#pretty sure it was his mom or stepmom or something
giffenprep · 3 days
My Stepmom's Game
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In this story here I explained how my stepmom found my computer stash of spanking photos, many of which showed a young guy getting spanked by an attractive MILF.  It wasn’t hard for her to figure out what I was thinking!  She ‘offered’ to show me what spanking was ‘really’ like, though I’m not sure I ever had a choice!
She also decided that as long as I was ‘volunteering’ to get ‘demonstration’ spankings she might as well spank me (hard!) when I did something she didn’t like.  That’s in this story here.
She confiscated my collection, a lot of them were drawings.  (Like the ones by ‘Barb’ described here.)
One got me a really bad spanking was just because the guy’s butt was so red!  (Read about it here.)
She came up with a ‘game’ she likes, that’s what I call it anyway.  It could be called ‘What Did He Do?’
She shows or even sends me a picture sometimes, one from my ‘collection’, and asks, “What do you think this boy did?”
My first answer is usually, “I dunno.”  But I always get the feeling we’re going to be acting this out very shortly!
“She’s using a paddle, she couldn’t be too happy with him,” she ‘observes’.  “Nice clothes, maybe he has a job, just got home from work?”
“Maybe he was supposed to be home a lot earlier,” I say.  I mean, I have to offer something.
“And he gets the paddle?  Must not be the first time,” Mom says.
“Guess so,” I usually agree.  “Or they’re supposed to be somewhere, maybe?”
“Oh, yes, that’s probably it.  I thought she was dressed for the office but maybe they were supposed to go out,” she decides.  “Probably too late now.”
“And she’s spanking pretty hard,” she says.
“What?  What makes you say that?” I ask.
“Look at how he’s gripping the chair leg.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And his head’s almost to the floor.  She’s smacking him really low,” she continues.
This makes me really uncomfortable.
Then she usually asks something like, “Do you think they’re almost done?” and I always say, ‘Probably,’ which is almost never right.  “I mean, his butt’s red already.”
“Yes, but they’ve missed their reservations so they’ve got nowhere to be, she’s probably just getting started.  Either that or they can still make it and this is just a little spanking, with the real fireworks when they get home.”
“Oh,” is all I can think of.
“Which do you think it is, sweetie?”
“I dunno…”
“It is, after all, your picture,” she reminds me.
“Ah, I guess, the first one?” I say, thinking one long spanking would be better than two.
“Yes, that’s what I think, too,” she agrees.  “Get me a chair, would you, please?”
“But, ah, I wasn’t late!”
“No, not tonight you weren’t.  It was last Thursday.  I had hoped you’d be home on time.  We could have played a fun little spanking game but you weren’t here.”
“I didn’t even know!” I protest.
“Chair, sweetie?  You were getting me a chair?”
“Yes, Ma’am…”
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luveline · 1 month
Hi lovely!
I saw you’re looking for Hotch requests and I think I requested one before but I forgot what it is oops.
Could I please have one where Jack calls R mom for the first time and she feels super guilty about it but Hotch is super sweet.
ty for requesting 💞 fem (mom and stepmom!) reader, 1.4k
You’re obsessed with your little baby, but you’d loved Hotch’s son for a long time before you had your own, and you’ve continued to love Jack as your own regardless. If anything, having a baby only cemented that you love him. 
Though you’d never disrespect his mother or what she gave up for him, you’re a parent to Jack. When Hotch is home, Jack is home, and when he isn’t you have Jack four days out of the week anyways, splitting him lovingly with his Aunt Jess. You take care of him and you love to do it; being his stepmother is a gift. You love Jack. 
And he loves to cuddle. 
“Rub my hair,” he demands sleepily, crushed as far into your neck and chest as he can be without pushing his brother out of the way. 
“Say please,” you say, already bringing your hand up where it’s sandwiched behind him to stroke the hair from his eyes. “Like this?” 
“Thank you.” 
He’s pretty much always polite when he’s not tired. Which has little to do with you and everything to do with Haley and Hotch, you’re sure, he’d been a picture of a golden child the day you met him and besides the occasional tantrum or naughty spell, he’s a grateful child. He says thank you for things you want no thanks for, when you towel dry his hair at night for bed, or when you help him into his socks. He once said thank you for a kiss on the cheek, as if it wasn’t something you’d wanted to do. 
“You’re welcome,” you say softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from his brow. “Can I have a little kiss?” 
You kiss his brow when he smiles, letting your eyes flutter closed, nose still pressed to his skin. 
“I love you, mommy,” he says, wrapping his arm around your neck with a sleepy snuffle. 
You struggle to answer. The baby gurgles against your chest.
There has been a lot of mommy talk lately. Hotch is calling you mommy often now that the baby’s born, cutesy stuff like, There’s mommy! when you come back from a shower, or How’s your mom? when he’s home from work and he wants to hold the baby, but he wants to check on you at the same time.
He’s never called you Jack’s mom, but Jack’s six. He was bound to get confused, or to feel new feelings, though you weren’t expecting him to do it right now. 
Eventually, you figure you’ll do what’s best for Jack even if that best isn’t something you deserve. “I love you too, baby.” 
“Are you falling to sleep?” he asks. 
You have arms full of children and Hotch will be home any minute if what he said on the phone is true, so you won’t. “Maybe not yet, but you can sleep if you want to. I’m sure dad will wake you up when he gets home.” 
Jack settles in with the baby. Your promise gives him the solace he needs to sleep.
…What if Hotch is angry? 
You’ll tell him what happened, of course, because you don’t have secrets with each other, and even if you did this is something he’s owed, right? He’s been completely candid with you about everything, how he loved Haley, how he feels he failed her in more ways than her death, and how he loves her still. 
You don’t feel like you’re competing for his loyalty or affection, it’s simply clear that he respects Haley’s memory very strongly. What if you tell him what Jack said, and what you hadn’t said, and he’s furious? 
The door opens downstairs. Hotch calls hello, but with Jack and the baby both sleeping, you stay quiet in fear of waking them. You listen to him do a familiar dance, the click of the safe where he retires his firearms, the rushing water of the faucet as he makes himself a glass of water, and then a second you assume to be for you. 
You shuffle Jack from your chest gently, pulling the baby into the curve of your arm and depositing him with an overabundance of caution into the crib. 
You hurry to the door, finger on your lips, startling your husband on the last stair. 
“I need to talk to you about something,” you whisper. 
He gestures for you to walk back down with him. He’s unperturbed by your worry, two glasses in one hand so he can use the other to feel at your shoulder as you take the stairs in front of him. “What happened?” he whispers. 
“It’s–” You wince, descending the stairs with a distinct sense of nausea. “Can we sit down? I’ll make you something to eat.” 
“I’m fine,” he says, following you to the kitchen, where you sit in adjacent chairs at the dinner table. 
You brace your hands on a placemat. 
He laughs and takes them into his own. “Nothing you tell me is worth all this worrying.” 
“It’s about Jack.” 
His smile fades. “What about him, honey?” 
“We were upstairs… You know how he is, he climbed on top of me and we were cuddling because Noah finally fell asleep, and,” —it’s best to just tell, even if you feel clammy and guilty before you’ve admitted to it— “he called me mommy. I’d never tell him to, I promise.” 
Hotch brings his hands up slowly, yours raising with them where he’s holding your wrists. “What did he say?” 
“He said he loved me. ‘I love you, mommy.’” 
“What did you say?” 
Your grimace is apologetic, eyebrows pinched. “I said I loved him too.” 
“And you’re worried that’s not okay?” You nod. “It sounds to me that he was just telling you how he feels. When you wake him up in the mornings and you tuck him in at night, and you’re the person he goes to when he needs a bandaid, you must feel like his mother.” 
“But I’m not.” 
“No.” His dark eyes are relaxed, his brow only a shade of its usual downturn. “Haley is his mother, and she’d love how you treat him. He will always, always know who his mother is. But if he wants to call you mom, a woman who loves him and looks after him with the same tenderness as you do your own, then I think that’s okay, especially with Noah getting older… How do you feel about it?” 
“I love him.” 
He does that silly smile where he’s more happy than he’ll admit to, leaning forward, pressing your hands to his arm and then his lips. “He loves you,” he says. 
Hotch stands and offers a hug. When you take it, he sways you from side to side. “She really would’ve liked you, honey. It was me who let her down.” 
“But her baby calling me mom…”
“I know. It’s a conflicting feeling.” 
You let out a big sigh and slouch in his arms. You’re warm butter under his touch. He reacts accordingly, bending and cupping the back of your neck. 
“It felt awesome,” you confess. He might as well know. After the remorse, you were happy. Jack must really love you. 
“You’re very, very good to him. Just let him love you however he wants to, and I’ll make sure he doesn’t forget who his mother was, and how much she loved him.” 
You wouldn’t let Jack forget her either. 
Hotch leans away to dot a kiss to your cheek before he hugs you again. “How are they? The boys?” 
“Sleeping. Waiting for you to come home and wake them up. Maybe please don’t wake up Noah, he might sleep through the night tonight if we leave him alone.” 
“I won’t. I’ll see him in the morning.” His smile is audible. “I’m a little jealous, I think. Jack hardly ever says he loves me first.” 
“You clearly don’t cuddle enough.” 
“That,” he says, giving your hip a squeeze, “is a low blow. But I’ll allow it.” 
“You’ll allow it?” 
Another adoring sweep of his arms on your back. “You can say what you want,” he amends. “Thank you for taking care of things while I was gone.” 
He doesn’t need to say thank you, you’re a family, but you appreciate the gesture. “You’re welcome, handsome.” 
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wandasfavv · 3 months
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Make You Mine
Wanda x Fem!Reader
Summary: Ummm stepmom Wanda being upset with you for hosting a birthday party and not listening to her??
Idkkk this is my first time writing anything SO PLEASE just give me chance. I’m not really sure what I’m doing but like it’s something and I wrote this in one sitting. So please ignore any mistakes I made
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Stepmom!Wanda x Fem!Reader, alcohol, intoxicated r, non/con, somnophilia, mommy kink, oral(r receiving), jealousy, mentions of straight relationship, just Wanda being pervy
The floor trembled under you as music played obnoxiously through the speakers. You had the house to yourself and since it was your 21st birthday, you hosted a party at your house. There was around twenty people or so that you invited, having known them from college or even before.
With the promises of causing no trouble and being good, your father decided to give you permission to celebrate with your friends. Your step mom on the other hand, not so much.
“Y/N no, I told you already I don’t want you and your friends making a mess in the house that I know you’re not going clean,” Wanda said sternly as she set the dirty dishes in the sink. It was so rare for the older woman to ever let you do anything surrounding your friends. Despite being an adult, she’s always treated you as if you were a kid who never knew how to take care of yourself, and you hated it. Here she was doing that exact thing.
“I promise I’ll clean everything, Wanda. Just let me,” you responded, helping her clean up the table from dinner just to prove a point. She sighed before looking back up and at you, her expression displaying a displeasured look. You, being persistent, kept trying. Begged even as you put on a pleading face. “Please, I’ll do check ins and make sure nothing breaks or anything.”
Wanda found herself amused at your attempt of convincing her, the use of ‘please’ being sorta cute. However, you breaking stuff or making messes weren’t her actual concerns. She just didn’t trust you with your friends.
There were so many nights where she’d catch you trying to sneak out with them, sometimes not being able to and waking up to see you in the morning covered with marks and hickies from whatever. It made her feel an itch whenever she saw you unawarely show off anything that didn’t come from her. Plus, she was always worried about your friends taking advantage over you and making you do stuff she just thought you shouldn’t be doing. And now that you’re planning on a party where’d you be unsupervised, and possibly going to be doing more of these things, she just couldn’t bear the thought.
“For the last time. No-“
“Hey come on it’s fine. Let the kid do what she wants, it’s her 21st birthday,” your father intervened, not noticing the anger and frustration on his wife’s face. He smiled at you, and went his way to Wanda through the kitchen, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Let’s just take it as a chance to go on a date or something.”
The sight of him touching her and the word ‘date’ coming out of his mouth made your stomach churn. You didn’t know why though. Sure there were moments you found Wanda attractive and pretty even, but she was like a little less than twice your age and married to your father. It’d be weird to like her in any way like that. Right…?
“Well, thanks dad. I’ll go ahead and do it then,” you replied, your voice sounding taunting to Wanda as you glared up at her.
Excusing yourself, you went to your bedroom, trying to get the picture of the two out of your head. But before leaving, you noticed how Wanda somewhat pushed him away gently.
Back to the party, there you were taking shots and drinks down your throat like you’ve had before. Since you were now legally able to drink alcohol, everyone brought some combined with any that you found in the cabinets. You knew Wanda would probably be mad at you for taking some, but at least you left her favorite wine.
After a couple hours of playing games and enjoying your time letting the drunk feeling sink in, people began to leave, saying bye as they departed and said their birthday wishes to you. It was around 1am at this point, and you knew your dad and Wanda would be back soon. Though, you could barely see anything as you walked. After taking so much of the burning liquor and not considering the consequences, you felt completely sick and out of it, obviously not remembering your promises of cleaning up. Your phone was no where to be found and you had no clue about Wanda’s concerns.
Your last couple of friends helped you with a little bit of trash, picking up only after themselves however, and leaving most of it to you. Feeling lightheaded, you found your way to your room as you held onto the walls, plopping down on the bed once you were in as if you weren’t on the verge of throwing up. As you laid down comfortably, your eyes became heavy, leading you into a deep sleep in which you didn’t hear the car driving and parking onto the driveway.
Wanda came into the house, already prepared to yell at you after you didn’t answer her calls from earlier. She walked over the cups and napkins left on the floor toward your room, expecting you to be up and just ‘busy’ doing anything but cleaning like you said. But instead, she walked into you passed out on your bed, still in your uncomfortable clothing as you reeked of alcohol. She once again sighed out in irritation, not sure if she should be shouting at you or your father for letting you host a stupid a party.
She takes a few steps towards you, reaching her hand out to gently push the loose strand of hair from your face as you slept at the edge. Wanda couldn’t help but smile at your cute sleeping antics though, noticing your eyebrows create an indent in between and your nose twitch. Picking you up with her unusual strength, she put you into bed correctly, placing your head onto the soft pillow lightly. She paused for a moment thinking about her next move as she realized again the clothes you were wearing. They were revealing and provocative, something you’d never proudly wear in front of her or your father. Wanda bit her bottom lip, not knowing whether she should do what she’s thinking, but she did it anyway.
