ev-isms · 4 months
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aclosetfan · 2 years
OK so i have this hc where BC finds out Butch is a very talented graffiti artist and decides to ask the mayor for permission to let Butch graffiti (?) around Townsville (as long as he doesn't make anything too offensive or something). my prompt is: BC watching Butch working and just being like "im so gay for him hElP" :DDD IT WOULD BE AWESOME if bubbles were there too and BC thinking how she's really happy that two of her fav people get along so well and gsjshsjs honestly anything just involving Greens + Bubbles + art + BC 'secretly' being full of LOVE would be PERFECT. Thank you! (sorry for the long ask lmao)
:) please forgive the delay, anon! I love this prompt and tried capturing the spirit of it to the best of my ability! Also, I added Boomer to this, and made Buttercup a trans guy named Bud. It’s sort of a spiritual successor to this post, hope you don’t mind!
There’s more exposition in here then I wanted, but I find with one-shots, I always tend to lay a more detailed foundation so people understand the world we’re visiting. I don’t know if that’s the correct way you’re suppose to do things, but i love lore, so I write it lolol.
for this prompt game!
“I didn’t know he was,” Bud paused, ripping his eyes away from Butch to look over at Boomer, “uh, like, actually good at this?”
"Whose good at what?" Boomer grunted, wiggling and stretching his tongue around his straw as he tried to wrestle it back into his mouth.
Bud rolled his eyes, taking pity on the other far more...broken boy, and held the straw circling around Boomer's liquefied lunch in one place. "Butch," he clarified, "who else?"
Boomer let out a delighted noise and took large, greedy sips of his lunch, smacking his lips obnoxiously when he was done. He opened his mouth like he was going to answer when at the last second, it seemed he decided against it and pulled another gulp of mush through the straw. Bud couldn't stop the disgusted face he pulled, watching the chunky yellow gunk slowly travel up the see-through plastic straw. He supposed his discomfort couldn't be helped since he had, in fact, volunteered to watch over Boomer while Butch helped Bubbles with the Mayor's urban beautification initiative, and that included holding his cup of food while he ate. It wasn't like Bud was required to help him go to the bathroom or anything, but still, it was freaking nasty, and Boomer was constantly asking him to itch places Bud had no desire to itch.
Maybe babysitting someone with the attention span of a goldfish would have been easier if Boomer hadn't insisted on attending the project with Butch and Bubbles and had just stayed in his fully air-conditioned home, but no, Bud had never been that lucky. Instead, he and Boomer sat across the street from where Bubbles and Butch worked, sitting on a concrete barrier that had taken a great deal of maneuvering to hoist Boomer onto, so he could "supervise."  The heat of the sun was uncomfortable but not unbearable, and that was only because of the intense breeze coming off the busy roadway. However, the concrete was steaming to the touch, and he kept adjusting to save his poor thighs.
Sweat began to drip uncomfortably down his back, and he felt it pooling in his binder. If he had known he would have been stuck sitting under the sweltering sun with absolutely no shade, he would have worn something different and, maybe, put on more sunblock. Or, better yet, he would have just said no to the whole endeavor. 
Again, rolling his eyes, Bud's gaze fell back to the two across the street. Bubbles and a handful of other artists were volunteering with the Mayor's public infrastructure committee to promote public arts around the City. Unfortunately, here was a lot (a lot) of inappropriate graffiti downtown in the city’s poorer districts, and Bubbles had specifically requested permission to paint over some of the more offensive, bigoted stuff. She had initially wanted to do traditional painted murals but had quickly become enamored with all the graffiti styles that, you know, didn't promote white supremacy and other shitty stuff like that.
Bubbles had done a great deal of research into the Townsville tagging community. She could go on about the differences between tagging, Mular work, wildstyle, and all kinds of graffiti techniques forever, and had actually gone so far as to track down some of the people whose works had really inspired her. She'd call them and ask if they were interested in doing more in a specific "beautification" zone. More often than not, no one seemed to want to refuse their bubbliest Powerpuff, despite some insisting that their identities needed to remain anonymous. 
Not even two weeks into the boys' return to the city, they had unsurprisingly gotten the run-down about Bubbles' project as it was the only thing she seemed interested in talking about the last few weeks. Mostly speaking to Brick since they were the one who boasted the boys' collective attention span, Bubbles had explained the committee project, showing off pictures and lamenting about how she hadn't been able to track one of her favorite artist's down.
It shouldn't have been such a shock, but it was when Brick had laughed and snapped at Boomer to get his attention. Bubbles had been enthused, and Boomer's ego had been sufficiently rubbed enough that he agreed to help her out. Unlike some of the other taggers she had worked with, Boomer didn't care about his anonymity as he was already too infamous anyway but was adamant that he maintain complete creative control. In Bud's opinion, Bubbles had been a really good sport about that, considering it was her project, so one busted lip and two black eyes later, Boomer and Bubbles compromised on a perfect, shared "artistic vision."
