#raven and robin have that i understand you and trust you and would be happy to sit in comfortable silence with you type of dynamic
thwackk · 2 years
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a while back i started making my own teen titans reboot after watching the show because i just wanted to for fun. and was planning to redesign them all and made some of their character arcs a little better and made gave them slightly different dynamics with each other n everything but i only got dick and raven done. ive drawn starfire’s but it’s uncolored
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panfluidme · 4 months
Robin Them Blind
Master Post, Chapter Eight
After the date, Kid Flash brought Robin to their interrogations room. He didn't seem all that happy about it.
"I don't understand." Robin repeated for the fifth time, "What is this all for?"
"Raven doesn't trust you, and we're just going to make sure you aren't going to betray us like Terra did."
Robin chuckled a bit nervously. "Oh, come on. You all can trust me! I've got nothing to hide!"
"I trust you, but this is how we show Raven that you can be trusted."
He sighed and nodded. "Fine." Besides, Slade had trained him for any sort of incident such as this. He was prepared.
Kid Flash hooked him up and gently kissed his lips for a second. "Trust me, I don't wanna do this."
Robin blushed a bit and nodded. "It's alright."
"Alright, Rae, we ready to start?"
Raven nodded and spoke, "So tell me, 'Robin', what is your real name?"
Kid Flash's eyes widened for a second before he looked back at Robin.
Robin gave a smug look and said calmly, "My name is Robin."
"Your real name. The one you were given at birth," Raven repeated.
"Exactly," he stated, "That's my name."
"So you have no other name you've gone by?"
"Does you calling me a jerk count?" he asked smugly.
"Then there's your answer."
Raven narrowed her eyes. "Who's your mentor?"
Robin took in a deep breath so the lie detector couldn't feel a rush in his blood pressure. "He is the one who raised me."
"What's his name?"
"He never told me his name."
"That's a lie. Tell me his name."
"It's not a lie." he said strictly, "I asked for it the same day he asked for mine and he did not give it to me."
"Tell me the truth, Robin."
"I just told you the truth."
"You know his name, and I know you do."
"He told me that his is my mentor, that is all."
Raven sighed and looked at Kid Flash before looking back at Robin. "Tell me. Was it your idea or his to get Kid Flash to start liking you in the way that he does?"
Robin's eyes widened and looked up. "What?"
"Was it your idea or his to manipulate Kid Flash into liking you?"
"There's no manipulating going on," he assured.
"Then you saw an opportunity and took it? To get on the team's good side?"
"What? No!" he exclaimed, "I've never felt like I needed to get on the team's good side!"
"Then why would you go on a date with him? I doubt your mentor would approve."
"Am I not allowed to go on a date with anyone?"
"It's very rare for any superhero to approve of others dating another hero. I know that the Flash doesn't pose that problem, but I don't know how your mentor works."
"Cant it just be because I like him?" he blurted out.
Raven faltered. "You actually like him? No tricks?"
Robin's face turned a dark red and slowly nodded. "Y- yeah... I do. No tricks."
Raven looked at Kid Flash, whose eyes were wide and full of conflicting emotions. She sighed. "If you even think about breaking his heart, I will end you."
Robin bit his lip and slowly nodded. "I wouldn't dream of it." he mumbled.
"Good. Because he's like my brother. I don't want to see him hurt again because you aren't a good person."
"What makes you think I'm not a good person?"
"My gut."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm half demon. My gut can sense evil."
"A half demon you say?" he asked, sounding intrigued.
"Yes. And you aren't getting any more information than that. Just know. I will know when you're up to something."
Robin gave a small grin at her. "Good luck with that then."
"I don't trust you at all."
He shrugged, "Fair enough. Like I said, my goal isn't to get all of you to like me."
"Don't hurt Kid Flash, and we won't have any problems." She stood up. "You hear me?"
"Oh, I hear you alright."
He nodded. Raven looked at Kid Flash before leaving the room. Kid Flash didn't know what to say as he stared at Robin who was still locked to the interrogation table.
Robin blinked and looked up at him. "Yeah?"
"Are you okay?"
He took a moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah. I'm good."
"That's good."
"You mind giving me a hand?" he asked as he gestured to the chain around his wrists
He nodded and took them off. "Here you go."
Robin rubbed his wrists and stood up from his seat. "Thanks."
"Of course. I'm... I'm sorry for putting you through that."
"It's alright," he shrugged, "I understand if I don't seem all that trustworthy."
"I want to trust you, I really do. And I do."
Robin smiled softly, trying to hide his guilt. "I'm glad that you do."
"You're a good person, I know you are."
Robin slowly nodded and kept his eyes at a distance. "Right."
"You are, Robin. You just need to learn how to be."
He turned around to face him. "You don't understand."
"Then help me understand. I want to help you, you just need to accept it and let me."
Robin shook his head. "That's not going to be possible."
"Why's that?"
Robin let out a heavy sigh. "I... I can't tell you."
"Oh. If you say so..."
Robin pulled out one of smoke bongs and took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
Kid Flash looked at him then the smoke bong. "Robin?"
Robin quickly activated before throwing it in front of him. The smoke covered the entire room and by the time it had cleared, he was gone. Kid Flash looked around, frowning. He couldn't find him anywhere.
Robin had activated his cloaking device and watched as Kid Flash sped around the room trying to look for him. Guilt bubbled inside as he watched him look.
"It seems our plan will have to be cut a little short," Slade voice came from his communicator.
"Of course, sir," Robin said quietly.
"Head back home and tell you what we're going to do next."
"I'll be there."
Chapter Ten
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raineydays411 · 3 years
My fathers daughter
Tony Stark x daughter! reader
Summary: By all definitions you were a daddy’s girl. It’s been you and him since your mom left you both. But what happens when your both forced to face your past?
a/n: y’all know i can’t resist a good crossover
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If there had to be a face for daddys girl, you’d be the poster child. 
Ever since you came into Tony’s life, you and him have been attached by the hip.
You were with him through everything.
When he became Iron Man, when he joined the avengers, and even during civil war. Even though it hurt you to see your family be torn apart, you could never betray your father. Then again, you have to admit that you were happy that the avengers compromised and were able to get back together. Earning you a new family member in Bucky. You were happy. Happy with the life you have with your dad and avengers. 
Which is why your mother suddenly reappearing and demanding to be in your life kinda of peeved you off. 
Let’s start from the beginning. 
It started off with a gala. 
Some bougie charity event that rich assholes attend to donate large sums of money, not out of kindness, but only to show just how rich they are. You hated these types of events.  You hated the fake smiles and false interest in your life. All they wanted was to get close to your dad. They even try to set you up with their snobby stuck up kids. You hated it. 
And here you were, trying to find a way to get out of this boring conversation with some snob from Beverly hills. You can see your dad laughing at you from across the room. 
“You know, you look a lot like Mrs. Wayne.” He suddenly says, looking at you.
“Who?” You ask, suddenly paying attention.
“Mrs. Wayne, you know, Bruce Wayne's wife.”
You know who Bruce Wayne was. Your dad absolutely detestes the man. He never really told you why. He just said to never trust a Wayne. You also know that he’s Batman and his army of children are/were Robin. It was pretty obvious and rather easy to figure out. Then again, you were able to hack into the Bat computers main systems. They really need to update their firewalls. 
“Um no I didn’t know that he had a wife to be honest.” You reply, not really interested.
“You can pass as her daughter you know? She is very beautiful. As are you.” He says in a flirty tone. 
You roll your eyes, seeing your father finishing up a conversation and make your move, but then you hear 
“Oh look, there's the Wayne family right there.” 
Causing the attention to turn to the main entrance. There you saw Bruce Wayne. Tall, handsome, and charismatic. He was smiling, waving at the host. Next to him, his oldest son Dick. Another very handsome man, Tall with blue eyes and raven hair. Sending charming smiles to the crowds of women. Then Tim Drake, too focused on his phone to pay attention to the crowds, and finally Damian Wayne. A small boy with a sharp scowl. To his left, you can barely make out the form of his wife and his daughter, Cassandra Cain. You can also see Stephanie Brown chatting excitedly to Mrs. Wayne, who you still couldn’t see.
“Jeez, they brought the whole cavalry.” You mutter, looking at the star struck boy you were talking to.
You roll your eyes. The way people worship this family is strange. They act as if they are royalty or gods. You look at your father, expecting him to be making a sarcastic face or something. But that’s not what you saw. No, you saw a look on his face that you haven’t seen on his face ever. That’s when you walked up to him.
“Daddy...are you okay?” You asked cautiously.  He turned to you, shocked.
“Y/n!” He practically shouts, “ I’m okay, are you okay? We can leave right now if you’re not okay?” 
You frown in confusion, “ Umm yeah, I’m fine...”
“Good, Good. We’re going to leave now, this gala kinda blows. DOn’t you think?”
You can see his eyes dart to the Waynes to you. He looks...panicked. It was weird to you. Usually he keeps his cool during events like these. 
“Um sure..I just need to go to the restroom first” You say, seeing him nod. You walk off, shaking off the concern you have for your father. As you push through the crowds, you can hear them whisper as you passed. Something about Mrs. Wayne. 
You shake your head, “Can’t they talk about anything else??” 
Then you finally find the bathroom. You walk in, expecting it to be empty, only to be faced with Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. They were chatting near the sinks as you walking into the stall. After doing your business, you walked out to the sink, going to wash your hands, but you saw Stephanie freeze, then nudge Cassandra. They both stared at you as you washed your hands and went to dry them. You give them a side eye, wondering why they were staring at you so hard. 
“Um hi?” You say carefully, the jump not expecting you to speak.
“Oh! Hello Im Stephanie and this is Cass” Stephanie says with a smile. “ You’re Y/n Stark right?”
“Uh yeah...Its nice to meet you dudes” You say quickly, already ready to walk out the restroom. 
“I’m sorry for staring, it’s just that...you look a lot like her mother” She says gesturing to Cassandra. 
You chuckle, “ Uh yeah so I’ve heard...hey I gotta go...”
“Oh right! Sorry heh” Stephanie laughs nervously, “It was great to meet you”
“Yeah” You agree half heartedly, “ You too”
And with that you go to find your father. You pass by the Wayne sons, only to see them take a double take when you pass them. 
“God that family is weird.” You mumble seeing your father talking to Bruce and his wife. He looked distressed and angry. You speed up, wanting to make sure your father doesn’t punch Bruce Wayne the way he looks like he's going to.
“Hey dad...um I’m ready to go.” You says with your back turned on the Waynes.
“Y/n..” Your dad says panic exploding on his face, “ Y/n sweetheart um...”
“Yn?” You hear a woman whisper.  You turn to see Bruce Wayne and...your mother. 
You remember the day she left. It was a sunny day. The kind of days that usually are in good memories and have happy endings. She was supposed to take you to the park so you can meet your dad there. You hardly saw her over the years, just every three months when she would come to the then Stark Tower to visit. But that say...that day was different. She had gotten a call, from who you don’t know, nut it seemed important. Because she left at that very moment and never came back. She never reached out, never called, texted or anything. Just radio silence. Your dad was heart broken.  He had hoped that one day she would move in with you and him, and you could be a family. He loved her with his whole heart, but she just didn’t love you both enough to stay. He was a mess after she left, and you picked up the pieces.
You were nine.
If it wasn’t for Pepper stepping in after witnessing one of his breakdowns, you don’t know what would’ve happened.
You stare at the woman who left you, who broke your fathers heart. Who broke your heart.
“Ms. Wayne.” you say curtly, taking pleasure in the way her face fell, “ Mr. Wayne, it’s lovely to see you again. If you’ll excuse me and my father, it seems like he’s not feeling too well.”
You weren’t lying, Tony looked like he was about to puke. His face was pale and he was kinda sweaty. So you wrapped your arm around him and lead him to the entrance, starting to pull out your phone to call Happy.
“Y/n wait!” Your mother cried out, pulling her arm away from Bruce and placing a hand in your shoulder. You jerked your shoulder out of her grasp.
“ Y/n, I know you’re mad at me” she starts, cringing when she hears you scoff, “ But wait a second. Let me look at you...my petal you’re so big.”
You turn and glare at her, “ Don’t call me that.”
“Oh Y/n, please—“You cut her off again.
“Hey i’m just going along with what you want. This is what you wanted right? No contact with us?”
You can see a crowd start to form around you, and you see the scattered Wayne’s push through it. They look at each other in confusion trying to understand how you seem to know their mother.
“ Of course that’s not what I wanted, oh petal I meant to call I just...” She trailed off
“Couldn’t be bothered?” you say harshly, “ I couldn’t care less. Just leave us alone. That should be easy for you.”
You feel your dad tug on your hand, and you turn to him. Eyes softening when you see the expression on his face.
“ Happys here kiddo.” He says softly. You nod and start to walk away. And you hear your mother protest, but you cut her off with a venomous,
“It was nice seeing you again Mom.”
and then you were gone. This time, leaving your mother behind and her confused husband and children.
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rainygothherowolf · 3 years
Daminette- Oblivious Idiots
Ladybug groans her face in a pillow as she freaks out a little a lot.
"How'd you figure it out? I'm not that obvious, am I? Do you think he knows? He can't know, that would be awful- ohhhh NonononononoNOnonononooooo. No. Please, tell me he doesn't know." Ladybug is laying face down on the couch in the living room of Titans Tower, Beast Boy smirking down at her reaction to being found out. The boy just brought up her rather obvious crush, and now the Parisian hero is a little panicked. If Beast Boy noticed who else did? Everyone on the team is really smart.
The Parisian joined the Titans over a year ago after asking the Justice League for help. She fits into the team’s dynamic really well, playing video games with Beast Boy and Kid Flash; hanging out with Star and binging rom-coms; Raven was a tough nut to crack but didn’t seem to mind hanging out. They did get along but respected that they just had very different interests.
Robin is a completely different story, at first he was rude but the bluenette was stubborn. She wasn't going to deal with his bratty attitude, she sticks up for her herself. At some point, the Parisian earns his respect. They became friends over time, working well together though Robin insisted they train so she could improve her technique.
"It's kinda obvious for me, but he's pretty dense. Bats are always idiots when it comes to emotions n' stuff." The young Parisian hero looks up from her pillow.    
"I know that... he's my best friend. Friend- Merde. What if he sees me just as a friend!?" The bluenette's hands go to her hair, eyes blown wide. It takes everything in Beast Boy not to laugh at how blind the girl is being. Does she not see how smitten the fourth Robin is for her? That he acts more like a human being when she's around?
"No, what if all he ever sees in me is a friend? This isn't good, then we'll never date and he's just so datable. Have you seen the way his nose crinkles when he tastes something he doesn't like, holding it until it goes away? And the way he swoops his hair, I'd bet it's soft. And he's so strong-"
"Ew. I have ears, please don't-" Ladybug doesn’t seem to hear him, continuing her rant. 
"And then one day I'll have to watch him fall for someone, I think I already have. It's awful- not that I'm not happy he's happy, because I am- but I think he likes Raven. They spend so much time together, sneaking off sometimes."
"I bet they like each other, how could I compete with her. She's amazing, and- and I'm not." The bluenette's tone goes from one of acceptance to defeat.
"Oh, okay, we got serious. Uh- don't cry." When he and Raven went over the plan, they hadn't covered the possibility of a) Ladybug thinking Robin and Raven were a thing; or b) that Ladybug would compare herself to Raven. The Parisian is always so self-confident and optimistic, perfect even- she never lets anyone get her down. She huffs at his less than helpful response.
"I'm not gonna cry. It's just, why would he like me? I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm annoying." The girl stands pacing, trying to decipher the enigma that is Robin. The girl's moods changes at the drop of a dime, leaving Beast Boy to try and play catch-up.
"Am I  annoying to him? Probably. Raven is so calm and nice, he has no reason not to like her."
"That's definitely not true, if he thinks that he would tell you." She nods, sitting on the couch, leaning on her hands. His words help a little but a girl’s mind is her worst enemy, all the worst 'what if's' popping into her brain like spam mail in an already full mailbox.
This is going to take more intervention than he thought. "You're ridiculous, that isn't true."
"You're just blind, and as you would say- 'you're too close.'" Robin rolls his eyes, Raven is sitting on her bed as Robin looks at her, standing.
"All I'm saying is-"
"I understand what you said, you don't need to repeat it. All I'm saying is-" He mocks, "- that it's highly unlikely she'd be interested in me." This time Raven rolls her eyes, he really is an idiot.
"How can I prove it to you- just ask her out. She'll say yes."
"I don't trust you, you have no proof."
"Fine. Don't believe me, but mark my words, if you wait too long she might settle for someone else. You heard her complain about being mobbed on Valentines day last year."
"Whatever, she didn't like any of them."
"Yeah, because she likes you." Robin glares at Raven as he walks out of her room to go train. Robin first saw her as annoying but she grew on him. He mistook his interest in her as friendship until Raven commented on his liking their latest addition without telling her. It went downhill from there, now it’s like he can’t get her off his mind.
He tried to deny it, reason a way out of the conclusion. Raven did her best to encourage him but she was getting nowhere, the entire team was frustrated because both refused to see what was staring them right in the face.  Beast Boy and Raven meet with Starfire after both Ladybug and Robin go back to their respective home cities.
"What did you the learn?" Beast Boy speaks up first, recounting his confronting Ladybug about it. 
"She's got it bad, thinks he and Raven are into each other." 
"Robin is convinced she doesn't like him. He doesn't want to get rejected so he refuses to ask her out."
"How can we tell him she likes him that he actually does the listening?"
"He'd only be convinced if he heard her say it." Raven reasons, knowing how blind and hard headed Robin is.
