#re: the one with hoseok and the magic fingers
eoieopda · 1 year
Hi! I’m here for your 2k drabble requests. I’d love to see a drabble of Hobi with the only one bed trope! 💜
behold: my hobi brain rot, lol.
the one with hoseok and the magic fingers
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pairing: jung hoseok x gn!reader type: drabble | genre: fluff | wc: 1.3k summary: your company didn’t make the necessary reservations for the trade show you’re being forced to attend. now what? au: co-workers to ? | rating: pg13* | cw: none *regardless, my content is not for minors. minors or ageless blogs who interact with my content will be blocked.
You do not dream of labor. More importantly, you do not want a career; you want to sit on a porch with a stupid little beverage, enjoying a stupid little breeze. Unfortunately, as you know, capitalism. So, when your stupid little job requires you to attend a stupid little conference, you go.
This time, your involuntary non-vacation involves a trade show in Changwon, three (3) days of listening to men with half your experience talking twice as much as you, and one (1) meal voucher per day. In all this overcast, you’d found a single, silver lining: Jung Hoseok, the only person on your team that doesn’t make you want to walk into a forest, never to be seen again.
Now, Hoseok stands at the reception desk, visibly struggling to maintain his customer service voice. Across the counter, the hotel’s overnight manager squints down at her computer. No matter how close her nose gets to the screen, no reservations appear.
“I’m so sorry,” she all but cries. “I’ve checked and re-checked, but there’s nothing here for either of you. Are you sure that your company finalized the reservations? They would’ve needed to confirm them on the new system. They just rolled it out, and it’s —”
She trails off with a displeased wave of her hand and a grimace.
The new system is garbage, perhaps?
Hoseok turns to look at you over his shoulder. He’s grinning in an unsettling way, one that doesn’t meet his eyes. Subtly, he mouths lobotomize me, please, and you have to clench your jaw shut to keep your laughter to yourself. It exits through your nose instead, so forcefully that you have to pretend like you’ve sneezed.
He pretends not to notice.
Charmer that he is, Hoseok places his fingers down against the counter — gently, distinctly non-threatening — and lays it on thick. “Are there really no rooms available? Not even a supply closet with some cots?”
Those sparkling doe eyes should’ve earned him the presidential suite, but they don’t.
“No, sir.” The manager frowns. “But there’s a — umm — establishment two streets over that’s sure to have space. It’s — ehh — quaint?”
For the first time, you peep, “Is that a statement or a question?”
The manager goes beet red.
With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, Hoseok looks at you. As he does, one eyebrow flexes briefly in a way that makes you a little bit flustered. Worse, he winks when he laughs, “There’s your answer, I suppose. Shall we establish ourselves, then?”
It took longer than it should’ve to locate the motel in question, and even longer for the pair of you to force yourselves out of Hoseok’s Kia. When you finally slid out of his passenger seat, you turned to grab your suitcase from his trunk— only to find that he’d beaten you to it. He’d ignored the way you frowned, sauntered right by you with your luggage rolling behind him.
“D’you think anyone’s ever died in here?” He’d mused without turning back around.
You hadn’t bothered to smother the laughter bubbling up as a result of his unexpected — yet shockingly on-brand — query. You’d simply followed behind him and stepped through the door he’d held open for you.
Another reception desk, another manager bracing themselves before giving disappointing news, another pointed look exchanged with your co-worker — whose eyes were much prettier than you’d previously realized, in a strictly professional way, and whose slightly disheveled hair had started to fall back over the forehead he’d pushed it away from, and —
“The single is the best I can do.”
You blink slowly, having seemingly blacked out during the first half of the conversation. Unabashed, you cannonball back in: “Huh?”
Hoseok doesn’t have time for this, if the way he grabs the sole key off the counter is any indication. Shoulders sagging, he’s travel-weary and it shows. So, he dangles the key ring off of his index finger and wiggles his brows.
“I won’t snore if you won’t,” he teased.
The circumstances don’t truly click until the lock does; door opening wide to reveal the lone double bed at the center of an unimpressive room. The carpet beneath it is a dingy, cotton-candy blue. It’s so shaggy that it flutters with the breeze of the AC unit in the window, which horrifies you. The aforementioned window is sealed around the unit with duct tape and part of a cardboard box — and it’s damp.