Slowly, she put her hands at the hem of your short top, trying her best to take it off you without you waking. She just didn’t want you to sleep in uncomfortable clothing, that’s all… Successfully pulling it off, she threw it down on the floor. Her eyes trailed down to your chest, which was still covered with your bra. She blushed a bit, finding your body beautiful yet so tempting her eyes then made their way to your bottom half, contemplating if it was a good idea to take your pants off too.
The sound of your father’s voice shook the thought out of her head. He called her name, wondering if everything was okay as the house was quiet, which wasn’t usual if it was Wanda yelling at you. She quickly got out of your room, hoping she wouldn’t be caught doing anything inappropriate with her husband’s daughter and went to her own bedroom, now ignoring the mess that surrounded her through the halls.
After about an hour, Wanda came back into your room. Just to check on you, maybe. She cleaned herself up, taking off any of the makeup she put on for the date she was just on, which was really just her having to suffer through pretending to enjoy whatever it was that they did. She was dressed in simple pajamas, just a shirt and shorts, and even then she looked perfect. Her oblivious husband was asleep now as well, and she took it as her chance to go back to your unconscious state. Walking gingerly to the side of the bed that you were on, she turned on the light on your nightstand and stared at your body again, thinking about taking off your pants like earlier. This time she did do it. Her hands went to the top of them, tugging them down with barely any force. Now leaving with you in only your undergarments, she found herself immersed in your entire being, her hand trailing down your body.
“Fuck, what am I doing…” Wanda whispered to herself as she bit the inside of her cheek in nervousness. You shifted in response to her touch, still in deep sleep as you unknowingly made her lose her composure. A soft groan left her mouth as you turned onto your side and had your back face her, exposing your ass. Looking back at the door and you, Wanda came to the conclusion that neither you or your father would be waking up anytime soon, so she crawled into bed with you on the other side, going under the cold sheets.
She’s never interacted with you with touch before, maybe just a couple hugs and light touches to your lower back, but never more as she didn’t really want to risk and indulge in anything. But seeing you now, your unconscious body, which wouldn’t know what’s about to happen, made her yearn for more.
Her hand made its way back to your face, cupping your cheek that’s faced up unlike the other which was adorably squished against the pillow. She leaned down placing a feather light kiss to your forehead to test you and to see if you really were heavily asleep. And you were. Receiving the green light to go further, her lips went father down to your nose, then to your mouth. Not caring if you were unconscious and intoxicated, she gently pushed her lips against yours, letting out a soft moan as she finally got to kiss you like she’s dreamt of from so many nights where she’d wake up with a mess in between her legs. Her hand went down to your waist, and squeezed it just a bit, but the action made you squirm and part from the kiss, once again turning and facing your back to Wanda.
Disappointed to not see your face, she breathed out. She still kept her hands on you though, wrapping an arm around your midsection and pulling you toward her body. She put her face into your neck, taking in your scent that remained besides the alcohol. “God, I need you so bad baby,” Wanda mumbled behind your ear. Her fingers from her other hand came up to unclip your bra, freeing your chest and allowing her to grope your breasts, still lightly as she wanted you to stay asleep. Her perverted actions were so different compared to how she’d usually behave around you.
Your body responded to her many ways as she touched you. You pushed your ass against her front, your panties being the only thing separating her from touching your father down. She groaned again at this, as if your body subconsciously wanted her to fuck you. And once a small and barely audible whimper escaped from your lips, she lost it. Her head spun from the way you acted, forcing her to find ways to control herself from just pinning you down and having her way with you. She bit down on your lower neck, making you once again let out another noise of disturbance.
“So needy even when you’re sleeping… fuck, I can’t stand you,” she said quietly against your skin, biting her lip and moving her hand down your tummy and further to your center. Her fingers reached the band of your underwear, causing her to huff out in annoyance of it being there still. Being a little less gentle, she tugged it down and immediately cupped your cunt. It was kinda rough as she desperately wanted to feel you. Her fingers went through your folds, collecting your wetness. Then, she reached up to her lips to taste you as she put them in her mouth, sucking your arousal off. She moaned, and already in love with how you tasted she wanted more of it.
Her body moved down, removing the sheets off of you and her. The soft yellow glow from the light on your body mesmerized her as she positioned herself between your legs. Parting them, she bent down and put her arm underneath your thighs before having them in a tight hold with her hands gripping the smooth flesh there. Wanda looked up at your sleeping self, admiring your beauty as her lip quivered from need with your pussy just centimeters away from her mouth. She stuck her tongue out, gently licking up and between your folds, up your clit. Your body quickly began to stir, and your eyes were forced shut as you turned your head. Wanda stopped momentarily, waiting for you to settle.
Once you stopped moving, she started to move her tongue against you again. Switching between licking around your sensitive nub and entering your cunt with her tongue, she moaned at how sweet you were, making her hold on you tighter to the point where light bruises were to form. Another small whimper mixed with a moan left your mouth as Wanda hit a particular spot within you. Your hips jerked up, and this only caused her to move roughly against and in your pussy. “Mm, waited so long to make you mine…”
Now that she was lost in pleasuring you and herself, you began to wake up from the slight aggressive movements. Your eyes opened, squinting from the bright light beaming beside your face. Confused, you closed your eyes again before recognizing a feeling between your thighs. Wanda noticed you waking up, no longer caring and actually glad you were. As you looked down you saw her face covered in your wetness mixed with her own saliva. Your jaw dropped from both shock and pleasure as she continued moving her tongue in and out of your increasingly soaked center. “W-Wanda..?” You shakily spoke, reaching down to her head, only to be stopped as her hands took yours and pinned them down beside your thighs.
“Shh… just let mommy take you, okay?” She said, noticing the way your hips bucked up against her face from the name she used for herself. “You’ve been so bad, you know that? You know how upset you made me, leaving a mess outside… and hanging out with all your dumb little friends…” she said lowly against your pussy, the vibrations of her voice making you moan and tilt your head back. Her mind shifted back to previous days at the mention of your friends. “So fucking annoying, coming home with all those marks on you and from who huh? Do they fuck you better than me baby?”
The constant questions and use of cuss words turned you on further as you never had nor expected Wanda to talk to you like this. Your mind was still hazy too, from just waking up and the after effects of drinking too much. “No… no m-mommy no,” you gasped, dumbly shaking your head. Wanda moaned, hearing you say her preferred term and getting drunk off your sounds. Her grip on your hands were now even tighter matching yours as you got closer to your orgasm.
Your moaning got louder as well, somewhat worrying Wanda as she didn’t want this time with you ruined by your dad waking up. So letting go of one of your hands, she reached up and covered your mouth, the pressure being harsh. Your noises were only muffled sounds of pleasure, still arousing to hear to Wanda. “Shut up sweetie, you don’t want your father to hear you, do you?” She questions, smirking slightly as you shook your head no. She loved the way you looked down at her, your eyebrows furrowed with a look of desperation and slight fear for bringing up that fact that he was in the other room down the hall.
As you were on the edge of cumming, your free hand went down to Wanda’s hair, grasping the soft locks of brown hair like you’ve always wanted. Her tongue kept going and swirled around the clit once again, really pushing you towards releasing all over her face and specifically in her mouth. You whined against her palm, signaling to her that you needed to let go. “You gonna cum, princess? Cum all over mommy’s tongue?” She asks in a condescending tone, smiling to herself as you tried to respond under her hand. She let her hand fall for you to speak and beg her for permission.
“P-Please mommy, please I wanna cum,” you begged, whimpering as you tried to hold back before she said yes. The hold on her hair got tighter, causing her groan again. Tears grew at the corners of your eyes and Wanda couldn’t help but get more aroused at the sight.
“Mhm, go ahead baby…” Wanda replied, going at a faster and rougher pace, battling against the tiring and numb feeling in her muscle. You let go the second you hear her, moving and grinding your cunt against her to ride out the orgasm that’s making your entire body tremble. Louder and higher pitched sounds from your mouth escaped, causing Wanda to instead move back up your body and shut you up by kissing you, shoving her tongue in your mouth and making you taste your own arousal.
“Uh-huh, good girl… so good for me,” she whispered, parting form the kiss and settling beside you in the bed, pulling you in her arms in a tight comforting hold laying down. The praise made you weaker, and with her pampering you by wiping your tears away while gently petting your head, it made you lost in your mind. You panted against her chest and held onto her hand still securely. She waited for you to calm down a bit before speaking again.
“Shhhh… it’s ok, just go back to sleep dear,” Wanda said softly and moving her arms to wrap around you. She figured you were still tired, from both the orgasm and the alcohol. She right of course, and you found yourself becoming drowsy in her arms.
“Wanda…” you suddenly said sleepily, catching her attention with your stable voice. She looked down at you, still comfortingly rubbing your side. The tired look on your face showing absolutely no signs of a single thought in your head was adorable to her and she smiled while responding to you with a small “hm?”
“I’m sorry for being bad,” you mumbled timidly, looking away for a moment as there was a permanent blush. Wanda laughed softly at you, her hands now to your cheek to make you look at her.
“You’re so cute… just make it up to me tomorrow okay, and then maybe we can do something like this again,” She responded, a loving grin on her face with a light pink tint on her cheeks. You nodded slowly and smiled at her. Wanda then kissed your head, shushing you to sleep. And you listened, saying a small goodnight before quickly beginning to snore softly into her neck once you shut your heavy eyelids just for a couple seconds in her warm embrace.
Part 2(Getting Closer)
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lipglossanon · 1 month
Dirty Little Secret
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Stepson!Leon S. Kennedy x Stepmom!Reader <one shot>
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pseudo incest, cheating, loveless marriage? lol, mommy kink, breeding kink, mentions of lactation kink, dirty talk, noncon, slight somno, mention of a rape play scenario, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread ✍️ just smut
title from Dirty Little Secret by The All American Rejects
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You thought it was love. This guy wined and dined you then showed you the world. So when he proposes to you only three months into your relationship, you’re so smitten that you agree before he even finishes asking. 
It must’ve been the honeymoon phase because a year later, you’re stuck at home while he galivants around the globe for his business. It’s not like you have a hard time, but you’re lonely, done begging for attention from a man who apparently just wanted someone to live in his empty house while he’s gone. 
Then after months of stilted phone calls and cut short video chats, he drops by only to surprise you with a son from a previous marriage. Something you knew nothing about. After introducing Leon to you, he leaves him there—some flimsy excuse of letting you two get to know each other—and is off again once more. 
Leon smiles at you as his dad leaves, “Sorry to drop in like this.”
Your frown smooths out as you take a deep breath, “Not your fault, sorry if I’m off kilter. He didn’t even tell me about you til now.”
You wince after saying the words out loud but Leon only laughs. 
“It’s okay. I’ll stay out of your hair as much as possible.”
You wave your hand, “Don’t be silly, it’ll be nice to have company again.”
He smiles again but this one makes you feel a little more on edge, something about the way it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. 
“Well then, I’m sure we’ll get on like a house on fire.”
You settle into a new routine, Leon fitting into your day to day pretty easily. He’s sarcastic and mouthy, but it beats only having yourself for company. Your husband dropped off his son in late January and it’s now early May; it’s like you blinked and realized you haven’t even had anyone else visit except for Leon’s actual mom. (She’s surprisingly a sweetheart and quite helpful even if she makes Leon all moody to have her in your shared space). 
It’s after one such visit that left Leon in an irritable mood where you decide to have a little movie night in order to cheer him up. You’re unsure as to what started it this time, but the ex missus just gave you a quick smile and wave goodbye as Leon stormed off upstairs. Taking in a deep breath, you rap your knuckles on his closed door and listen for any movement.
Half a minute passes by before you hear him walk over and open the door. You take in his sweats and loose white tee. Good, it doesn’t look like he's headed out—you tilt your head before looking back up into his face. 
“Yes?” He raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, a corner of his lips ticking up into a half smile. 
“Wanna watch some shitty horror movies and order pizza?” You smile, pleased with yourself when he drops his arms. 
“Sure,” he shrugs, tossing his phone back onto his bedspread and pushing you away from his door, closing it behind him, “w’nna order a cheese pizza?”
“Sounds good,” you lead him back downstairs, flopping down on the couch and grabbing your phone. 
Leon sits on the cushion next to you, leaning over to watch as you scroll through the app. 
“Want any sides or anything?” You ask, attention still on your phone. 
“Pizza’s plenty.”
You feel his breath ghost across your neck and it sends a chill down your spine. Scrunching your shoulders up, you laugh and bump against his side. 
“That tickles, Leon,” you shift a little and you feel him move to face the television. 
Once you place the order, you lock your phone and sink into the couch. Leon’s close enough you can feel his body heat, but you know if you move he’ll end up next to you again. It’s something you’ve noticed over the time that he’s stayed here; you’ve only brought it up once and he admitted he likes being close since he misses his mom. 
You frown to yourself as Leon channel surfs, not wanting to start any movies only for it to be interrupted by the delivery guy. For him to miss his mom so much, he’s always pissy when she visits. Maybe he’s just salty that she let him end up living here with you? Glancing over at him, he notices you looking and shoots you a grin. 
“Have any idea on what movie we start with?”
You return his grin and drum your fingers against your thigh, “Hmmm, you ever watch Spookies?”
He shakes his head, “I’m assuming it’s bad?”
“The worst but in the best way,” you laugh.
He studies you for a moment. 
“Thanks for trying to cheer me up.”
Giddy warmth bubbles in your chest, “Of course, Leon. I know the situation probably isn’t ideal, but I’ll take care of you.”
He laughs low in his throat, “We’re nearly the same age.”
You wave him off, “Yeah, yeah, but I’m still older though.”
Lapsing into a companionable silence, you mindlessly watch as Leon zips through different shows until the doorbell rings. After stuffing your faces with pizza, you settle in comfortably on the couch, feet laying over Leon’s lap after he tugged your legs away from you. 
“No reason to stay curled up like that,” he pats your calf. 
Unsure how to feel, you eventually relax into him. If it doesn’t bother him, then why should it bother you? The heat from his lap must lull you to sleep because the next thing you know is blinking your eyes open to some random movie playing on the tv. Another beat and you groggily glance down your body at the new weight pressing you into the cushions. 
Sandy blonde hair fills your vision as you feel Leon softly suck a nipple into his mouth. Without you noticing, he has pushed your flimsy shirt up and tugged your bra cups down. Squirming under him only leads to him sighing softly, eyes fluttering shut as he licks around your stiff peaks. 