"There's no way she'll fess-up, she's too insecure. Even if we convinced her that Robin wasn't into you."
"I wish the little D could just hear her say it in passing. He would ask without fear and she'd get to date him without putting herself out there." Beast Boy can already see it, it’s the perfect plan. 
"I'm sure I could get her to talk about it in the hall, you could get him close enough to hear?" Beast Boy offers, it could work but they can't see each other.
"We'll use the hallways on the fifth floor, that are separated by a wall and meet towards the elevator?"
"Sounds great, Mama." Raven rolls her eyes at his nickname for her. Starfire looks between the two before abruptly standing, trying to hide her smile.
"Yes, well, I must attend to some dishes. Farewell." The two shared a look. Perhaps it isn't only Robin and Ladybug that need to come clean.
"We gotta say something sooner than lat-"
"I know, but not yet. We could use this to our advantage..." "Right? So I had to go all the way to the other side of the city to deliver this banner, it was worth it though. The skater friend won."
"Do they still race? You said this was a normal way to spend your weekend."
"O-oh well, I don't see them much anymore." Ladybug's shoulders turn inwards, looking to the floor. Robin hates the small frown on her lips, he knows better than to pry but maybe if he got some more information he could help.
"How come?"
"Just, time. Grew apart I guess."
"You're an awful liar."
"I take that as a compliment!" Ladybug defended, smiling slightly. "You see, while Mr.-Tall,-Dark,-Handsome,-and-Mysterious is making up lies he has to keep straight I'm simply seen as an airhead that forgets her phone everywhere she goes!"
"You're even worse at changing the subject." Ladybug's smile falters.
"Hehe, yeah, have you seen Star? She said she had the cutest picture of you asleep in your costume with some dog." Robin crosses his arms, why is she avoiding the subject?
"I have plenty of pictures of 'the dog' but please-" He pats the seat next to him on his bed, "-elaborate on this 'growing apart' situation." He isn't going to give in, he has that face he used to do during training when she was too tired to get up. Ladybug sit, plopping onto the bed her arms spread across the comfortable fabric of the duvet.
"I can't say much, just that they don't want to be friends with me anymore. None of them do."
"Who's none of them?"
"My friends. All of them, only one does but they 'can't' be my friend. He just doesn't have enough of a backbone."
"Surely you have other friends besides the mindless heathens."
"School and hero duties add up, I hardly have enough time to keep up with my jobs. I don't have time for that, and they could get suspicious, notice the patterns where my old friends would see the clumsy forgetful me." He nods, laying on his back and turning to look her in the eye.
"At least I have you guys." She smiles, brushing some hair from Robin's forehead. It feels nice.
"If it were up to me-"
"It isn't, and it's best not to dwell. Come on, bird boy, let's get a snack."
"Right, but none of that hot chocolate nonsense." She rolls her eyes, she'll get him to try it. One day.
"Are we sure this is gonna work?" Beast Boy is unsure, Raven hadn't seen the way Ladybug reacted, it was like no matter what he said her mind found some way to turn it into a bad thing, like she could only see the worst in a situation. It was completely unlike her.
"No 'but's', this will give Robin the push he needs to ask her out. She'll say yes. End of story."
"Then why are we planning the the thing with the mo-"
"In case he's more dense than humanly possible and because it's time people knew."
"Right... I'll wait till ten minutes from now to get her to walk past, you have till then to get him there, we'll take two laps just in case." Raven nods before going to look for Robin. She finds him in the living room, reading a book. 
“Come.” Raven turns around and makes her way towards the elevator, he catches up and they ride to the fifth floor. They exit and hide behind the designated wall. 
"You are not to make a sound, simply wait and listen.”
They wait.
And listen.
It takes ten minutes for something to happen, the elevator bell rings and opens at their floor. Raven motions for him to stay quiet. Robin hears to footsteps as someone sighs.
"-How could I not? He's just so- dreamy."
"Ew. Why do you even like him? You're too nice for him."
"I am not 'too nice' and Robin is not mean... He's just... gruff- yeah, gruff, at first. But you should have seen how cute it was when we were talking about something and I was laying and he laid down next to me and there was hair blocking his eyes a little so I swiped it out of the way and it was so soft." She says it all in one breath which should be concerning if Robin’s attention wasn’t being taken up by trying to not freak out. His eyes wide, back pressed against the wall so as not to get caught. She keeps talking, he has to hear more.
She sounds so sure of her affection, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. She likes him? Like to date? Raven is right? This is impossible, but it was happening. She’s ranting about things not even he notices about himself like they’re the most amazing things in the world.
"And have you seen him smile? And his laugh, it's one of my favorite things about him. And did you notice the way he always perks up when there's a happy animal on the television, like it reminds him of something- I'd bet he has an animal. I wish I could have a pet." They kept walking, she kept rambling about him, his hair, his smile, the way he walked. He heard the voices fade at she and Beast Boy kept walking.
"I told you." Robin didn't even have a response, she feels the same way?
"She likes me?"
"You've got to be joking, after all that, you still don't believe it?"
"Shut up, I'm processing." Raven crosses her arms, impatiently waiting, they'll loop back soon.
"She likes me."
"Just keep listening." Ladybug and Beast Boy came back into earshot. When they got closer, Beast Boy cut her off when she starts going off topic about his hair.
"So if he asked you out, what would you do?" Robin hears them stop, she makes a high pitched whine he knows means she’s flustered, she used to do it every time he glared her down and got a little too close, at the time, an unknown symptom of his attraction towards the heroine.
"I mean, if I could speak- I'd say yes but I'd probably freak out and fall or trip over my words. It doesn't matter, he wouldn't ask. Why in the world would he like me?" Raven has to remind Robin to stay quiet and hidden with a shushing motion and a hand to his shoulder. He stays in place despite the fact that he wanted to list every reason why he would. His stupid monkey brain thought of kissing her to drive his point home but shoos the intrusive thought away.
"Right, and what you'd kiss him?" It was like his teammate is reading his stupid, teenage mind.
"Pretending he liked me back? I mean, I could go on about his li-"
"Please don't." The bluenette laughs with him.
"Ah! I have to go meet Robin for training. Bye!"
"Later." The girl's footsteps disappear as the elevator door arrives and carries her towards the training room.
"Dude you better not say she doesn't like you again." Beast Boy sad, knocking on the wall to get his attention.
"Why don't you just ask her?"
"Yes, the little D, she will the gladly accept." Kor'i appears out of nowhere, he hates when she hovers like that. He can never tell where she is. He glares at them all, he’s late to meet with Ladybug. How in the world is he going to face her after that, it was so wrong to have listened. She hadn't meant for him to hear those things. Robin is filled with guilt as he walks into the waiting elevator and nears the training room. Ladybug is there smiling and slightly pink, likely from their teammate's questions.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes." He couldn't tell her he heard, she'll get embarrassed. He can't act on it either, she sounds busy enough as is. He would just be in the way.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." He snaps at her this time, the rest of their training session is silent. She leaves back to Paris as soon as her shift is over, not staying to speak with Robin like she usually does. No one is amused by his behavior.
"What the hell? You get the confirmation you've been needing to finally ask her out and you start acting like you hate her?" Beast Boy finally exclaims, Raven kicks him under the chair.
"It's none of your business, and none of you should have interfered. I was not meant to hear any of that, she doesn't have time for me anyways." Robin gets up from his seat and walks towards the zeta-tube.
After that, things get a little better. Robin isn't rude or snappy to her but they don't talk or have their little one on one training sessions. Ladybug does everything in her power to try and rebuild the bridge she didn't know had been burnt. She doesn't know what she did wrong, what she said, what happened made Robin want to avoid her like the plague.
Is he going to leave her too?
No. It doesn't matter that he probably put two and two together and knows she likes him, that he probably likes someone else, he is her friend at the very least, it might not be enough but it’s something.
Ladybug gathers her courage, waiting for him to pass the one place she knows she can get him. Waiting right at a corner, she hears him coming. She wants to laugh when he slows, always knowing when she tries to sneak up on him, but this time she holds it in. Reminding herself of why she’s there.
Just as he comes into range, she turns the corner and faces him. 
Her face is angry, no, pissed. Her eyebrows scrunched, a deep frown replacing the usual smile, she shoves a finger onto his chest. He always knew she was there but her expression, it’s hurt and angry and world ending- his world to be specific.
"What is your deal? What the hell did I do to you that you won't even talk to me anymore? What did I say? Why do you suddenly hate me?"
"I mean, one day we're laughing and talking, and I tell you about what happened with my friends, and then the next you don't even bother to greet me!" She berates him in French, she gets more passionate about her speech until she's out of gas. At least, that's what he thinks.
“It’s disrespectful and hurtful! You don’t just drop someone because they did something to upset you, you try to fix it. You try to work through it!” 
"What? You what? I told you about my friends, not only did I put a lot of trust in you for that- it could have pointed towards my identity if I slipped up. You're too easy to talk to. And don't you dare say that this is just how you are because we both know you've been off lately. So just tell me! Tell me you hate me, tell me you want space, tell me somethings wrong or that I did something but just don't shrug this off. You are too important to me to just let this go!" He can see the unshed tears in her eyes, why is she crying? Why does he have to make her cry? He doesn’t deserve her tears, her affection, he doesn’t deserve her. 
"I just- I think you can do better. I’m not a good enough companion." Robin refused to use the word friend, she isn’t his friend, she’s so much more than that. A rouge tear falls, her face incredulous.
"You sound busy enough, you'd be better off spending your time with someone else." Robin doesn’t look her in the eye, it’s the honest truth but he can’t stand looking at her so upset. 
Ladybug is at a loss, that’s why he’s upset? Because he thinks she was wasting her time? That he wasn't good enough for her to spend her time with?
It’s like a switch flips, her anger melting away. Her jabbing finger falls.
"Who could be better?" She hugs him, Damian does have some experience from Grayson so he awkwardly returns the favor. The far shorter girl sniffles once before pulling back with a smile.
Robin feels a pang in his chest, he made her cry. She wipes away the unshed tears from the corners of her eyes, glad to have the mess over and done with. He vows never to do so ever again.
"I never wanna hear you say that you're anything less than the best, c'mon time to get your butt handed to you."
"You wish." Robin sighed, she always beats him in video games. As they walk, the alarm blares. There’s an attack somewhere. The duo runs towards the living room, Starfire is already there with Beast Boy, Raven, and Kid Flash.
"We've got two. There's some kind of monster tearing through down town, we need to stop them."
"And the other?" Robin asks.
"Paris, akuma." Ladybug groans, like she always does. She runs off towards the zeta tubes with a wave goodbye. Time to deal with the mangy cat's puns.
Robin and the rest of the team walk back into Titan Tower expecting to see Ladybug waiting for them, she always gets back before them in situations like this. Kid Flash speeds off after grabbing his things saying he’s late to something, as usual. Beast Boy limps, most of his weight supported by Raven as they make their way towards the med bay. 
Robin and Starfire sit in the living room, she shows him photos of Dick in ridiculous sleeping positions or mid fall but Robin is on edge. Why isn't she back yet?
Of course, he gets an immediate answer. Ladybug's distress signal goes off, he and Star are off without a moment's hesitation. Jumping into the zeta-tubes, worry for their teammate clear. After over a year of working with her she’s never used the distress button. The machine powers up and blinds them, Damian jams a communicator in his ear and tunes in to the local news station. He hears where Ladybug is and he and Starfire set off in search for the girl. Paris is bright, people stop and stare as the heroes make their way towards the Eiffel tower.
Robin's mind is hyper focused and clouded at the same time, he knows he has to be at his best to help Ladybug so he shoves all that annoying emotion in a stupid box, shuts it, locks it, and pushes it into a dark little corner. They arrive at the lawn of the Eiffel tower.
Looking exhausted, Ladybug charges the villain. A blond boy in a black cat suit is flung at her with ease. The monster tries to throw a bus full of people at the two as Ladybug tries to get the boy off, he doesn’t seem to care, trying to hug the girl. Robin feels his chest tighten in jealousy.
Robin motions towards the bus, Starfire flies past and catches the bus mid air. The dark haired teenage boy is quick to lift the ill equipped partner he's heard so very much about off Ladybug.
"I believe she is trying to get up." He drops the boy to the side before offering a hand to Ladybug.
"Hello, again." Ladybug smiles up at him, taking Robins hand. Pulling her up, the two stand close together. Staring.
"Shall we get back to the task at hand?!" Starfire asks, mid battle with the monster when Ladybug and Robin snap back to reality. They join the fight, Chat sticks to the sidelines with a pout. The monster is tough, she only pressed the panic button in fear of the hostages being injured or killed. Even if they were physically healed by the miraculous cure it’s traumatizing.
The battle doesn’t last very long, the monster is extremely susceptible to Robin's ice capsules, and is no match for Kor'i's strength.
Ladybug is relieved when she sees the purified akuma flap away.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" The bluenette was able to use her lucky charm quickly enough, she'd say thank you before giving Tikki food and returning to the tower to finish her shift.
"Well done."
"Thank you, you weren't too bad yourself." Marinette smiles back to the far taller boy.
"Will you be returning to the tower? Should we wait for you?"
"You are the kidding, yes? We are in Paris! I'd like to go the shopping!" Ladybug laughed.
"With what money? My brother's card is rather telling. As is your own."
"I suppose you are correct."
"Don't worry, Starfire, we can go on a shopping day soon." The girl smiled.
"Yes, the little D, would you join us? Raven may join as well, yes, Ladybug? Girls day!"
"I do not qualify as a girl."
"Little D?" Ladybug asks, smiling softly before bursting into laughter. "I need to go help the victim and recharge. I'll see you back at the tower." Ladybug turns to leave but comes face to face with Chat. 
"What are you doing here? We don't need you." He directs his comments to both of the American heroes but mostly towards Robin. Ladybug pinches the bridge of her nose.
"We are members of the Teen Titans, we were asked to come. Now if you'll excuse us-"
"What? Who asked you to come here. My lady and I would never-"
"I did, and I am not 'your lady' you need to stop with the names and trying to distract me mid-battle, Chat.” 
“But-” Ladybug gives the mangy cat no time to explain, cutting in with no patience.
“No ‘but’s, you almost got us and all those hostages killed. Go. Home.” The tro of Titan’s walk away, it’s best not to give the boy anymore attention.
"We should do it now."
"What'd you mean? He's still acting like he can't stand her."
"No, they made up. I heard her yelling at him about it. He caved pretty quickly after that. We do it tonight, no more sneaking around and hopefully they get together." Beast Boy nods, watching Raven ice his ankle for him.
"Thanks, mama."
"... You're welcome." He smiles flicking some water on his girlfriend, she looks at him with a sad excuse for a glare.
"Alright, the ice should stay. Let's go see if she's back." Raven makes sure to keep Beast Boy off his ankle, quickly shooing him off to the empty living room couch. They don’t wait long for Robin, Starfire, and Ladybug to return.
"Thanks again for coming to help, guys." Starfire smiles. Robin nods.
"It was our pleasure, what shall we do now?"
"Movie?" Beast Boy asks, getting immediate yeses from the girls.
"I'll pass-"
"Come on." Raven complains, the guy can be such a pain.
"tt, no. That doesn't work on me."
"Pretty please?" Starfire asks. She pulls out the baby doll eyes and a pout.
"No, the physical appearance of the 'please' makes no difference-"
"Please?" Ladybug pulls out all the stops, she looks him right in the eyes, those big, blue, innocent eyes were so sad and pretty, she shuffles a foot, her hands behind her back. Her bottom lip juts out ever so slightly as her torso sways back and forth. His response is immediate.
"Yes." Ladybug grins in victory, Damian doesn’t get the chance to backpedal.
"Yay!" Starfire quickly steals Robin's usual seat. Raven and Beast Boy take up one side of the couch, Robin and Ladybug take up the other. Everyone bickers and argues over which movie to watch until Robin gets annoyed and plays one of the few movies he can bear. Lion King.
Throughout the duration of the film, Beast Boy slowly pushes Ladybug closer to him laying longways until he takes up the majority of the couch. Ladybug is squished against Robin, their arms pressing uncomfortably against each other. Deciding to test the waters, Robin wraps an arm around the Parisian's shoulder. The lights were off but the girl's blush is obvious. She has yet to move, he feels her glance in the opposite direction for a moment before leaning onto him.
Damian wasn't freaking out... Okay, Damian was only freaking out a little. He didn’t do well last time he saw she likes him. What should he do now? An annoying and sarcastic voice told him not to ignore her but they weren't much help. The little Grayson in Damian's mind told him to pull her a little closer, maybe kiss her head to make his intentions more clear. She still isn't aware of his affection towards her. He does the first, he could all but see the little Grayson smiling. Robin has no clue what to do next so he just does his best to watch the movie.
The lights come on far too soon, Ladybug doesn't move to get off him until she notices the lights turn on. She blushes that adorable shade of pink. That's when he sees it, just behind a blushing bluenette is Raven snuggling with Beast Boy as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. His brows furrow, his arm falls of Ladybugs shoulder. It was clear this isn’t a one time thing or anything of the sort. They know exactly what they’re doing, they’ve been seeing each other and she didn't tell him. After all the times he spoke about Ladybug, she didn't care to mention her own relationship.
Ladybug follows his line of sight, her posture goes from relaxed to tense.
To Marinette it’s like confirmation to something she knew all along, he likes Raven. Maybe he only wrapped his arm around her because of how squished they were. Which means she completely misread the situation and leaned onto him when he was just trying to be comfortable.
