#ramie carriere
sinful-liesel · 9 months
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Original Title: DesperaDrops (デスペラドロップス) Release Date: November 30, 2023 Developer & Publisher: Red Entertainment Corporation / D3 Publisher Genre: Romantic Thriller ADV Platform: Nintendo Switch Language: Japanese
🏃🏻‍♀️💨 Mika Amamine (CV: Mika Okamoto) 🏍️💨 Ash Meyer (CV: Ryota Suzuki) 🚗💨 Hamiel Luis (CV: Kazuki Kato) 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 Gib Baltzer (CV: Ryota Takeuchi) 🏍️💨 Ramie Carriere (CV: Yuto Uemura) 🚗💨 Camu Einhard (CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana) 🏃🏻💨 Sally Del Testa (CV: Kanae Itou)
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juno0v · 2 years
i always go to the theatres for rami malek movies
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crewman-penelope · 1 month
Rami Maleks Birthday Month!
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Rami's 43 Birthday is on the 12th of May. But for the whole month I will celebrate with daily entries of his carrier. From TV appears to his newest film projects. New edits and older ones from the past birthdays. I hope you all have fun and maybe through some own edits in it. And on the 12th may there will be a Sami celebration. Much love and celebrate two small kings!
@daughterofthesilmaril @esconognosia @thefluffiestseahorse @chevy2497 @ramicastiel @ellen-the-radiant @ellen-the-wise @moon-stars-soul @sakurasoulgeneral @ghoulsister1 @squidwujun @satanhauntedourfears @bearbruno14 @grumpyoutlaw @silverlambcaptain @neverendingstories00 @honestmysteries @one-boring-person @poptod @koshi-sama @padawansubscription @sapphicsandsupernatural @yagurlny @chieftyphoonchaos @villainworshiper @alessiathepirate @colourful-serendipity @tinymouseofthedunes
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lunamagicablu · 8 months
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Con occhi di selva
Il muschio è il grembo del Buddha su cui siedo per aprire gli occhi. Il Sangha sono gli alberi che oscillano al capriccio del vento dell’alba, i mulinelli d’acqua che il ruscello disegna nella luce che cresce e sprofonda. Sono anche le foglie nuove, in cima ai rami, e le foglie consunte, nella polvere. Compagni di meditazione sono i passeri ed i merli acquaioli che svagano in questo schizzo di bosco. Sono le cortecce divelte dalla fame dei cervi, le edere nelle loro mille strette ferrose, i giorni di pioggia i giorni di nebbia i giorni d’afa. Socchiudo gli occhi e dimentico ogni eco di ragione, sono io per un attimo e non sono più io. Non ho più parole, non ho più casa. Tiziano Fratus photo by Richard Littlewood *********************** With wild eyes
The moss it is the womb of the Buddha on which I sit to open my eyes. The Sangha are the swinging trees at the whim of the dawn wind, the eddies of water that the stream draws in the light that it grows and sinks. They are also the new leaves, on top of the branches, and the worn leaves, in the dust. Meditation companions are sparrows and blackbirds water carriers who amuse themselves in this sketch of the woods. They are the bark torn away by the hunger of the deer, the see the days in their thousand iron grips rainy days, foggy days, sultry days. I close my eyes and forget everything echo of reason, it's me for a moment and it's not me anymore. I have no more words, I do not have anymore home. Tiziano Fratus photo by Richard Littlewood 
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ikemenfangirl · 10 months
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DesperaDrops : Otome Game upcoming (JP Nintendo Switch)
Title: DesperaDrops
By: D3 Publisher
Genre: Love Adventure, Escape Crime
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Language: Japanese
Website: https://www.d3p.co.jp/desperadrops/
Release: 30 November 2023
PV : https://youtu.be/M3ioSv6mYXk?si=QDlSpvbV2GMfHk8O
OP / ED by: Zwei
OP song : Escape from this world
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Mika Amamine CV: Okamoto Mika #岡本美歌
(Protagonist : Voice on / off)
Ash Meyer CV: Suzuki Ryota #鈴木崚汰
Hamiel Luis CV: Kazuki Kato #加藤和樹
Gib Baltzer CV: Takeuchi Ryota #竹内良太
Ramie Carriere CV: Uemura Yuto #上村祐翔
Camu Einhard CV: Tachibana Shinnosuke #立花慎之介
Sally Dell Testa CV: Ito Kanae #伊藤かな恵
Main Character design: コザキユースケ
Original by: 吉村りりか
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saucerfulofsins · 6 months
that ship isn't Israeli. it's called the Galaxy Leader, and it's owned by the UK and operated by a Japanese company called Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. It wasn't Yemenis, it was Houthis who boarded the ship and held the civilian crew members at gunpoint. None of the crew aboard the Galaxy Leader are even Israeli. They're Filipino, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Romanian, and Mexican. Y'all would fuck a cockroach if it hated Jews lmfao
Look, I'm fine with being called out for reblogging misinformation. We all know Tumblr isn't exactly the most trustworthy site of news. Thank you for the rectification. I was under the impression it was a private ship rather than a cargo ship. However, I do need to point out that you're just also leaving out crucial information yourself:
"The Galaxy Leader is operated by Japanese company NYK Line but belongs to Ray Car Carriers, registered in Britain's Isle of Man but owned by Israeli billionaire shipping mogul Abraham “Rami” Ungar." (The National News, source)
"The maritime security company Ambrey said the vessel’s group owner “is listed as Ray Car Carriers”, whose parent company belongs to Abraham “Rami” Ungar, an Israeli businessperson." (The Guardian, source)
Now, regardless of which country a billionaire is from, I will not support them because there is no ethical way of becoming a billionaire in the first place. It's always over the backs of others. Secondly it's hoarding wealth that should (and could!) keep the economy (whichever economy that person belongs to) healthier than it currently is. I do think it is unfortunate that personnel has become victim of the action, and I hope they are safe and well.
