#poisoning earth by monsanto
ausetkmt · 2 years
NBC News: Toxic herbicides: Map showing how high exposure is by state
The chemical giant Monsanto introduced glyphosate in its product Roundup in 1974. Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018.
“Glyphosate is the most widely used chemical weedkiller in human history because of genetic engineering,” said Dave Murphy, the founder of Food Democracy Now, an advocacy group that tests glyphosate in food. “It’s sprayed ubiquitously and Monsanto has, for decades, just maintained that it’s the safest agricultural chemical ever made.”
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The EPA’s safety limits for glyphosate exposure from food are twice the levels allowed in the European Union. Its runoff is recognized by the agency as a drinking water contaminant at levels that correspond to approximately 1 gallon of Roundup in an Olympic sized pool, according to an NBC News calculation.
Much of the debate about glyphosate’s health implications revolves around a potential link to non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A 2019 analysis conducted by former EPA science review board members indicated a “compelling link” to the disease. Several peer-reviewed studies have also suggested that herbicides containing glyphosate may disrupt hormones and alter the gut microbiome. 
In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer said glyphosate was probably carcinogenic to humans, kicking off a wave of lawsuits that cost Bayer more than $10 billion.
In California, glyphosate is on a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, a designation that requires manufacturers to print warning labels on products sold in the state. However, Monsanto and the EPA challenged the requirement, preventing such warnings on glyphosate products. 
Litigation is ongoing. In a statement to NBC News, Bayer said it continues to oppose California’s determination because it conflicts with “the longstanding consensus of leading health regulators worldwide supporting the safety and non-carcinogenicity of glyphosate-based products.” 
Glyphosate’s use in the U.S. has skyrocketed since 1996, the year Monsanto introduced genetically engineered seeds that could survive being sprayed with higher quantities of herbicides.
Today, almost 90% of corn, cotton and soybean crops are modified to be tolerant to glyphosate and other chemical treatments used by farmers, U.S. Department of Agriculture data shows.
A 2017 study from researchers at the University of California, San Diego showed that the amount of glyphosate in urine samples taken from a group of 100 adults rose between 1993 and 2016. Glyphosate residues have also been detected in air and rain samples, according to a study from the University of Minnesota. Additionally, two reports by organic advocacy groups found glyphosate in food products including cereals, cookies, crackers and sandwich bread.
A national health survey released in June by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention observed detectable levels of glyphosate in 80% of urine samples tested.
Bayer said that finding traces of glyphosate in urine does not mean there’s a health risk. The company told NBC News in a statement that the highest value found in the CDC’s survey “corresponds to exposures that are less than 0.14% of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s safety threshold” — a measurement that works out to 16 millionths of an ounce per pound of bodyweight.
“The CDC’s data confirms that human exposures to glyphosate are well below these levels, confirming glyphosate can be used safely when following label instructions,” the statement said.
But Robin Mesnage, a toxicologist at King’s College London who has researched the health effects of environmental contaminants for more than a decade, has questioned whether the current safety thresholds are too high.
His own research, he said, has found glyphosate can induce DNA damage and changes in liver metabolism at doses up to 100 times lower than the permitted levels. He added that combining glyphosate with the other ingredients in herbicides can lead the final product to be more toxic than its active ingredient alone. 
The EPA concluded in 2020 that glyphosate posed “no risks to human health” and was not likely to cause cancer. But a federal appeals court rejected that determination in June, stating that the EPA did not adequately assess the risks to endangered species and human health. The court also pointed out inconsistencies in the agency’s 2016 evaluation of potential links to non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The EPA withdrew its decision in September. 
An internal EPA advisory panel also found inconsistencies in that 2016 evaluation, including that some tumor responses in animals had been discounted. The panel recommended that the EPA obtain updated data in order to make a conclusion about non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk.
“Animals did get tumors and they got more tumors at high doses,” said Bill Freese, the science director at the Center for Food Safety, a nonprofit environmental advocacy organization that was one of the groups that challenged the EPA’s glyphosate review in court. 
“Their cancer conclusion just did not make sense,” Freese said.
EPA spokesperson Melissa Sullivan said in an email that the agency plans to revisit and better explain its evaluation of glyphosate’s carcinogenic potential by 2026, as well as to consider whether to assess other impacts it may have on human health. Until that review is completed, products containing glyphosate can continue being sold.
When it comes to residue in food, the EPA has said traces are fine as long as they don’t exceed its safety thresholds. But environmental and organic advocates note that these thresholds have increased in the past two decades. In 2013, following a Monsanto petition, the EPA drastically raised the permitted levels of glyphosate residues on certain foods, doubling the allowable limit for oilseeds and raising it to more than 15 times the previous level for sweet potatoes and carrots. 
Bayer plans to replace glyphosate in some versions of Roundup by next year. The company said in its statement that the move was made “exclusively to manage litigation risk in the U.S. and not because of any safety concerns.” The current formula will still be available to farmers, pest control companies and other professional services. 
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
It's easy to see how chemophobia became so widespread to the point that companies advertise their products as containing "only ingredients you can pronounce." It's wretched that this spawned the antivax movement and other similar movements, but there are incredibly good historical reasons behind WHY people are terrified of "chemicals."
Reasons like: Agent Orange, DDT, Superfund sites, any of a wide range of incidents where chemical companies—in many cases, knowingly—poisoned people and communities because Number Go Up. History has shown again and again that companies do not give a fuck about ruining people's lives exposing them to toxic substances.
Unfortunately these people live in a world where EVERYTHING around them contains ingredients they can't pronounce and there is very little knowledge of basic chemistry, and a person has no choice but to either develop life-altering paranoia about contamination, or just settle into a sense of (naive?) security about the Chemicals in the world around them.