“Stale,” you mutter automatically. “This is the motel equivalent of an expired Saeukkang.”
Hoseok’s laugh is musical as he sets your suitcase on the foldable rack near the thick, boxy television. He drops his own onto the ground next to it, though it doesn’t make a sound when it hits the carpet. With his eyes narrowed so completely, it’s difficult to tell if he’s truly perceiving any of the other decorative horrors around you. But he must, because he clicks his tongue, gesturing to the bed.
Eyebrows raised, you follow his pointed finger with your eyes. Immediately, they widen.
You scoff, “Oh, what the fuck?”
Affixed to the left-side nightstand is a small metal box with a bouquet of wires jutting out from the side. They trail down the table leg, along the seam where the wall meets the carpet, and presumably connect to the back of the bed frame. Your gaze zeroes in on the blatant coin slot carved into the box. Instinctively, you shiver.
Hoseok bravely crosses the room to read the tiny label on top of the box. He stares, disbelieving, with his mouth slightly open. Then, he speaks as if reading it out loud will make any part of it make sense.
“Magic fingers?”
“Do —?” You pause, pointing between yourself, the bed, and your coworker. “Is this —?”
Said co-worker has apparently decided to ruin your life by packing grey sweatpants in lieu of actual pajamas. Part of you longs for the bygone days of absurd and abjectly sexless sleepwear. Only an Ebenezer Scrooge-style nightgown and cap can save you now.
Hoseok doesn’t answer with words because he seems to sense that they’re lost on you; he just drops down onto one half of the mattress. Then, he has the absolute audacity to beckon you with a curl of his finger. You’re frozen — he senses this, too — so he proceeds to pat the space in front of him.
Well, if he’s normal about this, then why shouldn’t you be?
You suck in a slow, conflicted breath.
Fuck it.
Your pulse handles it well when you close the distance between the corner you’ve banished yourself to and the bed. Unfortunately for you, it takes a flying leap when you sink into the reserved half of the mattress. Not bold enough to face him — or, rather, be nose to nose with him — you lay on your back and blink up at the ceiling. Suddenly, you’re very aware of your limbs, so you clutch your hands to your chest, knowing full well that your mummified posture is ridiculous.
What was that about being normal about this?
A few moments of silence pass. As they do, you know Hoseok’s watching you — can feel him watching you. You can feel the playful tug at the side of your pajama shorts, too.
“Cute,” he murmurs. He’s correct, after all. They’re a dusty pink with a scalloped hem, and they are cute.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye like a fucking weirdo, just in time for him to look up at your face. He smiles, then pulls his hand away only to stuff it in the pocket of his sweatpants. When it emerges again, he’s holding a coin that had no business being held in his sweatpants, but that he’d clearly stowed away in furtherance of the bit.
Pinched between the pads of his thumb and index finger, he holds it up between you. It catches the light while he looks pointedly from you to that stupid little box on the nightstand.
With a grin that makes you more than a little flustered, he snickers, “Wanna see a magic trick?”
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bangtanfanfiction · 8 months
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all rights reserved © bangtanfanfiction - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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Welcome my fellow witches and wizards!
This is an archive of stories about seven friends and their magical journeys as students and wizards.
ps; If you happen to know them, they have explicitly suggested to take the details with a grain of salt and refer to Peeves for further questions...
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→ don't let the muggles get you down! || one shot series
status: in progress
→ genre: adventure, romance, fluff, angst, smut ↳ Hogwarts au
A/N: All these stories take place the same Hogwarts universe
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Namjoon x f!Reader
♢ Word count: 3.1k
♢ Genre: fluff, humor, suggestive content
⌲ Description: You never expected the nerdy seventh-year Ravenclaw boy by the name of Namjoon to have flirting skills rivaling that the likes of world known Quidditch players
A/N: Rewrite planned.
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Slytherin!Jimin x f!Reader
♢ Word count: 12k
♢ Genre: fluff, humor
⌲ Description: Park Jimin was a nuisance to your existence. Even though he didn't know it. He was just so perfect in everything he did that it drove you mad. You weren’t known for being the jealous type, so why did everything about Park Jimin aggravate you so much?
