitment. But taking his hand and running off for a while, that didn’t seem too bad. You placed your palm against his, your fingers intertwining as he pulled you in close to him.
The walk through the park was nice, but quiet. Neither of you seemed to know what to say. You imagine it was out of fear of saying the wrong thing, and having it be one of the last things you said to each other. Or at least you did, anyway. With Mark it was hard to tell. He was smiling, and he seemed quite content with just strolling around. Every so often, he’d squeeze your hand, like he was reminding you he was still there. Like he was waiting on you to speak first, coaxing you. Maybe he really did want you to clear your head, to get everything off your chest? But it was hardly a romantic dalliance if you were complaining about Eddie the whole time.
“So. Last official meeting, huh?”
You were shocked by his voice, it seemed so sudden and without warning. After a moment, you managed to reply.
“Last one for a while, at least.”
“Last one ever maybe, babe! I think we should do something a bit more exciting than walking around outside in the rain. You wanna go celebrate properly?”
“Celebrate the possibility of never seeing you again?”
“Hey, whatever makes it easier for you.”
Mark was smiling at you, but you could see something more behind his eyes, something that let slip how superficial the grin really was.
“I don’t know, we’ve been out for so long already…”
“Oh come on! You owe me, remember?”
You were so easily won over by him. It was almost dangerous, or at least it would be if you didn’t know that you wanted to be coerced so simply. Before you really knew it, he was buying you a drink at the bar, his arm around your waist as he drew you into him, guiding you to a table at the back of the room. His charm was effortless, and you knew you would miss him. You had Eddie though. That thought wasn’t as comforting as you thought it might be though.
Sensing your sudden discomfort, Mark knocked his glass against yours, giving a short toast before he took your hand across the table.
“Ok, what’s up?”
“Nothing! I’m fine.”
Come on, let it all out. Don’t make me get shots. I’ll loosen you up one way or another.”
“Ok, ok, ok. It’s just. It’s a lot, you know? Eddie.”
It wasn’t your intention to rant for almost an hour. It just felt so good to have someone listen, genuinely listen. And not retort with anything, not put the blame back on you. Mark let you carry on, letting all of your gripes out, your little annoyances, bigger issues, your confusion about where you might stand now and what you might do next.
“I just wish he was a bit more… open? Or a bit nicer. Even if it’s just pretend, you know?”
Mark nodded as he looked into his almost empty glass.
“I’m so sorry, Mark. I didn’t mean to talk about him this whole time.”
“Hey, don’t worry, babe. You gotta get these things off your chest!”
You smiled, looking down at the table as you fiddled with the cuffs of your jacket. Even in the bar it was still cold, given that you were soaked from the rain. Unknown to you, that meant that Eddie had heard everything you said. Every complaint. Everything.
Mark looked awkward, with an almost mischievous grin on as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
“… you and Eddie ever…?”
It took a few seconds for you to realise what he was implying, and you scoffed when it hit you.
“Absolutely we have not! Jesus, Mark!”
“Oh what? Is he blind?”
“Why do you assume that it’s his attraction to me that means we haven’t fucked? It has to be on his end? You don’t think I might take issue with the idea of having sex with Eddie?”
“I mean… yeah. It’s pretty obvious that you’re desperate for him.”
“W… what?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb, babe. You’re gonna tell me you don’t have any feelings for him?”
Nervous, trying to stay cool, you laughed incredulously, waving him off.
“I really don’t.”
“You just… have him on your mind constantly?”
“Well… I mean… yeah.”
“That’s a problem then, huh, babe?”
You were trying to figure him out. Trying to tell what his angle was. But you weren’t quick enough to do so before he gave you the answer.
“You want me to help you forget about him?”
Leaning across the table, Mark placed his hands on your cheeks, pulling you into a deep kiss. One that got far too passionate too quickly for a public space, as his tongue pressed between your lips, lapping at your own, pulling forth an elicit moan from your throat.
“Oh my god…”
You pulled back from him, covering your mouth to prevent any more tell-tale sounds from escaping, and Mark laughed, grabbing at your hands.
Without questioning him, you followed, and he led you to the back of the bar, close to the bathrooms and out of a rusted door. In the alley, shielded by the rain from the tall buildings, he held you again, his hands finding their way to your waist as you placed yours on his solid chest. With his fingers dipped slightly into the waistband of your jeans, he guided you backwards until you were pinned between his surprisingly strong body and the wall. Throwing your arms around his neck, you pulled him into you, moaning softly as he kissed at your neck.
Sitting at the dining table, furiously scratching at the surface absent-mindedly, Eddie shouted to himself, enraged at your perceived betrayal. Not of him, but of his trust.
“We’ll see how easily he makes his way into your pants when I’ve had my way with him. Your little boyfriend has indeed earned the right to die at my skilled hands.”
Every shuffle, every whimper only drove him a little bit more insane as he sat there alone, listening to the painful sounds. But he didn’t turn it off. He couldn’t.
“If I need to meet him to fight so be it. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard. We’d hardly be meeting as equals. In fact, he would literally have not a hope of victory.”
Impressed with his own imaginary skills, and his apparently predictable triumph, he kept listening to you, voice higher and softer as you let Mark’s hands fall over your body. His palms, brushing over your stomach and your sides, cupping at your breasts over your bra as you threw your head back.
“Mind cleared yet?”
You giggled into his neck, unable to speak past the confusing flurry of possible answers that flooded your brain. Any thoughts were interrupted though, as Mark’s fingers started pulling at the button and zip on your jeans, tugging at them slightly until they were shuffled down, your panties and abdomen exposed to the cold. Mark’s hand, warm and large, covered you as he sank his fingers below your underwear, two of them stroking down over your swollen lips and pressing between them, circling your clit as you whined against him.
Picking up the pace, he slid his digits inside of you as he kissed your neck, groaning and laughing as you stifled your screams of pleasure. Biting your lip, you tried to hold back the sounds, but it was impossible not to. You gave in to them, squealing as he bit at your neck, his fingers pumping in and out of you. It felt so good. The release, the pleasure. Too good not to scream about it, to hold back the moans, the words.
“God… so good…”
Mark took a brief pause between biting and licking at your skin to speak, voice shuddering, breath ragged with the effort he exerted into fucking you with his fingers.
“Yeah, you like that?”
Spurred on by your noted pleasure, he brought his fingers back down, coating your cunt in your own slick as he spread your lips again, teasing at you as he kissed your neck.
“Oh… Eddie…”
Mark noticed a lot quicker than you did, immediately stopping all movements, fingers still inside of you, face still pressed against your neck. Only when you wondered why he stopped did everything fall into place.
“Mark! Mark… Mark I am so… I’m so sorry! Oh my god…”
Stepping back from you, he rubbed his fingers against his jeans and shook his head softly.
“Not good enough to clear your mind, huh, babe?”
“Mark, it’s not like that, it’s just-”
“Nah, I got a good idea of what it is. You’re just as fucked as he is.”
“I gotta go. This was terrible, we should… do it again sometime? Maybe not.”
He walked away from you, leaving you in the dark alley. Unlike him. But you could understand. It was upsetting, for everyone involved.
Or not everyone, because Eddie was currently sat at the dining table, very pleased with himself. The smug satisfaction didn’t last long though, as he was hurriedly drenched in panic, questioning whether your mention of his name while someone else touched you meant that you liked him, in that way at least.
“I expected he’d disappoint me. But not you. At least now there’s…”
He wondered what he was going to say next. Hope? Hope for what? For something he had been thinking of for a long time without ever bothering to ruminate on it past a superficial consideration and a quick distraction?
Whatever it meant, and whatever he intended to do with his discovery, he had more pressing matters at hand. And those matters were currently pressing against the front of his pants, offering him the latest in a long line of base-level human desires that he was usually able to ignore. So he slinked off to his bedroom, hoping that you might not speak to him when you arrived home. He’d be finished before then though. He could hear the panting in your breath still on the radio as you walked quickly. That was enough for him in that moment. It was all he needed.
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
bodyguard au drabble # 3
OMG YES I SAW!!!! that’s literally so her i love it so much this mirror palais collection is so bodyguard au mikasa!!! and lia really blesses us with mikasa in the cutest outfits, i always look forward to her art when she posts 😭🩷
i'm sorry this took so long to reply to but i really wanted to write something for this, so i hope you enjoy!!! :)
also slight nsfw warning? lol!
While they weren’t necessarily sharing a mutual dislike for one another anymore, they weren’t necessarily friends either. But Eren also wouldn’t say they weren’t not friends either—it was complicated, but it wasn’t—he was her bodyguard whom she happened to live with, but there was something a bit more there—or at least he thought.
In the weeks since they had come to a truce of the sorts, they had developed a routine of the sorts. He would accompany her on her daily errands (as he was supposed to), but she welcomed his company rather than Mikasa feeling as if Eren was an unwanted presence. It was almost as if they were spending time together rather than Eren doing his job. Even when she spent hours trying on clothes, or trying to choose between (what Eren deemed was the same) lace ribbons, he found himself with the faintest hint of a smile on his face. Once they were back at her house, they would disperse amongst themselves until later in the evening when they would often cook together or watch whatever movie Mikasa picked for them.
The peace within the house was nice, and he found himself appreciating the little things a bit more. When she wasn’t busy throwing insults at him or criticizing every little thing he did, she was actually quite sweet. It was ironic to Eren how a lot of her personality was reminiscent of that first initial encounter—before she drugged him—leading Eren to believe maybe all of it hadn't been as much of an act as he had initially thought.
Today, much like any other day, after a day of various errands and a shower, Eren found himself preoccupied in the kitchen, but rather than cooking dinner like he usually would, he made himself a bowl of cereal, much to what he would assume would be Mikasa’s displeasure. Mikasa had him running around the entirety of the city, somehow managing to go through multiple burroughs (which he didn't even think was possible in NYC) for all of her menial errands, and he couldn't be bothered to make anything, so cereal would have to do.
He had made it through his second bowl of cereal when he heard Mikasa's voice on the phone, approaching. Her figure came into view, her hair damp and clinging to her back and her bangs pinned out of her face with little heart clips. She was wearing one of the many pair of pajamas she owned, today, these ones pink with little red hearts.
There weren't many things Eren allowed himself to indulge in when it came to Mikasa—he tried to keep those thoughts few and far between. But there was one thing that would plague his mind from time to time, no matter how hard he tried. It came in bouts of small moments when he was reminded that at the end of the day, he was a man living with an objectively attractive female who paid no mind to his presence, prancing around her house like she still lived alone.
It came in the form of Mikasa and her abundance of exquisitely crafted satin and silk pajamas—something that to the normal person, was seemingly harmless. Initially, it was. Eren found himself a bit endeared by her seemingly neverending collection, almost looking forward to which pair she'd wear every night—some patterned, some solid, some adorned with little embellishments or details of different fabrics.
But then, for reasons unbeknownst to him, the seemingly cute matching button-up shirts and pants turned into tiny shorts and slip shirts. So the thoughts that Eren tried not to allow cross his mind, ran rampant. When her clothes highlighted the curves of her body, accentuating every dip and crevice, leaving little to his imagination, and the dusking of her nipples against the smooth satin (since Mikasa refused to turn off the AC despite always being cold), it was hard for Eren to think anything but unholy things.
His mind ventured to places of how her skin would feel against his, if her sweet demeanor was applicable elsewhere, and if her smart mouth was good for other things too. And surely Mikasa, who at one point Eren had been sure was Satan incarnate, wasn't all that innocent either—with her sultry looks and sly touches—which only fueled his thoughts further. But Eren allowed these to only exist in his brain in brief glimpses, and would quickly tuck them back into the deepest crevices of his brain where they belonged—for the sake of his sanity and his pride. He would resume his gaze from her very nicely crafted body to her equally pretty face, pretending that he hadn't just imagined multiple ways he wanted to fuck her.
When Mikasa's gaze finally met Eren's he made it a point to keep his eyes on her face, which is exactly how he noticed her face turn from her usual blank expression to a pout as she hung up the phone to whoever she was talking to.
"Are you... eating cereal?" She asked as she walked toward him.
Eren raised a brow quizzically, "Yes, is that an issue?"
"Oh," she huffed, her pout only intensifiying. "Well, what am I gonna eat? You already ate—we normally make something together."
Eren shrugged nonchalantly, knowing she could order takeout like usual when she didn't feel like making something. But it was obvious what the actual problem was—Eren was a bit too oblivious to realize—she just wanted to spend time with Eren.
Eren knew he would probably make her something, always giving in to her, but now that they were a bit more amicable, he enjoyed his fair share of riling her up to compensate for the months of borderline verbal abuse she put him through.
