#plus we get to see the life that sohmas wanted being lived by their kids
psy-ay-ay · 1 year
I'm so glad I got to see Akito in Fruits Basket Another so here's what her son Shiki thinks about her:
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paper-chain-queen · 4 years
String Of Fate
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Kyo Sohma X FReader
Soulmate Au / Red string that connects you to your soulmate
Words: 1,800+
Well... I enjoy soulmate stuff so I thought I would try and take a whack at it... please forgive me  :p  Also... such an original title, right? XD
You looked down at the red-string wrapped around your pinkie. It felt especially tight today.
Where are you?
"Your staring again.." A voice called out, bringing you out of your thoughts.
" You're not gonna find them just by staring at it you know." Your friend teased, pushing you playfully, but it almost caused you to fall out of your chair.
"Easy for you to say, you're soul mate just happened to move next door when you were like 5." You pushed right back, you were teasing her, but you were slightly jealous of her luck.
" I was 10!" She corrected you, and then you both burst into giggles, earning small stares from the people in the little cafe.
".... You could always live in our basement." She proposed once you both had quieted down. You had to shake your head; it was nice that she wanted to keep you around, but there was a small part of you that was excited for the new adventure.
It was sad to think that there was a chance you would never see her again. She was a massive part of your life, and now you were moving across the pacific.
You had grown up in a small household with only your parents, no siblings. And they had hardly been around. Growing up in a large, empty house, it was the nanny that you had spent most of your time with, at least she was nice. Father was a busy CEO and Mother... mother was a socialite, known for always stepping out in the most recent designs and appearing at all the most exclusive social events. They weren't soul mates, and they didn't marry out of love. It had been more of a business deal. Mother had wanted to be 'comfortable,' and Father wanted a beautiful wife.
But times had changed, and the business deal had run out.
Mother had refused to stand by anymore while Father had an affair after affair. While you weren't happy about moving, you were slightly impressed that your Mother had finally put her foot down after years of being cheated on. You guessed that after a while, even she got bored with fine jewels.
You had no dreams of fame or riches. You had watched and learned that it didn't lead to happiness.
"You'll be fine. Katie will keep be sure to keep you company." You couldn't help but tease your childhood friend who's face blew up red at the mention of her girlfriend and soul mate. You had seen them together, and while you were happy for her ... it had left you feeling a little lonely and wishing you could find your soul mate already.
All you wanted in this world was to find the one person you were made for.
To love and be loved.
" Hey! Let's go to the park. Maybe the swings are available." She suggested as you left your regular cafe, grabbing her half-finished frappucino from the table.
"Sure, sounds fun." You agreed, feeling nostalgic about the local neighbourhood park you had grown up with, the swings had been where you first met your best friend.
You knew your friend was just trying to make you feel better and have one last good day before you left, but honestly. It all felt so bittersweet. You miss your life, but this was for the best. Your Mother needed to get away and be with her family. It would be for the best, and you did like your grandparents. They were soul mates and very cute together, plus they liked to spoil you.
You and your friend joked around and shared stories while you walked to the park when you had gotten there, the only people some teens were using the basketball court.
Sitting on the swings, swinging back and forth gently, she caught you glancing at your pinkie again.
"Maybe you'll find your soul mate in Japan! Wouldn't that be amazing! So romantic." She again tried to cheer you up, and you gave her a small smile.
" Maybe..." and you looked back down at the small red string on your right pinky. It had always been tight for as long as you could remember, some days it felt like it would rip right off. Where ever they were, they were far away.
" I'll let you know." You played it cool and winked at your friend, but she knew the way you always looked at the string she couldn't see. Waiting. Hoping. She wanted you to find happiness and love just as she had found it with her soul mate.
"I'll miss you." She said as she grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I'll miss you too."
The morning sun shined down on Kaibara High school, it was going to be a beautiful day, but an orange-haired teen had a weird feeling his gut, and it had him a bit on edge. Well. More on edge than usual.
Kyo stared out at the window of his homeroom class. Everyone was gossiping about a new transfer student and he couldn't care less.
" A lot of noise over some new kid." He grumbled, annoyed with how loud the class was being.
"Aw Kyon, your no fun. " Uo teased, giving him a cheeky smile.
"Watch it, delinquent!"
