#protective peter hayes
hopip99 · 2 years
I've Got You
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A/N: Hey guys. I've decided to reinvest myself in the Divergent fandom. This is a Peter Hayes x Reader fic based on the scene where Tris is ambushed and nearly thrown into the chasm. I don't really know how to feel about this one. I couldn't get my thoughts in order for this one and might redo it later under a different name, but for now, this is how it turned out. I'd really appreciate some feedback on this one.
Summary: After barely scraping by in stage one of Dauntless initiation, Y/N climbs the ranks quickly in stage two. Rather than being intimidated by her sudden success, Peter is impressed that the meek girl from his old faction is finally proving that she belongs in Dauntless. She's one of his only friends and he'd protect her at any cost, especially against the other initiates.
WC: 1838
Warnings: Some swearing, mentions of being buried alive, attempted murder, general violence.
Dauntless initiation was, in the simplest terms, hell. The first day was easy. Well, it was easy compared to the nineteen days that would follow. Day one was the day the dependents chose their factions. The Dauntless initiates climbed up to the tracks and boarded a moving train, and if they didn’t make it on the train, they became factionless. They jumped from that same train over a gap between the tracks and the top of part of the Dauntless compound. If they didn’t jump, they were factionless; if they jumped but didn’t clear the gap, they were dead. Then Dauntless leadership made them jump through a hole that dropped them several stories; they were factionless if they didn’t jump. Y/N is a transfer initiate from Candor with Christina, Peter, Al, Molly, Drew, and Sean. However, she wasn’t friends with them back in their old faction. She always kept to herself, so when she decided to jump right after Tris, the other former members of Candor were impressed. 
Days two through eight were filled with grueling physical training. The initiates learned to shoot guns, throw knives, fight, and build strength and endurance. Y/N had barely scraped through the first part of the initiation, ranking as number nineteen of twenty-one. The only initiates that ranked below her were Tris and Al. She likely would’ve ranked higher if she hadn’t been paired with people much higher on the board for the fights. The only things that pushed her above the red line were her alarmingly accurate knife-throwing skills and her near-immaculate aim during firearms training. She enjoys what essentially becomes two days off after stage one of training. The ninth day was meant to be visiting day, where all the transfers could see their parents again, but Y/N had no one to come and see her.
As soon as stage two begins, Y/N begins to climb through the ranks, and her average time getting through each of her fears is only four minutes. She’s second only to Tris in her fear simulations. Unfortunately, the fiercely competitive nature of all of the initiates, her rapid climb through the ranks has painted a target on her back the same way it had for Tris. Unlike the others, though, she was one of the few who had become friends with Peter, and he’d helped patch her up more than once after intense training sessions. He was no less sarcastic with her, but there was much less hostility in his tone when they spoke, and he tried to pick fights with anyone who would harass her when he was within eyeshot. Y/N would roll her eyes each time and remind him that she could care for herself even if she wasn’t as strong as most other initiates. She had no idea that she’d live to regret turning down Peter’s invitation to join him for dinner after they decided to get tattoos to celebrate getting through stage one of initiation.
After the fourth day of their fear simulations, Y/N made her way up to the ninth position in the ranks. She had been proud of herself, but she’d been left reeling and sick to her stomach as she’d been forced to live through being buried alive in the simulation. Not only was she afraid of being stuck in a confined space, she’d seen all of her friends watching her be buried alive and do nothing. The only person who had seen her fear had been Four, but she couldn’t look any of her friends in the eye after that particular fear simulation. She forced herself to go with Peter to get tattoos after that because she had already promised him she would. 
“Come grab dinner with me, Y/N. I haven’t seen you eat anything today,” Peter encouraged, watching Y/N admire the new Dauntless emblem on her left forearm. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was very concerned for her and he was wary about letting her go off on her own after seeing several initiates glare daggers at her whenever she wasn’t paying attention.
“Didn’t realize you were so concerned about my eating habits, Hayes,” she joked, glancing up at her friend. “I’m not hungry, so I think I’ll head to the training room and get a bit of a workout in. I know that stage one is over, but I want to get better at fighting.” Peter simply nodded, knowing that arguing would not do any good even though everything in his body told him that letting her go off by herself was a bad idea.
“Alright, fine. Just don’t wake me up when you’re hungry in the middle of the night,” he snarked, though his tone was playful before he turned and walked to the cafeteria despite his better judgment. He could barely eat his dinner with the pit that settled in his stomach, so he decided to go find Y/N to try and get rid of the uneasy feeling that plagued him.
Y/N had gone to the training room to get some extra training. She only left when fatigue finally started seeping into her joints, and her hands were raw from the rough leather of the punching bag. She’d been no stranger to late-night walks, nor was she any stranger to taking the long way around to the transfers’ dormitory. As usual, she decided to take the long way around to the dormitory and followed the winding path that overlooked the chasm. She didn’t expect two sets of hands to grab her just as she’d turned down the hall to the dormitory.
“What the hell?” she’d cried out, the startled exclamation escaping her lips much louder than she’d intended as she started to struggle against her assailants’ grips. “Damn it, let go of me!” she screamed, scrunching her body and kicking her legs out to full extension. It had thrown one of the masked initiates off balance for a brief moment, but they’d quickly recovered and continued to drag her, kicking and screaming, towards the chasm. “Get the fuck off!” she shouted again, managing to throw her head back into the other attacker’s nose. She couldn’t help the ghost of a satisfied smile appearing on her lips as she heard the familiar sickening crack of a nose breaking and the person dropping her.
She cried out in pain, however, when her head hit against the solid path after being dropped. The impact left her dizzy, her kicks against the other person dragging her suddenly a lot less powerful. They were talking, but it sounded like they were underwater. She only managed to make out a very muffled “Hurry up and get her over before someone finds us!” followed by a very loud “Hey! Get the fuck away from her!” and footsteps pounding towards her. She forced her eyes to stay open and made out Peter’s blurry figure throwing punches and kicks. He used almost every fighting trick they’d learned against the two initiates, not letting up until he was satisfied they were down for the rest of the night. Both assailants were left with broken noses, black eyes, probably several broken ribs, and concussions and several cuts all over their faces from being thrown against the wall.
“I’ve got you, Y/N. Let’s get you cleaned up, and I’ll get you to the infirmary,” Peter’s muffled voice sounded as she felt his arms slide under her knees and upper back to lift her into his arms. Dazed as she was, she managed to wrap her arms around his neck for a bit of extra support as he carried her back to the dormitory. To say that everyone was shocked at the sight of Peter carrying a battered Y/N would’ve been an understatement, but neither Peter nor Y/N cared what the others thought. He set her down to sit upright against the wall on his bed. “Don’t go getting yourself beat up again while I get a rag to clean you up,” he mocked, though Y/N didn’t miss the genuine concern in his tone.
True to his word, Peter returned only a few moments later and took a wet rag to her face. He wiped away the blood and dirt that stained her face, neck, hands, and arms with a tenderness no one in the room realized that Peter was capable of. The second he was done, he tossed the rag at Tris, scooped Y/N into his arms, and stood up. “Take care of that for me, stiff,” he taunted as Tris caught the rag and he made his way out of the dorm and down to the infirmary. He tried to recount what had happened to the medical staff as calmly as he could, but even thinking about what had happened made him see red, and he had to fight against the urge to go back and finish those two off. Even though he wanted to return, he stayed by her side all night.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N mumbled the second she caught sight of Peter the next morning. “What am I doing here?” she added as she took in her surroundings and the pounding ache in her head.
“Are you serious? Two assholes almost threw you into the chasm last night, and you’re asking why I’m here?” he scoffed, looking at her incredulously. “I brought you to the infirmary last night because you hit your head pretty damn hard. I wasn’t going to let you just lay there where anyone could come along and throw you over.” He missed the slight smile on her lips, still fuming over the fact that she’d been attacked.
“Thanks for saving my ass last night, but I’ll have you know that I broke one of their noses before you came to my rescue,” she declares, grinning a bit at the eye roll he gave her in return. “Seriously, though, Peter. Thanks for saving my life.”
“Whatever. You know I’ve got your back, no matter how annoying you are,” he said with another eye roll as he stood up. “You’ve been given the day off of fear simulations. I’ve got to go. I’ll be back to check on you later,” he murmured and squeezed her hand gently, looking as though he was having an internal battle before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve got you, but I really don’t want you doing something stupid and getting yourself killed before I come back today. You understand?” he chastised.
“Yes, Peter, I understand,” Y/N whispered, squeezing his hand back. “I’ll be right here when you come back.” With a satisfied nod, he turned around and left for his fear simulation. He may have been one of the most infuriating people Y/N had ever met, but she was glad he was her friend and had her back. After all, she would’ve been dead had he not trusted his gut and come to find her.
Taglist: @milestellersimp
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
The Unsteady Retirement of One Mr Peter Benjamin Parker
by aestorian After the world forgot him, Peter kept fighting. He was Spider-Man after all. But as the villains get worse and the heroes dwindle, Peter finally grows tired. Hasn't he done his time? He's never once shirked the responsibility forced upon him. Never once has he put himself first. Eventually, the straw that breaks the camel's back. Peter finally hangs up the cape. Unfortunately the universe seems to disagree. When Peter wakes up in Gotham he knows he should probably find a was home. But what's the point? Normal people don't find their way home across the multiverse, and Peter is normal now. He refuses to be anything else. So why do unfamiliar heroes keep ending up on his doorstep? And can he really turn them away? -- In which Peter Parker just wants to retire but instead he because a mentor for young dcu heroes and his home becomes a vigilante halfway house Words: 4302, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Batfam fics Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, Multi Characters: Peter Parker, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Damian Wayne, Jonathan Kent, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Prince, Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cissie King-Jones, Anita Fite, Greta Hayes, Slobo (DCU), Bernard Dowd, Koriand'r (DCU), Komand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, Donna Troy, Wally West, Victor Stone, Raven, Garfield Logan, Billy Batson, Mary Batson | Mary Bromfield, Freddy Freeman (DCU), Athanasia al Ghul Relationships: Peter Parker & Everyone, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Superfamily (DCU), Wonderfamily (DCU), Shazamily (DCU), Arrowfamily, Flashfamily (DCU), Canon-Typical Violence, Feral Batfamily (DCU), Feral Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Clark Kent Tries to Be a Good Parent, Oliver Queen Tries to Be a Good Parent, Barry Allen Tries to Be a Good Grandparent, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Duke Thomas is Signal, Helena Bertinelli is Huntress, Harper Row is Bluebird, Damian Wayne is Robin, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Protective Peter Parker, BAMF Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Not Beta Read, We die like most the robins, Mentor Peter Parker via https://ift.tt/g2iBdIQ
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endless-oc-creations · 6 months
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Mimi's Mobile Marvel Oc Masterlist
Updated: 1/02/24
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Name: Alexei ‘Junior’ Shostakov
Title: Burned Bridges
Faceclaim: Karl Urban
Love interest: TBD {To Be Determined}
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added.
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Name: Alpheus
Title:  In the Stars
Faceclaim:  Jason Momoa
Love interest: Kingo
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Amora Harley
Title: A White Witch & A Spider
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Morrison
Love interest: Natasha Romanoff
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Since Amora was born her mother warned her about others using her powers for their own gain, too bad it was her own father being one of them. Her mother suddenly disappeared and Amora was forced to grow up in a lab run by her father to experiment and use her powers until one day a secret agent broke into the lab, destroying their lab and offering Amora a place in S.H.I.E.L.D alongside her. Amora agreed and joined S.H.I.E.L.D, using her powers to help save people and protect the one who saved her, Natasha Romanoff.