So these powerful cultural memories (and totally rational distrust of Bayer, DuPont, and Monsanto) have been hijacked to Sell Product (No chemicals! Ingredients you can pronounce! All Natural! Organic!) and/or been channeled into some horrible and ultimately baseless movements that, these days, form a pipeline straight into fascism.
Alex Jones' anxiety about chemicals "turning the freakin' frogs gay" is part of The Anxiety about a world that is now made of ingredients we can't pronounce. Our world is now made of very different physical stuff than the world of our ancestors, and it makes total sense for panicky reactionaries to blame sexualities, genders, religions, and ways of existence they don't understand on the strange, unprecedented "chemicals" that have intruded into the material components of the world around them.
The material changes to our lives mesh quite nicely with the paranoia of fascism. People, without any scientific expertise that would inform them, decide that "natural" things are good and "artificial" things are bad, and this leads people to reject very simple, comprehensible, and well-understood processes like "heating something up, but not quite to boiling, and letting it cool down" (pasteurization) in favor of "contracting bovine tuberculosis."
But it's not that natural is good and artificial is bad, it's that natural is, at least in theory, understandable, and artificial is bound only to the laws that tell DuPont it must disclose what is in a product being sold and test the product for harms to human and animal life—and the power of those laws to actually control DuPont. Hemlock and nightshade can be recognized and avoided, but a Product emerges from an Amazon Prime box in a curiously sterile afterbirth of plastic and foam, stinking of acrid VOC's that some people enjoy in the form of the "new car smell."
And we know that nature has no shortage of things that kill us that we CAN'T readily detect with our senses, like lead and uranium, but before mining for coal and metals ripped open our Earth and pumped thousands upon thousands of tons of toxic waste up from its depths, any given creek or patch of dirt in Eastern Kentucky was at least less likely to be dangerously toxic and radioactive.
This definitely fuels the blind and often dangerous urge to go back to a time when things were "simpler." It lubricates the slide down into reactionary bigotry a little bit, this abundance of ways the world has gone Wrong and has been irreparably changed.
It gets harder and harder to say "No, natural is not always good/bad, no, unnatural is not always good/bad" and be listened to. Our world is far, far harder to understand now in some ways, but we have to try, and that's a hard sell.
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pugzman3 · 2 years
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‘Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the country, yet until now we had very little data on exposure,’ Alexis Temkin, toxicologist at the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement. ‘Children in the U.S. are regularly exposed to this cancer-causing weedkiller through the food they eat virtually every day.’
A survey of glyphosate – which is a widely used herbicide in the agricultural, garden, and home sectors in the country – was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program.
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coffeebooksandmore · 6 months
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God I pray
The people of Yemen get fed
The floods in Pakistan be brought to the shoppers clicking on their 10th unnecessary Amazon purchase
Immigrants trying to get to work on the bus can make it home without violence
The peasant farmers’ harvests overflow
The Monsanto executives are haunted every second of every day by the faces of the farmers that commit suicide because of their greed
The billions of dead birds poisoned every year by chemically coated seeds fill the buildings of Bayer
Indigenous people around the world protecting the Earth are kept safe from Darren Woods and Wael Sawan
I curse the greed to poison our water and clear our wetlands leaves Michael and Chantell Sackett’s developments in ruins
God I pray one day the fire of injustice consumes us and we burn every single billionaire’s home and from the ashes build the world the future needs. That one day all the oppressed people of the world will come together and realize the power they hold and take down the people that make our children work in factories that steal our water and resell it to us.
I’m sorry I have no more love in me to offer.
I only have fire now.
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Glyphosate — the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide RoundUp — is commonly used off-label as a desiccant and/or preharvest treatment to speed ripening. This is why even non-GMO foods often contain glyphosate
Paraquat and diquat are registered desiccants that have been used in U.S. agriculture since 1962, and as bad as glyphosate is, these “quats” may be even worse
More than 3,000 farmers with Parkinson’s disease are suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer of paraquat, and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing the chemical caused their disease. The first federal trial is set for October 2023. More than 100 lawsuits have also been filed in California state courts, where trials are set to begin in June 2023
In 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reapproved paraquat for another 15 years. Earth Justice sued the EPA claiming the agency has “understated the extent of paraquat’s adverse effects.” The EPA is now re-reviewing its paraquat data and has until December 2023 to draft its reanalysis
Research suggests plant lectins are the key link between paraquat and the damage resulting in Parkinson's disease. Lectins are proteins found in many grains, legumes, and beans — the very crops most-often treated with paraquat. Paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins as the lectins transport the toxin straight into the brain
As previously reported in "Preharvest Use of Glyphosate Poisons Kids' Food," testing has revealed alarmingly high levels of glyphosate in the vast majority (43 out of 45) breakfast products and snacks made with oats.
Glyphosate — the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide RoundUp — is commonly used on genetically engineered (GE) crops to kill weeds, but high levels of the chemical is also found in non-GE foods. The reason for this is because it's also used as an off-label desiccant and/or preharvest treatment to speed ripening.1
The Monsanto pamphlet "Preharvest Staging Guide"2 clearly states that Roundup formulation "should not be used as a desiccant," but many farmers use it that way anyway,3 despite the known risks.
That said, other registered desiccants certainly aren't any safer, and food is not tested for them either. This raises questions about whether desiccants ought to be allowed at all. It's a sticky problem though, for a number of reasons. For example, many farmers today do not own their own harvesting equipment. They hire companies that come in and do it.
It's costly, so to make sure the grain is ready for harvesting on a specific date, they pretreat it with a desiccant to ensure it's sufficiently dry in time for harvesting.
Desiccating also eliminates excess green plant material, which reduces wear and tear on machinery, and improves profits, as farmers are penalized when the grain contains too much moisture. The greater the moisture content of the grain at sale, the lower the price they get.