As for that last line/the insinuation I am antisemitic... There's a vast difference between being anti-zionism/anti-genocide, and being antisemitic. I'm gonna hazard a guess that you know that very well, but that it doesn't fit your narrative and/or what you've been spoon-fed all your life. I am a firm believer of human rights and dignity for everybody. However, the way Israel's government is targeting innocent Palestinian civilians goes directly against that. I, and others, can (and should) criticize Israel's treatment of the Palestinians without hating Jewish people or even assuming all Israelis support their government (I mean I know I don't exactly support my country's government). Ergo, I'm against antisemitism the same way I'm against islamophobia, and the same way I'm against any group in power commiting genocide against any other group of people, because nobody deserves that kind of treatment. Thanks.
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Riforma della giustizia, pronti i decreti: cosa cambia?
Il Consiglio dei Ministri è pronto per il via libera a quattro decreti legge che danno il via alla riforma della giustizia. Si tratta di un provvedimento complesso e articolato che mira a modificare in profondità il sistema giudiziario italiano, con l'obiettivo di renderlo più efficiente, equo e trasparente. I quattro decreti riguardano: - Separazione delle carriere: magistrati requirenti e giudicanti avranno due percorsi di carriera distinti fin dall'inizio. - Organizzazione del CSM: il Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura sarà riformato con l'istituzione di un "doppio CSM", uno per i magistrati requirenti e uno per quelli giudicanti. - Alta Corte di Disciplina: sarà istituita una nuova Alta Corte per le valutazioni disciplinari dei magistrati. - Processo penale: saranno introdotte diverse modifiche al processo penale, tra cui l'ampliamento del ricorso ai riti alternativi e l'estensione del regime di procedibilità a querela per alcuni reati. Riforma della giustizia, le nuove modifiche proposte Le novità più significative riguardano la separazione delle carriere e la riforma del CSM. La separazione delle carriere mira a evitare il conflitto di interessi che può derivare dal fatto che gli stessi magistrati che indagano e accusano i reati poi li giudicano. La riforma del CSM, invece, mira a maggiore indipendenza e autonomia dei due rami della magistratura, quello requirente e quello giudicante. Le altre modifiche al processo penale sono volte a ridurre la durata dei processi e a aumentare l'efficienza del sistema. Tra le novità più importanti, l'ampliamento del ricorso ai riti alternativi, come il patteggiamento e il giudizio abbreviato, che consentono di definire i procedimenti in tempi più brevi. L'estensione del regime di procedibilità a querela per alcuni reati, come quelli contro la persona e contro il patrimonio, mira invece a favorire la risoluzione dei procedimenti mediante la conciliazione tra le parti. Complesso e controverso La riforma della giustizia è un provvedimento complesso e controverso. I suoi sostenitori ne sottolineano i potenziali benefici in termini di efficienza, equità e trasparenza del sistema giudiziario. I suoi detrattori, invece, temono che la separazione delle carriere possa portare a una frammentazione della magistratura e che la riforma del CSM possa indebolire il ruolo del Consiglio. Solo il tempo dirà se la riforma della giustizia avrà gli effetti sperati. Quel che è certo è che si tratta di un provvedimento importante che avrà un impatto significativo sul futuro del sistema giudiziario italiano. Nuove misure? Oltre alle novità contenute nei decreti, il governo sta lavorando anche ad altre misure per migliorare il funzionamento della giustizia, come la digitalizzazione dei processi e l'aumento del numero di magistrati e di personale amministrativo. L'obiettivo del governo è quello di creare un sistema giudiziario più efficiente, equo e trasparente, in grado di rispondere alle esigenze dei cittadini e di rafforzare lo stato di diritto. La riforma della giustizia è un processo complesso e di lungo periodo. Ci vorrà del tempo per valutare i suoi effettivi risultati. Tuttavia, si tratta di un provvedimento importante che rappresenta un passo avanti nella direzione di un sistema giudiziario più moderno ed efficiente. Foto di Sang Hyun Cho da Pixabay Read the full article
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rotten-sarcophagus · 6 months
that ship isn't Israeli, retard. it's called the Galaxy Leader, and it's owned by the UK and operated by a Japanese company called Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. Houthis boarded the ship and held the civilian crew members at gunpoint. None of the crew aboard the Galaxy Leader are even Israeli. They're Filipino, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Romanian, and Mexican. All this is going to do is increase military presence in the Red Sea.
