#queen angelina ii
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(mine) (the OG)
FINALLY I got this done, it only took a month, ( in my defense my Ibis crapped out on me & have been busy with school & other projects) but I did it. I finished @lemon_h_ 's DIYS (you should follow them if you don't already)
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
Long Live the Queen: The Beginning
I rewrote the Angelina 1 Lives Au-- which if you don't know, is an au of Wakko's Wish based upon my headcanon of the warner's grandmother, Angelina the First.
Basically a lot a lot a lot of angst and shit and this chapter is how it all got started <;33
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Ao3 Link
Princess Angelina II was engaged to Sir William the Good, though it was in secret. After all, he was just a knight and she was the princess with a mother who, without any hesitation, would tear the two apart if she knew.
There was a brief moment where Lena perhaps thought luck might be on their side when her mother fell deathly ill, but by truly miraculous means, the queen survived, which meant they had to continue their little secret.
The trouble with secrets though was that people assumed they weren’t around and so proceeded as though she was still single and therefore her mother still attempted to introduce her to countless suitors which Lena obviously wasn’t too keen on. It was just one idiotic and snooty man after the other. Lena wished at the very least her mother would throw in a princess or something to keep it interesting, but of course her mother wasn’t about that and also didn’t know about that secret, and so it remained boring.
Needless to say, time was wearing on William and Lena as they waited and waited for the right time to come.
Little did they know, the Queen was also tired of waiting.
“Angelina, you have to at least accept one of the suitors. If you don’t they may start fighting in the streets for you,” Queen Angelina the First gave her daughter a quick glare as she looked over papers.
“I don’t know what to tell you, mother. Maybe if any of them had a brain cell or two in their heads then I could think about it,” Lena lied, looking out the window to the gardens where she saw William with his fellow knights marching onward to the stables.
“You know, I really hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” Angelina sighed, setting her quill down.
“Something I highly doubt,” Lena muttered to herself.
“Watch your tone,” Angelina warned, and Lena stepped down.
“As I was saying... I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but since your impertinence has given me no other option, I will be selecting the suitor for you,” She said with a glare that made Lena’s blood run cold.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” She asked, pulling at her gloves anxiously.
“You’ve only done this to yourself, Angelina, I’ve no other choice. You aren’t getting any younger here,” She eyed her daughter up and down.
“I- um- will you excuse me, mother? I need to go,” Lena asked. Her mother looked at her suspiciously before nodding. Not wanting to be in there for a moment longer, Lena bolted out of the room and ran across the palace, all the way down to the royal stables, where William was just arriving.
“Lena? What’s the matter?” He asked as he dismounted from his horse.
“My mother... she said...” Lena panted. “She said... she’s gonna... arrange...”
“Have you been running?” William raised an eyebrow. Lena rolled her eyes and paused to catch her breath.
“My mother said that because I didn’t pick a suitor, she’s choosing for me,” Lena explained.
“Oh– that’s… not gonna work out– What do you want to do?” He asked her. Lena thought a moment before snapping.
“We need to get married. Now,” She said, grabbing his hand and began leading him away.
“What- now now?” William was startled, but allowed himself to be moved.
“Well– yes-! I don’t know how long I’ll have. We need to do this, and we need to do this now,” Lena said, looking out and heading towards a servant building.
“So, um, where exactly are we going, Lena?” William asked.
“The underground mail tunnels. They go all over the kingdom to make sure any letters or important documents can go straight to the queen. If we go far enough we can find a town with a priest and be married there. Hopefully, they won’t mind the short notice,” She explained.
“Or the fact you’re the princess,” William pointed out.
“...Yeah, that too,” Lena realized. Would that count as treason? She really hoped it didn’t count as treason.
“So... um… I’ve never really left the castle grounds before so if you got any suggestions on where to go, now would be the best time,” She said, looking at the sign outside the building. William scanned over the list of towns and cities with deep thought, before snapping and grabbing his fiancee’s hand excitedly.
“I know a place where I know they can’t refuse us,” He winked, taking his fiancées hand.
“Oh? And where is such a place?” She laughed as he excitedly scanned the map and they headed down into the tunnels.
“Acme Falls, my home town. They love me there, I’m sure they’d love you too,” He gave her hand a squeeze and they excitedly began to run down the torch-lit and winding tunnels until they eventually opened the door that led to an empty mail room in Acme Falls.
They stepped out, surprised to find it empty but glad they could go unnoticed for at least five seconds, and walked out straight into the town center, which was bustling with business.
“So… what do we do now?” Lena asked, squeezing his hand, nervous about the unfamiliar surroundings.
William laughed soothingly, “I thought this was your plan.”
“I came up with it two hours ago, cut me some slack,” She punched his arm lightly.
“William? Is... is that you?” A female voice cut through the crowd.
“Helloise? Is that you?” William’s face lit up as he looked through the crowd for his childhood friend, absolutely ecstatic when she was visible and ran to him.
“William! What on earth are you doing here?” She hugged him. “And– oh my wishing star– are you the– the princess?” She blushed and quickly did a curtsey.
“Oh there’s no need for that right now, really,” Lena blushed too. “Besides, any friend of William is a friend of mine.”
“Thank you, your highness,” Heloise chuckled, embarrassed. “If I may ask, what brings you two to town?”
“We’re here to be married,” William explained, taking Lena’s arm and patting it excitedly.
“You’re engaged to the princess???” Heloise gawked. “Aren’t you two supposed to have a giant wedding ceremony with the whole kingdom invited? Isn’t that how royal weddings are supposed to go? Holy shi- I didn’t even think a knight could marry a princess,” She laughed in almost disbelief.
“Actually, he can’t. Not with my mother knowing anyway,” Lena explained. “That’s why we came here- to be married in secret.”
“Oh that’s very romantic,” She nodded understandingly. “William knows where the church is. I can get the priest and a few townsfolk if you want,” she offered.
“That’d be great, thank you,” William smiled. Heloise nodded, and ran off.
“I guess you weren’t kidding about this place, huh?” Lena chuckled.
“Acme Falls is practically perfect, what can I say?” He snorted. “It also helps to be the town's darling who braved several dangers to become knight. Shall we?” he let go of Lena’s arm just to offer his again.
“We shall.”
And so Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Second and Sir William the Good were married in Acme Falls, with the whole town as their witnesses. Lena and William were the happiest they’d ever been their entire lives– which wasn’t saying much exactly, but still, they were euphoric.
They smiled and laughed and kissed a lot as they made their way back through the tunnels to the castle, but when they got to the final door, Lena froze.
“Are you ready?” William asked softly.
“I-i don’t know. I just– I’m already so happy, I know she’ll just–”
“Ruin it?” He caressed her cheek.
“...Yeah,” The princess sighed, staring at the door a long moment before whispering,
“I’m frightened, William.”
