#probably i just need. to get used to WORKING. get used to the grind. except im not making any MONEY
lfcrobbo · 2 years
i am having. a Morning...
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kafus · 10 months
how i caught entei in leafgreen in the most ridiculous way possible
SO last week i started a pokemon leafgreen file on my childhood cart i've had since my 5th birthday, and one my goals ended up being getting every owned dex entry possible in JUST the one copy of leafgreen without connecting to any other game… and i did. except i forgot one. ENTEI!!
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like probably a lot of you reading this i COMPLETELY forgot that one of the johto roaming beasts is in every copy of FRLG. i never even caught any of them as a kid. which roamer you get is based on your starter (squirtle = raikou, bulbasaur = entei, charmander = suicune) and i happened to pick bulbasaur so my roamer was entei. it does actually ROAM in kanto, aka whenever you change locations, the pokemon moves to a new route. obviously this is a pain in the ass, but it gets even more painful because roamers can flee from the battle and they will the instant you encounter them. you get the chance to throw one ball or use one move and that's it… so like in most pokemon games, you would use a trapping move like mean look to keep the roamer in the battle and turn it into a normal legendary encounter, right? HAHA WRONG
raikou and entei are affected by the ROAMER ROAR BUG in FRLG, which means if they use roar to escape the battle (yes, even in mean look, it doesn't stop roar from working) they just disappear from the game. permanently. forever. you can never capture it. suicune is not affected by this because it doesn't have roar, but my roamer was entei, so uh. the odds were stacked against me. did i want to repetitively encounter the roamer over and over, never trapping it, just throwing one ball each time? or did i want to set up a mean look pokemon only to have to soft reset every time entei used roar? neither option sounded fun and i was going to just give up and master ball it despite REALLY wanting it in a luxury ball like all the other kanto legendaries i had already caught… UNTIL!
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i am a moderator of the ribbon master discord (a different pokemon challenge) and i was just sorta liveposting my thought process about this annoying roamer when gen 3 rng manipulation extraordinaire ddeeffgg crashes into the chat and suggests this fucking bonkers idea. and his bonkers idea is galaxy brain LET ME EXPLAIN
ariados is available in leafgreen's post game by catching spinarak in pattern bush, and of course electrode is a fairly common kanto pokemon. ariados gets access to spider web, which is basically just mean look with a different name (and i completely forgot it existed), it traps the opponent in the battle. but IMPORTANTLY, it ALSO gets access to BATON PASS… which, in gen 3, passes the trapping effect! usually if you were to use spider web and swap out ariados, the opponent would no longer be trapped, but baton pass solves that! and then electrode has the ability soundproof which prevents roar from working, and it even gets thunder wave (paralysis) and sonicboom (consistent 20 damage with no chance of accidental crits) to assist in easier capture of entei! nice!! awesome!! but getting this setup in order is the most ridiculous shit i've ever done in leafgreen
PROBLEM #1: ariados gets baton pass through egg move. in gen 3, egg moves are only passed down by the father and not the mother, so i had to grab a male ledyba, grind it to a high enough level to learn baton pass, then grab a female spinarak and breed them together. unfortunately this means my ariados would be level 1 and i'd have to train it up quite a bit, which leads into my next problem…
PROBLEM #2: ariados is SLOWWW. its base speed is a measly 40 compared to entei's whopping 100! ariados needs to outspeed entei to use spider web first turn so entei can't just run away! i would have to get ariados to a very high level to outspeed entei, grinding all the way from level 1. the one plus side is that the roamers in FRLG are bugged to always have a 0 IV in defense, special attack, special defense, and speed, which means unless entei has a +speed nature, its speed would always be a predictable and relatively low 105 at level 50, which is what it's encountered at. so i had to get an ariados with a speed of 106 or higher.
to get around both these problems as efficiently as possible, while breeding spinarak, i bred quite a few to get one with a +speed nature, and ended up with a jolly spinarak. everstone doesn't work in FRLG unfortunately, so the nature was completely random each time. soon my DAUGHTER WAS BORN after like 2-3 hours of breeding because FRLG eggs are SLOOOW and i was being stubborn about the nature, which i was getting unlucky on LOL
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then i maxed out her speed EVs real quick by fighting picnicker susie on route 13 over and over, who gives 12 speed EVs per battle, 24 with the macho brace, which i was using. this was just to make sure i would reach 106+ speed as fast as possible. then i grinded her levels by repetitively fighting the two trainers right outside the weird chansey dance guy's house in sevault canyon on seven island, right above tanoby ruins. using the vs seeker on them is the best grinding spot in the game since they give 20k experience per fighting both of them and there's a healing spot Right There. i was using exp share and leading with my level 100 jolteon named Egg who i adore with all my heart. ariados, now named koolaid, ended up crossing the speed threshold at level 62! yes this took a while lmao
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as for electrode, i wanted one at as high of a level as possible so i hopefully wouldn't have to grind levels. i lucked out as electrode is found at a whopping level 64 in cerulean cave's bottom floor. a 5% encounter rate but as i had already caught numerous 5%s for the pokedex, i didn't really care. however it DOES have explosion and i'd rather not have the electrode explode on me before i could catch it which would then send me on a wild goose chase for ANOTHER 5% electrode… so i grabbed the random level 24 poliwhirl with the damp ability, which prevents explosion from working, out of my PC, and gave it a smoke ball from the celadon game corner so i could lead with her and easily run from each encounter that Wasn't Electrode.
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now you may be wondering how i was going to handle capturing electrode once i was actually in the battle because SURELY it would just use thunderbolt or something and instantly murder my poliwhirl. however funnily enough electrode only has two attacking moves at level 64, swift and explosion. explosion obviously doesn't work, and swift is a physical attack in gen 3 due to all normal type moves being physical, this was before the physical/special split in gen 4. electrode's physical attack stat is a garbage 50 and swift only has a base power of 60 so i honestly wasn't concerned. and best of all, poliwhirl gets the move hypnosis, so i could easily put electrode to sleep and start chucking ultra balls… and the smoke ball ended up being useless because i somehow ran into electrode first try what the fuck LOL
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anyways i named them gatorade to match with koolaid. truly the dream entei capturing team. i didn't even feel the need to grind any levels on gatorade, level 64 was more than enough, so i just slapped the two moves i wanted on them - thunder wave through the one-use tutor in silph co, and sonicboom through the move reminder on two island, costing me two tinymushrooms which i thankfully already had and did not have to go out of my way to grind.
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however the hours worth of prep ISN'T DONE YET! because uhh…
PROBLEM #3: ariados has to be above entei's level to outspeed it (yes, even if it had a 31 IV in speed AND a speed boosting nature AND maximum speed EVs, it still wouldn't be enough at level 50), which means the repel trick can't be used to encounter it. tracking down the roamer is practically impossible without using repels to cancel out all other wild pokemon, and in gen 3, unlike later gens, you can't put a fainted pokemon in the front of the party for the repel trick instead. and if i DON'T lead with ariados, entei will run away when i try to swap into it. SO i decided i would have to run into entei once first through the repel trick method, which marks it as "seen" in the pokedex, and then i would track its location through the pokedex to encounter it while leading with ariados.
to accomplish this, i simply ran in and out of the building on route 16, going in and out of the grass in the process, which would constantly be randomizing entei's location until it happened to randomize onto route 16. i caught a staryu with illuminate as an ability to raise the chance of entei appearing, which does work while staryu is fainted (wouldn't want to go in and out of the grass while entei was on route 16 without encountering it!) and otherwise led with my level 50 magmar that was on my elite four team named Torch for the repel trick.
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i bought a whopping 100 max repels for this task but i ended up getting entei within just a few lol. torch was holding the smoke ball just to be able to run away safely without any shenanigans!
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and now entei was in the pokedex and able to be tracked that way!
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however, there was still ONE more problem...
PROBLEM #4: luxury balls are a pain in the ASS to get in this game! they can't be bought from any shop. the only way to repeatedly get luxury balls in FRLG is to show a pokemon to selphy, a rich girl who lives in resort gorgeous on five island.
i will mostly skim over this because it's boring, but TLDR i had to continuously talk to her, fly back to the pokemon center, get the pokemon she wanted to see out of the PC because the step limit is 250 before she gets sick of waiting which is like nothing (i already had a living dex of every mon obtainable in leafgreen otherwise so this wasn't hard), surf to her, then spam A through dialogue with her butler in which i had a 70% chance of receiving a luxury ball. i did this over 40 times until i had 30 luxury balls, and sold off all the nuggets and other items she gave me. good lord this took a while
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and now with ALL of that setup i was FINALLY ready to capture entei in a luxury ball. this took me literally all day and i was really excited. to consistently encounter entei, i saved in cerulean city and tracked it in the pokedex from there, opening it over and over after changing to any of the four routes connected to the city, and moving to an adjacent route from entei's location when it was close in the hopes of walking onto the same route it moved to when i did. i was following a map made by hangarofroam, he has a video tutorial on how to shiny hunt the FRLG roamers and encounter them as quickly as possible, and i highly recommend looking it up if you want to capture these roamers yourself, but tldr this is the map i was using:
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and once i encountered entei i was finally able to use the strategy i had prepped so long to do... and it worked without a hitch!! entei can't try to use roar first turn because it wastes a turn trying to flee, which is prevented by ariados outspeeding and using spider web... then if it tries to use roar the next turn, i've already switched into electrode to block it with soundproof. so from there it's just a matter of whittling down entei's HP to the red with swift/sonicboom and paralyzing it with thunder wave, then tossing luxury balls until success!
and i GOT IT after 3 encounter attempts and 73 luxury balls thrown. and FINALLY i have all 171 national dex entries possible in a single copy of leafgreen with no connection to other games, and all the legendaries are in fancy ass luxury balls. i am winning.
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this was ridiculous. please be proud of my accomplishments. i've had this file for less than 2 weeks and i already have over 70 hours of gameplay in it after doing all this AAAAA
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also barely related but look at Egg my jolteon he had like no purpose in this story but i took a pic of him in front of entei before going on to capture entei because i love him so much pleas
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thanks for coming to my fucking ted talk i am SOOO normal about pokemonsdfjkfds (joke)
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mousedetective · 1 month
URGENT! Please Help A Homeless, Disabled & Mostly Queer Family Get Ready For Housing By Helping With Paying For Much-Needed Loans!