"I knew it!" Starfire exclaims, beaming. Raven just looks away trying or hide her small smile. Ladybug is happy their happy but Robin just walks away, his face neutral. She hates when he makes that face. Soon Starfire has to leave and Beast Boy hobbles to his room, ankle still tender.
Ladybug's overthinking keeps her in place, staring at her hands. She doesn’t even notice that Raven is still in the room with her.
"You should go talk to him."
"W-what? Me? No, he doesn't want to talk to me." Ladybug tried to say no but she couldn't help but be worried for Robin. Raven gives her a look, she relents.
"Fine." Ladybug drags herself to where she knows he'll be. He was always on the roof when he has to think. She mentally prepares herself for an undeniable, verbal confirmation that he doesn't like her, she forces herself to go- to be there for him.
"Go away." Damian is in no mood to deal with Raven, how could she not tell him?
"You can't get rid of a bug that easily, Rob." He chastises himself for being rude to Ladybug again, at least she doesn't sound upset because of it. She doesn't say anything, sitting next to him as they look over the brightly lit cityscape.
"Wanna talk about it?" He doesn't respond. The little Grayson, encouraged by the success of last time, tries to get Damian to hold her hand. Their hands were so close, just a few inches apart. That definitely isn't happening. "Right..." She trails off, not knowing what else to say. The silence grows, unchecked like a cancer.
"I- Just- Why wouldn't she tell me? After-" Robin was about to say too much but thankfully stopped himself.
"After what?" He’s relieved she’s still ignorant of his affection, putting himself out there like that’s a scary thought.
"Nothing. Nevermind."
"After you told her you like her." She speaks with such certainty, like she’s accepted it as fact. Is that what she really thought?
"What? No- I just- confided in her about something similar. I expected she'd do the same. She's one of my best friends." He sees Ladybug nod, that same look of  on her face.
"I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings. They probably just wanted to keep it quiet until they were ready to tell everyone." Robin had to admit she was probably right. He saw the way her hands fiddled and folded, she was trying to think of something to talk about, likely to distract him. She was always so considerate.
"So... girlfriend."
"Where'd you hear that?" He was so confused, the very idea is ridiculous.
"Well, you said you confided in Raven about something similar. I just assumed you had a partner."
"Oh. No." They sat in silence again, looking over the silent harbor. Damian gathers his courage, now is the perfect time- looking over a clear sky with the stars out. Isn't this the kind of situation girls daydream about? Now was the most likely time for her to accept. Deciding to just get it out, Damian starts speaking.
"Actually there's-"
"I know you probably don't-" Of course, just as Robin starts speaking, she does too. Alarm bells start ringing in his head, the little Grayson is trying to figure out what she was going to say while the rest of him starts freaking out.
They awkwardly laugh, looking away, Damian feels an unfamiliar little burning sensation on his cheeks. He’s loosing more of his nerve by the second.
"ILikeYou,LikeLikeLike." She just blurts it out, redder than her costume. Damian's head snaps to her with his lips parted. This is happening.
"I feel the same way. I- I apologize I didn't say so sooner I just- you said you were so busy already, I didn't want to become a distraction." Ladybug gives him a small smile, that was what that was about. She fondly wipes the hair from his forehead back, lacing her fingers through his hair. Her hand rested at the back of his neck, smiling. She looks so content, at peace.
"I see no issue in distractions."
"I suppose this is the part of the story where we kiss?" Robin puts a hand on the Parisian's cheek, inching closer. They move to close the gap until they were just a hairsbreadth away. Her eyes are so blue and so beautiful up-close.
"I suppose you'd be correct." Their lips meet, the beautiful night sky behind them- everything else melting away.
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lunarianillusion · 3 years
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 08
It was so noisy; it was too noisy.
Marinette’s thoughts were running a mile a minute through her head. They were whirling around and around like a tornado. The thoughts were consumed in worries about everything that had happened in the last few days and could possibly come in the following. Her mind was overflowing with possible plans that her anxiety would then throw down into the void, only for them to resurface and overflow her mind again and the cycle would repeat itself over and over.
The guardian knowledge, her thoughts, plans and worries colliding and overlapping with each other ripping each other apart, mending back together and whirling around her head like a hurricane. Her thoughts losing coherency until only a buzz like sound could be heard and it was only getting louder and louder.
Her body began to feel numb as her brain stopped working coherently. She could barely move or feel her quickening breath, she did not notice her vision becoming blurry. Al the while her mind kept spiralling down, down, down, dow-
The noir haired omega’s head shot up from where it had been laying on her crossed over arms. Her wide glazed over eyes locking onto a pair of concerned ocean blue eyes, but any other facial features were obscured in her hazy vision. A muffled sound, almost like rhythmic drumming sound, cut through the static haze in the girl’s ears. Was someone talking to her? She could not tell. Then her tingling hand was moved even though she did not will for it to. It took her a second to realise that the person infront of her had taken a hold on her wrist and had paced her hand a solid but warn surface, their chest.
The warmth of the clothed chest slowly chased away the numbing cold that had taken over most of Marinette’s body. She could now feel the slow rhythmic beat of the person’s heart and breathing, a stark contrast of her own erratic beating heart and stuttering breath. As if by instinct the omega began to copy the steady breathing pattern of the person infront of her and as her breath came back to her so did her vision. When it cleared up, she could see the person that had been helping her, it was Timothy.
“That it Mari, breathe. Just breathe,” The alpha spoke calmingly, his voice finally breaking through the static noise. The feeling soon returned to the girl’s body as her other senses started to calm down and her head started to clear.
Marinette let out a deep breath as she slowly removed her hand from Tim’s grip and used it to lean her head on top of instead. Closing her eyes to straighten out her last few disordered thoughts. That was one heavy attack and bless the kwami for their protection.
“You back?” the voice of the male infront of her once again breaking through her train of thought. Her eyes opening to look again at the raven haired alpha and giving him a small smile of reassurance. Her eyes drifted to her surroundings in order to pick the pieces of the morning for her memory had been foggy. With just a miniscule glace she was able to make out that she was in her classroom way before the bell would even ring. From their her memory started to piece itself back together. After having gained all the collected information from mist she had barely gotten any sleep even after the kwami’s had forced her to her bed. Her head had already started its downward spiral at that moment. That morning she had past her parents through the front of the bakery instead of going through the front door. They had said something to her, but even now she did not care what they had said and had gone straight to class when the whirlwind really overtook her.
“Y-yeah, I-I’m back,” the omega spoke softly to the alpha, who was now watching her like a hawk, with a small stutter. A moment of silence followed allowing Marinette to collect the final pieces of her scattered thoughts.
“Is it okay for me to ask what was happening inside of your head, or is it too soon?” Tim asked in a soothing tone. Marinette gave him another small smile to show her appreciation for his care. The genuine care he showed her warmed her heart, even with the suspicions she still held.
“S-sometimes the bottle cracks from all that we try to keep inside, away from the surface,” the noir girl spoke with a chuckle coming out of the alpha and omega duo. “How can I get your mind out of those thoughts?” “Just talk, the silence drags me back under,” The omega responded to the alpha’s question.
Tim gave a moment of thought to a possible subject to talk about and came to a different topic instead. “How about we ask each other some basic questions to get to know each other better?”  Though this was a nice and normal suggestion to everyday people this suggestion made Marinette’s hero mindset jump to attention at the possible recon opportunity. Maybe she can get a clue on him possibly being Red Robin. “Sure,” she answered softly.
And so, the asked each other several simple question. The very obvious questions of favourite colours and hobbies one enjoyed. Over the short time they talked Marinette noticed a topic that seemed Tim avoided talking about. “Say what is your family like, I don’t think you ever truly mentioned them since we met. Did they move with you to Paris?” The omega asked. An innocent enough question on the surface but could aid Marinette in discerning Tim’s possible relationship to Red Robin. She could ofcourse ask the kwami’s or use soul vision again. However, the headache was still bothering her greatly and made it hard to focus and this was good train for her growing detective skills. That still did not prepare her for his answer.
“They died some time ago,” the alpha’s voice was soft as he spoke and his sent was spiked in discomfort. The words made Marinette silently wince. “I am sorry. I did not mean to bring up bad memories.” Tim gave her a small smile, understanding showing in his eyes.
Still a question rose up with this revelation and concerning his age. “Do you have a guardian though? I don’t mean to say that I do not believe you can’t take care of yourself but we are of the same age and both underage, so should you not have a family or guardian with you?” Marinette asked, or rambled, as carefully as she could, maybe not as subtle as she would have wanted to be though.
Tim gave her a gently smile to reassure her from her anxious nerves. “I was taken in by a family acquaintance of my parents, who took me into their pack. But I emancipated myself a few months back, because I could not stay their any longer,” he told her in a calm manner, that made Marinette tilt her head with a hope for elaboration. Which the alpha gave. “Things started out really well but over time that foundation cracked and I did not feel welcome or save there anymore. So, I decided to start anew. I decided to move contents because I really do not feel like seeing them again and that is basically how I got here.”
No lie slipped from the raven-haired male’s lips. It took the omega slightly by surprise how honest he was about his situation. Marinette could easily tell as the emotions behind that statement lay bare in his eyes to see and the scent of regret seeping through the cracks of Tim’s control. It made Marinette feel more relaxed and made you over thinking brain ease up on her suspicions as her more sympathetic side came to life.
“I am sorry that all happened to you,” she started off, “To a certain degree I can relate to you in regard to worsening pack relationships,” The omega’s eyes were down cast as she reflected on the past few years. Timothy tilted his head with a gentle look in his eyes curious about the full story, what most likely included the lying orange sausage haired spider but waited for the girl infront of him on her own terms. The gesture was appreciated and so the words easily started to flow out of her mouth. “Believe it or not before Lie-la came along I was ‘friends’ with all of our classmates. Then the spider came along and turned all on me making them think I was a bully and now she has even ensnared my parents into her web of lies,” the midnight haired omega huffed before a conclusion she had come to hanks to this whole drama. “To a degree though I am grateful to the lying bitch,” She stated honestly, making Tim look at her in shocked surprise. “Thanks to her I was finally able to see who my friends are truly and who were nothing more then parasitise piggybacking on me for special favours,” Marinette elaborated gaining a nod of understanding from the alpha.
“I do envy you in a sense,” She continued, taking the ravenette by surprise once more. “I hate the situation that you got pulled into and I truly wish you did not have to go through that, but at the very least you were able to pull yourself out. Leave all the bad shit behind and start anew. I have tried getting out several times, but each and every time something or someone block my way to freedom.”
“Trapping you in a cycle of neglect and pain,” the alpha led out a pained breath at his own words as Marinette nodded in affirmation. The two fallen into a surprising comfortable silence, their presence soothing to the other. A part of Marinette’s brain thought that this was mostly due to the bond between true souls, but though that was definitely a factor a small part of her also thought that the raven-haired boy was someone she would truly able to trust. And being honest she did want to trust him.
“If you ever need help,” The male of the wo spoke, breaking the silence. “With trying to get away from humanity’s fucked society. Just say the word I will be happy to help,” he finished with a snap of his fingers, almost in a theatrical way.
A small playful smile grazed the female’s features as she spoke. “I will certainly call upon you should I be in need of your aid,” the omega tone sounding playfully posh. That was quickly caught by the alpha before her. “But pray tell how you would give me your aid?” This sent a banter ball rolling.
“Why can’t I look out for my fellow coffee loving insomniac with a likewise neglectful past,” Tim responded in likewise posh playful tone. “Truly one would think us to be related.”
“Oh, good heavens no,” Marinette gasped dramatically, as she placed the back of her hand onto her forehead. “I as the goddess of coffee am far too radiant to be related to you my dear friend.”
Tim gave a snort at the girl and her theatrics, before responding in in kind once again. “You are right. Your freckles make you to beautiful to ever belong to this mortal realm. I implore for forgiveness from my mistake a great mistress of the divine elixir that gives me life.”
“My, my is quite the development,” A new voice broke into the conversation. The dark-haired duo flushed at the amused voice and turned to the front of the classroom and the one who spoke. Their just on the steps leading to their seats stood an amused looking Chloé Bourgeois, a glimmer to her eyes that send a small chill down the dark-haired duo spine, and an equally amused Nathaniel Kurtzberg. At least it was not Lie-la and her posse of brainwashed fanatics.
In a graceful yet still dramatic motion, as per Chloé style, did the blond take her place beside her female omega friend. Her grin never leaving her face. Nathaniel two shuffling into his seat beside the male alpha. “Nathaniel we must prepare for the future,” the blond girl spoke first, finally turning away from the blushing pair. “If they are already fliting one this level, it will only be a matter of time before the two are married. And it is only the second day no less.”
The duo’s faces turned even more red with the statement and Nathaniel seemed to want to add some more fuel to the fire. “Yes, I think you are quite right Chloé. Before you know it, little dark-haired pups will be running amuck across Paris.” That statement drew a sound kin to a dying animal out of the dark-haired girl, much in contrast to the blonde’s badly hidden laughter. “Truly the end is nigh!”
Marinette’s face was ready to combust, if it had not already, from embarrassment. Looking through her fingers, with she had covered her face, she turned her eyes to Tim who was trying to cover his own face and was also as red as a lobster. At least she was not the only one on the receiving end of the teasing. She watched the dark-haired male take a peek at the clock and copied his action. It was almost time for the bell to ring.
“Though this is truly an enjoyable subject,” The alpha male spoke, his voice laced in sarcasm. “But unfortunately, the toxic spider and her gaggle of annoying flies will soon be upon us.” His statement made Marinette’s fellow Parisians groan along side her in misery.  
“I suggest that after this day of hell, we go over to my place and have some pack bonding time. Even get a head start on our investigation in that deceitful orange sausage, sound good,” The only blond of the group spoke. She may have said it was a suggestion but her tone left no room for question.
It still surprised the two boys at how easily the two females accepted them into their pack. A small warm smile graced Tim’s face for a moment as a warm feeling rushed through his pained heart. It soon changed into something more mischievous as the annoying sound of the liar graced his ears. “Say who wants to make a bet on the lies we will hear today.”
The two hidden kwami’s, Duusu and Wayzz, smiled at the turn of events. A rush of relief and feeling of gratitude flooding over them as the young dragon helped the young peafowl and new guardian out of the dark corners of her mind. A feat they had not been able to accomplish, no matter how hard all the kwami had tried, since the child’s awakening.
Marinette may not yet fully trust the boy, but in time hopefully she would. For even though the new guardian could see ones souls she could only see the surface level and could not see the dragon’s scars that reflected her very own. The two kwami present dearly hoped the two true souls would be able to help one and other heal, but only time will tell.
taglist: @moonlightstar64 @iloontjeboontje@mickylikesstuff@myazael @scribblinggraveyard @incredulous-reader@mewwitch@woe-is-me0 @fan-written@coolspidermanmusicflower@heretopasstimebi@jjmjjktth@ichigorose@cmouse @nyx-in-line@chocolatecatstheron@bookgirl14 @toodaloo-kangaroo@iglowinggemma28 @itsmeevie01
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quakywakey · 3 years
Fixing Gar’s Season 2 Arc
Gar’s whole Season 2 Arc was so mishandled.
They set up his trauma in season 1 and in episode 1 of season 2 but barely follow up. Gar, instead, gets shoved to the background and turned evil only to be brought back by Rachel.
His arc should be overcoming his fear of disappointing people and not hiding true feelings.
There is really good setup for this, him going with Jason and feeling responsible for his kidnapping, then his fight with Rachel that only cements this, reaching a fever pitch when Conner unknowingly attacks police under Gar’s supervision.
Instead of what we got, we could have this:
Episode 2: The team tries to train their powers but Gar is scared of his abilities. He has a capacity to do things he never thought he could and it terrifies him. He has been training more in hand to hand combat with Jason.
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Episode 3: Gar is relagated to desk duty while the older titans chase Dr Light. Gar isn’t happy but he doesn’t want to push Dick so agrees hastle free. After Rachel nearly killed Jason and Dick humiliated him on top of that, Gar could see that Jason needed a win, Gar saw an opportunity and decided they should both go after Dr Light. Jason quickly thinks of a plan involving Robin distracting him while Gar gets ready to perform a sneak attack in tiger form. They manage to beat Dr Light, and for a moment Gar is more confident with his powers. This is cut short by Jason getting kidnapped by Deathstroke.
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Episode 5: Gar, reaches the tower, feeling responsible for Jason’s kidnapping. He feels the toll from everyone, which kicks in his biggest worries. He pictures them all beating on him like in episode 1. This stress all comes out during Gar and Rachel’s argument where at the pivotal “screw you” He felt himself nearly transforming.
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Episode 7: Gar patches up Jason, putting his training from Dr Caulder to good use. The boys both find an equal understanding with eachother, having a similar fear of being abandoned. Gar reveals that he has nightmares and he can’t sleep. (Now the “can’t a guy get some sleep?” Line isn’t just lazy writing)
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Episode 9: He more or less goes through the same beats as he does in the actual episode. Though his nightmares of course garner more attention. And he feels more responsible for the team being divided.
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Episode 10: Gar is stressing and can’t get in contact with Dick. Of course not knowing about Dick’s... trip he suspects the worst, that he is being ignored on purpose. Luckily Krypto finds him and leads him to Conner. Of course Conner is angry and Gar takes the “maybe we should both be locked up” line to heart, before they both flee. Gar decides that the right thing to do is to take Conner to Superman and for Gar to take a break from the Titans. He makes the call to Bruce asking if he can get in contact with Superman. Bruce comes to the tower to pick up conner and Gar says goodbye. Gar then makes a second call, to the doom patrol.
