#byers all drive away and he bikes home to let his mother hold him as he has that guardedly blank look on his face
bylertruther · 2 years
hi, friends! if you know me, then you know that i love to spread misery and pain, so please allow me to remind you all that this is a mike missing will and feeling homesick for him and terribly untethered after he moves away song<3
I don't know what to do without you I don't know where to put my hands I've been trying to lay my head down But I'm writing this at 3 a.m I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me On sunny days, I go out walking I end up on a tree-lined street I look up at the gaps of sunlight I miss you more than anything I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me And autumn comes when you're not yet done With the summer passing by, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me
(for extra angst sprinkled on top, listen to the acoustic version and think abt mike writing and playing a similar song tht he won't ever play for anyone bc it's much too revealing and too honest.)
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: no one, but I sincerely hope you like this anyways ✨🌻💛
pairings: Steve Harrington x sister!reader, Nancy Wheeler x Harrington!reader, Dustin Henderson x Harrington!reader, Jonathan Byers x Harrington!reader, etc.
warnings: none, except for a few curse words
feedbacks are always appreciated!
Being the youngest kid in the Harrington household wasn't easy at all. Sure, your parents were well-off and your brother was actually nice to you, but your parents' relationship definitely took a great toll on the both of you.
You were sure that they were about to divorce, and Steve thought the same. However, you couldn't let this all ruin your life; you were teenagers after all, and you deserved to live the best years of your life in the best way possible.
You were born in late 1968, about two years later than Steve, and he treated you like you were his own child. He worried about the tiniest things and cared for you whenever your parents were busy arguing or were away for whichever reason.
It was Steve, along with a few lessons from your father which always ended up with you crying and your mother reprimanding the man afterwards, who taught you how to drive. It was also Steve who drove you to school and picked you up every day before you got your driver's license, when your father or your mother couldn't (which was most of the time).
When you turned 16, you and Steve encouraged your parents to buy you either a moped or a motorbike. You preferred them over cars, you'd said it more than once, and when your father brought home a brand new BMW R80/GS you were happier than ever.
From that day on, you went to school everyday with your new vehicle and Steve loved seeing you happy. What didn't make him happy, however, was how his friends talked about you.
Truth be told, you were both a geek and a nerd. You had perfect grades and loved reading; you were often found holding a book while walking through the hallways of Hawkins High. Moreover, you liked Dungeons and Dragons which lead you to become acquaintances with Dustin Henderson and his friends. These aforementioned interests of yours earned the antipathy of the school's popular kids, amongst which was your brother.
You didn't have any friends your age, unfortunately. Besides Nancy Wheeler, who was your brother's girlfriend, and Jonathan Byers, who you'd met while playing D&D with Dustin and his friends.
The events that occurred in 1983, with Will's disappearance and the discovery of the Upside-down, brought you closer both to the kids and your peers. Nonetheless, all that happened left a scar that was yet to be healed.
You defined your life to be rather dull; you wanted to have fun like your brother did, just with better company and without being a douche to others.
The perfect opportunity came on the first day of your junior year. A new kid, along with his sister, had arrived at Hawkins High; his name was Billy Hargrove, and his sister's (well, stepsister) was Max Mayfield. He was handsome, and it was immediately clear it was he who would have taken Steve's place as King of the school.
You didn't like him; you'd seen how he'd scream at Max's face before she got off his car and walked into the Arcade a couple of times. And Steve didn't either, as the two of them were practically rivals.
However, it seemed like Billy was set on winning your heart. And so, while you were hopping onto your motorbike to go to work at the Arcade (your father wanted both you and your brother to get a job of some sorts), he approached you.
“Hey, y/n”
“Is this your bike?”
“Yeah. You know, I ride it to school everyday so it can't be someone else's”
“It's really nice. Not as much as you are, though”
“Look— your words don't flatter me. I know about guys like you. You're set on sleeping with as many girls as you can, and are able to because of your good looks and bad-boy attitude”
“You think I'm good looking?”
“I have to go to work now, so I can't listen to your attempts at flirting with me. I guess I'll see you around”
“Will you be at Tina's party?”
“I can't hear you! The engine is too loud!”
And with that, Billy Hargrove faced the first rejection of his life. And you immediately told Steve, who laughed in response. He didn't like the guy, but he was amused by your reaction.
When Halloween came, you had to decide which costume to wear; you'd settled on dressing up as Indiana Jones, even though Steve thought that dressing up as Madonna was more stylish. He and Nancy had chosen to dress up as the protagonists of Nancy's favourite movie, Risky Business.
Your brother had offered to give you a ride, and you'd accepted as both your parents insisted that you shouldn't drive. Upon your arrival, you already wanted to go home.
“There's too much alcohol and testosterone in here”
“Oh come on, y/n, have some fun!”
“I have fun in other ways, Nancy. I'd pay to have a book with me right now”
“But you don't. So go and socialize”
“Yes, mother Steve”
And so you were forced to walk around Tina's house in the hopes of finding people you actually knew. Sadly, you soon found yourself in front of the one person you hoped you didn't see for the whole of the night. Billy.
“Oh, are we on a nickname basis now? That's cute”
“Go to hell”
“She's just playing hard to get, Billy.”
“You too, Tommy! Do you want another punch in the face like last year?”
“I like you, Harrington”
“Well, I don't like you, Hargrove. You're bad news”
“You think so?”
“Yes. And now get out of my way before I kick your ass”
“Ooh. Feisty”
“And don't come near me or my motorbike again!”
With that, you stormed out of Tina's house.
Maybe you were too rude. Maybe you could have listened to what Billy had to say. But you didn't care. You were sure that once you opened up to him he would have taken advantage of you.
You were surprised to see your brother storm out soon after you did, without Nancy by his side.
“Steve, what—”
“It doesn't matter, y/n. Let's go home”
You sighed, and went into Steve's car without saying a word. It was clear that something had happened, and you didn't want to force him to talk if he didn't want to; he would have told you everything sooner or later, anyways.
The drive was mostly silent. Steve held onto the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were slowly turning white, and you were set on lightening up the mood.
“Hargrove tried to talk to me again, you know? But I didn't let him. He was with Thomas H. ,that jerk. I was ready to lunge at him. Like wah-pow! But I'm a proper lady, you know? I can't to that”
“Yeah sure.”
“But I'm telling the truth!”
“Of course you are, y/n. Have you drank anything?”
“No! I don't like alcohol”
“Good. Then, tomorrow morning, I'll make you waffles”
When you got back home, you were really tired and immediately went to bed. Steve kept his promise and prepared waffles, which you loved, and even made coffee.
It was really strange that he didn't get out early to go and pick up Nancy, though. But he told you the reason why while took the first bite out of your breakfast, and you were set on going to talk to your friend as soon as you arrived to school.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter eight
November 10, 1983
Y/N's pov
"Dustin what's wrong?" He threw the door closed.
"Mike and Lucas fought and won't talk to each other" we sat on the sofa.
"and what happened?" I turned to face him.
"We searched after the gate."
"The new north?"
"Yeah and at some point Luke's compass showed another North than mine. Luke said that Eleven would manipulate them. Mike and him discussed over half an hour and then it escalated El threw Luke with his power against a car and Luke drove away. He never left us like that when he and Mike argued. I lost my party. I've got nothing left."
"You have me." I laughed to brighten him a bit up but it failed and he started to cry.
"Dusti, sweatheart everything will be fine. I know it. You all have this inseperable bond and no one will ever break it. You have to convince Mike to apoloize to Luke and then it'll be alrigth, trust me." he burried in my arms as we lay down on the sofa.
"I hope so. I can't loose another friends beside Will."
We lay in silence when our parents entered the room, yeah their travel week has end today.
I think by the time they entered Dustin was asleep. As my mother stood by the couch she mouthed 'is he?" and I only nodded. My dad came to us and carried Dustin in his arms to his room upstairs. Dustin is a deep sleeper in the second he fell asleep the world could end and he would'nt wake up. When my dad was out of the room my mom sat down next to me.
"So what happened?" I told my mother something on the phone but not everything, she shouldn't be involved too much.
"As I told you. Will went missing and a few days after he was found in the Lake. Two days ago we were on his funeral. Dustin is really damaged through this accident. He feels sorry that he couldn't protect Will. And today Luke and Mike argued and Dusti fears that his party is falling apart." she looked shocked at me after telling the events we went through the whole week alone.
"You don't have to worry mom. Dustin and I are fine. We have got each other and he knows I'm helping him with everything."
"I'm proud that you both love each other so much." she gave me a kiss on the forehead and left.
On the next day when I arrived at school there was this tension, I can't describe it but it was there. It was because of the funeral a few days ago but not that everyone was involved.
It was only the three of us, Nancy, Jonathan and me.
At lunch we sat in the nearst corner so nobody could eavesdrop our conversation.
"Ok so Nancy and I want to buy weapons and go for a hunt."
"This afternoon." Nancy adds after Jonathon doesn't seem to speak on.
"This afternoon? Why? I don't know if I can. I have to ask my mom. Maybe we could meet there or I'm coming where you're getting ready."
"Jonathan and I went to the forest behind Steve's house and there was something, we want to hunt." they both nodded as the school bell rang.
"See you later" we seperate and I went to my math class but have to stop at my locker before.
No one was in the hallway what was kind of creepy because otherwise it was full because students wanted to delay the break.
"Y/N." Someone touched my shoulder but I know exactly who it was.
"What?" I turned to face him.
"Why are Nanc and Jonathan hanging out so much lately?"
"I don't know. Ask her yourself I suggest"
"Do you know something? I saw them yesterday in Nanc' bedroom."
"Steve." I shut my locker and turn to him, "I really don't know even if I'd, I don't care about it."
"Why are you so harsh?"
"Why do you even care at all?"
"Because" he came closer and whispered, "I'm still caring about you. I still worry about you. I'm still your best friend"
He is what?! Where was he when I lost my grandmother, when Barb went missing?
"Ah no, Stephen. I don't believe you. You were my best friend yeah that's right but I wouldn't call you a friend anymore. So excuse me." I began to walk to my classroom and bumped intentionally his shoulder.
During my bike drive to the Byers house I listened to my favourite music on my Walkman including 'eye of the tiger' and 'under pressure'.
When I arrived at the location there were no one not even miss Byers.
