#post rotj au
whatevvvs · 6 months
In my opinion luke wanting to reinstate the old Jedi orders code in fics is kinda getting old. I feel like there are a lot more interesting ways to generate angst for post-Rotj fics that isn’t luke being stuck on the past. A few examples of these are:
The new jedi order doesnt have the funding or institutional support the old order had, and luke doesn’t know how he’s financially gonna back his new order
Parents don’t really trust the new order, since the jedi haven’t exactly been cast in a positive light for a few decades
The old jedi order offered other things other than force training ie: excellent education, agricultural advantages, flight training..etc. luke who only has a Tatooine level education has no clue how to provide all of that
Luke doesn’t have any credentials when it comes to teaching young children
Luke is only one guy and organizing and running a school is lot of work on your own
Feeling left out from the other remaining Jedi ie: ezra & ashoka
Luke feeling insecure that he doesn’t have as deep or as long a relationship with either of his masters compared to Ezra or Ashoka
Luke feeling kind of sad that most of his training was geared toward defeating Vader, and trying to figure out the softer sides of the force himself
Luke and Ashoka having an awkward relationship
Luke not wanting to be the new republics attack dog, but also not wanting to leave leia on her own
Luke grieving the life he dreamed of having before he found out about the jedi
Luke feeling guilt because he feels like his duty to rebuilding the order is minuscule compared to leias workload
Luke thinking leia would have made a better Jedi than him because she deals with grief better
I think these would have better angst potential, and honestly luke struggling because he doesn’t have any of the material or financial benefits of the old order is really interesting.
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marvelstars · 12 days
Personally I love Star Wars as one movie from EPI to EPVI as the Skywalker family saga.
Anakin is the chosen one of the force to bring balance to the force and end the sith grand plan of ruling for 10,000 years, he gets groomed by his "father" the sith master, to fall to the darkside by twisting everything in which Anakin believed, he becomes a monster whose main objective after losing every loved one is to "keep order in the galaxy" Vader believes he is doing the right thing, he believes the empire is less corrupt than the republic and while it´s means may be harsh those are better than what happened in the past, the chaos of the clone wars and the greed of the different ruling powers. Maybe there is no place for justice or freedom but there is order and that was enough for Vader.
Luke as his Son gets to save him from the darkside by making him remember that there was a time he wasn´t just Vader, there was a time where he wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy, where he believed in justice and unconditional love, Luke made him remember that in a way he could not deny that his acomplishments as Vader, his end justify the means pov paled in comparision to what he once wanted to do and the person he used to be "I am a Jedi like my father before me" when he could not deny anymore this truth, Vader decided to punish himself as well as his father/master, bringing down their empire built on violence and darkness, to save his Son´s life and give the side Luke fought for an opportunity to tell their own story. So Vader stops the horror and gives way for something else to grow out of it.
I love this story as it´s but I would be lying if I didn´t think there was a place for Vader to tell his own story because his mere survival post ROTJ brings a lot of opportunities but also conflict. We have Vader who knows intimately Jedi and Sith teachings and a different take to what the Rebels and Imperials believe the Old Republic or the Empire was.
Sucedenly a portion of the imperial army loyal to Vader would want to stay at his side and join the New Republic while another portion loyal to Palpatine would try to stop that and the Empire itself would get divided between those who believed enough is enough and those who wanted to keep bussines as usual and grand admirals like Thrawn who would wish to fix the Empire in their own image. The result is that this would give an opportunity for the empire to truly merge with the new republic and not just for appareances sake as it happened in canon.
To tell this story it would be needed another trilogy at least and I can´t blame Lucas for being burnout after the original trilogy, a whole and awesome story on it´s own and I am quite happy for what we got but that story would be nice to know as a what if. The story of how Vader got his humanity back.
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jarenka · 6 months
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Obi-Wan's reference list. I found out I've never drew Obi-Wan in formal attire for this au, so I came up with formal clothes for this reference list. It has two variants: jedi one and non-jedi one, mostly because I love drawing fancy clothes.
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Hi! New follower here!