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
4/29/24 - New Post
So some stuff has happened, some of the loans I listed before have been paid, and I missed a few things, so I'm making a new post!
So, we still haven't heard about Section 8, and while I'm grateful for the shelter housing and feeding us, there's been some pretty toxic activity on my floor and I'm at my wit's end. I'm not sleeping well, I have constant headaches from grinding my teeth, and my blood pressure (which is already high and I'm already on meds for it) keeps being high when I get it checked. So we need to get housing with or without the Section 8 voucher as soon as possible.
Now, I have a list of low-income apartments all over North County. While not ideal, we have also heard of a complex of studio apartments available for $1400 which give preferential treatment to shelter occupants. But the problem is that I not only have a bunch of payday loans to pay, but I also have a payment on a two-month loan, a five-month loan, a six-month loan, and a year-long loan that eat up my entire income until I at least pay off the first three. My mom only gets $1300 and my daughter isn't on disability yet. So we can't even afford the studio until October and we'll have been kicked out of the shelter long before then.
I can probably cover the remaining payday loans and this month's payment for the two-month loan and still pay for the storage units. But I need to pay off whatever I can on the other loans, and the longer I wait the more interest that compiles. So I need a lot more than I was asking for before and I need it quickly to cover at least all of this month's payments while I work on paying off the totals of the bigger loans.
This is the list of payments I need to make as it stands now:
$300 for my loan from Ace Cash Express (due by May 2nd)
$300 for my mom's loan from Ace Cash Express (due May 2nd)
$408 for my loan payment from Ascend Loans (due May 3rd)
$277 for my loan payment from Greenline Loans (due May 3rd)
$177 for my loan payment from Green Arrow Loans (due May 3rd)
$148 for my loan payment to Possible Loans (due May 3rd)
$148 for my mom's loan payment to Possible Loans (due May 3rd)
$321.80 for my mom's loan from Moneylion (due by May 15th)
$285 for my Moneytree loan (due by May 25th)
$285 for my mom's Moneytree loan (due by May 26th)
I can't make partial payments on any of these loans except the Moneylion loans my mom has. I need the full amount for the payment to pay it off early, and for the four non-payday loans, I can't make an early payment but if I can cover the payments in my bank account with donations I'm good.
The Ascend loan was for $1,000. The Greenline loan was for $500. The Green Arrow loan was for $400. The Possible loans are $300 each, coming out as two payments of $148 (one this May, one in June) per loan. So I'm going to set two goals: covering all of the above payments and then covering the bigger loans as a whole throughout the month of May.
I can't take much more of the toxicity at the shelter at the moment, though I have hopes some of it will subside if the most toxic resident on my floor leaves this week like he's threatening to, but yeah. We just need to get all this paid off and get into housing of our own, even if it's just a studio for now. I'm including the $35 I got from a GFM towards the current totals because I spent all the rest of the money I had and I still haven't gotten that donation in my account yet.
TOTAL GOAL: $47/$4850
Goal has been met! However, the car is acting up, so we have to take it to our mechanic tomorrow. I may still need some help.
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ddejavvu · 6 months
f = favorite position for anakin skywalker, or indiana jones, or han solo. whichever one you’re feeling
request a letter of the alphabet for your favorite character!
for you, indy, all of them
this post is 18+, minors dni.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anakin skywalker:
i've said it before and i'll say it again: anakin loves a piledriver !! it's the way that he gets to grip your hips and forcibly bend them upwards to take his cock that gets him. it gives him full control, it requires him to use some strength, and it's not an easy position to maintain. the harder he works the better the reward. he really feels like he's manhandling you, especially when your neck is all bent and aching and sore the next morning. i really think that he might not enjoy less strenuous positions as much, i think he'd prefer to be wrestling you into position rather than having you just lay down on a bed
indiana jones:
he likes it when you sit on his lap. now whether you're riding him or he's moving your hips for you is a different story, what matters is that he's sitting comfortably with his legs all spread. it's a position that gives him confidence, he likes feeling like he's in charge while you're crawling all over him. like i mentioned before he likes it when you ride him, because he's haughty that you can't pleasure yourself as good on his cock as he can. he'll let you tire yourself out, leaning back against wherever he's sitting and making comments about your form. like an asshole. 'not gonna get what you want that way, sweetheart.' 'christ, are you trying to break your neck?' when he helps you though, he's rough. he'll take your hips into his hands and squeeze them, probably leave handprint bruises for you to find the next morning. he'll use those big strong muscles of his to help you grind yourself over his cock, and he talks shit in your ear about how no one does it like him. even when you're on top he's in charge, that's just how much you need him.
han solo
doggy. next question. no really, though, han's such an ass dude <3 he likes the physical aspects of it not only because he can straighten up and smack your ass and watch his cock get sucked up but also because he can lean forwards and put all of his weight on you and crush you. no he doesn't want to really smother you but how fucking sexy is it that he's stronger than you like that? han loves pinning you places, against the wall, over a counter, and doggy is no exception, he wants to pin you to the fucking ground. he might even dirty talk you about it. grunting shit in your ear like 'what're you goin' all limp for, sweetheart? you can't even hold yourself up? come on, use those muscles, you're just gonna let me pin you down?'
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Knock knock Pt. 1
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x Reader
Warnings: Use of pet name 'baby' and nick names.
Summary: A simple request to turn the music down turns into a frustrating back and forth battle. Why does your neighbor have to be so damn attractive?
This fic does not mention anything about the way the readers' body is shaped, their weight, their height, etc. If I happened to miss something or accidentally described the readers' appearance anywhere, please let me know so I can fix it.
*Not Proof Read*
ABC List TLOU Master list
" Fucking hell. " I groan angrily, smashing my pillow over my ears. Why can't they just shut the fuck up?
Why the fuck did I decide to move into frat row? Every building that isn't a frat is a party house.
Deciding enough is enough, I force myself out of my bed. I make my way to the living room where my roommates are all gathered.
" Did they wake you up too? " Dina asks with a yawn, rubbing her temples.
" Who didn't they wake up? The entirety of Jackson has to have heard them by now. " I mutter, pulling on my coat.
" Where are you going? " Abby asks.
" To tell them to shut the fuck up. Some of us actually needs sleep to survive. " Usually I'm fine with parties. It's college, I've gone to some and I probably will go to more in the future. The problem is, our new neighbors just never seem to shut up.
I make my way across the lawn, sleep slippers squelching in the damp grass. Ignoring the way water is slightly seeping into my shoes, I step around a passed out frat boy.
Empty and nearly empty bottles of booze and other unidentified objects litter the porch. I loudly knock on the door. Within a few minutes the door is opened by a giggly girl. Her half lidded eyes scan my body, a grin sprawled across her sweaty face. " Hey, you here to party? " She asks, her words slurred badly.
" No. I want to see whoever's in charge here. "
" That would be Ellie. "
Of course it's Ellie Williams. The campus' infamous dealer and partier. I had no idea she moved in here. The last time I had to deal with her was in my history class last year. Absolute hell. I got paired up with her for an assignment and ended up doing majority of the work while she spent her time at a local bar, hooking up with the bartenders.
The girl slightly sways to the music, her mind trailing away from our conversation.
She's not going to help me. She doesn't look far from a blackout.
Deciding to take things into my own hands, I push past the girl to get into the house.
" Hey! " She squeaks, trying to balance herself.
The pungent smell of weed and alcohol fills my nostrils. Clothes and red solo cups litter the ground and staircase. I step over a nasty looking puddle, trying to locate Ellie.
" Where's Ellie Williams? " I ask a group of stoners sitting around a cluttered coffee table.
A guy with dark hair looks up from the joint he's rolling. " Who's asking? "
" Me, the fucking person who lives next door. Where is Ellie? " My frustration grows. Along with not being able to sleep well the past few days, I'm overly stressed with some upcoming tests. I can't deal with this right now.
The guy, obviously sensing my pissed off attitude, nods down the basement. " Down there. She might be with a girl. "
I push past a couple grinding in front of the basement door, trying not to touch anything. I'm pretty confident this place hasn't been cleaned in a while and I don't doubt there's some new species growing around here. I'm pretty sure I saw a condom on the TV stand.
The basement is dark, the only light coming from a couple of string lights that are hugging the ceiling. Loud, muffled music bounces off the walls. Immediately I feel slightly better at the lack of people.
The room is fairly clean except for a small pile of clothes near what I'm guessing is the closet. It looks more like a bedroom than a basement.
On the bed I spot a familiar pair of converse shoes. Straddling her is a long haired red head, who's only in her bra. She lets out a small moan, neither of them realizing I'm here.
" Ellie. " I spit, standing at the base of the stairs. I cross my arms, glaring at the pair.
The girl on top jumps from surprise, pulling away from Ellie. She looks back at me, her lipstick and her mascara are both badly smudged.
Ellie's head pokes out from behind the girls' body. Frustration is clear in her expression. " What the fuck do you want? "
" I want you to shut the fucking party down. It's 3 in the morning. Some of us, who actually give a fuck about their future, have to go to class in the morning. "
" I'm gonna go... " The red head gets off of Ellie's hips. She quickly gathers her clothes. " Later, Ellie. "
" Wait you don't need to- " Ellie trails off into a frustrated groan as the girl rushes upstairs. " Fuck! " She sits up, her eyes glaring at me.
I shift slightly, uncomfortable with the angry glare she's sending my way. I can't back down. I need my sleep and I'm going to get it.
" This has been going on for days. Can you please just shut off the music? Just until like...I don't know, tomorrow morning? "
Ellie rolls her eyes. She reaches towards her night stand, picking up a joint. She lights it up before finally responding. " Sounds like a major you problem. Besides, who the fuck throws a party in the middle of the day, cock blocker? " She smirks slightly at the nick name.
Anger courses through my veins. She's getting more and more on my nerves. " Can't you be a little considerate? You aren't the only fucking person who lives on this planet, in case you've magically forgotten. The world doesn't revolve around you. "
Ellie leans towards me slightly. " Oh really? " She asks in an obviously fake surprised tone. " That's news to me, baby. Look, if you want an invite next time, all you have to do is ask. " Ellie gets off of her bed, probably in effort to intimidate me.
She's hot.