Paraquat and Diquat to Face Trial
Paraquat and diquat are two herbicides and registered desiccants used in U.S. agriculture since 1962, and as bad as glyphosate is, these "quats" may be even worse. As reported by Civil Eats:4
While 50 countries have banned paraquat due to its adverse effects on health, the chemical remains legal in the U.S., provided farmers receive training on its application. Soon, that may change, however, as more than 3,000 farmers with Parkinson's disease are now suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer, and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing paraquat caused their disease.
The first federal trial is set for October 2023. More than 100 lawsuits filed in California state courts have also been consolidated and are set to begin in June 2023.
EPA's Paraquat Analysis Is Being Challenged
In 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reapproved paraquat for another 15 years. The approval was challenged by Earth Justice, which filed a lawsuit against the EPA claiming the agency "repeatedly understated the extent of paraquat's adverse effects."
In response to that lawsuit, the EPA asked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to allow it to revisit its analysis of paraquat. In December 2022, the court granted its request. The EPA now has until December 2023 to draft its reanalysis. If the EPA does a thorough-enough job, paraquat may end up being restricted or banned. Civil Eats continues:11
According to Majed Nachawati, the co-lead attorney of the state court litigation in California, the core argument in all these lawsuits is that paraquat exposure — both topical exposure and inhalation — is indeed causally linked to Parkinson's.
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Paraquat Augments Lectin Toxicity
Interestingly, research13 strongly suggests plant lectins are the key link between paraquat and the damage resulting in Parkinson's disease. Lectins are sugar-binding plant proteins found in many grains, legumes and beans. High-lectin foods include peanuts, soy, lentils, rice, potatoes and wheat, just to name a few.
Lectins attach to your cell membranes, and some experts, including Dr. Steven Gundry,14 author of "The Plant Paradox," argue that plant lectins are a hidden culprit behind many health problems as they can cause severe inflammation, damage nerves, kill cells, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function.
Lectins are proteins found in many grains, legumes and beans — the very crops most-often treated with paraquat. Paraquat can trigger Parkinson's disease when combined with plant lectins as the lectins transport the toxin straight into the brain.
What's worse, researchers have found that paraquat can trigger Parkinson's disease when combined with plant lectins,15 as the lectins can transport the toxin straight into the brain. The cruel irony here is that paraquat is widely used as an herbicide and desiccant on crops rich in lectins, including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, cereal grains and beans.
In other words, while lectins can cause severe health problems in and of themselves, by spraying paraquat on lectin-rich crops, those crops are made exponentially more hazardous, as the lectins act as transport vehicles for the toxic herbicide. As reported by Medical News Today in 2018:16
Diquat May Pose Similar Risks
Diquat, while generally considered less toxic than paraquat, is still thought to have similar health risks. As noted in a 2015 study,17 diquat causes cell death by producing reactive oxygen species independently of the mitochondria, and appears to be quite hazardous to brain tissue. According to the authors:
Take-Home Message
The take-home message from all this is that the hazards of desiccation are not limited to glyphosate. Paraquat has been linked to the development of Parkinson's disease by attaching to lectins in the foods, and diquat may also have similar effects.
These herbicides are considered the "best" drying option for legumes, which are also particularly high in lectins. As a result, many foods that vegetarians and vegans rely on may pose significant health hazards in more ways than one.
You can reduce lectin concentration by pressure cooking, for example, but if you're using an unclean source, you're dealing with extra-toxic kinds of lectins. To avoid or at least minimize these hazards, it's important to buy organic beans, peas, potatoes and other high-lectin foods from a reputable source, ideally a local farmer you can trust.
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garudabluffs · 1 year
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Carson vs. biocides.
Silent Spring, 60 Years Later
“How to rescue the Earth from us people? Rachel Carson’s way – 60 years ago – was to write a book, and call it Silent Spring. She’d been a shy but defiant biologist in government service. Her book had science behind it, and the rhythm of poetry all through it: one woman’s outcry—as she herself was dying of cancer—against pesticides, most notoriously DDT, what she called “the chemical barrage” being “hurled against the fabric of life.” She was hurling her prose at not just DDT but Dupont, Monsanto, the big business of agriculture, and the slick ad slogan: “better living through chemistry.” Silent Spring became a historic bestseller and a rallying cry for the twentieth century. It’s an unmet challenge for the twenty-first.
A troubled world is tuning in on Rachel Carson again, for lots of good reasons, and so are we. She was a hard scientist of the environment who could speak bluntly—about her masterpiece Silent Spring, for example: she called it the “poison book,” or sometimes “Man Against the Earth.” She was a common-sense crusader who won sweeping victories. She wrote high-flying prose about oceans before she’d seen one, and about the love of her life, as time was running out. Her opening chapters of Silent Spring can sound today, it is said, like “God calling the world into being” back in Creation time.”
LISTEN 50:27 READ MORE https://radioopensource.org/silent-spring-60-years-later/
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bogleech · 4 years
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laughing-one · 5 years
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When there are no meetings at the local library for generating a new world based on transparency and regenerative principles and the majority of a cities populace has their money in giant banks that own the deteriorating corporate "food supply". When you're labelled insane b/c your soul wont join the insanity of an insane world,.. when your water is not pure water and stands stagnant in dead metal pipes that don't wave like the banks of a river, like sounds and light and the spinning galaxies of stars .. when the people around you walk blindly in powerlessness and fight over TV personalities or "leaders".. when you tried to research for 20 years to not become like them but no one noticed what you were doing and you failed.. when you realized and remembered you were beaten everyday at "day care" and humiliated at "school".. when people tell you to shut the fk up and stop whining about it and cut your long dirty hippy hair and the self help books and support groups blame you and don't even have the eyes to see the actual extent of the tragedy but you stil gotta give them credit for having part of the truth and doing something positive even if it has to be tied to a parasitic and dog eat dog monetary system b/c it's such a polarized world.. when you never felt like this was home.. when you couldn't trust anyone even those who seemed closest.. when there are no eco villages or spiritual masters or real mentors or friends who get it and want to pool resources to pitch and install some centripetally vortexed magnetic water structurizers in the local establishments and farms.. when you could pool resources into creating self regenerating systems with the self regenerating principles and safe technological devices that are waiting to be tested and invested and used but the energy barons don't give a damn so it's up to us.. when all your dreams are crushed before youre conscious enough to know it.. when younfinally try to forget coming to awareness of all this and are met with such resistance and cynicism and the embedded self annihilating mental disease of cult-ure.. when deviations from this consciousness threaten and maim the reptilian brains need for certainty and personality worship...