He snapped at her, his orange eyes glaring holes into his blonde classmate. She only began to challenge him more, and Tohru had to try and settle them down before the teacher came with the new student.
It was weird for someone to transfer in the middle of second year. A part of Kyo felt bad for the new student as he had transferred in the middle of his first year of high school, and while he would never admit to it. It was scary, especially with all the boy crazy girls at this school.
The door slid open, and the teacher entered holding a clipboard.
"Everyone, take your seats. We have a new student joining us. Please be welcoming. You can come in now." The teacher called, and a few moments later, Kyo felt a small tug from his pinky but watched as the line started to slack.
It was minuscule, but there was a movement from the string. He had been so distracted by the red string wrapped around his pinky that he had missed the new student walking in and introducing herself.
Kyo found himself often glaring at the red string around his pinkie finger. It was just a big joke to him, as if the universe was taunting him. There was 'apparently' supposed to be someone out there for him, someone who he would love and who would love him.
It was ridiculous. Zodiac members rarely ever had soul mates. It was practically unheard of. It was a shock to the Sohma family when Kyo had asked as a child why he had a tight red string around his finger, and he could never see where it would lead.
When he was first told about it, he was naive and young, excited to meet the person on the other side, but now he knew better. There was no hope for someone like him. He prayed he would never have to meet the person 'the universe' had picked for him. He couldn't imagine what kind of person would want to be with Cat of the Zodiac, the most cursed of his family. Cursed to be an outcast.
Fated to be alone.
" I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you." You smiled at the class and bowed while thanking you're lucky stars that your Mother had been making you practice Japanese intensely since you were a young girl so you could communicate with your grandparents. The class broke out into a sea of comments and questions, you could barely make out what everyone was saying.
"Wah she's so beautiful!"
" She better not look at Prince Yuki."
" Aww! I was hoping we were going to get another hot boy."
" Hey, think she has a boyfriend?"
"Everyone settle down, please." The teacher called out over the noise, but a few people persisted, asking questions.
"Are you a model?"
"Um.. no.. but thank you?" You answered, feeling a little embarrassed as you felt your cheeks warm slightly.
" Where are you from?"
" California."
You were already missing the ocean breeze from your patio and you reminded yourself to google where the closest beach was.
"Hollywood!" A student gushed with excitement.
You laughed and explained that while you didn't live in 'Hollywood,' it was only a few hours away from your old house. With good traffic.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
" I like camping and going on hikes." Your family wasn't much for camping, but your friend's family always let you tag along with them.
Another round of questions came, but the teacher stopped them.
"Go sit next to Sohma Kyo. There's an empty seat beside him." The teacher instructed, and you looked across the classroom to see if you could find 'Kyo.'
There was an empty seat next to a boy with brilliant orange hair and handsome features. You felt your heart skip a beat.
He's so handsome
Kyo finally looked up, and the new student was walking towards him. The teenager had never seen anyone like her. All the colours seemed brighter, time seemed to slow, but he felt his heart rate speed up. The way her hair flowed behind, the sun shining on her skin, making her glow.
She's... gorgeous...
The new student was taking him in as well, a small, cute blush on her cheeks. Her eyes wandered to his hand, and a little gasp left her parted mouth.
"It's you?" She whispered and his heart felt like it was going to explode. A large smile appeared on her face she lifted her hand to show off the red string around her pinky that only the two connected could see. He didn't want this, anything but this.
He didn't want a soul mate. He couldn't. It wasn't possible. They were never supposed to meet.
It can't be...
The universe really did hate him. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he couldn't have her.
She was about to say something, but Kyo was quick to cut her off, standing up in a hurry and taking a step back, making his chair clatter to the ground in his haste.
"NO! Stay the hell away from me!" Kyo screamed at the girl, his words cutting like a knife.
Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, confusion spread from her face, and the other students started calling out at him.
"What is your problem, Kyo?!"
"That's so rude!"
"Poor (L/N)-San."
Kyo looked around at his classmates. They had no idea at what had just happened because they wouldn't be able to see the red string connecting the two, but the girl just stared at him. Her large eyes filled with confusion, which then turned to sadness; he was unable to look away. Fat tears started flowing down her cheeks, and something in Kyo broke.
All he wanted to do was engulf her in a hug. Hold her close. But he couldn't.
Life wasn't fair. At least not to him.