Fuck, I'm angry at her. I'm not supposed to be attracted to her.
But the way her tank top hugs her body...The strands of hair framing her face...No. I'm angry. Stop fucking eyeing her.
" You're an asshole. " I shake my head, crossing my arms. I force my gaze away from the woman in effort to stop the flock of butterflies in my stomach. " If you don't do something about the music, I will. "
Ellie chuckles. She steps towards me, only stopping inches away from me. She leans towards me. " You know, you're pretty hot when you're angry. " She whispers into my ear. Her hot breath fans over skin, sending shivers down my spine.
I take a step away from her. I don't like the way she makes me feel. " I guess I'm going to have to do something than. "
Without looking at her again, I hurry up the basement steps. I make my way over to the blasting speakers. My body seems to vibrate with every step towards the speaker I take. How has someone not broken an eardrum yet?
I yank out the cords connecting the speakers and suddenly the house is quiet. People around me stare in surprise.
Ellie pushes past the same couple I had to pass to get into the basement. " What the fuck are you doing? " She asks, clearly pissed.
" I asked you multiple times to turn off the music. Since you didn't do anything, I did. " I toss the cords onto the ground. " Keep it off or I swear to god I'll call the cops. "
I'm not narc but at this point, I'm on the verge of losing my mind.
" Fine. " Ellie says, making me double take. " We'll keep it off. "
" Thank you. " A small breath of relief slips through my lips. I make my way towards the front door, passing Ellie on the way. Before I leave, I look back at the girl.
Something about her expression sprouts a seed of uncertainty in my stomach.
" Good night, CB. " She smirks slightly while following me to the door.
" Good night, Ellie. "
She closes the door behind me, leaving me in the quiet outside. I don't know what she has up her sleeve, but I know she's up to something.
I make my way back to my shared house. My roommates thank me for dealing with the neighbors before we all hurry back to our bedrooms.
I lay down in my sheets, closing my eyes. I feel my eyes grow heavy.
Maybe I was wrong? Maybe she really is going to let us sleep tonight.
A loud muffled guitar solo breaks through the silence. The few moments of quiet are quickly replaced with the sound of blaring music.
My eyes fly open. I throw off my blanket, storming towards my window. I peer over at Ellie's house. She's smugly standing on the lawn, smoking what's left of her joint.
Our eyes meet, sending anger through my body.
She slowly flips me off, laughing at something one of her friends near by says.
It's on.
I tear myself away from the window. I turn on my phone, dialing the three digits I really didn't want to dial tonight.
" 9-1-1, what is your emergency? "
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erikatsu · 2 years
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pairing. al haitham x fem!reader [ft. kaveh !]
warnings. genshin 3.2 archon quest spoilers, cheating (by reader), unprotected sex, dumbification, exhibition, semi-public sex, vouyerism (non-consensual), pet name (pretty girl), multiple orgasms, creampie. i did kaveh so dirty and idc. unedited, probably not all that great i just wanted to get it out of my system.
wc. 1.1k
ty to @dxlucs for beta reading !
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“sh,” al haitham covered your mouth with his hand, holding back his own noises as you sat in his lap, his hard cock buried inside you. “someone could hear us.”
you whimpered, before leaning forward and hiding your face into the crook of his neck. the two of you had to be quick, as al haitham had very little down time before he had to get back to helping the akademiya rebuild and replace four of the six great sages. and it was only a matter of time before your boyfriend, and al haitham’s roommate, came back to sumeru city with his latest project ending soon. 
with kaveh always away and hardly being around recently as he had been stationed out in the desert, you and al haitham had grown closer in his absence. of course you were aware that kaveh would be crushed by what the two of you had been up to while he was gone, but after one too many nights of being alone when you needed someone, al haitham was there. yes, this was wrong and this would inevitably hurt someone you cared about, but you were unbothered as al haitham dropped his hand and tightly gripped your waist. 
al haitham didn't care about right or wrong. he simply acted on what he felt was rational. was going behind his roommate's back logical? it was, if he recalled all the times kaveh couldn't make rent, how long he'd overstayed his welcome, and how ungrateful he was. al haitham figured he could do a lot worse to him than this in retaliation.
with the two of you inhabiting the office of kshahrewar’s former great sage, the odds of being caught were low but it was still a possibility. especially because you couldn't keep it down as al haitham rocked your hips against his, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix as you grinded down on him. 
you groaned against skin, his rhythm steadily picking up until he had you lightly bouncing in his lap. his eyelids fluttered, closing as small whines escaped your mouth. a light chuckle left him, vibrating against your ear, “tell me what you want, pretty girl. you don't have to keep quiet, but you can't be too loud.”
the idea of being caught in this position had you clenching around him, trying to roll your hips faster. his fingers dug into your skin, roughly bucking into you at your lack of response. a yelp escaped you, and you sat up before looking at him wide eyed. there was a small smirk tugging at his lips, and a knowing look in his eyes to match.
he teasingly thrusted again, hitting that sweet spot that he knew like the back of his hand. the spot that kaveh never could quite reach, almost like an itch you couldn't scratch. 
“right there,” you told him almost breathlessly, even though he was fully aware. he could feel your walls tightening around him as he worked his pace back up, driving into you harder and faster than before. “fuck.”
even though you really tried to keep it down, your voice was carrying. anyone walking down the hall would know what was going on behind the other side of the door, and there were quite a few passersby that did hear but kept walking. all except one who’s curiosity got the best of him, especially once he heard his roommate’s name being spoken in such a pleasured tone. 
the man almost scoffed, wondering if al haitham was out of his damn mind for bringing bedroom affairs to work. what kept him guessing was who could be foolish enough to join him, and why he was at this darshan of all places. kaveh quickly took notice the door was not closed all the way, and was about to barge in to ruin al haitham's fun when he finally heard the voice of the person with him. 
a slew of curses were leaving your mouth as al haitham thrusted into you, fucking you through a high that had you shaking and gasping as you tried to calm down. he didn't slow down either, close to his own release as he heard the faintest creak of the door. his gaze flew up to meet kaveh’s wide eyes, an idea already forming as he realized the two of you were being watched.
he still didn't stop, the grip you had on his cock still squeezing him just right. you felt as if you were being split apart, the nerves from your orgasm never dying down and whimpers falling off your tongue as he bullied his tip against your cervix. a slight change in position would have you cumming again, and if kaveh was dumb enough to keep standing there, he'd have to see it again.
“think you can cum again, pretty girl?” 
you opened your mouth, trying to tell him no, this was already too much, but words failed you. he pulled your hips forward, a pathetic whine leaving you as your legs began to shake. kaveh was still at the threshold, hurt and unable to look away. while he felt that harsh sting of betrayal settling in his heart, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way you were moving on someone else’s cock. 
embarrassment burned at his cheeks as he felt himself getting hard at how hot you sounded. he'd never heard these noises from you before, never seen you enjoying yourself as much as you were. he hated that, and he hated that he was turned on by it. 
a choked cry fell from your mouth, al haitham cutting you off with his own. you wound your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady as the second high hit you. kaveh watched as your body jerked, racked with tremors as euphoria filled you. he'd never seen you do that either. 
al haitham groaned, pulling away as you went still. a hand came up to cup your cheeks as your eyes fluttered and slightly rolled back. your mouth was parted, heavy breaths leaving you before al haitham turned your head to the side. 
“i guarantee she's never looked like this for you. has she, kaveh?” al haitham mocked, feeling himself teetering on the edge. “you enjoying the show? that's why you're still here aren't you? watching me fuck your girlfriend knowing there isn't anything you can do about it.”
that was the thought that sent al haitham. kaveh standing there, too dumbfounded to move and watching as his roommate filled you full of his cum. and that's also what had kaveh walking away, feeling utterly stupid and upset at what had just happened, at what he just witnessed. 
kaveh was painfully aware that sages being replaced and the akasha being shut off was not the only thing that had changed while he was gone. he didn't think any amount of prayers to the dendro archon could ever change anything back to normal.
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TAGS (OPEN FOR MOOTS): @sanzucide @mytartaglia @mxnjiros @suyacho
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lycheedr3ams · 8 months
Okay, imagine this, getting frisky with Butcher!Konig after hours, when night crew is who knows where but they don't go near the spooky deli area. MAYBE on his butcher bench or even in the freezer?
God, you don't know what this man does to me. Have a good day 😊
*heavy breathing*
NSFW below the cut, MDNI
part of the butcher!konig mini-series
TW: predator/prey dynamics, allusions to sex, clothed grinding, slight mandhandling, dominant!konig, buildup but no smut (feeling a bit lazy rn lol)
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it was the end of a long shift, just a few days before christmas. the entire store had been in a frenzy from all the last-minute shoppers, making your managers run around like crazy and all the employees getting more burnt out with each passing minute. without butcher!konig's little jokes here and there, and the way he helped you whenever he could, your day would have been a lot worse.
but you were sluggish as you cleaned up the deli. even with butcher!konig to help you through the day, it had been a tough one. all your other coworkers had left for the day, and most employees were gone as well. all lights in the store were off, except for the lights in the deli and meat department. some street lights shone in through the glass windows, but that was on the other end of the store. butcher!konig was stuck there too. he was busy cleaning his work station, which was filthy with all the christmas meat he'd been chopping throughout the day.
you walked through the meat department to replace a tool you had borrowed, and found butcher!konig wiping dry his cold metal work station. he looked up when you entered. "hello, Maus," he said tiredly.
"hey," you offered him a tired smile. "i think this has been the worst shift ever." you sighed and leaned a little against his work station, looking at his arm muscles as he wiped it dry.
"ja, i might have to agree with you on that one," he said with a little dry laugh and tossed the rag he was using in a nearby bucket. you watched his every move - as you usually did - but something just felt different right now. there had been unspoken sexual tension between you two since the time he groped your breasts in the freezer and pressed his hard cock against your ass. you were much too shy and frightened at the time to do something. but butcher!konig's move that day confirmed it for you: he was attracted to you, and he wanted you.
you looked up at him as he stood next to you like a lion sizing up a mouse. his voice was slightly raspy with tiredness from the long shift, and his eyes had that bedroom look from the exhaustion.
