#pokemon masterlist
plantedwrites · 2 years
Harsh Words and Soft Hands
Pleaseeee this was supposed to be a quick little blurb for an alphabet request 😩 Ahh well... it is what it is 🙃 Enjoy my little Piers hoes! Also, it's probably not edited very well :)
Character- Piers
Type- Angst, Fluff
Word Count- 1557
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By the time I finally walked through the apartment door I had a better sense of what the yelling voices were fighting over. By the looks of it, Marnie and Piers had already been going at it for a while before I even walked onto our street. The argument wasn’t over something new. It was the same one the two had been having for the last two weeks. Like any other young girl bursting onto the dating scene, Marnie met someone new and exciting. At first, Piers had been fairly excited about it, his baby sister almost 18 had met a girl she connected with. The later the two girls stayed out, however, is where Piers began to become increasingly bothersome to the teenager. It all came to a head when Marnie come home at the ripe hour of 3 am the night before. Piers had paced the whole apartment, dread clawing up the back of his throat. His little sister never stayed out that late, at least without telling him anyway. 
“For fuck’s sake Marnie! What if you’d been attacked by some wild pokemon on your walk home” The vice-like grip Piers had on his hair told me all I needed to know. The sibling fight was about to blow up in everyone’s faces. 
“It’s not as if I was walking home alone!” Marnie pointed a finger at her bag on the table, “I have a whole team of dependable pokemon right there.” 
Sensing the two walking closer to the edge I stepped between them. Placing a hand on Piers’ back I tried to soothe my boyfriend the best I could. “Hey, why don’t we all take a breather? Take a walk or grab a glass of water.” I reached for his hand to gently guide him into the kitchen, “Calm down a little.”
Grabbing her bag and darting for the door Marnie jabbed at her brother, “You heard them, Piers. Go do something else and lay off me for once in your life!” With lightning reflexes, Piers had already blocked the door before the young girl could make her escape. 
“Shove off Piers! I’m done talking about this!” Marnie retorted while pulling out a pair of headphones to block Piers off the only way she now could. 
Within seconds Piers had quickly become red in the face from anger. It wasn’t very often that Piers got angry like this. Hell, it was even less often that the siblings even fought! ‘I’m your brother and I know what’s best,” Piers gritted, “If you’re gonna act like some stuck-up brat of a trainer then you can consider yourself grounded!”
“You’re joking?” Marnie laughed “You can’t be serious!” I’ve always known Piers to be slightly more overprotective of Marnie than what was necessary. In fact, me and Marnie even talked about it during one of our girl's nights. It all came down to the fact that Marnie was all Piers had for the longest time. He practically raised her once their parents essentially abandoned them. So I knew he wasn’t being completely fair about the whole situation. Especially since he hadn't been sleeping the best the past few nights with his insomnia kicking up again. 
“Marnie why don’t you go cool down in your room while I talk with your brother, ok?” giving her a small smile a gently nudged her in the direction I wanted her to go. 
“You’re not even a part of the damn family! I don't know why the hell you always act like you are y/n.” The words spewed out of Piers's mouth much to the shock of everyone in the room. Eyed wide, Marnie glanced between me and Piers, knowing that a very big line had just been crossed. 
Clenching my jaw I slowly turned towards the tall man still blocking the door, “On second thought, Marnie, why don't you head out and give us some privacy?” My tone dripped with the venom of a Toxicroak, “Now. Please.” 
Shoving past her still angry brother, Marnie shut the door loudly behind her. “What the fuck y/n!” Piers yelled, “First you interrupt us, then you actually have the nerve to just undermine everything I told her!” 
Crossing my arms across my chest I glare at my boyfriend. “So the four years we've been together still means I’m not family?” I said. “Or how about we talk about the fact you just called your sister a stuck-up brat?” I continued. 
Gripping his hair once again Piers rapidly paced the room. “You know damn well that I know and do what is best for my sister,” he yelled. “Not yours!” “Piers! You haven't slept properly in days! It's making you lash out at Marnie, your team, for fuck sakes me!” I gestured around the room as if it would further prove my point. “All I was trying to do was help you from saying something to your sister like you just said to me!” 
Releasing a sign I drag a hand down my face and closed my eyes. ‘Breath, just breath’ I told myself. “Whatever,” Piers mumbled, “You can find somewhere else to stay tonight. I don't even wanna look at you right now.” With his final words, Piers stormed down the hall to our shared room. Slamming the door behind him. 