That is when I welcome death. Because we people here fear life. The trauma runs deep as fk and the extent of it is hardly felt or seen b/c the fearful children wanted acceptance and love THAT MUCH that they had to poison their own souls against themselves.
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June 20, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
In honor of Sunday, the summer solstice, and Father’s Day, we took the day off and did a ten-mile kayak trip along the coast.
I did not look at the news, or my email, or my messages, or Twitter, or anything. I don’t remember the last time I did that. Maybe 2014?
I did, though, think of my father while we were on the water, not because of Father’s Day, but because of the ospreys.
Dad was profoundly affected by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, published in 1962, showing the devastating effects of people on nature by documenting the effect of pesticides on the natural world. A marine biologist, Carson explained how the popular pesticide DDT, developed in 1939, used to clear islands in the South Pacific of malaria-carrying mosquitoes during World War II, and deployed as an insect killer in the U.S. after the war, was poisoning the natural food chain in American waters.
DDT sprayed on vegetation washed into the oceans. It concentrated in fish, which were then eaten by birds of prey: in Maine, that meant ospreys. The DDT caused the birds to lay eggs with abnormally thin eggshells, so thin the eggs cracked in the nest when the parent birds tried to incubate them. And so the osprey began to die off.
When The New Yorker began to serialize Carson’s book in June 1962—likely where Dad first read it—officers of chemical companies were scathing. “If man were to faithfully follow the teachings of Miss Carson," an executive of the American Cyanamid Company said, "we would return to the Dark Ages, and the insects and diseases and vermin would once again inherit the earth." Officers of Monsanto questioned Carson's sanity.
But other Americans were willing to listen. Silent Spring inspired the fledgling environmental movement. In 1967, the Environmental Defense Fund organized to protect the environment; in 1970, President Richard M. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. In 1972, the U.S. banned the use of DDT.
And the ospreys began to come back.
In 1981, Dad’s last summer, if he spent the entire day in the boat, he knew where to find 13 nests.
Today, forty years later, the osprey were over us all day long. And, unthinkable in Dad’s day, there were plenty of bald eagles, too.
When I watch the osprey, I think of how, for all the many disasters the last forty years have brought, there are at least a few triumphs.
Happy solstice, everyone, and happy Father’s Day to dads and to those who fill the role.
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madamlaydebug · 4 years
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You see, the ancients knew to be "dead" was to really be AWAKE, & to be "awake" was to really be DEAD! That's why the process before a funeral was called a "wake!" Because the soul had an opportunity to escape this this 3rd dimensional realm & achieve Godhood!That's the true "awakening" & thats what the Zionist warlocks call "death." They want you to fear this process as much as possible, because the fear is gonna lower your vibrations, & stop you from reaching that Godly realm. This is also why the word LIVE is EVIL backwards, because this reality you're living in right now is the real HELL. The word "hell" traces back to the word helios which can be depicted as the Sun or our physical existence. The 666 is your carbon body! So the beasts goal is to keep our soul reincarnating on the Earth, & to block us from reaching that Godly realm, & the number one way we reach that Godly realm on a regular basis is when we DREAM. Our NeuroCarbon in our brains is most active when we're sleep, because that's when our true existence(our souls) feel the natural urge to leave this earthly paradigm(the real hell.) The dream realm is where we can communicate with other souls who are stuck in purgatory, or other beings who are spiritual guides for humans. We can communicate with our ancestors on the Sirius star system, or we may come across demons & archons. Regardless of who we interact with in our dreams, we humans are able to get valuable information about the after-life & the astral God realms in our dreams.That's why the government puts artificial chemicals in all pharmaceutical drugs, & all Monsanto foods. This is part of the reason they're spraying chemtrails, its to attack your pineal gland, & to stop humanity from getting proper sleep & dreaming! I know for a fact, the closer you are to the equator, the more frequent & vivid your dreams will be.The less artificial poisons in your body, & the more alkaline your blood is, the more frequent & vivid your dreams will be.
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iraklismytridis · 4 years
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​The Corona Virus was released in Wutan, China. Wutan is also the first city in China to go 5G. They did this in 2019. People are already making the connection so I confirmed this with Ashtar: They are using 5G to kill us!
I believe that the story of the virus being stolen from Canada and brought by 2 students is just a cover-up story to make us believe that the virus came from outside of ourselves. No! We are capable of producing viruses within our bodies! I’m not saying this because I’m a Canadian. In fact, I couldn’t care less as I see myself as a Vegan, not an earthling anyway.
Here are some of my posts on this as well as Ashtar’s comments:
I intuited this yesterday. They’re using 5G to kill us. Wifi already makes so many people ill. They’re controlling our minds with low level energy waves (like microwaves), so now they’re controlling our bodies.
5G, our “wonderful” wifi “advanced technology” works with our DNA (which has been altered, of course) to create lethal viruses within us. No wonder Ivo told me to move away from the cities, especially away from the American border.
5G has to stop. Chemtrailing has to stop. All of these things are being used together to create lethal spreadable diseases within us.