"Last time I checked, I was your bodyguard, not your personal chef," he replied blankly, but the faintest hint of a smile gave way to his teasing.
"You know, sometimes I think I liked it better when you didn't talk to me," her voice dripping with the attitude that Eren had been accustomed to at one point. She glared at him as she walked past him towads the fridge, Eren stopping her before she could make it all the way.
He tugged lightly on the bottom of her shirt, Mikasa swatting as his hand in response. "Mikasa, I was kidding. What did you want?"
"I don't want anything—I can make it myself," she responded, crossing her arms. She glared down at where he sat on her bar stool, Eren trying to maintain his gaze at her face and not her body, which he was at eye level with. He found himself particularly enamored with these little heart pajamas—finding them endearing, but also for the little slivers of skin they showed—but not only could he give Mikasa the satisfaction in knowing that, he couldn't allow it for his own pride.
"Why are you like this? You're a brat sometimes, you know that?"
"And you're annoying," she bit back, but despite her snarky remarks, she seemingly admit defeat, taking a seat, nonetheless.
Eren released a pained sigh as he stood up, knowing he only contributed to her behavior, being the one to constantly indulge in her. He took off his sweatshirt, leaving him in just his t-shirt , not wanting to get it dirty. He almost threw it into the chair before he had half the mind to shove it over Mikasa's head, Mikasa face shocked as he helped her put it on (not bothering to care whether she had wanted to or not), his sweatshirt almost swallowing her tiny frame whole.
"Here, I can see you shivering," he said dully, though he knew it was only an excuse for his own sanity's sake.
"Oh, thanks," she replied, her cheeks flushing the tiniest tinge of pink. "And thanks for making me something to eat, Eren," she added a few moments later as Eren turned on the stove.
"Yea, yea. It's my job, right?" A smile on his face as he rolled his eyes playfully.
And as he sat there a while later, watching Mikasa happily eat the grilled cheese he made her, a smile on her face, while adorned in one of his random sweatshirts, he realized he had royally fucked himself. If he thought seeing her in her clothes did something to him, seeing her in his clothes—combined with her long inky hair splayed across her shoulders, a rare sight to see; the same doe-eyed face that had got him that night just months ago; and her rare but sickeningly sweet personality, that made his heart do a double take—was only so much worse.
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pleathewrites · 3 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 3 excerpt — dabi & fuyumi reunion read full story here
Fuyumi’s heart sinks when she sees the text on her phone, thirty minutes later than it should have been sent. 
‘Hey babe I’m sorry, really busy today, I don’t think I can make dinner xx’
This is the third time he’s canceled on her. In a row.
Fuyumi huffs, gathering her things and walking out of her classroom, thinking about which train she has to catch to get home — ‘Dickhead. He promised to give me a ride, too.’
Fuyumi hates taking public trains — too many creeps that never end up jailed for their lecherous hands and foul mouths. She told her boyfriend what had happened last time she was on the train home and he seemed so understanding, stroking her hand and hugging her waist, promising, ‘You’ll never have to take the trains again, I’ll just drive you, okay, babe?’
Fuyumi’s head shakes in disbelief, ‘Gods. I really thought he was the one.’
She likes to think she won’t forgive him, will block his number, and never think about him again — but she knows herself. In the quiet and empty building of the school she works at, she can admit to herself that she’ll most likely send him back a text later tonight, a meek, ‘No worries, I understand. Next time :)’ and she’ll hate herself for it, might settle for letting a few tears slip as she washes her father’s dishes from the inevitable dinner she’ll have with him.
He’s healed and back home now, was fighting a coma for the first month and a half after that mysterious attack that even to this day, hero society has no details on. Even when her father had woken up, he claimed to have lost his memory about who he fought and what exactly went down — but Fuyumi is nothing but observant when it comes to the dealings of her home. 
She sees a haunting in her father’s eyes, notices heavy eyelids hanging over seemingly blank irises in moments of silence — and lately, she's caught the small bouts of steam sizzling off the corners of his crows' feet. 
He sleeps in Touya’s shrine. 
Fuyumi has no idea what’s going on, but it scares her. She doesn’t understand the connection but her heart lurches for her father to just tell her — ‘If it’s about Touya, don’t I deserve to know? Aren't I owed at least that?’
Her ringtone interrupts her train of thought. 
She picks it up, frowning at the caller ID, “Shou?”
Her brother rarely calls. He likes to text, though it’s mostly three-word sentences and one-word answers. 
“Fuyumi, I know you have a date tonigh — ”
“ — Not anymore,” Fuyumi is a bit bitter at the reminder, but she mentally shakes herself out of it, “What’s up?”
“Can you come down to the station? The main one, I’ll send you my location. Do you need a ride? Natsuo can pick you up, he’s on his way.”
A smile ticks up her lips, ‘At least someone cares.’
“Yeah, tell him to come get me. And then you better explain what the hell is going on that you need me to come meet you at a police station. Aren't you a hero, what’d you get arrested for — have you been using your quirk unlicensed? Wait, no, that’s not it, you got your — ”
“ — I’ll tell you when you get here, thanks!” 
He hung up. 
Something swirls uncomfortably in Fuyumi’s stomach. 
Natsuo picks her up but doesn’t tell her anything. It’s so obviously clear that he knows exactly what’s going on. 
Fuyumi hates being left out. She’s always the one who’s left out. She understands, partly, that her brothers have pulled away from her due to her desire to become a family with their father — but what else is there? Touya’s gone, leaving her soul fractional and empty most of the time. Is it so wrong to want to keep the remaining family she has left? 
When Natsuo parks, he turns to her with a grave expression, “Look, this — this is gonna be really fuckin’ weird and hard, especially on you.”
Fuyumi's jaw gapes in offense to her brother thinking she’s so specifically wimpy, “Wha — ”
“ — But, seriously, Yumi, we need you to keep an open mind and, most importantly, do not tell Enji. Can you promise me that? Otherwise, we’re not leavin’ the car.”
Fuyumi rolls her eyes, “Yes, fine, I promise. Gods, I’m not some snitch, I don’t even tell Father anything,” She accusingly points her finger at Natsuo, “I know the way you use his credit card, you could practically open your own hospital, Natsuo. But when Father asks me, ‘Fuyumi, do schools really make their students pay for this stuff?’ — You know what I say? I say, ‘ Yeah, Dad, how else will Natsuo learn to be the best doctor in Tokyo?’ Honestly, you and Shou insult me.”
Natsuo smiles, and honestly, it might be the biggest smile he’s given her in weeks, “Sorry, man. Thanks for covering, seriously,” and he hugs her.
She hugs back, “Something must really be wrong.”
And when Shouto leads her and Natsuo through what appears to be a secret maze in the seemingly ordinary police station, Fuyumi realizes that something is, indeed, very fucking wrong.
Her brothers attempt to explain something in a rush, constantly interrupting and talking over each other. If Fuyumi was a stranger, she’s pretty sure she wouldn’t understand a word these two were saying — from the corner of her eye, she could see Eraserhead’s expression strain in trying to keep up — but she’s spent her whole life with these idiots, and she understands the story perfectly. 
“So,” Fuyumi points to the interrogation window as Shouto and Natsuo stand stiff and worried, “What you're telling me is that guy — notorious League of Villain’s Dabi — the guy who put Father in the hospital twice, attacked your school and kidnapped your friends — that guy is our... dead brother.”
Her brothers’ hands flail for a bit before Shouto shrugs, “Yep.”
Fuyumi sucks her teeth. 
Her nose stings.
“Uh, Yumi?” Natsuo lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, “You alright? You haven’t said anything in like, three minutes…” 
“Shit. Was this a mistake?” Shouto scratches his temple, and Natsuo lightly thumps him on the head.
“Shou’s being dumb, we’re glad you know,” Natsuo says before he starts to rub her back soothingly, “Uh, remember what you promised? Back in the car? Open mind…”
Her eyes start to burn and she doesn’t think the knot in her throat will allow her to speak. She just nods her head frantically, unable to peel her eyes off the scarred man who sits in that metal chair, a door away. She doesn’t even want to try and understand why the Number Two Pro-Hero Hawks sits beside him. They’re not even talking, but the way they’re looking at each other makes Fuyumi feel slightly voyeuristic. 
She can’t believe this.
‘Touya’s… alive?’  
Fuyumi’s head feels like it’s full of cotton.
‘Father… did this?’
She hears Eraserhead sigh beside her.
“Don’t do it.”
Her eyebrows furrow and she’s about to dumbly ask, ‘Wha?’ until Shouto speaks up, and she realizes the underground hero was not speaking to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Fuyumi finds the will to turn her head away from her zombie of a twin to see Eraserhead raise his eyebrows in annoyance, clearly scolding Shouto.
“You’re clever, but not that clever. You’ve been eyeing the shift changes of the guards for the last 8 hours. You look at every single security camera. You’ve been looking me up and down and wondering to yourself if you’d win — that’s arrogant, by the way.” 
Shouto, the little shit, shrugs his shoulders and doesn’t even bother looking at his teacher, “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
‘Gods,’ Fuyumi mentally groaned, ‘When did her little brother become so disrespectful?’
Eraserhead’s expression softens, “Shouto, please,” and, finally, Shouto spares a glance at his teacher, “I know this is hard, but do you trust me to keep my word?”
The way Shouto’s expression hardens even makes the hairs on Fuyumi’s arms stick up, “... Sensei. I don’t know if I ever told you this, or if you’ve perhaps caught on already but... I am not becoming a hero due to any kind of inspiration from ‘amazing’ heroes, but rather due to the lack of them. Growing up... I didn’t trust a single hero,” and Fuyumi’s eyes widened because even she never knew any of this, “I want to become a hero that kids like me, like Touya, can trust.”
Hearing her brother say her twin’s name like that — so familiar and firm — makes her want to cry. She can’t believe her brothers have just spent a whole two months sitting on this — on the very news that Fuyumi has only dreamed of hearing about for the past thirteen years. 
“I know,” Eraserhead nods in sincerity. 
“Do you?” Shouto challenges, “Because... Because maybe the League of Villains is right about our current hero society. Because out of all the shitty things my brother has done, none of them hold a candle to the sins of my father, yet it’s Touya who sits in a cage.”
(Shouta thinks this is seriously the most amount of words he’s ever heard come out of this kid’s mouth in one setting.)
Eraserhead doesn’t seem to have anything to say, and Natsuo mutters a — 'very inappropriate!' — “Damn,” under his breath.
“You guys can go talk to him.”
Shouto raises an eyebrow, “Will you be listening?”
Fuyumi gives her baby brother a hard look.
“C’mon, Shouto. You know better than to ask. Me being here, humoring all of this is already far too lenient.” 
‘Exactly,’ Fuyumi thinks. She doesn’t want to risk pissing off the guy who holds her not-dead brother’s fate in his hands — whatever fate that may be, considering all the fucking horrendous things Fuyumi has read about the League of Villains Dabi.
She clears her throat, finally forcing the knot down her esophagus, “What are you planning to do with him?”
“Honestly?” Eraserhead looks around, seeming to check if there are any prying ears before he looks back at them, “I’ve called All Might. He has the most experience and connections to even make an attempt to give Dabi the deal he wants. I also believe his heart is big enough to understand the gravity of this entire situation.”
Fuyumi’s tongue feels loose in her mouth, “All Might?” 
She thinks back to all the times Touya would watch the All Might rescues on television, imitating proudly, ‘I am here!’ before that habit was promptly forced out of him by their father’s hands.
“Don’t know what reaction he’ll have to him. Touya used to love All Might when we were kids, but I think… As we grew up, he started resenting him. Maybe for setting this impossible standard of ‘hero’, or maybe because the world’s Number One never…” Fuyumi sucks her teeth, trying to say the words she’s forced down all these years for the sake of making peace, “saved us.”  
A tear rolls down her cheek and she hastily wipes it away, clenching her teeth to still her wobbling lips. 
Eraserhead lays a hand on her shoulder, “I am truly sorry,” and he looks back to her brothers, “To all of you. I don’t know the full story, but I am sorry for the way this system has failed to protect you.”
‘Yeah, everyone’s always fucking sorry,’ Fuyumi closes her eyes and moves her shoulder away from Eraserhead’s touch, “I’d like to see him. Shou, Natsuo — you coming?”
When Eraserhead opens the door and Fuyumi walks in first, she sees bright blue eyes widen and thinks, ‘Oh, Gods. It really is him.’  
“Oh, uh,” Hawks awkwardly scratches his neck, “I’ll just — go.”