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Name: Alice Brye
Title: Living Dead Girl
Faceclaim:  Kate Beckinsale
Love interest: Eric Brooks
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Bentley Brock
Title: ATLAS
Faceclaim:  Dylan O'Brien
Love interest: Peter Parker {Andrew Spider-Verse}
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: When Bentley was a little boy, his mother was the light of his life, like any little boy would be towards their loving mother, but he never knew his dad. His mom said that was because they broke up before she found out she was pregnant with him. Bentley always wondered about him, what he was like, was he nice? etc. His mom always told him all the good things about him, stories about him and his motorcycle, his humor, his kindness, every wonderful thing about the man, and Bentley's mother told him about it. But at the age of five Bentley's life came crashing down. One day he found his mom in her bed dead, she had died from a sudden heart attack in her sleep. Bentley was taken by a social worker who then brought him to the only person he had left, his dad, Eddie Brock. He didn't know what to do or feel at first, and his dad didn't seem to know either, but Bentley ended up getting extremely close to his dad and loved him dearly. When he was 15 another sudden event changed his life or well someone caused it, Carlton Drake. His dad was fired, his girlfriend Ann, a mother figure to him, left him after being fired from her job because of it and they had to move. Ann offered Bentley to stay with her but he declined, he wouldn't leave his dad. Yes, his dad was irresponsible and didn't go about things the right way, but he was confident enough to know that his dad had a reason to, Carlton Drake was a real bad guy. So he would try to gather enough evidence or research in secret to try and help his dad out because he wanted to see him smile again and live his life. But his research seemed to make him more confused and concerned about what was going on, aliens from outer space? Human experiments? And before he could even get further research his dad seemed to have one of the aliens...inside him? Its name was Venom and it would change both father and son's life forever.
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Name: Alexandra Rhodes
Title: All the Stars
Faceclaim:  Jasmin Savoy Brown
Love interest: To be Determined
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added.
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Name: Celine Jayden
Title: Fun Sized
Faceclaim:  Kristen Bell
Love interest: Scott Lang
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Frankie Rose Parker
Title: My Little Spider
Faceclaim: Winona Ryder
Love interest: May Parker
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Helen Ivy
Title: Ready,Aim, Love
Faceclaim: Camren Bicondova
Love interest: Kate Bishop
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Isabella Hayes
Title: Ignited Series
Faceclaim:  Arden Cho
Love interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Isabella was a total farm girl who grew up in a small town with her family. She was happy with her parents, little sister even her fiancé until one day a gang rolled into town and started destroying it when they wouldn't reply and during the chaos, Isabella was knocked out. When she came to she was greeted by the sight of her beloved town in ruins and flames...bodies littered around it. So she rushed off towards her family's farm praying that they were okay but it was not what she hoped. Her mother, father, sister, and even her beloved were slaughtered like everyone else in her town. Lost in grief and despair she never noticed a stranger who appeared behind her...offering her a chance to get revenge for all of her loved ones, at a price of course. So without anything to lose Isabella said yes without thinking of the consequences and becoming a Ghost Rider...
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Name: Robyn Hammer
Series Title: The Merc and The Knight
Faceclaim:  Blake Lively
Love interest: Wade Wilson and Vanessa Carlysle
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Robyn had a pretty normal life, working alongside her brother Weasel at Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children as a bartender. A place where mercenaries accept and cash in on private jobs, this life was normal for her at least. One day she meets a certain mercenary named Wade Wilson who changed her life completely. At first, their relationship had been BFWB, Best Friends With Benefits, but then Wade met Vanessa. Eventually, Robyn had become a part of their relationship as well and she was happy, then Wade was diagnosed with cancer, turning their lives upside down. Robyn did her best to support both of her lovers, but one day Wade disappeared without a trace. After Robyn found out about the sketchy character that talked to Wade the night before and knowing Wade would be doing something stupid out of desperation, Robyn was determined to find him by doing anything necessary. Ultimately becoming the anti-hero Black Knight.
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Name: Kevin Quill
Title: Cosmic Twins Series {1st part posted}
Faceclaim:  Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Love interest: Adam Warlock(Possibly) 
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: When Kevin was just a baby he was taken from his home in an orphanage on the planet Terra. He was taken by a group of aliens going to sell him on the black market on the planet Knowhere, but he was spotted by a teenage Peter Quill who saved him just in time. He was taken in by Peter, who already gave him a name, Kevin Maverick, which in turn Yondu said if Quill didn’t want them to get rid of him it was his responsibility. So Kevin became a part of Yondu’s Ravagers and Quill’s younger brother. It was a crazy life growing up for Kevin, who doesn’t even know that his name was based on the actor Kevin Bacon from the movie Footloose or the Tom Cruise film Top Gun, it was even harder trying to make sure his older brother didn’t die doing stupid shit, but he loved being by his brother's side and the family he had grew in size when the Guardians of The Galaxy formed.
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Name: Kvasir
Title: Timeless Series
Faceclaim: Kit Harington
Love interest: Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Kvasir learned at an early age that he was to be brought up as a warrior, the protector of the sons of King Odin. So, his father sent him away to be trained and live in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. He was a quiet boy that kept to himself and focused on his training despite missing his mother, who had unfortunately passed away a year before he was sent away. He would train under the rough commanders, which were way rougher than they should have been with him, but there was one person who was patient with him and helped him learn things smoother and that was Heimdall. When Kvasir had any free time he would be reading, keeping to himself. However, one day there was someone that had gotten Kvasir to open up more, and that someone was the one who he was sworn to protect Loki. He taught him fun, to play games, and even showed him his magic. So, the two became incredibly close, making Kvasir loyal to Loki and Loki alone. So, Kvasir grew up being by his side through anything...and it was true because when Loki took Odin's thrown after Thor's banishment, become his left-handed man. Even after that, Kvasir would still follow Loki to whatever depths of mischief he wrought against anyone.
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Name: Laura Lewis
Title: Ascending Thunder
Faceclaim:  Zooey Deschanel
Love interest: Thor Odinson
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Jude Stark
Title: My Father’s Legacy Series
Faceclaim:  Logan Lerman
Love interest: To Be Determined{TBD}
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: In 2002 Tony Stark received a call from the hospital about a newborn baby boy being abandoned by his mother and she had put his name down as the father. Tony knew the woman as one of his drunken flings but wanted to make absolutely sure he was the father so he took a DNA test. The test came back to confirm that Tony Stark was indeed the father of the baby boy, throwing him into the unexpected world of a single dad. Tony ends up naming the baby boy Jude Edwin Stark. Growing up, Jude is a shy, but sweet caring boy who cares a lot for his dad, despite the fact that his dad is busy working. He also grew up with little spotlight as possible since his dad didn’t want all that pressure put on him like he did growing up and wanted him to at least have a little bit of a normal life. This ended when Jude was only 6 years old because of his dad being held hostage in Afghanistan and coming back a different person, becoming a superhero known as Iron Man.
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Name: Victor Strange
Title: Something in the Way Series
Faceclaim:  Mark Mckenna
Love interest: Peter Parker
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Victor had a weird twist in life, his mother left him and his dad when he was only three years old and never looked back. His father was a highly talented neurosurgeon that could barely give him the time of day, Victor also had weird vivid dreams about things happening that hadn’t happened yet. He wanted to go to his dad for help but Victor didn’t really know how to express his feelings towards his dad without being brushed away. But then his dad’s accident happen...it threw Victor’s life further into a loop, seeing the man that had always stood so strong was now feeling so worthless and lost. The only one that really helped Victor during this time was his dad’s ex Christine Palmer, who had been like a mother to him since he was younger. But then his dad pushed her away for good, leaving Victor alone with a dad he could barely even talk to without being yelled at to go away then one day he woke up and his dad was gone. He left just like his mom did, but gave him away to Christine. Victor refused to be abandoned again so made it his mission to track down his father's movements and eventually found him in Nepal. Where apparently his dad was learning to become a Master of the Mystic Arts to heal himself...oh and found out his dreams were an ability to see into the future...which should be great for him since he’s seen his father's death more than once.
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Name: Vivian Iris
Title: I’ll be your Hero
Faceclaim:  Alicia Vikander
Love interest: Marc Spector/Steven Grant & Layla El-Faouly
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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ethn11winter24 · 5 months
The Power of Native American Protest Music
By Ithzy Lopez-Casiano
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Native Americans have been the targets of genocide and hatred since the foundation of the United States of America. Music has always been an outlet for expression in every culture. What better way to combine the two and create music with a purpose- a purpose to speak up, fight back, and inspire. Protest music started gaining popularity around the late 1960s and 1970s. Some recognizable artists who made career-changing hits with their protest music are Bob Dylan, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and John Lennon. However, this post is not about any of these artists or their causes. Instead, this space is dedicated to focusing on the remarkable works of Indigenous musicians only and the impacts they continue to have on Indigenous issues. 
A Little Bit of History... 
The United States was founded upon corruption and the genocide of Indigenous peoples; therefore, there is systemic wrongdoing by the American government today. Protest songs emerge as a response to the need to protest. Since the rise in popularity of protest music in the mid-1960s, numerous reasons fueled this need for dissent. Indigenous history since the colonization has, unfortunately, been full of rage and tears, from events like Wounded Knee to the Red Power Movement to current environmental activism. Indigenous artists have found ways to express their anger towards American government and injustice. Here are some key events that inspired artists to speak up: 
"The Rock" occupation-- The occupation of Alcatraz Island on November 4th, 1969, sparked the Red Power Movement, although it wasn't simply the sole cause of the entire movement. The 18-month occupation of "the Rock" was led by Bay Area Native American students and community members. The purpose  was to draw attention to the promises the Johnson administration had neglected to fulfill. "The Proclamation of the Indians of All Tribes", proposed treaty stating,"We will purchase said Alcatraz Island for twenty-four dollars ($24) in glass beads and red cloth, a precedent sent by the white man's purchase of a similar island about 300 years ago." (The Alcatraz Proclamation: Annotated). The government ended the occupation by cutting electricity and basic resources to the island, forcing everyone to leave. 
Environmental Justice Efforts-- Indigenous peoples are constant battles for the protection and preservation of their ancestral burial grounds and land resources. In 1990, Congress passed the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Native Americans across the country advocate for the restoration of land and water resources, like the Kumeyaay tribe and Tohono O'odham tribe protesting against the boarder wall's impact on wildlife habitats, or the Standing Rock Sioux tribe protesting against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Indigenous Musicians and Their Work 
Let's delve into the heart of the matter. Who are Native American artists that make protest music and what does it sound like? I have created a Spotify playlist with some of the artists I've discovered and you can listen to it HERE. 
As mentioned earlier, Native American issues have persisted for a long time, so the music varies in dates depending on the most relevant issues of the era. Here are some of the top impactful musicians that I have compiled:  
In 1962 Peter LeFarge wrote "The Ballad of Ira Hayes," he was one of the first musicians that wrote music about Indigenous issues. This song recounts the story of Ira Hayes who was a Native American and Pima Marine who served in World War II. He was one of the six men in the iconic photograph who stood the American flag up in Iwo Jima. Despite being recognized as a war hero, Hayes faced discrimination and injustice upon returning home.
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In 1969 the Native American rock and funk band Redbone was founded. Redbone became popular for their performances and music that heavily reflected their culture and traditions. Known for their top hit "Come And Get Your Love," they also produced their powerful protest song "We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee" bringing awareness to the tragic 1890 massacre which killed about 300 people of the Lakota tribe.  
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Jimi Hendrix, of Cherokee and African descent, continues to be one of the most influential and iconic musicians of all time. He was well known for being antiwar and preforming live extended guitar riffs of his songs as political statements. His most notable antiwar songs include "Machine Gun" and his cover of "Star Spangled Banner" preformed at Woodstock in 1970. 
Buffy Sainte-Marie is widely recognized for her protest music in the 1960s within the folk rock genre. She has been a dedicated activist for Indigenous rights and cultural preservation. Her activism extended to issues like Native American education and the treatment of Indigenous peoples. Some of her most impactful songs are "Universal Soldier" and "Now That The Buffalo's Gone." 
Aztlan Underground, founded  in 1989, gained traction with their 1995 album Decolonize, addressing social justice issues for Native Americans and indigenous Mexican-Americans. I personally love this album a lot because their sound is classic 90s hip hop and rock. 
In more recent times, Raye Zaragoza has been releasing music centered around Native American issues. Her popular song "In The River" (2016) raises awareness of the Dakota Access Pipeline issue and its dangerous effects on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation's water supply. 
The Importance of Protest Music 
Buffy Sainte-Marie wrote an article titled "The Power of Protest Songs"(2013). She explains the importance of protest music and why it can be more significant and effective than any other written protest work. 
"My 1963 song “Universal Soldier” impacted thousands of soldiers, students and families during the Vietnam war. It made a difference to the lives of people who are still thanking me 50 years later. On the other hand, along with “Now That the Buffalo’s Gone” and other Native American issue songs, it got me blacklisted by two political administrations and effectively silenced my voice in the United States, just when Native peoples most needed to be heard" (Sainte-Marie par 3).  