Would it be possible for you to just give a quick synopsis of your AUs to someone with little knowledge of any of them?
my AUs masterpost has clear-ish titles, but I get they're not THAT explanatory loll. anyway i'm assuming you're here for star wars bc most ppl are, so i'll stick to just them unless you want otherwise:
the fix-it au™
basically your average run of the mill "palps gets got/anakin doesnt turn + padme lives + everything's fine" au!! mostly abt the skywalker family loll
Bail Organa lives
what it says on the tin!! Bail was off-world (he got delayed on his way back from his Rogue One cameo) and so didn't get exploded on Alderaan
Sith Luke & Leia
Vader discovers the twins' existence when they're abt 9-10 and yoinks them both from their guardians (dw the larses and organas don't die) and trains them as Sith without Palpatine's knowledge
Organa twins
Pretty self explanatory, Bail takes both Luke and Leia at birth instead of splitting them up
Skywalkers Apart
Anakin doesn't turn but everything still goes to shit AU! Anakin and Padmé escape Coruscant when she gives birth but they realise the only way to keep them safe from Palpatine (who'd surely wanna yoink them) is each parent takes one twin
Rey Skywalker-Djarin
preeeetty much just my version of the sequels lolll -- au where Luke found Palpatine may've had an heir and managed to track Rey down to Jakku and then took her into the Jedi Academy <3 and then dadhood commenced (which also meant luke's bf/husband mand'alor din got a new child too loll)
Ahsoké AU
Ahsoka talks to Padmé after leaving the Jedi order instead of going out on her own and ends up joining Sabé
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tatooineknights · 7 months
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Eyelashes fluttered as the humming of the bacta tank filled the space around Luke Skywalker, the warm liquid bubbling up to the surface, finding an escape. He could see nothing beyond the bacta that restoratively clung to his skin, the room beyond dark as night. His body was numb, possibly sedated, with every extremity holding the weight of a thousand pounds.
"Father," Luke attempted to squeak out, but the respirator connected to his nose and mouth refused to allow him. The last thing he remembered was lying on the ground in the Throne Room, calling out for Darth Vader to save him from the torment of the Emperor.
Had he done it?
Something felt incredibly off, though Luke couldn't quite come up with a thought for it. His brow twisted, the young Jedi used all his strength to raise his left hand and pound it against the glass. There was a flicker of light in the room surrounding him, a wiring sound that soon joined the humming of the tank.
Luke could see himself, his glazed eyes seeing the blurred pink of his skin and the white of his underclothes beneath. As his vision began to come back to him, Luke started to notice the light dressing of purple lines that glimmered across his chest and to his arms. They were so faint, only the right amount of glare made it obvious. Peering past his white briefs, Luke could see the same pattern along his thighs. Scars? From the lightning, no doubt.
The harness clipped to Luke's waist suddenly began to lift him out of the bacta tank; the air was cold, causing him to instantly begin shivering and longing for the comfort of the warm fluid. As he looked around at his surroundings, a mechanical arm from the device above him wrapped around the respirator, unlocking it from the bridge of his nose and causing it to fall to the ground.
Luke's breathing was hard and ragged between his shivers.
"Where am I?"
He trembled, somewhat equally from the cold and also out of fear. Did his father help him after all? And if he didn't, why would the Emperor spare him? What about his friends on Endor, his sister? None of this was right and dread continued to creep on him.
The apparatus that hoisted him in the air moved him to the opposite side of the empty room, where only a small central device cackled with static above it. His stomach turned in knots - a containment field. "No," he shouted under his breath, futilely attempting to struggle and free himself from the harness that would lead him to captivity; but it was of no use, whatever had sedated him made it almost impossible to move, additionally causing his mind to be too clouded to draw on the Force. By the time he'd managed to kick his leg in defiance, the straps of the harness came loose and dropped Luke dead center on the device, levitating him in the air.
"Welcome, young Skywalker," a familiar gravelly voice spoke out over an intercom. A neon red light activated around what must be the door out, with a white circle centrally fixed. It must be watching him. "You claimed to be a Jedi when we lost spoke; so fitting is it, then, for you to be prisoner inside my palace: the former Jedi Temple."
"Let go of me," Luke replied, but the voice continued on, speaking over him. It must be a recording of some sort.
"It would be foolish to give up on you after only one attempt, as Lord Vader had said. Perhaps you are already see the failure of your pitiful ways. You will change your mind.. and you will embrace your destiny."