When the door shuts with Hawks' departure, all the Todoroki children sit at one table for the first time in thirteen years. 
Fuyumi purposely sits next to Touya’s left — he hasn’t even moved but, for some reason, she can’t help but feel the anxiety she imagines of being close to a wild animal. 
The undead man clears his throat and looks at Fuyumi, “So… uh, fuck. Uhm — h-how’ve you been?”
All fear Fuyumi previously had is instantly gone with Touya’s lame introduction and is immediately replaced with fury. 
“Are you fucking serious?” 
Natsuo's eyes widen a bit before he flails his hands into an ‘x’-gesture, “Hey, hey now — no fighting!” 
Shouto decides to open his shitty mouth, and points to Fuyumi with his left thumb, “Y’know, thanks to you, Fuyumi’s got a complex. Her last three boyfriends were fucking assholes.”
Fuyumi seriously considers fratricide. 
Touya’s eyes widen but, this time, it’s not in surprise and more in acknowledgment, “… What is it? You think you can change ‘em or somethin'? If you love 'em hard enough?” He leans towards her and rests his elbows on his knees, looking her dead in the eye like he used to when they were kids and he obviously thought Fuyumi was being stupid, “If you can make them love you hard enough?” 
“Fuck off, Tou,” Fuyumi scoffs and crosses her arms, absolutely incredulous that Touya thinks he can disappear for a whole decade, and then come back and act like he knows a single thing about her, “Gods, I forgot how much of an asshole you are.” 
“You can’t change people, Yumi.” 
“Why not?” She can hear the desperation in her own voice, and it makes her feel even more frustrated. Her nails bite into her sweater, “Hawks-san seems to have saved you! Isn’t that proof enough that people can change?”
“Oh, fuck, no,” Touya momentarily pinches his nose, and the reaction pisses her off, “Hawks didn’t save me from anything — I literally tried to kill our father, and myself!”
“Then why are you here!?” She explodes, “How are you here, Touya, this makes no fucking sense — how could you leave me like that?” Her voice cracks at the end, and she doesn’t even bother trying to blink away the tears that start to sting her waterline. 
Touya reels back, stunned, “Yumi…”
She doesn’t respond, shaking her head and uncrossing her arms to lay her forearm on the table and tap her fingers on the metal — an old habit of hers, needing to exert the feelings that overwhelm her physically, mentally lulled by the dull thump thump thump.  
Touya sighs, “Y’really wanna know what changed?” A warm hand covers her own and it feels so strange, not used to Touya’s hands being so big, not used to the slight scrape of staples on her upper knuckles. She stiffens her jaw and gives a tense nod, eager for the answer but doesn’t look at him, “Shouto.” 
Her head whips to him in confusion and surprise. 
Shouto’s breath hitches.
Touya’s blue eyes softened, so gentle even with the weight of those mottled eyebags, “Knowing he chose me… over Enji.” Touya let out a wet laugh, “It’s so fuckin’ embarassin’ — someone finally choosing me and, suddenly, I can’t even imagine going back to the ways things were — to where I was.”
Fuyumi’s chest tightens, “I would have chosen you!” 
And she means it.
Warm fingers clench at her palm, “I’m sorry I left. But I had to — ” 
“ — I know,” And that’s enough, the apology is enough, “I’m sorry, it’s not fair to-to blame you for trying to keep yourself safe. I just — ” 
She stops, her throat tightening but needing to say this, has kept herself silent for over a decade.
“Life is so hard without you. I feel so — so fuckin’ alone, all the time, I… I wasn’t made for this, Touya, I literally wasn’t made for life without you — that’s why we’re twins, we were supposed to live together, and go to university together, and buy a house of our own, away from Japan, and, and…” Her fists clench, tears now freely running down her face, “This is all so fucking unfair.”
When she opens her eyes, blood drips down Touya’s face from the scars under his eyes, and she can’t help but sob at the realization that she’s been living with — vouching for — the monster who’d done this to her brother.
read full story here
my other works
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b-afterhours · 5 months
Avenue of Sins: Neon
A sequel to Avenue of Sins
SUMMARY: ‘90s. It’s the aftermath. Jaded, Bill and Alma navigate their new lives as they try to drag themselves out of the dark debacherous trenches they had once ensnared themselves in. It’s easy to forget their evils when a silver lining introduces itself into their lives but can they create a less hedonistic life that would be just as satisfying?
WARNINGS: adult content, mature readers only.
The completed first series can be read and found here.
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Chapter Eight
February 1993
Bill looked around the small apartment filled with a dozen rose bouquets he had delivered to her home for Valentine's Day a few days prior. He had worked on Valentine's as it was a popular and busy night at the club but he had left earlier than usual to watch Simion’s boxing match. While Alma still held onto him she looked up and by the look on his face, he seemed fatigued from the travel. Being tall he could see above the couch's backrest and saw Echo napping hard and splayed out with her arms above her head. 
The juxtaposition between his penthouse and Alma’s apartment always rattled him every time he visited. Together they lived in nice apartments in NYC but never stayed long enough to personalize it. Alma’s apartment wasn’t a terrible place to live by any means, it was perfect for herself and Echo. Though besides the couches and everything in Echo’s nursery, almost everything looked second hand and they most likely were. He had access to one of two of her bank accounts and noticed her monthly statements were average, maybe even less than that sometimes. She probably only used it for groceries and bills. The only big purchase he ever noticed was when she bought her used Jeep. The other bank account she had she most likely used whenever she needed things for Echo to keep him in the dark until she was ready. She never seemed to touch their joint offshore accounts even though she could access them without a hassle or permission. 
He just found it odd sometimes but he understood that a seemingly single mother working at a record shop shouldn’t live beyond the means of that metric. Compared to Strathburg living she was doing very well in the facade she had built for herself in Seattle. The life Bill had built in New York was simply unfathomable to those back home though. Besides that, he liked where she lived, the sleepy neighborhood looked good and boring and all her neighbors were old and retired women. The landlady lived just on the other side of the wall in the four-apartment building and while she liked to lease to retirees she took a chance on a young mother and her infant child. He knew she lived in a studio before finding this place and he always wondered what that was like. 
“Why didn’t you call? I was going to pick you up?” Alma said to him. 
“I know… I just didn’t feel like waiting around anymore after that bullshit delay,” he said, turning to pick up his duffle bag he had dropped by the door. 
“You only brought one bag?” 
“My luggage is in the trunk of the rental. I’ll get it later,” he took her hand and walked around the couch to admire his sleeping daughter. She looked like she had gotten so much bigger in the weeks he hadn’t seen her. “Is she feeling better?” He asked leaning down to touch a short lock of her golden hair. 
Echo had a bad cold the week prior that Alma suspected she had gotten from another child from their library visits. She hardly slept to ensure that her daughter wasn’t stuffed up with snot, which hindered her breathing in her slumber. 
“A lot better,” she assured him. “But she’s still a little foggy, she’s been sleeping hard still like she is right now,” Alma remembered telling him she wasn’t well over the phone and he sounded a bit mad about it. Not at Alma but at the germ that even dared to make his child ill. “You’re here though she’ll be back to her normal self,” she smiled.
She let Bill help himself to her shower and bedroom while she stayed in the living room with their daughter to give him some space. He always felt dirty and dehydrated after flying and a scalding shower was one of the first things he wanted when he arrived at his destination. 
Bill left the shower holding onto a towel around his waist and went down the hall where Alma would lay her head. He dug through his duffle bag for a pair of boxers and deodorant to put on and then sat down next to it on the bed before pushing it off. He laid back on the queen-sized bed and sighed loudly as his muscles eased after having been cramped in a plane seat. While her bed was smaller compared to his king-sized one, it definitely felt cozier. It was plush with more pillows than just one person would need. The quilt bedding and frilly pillow shams were all lilac. Much more girly and even more inviting compared to the sleek silk bedding situation he had going on. Even the scent in the room was lovely like lavender and vanilla and a hint of rose from the bouquets permeating the living area. Luckily, he could feel his headache melting away as he finally felt he could relax. 
As he dressed himself, he noticed her nightstand which was by her usual side of the bed when he visited. On top of it were her glasses, several black hair ties, a banana clip, and a framed photo of them standing before Bianca’s Christmas tree prom posing. He sat down on the bed after pulling on his sweatpants and picked it up to look at it closely. He always liked how they looked together but more so how he looked and felt with her. He found her to be so much more pleasing to look at than he felt about himself sometimes. Gently, he set the photo down and on impulse quickly pulled open her nightstand drawer. Inside, were lotions and night creams, nail files and nail polishes, and forgotten receipts. He picked up a round light blue plastic case the size of a powder compact and opened it, it was Alma’s birth control pills and he saw that day's pill had been taken. He set it back down when he noticed in the very back of the drawer was a short pink device about the width of a finger and grabbed it. He knew exactly what it was and he smirked. On accident he turned the vibrator bullet on, startling himself, and with fumbling hands he hastily turned it off and quickly placed it back where it belonged. 
Alma could hear him coming back to the living room after some time to himself. He was wearing a gray hoodie and matching sweatpants. Even Alma noticed that now when he visited Seattle, he dressed down more than he did in New York. He would bring a nice outfit or two in case but he quickly picked up that wearing designer just signaled to the locals that he wasn’t one of them or worse, that he was a yuppie. 
Echo was finally awake sitting on Alma’s lap and babbling a mashed-up version of the alphabet with her back facing him, completely unaware of her father's presence. Alma looked up at him and noticed he looked a bit more refreshed as he approached and he quickly put his finger to his lips. With sock-covered feet, he tried his best to walk softly but even with Alma trying to distract Echo she turned her head in his direction. Before she could react he quickly scooped her up in his arms and she laughed when he kept peppering kisses on her cheek. He sat down next to Alma with Echo’s arms slung around his neck.
“You missed me, baby?” He said holding on to her. “I missed you.” 
Echo stood on his lap and then pointed towards the phone that sat on a side table on the other side of Alma. “Papa phone?” 
“Papa phone.” She pointed again. 
“Papa is here, E’,” Alma lightly laughed. “She knows when you call and-” 
“She’s associating me with the phone,” Bill raised an eyebrow at her as she scratched her head nervously. 
Echo would clamor up her lap whenever she was on the phone, thinking it could be her father on the end of the line. Bill called once in the morning and once in the evening typically. Though the past couple of days before his arrival their conversations were fairly short so that they would have something to talk about when together. 
“It’s alright,” Bill said, kissing Echo’s hand to get her to stop pointing at the telephone. 
Alma was a bit relieved when he said that she didn’t want him to make it a thing when it wasn’t she was just a baby making associations. Bill helped Echo sit on his lap and then pulled Alma closer to himself wrapping an arm around her. He kissed the top of her head.
“I missed you too,” he said into her hair. 
The family stayed in for the rest of the day. Bill decompressed further and even managed to fall asleep on the couch while Alma prepared guacamole for their nacho dinner. She was happy he did because it meant that he was comfortable enough there to do so. Echo was playing on the floor next to him before she began to stack toys and roses along his body making him look like some kind of ritualistic offering which amused her mother. 
It was after dinner that they all took a short walk to a convenience store that stood next to a laundromat close by and they spent time choosing snacks and drinks. Bill allowed Echo to run up and down the candy aisle and let her choose whatever caught her eye. Though at the register he told Alma it was for himself and even though she knew it was a white lie she found it endearing. For them, they left with some chips and a case of Rainier beer. 
When they came back home Alma took the phone off the hook deciding she wasn’t taking any calls for the rest of that weekend should they come. As night came Bill put Echo to bed himself. He rocked her a bit as he paced the nursery to soothe her enough to lay her down while she had her little hand up to rub the stubble under his jaw. In her room, she also had framed photos hung on her walls, some of herself but also ones of him and her together. One was of them in front of the Washington Square Arch and another of them on Christmas in front of the tree in his penthouse. Being able to see them that way made his heart swell as if he could finally see the way he looked as a father in a still photo. That it didn’t look awkward or strange like he sometimes felt it did. Right next to that photo was the one he took of Alma and her at the Ritz in black and white. Even though he knew the fact, suddenly it hit him that they were really parents to an actual child they created together. He noticed Echo’s hand stilled and looked down at her fast asleep in his long arms. Before laying her down he just stood there for a moment to admire her. His little baby.
When he joined Alma again she had just finished cleaning the kitchen and was shuffling some of her accounting homework she had on her small dining table into a neat pile. He stopped next to her, picking up a thick textbook that was on top of a children's coloring activity book, and flicked through it quickly. To him, it all looked painfully boring. 
“You want to learn something or do you want a beer?” Alma said, looking up at him. 