What Sainte-Marie experienced reflects a pattern of history where artists who engage in activism, especially on controversial or challenging topics, may face backlash from authorities or institutions. Sainte-Marie's experience highlights the complex relationship between art, activism, and political repercussions. Despite the challenges, her enduring impact on those who were influenced by her music demonstrates the lasting power of art to inspire and provoke thought.  
Sainte-Marie's philosophy on protest music is that it must contribute to a movement to help verbalize the raw emotions of the cause. Protest music is supposed to inspire others to act and fight!  
According to Sainte-Marie, the ingredients to a good protest song are as follows: "brief, well-focused and catchy for the short attention spans of ordinary people" (Sainte-Marie, par 7). She describes protest songs as good journalism because they describe the moment in time they are written in, why emotions are so strong, and why the issue is important enough to be listened to.  
Protest Music Is... 
Native American protest music is a vital form of artistic and cultural expression that plays a significant role in advocacy, Indigenous empowerment, and strengthening social justice efforts. Yes, Native peoples have deep rooted traumas associated with the colonization of their land, but their musical resistance is a clear demonstration of healing and empowerment. I strongly encourage you to go and discover young artists singing about issues happening today, many of them are quite catchy! 
Works Cited:
"AIM song." YouTube, uploaded by Aligtr8, https://youtu.be/RbORbJBEhBg. Accessed 10 January 2024. 
CBC Music. "A Brief Evolution of Indigenous Protest Music." CBC, 19 March 2019, https://www.cbc.ca/music/read/a-brief-evolution-of-indigenous-protest-music-1.5062369. Accessed 10 January 2024. 
CBC Music. "Singing in the Face of Colonial Danger: Music’s Place in Indigenous Resistance." CBC, 5 July 2023, https://www.cbc.ca/music/singing-in-the-face-of-colonial-danger-music-s-place-in-indigenous-resistance-1.6504559. Accessed 13 January 2024. 
"Disaster at Wounded Knee." Library of Congress Classroom Mater. Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/immigration/native-american/disaster-at-wounded-knee/. Accessed 13 January 2024. 
Howard University School of Law Library. "Indigenous Self-Determination." Civil Rights and the Law, Howard University, https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/indigenous/selfdetermination. Accessed 13 January 2024. 
Sainte-Marie, Buffy. Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. "The Power of Protest Songs." American Indian Magazine, https://www.americanindianmagazine.org/story/power-protest-songs. Accessed 10 January 2024. 
The New Inquiry. "The Alcatraz Proclamation: Annotated." The New Inquiry, https://thenewinquiry.com/the-alcatraz-proclamation-annotated/. Accessed 17 January 2024.
3 notes · View notes
heliads · 1 year
Can I ask how many fics do you have lined up? And what are they? I'm not sure if I should request cause I don't want to overwhelm you.
great question! i currently have 45 fics in the queue and they are as follows:
rooster x reader (enemies to lovers)
genya safin x male!reader (reader is a squaller, is tortured by the darkling instead of genya during siege and storm)
platonic benoit blanc x reader (part two of existing fic, benoit discovers fatherhood)
tom!peter parker x reader (reader forgets peter, one sided enemies to lovers)
thomas x reader (reader is happy in the maze but not in the scorch)
tom!peter x male!reader (reader undoes strange's spell on his memories)
theo raeken x hale!reader (hales are overprotective)
four x reader (reader is struggling in dauntless, four helps)
kaz brekker x reader (based on the song 'later never comes')
minho x reader (there is a pond in the deadheads, reader + minho swim + confess)
luke castellan x reader (reader is percy's older sibling and only claimed bc of percy, doesn't like that)
tewkesbury x reader (reader is a matchstick girl)
3am chapter 1: didn't see the news (nikolai modern au continued)
kaz brekker x reader (soulmates au)
3am chapter 2: all over now (nikolai modern au continued)
newt x reader (reader is dating newt, the other gladers question him about it)
3am chapter 3: my hand was the one you reached for (nikolai modern au)
nikolai lantsov x reader (nikolai and reader fall in love with each other but fell in love when they were both pirates tailored to look differently)
3am chapter 4: if you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right (nikolai modern au)
tewkesbury x reader (childhood best friends to lovers)
3am chapter 5: the system's breaking down (nikolai modern au)
tom!peter parker x reader (peter thinks he and reader are dating, reader is oblivious and doesn't realize it)
3am chapter 6: i miss who i used to be (nikolai modern au)
nikolai lantsov x reader (marriage of convenience)
3am chapter 7: the slowest way is never loving them enough (nikolai modern au)
bones x reader (star trek royalty/bodyguard au)
andrew!peter parker x reader (reader is a telepath and knows peter is crushing on them but peter won't say anything)
prince caspian x reader (rivals to lovers)
tom!peter parker x reader (reader makes the active choice to not forget him)
peter hayes x reader (i hate everyone but you trope)
tom!peter parker x male!reader (dating headcanons, reader has powers)
kai parker x male!reader (power couple)
andrew!peter x male!reader (combined requests reader is smart but busy and their time commitment issues cause them to break up + peter has an outburst bc reader keeps cancelling dates for work)
four x reader (reader is afraid of needles)
scott mccall x male!reader (scott has a savior complex and reader confronts him about it)
tom!peter parker x male!reader (reader puts himself into danger to protect peter)
stiles stilinski x male!reader (stiles puts himself into danger even though he can't heal, which annoys reader)
pierre gasly x reader (reader is very focused on driving and pierre is pierre, he is dared to get reader to fall in love with him, trouble ensues)
andrew!peter parker x male!reader (reader can manipulate reality, peter has doubts about what is real)
lydia martin x reader (reader is smart, enemies/rivals to lovers)
jason grace x reader (reader is a daughter of hecate, they're all on the argo 2)
tony stark x reader (dating tony headcanons)
kaz brekker x reader (reader was childhood friends w nikolai but was kidnapped and saved by the crows, fell in love with kaz)
finnick odair x reader (dating finnick headcanons)
tony stark x reader (soulmate au)
14 notes · View notes
jcmarchi · 3 months
📝 Guest Post: Evaluating LLM Applications*
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/guest-post-evaluating-llm-applications/
📝 Guest Post: Evaluating LLM Applications*
To successfully build an AI application, evaluating the performance of large language models (LLMs) is crucial. Given the inherent novelty and complexities surrounding LLMs, this poses a unique challenge for most companies.
Peter Hayes, who holds a PhD in Machine Learning from University College London, is one of the world’s leading experts on this topic. As CTO of Humanloop, Peter has assisted companies such as Duolingo, Gusto, and Vanta in solving LLM evaluation challenges for AI applications with millions of daily users.
Today, Peter shares his insights on LLM evaluations. In this 5-minute read, you will learn how to apply traditional software evaluation techniques to AI, understand the different types of evaluations and when to use them, and see what the lifecycle of evaluating LLM applications looks like at the frontier of Generative AI.
This post is a shortened version of Peter’s original blog, titled ‘Evaluating LLM Applications‘.
Take lessons from traditional software
A large proportion of teams now building great products with LLMs aren’t experienced ML practitioners. Conveniently many of the goals and best practices from software development are broadly still relevant when thinking about LLM evals.
Automation and continuous integration is still the goal
Competent teams will traditionally set up robust test suites that are run automatically against every system change before deploying to production. This is a key aspect of continuous integration (CI) and is done to protect against regressions and ensure the system is working as the engineers expect. Test suites are generally made up of 3 canonical types of tests: unit, integration and end-to-end.
Typical makeup of a test suite in software development CI. Unit tests tend to be the hardest to emulate for LLMs.
Unit – very numerous, target a specific atom of code and are fast to run.
Integration – less numerous, cover multiple chunks of code, are slower to run than unit tests and may require mocking external services.
End-to-end – emulate the experience of an end UI user or API caller; they are slow to run and oftentimes need to interact with a live version of the system.
The most effective mix of test types for a given system often sparks debate. Yet, the role of automated testing as part of the deployment lifecycle, alongside the various trade-offs between complexity and speed, remain valuable considerations when working with LLMs.
Types of evaluation can vary significantly
When evaluating one or more components of an LLM block, different types of evaluations are appropriate depending on your goals, the complexity of the task and available resources. Having good coverage over the components that are likely to have an impact over the overall quality of the system is important.
These different types can be roughly characterized by the return type and the source of, as well as the criteria for, the judgment required.
Judgment return types are best kept simple
The most common judgment return types are familiar from traditional data science and machine learning frameworks. From simple to more complex:
Binary – involves a yes/no, true/false, or pass/fail judgment based on some criteria.
Categorical – involves more than two categories; for exampling adding an abstain or maybe option to a binary judgment.
Ranking – the relative quality of output from different samples or variations of the model are being ranked from best to worst based on some criteria. Preference based judgments are often used in evaluating the quality of a ranking.
Numerical – involves a score, a percentage, or any other kind of numeric rating.
Text – a simple comment or a more detailed critique. Often used when a more nuanced or detailed evaluation of the model’s output is required.
Multi-task – combines multiple types of judgment simultaneously. For example, a model’s output could be evaluated using both a binary rating and a free-form text explanation.
Simple individual judgments can be easily aggregated across a dataset of multiple examples using well known metrics. For example, for classification problems, precision, recall and F1 are typical choices. For rankings, there are metrics like NDCG, Elo ratings and Kendall’s Tau. For numerical judgments there are variations of the Bleu score.
I find that in practice binary and categorical types generally cover the majority of use cases. They have the added benefit of being the most straight forward to source reliably. The more complex the judgment type, the more potential for ambiguity there is and the harder it becomes to make inferences.
Model sourced judgments are increasingly promising
Sourcing judgments is an area where there are new and evolving patterns around foundation models like LLMs. At Humanloop, we’ve standardised around the following canonical sources:
Heuristic/Code – using simple deterministic rules based judgments against attributes like cost, token usage, latency, regex rules on the output, etc. These are generally fast and cheap to run at scale.
Model (or ‘AI’) – using other foundation models to provide judgments on the output of the component. This allows for more qualitative and nuanced judgments for a fraction of the cost of human judgments.
Human – getting gold standard judgments from either end users of your application, or internal domain experts. This can be the most expensive and slowest option, but also the most reliable.
Typical makeup of different sources of evaluation judgments. AI evaluators are a good sweet spot for scaling up your evaluation process, while still providing Human-level performance.
Model judgments in particular are increasingly promising and an active research area. The paper Judging LLM-as-a-Judge demonstrates that an appropriately prompted GPT-4 model achieves over 80% agreement with human judgments when rating LLM model responses to questions on a scale of 1-10; that’s equivalent to the levels of agreement between humans.
I believe teams should consider shifting more of their human judgment efforts up a level to focus on helping improve model evaluators. This will ultimately lead to a more scalable, repeatable and cost-effective evaluation process. As well as one where the human expertise can be more targeted on the most important high-value scenarios.
Different stages of evaluation are necessary
Different stages of the app development lifecycle will have different evaluation needs. I’ve found this lifecycle to naturally still consist of some sort of planning and scoping exercise, followed by cycles of development, deployment and monitoring.
These cycles are then repeated during the lifetime of the LLM app in order to intervene and improve performance. The stronger the teams, the more agile and continuous this process tends to be.
Development here will include both the typical app development; orchestrating your LLM blocks in code, setting up your UIs, etc, as well more LLM specific interventions and experimentation; including prompt engineering, context tweaking, tool integration updates and fine-tuning – to name a few. Both the choices and quality of interventions to optimize your LLM performance are much improved if the right evaluation stages are in place. It facilitates a more data-driven, systematic approach.
From my experience there are 3 complementary stages of evaluation that are the give the highest ROI in supporting rapid iteration cycles of the LLM block-related interventions:
Interactive – it’s useful to have an interactive playground-like editor environment that allows rapid experimentation with components of the model and provides immediate evaluator feedback. This usually works best on a relatively small number of scenarios. This allows teams (both technical and non-technical) to quickly explore the design space of the LLM app and get an informal sense of what works well.
Batch offline – benchmarking or regression testing the most promising variations over a larger curated set of scenarios to provide a more systematic evaluation. Ideally a range of different evaluators for different components of the app can contribute to this stage, some comparing against gold standard expected results for the task. This can fit naturally into existing CI processes.
Monitoring online – post-deployment, real user interactions can be evaluated continuously to monitor the performance of the model. This process can drive alerts, gather additional scenarios for offline evaluations and inform when to make further interventions. Staging deployments through internal environments, or beta testing with selected cohorts of users first, are usually super valuable.