"you have any plans after this?" he asked as his voice dropped an octave slightly. your heart fluttered in your chest for a moment before you shook your head. "nope. nothing much to do a few days before christmas, i guess."
butcher!konig chuckled softly. "ja, you're right about that." he looked at your body up and down for a moment, and you noticed the way his chest breathed a bit deeper. butcher!konig had tried to be smooth about this. he wanted to cleverly seduce you somehow. but he was inexperienced - no experience, in fact - and he just wanted you so damn badly. there probably wasn't even any need for him to seduce you with words, since the hungry look in his eyes said it all.
you blushed and looked away for a moment, very flustered with this mountain of a man undressing you with his eyes. you couldn't help but remember all the times you went home after a shift and masturbated to the thought of him just bending you over somewhere secret in the back, taking out his stress on you on the clock.
"something on your mind?" butcher!konig asked with a smirk hidden behind that leather mask of his. you snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him like a deer in the headlights. "yeah. no, i mean, just tired," you sighed to try to calm your heart rate.
butcher!konig stepped closer to you, so close that you could feel his body heat. you looked up at him, eyes wide, and he whispered as he slightly bent over you, "you're bad at lying, kleine maus."
you nearly could've died on the spot. you couldn't help the tiny noise that arose from somewhere inside you when he said that, your arousal taking the better of you. butcher!konig's eyes suddenly turned predatory when he heard your sound. it was like a lamb sticking its neck out for the wolf to sink its teeth into. butcher!konig's large hand gently made its way up to your jaw. he gently grabbed your jaw with his thumb and index finger, curling his other fingers under your chin. he lifted your face up to look at him. he leaned down closer to you.
"tell me what you need. i'll give it to you," he growled lowly. your heat throbbed immediately. no words came out, but the look in your eyes gave it away.
butcher!konig exhaled a small laugh and brushed his mask against your lips. "such a shy little thing, you are." his eyes looked so sharp and focused, like a hawk watching its prey from above. and he had you right in his grip. "i take it you've got no time to waste, right? your family is waiting for you, since it's so close to the holiday," he whispered in your ear. "if you want me, bend over on the table. if not, walk out the door and go home, and we'll never speak of this."
your heart raced in your chest at butcher!konig's offer. how could you refuse? you're sure your phone was buzzing somewhere, your family calling you to see if you were done your shift yet. but it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that you had gotten held up on your shift right before the holiday. you gulped and turned around, your ass brushing his hard length, and bent over the cold, shiny metal table. the sting of the coldness pierced your forearms and palms as you pressed them into the table, so excited yet nervous for what was to come.
you felt butcher!konig's large hands palm your ass as he grinded up against you. "i'll make this worth your while."
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cosmicstarlatte · 9 months
Beel A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (6 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
You only went into the kitchen for a snack & you somehow ended up pushed against the counter with Beel dry humping your ass. Still, the gentle(?) giant wouldn't let go of the devil croissant in his mouth & managed to swallow it with another bite. "Mmph. Sorry. C-couldn't resist." You moaned as you felt his cock twitch against you, desperately wanting more. His arms were wrapped easily around your waist. "C-can I?" He asks as he continues grinding & a hand slipped to reach for your waistband. "Beel what if someone walks in!" You whined yet still pushing up against him. He swiftly pulled your bottoms down, "...it'll be really quick."
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
You're always going to cum first about 90% of the time. The only exception really being if you decide to just give him a blowjob. Anyway Beel's a giver, he loves to eat, we know this already! He could stay eating you out for hoursss. He's the type to say thank you & ask for more when you cum on his tongue. He tells you how delicious you taste.❤️ Now if he's cumming, you know by the sudden gasp and low groan he always does, always pushing himself as deep as he can go & you always eagerly await the big load this giant gives you. :3
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
He doesn't really feel one way or another about it, he's just a big teddy bear that loves to make love with you.🙂 Of course the few sounds you do make when he stuffs his massive cock in you does turn him on, he prefers to see the pretty sexy faces you make as he fucks you senseless. ^^
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Beel has his moments & he can be blunt. If you're dating, he'll tell you & ask, respectfully, if you want to fuck lol. If you're not together quite yet... well, he's going to be a little clingy & you'll notice him smelling you a lot more often like some tasty snack he can't wait to have. He'll have a flushed face & somehow eat more than he already does until something is finally done about it.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
He's not too picky & usually finds whatever is on the first page or two of a porn site. Sometimes he will look at food porn but tbh it's a lot more distracting & he always ends up feeling hungry after it. He doesn't really watch it that often & prefers to imagine his own little scenarios in his head.
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
tags: biting, breeding He's a biter, he loves to mark you in so many ways. Some are soft bites & others are harder love bites. He loves to leave his scent on you!!! Also sorry if he does get just a little rough, he can't help it when you look so small, all he wants to do is breed you. He loves doggy & the mating press, please let him go wild with you ♡
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crypticdesire · 2 months
to go for keeps
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dom gn reader x sub rook hunt (around 3.2k words)
cw: no genitals specified for reader, pet play, piss, scent kink, mentioned weed/drug use and both reader and rook are still coming down from their high
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You’re slowly pulled from your sleep, not positive if you’re still dreaming or not. Your head feels foggy, more so than usual when you wake up, and you realize you’re still feeling the residual effects of the high from edibles you had with Rook earlier that day. He lays sleeping beside you, and more aware of his presence now, you wrap your arms around him a little tighter. Chin resting on the top of his head, you settle into the feeling created by your hazy mind, which is one that makes your body feel loose and light.
That feeling is probably why it took you a few minutes to realize what had woken you up in the first place. Legs entangled with Rook’s, a soft knot of anticipation tightens in the pit of your stomach as all your senses focus on the way he gently humps your thigh. When you hear his quiet whimpering you question your earlier assumption that he was still sleeping.
“Rook?” You whisper his name without moving, not wanting to disturb him if he isn’t awake. You feel his head shift under your chin, and you assume he’s looking at you now when you can’t feel it anymore.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” His voice is just the slightest bit hoarse, and you chuckle at the genuine question.
“Yes, but I don’t mind” An understatement. “It looks like you might need me for something.” You move your thigh a bit so it presses directly onto his clothed cock, which is hard as predicted.
“Mmm,” he faintly moans, grinding against you as he buries his face into your chest.
“Were you having a dirty dream?” Your fingers absentmindedly rake through his hair.
“Non” his muffled voice replies. “I woke up needing to relieve myself, but you’re so warm…. I needed to hold it” It takes your disorganized thoughts a moment to fully piece together the implications of such a situation.
“Needed to, huh?” The hand tangled in his hair now rests at the top of his back, thumb caressing the nape of his neck. “It’s not a want but a need to be pressed against me then?” You can feel yourself becoming more turned on with his every mumbled word.
“Mmmhmm,” he hums in agreement, nuzzling further into your chest, grinding against you a bit harder, legs squeezing yours between them a bit tighter. “So warm…” he begins to languidly kiss your skin, slowly working his way up to your neck.
“And smells so good” You hear him inhale your scent before giving some small licks to your skin.
“My bunny just can’t help himself” You massage his hip with one hand, a desire to massage his bladder crossing your lust-driven mind. His movements still at your words. All except his legs which somehow squeeze your thigh even tighter. Was he about to let go? So early?
He lets out a guttural sound before he can manage any words.
“I want to…”
“You want to what, bunny?” He whimpers at your words and you soon realize the cause behind the arousal that’s overwhelmed him.
“I want to be your bunny” He licks your neck again. “Please”
“I’d love to play with my bunny” It’s so hard for you to resist bucking your hips into him. “But I need a bunny who’s a good boy and only pees when I tell him he can. Do you think you can be a good bun-“
“Oui” he clings to you, his voice filled with need. If not for the remnants of your high, you would have reprimanded him for interrupting you, but instead, you’re easily amused, giggling. He begins rubbing himself against you again.
“Always so excitable. Better hurry and get yourself prepared bunny.” He’s hesitant to untangle himself from you, thighs still clutching yours.
“If I don’t see my bunny soon, I might fall back asleep” You fake a yawn though your eyes are genuinely heavy.
“D’accord” He pauses and you can’t tell if he’s bracing his bladder or if the connection between his brain and body is still effete. With a shaky exhale he finally gets himself to move away from you, turning on the lamp beside the bed before getting up. Your eyes follow his movements for a moment as he makes his way to the drawer with his accessories, amused by the lack of his normal smooth grace.
Reluctantly you take your eyes off him so you can undress and do your preparations, your steps having no more grace than his. You know you need towels for the bed, but your thoughts fumble around your head and you can’t grasp an idea of anything else you need.
Rook waits somewhat patiently for you to lay out the towels as he stands already undressed, thighs squeezed together and legs crossed. You try not to glance at his face, knowing you’d get too easily distracted by your bunny. You happen to glance at the carafe on the nightstand, which intensifies your desire and awareness of Cottonmouth. You fill the two short glasses to the rim and finally allow yourself to look at his desperate eyes as you hand one to him.
“I want you to drink all of this” Like the loyal pet he is, he takes it with a smile on his face despite the intense feeling of a full bladder. Your eyes drift to the fluffy grey ears atop his head and then down to the collar he selected. It’s one of your favorites: a lavender collar with lace, a satin bow, and a metal ring in the middle he loves you to hook your finger around, pulling him closer. Watching his Adam’s apple bob as he empties the glass makes you crave the feeling of having a full bladder yourself, so you get settled at the head of the bed, trying to not let any of the sloshing water spill out of your glass but being unsuccessful. You couldn’t bring yourself to mind the little spill though. Rook was going to be spilling a lot more than that anyway.
“Come here, pretty bunny” You pat the bed in between your spread legs after Rook puts his glass down and grabs the lube and his bunny tail butt plug. “I want to see your pretty face while you play with yourself.” You enjoy watching him thrusting his own fingers into his entrance, but right now you want to see his face more, eager to see him look at you with adoration, desperation, and gratification.
His movements are slow as he positions himself on his hands and knees in front of you, his deep breathing and expression of concentration as he focuses on holding his bladder making you palm yourself a bit over your underwear.
“Here, let me help you out little bunny” You set your glass down for a second so that you can squirt lube onto his fingers, making it easier for him to begin stretching himself.