“It’ll be okay, Lena. I’m right here, and always will be– til death to we part, after all,” he kissed her forehead
“Right,” Lena smiled, kissing him back. She put her hand on the door before pausing again.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asked nervously.
“Of course, my love,” He said, and they shared another kiss.
“Good. Let’s go then,” She said, now ready as she turned the handle and entered the castle grounds once more.
And so Lena walked casually and calmly to her room all by herself, unlocking her bedside window and giving William the signal to climb in, which he did. The two embraced and kissed and hugged and did the sort of thing they had done many a time before, but now with the added joy of being husband and wife.
When the sun rose, William had to part for his training, and so kissed his fair princess adieu and climbed his way back down, leaving Lena to wave goodbye from the window and go back to acting like nothing had happened at all.
And thus is how their secret engagement turned into a secret marriage; a marriage that Lena realized she was going to have to tell her mother about sooner or later before it was too late and she was already in the middle of another wedding ceremony. However-However, out of a desire to preserve her nights of pure paradise with William, she kept her mouth shut and just hoped it could all last just a little bit longer. She didn’t want her mother to ruin this just as she ruined most everything else in her life.
She knew objectively her mother could never truly tear the two apart now, as divorce was strictly forbidden amongst royals, but if she knew her mother, she’d certainly find a way somehow, and thus she held onto her happiness as tight as possible.
The good/bad news was that William had been promoted to be a guard inside the castle, so Lena would see him much more often than she used to, but it was awkward because she couldn’t talk to him, much less flirt. It also didn’t help that her mother positioned him to often have shifts in the throne room which was “some of the most stressful situations I’ve ever been in” according to William.
But still, they were together in the night and that made all the difference.
If it could just last–
But of course, it couldn’t.
“Excuse me, Princess, the queen said she’d like a word with you,” A servant girl knocked on Lena’s door.
“What now?” Lena grumbled, setting down her book and opening the door. “Is she upset with me, or..?”
“No, your highness, in fact, she seems almost happy,” The girl said.
“My mother? Happy?” Lena blinked. “This can’t be good...” she said, dismissing the servant before quickly making her way down to the throne room.
“Lena, there you are,” Her mother smiled at her, “You’ve met King Salazar,” she gestured to the king standing by her throne.
Uh oh.
“Why, yes I have,” Lena nodded at him, sharing a quick glance with William in the corner.
“He’s the one you’ll be marrying,” She announced.
“Mother, may I have a word with you- alone?” Lena asked with a nervous smile. Angelina frowned.
“This has already been decided, Angelina. You refused to pick and so I had to take matters into my own and teach you an important lesson and I-”
“I know. mother, but I really do need to talk with you,” Lena interrupted her mother before she could think to stop herself. The queen’s eye twitched.
“Fine.” She huffed. “King Salazar, you may wait in the grand hall,” she said. The king huffed and muttered something before taking his leave. Then, her mother’s focus went back to her.
“This better be good Angelina, or so help me,” The queen grit her teeth and pointed, making Lena a shiver crawl down her spine. She looked at William for support, and he gave her a weak smile. She took a deep breath.
“Mother, I can’t marry him,” She said.
Her mother starred dully. “...Is that all..?”
“I’m serious. I can’t,” Lena said again.
“Angelina, it has already been arranged for you,” Angelina rubbed her forehead.
“W-well I can’t because I’m already married,” Lena announced.
Her mother froze. “To whom?”
“Sir William the Good,” Lena admitted, pulling and twisting her gloves at a feverish pace. Angelina’s eyes went to William, and he remained still as a statue.
“Really now?” Angelina laughed darkly, standing up to examine him.
“It’s true. We eloped in Acme Falls three nights ago,” Lena explained.
“And you really expect me to believe that?” Angelina continued to laugh it off.
“Well- yes. We have certificates and everything- it was legally binding,” Lena didn’t know how else to explain such a simple fact to her mother.
The queen looked back at her daughter, then at William, then at Lena again, deep in thought, before shrugging to herself.
“Well, I suppose it’s a simple fix really, I could just have him executed–”
“A-and I’m pregnant!” Lena shouted over her mother, and the room fell utterly silent.
“Y-you are..?” William broke his composure.
“Haha– yep–!” She sweated at the lie.
Definitely no going back on that one…
The queen’s face was truly unreadable as she looked at her daughter. Silence filled the air, choking both William and Lena before Angelina raised her right hand and dismissed the guards with a single wave. William hesitated as she looked at Lena, but understood if he valued his life he needed to part, and so just smiled weakly before leaving with his fellow guard.
The silence didn’t dissipate for awhile until Angelina walked back to her throne and removed her gloves one by one, and slipped back on her wedding ring.
“You know, suitors are hard to come by. Many are wealthy, powerful men that inviting could risk wars and wrath unlike anything this kingdom has ever faced, but did I care? No. I prioritized the kingdom and your prosperity, and how do you repay me?” She turned and Lena could see the hatred in her eyes.
“My prosperity? When Salazar was here the first time he tried to kiss me five times without my consent and even hit me– you’ve never cared for my prosperity!” Lena argued.
Angelina growled. “You do not understand what it is to be lucky, child, nor do you understand the sacrifice it takes to run a kingdom as powerful as ours.”
“You call being married to that absolute dimwit luck?!” Lena laughed a little, before Angelina hit her backhanded, with her ring leaving a particularly strong bruise as it had many times in Lena’s life.
“You wretched child– you’ve no idea nor care for what you’ve done to me and to your kingdom. Years and years and years of sacrifice and you repay me by marrying a bastard from a no name town in the middle of nowhere,” Angelina growled.
“Don’t you dare talk about William like that,” Lena rubbed her cheek, but Angelina struck her again.
“You do not get to tell your queen what she can and cannot say,” She glared.
“I-if you hurt him, I’ll just hurt myself, and then you’ll be left with nothing– how’s that sound, hm?” Lena tried to hold onto her false courage, but tears were threatening to fall from the sting.
“Of all the impertinent, aggravating, abominable things you’ve done Angelina, I just cannot believe you’d marry absolute filth like this,” The queen was barely able to contain her anger anymore. “I just cannot believe my own flesh and blood would betray me like this.”
“Oh please, like you’ve ever treated me like ‘flesh and blood’,” Lena muttered, a tear escaping.
“I have done nothing but care for you. I’ve clothed you, given you a home and an education, and provided you with numerous options for your future and future suitors, and yet you discarded every single one without any care in the world,” She clenched her fist.
“But you’ve never loved me,” Lena said, tears now streaming hot and fast. “If you did, you’d be happy for me.”
Angelina scoffed. “Who could ever love a pebble in her shoe?”
“I hate you,” Lena glared, and Angelina hit her again, this time making her fall to the floor.
“You are going to pay for your actions, Angelina. The hard way,” She declared.
“W-wait, what are you–” but Lena wasn’t able to finish her question, as her mother grabbed her long black curls and immediately yanked on them, causing her to yelp in pain.