“A beer,” he said, giving her a dimpled smirk and handing her textbook back. “Is school still going alright?” 
“I have the whiskey you like to drink too by the way,” she said, reaching into the fridge. “But yeah, it’s not so bad. The teacher tries to make it somewhat fun with his little corny jokes,” she shrugged, handing him a beer. 
Together they sat on the couch and Alma turned the TV on to a music channel for background noise. Alma was explaining how her classes went and spoke about her classmates with him and learned she was one out of three other girls in her class. 
“Last week right before Echo got sick I stayed behind cause I had some questions about an assignment. Mr. Miller helped but then he started telling me that most of the shit we’re even doing can basically all be done by computers these days and then he pulled out this Macintosh Powerbook. Have you seen those?” Bill shook his head and took a sip of his beer. “Well, he showed me this program on there that basically does most of the work for him.” 
“You should get a computer then?” He said resting his elbow on the backrest as he spoke to her.
Alma looked around her place for a second and looked back at him. “I don’t even know where the hell to put something like that here,” she laughed. “What do you do on yours anyway?” 
“Eh, not much. I only bought it because I wanted to and I was bored mostly,” he reached over to check how much beer she had and quickly went to the kitchen for another round plus some just to have a few waiting on them on the coffee table instead. “So you stay after class to talk to Mr. Miller now?” He said popping the beer tab open and handing her the beer. 
Alma rolled her eyes. “Yeah because math just turns me on so bad I stay after class to talk to my nerdy 50-something-year-old teacher?” 
“Just wondering,” he said playfully, which earned an annoyed look from Alma. “I do have a question though,” he said looking a bit more serious now. 
“What,” Alma asked pensively as she put her drink down.
“Is, um,” he said, straightening up which was making Alma nervous. “Is that vibrator in your nightstand better than me?” He laughed. 
“What fuck you went through my drawer?” She said, pinching him under his arm. He winced as he pulled his arm away and pulled her onto his lap which made her giggle. 
“I didn’t mean to,” he said, kissing her cheek.
“What do you mean you didn’t mean to?” 
His only response was to kiss her on the lips because he had no excuse for his impulsive snooping. 
“Why do you always like to tease me about stuff,” she pouted while he trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. 
“Mm,” he paused his lips but his hands snuck inside her shirt. “I’m sorry. I just get jealous when people get your time and I don’t. Especially that little friend you have in the nightstand.” 
“It isn’t better than you but it’s helpful,” she giggled, pecking his lips. “We can even use it together?” She said standing up to kick off her leggings but before she could straddle his waist he leaned forward. With his large hands on her waist, he pushed her oversized flannel up and kissed her belly down to the waistband of her panties, and pulled them down to kiss her pussy mound with adoration. 
His other hand ran up her inner thigh and quickly he pulled her panties to the side. A finger ran through her wet slit and he groaned under his breath as he bit his lip. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” he questioned as he put his middle finger in his mouth to taste her. He leaned back and adjusted himself when he felt himself starting to grow in his boxers.
Alma chuckled under her breath as she straddled his lap finally. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.” She admitted as she kissed him along his stubbly jaw. 
“Fuck me too,” he said in earnest. If it was up to him he would have taken her there on the floor when he first walked into her apartment. 
As they were feverishly kissing, their tongues collided with each other. Alma could feel his erection straining against his sweatpants and she moaned against his lips. He could feel her cold hands sneak into his hoodie and meet his warm skin. It made him jump a bit but the change of temperature felt tantalizing. They broke away for a moment so that he could help her take his hoodie off but as he tried to meet her lips again he paused. Alma's brows were furrowed with a bewildered look in her eyes as she ran a hand over his much more prominent abs. He had always had them but now they looked closer to chiseled marble. 
“What the hell have you been doing?” She asked looking back at him. 
“Eh,” he scratched the back of his neck feeling slightly self-conscious. “You know I’ve worked out a few times with Simion.” 
“A few times?” She asked skeptically, grabbing his much more developed biceps as these weren’t the results you’d get from only a few casual visits to the boxing gym. 
Bill held on to her tightly and swiftly got up with her legs still wrapped around his waist making her yelp. He didn’t want her to get ahead of herself when he finally had her where he wanted her. 
“Shh. Remember we can’t be too loud here,” he reminded her walking them to the bedroom as she kissed along his neck.
He kissed her and then he practically tossed her on the bed which made her laugh. She hurried towards the side of the bed where he stood and reached for the waistband of his sweatpants eager to free his erection but he intercepted her and reached for her shirt to pull off instead. He was pleased that she wasn’t wearing a bra, he noticed that all day especially because she purposely had a few top buttons of the oversized flannel open. He pushed her back on the bed and instructed her to scoot backward a bit and she happily obliged. He hooked one hand around her knee and the other ran along her panty-clad pussy. As his finger pressed along her slit he could feel her wetness soak through prompting him to lean down. Replacing his hand, he teasingly ran his tongue along the cotton fabric making her whimper in anticipation. The warmth of his tongue and the taunting pressure of the fabric against her clit made her hips buck for more. 
“Take them off for me,” he demanded as he righted himself to quickly do away with his boxers and sweatpants. He even plucked off his socks because Alma once told him he was weird for leaving them on if he was fully naked. 
Alma reached down to her waist and took off her cheeky black panties and playfully tossed them at his chest. He smiled as he crawled on top of the bed with her now. Taking her knees he pushed them together and then against her chest causing her hips to rise a bit from the mattress and on perfect display for him. Without a warning he took two long fingers and pushed them inside her, making her gasp. Bill swallowed hard as her slickness coated his curled fingers and he had to keep himself from just burying himself deep inside her instead. He had gone so long without her he ached. The panties she had hidden for him to find and he would wrap around his hard cock and the occasional phone sex just could never compare. He wanted to savor this break from a dry spell but his throbbing cock was wanting to already feel her warmth and tightness around it. 
He continued working his fingers as he reintroduced his swirling tongue to her bare clit reaching a rhythm. Alma’s hand clasped around her mouth to stifle the moans that erupted out of her. When his lips wrapped around her clit and she could feel the reverberations of his grunt, her head fell back on the mattress as her eyes rolled and the tension melted from her body as she came. He could feel her squirming from the sensitivity so slowly he stopped his movements while she caught her breath. He leaned back on his knees and spat her arousal in his hand and wrapped it around his erection to coat his cock in her slick. He started to position himself between her legs but she gently stopped him.
“Do you want to use the vibrator?” She asked.
“No,” he shook his head. “I want to be the reason you’re coming.” 
Alma could see his eyes darken and looked at her hungrily. She turned around then and positioned herself on her hands and knees. The sight of her plump ass perked up in the air excited him like no other. To him, it indicated that she didn’t want it so sweet. 
He crawled off the bed to stand right at the edge of it and then reached forward gripping her hips to pull her back towards him so that their bodies aligned better. Alma looked back at him in anticipation and their eyes met. He had a devious look in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss her ass cheek and then brought his hand down hard to smack it. Alma wailed briefly before it turned into a loud moan as she felt the sting of it tickle up her spine. He ran his hand from her lower back up to the middle of her shoulder blades prompting her to lay her chest to the mattress and his hand ran back up caressing the perfect slope of her back. Lining himself at her entrance he pushed in and his eyes fluttered closed as her warmth enveloped him so completely. Moans from deep in their chest escaped their lips. 
Thrusting deeply inside her tight cunt his mind was stuck on the feeling and sounds of their bodies pleasuring each other and the moans and pants filling the room. His hands took a possessive grip of her hips tightly pulling her own body into his thrusts with the strength of his new bulging muscles. 
“Shhh,” he said as a reminder as she struggled to stifle her moans. 
She caught her breath in her throat while she pressed her face into the mattress to muffle her moans but it didn’t help much. As the friction of their bodies continued she could feel the crescendo just around the corner. He was so mercilessly deep inside her that it was making her a blubbering mess. Then the new rhythm he created made her body respond favorably and he knew by how she began to pulse around him. He looked down at her, her face was crushed in the mattress as she bit onto her knuckle to keep from sounding out her pleasure. Quickly he reached for a pillow and tossed it by her head.
“Here. Fucking scream into that.” He said through deep pants. 
She reached up for it and once she had her face in the pillow he smacked her ass again and hearing her muffled holler sent him over the edge especially how she continued tightening around him. 
“Ah fuck you feel so good… come with me,” his jaw fell, feeling her body intensely respond to his. “Give it to me,” he said, listening to her muffled screams.
He couldn’t hold off any longer as the shockwave of pleasure enraptured him. He snapped his hips with each spurt of cum that was now pooling inside her. He gave her a few languorous thrusts before collapsing on her. He could feel her body shuttering and gently he removed the pillow away from her face. Just as his lips parted to say something he paused and noticed that she was crying. She tried to quickly wipe them away, feeling silly for them. 
“Alma?” He said concerned as he slowly pulled out of her causing her to whimper from the disconnect. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her towards him to face him. His hand cupped her chin and she began to giggle under her breath a bit as she sniffled. He didn’t know quite what to make of it.
“Did I do something? What’s wrong?” His heart pounded against his chest with worry. 
Alma took a deep shuddering breath and put her hand to his cheek to kiss him passionately. That somewhat eased his worrying heart. While still kissing she got him to follow her full lips into a more comfortable lying position right beside her. 
“I’m fine. I don’t know… you make me feel so good. I fucking missed you,” she said cuddling into his side. 
“Are you sure,” he said, putting a finger under her chin and tilting it up so that he could search her eyes. They were still heavy with lust and satisfaction. 
“Yes,” she assured him. “I feel so much better,” she sighed wistfully. “Don’t you?” 
“Mhm,” he nodded. “I think I need a damn cigarette,” he said laughing. 
After lying while caressing their tender bodies and kissing each other Bill got up from the bed to wash up in the bathroom and brought back a damp warm washcloth to help her clean up. When he came back from tossing it in the bathroom hamper he saw Alma up from the bed in a short black silk kimono she didn’t bother tying closed. She was on her tiptoes reaching for the top shelf in her small closet and grabbing a small wooden box. 
“Shut the door,” she told him.
While he closed it she walked around her room, her kimono blowing away from her naked body as she opened the windows as wide as they would go which let the cool breeze waft in the scent of rain and mud into the room. Bill pulled his boxers back on and sat against the headboard when she joined him. 
“Do you want a cig’ or do you want a joint?” She asked him as she opened the box producing a lighter and pre-rolled joint from it. 
“You smokin’ all the time now?” He asked her, grabbing the box to look inside it himself. It was empty now and speckled with bits of bud and ash. He closed it, settling it on the bed. 
“Eh not really,” she said, putting the joint between her lips and lighting it. “I’ve just been saving this for a rainy day,” she said, winking at him. “But really no, it makes me fucking lazy when I’m by myself. The last time I smoked here I just fell asleep.” She took a deep drag and then passed it to him. 
They only smoked it down halfway just enough for them to feel nice. At one point Bill held the smoke in his lungs to grab Alma’s face with one hand and blew the smoke into her parted lips as she inhaled it. The first time he had ever done that was in high school and it wasn’t the smoke making her dizzy then but how his full rosy lips hovered above hers. Alma put the box away in her closet again and then lit a warm vanilla incense stick to help usher the weed smell out the open windows.
“Did you ever get that package I mailed out last week?” She asked him, crawling back up on the bed and between his legs to cuddle with him. 
“No,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “What was it?” 
“It was your Valentine's gift,” she groaned. “You’ll see when you get back home then. You’ll like it.” She said looking up at him with a cheeky smile.
“Panties?” He guessed.
“I think you have enough of them don’t you think?” She laughed. 
“Well,” he playfully shrugged. 
“How was Simion’s Valentine's fight?” 
“Yeah… that’s a long story.” 
“Eh, no not exactly.” He said rubbing the silk fabric of her kimono between his fingers. 
“I know you told me you took Payday to it. So are they like… together together now?” 
Bill nodded his head in response and then straightened up. They both got into a more comfortable position. This time Bill laid his head on Alma’s chest who played with his hair as he began to tell her about his Valentine's Day. 