huh? the fuck does that have to do with me? also "Galaxy Leader is a roll-on/roll-off vehicle carrier built in 2002 at Stocznia Gdynia in Gdynia, Poland. It is owned by Ray Shipping, a company owned by Israeli businessman Rami Ungar." and it was basically rented(chartered) out to a Japanese company on November 19th 2023. if you gonna flood the message with facts at least write the whole truth. and finally "All this is going to do is increase military presence in the Red Sea" US already has warships in the red sea. the worst a car carrier can do against them is eat a few shells. The US and other Israeli allied countries didn't need a reason to flood the area with heavy military equipment armed with overly engineered weapons of mass destruction aimed at anyone who looks at them funny.
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Up to 52 people are reported to have on board the Galaxy Leader vehicle carrier when she was seized. It comes after the Houthis - based in Yemen - vowed they would target all ships owned by Israel or flying their flag in the Red Sea. Israeli officials confirmed the rebels had taken over the ship that is partially owned by one of their companies, according to Axios. However, the IDF went on to deny the ship was Israeli. The exact ownership of ships is often difficult to discern due to various different companies owning stakes in or leasing the vessels. It is understood there are no Israeli nationals onboard the massive vehicle carrier. The ship has not reported its position on ship tracking services for 26 hours. Lebanon-based outlet Al Mayadeen reported there were 52 people on board the ship when it was seized. It is flagged to the Bahamas - and the nationality of the crew on board is unknown. Other reports stated the number of crew was 22. Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said: "The hijacking of the cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea is a very serious event on a global level. "This is a ship that left Turkey on its way to India with an international civilian crew, without Israelis." Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarea demanded all countries withdraw their citizens from working on Israeli ships. And after news broke of the ship hijacking, he said the group would release a statement in the "coming hours". The ship is reportedly owned by Israeli shipping businessman Rami Ungar.
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tonkienjoy · 2 years
Mv helios ray
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Mv helios ray series#
The Pentagon on Thursday night blamed Kataib Hezbollah and another militia group backed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for recent attacks in Iraq. President Joe Biden approved the strike - which killed at least one member of a Kataib Hezbollah-affiliated militia - in response to recent rocket attacks on US-led coalition bases in Iraq and the Green Zone in Baghdad. Limpet mines are attached with magnets.įriday’s explosion came just hours after the United States conducted an airstrike against a border-crossing facility used by Iran-linked militias in Syria. Iran’s government denied a role in those attacks, but has not yet commented on today’s incident. The Pentagon subsequently released surveillance footage showing individuals in what appeared to be an Iranian-made boat removing a limpet mine from the side of one of the two damaged Saudi-owned tankers. The US military publicly blamed Iran for the incidents. Similar mysterious explosions struck two Saudi oil tankers near the Hormuz Strait in 2019, as well as two other ships. Kan quoted Ungar as saying that the two holes are roughly 1.5 meters (5 feet) in diameter and that “it is not yet clear to us if this was caused by missile fire or mines that were attached to the ship.” The ship is owned by the Tel Aviv-based Ray Shipping company, whose head, Rami Ungar, has ties to Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, Israel’s Kan broadcaster reported, without naming sources. Reuters reported that an explosion above the ship’s water line caused holes in both sides of its hull, but that the vessel and crew were safe. It was believe that the vehicle carrier was headed to Dubai to assess the damage. The crew reported no injuries and the vessel continues to sail back toward the strait, according to an open-source maritime tracking website. The vessel, the MV Helios Ray, quickly turned around and headed for port around 1 a.m. morning after departing from Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and sailing through the Strait of Hormuz.