The queen then dragged her across the room and down the halls, where maids and servants gawked and stared as the queen dragged her kicking and screaming barely-not-teenaged daughter up to a secret room where she then dragged her up fifty feet of a spiraling staircase to single dusty cell where she tossed her in and locked the wooden door before Lena had the opportunity to stand and protest once more.
“You will not be leaving this room until you have understood a fraction of the pain and agony you have caused me and this kingdom,” Angelina spat and quickly stormed down the stairs before Lena could exclaim just how much she hated her goddamn mother.
So instead, she just whispered it over and over again, choking on sobs as she held her sides and rocked back and forth.
“I hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you,” She rocked back and forth, not noticing the broken glass surrounding her or the tears in her dress that was being caused because of that. Instead, she just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed until she was sick in the stomach.
Things were supposed to get better. They couldn’t divorce– that was supposed to have made her untouchable. She and William were married now- it was supposed to be okay.
Instead, now she was locked away for who knows how long in a dark, cold room with a bare-bones bed, a broken mirror, a blanket as thin as paper, and a single window.
Lena cried a bit more before regarding the broken mirror shards by her and got a very impulsive thought she didn’t hesitate to see through, grabbing a large piece, then grabbing her hair and slowly but surely slicing it all off.
One less thing her mother could manipulate...
With that, her mind turned to her beloved William– what was going to happen to him?
Would she kill him? Could she? Could anyone? He’s a trained knight, one of the best across all the lands, surely she couldn’t kill him “the old fashioned way”. Surely that would mean he would be okay... right? He was strong, so much stronger than her, surely he would survive anything Angelina threw at him.
And… stars above, what if she was pregnant? Sure, she lied out there but it wasn’t like it was impossible with how many nights they laid together before– god, she really messed everything up, didn’t she? Her mother was right, not only did she ruin her own life, but William and maybe even a baby’s life too– lord, she really hoped that wasn’t true though…
She eventually moved from the floor to the rickety bed, holding herself and thinking about how much she ruined the lives of those who loved her and how she wished she had never been born, that way everyone could just be happy.
However, soon she heard grunts right outside the window and before she knew it, a familiar presence wrapped himself around her.
“William- w-what-? H-how-?”
“Shh, it’s okay Lena, I’m here, it’s okay,” he hushed her, snuggling into her shoulder, which she responded to by nuzzling into.
“B-but how?” She still had to ask.
“I climbed,” He said it so simply but Lena gasped.
“Th-that’s like- 50 feet, William, You could’ve died,” Lena broke the embrace and sat up to look at him.
“Lena, it’s okay. I made it, and I’m here, that’s all that matters,” he too sat up and placed a hand on her face, wiping away a few tears.
“B-but I-i– I messed everything up so badly– and now I’m locked in here and I’ve no clue how long she plans to keep me in here o-or if I’ll just rot and die and then you’ll be alone again a-and hating ever loving me a-a-and–”
“Hey, hey, hey…” William made her look at him in his soft brown eyes, “I will never regret loving you, Lena, I promise. You are my whole world, ever since I was sixteen, and you will be until the day I die.”
Lena sniffled. “That’s what I’m worried about…”
William sighed. “I know... I’m so sorry, my love,” he was crying now too, and he stroked her head of freshly cut hair.
“Did she do that?” He whispered. Lena shook her head.
“Mother grabbed my hair a-and dragged me up here so I cut it off,” she explained tiredly. William quickly hugged her.
“I’m so sorry, Lena...” He said.
“I’m sorry too,” she said. “You’ll probably b-be killed or fired or de-knighted o-or something.”
“I don’t care for my title, only for you, Lena. And I swear we will get through this together no matter what.” He pressed his forehead against hers.
“No matter what,” Lena repeated to herself and William kissed her forehead. Despite everything, it brought a little smile to her face.
“Your mother cannot live forever, Lena, and soon enough it will be our time to be safe and happy as a family, just you and me and our children,” He smiled so softly that it dissipated any cold in the room and replaced it with warmth.
“Our children…” she thought with a small smile. The thought that terrified her now made her feel hope for her future: her mother would die, and she would be the mother Angelina never had been to kids of her own.
It would be perfect.
“I love you, William,” Lena said, kissing him softly.
“I love you too, Lena,” He smiled and kissed her right back.
It wasn’t today, and it sure wouldn’t be tomorrow, but someday all this pain would go away and they would be free and happy. And while right now wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows, they had each other, and that made all the difference in the world.
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donfadrique · 7 months
I've wondered why I so rarely write about my fav famous women on social networks. Maybe 'cause they are the best women in the world and it’s banal to talk about them? xD However, if anyone is curious, my nine “muses” are:
1) Queen Elizabeth II
2) Mylene Farmer
3) Angelina Jolie
4) Eva Green
5) Assumpta Serna
6) Ava Gardner
7) Sofia Loren
8) Brigitte Bardo
9) Rita Hayworth
P. S. When Tyrone Power performed a man who was jealous, it was... wow 🔥🔥😁
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fandom · 2 years
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Taika Waititi went up +69 this year. Nice.