Recommended stages for a robust evaluation process. Interactive, offline and online.
It’s usually necessary to co-evolve to some degree the evaluation framework alongside the app development as more data becomes available and requirements are clarified. The ability to easily version control and share across stages and teams both the evaluators and the configuration of your app can significantly improve the efficiency of this process.
At Humanloop, we’ve developed a platform for enterprises to evaluate LLM applications at each step of the product development journey. 
To read the full blog on Evaluating LLM Applications, or learn more about how help enterprises reliably put LLMs in production, you can visit our website.
*This post was written by Peter Hayes, CTO of Humanloop. We thank Humanloop for their insights and ongoing support of TheSequence.
0 notes
musemash · 2 years
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BLOOD-RED TSUNAMI MUTATES INTO SLIMY PINK SWILL – by the Lone Antifa & the Canuck Crank – revised & expanded Jan 23, 2023
The much-vaunted and feared GQP RED WAVE has quickly petered out – or more accurately, DONALDED out. The MAGAVERSE is rightly assigning much of the blame for this massive logistical failure to mob boss wannabe DON VETO TRUMPLEONE – for sponsoring so many downright bonkers extremist candidates. And adding to the Grand Q'Anon Party's misery, the DEMOCRATS have had the effrontery to increase their control of the Senate. MFF celebrates by offering two playlists about the MIDTERMS – encompassing the turmoil leading up to the vote, the election's surprising aftermath, and all the tiresome chaos triggered by a MAGAGOP-dominated Congress.
Democrat supporters have been gleefully relishing the GQP's abject humiliation – after enduring many weeks of anxiety, as boastful right-wing pundits repeatedly subjected voters to ARROGANT HYPE, touting PHANTOM VICTORIES that never materialized. Now the Dems can also bask in the spectacle of Republicans turning on GQP mastermind MOSCOW MITCH. Poor ol' Treason Turtle has been flipped onto his back, allowing the media world to watch his greasy little flippers wiggling helplessly – as he ponders where it all went wrong.
However, the closeness of so many of the midterm races underlines the fact that far too many American voters have apparently learned very little from the past six years of GQP-INDUCED CHAOS. They have evidently either ignored, rationalized, or enabled the many instances of barefaced CORRUPTION, DECEPTION, and TREASON – as well as the most heinous act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM in their nation's history. Now that the MANCHURIAN CANTALOUPE has officially declared himself a 2024 candidate, the willful ignorance of his most rabid followers could do far more damage to American democracy.
The ORANGE IMPOTUS is doing his presidential campaign for two very obvious reasons. He thinks it will protect him from PROSECUTION for his many crimes; and it also gives him a new way to run the same old LONG CON game: GRIFTING donations from his most GULLIBLE DEPLORABLES. He has been screwing them for so long that they are now happy to buy their own VASELINE. If America does not finally bring him to justice, the country will become a LAUGHINGSTOCK in the eyes of the world. But we are convinced that wiser heads will prevail, and THE DON will finally be held accountable.
While many are questioning the Attorney General's delay, they are overlooking the fact that he was a key player in the prosecution of the UNABOMBER, and the perpetrators of the OKLAHOMA CITY and ATLANTA OLYMPICS slaughters. The legendary DARK GARLAND is clearly not overly fond of DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. We suspect that he has been waiting until the end of the midterm races, to avoid being accused of partisanship. Now that the Georgia runoff election is over, Special Counsel JACK SMITH should have a free hand. We would be beyond delighted to see DOUBLE AGENT ORANGE indicted just in time for Christmas.
Meanwhile, since the MAGAPUBLICANS have regained control of Congress, they will surely pursue a sinister and vindictive agenda. They are still the seditious and fascistic PARTY OF TRUMPERY, dedicated to spreading the festering poison of their DELUSIONS. So to remind y'all of precisely what the decent folks of the DIVIDED STATES will still be up against, we invite you to check out our previous posts about Yankee politics and related matters. You'll find links to some of them in the final section; many of them have been recently updated. Finally: May God bless and protect the ONE TRUE AMERICA embodied by the ideals of LINCOLN, ROOSEVELT, EISENHOWER, and OBAMA.
LIBTARD PROPAGANDA Land Of The Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV1QNw_MkfM Speaker Pelosi's Best Moments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwijqmhJxIA Bullet The Orange Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rKG-Cc9_B8 No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSZ0KzA9e1s Pigs (Three Orange Ones) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWLBtMz5OuY Saint Paula's Victory Dance https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=277631183608496 Lock Him Up Yesterday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdSZRkeQfnk Jordan Klepper Fingers The Pulse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBoR1slByQY Fuck You Very Much, SCOTUS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpc40dmPlVM Herschel Walker The Science Talker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGoEYmA2UQo Little Marco Does The MaraLardo Shuffle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYmnunO6HSo Dr Oz: The Wizard Of Lies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihRX-hXQjgo Republican Idiocracy https://www.facebook.com/Maher/videos/1114214726152859 The Red Mirage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCEjz3UGAoI Democracy Closing: Everything Must Go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCKkknVSm_A GQP House Of Horrors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hiymcEDS5g The Elite Trump Virus Dumpster Fire   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9i1j-1En9s Large Marge The Crazy Laser Lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M55pW-hhQBE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Georgia Pastor Blasts Herschel Walker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b67-2ausPVw The Donald's DumbVinci Code   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Bst9eeu4o MAGA Threatens Us All https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuaZD2RiAfM Pelosi Attacker Could Be 2024 Nominee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtCoKvPhbDI Finchem: QAnon Fanboy & Oath Keeper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Jx54KX3wA They Stole My Powerball! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kq7IwqWPJ4 The Herschel Walker Threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3QAP-U56Ho Time For A Change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBRWeTVkyWE Why Is Fox News So Angry About Puppies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVVwOnN_ZTk American Taliban: Messianic MAGA Zealots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPbx1nCHLjo MyPillow Guy Monitoring The Midterms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23TYqgndy4U Biden: We Can't Take Democracy For Granted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chylyyKPfhE Election Deniers May Run The 2024 Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEA5MRp-Xow Walker: My Resume Beats Obama's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba6Mtfy0IwM Taylor Swift Parody: 'Get Out The Vote' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YprPuC8KQ6c GQP Has Cornered The Fake Badge Market https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my6TUowJ8rI ----------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Moore Predicts Dem Midterm Victory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxObhF0-NR4 What Does Kari Lack? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5zxzkh4LGk Wait, What? Some Of Herschel's Craziest Quotes https://deadspin.com/wait-what-10-of-some-of-the-craziest-quotes-from-her-1849631288 Bill Maher: Democracy's Deathbed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKVBvooZ2c8 Michael Moore: This Is No Time To Despair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYfbzbAx9DE Obama Stuns In Massive Arizona Rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rihfp6Y-_M Bernie Buries GQP In Brutal Smackdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnIxNzkTZPA Mastriano 'Wasn't Just An Observer' On Jan 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMWzEueIQ2g Sounding The Alarm About Dr. Oz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u7P9ZZ4hpA Pollsters Have No Fucking Idea What Will Happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgxuiXptHMs GQP's Plan To Install One-Party Rule https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbFvOHei_P0 Country Over Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPbKwHpEvgg Colbert Live: Stranger Midterms   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHYyxRX1aMc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUZ_0OM_ozo Trump Livid About Election Results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLTDuQFtLgI MAGA Implodes As Red Wave Fizzles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eofsB0xsNWI ----------------------------------------------------------------- GQP Points Finger At Former Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noSMWMgIyCs Bill Maher: The Answer to America’s Problems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCQ0IT2nwlA Oz Lost Because Fetterman Won https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B814bunGboc George Conway On Attacking Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4UfoVqy3-4 Fox Turns On Trump Amid GQP Meltdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejB3Tq-4E3o Mad Mikey's MAGA Raccoon Goes Bananas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jtYWa33f-E NY Post Mocks ‘Trumpty Dumpty’ On Cover https://news.yahoo.com/york-post-mocks-trumpty-dumpty-031852592.html Faux Snooze Calls Scooby Douche A Loser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70z6FQ5Cn80 Trump Got So Mad He Started Doing Math https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zFc_j_YZOp4 New York Post Just Brutally Trolled Trump https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/politics/new-york-post-trump-2024-announcement/index.html How Fetterman Broke Trump’s Red Wave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E55Whp3lkQ Waiting For God To Intervene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fThIMpQsSPs Religious Nutjobs Erupt After GQP Gets Crushed https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1061839091150323 Someone’s The Champion Of The Midterms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klx6Yed6rnI Trump Always Blames Everyone But Himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOW9c8A9lM ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fox & Friends Moves On From Donald https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/fox-friends-cold-open/NBCE388101672 Trump Unhinged As Red Sharknado Dies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iORSKhaW0ys The Don Gives Away Tiffany & The Senate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDwdD35RcLE Bannon: 'Kari Lake Is The Future' https://www.comicsands.com/bush-miller-bannon-election-denial-2658670964.html The Slow Death Of A Red Wave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csi0WdYUzys All The Democrats Do Is Win The Senate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IP_TArmqgI Trump's Father Of The Bride Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhl4swNijnQ GQP Knives Are Out For Moscow Mitch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6OcwLJWzbU Pompous & Circumstance From MaraLardo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TA2m7t0aHk Why CaliguDuh Wants To Run Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jaq7nsiU72U Trump 2024 Kicks Off From Active Crime Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryq6JqLl5Dg Dear GOP Chickenshits & Crazies: 'Stop It!' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3_c0cSTf5w Trump Ignites GQP Civil War & Fox Cuts Away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9GkkSs41k Florida Man Back By Unpopular Demand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-71k2QJg-0o Making America Great & Glorious Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YSoIJ84YPQ It's Deja Boo All Over Again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMH8K_Kj6oE Queens Man Runs For President – Again https://queenseagle.com/all/2022/11/16/queens-man-runs-for-president-again ----------------------------------------------------------------- Trump’s Bizarre 2024 Launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoHBqzXbOY4 NY Post Can’t Memory Hole Its Trump Support https://news.yahoo.com/sorry-york-post-t-memory-211412415.html Ivanka Trump Is Gone Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3adKrV9zLI House GOP's Greene Goblin Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUoOrL0G4pA MAGA Nuts Fight Election Fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glhhMnyJhw4 GOP Takes The House Without A Viking Helmet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVZf1GCzTl8 Religious Wrong Turns On Saint Donald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5v8LNbyZ3Y It'll Be A Rough Ride In GOP's Fool House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULefxDXcotQ How Faux Snooze Hyped The Red Wave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEg2eXO4-kg This Werewolf Votes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YfJMHDTwIs Revenge Of The Normies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD_RB-aWgaM Kari Lake Supporters Flame Out https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1167768860841432 Herschel's Erection Gaffe Keeps On Giving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5UGBGALRKg Votedemic 2022: Running Off In Georgia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab1RpvWmU30 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Walker Domain Coopted For ‘Truthful’ Website https://god.dailydot.com/herschel-walker-website-troll/ Lake Is Dealt A Devastating Blow https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1170531820337261 Jake Byrd Crashes A Walker Rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeKQxP8j-H4 Herschel Walker Is An American Tragedy https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/12/herschel-walker-georgia-black-americans/672373/ Herschel Fathered As Many Voters As Possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M50zyYn4Cnw Planned Parenthood's Customer Of The Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84P2VhIa_8A Walker Being Honest & Transparent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVOtgyVja2g GOP Turn On Trump – And Each Other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9YoWYekS0Y I Love You, Herschel – You're Fired! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYvJUZR2H7Y Unlike Trump, Herschel Accepted A Reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWnylrt8b0k Walking Vasectomy Ad Loses His Erection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL-QtphyteY Georgia: Final Nail In Trump’s Political Coffin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rij0KXXRxaU MTG Exposed After Pathetic Lies https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=691127875942530 Obstructionist Sinema Plays Treacherous Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PGSIXiswkc ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ass Onion: A Kev's Out Mystery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWoMk7D_lxQ GOP Take The House Without A Break-In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSeNpPZ5gF8 GOP Explodes into Absolute Chaos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfdf02hGTB8 Insurrection Apologists Unable To Certify A Vote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WuX_52ETEM Groundhog Day: Congress Held Hostage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ_DuHqyZs8 GOP Backstabbing Is Pretty Fun To Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-DhLetLxyM Slow-Clappin' The Bejesus Out Of McCarthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNeIUfsmEro Mamma Mia! Here He Lose Again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ28KcV05Ns Bad Lip Reading: McCarthy Vs Gaetz https://www.themarysue.com/bad-lip-reading-spoofs-kevin-mccarthy-matt-gaetz-fight/ Chaos & A Near-Brawl In Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N294x4NEZw The Real House Guys Of DC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W28w3Hv3xfI Drama Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10yRna4wF7w The Insect Trump: Redux https://vimeo.com/726699668 Rise Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWZi2LC50bc
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Good For Him! https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2022/12/07/herschel-walker-proved-hes-no-kari-lake-and-good-for-him/69708816007/ Fox News Hosts 'Pissed Off' Over GOP Flops https://www.aol.com/entertainment/watch-sean-hannity-laura-ingraham-124336812.html Sinema Goes Independent, Shaking Up Senate https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/09/sinema-arizona-senate-independent-00073216 Lake Court Loss Cheered By Arizona Republican https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kari-lake-court-loss-cheered-by-top-maricopa-republican-win-for-arizona/ar-AA15GpXm GOP Disarray On Display Over Speaker Vote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXqlQuqMbJU 'Total Collapse Of The Republican Party' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HajeJJAz0bA GOP  'Clown Show' Implodes In Humiliation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUwhvxNU6D8 Not Bad For USA, But Damaging For GOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00DWTheI2OY GOP Is More Ungovernable Than Ever Before https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/01/the-gop-is-more-ungovernable-than-ever-before.html Hannity Spars With Boebert Over McCarthy https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=874836980480547 Did Jan 6 Doom McCarthy's Speaker Hopes? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64182829 Hakeem Jeffries Ushers In The Next Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1It5Z7dfMY GOP's Toxic Agenda Of Vengeance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx6yWEU5wPM Colbert Family Meeting With Michelle Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjqujHMIStk Tribute To Good Queen Nancy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm1uIk30QL0
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n1ghtlux · 3 years
“You don’t have to be gentle with me. I don’t break easily.”