Blinking away tears, I stood blankly. Staring at the last spot Piers was before everything blew up. I hastily ran for the balcony before my tears flooded my face and turned to full-blown sobs. Realistically I knew that everyone, especially Piers, was tired, stressed and more likely than not hungry. None of that mattered to my brain at the moment though. I was hurt and defeated. My heart hurt for Marine and her budding relationship. My heart hurt for the strain today's argument placed on the sibling's beautiful relationship. And most of all, my heart hurt for my own relationship with the moody rockstar himself. 
Taking deep breaths the best I could I sat on the small couch placed on one side of the balcony, overlooking the city below. Once I had calmed down the best I could, I pulled out my phone and called Marnie. Having known the young girl longer than I even knew Piers, I knew she’d be in a bit of a state, wanting to talk to someone about the past few hours.
“Hello?” her voice rang through the speaker, sniffles following closely behind. “Hey, Marnie! Are you alright? I just wanted to check up on you, see if you needed or wanted anything.” Hearing her sign on the other end I continued, “No matter what happens you can always, always come and talk to me ok? You know that don’t you?” 
“I know y/n, I know. Piers has just been on my case so much lately! I know he doesn’t mean any of it, not really anyway, but I still hate hearing him say it.” Adjusting to sit more comfortably on the couch I quickly replied, “I known hun. He hasn’t been sleeping all that well lately,” I sighed, “I think managing both the gym and working on his music career is all becoming too much for him. He’s wearing himself too thin.” 
Hearing the faint sound of rustling leaves on the other end of the phone Marine speaks up after a moment of silence. “y/n, ya know that you’re family, right?” She pauses, waiting to see if I’ll speak, “You’re family to me and to Piers, even when he's being too much of a dick to notice!” I laugh faintly after her remark, knowing very well that it's true. 
We talk a few moments longer before Marine mentions that she’d finally made it to Ballonlea where she was meeting up with Grace, the girl she was seeing. After hanging up the phone I figured it would be best to wait out on the balcony for just a while longer. I wanted to give Piers all the space he needed to think things through carefully. 
“I thought you left.” His words were quiet and only just audible over the noise of the city below. Turning to face the man behind the voice, I’m met with the look of a broken and sad man. With a blotchy red face and a slightly hoarse voice from crying, Piers timidly raises his tear-stained eyes to mine. 
“No,” I said, “I didn’t leave. Figured you’d be ready to talk properly later so I stayed.” Gesturing for him to come sit by me he obeyed. It was awkward at first. Most post-argument conversations are. Without warning and without hasty movement, we slowly drifted together. Leaning on each other, hands intertwined, Piers spoke for the second time that evening. “You’re family, my family,’ he kissed my forehead “You’re the love of my life and I’ll be damned if I push you away.” I could hear his voice crack slightly and squeezed his hand. 
“I love you Piers. Always have, always will” I mumbled. “I know we need to talk about everything and I need to apologize to Marnie, but can we just sit here? Together?” Piers sounded almost unsure of what my answer was going to be.” 
Leaning up and tilting his head, I placed a soft kiss on his lips reassuring him that we’ll take all the time he needs. 
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
Yandere Pokémon masterlist
Pokémon sword and shield: Leon: General Yandere Leon headcanons Yandere Leon promt Raihan: General Yandere Raihan headcanons Piers: Yandere Piers Headcanons Gordie: General Yandere Gordie Headcanons Bea: nothing yet Kabu: nothing yet Nessa: nothing yet Milo: General Yandere Milo headcanons Hop: General Yandere Hop headcanons Bede: General Yandere Bede headcanons Marnie: nothing yet Chairman Rose: nothing yet Oleana: nothing yet
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pink-wooloo · 2 years
° 𐐒 Master list 𐐚 °
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☆ Leon
How would the SwSh Guys act like when jealous?
Receiving a love letter from a good friend! 💌
Leon with a S/O who loves his long hair
How would the Swsh Guys react to S/O catching a cold (pt. 1)
Milo, Piers, Gordie and Leon with an Albino fem S/O!
Nintendo Night || Leon x reader (NSFW)
Leon x s/o who takes care of Fairy-type pokemon!
Talking while they sleep! || Raihan, Leon, Piers ||
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
☆ Raihan
Receiving a love letter from a good friend! 💌
Raihan and younger sister figure!reader
Pokemon battle gone wrong || Raihan x fem!reader
Raihan and Kabu falling for Ice-type specialist!