Kyo scoffed at the ground and then went to the window, opening it up and jumping out. Escaping and running away, the red string tightening around his finger like a vice. He left like it could fall off, and he honestly, that would hurt less than the pain in his heart.
It's hopeless.
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Fruits Basket HCs
If you haven’t been able to tell from my blog, I REALLY love Fruits Basket. I have this immense love for these characters and I want to share the different headcanons that I have for each of these fantastic characters. I’m going to cover a lot of ground so I apologize if this becomes really long. To make this easier for myself this first part is just going to be my six favorite characters (Momiji, Tohru, Kyo, Kakeru, Hatori and Hatsuharu).
* The mental health side of things for Momiji is that in my non-professional medical opinion (to quote the original show) he has really high levels of ADHD. He learned to combat this by taking gymnastics lessons as a young boy while everyone else was doing karate he was learning to be bouncing ball. 
*This one is a pretty much canon one but I love this idea; Momiji is genderfluid. I love the idea of Momiji hanging around Ritsu and learning about fashion from them. I also just really love the idea of Momiji in a cute little skirt with shorts underneath (don’t judge me I just really love the idea of it.) 
*Number one touchy friend!! He’s constantly a ball of energy and will hug and cling to all of his friends if they indulge him. He loves affection both giving it and receiving it.  
*He is surprisingly a really good baker!! I love the idea of him making friendship cupcakes for Tohru after everything happened just to thank her for all her help (She wouldn’t accept them but offer to share them with him instead.) 
*He learned violin from Ayame. I like to think that out of all the Sohma’s he is the most musically inclined. If you want to learn how to play an instrument go to Aya he’ll help you out fam. 
*How he learned German and started using that as his main language was in elementary school right after what happened with his mom happened (I’m trying to keep this as non-spoilery as possible so that my friends can read this too). He wanted something that reminded him of her but wasn’t painful. So he decided to learn another language and Hatori helped him. 
*He is probably one of the most likely to spoil his future children. He’ll give them the childhood that he was never technically given. If those children wanted something they were going to get it whether or not it was their birthday they want it. Plus he has the money to get them whatever they want!! 
*So space cadet Tohru is canon and I am of the personal belief that a little bit of ADD which is why she always needs Yuki’s help with school. Most of these HCs are going to be a little bit mental health related mostly because that’s how I see them. 
*If Tohru had the ability to go to college it would be to become a professional chef. She loves cooking for other people and making people happy. Professional chefs to me are the types of people that love to make others happy which is why she cooks for others. 
*She is definitely the hug friend. What is the hug friend you may ask? It is a person that can give the best hugs. She is constantly getting hugs from Uo-chan and Hana-chan and to me she just seems the type that would give the best hugs in the entire world. 
*She has always been interested in being in a relationship someday. When she was little she loved Disney movies and would fantasize about one day finding her own personal Prince Charming. 
*At first in dating Kyo, Tohru gets flustered by EVERYTHING. This poor girl is always blushing around the love of her life. 
*Her favorite subject in school will always be cooking but she is surprisingly good at history!! She loves learning about the past mostly because she is one of the few people that found it interesting. 
*As a mom she is the most doting parent, the type that kids get embarrassed by at sleepovers. 
*My first HC for our favorite cat boi is that he has autism. Hear me out, when I was in middle school I struggled immensely when it came to relating to people and understanding how they felt. I had undiagnosed aspergers at the time and found that he was one of the few characters that wanted to be better at dealing with his emotions and people. Having that relatability now that I’m older has been a huge help. 
*The most surprising HC that I have about Kyo is that he loves to write. Usually it’s just little things that irritate him throughout the day. It’s how he learned to officially get his anger calmed down so that he wouldn’t yell anymore once Hajime and his kids were born. 
*As a kid Kyo never had ice cream. It’s the same thing with the pancakes where he had never had sweets that wasn’t fruit. Tohru is appalled by this and one of their first dates was to get him to try ice cream (his favorite is mint chocolate chip) 
*Growing up he was alone a lot but I think that he would find companionship in books and literature. I feel like he’d be really good at school like in the original where we see him pouring over books to study. (The best way to get him to do well is of course a little competition.) 
*Kyo is a hella overprotective dad once his kids are born. This is obvious but if he has any daughters those future boyfriends, run just run. 