Pairing: Divergent - Peter Hayes x Reader
In which you’re a Dauntless born, ready to kick some ass.
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This day was very different for both the dauntless born and the transfers.
Today you would get to take a good look at the initiatives for the first time and not only that; you were allowed to fight. You wondered if they had gotten enough time to learn the required skills since they grew up so different from you and the others.
Uriah threw an apple at you, breaking you from your train of thought. You were barely able to catch it with your left hand and threw a playful glare his way. He held his hands up in mock surrender while Lynn rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. It was no rare occurrence that the dark skinned and fairly tall boy and you spent every second of the day annoying each other. You two definitely had a strong bond, having grown up together; so did you and most the other Dauntless born. You looked out for each other despite the rankings. It was one big family that you wouldn’t trade for anything.
Eric appeared in the cafeteria, looking quite annoyed already so you nudged the others and made your way over to him but not before Uriah yelled an exaggerated “ouch!” at your action.
“Oh come on now, you’re acting like a damn transfer.” Uriah gasped, at your snarky remark.
“I consider that transfer-racism, I want you to know that.”
A wholehearted laugh escaped your lips while you were walking towards Eric, which got the attention of your fellow Dauntless leader, who’s eyes seemed a bit more piercing now.
Marlene who had been walking right behind you and Uriah, whispered in your ear: “You just signed your death warrant.”
Uriah slung his arm over your shoulder, his voice breaking as he tried to talk in an higher octave, “Don’t worry darlin’ I’ll protect you.” You shoved him away from you in response.
This training session would affect your ranking so you took it seriously, even if Uriah reassured you that you were “just” fighting against untrained kids.
As the transfers piled into the training room, you studied them closely – one by one. Most of them seemed quite anxious in the way they carried themselves, their shoulders hanging low and trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
Just a few had confidence in their step and only one held eye contact with you. You took the opportunity to study his features, his dark brown, slightly curly hair and broad shoulders. From what you could tell from the distance you stood at, he had dark eyes and was definitely a head taller than you. You couldn’t deny that he looked pretty handsome, if it wasn’t for that smug smile on his face he wore as his eyes roamed over your body.
A scoff left your lips, not willing to let him win the staring contest, your eyes fierce and staring right back at him. You subconsciously crossed your arms over your chest, trying to keep your face stern, yet void of any other emotion which could be perceived as weakness.
“I think we have our first fighters, what do you say Four.”
Eric’s voice got you to look away from the transfer. It wasn’t a question towards Four, so he only nodded towards you.
“Y/N and Peter, will you give us the honor.”
Eric now stood beside you, his hand on your shoulder, “don’t embarrass me.”
His voice was quiet and his breath fanning your ear sent a shiver down your spine.
“You both know the rules, what’re you waiting for?”
You looked back at Uriah who held his thumbs up at you with a smirk plastered on his face. Yet when you looked back at who you learned to be Peter, he was already lunging towards you, his arms wide open trying to wrap them around your waist and tear you to the ground.
You weren’t fast enough and your back and head connected with the ground hard, knocking the air out of your lungs. You winced getting angry at his cowardice behavior and angry at yourself for starting to feel lightheaded.
“Don’t worry doll, I’ll be easy on you.”, he almost spat in your face saying this, both of your breathing falling into rhythm and chests touching with every heave.
Now you really wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. He wanted to have a dirty fight, he could have one.
Peter was about to put his hands around your throat but you reacted fast, wrapping your leg around both of his and turning you both over with the momentum. Now he was the one laying underneath you, his hands being pinned above his head by one of yours and your body pressing down onto his. It took you more force than imagined, he was big and strong but you had the technique.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me. I don’t break easily.”
Now it was your turn to feel cocky. With your free right hand, you threw a punch into his jugular causing him to turn his head to the side and cough hard. Another blow to his stomach with your elbow.
He was struggling beneath you yet went in for a headbutt since it was the only part of his body he could still move. You retailed for a second, you could feel the warm liquid drip down your nose. Peter’s head fell back to the ground, it probably hurt him just as much as it did you but the adrenaline in the two of you prevented you from feeling it… at least for a while. You could faintly hear some gasps, probably from the transfers who weren’t used to a sight like this yet. It was then you decided to end the fight with one last jab to his head, knocking him out successfully.
You fell down next to him, turning your head to look at the now peacefully sleeping boy who looked much more likable like this. A curl of his hair had fallen onto his face and you almost wanted to reach over and bring it back into its once perfect position. You refrained yourself from doing so.
Uriah stood above you and grinned down at you before you pulled yourself up by his outreached hand and took the tissue he gave you thankfully with a nod.
“You could’ve knocked him out way sooner, why didn’t you? You almost looked like you were enjoying toying with the poor guy.”
You chuckled at that, not quite sure why you did go easy on him, your fights usually were brutal, even Eric knew that. Maybe that’s why he had picked you, expecting to teach the cocky guy a lesson.
“What if I did?" you shrugged nonchalantly and walked back toward Lynn and Marlene who were shaking their heads.
“god Y/N, you’re cruel!”
[english isn't my first language]
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*Worlds Apart - Eric X OC* part 3
He could specifically remember NOT signing up for this particular tour. In fact he remembered threatening bodily harm to quite a few dauntless leaders who had mentioned touring Amity as part of the job.
“And this is where we provide most of the grains and sugar proteins you all use so frequently at dauntless” The broad shouldered woman who ran Amity supplied with a smile that looked like it may rip open her face. “We take such pride in being able to provide you all of the goods you use to protect us! I mean we even have a facility that produces gun powder, it’s phenomenal. Although I will admit that it has put us as the focal point of these terrible factionless attacks. Speaking of that, here is our hospital, it’s been getting more of a workout then it ever has theses past few weeks.”
Eric grit his teeth as he glanced over at Four trying not to laugh.
“Does this woman ever stop to breathe? She’s like a fucking helium balloon.” He growled. This time Four did laugh before putting his finger to his lips and rolling his eyes.
“Our hospital is one of our pride and joys. We even take care of our animals here! All of our nurses and doctors are certified in both.” Johanna beamed proudly.
“That doesn’t sound very sanitary.” Peter piped up from the back of the group, a look of disgust on his face.
“Seperate wings of course Mr. Hayes. You’ve had plenty of experiences of just how sanitary our hospital is just this week alone I’ve heard.” She quipped back sharply, a look of dissaproval on her sharp features as she eyed his bandaged leg and shoulder pointedly.
Eric snorted, okay maybe the amity leader wasn’t that bad.
“And here we have one of our most successful and respected nurses. This is nurse Violet! She’s a favorite in these parts.”
Erics stomach leapt to his throat, he hadn’t seen Violet in three days. Dinner had gone incredibly smoothly and she was an amazing cook but it had been filled with indiscernible tension between the two after their moment in the bedroom. He wouldn’t deny that he wanted her, she was gorgeous and soft and she smelt like sugar and her smile was like nothing he’d ever seen before.
Which was exactly why he couldn’t have her. He was an asshole, cruel and dark and while he had done a lot of terrible things in his life, destroying her wasn’t one he wanted to participate in.
She turned her attention to the group and he nearly groaned at her crimson painted lips and blonde hair swept up alluringly. She was criminal, truly. Four snorted from beside him, his all knowing smile earning him an elbow to the rib.
“Hi guys! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting most of you throughout the district but I’ll Thankyou again for all your work. I know it must be hard being away from home for so long, anything you need to make your stay a little easier you know where to find me.” She lifted her hand to wave, which held a stethoscope and an empty syringe. Her eyes locked on Eric’s and he couldn’t help but enjoy the way her cheeks flushed and her eyes darted away, And she grabbed her things rushing away with a mumble of an apology.
“It is unfortunate that you have to be away from home during the Easter holiday but we do have a wonderful celebration here and cannot wait to include you all in the festivities.” Johanna clapped her hands, eyes lit up in excitement.
Every single dauntless guard wore the same cringed, uncomfortable expression at the thought of an Easter celebration. Except for Four of course.
With the tour finally over Eric could feel his brain practically numbing at the thought of having to experience another three hour seminar by Johanna. He wandered through the fenced fields and ran his hand over one of the many horses mane, this particular one nuzzled into his palm and snorted affectionately.
“He likes you.”
The voice threw him for a moment before peering over his shoulder at the pretty blonde in her light pink scrubs.
“He’s huge.” Eric mumbled awkwardly, continuing to pet the horse and ignoring the tightness in his chest as she got closer.
“I know, no one ever realizes how large and intimidating they are until you’re up close and personal.” She stroked its thigh and their fingers grazed gently.
“He’s not scary.” Eric chuckled.
“We’ll I’m sure you’re used to scary.” She offered “to us here in Amity we don’t have to deal with the things you do. Anything unpredictable can be scary.”
“Not to you.” He turned to face her fully now “you don’t seem to be afraid.” He raised a pierced brow.
She sighed “unfortunately I know what real danger is, the Factionless don’t scare me. They’re just desperate, homeless, hungry, scared. It’s people who have a place that are the scary ones.”
Something in her eyes told him that she knew that from personal experience.
“The factionless will kill you without a second thought. You should fear them.” Eric warned.
“They say dauntless will too.” She shot back.
“It’s different.” Eric argued. He wouldn’t hurt her, there was no way he would, she had to know that.
“Everything is different Eric..” she sighed “I’ll see you at the Easter festival tommorow, be safe.” Her eyes were too sad for him to speak, he knew that look.
“Violet…” he started at her retreating back but she never turned around.
God he wasn’t going to able to stay away from her was he?
And what the hell was an Easter festival?
