#public transport woes
f0o7 · 4 months
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the-heaminator · 7 months
If you don't mind mention where you are from and whether your area has what you epild consider to be a good public transport system. Public transport as like, buses, trains, trams, tube/underground/subway.
Any grievances with the public transport in your area I would love to hear.
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Had a wild (and slightly funny) trans experience at the train station the other day.
I was walking from one platform to another platform through a long tunnel, listening to music, wearing a long pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. Overall, I look pretty masc, right? Not to some kids apparently!
These two eshay kids are behind me yelling “Oi Miss!” And it becomes apparent to me that there is no one else in the tunnel. They are talking to me. The younger one (maybe 12/13?) comes around one side, the older (15/16?) on the other. The older one points at the younger one and goes “Yo Miss! He’s got the hots for you!” (Genuinely what he said).
Aha! They have fallen into my unintentional trap! Time to use The Man Voice™
“You know I’m a guy, right?”
They begin to panic about potentially being attracted to a man.
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touch-starved-lurker · 3 months
Favourite public transportation?
my city’s public transport is kinda awful and i live in suburbia where there isn’t any, so… sidewalks? love me a nice smooth wide sidewalk with ramps up n down the curbs
oh and i was on a nearby city’s metro once, that was pretty nice!!
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nando161mando · 4 months
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People who use speaker phone on public transport should be peeled.
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apustaja345 · 13 days
Jake Thackray - Country Bus
Country bus, north country bus, Clumsy and cumbersome, rumbustious, Country bus, North Country bus, Though you're a slow coach you're OK for us. Though your cargo is confusion - Sheepmen and cowgirls and chickens galore up the back - No need to hurry: We couldn't care less what the time may be. And there's no call to worry - If you smell a bit, so do we. Villainous, malodorous
Country bus, north country bus, Rollicking, frolicking, uproarious, Country bus, North Country bus, You're rusty and you're dusty but you're OK for us. Though your seats are rather Spartan We've got the springs in our backsides to ride out your bounce. Though you may stumble After the dance on a Sat'day night, Backseat lovers don't grumble; They seem to manage alright. Amorous, scandalous.
Country bus, north country bus, Lusty and rustic and impetuous, Country bus, North Country bus, Bog-trotting bumpkin, you're OK for us. Though your progress is uncertain - 'Specially at night when the public house closes its doors - You tend to dodder, Staggering home from The Bull Hotel. We, we never bother, 'Cause we've got the staggers as well. Glorious, notorious.
Country bus, north country bus Grunting and chuntering, cantankerous, Country bus, North Country bus, But no other bus would be good enough for us. Through the wild, the cruel winter You get the coal in your eyes and the snow up your nose. But sooner or later You will turn up in the village square With daffodils in your gaiters And pussy-willow in your hair. Wait for us, Wait for us, Country bus.
From the Album "Lah-de-Dah" (P) Parlophone Records
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chilled-glass · 16 days
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Painting my world with shades of midnight.
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rickktish · 2 months
Maybe it's because I'm a product of my time and place, idk, but sometimes the anti-car posts I see come across my feed get to me in a silly and purely emotional way. Because as much as I love the idea of implementing better public transit, both for the sake of the environment and for the impact it would have on citizen's wallets, I actually know that I personally would almost never use it.
Both for practical reasons, since my work covers an extremely broad area and I frequently drive over a hundred miles each way to and from work in a day, but also because my car is a part of my support system. It's a marker of my independence and ability to care for and provide for myself in spite of the fact that I can't live on my own. It's a safe space that belongs to me and isn't limited by someone else's ownership or control over that space. I bought it with my money, and I pay all the insurance and gas and repair costs. When I'm exhausted and feel alone and trapped I can literally just get in and go anywhere, and I don't have to worry about having a panic attack because someone can see me or hear me breathing or be annoyed that I'm taking up space, because it's my space and only mine alone. Sometimes that means driving around the block to the local park, sometimes that means going two or three miles to a grocery store, and sometimes that means picking a road and just driving in a straight line until I feel less crazy again, but none of that would be possible without my car.
I used to walk 20k+ steps in a day, and when I could do that maybe I could go on a walk to clear my head instead, but for the last three years going more than 3k steps in a single day means I have to spend the next day in bed recovering.
And yes, driving-- especially driving stick, which I prefer massively over automatic-- has its own toll. Today I wasn't able to drive the four hours each way it takes to go visit my brother at school like I had hoped because I drove two hours each way to work yesterday.
But because I spent yesterday driving, I got to spend today getting things done that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise. Today I walked around the kitchen to make myself food. I worked on daily tasks like cleaning and organizing, hell, I ate more than one meal today because I could actually get out of bed to do so. I can't do that on a day after I've had to walk around a lot.