Then, of course, as everyone already likely knew, Boomer broke both his arms, cracked his clavicle, and suffered through a 24-hour coma due to a rocket-launcher-related incident that he and his brothers kept insisting had been "worth it."
"It's not like he was ever using his head much anyway," Butch had shrugged, waving off Blossom's lecture, and Brick had added, "and it's not like he died this time, so what's the big deal?"
"Yeah, bitch, I lived!" Boomer had cackled, putting any of Blossom's arguments sufficiently to rest.
Whatever Boomer had done to himself, it had knocked his Chemical-X off-kilter, impeding his regenerative healing abilities. As a result, he was stuck with two arm casts and a neck and back brace that didn't allow him to rotate his head. His brothers took turns babying him while he healed, and today had been Butch's turn, who Boomer had already volunteered to help Bubbles in his place. Apparently, Brick hadn't been willing to switch shifts, needing what they called "a fucking minute alone," which was fine since Boomer had wanted to come supervise the art project, but someone still needed to actually watch him while Butch was busy working.
And since Bubbles’ beautification zone involved derogatory language about Bud and his transition, he felt obligated for whatever stupid reason to help out, like it was his fault or something that they were stuck at this shitty, hot intersection. He hoped, at least, no one thought it was his fault, but he pushed his unease and anxiety far away for the time being.  
Still sucking away at his lunch, Boomer spoke up through a mouthful, pulling Bud's attention back to the present.
"Yeah," He spoke, chewing on a chunk of yellow (?), "we've all tagged when we were kids. Butch is pretty good, I mean, I'm better, but he has potential. Is he my first choice? No. His lines, eh—" Boomer shrugged, then winced in pain before continuing, "—needs work, but a few more days under my wings, and maybe we'll really have something with him."
"I can hear you," Butch yelled as the light turned green, and the few cars stopped went barrelling ahead.
"Finally!" Boomer called back, "Your dripping paint! And stop muddling the colors! And Bubbles, please, this isn't some heartless studio work! My vision requires actual passion!"
"Sorry, Boomer!" Bubbles waved him off, her voice echoing up and down the currently empty street, "I can't hear you! Traffic!"
"Oh, har har! Very funny!" Boomer mocked, "Pretend I'm slow clapping right now! Bud! Slow clap for me!"
He gave Boomer a long look, but despite himself, he felt an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips and complied, slow clapping on Boomer's behalf.
"Har! Har!" Boomer said again, in time with his clapping.
"Bud!" Bubbles gasped as the traffic began to pick up again, "Betrayal!"
"Forget him, Bubbles," Butch flipped the two of them off, "I'll be your brother now. He can stay with Boomer. I like you more anyways!"
"Oh! You think you can replace the niche I fill that easily, huh!?" Boomer cried, and shifted on his ass until he faced Bud, "Bud! Throw my drink at them!"
Bud snorted, taking the drink away from Boomer entirely, like he still somehow had the ability to reach for it, "Not gonna happen. I'm not making you another one of these. Never again. It's against nature to blend burgers and fries together, okay?" 
"Is it really too much to ask for unbridled support in a goon nowadays?" Boomer pouted, "One day, I'll have a million minions ready at my beck and call, and then you'll all see."
"I look forward to it." He laughed, pushing the drink back in front of his face, "And I'm not your goon. Now, drink up, I don't want Brick on my ass about your calorie intake."
"They're the only one who actually loves me." Boomer nodded solemnly before taking another sip.
"Excuse me? Are they here right now feeding you?"
"Fine. He's the only one who loves me after you," Boomer amended with a smile as the telltale signs of his impending temper tantrum dissipated.  
As he ate, Bud watched Butch and Bubbles. They were once again obscured by traffic, but he could see them still joking around through the gaps. It made him weirdly happy. Bud would have never guessed how much he'd end up actually enjoying the Rowdyruff Boy's company, but puberty had made them strangely likable. Of course, they were still pains in the ass, but now, they were at least funny about it, and it was nice seeing Bubbles and Butch getting along. He briefly wondered if Butch thought the same thing about him and Boomer. His heart flip-flopped at the thought.
Pulling rapidly at the front of his shirt to generate some air flow, Bud watched Butch shake a spray can and carefully, watching his lines, sprayed a neat line onto the wall. Bubbles had refused to show Bud what the finished piece would look like, but so far, it seemed like they were spraying something that needed bright neon effects. Depending on how complicated a project was, Bubbles could sometimes spend whole days down here painting, but with two people on the job, Bud was hoping it wouldn't take too long. The heat was starting to go to his head, and Boomer could hardly be comfortable with all the extra bracing. He highly doubted the two across the street were fairing any better.
And as if Butch was reading his mind, the other boy stopped painting and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He said something to Bubbles as he tossed the spray cans down and without warning, pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it onto the pile of his and Bubbles' stuff. Bud's heart came to a screeching halt, in perfect tune with the blue Ford Buick, which literally came to a screeching halt as the light turned red.