Queen Elizabeth II
Joseph Quinn
Andrew Garfield
Tom Holland +3
Chris Evans -3
Taika Waititi +69
Oscar Isaac +32
Robert Pattinson +44
Misha Collins -5
Tobey Maguire
Joe Keery
Zendaya +7
Sebastian Stan -10
Jensen Ackles -9
Elon Musk +22
Pedro Pascal -15
Chris Pine
Rhys Darby
Neil Gaiman
Henry Cavill -12
Florence Pugh +20
Maya Hawke
Chris Pratt +12
Will Smith
Alex Hirsch +55
Johnny Depp +24
Kit Connor
Mads Mikkelsen -10
Ewan McGregor +28
Tom Hiddleston -24
Sadie Sink
Hayden Christensen
Dana Terrace
Hailee Steinfeld +29
Timothee Chalamet -11
Joey Batey +59
Matt Smith
Tom Sturridge
Dylan O’Brien +8
Katie McGrath -25
Joe Locke
Finn Wolfhard
Alfred Molina
Keanu Reeves -8
Noah Schnapp
Benedict Cumberbatch -4
Zoë Kravitz
Hugh Dancy -22
David Tennant -21
Elizabeth Olsen -33
Hayao Miyazaki +10
Natalia Dyer
Apo Nattawin
Charlie Cox
Tom Hardy -24
Paul Dano
Jamie Campbell Bower
Mile Phakphum
Jodie Whittaker
Sydney Sweeney
Chris Rock
Chris Hemsworth -22
Alexa Demie
Ryan Reynolds
Nichelle Nichols
Marilyn Monroe -17
Amber Heard
Barry Keoghan
Natalie Portman
Harvey Guillén
Selena Gomez
David Jenkins
Con O’Neill
Christopher Eccleston
Tessa Thompson +15
Simone Ashley
Jonathan Bailey
Jodie Comer +7
Walker Scobell
Bella Hadid -22
Wang Yibo -54
Betty White
Scarlett Johansson -58
Anne Hathaway
Emma Watson -9
Millie Bobby Brown
Jared Padalecki -76
Ana De Armas +3
Xiao Zhan -60
Oliver Stark -23
Bible Wichapas
Prince William
Angelina Jolie
Toby Fox
Jack Black
John Mulaney -84
Michael Sheen -42
Blake Lively
Ryan Guzman
Anya Taylor-Joy -68
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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voguefashion · 4 months
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Edward Enninful's British Vogue (December 2017-March 2024)
December 2017: Adwoa Aboah by Steven Meisel
January 2018: Taylor Swift by Mert & Marcus
February 2018: Margot Robbie & Nicole Kidman by Juergen Teller
March 2018: Gigi Hadid & Bella Hadid by Steven Meisel
April 2018: Gugu Mbatha-Raw by Mikael Jansson
May 2018: Vittoria Ceretti, Halima Aden, Adut Akech, Faretta Radic, Paloma Elsesser, Radhika Nair, Yoon Young Bae, Fran Summers & Selena Forrest by Craig McDean
June 2018: Cara Delevinge by Steven Meisel
July 2018: Ariana Grande by Craig McDean
August 2018: Oprah Winfrey by Mert & Marcus
September 2018: Rihanna by Nick Knight
October 2018: The Beckham's by Mikael Jansson
November 2018: Fran Summers by Inez and Vinoodh
December 2018: Stella Tennant, Adut Akech, Primrose Archer & Saffron Vadher by Steven Meisel
January 2019: Dua Lipa by Nadine Ijewere
February 2019: Emma Stone by Craig McDean
March 2019: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2019: Naomi Scott by Nick Knight
May 2019: Kate Moss by Mikael Jansson, Jamie Hawkesworth & Inez & Vinoodh
June 2019: Madonna by Mert & Marcus
July 2019: Zoë Kravitz by Steven Meisel
August 2019: Karlie Kloss by Steven Meisel
September 2019: Adut Akech, Gemma Chan, Greta Thunberg, Jameela Jamil, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Adwoa Aboah, Jacinda Ardern, Francesca Hayward, Ramla Ali, Christy Turlington, Salma Hayek, Sinéad Burke, Jane Fonda, Laverne Cox & Yara Shahidi by Peter Lindbergh
October 2019: Kaia Gerber by Steven Meisel
November 2019: Jourdan Dunn by Nick Knight
December 2019: Emma Watson by Alasdair McLellan
January 2020: Taylor Swift by Craig McDean
February 2020: Lupita Nyong’o by Steven Meisel
March 2020: Irina Shayk by Mert & Marcus
April 2020: Jodie Comer by Steven Meisel
May 2020: Rihanna by Steven Klein
June 2020: Judi Dench by Nick Knight
July 2020: Rachel Millar, Narguis Horsford & Anisa Omar by Jamie Hawkesworth
August 2020: Reset by Mert Alas, Lubaina Himi, Alasdair McDean, Craig McDean, Nadine Ijewere, Nick Knight, David Hockney, David Bailey, Martin Parr, Marcus Piggot, Jamie Hawkesworth, Tim Walker, Juergen Teller & David Sims
September 2020: Marcus Rashford & Adwoa Aboah by Misan Harriman
October 2020: Emma Corrin by Charlotte Wales
November 2020: Serena Williams by Zoë Ghertner
December 2020: Beyoncé by Kennedi Carter
January 2021: Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus
February 2021: Dua Lipa by Emma Summerton
March 2021: Angelina Jolie by Craig McDean
April 2021: Janaye Furman, Precious Lee, Mona Tougaard & Achenrin Madit by Steven Meisel
May 2021: Thandiwe Newton by Mikael Jansson
June 2021: Billie Eilish by Craig McDean
July 2021: Malala Yousafzai by Nick Knight
August 2021: Margot Robbie by Lachlan Bailey
September 2021: Gemma Chan by Hanna Moon
October 2021: Zendaya by Craig McDean
November 2021: Adele by Steven Meisel
December 2021: Lady Gaga by Steven Meisel
January 2022: Kristen McMenamy by Steven Meisel
February 2022: Amar Akway, Majesty Amare, Akon Changkou, Nyagua Ruea, Abény Nhial, Maty Fall, Janet Jumbo, Adut Akech & Anok Yai by Rafael Pavarotti
March 2022: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2022: Anya Taylor-Joy by Craig McDean & Queen Elizabeth ll by Antony Armstrong-Jones
May 2022: Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
June 2022: Gisele Bündchen by Steven Meisel
July 2022: Beyoncé by Rafael Pavarotti
August 2022: Cara Delevingne, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana DeBose, Jordan Barrett & Munroe Bergdorf by Mert & Marcus
September 2022: Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel
October 2022: Timothée Chalamet by Steven Meisel
November 2022: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Tribute
December 2022: Simone Ashley, Senna Miller, Yasmin Finney & Elizabeth Debicki by Scot Trindle
January 2023: Iman by Nadine Ijewere
February 2023: Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoë Ghertner
March 2023: Rihanna, A$AP Rocky & son by Inez & Vinoodh
April 2023: Jill Kortleve, Precious Lee & Paloma Elsesser by Inez & Vinoodh
May 2023: Sinéad Burke, Selma Blair, Aaron Rose Philip, Justina Miles & Ellie Goldstein by Adama Jalloh
June 2023: Miley Cyrus by Steven Meisel
July 2023: Miriam Margolyes, Janelle Monae & Rina Sawayama by Tim Walker
August 2023: Maya Jama by Steven Meisel
September 2023: Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford & Christy Turlington by Rafael Pavarotti
October 2023: Lily Gladstone & Leonardo DiCaprio by Craig McDean
November 2023: Emily Ratajokwski, Adwoa Aboah , Irina Shayk, Adut Akech, Karen Elson & Mona Tougaard by Sean Thomas
December 2023: Kate Moss,Lila Moss, Olivia Colman, Jodie Comer, Stormzy, Little Simz & Tilda Swinton by Tim Walker
January 2024: Emma Watson, Tolu Coker, Priya Ahluwalia Torishéju Dumi & Amber Valletta by Charlote Wales
February 2024: Julia Roberts by Lachlan Bailey
March 2024: Karen Elson, Irina Shayk, Laverne Cox, Anya Taylor-Joy, Serena Williams, Rina Sawayama, Karlie Kloss, Jourdan Dunn, Amber Valletta, Precious Lee, Cindy Crawford, Jodie Comer, Gemma Chan, Adut Akech, Vittoria Ceretti, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Cara Delevingne, Jane Fonda, Gigi Hadid, Linda Evangelista, Adwoa Aboah, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Elsesser, Iman, Victoria Beckham, Ariana DeBose, Jameela Jamil, Oprah Winfrey, Salma Hayek, Christy Turlington, Selma Blair, Maya Jama, Anok Yai, Kate Moss, Kaia Gerber, Cynthia Erivo, Naomi Campbell, Simone Ashley, Dua Lip & Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Celebrities you share placements with Aries placements edition