Through the window I can see some Christmas lights hanging around in the living room and letters written on the wall.
I took my bike and drove away.
When I drove by at the supermarket I saw Steve and his best friends standing around his car. Steve held a cola bottle to his eyes.
What happened there?
I didn't even notice that my feet were riding my bike to the entry of the market. As I arrived there Steven jumped up from his car and walked towards me.
"Y/N, hey there" he tried to hug me.
"What happened to your face" I pointed at his eye.
"Ah my friend Jonathan and I beat each other up. Nothing to worry about"
"someone has to nurse it." He approached to me.
"Maybe you could. I trust you" I just laughed. "Please it hurts really bad and my friend over there aren't a good help."
"Fine but only this time. We meet at my house, Harrington" he nodded and I began to ride home.
"What took you so long" he walked to the door.
"Thomas and I fought a bit but it's okay. He's an asshole"
oh really
"jup he is" I opened the door and we walked into the house. Mews came running to us and Steve cuddled her immediately.
"I missed her really bad" I just nodded and walked upstairs to my room.
"you coming?" I heard footsteps on the stairs and moments later Steve stand next to me.
"Sit down. Feel yourself home."
"I'm always feeling home when you're around." He held my wrist
"Steve please." The tension between us is thick you could cut it.
"I'm getting ice and some band aid." I walked to the bathroom and when I arrived in my room I saw that Steve was reading something.
"What are you doing?" He frightened as he heard me.
"I was just" he laid the paper down. "I'm sorry" he sat down on my bed and put his hand next to him to show that I should sit next to him.
"What did you read?"
"Your homework?" I walked over to desk and picked the book which declares to be my diary.
What? He didn't. Wait.
"Did you read my diary"
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't want to."
"You saw that it wasn't a normal book but you didn't stop. Steve I wanted to help you but now" I grow angry and couldn't held my anger back. "Steve you're an asshole I can't believe I was so naive to help you. Leave!" I shout at him but he didn't go.
He stood up and walked over to me.
"Y/N I'm so sorry I was and still am an asshole. I was so stupid to let you down. I'm so dumb. I can't believe I left you only to be popular, to become a completely asshole. I'm so sorry to hurt you. You were my best friend and I still hope we can be friends again." By now I started to cry and Steve embraced me.
"I read the letter you wrote and I'm so sorry. I always look at our pictures we made. I miss you everytime I see you in school I want to go to you and talk. Nancy often talks to me about you how you seem to be alone and cold towards her and Barbara and I think it's my fault. Its all my fault." I let out a sob.
"Y/N I was such a dumb boy" I heard Steve sobbing too.
"I can't believe you didn't want to say all the things to me. You know you can always tell me everything. Why didn't you told me that you love me?" I gathered my courage and spoke the first time in forever
"It's not that easy Steve."
"First when I'm talking to you everyone would stare at us and call me a whore because I'm talking to a boy in a relationship. And second you wouldn't have cared about it. You would have left for Nancy anyways. You had liked her since ever."
"Ok wait. Nancy is hanging out with Jonathan lately I don't even think I'm her boyfriend anymore. And second because I loved you too but I was afraid to tell you"
"But you love Nancy right?"
"Yeah but it's difficult" by now I began to cry and he sat down on my bed next to me.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I couldn't handle it. And it's my fault I lost you. I wasn't enough for you."
"No.. no you were and you are still perfect" he gently put a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked down onto the floor but felt his graze on me.
"And why did you fought with Jon?"
"Tommy and Carol thought they would be funny if they would let Nancy be starring in the movie theater. They called Nancy a slut after I told them she was with Jonathan yesterday in her room. Jonathan backed up for her. He's at the police station."
"What the hell" I ran my finger through my y/hc hair.
"Nancy slapped me and then Jonathan came and threw his fist in my face and it escalated."
"You're an idiot Harrington." I rolled my eyes. Slowly it feels like it's going to be normal even after the talk before.
Don't let him in again.
"Steve you should go." He nodded and walked toward the door.
"See you in school Y/N" I only nodded as and he left.
Dearest Steve,
Thanks for the memories that you gave me over all those years. I really appreciate that we were friends until Tommy our biggest enemy brought us apart. I did everything for you even if it seemed impossible and crazy. I love you from the very first day and I always gonna love you.
Even if you'll never get this letter I want you to know that you're my everything, my life and my best friend.
I hate being apart from you and not talking to you kills me. Every time I see you and Nancy kissing it kills myself. I'm dead inside and you left. You gave me power to live to hold on but then you left. Puberty really changed you just as Tommy did.
I miss the time when we lay under the stars and talked about our wishes and dreams. My dream now is to go back; to have my Steve back. I had loved it when you were around and we acted like we don't care what others are thinking mostly when we did the weirdest things. I was proud that my best friend is a year over me at school and still likes to meet me.
But the horrible thing is that we see us at school and don't even look at each other. I miss your beautiful brown eyes which light up when you were laughing over my bad jokes. I miss your fluffy hair and your crazy secret behind it. I would love to go back but I can't and I know it. I know I treat you like shit but its just to protect myself not to be hurt again.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Four- Part Two
   The next morning Phina woke up, still in her best friends arms. The events of yesterday still fresh in her mind, her continuing head ache getting worse because of it.
   Phina taps Jonathan's cheek, "hey Jon, you need to get up."
   He groans, slowly opening his eyes, "why?"
   "You need to go see Will," she states, her face falling.
   Jonathan nods solemnly. Phina shifts herself off of him so he can stand up. She sits up and without even asking, he throws her some of her clothes from a drawer dedicated to when she stayed the night. The clothes she was wearing were dirty from yesterday's events, her jeans stained brown from the kneeling in the dirt, and the dried blood from falling on the asphalt parking lot.
   "Thank you," she said.
   He nodded, grabbing his own clothes to wear, "I'll change in the bathroom."
   He gives her no time to object and walks out of the room. She stands up from his bed and starts to change her clothes. She pulls on the pair of black leggings and then the loose blue top. She looks in the mirror her eyes going towards her messy hair, using her fingers, she soothes the mess as much as she can.
   Phina grabbed her leather jacket and pulles on her boots, before leaving Jonathan's room and going out to the living room, where Jonathan had just woken up Joyce.
   Phina quickly noticed that Joyce had gotten little sleep, also the ax that rested on her lap. She sighed but didn't let Joyce see it. Even if Phina knew what Joyce was saying was the truth, that she wasn't imagining it, the paranoia was going to drive her mad, and could end up getting her hurt.
   "Are you guys leaving soon," Phina asks Jonathan.
   He nods solemnly, "yeah, you can come with if you want."
   "I can't. My mom is probably having a heart attack right now, I didn't exactly tell her where I was going last night," Phina sighed.
   Jonathan gave her a look but nodded, "yeah, you should probably go home. I'll call you later, ok?"
   "Ok," she nodded back.
   She walked over to Joyce, giving her a tight hug before she left the Byers' house. She dreaded having to face her mother, but knew if she prolonged it anymore, she'd be in much deeper shit.
   She got to the house and noticed her mom was just leaving. She groaned, thinking she was about to get an earful, but as soon as she parked and got off her bike, her mom was hugging her.
   "I was worried about you last night," Karen whispers into Phina's ear.
   "I know, I'm sorry I left but..."
   "No no no. I knew you went to Jonathan's, I knew you would've gone no matter what I said. I was worried about you, how you're feeling. I know how much you cared for Will, and how much you love the Byers," Karen pushes away, holding Phina at arms length, "are you ok? You can stay home if you need to. Mike is staying, you guys can comfort each other."
   Phina feels the tears build up in her eyes again, "yeah, I want to stay home with Mike. Thank you mama."
   Karen pulls her daughter in for another hug, sushing her as she cries. Though Phina believes Joyce about Will being alive, it didn't stop the pain of thinking she'd lost him from being there.
   "You go on inside. Go talk to your brother ok?"
   Phina turns walks into her house, calling out to Mike, "Mike, where are you!"
   She rushes downstairs to see her brother, Dustin, Lucas, and El. They were all sitting on the floor, El playing with the CB radio. Mike motions for her to sit next to him, and she doesn't question it.
   They all sit there, staring at the radio. El concentrated on it, and little whimpering noises come through the speaker. Phina sits forward, listening closely. To her, it definitely sounded like Will.
   "We keep losing signal, but you heard it right," Mike asks, looking at them.
   "Yeah, I heard a baby," Lucas says.
   "What," Mike asks him, confused.
   "Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor, it's probably the Blackburns next door," Lucas says dully.
   "Uh did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will," Mike snaps.
   "Lucas you don't understand. He spoke last night, words," Mike tells him, "he was singing that weird song he loves, even El heard him!"
   "Should I stay or should I go," Phina whispers, getting a nod from both Mike and El.
   "Oh, well if the weirdo heard than I guess," Lucas says sarcastically.
   "Are you sure you're on the right channel," Dustin asks.
   "I don't think it's about that. I think, somehow, she's channeling him," Mike explains.
   Phina and Dustin look at each other, "like Professor X."
   Lucas gives Phina and Dustin an exasperated look, "are you actually believing this crap?"
   "I don't know. I mean, do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger," Dustin asks.
   "Yeah, he sounded exactly like that," Phina nods towards the radio.
   Lucas looks at them, almost like he was offended, "did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water, he's dead!"
   "Calm down Lucas," Phina scolds the boy.
   Dustin looks down sadly, then back up, "well maybe it's his ghost, he's haunting us."
   "It's not his ghost," Mike says.
   "Well how do you know that," Lucas asks.
   "I just do," Mike answers.
   "Then what was in that water!"
   "I don't know!"
   "Hey, both of you cool it," Phina shouts, "yelling at each other ain't gonna solve anything!"
   "Sorry," they mutter.
   Mike starts back up, "all I know is, Will is alive. Will is alive and he's out there somewhere, all we have to do is find him."
   El starts messing around with the radio again, and Mike shakes his head, "this isn't going to work. We need to get El to a stronger radio."
   Dustin lights up, "Mr Clark's Heathkit ham track."
   Mike nods, "yeah."
   Lucas shakes his head, "the Heathkit is at school, there's no way we're gonna get the weirdo in without anyone noticing.... I mean, look at her."
