#puts them in the microwave and watches them spin
gobspeaks · 10 months
um. boy of all time btw 👆 I'm not even actively playing the game I made him for anymore and I still get the urge to spin this idiot around my brain like a carnival ride
anyway. the songs are roughly aligned with where they fall best in the timeline of the game. (with a few that apply more broadly)
there's a lot of love songs in the latter half of the playlist.
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👆that's why
little thing i wanna point out bc it makes me happy:
a couple songs are shared between my Alistair playlist & el's Dawn playlist they are besties for the resties I don't think we have a single ending where they stop making time for one another they are inseparable (and everyone is worse off for it)
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Sanji transitions to a woman living her best life with her crew. The vinsmokes find out the typical reactions indifference (They're kind of like kaido. Yeah, they're terrible, abusive, neglectful but they're not transphobic Jud is but the siblings are not).
Her sister is upset that she never got to spend time with sanji as sister.
Ichiji doesn't like that she looks so much like their mother it makes his feel something he doesn't know what it is happiness sadness maybe both but not enough to truly care about his sister.
yonji feelings are complicated. He's really angry, really angry. Looking at her bounty just makes him scowl she looks so nice and pretty. She also looks so happy and free not worried about judgment or slander from family and peers he hates it. He hates this weird feeling and he hates sanji. She's happy and living her life with her loving and accepting crew and he's stuck at home unable to open up about anything without backlash
( the weird feeling is envy specifically gender envy. Trans girl yonji she would be the most cold hearted girl on the planet but she'd be so pretty)
Niiji stopped caring about Sanji when she left the second time. Her being a girl now doesn't change anything and besides you could see the signs from mars of course she's a girl. He used to watch her play with her sisters doll all the time before throwing them in the moat
Jud nobody cares about his opinion
Transfem Sanji my beloved yayyyyy I love these asks!!!!!!
Reiju would be extremely happy for Sanji, of course, but a bit sad she couldn't be able to help her sooner. Because maybe- And this is unfair but- If maybe Sanji had been born a girl, perhaps Judge would've let some of the stuff she did slide the way she let Reiju be a little bit more emotional. Everything would've ended up the same, yes, but Reiju can't help but wonder. And also, she's dying to see her and her crew again to finally spend time with her sister. She isn't sure if she'll ever be able to do it, but Sanji's wanted poster kind of keeps her hopes up.
Ichiji is conflicted. Because he shouldn't care about Sanji at all. He doesn't care. Is she a girl now? Good for her. Whatever. She can do whatever the fuck she wants with her life. And yet he keeps finding himself staring at her wanted poster rather often, and seeing her mom in her. And he- He didn't care about his mom either. She's dead. It doesn't matter. But there's just something about Sanji now that makes him feel... Warm and melancholic and he hates it. He tries to avoid the subject completely.
Ohmygod- I love the idea of trans girl Yonji being jealous of Sanji's life and having gender envy. That's- That's so good. She shouldn't be able to feel like this and she should not want these things like her sister but she wants to be like that. Be free like that. And that makes her so, so angry and violent and she's constantly talking shit about Sanji only to feel better but it only makes her feel worse.
Niji is... Complicated. Because he doesn't care. But I think he'd also be jealous of her. Like- Jealous of her being happy and free. But he accepts it better than Yonji because Yonji goes all sentimental and violent and visibly jealous about it while Niji tries to be more like "Huh? I don't give a fuck about her. Why should I? Why do we even keep mentioning her? And besides, you didn't know she was a girl? It was obvious from a mile away. Not that I care. Because I don't care. She rejected our pretty kind invitation to the family again because she's an ungrateful bitch, anyway" but he actually does care and it frustrates him but, anyway, it's not like she's here anymore so he doesn't think about her. I also think he'd be annoyed about her looking like their mom btw he says she doesn't deserve it since it was her fault she died (and then he realizes what he said and he shouldn't have said it because in theory, he doesn't care about their mom dying).