“Merci maître” his lidded gaze is focused on you as he reaches behind him and begins to spread the lube on his outer rim. He attempts to keep that gaze on you even as he pushes the tip of his finger into his entrance, gasping and biting his lip. You give him some more lube to work into his entrance, and while he does that you empty your glass of water. And another one. You want so badly to cup his cheeks, suck on his tongue, and tell him he’s a good boy, but you know that would send your loyal pet over the edge, losing control of his bladder before you want him to.
So instead you only allow yourself to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, even that small touch still causing him to whimper and screw his eyes shut. He tries to lean into your touch, but you just let your fingertips graze the fluff of his bunny ears before taking it away. Rook opens his eyes searching for your hand, pleading eyes burning into you as he begins to rock his hips back into his hand, two fingers now able to fit fully inside him. There are a few times you know he almost lets go because he freezes, his face slightly wincing, but when that moment passes he continues his ministrations until he’s able to fit three fingers inside of himself.
“Good boy” you praise him as he holds up his bunny tail butt plug to you so you can coat it in lube. He whines at your words and takes a deep breath before he begins to push the tip of the plug inside of him, gasping as he works it in further with small circular motions. You had stopped palming yourself moments prior not wanting to get carried away too soon. There’s still evidence of your arousal, however, a small damp spot showing on your underwear. Rook has yet to notice, his eyes still screwed shut as he continues to press the toy into him. He’s making slow but steady progress when all of a sudden he gasps, the hand that was holding the plug swiftly moving to cover his cock as he falls onto his elbow.
“Merde” he shakily moans, burying his face into his arm. You feel yourself spasm below your waist turned on by his actions and study his movements. The only movement you see is the subtle movement of his hips as he gently grinds himself into his hand, thighs coming closer together. He flinches as he feels the back of your hand softly stroke the hair behind his bunny ears.
“Aw, did my bunny almost have an accident” you coo. He doesn’t respond right away, but you continue stroking his hair until he can look up at you, unshed tears dotting the corners of his eyes. He looks ashamed.
“I- a little came out” he admits but he quickly adds on, “but I stopped it for you. I wanted to please you” his lips form a pout. You slightly lift his chin with your finger.
“You really tried to be a good boy, didn’t you?” He nods earnestly, hanging on your every word. “I’m not mad, bunny. You just need some more training.” He nods again.
“But we’ll do that another day, yeah? I think you did enough to get a small treat” His eyes light up and if he had been a different type of pet you know he would be wagging his tail.
“Would my bunny like to fuck-“ he’s already nodding his head before you can finish your sentence, “my thighs and empty his bladder?”
“Please” it’s barely above a whisper.
“Good. Let me just fix your tail” he had pushed it far enough that it didn’t fall out when he took his hand away, so you lean forward and slowly push it until the rest is nested inside him, causing him to moan in response.
“I’m ready when you are, pretty bunny” You permit him to get up after you’ve laid back and applied some lube to your inner thighs. He glances at your underwear and back to your face wordlessly asking if he can remove them, but you shake your head, smirking.
“Not yet” He’s so excited to fuck your thighs, however, he doesn’t even look disappointed at your answer. Carefully getting up on his knees and moving forward, you lift your legs, allowing him to push them together. He ruts against you at first, pressing a few kisses onto your calves before he begins to push his hard cock between your thighs.
“Merde” he gasps, and you can feel him trembling by the time he’s pushed his cock all the way through, his body flush against your legs.
“Mon maître feels so good” he follows his words with a string of moans as he begins moving, slowly thrusting until he feels capable of more. You stimulate yourself with your fingers as he speeds up, grip on your legs becoming tighter. His dick slides easily between your thighs, and you know he’s getting close when he thrusts with more fervor, his balls slapping the back of your legs.
“Ah, you look so cute bunny rutting into me so eagerly. I know you can hardly keep yourself from finishing. How desperate you are to mark me with your scent, so you just let go, bunny.” You reach forward, loosely grasping the top of his dick as his movements slow so you can rub his tip, eliciting a strangled moan.
“Show me how badly you want me to keep you.” Your words finally cause him to lose control, warm liquid splattering against your stomach. He’s quick to separate your legs so he can fully see you as he continues to relieve himself, taking hold of his cock so he can aim his stream at your crotch.
“Good boy. You were holding so much” you moan, involuntarily bucking your hips a bit, burning with desire. His smile is delirious as his stream tapers off and he ruts his cock against you, his length pressed against your soaked underwear. You cup your hand over the top of it, creating a small pocket to give him more friction, which gets him to climax, eyes rolling back as you feel a thick rope of cum spurt over your skin.
You keep your hand squeezed against his length as he comes down from his high, gripping your hips and babbling ‘merci’ over and over as he continues to gently rub himself against you. He looks so dazed and unaware of his movements that you’re surprised when he looks directly into your eyes, rubbing circles into your skin, eyes having a new light of desire in them.
“S’il vous plaît, maître. Can I smell you?”
“Go ahead, pretty bunny” He grins excitedly as he lays down on his stomach, the tip of his nose grazing your damp underwear.
“Mmmm” he moans, pressing his nose further into you, inhaling your scent. You haven’t come yet, but you can feel the tightness growing in the pit of your stomach. You twitch as he continues to rub his face up against you, quivering as he gives you a small lick. He looks up at you, wordlessly asking your permission to continue, which you give with a nod of your head.
“That feels so good, bunny” You grasp his golden locks, careful not to disturb his bunny ears as you grind yourself against his face, muffling his moans of pleasure. “You just love smelling our scents mixed together, don’t you? Leaving a trace of yourself on me”
“Mmmhmm” he stops and tilts his head towards you as his fingers play with the top edge of your underwear. “Can I smell more of you? Please?”
“Yes, because I know you’re going to make me feel good, bunny.” He bobs his head in agreement not wasting any time before he takes off your underwear not even trying to hide his excitement at burying his face into your pubic hair. He nuzzles his nose into you, and you can feel him inhale.
“You’re wet from my piss that leaked through your underwear” He observes and smiling in delight, he rubs his cheek up against you as well causing you to move your hips to chase the friction of his touch. He then draws a long line against you with his tongue, letting his tongue take more time roaming your most sensitive parts. Despite your loud moan, you still can make out the sound of the giddy giggle he lets out with his face still up against you.
“What?” The word is a mix of a chuckle and another moan. When he tilts his head up you’re met with an amused grin and eyes shining with adoration.
“I just love that you let me mark you like this.” He inhales your scent again as if to make his point. “I love you so much” he presses a kiss on the tip of your sensitive area. “I want your scent on me too” he nuzzles his cheek against you again before adding, “Please.”
“What a desperate bunny” You can’t hold back your chuckle. “I gave you a treat and you still ask for more and more.”
“Please” he begs again.
“Lay on your back greedy bunny” You easily give in still needing to get off yourself anyway. He wiggles his hips in excitement before doing as you asked, looking at you with open anticipation. You straddle his waist, no layers of clothing between you as you grind against his cock.
“Agh” Rook groans and grips your thighs tightly. Your hands are splayed across his chest, holding your weight as you slowly begin to move your hips.
“Fuck. It feels so good using you like this bunny” You close your eyes enjoying the feeling of you essentially frotting with him. You grind deeper into him, moving your hips in circular motions, keeping a slow pace so you can coax yourself to relaxation and release.
When Rook feels your warm piss begin to pool on top of him, he becomes a whining and writhing mess. The sight of him in such a state with your piss spilling over him combined with the relief of release has you close to your climax, so now you allow yourself to rut against him with more zeal.
It’s your excited bunny that cums again first, wildly bucking his hips up into you when your pace speeds up until a thin stream of cum spurts out of him. Still grinding against him, you swipe your thumb along his stomach, collecting a mix of your piss and his cum that you bring to his lips. He eagerly sucks on the pad of your thumb and after he's done you slip your finger through the metal loop on his collar, pulling him closer to you for a messy but passionate kiss where you take his tongue between your lips. You feel his hand move between your bodies to assist with your climax.
“Ah, you’re such a good bunny” You give him one more praise before you cum against him, crying his name. Your thighs slightly tremble as you lay down on his chest, both of you out of breath.
“C’était magnifique” Rook whispers breathlessly, wrapping his arms around you. You smile against his skin, reaching a hand up to affectionately stroke his hair. He catches your hand kissing your wrist before he allows you to do so. You hum in content, your body and mind feeling light. You don’t even mind all the sweat, cum, and piss slicked onto both of your bodies even when it makes you a bit cooler as it dries.
“We should get cleaned up, but I just want to lie here with you a bit longer” you admit, gazing up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. You’re met with similar droopy eyes and a fond smile.
“I want whatever you want” Rook responds easily, holding you even tighter against him. You already knew it to be true, but you're never letting go of your bunny.
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a note from vern: i think i looked at this fic for too long bc i got to the point where it started to seem meh with Rook being ooc and a bit boring but i'm going to trust that's just my dysfunctional brain. anyways if you wanted some insight into some horny thoughts floating around my brain on 4/20, here it is !!
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thrawns-backrest · 5 months
Prompted by this post and the related interview, reason 15467352 why I think Dave Felony isn’t up to the task of writing live action Star Wars.
I was going to harp about how this proves Filoni hasn’t read the books but this interview is from before the canon trilogies were out so touché on that. And yet this just proves to me why Filoni isn’t the guy for the job of writing Thrawn. Or any live action imperials for that matter.
I’ll start by saying that one thing I will concede is that the notion of the Imperial military being plagued by incompetent officers is not entirely unrealistic. Given that it’s a stratocracy, you can expect to find people who used politics to climb the ranks rather than actual military competence - it’s a kind of French Revolution situation kind of thing. Historically it’s been known to happen in our world.
Combine that with the fact that the Empire is racist, elitist and (kind of) sexist as all hell and you have a limited pool of people to pick from when filling its ranks, pushing some genuine talent to the fringes or excluding it altogether.
The thing I’m entirely tired of seeing though is the implication that it’s the majority of Imperial leadership that’s like this and by this I mean incompetent. The overwhelming majority at that. But more on the Empire’s moronicity later, let’s talk about Thrawn.
“He’s not ambitious in the way where he needs to see himself promoted, or a governor one day. He purely wants to dissect them; that’s what he enjoys!” This. This grinds my gears so much. For starters it proves that Filoni sees Thrawn as this ‘quirky baddie’ where Zahn treats him as an actual person. There’s something almost condescending in taking a neurodivergent coded character and being like ‘aww, look at them, they’re so happy doing their little thing they don’t have any other goals and ambitions whatsoever :)’.