With the cars at a now stand-still, Bud had an undisturbed view of Butch, shirtless, sweaty, and intensely focused on the work in front of him. The intensity written on Butch's face wasn't unknown to Bud, he had seen it plenty of times when they had fought, but it was different encountering it in a non-violent setting. Butch's eyebrows furrowed together in concentration, completely absorbed in his work to notice Bud staring. It was a lot to take in, and Bud unconsciously pulled Boomer's drink protectively into himself.
"Uh, Bud?" Boomer scooted closer, his open mouth following the straw, but he ignored him.
The heat was definitely going to Bud's head, but he didn't think he cared anymore. He couldn't figure out if he were experiencing an intense bout of gender envy or if it was a side-effect of the very insignificant crush he had developed on the taller boy over their short acquaintanceship. Whatever it was, it wasn't pairing well with the heat. The way Butch's back muscles flexed as he stretched this way and that to spray paint, and the way he'd shake those stupid cans, made Bud next to dizzy. He tried focusing on Butch's work, ripping his eyes away from his body, to admire his talent (because Butch was better than just "good" like Boomer claimed), but that only seemed to make Butch more attractive.
He watched Bubbles glance over in Butch's direction, then not so discretely, she turned around to make eye contact with him, waggling her eyebrows. Bubs had been there the day Butch had hand-delivered some hand-me-downs to try on, and apparently, the look on his face had given away too much. Right after Butch had left, Bud had been cornered and interrogated, and now, he heard nothing else from her besides Butch (and, duh, graffiti).
Bud looked away, unwilling to entertain whatever delusion his sister was thinking. He didn't need hers on top of his own. Bud searched for anything else to look at to pass the time. Staring at the cars was fine, until they stopped and he was awkwardly making eye contact with the drivers, and watching Boomer eat his blended burger and fries was making his stomach turn, so whether he liked it or not, his eyes fell back on Butch and Bubbles across the street.
What Bud saw was horrible. It was outrageous. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Butch stood there with Bubbles, laughing, as he rubbed a splotch of paint off her cheek. Bubbles was laughing too, loudly animating with her hands a story Bud couldn't hear over the sound of traffic unless he wanted to eavesdrop on them with his super-hearing. He didn't need to, though. He was fine just watching because that gross, mushy feeling from before was back, where he found himself happy that they got along.
If Bubbles liked him, then maybe, Blossom would too, and if both of his sisters liked him, then maybe, just maybe, Bud would try his luck and ask him out. Maybe. Only if Butch maybe liked him back, but Bud didn't count himself that lucky. Butch had a lot more going for him than Bud did.
Or...well, maybe not in the eyes of the law, but who really cared about that besides Blossom?
"Excuse me!" Boomer huffed, wiggling around to get his attention, "hello!"
Bud jumped, almost surprised to find himself back on a hot, steamy concrete barrier on the side of the road of an incredibly busy intersection.
"W-what!" His voice cracked, turning to face Boomer with wide eyes.
Boomer tsked, "Are you done checking out my brother?"
Bud relaxed his hold on Boomer's shake, noticing his white knuckle grip on it, and with an anxious laugh, argued, "I-I wasn't—"
An evil smile spread across Boomer's face, and Bud immediately switched to the offense.
"I swear," He jabbed a finger at Boomer, "tell a soul, and I'll break the rest of you."
Without even blinking, Boomer shot back, "How about you stop manhandling my food, and I'll think about it."
"How about me starting with your left leg?" He threatened.
"Oh, Butchie!" Boomer sang, "Guess wh—hmph!"
"You wanted your food, right?" Bud shoved the straw back into his mouth, "Now, eat up!"
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bokkerijder · 5 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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hualianisms · 11 days
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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her0-se7en · 7 months
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Concerned Ape knows what's up
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ladyshinga · 7 months
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fallahifag · 3 months
goodnight everyone (:
do your daily click
spreadsheet of families in Gaza you can help today
donate to:
Buy an e-sim
Help diabetics in Gaza
Help Gaza Children
Sudan Tarada Initiative
Help a Sudanese family escape conflict
Darfur Women Action
Ramadan for Sudan
Period products in Sudan
Sudan Emergency Appeal
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whiteshipnightjar · 4 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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hilarioushitshq · 3 months
Not Karl..
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figured out why there's been an uptick in me getting blocked by seemingly cool people recently. apparently my description looks like this on ios:
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it's supposed to say "transmisogyny not welcome". tumblr fucking "coolsville sucks"ed me. i'm literally a trans woman.
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queerstudiesnatural · 27 days
reminder that donating just a few $ to gofundme campaigns actually helps, you don't have to donate huge amounts if you don't have the funds, every little bit is useful. give $10, $5, even $1. it all adds up. don't scroll past because you think you can't help. help in your own capacity. donate a dollar. share and speak up.
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koobiie · 27 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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superkursunaskr · 27 days
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its-arson-time · 1 month
type prevs url with your eyes closed in the tags
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hellishqueer · 1 month
we ask that the defense not say "me when i lie" while the witness testifies
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punkitt-is-here · 7 months
you will probably not look like a skinny white anime girl when you transition you will likely look like someone's mom and you need to realize how swag this is
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