Raihan, Gordie, and Piers x pregnant with multiples! s/o
Talking while they sleep! || Raihan, Leon, Piers ||
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
☆ Piers
How would the SwSh guys act like when Jealous?
Receiving a love letter from a good friend! 💌
How would the Swsh Guys react to S/O catching a cold (pt. 1)
Stumbling Across each other's baby pictures (Piers x fem!reader)
Milo, Piers, Gordie and Leon with an Albino fem S/O!
Birthday boy || Piers x reader (NSFW)
Regret || Piers x s/o passing away
Raihan, Gordie, and Piers x pregnant with multiples! s/o
Talking while they sleep! || Raihan, Leon, Piers ||
Chilling on the couch || Piers x gn!reader
Piers x Oblivious pregnant! reader
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
Piers flirting with fem!s/o
☆ Milo
Milo x Fairy-type trainer
How would the SwSh Guys Act like when Jealous?
How would the Swsh Guys react to S/O catching a cold (pt. 1)
Milo, Piers, Gordie and Leon with an Albino fem S/O!
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
☆ Gordie
How would the SwSH Guys Act like when Jealous?
♡ Christmas Dinner ♡ (Gordie x Fem!Reader)
How would the Swsh Guys react to S/O catching a cold (pt. 1)
Milo, Piers, Gordie and Leon with an Albino fem S/O!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Gordie x fem!reader NSFW
Rivals to lovers || Gordie x Champion! reader
Raihan, Gordie, and Piers x pregnant with multiples! s/o
Gordie x afab reader || NSFW
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
☆ Kabu
Raihan and Kabu falling for Ice-type specialist!
Is this a pregnancy test? || Kabu x ice type specialist reader
Gym leaders + Leon with a mute S/O!
☆ Prompt lists
Prompt list 1
Prompt list 2
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
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espiepuffs · 5 months
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Pokémon Sword/Shield
First date!
Roll with the punches!
Valentine’s Day Hcs
Pokémon Scarlet/Violet
Roll with the punches!
All around the world!
Battle burnout!
All around the world!
Heart of gold ♡
Model student!
Heart of gold ♡
Silly little legendary!
All around the world!
Valentine’s Day Hcs
Valentine’s day Hcs
Model student!
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amphibioticdescent · 2 years
•••🌻 Pokemon Masterlist 🌻•••
♡ Fire ♡ Electric ♡ Bug
♡ Water ♡ Ground ♡ Normal
♡ Grass ♡ Rock ♡ Steel
♡ Poison ♡ Dark ♡ Fairy
♡ Flying ♡ Dragon ♡ Fighting
♡ Ghost ♡ Ice ♡ Psychic
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•••🌻One Piece Masterlist🌻•••
My side blog is @amphibioticdescentsstuff for reblogging things
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Pokémon Imagines Masterlist
I will write for a majority of characters from Shield/Sword, Violet/Scarlet/Paldean Winds, XY, and more! The ones I have listed I will for sure write for, but I'm open to all characters for the most part! No NSFW please! Fluff is always allowed and extremely recommended!
Prompt List Prompt List Part 2 Prompt List Part 3
Pokémon Shield/Sword
True Colors
Pokémon Violet/Scarlet/Paldean Winds
Secrets, Secrets are No Fun
The Beauty of The Internet
It's Just Research, Right?
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ayabeanworks · 8 months
Pokemon Masterlist
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I don't write much Pokemon anymore unfortunately, but here's my super short list of fics centered around our silver haired steamboat, Steven Stone 😀
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If Steven Stone was stranded on a deserted island, what would he bring?
Steven Stone S.O headcanons
Steven Stone General Headcanons
Steven Stone x Shy! S.O Headcanons
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Click here to go back to the main masterlist!
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duskoon · 2 years
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Pokémon Masterlist + Character list:
Anime, Core games, manga, and all iteration of Pokemon will be here. It will be categorised based on the generation it was released on, to help me organise things.
Note: Some generations/spin off games I have not included either due to not playing them, or lack of interest in them. Characters that have (?) beside romance are characters I am not sure if I want to add, considering I see them as parental figure most of the time. But if you'd like, I can add them. Just ask me to add them, if you want. I do not judge ;) Blue and Red in gen 7 are in their early 20’s, thus they are no longer minors.
Considering Leaf is the female counterpart of Red, she too is no longer minor.