"You haven't learned a thing about me," Luke spat to the recording, venom and feeling coming to him as the effects of the sedative began to wear off. The youth was trapped in this cycle. But then his heart raced as he realized that Vader was still here - he had saved him, it seemed, at least from a certain point of view. But now the tables had been turned, and Luke was in greater danger than ever before. He wasn't sure how he would get out of this.. but he would.
The containment field made it impossible for him to externally use the Force but he could still sense and feel with it. With his concentration back and his mind unclouded, Luke sensed for the bond that had equally betrayed him as it did saved him. His eyelashes fluttered as it took a great will to reach out; but soon enough, he did.
There was a great silence.
Someone stood at the opposite side of the door, waiting to enter. A tall and mighty presence. There was trepidation and intense self-loathing within, a mind filled with regret. It was him: Darth Vader. Luke Skywalker swallowed as he waited for the door to open; his journey would have to start all over, and it would be the greatest test of his life, but there was still a chance.
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
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Same Scars
trans Luke for @darth-ban with bonus trans Vaderkin
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
what stuff can't you forgive batman beyond for? :o
Ugh OK. Disclaimer that none of these things make Batman Beyond bad. None of this is bad writing. I just don't like it. It's fine, actually, I just hate it.
I know Batman Beyond had to justify its existence somehow and answer the question "why is the ONLY PERSON who could become Batman a random teenager off the street?". There had to be some sort of reason why Bruce was completely isolated from Dick, Tim, and Barbara, and why Dick or Tim wasn't Batman.
The ways in which it got rid of them though!! Dick's like 60 and he hates Bruce and never speaks to him! Barbara's a cop, which she would never do, who had a thing with Bruce. Superman's infected by Starro so all of his friends at the League are out. And freaking Return of the Joker, oh my god. Putting aside the fucking sadness of Tim also never speaking to his dad and living an entire life pretending Batman and Robin never happened. COME ON. I really didn't like the "Terry is Bruce's secret kid" thing either, but that's less of a moral and more of a personal stance.
Sometimes a work is the most influential work in your writing completely against your will and without your permission. Return of the Joker traumatized me as a kid, and for some reason although I hate it SO FUCKING MUCH, it's permeated a lot of what I write with Tim. His death in the Reverse Robins thing was directly what happened in ROTJ, except he killed himself instead of the Joker. And I never even get into much detail on Tim's death there because it makes me sad.
Batman Beyond, you did not stop to consider those of you who were watching every DCAU cartoon sequentially, and who had come fresh off watching the most adorable small child run around doing Robin things in the final season of BTAS. You did not stop to wonder if he was a baby only a week before in my own mind. And now this.
DCAU!Batman had always been a lighthearted, kind person who had a robust support network. He had shipteasing. With Wonder Woman. It was really sad to see every good thing in his life stripped away and turn him withered, bitter, and old. Showing Batman in that light isn't bad in and of itself, but I was attached to this guy :c. Why hadn't they just set up another continuity where these characters didn't exist so they didn't have to worry about depressingly shoving them aside?
Oh, and. Just kidding. I can forgive them for all of this. I hate it, but it's fine. What I actually cannot forgive them for is for fucking Bruce and Barbara having an affair. Oh my god. Oh my god. Bad. So bad.
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musewrangler · 5 months
Mara bit on her bottom lip, aware that it was a terrible habit and she was giving herself chapped lips. But. It was one of the only silent coping mechanisms she possessed given the brutality of her training as Hand.
She watched from the shadows as their quarry took his sweet time speaking drunkenly to an attractive Zabrak woman who had clearly had enough of him judging by the curl of her lip.
“How many pubs can this guy hit in two days?” Luke asked and she was about to reprimand him for speaking when she recalled that he’d just communicated in her mind.
Working with other Force users was still not something she was used to.
“Fits his profile,” she informed him curtly. “He does a job and gets blasted after payment before moving on to the next thing. Oh, FINALLY.”
The would be assassin had at last departed, swaying a little as he walked toward his speeder. It had been her suggestion to wait for him to be mostly inebriated before they confronted him. It should make their job easier.