It’s not the animals, or eating them, this is bio-warfare and we’re the targets! We’re being used to become the creators of our own disease! If you think that’s impossible, then ask yourself what cancer is – it’s your own body gone haywire to create a disease within you. There is no virus or bacteria for cancer. It doesn’t have an external source – you create your own cancer.
Ashtar confirms this is the reality. He says not to fear it because when you fear, your DNA works less effectively to protect you from disease. Your DNA responds to your emotions. Make sure you keep your frequency high to protect yourself and others. On that point, read on.
You’re saving lives daily, and you don’t even know it. How are you doing this?
Ashtar: They (the dark ones) understand you’ll be leaving to go to 5D. They don’t really care about the higher vibrators except for the fact that you’re in the fourth dimension, which is where they are launching this final set of attacks. Your presence in 4D stops their plans from coming to fruition. So they want the lightworkers gone. Either killed off or ascended to higher dimensions, they don’t care. They just don’t want you messing with their plan.
Me: Too bad for them. Because I’m messing.
Ashtar: Your raising the vibration of the collective helps to keep people alive at this point, Sharon. Many perhaps don’t realize that. You’re holding up the organic population of humans on this planet and saving them from demise, just by being here!
Me: It feels like it some days. LOL
Ashtar: You’re intervening in their lives because you’re allowed to, by divine decree. We only wish more lightworkers would raise their vibration. That way more humans would be saved from the dark’s attempts to kill them off.
Me: So it’s not only just that the consciousness of the planet is raised, it’s that we’re keeping them alive.
Ashtar: Raising of the consciousness does keep them alive.
Consciousness is life. Lack of consciousness is death
This is why those who are going to 5D have not gone yet. Because they have to stay behind and hold a high vibration for the rest of the collective – because the rest of the collective isn’t. The collective isn’t ready to ascend, and what’s worse, are being subjected to these dark attacks because their frequency is so low.
I was contacted by one lightworker yesterday who is deliberately listening to darkworkers. Why? They’re lying. Why would you listen to them? And what’s more, come to me to tell me what the darkworker said. Oh yes, so I can be exposed to the lie as well. I seriously don’t think people take this seriously enough. Now we’re seeing what’s at stake – they’re setting up 5G all over the world to produce low level waves that will create viruses within our bodies! Isn’t that enough to get you to take it seriously? Do I have to remind people of the scalar beams they’re starting fires with in California, Australia and other parts of the world? Do I have to remind you of how Monsanto is poisoning our food supply, vaccines are causing death and vaccine injury in children… when will you start to take this seriously?
This kind of illogical behaviour is what keeps people chained to the lower timelines and this is what’s holding back the entire Ascension process – we each make a contribution. Everything every one of us says and does either moves the collective forward or backward. We have absolute one hundred percent responsibility in this right now. And so many aren’t exercising that because we still think we don’t matter. We DO matter. We came here and were born on this earth to matter, to make a difference and it’s best to step into that responsibility and take it seriously – because there’s no way to avoid it. That’s what you came here to do.
Every lightworker at this time is scheduled to either return home, reincarnate here, or to lose their reincarnation privileges. It depends on their frequency. That means if you fall to the dark side, that you will not be able to return to earth or anywhere else, and will be taken to trial on another planet and possibly incinerated in the central sun. Absolute death. This is how serious this is.
There are many lightworkers who will require to be reincarnated here again because they haven’t finished their projects, and others will just return home.
I know of one lightworker who hasn’t woken up sufficiently and is experiencing ascension symptoms now along with the rest of the earthlings. This is how effective the dark has been in waylaying many lightworkers.
The galactics can only implement change on this planet to the level that we can hold the change and incorporate it into our lives. In effect, they need our approval or acceptance, to create change just as much as the dark needs our approval in order to create the false reality of lies that they’ve been creating. Any refusal to accept the whole truth of the matter just stalls the liberation process further.
That’s why some people are awake and others are still asleep – because we believe different narratives – the Truth or the lies.
The Light tells us the truth to the extent that we can accept and incorporate it only; the dark lies in order to get us to accept that. Why? It’s because we’re the creators who have been designated to live on this planet and what happens here is a reflection of all of us collectively and is our responsibility. That’s why people have to wake up!! It’s our planet and what happens to us depends on how we think.
If we don’t have the capacity to live by the Truth, then they can’t physically remove the liars from this planet because it wouldn’t “stick” anyway. It might even backfire and work in favour of the dark! We have to have the courage to see the Truth of what they’re doing on this planet – to the people, to the children, and that means above ground and underground. When we accept it, the galactics can move forward and implement more physical change.
That’s why ALL lightworkers MUST BE SEEKERS OF THE TRUTH. Find the narrative and stick with it. Your opinion means nothing – and can be manipulated by the dark to their advantage! So stop playing opinion games on Facebook!
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twocubes · 5 years
I think part of growing up (politically) is sort of, coming to some sort of suspicion that... there is no real way for the game to end
Thermonuclear war? Well, we might have a large number of dead, and the horrors of radiation poisoning can’t really be overstated, and certainly the living might come to envy the dead... but as far as i can tell, even in nuclear winter scenarios, not all of mankind dies. the game continues.
Climate change? Well, there is going to be a massive shift in our environment, and basically all of our current agricultural supply chains are going to need to be rebuilt in an entirely unpredictable environment, and we’re probably coming upon an age of unprecedented upheaval and horror and blood... but still, complete extinction of mankind would be difficult to accomplish by these means. the game continues.
AI foom? Well, this may be a weird way to think about it, but... doing things smartly? is inefficient, evolutionarily, in almost all cases. Having built-in instincts and mechanisms to solve a problem is almost always faster than having to figure out a problem by trial and error or from a theoretical model. Reason is. Slow. Working something out from first principles is. Slow. 