“Stop, stop,” you pant, feeling sluggish and out of sorts, arms and legs feeling wooden as sleep tries to cling to your senses.
Leon only laughs and goes back to softly sucking on your nipples, mouth drifting from one hard bud to the other with quick swipes of his tongue. 
“But mommy, you said you’d take care of me,” his low voice raises the hair on your arms, “mmm, and what I really need is to suck your sexy tits.”
There’s no denying the rush of slick that fills the gusset of your panties. 
“S’wrong, Leon,” you counter, weakly crying out when he gently bites your nipple. 
“Maybe, but I think you need this, need me to take care of you. After all, my dad’s not going to,” he growls and roughly sucks the puckered skin around your stiff bud, “you need a husband who wants to stuff your hot little pussy.”
A loud keening moan leaves your mouth before you can clamp your lips shut.
His eyes are bright as a grin lights up his face, “See? C’mon, no one has to know that you let your stepson dick you down on the couch.”
Hips jumping, you mewl as he goes back to lapping at your nipples, hands coming up to grope the soft fat of your breasts. 
“Been waiting for this,” he murmurs into your sternum, mouth leaving a trail of hot kisses across your skin, “fuck, I’ve wanted you so bad, mommy.”
The condescension in that one word makes you drip, pussy throbbing for more than just words. 
“W-we shouldn’t though,” you try to get a grip on yourself, hands hovering over his hair, “god, I’m married to your father.”
“Is he here? Is he ever here?” He raises up and sneers at you, “never around when you need’em huh?”
Raising up onto his haunches he gives you a nasty smirk, “But that’s why you have me now. I’m gonna pound your hot little pussy day and night. Maybe it’ll even make you a real mommy.”
“Leon!” You gasp, nipples tightening at the thought, hands digging into the couch.
But he’s telling the truth. Your husband is never home— hasn’t called you back and barely replies to texts. You’ve been lonely and neglected even before Leon got here; so what if it’s wrong? It won’t kill anyone just to go along with him this one time. So that’s what you decide to tell him. 
“This one time,” you whisper, biting your lip as you give in to him, “just once.”
He laughs, “Sure, I can work with that.”
Once turns into twice. 
“It’s still just the one time,” you pant as he fucks into your squelching pussy, face mashed against the armrest of the couch, “it’s still the same round.”
“Sure, mommy,” he murmurs in your ear and you clamp down on him tighter, “whatever you say.”
Which turns into three and four and then five…
By the next afternoon, you're bouncing on your stepson’s fat cock in your own marriage bed. 
“Fuck, fuck, I need it, please, I wanna cum,” you whimper, grinding down onto Leon’s dick, “please.”
“Take it then, mommy, take your son’s cock deep in that little pussy,” he growls, thumb rubbing your clit in tight rough circles. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, eyes rolling back as Leon’s fat tip kisses your cervix, “god, it’s so good.”
“Yeah? Better than dad’s?” Leon asks, flashing you a smug little smile. 
“Uh huh,” you whine, hands pressing on his broad chest so you can ride him harder, “you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.”
“Goddamn,” he growls, grabbing your waist and flipping you onto your back. 
Pulling halfway out, he bullies his cock back into your sopping wet hole, pace fast and hard making you wail as he rams against your g-spot. 
“Tell me mommy, tell me who’s making this fat pussy feel so good,” he pinches your nipples, “c’mon mommy, say it.”
“You,” you whimper, tears clumping your lashes, “you’re making mommy’s pussy feel so good.”
“My son,” you cry out as he tugs your nipples roughly, “my son’s filling my pussy and making me cum.”
“Good girl, mommy,” he coos mockingly and you squeeze his cock, pussy walls snug and wet around his thick length. 
“I’ve given you so many creampies,” he sighs, “fuck, I hope one of them takes. Wanna drink your milk.”
You shudder, hips stilling, “That’s so—”
“Hot?” He slaps your thigh and you start grinding on his cock again, “these tits leaking milk for me would be a dream come true. Let me breed you, mommy.”
“I can’t,” you mewl, clit throbbing as you rock your hips into his thrusts, “can’t get knocked up by my stepson.”
Leon groans, “It’ll just be the one time. Besides, I’ve been dumping load after load into this tight little cunt. We both know you want it, mommy. Making that pussy crave to have me stuffing her to the brim.”
You lean forward, face pressing against his neck as you moan brokenly. 
“I shouldn’t,” you hiccup, hips writhing as Leon reaches underneath you to grip your ass. 
“It’ll be our little secret,” he humps your pussy, cock knocking against your cervix and making you squeal, “let me breed you, mommy. Let your son breed your fat pussy.”
“I’m gonna cum,” you slur, mouth panting and drooling against his skin, “oh god, you’re gonna make me cum.”
“Next time, I want you to fight me,” he whispers in your ear and you moan, “fight me so when I pin you down, I’ll be raping your hot wet pussy until you cream all over my cock, mommy.”
Your nails dig into his back and you scream, orgasm wiping out your thoughts as your body thrashes under Leon.
“I’m cumming, fuck, mommy, gonna fill you up again,” he rambles, hips pistoning his cock in and out of your pussy as you continue to orgasm. 
The last thing you see is Leon’s blue eyes staring down at you as your pussy milks his cock while he spurts rope after rope of thick cum inside your clenching hole. 
You wake up sometime later with Leon running his fingers along your arm and shoulder. 
“You okay?”
You hum and nod, stretching out along the bed, feeling a slight twinge in your hips. 
“May’ve over done it,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands. 
Leon laughs and drops a kiss to your head. 
“Yeah I got that after you passed out.”
Giggling, you turn on your side to face him. 
“Need to drink more water I guess.”
He nods, a funny sort of smile overtaking his features. 
“You’re not gonna tell anyone right?”
You scoff and roll your eyes, “Why would I? Even if we’re both adults, I don’t think anyone’s gonna be happy it happened.”
Sighing, you push up until you can swing your legs over the side of the bed. 
“I’m gonna take a shower.”
Standing up, your thighs shake but you’re able to walk over to the en-suite bathroom. At the doorway, you turn back to see Leon staring at you, a hungry look in his eyes. You bite your lip knowing what you’re about to say isn’t a good idea, but what the hell. You’re already in it this far. 
“If you wash my back, I’ll wash yours,” tone flirty as you smile at him. 
Not waiting for an answer, you walk into the bathroom, listening as the sheets ruffle from Leon climbing out of bed to follow you.  
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toji-girl · 1 month
if im fictionally fucking my mom's man i want it as icky as possible im talking fucking in their bed 📝 fucking in the car when toji was supposed to pick me up 📝 mom on the other room and im on my knees doing the glock 3000 📝 or it can be something like i sneaked out and he finds out and i have to fuck him so he doesn't rat me out 🤒
18+ only content - mdni
when I read this I had to put my phone down and take a lap because the beginning and the end has me in a chokehold! it's so icky I love it so much 🫠 I kinda went off the rails and this is 3.3k but there will be a part two!!
tags: fem reader + dark content + step-dad trope + explicit smut + both him and you have fucked up morals and do fucked up things but it's okay because this is fiction + some angst + I changed it up after a new idea came to me lmaoo + daddy being used + food play + this wasn't supposed to be long...
Lines tend to blur when the human mind is muddled with a strong emotion, such as anger. Pretty much all of us have said something out of anger or spite that we wish we could take back, but can't.
When you have to hear your mother and stepdad go at it fighting about things that could easily be talked about, but you know your mom wasn't like that. Her go-to tactic was the silent treatment which left the house in a war zone that had you walking on eggshells.
It was something you were used to, and as soon as you turned eighteen you moved out and away to college only to come back and visit her during breaks and when summer started then she met Toji.
She claimed it was love at first sight but it didn't take long for her new husband to realize what type of woman she really was after the wedding which is where you met him for the first time ever and then you kept coming back home after you and Toji developed a relationship.
You two could bond over being stuck with your mother.
He listened to you bitch and complain a lot about the guys in your class and the ones who try to chase after you to get a taste but there was always one thing you left out, never telling Toji.
None of those men were him.
Having a crush on your stepdad wasn't a new thing, there were more porn links on any website and the pages went into the triple number about fucking your stepbrother or stepmom, whatever tickled your fancy, they more than likely had it.
But the videos always lacked men that looked like Toji or they didn't know how to fuck, and it was like they missed the clit on purpose.
It was a dark secret you were going to take with you to the grave.
That is until you were caught.
You came into town a day ago and forgot a few essentials back at your dorm so you had to run into town quickly before meeting up with a few old friends to grab them and that's when Toji found it.
Your laptop was still playing a video when he was shuffling down the hallway ready to get in the shower, the sound was on but it wasn't loud enough for Toji to realize what it was until he opened the lid to see a woman who looked like you getting her back blown out while chanting daddy fuck me harder and oohs and ahhs about his dick.
With his eyebrow cocked Toji couldn't stop himself from watching as the man pulled out, his condom-covered dick was shiny with the woman's cum, and all he could think about was fucking you raw.
Feeling his cock twitch under his towel he sat down at your chair looking around your bedroom, the same one you grew up in and your mother never changed anything when you moved out so it was frozen in time it felt like with pictures of you and your life hanging up.
Toji wasn't sure how long he had before you came home and while he wanted to jerk off in your chair he knew it was best to take your laptop to his and your mom's room to lay on the bed with the laptop next to him as he lay naked with his legs spread open.
His heavy cock wept as he wrapped thick fingers around the shaft knowing this was beyond fucked, masturbating to his stepdaughter's porn that he found wasn't the best moment in his life but damn it, you were a minx and tempted him more than anything.
It simmered under the surface and now it was a raging boil that wouldn't even stop if you took away the heat source. With his head tilted against the headboard and the video louder he didn't hear you coming in calling out for him. "Toji!? I have something for you!"
No answer.
Usually, he would call back out from the living room. Silence greeted you as you breezed through the lower half of the house, going from room to room holding the scratch-off ticket you bought for Toji.
Humming softly you walked upstairs stopping midway when you heard the moans.
Immediately your blood ran cold with thoughts of him stepping out on you. Your feet faltered as you gripped the rail bolted to the wall thinking about the woman Toji brought home.
With determination in your step, you hurried up the stairs and down the hallway to push the door open to see Toji naked and jerking off, his fist going up and down his fat and leaky cock, it was the thickest and longest you've ever seen in person.
Toji stopped when he heard you suck in a breath and you met each other's gaze feeling your heart threaten to get stuck in your ass, it felt like a dream as your eyes bounced from his to where his fist was.
It was now or never.
"Are you goin' to stand there or help me?" He husked moving his fist again, his heavy sack bouncing with each stroke making your mouth water as you watched stuck in the doorway until the video changed pulling you from your state of mind.
Your feet propelled you forward as you shed your clothes until you were on the mattress kneeling between Toji's strong and powerful thighs, he was so close you could smell his natural body scent which was all potent male.
Toji watched you with darkened eyes forgetting that another video was playing, he didn't have to imagine this now, not with you right here with a soft smile and even softer hands that felt like heaven when you replaced his fist with yours.
The line was crossed the moment he was caught, the both of you knew that so when you finally closed the distance to wrap your lips around the tip while keeping eye contact Toji knew he was in for it.
He watched as you swallowed him all the way down to the hilt burying your nose into the soft dark pubic hair that he kept trimmed, and it's been so long since he got his dick wet and here you were sucking his cock like it was your job.
Whatever you couldn't reach you jerked off making it messy with thick spit that bubbled and strung from your mouth to the head of his cock when you pulled away to give your jaw a break. "You can do better than that, I've heard you gossip for hours doll." Toji husked with a deep chuckle as he guided your mouth back to his cock.
You gagged wetly causing tears to glisten and make your eyes glassy as you met Toji's gaze again knowing that was beyond wrong, this was your mother's husband, your stepdad whose dick you were sucking in their bed like it was a melting popsicle.
Green eyes took in the way you swirled your tongue around the tip before dragging all the way down to his heavy sack sucking on each one gently while using your spit as a makeshift lube to make it easier to jerk him off as you kissed your way up making a mess of your face.
"You look so pretty like this," Toji grunted when you slapped the length of his dick against your tongue once it lolled out, your lips curled into a smile when you felt his warm essence splatter that he smeared in with his thumb before dragging it toward your lips.
He watched as you sucked his cum-soaked thumb before moving to straddle him, your hands perched on his shoulders not cleaning up the rest of his orgasm on your face as you grabbed his wrists guiding his hands to grab your tits and rolling your nipples.
"I see where you got most of your looks from." Toji teased hearing you huff and smack at his hands as you glared at him and rolled your eyes.
It was just to rile you up really because truth be told you are the
His words stung as you turned your attention to your laptop that kept playing porno and now you couldn't help but feel cheap and used. "We won't talk about this ever again, this never happened." You told him and crawled off the bed with your laptop and clothes in your arms.
Toji sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair knowing he fucked up big time with that joke and since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree he took the rest of the night to think about your fave covered in cum and you crying on his cock as you struggle to take him.
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Over the next several days all you could do was taste Toji.
It was your own personal hell because not only couldn't you get rid of it but he was always around and it seemed like he was picking fights with your mom on purpose to.
Since it was summer break, you had three more months of living with them before going back to college, and you didn't want to hear the yelling, so you called up an old friend for dinner.
They didn't notice you leaving at first until Toji went upstairs passing by your bedroom, and by then, it was an hour after the fight ended.
Another hour passed by of him laying in bed thinking about the other night, and you still weren't home, making Toji sick to his stomach until his phone rang with your ringtone.
He answered it, hearing a noisy background fade away. "Hey, I was wondering if you could come and get me please?" You asked softly shifting your weight between both feet waiting for his answer.
"Send me your location."
With that he hung up to get dressed while looking at his phone knowing exactly where you were, it was the restaurant that he proposed at.
Another twenty minutes later you saw Toji's car turning the corner smoothly and gliding up to the curb, the passenger door swung open revealing Toji who seemed irritated. You scurried to the car just in time for sheets of rain to start coming down heavily.
The air in the cabin of his car was thick with unsaid words and tension that even a knife couldn't cut through, you would need a chainsaw to get the job done. "Thank you for picking me up."
You turned to look at him thankful for the dark sky and Toji's tinted windows, the eye contact was intense and it made you ache. It could be felt like a heartbeat between your legs but his comment still rubbed you the wrong way.
"I have no choice." He muttered pulling away from the curb and driving slowly down the streets until he reached the driveway where he shut the car off filling the air with static.