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Aries rising:
• Little Richard
• Rebbie Jackson
• John Lennon
• Heather Locklear
• Steve Vai
• Stevie Nicks
• Eazy-E
• Shakira
• Chris Rock
• Rihanna
• Shaq
• Paris Jackson
• Brandon T. Lee
• Cardi B
• Kendall Jenner
Aries sun:
• Aretha Franlin
• Elton John
• Diana Ross
• Al Green
• Celine Dione
• Guccio Gucci
• Mariah Carey
• Steven Tyler
• Reese Witherspoon
• Pharell Williams
• Selena Quintanilla
• Akon
• Leona Lewis
• Hugh Hefner
• Jessie J
Aries moon:
• Whitney Houston
• Jackie Jackson
• Janet Jackson
• Stevie Wonder
• Anita Baker
• Marc Bolan
• Lita Ford
• Lionel Richie
• Pamela Anderson
• Tupac
• Salma Hayek
• Enrique Iglesias
• Tyra Banks
• Will.I.Am
• Selena Gomez
Aries mercury:
• Shirley Temple
• Albert Einstein
• Irene Cara
• Nat King Cole
• Michele Pfeiffer
• Willie Nelson
• Liza Minelli
• James Franco
• Joan Crawford
• Mark Zuckerberg
• Carmen Electra
• Leonardo Da Vinci
• Rosario Dawson
• William Shakespeare
• Queen Elizabeth II
Aries venus:
• Morgan Freeman
• Helena Bonham Carter
• Bob Marley
• Jennifer Aniston
• Michael Bolton
• Audrey Hepburn
• Daddy Yankee
• Lady Gaga
• Jet Li
• Gigi Hadid
• Christiano Ronaldo
• Drew Sidora
• John Cena
• Carrie Underwood
• Smokey Robinson
Aries mars:
• Leon Sylvers
• Katherine Jackson
• Prince
• Angelina Jolie
• Maurice White
• Margot Robbie
• André Cymone
• Nina Dobrev
• Michael Ealy
• Elle Fanning
• Jared Leto
• Iggy Azalea
• Sam Smith
• Vanessa Hudgens
• Michael B. Jordan
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thunderlina · 4 months
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Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca II!
Redraw of https://thunderlina.tumblr.com/post/641241275340881920/i-havent-tried-to-do-a-digital-painting-in
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Are any of the characters' names actually just nick-names? What are their real names?
Quite a few, actually!!!
Jr -> Lord Bowser Preston Koopa II (Duh)
Lemmy -> Lemony (Like Lemony Snicket)
Larry -> Lawrence
Morton -> Mortimer
Iggy -> Igneous (Like the rock)
Spewart -> Stewart -> Theresa
Dorrie -> Dorothy
Nibbles -> Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Franchesca Banana Fana Bobesca III
Chompikins -> Chompy -> Chompers -> Chomp -> The Chain Chomp (Was never really given an official name—Just variations of "the chain chomp")
Queen Bean -> Persephone
Madame Broode -> Vanessa
Koopley -> Magellan (Koopley is his middle name)
Discord -> ??????
(Brief mention for a character not used yet, but will be soon)
Tio -> Dimentio
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For three years running…
Kobe. Pandemic. Lockdown. Koalas on fire. Harry and Meg retire. Toilet paper hoarding. Alcoholism. Impeach the f*cker. Parasite. Bonnie Henry. Tiger King. Working from home. Sourdough bread. Harvey Weinstein guilty. Zoom overdose. Dip your body in sanitizer. 6 feet. Quarantine. OK Boomer. Home schooling (everyone passes). Murder hornets. Dolly Parton. Don’t hug, kiss or see anybody, especially your family. Chris Evans’ junk. TikTok. Glory holes. Face masks. CERB. West Coast wildfires. Stay home. Small Businesses lose, big box stores win. F*ck Bozos. ‘Dreams’ and cranberry juice. Close yoga studios, but thumbs up to your local gym. Speak moistly to me. George Floyd. BLM. F*ck Trump. Phase 2, 3 and Summer. RBG. Baby Yoda. Biden wins. Bond and Black Panther die. No more lockdown. Back to school and work. Just kidding... giddy up round 2. Giuliani leaks shit from his head. Resurgence of chess. UFOs are real. Restrictions. Dave Grohl admits defeat. Monolith. “F*ck... forgot my mask in the car”. No Christmas shenanigans allowed. Bubbles. Alex Trebek. Use the term ‘dumpster fire’ one too many times. Jupiter and Saturn form 'Christmas Star'. Happy New Year Bitches!!!! 2021... you better not sh*t the bed!!
“We love you, you’re very special”. Failed coup attempt at the Capital. Twitter, FB and IG ban Donny. Hammerin’ Hank goes to the Field of Dreams. Bozo no longer richest man but still a twat. Leachman, Tyson, and Holbrook pass. The economy is worse than expected. Kim and Kanye split. Brood X cicadas. Dre has an aneurysm and nearly has his home broken into. Bridgerton. MyPillow CEO is a douche. Covid restrictions extended indefinitely. Captain Von Trapp dies. Proud Boys officially a Terrorist Organization. Richard Ramirez. Cancer takes Screech. Travel bans. Impeachment trial (again?… oh and this was barely February? WTF??!!) Suez Canal blockage. Myanmar protest. Kong dukes it out with Godzilla, while Raya watches. Olympics. Friends compare elective surgeries. F9. Canada Women’s Soccer Gold. Free Britney. Multiverses. Residential Schools in Canada unearth children’s bodies. Kate is Mare of Easttown. Cuomo resigns. Disney and Dwayne cruise together. Wildfires. Delta variants. Musk passes Bezos. Candyman x 5. Capt. Kirk goes to space. F*ck Kyle Rittenhouse. Astros didn’t win. Squid Game. Goodbye Bond. Dune is redone. Angelina is Eternal. Astroworld deaths. Meta. Omicron. Three Spidermen. Tornados in December? World Juniors cancelled. Pills against Covid. School opening delayed. And Betty White dies. 2022… my expectations are ridiculously low…
Wow… eight billion people. Queen Elizabeth II passes away after ruling the Commonwealth before dirt was invented. The monkeypox. Russia plays the role of global asshole. Wordle. Mother Nature rocks Afghanistan. Hover bike. Styles spits on Pine. Olivia Newton John, Kristie Alley, and Coolio leave us. Pele was traded to team Heaven. FTX implodes. Madonna and the 3-D model of her vagina. Pig gives his heart to a human. Beijing can brag that it is the first city ever to host both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Uvalde. $3 trillion Apple. Keith Raniere gets 120 years. The Whisky War ends with Canada and Denmark going halfsies. Mar-a-Lago. Nick Cannon brood hits a dozen. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Inflation goes through the roof (if you can actually afford to put a roof over your head). Volodymyr Zelensky. European heat wave. Bennifer. Salman Rushdie is stabbed on stage, Dave Chappelle tackled, and Chris Rock is only slapped. Thích Nhất Hạnh. Heidi Klum goes full slug. Cuba knocked out by Ian. Liz Truss and 4.1 Scaramuccis. Taylor Swift breaks Ticketmaster. Human shitstain Elon Musk ignores helping mankind and buys Twitter instead. Riri becomes a mommy. NASA launches Artemis 1. Trump still a whiny little bitch. Music lost Loretta Lynn, Christine McVie, and Meat Loaf. Democracy died at least three times. Pete Davidson continues to date hottest women on the planet. Microplastics in our blood. Alex Jones is a cunt. So is DeSantis. Argentina wins the World Cup. Meghan and Harry. Eddie Munson rips Metallica in the Upside Down. tWitch. Roe vs Wade is overturned by the micro dick energy of the Supreme Court. CODA. James Corden shows he is a "tiny Cretin of a man". Amber (and the shit on the bed) Heard (round the world). Sebastian Bear-McClard proves he’s one of the fucking dumbest men alive. Latin America's ‘pink tide’. Anti-Semitic rants by Ye. Bob Saget. A verified blue checkmark. Godmother of punk Vivienne dies. And, Tom Cruise feels the need for speed yet again. 2023… whatcha got for us?!? Nothing shocks me anymore.