My point being, we overestimate its utility in survival situations, and as much as AI might come to have an advantage over us... I suspect that an AGI getting so good at understanding itself that it can generically “improve” itself indefinitely is already deeply unlikely. At the smaller timescales, it is probably going to already be hard to compete with what already exists. At least here on earth. And at larger scales, well... then we’re talking about timescales long enough that talking about a foom seems like an abuse of notation.
(Incidentally, it certainly is unlikely that such a mechanism could do so and not get forced by essentially the same mutation-adaption mechanism that everyone else works under to lose such frivolous luxuries as a “make paperclips” trait. I’ll repeat, an AI that’s trying to turn the universe into paperclips is less competitive than an AI that is going to try to survive, because trying to make paperclips is frivolous.)
The game continues.
(probably, in all of these cases, but we’ll never be rid of that)
Catastrophic, end-of-the-world, no-quarter-given thinking is tempting, in that it feels heroic, but also... simpler, than what we find ourselves living under. Having a definite Thing that is the Catastrophic Thing that we must Prevent makes for clear movie plots.
But, well, I suspect that it also makes us easier to manipulate, because when we see a terrible thing and there don’t seem to be any means of alleviating the Abhorrent Thing, the Repulsive Situation, the ⊥, then... well, we’ll reach for anything.
Somebody waves something hard-to-evaluate at you that could work but it’s a long shot but it could work... and you take that chance, if all you’re thinking is “probability that the ⊥ happens if I try vs. if I don’t”. And thus with a bit of con-man-ship, you can get the desperate person to do anything.
You can get people horrified at school shootings to support increased funding to the police state and increasingly harsh laws to punish people so long as a gun is somewhere in the equation, you can get people horrified at Monsanto’s practices to support things that prevent anyone from competing with them, you can convince people horrified at climate change to support global fucking civil war.
So... get used to it. Look at the horror of the future, look at the catastrophic loss of life, the revolutions, the upheavals, the genocides, the fascism, the war, the reduction in population that is going to happen and tell yourself:
This. Is. Normal.
start from there, fix the worst of it in your mind until you can look at it without flinching, steel yourself, and get ready for a long drawn out fight to make things better over time, rather than a disaster movie fight to prevent a catastrophe. 
because if you don’t convince yourself that whatever is happening is expected? if you think that this is just an exceptional abhorrent deviation from what is normal that must be struggled against for the restoration of the norm?
then, you will be taken advantage of.
like it says on the book.
Don’t. Panic.
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zarahvlogss · 5 years
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Dear Diary,
I’m done, I’m done with eating meat and dairy and having my lip swell up and this time I ate meat and dairy. Ohhh 🤬 it hurt soo bad. I’ve been dealing with this swelling thing since I came back to eating meat and dairy.(I was plant based/“vegan” for a year back in 2014) bitch the meat and dairy industry is contaiminated and it’s making me and every one else sick. Yes you heard me right, Monsanto, Coke cola, Perdue, McDonald’s, and every got damn place that sells meat and dairy! Your ruining our world your ruining everyone’s body’s. And don’t even give me that shit that you, “have no comment”. Only bullshit people poison ☠️ other people for money. I hope when you are going to bed at night that you think about what ur doing to people. And this earth. I.AM.DONE. Going vegan FULLY VEGAN 🌱 in the morning because right now I’m disgusted. I’m taking my ass to bed. And to all you vegans out there I’m sorry people misunderstand you I’m sorry some people whether it be friends or family don’t understand what there supporting. So whether you went vegan for health, animals or environmental or all. I see you 👀. Goodnight.
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mrmrsvegan · 5 years
Do you think organic, grass fed, and pasture raised meat, eggs, and butter are more carcinogenic than oats or any other whole grains and beans with roundup in it?
roundup doesn’t give you cancer, this is ridiculous.  The verdict will eventually be overturned and all this asshattery over it will result in other herbicides being used, like those from cyano bacteria and those will really give people issues...
Toxicology: Not an acute poison for mammals (e.g., oral LD50 for rats, 5600 mg/kg), not mutagenic, not carcinogenic, not teratogenic, not neurotoxic. Practically nontoxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, honeybees and earthworms.
Environmental Fate: Photodegrades in water under natural conditions, DT50
We obviously shouldn’t be drinking it, but its probably better than any alternative.  If you are a worker applying it in vast quantities and not using protective gear sue your boss not Beyer/Monsanto.  There may be plants we shouldn’t use it on, like using it as a desiccant in wheat, but it seems to me that something that blocks proteins would be anti cancer...
The bioaccumulation of toxins in your meat, eggs and butter and carcinogens created while cooking them and the damage they do to your arteries IN A SINGLE MEAL outweigh a lifetime of carcinogenic activity from herbicide residue from Round UP.  We live in a world of stupids and ridiculous media malfeasance.  Sure lets get a jury of 12 people to decide if something is cancer causing!  Might as well ask a random pool of people if the earth is warming and go after big oil!  Thank our ancestors that our legal system has multiple appeals processes, too bad they are slow and expensive and we’ll be subject to worse outcomes in the meantime.