Neither of you moved from your spot.
Toji looked at you turning his body to get a good view of your dress. "Why are you being a jerk?" You blurted with a curled lip as you gripped the door handle glaring at him when you pushed the door open to get out when he grasped your wrist gently.
Before you could say anything, you were yanked forward and felt Toji's lips against yours. At first, you stilled then melted like butter on a hot man, you became putty in his arms as he pulled you closer.
He helped you staddle him making sure you were comfortable before his hands slid up your dress. "Look at ya. So pretty 'f me." His words made you burn from the inside out as you rubbed your pantie-cladded cunt against his bulge wanting to feel him inside you.
"Toji. I want you so bad." You whimpered leaning your back against the steering wheel to lift the front of your dress to show him your no bra and underwear choice, his eyes widened and his cock twitched.
"Is this for me or that loser you went with?" He husked pinching your nipples and hearing you whine while rolling your hips unable to help yourself, he trailed his fingers down your belly and down between your legs where he spread you open gently.
"Who do you think, silly?" You hummed leaning in to kiss him again and nibble on his bottom lip while reaching both hands down to pull the band of his shorts down to reveal his dick that felt warm and heavy in your hand while being smooth and soft.
He was beyond thick and his length was impressive but you weren't surprised. Toji swirled his tongue with yours as he slowly slid his middle finger inside you, curling to find that sweet spot of yours.
With your arm wrapped around his neck, you jerked him off letting him finger you as you kissed him growing drunk and needy for him.
Toji already had you on the edge in a matter of seconds it felt like.
His teeth sunk into the tender area of your pulse when you tossed your head back riding his fingers, wanting to ride something else.
"Dick." You muttered pulling away in a frenzy.
"What for?" Toji huffed as he rolled his eyes.
You looked up at him as you spit in the palm of your hand to use as a makeshift lube before jerking him off again. "I want your dick."
He chuckled and smacked your ass as you sat up the best you could due to being in a cramped car, your muscles cramped and ached but you didn't care, not when you felt his hot tip against your fluttering hole.
Slowly you sat down until he was halfway inside you feeling your pussy pulse around him and trying to milk it already. His fingers curled into your dress stretching the fabric when he bottomed out.
The both of you gasped as tears stung your eyes feeling him in your throat what felt like. "Holy fuck." You whimpered and put your hands on the roof of the car as you began a slow pace at first.
Toji pulled the top of your dress down to bare your breasts to him which he attacked with kisses and soft nibbles as you rode him like you were going to win first place for doing it too, this wasn't going to be the first or last time this happened, the both of you knew it too.
His cock kissed your cervix mixing in a bit of pain with the pleasure that swirled in your foggy brain as you bounced up and down. "I'm going to ruin any man that tries to lay his claim on you, you're all mine, aren't you sweet girl?" Toji asked reaching up to squeeze your cheeks in one hand squishing your lips together.
You couldn't speak, only moan which was amusing to him. "So drunk on cock you can't even talk, don't worry princess. I'll ask again. You're mine, right?" He shook your head for you softly and thrust up mocking your voice. "Yes, daddy, I'm all yours." He husked.
Your hips ground down on him feeling your orgasm wash over you making you squeal and clamp down around Toji which in turn pushed him to cum sooner than what he's used to filling you to the brim.
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You nor Toji spoke about what happened in the car but you had silent conversations when your mom was home and when she wasn't you were sure to tease him and tonight you broke the poor man.
After dinner, you curled up on the couch with a bowl of fruit and whipped cream while your mother did the dishes when Toji sauntered in just in time to see you dipping a strawberry in the cream lapping the white essence up reminding him of the blowjob in his bed.
Toji was silent as he sat on the other end of the couch but he still eyed you and now you were sucking the whipped cream off your fingers. "Did I miss a spot?" You asked in a sultry voice as you leaned in to look at him.
This was a very dangerous game you both were playing, he could feel the heat from the flame he was playing with but Toji knows you would balm any burn he got and he would do the same for you too.
His eyes shifted to the hallway still hearing the water running before he was staring at you while he dipped his finger in the cream to smear some of your mouth. "You did, you're a messy eater."
He leaned in grabbing the back of your neck in a gentle hold that only made you melt under his touch when he licked your lips before kissing you which made your pussy ache and drool for him again. Quickly you put the bowl down and kneeled on the floor.
Toji leaned back and watched you curious as to what you were going to do as you removed his cock that grew in your hands. You scooped up some cream and slathered it on the tip of his dick before licking it off never breaking eye contact as he ate a few pieces of fruit.
Both of you had to be quiet and quick too.
He rested his hand on top of your head as you cleaned the sticky mess up before adding more whipped cream on the side of his dick that you licked up before sucking on the tip like it was a comfort thing and in a way it was, you enjoyed seeing Toji like this.
You pulled away to grab a grape and feed him before going back down deepthroating him gagging softly as he attempted to keep his moans quiet when your mom called him to the kitchen. "Oops, you've been called to duty." You teased and giggled as you stood up.
Toji reached out and smacked your ass as he stood up to kiss you, the sweet cream and his musk mixed together making you taste addictive.
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It was a cat-and-mouse game now.
You were more than fine being the mouse and letting Toji chase you.
Like now, it was Saturday evening and he and your mom had a date planned which made you become bitchy and mean to both of them which was promptly ignored by your mom but Toji wasn't having that.
After they left you knew your mom wanted you to stay home to watch the place but you wanted to see your friends from your old days and what's the worst thing that can happen when you sneak out?
It ends with the party having the cops called on it for being too loud and no ride because your friends couldn't find you and they had no choice but to leave you behind, which made you dial Toji.
He was clearly upset when he answered and you could hear your mother in the background nagging about something. "I'll be there."
You sent him your location once you made it safely away from that house and the cops that crawled by the bench you sat on until you saw Toji's car causing butterflies to erupt in your belly. "Did you tell my mom you're picking me up?" You asked him once inside.
"No, your mother went to a hotel tonight."
After that, the car ride was silent until you finally broke it. "What are we doing?" You murmured afraid of his answer feeling your heart pound in your chest.
Toji didn't say anything until he pulled into the driveway to look at you not saying anything which made your stomach twist with a mixture of emotions. You both have already crossed the line and there was no going back from all of that, it was all out in the open.
Another minute passed and you couldn't take it anymore, with your purse in your hand you shoved the door open and hurried out of the car and into the house with tears streaming down your face, it felt like he was breaking up with you when he wasn't yours to start with.
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under-sedationnn · 6 months
Mike Schmidt x reader where she’s pregnant?
mike schmidt x pregnant fem!reader pt.1
summary: a day in the life with mike and abby as the reader navigates the ups and downs of the much dreaded (and much anticipated) third trimester. 
“Mike, I'm going to be honest, there's no way I can tie my shoes.” 
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"Abby-girl! Come on, breakfast!"
I hear the sound of small, bare feet skittering down the hallway and halt to a stop at the edge of the dining table. Abby, hair still unbrushed and pajamas wrinkled, smiles at me from her seat by the window.
"What did you make this morning, y/n?" She leans across the table to see the bowl I'm holding, and I give her a sympathetic look.
"Oatmeal," I say, and she wilts slightly. "With nutella, and bananas! Made special for you."
I set down the bowl and she inspects it, picking up the spoon by the small end and poking at the slices of fruit. I shift on my swollen feet, and pray that she decides it's not poison, after-all. Besides, I need to eat something soon, too. And take a bath. And online shop for baby clothes, on clearance.
"I guess it's fine," she mutters, but digs in anyways.
"Well," I start, heading back into the kitchen, "I bet if you are a super star today that Mike will take you to get pizza tonight. And if he says no, I'll tell him the baby said we need it."
She smiles widely, and I pour myself a small cup of coffee. I sit down across from her at the table, and prop my feet onto the seat beside me, settling my coffee cup onto my bump to rest. Abby is fully invested in eating her oatmeal now, and I anticipate the need for a snack when she finishes.
Settling into domestic life with Abby and Mike wasn't difficult, one could say it was the exact opposite, but there are ups and downs. For one, I had to drop myself into a semi-stepmom situation, and pretty soon afterwards found out I was going to be a mom for real. But Abby is a good kid, and Mike is the kindest man I have ever met, and we're making it work day by day.
"So, Abs," I say between sips, "what are we feeling we want to do on this glorious day of all days, Saturday?"
She thinks for half a second, and opens her mouth to answer when the door begins to unlock. Mike steps into the living room, backpack slung over his shoulder with deep bags under his eyes. He smiles when he sees us nestled in our little corner of the room, and shuts out the bright morning light behind him.
I move to stand, but he puts his hand out to stop me.
"Woah woah woah, remember what the doc said, no unnecessary walking, right now. How are your feet feeling by the way?" He leans down to kiss me on the forehead, the cheek, a peck on the mouth, and moves to put his backpack and keys by the door.
"Eh, they're doing okay, but they definitely don't feel great," I respond, and he kneels down beside me.
"Want me to take a look?"
I nod my head, and he peels my socks off. The swelling is a little better, but I still hiss slightly when he pokes at the top of my foot, and the pit stays in my skin.
"Not the best, but not the worst," he says, not too sure of himself, "but you're not doing anything today, you need to rest."
I sigh. "Mike, you just got off of a shift, I know you're exhausted, and the house needs to be cleaned. There is no way I'm going to let you-"
"There is no way I am going to let you clean the house today, or do anything that is going to make you feel worse." He moves his hand to my stomach. "We're in this together, remember? 'Til the very end."
I place my hand over his own, "The very end, I love you."
"I love you, too. Now, what's first?" He kisses my fingers once and stands up. Abby joins him in watching for my answer.
"Breakfast, please."
"Agreed." He smiles and turns to the kitchen, presumedly to make us each an equally bland bowl of oatmeal.
"What were you saying you wanted to do today, Abby? You never got a chance to finish what you were saying, sweetheart."
Her bowl is empty; she wipes the leftover nutella from her lips, and moves towards the fridge to get out some milk. "One of my friends at school is having a birthday party today and I wanted to go." She pours herself a precariously full glass of milk from the carton, and slowly walks back to the table.
"You can still go Abs," says Mike, "and I could drive if you want me to."
"Well, her mom is carpooling for other kids and said she could come and get me," she adds between gulps.
I look at Mike over the kitchen bar, and he smiles at me slightly. "Abby, do you have her mom's number? I can call and see if she'll come and get you."
"Sure! Hold on, it's in my back pack." She hops up from her chair, stumbling in her excitement, and races to her room.
"Mike, if she goes, we could have a day all to ourselves."
Not that we don't love having Abby around, but a day alone would be well-deserved.
"Yeah, we could take a nap." He chuckles, and brings our breakfast to the table. Oatmeal, with just a little bit of nutella.
I nod my head in agreement as Abby races back to the dining room and shoves a piece of paper with a phone number in Mike's face. He calls, talks for a moment, and places down the phone while saying, "Abby, go get dressed, she will be here in 20 minutes." She turns on the spot and speeds down the hallway, once again.
We give each other a silent high five, and look forward to a day of relaxation together.
i'm going to be honest, i kind of want to continue this blurb into a second part where the day continues. i was really enjoying making this into a small, domestic fic and I didn't want to just make it about the pregnancy but the life that it would lead to WITH mike (which includes abby).
thanks for reading!!! <3
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
okay fr what do you think scara is like in bed? what’s he into, what’re his kinks, the whole shebang?
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modern scaramouche hc's
✭ tags ; sub!chara, dom!reader (they bottom but parts are unspecificed so gn!reader as well), this is also my modern!scaramouche take so just be aware, bratting, rough sex, slapping, hitting, a lil degradation, reader is v careful abt scaramouches boundaries tho, romantic implications reader is stronger than scara + he is short king, etc
✭ wc ; 2.1k (im soooo ashamed. anon im so sorry)
✭ a/n ; this got so out of hand so quickly. this is my personal scaramouche this has nothing to do with anyone but me and my delusions sorry in advance.
like really. cant describe how subjective this is but i also refuse to change my mind or see him any other way. thank u so much for inquiring
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my modern scaramouche is usually aged like. 20-something in college. he goes to a nice university (a very competitive school mind you.) he was really concerned about excelling for like most of his hs career. kind of a loner except tartaglia who adopted him into his friend group.
he panics about his degree for the longest time cause he doesn't know what to do - but settles on civil architecture and minors in fine art.
he has his ears pierced and some other piercings too that he was peer pressured into, but overall likes how they look. he's not usually very dressed up and all of his closet is so oversized because comfort > fashion BUT he never looks like a slob either.
has like 3 other friends on campus (kazuha + mona + childe who somehow followed him there)
complicated relationship with his mom + stepmom (he doesn't hate her but they do not communicate so tons of misunderstandings between them. like sooo many)
and. usually not actively looking to date anyone ever. he had like one crush one time in highschool but chickened out so miserably and SEETHED about it the whole time.
after that he swore to never, ever, ever go back to that dark place and sort of just focused on his career and school. his major is pretty difficult so it takes a lot of his time
plus he's a little pretentious, stuck up little shit so only a few people can handle him in the first place.
anyways. u meet through tartaglia who thinks you two will get along really well (and he's trying to set you both up bc he thinks you two could work well together)
its honestly like oil and water. you're personality just rubs him the wrong way. sure childe is annoying, but he's stupid
you're...not stupid. you're kind of clever and you treat him with like. a sense of disrespect he hates. scaramouche is used to people who let him have the upperhand
but you're always pretty quick to shoot him down. you never let him him get away with anything and you guys have this like... insane back and forth for months
its the slowest of burns. he swears he hates you.
(he doesn't though. he thinks its really fucking attractive that you talk back to him and don't let him intimidate you ever. but he loathes that feeling. he also loathes how nice your laugh is and how easy it is to talk to you)
scaramouche spends. AGES. ages in denial. closes his eyes to it. its like 6 months deep into it - he starts having wet dreams and he wakes up HORRIFIED with himself.
WORSE? scaramouche knows about your sex life. not through you but through observation and gossip. he's not fucking you in the dreams. you're fucking him.
humiliated, he simply tries to ignore it. but it's making him so much moody than usual and because you two spend so much time together - you notice almost right away. of course you do.
"whats got your panties in a twist lately? not that you're usually sunshine and rainbows but you're acting like a little kid"
scaramouche says something mean. like, really mean in response. he's just so frustrated. its a personal jab, farther than he'd usually go.
he's expecting to sabotage himself you know? he does that sometimes. pushes people away when they get too close. it's a miracle he has any friends. he's expecting you to get annoyed and leave.
but there's this like. chill to your voice. and you're looking straight at him.