   We all look towards El, and Phina couldn't help but agree with Lucas a little bit. El didn't look like an average girl, at all. El looks at them, a little wide eyed and confused.
   "I got an idea," Phina smirks.
   El comes out of the bathroom, wearing one of Nancy's old pink dresses, and a blonde wig. She looked more average now, that's for sure, but Phina preferred the normal El.
   Phina smiles at her little brother as he gets flustered over how El looks, calling her pretty. El goes over to a mirror in the hall, looking at her reflection.
   "Pretty.... Good," she said.
   Phina smiles at her now, she was slowly becoming attached to the girl, the protective feeling she had for the boys, now extending to her as well.
   Phina heard a noise and looked out the window closest to her, it was her mom.
   "Shit, guys go to the basement, Mom's home," Phina shouts.
   The kids all rush to the basement and Phina runs to the couch, sitting down as if she'd been there for hours.
   Karen came through the door and instantly looked over at Phina, "good, you're up, I know you wanted to stay home, but the cops want to talk to you and Nancy about Barbara."
   Phina sighs, "ok, let me get my shoes."
   She goes down to the basement and looks at all the kids, "I have to go, when I get back, you guys need to fill me in on what happens, ok?"
   They all nod, "ok Phina."
   She ruffles Dustin's hair as she walks away from them. He swats her hand away but smiles. Phina runs up the stairs and to her mom.
   "Ready," she says sadly, she didn't want to talk to the cops, but she knew she had to.
   They go out Karen's car and make their way to the high school.
   The three Wheeler girls sat in the empty cafeteria, talking to two officers, coincidentally they're the two cops that held Phina back last night. Phina had already explained what happened before she left the party, leaving out the beers.
   "So you left, while you were soaking wet? You could've froze," one of them says, officer Powell.
   "I know. But the adrenaline from the anger I was feeling, well, I didn't really feel the cold, didn't think about it," Phina said, lying a little, but no one noticed, not even her mother.
   The cops moved onto Nancy, getting her story from her. She got to the part of when she'd last seen Barb, they were having an argument about Nancy going up to Steve's room to get dry clothes.
   "Barb wanted to leave, and I didn't. So I told her to just go," Nancy sighed.
   "Then what," Powell asks.
   "Then, I went upstairs," Nancy said, "to put on some dry clothes."
   "Then the next day, you two went back and saw a bear, you're thinking," Powell again asks.
   Phina shakes her head, "not a bear, couldn't have been, to lanky, if it was a bear it looked like it had been starved all its life."
   Nancy nods, "we don't know what it was, but I think, maybe, it took Barb. You need to check behind Steve's house and..."
   "We did," the other officer stated, officer Callahan, "there's nothing there, no sign of a bear."
   "And no car," Powell chimed in.
   Phina looked at him, startled, "what?"
   "Look. We figure Barbara came back last night, and took off somewhere else," Powell said.
   Callahan then started speaking, "has she ever talked to you about running off? Leaving town maybe?"
   Nancy looks at the table and shakes her head, "no. Barb wouldn't do that, ever."
   "She wasn't maybe upset about the fact of you spending time with this boy? Uh, Steve Harrington?"
   "What? No," Nancy says.
   "Maybe she was jealous? When she saw you go up to Steve's room," he asks.
   Nancy starts to defend herself, "it wasn't like that."
   "Like what?"
   She stutters slightly, "Steve and me. Where just friends. We just talked."
   "Now was this before or after you changed your clothes," Callahan asked, slightly mockingly.
   Phina glared at him, "what she did with Steve has nothing to do with the fact that Barb is gone. Why don't you try acting professionally and find her."
-1767 words-
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milevenisendgame · 6 years
The Seventh of November
This is a day Jim Hopper never thought he would see.  This is a day that he would sometimes think about, and what could have been, and how it would simply never be.   It was a day, like so many others, that was stolen from him.  Just like she was stolen from him.
He would never teach her how to ride a bike without training wheels, or to drive a car.  He wouldn’t get to see her off to her first date or her high school prom.  (Nor would he experience the great amusement of watching whatever pesky teenage boy squirm as he arrived to pick her up, finding her police officer dad sitting quite comfortably at the Hopper dining table while polishing his guns.)  He wouldn’t get to see her walk across the stage on graduation day to receive her high school diploma.  Nor college.  He would never walk her down the aisle on her wedding day to give her away to a man she grew up to love almost more than anyone.  (But never more than she loved him.  That wasn’t possible.)  Except he wished it waspossible.
But it wasn’t.
Jim Hopper would never see his daughter do any of those things because she was stolen from him.  A black hole called cancer took her life away at the tender and innocent age of just seven.  It had broken him to his core, and there were days where he had nearly given up himself, days where he wished he’d have gone with her.  But life had other plans for Jim Hopper.
It all started on November 7, 1983, when a frantic, chain smoking Joyce Byers showed up in his office at the Hawkins Police Station.  Her 12 year old son, Will, had gone missing; he’d never come home the night before. Jim didn’t take it so seriously at first; boys will be boys, and Jim was sure he’d turn up eventually.  Except he didn’t.
No.  Not again.  Not another kid.  
Once upon a time back in their high school days, Jim and Joyce were very close.  Life happened and they drifted apart throughout the years; they both grew up, got married, had children, divorced.
But if Jim knew anything about Joyce Byers, he knew she was a good person, and a damn good mother; a fierce, protective mother.  And now her son was missing.  Jim lost his little girl, and he was not about to sit back and watch Joyce lose her boy.
Not Joyce.
Jim would not rest until he found Will Byers safe and well, because he would be damned if another kid died on his watch.  Not again.
Little did he know his life was about to change forever.
And that change came in the form of a little girl called Eleven. A little girl that Will’s little friends had found and rescued in the woods while they snuck out to search for him.  A little girl with telekinetic powers who saved all their asses and helped them find Will once and for all.  A little girl who needed to be saved herself.  A little girl who needed a father.  A real father.
And it just so happened, Jim Hopper needed a daughter.
El changed everything.  She gave him a purpose.  She gave him a reason to smile again.  And little by little, she gave him back all those days he never thought he’d see.
He was there for El’s first day of high school.  Her first day of school ever.  He was there to see her off before every school dance, and much to his own surprise, he behaved himself and always kept his guns away.  He beamed with pride and cried tears of joy when she walked across the stage at Hawkins High School and received the diploma that she earned through sweat, blood, and tears.  And once more just four short years later when she earned her college degree.
And El was there for him, too.  A few short months after she started school, she was there to help Jim get ready for his first official date with Joyce.  She was there again along with Will and his older brother Jonathan when Jim and Joyce sat them all around a dinner table and announced their impending marriage.  She was standing at the altar on their wedding day, joyful tears streaming down her face and tempting to ruin her carefully done make-up as the Byers and Hopper families became one.  Jim attributed all of his newfound happiness to El; it all began with her.  She would never replace the little girl Jim lost, but she certainly filled a void in Jim’s heart; she took that hole and filled it with love, laughter, pride and happiness.
When El came into Jim’s life, she was already a packaged deal with Michael Wheeler, one of Will Byers’ friends who found her in the woods that night back on November 7, 1983.  It was Mike who’d taken her home and hid her in his basement for a week, Mike who’d clothed and fed her, Mike who protected her, Mike who’d given her a proper name.
“Well, my name’s Mike.  Short for Michael.  Maybe we can call you El?  Short for Eleven?”
And from then on out, she was El.  Mike’s El.  She was his before she was ever Jim’s, and although he’d never admit it when the kids were younger, especially in the years of raging teenage hormones, Jim was eternally grateful to Mike for saving the cold, scared little girl in the woods in 1983 and bringing her into his life.
It was early in the morning before dawn at the Byers-Hopper house.  The kids were all home for Christmas break from their junior year of college.  El was still in bed, but Mike couldn’t sleep.   Instead, he ended up downstairs at the kitchen table having coffee with Jim.
“Listen, when you’re ready to propose, don’t come asking for my permission.  That choice is hers.  But we both know she’s going to say yes.  So just do me a favor, will ya?  Let me know before you’re going to do it, yeah?”
The kid went wide-eyed and choked on the coffee he was sipping, but smiled as he cleared his throat and quickly recovered.
“Yeah… Yeah, Hop, of course.  I promise.”
And as expected, the kid was true to his word.
The fall after they graduated college, Jim Hopper walked down the aisle with his little girl, his beautiful, strong, brave little girl, the little girl who quite literally gave him his life back after so much loss and pain, and he happily gave her hand to the boy, no, to the young man who made it all possible.  Jane Eleanor Hopper, her legal name after the forged adoption, became Jane Eleanor Wheeler, Mrs. Michael Theodore Wheeler, or if you asked her, just El.  El Wheeler.
Jim couldn’t have been more proud.
Until now.
It was November again, many years after the events of 1983.
With his beautiful wife by his side, her dainty little hand held in his large gruff one, they walked down the long sterile hallway until they reached their destination. “Room 315. This is it!” Joyce said as she beamed up at him.
Jim took a deep breath and attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes; it had been a long drive from Hawkins.
“Are you ready?” asked Joyce, her pretty brown eyes full of encouragement and understanding, just as always.
“Yeah,” Jim smiled down at her, giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. “I’m ready.”
Joyce grinned and tapped on the door in front of them. A few short moments later, it opened to reveal a tall lanky young man with a mop full of dark hair on the other side. “Mike, sweetie!” Joyce exclaimed as she wrapped her son-in-law up in a warm embrace.
“Hey, Joyce!” he squeezed back, and nodded to Jim, “Hey Hop! Thanks for coming, guys.”
“Are you kidding?” Jim snorted. “Where else would we be?”
Mike didn’t say anything back as Joyce released him, but the huge grin on his face and the hint of a twinkle in his eyes told Jim everything he needed to know. He knew that look. He knew it very well.  He had seen it reflecting back at him for many years now.
“C’mere, kid,” Jim said as he pulled his son-in-law close for a hug himself, seemingly taking the younger man by surprise. But Mike was hugging him back automatically, and when the two men separated, Mike said, “Come on, guys. There’s someone who would love to meet you.”