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Episode 11: Gar arrives at the Mansion and tries to adjust back to his old life with the Doom Patrol (p.s if I get anything wrong about the Doom Patrol it’s because the show isn’t on netflix), looking at his “Nirvana now refirbished to an old fashioned wine cellar. He then meets the newest inclusions Jane and, of course, Vic Stone. Gar has dinner with the doom patrol and they all catch up on where eachother have been. Gar talks to Vic, who he feels inspired by as someone who has been able to turn their pain into something good. He has a heart to heart with Cliff, Rita and Larry and is finally able to release all his bottled up emotions. They tell him that he shouldn’t worry about the approval of other and that Gar is his best self when he is fully trusting in himself and his ability. He then decides to finish his mission, Operation: Save the Titans.
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Episode 12/13: Rachel is regrouping the team, she manages to rally Kori, Dawn, Donna and Jason. The last person on her list is Gar who she’d purposely put to last. She finds him at the arcade where they first met. They both reconsile and apologise for all the things they said to eachother. With Gar’s help, they are able to get Conner to join then in the final fight. During the battle he discovers the key to his powers being his emotional attachments, and uses that to be able to turn into other animals. He is even able to safe some people in trouble, and finally feels like a full fledged hero.
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By the finale, he can change into:
A Tiger - His life before the accident, a symbol of his parents and his youth.
A Snake - rebirth, the shedding of old skin.
A Bear - His family at the Doom Patrol, of Cliff, Rita, Larry and to a lesser extent Niles.
A Raven - His newest family with the titans. Dick, Kori and of course Rachel.
A Monkey - His outgoing nature and want to make people laugh.
By the end Gar is a much stronger person. Him and Dick had been able to form a stronger bond by working on putting the past behind them. He is of course stricken with grief over Donna’s death, but he allows himself to express it outwardly to others and he knows doesn’t hold guilt towards what happened. He chooses to celebrate life rather than mourn over death.
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Going forward we’d see a more confident Gar, much closer to his comic counterpart. Of course he is still kind and compassionate, but he carries a new found willingness to speak his mind and be himself. When it comes to his powers, Gar would be learning to change into more animals or as he says “filling out his pokedex”, as well incorporating his powers into his hand to hand training (e.g: Claws, nightvision, etc.).
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Let me know if you want me to do this for any other characters, I’ve been working on a rewrite for the whole season in the background on and off for like a year now. I really hope I can form a discussion out of this. Merry Christmas.
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
“Letting Go” (After Judas Contract)
A/N: Thank you @eschercaine​ for inspiring this prompt. I hope you like this, I had to really restrain myself into leaving this as a one-shot and not a long fic lol. 
 Check out @eschercaine ‘s prompt suggestion here. 
“Through the mist, I see the face,
Of an angel, calls my name,
I remember you’re the reason,
I have to stay.”
~ Pale by Within Temptation ~
“Damian, everyone’s just worried about you. You hardly come out of your room, you hardly eat, and-” Raven’s voice cracked and it only made Damian fear what she might have to add. He didn’t want to hear it, not from her.
“We’re worried of who you’re becoming.” Not that. Anything but that. Damian was glad he had his back turned to her, he didn’t want Raven to see how much her words stinged him. But she was right to fear him, Damian was fearing himself. Just last month they had to bury an empty casket to honor their fallen titan; Terra. Everyone cried, especially Gar but Damian felt losing Terra was his own damn fault. If he uncovered the truth sooner, he could have saved her from Slade. He could have helped her to be out of his control but it was all too late. She sacrificed herself in the end to end Deathstroke. After her passing, Damian allowed an immense rage to consume him, which started affecting him while out on patrol in Jump City.
The team was investigating an underground-chain selling and trafficking children. Some of these buyers trained them to become killers for their own dirty work, making Damian think back to how Slade used Terra for his own game. With both loss and rage filled inside him, Damian let out all his furry towards the crooks. He left them far worse than when he fought Ubu when he first came to Gotham.
Justice was served, but at the price Robin is being seen as a public menace. Now Damian was getting lectures from both his father and Grayson. Part of him knew he should care and listen to his family’s concerns for him, but Damian couldn’t care any less. This made him shut himself from the world. Everyone gave him space, for they knew best not to mess with the grandson of the late Demon Head or the son of Batman. Well everyone, except her.
Raven had teleported into his room, one to confront him and try to reason with her teammate. Damian finally turned around to face her, he took a few steps toward her and stood before her. He was still a little shorter than Raven, but he wouldn’t let that intimidate him.
“Don’t give me your pity, I can handle myself-” Damian couldn’t finish his sentence, for Raven had slapped him very hard on his cheek.
“You idiot! When are you gonna understand that it’s not just you! You’re part of a team, Damian! A team that values and cares about you! Know that when you’re down it affects everyone else!”
“I know you’re hurting.” Raven said more softy. “I can feel it. Damian keeping all that pain inside of you isn’t good. Trust me.”
Damian clicked his tongue in annoyance, that she had figured him out. He turned his back towards her hoping that the silence would make her go away. He wasn’t in the mood to fight, especially with Raven. Still hearing her breath behind him, Damian sighed and turned to face her. He was going to ask her to leave him be, but he didn’t. For the minute he turned around Raven wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Let it all out Damian.” She said softy. “Just let go.”
And Damian did. For the first time in his life tears started cascading down his face. He gasped as his chest started to ache terribly and the tears continued to stream. He struggled to even cry, he tried to speak but his voice was quavering and all the words he tried to say came out incoherent mumbles. This was pathetic, he was pathetic allowing himself to become so weak. One of the lessons he learned from his late grandfather was never to allow himself to become too attached, never to show any emotion for that would be a sign of weakness. And so when he lost both his grandfather and mother, Damian never once cried for them. He kept all that sadness bottled up inside him.
Damian felt Raven tighten her arms around him, this made him cry even harder. He couldn’t stop and yet part of him didn’t want to stop. With shaky hands, Damian brought them up and wrapped them around her. He shut his eyes and continued to cry into Raven’s shoulder. All the pain, all the sorrow, and fears he has ever endured was finally being let out. He could hear Raven cooing soft words into his ears, he did not understand one word because they were muffled out by his crying; but deep down he knew she was trying to comfort him.
They stood there in the middle of his room, holding each other very tightly. When he felt his eyes finally stop creating more tears to shed. Damian slowly pulled away from the sorceress before him. Raven did the same but still kept her arms around him, she offered him a gentle smile and brought her thumb to wipe one last tear making its way down his face. Raven learned in and gave Damian a small peck on his cheek where she had rubbed his last tear away.
Raven pulled away, and looked to the side as she said; “sorry. Whenever I cried, my mom would kiss my cheek. Made me feel happy inside, hope this makes you happy?”
Damian cleared his throat fearing his voice may crack due to all his crying; “it does. Thank you.”
“No problem, what are friends for?” Raven gave him one last gentle hug, before letting go and turning towards his door. She reached for the doorknob and looked back at him, “if you need to talk, just come and knock on my door.”
Damian could only nod, as she walked out of his room closing the door behind her. Damian went to his bed and layed down on his back, he brought his hand towards the cheek she wiped and kissed. He thought back to their conversation:
Friends. He had made valuable friendships since joining the Titans, but Raven’s friendship was most precious to him for she was the one to first open up to him. She truly understood him like no one else has. While he cried he was finally able to realize the way she made him feel inside. The way she would brighten his day when he was in a foul mood. Damian’s heart started thumping heavily in his chest, this made everything so much clearer to him. That he was in love with Raven. 
He silently vowed to himself that he would do anything to keep her safe from this world’s dangers. He also made a vow he would change for her, he would become someone worthy for her love. He will not and never allow himself to revert back to the weapon of destruction his grandfather was training him to become. Damian turned on his side, looking at the picture frame he had of the Titans when Terra had joined them. His emerald eyes then turned to Raven who was standing between him and Kori. She was smiling.
Hopefully someday he could confess to her his feelings and be by her side forever.  
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skunked-up-kicks · 3 years
I’ve noticed you ship Neil with a lot of people, not just Andrew. I’m also someone who when I’m obsessed with a character I tend to imagine a lot of different potential dynamics in different au’s and multi-ship even when I love the canon romance, so when I see someone else do that I’m always really interested by how they think about it. Could you list all the pairings you like involving Neil and like why/how you enjoy them, can even be by degree (if you want I get if it’s a weird ask lol)
i adore you for sending this anon, fair warning: this is likely gonna be long! i would also like to clarify: NEIL IS DEMISEXUAL❗❗i think he would need to develop a very strong relationship with these people before becoming interested.
neil/andrew: this ones obvious- the mutual understanding? the respect? the communication? the trust? the honesty? both being weirdos? the keys? love that shit. they are without a doubt my all time favourite couple and likely always will be. not to go on forever about these two.. but seriously, one major factor is just how.. accepting of the other they are. especially neil towards andrew who is very misunderstood and judged by many of the other characters consistently. they are the picture of unconditional love to me. that and also the fact that they are very unconventional all just makes me so happy. 🧡 (i would like to add: also, in love with the concept of queerplatonic andreil. and raven!neil x andrew is FUCKING SUPREME)
neil/robin: she's neil's best friend and nora said they do absolutely everything together, attached at the hip. she said the bond between them is unbreakable. and honestly? i see some similarities between crossten and andreil in those aspects. neil sticks up for her when the other foxes bully her. wymack says he is a worse influence on her than andrew ever was lmao. unlike andrew, i think robin would be more open to pda, i still don't think they would kiss in front of people cuz thats just my personal taste but i think they hug A LOT. and i think robin after games will often run and jump into neil's arms 🥺 they are my second favourite ship and i honestly imagine neil dating both robin and andrew at the same time. i've spent way too much time thinking about a poly relationship between the 3 of them.
neil/dan/matt: admittedly i like the neil/dan side of things more than the neil/matt side but i still think they would make a good couple. dan and matt seem to care very deeply for neil (and for each other, and he feels the same way about them) they are so supportive and i think they could really bring out a lot in him.
stay with me on this one okay, neil/seth: ok, i read the ec about how seth and neil used to be close and how seth wears neil's original jersey number and my heart just,, ugh it hurt ok. i've read a few fics where they are friends and i've just fallen in love with their dynamic. i think they have the potential to rlly help each other develop.
neil/allison: you know how everyone talks about the potential of allison and andrew being good friends? because they are so similar?? that's why i love neil and allison together, cuz those ppl arent too far off the mark. further more, neil and allison friendship fics are SO popular. she will literally kiss him, link arms, sit on his lap- i mean omg. they are so close in these fics to dating so i often just imagine they are. neil seems to have so much respect for her in canon and i think that's something ppl dont often give her and i love that about them. there's this one neil/andrew/allison fic that i read which was amazing so i ship that too.
neil/jean: this is much more limited to raven!neil aus where their dynamic is much more interesting and more explored. the fact they would be partners and grow up together... it just... i love it. the fic that really sold me on them is Black As Is The Raven, He'll Get A Partner. (sorry if i remembered that incorrectly) spoiler alert: they don't get together, it's an andreil fic BUT their relationship in it is so fleshed out and its beautiful. canon jean and canon neil i'm much less interested in tbh.
further on from that: in the same fic, theres these ocs called meg and marley and I LOVE THEM. they get recruited to the ravens and are harassed by many of them so neil makes a deal with riko so he (and jean) can be the ones to train them so the others leave them alone. and the dynamic between the entire group, meg, marley, jean and neil is amazing. i ship all of them together i'm ngl.
those are all the ones i can think of rn. just an extra note: any ship that doesn't involve andrew its guaranteed that i imagine neil dating andrew at the same time as he is dating the ppl in the ship.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Sharing Is Caring - Gar Logan x Reader Soulmate AU
Words: 2.3k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hiya I love your writing and it’s cute that you call us angels hehehe! May I request 18 with beast boy in teen titans where a new titan (fem! reader) joins and they finally touch during a battle or something and the sparks go off? based of the AU you did with familiar green!” (18. I think you might be my soulmate)
I’m so happy you like the AU and I love BB so this is perfect! Also yes - I do call y’all angels because you’re always making me so happy and fulfilled so thank you for the amazing request angel I hope you like it <3 Also I there’s lots of Teen Titans universes so I went with the Titans from right after Justice League vs. Teen Titans before D.A. goes and rips my heart up haha. Let me have me moment.
“Welcome to the Titans y/h/n!” Kori greeted you, reaching out a hand. You clasped it, feeling her energy radiate but you closed yourself off from pulling her powers. “TT she doesn’t look all that powerful” a short, domino mask clad, child teen starred at you. “Shush Damian let her get settled in then she can show off her talents” Nightwing chided Damian who crossed his arms staring at you. “I think a new team member is sick! Welcome y/h/n!” a green colored boy grinned ear to ear. “Uh hi, is there somewhere I can put my stuff?” you trusted Nightwing, Dick as he had recently told you. 
Martian Manhunter had found you on an away mission. Some form of test subject you were a confusing mash between human dna and white martian, unable to shift on your own, who ever’s experiment you were had weaponized martian dna turning you into a parasite. You realized this during your training, and learned to control the leeching, even discovering a way to share the powers of others without harming them. Eventually on your next birthday you pretended your powers had disappeared. Seeing as only you could now activate your powers your captor rendered you useless, a weapon with no more bullets. At that he gave you to alien traffickers, who had little use for a human girl. Then, working tirelessly on a planet of some random sector the green martian stormed you, sensing the white martian blood. Fast forward through a terrifying fight and explanation, you had been brought to earth and dropped in the hands of Nightwing. He promised you a team and finally, a family. 
“Yeah I’ll take you to your room” Dick smiled, placing a hand on the small of your back - that’s when you realized he was powerless. Human touch was comforting, you didn’t have to suppress the desire to share, or steal human’s abilities, it was refreshing. As the two of you walked through the tower Dick explained about each person on your team while he gave you a tour. You had learned that Raven was quiet but trustworthy, Blue Beetle was uber powerful but kind of a loose cannon - you wondered if you could test your powers on his, next was Robin who was the newest but was cold yet secretly cared, according to Dick at least, then there was Cyborg who came and went, and finally Beast Boy who was apparently the easiest to get along with, even though he was green. It was a lot to take in while also trying to memorize the floor plan of the seemingly never ending tower. Finally you arrived at your room and began setting it up. You didn’t have much as you were new to earth, but you had a few rocks from the planet you were working on and some new furniture and clothing Dick had bought you before you arrived. 
Putting the finishing touches on you room you heard a knock at the door. As you approached it slid open to reveal a cheery green boy. “Hi! Nightwing told me to give you your new suit! It’s totally cool look!” he pushed a suit into your hands with a smile as he continued talking. “It’s like my suit! Super stretchy and stuff because of your powers. What exactly are your powers cuz this suit kinda has it all? Fireproof, waterproof, light weight, maneuverable, but it doesn’t have any cool gadgets like Robin’s so that means you have to have powers!” he rambled on while you took in his appearance. He looked confident and kind, like was happy to be in his own skin regardless of the color, he had light freckles that peppered across his nose and he had the prettiest eyes, they were a delicate light brown with golden flecks, they were mesmerizing; and they were staring right at you.
“Uh hello? Earth to hero?” you flushed as Beast Boy had caught you staring. “Oh sorry thanks this is great! Uh do I have to wear it all the time or?” you still hadn’t quite picked up on the way life was around the tower. “No, not unless you want to! Also y/h/n is cool but some of us, me included have real names too! So as you already know Beast Boy, Garfield. Please to meet you!” He stuck out a hand but retracted it when he realized you had moved back into your room to put away your suit. “Oh okay! I’ve always wanted a real name!” you called from halfway inside your closet. Pausing to think of the perfect name that really represented who you wanted to be on earth you decided. “Y/n” you called out to Garfield who still stood in your doorway. “Cool name! Y/n - I like it! Well, I think you have to get settled in but catch you later for training y/n!” he bounded down the hall, lucky for you he was quick enough he didn’t catch the blush dancing across your face everytime he said “y/n”. 
Your room looked good as you headed towards the kitchen, excited to try whatever real humans ate. “Y/n! I hope you don’t mind but Gar filled us in on your name and it’s pretty cool!” Blue Beetle waved at you from the kitchen. Sitting down at the kitchen island you peered over to see what he was making. “Hungry? Gar and I are eating grilled cheese. I can make you one?” you nodded, fascinated with the way the bread browned on the pan. As he slid you your plate you saw a green dog running towards the kitchen. Terrified you stood up, ready to take on the creature, hoping Blue Beetle wouldn’t mind sharing a little juice. The dog noticed your alarm as it shifted into Garfield. “Woah y/n sorry, you probably don’t really know all about us yet! Dude thanks for the meal Jaime!” Gar slid into a chair a couple seats over and he began digging in. The grilled cheese was delicious, after giving your compliments to the chef the three of you began talking about your lives. You learned a ton about Jaime and Gar, really happy that they were so welcoming. “So what are your guys powers? Besides turning into a dog and all” you smirked at Gar who stuck his tongue out at you. A familiar voice interrupted you, “actually y/h/n I think it’s better of you come see for yourself! Up for a little training?” you turned to see Dick who stood next to Raven and Robin. 
“So to help y/n understand her new team mates lets do a little one on one!” the others looked bored while you couldn’t help but be excited. Jaime and Robin were chosen first. It blew your mind to watch blue colored metal envelop Jaime’s body. Damian was also shockingly talented, you assumed he was powerless like Dick because of the heritage and the fact that his suit had a tool belt as Gar had said. The two danced around the practice area, bantering about the weakness of the other and what not the entire time. Damian soon had Blue Beetle pinned down and even though you knew he could go further, Jaime pulled out of the fight. 