If I lived in one of the "walkable" communities that have been cropping up all over my area, I would need to get myself a wheelchair to achieve the same level of independence I currently have, and likely still have less of it because I would need to plan around a whole different kind of fatigue from buying groceries or spending time with friends than I currently deal with. Driving five minutes to the store and spending a thousand steps there leaves me with more steps for things like showering and making dinner than walking five minutes to the store would, and that's so important to me. It's necessary in order for me to have the quality of life that I do, even as limited as I am by my body. I may not be able to work full time, but at least I can spend three days of my week doing a job that I love and value because I don't have to plan around distance from bus stops or adding public transit time to my already-fucked sleep schedule.
I don't know. Mostly I think I get a little bit tired of the posts that spend so much time denouncing the evils of personal cars and declaring that we have to replace them with public transit because I honestly think that ideally, we ought to plan for both. Public transit works really well for people living close together who don't go very far, and that needs to be supported better than it is in most places at present. It's also really good for people who need to go relatively far away at predictable and plannable times. But we shouldn't dismiss cars wholesale as evil; we need to try to strike a balance, for the sake of those whose lives or jobs aren't predictable and plannable, and for those who don't or can't live in communities structured for "walkability."
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wtfwhy · 3 months
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thatsoursav · 4 months
It really bothers me that people don’t know proper public transportation manners. I literally got crowd pushed into the bus bc everyone wanted to get a seat onboard. Bitches need to calm down we’re all gonna be on the bus. There is no need to act like we’re in the damn Lord of the Flies
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doomduck · 2 years
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Good news i passed.
Nearly didn't make it after missing the train by 2 minutes. I get a message from my coach while on the train saying the tests have been moved forward 15 minutes because a skater pulled out. Fine I should get there on just in time.
Then i missed a tram. It was going to take 16 minutes for the next tram. So I walked 20 minutes to docklands.
Ended up being put in the last group with the free style kids.
I had one repeat on the back edges and honestly thought I failed. I'm guessing i didn't pass well. Its work for next time.
Dinner was a packet of doritos because I was not going to miss another train.
I passed. Now to make everything better.
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cryptidize · 10 days
I keep meaning to post about this cause the situation is crazy but it's only gotten crazier.
So, in Kentucky, there are LOTS of little counties. Actually, their the 4th State in the list of Most Counties. There's one county, Jefferson, that has around 770,000 people. This is over double the next largest county in the state. This is a big deal because schools are managed by the Board of Education of each county. Most counties have multiple schools based on population.
I promise this is important to the point-
Jefferson County has 120 public schools (and about 50 private/religious institutions). Now, there is a Board, with seven individuals elected every four years, so changes go through votes and meetings. However... Recently, people have been left behind in the system. You see, Jefferson has a 60% population of minorities enrolled in the schools there. Last year, the Superintendent (the leader of the Board) gave himself (thru a surprise vote) a 27% raise. This was a shock to most educators and principals, especially when the next month had a disaster.
The raise was in July. August hit and the new year was starting. Our system is bus heavy - Kentucky is large and parents are busy. Getting to school was fine, but something happened at the end of the day.
The transportation department of the whole school system had been failing for years because, simply put, bus drivers get paid shit. A CDL license can pay big money but school drivers have significant wage cuts compared to the rest. They couldn't get anyone to take up the job. And it wasn't a huge shortage at first. 553 drivers, 569 routes. This was the total when they decided to say fuck it. They hired AlphaRoute, a company that uses AI to make routes for school busses. It made things infinitely worse.
The first day of school, the last child to get off the last bus got home at 10 PM.
Children were being dropped at transportation depots to be picked up by different busses. A lot of the time, they were unsupervised. Most of them were shepherded to the wrong bus. A large number of these children were elementary to middle school age, with some as young as kindergarten.
Now, as you can imagine, the police were being called a lot. Parents were rightfully terrified about children who should've been home. There is outrage the likes of which I have never seen.
So. The school cancels the first week and tries again, this time with routes that are designed by humans. They invest in a firm to figure out why the plan failed (what a waste of money) and find out everything they planned for this year of school was a catastrophic failure on every level.
So now, recently, the Superintendent proposed that we just... Get rid of buses. They would get rid of busses for 28 schools, or 15,000 children.
The Mayor of Louisville hated this plan SO MUCH that he suggested slashing the TARC bus program on favor of continuing full transportation. TARC is vital for the homeless and poor neighborhoods in the area (as someone who lived there at one point). Public transportation is extremely sparse, especially on the west end where we need it most.
From every angle, this is so bad and fucked. Also, it's the worst anyone has ever done it. Great job JCPS Board, you fucking cockroaches.
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recursive360 · 2 months
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aphroditeslover11 · 4 months
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Musical instruments and public transport never go well, one of my mates came up with this as a solution!
Disclaimer - the bus was pretty empty, there were plenty of seats left!!
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Have to sit on a busy train for an hour, not even at proper seats, on one of the foldy seats next to the door, gay people in my phone give me strength
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