To get things straight, Thrawn has always been annoyed by the limitations placed on him by an inferior rank. You could argue it’s for the simple reason that a higher rank gives him more freedom to act and pursue his goals but that’s just what that is, a simplification.
And that’s where Filoni’s problem lies:
Filoni is good at writing cartoons. And before people raise their pitchforks, I don’t mean this in a negative way. Writing cartoons forces you to squish complex ideas into a digestible format, the genre needs simplification and caricature to work and doing that well is a talent all by itself.
You’re meant to put in some extra effort to suspend your disbelief in order to enjoy the deeper complexities of the story. Where that stops working though is when you step out of the genre and move into live action and our good buddy Dave doesn’t seem to realize that.
It may admittedly sound like I’m being unnecessarily harsh on him and I probably am but I do realize the guy is just doing what he does best. I doubt he has any real beef with neurodivergents or has no actual clue that militaries need a base level of competence in order to function and thrive.
Neither is he the only one guilty of implying the Empire’s competent staff can be counted on the fingers of one hand. “It’s just so different for them to have a bad guy that’s, you know, actually smart with how he uses the Imperial war machine!” Okay, Dave. Sure Dave. “[…] with the exception of Tarkin – Tarkin’s strategically intelligent” Oh so there’s two of them! (okay okay, I’ll stop here)
My point is, you can’t get away with making the antagonists so stupid in a realistic setting. I recently saw someone compare Kenobi and Andor in terms of portraying your antagonists correctly and I have to agree that Andor is the only star wars live action media in recent memory that gets it right. (Though even Andor is guilty of injecting some stupid into its plot in order to enable implausible events to happen. I’m looking at you, Maarva’s speech.)
Because the thing is, the more bumbling and idiotic you make your antagonists, the more it detracts from the efforts and skills of your protagonists when defeating them. The Empire is sprawling and all powerful, so much so that it takes several force users pulling deus ex machinas out of their ass to bring it down. In conjunction with the extreme dedicated efforts of the Rebellion mind you.
It took a timely coincidence of hubris, political corruption and flawed strategy working together to allow it to happen. Give me media that explores why the Empire endured for so long, the mechanisms in place that made ordinary people turn into cogs of the machine, the selective process behind constructing an absolutely ruthless, dangerous leadership, media that looks at how these same conditions can come about in our world rather than the unrealistic explanation of ‘people bad because bad’.
Zahn, Gilroy, Luceno and many others are examples of writers that do this justice. Pass the baton on to Filoni and you end up with an antagonist who’s smart as an exception because ‘he’s just so quirky’ while still bearing all the hallmarks of a cartoon villain, the ominous gloating speeches and sadistic behaviour and whatnot.
I’d be hella remiss to say it hasn’t left its mark on the fandom either. The amount of times I’ve seen characters like Tarkin, Krennic, Palpatine, etc. be moronified (while Thrawn inevitably gets his victim treatment) while completely ignoring the fact that defeating them was no small feat and their having weaknesses to exploit isn’t something that detracts from just how dangerous and scary these motherfuckers were.
The Clone Wars was a good show. Rebels was a good show. But by god is Filoni bad at transferring his skills to live action and no one can convince me that Thrawn isn’t the best example of that.
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oakdll · 21 days
things i desperately want for persona 6
- Femc
I know this is not an unpopular opinion, but I don’t even need a full femc route. It would be nice, but I think it would probably take up too much budget. All I want is a girl model of the protagonist that you can choose and some pronoun changes. It would be so easy to do, I’m begging for this
- Let people be gay
If they are doing a femc route like that, there will probably be romance options for male social links, so just keep that for the boy protagonist route. You literally don’t have to change anything except maybe a few voice lines, but you could also have the VA’s only use gender neutral pronouns. Just let you date every social link (as long as they aren’t like your dad or teacher or something) regardless of their gender.
- Keep the rewind feature from Reload
This is self explanatory, it’s maybe the single best quality of life feature in any Persona game, I NEED it for P6.
- Keep the palace system for the dungeons
The order of Persona games was me playing P5R, then P4G, then P3R. Going from P5’s palaces to the mediocre dungeons in P4 was super jarring. Tartarus in P3R is definitely an improvement, and I might even like it more than Mementos, but palaces are by far the best addition to the Persona series ever. Having unique levels for each arc was a stroke of genius, and if they don’t carry it over to P6 it will almost certainly be underwhelming compared to P5. I do like the randomly generated dungeons, but I think they work best as accompaniment to palaces. Something like Mementos would be great for P6 in accompaniment to Palaces.
- Have a better spawning method for The Reaper
I like to farm The Reaper a lot, and especially in P4, it was TORTURE. Having to open 21 chests and then requiring the 22nd to randomly spawn an enemy just to fight The Reaper was awful. Even the time based ones in P5 and P3 are not perfect. Literally just anything but the tedium of P4. Requiring RNG was awful, you could spend 20 minutes opening chests just to not get an enemy chest on the 22nd and have to restart.
- Have a post game
Sometimes I want to play Persona but I don’t want to have to start a 100 hour new playthrough. Persona genuinely has a great combat system, and I would love to be able to explore Mementos or rematch bosses after beating the game. Maybe bring back the Thieves Den (or something similar) but allow you to re-enter palaces and Mementos after getting the true ending. Something like being able to rematch bosses in the Mushroom Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey. Maybe also bring the album thing on the couch in Persona 4 back. If you don’t remember, if you went to sit on your reading couch, you could view all of your maxed social links and replay each rank. You could even go to the social links you didn’t romance and see what their romance path was like, or vice versa. It was super cool!
- Keep confidant perks
Having the ranks of non-party member social links grant perks is one of my favorite additions to P5. It can really help incentivize you to prioritize them and go for all max social links. I think the main flaw with Persona 5 was that Atlus underestimates how powerful the perks would be. That’s why the game was so easy, not because of the gameplay, but because Atlus couldn’t balance some players having unlocked broken confidant perks and others having not. It would be difficult, but they need to be able to balance the perks more. Definitely keep them, but don’t let people just blitz through palaces if they have Ryuji’s confidant at rank 7.
- Bring over a rebalanced version of Ryuji’s instakill
Speaking of Ryuji’s rank 7 confidant ability, I want it to come back. It is by far the most broken ability in P5, but it also made grinding SO much more bearable. That said, it needs a rebalance. Make it so it doesn’t work in palaces, only P6’s version of mementos. Make it much harder to get than rank 7, maybe a late game social link’s rank 10 ability. It would still be a broken ability, but it is an ingenious solution to fixing tedious late game grinding. More games should have versions of this ability.
- Keep the completionist difficulty of P5R
I think Persona 5 Royal has the best balance in terms of how difficult it should be to max out all of your social links on a first playthrough. I got all achievements on my first playthrough, but not 100% on social links. I was rank 5 in Strength and rank 9 in Lovers. It was very close, but it had just the right amount of generosity. I think if someone tries hard, they should be able to 100% it on a first playthrough.
- Make it so hanging out with Velvet Room attendants doesn’t take up time
Unless it’s a social link like Marie, I think having it take up time just prevents people from actually doing it. With how valuable time is in Persona, wasting time slots on hanging out with a non-social link character isn’t super viable. In P5R, I almost never hung out with The Twins because it took up a time slot when it didn’t need to. In P3R, I always hang out with Elizabeth because you don’t need to take up a precious time slot to do it. Please keep this!!
- Keep the story based character progression
In P5, most of the character progression happens through confidants. Obviously confidants should have character progression, but it also means that without doing those confidants, the characters are super stagnant. In P3R, almost all of the characters develop over the course of the game without requiring you to do their social link. Junpei develops a bond with Chidori, Yukari has personal drama with Mitsuru, etc. In P5, the only time this happened was Morgana leaving the Phantom Thieves, which is by far the worst part of the game. If they can write the story to be more similar to P3, I think it would be an improvement.
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copperbadge · 8 months
Sam, how did you find your therapist and build such a good working relationship? Every attempt I’ve made at therapy seems to fizzle out after a few months… and no therapist has ever understood the RSD aspect of my ADHD, which makes it all feel a little worse every time I try.
I mean, I think really we're still building it -- I haven't had her more than a couple of months and functionally it's been an every-two-weeks situation most of the time because we keep having to move/cancel. I don't know that I can really speak intelligently to building a relationship with a therapist because this is the first time I've ever done it where I was an adult and in control. As for finding one...
Chicago has a group called Clarity Clinic, which is like a WeWork for mental health professionals -- they offer scheduling, billing, and IT/office space to local people who I think are mostly independent operators otherwise. They have a directory that is highly filterable, so I found my psychiatrist there by filtering to stuff like Adult ADHD and medication management. He's great, but he didn't want to be my therapist and I didn't want him to. When I decided on therapy, I asked him if he knew anyone he could recommend, since he knew what my deal was in terms of personality, behavior, etc.
So he gave me a couple of names of fellow Clarity Clinic folks and I had a look on the website and chose the one that sounded like she'd get on best with me. I think I struck it lucky to be honest -- she's young (compared to me) and has ADHD, and she's very familiar with disability discourse, spoon theory, etc, even fandom to an extent. If I were to go looking today I might look more at therapists who specialize in twice-exceptional individuals, but she's good enough with what I'm aiming at that I don't want to change.
So the best advice I have is if you're being treated for other stuff by someone you trust I'd ask them, but also look for someone experienced with adult ADHD, and I'd look for someone on the younger side who's more likely to be understanding of neurodivergent needs. (I also recommend filtering to queer-friendly therapists if you can; I didn't necessarily need that but it means they're likely to be generally accepting and probably have more liberal politics. With the caveat that in shady places like BetterHealth, "LGBTQIA" counselors are sometimes homophobic creeps with an axe to grind.)
Building the relationship has taken proactivity on my part -- ensuring that I always have an appointment on the books (we book out about six weeks in advance now, because we know one of us will likely need to cancel/rebook at times), making sure that I have either an aim for treatment or at least something to talk about, etc. I think in your case probably having a list of things you want to deal with, so that you can check some boxes up top, might help.