Next was Raven and Nightwing because apparently Dick demanded a “rematch” from last time. Raven’s powers were by far the most amazing. Your jaw dropped as black light seemed to lift any object at her will, including Dick. What you didn’t expect was that the powerless defeated their opponent again. It was so exciting. All that was left was you and Beast Boy. Before you could begin you realized you needed to explain your powers to the team. “Okay wait! I’m gonna need some help for my battle” the others look surprised but Dick nodded, encouraging you to explain. 
“Okay so basically I’m half human half martian. I know it sounds super scary but technically the experiment with my dna was a failure. I control my own powers even though I really have none. As you probably know martians are shape shifters right? They take the form of creatures along with other mind bending powers. What the scientists did with me was basically taking away the creativity and giving me more control. See, I started with the ability to steal the powers of other creatures, like a parasite. I hated the feeling of snatching the life force of other creatures so I essentially taught myself to share. Because of the martian blood I can set up a link between me and another hero where I mirror their power without draining it, like a sharing is caring kinda thing. I was hoping one of you would let me try it?” You finished sheepishly. Dick and Damian shrugged knowing they couldn’t help and Raven was the first to say no. “Y/n I’d be interested in the future but I don’t think I can trust you right now, the power I possess is difficult and confusing and I don’t want us to get hurt” you agreed, after hearing snippets from Gar and Jaime you completely agreed. “Well I’ll let you!” Starfire grinned and you couldn’t help but get excited to show off. 
Taking her hand you established a link, she blinked a couple of times, explaining how it felt like there was an invisible loop between the two of you, but she was completely fine. You could feel her powers radiating heat and energy. After just a few seconds you tested the powers out, throwing blasts of green energy from your hands. “Oh yes you can fly can’t you!” you grinned as you began levitating. The whole team was amazed. “Alright Gar let’s go. But fair warning if I can get a hand on you I might just use some of those shape shifting abilities” you winked. 
The two of you began, using Starfire’s abilities you went on offense, soaring after Beast Boy as he shifted between creatures. Throwing bolts of energy at him you managed to land a hit on him when he was a hawk, he tumbled to the ground but shifted into a cat, landing on all fours. This went on for a few minutes until you saw the opportunity to grab his shoulder and pull some of his energy. Soaring down you kicked him down, pinning him beneath you, reaching for his shoulder. When you touched him, sparks like you’d never felt before erupted. You bounded backwards, quite literally shocked. Beast Boy shifted. back to his normal form, rubbing his shoulder with confusion. 
“I- that’s never happened before. The electricity was - do you have those powers too?” You couldn’t understand what had happened until Damian walked up to you. “TT - Y/n you’re human are you not?” you nodded. Damian turned to stalk over to Garfield, “and so are you Garfield, even though you are quite green” the rest of the titans let out some form of an “oh my god” or “no way” or “only here” and you stood up, still confused. “I don’t get it. Is he a special human that shocks me? That has never happened before why does it make sense to you?!” you stared at the team as their heads all turned to Beast Boy. He got up, closing the distance between the two of you. “Well you probably didn’t learn this on your planet but here, humans have soulmates and when they touched - ” Gar moved his hand to your cheek and the same sparks danced on your skin, you leaned into the touch, the warmth was perfection, something felt right, you looked up at Gar who continued. “when soulmates touch they feel sparks, that’s how you know it’s them and well, I think you might be my soulmate.” he finished. You looked at the others for confirmation. After a couple nods you looked back at Gar.
“But I’m not all human. Shouldn’t I not have a soulmate? I read about it in magazines since I’ve been here but I wrote it off as a human only kinda deal?” Beast Boy shrugged, “hey I’m not all human either, I thought I’d be missing out as well. Fate works in funny ways I guess” you smiled, you had read that soulmates were perfect for each other in every way, coming to Earth seemed scary but knowing you had a forever friend made it seem a lot better.
“I think we can call it quits on practice” Dick started. “The new soulmates probably have a lot of catching up to do, seeing as they’ll kinda be together forever” Damian groaned, saying something about the disgusting idea of soulmates and how he thought he’d probably never have one, Raven quietly agreed. Jaime told the two of you he’d catch up later as he walked off with Dick and Kori. 
Now just the two of you, you reached up to Gar’s face, letting the unfamiliar feeling crackle and pop with electricity. “This is not how I expected my first day to go” you admitted, still trying to wrap your head around the days events. Gar looked at you, his eyes softening, “trust me y/n I did not think today would be like this either. But I did think you were totally cute even before I found out you’re already mine” you laughed, but couldn’t help the butterflies that were now dancing in your stomach. Craving more of the warmth you closed the distance between the two of you, not ready for anything more than a hug just yet, you wrapped your arms around his torso while his tightened around your waist. The books were right, the feeling of your soulmate’s touch was addicting, perfect in every way, you could definitely get used to the idea of feeling this all the time. Pulling away Gar clasped your hand in his and winked at you, “now that you’re my soulmate you can share my powers anytime mamas” you rolled your eyes, but were pretty excited to know what it felt like to take a real cat nap. “I think I might have to take you up on that Greenie” you grinned, resting your head on his shoulder as Gar led you up towards your rooms for some well deserved rest. Finding your soulmate was definitely a great start to your time with the Titans, you couldn’t help but wonder what would be next. 
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heyitsbugette · 4 years
Heart and soul
Not even everything in training that Damian Wayne was subjected to in the league of assassins nor the eccentricity of living as the only biological son of Bruce Wayne have prepared him for his greatest threat.
Luka Couffaine.
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Anyone with eyes could see that there was a certain attraction on behalf of the heir for the sweet daughter of the best bakers in Paris, who with her kindness and charms she captivated the cold heart of the Prince of Gotham. And more than once Jason Todd joked with Tom Dupain about how it made a lot of sense for such a sweet girl to come straight out of a bakery, occasionally amusingly saying that the Dupain-Cheng kitchen was magical.
It was really confusing when the Robin was puzzled and stressed by feel tamed in the presence of his angel and surprisingly with the famous heroine Ladybug as well. Of course, he was teased until it all made sense to them, when together they find out the identity of the spotted heroine by Raven's deductions, his closest friend and ex-girlfriend. 
Raven, annoyed by the cowardice of her best friend, motivated him to go after his beloved right away. The youngest of the Wayne clan then did not know whether to feel grateful or offended when in the end he decided to heed the advice of the young woman of serious features.
His angel through his eyes became more and more perfect after the revelation, she knew how to fight and he did not need it to defend herself, Damian Wayne undoubtedly loved strong women. Such was their surprise when The Jagged Stone invited them by Marinette suggestion to reveal his pupil to them, the very one musician who he secretly hid under his wing for an entire year to prepare him to his debut, a boy with the ferocity of a pirate and the intelligence of a predator to words of the number one rocker in lists.
— Luka is somewhat shy at first, but when my little starlight introduced us I knew that the boy was born to succeed... Come on, dude! I mean-... Bruce, I guarantee that our collaboration between Wayne Enterprises, Rolling Stone Company and MDC will be legendary.
— I trust you, Jagged.
The fierceness in the artist's words could be seen for miles, convincing everyone with his confidence, and if the boy turns out to be as talented as they claimed, the launch of Anarka's son could generate a few million if his strategy worked. Bruce, by the way, looked amused despite the fact that his facial expression did not help at all to demonstrate it, always with his expressionless face and a curious gaze direct to his new partner.
But he could not speak in the same way for his children and how they were inusually calm, the ones who had always admired the singer were nervous with his presence, to the point that they were strangely silent behind him as they followed them, which was suspicious for the family's patriarch, they were not so well-mannered, but always noisy.
Damian, on the other hand, although he found Jagged's company pleasant, he had little mind in the older man's new human toy, he did not have time to be interested in another spoiled child with ambitions of glory and fame, because he only agreed to accompany his family for two reasons.
First and foremost, Marinette would be there. Second, he wanted to visit Fang, he had a great appreciation for the playful crocodile.
— Hey B! So will we finally meet the star boy they all were talking about so much?
— Indeed, Jason. Marinette arranged everything with Miss Rolling and they agreed on a small presentation to close the deal.
— Oh, cool.
The youngest of the clan hid his smile at the mere mention of his muse, heading to the recording studio where they took a seat next to some investors while Luka Couffaine was in front in his maximum glory on the stage, being assisted by a small French-Chinese girl who arranged his clothes meticulously between whispers that were dedicated, they seemed close. They laughed together as they whispered, as if they shared a local joke that only the two of them could understand, but it was when she blushed that the frown of Bruce Wayne's son became more noticeable.
No one with eyes could deny the obvious, Jagged's protegé was conventionally handsome; his seductive blue eyes that saw through his lens, a winning and playful smile. Although the boy was tall and slender, it was obvious that he was not a weakling at all, he had the figure in slim-fit, quite strange cause Couffaine had not exactly the kind of the lifestyle of an athlete.
Along with it, dark hair dyed in turquoise tips and aesthetic piercings adorning his ears up to the side of the helix. The guy in question have quite the look, dressed to impress in a grunge outfit designed precisely by MDC especially for him, he had a style that Jason Todd would say "You got it, brother!".
— Marinette, honey, stop. I think Luka looks handsome already.
— Oh, Miss Penny. He doesn't even need my help for that.
After so tender flirting, the aforementioned blushed noticeably in the same red shade that the heir saw in his furious vision. Did his angel flirt with another boy? But, It's not like he could demand explanations from her and he knew it, they weren't a couple or anything remotely similar. Yes, they were close and they spent a lot of time together, but if he saw it objectively she was not his.
Without option he was able to recover his composure ignoring the mocking smile that his older brothers gave him, he looked uncomfortable. But surely Marinette just wanted to be nice and give her friend a compliment to brighten his day only, that's the kind of person she was.
— Come on, Luka!
His mentor indicated as he launched himself into his couch while Penny sat next to him taking his hand. Both saw themselves as a pair of proud parents attentive to each movement that the guitarist made to prepare, the latter meanwhile looking out of the corner of his eye attentive to the little French girl with tender freckles inadvertently present, since of course she was his motivation .
His actions were unnoticed by everyone except for a certain green eyed boy who still did not trust the musician. He knew his kind, womanizers who went from girl to girl breaking hearts left and right, of course he only wanted to protect his angel from a guy who didn't even deserve to breathe her own air.
The punk man was... Like his father, sure. Or so he wanted to believe.
Oh! Yeah, Alright… Mmmm.
Gather 'round guys
It's time to start listening
Practice makes perfect
But perfect's not workin'
There's a lot more to music
That knowing where your cue's gonna be.
Okay, okay. The guy knows how to sing without the need for auto-tune, he gives it to him. But he wouldn't admit it, flattering the enemy is something that would never be available; he would not dedicate him the mere weakness of raising his ego.
Marinette deserves the best, which is indisputable to the dark-haired teen, and such was his victory when his angel realized the same thing when she moved on off the spinleless coward who was Adrien Agreste. Luckily Luka Couffaine would not last a day.
You can play all the right notes
But that don't mean you're movin' me
But if you can jump like David Lee Roth
Or pump your fist like you're Bruce "The Boss"
Bruce was perplexed at his mention, watching amused as the teenager endorsed the stage listeing with pleasure the laughter of the iconic artist who was stroking the crocodile that was rubbing on his legs. Marinette held back so as not to shout in support of Luka with the same passion with which he cheered her up when she triumphed, a star-shaped sparkle in her eyes was present with no intention of leaving.
If you got a heart and soul
You can rock and roll                        
Rock and roll
The American tried to no be disappointed when he noticed that she was not even aware of his presence, but would not allow anyone else to know it, he would be weak to allow the rookie musical to affect him because of how well he grabed the attention of his beloved heroine.
He wouldn't give his annoying siblings the pleasure of driving him out of his box, although Dick was close enough to get him by keep looking at him with pity. No, he don't need anyone's pity.
Strum it
Drum it
Slide across and run it
The stage is your home
If you learn how to own it
Like the greats did
There's no way that you can fake it
Just when he thought the half asian girl would continue to ignore him during the entire performance, he didn't count on her swapping seats with the pesky Drake to position herself next to him. Being impossible for the vigilante not to melt before her happy smile and with her gaze outlining that perfect silhouette that he would be fascinated to paint, he would not deny that she was his art, his source of inspiration.
— I'm so happy for Luka, Dami. You have no idea how hard he has worked.
— He's a lucky guy... I suppose.
She took his hand, pressing it a little against hers as she tried to suppress the emotion of seeing Luka start his career, how shes sitll as always emotional and enthusiastic when someone she loved achieve them goals, crying with them with joy when them dreams came true.
Such was the youngest of the Dupain-Cheng family, Damian experienced it first hand with each accomplishment that he got culminated. His angel always received him with some well made dessert and words of encouragement to encourage him to continue working hard.
That's the type of person she is.
You've got to feel the beat before you can move
Even though you're not wearing blue suede shoes
Makin' mistakes, but that won't matter
If you can swagger like old' pal Jagged
If you got a heart and soul
You can rock and roll
You can rock and roll
If you live and you die
For the music inside
If the one for five never gets sold
Then you can rock and roll
Rock and roll
Luka playfully looked at his idol when he made reference to him in his lyrics, and this one who just left his seat at once to raise his hands in celebration, exclaiming proudly pointed out with determination, as he pull out a Bruce Wayne before the amused gaze of the brothers. He then gave way to a guitar solo finally performed with great technique, heating up the meeting in which investors fully convinced to invest in the musical prodigy.
— That's my kid, you lil shits!
Instead, unsurprisingly, the only one unimpressed was the legitimate heir to Wayne Enterprises. He rolled his eyes thinking that the oldest was a stocking sucker, a mere flattering of cute words and empty feelings.
Someone like that couldn't make his ladybug happy.
However, seeing her so delighted now releasing her hand to take herself putting bot hands in her own cheeks by giving them little taps to lower her blush was the final blow for him to declare his total displeasure to the amateur musician. Wayne hated that feeling of bitterness, so he huffed angrily.
Alright, now take it low.
Now I need my sunshine girl, right here, as the crowd starts to cheer.
Don’t take it personal, mate. Don’t get too emotional.
You know how It is...
"How dare you?! Do you want to die young or what?!" He saw red, of course, the fuckboy is flirting with his marigold in front of him, the nerve. And of course, the musician smiled when he saw him getting angry, it was clear that this was just a game, a provocation on how he was playing with him, only as a Couffaine could when fooling around with the object of his entertainment. 
He loved being loved and hated, it was fun.
— Uh ... We'll soon bury him, right?
— Yup.
Jason whispered to his brothers when they noticed the contained fury of the minor among them, they knew that once provoked the assassin prince there would be no human power to stop him.
Rest in peace, Luka Couffaine. Good friend, good artist. We will remember you for what you were, champion.
If you can scream like Axl Rose
Or sing like Christina show after show
If you've got a heart and soul
You can rock and roll
If you've got a heart and soul
You can rock and roll
You can rock and roll
Ooh, yeah
You can rock and roll.
The performance ended with an innocent smile and an expectant look on behalf of the vocalist as soon as his fingers finished with the last chord of his guitar, so when he took it off he received the energetic baker's daughter in his arms who embraced him warmly when the high command of the label gave their approval of him.
Luka Couffaine would be the next star, the exotic apprentice of the living rock legend and MDC designs' most precious jewel.
Get moving, Austin Moon! Who knows you, XY ?!
— I told you! You did It, you idiot!
— Oe, oe! I must learn better than to doubt your trust in me, ma mélodie.
Tender giggles were heard from the girl's mouth as she hid her face in the teenager boy's chest, aggressively grabbing the lapels of his leather jacket in a desperate attempt to hide her blush at such a loving nickname. Then when looking away and raising her face to meet the relaxed features of the French guy, both succumbed to sharing a giggle at the moment when in a change of position the aspiring soloist kissed the back of the young woman's hand, who he regarded her as his most ingenious symphony.
Little did they know that a certain person burned with anger looking around him in red, after all he thought that he was the only person who made her smile like that. The green-eyed felt weak from falling to something as gross as jealousy, but no one had prepared him to endure a suave musician.
— Heya, pixie pop! Would you mind introducing your friend to us?
—Ah, Jay-Jay! I longed to present you all for a long time.
Luckily, it was the albino tuft guy who intervened to sneakily separate the couple, putting himself in the middle of both while embossing a charming smile and a relaxed expression on his face.
— Sup kid! Here's Jason Todd. You know, the cool one. And these idiots next to me are my brothers...This one at my right is Tim Drake, the coffee rat. And the other one with the stupid face is Dick Grayson, the dick. Oh, and the dwarf is lil D-...
— Damian Wayne.
Suddenly the mentioned one appeared, narrowing his eyes challengingly during the brief exchange of glances he shared with the artist in a non-verbal competition. Too bad the guitarist didn't know he was competing.
— Enchanté, guys. Mon trésor told me a lot about you.
"Ma mélodie? Mon trésor? Yah, this guy is asking for it… ” He chattered his teeth in anger and even without trusting the intentions of the stranger man, as he said before, he knew the ones of his type. Young rock stars were all the same.
— Guys.. This is Luka Couffaine ... My boyfriend.
Has anyone heard that? It seems that something broke slowly inside the american heir as how Damian could almost hear Kagami Tsurugi whispered on his mind: "You hesitated."