For some characters like Erika, Khaili, and more it was rather difficult to pinpoint their exact age. So for cases like these, I only age those characters up considering canon never emphasised on their age.
I also do poly, so do not be afraid to ask ;)
Characters in bold are the one I am mostly invested in, but that doesn’t mean I won’t write for others.
Generation 1 & 2: (Kanto & Johto)
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Red (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Green/Leaf (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Gold/Ethan (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lyra (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Kris (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Blue/Gary (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Silver (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Gym Leaders + Elite 4 + Champion:
Brock (Platonic)[Game & Masters & Anime only]
Misty (Platonic)[Game & Masters & Anime only]
Lt. Surge (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Erika (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Koga (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Sabrina (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Blaine (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lorelei (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Bruno (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Agatha (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lance (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Oak (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Masters & Anime only]
Elm (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Giovanni (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Anime & Masters & Generations]
Jessie (Romantic & Platonic)[Anime only]
James (Romantic & Platonic)[Anime only]
Proton (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Archer (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Petrel (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Ariana (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Generation 3 (Hoenn)
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Brendan (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
May (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Wally (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Gym Leaders + Elite 4 + Champion:
Roxanne (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Brawly (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Wattson (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game only]
Flannery (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Norman (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Winona (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Tate & Liza (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Juan (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game only]
Sidney (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Phoebe (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Glacia (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Drake (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game only]
Steven Stone (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Birch (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Maxie (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations & Masters only]
Courtney (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations only]
Tabitha (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Generations only]
Archie (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations & Masters only]
Shelly (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations only]
Matt (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations only]
Generation 4 (Sinnoh)
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Lucas/Diamond (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Dawn/Platinum (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Barry/Pearl (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Gym Leaders + Elite 4 + Interpol + Champion:
Roark (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Gardenia (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Maylene (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Crasher Wake (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Fantina (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Byron (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Candice (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Volkner (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Aaron (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Bertha (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Flint (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Lucian (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Cynthia (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Masters only]
Looker (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures only]
Rowan (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Pokemon adventures only]
Cyrus (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generation only] - General headcanons.
Jupiter (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures only]
Saturn (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures only]
Mars (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures only]
Sird (Romantic & Platonic)[Pokémon adventures only]
Generation 5 (Unova)
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Hilbert/Black (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Hilda/White (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Nate/Blake/Black 2 (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Rosa/White 2 (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Cheren (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Bianca (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Hugh (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Gym Leaders + Elite 4 + Champion:
Chili (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Cilian (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Cress (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Lenora (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Burgh (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Elesa (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Clay (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Skyla (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Brycen (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Drayden (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Iris (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Generations only]
Roxie (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Marlon (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Shauntal (Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Grimsley (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Caitlin (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Marshal (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters only]
Alder (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokémon adventures & Masters & Evolutions only]
Aurea Juniper (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures only]
Ghetsis (Romantic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Generations/Evolutions & Masters only]
Colress (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Generations only]
N (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Pokèmon adventures & Generations & Masters only]
Generation 6 (Kalos)
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Calem (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Serena (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Sycamore (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lysandre (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Generations/Evolutions & Anime & Masters only]
Malva (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Generation 7 (Alola)
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Elio (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Selene (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lillie (Platonic)[Game & Masters only] <— Deuteragonist
Gladion (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Hau (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Captains + Kahunas + Elite 4:
Ilima (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Lana (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Kiawe (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Mallow (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Sophocles (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Acerola (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Mina (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Hala (Romantic(?) & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Olivia (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Nanu (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Hapu (Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Kahili (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]*
Kukui (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Burnet (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Lusamine (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Guzma (Romantic & Platonic)[Game & Masters only]
Faba (Romantic & Platonic)[Game only]
Yandere’s ranking.
Yandere SCP x Pokehybrid au idea.
Deep End AU: Masterlist.
Pokémon is rightfully ©️ to The Pokémon company. No character belongs to me, unless stated otherwise.