Mv helios ray series#
Iran also has blamed Israel for a recent series of attacks, including a mysterious explosion last summer that destroyed an advanced centrifuge assembly plant at its Natanz nuclear facility and the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top Iranian scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program two decades ago.An Israeli-owned cargo ship suffered at least one explosion while sailing in the Gulf of Oman on Friday in the latest such maritime incident in the Middle East. The Sunday report speculated the ship may have been “trapped in an ambush by a branch of resistance axis,” referring to Iranian proxies in the region. The country’s hard-line Kayhan daily, whose editor-in-chief was appointed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, alleged the Helios Ray was “possibly” on an “espionage” mission in the region, without offering any evidence to support the claim. Iranian authorities have not publicly commented on the ship. Israeli ambassador to the US, Gilad Erdan, told Israel’s Army Radio on Sunday that “it was no secret that the Iranians are trying to harm Israeli targets” and alleged the explosion on the ship bore the hallmarks of other Iranian attacks. The Israeli-owned cargo docked in Dubai’s port for repairs Sunday “Tensions between Israel and Iran remain fraught, especially in light of increased signs of rapprochement between Iran and the Biden administration,” Dryad said. “We have no idea if this is an incident that is part of the tensions between Iran and the United States and if it has to do with the fact that the owner of the ship is Israeli.”ĭryad Global suggested Iran could be behind the blast, noting the incident comes amid heightened tensions between Israel and the Islamic republic. “But it is not yet clear to us whether it was caused by missile fire or mines attached to the ship,” he added. It did cause “two holes about a meter and a half (five feet) in diameter” in damage, he said, without elaborating. Rami Ungar, an Israeli businessman who owns the Helios Ray, told Kan on Friday that the explosion did not cause any casualties among the crew or damage to the engine. “This is an initial assessment that takes into account the proximity (with Iran) and the context” in which the blast occurred, he added. “The location of the vessel, relatively close to Iran at the time, raises the belief that Iran was responsible, but it must still be verified,” Gantz told Israeli state television Kan. The MV Helios Ray, a vehicle carrier, was travelling from the Saudi port of Dammam to Singapore when the blast occurred on Thursday, according to the Dryad Global maritime security group. JERUSALEM-Israeli defence minister Benny Gantz said on Saturday his “initial assessment” was that Iran was responsible for an explosion on an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman overnight between Thursday and Friday.
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twoguysandaride · 2 years
The EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle Replica
The EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle is a fictional top secret U.S. Army project led by General Barnicke in the 1981 movie Stripes, starring Bill Murray and Harold Ramis.
Based on a GMC 1976 GMC 26' Palm Beach motorhome, it was heavily armored (including roll-away shutters to protect the windows and other sensitive areas from weapons fire) and armed with machine-guns, a cannon, flamethrowers, a multiple rocket launcher, and assorted infantry weapons. It also featured a fully equipped communications and navigation suite and it could operate as an armored personnel carrier where personnel could enter and exit the vehicle by a power operated ramp at the back. The vehicle was shown to be impervious to cannon fire when it was shot at by a cannon mounted in a tower. Designed to prowl urban areas without attracting attention, the EM-50 could quickly deploy its weapons before an enemy knew it was there or realized what it was.
Join us as we take a stroll down movie memory lane, taking a close look at this EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle Replica as seen in the movie Stripes. A big thanks to Mike the owner and head honcho for CarsAgainstCrime.org for sharing it with us.  
Click on the link https://www.carsagainstcrime.org/ to see more information or too Donate.
#twoguysandaride #carsoftheday #CarReview #CarReviews #ClassicCar #ClassicCars #ClassicBoat #HowTo #TechHowTo #CarTech #Moviecars #Moviecarreplicas #carsagainstcrime #Crimefightercars 
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honestmysteries · 4 years
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I always find these luxury lounge things funny because they’re so random. Here, Rami Malek, pose with this baby carrier. 😆
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queenmylovely · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write an imagine or blurb about Ben and the reader having newborn twins and surprising the bohrap cast, Roger and Brian with them when they visit? You can choose names and genders...
this was a fun little request, thanks for sending it in! (no warnings, 800 words)
It had been a while since the whole gang had gotten together, with all the projects everyone had going and other obligations. So when your and Ben’s babies had finally been born, they all made it a priority to make time to visit together. What they didn’t know, though, was that there were two babies. Because of a misread ultrasound, you and Ben hadn’t even known until six months in and had decided to keep it as a secret for a surprise for your friends. You had kept the illusion up by only sending pictures of one of the girls at a time and as they were newborns, no one could tell.
Rami, Lucy, Gwilym, and Joe were all coming over for a whole day of catching up and getting to spend time with the family. They had also offered a bit of babysitting, cleanup, and cooking so you and Ben could get some rest.
At 10:30am, you were in the kitchen with little Eliza when you heard your doorbell. You buzzed everyone in, calling out that you were in the kitchen and Ben was in the nursery.
Lucy and Rami appeared around the corner and you assumed Joe and Gwil had gone to see Ben first, which was exactly as you had planned.
“Hi, oh my gosh there she is!” Lucy exclaimed as she saw the baby in her little carrier.
“Haha look at her,” Rami said excitedly as they both got next to her.
“Um hello, I’m here as well,” you reminded with a laugh.
“Oops,” they said in tandem, coming over to give you a kiss and a hug.
Then their attention went right back to Eliza. She wasn’t awake so they just watched her peaceful sleeping silently for a few seconds.
“Couldn’t we just… wake her?” Lucy asked with a hopeful look.
“I can tell by the way you asked that that you know the answer is no. Why don’t you go say hi to Ben and then we’ll see where she’s at,” you suggested.
Rami and Lucy nodded before taking one last look and heading down the hall to the nursery.
They passed Joe in the hallway on his way to you with excited smiles.
Joe was already talking as he came into the kitchen, “Gwil’s just going to the bathroom, he’ll be here in a— What the fuck?!”