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Heart and soul - The Jonas Brothers
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Fallen Bird
Make the World Bleed Chapter 1: Fallen Bird Fandom: DC Comics/Red Robin/Batman/Young Justice Pairings/Characters: Conner/Tim/Jason, Bruce/Clark/Diana, Core Four, Cassandra & Tim, Dick & Tim, Dick & Damian, Bruce & Tim, Tim & his Assassin Trio Summary: The Core Four have a bond that will never break, will never fade. When one of their own is hurt by someone who should be family to them the other three respond in force. When Tim's line is cut and he is seriously injured Conner, Bart and Cassie are ready to declare war against anyone who stands in their way of helping Tim, even if that means making a devil with the Devil himself, Ra's Al Ghul.  Author Notes: Written for the @badthingshappenbingo my prompt: falling from great heights. I love stories that deal with Damian cutting Tim’s grappling line and the fallout and aftermath that and my love of the Core Four turning into their dark selves this because one of their own is injured by someone is supposed to be family.  You can also read it on AO3
There were few things Tim Drake loved more than flying through the Gotham night sky as Robin and even though he was no longer Robin, something that still left a deep ache he refused to let the loss of Robin take away his wings and he was finally finding his place soaring as Red Robin.
Gotham was once a place that Tim called home. Once he thought he had found a family but the feeling of home and family were nothing but seemed in the distant past.
No longer could he call Wayne Manor or the Penthouse home. Nor could he call the other Bat's family.
He had realized that the hard way that he no longer belonged or he had never really been a part of the Wayne family.
Tim could feel himself on the edge there was only so much more he could take from Damian, only his team, Cassandra and surprisingly Helena saw how much the abuse was getting to him and the fact that he was just to turn the other cheek was slowly breaking him.
None of them could understand why the adults in Damian's life never once thought to take him aside and explain why he can't treat Tim the way he does. Not one of them set bounders for him. They reprimanded Tim because as the older of the two he should know better. And it was getting to the point that even Raven and Gar, who Tim didn't want them to get involved due to their strong bond with Dick, were reaching their breaking point. Several times they had to stop Raven from tossing the Bat-family into a hell dimension in their underwear.
Helena, Conner and Bart had been all for that idea and it was only because Tim begged her not to did Raven back down.
"If they keep placing the blame on you for Damian's actions I will do it," Raven warned, her normally warm eyes blazing with rage. Raven's vow whispered through Tim's mind.
No, shoving those thoughts to the back of his head Tim lost himself in something he loved.
Tim loved flying between the buildings it was one of his favourite things as a hero. His grapple line gave him a sense of freedom.
Freedom from the tension in the cave.
Freedom from the feeling that he didn't belong in the cave.
Freedom that he had lost a second family.
Then he heard it, something that shouldn't be happening not with a Bat-approved grapple the snapping of his line.  
Tim only had seconds to hear the snap before he was falling. "Conner!" He knew that he could count on him, his best friend who kept his promise that he would always be listening to his heartbeat.
But deep in his heart, he knew that it was going to be too late. 'Please Conner don't blame yourself.' Tim pleaded before darkness claimed him.
The pure terror in Tim's voice will haunt Conner 'Kon' Kent for the rest of his days as will his guilt for being a second too late in catching Tim. Looking at the broken boy of his best friend Conner felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.
Pressing his comm to the rest of the Titans, "Guys you need to get to Gotham." Conner didn't care that his voice wobbled there was no way that he could stay strong or even pretend that everything was alright, nothing would be alright after this.
"Dude, what is wrong Conner? You are scaring me here." Bart's worried voice came over the line. It wasn't often that Conner would suggest that they break Batman's no meta in Gotham's rule. There was only one reason he would do so.
Bart's worse fears were confirmed when Conner whispered, "It's Tim, he's hurt badly."
Only the movement of his hair alerted Conner to Bart's arrival.
"Oh god." Bart felt like he was going to be sick at the sight he arrived at, he and the others had always been protective over Tim as he was the only human on their team but the one time he truly needed them and they failed him.
"I'm going to kill whoever did this." Bart snarled out, Tim was family and he would do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe.
"First we need to get Tim's help." Whoever did this will pay but getting Tim's aid comes first.
It was no secret among the Bat-family that there was a rivalry between the two youngest sons Timothy Drake-Wayne and Damian Wayne.
Richard "Dick" Grayson had hoped that they would grow out of it, he couldn't understand why Tim couldn't see that as being Damian's older brother he was to not let Damian's words get to him. Damian had come from the League of Assassins and his abusive upbringing was all he knew. Of course, he was going to lash out and Tim to Damian was an easy target.
Tonight Tim had let Damian get to him once again and stormed out of the cave, Dick only hoped that when he returned he was willing to apologize to Damian.
Jason Todd was fighting the urge to slam some heads together and at the top of his list is Dickie and the smug brat Damian. He had heard from Cass and Helena that things were pretty bad when it came to Tim and Damian and how Damian was allowed to get away with everything while Tim took the blame.
Yeah, he had tried to kill the kid, something that Jason hasn't forgiven himself for. He had allowed Talia to twist him up and he took it out on the one person who didn't deserve his rage. Tim might have forgiven him but he did and Dick sure as hell didn't. So he couldn't understand why Dick was allowing the demon brat to emotionally, verbally and physically abuse Tim and stay silent when he saw it first hand or got angry when Tim defended himself.
'For someone who claims to love family, he sure has proven that he can only love one brother at a time.' Jason felt for Tim. He was trying to be there for Tim but it was a work in progress.
It just baffled him and pissed him off that Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Stephanie and Barbara never once questioned why they allowed Damian to get away with treating Tim like he was trash. Why they never spoke up when Damian time after time told Tim that he wasn't wanted, that he wasn't part of the family. Why Damian sought to kill Tim and only Tim. Jason just hoped that they would wake up before it was too late.
It turned out it was too late.
For all of his skills, Damian found he couldn't move as the speedster kept him pinned to the wall, one hand wrapped around his throat the other vibrating right above his heart, "One wrong move and I vibrate my hand through your chest and into your heart." Bart Allen hissed, his happy-go-lucky personality replaced by a hardened man with no mercy left.
Damian refused to show any fear for that was a sign of weakness and he was anything but weak.
No help was coming as Cassie Sandsmark had Stephanie wrapped up in her lasso, she looked every inch of the Amazonian warrior she is.
Richard had his hands full with an enraged Superboy who was out for pure blood and Raven along with Huntress were keeping his father and Todd busy.
'I always knew that she was not to be trusted.' Damian thought bitterly at the betrayal from someone that was supposed to be one of their own. "I have no idea what you want but I suggest that you let me go and vacate the cave as well as Gotham and I might not seek revenge."
Bart's eyes burned with untamed rage, "Of course you would threaten violence for all the claims that you have changed you still fall back on old habits and isn't hurting Tim tonight enough for you? Or do you wish to stain your hands with blood some more?" Bart hissed at him.
Dick who was close enough to hear was confused, "What happened to Timmy?"
"Don't act like you don't know! You let this happen!" Conner snarled as he felt his eyes heating up and oh how he wanted nothing more than to unleash his heat beam on those who had harmed his Tim.
"Conner, I need you to calm down. I'm sure that Damian didn't mean for this to happen." Dick pleaded he needed to make Conner as well as himself believe that was true that Damian hadn't meant to hurt Tim. "I'm sure if we could talk to Tim we can clear this all up."
"Lies!" Conner hissed out, "This isn't the first time that little demon has tried to kill Tim and because he was never told by you Bruce or Alfred that killing Tim was wrong he found it acceptable and kept trying and now he has succeeded in seriously harming Tim. You are to blame as much as he is because you never took the time to explain that Tim is very much as a family as he is and Tim has the right to feel safe in his own home! Tim is fighting for his life right now because none of you had the balls to tell that demon spawn that killing is wrong!"
Damian froze a flicker of fear as Conner's words vibrated around the cave and all moment stopped.
Dick was sure that for a second his heart had stopped beating, "What do you mean?"
"I mean that Tim screamed my name as he fell knowing that I would always be listening for him if he needed me. I found my best friend's broken body laying on the ground. Bart found the cut zip line and Helena got Vic to look at the footage and what he found proved all of our fears Damian cut Tim's line, he fell because of him!"
Cassandra Cain was torn, she loved her family but Tim, Tim was special he was her little brother, her little bird, the one who never gave up on her and the first one to trust her.
"Hurt brother. Cannot forgive. Cannot trust. " It hurt Cass to say those words but she knew deep in her heart it was true.
Nodding his head Jason crossed his arms over his chest, "I agree with princess here. I knew this family was messed up but hell letting me then the demon spawn tries and kill replacement without consciences is a new low. At least I did my best to make amends with Timmy, and for some reason, he found it in his heart to forgive me."
"You were his big brother, the first one to believe in him and you turned your back on him." It was Helena's words that cut Dick to the core.
"Don't bother looking for Tim, he is somewhere safe and you will never see him again," Conner growled. Bart and Cassie stood united with him. They had once seen a future where they turned dark, where they crossed lines and for Tim, they were willing to do that now.
If it meant taking on Batman, his family and the whole Justice League they would do so in a heartbeat to keep Tim safe.
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serrj215 · 4 years
Raven didn’t mean to stare, really she didn’t. It was just so hard to ignore. Their feelings were just so intense, it was like sitting next to a bonfire.  Heat, passion, affection, surprise, and a burning need for each other.  
Robin and Starfire had completely forgotten they were not alone in the common room.  Existence had shrunk down to the radius of their arms, completely unaware of the empath studying them. Raven pulled her all but forgotten book closer to her face, hoping it would her conceal her clandestine operation.  Raven was just minding her own business, she didn’t mean to intrude on them she was there first, trying to enjoy a few chapters of her new novel. Then the happy couple came in to the common room to watch a movie and then the movie was quickly forgotten.  
The two were an interesting puzzle. They were so different.  It didn’t matter that Starfire could bench press a cement mixer, Robin was so gentle with her. Feather like touches along the exposed skin of her arms, light pecks, along her jaw, he held her like she was glass. Starfire on the other hand was more aggressive, pulling Robin tight to her, lingering kisses and bites on his neck, even pulling on his hair. He was worshiping her, and she was feasting on him.
Raven wondered what it must be like. To want someone like that, to be wanted by someone that intensely. The feelings swirled around her, she forgot about the book letting her mind wander and it just had to wander towered Beast Boy.  She didn’t know or understand why she so fixated on him. On paper they were nothing alike, she found most of his antics childish and annoying. They had nothing in common, but when she imagined hands holding hers, or arms holding her close they were always green.  
Maybe he would be soft with her, careful. Raven imagined his arms protectively wrapped around her, green lips making a trail from her shoulder up her neck. His warm mouth pressing into hers, the empath would be laying on top of him, her fingers playing in that messy emerald hair.  Would he enjoy it if she nipped at those pointed ears of his, would he hold her protectively?  Could she just revel in the warmth and softness that he offered.
Yet tenderness like that isn't what beasts are known for. He mind flashed to a different scenario. She was at his mercy, his arm tight around her not letting her escape, and she didn't want to. How it would feel to have his weight on her, unable to escape against his strength.  Raven knew how much he liked her legs, would he like them wrapped around him, holding on for dear life as she felt those teeth bite just below her pulse. Would he crush his lips to hers, claiming her, devouring her breaking only for air?
"Dudes! Both of you got rooms, how about using one of em!" All three occupants turned their embarrassed attention to Beast Boy. His arms out in exasperation.  
"Beast Boy!" Robin shouted though clenched teeth.  
"Oh no! Fearless leader" He responded doing his best hands on his hips Robin impression. "if you caught me out here making out with someone It would be a 45 minute lecture about responsibility."
Raven lowered her head quickly behind her literary shield.  Beast Boy was right, which surprised everyone and frustrated Robin. Starfire solved the issue quickly by tightening her embrace around Robin and launching them quickly from the couch into the air, and down the hall. Apparently the alien princess agreed with Beast boy's suggestion.
Beast Boys attention fell on Raven for a few moments as he came around to sit on the vacated couch he wondered how she could just sit there and read while the lovebirds were wrestling each other less than 4 feet away. Beast Boy picked up his game station controller, and turned it on the console. The unit bleeped and beeped to life and he quickly dropped the volume to the lowest level giving Raven a sideways glance and a small smile he didn't think she noticed.  
She did notice.  Raven tried to return to her book and forget about the unexpected daydream she was having a few minutes before.  Yet the words couldn’t hold her attention. Beast Boy being right there added a clarity to her imaginings. That smile, that let his fang peak out. She wanted to feel that fang, and those hands and his… thunk! The book somehow slid out of her lap and onto the floor keeping her imagination from running too far with her this time.  
"Raven, are you okay?"  She didn’t see Beast boy get up. He was holding the book she dropped out to her.  "I mean you look a bit red, you pick up something?"  
Raven snatched the book away and made a hasty exit from the room.  
Another one that I have had sitting around for a while. Never thought it was finished, but my wife said it was so I trust her.  Touch of Rob/Star in there for those of you who enjoy that.  
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wheresthemuffinman · 3 years
So I've been really into interactive fiction for a long while and I've finally decided to showcase my various MC(s) over different IFs.
(Who I may have incorporated from my OCs from a series (or at least a universe) I'm working on😌)
Picture made by Picrew (https://picrew.me/image_maker/625951)
This MC is based in Triaina Academy by @leo-interactive-fiction
WARNING: This post is long and doesn't have proper capitalisation at times
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*looks at the camera* "This is boring, can I please do something else?"
File: #01 : Triaina Academy
Date of recording:*Data Corrupted*
Interviewee: Melody "Mai" Razor
Appearance: Hazel eyes that look like topaz in bright light and black hair that reach her shoulders. Wears a pair of red glasses and has a mole below her left eye.
Power: Blood manipulation
Description: Seemingly obedient as first, she'll roll along to anything that happens until it starts to inconvenience her or she gets bored. After that it'll be a 50/50 chance she'll start to mess around or just deviate and do something else entirely.
Doesn't trust easily, but loves to mess around with people by teasing them playfully after warming up to them.
Likes to act like she's running on a single brain cell 24/7, has a habit of running around aimlessly and just exploring places that seem interesting.
She took on the name of "Mai" to abandon her past and start anew. She'll grow to letting go of her abandonment issues and let extremely close friends of use her actual name after a long while.
---------------------VIDEO CUTS---------------------
*The following words appear on the screen: "What do you think about..."*
Emil Dobry
"Em's like the little bro I never had. Though, he tends to be a tad bit too naive for my comfort. We're kinda in troublesome times with cutthroats everywhere and I'm kinda worried he might not be able to make the right call when the going gets tough and I'm not there, you know?"
Notes: Her time as the eldest among her fellow sea urchins when young carried over to the present. She feels responsible for Emil and his happiness. Gets him little trinkets she finds from time to time and he is one of the few people she'll happily do favors for, no questions asked. (The other being a baker who gave her bread occasionally in the past)
Robin Vallenford
"Birdie? He seems alright, can't say much from him at first glance, just know he's hiding something. His fights with Em are a great source of entertainment at times, downright childish on others. On hindsight though, he does bring colour to the whole dorm."
*She tilts a head to the side, leaning back and kicking her feet up midair, grinning slyly*
"I think we'll get along juuust fine."
Notes: She seems to be respectful of Robin and interested in knowning him better. Would gladly play a round of cards with him even if she knew she was going to lose.
Vin Wolfe
*She frowns slightly* "I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think much of Sunshine back in the arena. But when he pulled that gun out I think I nearly lost 10 years of my life. But,"
*She stares at the ceiling thoughtfully*
"He doesn't seem to mean any harm, maybe he just has a few things to work off." *Mumbling* "Bet his aim's really good too, might want to see if he'll teach me."
Notes: She doesn't know what to fully make out of Vin, she's a little put off by the commander title (she's not used to commanding other people at all. She's prefers to operate independently). More than happy to teach him what she knows about academics. Notes to herself to keep an eye out for his sake.
Calls Vin "Sunshine" (at least in her head).
Leah Scio
*Her eyes light up* "Bluejay? She's really pretty and nice, quiet though. She's also pretty much the only other person I know that wears glasses and I think she reads alot! I'd really like to see her collection sometime. She's like Em, but doesn't appear to be naive. Actually, now that I think about it, I can't really compare those two. It's like oranges and pears you'know? She's definitely smarter, and less emotional when there's thinking to be done."
Notes: She enjoys Leah's company and wants to learn from her. One of the very few people she cares about that she goes easy on when fighting (she feels really bad hurting them). Calls her "Bluejay".
---------------------VIDEO CUTS---------------------
*Reading through a folder that has the word "CONFIDENTIAL" on its front* "Ooooo"
*A rough voice can be heard from behind the camera* "Woi, who gave that to 'er? Someone take it away!"
*The folder gets swipped out of her hands from a passer-by* "Wha-Hey! What gives-oh"
*she glances behind the camera and readjusts her voice, flashing a sheepish grin*
"Sorry, got a little distracted there, shall we continue?"
Pierce Crater
"Firecracker? Well I don't really have much to say about him that he himself isn't already making obvious."
*She brings a hand up to her chin, posing in mock contemplation*
"He swears alot, jumps to conclusions, and is really prone to resorting to violence to solve his problems. He would honestly make a terrible diplomat."
*She pauses for a few moments, her eyes go distant*
"Though he does seem to put his best into the many things I've seen him do. His position as a representative might be saying something about his leadership...and he is really easy to embarrass...wonder how he fights...?"
Notes: Her attitude towards Pierce seems to change to somewhat more reasonable and surprisingly more careful, a stark contrast to her more playful and nonchalant interactions to her own dormmates. She doesn't seem to trust him much, but she also doesn't realise herself hanging around him more.
Unfortunately for Pierce (or "Firecracker") , she also seems to be increasingly curious about him after this interview. Granted, this was bound to happen sooner than later.