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tisajest · 11 months
I am doing so good with my fic 🥰 *has 4 docs, 2 spreadsheets, 1 family tree, a couple rough drawings for physical appearances, and 0 sentences of the actual fic written*
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iknowwhattosaynow · 2 years
Day one of Kanera Week 2022 (@kaneraweek) for the prompt: AU. I give you a continuation of You and Me Against the Galaxy.
If you don't feel like reading 138,000 words to make this one shot make sense, it can be read as a standalone if you roll with the background setting and just focus on the absurd amount of just....serious domestic fluff a la Jedi.
I know, I don't know who I am, either.
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pantoranqira · 2 years
Thinking about L3 again and just UGH I am so angry about what happened to her
I understand that they had to do that to her to save all their lives but like !!!!! Why frame her becoming one with the ship as something that preserves her memory and legacy and lets her live on when instead it's basically the physical manifestation of hell to her!!!
Like L3, who is all about FREEDOM and bringing that to others (especially droids, obviously) would see being chained to the falcon, essentially becoming a literal OBJECT to be used against her will as something so invasive and fully against everything she stood for and spent her whole life fighting for is honestly horrifying
And it becomes even worse when you see the falcon passed along like nothing in sabaac telephone, going from Lando, to Han, to who knows where in the gap between the OT and the Sequels
TL;DR the conversation around droids in Star Wars needs to be reopened, both in-universe, as well as with fans and writers. Droids have been repeatedly shown to be just as intelligent, versatile, and honorable as people; to be people, ones who can feel just as much as anyone else if given the chance. Exploring these themes, as well as how good intentioned characters can do harm through them would add so much nuance and depth to the Star Wars universe, while also giving a larger role to the backbone of the gffa
#i really need to see a conversation between L3 and Lando post rotj#as well as with Lobot!#because like what happened to him really screwed up lando and was a HUGE factor in his development as well as sincerely joining the rebels#but also in a way lando did the exact thing the empire did to lobot to l3! who he also cares for!#like ok thinking abt L3/Lando (bc the movie brought it up and its an important part of her character) but like okay she says that hes in#love with her. which he is in a way. he cares about her and he cares for her and he does care for her! like peak selfishness lando runs out#into a battlefield and takes a bullet to get what he can of her injured body back on the ship. like he obviously has SOME kind of emotions#towards her (romantic or not) which like is the point. BUT back on the topic of l3 she is totally in love with him. like she is. but she#KNOWS that he cannot be who she would need him to be because he on a very base level does not respect her personhood#like lando can care for l3 nd love her as much as he wants (which again i believe could never realize itself as true romantic love) BECAUSE#he does not believe she is a person and he does not RESPECT her as a person#its just so complicated and so interesting and also SO tragic for her and just- this is something that so desperately needs to be explored#and i have so many opinions about it and droids in general i really just-#someday i really need to make a whole au out of this because like NOTHING splits sw characters alike more than the issue of droids like its#a COMPLETE change of perspective that turns so many tried and true heroes (even the ones known for being friends with droids!) into such#nuanced and even messy people#the sequels breaking characters to fit their ''heroes are just ppl'' bs when i did it it one stroke w everybody fully in character#blah#sw#star wars#solo: a star wars story#solo#l3 37#lando calrissian#droid rights#anyways i have so many thoughts about this always#also im literally in the middle of two other sw runs but this is making me want to read Soule's lando comics SO bad#ive done the lando and l3 ones already but this one just got bumped to priority on my reading list
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jarenka · 26 days
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just old man problems
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months
In the tl4j time travel AU what does Yoda think about Luke?
POST-ROTJ LUKE IS LIKE, YODA'S DREAM STUDENT he's so chill and he's so goddamn weird about the force. tcw!yoda takes one look at him and is like this right here is my new favourite lineage member
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clover-blossom · 3 months
Realized I inadvertently left off several great fics. Stay tuned for Part 2!
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Snowbaird has inspired me to revisit a favorite ship from my younger years. Inspired by @burntblueberrywaffles list, I put together one of my favorites. The vast majority of these are on ff.net BUT BUT BUT remember you can convert them here for download to your Kindle.
The Anakin Saga by geo3
A five part series published before all the prequels were released (so this is an OG). The first two are one shots. The last three are multi-chapter.
The Hour of Souls
The padawan and the Senator find that it is very difficult to be in love when everyone is watching and a shadowy figure is pulling strings....