Jim and Joyce followed Mike through the door where they found El sitting up in a hospital bed, cradling a soft yellow bundle close to her chest. The most beautiful dimpled smile stretched across her face as she beamed up at the three of them. Her skin was absolutely radiant and glowing.  She looked like the epitome of happiness. “Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom,” she cooed to them.
“Hey, kid,” Jim said softly, smiling so big his face was hurting. “You look so good, honey. So happy.”
“I am,” she said, still smiling. Then she looked over at Mike who had joined her and was now sitting on the edge of her hospital bed. “We all are.”
Jim watched as Mike placed a sweet kiss to his daughter’s temple, and in the next instant, they were both staring down in awe at the tiny yellow bundle still cradled up against El’s chest. It moved! And in that moment, both Jim and Joyce released matching audible gasps, Jim squeezing his wife’s hand, Joyce placing her free hand over jaw-dropped mouth.
El and Mike looked up at them.
“Would you like to hold her?” El asked sweetly.
Jim couldn’t find his voice, but good thing for him, Joyce always knew just what to say.
“We would love to, sweetie,” Joyce cooed to her daughter before looking over to her husband. “But please, Dad first.”
“Come on Grandpa, get over here,” called Mike, making both El and Joyce erupt in quiet giggles.
Jim rolled his eyes, but he could feel the smile curling onto his lips in spite of himself.
Grandpa. That was going to take some getting used to.
Jim and Joyce made their way over to the two chairs that were directly next to El’s bed. “Are you ready to meet Grandpa and Grandma Hopper, little one?” El softly cooed to the sweet little bundle cradled in her arms. And then she gave the tiny bundle to Mike who pressed a gentle kiss atop her little head before placing her in Jim’s arms. “This is your Grandpa,” he cooed to his baby girl.
Mike joined El once more, sitting on the edge of her bed, both of them smiling brightly as they watched their daughter being held by her grandfather for the very first time.
Joyce was sitting right next to him, their knees touching due to the close proximity. She leaned over Jim’s shoulder to gaze down at the baby girl, both of them absolutely mesmerized by her and taking her all in.
She had El’s cute little button nose and a head full of silky soft hair almost as dark as Mike’s. She had El’s eyes, too. Bright eyes that were looking right up at him. And Jim Hopper was done for. “Alright. You got me. I’m wrapped around your little finger already, little girl.”
Mike and El shared a chuckle.
“Just like her Mommy,” Joyce added.
“Always,” Jim said as he looked over at El and caught her eye, the smile she gave him in return absolutely radiating with happiness and admiration.
“She’s so beautiful,” Jim said, looking down at the baby girl and then back up to her parents. “You guys did good.”
El turned to Mike. “We did, didn’t we?” she asked him as a playful grin danced upon her lips.
“Yeah, we did,” Mike replied and rubbed his nose against hers in a sweet Eskimo kiss.
“So,” said Joyce, still fawning over the little one nuzzled in her husband’s arms, “does this beautiful baby girl have a name?”
“Yeah,” Jim added. “Are you finally ready to tell us this top secret name so that I have something to call my granddaughter?”
“Oh, please!” El chortled. “You’re just going to call her, ‘hey, kid’ for the rest of her life anyway.”
Mike nodded in agreement with his wife, shit-eating grin and all.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jim said with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s hear it!” And after a beat, he cooed to his new granddaughter, “What did Mommy and Daddy saddle you with, huh?”
“Jim!” Joyce reprimanded, “I’m sure it’s a lovely name.”
And boy, was she right.
Jim gave his wife a wink before focusing his attention on his daughter and son-in-law across from him.
The new parents were smiling at each other, sharing all knowing looks. They’ve known her name since the very beginning, but they never told another living soul aside from each other. Not even Will or the rest of those kids they referred to as “The Party” while growing up.
“It’s a surprise!” El had told him at the gender reveal party Karen Wheeler had insisted on throwing for them over the summer. “You’ll like it. I promise.”
And if there was one thing El always did, she kept her promises.
Thank you very much, Mike Wheeler.
“Dad,” El interrupted his train of thought, “We’d like to officially introduce you to your granddaughter.” She looked over at Joyce. “Mom, you too.”
She paused and glanced over at Mike beside her, all bright smiles and love and happiness written all over both of their faces before she spoke again.
“We’re so excited for Sara Teresa Wheeler to finally meet her grandparents.”
Jim’s eyes grew wide and he felt his breath hitch. His throat closed up and he couldn’t remember how to speak. Before he knew it, there were silent tears running down both of his cheeks. El’s eyes were glistening, too, as well as Mike’s and Joyce’s. There was not a dry eye in the room aside from the ones belonging to the sweet precious baby girl that had now fallen asleep in his arms.
“S... S... Sara?”
“Yes,” El nodded, a single tear escaping from her eye and running down her cheek. “Sara for the daughter that was taken from you, and Teresa for the mother who never even got to hold me.” El let out a light breathy sob, but still managed to smile. Mike immediately wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss to the top of her head for comfort.
“Do you like it?” she asked, still held tightly in Mike's embrace, her big brown doe eyes glistening, full of hope and seeking approval.
Did he like it? Jim more than liked it, and he had just been reduced to an absolutely trashy puddle of emotions.
“I’m so honored,” he said, smiling through his tears. “I love it. And I love you,” he said to El, before looking over to Mike, “I love ALL of you, and I’m so proud. Look what you did!” He lowered his gaze to the little sleeping beauty cradled safely in his arms. “You made me a Grandpa,” he whispered, eyes still on Sara.
“We did,” El said to Mike who ghosted the faintest of blushes on his pale cheeks before pressing his forehead against El’s and smiling at her lovingly.
Jim ever so gently handed Sara over to Joyce, kissing both of his girls on their foreheads before going to El and Mike and wrapping his arms around them both.
“Thank you so much. This is the happiest, proudest day of my life.”
And it was. It really, truly was.
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nancykali · 6 years
❤️stoncy through the seasons
Winter 1984-1985
Nancy remembers how chapped their lips were, when she andSteve kiss for the first time after their fight. The wind is vicious and she can’tfeel her fingers grasping his coat, but she feels his hands around her waist andthat’s all that matters.
When the three of them pile into the backseat of Jonathan’scar, they can all see their breath, and it takes a long time for the car to warmup. But Nancy has her coat off long before then. Jonathan’s hands are warm frombeing in his pockets, as he’d stood on the driver’s side waiting for Nancy—andhopefully Steve, too. He ends up between Steve and Nancy in the backseat, Steveplayfully applying Nancy’s chapstick before he kisses him, while Nancy guides hisright hand beneath her sweater to reveal she isn’t wearing a bra.
Nancy counts down the days to Barb’s funeral, and each nightit’s harder to go to bed. She barely sleeps. Eventually she doesn’t even turnher lamp off. The night before the funeral she has both Steve and Jonathansneak in and sleep beside her.
They all remain clothed and Nancy always remembers how herboys’ clothes smell of snow and cold air, and how stiff Steve’s hair isbecause he’s recently showered and didn’t let his hair dry before goingoutside. They let her babble on, about school, about Mike and Will and El, aboutthe stupid Halloween party, about Murray, about the Upside Down, and finallyabout Barb, until she can’t hold back the tears anymore.
After Nancy tells them maybe eight or nine times it was okayfor them to sleep, Steve and Jonathan doze for a bit. She holds both theirhands, Jonathan’s draped over her stomach, and Steve’s laying across her chest,curled over her collarbone. She lets her tears dry on her face as she just liesstill and listens to them breathing. Trying to think more about them being withher instead of who they’d be “burying”.
Nancy waits until the last possible minute to wake them up.She knows her mother would be up at six. She watches the digital clock on hernightstand go from 5:20, to 5:21, 5:22…Finally at 5:30 she gives in and wakesthem. The boys sneak back out to catch maybe a couple more hours of sleepbefore the funeral. Steve has to arrive separately in his own car.
Christmas is better. Nancy sneaks a bottle of champagne outof the house on December 26th, around 12:15am, when Jonathan pullsup with Steve in the front seat. She’s still wearing her Christmas dinnerdress, but snow boots instead of heels.
They go out to the junkyard and start a bonfire. This is howthey like to celebrate. It’s almost out in the open, outside of their ownhomes, but away from any unexpected company or prying eyes. They get drunk andhigh and drunk again, and exchange their gifts. Jonathan gives Steve a newcoat, and Nancy the first mix tape he’s ever made for her. Steve gives Jonathana new Zippo lighter, and Nancy a gun. A real gun. “Pulled a few strings with the chief,” he says, kissing theawed look off her face, grinning the whole time.
Most of what Nancy remembers from that night is thefirelight in Steve and Jonathan’s eyes after she gives them her gift, two ringson two silver chains. They’re all close to tears. And the taste of roastedmarshmallows and champagne together. And how weed, wood smoke, and snow smellstogether on Steve’s coat that she wears on the ride home. Before she gets outof Jonathan’s car, she tries to give his coat back to him, but he’s still highand refuses to take it, and part of her doesn’t want to let it go. They have tokeep their secret, but she sleeps with Steve’s coat that night, tucked againsther chest. Her sheets smell of his hairspray and wood smoke the next morning.
When she sees Jonathan the next day she asks him if he’dgotten a picture of her last night wearing Steve’s coat. Of course he did.
That particular coat keeps getting passed around. SinceJonathan got Steve a new coat for Christmas, he sees no problem with lettinghis gf and bf share the old one. No one but Karen, who has a sharp memory andthinks the coat is vaguely familiar and out of place, suspects anything.
Spring 1985
It’s Jonathan’s favorite season, and the season of hisbirthday. It’s also the season Steve graduates high school, and reveals he’schoosing to stay in Hawkins and work at the mechanics shop. His parents arefurious, and for a few weeks he has to sleep over at the Byers, while his dad’stemper cools off.
He and Jonathan stay up past 1am nearly every night,watching movies, debating about different bands, Jonathan showing Steve how tomake mix tapes. Steve also learns how Jonathan gives such great foot massages,and they give each other back massages until they’re a hot, aching mess. Theytalk until their voices are hoarse, about their fathers yeah, but also aboutNancy, about Will and Joyce, about Mike and Dustin and what’s going to happento Max and Lucas. They talk about the video games Steve loves that Jonathanjust can’t get into, how Jonathan learned to cook, when Steve smoked his firstcigarette, when Jonathan smoked his first blunt. And a few times they talkuntil they start hearing birds chirping outside even though it’s still pitchdark, and drift off giggling inside jokes at each other and trading teasingkisses that go deeper just before fatigue can take over.