A/N: Heavy re-editing planned.
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Yoongi x Female!Reader 
♢ Word count: 16.6k (Idk how this happened okay)
♢ Genre: Angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, slight slowburn, smut 
⌲ Description: Min Yoongi - The 7th year Slytherin student notorious for his cold and indifferent personality, and not to mention his anti-social tendencies. What was it about him that made you so curious?  - Warnings: swearing, some finger action
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♢ Pairing: Hufflepuff! Taehyung x Wallflower f!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre:
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Quidditch Instructor!Seokjin x Prof!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: enemies-to-lovers, academic-rivals, fluff, humor, smut
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Ravenclaw!Jeongguk x Female!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: bestfriends-to-lovers, angst, fluff, humor
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Hufflepuff!Hoseok x Female!Reader
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff, angst, smut
⌲ Description: TBA
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Is there a posting schedule?
Nope, not at all lmao. Just like my Tales of Times masterlist, these will be posted whenever I have the time to write. This can be once a week, to once a year. Who knows.
If you want to be on the taglist, comment down below!
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bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Pregnancy Roulette Part 3
Kinktober Day 31 - OT7/Pregnancy? (conception)
Warnings, overstimulation, m/m/f , hobi/tae/f!y/n
Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 4
You’re peacefully trying to watch TV the next day when they find you.
You are sat in the middle of the sofa, curled into a ball with your legs tucked into your ridiculously large sweater.
Each one flops onto a side of the sofa and sandwiches you in.
“So…” Hobi starts.
“We’ve found…” Tae continues
“According to a pregnancy blog…”
“A great way to get a woman pregnant…”
They tilt your chin back and forth as they switch talking, making you dizzy more than anything else.
“Are you going to spit it out? Or are you going to wait until I vomit on you first?”
They pout as you take their fun away.
“Well if you’re going to be like that maybe we shouldn’t tell you, we should just show you.” Hobi nods at Tae.
The younger then takes hold of your ankles, pulling you out flat so you lay across them.
Head in Hoseok’s lap, feet in Tae’s
Tae rubs at your feet, making you moan when he kneads the bridges.
Hobi lifts at the hem of your hoodie, delighted to find you had forgone panties around the house.
It seemed pointless when you knew this was coming.
He claws at your thigh, pressing just hard enough to leave red trails in his wake.
You bite your lip in anticipation as he nears your centre.
“Is this about massage? Yoongi already tried something like this.” You tease.
Bad move.
Hobi spanks your thigh, erasing the trails in favour of a red handprint.
“This is not about the massage angel, it’s just easier to make you cum when you’re relaxed.”
His signature grin looks somewhat sadistic from this angle
You gaze into his eyes trying to work out their action plan.
All the others had made you cum, it couldn’t be that simple.
Taehyung digs into your soles, switching your attention.
You meet his eyes and moan for him again.
It’s best if Taehyung knows he is appreciated at all times.
Hoseok returns to trailing his fingers to your pussy.
This time delving his middle finger through your arousal, teasing your clit with soft circles before retreating.
He holds the finger up for you to lick.
Then he takes the digit into his own mouth, groaning at the taste of you.
“You could make a man go feral; you know that?”
He returns his hand to between your legs.
You spread them a little further apart, bending at the knee so Tae could still work his magic on your feet.
He had started to work his way up your calves, applying pressure to muscles you didn’t even know were aching.
And maybe they weren’t before he was touching you.
Your entire soul seemed to ache with need for your men some days.
Hobi doesn’t start soft.
It’s not his style.
He pinches your clit and makes you hold his gaze through it.
He then rubs hard and fast, a sure-fire way to work you up.
“Doesn’t she look pretty like this Taehyung-ah.”
“Always looks pretty Hyung,” Tae responds lifting a foot to kiss.
His lips travel up your leg before he goes back to just massaging.
You groan as Hobi’s fingers dig into your clit.
Pressure in your stomach as the first orgasm is basically forced out of you.
Still sensitive from the last two days and the 110% Hobi always commits to.
You pant through the orgasm as the stimulation doesn’t fade.
Hoseok switches his thumb to your clit and pushes two fingers into your still clenching pussy.