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plagues02 · 6 months
Pokemon Masterlist
Admin Proton
Queer HCs
Protags: Gen 1-Gen 5
Protags: Gen 6-Gen 9
0 notes
plantedwrites · 2 years
Alrighty, heres the home of all my past, current, and future posts :) You’ll find prompts, my writing, my rules, and some other stuff I post. Enjoy ;)
General Stuff
Fluff prompts
Smut prompts
Question Prompts
Champion of Finances  (Leon x reader)
Cuffed  (Piers x reader x Raihan) 
Harsh Words and Soft Hands (Piers x reader) 
Adding a Third  (Leon, Raihan, Piers)
Soft Dates (Raihan and Piers) 
Cuddles (Milo and Piers) 
Relationship with Bede (Bede x reader)
Relationship with Hop (Hop x reader)
Battling Monsters (Bede and Piers) 
Hushed Words (Raihan x reader)
Good Boy (Piers x male reader)
Screaming Nickit’s (Piers x male reader)
Alphabet help and guide :)
Fluff C,G,K (Leon x reader)
Fluff I,C,L (Raihan x reader)
Smut Y (Leon and Raihan) 
Smut J,K,S (Milo x reader)
Fluff K,H,D (Raihan x reader)
Smut K,M,U (Leon x reader)
Fluff B,N,C (Marnie x reader)
Fluff C,K,V (Bede x reader)
Fluff H, U, Z (Hop x reader)
Smut K,M,U (Raihan x reader)
Fluff F,K,J (Piers x Reader)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Masterlist: Pokémon x Reader
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Reader comforting Hop after Bede insults him
HCs: Hop being mentored by a Trainer!Reader who specializes in electric types
Cuddling w/ Piers
HCs: Piers falling in love with Pokepasta!Reader
Raihan reacting to Reader's intimidating Pokémon being soft
HCs: Raihan reacting to Reader, who owns a Zekrom and is sweet to dragon types
Leon encountering Bisharp!Reader in the Galar Championship
Legends of Arceus
HCs: Reader comforting Volo after his defeat
HCs: Warden Ingo w/ a Wanderer!Reader
HCs: Porygon!Reader in Hisui
Reader showing Ingo a Shiny Sneasel (drabble)
Reviving Lady Sneasler (Post-Hisui AU)
Paldea Trio
Jokingly proposing to Arven
HCs: Arven meeting Reader's Iron Hands
HCs: Meeting Chien-Pao
HCs: Meeting Chi-Yu
HCs: Meeting Ogerpon
Meeting the "Loyal" Three
Meeting Reader's Type: Null (who evolves into Silvally)
HCs: Reacting to Reader's Scolipede
Reacting to Pokepasta!Reader's team
Meeting and helping Mewtwo!Reader who escaped Team Rocket
HCs: Reacting to Reader's Elderly Garchomp (who use to be their grandpa's back in Alola)
HCs: Reacting to Kalosian!Reader who is of royal descent & owns a Furfrou
HCs: The trio (+ Hassel) reacting to Reader who lost their Mightyena
HCs: Reacting to Reader's birthday falling on Halloween
HCs: Reacting to Reader (who is the grandchild of a celebrity model/singer) and their Espathra
HCs: The trio (+ Carmine & Kieran) w/ a Dancer!Reader who is a descendant of sirens and owns Hoopa, Toxtricity, Oricorio, Alpha Primarinna, Meloetta, and Scream Tail
Team Star
HCs: Eri dating Reader, who is also a Shiny Hunter
HCs: Eri w/ Fem!Reader who acts like Team Star's Nurse Joy
HCs: Ortega meeting Fashion Designer!Reader
Gym Leaders + Professors
HCs: Hassel reacting to Reader's Elderly Garchomp
Jacq & Reader reacting to twin Shiny Growlithes hatching from their Arcanines' egg
Reader being cautious of Raifort
Reader convincing Professor Turo to make amends with Arven
Taming Aggressive!Miraidon (Turo Lives AU)
HCs: Cuddling with Turo (angst)
HCs: Larry reacting to Shy!Champion!Reader confessing to him
HCs: Larry meeting Mermaid!Tatsugiri!Reader
Reader w/ Missingno!Larry
Grusha falling in love with a Challenger!Reader who specializes in fire types and easily gets cold
Teal Mask/Indigo Disk/Mochi Mayhem
HCs: Carmine, Kieran, & Perrin meeting Pokepasta!Reader
Reader giving Ogerpon to Kieran (post-DLC)
Kieran reuniting w/ Reader, who was his shy childhood best friend
HCs: Drayton reacting to a reckless Reader
HCs: Kieran (+ Arven) meeting Shy!Reader with a Tapu Koko, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Salazzle, and Iron Valiant
HCs: BB Elite Four (+ Kieran) dating Reader whose Miraidon get extremely jealous
HCs: Kieran, Carmine, & Drayton reacting to Reader falling into a coma after Terapagos' attack.