Steve does household chores without being asked and Joycecan’t dissuade him no matter how hard she tries. His dad doesn’t allow him touse his car, so Jonathan helps him get to his new job for the first few weeks.Nancy is the first to storm over to the Harrington’s and give Mr. Harrington apiece of her mind (as politely as she can). It works on Steve’s mother, but nothis father.
She does, however, get Steve’s car keys back. She drives upthe Byers’ driveway in Steve’s car on a sunny Saturday afternoon, the mosttriumphant smile on her face. Steve picks her up and spins her around, kissingher soundly in front of Joyce and Will and El, prompting Joyce to do quite abit of explaining to the two 14 year olds who’ve thought Nancy was just datingJonathan this whole time.
Steve and Jonathan and Nancy of course do their part in theexplaining, and Nancy begs Will to let her tell Mike, but to let this remain asecret for a little longer. (Hopper remains in the dark for a few more weeks.)El is of course completely trustworthy, and unabashedly intrigued, while Willremains confused but fully accepting. He and Jonathan have already talked a fewtimes about Will’s interest in boys by then.
Jonathan has to work a lot, so they celebrate his birthdayafter he’s done with a long shift at the movie theater, nearing 2am. Stevebrings a blunt for them all to smoke as a birthday surprise. Nancy does have to drive Jonathan home, thoughshe offers as a courtesy more than anything. The next day Steve teases Jonathanabout it mercilessly anyway, knowing Jonathan got most of the birthday blunt,and so was probably unfit to drive. Nancy later reveals that Steve fell asleepin Jonathan’s backseat last night, and she couldn’t wake him up (he sleeps likethe dead) so they’d have to ride with Jonathan to work that afternoon so theycould pick up Steve’s car from the theater parking lot.
Steve and his dad eventually reconcile, but things remaincool between them. Steve spends far more time at the Byers than he does in hisown home. This eventually results in Hopper accidentally finding out about theirpolyamorous relationship. He cuts off every single attempt Nancy makes toexplain the relationship further to him, and Joyce eventually tells Nancy to lether do the talking. “He’s not sexist, honey, he just doesn’t like young peopleexplaining new and unfamiliar things to him. He was like this when I firsttalked about smoking weed with him.” Joyce says this completely within earshotof Hopper and she knows it.
Summer 1985
Nancy gets a part time job as a waitress. Karen drives hermost of the time, she doesn’t get her own car. Sometimes she rides her bikethough, and Steve is quick to point out how quickly her legs get toned becauseof all the riding. This makes her blush crimson before she playfully punchesboth of her boyfriends in the arm for laughing.
Sometimes if their schedules coincide, Jonathan drives herto work. Steve usually picks her up, especially if her shifts go late, and theyspend the night at the Byers’. Honestly if they’re not spending the night atthe Byers’ it’s because they’re pooling their resources to get a cheap motelroom somewhere outside the Hawkins city limits.
They do this at least four times throughout the summer.Twice Nancy pretends she’s dating only Steve. The very last time they got amotel room, in August, at a motel they’d never been to, she pretends she’s withboth Steve and Jonathan, but separately, at different times, confusing thehell out of the staff.
They spend the fourth of July out by the lake closest toHawkins. It had been over ninety degrees in the shade that day, and they goskinny dipping after dark. Steve hides Nancy’s bikini, with Jonathan as hisaccomplice. But she couldn’t care less because it’s pitch dark except for moonand starlight and distant fireworks, and the only source of light out here isJonathan’s car, his Zippo lighter, and a few sparklers they got from the party.They don’t even light a bonfire, it’s so hot.
Nancy ends up falling asleep with only a duvet covering her,using Jonathan as a pillow, and Steve using heras a pillow. She wakes up first, maybe only a half hour after the sun rises,and drives them all back to the Byers (after finding her bikini hidden underthe passenger seat, and stealing Steve’s shirt right off his back—he sleepsthrough it of course). Jonathan wakes up during the drive and she tells him tolet Steve sleep with a mischievous smile on her face.
El is the only one up and is making waffles for everyone. Nancyquietly enlists her help in waking up Steve. She gets a can of Reddi Whip andshows El how to coat Steve’s hands in the stuff, then tickle his nose until hewakes up with the whipped cream all over his face. Nancy and Jonathan’scarefree laughter prompt El to laugh too, and she ends up laughing harder thanshe’s ever laughed. Steve’s surprise soon gives way to laughter too, and heeventually takes the Reddi Whip from Nancy and starts chasing her, trying toget as much as he can in her hair. The grass is still slick with morning dew andthey both end up slipping and falling on each other, laughing until they’rebreathless. Jonathan then calmly walks up, takes the Reddi Whip, and sprays aneat little dollop on each of their heads, before walking back inside with El,yelling over his shoulder for them to clean each other up with the garden hose.
Jonathan goes back inside with El to help her finishbreakfast, while Steve and Nancy clean up outside. After Steve gets all thewhipped cream off himself, Nancy gives him his shirt back. It’s only slightlydamp and reeks of lake water. Steve, seeing her back in her bikini, sprays her mercilesslywith the garden hose, getting her soaked. She gets him back of course.
Steve ends up carrying Nancy into the house bridal style,both of them damp and grinning like idiots. Seeing Jonathan at the sink, and Eland Will at the table, both of them hold a finger to their lips to signal thekids to stay quiet, and Steve sneaks up behind Jonathan with Nancy still in hisarms.
Nancy, hoping the running water in the sink has masked theirapproach, leans close to Jonathan’s ear and whispers, “You were gonna be ourcherry on top,” before she jumps out of Steve’s arms and they tackle theirboyfriend. The kitchen is suddenly full of yelling and laughter as Steve andNancy shower Jonathan with damp kisses, tickling him and pulling him away fromthe sink, until they’ve both got him on the ground, tickling him until he’sscreaming laughing and then trying to tell them their waffles are getting cold,which only prompt them to tickle him more. Joyce and Hopper run in at all thenoise, still half asleep, to find Will and El calmly eating waffles while all thisis going on. And that’s how they start off July 5, 1985.  
Fall 1985
Fall becomes the season for monster hunting.
Nancy makes the connection first. The demogorgons, the mind flayer,they like it cold. The past two years in Hawkins, they’ve always been beatenbefore winter set in. The Hawkins gate is closed, but El helps them realizethere’s more than one gate that’s been opened, and there are more monsters outthere.
Hopper forbids them from leaving Hawkins when they bring itup. He says he’ll follow the leads, tell them what he learns. Nancy demands toknow if a monster has killed anyone outside of Hawkins. Hopper sees thevengeance and pain still burning in her eyes and knows he can’t stop her, so hesays he’ll tell her everything heknows, as long as she stays put. For now.
Nancy goes to do target practice in the woods a lot moreoften. Jonathan and Steve are usually with her, but sometimes she wants to bealone. She keeps the part time waitress job, saves up, works late nights, takesadvantage of her insomnia to study, catch up on homework. It gets harder tokeep her relationship with both Steve and Jonathan a secret, harder to keepfrom telling her parents she’s not going to some classy university next fall,she’s going to go wherever Jonathan goes, and so is Steve. Just as long as it’sfar away from Hawkins, Indiana.
And she begins studying medicine, first aid. It’s just ahobby, she thinks, at first. She likes science, maybe she’ll pursue nursing.But then Jonathan gets in a fight.
Steve never stops beating himself up that he wasn’t there. Jonathanand Nancy were walking to Jonathan’s car after school, he could’ve met themthere, like he had so many times before. But he’d been working.
A group of guys had surrounded them, accused Jonathan ofbeing a fag, claimed they saw him kissing Steve Harrington. Jonathan saidnothing. So they ambushed him. Nancy, powerless against four 18-19 year oldsmuch bigger than her, got pushed away once, smacked the second time for tryingto stop them. They only stopped when a teacher started coming over to see whatwas going on.
Jonathan was barely conscious, and his car was closer thanthe teacher. Nancy hurried to put Jonathan in the backseat, then sped off,heading for the hospital. She yelled at Jonathan to stay awake until her voicewas nearly gone, drowned out by her sobs and the aching in her skull.
Less than twenty-four hours after Jonathan is dischargedfrom the hospital, Hopper comes by the Byers’, knowing he’ll find Nancy there.
She’s dozing on the couch, Jonathan’s head resting in herlap. Steve is sound asleep on Jonathan’s other side, his hand resting inJonathan’s hair, where he’d fallen asleep in the middle of running his fingersthrough it. Jonathan’s favorite, BladeRunner, is playing on the VCR for the fifth time that day. Neither Jonathannor Nancy have been to school since it happened.
Nancy wakes up slightly at hearing Hopper enter, and resumescounting the stitches on Jonathan’s face as if she’d never stopped. He almostlost vision in his right eye. Would he have still been able to do photography?She didn’t want to think about it.
“Nancy,” Hopper says, his large form blocking out thetelevision. She looks blearily up at him, can’t imagine why he’s there.
“We found them,” Hopper says, and holds two files out toher. She takes them.
“The boys that beat up Jonathan?” she asks, opening the topfile. In the low lamplight, she recognizes four mug shots.
“Yeah, they weren’t hard to find. But there’s somethingelse. The second file. Open it,” Hopper says in his gruff way, indicating thesecond file with a small flick of his wrist at her.
She opens the second file. It’s a case file from a precinctin Iowa. She scans the first page, zeroes in on the words “unsolved” and “suspectedhomicide”. The victim is only fourteen years old. Missing for nearly a week.
“The first victim outside Hawkins,” she whispers. She can’tmove her eyes from the document in front of her, even as her vision blurs, evenas she feels Jonathan stir beside her.
She looks directly up at Hopper, sees his guardedexpression. “You’re going to let me kill it,” she says, her voice louder.
“I turn eighteen in two weeks, you can’t stop me.” The filebegins to shake in her hands. Hopper takes it from her, not too quickly. Hekneels in front of her, so they’re at eye-level.
“If you break the law I can. Don’t go barreling into thisbefore we know what we’re up against.” His voice is more hushed than hers. He’snever forgotten that they bugged his trailer. Nancy knows they haven’t buggedanything now, and his unnecessary caution only angers her further. She clenchesher fists, swallows the words that want to break out.