Matthew Crater
*She squints, a faraway look in her eyes*
"Snowflake's a strange one, never really met anyone who passes out so frequently. He's a cute one though, gonna be honest. Friendly too, other than that though, don't really know much else."
Notes: Amicable with Matthew (Nicknamed: "Snowflake"), she doesn't seem to understand much about his...suggestions to wake up. Most likely will nap with him if she catches his sleeping during a break.
*Her posture tenses slightly, before quickly relaxing*
"Bubbles'...alright. Honestly I'm more surprised by myself for not getting more freaked out. She unpredictable, and smarter than she lets on."
*She shrugs*
"Needs to calm the homocidal vibes though, I'd be more worried about Em when he's around her."
Notes: Slightly unsettled by Raven's (Nickname: "Bubbles") clinginess to her. She is curious on Raven's interest in her, but also slightly wary of what she could do.
Snipper of Scorpion’s Den
*Her smile grows into a wide Chesire-like grin*
"Ah, finally! Snip's unlike the other lot in the academy. Just met 'er and I already love 'er to bits. Not one to detect social cues though, and is a little too loud at times."
*she winks at the camera* "Trust me when I tell ya that if you were to leave us alone for even 2 seconds, and we'll paint the town red."
Notes: She'll never admit it, but Snipper reminds her a little like her old friends on the street, before she found a roof over her head. She misses them, the people who shaped her and that she'll never see again, making the times she and Snipper hang out sometimes slightly more melancholic.
Outside that though, she's more than willing to watch Snipper testing on something or just working on Sandy.
Fray De Forêt
*She bites her lip, giving a wistful smile*
"Liliac's alright, I don't hate her, she's just a little bit of a snob. Then again, I've never really talked to nobility before, so maybe I should save the judgement for later."
*She stops and smiles slightly at the ceiling*
"Though, she does have a certain respect for nature. I can understand that. The forests hide so many secrets and animals, what's not to love about it?"
Note: She's doesn't really have many feelings towards Fray( Nicknamed: "Liliac"), though she respects her power. She'll listen to her demands and maaaybe oblige them, but she'll be damned if she gives Fray full control over her.
-------------Video freezes, a static of the TV hums, before the screen cuts off into darkness------------
---------------------VIDEO ENDS---------------------
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pink-bird-30 · 4 years
RobStar Week 2020-Wedding Bells
Hi guys, I know I’m a day off for posting day 6 of RobStar week.  But if you saw my previous post, I had a sudden death in my family and I needed time to process it.  And I appreciate those who sent messgages in understanding.  I just didn’t feel right writing such a happy moment for Robin and Starfire while I felt so sad.
Nevertheless, I have finished writing yesterday’s prompt and I’m happy with it.  I wish I could write more on this, but then we’d be here for hours lol.
As always, my RobStar week postings are connected.  So please go read the other entires before this one.
I will be posting day 7 tomorrow even thought RobStar week has officially ended.  I just didn’t have it in me to write two stories today.
If you'd like to read all my entries in one sitting, here is a link to my FF.Net
Happy Reading!
October 15, 2020
You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Richard John Grayson & Kory Anderson.
Cyborg tucks his white and gold invitation into his tux as he and Beast Boy make their way to the groom’s suite.
“Yo, Vic.  Do you think he’s freaking out?”  Beast boy asks as he checks his reflection in every mirror they passed in the overly expensive hotel hallway.
Cyborg chuckles and rubs his hands together, “Dick freaking out over his wedding?  Man, oh man!  I hope so, I’m gonna need some sort of entertainment before the reception.”
The two laugh before knocking on the creme colored door that read ‘Groom’ and watched as it swung open, revealing a panic stricken groom.
“Thank god you’re both here, please tell me you have the rings.”
The word ‘rings’ hangs in the air for eternity.  Cyborg looks to Beast Boy, his eye growing wide, and Beast Boy looking at Cyborg with his mouth gapping.  
Oh Shit!!!!
Dick’s eyes widen before launching himself at Cyborg and Beast Boy, causing all three men to fall to the ground.
“Dick, man.  Just calm down.”  Cyborg tries to sit up but is knocked back down to the maroon carpet.
Dick gives him a pointed look, “Calm down?  Calm down!  Vic, this isn’t some mission where if I forgot my boa staff I still had my birdarangs as back up.  NO, THIS IS OUR WEDDING!”
Beast Boy turns a pale shade of green and tries to shake himself out of Dick’s hold, but he is no match for his angry leader’s strength.
Dick turns to Beast Boy next and seethed, “And you!  You thought it’d be smart to trust you both with such a simple task! ‘Rob, man.  You can trust us.  We gotchu.’ Ha!  Do you want to be the one to tell Starfire you left our rings halfway across the country?!”
The two Titans on the floor share a horrified glance, “No!”
“Good,”  Dick pushes off of them and gets to his feet, brushing off his dark blue tux pants and readjusting his suspenders and white dress shirt.
Dick storms back into his suit and throws himself onto the white couch.  He rests his elbows on his knees and his head falls into his hands.  The other two Titans cautiously walk inside the room and close the door behind them.
Cyborg approaches Dick warily before settling a hand on his shoulder, “Dick, we’ll get the rings.  Don’t worry about it.”
He groans knowing it was impossible for them to get the rings now.  It finally started to get dark in Gotham and knew the ceremony is about to begin.
Dick drops his hands and falls further back into the couch, “How am I supposed to be a good husband to Kori when I can’t even make sure the rings got here today?  What if it’s a sign, what if we’re not supposed to get married today, what if-“  Dick was cut off by a green hand slapping him across the face.
Beast Boy pulls Dick by his shirt and shakes him, “Pull yourself together man!  What do you mean, ‘How am I supposed to be a good husband’?  Dude, you fucking worship the ground that woman walks on and have taken care of her since day one.  There is no one else that would be a better husband for her than you.  So stop your whining and get your shit together!”
From besides him, Dick could hear Cyborg let out a low ‘Oh damn’.
Beast Boy slowly lets go of Dick and steps back quickly, afraid he’ll come to his senses and attacked him for slapping him.
Dick lets out a long breath, “You’re right.  I’m just nervous and I don’t want to mess this up.  She means too much to me.”  Dick smoothed out his shirt again and stands up.  He makes his way to his nightstand and pulls out his cellphone.  He quickly dials the one person he knew could help them out of their bind.
Dick paces the room waiting for the phone to pick up, “Grayson!  Are you freaking out yet?!”
Dick lets out a huff and cuts to the chase, “Wally, are you still in Star City?”  His voice short.
“Yeah, what up?  I said I’d be there before the ceremony began.  I’m not like Barry who’d be too late.”
“I need a huge favor.”
“Oh?  And what might this favor be?”  Dick can hear the playful tone in Wally’s voice, but he doesn’t have the patience right now.
Cyborg sees the anger start to swell in Dick’s blue eyes, “Damn, Wally has a death wish right now.”  He said to Beast Boy.
“No kidding, dude is an idiot.”
Before Dick has a chance to rip Wally a new one, Cyborg takes the phone out of Dick’s hands and puts it on speaker, “Yo, KF.  We need you to go into the tower and into my room to grab Dick and Kori’s wedding bands.  BB and I forgot them last night before the bachelor party.”
Wally paused on the other end of the phone before responding.  “Holy, shit.  You guys forgot the rings?  How are you two still breathing?!”
Beast Boy frowned, “Dick didn’t hurt us too much-“
“Not dick,” Wally cut in. “I thought for sure Kori would have torn you both in half.”
The room grew silent.
Wally howls with laughter on the other end of the phone, “You mean to tell me Kori has no idea you forgot the rings?  Dick, how are you not even married yet and already keeping secrets from your wife?”
“Wally.”  Dick warns.
Wally laughs again, “Alright, calm down Boy Wonder.  I’ll get the rings.”
Dick sighs in relief, “Thanks, Wally.  Now get here as soon as you can.  The ceremony is about to begin.”
“Roger that.”
And the call ends.
Beast Boy walks over to the fridge for a beer and pops it with his teeth, “See I told you it would work out.”
Dick glares at him and sends his shoe flying at his face.
Kori sits still as the makeup artist puts the final touches on her look before she steps into her wedding gown.  Kori spent the week daydreaming about wearing this gown and walking down the aisle towards Dick.  It is a low back, sweetheart neckline mermaid gown with long lace sleeves and train.  The buttons on the back of her gown are small flowers with rhinestones that will glitter under the full moon.  The makeup artist added the lace and rhinestone veil to her hair.  Kori decided to wear her hair in a low braided bun with small star pins places throughout her auburn locks.
“Viola!  You are a bride!”  The makeup artist stood back to let Kori take a look in the mirror.  She felt herself tear up at her reflection.
“Oh!  I look most delightful, I am the grateful!”  She smiles at her helper through the mirror.
The makeup artists packs up her things and throws her bag over her shoulder, “In all my years of doing makeup, I neva’ thought I’d be doin’ makeup for Bruce Wayne’s son’s bride.  And I don’t think I’ve eva’ had sucha beautiful bride before, your beauty is out of this world!” she said in a thick Gotham accent.
Kori laughs to herself knowing that the makeup artist does not know where she was from.
“Thank you.” The makeup artist smiles at her one last time, takes a few pictures for her portfolio, and leaves the room.
“Friend, Raven.  The artist of makeup has left.  You may reappear.”
Raven steps through the portal she opens in the wall and takes a seat on Kori’s bed.
“Good, I don’t think I would have taken another moment of, “Darlin’ you would look fabulous in pink!’ Yeck.”  Raven rolls her purple eyes.
Kori smiles at her friend and grabs her bouquet of  yellow and red tulips before turning to Raven.
“Is it the time, yet?”
Raven smiles at her friend knowing how big of a moment this is for her.  All she can think back to was that fated day she came crashing into Jump City and changed their lives.  Who knew one day she’d be attending Dick and Kori’s wedding.  Raven can only think back to the feelings the two of them were harboring for one another for years before Dick finally told her how he felt.  The only way Raven could explain it was like being high.  Every time she’d walk in a room, and they were talking, it was like getting hit by a wave, so quick and ready to drag her under.
She knew the feeling all too well herself, but is afraid of how she’d handle her emotions if she were to let herself feel that kind of love completely.
Stupid pointy eared man with the cute fang.
A knock at the door brought Raven from her thoughts.
Starfire squeals knowing who it is.  She pulls up the sides of her dress to prevent herself from tripping on the fabric and dashes to the door.  When she pulls it open, Bruce is standing there adjusting the cufflinks on his black tux.  He looks up to see Starfire smiling at him and he couldn’t help but smile in return.
“Kori, you look stunning.”  He places a gentle kiss on her cheek.
Kori blushes slightly, “Thank you, Bruce.”
Alfred appears behind Bruce and smiles at the young bride, “Princess, you look quite marvelous in your gown.  But as the time precedes us, we mustn’t keep Richard waiting.  Don’t want him worrying, now do we?”
Starfire nods her head before turning around to grab her bouquet and pulls Raven from the room.
“Kori, slow down!”
It couldn’t have been a more perfect night for a rooftop wedding.  The full moon radiates high in the night sky, stark against the deep purple night.  Dick looks up, watching as a new stars appear as the moon travels through sky, going higher and higher.
Glancing across the rooftop, he takes note all the hard work he and Kori put into make this place special.  They spent hours hanging string lights across the rooftop for lighting.  It took two days making the floral lattice arch they would stand beneath when saying their vows, weaving red and yellow tulips all around it with sting lights.  The white chairs are all lined up with the chairs facing towards the aisle having small lanterns hanging from them, to light the path that Kori would be walking down.
All the guests started to come in from the cocktail hour and settle in their seats; Dick recognizes more than half of the guest as his fellow heroes. The remaining bunch were a few of Bruce’s board members that he invited to show good faith.  
Where the hell is Wally?!
Dick pulls back his dark blue tux sleeve to look at the time on his Rolex.
Dick looks up to see Raven.  She looks very nice in her deep purple strapless gown, which catches Dick off guard.  He notices a hint of makeup on her cheeks and lips, and her normally straight hair is hanging in lose curls.
“You look beautiful, Raven.  How’s Kori doing?”
Raven blushes and then slightly scowls, “You’re deflecting.”
Dick leans against the side of the roof and looks down to the city below.  It was strange to think that he’d been in Gotham twice this year.  Before he was engaged, he hadn’t come back to Gotham ever since he left when he was 16.
That seems like forever ago.
“It’s time.”  Dick’s heart jumps into his throat as the quartet’s music flows across the roof.  Raven give Dick’s arm a pat before she walks back off the roof to accompany Beast Boy down the aisle.
Taking a deep breath, Dick sends a small prayer up to the stars.
I know you guys are here with me today, and I hope I’m making you proud.
Dick makes his way down the aisle, watching as Alfred takes his place under the lattice to officiate the wedding.  The butler smiles at Dick once he is settled to the left of him, waiting for the rest of the wedding party make their way down the aisle.
“Ready, Richard?”
Dick gives him a bright smile, “Yeah, I am.”
Cyborg and Bumble Bee begin the wedding by walking down the aisle.  It took some thinking, but Dick knew Cyborg was his best man.  He’s been there since day one for him, helping him to guide the team from the beginning, and being the friends he needed in tough times when he knew he couldn’t go to Kori.  They have each other’s backs.
Next, came Raven and Beasty boy.  Dick is surprised Raven is letting Beast Boy touch her as they walk down the aisle.  But from the looks on their faces, they seem to be comfortable with each other.
I’ll have to ask Kori about that later…
After they made their way down the aisle, the music transitions to ‘Here comes the bride’.  The doors in the back of the roof open revealing Kori in all her glory.  Dick is certain his mind blanked for a moment.  
She looks absolutely stunning.
Bruce offers his arm to Kori and she gladly takes it.
As Kori makes her way down the aisle her entire focus is on Dick.  She can see the emotion in his eyes as she takes one step closer to him.  He smiles brightly at her knowing he wants to commemorate this moment to memory and never let it go.  She watches as he wipes at his eyes, making her tear up a bit.
They’ve both come so far up until this point and it is finally happening.
As they reach the alter, Bruce steps in front of Kori to pull her vail over her head to reveal her face and places a kiss on her cheek.  He steps aside to give her hand to Dick’s, which he graciously takes before helping her up the remining steps to stand across from him under the floral lattice.
He brings her left hand up to his lips and brushes a kiss across her knuckles, “Hi.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, “Greetings.”
“Has anyone told you, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?”
Kori pretends to think before smiling at him, “Perhaps not.  Although, I do not the minding of hearing it.”  
“Ahem,” Alfred clears his voice, trying to gain the attention of the bride and groom.  “if we are done with the pleasantries, may we continue.”
Dick nods.
Alfred goes into detail of Kori and Dick’s relationship, mindful to leave out how they really met just in case any reporters paid the staff for intel on the wedding.
“Do you, Richard John Grayson take Ms. Kory Anderson to be your wife?”
Dick rubs the back of her hands as he says, “I Do.”
“And do you, Kory Anderson take Mr. Richard John Grayson to be your husband?”
Kori sniffles, feeling the tears pool in her eyes.  “I Do.”
Alfred looks to the audience, “May we please have the rings.”
Dick’s eyes widen for a moment remember the debacle from earlier.
The rings!
As Dick was about to tell Kori what happened to their rings, Wally waltzes up the steps and hands Dick the ring box with his and Kori’s rings.  He gives Dick a pat on the back and whispers, “Told ya I’d get here in time.”
Dick shakes his head at Wally as he walks back down to his seat.  He hands Kory his ring and he takes Kori’s before sliding the box into his tux pocket.
“Repeat after me, ‘With this ring, I thee wed.’”
Dick places the ring on Kori’s finger, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“Once more, ‘With this ring, I thee wed.’”
Kori places Dick’s ring on his finger and says, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
They’re eyes meet at the same time as Alfred finishes the ceremony.
“With the power vested in my granted by the City of Gotham, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss your bride.”
Dick reaches forward and cups Kori’s face before pulling her lips to his.  In the distance there were cheers and applause for the new married couple.  As they pull apart the cheers slowed until Alfred stepped aside for everyone to see them.
“I now present Mr. and Mrs. Grayson.”  The room erupted in applause and whistles as they made their way down the aisle and into their new lives as husband and wife.
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So it's no secret im critical of RWBY, I am with most things I enjoy. But the keyword of that is "enjoy", I love RWBY, have since I first discovered it and I wanted to talk about the things I love about it.
The Characters
You can write the most fantastic plot on the world but it means nothing if you don't have good characters. Since the beginning RWBY has been about its characters, it's even named after them. And we're introduced to these 4 girls all with hopes and dreams and watching them reach them.
And watching them grow throughout the course of the show is both heartwarming and heart breaking.
When these discussions come up everyone brings up. Weiss, which is fair she's had the most significant change (and shes a queen). She goes from stuck up princess to a warmer person. I love that she remembers the lessons she learned, Volume 1 or even Volume 2 Weiss wouldn't be the one comforting Yang in Volume 5. She might try but I feel like it would come across as insincere or lack the weight it did if Ruby was in her place.
This Weiss knows the pain Yang's going through, and the first thing that comes to her is to be there for her.
But hese two have never been very close. They've taunted and laughed and fought for each other and for me this is when Nice Weiss was just the new natural Weiss. But without losing what makes Weiss, Weiss.
But it's also the little things. Weiss defending Blake against Cordovin, Blake wrapping Weiss in a blanket when she's scared. Ruby being awe and supporting her team. The train scene to Argus felt like we were back in Beacon, Blake reading her book, Weiss is rolling her eyes but going along with Ruby and Yang and Ruby are fighting over who's winning a video game.