And you're right, nobody cares about Judge. But I think it'd be funny if he complained about Sanji and misgendered her all the time while the siblings keep getting the pronouns right and they kind of... Defend her? To some extent? They start to develop stronger feelings as time passes by and I just think it'd be great for them to finally lose it with their dad because "at least she managed to find herself, we don't even know who we're supposed to be" and it doesn't matter which one of them says it, because it affects all of them equally and they have the biggest identity crisis ever only because their sister finally is happy and they want to be like that too.
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taldigi · 22 days
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crazy how this game is you know, all these fellas.
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vounnasi · 9 months
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old friends
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galactikburzt · 9 months
I have been thinking constantly about Fact core's characterization in Harry101UK's meet the cores for the last couple days
They're so creature 🥹 i wish i could put more than one video in a post
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putting qcellbit and qbad in a microwave in my brain their dynamic is everything to me i need to squeeze them both until their eyes pop <3
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dardargnan · 1 year
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thevaneltia · 4 months
pose studies are surprisingly fun
im just turning characters around in my brain and chewing on em a little
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yelenapines · 8 months
edward elric is my son idc what you all say i love him so so so so much you don't understand i want to absorb him into my veins so i become one with his essence the elric brothers mean so much to me
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channel-d-is-open · 2 years
remember: if you're cold, they're cold. put them in the microwave 🥰
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poprockpanda · 2 years
So @bluemangovibes and @moontail13 have revived my Hbat brainrot so here's the like 50 picrews I have done for them.
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Here is my collection of Axe Wife, Yarn Gremlin, and Baby Girl.
if you are this far down cinni and moonie I am going to chuck both of you I love y'all
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circus-k · 1 year
What's your favorite part of Night of the Werehog?
the characters are one of the best things to come out of that short <33 silliest ghosts ever
but i already talked about them so. the animation is a good contender for the second fave !!
they really use their medium to their advantage and the squash and stretch is so yummers they all look so bouncy and expressive :D
there's not a lot going on story-wise but it more than compensates with stellar animation that still holds up (seriously marza's amazing) and AT LEAST ONE memorable character sorry su and wu </3
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kaleidoze · 1 year
im so normal about curaday
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beef-unknwn · 2 years
Dying a Stranger
Notes: uhhh i try not to intrude on the plot or on the characters when making self insert ocs so I don't do much here. This is more just to make peace with a fear of mine. This whole fic is more just my character's thoughts while in episode 3. Don't think too much about the tense (ie past tense, present tense). Time is an illusion. This is probably a really bad fic anyways enjoy bye
Chapter 1: Warm-ups
The beach was an... interesting place for team building exercises, but anything get me out of my cave-like workplace. I thought working in a theme park would be more interesting. All I really get to see are wires, codes and a whole lot of Pauline's face.
This blue-haired guy has been a lifesaver since I got here. He's talkative enough to keep a conversation going but doesn't leave me out of them (like a lot of people tend to do). Another friend of his arrives and he starts talking to her. I keep talking to Badyah and Logs in the meantime. Something about zombie mascots. I just had to be there I guess. It was from a different employee initiation session than the one I attended.
Everyone was just walking around talking to each other, waiting for the team building guy. One by one, though we were called by Barney. I didn't know what it was for until I myself was called.
"IT Guy." Norma stated.
Then Badyah was called.
"...and Deathslide"
I guess he was quizzing Norma on park jobs?
"That's just where they work at the park."
Ah. I guess not?
Badyah excitedly goes to talk to them–don't know why she's so excited about Norma knowing where she worked but okay.
I decided to join them since there's not really much to do except stand around and wait. I didn't catch much of the conversation but I did get a better picture of what that was all about.
"Badyah, she needs to learn your real name."
"Yeah.. my name just means 'enlightened genius'. I prefer 'Deathslide'" she imitates a slide and explosion. I'm pretty sure I saw Norma change her expression.
Wait. Is that just what she calls everyone by? Their park jobs? And she calls me 'IT Guy'???? That's not right!