"you don't talk to me like that, understand? i don't care how shitty your mood is."
one hit k.o. he can't even breathe. what's wrong with him and what is happening to him, and holy shit why do you sound like that.
"sorry," he apologizes (him. he's apologizing first) "just. frustrating,"
and you immediately slink back to your usual self. and he's relieved and a little excited and just overall restless because he can't stop thinking about what just happened.
"it's fine. i like being on your ass or whatever but it's bothering me that you're so moody. maybe you really do need to get laid,"
the joke is one you often to make. it's meant to lighten the mood. but scaramouche is feeling pent-up and horny and that's kind of exactly what he needs
"s-shut up. it's not like you're going to do it,"
internally he's hoping you take the bait. he is equal parts horrified and excited watching you take in the information. you give him a lazy smile as you sit up and look at him.
"huh. do you...want me to do it?"
oh dear god. oh fuck.
"so what if i did?"
and then you laugh, which he can't decipher. he's gearing himself to be made fun of. he watches you with big wide yes as you come sit on the desk near him. feels your fingers trail his jaw and tilt his head up and holy shit he might really die.
he can barely look up at you.
"is that why you've been acting weird for last couple of weeks?" your voice is so smug and scaramouche is so turned on it's stupid. he hates it. hates himself. hates everything
"shut up,"
and then, you grab his chin. really make him look at you and it's startling but he doesn't pull away. you look gleeful.
"that why you've been running with your tail between your legs when you see me?" you hum, your eyes almost predatory "cause you want me to fuck you?"
its times like this scaramouche he could be honest. because that's exactly what he wants, but he hates having to say it.
"as if you could satisfy me," he says, instead. your eyes widen, and it takes you a minute to register it all in your head.
"you're such a fucking brat," you say, light. affectionate, really. it makes his heart pump "you think i can't?"
"i'd like to see you try," he says, absolutely and utterly in disbelief internally. you grin.
"can i kiss you?"
"why're you asking?"
"cause im an asshole, not a villain,"
you and scaramouche makeout in a study room before he decides to to get ahold of himself and invites you into his dorm. he's never been so thankful in his life that his roomate is gone.
when you get scaramouche into bed - it really dawns on him how out of his element he is. he's not a virgin - a few awkward and usually bad hook-ups in his repertoire.
but you're not like them. he's bitey and on edge but you handle him. ask for permission for little things, clarifications for what he's okay with. you're thoughtful, despite how much he's lashing out.
and it's turning scaramouche so much he doesn't know how to handle it other than doing it again. he wants to provoke you so much. he wants to put him in his place over and over.
it's mid makeout he pulls away, frustration all-welled up inside him that he asks. he's hard and needy and needs something to get him off.
"i knew you were all talk," he sneers, putting as much of himself in it as he can "this is nothing,"
you look at him very seriously "you're really asking for it, huh," you say with a sigh "do you know what you're getting into?"
"nothing serious obviously,"
"usually when i deal with brats like you, i treat 'em real rough. im being nice to you cause you're so pent up, but it's like you don't want that," you grab his face again, getting close and personal this time and scaramouche feels like he'll collapse "want me to treat you mean and put you in your place? hit you and make you cry?"
oh it ruins his life. that's exactly what he wants. what he needs from you so much it aches. so much he chokes.
"wh-what the hell are-"
but you make him face forward, look you in your eyes.
"your first lesson is answer me when i talk to you. is that what you want? you can nod if you can't say it,"
so he nods and you laugh.
"yeah? should smack the brat outta you shouldn't i?
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you're asking for permission. despite his everything, there's something affectionate about it. he feels his stomach twist with desire.
"just fucking do it already,"
"tell me if you need to stop,"
"i said—"
it's unceremonious, really. when scaramouche feels the palm of your hands on his cheek, landing heavy and hard as you push him back against the bed. you hit him.
he liked it. makes his cock throb in his fucking jeans, feeling the sting.
"your second lesson is don't fucking mouth at me," you practically spit. there's some roughness in your actions that make scaramouche keen as you crawl on top of him "can't even deal with your moods without lashing out."
scaramouche feels his stomach churn as your hands make rough work of him. you pin his wrists over his head, tell him to keep it there.
and of course he refuses, disobeys - gets to feel how strong you actually are when you spit the words back in his face again to hold fucking still.
scaramouche keeps doing it. keeps pushing until you have to put him back where he belongs forcibly. he doesn't know that he's doing it
but he wants something he can't name, a desire that aches so deep in his chest. he wants you to take responsibility for him - like a promise of some kind.
he likes the way your mouth feels on his skin. your teeth feel so good sinking into pale flesh. the scratch of your nails and sting of your palms as you spank and hit and push his body.
you manhandle him so fucking easily, putting him in every position you can think of. on his knees, or his back - naked and waiting.
you tease scaramouche till he's honest, your voice coarse until he starts giving in.
you're so good with your hands. your fingers, your mouth. you know just the right things to get him all squirmy - praising him when he's getting desperate towards the end.
his sense of shame nowhere to be found as he gets close to the edge. as you tip him over it, he can feel all the tension bleed out of him. goes from bitching, to whiny - needy and not above begging.
he doesn't even understand it. can't wrap his head around it all the way - lets you guide him through the feeling as he starts feeling pliant.
you let him fuck you with mercy. don't make him work for it, just sit on his cock and tell him that he looks so much better when he's all messed up for you and he just. melts completely. like feels like he's gonna fall through the floor.
he cries when he cums. sobs a little as he finally gets relief then melts into your bed like a pile of wet sand as you finish yourself off and overstimulate him a little in the process.
after all is said and done - he falls asleep basically immediately after the high.
when he wakes up the next day - you haven't left. he's like kind of nuzzled up in your arms (which. is wild bc he has always hated physical touch but? apparently not with you)
when you stir awake, you're immediately whistling. you even press a kiss to his forehead and brush his hair out of his face.
"you awake? feel okay?" you hum, so stupidly tender and scaramouche has to fight every urge to push you away.
"im...fine. you're still here," he says unhelpfully. you chuckle.
"yeah. figured you would start spiraling if i left in the middle of the night"
he is horrified at the accuracy.
"it's weird when you're being all...nice to me,"
"its a lot easier since i realize you just wanted to be put in your place," you say with a knowing him. scaramouche elbows you "it's cute, it's cute. don't kill me,"
"you're annoying,"
"yeah, i know. i wiped you down a bit but we should shower and i gotta make sure you're not too hurt anywhere,"
"i'm not a flower,"
"i was bein' pretty rough and its my job to take care of you,"
"why would that be your job?"
"cause im a responsible sexual partner and we're seeing each other, i figure?"
he flushes at the implication. he doesn't want to think about it as he cuddles himself into your side. ugh. whatever.
"who said that?"
"do you want me to see other people?"
"i'll kill you,"
"that's what i thought,"
scaramouche hates it but does not have the confidence to protest you.
scaramouche realizes with the weight of the world on his shoulders that he is the most submissive brat in the fucking world
he decides not to think about it for a while
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lizhly-writes · 2 months
hmm. so i had... another svsss idea.
A-Niang was the best mother Luo Binghe had ever had, which was a pretty weird feeling to have, considering he was 50% sure he'd only had the one mother.
That was a weird feeling, too! Why was he only 50% sure? From the beginning of his life to his present feelings, wasn't it clear there was only one woman taking care of him? Didn't he only have the one mother to honor?
Okay, two, if you considered the one that had dumped him in the river and let A-Niang find him, but considering that one had dumped him in the river --
"That's really mean!" Luo Binghe said, when A-Niang had told him. "What if I drowned? Babies can't swim! What if I died??"
"But you didn't," A-Niang said gently. "The river brought you to me, didn't it, Bing-bing?"
"Well, yeah..."
But his birth mother couldn't have known that. Who would put a baby adrift in an icy river in winter and think that it would survive?
But his birth mother didn't have a choice. She would have kept him if she could, but she'd been dying, so she'd had to hope for the best --
Why did he think that? This wasn't only something that he wanted to believe -- though it would be nice to believe that his mother didn't leave him to die!!! -- it was something he knew. Faith and belief were nice things, but it wasn't the same thing as knowledge. This, he knew, with an off-hand certainty, the same way anyone would know that the midday sky was blue.
The sky was blue. His birth mother wanted to save his life. He had more than two mothers.
"My stepmom," he'd say, thinking that A-Niang cooked better than -- who? "My mom," he'd say, thinking that A-Niang was so much prouder of him than --
When he wasn't paying attention, he'd have stray thoughts that didn't make sense. It was a pain getting water from the river and heating it up, what he wouldn't give for a sink and a stovetop. Who wanted to shit outside in the bushes, wouldn't it be nice to have a working bathroom? Ah, he was so bored, he even missed writing, even if writing twenty million words had killed him --
It was like this. Drawing shapes in the dirt with sticks, thinking that they didn't look right, smoothing it over and trying it again until he ended up with something that he knew with certainty was his name.
Luo Binghe.
Except he didn't know how to write? Except that wasn't his name? Of course it wasn't his name, Luo Binghe was his OP protagonist son who he'd proudly written to ensnare the audience of Qidian so he could have all the instant ramen he could ever want, even if his dad and his mom stopped remembering he existed, and. And --
"Bing-bing, what's wrong?" A-Niang said, when she found him crying in the dirt. He hadn't even realized he was crying -- hadn't realized it until she smoothed her hand over his shoulder and brought everything back into focus.
He couldn't stop crying, fat tears dripping to the ground unceasingly. His throat was dry, too tight to speak what he'd really wanted to say --
There's something wrong with me, isn't there?
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dmwrites · 1 year
(I am not sorry for this btw)
I woke up to my evil stepmom, Iskall85, throwing a potion of harming onto my bed.
“y/n! Wake up! You’re going to be late for school! Were you up late watching those stupid Minecraft YouTube videos again? You’re as useless as diorite! You are why I do hard drugs!” She left the room, and I sighed. Another boring day of my boring life. But I was going to be late for school if I didn’t get ready now.
I got up and put on my cutest outfit- my black suit. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, and stopped in front of the mirror to smooth down my mustache. I sighed. I was just y/n, no one special.
My evil stepmom Iskall85 was snorting redstone off the counter when I entered the kitchen. I sighed, because they were evil and wouldn’t even share their redstone dust with me, and grabbed a banana off the counter. There was a honk from outside.
"Bye, step-Iskall. I'm off to school." I said. My stepmom just flipped me off, and I went outside, sighing some more. I ran over to my bestie’s car and hoped in.
“Good morning Scar!”
“Goodness gracious, y/n, we’re gonna be late! Good thing the swaggon goes fast!” My bestie, Goodtimeswithscar said, slamming on the gas. Scar was super nice and popular, not to mention handsome, and everyone at school loved him. I would probably always be in his shadow, but at least he had taken me in as his friend.
“Sorry, I accidentally slept in. And my evil stepmom threw a potion of harming on me. Do I look okay? I only had time to put my hair up in a messy bun. And I bet my mustache looks atrocious!” I said.
“You look so good, y/n!” Scar said, blowing through a red light. “You’re so hard on yourself, you’re like the prettiest guy in school!”
“Whatever, that’s you you’re talking about.” I replied, but blushed a little.
The swaggon came screeching into the parking lot, and me and Scar got out, running to our science class.
Science class was usually a pretty good place to fix my hair and mustache, as the science we were assigned to do was always chaotic. Ms. ZombieCleo, and her assistant JoeHills, were kept pretty busy making sure no one accidentally created a toxic gas. Today, Docm77 and Rendog had been caught doing… something in the back of the classroom, and it gave me and Scar ample time to sort out ourselves.
“As I was saying, y/n, you have to stop being so hard on yourself!” Scar said, handing me a compact mirror and a mustache comb. “You get top grades, you’re great at redstone, and you always slay that suit!”
“I don’t know, Scar.” I said. “I just feel like I’m just some guy, you know? I’ll never catch anyone’s eye, or be prom queen.”
“Don’t be silly. I know you’re gonna achieve something great in this life, y/n.” Scar said earnestly.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and in came one of the secretaries, Geminitay.
“y/n to the principal’s office.” She said. She looked kind of worried.
Goodtimeswithscar gripped my arm. “Great Jellie, y/n, are you in trouble?”
“I don’t know.” I replied. “I can’t think of anything that I could have done.” But I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and followed Geminitay out the door. Ms. ZombieCleo and JoeHills didn’t notice me leave.
“Is everything okay?” I asked Gem.
“I- well- I’ll get the principal to explain it to you.” Gem said, and we walked in silence the rest of the way to the front office. I was so nervous.
“Hello, y/n.” My principal, Mr. Xisumavoid, waved me into his office when we arrived.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Void?” I asked him.
“Well, it is quite the situation.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “You see, your mom just called-”
“Step mom.” I corrected him.
“Right, step mom.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “Well, either way, she called to tell us that she has sold you to someone else so she could buy more redstone and potions.”
I gasped. “What? She sold me? To who?” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe my stepmom had sold me!
Principal Xisuma looked down at the paper in front of him. “Ah, to a person called Grian.”
“Wait, what? You mean the famous youtuber Grian from Minecraft?” I gasped.
“Yep. That’s me. Grian from Minecraft!”
I turned around to find Grian standing at the door to Principal Xisumavoid’s office. It was really him! With his waffle-looking hair and beady black eyes and red sweater, there was no mistaking him.
“y/n, when I saw that your evil stepmom put you up for sale on Facebook marketplace, I knew I had to do something! Don’t worry, y/n, I am very famous and rich. We will be best friends. And I must say, your moustache looks lovely.”
I gasped and blushed, my tears drying. Famous youtuber Grian complementing me? y/n? Suddenly, I knew my life was about to get a whole lot crazier.
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gingerylangylang1979 · 10 months
How Colorism fuels BW/WM swirls in media
I guess this is maybe a counterpoint/companion post to this one and the dialogue started with @theonlyamazingtazmin in the comments.
That post was an ask that black women set personal boundaries around how the ship and media about the ship is effecting our well being. But an equally important conversation is why do we so often have to look to interracial couples for a well written romance for dark skinned black women. While I'm cautious about the level in investment in these pairings, I cannot deny the appeal and why it's almost a default because of how much romance for dark skinned black woman is gate kept.