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bookclubforghosts · 5 years
Organic Food and Sustainability
Notes from my horticulture class
·Human history
o   From prehistory until the 1860s, all agriculture was organic (natural)
o   1860s- discovery of Bordeaux Mixture
o   1924- Rudolf Steiner founds the Biodynamics Movement
§ Religion with the Earth Mother as your goddess
§  Agriculture has spiritual aspects
§  Nature is a spiritual concept (Mother Nature, Gaia, Erda, Demeter)
§  Man-made (synthetic) things are therefore necessarily evil
§  Natural things are spiritually “good”
§  The “best” agriculture would emphasize the “good” aspects of nature
§  Eating natural foods makes you a better person in the spiritual sense
o   Late 1940s-50s --> “Better living through chemistry”
o   Late 1950s --> Robert Rodale and Rodale press. Organic as a religious concept, based on his father’s beliefs in Biodynamics
o   1962 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
o   1970 EPA
o   Since then: Rodale Press bought: Bicycling, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Children’s Health, Prevention, Organic Gardening, Running, Runner’s World magazines
o   Many books on organics. Health advisers to the Huffington Post, so they have a large internet presence
·       Politics and Public Opinion
o   Conventional agriculture is bad
o   Corporate agriculture (Monsanto) is bad
o   Pesticides are bad
o   Fertilizers are bad
o   “Natural” foods are good
o   If we just switched to all-organic foods, all the world’s problems would be solved
o   “Nature” is a good and beneficent thing
o   Natural, whole foods make me a better person in the spiritual sense
o   Preservatives will kill us
o   Pesticides are building up in the environment
o   Cancer rates are rising, directly due to the conventionally produced foods we eat
·       Biological Reality
o   Nature is not nice
o   Survival of the fittest is the rule. Everybody dies.
o   We, as humans, live relatively long, healthy, happy lives specifically because we don’t lead a “natural” lifestyle
o   Life (and death) among the poorest of the poor most closely represents a natural lifestyle among humans
o   Cancer rates that are rising are not due to pesticides
·       Currently labeled pesticides
o   Have a short half-life
o   Must test zero for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity
o   Compare to ricin, abrin, nicotine aflatoxin, rotenone
§  Aflatoxin is totally natural and one of the strongest carcinogens
§  Rotenone is a totally natural insecticide, but increases chance of Parkinson’s
o   If we were to apply current pesticide labeling laws to the foods themselves, organic carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and many other veggies would be illegal
·       Would a switch to organic be green?
o   On average, twice the land area currently used for farming would be needed to maintain current production rates
o   In poor-soil areas like Florida, at least 3 times the land area would be needed
o   Would require massive destruction of forests and other natural areas
o   Organic production uses more than twice the diesel fuel or gasoline of conventional; higher carbon footprint
o   Even then, sufficient land does not exist; the current world population could not possibly be fed, organically
o   Organic as we think of it is a convenience of the rich
·       So are there any scientific benefits to organic?
o   Perhaps in animal products—hormone-free and antibiotic-free meats and milk. Any such benefit has NOT been demonstrated
o   Otherwise, no; organically produced grains, fruits, and vegetables have no known benefit and a significantly greater probability of producing food poisoning and/or aflatoxin-based cancers
·       A Fad That Won’t Go Away
o   Organic movement since 1950s
o   Publix “Greenwise” produce for about the last decade
o   Whole Foods Market has put “Biodynamic” on their products
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Story at a glance:
Glyphosate — the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup — is commonly used off-label as a desiccant and/or preharvest treatment to speed ripening. This is why even non-GMO (genetically modified) foods often contain glyphosate.
Paraquat and diquat are registered desiccants that have been used in U.S. agriculture since 1962, and as bad as glyphosate is, these “quats” may be even worse.
More than 3,000 farmers with Parkinson’s disease are suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer of paraquat and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing the chemical caused their disease. The first federal trial is set for October. More than 100 lawsuits have also been filed in California state courts, where trials are set to begin in June.
In 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reapproved paraquat for another 15 years. Earth Justice sued the EPA claiming the agency has “understated the extent of paraquat’s adverse effects.” The EPA is now re-reviewing its paraquat data and has until December to draft its reanalysis.
Research suggests plant lectins are the key link between paraquat and the damage resulting in Parkinson’s disease. Lectins are proteins found in many grains, legumes and beans — the very crops most often treated with paraquat. Paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins as the lectins transport the toxin straight into the brain.
As previously reported in “Preharvest Use of Glyphosate Poisons Kids’ Food,” testing has revealed alarmingly high levels of glyphosate in the vast majority (43 out of 45) breakfast products and snacks made with oats.
Glyphosate — the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup — is commonly used on genetically engineered (GE) crops to kill weeds, but high levels of the chemical is also found in non-GE foods.
The reason for this is that it’s also used as an off-label desiccant and/or preharvest treatment to speed ripening.
The Monsanto pamphlet “Preharvest Staging Guide” clearly states that Roundup formulation “should not be used as a desiccant,” but many farmers use it that way anyway, despite the known risks.
That said, other registered desiccants certainly aren’t any safer, and food is not tested for them either. This raises questions about whether desiccants ought to be allowed at all. It’s a sticky problem though, for a number of reasons.
For example, many farmers today do not own their own harvesting equipment. They hire companies that come in and do it.
It’s costly, so to make sure the grain is ready for harvesting on a specific date, they pretreat it with a desiccant to ensure it’s sufficiently dry in time for harvesting.
Desiccating also eliminates excess green plant material, which reduces wear and tear on machinery and improves profits, as farmers are penalized when the grain contains too much moisture. The greater the moisture content of the grain at sale, the lower the price they get.
Paraquat and diquat to face trial
Paraquat and diquat are two herbicides and registered desiccants used in U.S. agriculture since 1962, and as bad as glyphosate is, these “quats” may be even worse.
As reported by Civil Eats:
“Paraquat is still one of the most popular herbicides in the U.S., applied in the greatest quantities to fields of soybeans, cotton and grapes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It’s also the deadliest pesticide used in U.S. agriculture, capable of killing a human with just a sip, as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns.
“As far back as 1983, the journalist Andrew Revkin warned that ‘the potent weedkiller is killing people,’ as he starkly detailed its link to suicides and accidental deaths. A considerable body of evidence links the toxicant to Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological condition with no cure.”
While 50 countries have banned paraquat due to its adverse effects on health, the chemical remains legal in the U.S., provided farmers receive training on its application.
Soon, that may change, however, as more than 3,000 farmers with Parkinson’s disease are now suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing paraquat caused their disease.