Hopper doesn’t touch her. He knows better. But his eyes aresteady on hers. “Listen to me. We’re going to get it. But you have to let me takethe lead on this.”
Jonathan lifts his head from her lap, braces himself up onone arm. “Nancy? What is it?”
Nancy blinks, turns her head to face him. “Nothing. Hopper’shere. Do you need more meds?”
“I’ll get ‘em, Nance,” Steve’s voice, only a little heavyfrom sleep, sounds from Jonathan’s other side, and Nancy watches him rise andhead for the kitchen. She absently kisses the top of Jonathan’s head, puts herhand on his cheek. “How are you feeling?”
“Head is pounding,” Jonathan murmurs, laying his head backdown in her lap. She pets his hair, his shoulder, his arm, wishing she couldabsorb all his pain.
“We’ll talk more about this later,” Hopper says to Nancy. “Restup, kid.” And he reaches out and pats Jonathan’s shoulder, before rising.
“Thanks,” Jonathan says drowsily, and Nancy looks down tosee Jonathan closing his eyes again. Hopper opens the front door, puts hiscowboy hat back in place, and then he’s gone.
Steve comes back in with a glass of water and Jonathan’smeds, gives Nancy a hard look. She just shakes her head. Later. They all settle back on the couch, much as they were before.
Nancy focuses back on the movie. It’s about to end. Shewatches the Replicant become acorpse, the rain falling mercilessly over him. The stillness of his deathencompassing the entire screen.
Feeling the heavy warmth of Jonathan’s body against her,knowing she had almost lost him, makes her anger roil closer to the surface allover again. Her own words echo back at her. I want to kill it.
She feels Steve’s fingers skate over her own, and claspsthem. They exchange glances again, their joined hands resting on Jonathan’sback. Steve glances at the screen and back at her, and she knows he’d heard.Heard everything she just said to Hopper.
The understanding she sees in Steve makes relief and pridejoin her anger. She smiles at Steve, and he smiles back, reassuring. Death isn’t coming for them. It’s coming for any monster that dares step out of theUpside Down.
I’m going to kill it.
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Super Strange Things
Chapter Five: The Body in the Quarry
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Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Reader
Overall Summary: Y/N Winchester, middle child of John and Mary Winchester, arrives in Hawking’s with her family to investigate a series of disappearances and hearsay of a strange, faceless monster, along with a girl who can supposedly move things with her mind.
This Chapter: Y/N first trip to Byer’s household isn’t under what she would deem satisfactory situation. Nerves are high in the Byers house when 
Warning: Mentions of character death, the usual warped time line
Authors Note: Ok this chapter is kind of a short filter, but fear not, I am currently writing the next chapter and will post it sometime tonight or tomorrow morning to make up for it.
Tagging: @loquaciousmelanin @laurel-celestial @shortykatezey @bands-and-shietz @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @myshakespeareandarling @precious-cinnamon-roll666 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @castelo-amado @tothetardissterek @anton-shudders @madhatterweasley @desertsivan1995 @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine
If I missed anyone in the tags please direct message me, because I did lose one name!
Series Masterlist
Despite the eerie display of out of season Christmas lights hanging all over the Byers home, the flashing blue and red of the police lights seeping into the dark house was by far the most unnerving on going in in the Byer’s residence that night.  
You were standing on the outskirts of the Byer’s living room, Jonathan’s head tucked into the crook of your neck as you held him in a tight hug. You had snatched the keys to the Impala upon hearing your father’s discovery and had booked it to the Byer’s home just in time to see Jonathan embracing his frantic mother half way down the drive. The police sirens became audible only moments after as your father and Police Chief Hopper arrived to deliver the news. However, despite the noise the sirens were creating, the ringing in your ears was striving to make sure it was the most prominent. At first, you had tried popping your ears and rubbing at them, neither action worked so you just found yourself attempting to ignore the ringing as you twirled stands of Jonathans light brown locks through your fingers.  
The right side of your shoulder was completely drenched in tears. In your arms, Jonathan trembled as he cried, trying to keep his noise levels down so no one would notice. It had surprised you greatly that when he heard the news about Will that Jonathan had turned to you for comfort. For one, you had expected him to be furious with you, having all but promised that your dad would find his baby brother and bring him home. Also, Jonathan struck you as the type of person who didn’t need anyone to comfort him, or want it for that matter. Though you called him your best friend, where were sure that he didn’t need you around and only took up your friendship proposal because you wouldn’t be in town long. So to say you were startled when he turned around to look at you with warty eyes, then proceeded to launch himself at you, was an understatement.  
Despite not having any friends, you did possess a younger brother, so while your comforting skills were rusty, they were not completely foreign. You found yourself humming a soft tune [Let It Go by James Bay] to Jonathan as you gently swayed him back and forth in place. It seemed to be working as his cries turned into soft sniffles, and the tight grip he had on your flowing black shirt loosened slightly. You kissed his temple as he snuggled into you and you whispered “I got you,” under your breath encouragingly.
You watched under lowered lashes as Hopper and his deputies came in, searching the dark house with flashlights. You wondered momentarily why they just didn’t turn the house lights on, but you decided that was not your problem and instead looked out of the windows to see if you could spot your dad, who was supposed to be investigating the woods. Your search came up empty, however, so you simply settled for listening to the soft conversation the two deputies were having, but you found their hushed tones hard to hear over the constant ringing in your ears and could only make out the words “In the walls.” But despite the persistent ringing in your ears, you were still able to eavesdrop of the Chief’s conversation with Ms. Byers.
“Our working theory right now is that Will crashed his bike,” Hopper started, looking down at Joyce Byers, who was seated on a dining chair at her kitchen table, “he made his way over the quarry and, uh accidentally fell in.” Hopper finished quietly as he shifted nervously. “The earth must have given way.” He added, almost silently.
You found it odd that a child native to this town would get lost in the woods to the point of falling into a quarry odd, but you chose to keep silent and voice your opinion to your father later.
The small woman sitting before Hopper did not appear to be physically in the room as she started off into the distance. Hopper, noticing this called her name a few times, “Joyce? Joyce? Do you understand what I'm saying?”
Joyce’s eyes slow shifted up to meet Hopper’s. There were a few stray tears rolling down her face, but she wasn’t hysterical. “No,” she denied as she shook her head. She continued on in a shaky voice, “Whoever you found is not my boy. It’s not Will.”
“Joyce.” Hopper started, his voice tired.
Joyce shook her head once more as she argued, “No, you don't understand. I talked to him a half hour ago.”
You were now intrigued and turned you full attention to Joyce Byers.
Joyce turned quickly on her heal and walked across the room up two cabinet doors in the wall, large enough to hide a grown person. She opened them swiftly and pulled out a bundle of Christmas lights, “He was he was here, He was- He was talking with these.” Joyce brandished the Christmas lights for Hopper to see, her eyes were wide, and if you were not a Hunter, you would have believed her crazy. However, you were a Hunter, and you found yourself wondering of the ghost of Will Byers was lingering in his home with his family. But if so, why was he only contacting Joyce?
Hopper’s face was more than skeptical as he looked over at the obviously frazzled woman. “Talking? Uh-huh.”
“One blink for yes,” Joyce nodded, holding her index finger up, “Two for no.” she added an additional finger for emphasis. She then put the bundle of lights down and rushed to the couch, gesturing to the painting above it. You hadn’t noticed it before she pointed it out, but once your E/C gaze rolled over it, you had to say it had the array of Christmas lights beat in the creepy contest that seemed to be going on in this house.
“And, and, uh and then I made this so he could talk to me.” Joyce explained as you all looked up at her creation.
Upon the wall, painted in black, was the alphabet. Strings of Christmas lights ran above the letters, forming an unconventional Ouija board. You turned your head over your shoulder to gaze out of the window, hoping to catch your father’s eye. John Winchester, however, was nowhere in sight, so you simply noted your finding mentally to revisit them later.
Historically, Ouija boards were not evil, and you yourself were not afraid of them. After all, they had once been a popular game played at night by the vast majority of the American population during the Spiritualist Movement. Most stories surrounding them tended to be false, you had found out through your research on the paranormal that they gained their bad reputation when the Exorcist came out. So you weren’t sold on the idea of this board being the cause of any supernatural activity going on in the house, but you didn’t entirely dismiss it.
“Cause he was hiding from that that thing.” Joyce continued, her tone upset as she ran a hand through her short brown locks.
“The thing that came out of the wall?” Hopper asked slowly. “The thing that chased you?”
Ghost could come out of walls. And chase people.
“Yeah. Yeah.” Joyce said, her voice urgent.
A hefty sigh left Jonathan as he took his head from your shoulder to properly look at his mother, “Mom, come on, please.” You took your hand from around his waist and placed it on his back so that you could rub it comfortingly. “You've gotta stop this,” He pleaded, stepping away from you to approach his mother.
“No, maybe he's-it’s after him!” Joyce shook her heard franticly, “He's in danger.” Joyce continued, her voice growing as she did so, “We have to find him! We-”
Hopper, however, was reaching the end of his rope, he cut Joyce off, “What exactly was this thing?” he asked, the same exhaustion from before leaking into his words. “It was some kind of animal, you said?”
Joyce frowned at Hoppers words and she shook her head again, “Uh, no, it was-It was almost human, but it wasn't.” She was making wild hand gestures as she spoke, and you found yourself taking a few steps closer to her to hear better over the insistent ringing.
“It-It had these long arms and it didn't have a face.” Joyce’s face scrunched up in confusion as she spoke.
“It didn’t have a face?” you whispered under your breath then turned towards the window again, this time seeing your father watching you through the glass. Subtly, you jerked your jaw in a movement that signaled from him to come meet you. You watched as he said something to one of Hopper’s deputies before he started walking your way.
You could hear your father’s heavy boots hitting the wooden floor as he entered the Byer’s home, his intense brown eyes watching Jonathan as he walked back over to stand beside you, once again laying his head on your shoulder. You snaked your arm around his waist once more, rubbing your hand up and down his torso in what you hoped was a comforting way.
“It didn't have a face?” Hoppers brows rose high on his forehead before a sigh left his lips, “Joyce- It didn't have a face Joyce, listen to me.”