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
The entire preface written by Peter Bogdanovich of Jerry's autobiography in Italian edition. ******** I first met Jerry Lewis on my first trip to Los Angeles in 1961. He was at the height of his career: Paramount’s Golden Boy. At that moment, he was acting and directing The Idol of Women. I was doing a piece for Esquire about Hollywood and, after watching Jerry at work for about an hour, I wrote a funny piece about him, never talking to him, but simply describing what he had done mostly as a director and the jokes he had pulled out in front of the crew. He certainly knew how to make people fall to the ground with laughter. Esquire's editor-in-chief (the legendary Harold Hayes) was so impressed with that one piece about Lewis that he asked me to write an actual profile of it. So I went back to California and spent three weeks with Jerry. The magazine later published what is still the longest profile in Esquire's history (beginning in the 1930s) and titled it: “Mr. Lewis is a Pussy Cat ". Jerry liked it. In fact, Jerry loved that piece more than anything else had ever been written about him and made copies after copies of the article he sent out to everyone. We became friends and remained friends for the next fifty-five years, until his death in 2017. His generosity was legendary and he saved many lives by offering them protection, food or friendship from time to time. When I showed him my first film, Targets (1968), he lavished three hours of praise and scrutiny of how it was done. Jerry was often like that, very kind and encouraging, and inspiring. He had a company at Paramount, Jerry Lewis Productions; he has produced, directed and starred in numerous films, all of which are successful. One day I asked him if I could see some of the older Paramount movies, which were not accessible at the time. He told me that I could show any available movie I wanted and charge his production company for it. I have been there for several days and mostly had old nitrate films shown, which had to be handled very carefully because they are extremely flammable - they can even explode - but I have reviewed 82 fantastic films by classic directors such as Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges and Josef von Sternberg. "Eighty-two movies!" Jerry finally exclaimed. “You had eighty-two films shown, Peter! Now stop". I thanked him profusely. We have been good friends: as just said, he has always been very kind and generous to me. Once I was really broke and I needed rent money, so I asked him for fifteen thousand dollars and he sent me twenty five thousand! He said, "I was sorry you had to borrow some money, and only fifteen thousand, so I sent you twenty five thousand." In the 1980s, I was trying to put together a film with Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Stewart, Charles Aznavour, Dean Martin and Jerry. They were to play a group of degenerate Las Vegas gamblers. Dean and Jerry weren't supposed to talk to each other throughout the movie. Which often happened when they were still a couple. Frank Tashlin, who has directed two films of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, told me that in their latest film together, Hollywood or Death! (1956), they never exchanged a single word except on set. So in the new movie we were about to make, they would only talk to each other through other people, like: "Tell them that ..." Well, in the first reel they lose the casino they win back in the last. At that point Dean and Jerry look at each other and, again without exchanging a word, they allow themselves a small friendly smile. Charles Aznavour would sit at the piano and sing, "... Yesterday, when I was young ..." and no one in the room could hold back a tear. Unfortunately, I've never been able to get Jerry in a movie, but every time someone talks about "true friendship," I think of Jerry Lewis. Peter Bogdanovich Los Angeles, 1° settembre 2021 @make-a-little-mischief @lilybetts @jerrylevitch
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
They can’t stop each other from being hurt by the past so they do what they can now. They protect each other, their love fierce and soft in equal measure.
Words: 2.5k 
Warnings: Canon typical violence 
Thanks to @aubreyprc for reading this for me to ensure it made sense because I wrote 98% of it in a sleep deprived state. You’re the best, bestie <3 
Read over on ao3 or below the cut.
Let me know what you think!
Emily was sure she had never been so grateful for a case to be over. Eight days in a small town, with almost as many dead young boys. Lost at the hands of a man who was taking out his anger at losing his own son out on innocent local families.
She had watched as the man she loved struggled with it, the similarity between the dead children and his own son not lost on anyone in the team. She knew she’d hovered, stayed maybe a little too close, but she missed Jack too. She kept thinking about the homework she had been helping him with before they were called away, how it was probably still spread out on their dining room table.
She couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to never finish it, to walk back into a home that only had memories of the boy she loved as her own. They finished the case a little too late to fly home that evening. Aaron’s disappointment was sharp, his frustration coming out in barbed shouts at the team and the local cops as they packed away, broke down the room they had called home for more than a week. Some work needed finishing in the morning, the finilalsing of interviews that Aaron had said they would help with before they headed back to DC.
Dave had given her a silent look, asked her to work her magic. Emily led Aaron down a small, quiet, hallway and she gently assured him they’d see Jack the following day, that they’d pick him up from school and take him to see the movie he’d been raving about for weeks. It drew a smile out of him, and she had squeezed his hand, quipping that he owed everyone a drink.
It’s how they found themselves in a local dive bar, all crowded around a table. Aaron had his arm around her, slung over her shoulders, and she had hers around his waist. Any discomfort of public displays of affection in front of the team had melted away years ago. She could feel some eyes on them, cops they had worked with over the last week casting curious gazes in their direction, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The case was over, they were heading home in the morning. They could allow themselves to act like a normal couple.
Emily looks up at him and smiles when he looks back at her. She reaches up to press a quick kiss to his lips, her hand coming to rest on his cheek.
“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a sec.” She kisses him again, and flips Derek off as she walks away when she hears him making a fake gagging noise.
As she enters the hallway she sees two of the officers from the case. Officer Peters, a difficult man who had looked at them all with contempt since they arrived, and his partner Officer Hayes. Peters was clearly a misogynist, his defiance towards her when they’d been partnered up on a couple of interviews over the last few weeks made that clear. She gets closer to them and stops, their conversation loud enough for her to hear.
“I looked him up, you know?” Officer Peters says, taking a sip of his drink, leaning in towards his partner like he was about to tell some grand secret, but not lowering his voice. “Do you remember The Boston Reaper?” He waits for a nod. “The suit killed him. With his bare hands.”
The mention of Foyet always made her blood run cold even all these years later. Haley’s last words echoing around her head as she remembers them finding Aaron with Foyet’s body, still beating him as if the man wasn’t long dead. She lived with a little boy who had very few memories of his mother now, who would still sometimes find his way into her and Aaron’s bed. Nightmares fused with half remembered moments of the worst day of his life. The things he had overheard, but could not understand, twisting into something that was somehow worse than reality.
“Wouldn’t think he had it in him.” Officer Hayes says in disbelief.
“There's got to be something interesting about him to bag Agent Prentiss. You know she's a wild one just by looking at her.” Officer Peters takes another swig of his drink. “He’s a stern bastard, didn’t crack a smile the whole time they were here.”
She knows it’s true, she makes fun of Aaron for it herself often enough. Good natured jibes to make him relax a little, to remind him that they were all there too. Hearing someone else say it, someone who didn’t know them, set her on edge. She knew how Aaron wore his stoicism like an armour, something to protect himself from the things they saw, from the responsibilities he carried. She was there when it all fell away, when he became her Aaron, not Hotch, and it made her protective of him. Something fierce building in her chest.
She clears her throat before she can stop herself, and the officers both turn to look at her.
“Excuse me, gentlemen.” She says, an eyebrow raised. “I’ve got to get past you.” She nods down the hallway towards the bathrooms, indicating the amount of room they were taking up.
Officer Hayes has the decency to look caught out, and he steps back almost immediately. Officer Peters, however, stands in her way. Purposely blocking her with a defiant look on his face.
“The case is closed.” He says, and she can smell the alcohol on his breath. Emily wonders how long they had been here, if they had been drinking since the unsub was brought in several hours ago. “Your team can’t tell us what to do anymore.”
Emily rolls her eyes and walks past him, easily getting by, and he grabs her arm, yanks her back towards him. She tries to pull her arm free, but he holds on tighter, squeezing her skin in a way that hurts. She doesn’t let it show.
“Let go of me.”
“Terry-” Officer Hayes tries to warn his partner, cut off before he can get beyond the man's given name.
“What are you going to do?” He asks, getting closer to her, making rage as opposed to the fear she was sure he was after rising in her chest. “Tell your boyfriend.”
When she looks back on it in the weeks to come Emily isn’t sure what made her say something. What made her push past the voice in her head, that sounded suspiciously like her boyfriend, telling her to leave it. To walk away. She thinks it’s down to the brutality of the case, the way she knew it had impacted Aaron much more than he would let anyone other than her know. His facade cracking when their hotel room door closed at the end of a long day, too many hours worked behind them and too few hours of sleep ahead.
Emily had watched as he loosened his tie every night, the stoicism on his face giving way to sadness and something too close to guilt for her liking. She had held him tightly in her embrace, trying to transfer some of her strength to him, kisses and words of love pressed against his skin. A loan she gave freely but knew he would pay back, and then some, the next time it was her turn to fall apart behind closed doors.
“I don’t need to tell him anything.” She smiles at him, and it pisses Officer Peters off more. “I’m a federal agent, this is assault. I’d think long and hard before making me involve him. It won't end well for you.” She tears her arm free, holds back the wince when she can feel her skin bruise. She starts to walk away, forgoing the bathroom altogether to walk back to the team, to Aaron.
“Is that a threat, bitch?”
Emily doesn’t exactly know what happens next, Officer Hayes and Peters move at the same time. She’s sure the former is trying to stop his partner, but she ends up getting a blow to her left cheek either way. She cries out, her hand coming up to her face, pain spreading from the point of impact. She hears Derek yelling from across the bar and she sighs.
All hell was about to break loose. _______________
Emily finds herself grateful that Aaron is not there when everything happened, that he’d stepped out to call Jessica and speak to Jack before he went to bed for the night. When he walks back into the bar she can tell he immediately knows something has happened. She watches as he pauses in the doorway, the relative silence in the bar deafening in comparison to the noise he had left behind.
Aaron looks over and sees Derek and Dave talking to a couple of officers from the case, Officer Hayes included, and then he looks over at where she is sitting, JJ holding ice wrapped in a towel the barman had given them against her cheek.
He’s by her side in seconds, JJ handing over the makeshift ice pack silently, linking arms with Spencer to lead him away to give them some privacy
“What happened to your face?” He cups her jaw gently, his thumb ghosting over the swelling already appearing under her skin, bruising blooming on her cheek.
“It’s ok.” She says, her self deprecating laugh turning into a wince as he presses the wrapped ice to her cheek. “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy. Derek did a number on him.”
“Em.” Aaron says, grabbing her hand with his spare one, gently squeezing it. “Please.”
She sighs and closes her eyes. “Ok.” She swallows and looks at him again, attempting a smile to reassure him. “But you’ve got to understand it is not your fault.”
His face falls, eyebrows furrowing enough that the crease she loves to soothe with her thumb appears on his forehead.
“A couple of the officers from the case were over by the bathroom, I heard them talking about you.” It riles her up again, frustration burning in her chest. “I let them know I was there. One of them was pretty drunk and he grabbed me. I got away and he managed to get a good punch in whilst his partner tried to stop him.”
“Where?” He grits out.
“Where did he grab you?” He asks, his voice dangerous. She sighs, rolls the sleeve up on her sweater to show where the finger shaped bruises were forming on her arm. She sees him clench his jaw, the hand not gently holding ice against her cheek forming a fist.
“I’ll kill him.”
Emily stops him from moving, wrapping her hand around his fist. “Aaron, just breathe. It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, Emily.” He seethes, anger vibrating off of him in a way she couldn’t remember seeing in years. “He hurt you.”
“Come on, love. I can take a punch just as well as the rest of you.” She says, smiling at him. “Probably better actually.”
“It’s not worth it. He’ll already be losing his badge for this. I’d rather you didn’t go to prison for killing him.” She reaches out and cups his cheek, tries to coax a smile out of him. “I don’t think I could keep up with the mortgage payments by myself and it would be a shame to move.” She presses her forehead to his. “I love the bay window too much.”
Aaron does laugh at that. It’s cracked, catching in his chest, but it’s something and it relieves the tension. “I always knew that’s why you agreed to move in with me. The house.”
“You’ll do too, I suppose.” She kisses him, and becomes serious when she pulls away. “Let’s just get out of here, ok? I’d like to go climb into that tiny excuse for a bath in our hotel room with you.”
She doesn’t have to ask twice, their goodbyes to the team short as they leave the bar. When they get outside Officer Peters is there, his superior officer having arrived once the incident had called through.
Emily has to physically pull Aaron in the opposite direction, she feels the tension in him build again as they take a couple steps away.
“She threatened me first, you know.” Officer Peters yells after them, his anger at Emily still clear. “This is what happens when you let women do this kind of work.”
Aaron rarely used his strength against her, unless she asked him to, but he was out of her grasp before she even knew what was happening.
“Aaron.” She calls after him, catching up with him and grabbing his arm again, her fingers digging into his bicep. “It’s not worth it.”
“She is better at her job than you could ever hope to be.” Aaron spits out, anger flowing from him. “When I’m done with you they won’t even let you direct traffic.” He turns to the detective in charge of the case. “We won’t be back in the morning as discussed, we will be leaving first thing. My team will liaise with you on anything you need.”
He walks away, pulling her with him, before there is any chance of a response. _______________
She wants to distract him, his fingers grazing gently over the bruising on her arm as they sit in the bath together. She was on his lap, crushed up against him so they could both fit. Emily could feel how delicately he was treating her. Even though she couldn’t see his face she knew he was frowning, on a downward spiral, blaming himself for not protecting her.