You reach for a pillow from behind you as he flicks his fingers inside of you.
It hurts so good as the digits curl.
“Have you figured out the gimmick yet sweetheart?” Tae asks.
Not that you could answer him.
You’d bitten down on the pillow to try and take some of the focus away from the pleasure.
“Taehyungie asked you a question Y/N” Hobi uses his free hand to pull the pillow out of your grasp.
“I… I … I CAN’T!” you squeal as Hobi digs his nail into your nerves.
“It’s okay angel, we will tell you.” Taehyung’s hands are still soothing against your lower legs, so different from your elder boyfriend.
“We read orgasms help with conception, something about a lot of dopamine being released.”
“So we figured the more orgasms, the better our chances.” Taehyung flashes you his boxy grin, proud of his research.
You barely get a chance to appreciate it though.
Hobi has you cumming all over his hand for a second time.
He removes his hand, and you sigh in relief for a moment
You watch, a little cross-eyed, as he inspects just how wet his hand is.
He holds it out for Tae to have a look, the younger unable to resist licking at your orgasm.
“She’s getting a little messy TaeTae, want to clean her up?”
Taehyung’s fluffy hair bounces around as he nods enthusiastically.
“That’s my good boy.” Hobi praises stroking his Taehyung’s shoulder.
Although you suspect that was more to dry his hand on Tae’s shirt than to comfort the vocalist.
He then lifts you into his arms, cradling your back to him and spreading your legs over his keeping them wide.
Taehyung crawls onto the floor in between.
He licks one long stripe, along each of your thighs.
He then focuses his attention on your folds, collecting all of the cream that had escaped.
His tongue was soothing when it came to your clit.
Softer and gentler than Hobi’s rough hands
But no less pleasurable as he played using the tip.
He’d flick against you for a while, dip his head to collect his prize leaking from your vagina, and then tease your clit a little more.
You let out little whimpers every time he pushes down.
Occasionally his teeth tug at your hood.
You try to reach down and thread your finger in his hair.
You want to pull him away, just for a moment's breath.
But Hobi catches your arms and pulls you back.
He tuts in disappointment and nibbles at your exposed neck.
Taehyung then brings his fingers into play.
He locks eyes with you as he scoops arousal into his hand and pushes three fingers inside of you.
Each one works a slightly different rhythm, giving you no room to breathe.
The third orgasm builds for longer than the first two.
It feels like watching a balloon get bigger and bigger until you’re sure it’s going to explode in your face.
Only it doesn’t.
It gets so big you can’t help but cower away from the psycho blowing it up.
You clench down hard on Tae’s fingers as you will him to stop, unable to speak for fear of exploding.
You hold your breath as you try to force the orgasm to come to fruition, but he just isn’t quite in the right place, applying the pressure you need.
You all know what he is reaching for, they’ve made you do it before.
And it leaves you spent every single time.
Taehyung finally flexes all three fingers together and you squirt.
All over him
All over Hobi’s lap
And all over the carpet
Joonie was probably going to kill him later for that one.
You took deep breaths as Tae finally pulled away from you.
His hands hand soothingly along your bare legs.
Hobi let go of your arms and wrapped his own under your hoodie and around your waist to keep you grounded.
But they don’t let you rest for long.
“Okay baby, just a little longer.”
Hobi manages to shuffle his sweats down underneath you with Tae’s help holding you up.
The pair lower you carefully onto the rappers cock.
He rocks experimentally to acclimatise himself.
“Do you need to tap out Y/N?” He asks before he really gets started.
You swallow hard and clear the brain fog for a minute.
“No. I’m okay.” You assure him, earning you a kiss from each man.
“That’s my girl.” He grins.
He then bounces you in his arms.
You brace yourself holding on to Tae in front of you.
Leaning so Hobi has a better angle.
Tae kisses you sloppily as Hoseok jostles you in his lap.
His finger finds your clit again making you cry out for him as he pinches.
He isn’t going for an orgasm this time, just a bit of a sadist.
He doesn’t take long to finish himself off as release deep inside of your already spent body.
Tae lies back on the floor, dragging you off of Hobi and onto him.
You straddle him, barely able to keep yourself upright as you try to ride him.