You father came to a standstill beside you, his tall figure loomed above you, so you had to cram your neck to mouth “Listen to her,” to him. John Winchester gave a brisk nod and crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze turning to Hopper and Ms. Byers.
“Listen to me.” Hopper said as he led Joyce to the couch with the grotesque spirit board looming above it, “After Sarah I saw her, too. And I heard her. I didn't know what was real.” Hoppers voice was light as he spoke this time, even his eyes had grown softer as he spoke about his past loss.
“And then I figured out that it was in my mind.” Hopper continued, placing a hand of Joyce’s shoulders. “And I had to pack all that away. Otherwise, I was gonna fall down a hole that I couldn't get out of.” Hopper explained gently, and you found yourself biting your lip, your thoughts wandering to your mother.
Hopper was right, about seeing her everywhere, about hearing her even after she was gone. It had taken a little over a year before you stopped hearing your mother’s voice sing Hey Jude to you at bed time to lull you to sleep after she had passed.  
Joyce shook her head lightly having calmed down, “No, you're talking about grief. This is different.”
Hopper pressed on in his quiet voice, “I'm just saying that you-”
Cutting Hopper off, Joyce choked out, “No, I know what you're saying, Hop. I swear to you, I know what I saw.” Joyce shook her head gently and look up at him with teary eyes, “And I'm not crazy.”
“I'm not saying that you're crazy.” Hopper said gently.
“No,” Joyce denied, “You are. And I understand, but God, I-I need you to believe me.” Joyce sputtered out. “Please, please.”
“I believe you Ms. Byers,” Jonathan lifted his head to look up at you, and you couldn’t tell if he was astonished you believed his seemingly crazy rambling mother or if he was angry.
Hopper, however, gave you a pointed look that was meant for you to shut your mouth before he turned back to Ms. Byers.
“Listen I think you should go to the morgue tomorrow and see him for yourself.” Hopper said quietly, taking one of Joyce’s hands in his, “It'll give you the answers that you need. But tonight-”
“Oh, God.” Joyce covered her mouth with her hand.
Hopper continued as if Joyce has never interrupted him, “I want you to try to get some sleep, if you can.”
Hopper patted Joyce’s knee lightly before he rose from the crouched position he had taken so Ms. Byers didn’t have to look up at his larger stature and walked over to my dad. They each shared a look before your father turned his gaze to you, “Come on Y/N/N,” your father said gently as he rustled your H/C locks affectional. “Let’s go home and give the Byer’s some time alone.
“Dad I was thinking-” you said at the same time Jonathan blurted out “Please don’t-”.
John Winchester’s brow rose as his gaze flickered between you and Jonathan, who were now gaping at each other. John coughed lightly to bring your attention back up to him, Jonathan shrank under his gaze, so you spoke up first.
“I was thinking that I could just stay the night and help out,” you said in an unsure voice.
Beside you, Jonathan quietly spoke up, “I uh- I could use the company, sir.”
Before you, you watched the gears turn in your father’s head. You knew his first instinct would be to say no. Your father was never one to let you spend the night anywhere, the only exception being your Uncle Bobby’s and even that was a rarity. This time, however, you could see his resolve waver, and not because you wanted to help a friend in need. He was utterly stumped on this case, and if it meant you spending the night at a boy’s house to crack it, he just might let it slide.
He sighed, looking between you and Ms. Byers who was seated on the couch, staring out arcos the living room, “If it’s ok with Ms. Byers you can stay this one time. But I want you at school tomorrow and no sleeping in the same room,” John Winchester said, his gaze shifting to Jonathan, who shrank under its intensity.
“Yes sir, she’ll be fine with it. And I’ll sleep on the couch,” Jonathan rushed out.
John nodded briskly, and you could still see the hesitation in his eye. “Alright,” he agreed, “Come walk me to the car Y/N and show me where you put the keys. Dean will have to drop me off at my truck tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you replied then turned to look at Jonathan, you placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently, “I’ll be right back.” Jonathan gave you a curt nod before you walked off, but even then you could feel his eyes on your back.
You dropped your hand and walked side by side with your father, who placed his hand on your back as he ushered you out of the door. The other deputies had left after Hopper had exited the house and Hopper himself was sitting in his truck with his eyes closed, probably waiting for your father.
“He really took this personally, didn’t he?” you asked your father.
“He did,” you father responded, “It’s hard not to get invested when there’s a child involved.”
You nodded your head, “I think Will’s still around the house,” you informed your father. “Ms. Byers was telling us she was communicating with him via Christmas lights.”
“Christmas lights?” John asked.
“Yup,” you responded, “She said that she would ask him questions and he would respond to them by blinking the lights. So I was thinking his ghost was still in the house,” You paused as you reached the impala to search for the keys that you had tossed into the passenger side seat carelessly upon your arrival.
“Then, Ms. Byer’s started talking about this faceless creature,” you said as you rose from the care with the keys in your hand, “With long arms that was coming out of the wall.”
You placed the keys in your fathers open hand then peered up at him with your large, E/C eyes, “I’ve never heard of anything like that.”
You dad shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at you, “Me either. But I’ll make some calls, see if anyone has ever heard of it. In the meantime,” your dad walked around to the trunk with you on his heels. He opened the trunk after making sure Hopper still had his eyes closed and pulled out an emf detector, which you quickly shoved inside the folds of the flannel you hand wrapped around your waist.
“I want you to search the house when they all go to bed,” John ordered, “See if you find any activity, anything strange.”
You nodded as your dad shut the trunk and walked back to the driver’s side door and opened it. He slide himself in the seat with much difficulty due to you moving the seat to reach the petals. While he was fixing it, you remembered a minor detail that had slipped your mind due to all of the action.
“Oh,” you said as your dad shut the door to the impala, “There’s this weird ringing in my ears that showed up when I drove up. It happened before, at the place where Will’s bike was found.”
Your dad shook his head and reached a hand up through the open window of the impala and brushed some of your [wavy/curly/straight], H/C locks from your face. “I’m sure it’s nothing Y/N/N. Just worry about canvasing the house now, and get some sleep.”
You pursed your lips and nodded.
“Okay daddy.”
Your father gave you a close lipped smile before he rolled the window up and turned the car on, peeling out of the driveway after Hopper, who had noticed his new found police buddy had a ride. You sighed lightly and dropped your arms from the crossed position they had taken while you were conversing with your father, and walked back into the Byer’s home.
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bellaciaobitch · 7 years
Too much broken
Hello everyone! Thx for your support on my last post, it really meant a lot to me. I’m also open for jopper prompts so if you have some good ideas please do share! I’ll be really really happy to write them :) Ok, here we go. *deep breaths* Summary: After the parking lot scene. Hopper and Joyce share their thoughts and frustrations while waiting for the kids at the SnowBall and Joyce is too confused about her feelings. Mainly angst-jopper. ***
"Ya know I'll always be here, right?" Jim said placing a kiss on top of Joyce's head. She was so tiny in his arms that he was a little scared he would break her in half if he hug her too tight.
Joyce took a deep breath and hesitated before pulling herself closer and losing her weight in his chest. "I know" she said but it sounded muffled against the fabric of his shirt. In the distance they could hear Every Breath You Take echoing in the school’s gym and Jim could only imagine the kids teaching Jane how to dance. And by the kids, he meant Mike.
“I mean it.” he swallowed a little smoke and smiled to himself, picturing the big family they could built when all the trauma passes. “I’ve always been here… And i’ll be for as long as it takes”
Joyce looked up propping her chin in his chest. Her big eyes were full of confusion and maybe even a hint of fear. He cursed himself for the whole speech immediately, afraid that he was too invasive.
“Hop, if you mean…” she started, avoiding his eyes “No, sorry, forget it. I was just being stupid.” “You’re not stupid. It’s just that everything that happened is still so vivid in my mind, it’s hard to think about anything else.”
Hopper remained silent. He wanted to say that it was ok, that he understood her point and that he’d be patient. But the words got stuck in his throat and all he could do was stare at the lights that shined through the the gym windows.
Truth is, Jim was tired of understanding her point. He was doing that for more than 16 years now. He understood her when she started dating Lonnie in High School because he was a member of the basketball team and they “belonged” together. He also understood when she said they should stop hanging out because Lonnie was too jealous of her and he could get aggressive. He understood when Lonnie left and she was too worried about her children to answer his phone calls and finally he understood when she started dating Bob for the sake of her mental health.
Deep inside Jim felt horrible for thinking like that but he couldn’t avoid the frustration. Yes, he was going to wait for her. Always. But he wished she would cut with the excuses, he wished she would say the words he knew she wanted to, he wished…
“Look, I know we have… history.” Joyce said, letting go of his embrace to stand in front of him. She hold both of his hands to catch his attention. “And I know I’ve been letting you down for a long time. But I also know what my heart is telling me. And right now, I’m healing.” her voice was starting to fail and he caressed her hand with his thumb as she continued.
“It seems like everyone around me gets hurt somehow and I’m not ready to bring someone new into my life, it’s too risky. You’ve been around for a while now and you nearly died under that goddamn tunnel. I almost lost you there! I can’t lose you too, Hop”
Big tears were streaming down Joyce’s face and Hopper felt his heart racing. He wanted to make it stop, to make her whole again. To erase those two years of her life even if it meant not getting in touch anymore. But all he could do was comforting so he hugged her one more time, letting her cry on his chest.
“You won’t lose me.” he simply said, drawing circles on her back with his fingers, in and attempt of soothing her.
They stayed like that for a long time, hours. Joyce eventually stopped crying but didn’t pulled away and Hopper was too distracted listening the echoed songs and smelling her hair to think about anything else. It was only when they heard voices in the entrance of the parking lot that Joyce pulled away, afraid that it was their kids. He offered her another cigarette in silence and she accepted with a small smile.
“You said you’ll always be here” she said after a pause. “Are you sure you’ll wait? I’m too much broken.”
“Yeah.” He said, puffing out some smoke “I know that feeling, you know? Of being like a black hole and everyone around you disappears or gets hurt. I’m too much broken too, Joyce. So yeah, I’m sure I’ll wait. Maybe someday we can not be broken together.” Hopper didn’t have the guts to look at her when himself was feeling too emotional. So he kept staring at the cars around them while he felt her hand squeezing his in reassurance.