And its not limited to them, seeing Qrow being a badass and reluctant parent is always a fun time. And his alcoholism being explored was interesting and I didn't think we'd end up there. (It really puts Ruby into perspective, trying to be strong and happy for everyone with the stance of a leader. Ruby is a leader, that question was undoubtly answered.
Seeing Jaune, this goofy coward with a big heart go at Cinder because of Pyrrah's death... That hurt... That hurt a lot. And I may argue about the Statue scene but I hope he gets closure. (And stays away from those thirsty Mantle mums)
Ozpin's and Ironwoods downward spirals and reveals were beautifully done. It really felt like their Oz counterparts, going from the all knowing wizard to the man behind the curtain and the tin man losing his heart. You see just how much Ozpin cared for others, how his actions hurt many but have always been built on good intentions and just how human he is.
You see just how resilient and strong Ironwood is, how he's misguided but he will do whatever it takes. Really hit the theme of fear, especially with Ozpin's speech at the end.
The Music
Only gets better and better honestly. Casey you are awesome, the music is something I can never be prepared for. Until the End still makes me bawl like a baby everytime I hear it and they just reflect each and every scene, character and fight their placed in. The music in RWBY can feel as instrumental (see what I did there 🙃) to the show as the plot. Their intertwined, both telling these great stories. And they absolutely hold up, personally I love Weiss's songs and This will be the day and if that plays during the final battle I will scream.
They don't just hype up scenes, they add to them. I know ya'll were crying when Forever Fall started playing as the leaves hit the ground and Pyrrah's statue was revealed (... Not that I did.) And I'm already wondering about the songs for V8.
The writing and the Plot
Because despite some of the issues and criticism, it is good. I don't think we'd still be watching if we didn't believe that. Ironwood and Ozpin are my go to for awesome writing but their not the only instances of it. Yang and Ruby being reunited, Ruby instantly apologising and rambling and Yang giving her a big hug before bringing in Weiss, that was awesome.
Instantly we have Ruby, who up until now has been a leader crumble. In that moment she's Yang's little sister and Weiss is her best friend, nothing cemented that more for me that than moment after they've been apart for so long.
Ozpin's Backstory was long awaited and personally I loved it. You have two people, made us understand how much they loved each other and how their differing views changed the world and lead to the stare of remnant today. Do I prefer my headcannon? Of course I do, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy this any less.
Tai, Port and Oobleck talking with Yang, we needed that joy and she needed it too. It just felt real... You have these teachers and mentors who've seen war and destruction and they try to make her laugh. And I wish we could've seen more of that.
And the fact it keeps making us and them question things. Was it wrong for Ozpin to lie? Was it wrong for Raven for leave? Are we doing the right thing by going to Atlas? Should we tell Ironwood the truth? Should Ozpin have told Salem? Should Robin be trusted? Should Zwei be integral to the plot? The fact that they can do this, lay the consequences for what happened and still make us debate on the outcomes and the what ifs is impressive. (Although the Zwei one is fact)
Here's a few I found because I am a sucker for it and yes I know they may not all be intentional:
Both Yang and Adam have similar semblances. Except, Yangs takes time over a fight to build up, reflecting her thrill of a fight and how she likes to take risks. While Adam charges his into huge and constant attacks, showing his desire and eagerness to hurt others. Making them somewhat parallel the other, how they are quite alike in attitudes but not heart which is why Blake chooses Yang.
Ozpin having the relic of choice under Beacon because he values it so much, he makes sure everyone has one before they join him, before Pyyrah became the maiden. How one choice changed everything for him.
The White Fang wear Grimm masks, how they became more about spreading fear and they became more like monsters.
Ironwood having the relic of creation, the focus of innovation and robotics that's so prevalent in Atlas and how its energy was used to raise the city above the rest.
Ozpin being associated with gears and clocks.
Qrow and Raven's names mirroring their bird forms. But also because crows are seen as symbols of misfortune and Raven's are symbols of insight and prophecy.
Every Wizard of Oz and fairytale reference. There are too many to name so here's a few: Pinnochio being eaten by a Whale (giant whale grimmm and our protector of mantle), Tock is a crocodile Faunus who's semblance was dictated by a ticking clock, Ozpin glynda and Ironwood are Oz the good witch and tinman. Salem has flying gorilla grimm.
(side note for V8, from the trailer it seems Salem is looking for someone. She represents the Wicked witch, has her flying grimm.. And its been said Oscar represents Dorothy so get the missing posters ready)
Pyyrah being the one to unlock Jaune's aura and the idea of losing someone the way he lost her is what unlocks his semblance.
And that's all. Im well aware RWBY isn't a masterpiece and that it's not awful either. I love it for what it is.
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bluebird722 · 4 years
Sweet Dreams, Demon Wayne
Pairing: Damian Wayne/Robin + Raven
Rating: T
Author’s Note: Based off @xzatanna‘s gorgeous artwork. 
Damian waited until Pennyworth vanished into the Batcave to sneak into the kitchen and grab everything that he knew was ideal comfort food: popcorn, apple slices with peanut butter, green tea ice cream, and frozen grapes with almonds and whipped cream. He managed to carry everything, even the hot bowl of popcorn, in two arms back to his room and hurried back down to prepare tea for two. It wasn’t sneaking food, even though he ate strictly in times of hunger, and Pennyworth wasn’t around to notice; the butler preferred that only he and whoever was assisting him in food prep be in the kitchen. When he received her text as he was leaving the bookstore earlier that day, he hurried home and simply told his father that he was not able to go on patrol that night. 
He had started to pour the tea when she entered via her own portal. She was the only one to whom he could trust his feelings and fears; his mother and grandfather tried to suppress his risk of emotions, and his father was difficult to confide in. Anything that he told Pennyworth or Grayson would go back to Father, who wouldn’t understand all of what Damian felt. 
“Do you need help?” she asked. 
Damian shook his head and handed her a teacup. She let the steam waft over her nose as he added the lemon and brown sugar to his. They sat in silence until he was ready to share. “Bad...dream last night,” he said slowly. 
“Ready when you are,” she said. 
Damian alternated between scrunching his eyes closed and turning his head from her. He spoke of a dream in which his mother and grandfather came back to life somehow, sent the League of Assassins on Gotham City to evoke terror on their way to the mansion. There they somehow overpowered Damian, Father, and their fellow comrades, and took them to Nanda Parbat, where they made Damian watch them torture everyone whom he considered family until he rejoined them. When he said no, despite the screams echoing in his ears and all the blood, they operated on his brain and programmed him like a puppet to kill and not feel. 
Raven hesitated to embrace him, but he nestled between her neck and shoulder as he finished. He liked her stroking his hair, pulling away at his scalp. 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she said. 
Damian hesitated. “It’s just...I worry that something like that would happen, and then I thought...not just Father and everyone else, but even the Titans...” 
Although Damian left the Titans to go back to Gotham, he still trained with the Titans, attended gatherings, and joined them for events. He didn’t consider them family to the extent that he viewed Father, Grayson, Pennyworth, Kane, Fox, and Gordon, but he would still give his life for them. 
He looked up hesitantly at her. “Does that...ever happen to you?”
Raven swallowed. “Yes... Every now and then...”
Damian didn’t say anything, but his eyes did. 
She allowed him to put his arms around her and rested her head on her shoulder. With her eyes still closed, she recalled the nightmare about her father raping her mother, her mother’s death, the fear of her father’s return, their teammates and the entire Bat Family dying in a hopeless war, and his pulling her back into a fiery prison for her half-brothers to torture and enslave her. She wasn’t crying, but Damian could hear it in her voice. When she finished, she pulled away and rubbed the back of her neck. 
The two sat in an uncomfortable silence until Damian ran his hand down her back. “So...uh...feel any better?”
“Tired,” she admitted through a yawn. They agreed to watch a movie while Raven binged on the comfort food that Damian didn’t want to eat. After he brushed his teeth, he changed into flannels should he fall asleep. She cuddled against his chest, sighing in content with his fingers running down her hair and thumbing the ends. It was so calming and repetitive that it continued for a long time until something nudged her. 
She flinched and frowned at Damian, only to blush. “You nearly fell asleep,” he said. 
At that moment, Raven flexed her jaw as she yawned. “I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“Here.” Damian pushed away the laptop and walked to his bureau. Raven pushed herself onto her elbows and rolled her head to ease her stiff neck. He returned with a bundle of cloth, and Raven stroked the Robin logo on the sleeve. “I don’t mind. You can have it if you want.”
Too tired to argue, Raven pulled on the hoodie and used her powers to remove the rest of her clothing except for the hoodie and a pair of silky shorts. She lied on her back with her head on Damian’s shoulder
Lightning and heavy rain woke Raven from her slumber, and she didn’t sit up, but her heart skipped a beat. she closed her eyes and shook her head. Why did stupid things like that have to happen?
Then she heard hissing and trembling, and she realized that she wasn’t alone. Her face jerked to her left at Damian, in a bed not hers, twitching and panting. The events of the night came back to her, and she remembered where she was and why she was there. She could see his forehead shine with sweat and carefully put her hand on his arm. His whole body felt warm, as though he had a fever. 
A nightmare, she thought, and then she remembered what he had confided in her: the nightmare of his mother and grandfather taking out his family, plaguing his city, and controlling him. Did it come back? Maybe it was worse. 
Raven had enough control of her powers to calm another person’s mind without viewing any memories or dream, so she cautiously touched the sides of his head and closed her eyes. It was was difficult, but then Damian woke up and grunted. He blinked and wrinkled his forehead. “Wh--What happened?” he asked. Then he noticed Raven, and his eyes widen. 
“Nightmare,” she simply stated. 
Damian closed his eyes and sat up with his back to her. He hung his head and rubbed his scalp between deep breaths. Then he reached behind his head and pulled the top of his flannels over his head without bothering to unbutton the front. 
Even his wide, muscular back was shiny. She wanted to ask something, but she knew that he needed silence. Plus, she worried that he would ask her to leave. 
Damian eventually turned around and lied back down, his eyes staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes once more and draped his arm around Raven’s waist. “Don’t leave...”
His voice was so low that she almost didn’t hear him. It made him sound younger. She stroked his hair and let him cuddle closer to her. Even under the weight of the hoodie she wore, she felt his arm wrap around her waist. “I will,” she reassured him with strokes down the back of his neck. As he closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep, she stroked back his hair and trained her fingertips over his forehead. 
The couple made out on the bed as though her jaw didn’t ache and his lips weren’t numb. His fingertips pressed into her thigh, and her hand kept stroking up his chest. She pulled away to ask something, and he moved on to her neck. 
“Would you like a drink?” she offered, her mind on the bourbon across the room from them. 
“Soon,” he said. “But for now...” He moved his head and kissed her again. 
He didn’t drink from his glass, though she did, as they stood in the middle of the room, fully clothed but hair in disarray. He set the glass behind him when she was finished. 
“You didn’t...” she purred. 
“Why would I?” he asked. “I can taste it on you...”
Her lips pressed his against his teeth, but he held her tighter to his body and nearly crushed her skull in his hand. Neither remembered when their clothing came off until they were already on the bed, warm with pleasure and passion. 
She gripped the edge of the bubbling tub and tried not to wince, but the pain was pushing against her. While the sound of the bubbling eased her, it did not distract her from the weight that strained her lower half. 
As per the obstetrician’s direction, he helped her up as another contraction hit her, and kissed the side of her neck. “A little longer,” he reminded her, stroking her damp hair. He assisted her out of the tub, helped her put on the gown, and walked her to the hospital bed, which he adjusted to ease her onto. “It’s okay to scream,” he reassured her. Not surprisingly, she didn’t. As someone who was taught never to express pain, she hissed and groaned with every push, slowly inhaled and exhaled, and clutched his hand every time she pushed. Then she choked and nearly cried out, but it was a different voice--a loud, tiny wail. 
He dropped her hand and absentmindedly cut the cord, and the obstetrician lowered the newborn onto his mother’s chest with a blanket around him. Only when she held him tight did he slowly stop screaming, unaware of the tears on his father’s face or the hand that ached to touch his back. 
“Happy birthday, baby Wayne,” he whispered. He glanced at the new mother, a different expression of love on her face, and leaned forward for an eager kiss. 
Bruce decided to raise his son modeled after how Princess Diana exposed her own sons to the world and society. He took Damian to Chuck E. Cheese and Six Flags as well as children’s hospitals and women’s shelters, hoping that the boy would have a normal childhood while also teaching him about humility. He hired excellent tutors before Damian was old enough to attend school but enrolled him into a soccer team so he could develop teamwork skills with children his own age. Bruce made sure to have breakfast with Damian and his mother every morning; they rarely went out to dinner in five-star restaurants. Damian was nearly spoiled materialistically, but his parents ordered him to attend holiday parties and galas for people and events that didn’t interest him. 
When Damian found out his father’s secret, he was warned about the consequences if he let anyone outside of the family know, so he promised not to tell anyone. However, he liked to go into the Batcave and watch his father review cases or construct weapons. Under Talia’s insistence, Damian’s parents trained him to fight, but he wouldn’t be allowed to join his father until he was eighteen. In the summertime, Bruce took his son to Titans Tower so he could train with other teens and help them master their own powers. 
In the meantime, Bruce and Talia did their best to make it work. She renamed the League of Assassins and maintained the League from a distance so she could live in Gotham with her partner. Their primary mission was to wipe out horrific people, such as drug dealers, human traffickers, rapists, and domestic abusers. To Bruce’s knowledge, they were simply arrested. Talia never disclosed her location out of fear that a potential traitor would target Gotham in revenge. Nevertheless, she, like Bruce, taught her son all she knew about fighting and thinking like an assassin. 
Damian went to private academies and received the best education that money could buy. He made several friends, thrived in sports, and studied hard. He stood up to bullies, never teased girls, and refused to break rules. When his father bestowed full Wayne Foundation scholarships so underprivileged children could attend the elite schools, Damian made sure that they felt welcome and offered them a seat at lunch until they made their own friends. Extracurriculars ranged from swimming to fencing to volunteer groups to academic clubs to Model UN to international clubs. 
Overall, Damian had a magical youth, one that most children would literally kill for. He was aware of his privilege, access to the best education, and luck in having loving parents, but he was sure to watch out for those not as fortunate. For the same reason that his father spent sleepless nights saving strangers for no reward, Damian was determined to grant justice to all. 
As Damian slowly woke up, he realized that he felt warm, that he was embracing something, and that whatever he held in his arms was likely contributing to the heat. He groggily turned his head and saw her still asleep, still in the Robin hoodie, and her arm around his shoulders. She looked rather cute with her mouth slightly open. 
Damian smiled and closed his eyes, reluctant to wake her. It was nice of her to visit, fall asleep by accident, wear his clothing, and held him after he initially reached out to her. Even better, he woke up after a wonderful dream of a life that he would have wanted for himself. If he was unable to have that life for himself, he would want that for his children, if he had any. 
While he felt his stomach growl in hunger, Damian ignored it to rest until she woke. She looked at his face and smiled at him. He smiled back. “How did you sleep?” she asked. 
“Good,” he said in a low voice. He subconsciously pulled her closer to him. Her hand smoothed down his spine. “Would you like to stay for br--”
Then Damian remembered his father’s rule about overnight guests and stopped. “Wait... Uh...”
“It’s all right,” she said. “I should be getting back to the tower soon. Kori will be worrying about me if I didn’t show up.”
Damian groaned to himself. “I understand,” he sighed. 
Knock, knock. 
“Damian? Are you awake?”
Damian immediately sat up, fear running down her sweaty skin. “One moment, Father. I’m not decent.”
“I’ll be right out here,” said Father in his typical monotone. 
Raven covered her mouth to muffle her laugh. She watched Damian pull on his pajama top and push back his hair. They hid the plates and bowl from which they had eaten, and Raven chewed on a handful of stale popcorn. Damian opened his window to drown out the noise of Raven creating a portal. Before she left, Damian took her arm. “Thank you,” he whispered. 
“Any time,” she mouthed. 
Damian hesitated and then quickly kissed her cheek before she left. He set his frown into place and walked to his door. 
Father was already dressed, complete with a facial expression that Damian couldn’t read. “What?”
Father’s eyes scanned his son’s attire and bed. “Come down and eat with us,” he replied. 
In the privacy of her own room, Raven removed the hoodie, phased into her uniform, and stretched on her bed, still tired from last night’s work and already missing him. She wanted to go back soon but didn’t know if she wanted him to have another nightmare so she could have an excuse. Was that wrong of her to wish that upon him?
Raven pressed her lips together until she heard her cell phone buzz. Before she suspected that it was him, saying that he already missed her, she felt a quick jolt of guilt and shame for forgetting her cell phone, and worried that she received a million texts and frantic calls over the night. 
Fortunately, Kori only sent two (Where r u? and U need 2 b ready 4 training), but Dick had apparently sent her an attachment. She opened it without considering what it might be and stared at the screen. 
“‘he went missing, tot he was ded lol’,” she mouthed. 
Dick opened the text from Demon Wayne. 
Dick wtf
Raven sent me this
It was the picture Dick took when he carefully snuck into Damian’s room out of concern that something happened to the baby bat when he didn’t go on patrol. While it was creepy and stalker-like behavior, Dick knew that it was better to be safe than sorry if Damian suffered some medical issue and was helpless. Luckily, the tracker on his uniform assured that he was in his room. 
Mind telling me HOW you took this photo?
Dick shook his head and couldn’t wait for Damian’s response. 
Well, for starters, Bruce told me you werent on patrol
i thought u might have died.
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