You could then hear Gwil laughing from the hallway, “Joe, you know you shouldn’t be cussing like that when there’s a baby in the house— I’m sorry am I hallucinating?”
You couldn’t help but burst out into laughter at the looks on their faces as well as the gasps and yells coming from the other end of the house. A few seconds later, Lucy, Rami, and Ben came walking down the hallway, Ben laughing just as hard as you and with your other daughter, Amelia in his arms.
All four of your friends whipped their heads back and forth between the two babies, and you realized that all of the commotion had woken Eliza. Luckily, she didn’t seem upset, so you just picked her up and walked to stand next to Ben.
“Are you kidding me? You guys have twins?” Joe was the first to speak again, a look of disbelief still taking over his face.
“Well we just wanted to surprise everyone and thought it’d be funny to see your reactions,” Ben explained, not an ounce of regret on his face.
“I can’t believe you lied to us,” Lucy said dramatically, but you knew she wasn’t actually upset.
“Here, hold a baby, it’ll make you feel better,” you told her, carefully placing Eliza in her arms.
Just like that, all of Lucy’s focus was on the tiny thing in her arms, Rami coming up to watch the two of them raptly as well. Then Ben gave Joe Amelia and he and Gwil were thoroughly distracted from the perceived slight as well.
You and Ben watched your friends cooing at and talking to your two children happily for a few minutes. Then you yawned and Ben gestured to the couch. Sitting down together, you leaned over and rested your head on his chest, his arm wrapping around your side.
“Look at them, they love the girls as much as they love us,” you said with a smile.
“Probably more,” Ben reasoned and the two of you laughed quietly.
With the warmth and happiness you felt in the room, and the lack of sleep from having two newborns, both you and Ben were asleep in minutes.
“So you never told us, what are their names?” Gwil asked, and all four of them turned to hear the answer. But they saw that you were conked out and quietly decided that Lucy and Joe would go to the nursery with the babies while Rami and Gwil would cook up some lunch to let the two of you sleep before it was time to wake up and feed the girls again.
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if you haven't already, family headcanons for the borhap boys? 💞
You bet!!!! I need some indulgent, distracting fluff right now! 
Also, I will assume that by “family’ you mean “starting a family with the BohRap boys” ie them as dads. Please let me know if it’s not what it is!
So if your life involved starting a family with...
He would spoil that child rotten
It’s not even funny- every shopping trip even to fetch groceries (or from someone getting him groceries bc of the press) he will insist on getting your baby some kind of little snack or toy or new shoes or socks.
When you say no, he widens and then droops his eyes like a puppy and says “pleeeeease!”
His family loves to come over and play and even babysit when you both are busy. His mom knows several lullabies and they plan on teaching the baby everything about coming to America when its old enough.
Though introducing the baby to his twin brother, Sami, was a different deal.
Sami decided to be as clean-shaven as his brother when he first stopped by for dinner, and the reaction on your baby's face was priceless.
It kept looking between Sami and Rami with a slack jaw as if thinking “you’re dad...but you’re also dad....who is dad????”
When the baby is about two years old they always insist on running and hugging Rami every time they see him and it’s adorable.
First off, you bet he would get a baby carrier the day after the baby arrived and wear it with the child all the time!
Even walking around NYC with sunglasses (and matching sunglasses for the kid) and a fanny pack full of bottles, supplies, diapers, etc.
Though, when he has to look after the little one, he likes to make funny faces to make the baby laugh.
After a few years pass, he has conversations even though the child can only speak in little words or baby talk.
“Uh-oh!” “That was just half a sippy cup of orange juice but that is an uh-oh indeed!”
When the kid is four years old, he shows them Jurassic Park (covering their ears during the swear words!). But they don’t realize Tim is dad!!! And when he says so they don’t believe him!
Plus he would love playing with the kid- from letting them climb all over to “broccoli punching” them to dressing up in a tutu and pretending to be fairy princesses with the child!
He also plays bass for them, like singing a little lullaby when they can’t sleep.
Gwil would definitely cry tears- actual, large, salty tears- when the baby arrives. He would hold it in silence, almost awe.
Then he would just say “hi there...I’m your dad. I’ve waited for you for a long time and now...I just...” and then kiss its forehead.
He would document every “first” the kid does. And keep it in a special notebook.
Though he would love to swing the baby and hum little songs to it all the time. In fact, when the baby first says “dada” he calls his parents in excitement.
That polite little kid would always say “tank you dada,” in the cutest voice.
When it's old enough, you all go hiking and camping together! Often roasting marshmallows by a fire!
He would always read to the child even though your child has a tendency to always ask “why” to everything.
The child would also hang out with him while watching soccer or rugby games- albeit sometimes with a coloring book if they don’t get into it. But as long as their dad gets them a hot chocolate and explains it a little bit they don’t mind!
I think Ben would be the protective type of dad. Almost helicopter levels at the beginning!
“Oh no you don’t! If you’re going down the slide! Daddy has to go with you!”