She links her fingers through his, drags his arm around her so he’s no longer focused on her injuries. “That was pretty hot, you know.” She turns her head to press a kiss into his throat, her fingers dancing across his skin. “What was?” He asks, and she turns her whole body to look at him, settling herself back over his thighs. She bites her lip before she kisses him so he can’t focus too much on her bruised cheek.
“You wanting to go all caveman like that.” She says, moving her lips to his ear lobe, nipping at the delicate skin. “However unnecessary it was.”
His hands grip her hips, pulling her closer to him, and she knows she’s achieved what she had set out to.
“Oh really?” He asks as his hands trail up her back.
She kisses him, and all other thoughts are lost.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
The Unsteady Retirement of One Mr Peter Benjamin Parker
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/g2iBdIQ by aestorian After the world forgot him, Peter kept fighting. He was Spider-Man after all. But as the villains get worse and the heroes dwindle, Peter finally grows tired. Hasn't he done his time? He's never once shirked the responsibility forced upon him. Never once has he put himself first. Eventually, the straw that breaks the camel's back. Peter finally hangs up the cape. Unfortunately the universe seems to disagree. When Peter wakes up in Gotham he knows he should probably find a was home. But what's the point? Normal people don't find their way home across the multiverse, and Peter is normal now. He refuses to be anything else. So why do unfamiliar heroes keep ending up on his doorstep? And can he really turn them away? -- In which Peter Parker just wants to retire but instead he because a mentor for young dcu heroes and his home becomes a vigilante halfway house Words: 4302, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Batfam fics Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, Multi Characters: Peter Parker, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Damian Wayne, Jonathan Kent, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Prince, Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cissie King-Jones, Anita Fite, Greta Hayes, Slobo (DCU), Bernard Dowd, Koriand'r (DCU), Komand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, Donna Troy, Wally West, Victor Stone, Raven, Garfield Logan, Billy Batson, Mary Batson | Mary Bromfield, Freddy Freeman (DCU), Athanasia al Ghul Relationships: Peter Parker & Everyone, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Superfamily (DCU), Wonderfamily (DCU), Shazamily (DCU), Arrowfamily, Flashfamily (DCU), Canon-Typical Violence, Feral Batfamily (DCU), Feral Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Clark Kent Tries to Be a Good Parent, Oliver Queen Tries to Be a Good Parent, Barry Allen Tries to Be a Good Grandparent, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Duke Thomas is Signal, Helena Bertinelli is Huntress, Harper Row is Bluebird, Damian Wayne is Robin, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Protective Peter Parker, BAMF Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Not Beta Read, We die like most the robins, Mentor Peter Parker read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/g2iBdIQ
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lunaschild2016 · 3 years
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Chapters: 65/?
Fandom: Divergent Series - Veronica Roth, Divergent (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eric (Divergent)/Original Character(s), Four/Tris Prior, Marlene/Uriah Pedrad, Zeke Pedrad/Shauna, Andrew Prior/Natalie Prior, Christina (Divergent)/Will (Divergent)/Original Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Eric (Divergent), Tris Prior, Four | Tobias Eaton, Original Male Character(s), Peter Hayes (Divergent), Will (Divergent), Lynn (Divergent), Uriah Pedrad, Marlene (Divergent), Amar (Divergent), Evelyn Johnson-Eaton, Natalie Prior, Andrew Prior, Zeke Pedrad, Shauna (Divergent), Marcus Eaton, Jeanine Matthews Summary:
He was ruthless, cunning, and completely committed to protecting his city; but her arrival to Dauntless called everything he ever thought he believed into question. She was haunted by a past she vowed to make amends for and resolved to sacrifice her very life it meant she could protect her family, faction and city. Duty and following orders were no longer enough and they both found more than they ever hoped for. They both found something worth fighting for. Eric/OC AU M (Language, Sexual Content, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Tragedy)
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mcsaiccfmusesa · 2 years
all of them❤️ for the Munday questions
@naivefell LMAO you asked for it
When did you start writing on Tumblr? around 2013 ><
Who was your first muse? Kenny from South Park
Who are your longest rp friends? @anomaliae @kissofthemuses and @scribedhorror
Favourite thing about roleplaying? Digging deeper on canon and expanding characterization to the point I know how my muse would react in any situation
Least favourite thing about roleplaying? The drama ><
OTP for your muse? LMAO I have so many... um going off my Euphoria muses; Fex.i and Kat/Ethan
NOTP for your muse? Not into NoTPS
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? I generally choose muses that I can relate to on one or two issues but not EVERYTHING... otherwise, I get overwhelmed by all the processing I'm doing for me and them at the same time. Like this is why I won't write Kat, Maddy, or Lexi ever--love them all but they have too many of the same issues as me. Whereas like Fez--he's protective of a little brother, very loyal, and feels very on his own (all of which I relate to) which gives me space to feel my relationship with my sister and build on it without overwhelming me with shared trauma. Allison Reynolds is probably the muse closest to who I am.
What are some differences between you and your muse/muses? I have more differences than similarities with most of my muses. I'm a lot more bold than Ethan or Fez and I'm a lot more motivated than Ethan as well. Usually I only relate to my muses on one or two major axis'
Would you be friends with your muse if they were real? I would love to be friends with Fez or Ethan or Jules lol... Most of my muses I think I'd like to be friends with at this point. Looking over my muse list... Peter Hayes is really the only one I think I would not be friends with
Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react? I don't have a problem with duplicates! As a multi, I really can't get in my head about it or I'd never have anyone to write with :) sometimes I think duplicates are scared of me but like you don't need to be ><
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Not at the moment no
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? Ashtray likes to read a lot of shit especially financial new online
Who is an author that inspires you? Stephen King and Janet Fitch
What do you look for in a rp partner? Someone who is patient and someone who will be flexible in the muses that they write with. My muse is all over the place and I can get fixated. Partners that will talk OOC about real life and/or muses without expecting me to be productive writing wise
Favourite trope? Bed Shariiinngggg
Least favourite trope? LOVE TRIANGLES!!! Keep that shit away from me
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? Not off the top of my head but I love AUs and crossover verses especially :)
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? I listen to music that stimulates my muse. I make playlists for most of my muses and it's usually some combo of music they like, music that makes me think of them, and Taylor Swift
How do you overcome writer’s block? I don't! I take a few days off and then when I'm feeling it again I come back. I've learned over time that stressing and worrying about not being able to write always makes it last a lot longer. I might also try to write different muses or on my OC blog for a bit and/or watch things with my muse or that remind me of my muse
Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards? lmao yes >< lil sad sensitive bastards--Harry, Fez, Roy, Theo, Remus, Five... also very often sassy characters LMAO
Short, medium, or long threads? Depends on what we're trying to achieve. I like short for getting to know a dynamic between muses. Long if we're playing out a big moment that requires a lot of emotional depth. But I'd say Medium is my preference--like 9-15 lines small print is the sweet spot.
Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this? No. I do not. It is childish and I don't have the time or energy for that shit. If you do feel jealous, that's ok and you're valid but also like take ownership of that feeling--it's your feeling not something you need to project or express to someone else other than trusted friends. We all get insecure (I do get that way but not in comparison to others), and I think the most responsible thing to do is just focus on yourself
What about your muse are you most proud of? Harry Potter, Fez, Ethan, Jean... those are the ones I think I've developed the most; I've made them my own
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You Arrested My Boyfriend?
Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills to help his dad on a case, but when Derek is wrongfully arrested, Stiles gets a little protective of his man.
Commission for @ditheringmind​
(You can read it on AO3, here)
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There was a quiet knock against the plane of glass that lined the wall of the Sheriff’s office.
“Sheriff?” Parrish said tentatively, leaning in through the doorway slightly.
“Yeah?” Sheriff Stilinski replied, not taking his eyes off the case board in front of him.
“The FBI consultant is here,” Parrish told him.
The Sheriff let out a measured sigh.
“If it’s Special Agent McCall—” Sheriff Stilinski’s voice was tense and bitter – almost mocking – as he said the name. “—tell him to shove off.”
“That’s not very nice,” a familiar voice said, scolding him gently.
John spun around, his eyes falling on the young man who stood in the doorway.
“Stiles,” he said, delighted. He rushed over to his son’s side, scooping the young man up in his arms and holding him close.
Stiles let out a quiet chuckle as he hugged his dad back.
“It’s so good to see you,” John said, slowly pulling back to look at his son. He gently patted his son’s shoulder, looking him up and down. “Look at you.”
He was a little taller than when John had last seen him, his broad shoulders and slender but fit figure accentuated by the fitted white dress shirt he wore. He had a gun holstered on one hip and his ID and badge on the other. He looked like a grown man, mature and confident. But some things never change; his chestnut-brown hair was still a tousled mess, his mole-speckled cheeks still dimpled when he smiled, and his dark eyes still held their glint of mischief.
“How have you been?” his dad asked.
“Good,” Stiles replied. His smile grew more tense and his voice hesitant as he added, “But you and I have a lot to catch up on.”
“We sure do,” John said, a fond smile turning up the corners of his mouth.
“Catch me up on what you have,” Stiles said, nodding towards the case board.
John walked his son through all of it: the victims, the crime scenes, the evidence they had, the leads they were chasing up, and those that had fallen through.
“Is there any chance this could be… supernatural related?” Stiles asked, keeping his voice low enough that only his dad could hear.
“I don’t know,” John said. “We can’t find any connection between the victims themselves or any connection between them and the few families I know of.”
“I’ll ask around,” Stiles offered. “Between the ‘wolves and the hunters, someone’s bound to know if they’re supernatural or not.”
John nodded, folding his arms across his chest as he leant back against the edge of his desk.
“We’re almost out of options,” he admitted.
“Whoever did this, they seem like an outsider,” Stiles pointed out. “There hasn’t been a crime like this in Beacon Hills in over twenty years – aside from Peter’s outburst and the Darach – which suggests that whoever did this isn’t from here.”
The Sheriff nodded.
“We should check with motels, hostels, and air BNBs to see if they had any new customers in the days leading up to the first incident,” Stiles suggested. “Have patrols check out abandoned houses and buildings, especially the industrial end of town. We’ll talk to real estate agents and get them to take us to any houses up for sale or not yet rented out in order to check for squatters. Check the camp grounds and the reserve as well in case our suspect is hiding out there.”
“That reminds me,” John said quietly. “I need to clear some boxes of old case files out of your room before you come over.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I—um… I’m staying with a friend,” Stiles said.
“Oh, okay,” John said.
“Wait, why do you have old case files at home?”
“Something about this…” John let out a heavy sigh, raking his fingers back through his thinning brown hair. “Never mind.”
“You always told me to follow my gut. Since when do you dismiss intuition?” Stiles asked, folding his arms over his chest as he turned to look at his dad. “Tell me what’s going on.”
John couldn’t help but smile. Stiles had always been able to read him like a book.
“There are things about this case that remind me of another case; one I worked when I was a deputy,” John told him.
“You think it might be a copy cat?”
“Worse,” John said. “There are similarities between the cases that are too close for this to be a copy cat—pieces of evidence that were present in the old cases that were never spoken of or brought to caught; facts that were never disclosed to the public.”
“So, we’re dealing with a returning serial killer or a protégé.”
“It seems that way.”
“Would I be able to look over those old files?” Stiles asked. “Maybe another pair of eyes could help.”
John nodded.
Stiles paused, noticing the solemn look in his father’s weary eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Stiles coaxed.
“That case was twenty-four years ago,” John said quietly. “The guy we arrested died last year.”
“So, either he trained someone,” Stiles started, his voice trailing off slightly as he realised what the alternative was.
“Or I arrested the wrong guy,” John confirmed.
  The house stood proud among the trees; the new siding painted a soft brown with dark window frames and wooden shutters. The porch that ran along the front of the house still needed some work—the fresh pine planks still had to be stained and sealed before winter set in.
It was like a glimpse of the past—the newly restored house looked so much like his childhood home.
Inside, the walls were covered in crisp white paint. A few of the support beams that framed the rooms had been replaced—the large beams weathered, scarred and stained in an effort to match the surviving beans that were burnt, black and distorted like the disfigured body of Atlas bowing beneath an unimaginable weight.
The house smelt of sweet dew and crisp pine trees, tainted by the smell of ash that never seemed to fade.