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BFCD Black Women in Horror/Monsters & More Masterlist
Black Women in Horror | Final Girls | Slayers | BFCD Monsters & More Masterlists 
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Abbie Mills Sleepy Hollow | Abby Williams Abby 1974 | Abigail Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Abigail Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Adelaide Wilson/Red Us | Alberta Ghosts US | Alexa Woods Alien VS Predator | Alice Autofac, Electric Dreams | Alma Walker American Horror Story: Asylum | Amy Bellafonte The Passage | Akasha Queen of the Damned |  Amanda Fisher Ash VS Evil Dead |  Anacostia Quartermaine Motherland: Fort Salem | Angelina Johnson Harry Potter Verse | Aneela Kin Rit Killjoys | Anita Friday the 13th Pt 5: A New Beginning |  Anne Body Bags: The Gas Station | Anne Marie McCoy Candyman | Annie Keller Monsterland | Annie Sawyer Being Human UK | Apocalypta Dead 7 | Annabelle Cane The Magnus Archives | Ariel The Little Mermaid | Aya Al-Rashid The Originals
Beatrice Bennett The Vampire Diaries |  Belle Fright Night: Part II | Beloved (Book and Movie Beloved) | Bernadette Walsh Candyman | Bertha Van Weld Sanjay and Craig | Betty Resident Evil | Billie Supernatural | Bonnie Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Braeden Teen Wolf | Bree The Vampire Diaries | Brianna Cartwright Candyman Reboot | Brianna Collier Escape Room 2 |  Bubble Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets |
Candace Preston Light As a Feather | Carla Spectros | Carmen Eguiluz Always a Witch | Carola Tales from the Darkside: The Movie | Caroline Newcliffe The Beast Must Die | Catarina Loss Shadowhunters | Charvel Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Chocolate Rats Night of Terror | Christine Daae The Phantom of the Opera | Cisely Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Claudette Morel Dead By Daylight | Clementine Chasseur Hemlock Grove | Cleo Sowande Legacies | Cleophas Garroway Shadowhunters | Connie The Walking Dead | Cressida Into the Badlands | Cym The Forsaken | Cynthia Bones |
Dana Cardinal Welcome to Nightvale | Dead Girl Jessebelle | Death of the Endless Sandman | Detective Evans Chucky | Diane Death Bed | Donna Siren | Donna Chadway Stigmata | Dr. Cushing Tales from the Hood |
Efiya Kingdom of Souls Series | Ela I AM |  Elizabeth Henshaw The Haunted Mansion | Élodie Rakoto Dead by Daylight | Elphaba Wicked | Elzora Eve’s Bayou | Emily Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Epiphany Proudfoot Angelheart | Evillene The Wiz
Farah Hauville The Wayhaven Chronicles | Fiji Cavanaugh Midnight, Texas | Fliss Dubois Man of Medan | Freak Bride (Kimmy) The Purge: Election Year | Frey Holland Forspoken | Fringilla Vigo The Witcher 
Ganja Meda Ganja & Hess | Georgie Barker The Magnus Archives | Gladys Cravitz Chucky | Glinda The Wizard of Oz/Wiz | Grace Creepshow Series: Sibling Rivalry | Grandmother Raised by Wolves |  Gretel Monroe  Shadowhunters
Hallie McDaniel Scream 2 | Hanna Lovecraft Country | Hannah Grose The Haunting of Bly Manor | Harriet Johnson The House on Skull Mountain | Hermione Granger Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Hippolyta Freeman Lovecraft Country |
Izzy Bit |
Jackie Heath The Devil’s Advocate | Jada Shields Charmed Reboot | Jade Wesker Resident Evil | Jennifer Remming Sweetheart | Jeryline Demon Knight | Jill The Skeleton Key |  Jillian Hope Hodgson Channel Zero: The Dream Door | Jordan Gladwell iZombie | Jungle Julia Death Proof |
Kachiri Twlight | Kaela Evers Supernova | Karen Jenson Blade | Karla Wilson I Still Know What You Did Last Summer | Kate Wynona Earp | Katrina Vamp | Keisha Taylor Alice Isn’t Dead | Kelly The Walking Dead | Kendra Young Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Kindzi Defiance | Kira The Invitation 2015 | Kitty Ghosts UK | Koster Shocking Dark | Kym Hawkins Legacies |
Lacey Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Ladybird Dracula, NBC | Lanaia Shadowhunters | Laney Rucker The Purge: Election Year | Lauren Howell The Day of the Dead TV |  Leeza Scarborough Midnight Mass | Lena Aruza Night of the Cobra Woman | Linda B Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Lisa Fortier Scream, Blacula, Scream | Lizzie The Perfection | Lorena Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Lucinda & Melissa Cavender  ABC Family’s Halloween special ‘The Midnight Hour’ | Luisa Manjimbe Mortel |  Lydia Daybreak Paradise Killer
Macy Vaughn Charmed Reboot | Madame Zeroni Holes | Maddie Bishop Siren | Maeve Millay Westworld | Maia Roberts Shadowhunters | Mama Cecile The Skeleton Key | Maria Trick ‘R Treat | Maria Elkman Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest | Mariana The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf | Marie Laveau American Horror Story | Marlene The Last of Us | Matty Mereaux Eve’s Bayou | Mazikeen DC Universe | Medusa Greek Mythology | Melanie The Girl with The Gifts | Merrick The Vampire Chronicles: Merrick | Mia Vallens Supernatural | Michonne The Walking Dead | Mileena Mortal Kombat 2021 | Minerva Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Miranda Dubaur Twitches | Miranda Grey Gothika | Miss Cobbs Tales from the Hood | Missouri Moseley Supernatural | Mistress East Emerald City | Misty Carpenter Into the Dark: Crawlers | Mozelle Batiste Delacroix Eve’s Bayou | Ms. Connors Class of 1999
Nada The Sandman | Nadia Omar Castle Rock | Nari Unfriended: Dark Web | Natalie Gorman Servant | Nicole Birch The Order | Nora Harris The Last of Us 2 |
Old Woman Josie Welcome to Nightvale | Olivia Two Sentence Horror Stories: Teeth
Pamela Winchell Welcome to Nightvale | Pauline Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Pearl Bones | Petra Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Phoebe Taylor A Discovery of Witches | Portia Supernatural | Prudence Blackwood The Sabrina Show on Netflix | Purna Jackson Dead Island
Queenie American Horror Story
Ramona Royale American Horror Story: Hotel | Raquel Francis Crazyhead |  Reba McClane Hannibal | Rebecca Jessel  The Haunting of Bly Manor | Regina Moss Malignant | Riley Abel The Last of Us | Rita Veder Vampire in Brooklyn | Roberta Warren Z Nation | Robin Ayou Subnautica: Below Zero | Rochelle Left 4 Dead | Rochelle Zimmerman The Craft | Rosalind Walker Sabrina Netflix | Rose Granger Weasley Harry Potter Verse | Rosemary Demons | Roxanne Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Roz Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Ruby Baptiste Lovecraft Country | Ruby Williams The People Under the Stairs |