My initial remedy to this frustration of how we attach ourselves to this pairing was, we need to watch and support black romance and and black tv shows and movies. But a lot of the problem is in doing just that. I watched mostly black shows in my youth and the pattern was already established of me always seeing the dark skin woman alone or butch while the lighter girls had their pick.
My favorite show as a teen was A Different World. And as ground breaking as that show was in many respects I do have to call out the paradigm it reinforced. Dwayne was obsessed with Whitley, the whitest looking woman shown on campus, and he was the darkest man shown on campus. Ron liked her best friend, Millie, a light skin girl, after that wasn't a thing it was like so crazy that he ended up with Jaleesa. His mom (the fab Patti LaBelle) kept telling him to get with the dark skinned girl with the pretty teeth, but it was like he resisted vehemently beforehand. He does, but then ends up with biracial Freddy and Jaleesa ends up with an old man and becomes a stepmom as her best option.
Back when I had HBO (I only pay for one subscription at a time and my current roommates decided to do the Disney+ package, but I only end up watching Hulu) I watched Insecure but didn't finish. I'm curious to see what happened romantically with the characters. Did they follow the same playbook? I don't want to be spoiled because I hope to continue that show one day, so please don't tell me. But I remember in the precursor to this show, Awkward Black Girl, Issa's love interest was a like pretty average, kinda lame white guy. Her black crush never panned out. I kind of rooted for her and white boy but like not that enthusiastically. I just wanted her to be loved, so tried to be into it, but honestly was like, is this her best option? I didn't finish because it frustrated me that he was her best option. Personal note: I need to finish an Issa Rae show.
Fast forward to literally as of yesterday. I started watching Queen Sugar (Hulu tries to represent black shows and movies but the selections aren't the best, if anyoen has recs, please share) because I said I want to watch more black entertainment like I did in my youth. The most recent try before this was Atlanta and I just wasn't impressed. Come to find out how douchey Donald Glover is about black women and got turned off. Anyways, I did get invested in QS after a few episodes and even cried. So what turned me off a bit and I hope doesn't put me off the show? Spoiler alert: The darkest woman, Nova, is a white cop's mistress. This isn't revealed right away. It opens with them having a sensual morning after but for some reason despite him being hot, I felt ick. Like, I predicted there was something ick coming, and sure enough she's the long term side piece. Her fine af dark skinned brother's ex is a light skinned woman and there seems to be a mild flirtation with his son's Latina teacher. The light skinned sister is married to a man about her skin tone. The aunt who is medium skin tone has a husband darker than her. So it kind of reinforced the colorism and that Nova's only option out of everyone else has to be a white man, and a white man that can't fully commit to her at that.
Now, let me jump back to why I got so invested in Richonne. I know some people probably like does this girl only hardcore ship traumatized curly haired blue eyed white men with dark skinned black women? Not intentionally, haha! But that was the most epic love story I've seen with a black woman who looks anything like me. I wasn't even expecting to ship anything on that bleak ass show. Not my fault. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? But yeah, when I reached my adult years I kind of got tired of looking for the romance I wanted to see, that represented me, in black media and being disappointed. Because the dark skinned girls didn't get the same love as the lighter ones (or they are lesbians but that's a whole other post). I'm not saying white media isn't guilty. It's just white media when they tend to give a dark skinned black woman a romance it's with a white man if she isn't alone or a lesbian, just like black shows, but the romance tends to be deeper if it's main plot point, or at least that's what I see in Richonne and Carmy x Sydney.
I think there is a good and bad side to this. On one hand yes, give it to me. On the other is it only palatable for a dark skinned black woman to get love in a show with a mixed cast with a white man because there is still and aversion to black love for these women? It's so complex. This is why when I wrote my Syd and Carmy fic I intentionally made her ex a dark skinned black man. Carmy is mad jealous of him. It's not a real love triangle, he just frames it as one because he's insecure of her highly successful, young Idris Elba looking almost fiance, who her dad loves and is a family friend. So, of course Carmy is in his feelings. Although Syd dated white guys I didn't want the strongest competition to be another white guy. And I have Syd speak to the lameness of these other white men on purpose, on multiple occasions. She was always kind of chasing a Carmy replica but not because they were white, it's because he imprinted on her. But she chased trying to be with her ex just as hard, but for different reasons and in a different way.
Anyways, I don't even know what to expect from media at this point because often what we see onscreen does reflect reality. I'll describe myself. I'm a petite, slim curvy girl, cocoa complexion, kinky curly who often gets that "so pretty for a black girl" type compliment in the black community and from racist white people. My dating history has been mixed and mostly white (two Asians also in the mix) in my latter years by default. When I was in high school the few black boys (I went to a mostly white school) chased the white, Latina, or light skinned girls. And the few that were interested were not desirable trouble makers. One was so bad he verbally abused me in front of people consistently and then I found out he had a crush one me. No thanks, red flags galore. The first somewhat decent boy that was interested and actually knew me was my white boy best friend who tried to make a move one day. I wasn't interested, didn't see it coming, but it started a pattern. I just wanted to be his bestie because we were both film geeks, had family trauma, were loners, smoked weed, and were in theater together. It's so funny because he was a dead ringer for Leonardo Dicaprio and all the white girls swooned for him and I was like eh (never thought Leo was all that). So, no, I didn't view him as a prize romantically. But this same type thing continued with white guy friends secretly having a crush and me like not being that excited. But one day I did like one, gave it a try, and was like, ok cool, I can try this. And since then I get way more interest from white men than black men.
*Caveat, I'm currently single and don't think race has any influence on quality of men. My long term Asian ex was the worst boyfriend of my life and I'm still traumatized. Long story.
So should I be this surprised that media reflects my same experience? I don't know what the solution is going forward. Like, will media change and influence society or does society need to change to influence media?
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bengiyo · 8 months
Naughty Babe Ep 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we cleared out most of Diao’s family drama and Diao broke up with his dad. Many guards ran out and there was a scuffle. Diao and friends planned a potential escape from the wedding, and Yi’s dad told Diao he would support him but couldn’t let him escape easily. There was a bunch of family drama about Diao’s stepmom sleeping with his uncle and such. I’m sure other things happened, but I lost most of my investment.
These two have been together for like 15 years. How has Diao never met Yi’s mom before this?
I don’t get the whole deal with the guards being there to enforce the wedding, but I hope all these shenanigans at least prove fun.
Why would we as Neur and Syn to help with this part of the plan if it involved lying? At least we got to see them again.
Lian ain’t shit and I love that.
I do not recognize most of the boys helping Kon Diao.
Poppy is here!
Well, the running around was kinda mid.
Max and Nat kiss good, but this was all extremely silly. Still, I like the idea of a second proposal on their own terms.
I just came from a wedding of close personal importance, so I got super emotional seeing Diao in his wedding outfit.
The Cutie Pie universe is so funny. Like they go hard as fuck for marriage equality and then pair the most dysfunctional communicators they can find.
“Natasha Romanong Woof-woof Chen” I’m gonna McFuckinLoseIt
Domundi and Me Mind Y have done a really solid job this year with wedding night sex.
Makorn being absolutely doting over Kon Diao was such an excellent choice. I love that.
Final Verdict: 6, It’s Inessential. I just don’t think any of us really needs to watch this show. I thought the entire drama between Yi and Diao was kinda stupid, and there was no consequence for much of anything in the show. Max and Nat are fun to watch kiss and I appreciate their chemistry and teamwork, but this show wasn’t really it for me at all. It’s pretty, and it may do something for Cutie Pie fans just happy to be around the characters again, but I will probably never return to this show.
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luveline · 1 year
Roan sneaking into Eddie and reader’s bed in the morning to snuggle with them ?
so so cute! dad!eddie x (nearly)stepmom!reader
Roan thinks her dad might call this something very cool and interesting, like The Snuggle Invasion, or Project Master Bedroom. She just calls it sneaking, putting one foot as carefully in front of the other as is physically possible while she's in her short body. She creeps down the hallway from her room, having woken to the sound of the creaky bathroom window and the birds outside. 
She isn't afraid of the bathroom window anymore, but she hadn't really considered sleeping again, because she knows exactly what's happening in dad's room. 
It's the same every time Roan's up late or early enough to witness you both asleep. When Roan and Eddie lived in their trailer home, she'd often wake up before him, either sharing the bed with him or having walked from her own, but now she lives in this big house she never has the same luck: you're nearly always awake before she is because you work at the fancy building. But when you're not working, like today, a Saturday or a Sunday (Roan's not really sure), she can catch you and her dad both sleeping. The sleeping isn't the important part, though. 
The important part is that you and Eddie cuddle. Or at the least, hold hands. She saw it in a docu-something once on TV, there are these animals called otters, and when they sleep they hold hands so as not to lose one another. Roan thinks it must be like that. Maybe you're sharing dreams, the spooky kind, and you need to stay together. Or maybe you're just in love. She likes that idea too. 
She has a different, better TV favourite, a movie called Princess Polly. Princess Polly marries a prince, and the prince takes care of her, and he gets taken care of. Polly and the prince dance, and sing, and hug, and it's easy to slot you and Eddie in their places.
You guys dance in silly places, like Uncle Wayne's front yard before burgers, and you sing in the grocery store line when she wants to go home until she doesn't mind so much, and you hug each other all the time. You hug after breakfast, and while you brush your teeth at night. You lean over the back of the couch to hug Eddie's head and shoulders. Eddie sits on the floor by the armchair to hold your legs during movies. Roan would be jealous if she didn't get her fair share. 
But anyways, Roan knows that you guys hug in your sleep, so she doesn't even have to wake you up. She doesn't want to, she knows her dad is tired 'cos he keeps taking the extra hours even when you tell him he doesn't have to. 
"What your mom doesn't get," Eddie says, head tilted down to share a private smile, "is how much I love her, and how much I want her to have the perfect day." 
Because you and Eddie are getting married! Roan almost hits her face in the door as she jumps over the creaky floorboard outside of your bedroom, she's so excited. You're pretty much mom already, but Roan knows that the wedding is the seal of the deal, and you'll be mom maybe forever. 
She eases open the bedroom door and stands up on her tippy toes. The sunlight leaking in from the window has caught Eddie by surprise. He's hiding his eyes on your shoulder, his hand against your collarbone like he's worried you'll shy away. You're flat as a pancake, the only indication that you know he's there your face turned to his, your lips just shy of his brow, and your fingers braceleting Eddie's wrist where it rests on your collar. You aren't holding hands after all, but you're clinging. 
Roan needs to be right there in the centre. She knows how it'll go. If she can get there discreetly, her dad will shift back enough to let her in, and you'll kiss her crown. It'll be toasty and warm. 
She leans down to fix her sock. She doesn't know it, but Eddie's rousing at the small sounds she's making, his dad sense itching that some mischief is taking place. He tries not to move in case he wakes you, his ears alert before his eyes. 
"Okay," Roan whispers, likely much louder than she means to, "just got to…" 
Eddie knows what she's doing. She's his baby. He's spent every day of her life loving her and having to predict what she wants. Usually, he'd lean back and invite her in, only she's making these adorable sounds of exertion, and if he peeks at her from the corner of his eye and from under his lashes, he can see that her tongue is poking out from between her rosy lips in concentration.
He worries you'll wake and reveal his facade when she gets to the bottom of the mattress, her shifting weight disrupting your snores, so he slides his hand very slowly to the side of your neck and works a tender back and forth over your skin. You settle swiftly. 
Roan crawls up the bed. She knows he's the heavier sleeper, and she's smart enough to use it to his advantage. She only climbs on his thigh to get to the gap he's widened. Once she's there, her hair tickling his arm, she kicks the blankets back to cover her legs and then weasels under his arm so she's included in his hugging. 
It makes his day before it's even started. Roan let's out a happy, satisfied sound, and again when he shuffles closer, dropping his face lower on the pillow to nose along her hairline. She giggles under her breath. 
"Mission accomplish-ded," she whispers. Eddie almost doesn't hear it. He is so, so glad that he does. He can't wait to tell you about it in a couple of hours. 
You don't wake, and yet you know she's there. You sigh in your sleep and your hand roams down his arm from where you'd been holding his wrist all the way to his elbow. It falls gently onto Roan's chest. You ease the sheets up just a touch. 
He sneaks a glance at you, wondering if perhaps you're faking like he is. You don't seem awake (though it's possible you're the better actor), and Roan isn't far from it herself. She has the most pleased, loved look on her face, like there's no place else she would rather be. 
Roan snuggles into Eddie's arm, self-satisfied beyond words. Easy-peasy, she thinks. 
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Celebrity Next Door - Chapter 16
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles & Reader (Read as first person!)
Series Summary: Moving to a new location is difficult but living next to somebody you’d never expect to meet, and catching feelings? That’s damn near impossible to comprehend.
Chapter Summary: Telling my family about the drastic life changing news didn't go how I expected.
Warnings: Pretty much angst, mentions of anxiety, panic, sadness. Sorry!
Series Masterlist here! Main masterlist here!
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Today was the day.
I was going to tell my family I was moving to Texas, each and every member was going to be surprised, shocked, maybe angry or upset, I wasn't sure.
I was going to tell them last night, but after opening the gifts and chatting for nearly half the night, we were beat.
Jensen, the kids and I were only here for one more night and I knew I had to tell them but I had no idea what they would think. Yes, they all told me they loved Jensen, my dad chatted his ear off for a good hour, my mom adored him, my sisters fangirled secretly, he was the perfect man, they knew this.
But was that enough? Was love enough to make this crazy, spontaious decision?
I wasn't having second thoughts, but I had to think clearly. I was planning to quit my job, uproot my entire life, become a stepmom of two kids, and move into a place I've only been once. It was crazy, right?
Was I thinking this through? Was Jensen?
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Everybody woke up one by one, mom and dad first, than my sisters, and than the kids. I could hear laughter and chatter coming from downstairs while Jensen and I laid in bed.
I tried to turn off my thoughts, but they were loud. What if this was the wrong decision? What if Jensen regretted asking me to move in and he realizes this after a few months we live together, than where will I go? Did he really want this?
I know I love him, more than anything in the world. I wanted to go where he went, I wanted to be with him forever, but the idea of everything changing so drastically made my heart feel like it was going to burst in my chest.
The bed moved slightly beside me, Jensen's eyes fluttering open towards me. "Mmm, Good morning babe." He spoke, his voice raspy and deep.
I smiled the best I could, "Good morning."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he sat up, concern filling his eyes instantly. "You okay?"
I nodded and smiled gently, "Yeah."