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everythinghughes · 2 years
buying an apartment in montreal with juraj after being together for awhile! omg just imagine all the soft and domestic moments with him on his off days
had to re write this cause tumblr deleted it when i accidentally left the app :(
you and juraj got together a little before the his first hockey season and your freshman year of university started. you had planned to live in the dorms and him in his provided apartment
throughout the season though, you practically lived in juraj’s apartment because it was close to campus and you loved being around him (your dorm also kinda sucked)
so when the season ended he went back to slovakia for a month before coming back to celebrate your one year anniversary together
it was then you had decide whether you were going back into residency or not and juraj (who now had free time) wanted to get out of the apartment he was in and pick one he actually liked
the subject of moving in together came about and although you both feared it was too soon you knew that you’d spend majority of your time at his apartment anyway so why not get one big apartment for both of you?
apartment shopping was fun and eventually you picked the perfect one that had a guest room for when his or your family wanted to visit.
juraj gave you the reigns when it came to decorating the place because he wouldn’t even know where to start
you asked him his opinion on certain things and he always answered honestly but you made sure the space was filled with both your guys’ personality
pictures of you two, your families, friends, his teammates and pictures of slovakia that he had sent you while he was gone were hung on the walls in picture frames
your favourite thing though, was the frame containing his draft jersey that you had done just for him. it was hung in the living room and when he saw it he adored you even more because he recognized how much work you put into making your place a home for you guys. for him.
the decorating was finished pretty quickly and soon the hockey and school season had started up again and you guys were busy 24/7
it was days like today that you cherished the most. when nobody had anywhere to go or anything to do.
you woke up to see that it 11 in the morning and smiled because you finally woke up not feeling exhausted.
“come here” are the words that came out of juraj’s mouth when he realized you weren’t in his arms anymore.
“baby it’s 11, we should get up”
“no” he said tugging you back into his chest and wrapping his arms around you
“but i’m hungry”
he groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and gave you a sleepy smile “morning”
he yawned and stood up but you went to follow him he pushed you back down and tucked you under the blankets again “stay. i’m making breakfast for you. don’t follow me”
you stayed in bed and scrolled through your phone until you got bored and snuck into the kitchen where you stopped short.
you had seemingly forgot your furnace boyfriend doesn’t wear shirts at night and seeing him standing over the stove cooking without a shirt on and his muscles when he moved… did things to you
“i told you to stay in bed” he said with his backs till turned to you
dang it
“i got bored. wanted to see if i could help.” you said hopping on the counter.
“i’m good. i just wanted to make you breakfast because you always cook for me.” he said turning off the stove, stepping in between your legs and wrapping his arms around you.
“i like cooking for you. you’re a growing boy after all.”
he gives you a look and mutters “growing boy? i’m a man”
you giggle “mhm so manly in my pink apron”
“i think i look hot” he says and you nod because you can’t lie which makes him smirk “alright time to eat”
you both enjoy the breakfast juraj made on the balcony that came with your apartment and you both wonder how the hell you got so lucky
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keikeu · 2 years
lonesome love :: choi soobin
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pairing :: nonidol! choi soobin x f! oc
genre :: angst
warnings :: mentions of anxiety ig?, light cursing
"nari you have to come. you know how important this day is for your parents and you, as their only daughter, have to be there!" the high-pitched voice of nari's best friend, sunhee, beamed on the other side of the phone. it was the third time she had called the girl to convince her to go to one of the biggest parties her parents were going to throw as a celebration of their 20th anniversary. nari had little to no interest in going. her parents wouldn't mind it if she wasn't there anyway. heck, they wouldn't even realize she hadn't come.
"i think they'll be fine without me." nari excused herself again. she didn't want to go, and maybe it wasn't only because her parents didn't truly care about her. deep down inside, she was very anxious about the whole party but wasn't going to show it. although disappointed, sunhee didn't give up.
"how about i come with you? i'm sure your parents wouldn't mind it if you brought an extra guest."
"it's not that...it's just...i...fine. we can go. i'll come to pick you up at 8." the other girl squealed and thanked her friend before hanging up. nari on the other hand could only sigh as she stared at the white ceiling of her big bedroom. she felt lonely. but with another sigh, she managed to get up from her comfortable bed and try to get ready for the party.
in fact, she was going to try very hard to look her best. she had someone to impress after all. someone she should have given up on months ago but couldn't. how could she forget his sweet voice every time he called her name? his sparkling brown eyes that stared into hers filled with love. his soft skin that would send shivers down her spine every time they touched. how could she forget the long calls and the deep conversations, her quickening heartbeat, and the butterflies in her stomach every time he was around?
no matter how hard she tried to forget him or how many times she convinced herself she had, deep in her heart the feelings still lingered. if only she could move on from him as he had moved on from her.
she had learned the boy was going to the party as her parents were organizing it. nari didn't want to go because nobody would care about her presence, but what convinced her more than sunhee was the fact that he would be there. and while she was reminiscent of the beautiful memories they shared, she started doing her make-up to present herself the best and prove that she was not crying over him anymore. to prove that she had moved on, even if she truly hadn't.
after what felt like hours of getting ready, she put on her high heels feeling high and mighty, and left her apartment. she wanted to believe that nothing was going to go wrong. everything was going to be okay. she could do it.
nari hopped in the fancy black car and told her driver to pick up sunhee before going to the said location. she looked out the window to see the busy and loud streets. she never liked going outside late at night. it was always crowded and scary. the only thing that seemingly made the nighttime better for her were the stars, as they shined beautifully and reminded her of her first kiss. why did everything have to remind her of her old lover she was trying to forget?
it didn't take long before they picked up sunhee and arrived at the party. the building that it was being held was another house nari's dad owned and had decorated finely. it sparkled with elegance even from a mile away. everything was rich, from the furniture to the food and the guests attending too. of course the couple wanted the best for their 20th anniversary so they had spent a lot on making the place look even better (if that was possible, as the three-floor mansion was perfect, to begin with). while the many guests enjoyed it, nari always felt tired of the glowing gold and went to the extent to stay away from it. but she had to step her boundaries today.
sunhee stayed by nari's side for a while, as the latter talked to some of the guests that approached her. pretty soon she got bored of the countless people and of getting dragged around, so she made an excuse to go to the bathroom, only to leave to where the food was being served. nari didn't mind as she knew fancy parties weren't sunhee's cup of tea and she was only doing it for her.
the feeling of anxiety soon started bubbling inside her again but she didn't show it. she was hiding her fatigue behind her polite small talk and fake smile. at some point, she felt like she was fooling herself and pulling it off very well. that changed though, when she heard someone softly speak from behind her.
"hello nari." her eyes widened when she heard that voice. her knees weakened and her legs felt like they were going to collapse. her shoulders stiffened, her heartbeat quickened and she felt like she was going to explode. it was the sweet voice of her ex, soobin. oh dear, why did he actually have to be here? yes, nari knew soobin was going to be there but seeing him stand in front of her, hearing his voice made her feel weak. all the confidence that she had build up was crushed in only a matter of a few seconds. she tried to calm herself down but she just wanted to leave. she couldn't face him. she was too scared. she felt like she had lost.
"hello...soobin." she managed to say, her voice was weak and it could barely be heard over the other noises of chatting that filled the large room. soobin suddenly pulled her into a hug that only made things worst. with no time to think, she was left frozen in his arms as he laid his head on her shoulder. to nari, it felt like soobin stayed in her amrs for a while, his warmth contrasting her cold skin, but the hug only lasted for a few seconds.
"it's been a while since i've seen you nari. i would be lying if i said i didn't miss your company." he said with a small smile. why did even the smallest things he said gave butterflies in her stomach? even if he was being kind and caring because of his character and nothing more, nari couldn't help but wonder if he still had feelings for her deep down inside.
a few more minutes of the party were spend in each other's presence. it seemed that soobin had moved one and was only complimenting nari here and there because of his friendly personality. but nari still loved him. she couldn't help but take every compliment to heart and think of asking him to get together again. but she didn't. she didn't want to fuck things up. she didn't want to fuck herself up like the other times she had, not when she had finally met soobin after a while.
as their conversation continued, nari felt herself get lost into soobin's smile to the point she forgot where they were. and a beautiful girl coming their way was going to remind her. she was tall and glowing. her skin looked soft, her lips red and plump. her shoulder length wavy black hair hung on her shoulders as her heels clicked on the floor. she looked stunning in a beige dress with gold jewelry. nari disliked gold. she disliked the girl. because she was who nari wanted to be and had what nari wished she hadn't lost.
"soobin, where were you?" she asked. her voice felt like honey to nari's ears and it irritated her, although she had only spoken very little. soobin explained himself, telling her how he had wanted to catch up with nari as they hadn't seen each other in a while. and after the pretty girl tried to make conversation, to which nari gave short replies but made sure to sound mannerly, she grabbed soobin's arm, excused them both, and the two got lost in the crowd of people. nari stood in her spot with her head hanging low. she felt like crying. she felt like throwing up. she felt like disappearing. she just wanted to go home.
"can you come pick me up? oh you're taking sunhee home? okay...i'll just call a taxi then." her driver was busy taking drunk sunhee to her apartment but nari didn't mind going home with a taxi. she just didn't want to stay in the party anymore. luckily the taxi came fast. she sat in the back seat and let her warm and salty tears fall on her cheeks. she deserved it. it was her fault. why? why was she so empty? why was she so lonesomely in love?
"why am i lonely?"
a/n :: a little something i pulled out from the archives! i wrote this a while back and it's inspired by mitski's song 'lonesome love'. since i felt a bit bad for not posting anything i figured a one-shot would compensate :)) please tell me what you think about it, feedback and criticsm is appreciated bc i definitely want to improve! (although this is angst, i didn't have the time to write anything here for soobin but today is his birthday, so i hope our precious leader has an amazing day and i hope he knows how much moas love and adore him!)
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seungly · 2 years
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pairing: hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, angst
wc: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of cheating, weight, insecurities, distant s/o.
note: I swear I ult Seungmin 😦 don’t snitch. This isn’t proofread oops
You stared at the clock watching the seconds pass. It was past 1am; Hyunjin was 3 hours late. Tonight was supposed-to-be date night and so far you’ve been sitting across an empty dining chair.
12:35 am| Where are you?
12:35 am| You said you’d be home by 10.
1:23 am| Dinner is kept in the fridge.
You wiped your tears in front of the mirror, a makeup wipe in your hand. You didn’t even have the appetite to eat dinner, you just wanted to sleep before he gets home. Of course, you considered that he’s just busy but to be late and distant for most days of the month?
You sleep next to an empty side of the bed and wake up to a faint memory of a kiss on your forehead that would make you wonder whether it was a dream or not.
You missed him.
Hyunjin was undeniably a great man with his god-like appearance, many skills, and heartfelt kindness. Anyone could fall for him.
What if someone already did— no, what if he did?
You sat on the cold tiled bathroom floor in your black fitted dress as you stare at the lights on the mirror edge in tears. Your mind was reeling with thoughts of him with someone else. You question whether he still feels the same or not.
buzz buzz
You look at your phone beside you, watching the messages flood with his name. You couldn’t move, you didn’t have the strength to pick up your phone that was barely an inch beside you.
1:35 am| no wait, I’ll be home soon.
1:36 am| I’m sorry. Wait for just a little bit more.
1:36 am| I’ll make it up to you, princess.
seen ✓ ✓
You wipe your tears and slowly pick the phone up, your lock screen making you smile a little. It was a picture of you and Hyunjin cuddled in bed; he has his lips pressed on your cheek, a bright smile on your face while the sun shines light kisses on your happy faces.
You stood up from the floor, placing your phone on the bathroom counter. Your eyes wandered to the mirror in front; you were a mess. Faint mascara trails all over your cheeks, lipstick smudged, runny nose paired with red swollen eyes. Your gaze then travels to your body— you didn’t like it. Your hip dips were obvious along with the stomach fat that stuck out a little.
You pick up more makeup wipes, carefully wiping your face. You were in front of the closet looking for comfy clothes to wear when you hear the sound of keys clanging against each other followed by the front door opening, “Y/N? are you here?” you hear him from downstairs.
You could hear sadness and fear laced in his voice like he’s seemingly afraid that you’ve left the apartment you shared. Well, you did leave the lights off downstairs, the ones you left open were at the front porch and hallway.
“Y/N?” you hear footsteps coming towards the room, “I’m sorry.” he quickly let go of the bag he had, tossing it aside.
“This is the 3rd time you missed date night…” you mumbled, moving away from him.
“I know, I know. I can explain myself.” he smiles, “but please let me hug you first. I missed you.” he pleaded, slowly stepping towards you.
You didn’t move away, letting him embrace you. You were weak for this man. Your mind rests its thoughts as soon as you smell his fading cologne, he was here. You wrap your arms around him tighter.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry I’m not always here.” he pulls away from the hug taking a long look at you. He noticed the red swollen eyes, the slightly pink nose and cheeks, your temperature slightly warmer than usual, and the way you sniffle, “You were crying?” he cups your cheeks in his palm.