Dustin, Mike, Jane, Will, Nancy and Jonathan left the Ball not too long after that. They were laughing together as if nothing had happened just three months ago and Joyce and Hopper exchanged a look of cherish and love that only the two of them would understand. Those children were the only thing that made them believe that better days were about to come.
“Hey, how was it?” Joyce said kissing the top of Will’s head. “Oh, it was good! Will even got a date!” Dustin said winking and poking the boy with his elbow. “Yeah, and Dustin slow danced with Nancy” Will answered in the same joking tone. “He did what?” now Mike was the one to enter the argument sounding outraged as Nancy rolled her eyes. Joyce noticed he had one arm around Jane’s shoulders, mimicking the way Jonathan hugged Nancy, and she immediately narrowed a look to Hopper who folded his arms in response.
“Alright, I see you all had tons of fun tonight but it’s freezing here, time to go home.” he said ending with the boy’s discussion. “Hm, Mrs Byers, would you give me a ride home? I didn’t exactly told Steve to pick me up” Dustin voiced a little embarrassed. “Sure, Dear! Anyone else needing a ride?” “Wait, where’s Lucas and Max?” Hop interrupted, looking around and not finding the two. “He’s taking her home by bike.” Mike explained “I’d do the same with Jane but…” “Yeah, yeah, we get it, Romeo. Let’s go then, I’ll take you home” Hopper said snitching his daughter from Mike for a semi-hug.
“Honey, aren’t you coming with us?” Joyce asked Jonathan who was already walking hand in hand with Nancy to his own car. “No, we’ll have dinner some place quiet. Hm… I won’t be late, promise” “Okay, just be careful! And drive safe!” she said but the teens were already on their way out. Jonathan placed a kiss on his mother's cheek and Nancy gave her a shy goodnight before entering in his car and leave the parking lot.
“Kids, you can go in, we’ll be there in a minute” Hopper said letting go of Jane. They all changed a look but the adults pretended not to noticed. “And I want to see everyone with their seatbelts on when I come” Joyce said to Dustin and Will after saying her goodbyes to Mike and Jane.
When the doors were closed and the kids were each in their cars, Joyce and Hopper put out their cigarettes. “So, see you around?” he said putting his hands on his pockets. “Yeah, I guess”  Joyce tried to smile but couldn’t hide the hurting. It was too much like a goodbye and she was never good at those.
He was almost turning around when she called from him one last time. Joyce stood on her tip toes to frame his face with one hand and place a little pack on his mouth. Just like old times, under the stairs, between fifth and sixth period.
“Thanks for today.” she whispered near his ear and let him go. Hopper was smiling when he nod, briefly caressing her face in return.
They didn’t say a word walking back to their own cars. And if the children had seen anything, they chose not to comment, for the relieve of the adults, who drove all the way back home thinking about each other.
“Do you think there’s something going on there?” Mike asked when Jane closed the door of the back seat. “Hm?” she said, confused. “There. Between Hopper and Joyce” Mike pointed to the back window and Jane discreetly looked them both talking through the rear-view mirror.
“Something… going on?” Jane asked again a little bit impatient. She hated when the boys talked in codes like that. “Yeah, hum… do you think they more-than-like each other?” the boy explained, turning around on his seat to stare at the window “Like, love?” Jane asked staying in the same position as he was, looking at her father.
Inside the car, the kids could see the two of them putting down their cigarettes and talking awkwardly. Hopper seemed very uncomfortable with the situation and when he was finally ready to leave, Joyce smiled and touched his face before placing a fast kiss in Hopper’s lips.
“OH!” Mike said, his eyes growing big with surprise “I knew it, I KNEW IT! They are totally into each other, did you see that?” “Yeah” Jane said still confused and now a bit shocked. She really didn’t saw that coming. “If things keep on moving like this it means that soon you’ll have a new mom, El!” the boy seated straight to eye her.
“A new momma?” Jane now was more than confused.  She was worried. She already had a mom and liked her very much. She didn’t want to replace her mom just because her mind was lost forever. But on the other hand, Joyce was always very kind to her, they shared a connection since that day in the school when Jane submerged into the upside down to contact Will. She loved Joyce and appreciated everything that she had done for her, but…
“Quick, he’s coming back” Mike poked her so Jane would sit straight like him. “Not a word!” Jane gestured for him to be quiet placing a finger in her lips. Mike just nodded.
“Alright” Hopper said sitting in the driver seat “You guys hungry? Should we pass on a drive thru before home?” “Yeah!” Mike said with excitement “Eggos?” Jane smiled, looking from Mike to Hopper
“Sure, kid” he laughed turning the radio on. Jim spent the whole way to the drive thru humming an old 60’s song and when Jane thought he was distracted enough, she got closer to Mike to whisper in his ear:  “I think Joyce makes him halfway happy”
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Four: The Body
   Phina turned into the Byers' long driveway and instantly saw all the cop cars parked in front of their house. A sob ripped through her, painfully, Will Byers was truly gone, and she didn't know if she could handle it. The Byers were her family, Will was practically a little brother to her, and he was gone.
   Phina skidded to a stop behind one of the cop cars, barely even putting down the kick stand on her bike before she jumped off of it and ran towards the door, towards her family. A few cops watched her, slightly shocked, before jumping up to stop her.
   "Ma'am! You can't go in their right now! Ma'am," one shouted at her.
   She continued to ran but a cop grabs her, pulling her away from the door. He lifted her up and she started to squirm.
   "Let me go! Let me go right now! I have to see him! Let me go," she screamed, her voice thick and desperate, tears streaming down her face.
   Another cop grabbed her, helping the other officer hold her back. The front door opens, Jonathan running out.
   "Let her go!"
   "Jonathan," she sobbed.
   The cops finally let her go, good thing too because she was contemplating kicking and punching her way to her best friend, her brother. She rushed forward, and wrapped her arms around his neck, his arms flying out around her waist to steady both of them.
   He sobbed into her hair, "Will's gone. He's gone, Phina."
   "I know, I know," she cried back, holding onto him for dear life.
   Jonathan's legs gave out, the grief making him weak, so they sunk to the ground, the rocks digging into their knees. They didn't care though, the pain was nothing to what they were feeling right now. No, no pain would ever compare to the feeling of losing Will Byers.
   "Phina," asked a distraught Joyce from the steps of the porch.
   The red haired girl looked up at the women, the women who had been like a mother to her all her life. Phina took one arm away from Jonathan and opened it for Joyce. Tears tracked down Joyce's face as she dropped to the ground, letting Phina hold her, letting the girl soothe her cries, just like Joyce had done so many times for Phina.
   The three cried, cried for a son, a brother, a friend, for Will. They cried with each other, holding each other close. They needed this. They needed each other more than anything else in the world.
   Jim Hopper watched the three of them, and felt his own grief rise. Why couldn't he have saved that boy, spared them from this pain, he failed them.
   "Tell everyone to go home, we're done for the night," he told the officer quietly, trying not to disturb the grieving family in front of him.
   The Byers and Phina were vaguely aware of the fading lights, the cars driving away. They sat there for almost two hours before Phina finally pulled herself together. She would care for them, because she would not let them do it alone.
   "Ok, let's get inside before we freeze," Phina said, her voice rough and low, utterly destroyed by her sobs and screams.
   She ushered them inside, telling Jonathan to go to his room so she could try to talk Joyce into getting some rest. Looking at the women, Phina knew that the lack of sleep that Joyce was getting was slowly worsening her mental state.
   "Don't look at me like that Phina," Joyce pleaded suddenly.
   "Like what, Joyce," Phina asked calmly.
   "Like I'm crazy. Like how everyone, even Jonathan, has been looking at me like. If you start doing it, I might actually start to think I am going mad," Joyce sighed, "I'm not crazy. I know what I saw, I know what heard. My boy is still out their Phina, and he's in danger."
   Phina looked at Joyce with confusion written across her features, "what did you see Joyce? How do you know Will's still out there?"
   "He's been talking to me, through the lights. We made a system, one blink for yes, two for no. I made this alphabet, so he could talk to me, he did Phina, he did," she pointed at the wall with the letters on it. "Then that, thing, it came out of the wall. It, it had no, no face, and long arms and, and it was terrifying Phina."
   Phina froze at the description, any doubt in her mind about Joyce fleeing, "Joyce, this.."
   "No no no, don't say I'm imagining it, please don't," Joyce pleads.
   "I believe you Joyce. I believe you, but right now, you need to get some sleep. Calm down enough to where you can think rationally, ok? I believe you, I know what you saw is real because I've seen it too, and I'll help you, if you take care of yourself first," Phina grabbed Joyce's hands, "got it?"
   Joyce nods, smiling at the young girl, the daughter she never thought she'd have, "got it."
   "Ok, good, I'm going to go check on Jonathan. He thinks Will is gone, he needs me right now, he needs us right now. He's worried sick about you, and the best way for you to help him is to help yourself. Please get some sleep Joyce," Phina smiles at Joyce.
   Joyce nods and sits down on the couch, Phina casts her a worried glance but makes her way to Jonathan's room anyway. She knocks on his door, and hears a soft come in from the other side. She opens the door and smiles at Jonathan. He'd already lain down on his bed, saving room for her.
   "Did you talk her into sleeping," he asks.
   Phina lays down next to him, "I think I might have. But with how she it right now, I don't think she'll let herself relax for long."
   Jonathan turns on his side to look at her, and she copies him, "thank you for coming here tonight."
   "Always," Phina smiles sadly, "couldn't let my boy be all by himself, could I?"
   He laughs, a broken laugh, "no, I guess not."
   "I'm so sorry Jon," she whispers.
   "Thank you, for everything Phina. You've helped me through everything, I don't know how I could ever repay you," he whispers back.
   "Remember or conversation earlier? You don't need to repay me Jon. Letting me be your friend is the only thing I could ever ask of you," she smiles.
   Phina leans over and kisses Jonathan on the cheek, "you're my best friend Jon, and I'll always be there for you, no matter what."
   "I know," he smiles, he turns to lay on his back, taking her into his arms so she can lay on his chest.
   This is one of the hardest things they'd ever been through, but they would go through it together, because that's what best friends do, what family does.
-1161 words-
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