"Um. I'd rather you not call me IT Guy though.." I interject. "It's more accurate to call me 'Tech Maintenance'" They all gave me quizzical looks.
"IT Guy implies I only work with computers. I don't just work with computers." I explained
"But.. wouldn't you rather be called by your actual name?"
"I mean.. I don't mind nicknames. I've been called worse. But for the sake of social etiquette; Hi, I'm Mason, but you can also call me Kai." I hold out a hand for a handshake but quickly put it away to talk some more. "But don't ask me how you get Kai from Mason, I haven't thought of a good joke yet."
Badyah laughs, then Barney, then Norma, reluctantly.
After hearing his name, Barney starts to walk towards another group and Norma soon follows. I was left with Badyah- Oh, sorry. I mean Deathslide.
"You're a funny guy, Kai."
"Thanks. Don't expect much in the future, though."
"Oh, come on. Why is everyone nowadays so hard on themselves?"
"Is that a rhetorical question or do you actually want me to answer?"
We both laugh again.
A van soon arrives and it looks like something you'd see in a hippie convention. Great. They're gonna be one of those guys.
He makes his entrance, says and does some weird stuff, I try not to think too much about it. He said something about bounding and trust or fear or something. I just wanted to go home. Too much social interaction and too much personal space being crowded by this... weirdo in one day. And we haven't even started with the exercises yet!
And look, I try not to judge people and folks like him are often nice but he's just... off. In so many ways. Walking red flag, this guy.
Whatever, the first exercise is simple enough. I get paired with this lady who works with smoothies and she guides me through an obstacle course while I was blindfolded. We switch turns after I finished, but I got a bit distracted by this dog falling into a pit...
Wait did that little red kid just poof and teleport–
The next exercise is a trust fall. Again, simple. Fall, switch, then catch. Josh was a bit heavy, but I work with animatronics so I managed.
Then this exercise... Oh no... I hate this game. I thought I'd never see it again after all these years. And lo it was before my eyes.
Just let them lead you, I thought. Just hold their hands, do as you're told and don't think too much about it. Okay. Here we go...
"I am not playing this game." I said, matter-of-factly. "Too many bad memories."
"Oh? Is that so? Well... we're working on our fears, aren't we? Why not take this as an opportunity, hm?"
Oh yeah. This guy is bad news. But I'm too tired to object and too much of a wuss to go against majority. So with a sigh, I say "...Fine."
I am so sorry to the people who had to hold my sweaty hands..
I thought I was scared of this game... But, Norma... It didn't help that Harmony was so persistently in her space.
I should've refused to play. Maybe then she could've followed my lead. We both would've been better off...
"I'm still worried about Norma" Badyah's voice brought me back from my thoughts. I take a second to look back at the poor girl, sitting by the waves.
"You should talk to her." I said
"I really want to..." She rubs her arm "..but I think she'd rather be alone."
"Oh, trust me. It's better if she had company. It doesn't matter if she talks back, just be there for her"
She looks back at the girl, concern written all over her face. And she starts to walk. I wanted to go with her, to apologize or...something. But I didn't. I'm so stupid.
After a while, the pair comes back just in time for another game I'm guessing. Hopefully he just sends us home, but I doubt it. We stand in a semicircle.
"I hope you all enjoyed the warm-ups" I knew it.
"Warm-ups?!" That's what I was thinking!
"Now we begin the real work to defeat your fears.." I do NOT like where this is going...
Chapter 2: Fear
"You're gonna need to dig into the deepest, darkest place inside you. Find your greatest fear." I don't need to dig deep, dude.
"And now, feed it to the skull"
"That can't be normal." I agree with the talking dog.
"I always bring a skull to a party" Wait. Talking dog?
"Okay. Not normal" Hmm...
"I bring my skull to parties" I said, knocking on my head.
"Please, feed your fear to the skull" This man needs to be less obvious.
Norma hesitates and thankfully Badyah takes the initiative. She holds the skull but nothing happens. Until..