*Once the curse is broken he is constantly trying to make up for the years where he wasn’t able to get physical affection. After he gets over his own flustered tsundere habits with Tohru they became easily the closest couple. He finds that he loves having his hair pet (if he purrs he’ll deny it until the end of time)  
*I think that out of all my favorites Kyo would be the best listener. You got a problem, no matter how stupid it is, Kyo will do his damndest to help you out. That’s just who he is especially when it comes to those he loves. 
*Kakeru’s mental health theory is that he has ADHD just like Momiji combined with dyslexia so he sometimes has a hard time reading things and needs help understanding what exactly he’s looking at for homework. 
*Him and Kimi always start prank wars that could go on FOREVER. If nobody stops them they can just go at each other for days. Eventually either Yuki or Machi will get too exhausted of their antics and force them to stop. These prank wars usually happen about once a month on the second week. They all fear this time of the month and whenever it happens it usually lasts for about three days. 
*Definite anime lover this boi!! He grew up watching the classics and it’s just something that stuck with him. 
*Before he became chaotic Kakeru TM he always hid this part of his personality but now that he’s older he is very open about his love for anime. 
*He wasn’t close to Machi until after she was kicked out of the family house. Before then he was almost indifferent towards her existence but when that happened he realized that he wanted to make her feel better whether she wanted it or not. 
*He is the best cuddler fight me on this. I feel like once you got him calmed down he would always be down for cuddling his S\O. 
*This one is pretty common amongst the fandom judging by how many people ship him with Yuki but I think that he’s not bisexual he’s pansexual he just loves people!! 
*I don’t have a mental health HC for Hatori really other than PTSD (which let’s face it almost all of this cast of characters has.) 
*Before he met Kana he knew next to nothing about popular culture. His music taste was stuck in the 50′s and to her that was an absolute travesty!! Who hadn’t heard of Queen, Elton John or David Bowie?! She made it her goal to get him into modern things so that he could understand her. At the time he didn’t really understand a lot of the things that she liked. However, once she left him he learned to appreciate modern music and film. 
*Something that I really love about Hatori is the thought that he would be a fan of musical theater. It’s something that not a whole lot of people know mainly Shigure and Ayame and Aya always gets him tickets when a show he likes comes to town. 
*He can’t cook to save his life!! Literally the type of person that would somehow burn water and he doesn’t have the time to cook everyday but usually Momiji will bring him food that he makes. 
*Definitely a romantic at heart no matter how much the idea of love has hurt him in the past. He loves making Mayu happy at random intervals. From buying her random bouquets of flowers to planning things on a larger scale he just loves making her happy. 
*As a parent he’s the type to definitely be overprotective especially when they aren’t feeling well. His kid fainted at school? He’s already there trying to find out what went wrong and keep them at home with him for a few days until they get Dr. Tori’s clean bill of health. 
*As much as he bitches and moans about Ayame and Shigure’s annoying tendencies he couldn’t ask for two better best friends. \
*Mental health HC is that he’s bipolar thanks to the other dark personality even though most of the time he’s white it’s something that after everything happens Hatori insists he gets an official diagnosis of. 
*He loves grunge rock. The first time he discovered Nirvana Kurt Cobain became his instant hero. Not a way to live his life but someone that he was inspired by. His second favorite band is All Time Low (I’ve never heard any of their stuff this one is for my best friend who is an absolute Haru-stan) 
*He got his tattoo as his own way of rebelling against his family order. I think that his parents (we only really ever hear of his mom) being strict on him. That’s where the multiple piercings came from as well. Whenever he would hit a low point before middle school he would get a new one. 
*He is actually a really good cook and entirely capable of taking care of himself since his parents are often too busy for him. 
*He got into gaming by accidentally seeing Shigure playing a dating sim (Fight me on this one I dare you say that Shigure the pervy bastard doesn’t play these things) 
*He is definitely the romantic type as we see him bringing Rin flowers to cheer her up. He might be a little bit stiff at first and awkward but once he gets used to the person you bet your ass he’ll just cling to you as we see with Yuki much to his everlasting annoyance. 
*He’s an amazing artist!! He loves to draw just about anything that he can get his hands on. It’s something that he does now when he hits a low point instead of wrecking things he learned the proper way of coping with his problems. 