I would definitely open with "I have ADHD and I need help with [aspects of that]; I also have RSD and I need to work with someone who respects that diagnosis and understands how to help with it." I went into mine saying "I have ADHD and I'm also struggling with some really big emotion, so I'm looking for help with those, but also like...I'm not really sure what therapy can offer. I've had some bad experiences in the past but they were all when I was a child, so I'm trying to explore some options." Her reaction was a combination of sympathy and a discussion of the kinds of things we might work on, which helped a great deal.
But yeah, I think it starts with establishing right from the jump what you want and need, and then spending time making sure that you both stay on top of that until you find a rhythm. We're still finding our rhythm, but it's getting easier as I'm learning to be clearer about what I want and more comfortable with being a participant instead of someone therapy just happens to.
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fictionfixations · 7 days
honestly so happy that its easier to grind in hsr then genshin cause im actually able to properly build my characters instead of whatever mess i had in that game (i got the right artifacts but trying to get materials for anything was a bit of a pain to me)
also that the resin (i dont know what its called in this game im using genshin terms) can like. overflow into this other thing??? is. so helpful. (i stopped playing at one point so i just came back to both being full. and then when i realized what it actually did it was a godsend because it made it so much easier to fully commit to grinding. i know in genshin you can make the resin this little thing? condensed?? but thats a thing you have to do yourself i think)
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all im missing is leveling up the lightcones and traces
and im only missing the traces because i already used up weekly bosses. THATS IT.
robin and ratio have the same boss material so all i have to do then is get the other resources which isnt actually that hard (ill only have an issue if i cant material synthesis or exchange or whatever since i need to do it for the robin stuff that you get from enemies that can ambush you, i dont know what you refer to them as, but cause i havent unlocked penacony yet lol)
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and the only lightcones that might give me issue is because highlighted is penacony material stuff
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(yes i put final victor on ratio LMFAO)
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so YEAHH i feel like im doing pretty good in that department. also ive caught up to penaconys story i just havent started in-game because i wanted to see where it all leads up to and then go back to see all the foreshadowing and get a better understanding of what happened since it also confused me, so im waiting for a time i can just sit there for countless hours and focus. i even switched to eng vas so i dont end up misreading something
(anyway i only got to trying to max out my characters as much as i can until i can level them higher because before i got stuck on so many quests that required a fight 😭, yanqing, argenti, i hate battling you oh my god)
actually on that topic everyones relics arent fully maxed out.
ive only been leveling this cause 5 star dan heng is my main damage dealer
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and the healer because im fucked without them (its natasha, but im open to changing it if i find a better healer or shield 🙏)
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on that topic:
i returned to honkai star rail because aventurine. i focused on the story because aventurine. (got spoiled his story, realized 'what the fuck hes cool i like him' and watched someone go through the story) i came back in time for his banner but you know what? i had like zero wishing stuff because id stopped playing so i missed out unfortunately
i have friends who have aventurine as like one of the support characteres thingy tho? like the the where you can get support from other peoples characters
so thats been fun. but also auto is kind of bad with aventurine. or maybe because it thinks 'oh theres already a shield, so i wont e' which is pain. on the other hand actually playing instead of having it on auto is fun with aventurine. i like planning around it and thinking of who to have use their skills while keeping in mind when i should have him refresh his shield. i cant explain to you how it hurts seeing hp missing with a shield around it because i cant do anything about it (im the type of person who likes to keep my characters hp full ngl)
probably not the best decision to want shield over a healer but. i can make it work. maybe. i just want aventurine ok. (except for phantylia who as far as im aware is the only one who can just TAKE hp like that? without even affecting shields???)
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
I can't bring myself to think of anything except a submissive dbf Bucky on his knees, shirtless and just short of begging to be allowed to touch you. (Probably inspired by this tiktok that I've watched SO many times)
Even his very first kiss is frantic. He usually starts off gentle; almost tentative but within minutes he's holding the back of your head, keeping you close and it's such an indulgent kiss, it makes your head swim.
"Fuck." His mouth latches onto your neck, groaning quietly when he realises you already have the first couple of buttons of his shirt undone. He's already lost any desire he might have had to take this slowly.
You pull him back up to kiss your lips with a hand gently cradling the back of his neck. He doesn't voice any objections, following your lead and letting his warm lips slide over yours until your tongue teases his.
He's practically melting already and it's so rewarding to watch how easily he crumbles. Your lips don't part from his while he shrugs his shirt off and as soon as his neck is free of the collar, your hand replaces it.
His eyes open when you start to apply pressure to the outside of his throat, careful to avoid pressing on any of the more delicate structures. "Harder." He needs this. You have no problem indulging him.
"You're so good for me." He's flushed already but you swear the praise makes his cheeks blaze even hotter. His lips are pink and slick and he's long since forgotten his need to kiss you. Up until you use your grip on his neck to direct him to kneel on the carpet.
You let go of his throat, the release of pressure gives him a head rush and it's written all over his face. He's looking up at you expectantly, desperate to know what's coming next. Are you going to tease him about being so submissive? Slap his face a little? Spit in his mouth maybe? A little part of him isn't sure what he'd prefer more.
You do none of the above though. Instead, you perch on the edge of the bed while you play with his hair, letting the seconds tick past, not saying a word.
He almost feels deprived of touch, going from so much to so little in a short space of time. Your knees are pressed tightly together but he kisses up one of your bare legs regardless, worshipping every inch of skin he can press his mouth to.
"Spread your legs." It's only a quiet murmur but his tone is off. He's not in a position to be making any demands.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" It's almost funny that he thinks he'll get what he wants by addressing you like that.
"Spread your legs please." The emphasis seems genuine. He engaged his mouth before he engaged his brain. It happens and you forgive him, parting your thighs and letting him shift the skirt of your dress out of the way.
You hadn't bothered to wear underwear. It only gets in the way and Bucky seemed appreciative that he didn't have to waste any time taking it off you.
"You're so wet already." This wasn't news to you. Even just the thought of him on his knees for you is enough to get you worked up, never mind the reality.
One of your hands instinctively settles on the back of his head and you feel him start to glide his tongue over your slick sex. He kisses your body like he did your lips earlier. The pressure and intensity feels indulgent, long strokes of his tongue that allow him to taste you the way he's been dreaming of.
The slick sounds are obscene. His quiet moans are filthy. He sinks two thick fingers into your body, curling them while his tongue laps at your clit and you can't help the way your legs shake.
The pointed tip of your shoe presses gently to the front of his trousers and he gratefully grinds against the sole. His pleasure can't and won't be forgotten, although it seems like that wasn't a concern of his anyway.
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74: “you deserve to be rewarded”
Fic requested by anon to @midwestmade29 and suggested to me by @brideofinfamy thanks guys!!! <3
Just to preface, this might be the only fic where I will use the name ‘Jay’ instead of ‘Christian’ as it makes more sense with a nickname he has. In future, it’ll probably be back to Christian but if people like hearing ‘Jay’ instead, please let me know!!!
This fic will include three different endings which will be linked at the end for your viewing pleasure. I’m curious about trying a ‘choose your own adventure’ style with my writing so think of this as a precursor to that experiment. Let me know what you guys think, if you like it or not!
Fic type: smut
Warnings: none
Word count: 1793
Link to masterlist
Happy reading ❤️
“Right, I just need to make a call then we can get going into the arena, okay?” Jay said, putting his bag down as he headed towards the pay phone on the wall. You watched as he dialled the numbers to call whoever it was he needed to phone. Sighing, you walked over with his bag, leaning against the wall next to him.
“Yeah hi, I needed to ask a question about my rental car that I’m picking up soon?”
You tuned out the rest of the conversation, picking at your fingers while you waited. By the sound of his voice you guessed that it was going to be a long call. The longer it went on, the grumpier his face got. Since getting with him, you noticed that he tended to play with his hair when he was stressing about something which was exactly what he was doing at that moment. You pouted slightly at him while he weakly smiled back, rubbing your arm to let you know that he was…well he was trying to get through it. Finding yourself getting bored, you stared at the ceiling while trying to think of something to do. Then an idea popped in your head. Evil but fun. For you at least.
Turning around and backing up, you pressed your back against his chest. His initial thought was that you were just wanting a cuddle so he wrapped his free arm around you, pulling you that little bit closer, resting his chin on your shoulder as he continued on the phone. You arched your back slightly, pushing your rear right into his crotch while slowly and gently rubbing against the cloth. Jay gasped quietly, gripping onto you as you teased him. You continued to grind on him until he finished on the phone, walking out of his tightened grip once he had hung up.
“Come on, babe, we better get you to the changing room so you can get ready!” You teased, walking ahead and picking up his bag for him with a giggle. His face was beet red, lips wet from his excited licking, cock pressed hard against his jeans just begging to be let free. Following you like a lost puppy, he kept his eyes transfixed on your ass. He wanted nothing more than to just grab that pretty little dress, yank it up, rip your panties off, and have his way with you right there in the middle of the corridor. It was clear that you were exaggerating the swaying of your hips to grab his attention. And it was working. Jay was completely hypnotised.
As you reached the changing room, you turned to pass him his bag with a cheeky grin on your face. With a slight smile on his, he leant forward to plant a heated kiss on your lips. His kisses were the best you ever had. Even after a year, it was still just as magical as that very first one. It always drove you crazy when you pulled away to see his lips still pursed and eyes closed silently begging for you to kiss him again. Except this time, he didn’t allow you to pull away just yet. He kept his lips attached to yours, roughly grabbing onto your hips, digging his fingers into the fabric as he licked at your bottom lip. You could feel the tickle of his breath from his nose and the warmth of his cheeks the longer he stayed attached to you. But just as you were about to allow him access to the inside of your mouth, a familiar voice broke your trance:
“Hey Jaybird, quit being a horn-dog and get in here! We gotta get ready.”
Adam slunk back into the changing room with a snorting chuckle, pleased that he had managed to get on his best friend’s nerves. Again. Jay grumbled as he took his bag, whispering that ‘I’ll come find you in a little bit, baby girl’ in your ear before planting a final kiss on your cheek and leaving you in the hallway. Sighing, you walked towards the cafeteria where most wrestlers who were early were sitting. You could already feel his absence but you saw another familiar face who lifted you out of that brief loneliness.