But he would love to play with the baby- tossing it lightly up and down but catching it.
When they are older, he loves swinging your child under his arms. He moves around and they wriggle and kick and giggle and he can’t help but smile.
When the kid is old enough- they learn they can Facetime with daddy when he’s filming and show him their drawings or what they’re reading or playing with.
But the kid is also fascinated by playing drums from banging spoons on pots in the kitchen and Ben insists they take a few lessons- soon.
Sometimes he also plays “make-believe” like Joe, though Ben is always the dragon or monster the kids has to fight, and then he has to “play dead.” and it’s hysterical!
And when he arrives home from filming- they always make a big sign on the house saying “welcome home daddy!” with a crayon and marker used drawing of your child and Ben!
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Taglist: @queenlover05 @stardust-killer-queen
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ana-deaky · 4 years
It’s The Little Things || Joe Mazzello x Reader
What started out as a discussion between me and @amethyst-serenade on how cute Joe is, blown out into this story/HC, I honestly don’t know what this is. It’s definitely fluffy, now that I’m sure. Hope you guys enjoy our work!!
Words: 2393
No warnings whatsoever
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Oh without a doubt! He's gonna be an amazing father and his kids will be adorable and lovable just like him.
Imagine him with his firstborn (especially if it's a girl) holding them in his arms and the absolute adoration on his face ♥️
It would start when you tell him you're pregnant. He'd be beside you (crying a little), kissing and hugging you, and your belly and telling "I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents."
Even when before you start showing, his hands will be on the belly, secretly protecting his kid. Involuntarily yelling "excuse me" and "coming through" when the two of you walk through crowds. And randomly talking to the baby, reading to the baby at night. And when he goes on a shoot while you're pregnant and he calls and he says "put the phone on speaker, I wanna talk to the baby" and talks about the day.
And he'd be showing everyone the ultrasound pic! And when you're having a movie night, he'd either have his hand or his head on your belly, constantly snuggling into you. And he'll tell anyone who'll listen that his beautiful wife is expecting your first child. And during the movie, if anybody cusses, Joe would put his hands on the sides of the belly and he'd say "too early for that" jokingly.
Oh Joe won't be able to hold it in for the first trimester. The day the second trimester hits, the ultrasound will be on his page and he'll share an entire paragraph about the baby and his incredible wife.
And obviously help throw the best damn dramatic Baby Gender Reveal Party ever!! YES! It's a girl!!
The moment he feels the baby kick over your belly, god, here comes the water works AGAIN!! His hands will be literally glued to your belly until he feels her kick again.
And the day comes when little Ms. Mazzello is ready to make her grand entrance into the world and you bet your ass, Mr. Mazzello has had the hospital bag and ready to go right after the baby shower.
And there she was, Ella Virginia Mazzello, the absolute adoration in his face as he watched his little girl in a tiny bundle on her mom's chest.
His face would be all lit up when he finally holds his baby girl, he's looking at his baby girl, all teary eyed and you could see his love for the baby in his eyes. And he'll literally worship the mother of his more than adorable baby, the love of his life and love her like anything.
He'd be loving and considerate, and would make sure his wife is happy and comfortable. And he tries his best to for you to let him dress the baby in the Yankees onesie he got for her. Well he knows how that's gonna end up.
Let us assume the fact that Ben has a baby boy around that time and Gwil makes a joke "that's your future boyfriend" when the boys visit the new mother and baby at Joe's home and Joe whispers to the baby, pretty audibly, "No dating for you until 16, young lady"
And on one day when the Yankees are playing, he'll be wearing a Yankees tshirt and dresses the baby in the Yankees onesie that he specifically got for her, and seats her on his lap, he'll post that picture captioned "Just two Yankees fans hangin' out"
His phone memory will be filled up with all of Ella's pictures, videos of her bouncing up and down on her father's lap to one of those Beatles songs from her dad's collection and obviously in her Halloween costume, that's right, Joe dresses up his little girl in a baby Raptor costume.
And all the boys would give him shit for it but Lucy would think it's the most adorable thing ever and tell you how lucky you are to have a husband like that.
As his little girl grows up, he'll help her host tea parties and he'd take her on daddy-daughter dates so he can show her how a REAL man should treat her.
Joe would make sure his little girl don't take no crap!
Second time along, during their second gender reveal, they find they're having a baby boy and he'll go crazy raising his hands and jumping up and down "we're having a boy, our lil baseball player is here."
He'd be going on and on and ON about having a firstborn son to carry on the family name.
He'd DEFINITELY get him a raptor onesie first and practically beg to organise play dates with Gwil & Dana's little girl and Rami and Lucy's twins (we haven't forgotten Ben's kids)
And Joe's baby girl, he'll definitely be by her side when his baby boy is too little so that she don't feel left out or anything.
And Mother's Day,
The boys would all get together and plan something special for the ladies so they don't have to lift a finger. Starting with breakfast in bed (that Joe made with help from the kids), well you woke up to your little girl's giggles from outside the door and in comes your lovely husband with your baby boy in the baby carrier and Ella.