Sasha Williams The Walking Dead | Senna  Twilight | Sheila Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Sheva Alomar Resident Evil 5 | Simone Bethson The Saw Franchise | Sunny Nwazue  The Nsibidi Scripts |
Tabby The Craft Legacy | Tallulah Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood |  Tara Thornton True Blood | The Temptress Def By Temptation |  Tituba Salem | Topsy and Bopsy Lovecraft Country |
Valentina Suicide by Sunlight | Vanessa Brooks Blade | Vampira | Vampirella | Vicky Stanton Children of the Corn 2009 | Viv Allen October Faction |
Wilhamena Mettle OK Let’s Be Heroes |
Yvonne A Nightmare on Elm Street Series |
Zafrina Twilight | Zoe Head Count |
Children in Horror | BFCD Family Friendly Spooky Season |
Abra Stone Doctor Sleep |  Chichi of Nimm The Nsibidi Scripts | Clementine The Walking Dead Game | Diana Freeman Lovecraft Country | Erica Sinclair Stranger Things | Eve Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Yasmin Nightbooks | Zora Wilson Us |
Bree Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Clawdeen, Clawdia, Wolf Monster High | Eliza Zambi Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Harper Dunn Secrets of Sulphur Springs |  Honey Swamp Monster High | Howleen Wolf Monster High | Kelly Ferguson A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting | Luna The Hex Girls, Scooby Doo | Luz Noceda The Owl House | Marceline The Vampire Queen Adventure Time | Maya Abeola Maya and the Rising Dark Series | Megan Evers The Haunted Mansion | Robecca Steam Monster High | Sarah Fox My Babysitter’s a Vampire | Taranee Cook W.I.T.C.H. | Uncanny Valley Miraculous Ladybug | Willa Lykensen Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S |  Wydowna Spider Monster High
*List will be updated throughout October* 
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glitter-troublewind · 2 years
aries sun aries moon: leighton meester, randall park, anya taylor-joy , jenny slate
aries sun taurus moon: diana ross, quentin tarantino, robert downey jr. , keira knightley, saoirse ronan , elton john
aries sun gemini moon: bette davis, jackie chan , sterling k brown
aries sun cancer moon: chaka khan, emma thompson, natasha lyonne, aretha franklin
aries sun leo moon: gloria steinem , rani mukerji
aries sun virgo moon: leona lewis ,elle fanning , perez hilton , james franco
aries sun libra moon: maya angelou , steven tyler, kristen stewart, claire danes , ilana glazer
aries sun scorpio moon: eddie murphy, lady gaga, hayden christensen
aries sun sagittarius moon: robin wright, cynthia nixon, america ferrera
aries sun capricorn moon: billie holiday, sarah jessica parker, julia stiles, eric andre , reese witherspoon , david tennant
aries sun aquarius moon: christopher walken , ashley judd, lake bell , keegan michael key , steve mcqueen
aries sun pisces moon: ali wong , rob mcelhenney
taurus sun aries moon: malcom x , janet jackson, cate blanchette , dev patel taurus sun taurus moon: iggy pop , katherine hepburn, kelly clarkson taurus sun gemini moon: ella fitzgerald , amber tamblyn taurus sun cancer moon: penelope cruz, robert pattinson , lena dunham , jemima kirk taurus sun leo moon: queen elizabeth II , barbara streisand , renee zellweger , megan fox taurus sun virgo moon: channing tatum, michelle phieffer , laurence olivier taurus sun libra moon: grace jones ,tina fey, rosario dawson , amber heard taurus sun scorpio moon: wes anderson , mark zuckerberg , bono taurus sun sagittarius moon: al pacino, adele taurus sun capricorn moon: taurus sun aquarius moon: jessica lange , james mcavoy , dianna agron taurus sun pisces moon: jerry seinfield, audrey hepburn , kehlani
gemini sun aries moon: tupac, angelina jolie , russel brand
gemini sun taurus moon: bob dylan, amy schumer, michael j fox
gemini sun gemini moon: brooke shields, leelee sobieski
gemini sun cancer moon: nancy sinatra, patti labelle
gemini sun leo moon: helena bonhom carter, clint eastwood , gotye
gemini sun virgo moon: jfk , natalie portman, courtney cox
gemini sun libra moon: annette benning, adriana lima
gemini sun scorpio moon: alanis morisette , john wayne , miles davis
gemini sun sagittarius moon: nicole kidman, naomi campbell, tom holland
gemini sun capricorn moon: stevie nicks, johnny depp, awkwafina
gemini sun aquarius moon: marilyn monroe, octavia spencer
gemini sun pisces moon: juliette lewis, kanye west
cancer sun aries moon: milo ventimiglio, michelle branch , nick offerman
cancer sun taurus moon: meryl streep, lindsay lohan
cancer sun gemini moon: frida kahlo , 50 cent, aubrey plaza
cancer sun cancer moon: george orwell, courtney love, jack white, ed westwick
cancer sun leo moon: lana del rey , kris kristofferson
cancer sun virgo moon: hope sandoval , suzanne vega , elon musk
cancer sun libra moon: nikola tesla , michelle rodriguez , topher grace , sylvester stallone
cancer sun scorpio moon: john cusack, lizzy kaplan, kali uchis
cancer sun sagittarius moon: kevin hart , judy greer
cancer sun capricorn moon: carly simon , liv tyler
cancer sun aquarius moon: princess diana , toby maguire
cancer sun pisces moon: diane kruger , robin williams
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 3 months
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I did my own ver of my seperated collab
I was too lazy to do the 2nd smaller portrait so I just stuck a art trade I did with okarigold in there/
(Yakko and Queenie Portrait by itself)
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the fic:
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
Lena 🐹
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
Oof, I don't know much about Pokemon but I think she'd really like that one purple eeveelution-- the fucking-- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--- *opens google* Espion, purely for the aesthetic. The purple and purple match. Plus, I feel like she'd want a chill pokemon that could rest in her lap after a rough day but also could kill her mother if told. I think her and Mew/Mew Two could bond tho
As far as what kind of trainer, I think she'd be an Ace bc of 1) being a princess/queen and 2) being a grown ass adult. She wouldn't particularly want fighting and isn't all that invested in it, which is why I see her as more domestic, but if I had to, I can see this
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manilafm · 1 year
Most wanted characters?