HCs: Kieran & Carmine reacting to Reader's new team (BM Ursaluna, Armarouge, Ogerpon, Shiny Slither Wing, Koraidon, & Chien-Pao) in the Indigo Disk
Reader w/ Pokemon
HCs: Paleontologist!Reader meeting Ancient Paradox Pokémon
Iron Valiant rescuing a Child!Reader from Iron Jugalis
HCs: Trainer!Reader comforting Koraidon, Iron Valiant, Mimikyuu, and Maushold after accidentally harming them
Garchomp protecting Fidough!Reader
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lookingforroleplayers · 11 months
Pokèmon IRL
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if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon, an OC or an actual pokemon
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
from what generation/game they're from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
pokemon RP blogs, please reblog this post instead!
blogs list in URL alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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malereadermaniac · 3 months
Pokemon x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️- Smut 🖤- Angst 🩷- Fluff
Ordered by Region and then by Character
❤️Ego - Blue's already lost the championship to red, he won't lose gn!reader to him too!
Trainer's on break - come back later!
Trainer's on break - come back later!
Trainer's on break - come back later!
Trainer's on break - come back later!
❤️ Scruffy - Proffesor Sycamore has a late night
❤️ The Bosses Bitch - You're Guzma's boy toy and the grunts hate it
🩷 Relationship Headcanons - A short headcanon post for male reader x Raihan
Trainer's on break - come back later!
❤️ Pokéboys and their dicks - some of the hot pokéboys, their dicks, and some extra bits abt them
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Masterlist 2
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find Masterlist 1 here
-Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers and his 200 year old partner who he calls daddy (mild ❤️ mentions)
Steve Rogers x male reader with a choking kink (mild ❤️)
-Moon knight
The moonboys with a male reader whos a stoic tall history teacher
The moonboys (mainly Steven) watching horror movies with alien male reader
The moonboys with a lover who has C-PTSD
The moonboys with omegaverse, with a beta reader.
Moonboys and Khonshu with a touch starved reader
“Clipped wings” Part 1 Namor x mutant reader
-Eddie Brock(and venom)
Eddie and Venom with a ftm reader
-Andrew Garfield (tasm) Peter Parker
Peter Parker x deadpool male reader
-Miguel O’Hara
Miguel O’Hara scent/sweat smut drabble❤️
-Peter B Parker
Peter B Parker with a narcoleptic boyfriend
-Hobie Brown
Hobie Brown with a boyfriend whos a juggalo and a fellow spiderman
Hobie Brown sfw alphabet
Hobie Brown nsfw alphabet ❤️
Hobie Brown x deadpool male reader
Hobie brown x lead guitarist male reader
Hobie Brown x Male reader whos spiderman and the son of Miguel from another dimension
Hobie Brown x insecure male reader
-Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr Prabhakar sfw alphabet
-Peter Benjamin Parker/Spidernoir
Spidernoir with a ftm reader
Spidernoir with a lover who keeps touching his web slit/spinnerette ❤️(a little bit)
-Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly is in spider heat and wants nothing more than for you to dominate him ❤️
Miles and Prowler Miles with a black cat reader whos in love with miles, and is dead in earth-42.
Relationship headcanons for Miles Morales, Miguel O'hara and Hobie Brown.
Platonic/parental headcanons for Peter B and Miguel with a spiderman male reader whos very protective
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne x male reader cuddling and edging, drabble ❤️
Bruce Wayne x male reader, meeting the family
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader whos a dancer and hero
Dick Grayson x powered male reader whos the son of oliver queen
Dick Grayson x clarks son reader, who are hopelessly in love.
Dick Grayson x Rogue doctor male reader
-Jason Todd
Jason having a depressive episode and the reader takes care of him, so he goes into subspace ❤️
Jason todd x older vigilante male reader, part two (little bit of  ❤️)
Jason Todd x snobby rich male reader with brat taming ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake x ftm reader, ft cuddling and homemade coffee
Tim Drake x flirty son of Trigon male reader, whos a sorcerer vigilante
Tim Drake x autistic male reader, where they mirror eachother, ft the batfams reaction to that
Being Tim Drakes boyfriend and his family is protective of him
Tim Drake x male reader, pulling all nighters and falling asleep
Tim Drake x older male reader
-Damian Wayne
Platonic Damian with a Alien reader who pretty much adopts him
-Wally West
Wally West with an autistic male reader
FTM Wally West x Male reader with Wally being eaten out drabble❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen x cat burglar male reader
Barry Allen x alien male reader whos culture roughhouses
-Eobard Thawne
Eobard Thawne with a male reader whos just a normal guy.