Civil Eats reported:
“The lawsuits, which were consolidated to pool evidence, have led to a trove of hundreds of documents … including evidence that the companies knew — as early as the 1960s — about paraquat’s potential risks to the brain and feared the potential of lawsuits.”
The first federal trial is set for October. More than 100 lawsuits filed in California state courts have also been consolidated and are set to begin in June.
EPA’s paraquat analysis is being challenged
In 2021, the EPA reapproved paraquat for another 15 years. The approval was challenged by Earth Justice, which filed a lawsuit against the EPA claiming the agency “repeatedly understated the extent of paraquat’s adverse effects.”
In response to that lawsuit, the EPA asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to allow it to revisit its analysis of paraquat. In December 2022, the court granted its request. The EPA now has until December to draft its reanalysis.
If the EPA does a thorough-enough job, paraquat may end up being restricted or banned.
Civil Eats continued:
“‘The initial paraquat risk assessment was scientifically and legally baseless,’ said Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz, a senior attorney at Earthjustice, which in 2021 challenged the EPA’s registration on behalf of other petitioners, including the Center for Biological Diversity, Farmworker Justice and the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation.
“’The key question now is whether EPA uses this new opportunity to follow the science and protect the public from this incredibly dangerous pesticide’ …
“The lawsuit challenged a range of oversights, claiming the EPA considered the economic risk to growers more heavily than the health risk to farmers and farmworkers, in violation of federal pesticides law …
“The agency, petitioners claimed, also overlooked the medical evidence relating to Parkinson’s disease, citing research by the National Health Institute, the nation’s main medical research agency, which ‘found that people who applied paraquat were more than twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease as those who applied other pesticides.'”
According to Majed Nachawati, the co-lead attorney of the state court litigation in California, the core argument in all these lawsuits is that paraquat exposure — both topical exposure and inhalation — is indeed causally linked to Parkinson’s.
Paraquat augments lectin toxicity
Interestingly, research strongly suggests plant lectins are the key link between paraquat and the damage resulting in Parkinson’s disease. Lectins are sugar-binding plant proteins found in many grains, legumes and beans.
High-lectin foods include peanuts, soy, lentils, rice, potatoes and wheat, just to name a few.
Lectins attach to your cell membranes, and some experts, including Dr. Steven Gundry, author of “The Plant Paradox,” argue that plant lectins are a hidden culprit behind many health problems as they can cause severe inflammation, damage nerves, kill cells, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function.
“Lectins are proteins found in many grains, legumes and beans — the very crops most-often treated with paraquat. Paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins as the lectins transport the toxin straight into the brain.”
What’s worse, researchers have found that paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins, as the lectins can transport the toxin straight into the brain.
The cruel irony here is that paraquat is widely used as an herbicide and desiccant on crops rich in lectins, including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, cereal grains and beans.
In other words, while lectins can cause severe health problems in and of themselves, by spraying paraquat on lectin-rich crops, those crops are made exponentially more hazardous, as the lectins act as transport vehicles for the toxic herbicide.
As reported by Medical News Today in 2018:
“Paraquat, once in the stomach, causes alpha-synuclein to be misfolded and then helps it travel to the brain. Scientists believe that alpha-synuclein runs along the vagus nerve, which itself runs between the stomach and the brain.
“In fact, recent studies have shown that the vagus nerve has a direct connection with the substantia nigra, making it a prime suspect in Parkinson’s disease. This direct link also helps explain why digestive problems often precede the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s by several years.
“To investigate, the researchers fed rats small doses of paraquat for 7 days. They also fed them lectins … As expected, they identified Parkinson’s-related changes. As study co-author, Prof. Thyagarajan Subramanian explains:
“’We were able to demonstrate that if you have oral paraquat exposure, even at very low levels, and you also consume lectins […] then it could potentially trigger the formation of this protein — alpha-synuclein — in the gut. Once it’s formed, it can travel up the vagus nerve and to the part of the brain that triggers the onset of Parkinson’s disease.’
“This series of experiments demonstrates how the interplay between two ingested compounds can conspire to create and then transport toxic protein structures from the gut to the brain.”
Diquat may pose similar risks
Diquat, while generally considered less toxic than paraquat, is still thought to have similar health risks.
As noted in a 2015 study, diquat causes cell death by producing reactive oxygen species independently of the mitochondria and appears to be quite hazardous to brain tissue.
According to the authors:
“Evidence indicates that Parkinson’s disease (PD), in addition to having a genetic aetiology, has an environmental component that contributes to disease onset and progression …
“Given its similarity to paraquat, an agrochemical removed from registration in the EU for its suspected potential to cause PD, we have investigated the in vitro capacity of the related herbicide Diquat to cause PD-like cell death.
“Diquat showed greater toxicity towards SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and human midbrain neural cells than paraquat and also MPTP, which was independent of dopamine transporter-mediated uptake.
“Diquat caused cell death independently of caspase activation … with only a minor contribution from apoptosis, which was accompanied by enhanced reactive oxygen species production in the absence of major inhibition of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain …
“Diquat may, therefore, kill neural tissue by programmed necrosis rather than apoptosis, reflecting the pathological changes seen following high-level exposure, although its ability to promote PD is unclear.”
Take-home message
The take-home message from all this is that the hazards of desiccation are not limited to glyphosate. Paraquat has been linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease by attaching to lectins in foods, and diquat may also have similar effects.
These herbicides are considered the “best” drying option for legumes, which are also particularly high in lectins. As a result, many foods that vegetarians and vegans rely on may pose significant health hazards in more ways than one.
You can reduce lectin concentration by pressure cooking, for example, but if you’re using an unclean source, you’re dealing with extra toxic kinds of lectins.
To avoid or at least minimize these hazards, it’s important to buy organic beans, peas, potatoes and other high-lectin foods from a reputable source, ideally, a local farmer you can trust.
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