It does depend on which fandoms that you are most interested in roleplaying at this moment, but some of our most wanted fandoms and characters are : Lily Luna Potter, Hermione Granger, Harry James Potter, James Potter, George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Molly Weasley ii, Fred Weasley ii, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Roxanne Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Cho Chang, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Pansy Parkinson, Petunia Evans, Penelope Clearwater, Narcissa Black, Tracey Davis, Susan Bones, Mary MacDonald, Katie Bell, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Severus Snape, Hannah Abbott, Lucy Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Emma Vanity, Andromeda Black, and Daphne Greengrass from Harry Potter ; Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Josie McCoy, Cheryl Blossom, Kevin Keller, and Toni Topaz from Riverdale ; Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Discord, The Storm King, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Silver Spoon, Suri Polomare, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Princess Cadance, Scootaloo, Sugar Belle, Trixie Lulamoon, Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings, Moon Dancer, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Ocellus, Spitfire, Silverstream, Smolder, Tree Hugger, Vapor Trail, Yona, Tempest Shadow, Starlight Glimmer, Quibble Pants, Pear Butter 'Buttercup', Princess Skystar, Miss Cheerilee, Babs Seed, Cheese Sandwich, Coco Pommel, Countess Coloratura ‘Rara’, Diamond Tiara, Derpy Hooves, Lightning Dust, Daring Do, Cozy Glow, Flash Sentry, DJ Pon-3, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Adagio Dazzle, and Princess Flurry Heart from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls ; Adrien Agreste, Alya Césaire, Alix Kubdel, Socqueline Wang, Emilie Agreste (neé Graham De Vanily), Aurore Beauréal, Kagami Tsurugi, Duusu, Lila Rossi, Rose Lavillant, Mireille Caquet, Luka Couffaine, Pollen, Zoé Lee-Bourgeois, Chloé Bourgeois, Fei Wu, Mylène Haprèle, Nino Lahiffe, Jessica ‘Jess’ Keynes, Nathalie Sancoeur, Tikki, Audrey Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste, Plagg, and Wayzz from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir !! But I will let our members comment to this post with their most wanted characters from any fandoms !!
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Lately I feel slightly confused about this whole Illuminati thing. From what I've understood you're saying is that the Illuminati consist of these 13 Families/Bloodlines and that there is no way you can be a survivor of an Illuminati Cult if you aren't one of them? But there are several Secret Societies/Denominations or "Sub Groups" (ritual cults) that follow the Illuminati ideology?
For we are from a cult that claims to belong to the Illuminati. We've travelled the world and been to several countries throughout our childhood and youth where we experienced ritual abuse and sex trafficking from one and the same abuser group. We were programmed in America and Europe, also in Disneyland. We have special ties to the Disney family but don't want to get into any detail. We were trained to become political spies, assassins and programmers ourselves. On several "occasions" and "events" (where we served as sex slaves) we've met people from the Government, the CIA, presidents of different countries and a bunch of famous people. They all at some point claimed to belong to the Illuminati. We've spent several decades in this occult group. They followed several belief systems, some religious (often contradicting ones) but also political and military ideologies. While we're not quite sure about our biological parents (they were from different countries because the group wanted to have the best possible outcome in our DNA), we've lived with a pretty normal family that also has been part of the cult for many generations. They weren't anything special and we only recently found out they aren't our real relatives. Our stepfather belonged to the Freemasons but was considered worthless by our group as he had "the wrong blood".
You keep saying that no one ever escapes the Illuminati and you'd know if you were one of them because your family would be extremely wealthy and of high social Status. Every occult group that claims to belong to the Illuminati would be liars and "free-riders" who feed off that phänomenon. Survivors who believe experienced abuse by this group were being lied to or are lying about their heritage. But how would you know and why did you come to that conclusion?
Our abusers claimed to be one of them (of course they didn't talk about this on a regular basis and the knowledge about this was deeply hidden in the system) but obviously don't belong to any of the famous and well known bloodlines. We're pretty normal. Also, do you know Wendy Hoffmann? She claims to be a survivor of an Illuminati Cult and she sounds very credible and trustworthy.
There is the blood line set of the Illuminati. There is no leaving the blood line. They are elite. One would know if they were.
Here’s one post where I said this Link .
Any group can say they are illuminati. Like with many groups the leader will say they are Jesus or a direct messenger sent by God.
Here’s a post on illuminati beliefs Link .
People escape from high control groups. The group can and the leader can say they are illuminati. The posts I’ve posted differentiate between the two.
You say you belonged to a group that called themselves the illuminati. Many groups do that. That doesn’t negate your truth or that you were part of a group that said that.
How would I know? Do you think the people who would want to preserve their bloodline would have their children be sex slaves? They would allow their children to be sexually assualted and tortured by others? Would they do this if they wanted the best possible outcome in your DNA? Unless you were born to be abused and the DNA sought was for physical features. That is sex slavery by a group. (Those questions are rhetorical)
Let’s take Angelina Jolie as she’s a familiar person to most. Would you consider her royalty? No. Is she considered Royalty. No. But she is related to Queen Elizabeth II and French King Phillip the II.
I’ve heard of Wendy Hoffman. I haven’t read her books.
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scarletwitchie2 · 2 months
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Actress Angelina Jolie is presented with the Insignia of an Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George by Queen Elizabeth II in the 1844 Room on October 10, 2014 at Buckingham Palace, London
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at the Golden Globe Awards Jan. 15, 2012, in Los Angeles
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the Women in the World Summit 2013 on April 4, 2013 in New York
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UK premiere of "World War Z June 2, 2013.
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"Maleficent" in Tokyo, June 24, 2014.
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