-Roy Harper
Roy Harper with a villain male reader
-Clark Kent/Kal-el
Clark Kent being flirted with by a rich male reader, instead of reader flirting with Lois
Clark Kent with a kryptonian partner, featuring scent kink and kryptonian words ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-El
Conner Kent with a male reader, featuring kryptonian headcanons ❤️(a little)
Conner Kent with a male reader whos culture is similar to kryptonians and who purrs
Conner Kent with a male reader whos stoic around everyone, but cocky and smug with him
Conner Kent with a male reader whos a clone of plastic man.
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan x Red Lantern Czarnian male reader (slight  ❤️)
Hal Jordan x male reader, with a scent/musk kink ❤️
-Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner relationship headcanons
Guy Gardner nsfw alphabet ❤️
Guy Gardner trying to top fellow lantern reader, but being dominated ❤️
Guy Gardner being put in subspace by his star sapphire lover, with sounding ❤️
-John Constantine
Constantine nsfw alphabet ❤️
Constantine with a male reader whos like Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Constantine x tattoo artist male reader (mild ❤️)
-Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Harvey Dent with a male reader who distracts him during work
Harvey Dent/Two-Face cuddle fluff
Bane x FTM reader general headcanons
-Minhkhoa Khan/Ghostmaker
Minhkhoa Khan relationship headcanons
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick part 2 🖤
Batboys with a villain reader who constantly flirts with them
DC characters and my personal headcanons for them (ethnicity, gender, etc)
Martian Headcanons
Kryptonian Headcanons
Dick grayson x Wally West x male reader
Platonic batfam with a kid reader whos a clone of jason, raised by the Joker
Platonic Batfam with a sick vigilante male reader who wont rest
-Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson Yandere Alphabet 🖤
Mark Grayson nsfw Alphabet ❤️
Mark Grayson x constantine-like male reader
-Rex Sloan/Rex Splode
Rex x gcn ftm reader and defending them when they get misgendered
-The Immortal
The Immortal x immortal reader who isnt a hero
-Flaxan leader
Flaxan leader with an anti-hero male reader
-Damien Darkblood
Damien Darkblood x detective male reader, wholesome fluff
Nolan and Allen x small but strong ftm reader
Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
Anakin Skywalker x mandalorian reader with cockwarming ❤️
Anakin Skywalker flirting with the reader and making out
-Paz Vizsla
Paz Vizsla x sith male reader, ft Darth Revan and lots of headcanons
Paz Vizsla x ftm reader headcanons
-Din Djarin
Din Djarin adopting a foundling pantoran reader and being a father figure.
FTM Din Djarin getting eaten out in his pilot seat with his armor on ❤️
-Boba Fett
Boba Fett x male reader with gunplay❤️
The Boys
-Billy Butcher
Billy Butcher x male reader whos Homelanders brother
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander x supe male reader whos much more powerful than him ❤️
Homelander dating a ftm reader
-The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
The Deep x male reader where he gets off just having his gills played with ❤️
A-Train, MM, Frenchie and Hughie as boyfriends, headcanons
-Jason Voorhees
Jason with a male reader whos childhood friends who meet again years later
Jason Voorhees nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Chad Martin-Meeks
Chad with a male reader who grew up together and fell in love.