One by one they each touch the skull. And everytime they do they see... something. I knew this guy was bad news.
Somehow I was never tossed the skull. Must be the way I blend in. But before Harmony could notice that, Barney and Norma seem to be back to normal.
"Tech Maintenance! You got out of the fear world by yourself?"
"Umm.. not exactly?"
"Oh, I knew I missed one! Go fetch!" He throws the skull my way. But just as I flinch to block it, Barney and Norma got to me by the nick of time.
As I opened my eyes, the beach was different. It was empty and.. there was an event being held. Everything was black and it was raining; a casket was being carried by some figures. The three of us who touched the skull were now wearing black palette clothes.
"A.. funeral service?"
"I guess you're afraid of dying?" Oh, if only it were that simple..
"Not quite. Take a closer look."
"I'm not sure I want to" Barney looked sour.
"Relax. It's not like the body is gonna be mutilated. Although.. it might as well be"
We walked to the casket once it was lowered. I opened the lid to the top half. And there I was.
Barney gasped "You're..."
The body inside was me, sure, but... not now. In both ways. What I mean is I will die and have already died. This version of me, at least.
I had longer hair, and wore a dress. A pained look on face, makeup applied. I wasn't hideous by any means, but I felt sick anyways.
We all sat in a moment of silence, as if grieving this fake corpse. The wind was cold but my palms still sweat.
"It's not that I'm scared of dying," I finally spoke. "I'm just scared I'll die a stranger."
"Remembered as someone else. My true self, rejected; even in death."
Barney seems to understand.
"And I'm scared that this is still a possibility."
His mouth agape slightly.
We took another moment of silence with the corpse.
"Y'know.. It's funny. The way I feel about this... dead.. me. It's like actual grief. With all it's stages." I give a half-smile to my dead self. "And now.. I'm ready for acceptance." I close the casket as I close my eyes. I felt tears form and trickle down my cheek.
It's time to say goodbye to an old friend. Kinda poetic really..
"Say hi to Lola for me. Ask if she's proud, would ya?" I know I probably looked silly doing that but.. it felt right.
"Who's Lola?"
"Oh, that's just how you say 'grandma' in Tagalog. She never got to know the real me.. and I'll never get to know how she would've felt.. But I think it's better to be optimistic."
Barney grumbled agreeingly but looked of bittersweet. I wish I understood.
The environment cracks and shatters like glass and we're brought back to the real world. The only things from the fear world that remained were my tears. Dried but fresh, they mark my face.
I'll let them handle the rest.
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24-guy · 2 years
Please share some of your Ranbob and shapeshifter!Dream brainrot :3
You don’t have to if you don’t want to
Of course I can!
So like. I was thinking they read. Both as human and as blob. Dream didn't take the time to read much before, only reading the necessary enchantment books. He never actually read any normal books. So when Ranbob starts reading aloud when he's a blob, he listens. And he gains a fascination with reading. So much so that Ranbob is thankful they have a mini-library in their room, otherwise Dream would wander outside to go to the library in the city.
As you said, Ranbob does paint. They can also draw very well. They hid their sketches of Dream from Dream once they realize who the blob is. Dream is the polar opposite, he's awful at drawing or art in any form. But he leaves little crudely drawn blob versions of the two of them in Ranbob's sketchbooks when Ranbob isn't in the room.
I think they sneak around a lot. The only person who really knows Dream is Dream is Ran. And he's very... Disapproving. Ran doesn't quite understand the relationship between the two of them. And he really wants to be happy for his sibling. But he can't help but feel uneasy with this centuries old man who happens to be a murderer coming and affecting his little sibling so much.
Dream starts out with Ranbob doing his classic manipulation scheme. But I think over time he gains an attachment and that may scare him. He realizes how many of his actions were so he and Ranbob could just exist peacefully, and he kind of accepts the fact that he wants to be there for the rest of his ever immortal life. And he swears to revive Ranbob for as long as he himself is alive so he's never alone and so they aren't left in limbo for any large amount of time.
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
im so bored augh
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