"Really? Because you look like your two seconds from having a full blown panic attack, you can tell me honey."
I sighed and nodded before turning more towards him, "I just... I'm overthinking."
"About what?"
"About the move."
He nodded and sat up against the headboard, his hand tightly in mine. "If you changed your mind that's totally okay, I'd understand."
When he said it, he meant it and I started to wonder if he wanted me to change my mind, if maybe he didn't want me to move in with him and was praying for me to say something first.
Tears starting forming and I turned away from him, pulling my hand out of his grasp. His eyes dropped to my hand, a hurt expression on my face as he watched me get out of bed.
"Wait, what's wrong?"
I shook my head and bit the inside of my cheek, praying for the tears to stay in my eyes, "Nothing Jensen, I think maybe we both made this decision too fast and didn't think about it clearly, maybe it's not what we really wanted."
His expression looked almost pained, like the words that left my mouth physically hurt his soul. I had to look away to avoid my heart from shattering, I wanted to hug him and reassure him but my mind was so stuck in the self sabotaging loop it usually was, I couldn't.
He leaned forward and caught my hand before pulling me back on the bed beside him. His hand reached up to my cheek as his eyes fixated in mine. "I didn't make this decision lightly honey, I told you, I love you and want to be with you forever. I haven't changed my mind. But I do understand that it's a big sacrifice for you to leave LA and move with me so I get if you need time or don't want to. Don't take that as me changing my mind, I'll never do that."
I nodded as a stray tear fell, he knew exactly what I needed to hear and he always made sure I heard it. It meant more than anything to me to have that reassurance.
"Do you want to take some time before we move in together? Do you want to wait?" He questioned softly.
I shook my head, "No, I don't. I'm just scared that's all."
He nodded in response, "Of course, it is scary. But I'm choosing to trust love. The feeling inside that I have for you, I trust that. This is how I know we are doing the right thing, because I would do anything for you, for us."
"Me too. I'm sorry, I just woke up feeling-"
His lips pressed on mine, kissing me so deeply like it was our last one. When he seperated, I had to take a breath before I nearly passed out. He smiled gently and brushed the hair off my face, "Don't apologize for feeling, I love that about you. And I promise I'll always be there when you do have these mornings or doubts, okay?"
I smiled widely and felt the weight lift off my shoulder, he really did love me, I didn't doubt it this time, and I was excited to start my new life with Jensen by my side.
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We were all gathered on the porch, the kids were playing on the wooden play structure I adored when I was a kid, and my dad was barbequing away like he always did.
It was time, the perfect time to tell everybody, but I still felt the fear creep inside, I didn't know how they'd react.
I looked towards Jensen and he nodded knowingly before grabbing my hand tight. I cleared my throat and looked at my lap. "So I actually have some news to share with you guys."
My sisters sat up dramatically, eyes locked in on me. "Your pregnant."
I lifted my head up fast and scrunched my eyebrows, "What? No."
"Aw, I thought we were going to have some little famous babies in our future." Sarah joked.
My mom gently smacked her arm as she looked back at me, "Go on."
I breathed deep and squeezed Jensen's hand, "Jensen and I are moving in together."
My mom smiled wide and nodded, my dad lifted his beer up and winked at Jensen. "Congratulations guys, that's amazing- ."
"In Texas. We are moving to Texas."
Complete, anxiety inducing, drop a pin and you'd hear it, silence.
Their reactions were nearly what I expected, mouths gaped open, eyes wide in shock, words refusing to escape their lips.
But the silence was becoming deafening, I wished they would just yell or scream in excitement or at least just show me how they felt about it, instead I was met with....silence.
"I-I know it's fast and unexpected, but Jensen and I have talked about it quite a bit, it's what we both want."
My dad cleared his throat as he turned down the barbeque, sitting across from us. "What about your job?"
"I'm handing in my notice tomorrow." I whispered nearly inaudiably.
My sister sarah shook her head while a smug look spread across her face, "Wow, moving fast aren't we?"
I glared back at her, "A minute ago you were hoping I was pregnant with some famous babies, and now you are saying we are moving too fast?"
She laughed lightly, "Y/N, it was a joke and even if we did find out you were pregnant, it would make more sense than this. Your uprooting your entire life, giving up everything for a man you met what, 6 months ago? A year? Your moving to a place you've never been with a family that is not yours."
My. Heart. Shattered.
"They are my family."
Christina shook her head and started to walk away, "No, their not Y/N, you just want them to be. Your replacing a lost member."
Hearing those words, I was done. I couldn't handle it
I stood on shaky legs as tears rushed down, Jensen's hand squeezed tight but I forced him to let go before I rushed inside and out the front door.
I couldn't believe that Sarah and Christina said that to me, that anybody would ever say that to me. I knew that I didn't give birth to the kids, I knew I wasn't their mom but they were my kids. Jensen, he was my everything, to think that I'm just a stupid girl stepping into a home and taking over, it shattered me.
Especially hearing it from somebody I love.
I was broken.
But maybe they were right. Maybe this wasn't my place. Jensen didn't say much, maybe he thought it too.
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Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more chapters! Hit that like button, reblog and comment your thoughts! Feedback is my fuel <3
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altschmerzes · 11 months
for those of you playing along at home, i made it through the funeral/memorial/whatever. honestly could’ve been worse.
this is long and probably tmi but im processing out loud ig. probably should just keep a journal instead but here we are.
yesterday sucked ass mostly because like. at some point in the last two years since i started law school/moved to canada my father sent me some package at my grandmother’s house. yes this is after i made it very clear i did not want to see or hear from him. years after i made that clear. he did this fairly regularly - tried to give me things or pass messages through my sister or my mother or grandmother. anyway she asked if i wanted it, i was like. uh. No. and i guess she kept it for Some Reason because when i was very briefly at her house before heading to where the memorial happened today she pointed me at a pile of my things she wanted me to look at and there was a package. and on autopilot or something because ive been completely f r i e d out of my gourd this weekend i made the mistake i havent made in YEARS and opened it.
and i gotta say if i were going to ignore my daughter’s very clearly communicated boundaries and attempt to get in touch with her after she made it extremely clear she did not want me to do that SIX YEARS AGO at the time my go-to method of somehow persuading her to drop her decision to go no-contact wouldn’t involve [checks notes] a pearl necklace and a three-plus page letter about how nothing was ever my fault.
threeeeeee and then some pages of self-pitying guilt trip about how everyone turned their backs on him and other people kept us apart (as if that was the problem, the years of his absence rather than the years of his abuse) and how he knows the alcohol was bad but he’s off it now! he’s had such a hard life! i should stop punishing myself and other people! he won’t be around forever! (ISNT THAT IRONIC. LMAO.) after finishing this letter he TWICE decided he needed to add extra bits about how things don’t have to be like this, they can be better, and how im making “uninformed decisions” about him without knowing “the whole story.”
anyways. that sucked and fucked me up real bad but my fiancé and i burned it last night on the beach and i threw the pearls (pearls? really? PEARLS?????) into the pacific.
then today. it was honestly fine. none of his friends seemed to even know i refused to speak to him, as they talked to me like they were assuming i was around all the time and super involved in his life. not sure what to make of that but it made it very easy to smile and nod and thank them for coming and not worry about anything further than that. he knew some cool people honestly. they were pretty neat, and his partner of 11 years, effectively my stepmom, is kind of awesome tbh. no idea what she was doing with him. and also my sister only yelled at me in front of some 50+ people once. for my sister this was a win.
and my brother came.
that was….. shocking. i had been in contact with his mom on and off about this but it was NOT clear at all if he was gonna show up. i figured not, honestly, because he’s so hard to get ahold of and none of us have seen him since 2016. but he came. and he brought his kids. my nephew is going into fifth grade and my niece is starting second and oh my gd they’re great. they’re adorable and funny and such sweet kids and i hand to gd thought id never see them again. now it looks like they’re going to come to my wedding reception when we have one out here so my family can attend something. it’s…. i didnt think id ever see or speak to him again and definitely not the kids. but there they were. i stood next to my brother with his arm around my shoulders and mine around his waist while my mom gave a little speech to everyone who was there thanking them for coming and felt him breathing and couldn’t believe it was real. i dug around in the sand with my niece and my nephew must have hugged me about a half-dozen times. they’re good, sweet kids and my brother is a kind, patient father.
tomorrow’s gonna suck, taking a redeye home, gonna land at like 5 am tuesday and then have to cross my fingers and hope border control is chill with me, this whole situation has been a complete nightmare (except for my wife being there, thank gd) but today was as good as it possibly could’ve been. it’s probably gonna take me a while to really like….. even out from this, i think, but it’s almost over and then i get to live the rest of my life without worrying about ever seeing that man again.
what he did to me is going to follow me the rest of my life but HE won’t because he’s fucking dead and im alive and that means i won.
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theenpcbracket · 11 months
Seeding Round: Poll 3
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Image ID included, click to see the full image please!
(The only image submitted for this round was for option 1, The Shrike) More about each NPC below the cut!
Character Descriptions are in the order of their appearance in the poll!
Character 1
Name: The Shrike Party: The Fosters Relationship to party: Mom, stepmom, former boss, current leader What makes them the best NPC: She's a thousands-of-years-old gnomish planar-physics prodigy from the future. She's divorced. She's engaged. She misses her wife. She's an absentee mom and she's mom of the year. She bakes the best scones in the world. She will shoot you with a harpoon without hesitation. She invented robotics. She loves prime numbers. She built her own legs. She sold her soul to a dubious and unknowable god in order to save her species' future. She's even a lesbian. The Shike. Bwaaaa Quote: "YOU DON'T GET TO BEAT ME AT THIS, MOTHERFUCKER. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
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Character 2
Name: Yennefer Party: The Town Wreckers Relationship to party: Tavernkeep, party member's girlfriend
What makes them the best NPC: Yennefer is a very tall gnoll woman who runs a tavern called The Bloody Sun. She's got a very high pitched kinda squeaky voice. She's very no-nonsense but also very sweet if you're a good customer. She grew up as a pit fighter, but left to find a place where she can make good food, sell strong ale, and wouldn't freak everyone out upon seeing a strong gnoll woman. She'll cook up pretty much any type of meat you bring back to the tavern as well, she's always interested in trying something new.
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Character 3
Name: Greggor Handson Party: The Bomb Squad Relationship to party: "Healer"
What makes them the best NPC: Every party need a healer. If you don’t have one, you need one. And if you are on a budget, Greggor Handson can be yours! Greggor was exiled from polite society and lives in an abandoned castle, but his rates are low low low and his survival rates are high high high! Better yet, he wont ask you any questions! Are your burn marks related to the explosion at the Duke’s palace? Does your description match a group wanted by the law? Greggor doesn’t care! Greggor just wants the opportunity to work on your body and maaaybe make an improvement here or there. Don’t worry! All new eyes have dark vision and the risk of infection is minimal.
Greggor prides himself not only in the quality of his work, but also his service. His appearance IS off putting, there is absolutely NO getting around it. But be assured all alterations to his body were made by Greggor himself. That he is somehow still alive is a testament to his abilities. Could a “sane” but only moderately talented healer make such radical modifications and survive? No! As Greggor himself would say, when given the choice between sanity and ability, “thanity is grothely overethtimated, theheheh”. His contagious enthusiasm for his work and frank bedside manner is what sets him apart. As Greggor would say, “I gif mythelf four thumbth up! Any more ith medically unnethethary – and I thould know! I’m a doctor.” Quote: "You were more than my paithenth, you were my friendth," Greggor's last words.
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illusioninfnty · 2 years
Outlast: Chapter Five (Sam Giddings x Reader)
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Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3.7K
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1:03 ; Six hours until dawn
“Well that doesn’t look fucking creepy.”
Blackwood Sanitorium stands tall and proud in the distance. Although your vision is slightly skewed by the current weather, it was nearly impossible to miss its imposing presence.
You roll your eyes at Mike’s comment. “I really don’t think anyone’s going to be renovating a building like that.”
You were acutely aware of the long history behind Blackwood Sanitorium–it was something drilled into you when you had revealed to your parents where exactly the Washington’s vacation home had been. Mike was none the wiser, but you knew that it was probably for the better that no one went near that place to fix it up.
He shoves your shoulder. “You know what I mean. Besides, it makes sense that a dude like him is probably hiding out there.”
A rather strong gust of wind reminds you of your current predicament, and the time that the two of you are currently wasting with your petty arguments as the snow piles on.
“Come on. It’s just going to get harder to walk if we keep dilly dallying.”
“Dilly dallying? What are you, my mom?” Mike retorts.
“No, but I’ll be your stepmom when I’m done with her.” A moment of silence passes between the two of you until you both begin to laugh.
“It feels like forever since we’ve had a conversation like this.”
Knowing it’s partially your fault, you can’t help but feel guilty, especially hearing the glee in Mike’s voice. “Yeah,” you respond glumly.
You focus on lifting your legs up to navigate through the increased height of snow before speaking up again. 
“So how have you been?” Mike gives you a surprised look. You realize that you haven’t actually asked Mike about himself, with your angsty grudge against him and all. But if the two of you were going to face the Sanitorium together, it was probably better to build up your relationship again. You did also really miss your friend, and you knew that Sam would chastise you if you kept your feelings to yourself once again.
“Oh, so now you want to know?” He raises an eyebrow at you, a smirk ghosting his face. You can tell by the tone that he’s being lighthearted about it, but it still stings. You bite the inside of your cheek and look down, not responding.
You can hear Mike sigh next to you. “I’ve been alright. I kind of distracted myself from everything by surrounding myself with people. Em and I weren’t doing too well, and it led to me getting closer to Jess. You know how the rest goes.”
“Huh. I wouldn’t have pegged you as a friendship destroyer.” You snort at your own quip. 
Mike shakes his head. “Things were already tense between them, I think I was just another factor.” You nod in understanding before he changes the subject. “Okay, enough about my shit. What about you? Seems like you and Sam are getting really serious.”
You smile, never giving up the opportunity to talk about your girlfriend. “Hell yeah. We moved in together and all that shit. We’re super serious.”
“Damn.” Mike whistles. “And she’s okay with you drinking all the time?”
You freeze. “I mean, I don’t drink all the time.”
Mike deadpans. “Most of it.”
“Some of it.”
“Okay, okay, most of the time.” You concede. “It was getting better, you know. Just me and Sam in our cozy little apartment really eased my anxiety. But then we just got back here and it all came flooding back. And you’ve seen how this night’s been turning out.” you try to argue.