You nodded, smiling sadly, “I didn’t know what else to think, Jinnie.” you confess, “We barely meet anymore and I felt us getting colder day by day, and it made me wonder if you’re still— if you still love me…?”
“I wouldn’t even think of loving anybody else, Y/N…” he frowned.
“You’re not tired of me?” he shakes his head frowning, “and I’m still pretty to you?”
He softly press his lips on yours; leaving as soon as it came, “Baby, you’re beautiful. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
“I barely got to spend time with you this whole month. I always tell myself you’re just busy, but Jinnie, I’m scared.” you sob, “I trust you, I really do. But you’re such a great guy, anyone would fall for you, and there are so many more amazing women. More amazing than what you say I am.” you chuckle.
“Someone more amazing than my Y/N? That would be me, and you know I shouldn’t love myself that much.” he smiles softly but his eyes form crescents while he holds on to you ever so gentle, “No one else can make me feel the way you do.”
You stare at him unable to process his words. This felt like something that came out of a book you’d read. “Hey, are you still with me?” he pinches your cheek slightly. You immediately nodded, pouting as you slap his pinching hand away.
“There could be a crowd of pretty women around me, but you’re the only one I’d find beautiful. I feel like I don’t deserve you…” he presses a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll love you til’ your hair turns gray, or even when you gain weight, you get grumpier than usual, or when you forget most things in your life. Hell, I’ll even love you if you forget my name, my voice, and how I look.” he wipes your tears with his thumb.
“But you wouldn’t be that busy just because of practices and classes, Jinnie. We went through that before and you still manage to be home every day on time.” your eyebrows crease, glaring at him.
“Wait here.” he walks to his almost forgotten bag on the floor and pulls out a silver key. Laughing to himself a little before walking to you, “This.” he hands you the key.
“You made a replica of a key?” your question made him laugh, shaking his head.
“No, dummy. I know it’s 2 in the morning but can I take you somewhere?”
“Wherever you want.” you smile.
“I bought a studio apartment.” he smiles sheepishly, “now open it with the key.”
“Baby, we already have an apartment. We don’t need this…” you stare at him confused.
“Just open it, Y/N.” he pouted.
and so you opened it.
Your eyes sparkled, it was beautiful and this was just the first glance. He leads you inside, wrapping his arms around your waist. There were paintings everywhere. The kitchen was well designed along with everything else; two doors - one led to the bathroom, and another a bedroom you guessed.
“Come here.” you hear him say as he leads you to one of the rooms. He opens the door to an art studio, “This is why I’ve been so busy.” he points at the painted canvases around the room.
You were dumbfounded.
“You’re my muse.” he holds your hand in his, “I’ve been having a hard time at work lately and I didn’t want you to know… I’m sorry.”
“You really should’ve told me.”
“but I couldn’t, and in return, I’ve made you feel less of yourself when you were literally the only one keeping me sane. I didn’t want to go home to you in a bad mood, you didn’t deserve that. So all of these I painted when I needed strength when I’m heavily tired of everything else.” he gives you one of the many paintings, “they’re all for you.”
“Thank you.” you smile, admiring the painting held in your hands. It was a painting of you holding kkami in your arms, smiling brightly.
“I promise I’m better now, and if it isn’t too late maybe we can have our date today?”
“Mhm…” you stared at the painting still.
“Y/N? you okay??” he laughs to himself, patting your head.
“ah yes! let’s have our date later. We should sleep first.” you insisted. You watch him grab blankets and pillows from a nearby closet in the room.
“We can sleep on the floor…” he waited for your approval. You nodded quickly, running over to him to help.
You start pulling your dress down when you realized you didn’t get to change at home, “Do you have spare clothes I can wear?”
“I think I still have extra sweatpants in my bag and here…” he starts taking his button-up off, handing it to you which left him with his white sleeveless.
“ah but you’ll be cold!” you push the top away.
“I have you to warm me, it’s fine.” he smiles at you, wrapping the piece of clothing around your shoulder then walking away to get the sweatpants.
Once you’ve finally got yourself into more comfortable clothes, Hyunjin tackles you on the make bed on the floor, “Hyunjiiinnnn, this is uncomfortaablee.” you whine.
He was bear hugging you, legs wrapped around yours, his head buried in the crook of your neck, “No it’s not.” he protested, hugging you tighter.
“fine, if we wake up drenched in sweat, it’s your fault.” you scoff at him.
Hyunjin smiles, for the first time in days he finally gets to hug you close. He places soft kisses on your neck to your shoulders, “no wait that tickles!!” you giggle.
“ah but I missed you so much!” he continues to press kisses on you, “and you look very beautiful. Even though your eyes are all red and swollen.”
“You flatter me.” you press a kiss on his forehead.
“So this means I’m forgiven right?” he smiles cutely.
“Let me think…” you pretend to think for a second, “Only if you buy me breakfast tomorrow.”
“I’ll buy you anyytthingg you want.” he tightens his grip on you.
“I’m squished.” you pout.
“I love you.” he snuggles his head closer to your neck, burying himself in your scent.
You gasp dramatically, “You do?”
“Say it back…” he whines groggily; sleepiness laced in his tone.
“I love you too.” you feel him smile against your neck which sent butterflies fluttering in your tummy.
Soon enough, you hear light snores from him. Gently, you run your fingers through his hair, admiring how soft it felt. The cold room contrasted with his warm hold which lead you to your slumber.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Not going anywhere | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Request:” Hi i have request for you ,Lucifer and the reader have a big fight they are married, and this fight it's lucifer fault The reader leaves home and Lucifer decides to give her space After a few days, he goes to the reader and realizes that she has been missing for a few days,When the person behind all this claims that the reader is dead and gives them a her body . Everyone thinks that the reader is dead and Lucifer He gets depressed and thinks it's all his fault , and after a few days, the thieves release the singer and the reader goes to Lucifer.Lucifer first thinks it is an imagination and then apologizes to the reader Thank you so much”
Genre: Angst with happy ending
Warnings: kidnapping, death
Your intention had never been to start a fight. All you wanted an explanation (preferably one that also made sense) and an apology, but apparently that was too much to ask, because as soon as you voiced your opinion, Lucifer went up in flames
“Don’t start this again!”
“I dislike it just as much as you do but what I hate more is being cancelled on, AGAIN, through a text message no less!”
“It was an emergency!”
“It’s always an emergency Lucifer! It’s starting to sound a lot like work means more to you than I do!” “The detective needs me, damn it!” your husband yelled
“And she has you! Every day of every week! All I ask for is one date night and for the past month you’ve done nothing but avoid committing to one or backing out at the last second! I’m tired of being your second choice Lucifer! I’m your wife and you are my husband, I love you to the ends of the world, I just wish you'd say no to Decker from time to time...”
“I’m saving people’s lives Y/N. So if you’re not on your deathbed, other people are and they need me now!” as he said this, Lucifer walked right past you and into your bedroom, seemingly ignorant to the painful words he’d just said. You looked around the living room, vision blurry with tears, your chest heavy with anger and disgust. You rushed towards the elevator.
“When you find time in your busy schedule and feel like being my spouse again, let me know!” the elevator door closed before Lucifer could say anything
When Lucifer woke up the next morning to a cold and empty bed, he didn’t think much of it.Truthfully, he was still kind of pissed at the attitude you had given him a day before, so he got dressed as usual and went to the precinct, assuming you’ll be home by nightfall.
Except when he got home that night, he stopped by Lux first, which ended up like it always does: with him sucked into an endless cycle of booze and dancing, that lasted until well into the night. When he did enter the penthouse eventually, he found it empty. Exactly the way he had left it in the morning. Even the tie he had left on the floor, after deciding last minute that it didn’t go with his suit, was untouched. Now this was curious, but still, Lucifer felt like you must be playing hard to get. He sent you one text message, before going to bed
“Call me when you can!”
The day after that, he figured his part was done! By reaching out first, he had already made a big compromise, so now it was your turn! To reach out, come home! But that didn’t happen that day, or the day after that.
Three days after the text message,Lucifer was getting worried. He was looking at his phone every other minute. Always making sure he hadn’t accidently put it on silent or missed any texts. He sent more messages, telling you he was sorry and that he wanted you to come home. That he would listen and spend more time with you, promising luxurious dates and weekend trips, if only you forgave him. You didn’t even open the messages.
“Lucifer are you listening?” Decker was insanely annoyed at her partner’s lack of concentration
“Sorry detective. I’ve...I’ve got a lot on my mind”
“Well, better get it out of the way now, so that we can move on to our case!” she said, cleaning out her desk quickly, before resting back into her chair “Talk to me!”
“It’s Y/N. I’m worried about her!”
“Why?” “We...had a fight a couple days ago and she left. She hasn’t come back since”
“Have you heard from her at all?”
“No…” Lucifer said, embarrassed at his own lack of care for you. He should have called you earlier, reached out more! He should have tried harder!
“How long had she been missing for?”
“4...maybe 5 days…”
“Lucifer, are you sane? And you’re only telling me now?!” Chloe jumped from her seat, turning on her computer
“I thought she needed space! I thought she was avoiding me intentionally cause she was angry! I didn’t know…” Lucifer choked back a sob, not wanting to break down in tears in the middle of the precinct
“Lucifer!” Chloe caught hold of his hand “I’m gonna find her! I promise you!” A few days later, she did. Well, more like Y/n came to her, in the shape of a pretty little gift box left on Decker's doorstep.
“A lil too late on your case detective” read the note attached to it. 
Inside were Y/N’s clothes, all of them stained with dark, dried blood. Y/N was declared dead that day and the case was closed. At her funeral, only her closests friends were present. Lucifer wanted it to be as intimate as possible.
That day was also the first time anyone had seen Lucifer, since the news. His eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes almost matched the black suit he was wearing. Throughout the ceremony he kept twisting his wedding band, a habit he’d picked up on since you went missing. He chose not to do a speech, but once the crowd disappeared, and he was left face to face with your grave, he pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket and sat down on the grass.
“In hell, everyone feared me. There, I was nothing but another server of the universe, ruling over an empire I never really wanted, because I never had a choice. So eventually I left, thinking anywhere will be better than what I had, and I came to earth.
I ran into you about 2 weeks later, before I really even knew how to behave myself. Before I knew anything about who I really was besides ‘the devil’. I longed to know, grow and discovers different sides of me, where I could be something new, and you gave it to me. You made me who I never thought I could possibly be. You made me a lover. I never thought of myself as capable to love anyone, in any degree, but your light shone everywhere you went and your kindness touched me and everyone around you. It became impossible to not get infatuated with your person. I allowed you to see and feel around every dark corner of my soul and being and every time I thought it was the end. Everytime I would take in your touch as if it was the last, I would prepare myself for abandonment, but it never came. Through everything you stood by my side and when I felt my darkest, you gave me a fistful of your light and that was enough to keep me going. You married a broken man and called him perfect, despite everyone telling you how much of a foul you were. Even then, you shooed them away. Even then you chose me. I wasn’t worthy of your love or your trust and our last night together proved it.
You’re not here anymore to hear my apologies and I’ll never forgive myself for it. You’ve gone now somewhere I can not follow, but I know you are well taken care of there. I hope, someway, somehow, you’ll hear these words: I am sorry. I loved you with my entire soul. Not listening to you was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ll never forgive myself. I choose however, to remember you as you were, because I know that’s what you’d want. I’ll remember you and your laugh.I’ll remember our date nights and shopping sprees. Nights in Lux or on the penthouse balcony. I’ll remember all the meals you prepared for me and the flirtatious remarks you used to make, because you thought they were so silly. I’ll remember the little frown on your face whenever you worked on an important project for work and I’ll remember every evening walk around the block you’d make me accompany you on. I know I always complained about them, but they were always fun. Everything I ever did with you was always fun.
I loved you. I still do. You are my everything Y/N. Thank you for devoting yourself to me in all the ways that you did. I’ll forever live on in my heart.“
It had been months since your disappearance. After all this time, you finally managed to escape your kidnappers and report them to the New York police station, since that’s where you had been held hostage for so long. As soon as the paperwork was done and you were sure that the people who ruined you were getting the punishment they deserved, you jumped on a train and headed straight back home. Straight to Lucifer.
Lux looked exactly the same as you had left it. You were washed over by a wave of comfort that almost brought you to tears. Home. You never thought you’d get to step in here again. Overwhelmed, you took a seat on one of the couches, allowing your head to rest back on it, as you took in every detail of your surroundings: the feel of the leather on your fingertips, the cool breeze of the air conditioning, the warm lights. Everything was still here.