Whew!! Sorry about the length on this guy but I really wanted to do this while waiting for the dub to catch up. I will make more if people want more of them!! 
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themarvelavenger · 4 years
Top Ten Fictional Characters:
Tagged by @multifandom-fanatic​ this was a lot of fun. I love talking about characters that mean a lot to me because it means people get to know me better. (I assume anyone that knows me will easily get the top 5. The rest was so hard to figure out.)
1. Tony Stark - Tony is literally my favorite thing in the whole world. He’s my forever favorite. If you don’t like him I don’t think we can get along. He means that much to me. He has changed my life and I am beyond glad this character was created. I love him so much that I’m thinking about changing my last name to Stark. If you want to know who I am. I am Tony Stark.
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2. Daisy Johnson - Another character that I love with all my heart. She changed my life but unlike Tony who changed me because he is me, Daisy was more my pansexual awakening. Daisy made me realize that I don’t have to be afraid of who I like. If I like a girl that can literally make an earthquake in my brain I am allowed to do that. 
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3. Prompto Argentum - This is my sunshine boy from my favorite video game. So like the two before he also changed my life. I became more emotional after finishing Final Fantasy 15. For some that can be a bad thing but for me it’s so good. I used to be so bland. I never cried. I never smiled. I just didn’t care and nothing mattered to me. I was also a pretty angry kid. Then I think my heart broke or something after I played FFXV. I was now able to feel and cry and have emotions and smile and just be happy. It was a dramatic change but I am so glad it happened. I am glad Prompto is in my life.
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4. Katsuki Bakugou - Nothing to much to say about blasty boy. I love him and he means a lot to me. I definitely resonate with him a lot more than I probably should. If you want to know who I am, Bakugou and everyone above are the characters to look at because they are the most like me. His issues with anger, issues with anxiety, issues with being put on a pedestal by everyone, and basically all his other issues I feel with and have gone through and I’m still going through. I am so excited to see where he goes.
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5. Catra - This is where the list got kinda hard. I love Catra. I do resonate with her but not as much as the others above. She’s a space gay angry (but sorry for the anger) cat and I want to live like that.
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6. Barry Allen - My other sunshine boy. I am ABSOLUTELY obsessed with speedsters. They are always my favorite characters in media. I also would be a speedster if I had superpowers. Go watch the Flash tv show.
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7. Harley Quinn - Harley is my og favorite character. I probably should have figured out my sexuality with Harley when I was younger but I am also stupid. This character is the definition of my childhood. 
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8. Gwen Stacy - Just love her. She’s my favorite spider character right next to Miles. She’s great and a drummer like me so a little bias. I also love her relationship with Peter that they were best friends but when he died that’s why she knew she needed to be a hero.
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9. Dark Pit - Another angry boy on the list... never. (If the character is angry I probably like them and/or if a character has a tragic backstory) Kid Icarus Uprising was my favorite video game for years before FFXV. This is kinda the game that really made me love video games. 
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10. Kyo Sohma - Probably the hardest spot to fill. I chose Kyo finally because he means a lot to me (and is an angry boy.) He’s from my first ever anime that I watched on my own back in the early 2000s. So Kyo is probably the reason for my like for angry boys and/or tragic backstory characters. Plus my love for anime came from Fruits Basket and I would hate to not have anime in my life. I love watching the remake. I highly recommend. 
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(I probably wrote way to much for each character but that’s who I am. I wrote a 13 page paper about Steve x Tony for a college class so what do you expect)
Tagging: @carleyjayden​ @yoshizawesome​
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea’s Top 10 Worst Mothers in Anime
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sobdasha · 4 years
What do you think would happen to the Sohmas if Ren ever managed to kill Akito? Who would become the next Head assuming this is either before Shiki was born or when he was still little?
Wayback when I got this I saw this question going around with a fewdifferent iterations and I remember going, “Ah-hah! I think Iunderstand what anon is really asking for!”
Butboy if I didn’t completely forget what that was and also thisisn’t even really an answer this is just a convenient place to drop atangent while patting myself on the back for getting something out ofmy inbox before it turns like 10 years old haha.