There were scattered signs of history and new life mingling among the ruins. There were pieces of furniture that had been restores or salvaged, wooden tables with charred legs and warped paint like scars. The walls of the hallways were lined with photos of the Hale family, pictures that Stiles and the pack had helped Derek track down—and new photos; photos of the pack.
Two large windows framed the front door, morning light streaming through them and illuminating the angelic swirl of the sparking particles of dust.
Derek heard the blanket of leaves crunch beneath the wheels of an approaching car, the quiet rumble of the engine dying away.
He opened the front door, stepping out onto the porch.
A young deputy – one that he didn’t seem to know – stepped out of the car, levelling his eyes on Derek.
“Good morning, officer,” Derek greeted. “Can I help you?”
“What’s your name?” the deputy asked.
“Derek Hale,” he answered.
The deputy looked at the house and back to Derek. “Do you live here?”
Derek nodded.
“How long?”
“Just moved back in a couple of days ago,” Derek answered honestly. “I’ve been trying to get the place ready for my partner.”
“Do you have some ID on you?” the deputy asked.
“Yeah,” Derek said.
He stepped down the small stairs and onto the damp blanket of autumn leaves, fishing his wallet out of his pocket and pulling out his driver’s licence. He handed it over to the young deputy.
The deputy’s eyes flitted down to the card. His face seemed to harden as he handed it back to Derek.
“Put your hands behind your back, sir,” the deputy said firmly.
Derek’s brow furrowed in confusion, but he did as he was told. He held his hands behind himself, turning his back to the deputy.
“Can I ask why?”
“I’m placing you under arrest for suspicion of involvement in the abduction and murder of three people.”
“What?” Derek gawked.
“You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say can - and will - be taken down and used against you in a court of law,” the deputy began, reading Derek his rights as he guided the man into the back of the police cruiser.
  Stiles sat cross-legged on the floor of his old bedroom, the old dusty boxes stacked around him. An unlidded box sat beside him, full of evidence bags and pale manila folders.
Stiles rifled through the old folders, flipping through sheets of paper work—witness statements, autopsy reports, photographs, evidence submissions, arrest reports, etc.
Another folder lay open beside him, filled with sheets of paper and photographs from the latest cases.
His dad was right; the similarities between the cases were too close to be a coincidence.
His phone buzzed as the screen lit up with a message.
He set the file he was reading aside and picked up his phone.
It was from Parrish.
‘Hayes has arrested someone. He thinks he might be connected to the case.’
The phone buzzed again as Parrish sent through a copy of the arrest report and a photo of the man who had been arrested.
Stiles opened the photo, feeling his heart drop as he looked at the familiar photo.
His body tenses as burning rage tore through his body.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
  Stiles shoved open the door to the Sheriff’s office, barging into the room.
“You arrested my boyfriend?” he shouted.
John blinked in surprise.
“Your what?” he stammered.
“Derek,” Stiles reiterated.
The Sheriff held up a finger, pausing the conversation. He stood up from his desk and crossed over to the door, leaning out into the bullpen and calling in a young deputy who Stiles hadn’t met before.
Stiles looked down at the man’s name badge. Hayes.
The Sheriff sat down behind his desk again.
“Hayes,” he started. “Please give us a debriefing of your arrest.”
“The man fit the profile,” Hayes said.
“In what way?” Stiles objected, feeling defensive.
“The profile said the suspect would be an outsider. His driver’s licence says he’s from New York. And he had another card in his wallet with a Virginian address. He was on his own, hiding out on private property in a house that has been abandoned for years.”
“He wasn’t ‘hiding out’; it’s his family’s property—his property,” Stiles said through his teeth, his jaw tense. “The house was destroyed ten years ago in a fire. He’s spent the last year rebuilding it.”
“The profile said it’s possible our suspect could be working with someone – a mentor – and learning from them,” the deputy continued, quoting the profile Stiles had put together back to him. “He said he was waiting for his partner.”
“Yeah, me,” Stiles said. “I’m his partner. He came down from Virginia a few days early to get the house ready for us to move into while I finished off my last days at Quantico before coming here.”
“He has a record,” the deputy added.
“Of false arrests,” Stiles countered.
The Sheriff held his hand over his mouth, trying to hide his amused smile as the two bickered back and forth.
“Okay,” he interrupted, silencing the two of them. “Derek Hale may be antisocial and he may look like a serial killer—no offence,” he quickly added, cutting his son off before Stiles could argue. “But I can say for certain that he is not a killer.”
Stiles let out sigh of relief, feeling the coil of rage unwind in his chest. The tension in his body began to ease, his shoulders dropping as he let out another measured breath.
“Deputy, you’re dismissed,” John said.
Deputy Hayes nodded and left. He paused in the doorway, turning back to Stiles.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
“It’s alright; you were just doing your job,” Stiles said, his voice calm and level. “I can’t help it that my boyfriend fits the profile.”
He offered Hayes a friendly smile as the Deputy walked out of the office.
It was only after Hayes was out of the room that Stiles realised what he had said. He felt his chest tighten again, his heart hammering against his ribs.
He swallowed against the lump in his throat as he turned to look at his dad.
The Sheriff met his gaze, his hazel eyes lit with curiosity. He arched a brow as he met his son’s gaze.
“You and Derek?” John started slowly. “How long has that been going on?”
“Nearly three years,” Stiles admitted.
“Three years,” John gawked.
“I was going to tell you,” Stiles said. “I just needed time to figure out how.”
A soft smile turned up the corners of the Sheriff’s mouth. He stepped around the side of his desk and over to Stiles’ side, pulling his son into his arms.
Stiles hugged him back, burying his face in the worn cotton of his dad’s shirt.
John pulled back slowly, craning his neck to look his son in the eye.
“You know I love you, no matter what,” he said softly.
Stiles dropped his gaze, unable to look his father in the eye.
“Stiles,” John said softly. “All I want is for you to be happy. And if Derek makes you happy, then that’s all that matters.”
“He does,” Stiles admitted, his voice quiet.
“You love him, don’t you?” the Sheriff asked.
Stiles nodded.
He swallowed hard, hesitantly looking up and meeting his father’s soft gaze.
A smile lit up the man’s weary face and Stiles couldn’t help but smile back.
“Now, let’s go get your boyfriend out of jail,” the Sheriff said, trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
Stiles let out a quiet chuckle, following his dad out of the office, across the bullpen and down the hallway that led to the holding cells.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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Peni ends her run on the MCOC Wishlist at rank #528. 
Her official Champion Spotlight is here.
Class: Tech
We always predicted this would be a Tech champ, based on the fact she’s the only one who can pilot this mech. We were right.
Overall Build
We theorized maybe she could combine some of the abilities from Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) and Hulkbuster’s kits. The spirit there would be some Shock, and a lot of durability and/or evasiveness.
The result here isn’t that.
There are similarities, certainly. Sparky has some limited power-control when you desperately need it, and Taunt lets you bait specials, which is similar to power control. Peni, meanwhile, has multiple Power control and gain abilities. Furthermore, Hulkbuster is incredibly durable, and the SP//dr armor’s Sync-Shield certainly gives her some manageable durability.
But the similarities end there. The main concept here seems to be that the robot is protecting the adolescent girl inside. So it absorbs and redirects as much of the damage as possible in order to protect her.
She Damages both Coming & Going
She has a ton of Incinerate damage on offense, and she also deals Power Burn damage when she’s blocking. 
Cool Dual-Immune
First, table stakes: she’s dual Poison- and Incinerate-Immune. This will be very useful in some corner cases.
Seem unusual in a tech champ? Remember, this isn’t Stark tech. The flavor says this immunity comes from the unique Oscorp tech in the SP//dr unit. 
Counterintuitive Durability Types?
Her Sync-Shield is another unique feature. It prevents Peni from taking any damage while it is intact, and only takes 20 seconds to refresh when it’s not. It also has the potential to Auto-Block, so it can save Peni from those times when you accidentally make her take a combo to the face. This is interesting since Auto-Block is an ability typically associated with Cosmic champs.
The weirdest, almost unfair thing? She’s immune to True Strike, True Accuracy, and True Sense Effects. This goes against the tendency to make classes weak to the typical abilities of their superior class: many of the True type abilities in the game are Cosmic. This would be like giving a Science champ debuffs that can’t be Shrugged.
And get this: the Sync-Shield comes on stronger at fight start if the opponent has boosted damage, proportional to the boost. So if her opponent has a 20% damage boost, her Sync-Shield gets a 20% durability boost.
Further, whenever the Sync-Shield is on and her opponent fills a bar of power, she gets Spider-Sense charges. The more of these Spider-Sense charges she has, the higher likelihood to spend them when she would be hit to instead Auto-Block, AND avoid any Stun she would have suffered, AND Resist any block-break, AND Power Burn the opponent. These abilities are not subject to ability accuracy, either.
Fight Controls!
Her S1 and S3 are Power controller attacks. The S1 allows her to gather more Spider-Sense charges, and the S3 allows her to strengthen her Sync-Shield up to a maximum of 200%. She also Power Burns with that Sync-Shield and Power Gains when she’s executing well-timed blocks.
Great Balls of Fire
The real fun happens when Peni has a lot of charges and launches her S2. All kinds of fire comes pouring out of this attack. Obviously against Colossus, Void, Peni herself, and other Incinerate-Immune champs, this will be useless. But for the majority of champs who aren’t Incinerate Immune, this will not only burn them in stacks, it will also make their block a punching bag for SP//dr, because her Incinerates remove Perfect Block and reduce Block Proficiency by 50%.
As if that weren’t enough, her Signature Ability applies Heal Block whenever the opponent fills a Power bar or regains more than 5% health. 
Whether Domination or Desperation
It appears the main way to play this champ is to cycle S1 until there are a lot of Spider-Sense charges, fire (literally) the S2 to begin burning down the opponent, then go whole hog slapping them whether they’re blocking or not. 
There are also several desperation plays to prevent the opponent firing an S3. Her S1 should do it, her S3 should do it, but on top of that, if she has a lot of Spider-Sense charges and her Sync-Shield up, she can just let them hit her and watch the Auto-Block Power Burn the opponent back down below 3 bars.
An Extra Gear
Pair her up with DDHK or Mysterio and she can Parry non-contact attacks when her Sync-Shield is up.
With (either) Howard or Mole Man she gets better against Size: XL opponents.
Pair her with Miles, Porker, or Spider-Gwen to start the fight with +4 Spider-Sense charges.
Future Champs Implications: Kid Punchin’
When asked why we probably can’t ever have Franklin Richards, besides the fact that his power is to be overpowered, Kabam creative director Gabe Frizzera said you can’t have Franklin in a fair fight with other champs because then, in his words, you’re just “punching a kid in the face.”
This pronouncement seemed to rule out future champs who are kids. 
Kids? Who would want to fight (as or against) kids?
It sounds odd till you realize people have no problem punching Miles Morales, who is basically a high school teenager, or Kamala Khan, who is debatably the same age. Peni Parker has the same feel. 
So who, besides Franklin, are some kids whose door of opportunity might have been opened a little by the arrival of Peni? 
The Runaways’ Bruiser (Molly Hayes) is just a kid, and Moon Girl (who is ranked on the MCOC Wishlist paired with Devil Dinosaur) is an adolescent as well. Peter and MJ’s alternate universe (Renew Your Vows arc) daughter Annie Parker, the Spiderling, is just a kid. Nova (Sam Alexander) is just a teenager, and it’s strongly implied that Dan Bi, the little girl half of Crescent & Io, is just that: a little girl. And it probably depends how you look at it, but Wolvie, the X-Babies Wolverine, could be considered a kid as well.
Those are just the ranked ones. Some Summoners would doubtless suggest the Power Pack members, the Eternals’ Sprite, and others that haven’t made the Wishlist yet.
Overall, this kit reads a bit like a defender. That mech is gonna do things to prevent you from hurting Peni. That said, whether she’ll be a good defender is in question. All it would take is some Armor Break or Unblockable and most of the tricky parts go away. She might be harder to fight using any Regeneration champ if she’s awakened, given her propensity to Heal Block and Incinerate Regeneration champs who ever dare to fill a single power bar.
But I predict there’s enough delightfully messy damage and sufficient avenues of fight-control that she’ll also be an enjoyable attacker. It doesn’t seem like it will require a lot of training and practice to properly time her kit on attack. With attributes reminiscent of Doom or Warlock, probably people will enjoy playing this champ.
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