Gangrel, or David as you occasionally called him if you felt like it, sat alone at one of the tables just minding his own business, reading his book. He was already in his gear, his clean white shirt covering his upper body. Briefly glancing up, he noticed you beginning to walk towards him with a smile on his face. You shared a chat while you waited for Dumb and Dumber to finish getting ready. Gangrel always made you laugh as he’d always remind you: “listen, listen. If he ever gives you any trouble, any whatsoever? You come find me. And I’ll go straighten him out. Mmhm, uh huh, yes I will! You’re my little star and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you! Luna will kill me if that happens.”
He truly was a character.
Finally the boys came over, shoving each other and laughing about something nonsensical. Jay plopped himself next to you, his cologne quickly finding its way to your nose as he rested his arm over your warm shoulders. He looked drop dead gorgeous in his black shirt and gold tights, sunglasses perched on his nose as he sipped at a bottle of water. He reached over to plant a wet kiss on your cheek, much to the fake disgust of his teammates. The three boys started discussing their upcoming match that night, talking about what best way to get to the finish within their time limit. Once again, you tuned the conversation out being not totally familiar with the ins and outs of the business.
Deciding to tease Jay again, you carefully placed your hand on his thigh under the table, earning a slight jolt of surprise from him at the sudden contact. He opened his leg to you with his knee rubbing against the side of yours, sucking in air between his teeth. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Adam giving you an amused glance as he quickly figured out what Jay was reacting to. He said nothing towards your actions as he continued listening to Gangrel talk about the match. Slowly, you slid your hand up Jay’s leg allowing your fingers to slip down to his inner thigh as you moved closer and closer to the aching stiffness between his legs. He angled his hips forward subtly to try and get you to move your hand up north. To where he desperately needed your touch. But instead? You moved your hand to his knee, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of pleasure this early. Jay groaned in frustration a lot louder than he anticipated, earning the attention of the boys.
“Something wrong, squeaky?” Gangrel questioned, fangs giving him a slight lisp. Adam smirked knowingly while trying his absolute best not to outright blurt it out and embarrass the two of you. Clearing his throat to try to pass it off as a cough, Jay nodded with a smile. He didn’t trust himself to speak, fearful he might reveal what had been going on. The time to start heading towards the lift to do their entrance was drawing closer by the minute. As the four of you got up to start walking that direction, Jay took a moment to pull you aside, announcing that “we’ll catch up with you, just need to make a pit stop!”
He waited until they were out of earshot before pinning you to the wall by your hips in the now empty hallway. His face was desperate with desire, high pitched whines spilling out of his lips as he pressed them to your ear, his cock already aching against the fabric.
“Please, baby,” he whispered in between his pathetic noises, “I’m begging you. Don’t tease me. You know I’m not going to be able to hold out and wait for too long.”
The thought of him writhing from sexual desperation on the mat was almost enough to send you over the edge, no pun intended, right then and there. Doing your best to maintain composure you took a shaky breath before smiling at him innocently.
“Maybe if you’re a good boy and you win out there tonight?” you started, voice husky and deep, “well, I think you deserve to be rewarded.” He gasped as he finally felt the warmth of your hand over where he needed it. You cupped your hand fully over his cock, watching his cheeky flush into a Scarlet red as it twitched against your fingers. But you couldn’t let him have too much fun just yet. Just as quickly as he felt that warm contact, it was gone, leaving him with a pre-cum leaking hard-on and the cold absence of warmth as you led him back to the other two who were now waiting, rather impatiently, for you two to appear.
“What if I lose?” He whispered in your ear, gripping tightly on your hip. In all honesty, he knew the answer but…he just wanted to hear you say it.
“It depends on how devastating your loss is,” you whispered back, “you put up a good fight? Then you’ll be the one getting penetrated tonight. You completely bomb it? Well, you can sit on the chair in our hotel room and watch as I use that dildo of mine on myself while you get to do absolutely nothing to either me or yourself.”
Jay’s breath hitched in his throat as he tried to play it cool, his mind firing a thousand thoughts of the possibilities of what was coming that evening. A part of him wondered if he should cause them to lose just so he could experience the joy of riding his girl until he came all over her again. Another part was desperate to pin her to the bed and make her regret teasing him. But before he could think too deeply, he felt a slap and a squeeze on his bum cheek as you kissed him on the cheek with a quick “good luck!!” You watched as Jay walked off to his boys, trying his absolute hardest to focus on the match coming up as they headed towards the lift. In doing so, he was able to calm himself down enough so that his excitement wasn’t…too obvious. Though they still raised an eyebrow once they saw him which Jay tried to ignore. As their music blasted from the arena speakers, you made your way back to the cafeteria to watch their match on the tv.
Ending 1 - match win
Ending 2 - match loss
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cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
Beautiful View From The Backseat
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Summary: Some mortal things, Thor can get used to. Except traffic jams.
Characters: Thor x Stark!F!Reader.
Words: ~1K.
Warnings: explicit sexual content, semi-public sex acts, thigh riding, female orgasm, implied sex. MINORS DNI.
A/N: What can I say, the man has thighs for riding! Adapted and rewritten from Chris Hemsworth RPF that I’m not longer comfortable sharing. Based off of this GIF (which can no longer be found on the page of the creator who made it) that gave me the idea in the first place. Beta: @princessmisery666 but all the general bullshit is entirely mine. Thank you to my pre-reader @springdandelixn​ for such kind and wonderful words. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support our content creators by sharing our work.
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You’re in the middle of texting Pepper, telling her you’re going to be late, as the car slowly grinds to another halt. Thor groans under his breath beside you, the frustration in his tone abundantly clear. “Stupid Midgardian traffic.” 
“We can’t all use a magic hammer to get us to where we need to go,” you sass playfully, glancing towards him. There’s a momentary flicker of amusement when he looks at you, but his previous irritation quickly returns.
“Well, your brother certainly found a way of combating this monotony,” he replies grumpily. 
“I know it’s hard to believe, but Tony gets stuck in traffic just like the rest of us.” He looks at you in disbelief, and you quickly add with a shake of your head, “No suits.” 
You give him a small reassuring smile, and he returns it half-heartedly, his jaw tightening at the seemingly endless stream of stationery cars ahead of you. 
The car isn’t small but with the God of Thunder beside you, it may as well be a smart car. Thor shifts in his seat, causing his knee to skim yours. You think nothing of it, readjusting his position to give him more room when your eyes land on his thigh. So wide. So thick. Nothing but pure muscle tensing and contracting as he attempts to stretch his leg out, and you’re reminded of the time he made you ride it, in a crowded elevator, right before a meeting with Nick Fury.
Your stomach twists with heat at the memory. Remembering the way he slid his thigh between yours, muttering deeply in your ear to, “Make it count,” as people crowded around you. A new fresh wave of arousal flutters through your gut, and a sudden idea pops into your mind.
It’s inappropriate, but Thor has got you off in riskier places than this. And as if to reaffirm your choice, the elevator memory comes back around on a loop and your decision is made.
Sliding your cell into the pocket of the door, you slowly tilt your body into his, taking a casual glance towards the front of the car. 
The driver’s attention is fixed to the road ahead, but you know catching you riding Asgardian flesh in the back of his car is probably nothing compared to Tony’s previous sexual escapades.
Thor turns towards you, noticing the way you sidle up against him, your hand slowly gliding over his thigh.
“What are you doing?” he drawls thickly.
You shrug with a whisper, “Combating this monotony.” Gathering up your skirt, you lift yourself up into his lap, and straddle his thick leg with a satisfied sigh. “Gotta do something to pass the time while we wait.”
He grins at you, giving his lips a mischievous lick. As soon as you sit down, the immediate friction of his thigh against your clit makes your toes curl, and you haven’t even begun to move yet. He runs a large hand up your spine, splaying it across your shoulder blades, as the other grips tightly at your hip to help guide you back and forth across his thigh.
Thor nods slowly, like he’s granting you permission to move, and you start to gyrate against him. Very slowly at first— gentle, soft. Then as each languid yet rhythmic roll of your hips sends flames of heat zinging through your clit, you begin to bear down harder until you’re rutting against him so deep that it makes your pussy ache.
“Come my love,” Thor whispers against your damp lips. “Let me feel that quim tremble.”
He shifts a little, and the movement causes your panties to bunch up against your engorged bundle of nerves, and the first tremors of your climax begin to take hold. He licks deeply into your open mouth and you keen against him, hands balled into fists as you grip desperately at his shirt.
“Shit, oh god,” you moan against him, grinding harder and harder until you snap, buckling under the pressure of your orgasm. You slump against his broad shoulder, attempting to choke down a scream as you tremble in his arms. Every vein sings in delight as Thor gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead before you manage to find the energy to slip back into the seat next to him.
You’re both quiet for a moment until the driver speaks up, breaking the silence. “Sorry Ms. Stark, Mr. Odinson, but I’m ‘fraid we might not make your meeting in time.”
Thor looks at you with lust-filled eyes and a small smirk painted across his lips, tilting his body into yours. You watch in awe as he slowly fingers open his zipper and reaches inside his pants, pulling out his already glistening cock, hard as fucking steel.
You cough, clearing your throat to mutter a polite, “Thank you,” before turning back to face Thor beside you. He lazily pumps his shaft, little droplets of pre-cum seeping out of the slit in his tip. 
“In that case,” his voice is gravelly and thick, “now you’ve the time to ride me properly, don’t you think?”
4EVS: @amirra88​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @cheesyclaire​ @chibijusstuff​ @callsignrambam​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @daughterofthenight117​ @doozywoozy​ @foxyjwls007​ @geekofmanyforms​ @heyyouwiththeassbutt​ @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @ilovefanfic86​ @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @labella420​ @mogaruke​ @maliburenee​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nik2writes​ @obsessivelycapricious​ @patrick-hockslutter​ @princessmisery666​ @phildunphyisadilf​ @roxyfan14-blog @sage-writing​ @sea040561​ @sweeterthanthis​ @slutformarvelmen​ @simpformarvelmenandwoman @smokeandnailz​ @stoneyggirl​ @stoneyggirl2​ @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91​ @thegirlnextdoorssister​ @unfortunate-brat​ @wayward-dreamer​ @warriorqueen1991​ @xoxabs88xox​
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