Hobi slides behind you, one arm around your shoulders, the other around your middle.
He keeps you pinned to him as he rocks.
The angle drags your poor clit against Tae with each grind
But you are so overstimulated at this point it barely feels like anything.
Still the tension builds as Taehyung thrusts up and Hobi rocks.
One last week orgasm claims you as Taehyung brings himself to finish.
Hobi lets you slump forward into Tae’s waiting arms.
The younger cuddles you close as Hoseok runs off to start a bath and find you some soft towels.
The pair take care of you for the rest of the evening.
Keep you awake in the bath.
Clean you gently.
Feed you snacks.
And tuck you into your own bed with each of them cuddled into you.
Kinktober Masterlist 2021
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Say You Want Me | ksj (m)
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Summary - Reluctantly joining your friend at a party pays off when you end up alone with Seokjin in his apartment and he shows you what you’ve been missing out on.
Word Count - 2953
Pairing - Seokjin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - praise kink?, short lived sexual harassment, penetrative sex, oral (f recieving), big dick Jin, soft sex
a/n: another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
“No,” you glared at your friend, crossing your arms.
“But Y/N! I can’t go without you,” MacKenzie whined.
“I won’t tell.”
“It’s not that, Y/N. I need you there.” she pouted. “You’re my moral support.”
“I support you morally… from here,” you sighed, resolve already breaking.
“Please?” she begged, gripping your arm dramatically.
“I hate you,” you hissed and she jumped up and down, squealing.
You only sighed in response, but that didn’t deter MacKenzie. She jumped into action, pulling out clothes for you to review. Most of her clothes left little to the imagination and you felt naked just looking at them.
“This would look amazing on you.”
She held up a black dress with a belt that was shaped like a bow with diamonds on it. The hem was high and the neckline low.
“There’s no way I’m wearing that.”
“Come on, Y/N. Live a little. Maybe a certain Mr. Kim will be there,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
Your friend was well aware of your weakness for Seokjin. You had several classes with the tall boy, and you guys talked often, but weren’t exactly friends. You had a huge crush on him though. Low blow to use them as bait. You grabbed the dress and put it on in the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, looking like a different person entirely. You threw on a light jacket so the outfit wasn’t quite as revealing.
“You look hot,” MacKenzie sing-songed.
“So do you, babe.”
You both split an uber to take you to the party, not wanting to mess with driving in the event that you did end up drinking and she no longer had a designated driver. The closer you got to the party, the more you shook with nerves.
“This is going to be so much fun!” MacKenzie giggled.
You nodded, already wishing you’d stayed home. The uber dropped you off and you could hear the music thumping already. You gulped, pulling your jacket tighter around you.
“MacKenzie and her little wallflower. You made it,” Wonho, who was throwing the party, greeted with a grin.
You waved shyly, surveying your surroundings, where people seemed to have grouped off in cliques. Athletic people were in the kitchen drinking. The artsy crowd were over by the couch, giggling amongst themselves. The “bad” boys were by the TV chatting. Some stragglers danced. You saw Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hoseok off on their own, and you went to talk to them, following MacKenzie.
“Hey Kenzie, hey Y/N,” they greeted.
You smiled and waved, “hi guys.”
You guys talked for a while (you mostly listened) before you wandered off to get some water. You left your jacket on the chair because the house was getting pretty hot, and you figured no one would pay attention to you without MacKenzie.
“Wow, y/n/ Looking good.” Gi-oh, the local campus fuckboy, slurred as he leaned on you with one arm.
“Thanks…” you said quietly, trying to wiggle out of his grip.
“Where have you been hiding that banging body baby?” he drawled on, one hand drifting to your backside and giving it a squeeze.
“Gi-oh, don’t,” you said, trying again to move away from him but his hand gripped your arm, pulling you in.
“Come on, Y/N. You didn’t dress up like that to be ignored,” Gi-oh argued.
“Stop, please,” you tried yanking your arm free.
“She said no, Gi-oh,” you heard a deep, angry voice behind you.
You turned around, coming face-to-face with Seokjin.
“Back off, freak. Y/N and I are just having a little fun,” Gi-oh rolled his eyes.
“Are you having fun, Y/N?” Jin asked.
“No,” you said quietly.