Step into My Parlor
At the end of Episode II, why, oh why did they let Anakin travel back to Naboo with Padme? It turns out that a certain Dark Lord had something to do with it...
Children of Circumstance
A story about Anakin, his love and his path.
Winds of Change
Early days of the fall... Anakin's path after he is secretly married and returns to the Temple.
Ring of Fire
The final story in the Anakin Saga Series.
Living a Lie by Leah Naberrie
After the forbidden wedding, the reality of living a lie hits the Skywalkers. 
Slight of Hand and Twist of Fate by irnan
"I suppose we should just be grateful they're not planning to televise the investigations," Anakin grouses. "Hmm," Obi-Wan says, too busy playing with Leia to answer him
Purgatory by HelenT
As if the comment Obi-Wan had made to Luke about Anakin ‘dying’ when he became Darth Vader was literally true, a newly dead Vader wakes in a strange world—as a twenty-three year old again. Post ROTJ
Kratisto by Irnan
Collection of ficlets about Anakin Skywalker
Pulse by froovygirl
AU for ROTS. As Padme's life hangs in the balance on Mustafar, a stream of brilliant light causes Anakin to reconsider his choices.
Into the Archives by skygawker
After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU.
No Real Affection  by Meredith Bronwen Mallory 
After the second attempt on Padme's life, the young senator and Anakin find themselves getting to know each other again.
Underneath by CrazyAni
After feroscious duel on Mustafar, ObiWan Kenobi and Darth Vader are given a chance to go back and save Anakin. The Force sends them back to the past, but they wake up in each other's bodies...RotS AU*
*unfinished but worth a read
Part 2
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pomplalamoose · 8 days
Ooohhh how about different eras of luke (ROTJ is my fav if doing one is easier) and maybe some modern dilf!luke 👀 reacting to you laying your head on his shoulder when you’re tired or have a headache pre-relationship?
Anonnn, you don't understand, I'm obsessed with this ask. I just HAD to do every single Luke era plus the Dilf AU as the cherry on top because it's been so long since I last wrote something wholesome😩
also it reminds me of the posts I used to do when I first started writing and ngl I'm feeling a little nostalgic
• sweet ANH Luke with his open smile and honest eyes is so easy to approach and befriend, resting your head on his shoulder comes almost naturally
• though unbeknownst to you he'd immediately be on the brink to loose his mind
• already he tends to be a little jittery with nerves whenever you randomly appear in the same room he is in
• even more so now that he's finally admitted his major crush on you to himself
• so just imagine his excitement the moment you decide to sit next to him
• as soon as your head touches his shoulder he goes bright red and doesn't dare to move in fear of accidentally shooing you away, his heart beating wildly in his chest
• for a slight moment he forgets how to breathe, though it's not like he minds
• this is the best day of his life
• not only does he finally get to feel the warmth of having you so close by his side, but also your soft hair aginst his cheek if he dares to tilt his head just a little bit
• when eventually he manages to somewhat normalize his breathing, his thoughts will start to wander
• he's SO proud you're clearly comfortable and feeling safe with him
• but should he strike up a conversation? Ask how you're doing? If everything's okay?
• maybe he could make you laugh
• your hands look so soft; what if he were to reach out and just take them in his?
• would you mind?
• he's not sure, his aren't as pretty and smooth as yours
• you smell very nice
• wouldn't your current position make you look like a couple to an outsider passing by?
• what if, and he feels very bold just considering, but, what if you...like him?
• quickly enough he has a very hard time remaining calm
• and how could he? He needs to tell someone about this RIGHT NOW
• good luck trying to catch ESB Luke sitting still for even once
• though should you be as lucky to catch him during a moment of rest and manage to lean on him, he'll feel similarly as ANH Luke; excited, a little nervous even, though not as much as his younger self would have been
• still he has to fight off the blush rising into his cheeks and will absolutely deny ever changing colors should someone (especially Leia, Han or even R2) point it out
• at the same time he wishes for as many as possible to witness this very monumental moment, hoping everyone will see that you're leaning on HIS shoulder
• HIS!
• yeah that's right! In your face, (add in name of random rebellion member that also takes an interest in you)!!!