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz with somnophilia ❤️(🖤 cuz theres no explicit consent)
-Poly Ghostface
Billy and Stu with a male reader who has anger issues whos tired of being angry
Billy and Stu comforting their lover who has body dysmorphia
One Piece
-Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo with a lover whos shorter than him
Yandere Doflamingo with a male reader who gets stockholm syndrome ❤️(🖤 a bit, cuz yandere)
Doflamingo x young adult male reader with back pains
-Sir Crocodile
Ftm Sir Crocodile being fucked into submission by the reader ❤️
-Dracule Mihawk
FTM dracule mihawk x service top male reader ❤️
-Red Haired Shanks
Shanks x martial artist male reader whos love language is physical affection and words of affirmation
-Trafalgar D Water Law
Law being Bratty and being punished by a bigger Zoan fruit male reader ❤️
Law with a tall intimidating male reader who everyone thinks is the top (mild  ❤️)
-Vinsmoke/Black Leg Sanji
Sanji being tied up and desperate to touch the reader ❤️
Reader spanking Sanji to let off some steam ❤️
-Roronoa Zoro
Reader punishing/spanking Zoro, but it ends up with them arguing, but making up❤️
-Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Whitebeard with a tall male reader whos never been shorter than anyone before ❤️
-Smoker the white hunter
Smoker SFW alphabet
Roronoa Zoro and Portgas D Ace and sounding ❤️
Teen Wolf
-Jackson Whittmore
overall Jackson Whittmore nsfw headcanons ❤️
-Scott McCall
Bottom Scott McCall x kanima-werewolf male reader, ft some tailplay ❤️
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Yandere Rick Prime headcanons 🖤
-Josiah Nguyen
Yandere Josiah headcanons 🖤
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost being secretly married to Soaps brother
Ftm Ghost x male reader smut drabble ❤️
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Ftm Gaz x male reader, pussydrunk reader with overstim, drabble ❤️
-Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Dom rudy headcanons along with a few cute ones ❤️
-Phillip Graves
Graves with a male reader whos gone through a near death experience
Graves with a vampire boyfriend
141 with a male reader who wears a lot of dog tags
Poly Alerudy with a male reader whos childhood best friends and post lovers with Soap
Cod boys with a male reader who wears a mask and has a huge burn scar
Cod boys with a reader who repeats words or phrases they say
Poly alerudy with a short male reader
Alejandro and Graves with a reader who rubs their face against their stubble
Poly alerudy with a tall male reader who is basically a giant cat
Alejandro, Rudy, Graves and Soap with a reader whos create as copying noises
Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Rudy, and König with a reader whos a famous volleyball player
Alejandro and Rudy with a mute s/o
141 with an autistic reader who makes noises, like meowing and hissing
Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Roach and Graves as pups with petplay❤️
Alejandro and Rudy taking care of their sick and hurt lover
Lookism characters with a male reader who has a squishable chest and butt
Barbie (2023)
-Kenneth “Ken” Sean Carson
Ken x male reader drabble, where Ken gives the reader head and has a praise kink ❤️
Stereotypical Ken x Male reader x Pompadour Ken where they compete whos best ❤️
Baldurs Gate 3
-Astarion Ancunín
Astarion with a Bard Tiefling male reader, random headcanons
Fight Club
Jack/The Narrator
Jack x medical staff male reader (drabble, from jacks pov)
Tyler Durden and Jack “The narrator” throuple relationship headcanons
Scott Pilgrim Takes off
-Todd Ingram
Helping Todd Ingram get over his crush on Wallace and it leads to make outs.
-Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills x male reader meeting in a club ❤️
My Hero Academia
-Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Reformed Enji with a hero male reader whos very flirty when they are on patrol
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nanami Kento
Nanami giving dom/top reader aftercare (mild  ❤️)
-Ryomen Sukuna
Chubby heian era/true form sukuna x chubby ftm reader, sweet and cuddly hc
498 notes · View notes
l1tw1ck · 1 year
Masterlist: Miscellaneous
Kinktober '22 | Valentine's Month
[Saiki K + BNHA + HK!!], [TWST, OM!, ST], [Genshin]
#wicks🕯️series to see all posted series masterlists
Nagito | Sleepover With Nagito
Kurt | Fuck (Marry, Kill)
Arven | Mysterious Herba Mystica | What's Cooking Good Looking?
Monster Prom
Brian | A Shirt | Sober Thoughts
Damien | Well Crafted Trap
Stardew Valley
Alex | Being Provoked
Elliott | Fooling
Kent | A Stardew Valley Affair
The Last of Us
Joel | Supply Run? | 2003
Resident Evil 4
Leon | Stamping a Tramp
Steven Grant | New Boss 2
Peter Parker | Because of a Party
Miguel O'Hara | The Fall of Spider-Man | 100 Degrees | From Neighbors to Newlyweds
Steve Rogers | Dysfunction or Wrong Direction
William Afton | William's Puppy
Sam Winchester | In Exhange
Dean Winchester | No Longer a Mentor
John Doe | Clingy
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frootloopscos · 1 month
From Pokemon Champion To Magicless Student
This story is inspired by the lovely fic “From Trainer to Beast Tamer”!
Join our Mc Yuu as they awaken in a new and unfamiliar world. The Galar Champion and twin sibling to Bede, they have to navigate themself through Twisted Wonderland with a Fire-Type Meowth and try to find a way home!
Ask to be added to the taglist!
About Yuu!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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