((Seriousanswer: The Souma would just appoint whoever the heck they want asInterim Head/Head Regent until Shiki was old enough?? I’m sure theSouma place enough value on bloodlines that Ren would never inheritthe position of Head despite being Akira’s wife–besides which, herfaction isn’t big enough and she married into the family and shedidn’t have the decency to make it a sneaky murder you could cover upthe scandal of. Ren is never an option. I think there might have beena suggestion of “would it go to Shigure” in the otheriterations but why would he want it????? He’d have even less reasonto want it with Akito murdered. He might take out Ren on his way outtho, you never know. I don’t think he’d play regent for Shiki, Ithink he’d just take his kid and leave the family, I mean, the cursedidn’t even do shit to bind him so what reason has he got to be loyalnow. Presumably the family would appoint as head some traditionalistperson who would do the right amount of oppressing of the right sortof people, keep the gears grinding along, and save the family’spublic face.))
AnywayI just got my hands on FBA 3 now and, while it was not as prevalentas I thought upon rereading (I thought Shiki got told this too but Iguess it was just Sawa ETA oh dur I found it now I missed it because it was during the aquarium), the way that Sawa gets told “hey evenif it’s your family, if people try to take your life from you you canand should just run the fuck away and never look back” and ETA Mutsuki and Hinata are like “Shiki could just leave the Souma if that’s better for him, heck Akito probably wants that tbh”, makes methink that Shiki might not actually ever become Head of the Soumaafter all.
Hemight just take Sawa’s last name and leave the family forever,probably with his parents’ blessing.
Andwhen Akito dies, the family can just effing deal.
Myimpression is that Akito takes up the Head of the Family role at theend of Fruits Basket as a kind of atonement. She’s got as muchreason as everyone else involved in the curse to run away and neverlook back. But she’s also keenly, guiltily aware that a significantnumber of them are minors and don’t have the option to runaway, the option of living in the woods in a tent which you bought onclearance being not actually a real option. So she stays onand starts taking her role seriously to protect their freedom, as shesays.
AndAkito’s got this idea that she can fix the family. Akito needed Tohruto believe in her and understand her, Akito needed Tohru to hold outher hand, etc, and now Akito wants to change. So Akito doesn’t kickRen out of the family after all. Akito keeps on all the staff whowere part of the pro-Ren faction, who still hate Akito obvs, and allthe staff who were part of the anti-Ren faction, who now alsohate Akito because she’s upending tradition, giving children rightsinstead of beating filial piety into them, and shamed the entire clanby coming out publicly as a woman.
Unfortunatelythe family, or at least the older generations of it, doesn’t change.And they make Shiki a target of their toxicity, and they bully himand they mess him up so that he gets that Tohru sort of attitudewhere “I have a loving mom and dad and my cousins look out forme so I can’t be ungrateful or a burden and clearly my unhappyfeelings re: getting treated like shit are invalid because there aregood things in my life.”
Possiblythe family will eventually change. You could make a case that as theoldest generation dies off the Souma stock will be improved, andShiki could find himself the head of a manageable family. And sinceAkito isn’t going to die young like Akira, Shiki will be given thattime. Plus Shiki’s a responsible and serious kid, I’m sure he feelsthat it is his responsibility to take on the role of family head oneday. That he’s being depended upon and he doesn’t want to let peopledown.
ButI personally would like to see Shiki walk out that door, while hisparents–who want him to be happy and not trapped forever in a toxicfamily environment–applaud and tell him to remember to call themregularly. They can come visit him. Both FB and FBA make a big pointof that–you don’t have to live with someone, or near someone, tolove them or not be lonely. If you want to see someone who is movingfar away, then just go see them. You don’t all have to live in thesame housing complex until the day you die, that’s a curse. Sothere’d be no reason that Shiki shouldn’t just leave the estate andpossibly also Tokyo in general.
Maybesomeone else will get appointed family head. Maybe Akito willdissolve the Souma clan to make it a moot point. Maybe she’ll belike, “Okay, we are transferring over to a universe where theydo have family registers, each branch is getting one and we’lldivide the estate and go our own ways and stop abusing yourchildren for fuck’s sake.”
FBis like “everyone is getting out of terrible situations”while FBA is like “you’ve found kind people who can support youbut unfortunately you are still going to be in the terrible situationfor years to come; actually a couple of people like Akito and Machistill haven’t gotten out yet after all” so I guess that’swhy I want to hope that in the future both Sawa and Shiki can getout. Hopefully together.
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