• if he's feeling extra bold, he may use the chance to put an arm around your shoulder
• but very carefully so; he's afraid to overstep any of your boundaries
• after all he's not sure if you'd even like to be held
• there's only one problem: how is he supposed to do anything now?
• he has places to be, things to do, an Empire to fight!
• he's getting kind of warm too
• more than that actually
• Force, are you hiding a heater under all of your layers of clothing?
• also he just remembered; isn't there a meeting he has to attend?
• shouldn't he be working to improve his x-wing?
• he'll check on you out of the corner of his eye, trying to get a feeling for how long you plan to stay like this
• he needs to come up with a way to notify the others of his delay
• because there's no way he's moving even a single muscle
• he's not leaving you behind
• he simply can't!
• not when he was just chosen as your designated spot to rest your pretty but, admittedly, very heavy head
• but not to worry, of course he can handle it!
• he'll be here as long as you need him to be
• RotJ and post RotJ Luke is hard to keep tabs on and thus hard to find
• all you can hope for is to encounter him by pure chance, as he seems to simply have evaporated whenever you wander around searching for him
• though despite his withdrawn ways he's always welcoming and inviting should you happen upon him
• he, above anyone else, understands the importance of rest during a busy day
• he smiles mildly to himself as soon as you settle down and scoot close enough for your arms to touch
• the emotions you are unconsciously emitting, may it be nervousness, excitement or shyness, amuse him a great deal and he's keen to see whether you'll overcome them this time or not
• I don't think he'd tell you outright that he enjoys your presence, that it tends to calm him down and to ease his mind, until much later
• but despite what he is or isn't saying he can't help but feel a little warm inside whenever you come across him during the day
• despite that he can never not worry at least a little bit about your well-being and immediately feels the need to check in on you either with words or a gentle probe with the Force to make sure you're okay
• if he has the time to stay with you for a while he asks if you'd like to lay down
• see, he can shuffle to the side a little and then you could rest your head on his thigh instead of on his shoulder
• wouldn't that be more comfortable?
• he doesn't have a blanket in case you're cold, but maybe you could use his cloak?
• it's not the best, maybe a little rough and still a little dirty from his last trip as he didn't have the time to wash it yet, but it does a good job of keeping a person warm
• he doesn't show how happy he is should you follow his invite and agree to rest beside him, though maybe Leia would notice
• and possibly so would you by how he'd start to absentmindedly stroke your head and play with your hair whenever others are around to keep him properly distracted
• I think Dilf!Luke's reaction would really depend on the current situation/ on how far your relationship has already developed at that point
• here it's important to note though that he'd never tell you off or send you away for initiating contact, not even after just recently getting to know you
• yes he's standoffish and withdrawn, cold in demeanor, seemingly displeased with your presence in his house
• but when it comes down to it he is kind, always has been, even if he hides it away to protect himself
• his behavior towards you is nothing personal; the emotions you call forth are his to deal with
• he may try to at first but ultimately knows deep down that he can't hold you accountable for how his past still troubles him
• he's a father, deeply caring in nature
• no matter what, he could never bring himself to deny anyone his child's age comfort
• though he might be a little confused about why you chose him, of all people, to rest your head on
• after all it's not like he's been going out of his way to be peculiarly inviting or nice - quite the contrary actually
• he'll remain very still for the duration of your vicinity, involuntarily stiffening not only out of surprise but because it's been so long that anyone outside of his immediate family initiated intimacy
• he's so touch starved, so used to rarely feeling a person's warmth, that your simple act catches him off guard
• suddenly he has no idea what to do, how to continue on after
• for your own good and his child's sake he wants to keep you at an arm's length and yet...
• if he wasn't enamored with you before, he is so now
• he thinks back to those moments of doubt and insecurity frequently
• but where they once haunted him, they now serve as a reminder for how far he's come and what he was able to finally leave behind
• he's proud of himself too, yes, but most of all to call you his
• every little touch of yours, and may it be one as innocent as laying your head on his shoulder, fills him with joy
• never, in a thousand years, would he once have believed to be in a position to reciprocate your gentle displays of trust and affection
• but now that he can, now that everything feels a little less like a dream, it's all he wants to do
• (and he does)
• (forehead kisses are his favorite way to, he can't help it)
• (not when you placed yourself so conveniently)
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antianakin · 8 months
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So to start with, if you don't like this blog and the things I post on it, nobody's putting a gun to your head asking you to look at it. Feel free to block me, blacklist my username, block the anti and critical tags I try to use VERY frequently, etc. Nobody's asking you to look at the things I post and, quite honestly, the fact that you felt the need to leave me this message tells me that between the two of us, you're the one being unhealthy because you felt the need to tell someone innocently staying in their own lane that they're participating in fandom wrong rather than just... moving on and doing fandom in a way you enjoy more. If you want to see something else, go look at a different blog or make your own posts. Nobody's stopping you, least of all me.