The boys would have booked the girls in for a spa day and he'll organise daddy-daycare with the boys. Then you'd all go to Rami & Lucy's place for dinner, which of course, the dads are making while the girls hangout with the kids. And then comes a bab(ies)y-mommy photoshoot and everything.
But Joe would find you when the baby's hungry because 'that's the one thing I can't do, sorry!' He'll be so dramatic saying "My nipples are useless."
Under the starry skies, the boys and their wives and babies, pictures perfect.
Ooh and the kids, well the boys will set up tents for them to camp in the backyard. And they'll sit around and tell stories of dragons and pirates and wizards; and let their imaginations run wild.
Imagine Gwil telling all these amazing stories with his soothing accent, doing all the voices and making the kids laugh while the rest of you are enjoying a beer or a glass of wine under the fairy lights hanging in the trees. And later, when he gets an acoustic guitar and break into a song and all the boys sing along.
And after the kids are down, all of you reminisce about the time when they did BoRhap and all the fun you guys had during press tours and birthdays and holidays.
And Joe tells about the adventures in Japan for the press tour when the translators were finding it hard to keep up with the boys. And Ben's like "Sorry I missed it!"
"But Cardboard Ben did" and that's when they remember Ben Cardy after an awful long time
Then Gwil and Joe explain the terrible night that Cardy B was in jail. Meanwhile you and the girls look at each other like "Boys!" 🙄
And Lucy takes out Joe's YouTube page and shows all the videos. And they all give him shit for doing 'Milk' and you be like "He still got the occasional screams."
Then Rami says "so THAT'S your bedroom secret, Joe?" And Joe's like "Well, we've got two kids so it must be working!" And you shove at his arm to keep him quiet saying "Joseph!"
"That's nothing",  Lucy says with a grin "Rami sings to me". And Rami covers his face with his hands and Ben shoves his arm. "Gwil goes "Huzzah" everytime he's done", says Dana from a corner. Ben gives Olivia a warning look, and Olivia says "Ben tells me to call him Skywalker to get him in the mood" and Joe laughs.
"So we all have weird quirks, cheers to that", says Joe and takes a drink and you go like eww
"That's why were friends", says Gwil. "Joe and I are more like brothers' says Rami, "We've seen each other shirtless in The Pacific". "And other things" says Ben. Lucy rolls her eyes and you two give each other a look.
"Here we go again" says Gwil and turns to you to ask "Has he tried to make the kids watch The Pacific yet?"
"Well it's not my fault. That the scene was TOO GOOD, y'know", says Joe winking, "besides you enjoy it as much as I do" says Joe to you.
"Several times. Barely made it halfway through the first episode before Ella said she was bored. He then tried with Joey until I reminded him that the baby is, in fact, still a baby. But when WE watch it, Joe always seems really interested in THAT sex scene", you said. "Joseph!" Lucy gasps
"Attaboy!" Rami chuckles and pats Joe on his back.
"How come you guys never watched it with me?", Ben asks. "We should do a "The Pacific" watch party one day", Rami announces and Joe toasts, "To the watchparty!"
"Oh she hesitated! That means it's true!" says Ben. "No wonder you've got two kids" Gwil grins.
"You watched it too!" says Dana. "Only because Rami and Joe wouldn't shut up about it and brought it up in EVERY interview we did!" says Gwil.
Just as Joe does the toast, your daughter comes out in her favourite unicorn pyjamas. "Daddy, I need to pee". Joe looks over at you. Rami and Lucy giggle. "She did call Daddy, didn't she?", you gave a look to Joe and he says "Come here" he says and picks up his daughter and off he goes. "She walks right?", Dana asks. "Don't even get me started with that.", you told.
"Always knew he'd go all gooey over his little girl." Ben says, lighting a cigarette. "She's definitely daddy's princess", you sigh. "Does he have tea parties with her?" Olivia asks. "He does, but uh" you hesitate just as Joe comes back, "Liv wants to know about your latest tea party"
"Oh what can I say Ella loves tea parties as much as I do. It's incredible and so much fun, you know" he says. "And this one here", he gestures to you, "is kinda jealous of us spending all the time together."
"You pinky promised me that you wouldn't show it to anyone" says Joe trying to grab your phone. "Oh its them", you said. "Yes it's us. Also pinky promise? How old are you guys?", Gwil asked.
"Yeah, Joe left me for a younger woman", you grin, sipping your wine. "You bastard!" Gwil gasps.
"And yet I have photographic evidence of you wearing a flower crown" you add. "Show us!", says Ben.
"That's just the start of it, Gwil", you wink, "so we have a choice between the flower crown, the fairy wings or the unicorn headband". Ben chokes on his cigarette and the girls laugh.
"You're a man of many hidden talents, Joe", Rami smirks.