“Y/N?” you jumped at the sound
“Hi love…” your voice broke as you said those words. Words you never thought you would be able to mutter again. The sight of your husband, messy as he was, made you weak in the knees. He was standing at the top of the staircase, dressed in nothing but his robe, tied carelessly around his waist. He had probably just woken up. You wanted to say something again, but before you could, he laughed
“Nope” he said simply, before making his way down the stairs and to the bar “I’m not doing this. Not today, not ever!” Lucifer filled his glass to the top with bourbon, before turning around and trying to leave back to where he came from
“Lucifer, it's me!”
“Sure you are, except you’re not real! Nice of dad, taking my ability to stay endlessly sober, getting me drunk, forcing visions of my dead wife onto me to teach me another lesson about managing my emotions. Real clever, except this is too much! So I’m going to enter that elevator and I expect to never have to see you again, hum? Right, well, au revoir now!” he continued on his way, but before he could get far, you were clutching on the silk tie of his robe. Lucifer felt the tug around his waist and turned around slowly to look at you, this time a little more unsure. As if he was trying to figure you out
“Lucifer, I’m Y/N. I escaped”
“Escaped? But that’s impossible, she died! I saw it-”
“What you saw was a bloody shirt!” he looked up to meet your gaze, tears already forming “They lied to you Lucifer”
Finally, it seemed like he had connected all of the pieces of the puzzle. The glass of alcohol fell to the ground and your husband wrapped you in a big hug for the first time in months. He nuzzled his head in your hair and took in your scent, your figure, your warmth. Hell, you were even more perfect that he remembered! Silent tears fell down both of your cheeks as you collapsed to the ground, still holding onto each other for dear life
“I’m so sorry” Lucifer sobbed in your hair “I’m so so sorry”
“It wasn’t your fault Luci”
“If I hadn’t been a jerk you wouldn’t have left! If I would have simply listened to you, they wouldn’t have gotten to you! You would’ve stayed here, where you belong! You would have stayed with me but instead I was too busy with my stupid job and the stupid cases and I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” he continued crying on your shoulder as you rubbed small circles on his back
“I’m here now my love” you whispered, kissing his cheek “And I’m not going anywhere”
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silv3rswirls · 3 years
Comforting their s/o when they cry (Ateez)
Note: Some of the members came out short than others based on the scenarios I picked for them
Tike taken: about 30 minutes/unedited
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Crying over an argument
You and Seonghwa were busy people. You worked part-time and went to school, while Seonghwa could often get caught up with KQ and Ateez. So, spending time together could be hard to find at times. But you made it work, mainly by trying to plan things the best you could around Seonghwa’s schedules. Most of the time it worked out, but lately, it hasn't. You just couldn’t cancel and reschedule all the important events coming up and unfortunately, your dates with Seonghwa had suffered.
That’s why both of you were standing around in the dorm bickering at the moment. Seonghwa wanted to go out with you tomorrow afternoon, but you were swamped. “Can’t you reschedule it?” He asked again, “I want to take you out.”
“I can’t” you pressed, “I really can’t miss this, I’m sorry.”
“But you keep saying that, we haven’t spent time together in weeks.” He frowned, frustration building in his voice. “Can’t you cancel? Do you just not want to spend time with him?”
“I always cancel!” You snapped, “I always reschedule so we can be together, so don’t say I don’t want to spend time with you!”
A thick silence fell between the two of you and you hadn’t even noticed your tears until Seonghwa came to brush them away. “I try really hard to accommodate you, and I don’t mind, but sometimes I just can’t, okay?”
Seonghwa wore a guilty expression as he took in your glassy eyes and stressed demeanor. “I’m sorry...do you really plan everything around me?”
You nodded, “I want nothing more than to go out with you all the time, but sometimes things are just too much, okay? I’m sorry I can’t go tomorrow-”
He hushed you, “don’t apologize, I shouldn’t be so persistent in your rescheduling.” He rubbed comforting circles on your hand as he held it, “just forget about tomorrow, let’s just enjoy the time we have together right now.”
He's late for a date
Seeing you slowly descend into tears as he tried to explain why he was late hurt. He hadn’t meant to get caught up at work, but he had and your evening date had momentarily slipped his mind. Hence why he was nearly thirty minutes late. He had found you, bored on your phone as you kept up the waiting. He had swopped in with apologies and excuses, but hearing them only made you sadder than you already were. It wasn’t the first time he had forgotten, in fact, you almost expected it. It didn’t make things sting any less, so as you listened to him explain how he had gotten so caught up in work you felt the sting of tears building in your eyes, unable to hold them in as you choked back a sob.
“Don’t cry!” Hongjoong had pressed himself closer to you. It truly took him off guard, seeing as you were also so understanding of these kinds of things. “Don’t cry, I’m sorry.” It tore him up to see you crying because of him, but his heart broke when he heard you mutter than it was to be expected of him as you tried to wiggle free. His hold on you grew lax as he looked back on all the times he had done this. With a pang of guilt in his chest, he realized that he had come to expect you to accept his apologies and excuses, accidentally taking advantage of your usual kind and supportive energy.
He waits until the two of you are outside, following you to your car. “Just go home, I don’t feel like doing anything anymore.” You sniffled, fishing your keys from your bag.
He nodded but went in for another hug, wrapping his arms tight around your body and pressing his face into your shoulder. “I’ll do better” he mutters, “I promise, I’m so sorry for tonight.” Tentatively he rubs away whatever tears are left in your eyes and kisses your forehead, “text me when you get home, okay?”
You nod with a small smile, sharing one more hug before heading off.
Crying of frustration
Yunho immediately brought you in for a hug when he noticed your frustration spilling into tears. You had been working on your schoolwork the past few hours, studying and preparing for your exams while he watched a movie beside you. You had been turning your mind over and over trying to understand the material in front of you, but every time you tried to work it out you found yourself either wrong or too lost to keep going. Frustration set in early as you tried to keep going, but as you did so your eyes clouded with tears and they escaped right as Yunho came back with a snack for the of you.
“Awe, baby don’t cry” he cooed, arms tight around you as he pulled you away from your work. He could understand being so overwhelmed and frustrated, but seeing your break down into tears over it tugged his heartstrings harder. “It’s okay, just take a break.” He squeezes you tight, almost like he was trying to squeeze your frustration away. He made you take a long break, have some water, and a snack to relax. In the end, he sat by your side and helped you through it, a bit lost as well but eager to help you. He keeps his arm around you the whole time.
A pet passes away
Yeosang had no idea what to do when you tearfully explained how your beloved family pet had passed away the previous day. You had come to him with teary eyes but as you explained the situation further you broke down to full sobs. His eyes grew wide as you broke down, understandably so. “I’m sorry” he spoke softly, taking your hand gently and guiding you to sit down. Losing a pet could be so painful, he just wanted to take all your pain away.
He knew he couldn’t just make it disappear, so he let you get it all out on his shoulder. Rubbing your back and handing you tissues. Yeosang wants to be there for you all he can, despite being a little jumbled and awkward with his actions at times. He makes sure you cuddle up close with him, petting through your hair and reminding you of all the good memories with your pet. He wants you to smile back on all the good things.
Watching a sad movie
With a storm raining outside, you and San had chosen to settle down for the evening with a movie. Cuddled under a blanket with snacks and light conversations as the movie San picked at random ran through its time. You had liked the movie at first, a kind of coming-of-age film as it slowly went through the main character’s life with her friends and family.
It was towards the end where you found your face heating up with tears. The main character was reminiscing in her old age of her youth and all the people that impacted her life, focusing heavily on one of her childhood friends that she had a falling out with. They had never spoken again, going separate ways in life seemingly not missing the other. It ripped at your heartstrings a bit too personally as you were only reminded of an old friend you had drifted from. As the credits rolled and you sat with old memories you could feel your shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“Baby?” San was caught off guard to find you crying. You explained how close to home it had hit you, and San scrambled to change it to something happier to take your mind off of it. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have picked a sad one.” He frowned, holding on to your tightly. Even long after your tears stopped he keeps you in his arms, cuddling and talking sweetly with you for the rest of the night.
Mingi’s go-to had been to scoop you up in a bear hug. He knew with just how hard you had begun to break down that it wasn’t just over breaking a glass. He listened to you desperately try to explain how it was so much more than the glass, how hard you had been trying to hold everything in the past month or so. He clings to you for the rest of the day, encouraging you to let everything out and cry as long and hard as you need to. He’ll be there for you through it all.
“Come to me whenever you need.” He assures you that it’s okay, he wants to hear about all your worries and frustrations. The both of you lay down, cuddling as you recount how emotionally blocked you had been. Talking away all the big worries on your mind as Mingi listened to every word. He keeps his arms tight around you.
Not knowing why
Wooyoung had come home excited to see you after a long day. He had many things stored away to tell you about, questions about your day, about your next date, anything that had come to mind during the day. Eagerly he found you in bed, the big smile on his face slowly fading as he noticed your quiet crying. He tones his energy down and sits beside you. Carefully he runs a hand over your back, catching your attention as you turn over to face him. “What happened?”
You shake your head, “I don’t know...I just needed to cry I guess.” You seem upset, unable to figure out exactly why or what you were crying over. Seeing your boyfriend’s brow knit in confusion and a small pout taking his lips only made you cry more. You had buried your face into his thigh, but Wooyoung wasted no time crawling under the covers with you. “It’s okay” he soothes, an arm around your waist as the other rubs away your tears, poking and pinching at your cheek in an attempt to get you to smile. “Sometimes we just need to cry, it’s okay.”
“Everything’s fine, I’m here.”
Jongho had been with you when you began to break down. He was sitting on the sofa of your place as you pace around, on the phone with work as major changes were taking place. Watching you frantically scribble down dates and notes, anyone could easily tell how stressed you were getting.
When you finally hung up, standing over the table quietly and playing with your pen he got up to check on things. He found you rereading everything you hastily scribbled down, chewing your lip as you tried not to start crying. Between school and work, you were feeling nothing but stress and worry over how things would turn out in the coming days.
“I-I’m sorry” you hiccuped, rubbing your eyes. Jongho hadn’t known what to do at first, but he’s quick to let you wrap your arms around him and try to compose yourself. He strokes your hair, again muttering that it was okay to cry on his shoulder like this. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?” He keeps an eye on you even when you break away and takes a few deep breaths.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Thank you for 2.6k you guys!!!! Here are some possessive volleynerds for you lovelies<33 
And thank you sm for the request love I love the diversity in teams- writing in scenarios aha 
Warnings: cursing, this is a douchey ex so he does say some pretty shitty things lol
Continuation of This One 
S/O With a Douchebag Ex (Akaashi, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, and Atsumu) 
“Hey! You did so well out there!” 
Akaashi offers a glimpse of a smile at your excited figure in the stands as he jogs up the steps to where you are, feeling the tiredness seem to drift away as he takes the seat next to you. You grin when one of his arms loops around your waist to tug you into his side, not minding the slightly sweaty setter as he sighs into your shoulder in content. 
“I’m so glad you made it. Now please tell them I’m asleep.” 
You sweatdrop when seemingly on cue, Bokuto and Konoha run up the same steps of the bleachers, pointing at Akaashi’s “sleeping” figure in accusation. 
“I knew it! I knew he would run off to Y/N the minute we finished-” 
“Sh.” You put a finger to your lips as Bokuto pauses, feeling a laugh bubble up in your throat when Akaashi’s lips curl into a smile aginst your shoulder. “He’s tired.” 
“Oh boo hoo look at you two all cute and shit.” Konoha snips, settling on the other side of you as you roll your eyes. “Bite me.” 
“Don’t be bitter you’re single.” You laugh as the rest of Fukurodani settle in the bleachers around you, humming a little as Akaashi holds you a little tighter in thanks as he uses you to recharge. 
“Well isn’t this a fucking sight.” 
You tense up immediately at the voice that belongs to the newcomer, your frozen state not going unnoticed by the blue-eyed boy who still had his eyes closed, a frown now growing on his lips. 
“Still whoring around, Y/N? All these boys waiting their turn?” 
Bokuto and Komi had both begun to stand up, and you cast a sharp glance at both of them that had them both sitting back down with a shared glare in their pupils. You breathe in a shaky sigh before offering a wobbly smile to your ex, not noticing that blue-green eyes had snapped open and Akaashi had lazily looked up at your ex with a lit flame behind his eyes before you could stop him. 
“Say it again.” His voice is soft as you sigh. No stopping him now. 
Your ex tried to hide his nervousness at Akaashi’s lazy stare that held a deadly feel with a feigned chuckle. “What?” 