Mike isn’t buying it. “If you were literally any other person, I would not blame you for trying to get shitfaced tonight. But you’ve got to stop doing this to yourself.” He turns to you, his face serious. “Have you tried getting some actual help?”
You shift your gaze, avoiding eye contact with him. “Sam’s been trying to get me to do it but…I don’t know. I just don’t think it’ll do much. No one’s going to understand all of my baggage.” You’re pretty sure if you mention your upbringing and your newfound belief in what your parents have been warning you about you’d be hauled off to a mental institution without second thought.
“That’s because you need to let them.” Mike shifts the rifle in his hand so he can squeeze your shoulder. “You don’t let anyone in. I’ve known you forever and I still feel like you're a mystery. And I’m sure you didn’t tell Sam much more about it either.”
Your silence confirms his belief.
“You won’t get any better if you don’t let anyone understand.”
He was right, you knew that. But you also knew that none of your friends would believe you about the horrors that existed unless they saw for themselves. By the looks of it, that was most certainly happening tonight. You needed to focus on being prepared for whatever was to come, not your personal woes.
“Maybe.” You dismiss Mike’s comment and cross your arms around your upper body. “Let’s keep going.”
The two of you talk about mindless things for the rest of the walk, occasionally struggling with the heavy winds and snow. The thought of the night ahead lingers in the back of your mind as you finally approach the entrance of the sanatorium. Once you reach the entrance where you saw the stranger go through, the two of you peek in an opening of the door. You watch as the stranger throws food to the wolves and walk around a bit until he’s out of your limited view. The slam of a door only seconds later alerts you to his exit. At that point, Mike grabs the door handle before turning towards you.
“You ready?” He asks, preparing his rifle in his free hand.
“No need to be dramatic, Mr. Macho.” You roll your eyes and grab the handle from him. “Just stay quiet and don’t touch shit that looks like it shouldn’t be touched.”
You reach to open the door, anticipating the vulnerability you’ll face to whatever it was that was waiting for you inside.
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Sam lets out a contented sigh as she sinks deeper into the warm bath water. It definitely felt great with the current weather, but Sam would’ve preferred if you were able to join her.
She tries to forget how long it’s been since you initially left, instead trying to soak up all the worries through the classical music blasting in her ears, an orchestral piece that the both of you enjoyed listening to during quiet afternoons at your apartment.
Suddenly, the snuff of the candles that line the bathtub alert her to another present, causing her to pause the music and pull out an earbud.
“Hello? Guys?” With no response, Sam pulls herself out of the tub and wraps herself in a white towel, looking around for her clothes but finding nothing but a single sock that she picks up with her index and thumb.
She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. This was really not the time where she wanted to be pranked by her friends. “Seriously not cool, guys. Not cool,” she shouts out, hoping they can hear her from wherever they’re hiding.
She heads downstairs to look for everyone—for anyone, at this point—uneasy about how quiet that lodge felt at that moment. “Chris? Mike? Emily?” She hesitates before calling out your name as well.
God, Sam really hoped you weren’t back and pulling shit like this on her. She would’ve much rather have been surprised by you sneaking in the bath with her, not stealing her clothes and leaving her feeling uncomfortable in the seemingly empty cabin.
But Sam knew you, and you wouldn’t pull something like this.
Sam’s forehead creases with worry as she makes her way down the stairs in search of whoever it was behind her clothes’ disappearing act. She heads to the cinema room, grabbing a flashlight before entering.
As she yells for her friends again, the doors to the cinema room slam shut, causing her to scream and spin around in a feeble attempt at locating the source of the disruption. 
“Hello, Samantha. Looking for me? I don’t think you’ll have much luck by looking, Samantha.”
A modulated voice rings out in the cinema room through its speakers. Sam’s breath hitches as she stills in fear, unsure of what this person was doing. She attempts to shout in protest before they continue. 
“You’re only going to see what I want you to see…and I have quite a lot to show you.”
“What’s going on?” Sam sputters, equally confused and petrified.
The screen turns on, and Sam sees herself—just moments ago—as she relaxes in the bathtub. Her hand holding the flashlight quivers as she can barely find the words to speak, horrified at some random stranger recording her without her knowledge. “Why are you showing this to me…?” she manages to get out, looking behind her to find this person once again.
“Why are you watching?”
As Sam turns back to the screen, the video flickers to Josh who was bound by his hands and screaming, a circular saw cutting him in half, innards spilling everywhere as he cries in agony.
“Josh!” Sam was absolutely horrified at the scene, tears forming in her eyes as her hands trembled. “What did you do?” she shouts, despite knowing it was hopeless.
“I’m going to give you ten seconds…nine…”
“No, no, no…” Sam panics, unsure what she should do. 
The man—the psycho bursts into the room, a hulking figure covered up by a menacing skull-like mask.
“Sam…” he draws out her name teasingly, mockingly.
By instinct, Sam grasps around for the first thing she can use as a defense. Her hand finds the touch of a ceramic vase and without hesitation she throws it at the psycho. It shatters against his arm as she runs towards the guest room.
Not wanting him to catch up, she jumps over the bed and out of the room just as he busts the door of the guest room open behind her.
She’s met with the basement stairs, hurriedly stepping down them as she remembers the broken step Josh mentioned earlier and avoids stepping on it.
She’s breathing heavily at this point, one hand holding the flashlight up and the other across her chest to ensure her towel doesn’t fall down. She briefly thinks about how impressed you’d be to hear her outrun this psycho in just her towel before hiding behind a nearby pillar and covering the flashlight.
As she hears the psycho enter, she takes a deep breath and tries to remember what you’d taught her about self defense.
“Sam? Why are you hiding?”
Your comforting voice in her head drowns out the cold, sinister one of the psycho. “When faced with an opponent who’s much larger and stronger than you, always use your surroundings to your advantage.”
Sam looks around frantically for anything to defend herself with to no avail. With no choice but to run, she tries to dodge the psycho but he grabs her from behind in a chokehold, lifting her off the ground as she kicks her feet against his legs, seeming to do little to free her.
As your words come back to her, she remembers Josh’s baseball bat that he had placed in this area from when they came down here to turn the boiler back on.
When the psycho forces a mask on her nose and mouth to gas her, Sam feels around for the bat, the cool wooden handle meeting her hand and she grips it tightly, whacking him upside the head and running away.
Sam approaches the next door only to be met with a roadblock. “Are you kidding me? No handle?” she shrieks in disbelief as she searches the ground for it.
In an attempt to buy herself more time, she pulls the wine storage down and the handle miraculously rolls out of it. She picks it up with haste and opens the door, slamming it just as the psycho reaches it.
As she turns towards the new room she’s in, quickly realizing it’s the laundry room, Sam keeps on going ahead, slamming her shoulder into the old door. She tumbles through the entranceway, the musty smell of this new place indicating that she’s in the old and abandoned Blackwood Pines Hotel.
Knowing that she won’t be able to outrun him for much longer, Sam drops down in an old elevator shaft and ducks down, hiding from the psycho’s view.
“Here, little kitty. Here, pussy pussy.”
Sam can hear his footsteps approaching her hiding place, and she frantically goes to hide the light shining from her flashlight. However, her trembling hands drop the flashlight and she curses at the loud noise. 
In an instant, the psycho snatches her by her hair, tugging her head back to force the mask back onto her face.
“Little birdie unhappy in her cage?”
Sam makes hopeless attempts to grab at him as she feels her consciousness fading out, and her last thoughts are only about you and your own safety, all alone in the desolate woods.
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The door was locked.
You were starting to get deja vu. 
Your presence in front of yet another locked door leads your thoughts to shift to Sam, slightly bummed out that you definitely weren’t going to be able to join that bath with her. You hoped that she wasn’t too upset about how long it was taking you to return to the lodge.
Mike’s eyes shift towards your pouting face, a quizzical expression plastered on his own. But he knew not to question your peculiar actions by now, and he ignored your antics in search of another way in, walking back the way you two came.
You follow him, keeping your eyes peeled for anything dangerous. This place was incredibly run down, and no doubt was a safety hazard especially with you and him coming along and moving things around.
“This place is falling apart,” Mike comments as some ash crumbles above the two of you. “The fuck happened here?”
“Mining accident,” you respond as you pass him. “Whole lotta shit went down after that.” You kick around some gravel with the toe of your boot.
He raises an eyebrow, turning to you. “And you know that how?”
You roll your eyes. “You asked, bud. I just answered.” You walk back the way you came, looking for another entrance you could go through. A doorway labeled Admin catches your attention, and you nudge Mike as you head towards it. “Let’s try here.”
He follows behind you, holding the lamp out to give better lighting in the dim corridor. The room is barren like you anticipated, dirty books and notes strewn about. You and Mike walk through, finding all sorts of documents from years ago detailing all the shit that went down at Blackwood Mountain. All the same details that you’ve gotten from your parents.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, low enough that Mike doesn’t notice your concern. Your parents being right about this meant they were probably right about everything else you were told about Blackwood Mountain. A threat you weren’t sure you could defeat.
“Hey, come look at this.” Mike calls out, and you realize that you didn’t even notice him leaving the room. As you approach, you see he’s pointing out a sign for a morgue.
You crinkle your nose. “Ugh. I bet it stinks in there.”
Mike ignores you as he carries on. You sigh, more prepared now for what you may find. Mike picks up a medical report, and when you peek over his shoulder you see it’s for the mining accident. 
“You were right,” he says, sensing your presence above him.
“Course I was,” you respond curtly. Your searching leads to a staircase, way too dark for you to see down. “Come on, Mike, I need your light.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
The building gets even mustier as you walk downstairs, a good sign you were getting closer to the morgue. Next to you, Mike opens a door that wasn’t fully closed due to a table blocking it. A machete is lodged into the top of the wood. He pulls it out, brandishing it as you take a step back. “Nice,” he hisses.
“Careful with that thing.” You push the sharp blade away from your face with a finger, noticing the dried blood on it. “Let’s keep going. We need to get back to the lodge.”
Nothing catches your eye in the rest of the dingy rooms except for a single scrap paper—another incident report, listing twelve survivors received at the sanatorium.
You bite your lip, the paper slightly crumbling in your hand as your grip tightens. Twelve was a lot. You silently hoped that there weren’t that many still…around.
You hear Mike faintly from another room, probably talking to himself as he likes to do quite often.
“What are you doing over there?” you exclaim, following his voice.
“Check this thing out.” He points to an odd contraption in the middle of the room. A fake hand moves back and forth mechanically. He goes to grab the tag that’s attached to it, but your mind is on high alert. You snatch his wrist, pulling him back
“What the fuck was that for?” he shouts at you, rubbing his wrist once you let go. “That thing is clearly a trap, doofus.” You throw a random syringe from a nearby cart at it and Mike jumps as a bear trap comes from below, snapping shut furiously.
“...Thanks, for that.” You hear Mike say, though your mind is all scattered now, on high alert of any other dangers that could be around.
He calls out your name softly, bringing your attention back to him. “You good?” he asks.
You give him a halfhearted smile. “Yeah. Just really want to get back to the lodge.”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that for too much longer.” Mike pulls a security card out of his pocket. “This’ll get us in that Chapel.”
You look at him quizzically. “When did you snatch that up?”
“Just before.” He shrugs. “It was with one of the corpses.”
You glance over your shoulder at the body drawers, noticing one slightly ajar. “You went through the bodies? Gross,” you remark. You grab the pass from him and make your way over to the Chapel door. The pass works, and the two of you continue up the stairs until one of the wolves that was with the stranger intercepts you.
It releases a deafening bark, and begins to chase you.
“Oh shit!” Mike calls out, and two of you book it. The wolf is close on your heels, but the two of you are miraculously faster. You're able to shut a door right before he reaches you, Mike in front of you bending over and letting out heaving breaths.
“God damn…” he wheezes out, hands on his hips. You grab the lamp he set down and continue ahead. “How the fuck are you not about the puke your guts out right now?” Mike asks you, perplexed.
You shrug. “Probably the adrenaline.” You turn, seeing that Mike hasn’t moved from his spot. You nod your head towards the way of the Chapel entrance. “Come on, we’ve got shit to do.”
“You’re insane.”
“Thank you.”
Once you reach the original door, you’re happy to see that the security pass worked. “In and out, Mike, got it?” You aren’t able to get a response because the wolf, the same one from just a few minutes ago, jumps out again in front of you.
“Where the fuck do you keep coming from?” you shout, exasperated, as Mike gets into a defensive stance.
“Easy there, bud,” he coaxes gently. The two of you shuffle slowly into the room as the wolf backs down. While Mike tries to approach it again and be friendly, you search the room for any kind of food so that it wouldn’t attack you guys. You find a bone in a chest, throwing it over to Mike and the wolf, with which it happily snatches it, tail wagging furiously.
“There we go,” you smirk. Mike rubs its head affectionately, you mimicking his movement after.
Mike finds a pistol and some ammo among piles of junk that the Chapel holds, causing you to sigh as he pockets yet another weapon that he’ll probably be careless about.
“Wow, leaving me defenseless here. What a gentleman.”
Mike glares at you and reluctantly pulls the machete from where it was resting against his jeans holding it out to you. “I’m sure you can handle this shit on your own, though.”
“Totally. But I’m not letting you keep all of the cool shit.” You grab the machete from him, making sure not to hold it out in front of your face like Mike did earlier.
Nothing else catches your attention as the two of you continue through the sanitorium, going down more flights of stairs until you and Mike reach a standstill with a locked gate in your path.
Mike doesn’t hesitate as he shoots the lock off, just as he’d done with other doors before, knocking a barrel out of the way as he does so as to not hit it.
You think to look at the barrel that he just knocked over, breath hitching as you spot the flammable liquid label as the barrel rolls around. Your eyes widen and you reach your arm out to stop your friend from entering through the gate.
Sparks from the shot hit the ground, and you're now aware of the many, many barrels that surround the two of you.
“Wait, fuck, Mike, no—!” You only manage to utter out a few words before Mike opens the gate, and within seconds you’re thrown back and your vision is encased in black.
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Character Traits: 
Honest: 5/10 ↓
Charitable: 9/10 
Funny: 4/10 ↑ 
Brave: 10/10 ↑
Romantic: 5/10
Curious: 5/10 ↑
Relationship Status:
Ashley: 6/10 
Chris: 8/10 
Emily: 5/10  
Jess: 3/10 
Josh: 9/10 
Matt: 7/10 
Mike: 6/10 ↑
Sam: 10/10
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Chapter Four || Chapter Six
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