But to actually answer the question you didn't ask, I made this blog because I wanted a place to make the kind of posts I wanted to see. Yes, it's a venting blog. That means sometimes I vent about the same thing more than once. Breaking news: people in fandom talk about the same hyperfixation more than once sometimes!
My best friend in the Star Wars fandom happens to be someone who really likes Anakin. So whenever I disliked something about Anakin, she was not the person I could go to in order to discuss it. Well, not always anyway. Not when I got particularly bitter about it. And at the time that I made this blog over a year ago, I didn't have anywhere else to go to vent those feelings, so I made one for myself. I made myself a tiny safe haven where I could simply write those feelings out that I never really saw anybody else making or discussing. This wasn't intended to be a popular blog. I expected it to get about two followers total maybe and a LOT of haters.
Instead, I've actually heard from a number of people that this blog let them feel seen. That the things I've written have felt really relatable to people who just can't connect to all of the Anakin love that tends to exist in the fandom. Because yes, Anakin's been the villain since the 1970s, but you must not have spent a lot of time in this fandom because that is NOT a thing that a lot of his fans tend to remember or even believe anymore. According to a good number of Anakin fans, the Jedi are the real villains and Anakin is just a tragic victim who didn't really do anything wrong. And even a lot of the people who DO recognize that Anakin is the villain of the story often still tend to like Anakin as this tragic character and will primarily post positive things about him. So for those of us who just... don't LIKE Anakin very much, there isn't as much content out there for us. You either accept all of the Anakin love along with the content for the other characters you like or you just... don't consume very much content within the fandom. Or you find a very specific niche to try to stay in that you like better, I guess. But Anakin's the main character of the main saga, he's hard to avoid entirely.
So this blog helps provide one little safe haven for others who just... don't like this character much.
And that's not even the entirety of this blog anyway. If you had scrolled through it much, you might've noticed the fic rec lists that have nothing to do with Anakin at all and are actually a lot more aimed at being Pro Jedi. Because this blog is just as much about loving the Jedi as it is about disliking Anakin. You might've also noticed the extensive AU concepts I've written a few times, one of the most recent of which actually ended up leading to Anakin surviving ROTJ and figuring out how to stop being a Sith and getting mentally healthy. And Anakin's not even the only character who's GOTTEN criticism on this blog, the pinned post on this blog lists a good 10 characters I've had to add to it because there IS going to be criticism for them here, too, from Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze, to Aleksander Kallus, to Crosshair and TBB as a show in general, to Padme Amidala herself. Not to mention some criticism of Ahsoka, as well, sometimes. I'm an all access kind of hater I guess, I like to have a varied diet of characters I complain about.
So yes, it's a blog named antianakin because the url wasn't taken, I thought it was funny, and it works as a WARNING for anybody who sees my posts or decides to come onto my blog. Obviously it doesn't keep EVERYBODY out who shouldn't be looking at them, look at yourself for a good example of that. But I like to think it's helpful. Yes, this is a venting blog where I allow myself to be negative and complain about characters I don't like in a space I have created for me to do that in. This does not mean that I am not EVER positive about Star Wars, it doesn't even mean that I'm never positive about Star Wars ON THIS BLOG. It just means that this is a place that I am allowed to be salty in, it is a place where I put my most bitter thoughts and feelings and throw them into the void that is Tumblr just to get them out of me.
This is MY safe space, MY little fandom haven. Nobody asked you to be here, so if it doesn't feel safe or even just entertaining for you, you're more than welcome to leave and go find somewhere else you like better or create your own little fandom space where you can create the kind of things YOU want to see. I can wholeheartedly recommend it.
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