“I said,” Akaashi stands, towering to his full height that seemed a little more intimidating than usual as he towers over your ex, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer with a head tilt. The mix of tiredness and annoyance was evident on Akaashi’s face as he feels irritation bubble in his stomach at someone openly insulting his girlfriend. 
“Say it again. You think I care if we’re in public?” 
You gape at his thug-like actions along with the team, and your ex shoves your boyfriend off with a growl before casting you one more glare. 
“This isn’t over.” 
“I’d say it is.” Akaashi steps in front of your line of vision, jutting his chin to the side in a motion for him to get the hell out of here. “Now kindly leave before I kindly resort to getting physical.” 
You feel your heartbeat pick up when your ex spins on his heel cowardly, Akaashi collapsing back in his seat to lay his head back on your shoulder. 
“Violence is tiring.” 
“Y-Y/N, I’m scared-” 
“Who the hell have you been hanging out with ‘Kaashi?!” 
You nudge him slightly, smiling gratefully as Akaashi props one eye open, only replying to you and ignoring his teammates inquiries- 
“Thank you.” 
“I have him recorded on my phone, so no need to worry anymore. I could ruin him in a second.” 
You cast a glance to Konoha, realizing just how frightening Akaashi could be when pissed off for the right reasons. 
“..I think I’m scared too.” 
“Oh shush.” Akaashi kisses your shoulder, arms resting around your waist as his voice mumbles in your ear, all teasing fading from your voice as a safety net extends across your heart. 
“No scum gets to talk about you like that, angel.” 
“I have half the mind to just abandon you.” 
“Noooo!” You whine, willing your legs to keep walking as Kuroo looks behind him amusedly, hand clasped in yours as the raven-haired captain attempts to tug you along. “Who’s idea was it to walk this big ass park again?” 
“Nuh-uh.” You deny with a pout, prompting Kuroo to snort before tugging you to one of the nearby benches, sitting you down sweetly as you pout up at him. 
“I swear it’s like I’m your babysitter more than your boyfriend, kitten.” 
“That’s called-” You use both hands to make a rainbow shape with a seemingly innocent grin as Kuroo hits you with a deadpan stare. “Pedophilia~” 
“Aaaaand that’s it, I’m abandoning you-” 
“Wait, I was joking!” You grab his hand when he spins on his heel, thinking he was simply being overdramatic before Kuroo winks once, kissing your knuckle. 
“As if I would actually do that. Do you want milktea or iced tea?” 
Your pout grows as you retract your hand. “Milktea.” 
“Stop pouting, you’re prettier when you smile.” 
“And for that reason, I will continue to pout because you told me to stop- ow!” 
You glare at your boyfriend’s teasing smirk as he walks off, rubbing the spot on your forehead where he flicked before basking in the feeling of relaxing your legs, deciding to enjoy the rest time while you can. 
As your hands massage at your calves, a voice makes your heart drop into your stomach. 
The feeling of wanting to disappear spreads over your chest as you slowly meet the eyes of someone you had never wanted to see again, a scoff falling out of his lips at the sight of you. 
“Did your newest toy leave you already?” He questions sickeningly sweet as your gaze drops back down to your shoes, bottom lip trembling at just the sound of his voice. 
“Did he use you for your body like all the rest did?” 
“N-No, not that that’s any of your business anyways.” You mumble, still not meeting his eyes as you wish Kuroo would come back faster, your ex taking another step forward with a smirk holding no good intentions. 
“Well, why don’t we go back to the good old days, hm?” He reaches for your wrist, and just as you flinch-
“Oops. My hand slipped.” 
Your eyes widen as Kuroo’s iced americano had created a puddle on the floor in which your ex stood, a pissed-off expression in the feral boy’s eyes as he smiles with no kindness behind it, fake-apology slipping off his tongue. 
“Sorry about that! Man, I’m suddenly wishing I got it hot.” Kuroo throws the lid over his shoulder, not reacting when your ex turns on him, his grin simply widening when your ex realizes just how broad and tall your new boyfriend was. 
“Are we good?” Kuroo continues, taking his other hand out of his pocket with seemingly innocent intentions as his gaze darkens, smile borderline sinister. 
“Or do you have business with my girlfriend?” Kuroo makes a point to step in front of you, crossing his arms with a strained grin. “Because in all honesty, you’re getting a little too close for comfort, hm? Or do I need to show you the meaning of too close for comfort?” 
The tone of Kuroo’s voice sends a shiver down your spine as you see just how hard Kuroo is clenching his fists, restraining himself but still casting you reassuring glances to calm you down. 
“Tsk.” Your ex casts you one more promising death glare before spinning on his heel. “I don’t have time to play with trash anyways.” 
Kuroo watches as he walks off, smile gone and replaced with a frown as his eyes seem to gleam with a dark look to them, softening a little when you reach out to tug on his sleeve. 
“Kitten, did he do anything to you, because I can go after him. I’ve never once feared prison-” 
“Tetsurou.” You whisper, lifting your head to meet his worried gaze through watery eyes as you wish you could respond to his joke the way he would want you to. “Can you maybe just...hold me?” 
“I’ll do you one better. You can ride on my back while we go back to the coffee shop to go buy my coffee that I uh, dropped. Deal?” 
“Deal.” you interlock pinkies with him as he hoists you on his back, Kuroo pretending not to notice your weakness as you bury your head in his neck and cry as he walks along. He turns his head a little, smiling softly when your tears wet his shoulder. 
“Oi, just so you know- I would never abandon you. So don’t worry your pretty little head over nothing, kitten.”
“Hajime, please don’t get the candy- just get popcorn and the drinks.” 
“What?” Iwa blinks as if you had just offended him, handing you the two tickets as he arches a confused brow. “But you always get candy.” 
“I’m dieting!” You proclaim proudly, and Iwaizumi stares at you for a solid six seconds before turning around. 
“Anyways, do you want chocolate or the gummies?” 
“Did you not hear-” 
“Oh I heard. But there’s no need to diet when you’re already...” 
“Already?” You grin cheekily as you see the tips of his ears turn red. 
“You’re getting chocolate.” 
“Hajime-” You sigh as he rushes away from you towards the counter, leaving you to examine the ticket stubs with a bouncing in your chest. Iwaizumi wasn’t the most open about his feelings towards you, but it was clear that he definitely cared- and that’s all that really mattered. 
You really thought nothing would ruin this night.
“Look what we have here! How’ve you been, Y/N?” 
You still when an arm gets thrown over your shoulder, feeling your breathing hitch at the sight of someone you hadn’t seen in months. Automatically, you go to step away only for a hug to be forced on you, and you feel your eyes brim with unshed tears as your world seems to stop for a second. 
“You missed me, didn’t you? Why’d you leave me, Y/N? Fate must be telling us-” 
You squeak when your the back of your shirt is pulled strongly, relaxing at the feel of Iwaizumi’s chest on your back as you could hear his breaths attempting to be steady. A laugh almost bubbles out of your throat when you see his other arm was cradling a bucket of popcorn with various other snacks inside of it. 
“Y/N.” Iwaizumi looks down at you seriously, voice blunt. “Want me to hurt him?” 
You blanch at the straight-laced tone of your boyfriend, but you find yourself wanting to smile- 
“Ah. So you’re why she left. That little slut left me because you came into the picture, huh?” 
Iwaizumi suddenly gets an unreadable look in his eye as his bangs seem to cover the dark irises, humorless chuckle slipping his lips as you put a hand on his arm, panicked. His breaths were no longer controlled. 
“Hold this.” You blink when he hands you the bucket of popcorn, eyes bewildered before Iwaizumi rolls his sleeves up, taking his time as your ex laughs mockingly at the sight. 
“What, are you really gonna hurt me in a-” 
You flinch when Iwaizumi shamelessly kicks him to the floor as if he were nothing, fire blazing in his dark eyes as you grip the bucket a little tighter, watching as Iwa bends down to his level, ignoring the crowd beginning to form. 
“So not only are you openly going to touch my girlfriend when I’m not near her when she obviously doesn’t like it- you’re gonna call her names too when I’m standing right here?” Iwaizumi tilts his head the slightest bit to the side, just enough to send shivers down his spine. 
“Still want to see if I’m really going to do it?” Iwaizumi asks in a bored manner, beginning to reel his fist back as your ex squeaks out a no, scrambling away with his hands before angrily glancing at you in his escape. 
Iwa gets back up, dusting his hands off as if nothing had happened before walking back up to you and popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. 
“What theatre are we in?” 
“Hajime, you just-” 
“I wasn’t actually going to punch him.” 
“That’s not the point.” 
“Hey.” Iwaizumi uses his finger to wipe at the stray tears in the corner of your eyes. “He made you cry, didn’t he?” 
Your eyes widen as your heart bounces around in your chest, Iwaizumi tugging you along as he mumbles something about the movie starting soon. 
“As if I’d let some nobody talk about you like that when you’re...” 
“When I’m...?” The smile comes back as Iwaizumi finds himself wanting to see it even more before groaning, refusing to look back at you. 
“Perfect. There, I said it. Now can we just watch this damn Godzilla movie before your chocolate melts into the popcorn?” 
“You’re here!” 
“And you’re sweaty!” You giggle, hugging Atsumu back with both arms outside the volleyball practice gym of Inarizaki as he lifts you off the ground, prompting you to squeal a little. “Don’t tell me you’re going home like this...?” 
“He’s not.” 
You laugh as Kita hits Atsumu upside the head, causing your boyfriend to whine as the captain casts you a sorry stare. 
“Why he wouldn’t shower before coming to greet you in a filthy state is beyond me.” 
“He is standing right here- don’t be mad because you don’t have a cute girl waiting for you.” That last part comes out as a mumble as an irk mark openly emerges on Kita’s head as Atsumu subtly steps behind your giggling form. 
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Atsumu mumbles, pouting as he looks down at you before hugging you from behind tightly. “I’ll shower. Five minutes- no, three minutes tops-” 
“Disgusting. Again Y/N, I’m sorry.” Kita bows at you apologetically before dragging an over-dramatic Atsumu back into the gym as he winks at you in a be back before you know it gesture. You lean back against the wall, shaking your head at your playful boyfriend as you deem it fine to wait a little longer as you swipe through your phone.
“Waiting for someone?”
Your thumb freezes upon your screen as the voice fills your ears, and you boredly meet the eyes of your ex-boyfriend before scoffing and turning your attention back to your phone. 
“Why are you even here? Since when do you play volleyball?” You mock, fighting to keep the strain out of your voice as your ex leans a bit too close on the wall-space next to you. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” 
“Oh? Have I?” You feign shock, still not looking up at your screen as the device gets ripped from your grip, your ex holding it out of reach as your eyes widen. 
“After everything we’ve been through you have the audacity to give your time to someone else?” You flinch at the words directed to you, the manipulative words spinning in your mind as his grip tightens around your wrist, now pinning you to the wall. 
“Answer me.” 
You clench your eyes shut, willing it all to go away as you hear him chuckle. 
“Yeah. She is.” Your eyes snap open as relief floods your system, a few droplets falling from Atsumu’s hair as he grabs the collar of your ex, flinging him back carelessly as he falls on his ass. Your boyfriend doesn’t even glance back at him, cupping your face carefully with a reassuring smile on his face. 
“Sorry. I said three minutes but actually took five.” He kisses the tip of your nose before frowning, finally glancing behind him. “And wow, this is some luck.”
“Kidding, kidding.” Atsumu grins. “After I finish this up, care to go get a parfait?” 
“Finish-?” You find yourself under Atsumu’s jacket, obscuring your vision effectively as Atsumu bends down to the level of your ex, smile easygoing but eyes gleaming with a tinge of anger. 
“I’ll take that.” Atsumu plucks your phone out of his tightened grip, smile slowly falling from his lips as he glances back to make sure you weren’t watching before tugging your ex his shirt so his mouth is near his ear. 
“I’m playing nice because of the cute girl standing over there, but if you show your ugly-ass face anywhere around her when you think I’m not there?” Atsumu grins in satisfaction at the fear that flashes across his face, letting go of his shirt as his back hits the floor.
“Playtime’s over.” 
The setter doesn’t need to glance back to know that he was already gone, humming sweetly as he takes his jacket off your head, stroking your hair soothingly when you hug him tightly. 
“God, you’re going to make me never want to leave you alone again. That was three minutes.” 
“...five minutes. ” You say, and Atsumu rolls his eyes playfully before smiling into your hair, thankful you couldn’t see the relieved expression on his own face that you were okay before hugging you a little tighter, mumbling into your hair. 
“No one gets to touch you like that, sweetheart. Not even me.” 
General works: @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @takemetovalhalla @yams046
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