"In my defense, I take pinky promises very very seriously", Joe said as the group passed the phone around, "Also I looked good in every one of those pictures"
"Y/N, tell them", Joe said. You roll your eyes. "He looks good in every one of those pictures", you said, adding to Dana "otherwise he'll sulk for the rest of the night." Dana giggles.
"Speaking of onesies, Joe wanted to get BoRhap themed outfits for the kids.", you said. "Thats so thoughtful, Joe", Lucy said. "Hold on, next time?", Ben grinned, "You guys wanna have more kids?"
"Did you get that onesie that we sent you for the baby?" Ben asked. "We did", you confirm "and it fits perfectly. Though El almost threw a tantrum when she saw her baby brother dressed as a raptor."
"Well Joe has already bought a Yankees one, so Ben had to compromise", said Rami. "Joe made me pinky promise that we HAD to buy the Yankees onesie first", you grin. "I wanted that for the baby's "homecoming" outfit, but she didn't allow it. Both times. Better luck next time, right?" Joe said.
'It's Joey's first Christmas. They're growing up so fast. I remember like it was yesterday that I told Joe that I was pregnant with El. Now here we are", and you were interrupted by a baby crying through one of the monitors. All of you scramble around to check which one was active. And found out it was yours, "Is he hearing all this? I'm gonna go check on him", you said and walked away.
"Oh he's already advised me of this, on the wedding night", you shrugged. "Pretty sure we conceived lil Joey at your place, Gwil", Joe grins, making Gwil sputter on his beer. You swatted his arm, "Joe!!".
"And I assume you've already found these outfits for the kids?" Olivia asked.
"It's a work in progress. It should be ready by the time of our Disney trip, hopefully", Joe said.
You sat in the rocking chair with Joey in your arms, singing to him softly, looking deep into his hazel eyes, stroking his cheek with your finger.
"I remember when you told us that Y/N was pregnant again", said Lucy, "You couldn't wait give give El a baby brother or sister."
"That's what you meant when you said you were busy, huh"' Rami winked. "We thought it was time, you know, El became a big sister."
"Gosh, I feel bad for not saying goodnight to everyone", you yawned "I didn't realise how tired I was.". You watched as the baby snuggled into the pastel green blanket, sound asleep.
You felt the baby lifted off your arms and opened your eyes, your fingers tightening on the baby "Shhhh its okay, it's me. I got him.", said Joe as he took the baby in his arm and laid him down on the bassinet right by the bedside. "Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?", you asked sleepy
"I knew you'd have dozed off with the baby when you didn't show up and everybody was tired after the long night. Probably asleep by now", Joe said, "Come let's go to sleep."
'C'mon now, in you get', Joe said pulling the duvet aside and you got in and he behind you. His strong arms wrapped around you after he pulled the blanket over the both of you. You nuzzled into his neck. Joe kissed the top of your head. As the two of you dozed off.
Tags: @amethyst-serenade @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @mazzell-ro @thosequeenboys @detectivecutiepantsandhisbabyfox @brinteylovesaliens @hellysthings
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
I'm ALWAYS thirsty for dad!Rami. Do with this what you please.
Here you go anon! Hope this satisfies.
Rami was an incredible dad but currently he was feeling less than stellar about his dad skills.
You had been gone for two days to attend some meetings on the other side of the country leaving Rami alone for the first time with your three kids.
Rami was currently standing at the stove trying to finish making the macaroni and cheese the two oldest had been begging for since breakfast ended only three and a half hours ago.
The youngest, only six months old, currently in the Moby wrap carrier, crying his eyes because he too was demanding to be fed as his father was attempting to keep from burning his siblings' lunch, and make a bottle for him at the same time.
The two oldest were in the living room fighting over a toy and screaming at each other. 
“How the hell does she do this all the time by herself?” 
It wasn't until he heard the sound of something crashing, one of the two older kids start crying with his twin yelling “I DIDN’T DO IT!” and the smoke detector in the kitchen started shrieking that he nearly lost his shit. 
Yanking the smoking pan off the burner and tossing it out the open window above the sink did he raise his voice.
“GET YOUR DAMN SHOES ON WE’RE GOING TO MCDONALD’S” he bellowed, while the youngest happily sucked away on his bottle. 
Running his hands over his face feeling every bit his age; grabbing the diaper bag (double checking to make sure it was fully stocked), sliding his feet into shoes he otherwise wouldn’t be caught dead in public in, and the car keys heading towards the garage. 
The two oldest came skidding to a halt in the small hallway that led to the garage each wearing their ugly crocs that both insisted on having, that made their feet filthy disgusting and smell incredibly bad he turns around and with a tight smile addresses his children. 
“If I ever hear you complain about your mother ever again you’ll be grounded for the rest of your lives. Your mother is a superhero, a Wonder Woman.” he mused out loud to the kids before turning on his heel and heading out the garage door. 
Only one more day until his wife returned, he could do this, he really could.
@xmxisxforxmaybe @the-real-ramimalekpeen @ramimedley @diasimar @flipper-kisses @itsme690 @mezzomercury
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