“Leave her alone. No means no,” Jin growled.
“Fine, you can have her ugly ass. Y/N don’t come crying to me when this bites you in the ass,” Gi-oh huffed, storming away.
“You okay?” Seokjin asked you.
“I’m fine…” you looked at the ground.
“Do you want to get some air? You look flushed.”
“After what happened with Gi-oh I don’t want to be alone out there in the dark,” you kicked at the floor with your shoe, avoiding eye contact.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Jin offered.
You looked up at him nervously and nodded slightly.
“If you wouldn’t mind?” you asked.
He nodded, following you out the door and down the driveway.
“Thank you for coming with me,” you nearly whispered, looking down at the ground.
Jin was hot and you were super nervous to be alone with him outside of classes, yet his presence made you feel safe, like nothing and no one could hurt you.
“No problem,” he smiled reassuringly.
You both walked in silence, and you kept glancing over at Jin nervously, feeling more awkward by the second. Jin was a man of few words, unless he was angry, so he wasn’t likely to start a conversation. You normally thrived in silence. Comfortable silence. This was awkward silence. It was driving you insane.
“Sorry you’re missing out on the party because of me.”
“I didn’t want to be there anyway,” he shrugged with a light chuckle.
“Why’d you come then?” you asked.
“Namjoon and Hoseok,” he explained.
“Your friends dragged you along too,” you smiled.
“Seems to be a recurring theme,” he glanced at you, the corner of his mouth twisting up.
You shivered as a chilly breeze flew past, cursing yourself internally for leaving your jacket at the party. Jin looked at you for a moment before shrugging his jacket off and wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Won’t you get cold?” you asked.
“I’ll be fine. Can’t let a pretty lady freeze to death, now can I?” his eyes twinkled.
Your cheeks burned hot and you hid your face but you were sure Jin could tell from the glow of the street lamps but he didn’t say anything. You didn’t miss the smirk that played on his lips though.
“I...thank you.” you managed to say quietly.
“Just callin’ it as I see it, princess,” Jin chuckled.
You hadn’t noticed you’d been walking long enough to be almost to the end of the Northside. You slowed down, looking around. The beautiful dark sky had lost its pretty diamond stars magical glow and storm clouds had replaced them.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“Edge of town, didn’t notice we’d gone this far,” Jin answered.
The first drop of rain fell right on Jin’s forehead, and it started sprinkling, slowly turning into a heavier rain.
“Fuck, we’d better get inside somewhere,” Jin said, glancing around at all the closed signs on businesses.
“How far away are we from the party?” you asked.
“Like, 6 miles.”
“We’re gonna get soaked,” you frowned.
“My place is only a half mile from here,” he shrugged.
“Your place? You live alone?” you asked.
Jin nodded and the rain started pouring.
“Lead the way!” you shouted over the drumming of the water on the pavement.
He took off running, grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him so you didn’t fall behind with your much shorter legs. You struggled to keep up as he led you to his apartment complex and unlocked the door to his unit, ushering you inside. You stood by the door, trying to squeeze the water out of your hair. Jin shook his head like a wet dog. You froze, not sure what to do, rocking back and forth on your feet.
“Do you want some water? Maybe some dry clothes?” Jin offered, gesturing to your soaked dress.
“Would you mind? I’m kind of cold,” you let out a nervous giggle.
“Sure.” he disappeared into the bedroom, re-emerging in dry clothes, holding out a flannel shirt and some shorts for you.
“I think the shorts might be too big but the shirt is pretty long, so…” he trailed off.
“Thank you,” you took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change.
You stripped off your wet dress and pulled Jin’s shirt onto your body. It was almost as long as the dress. Your hair fell in damp waves after you’d rung it out and brushed through it. You cleaned up some of your running makeup and tried on the shorts, but they fell right off and you didn’t have a hair tie to make them stay. You hung your dress over the shower rod to dry then turned to look at yourself in the mirror and you felt kind of… sexy. Standing there in Jin’s shirt covering your body until mid-thigh, you looked hot. You walked out of the bathroom, immediately feeling less confident until you saw Jin’s split second double take. You coughed nervously and looked down.
“The shorts were too big,” you explained, handing them back.
“Okay,” he said quietly, his eyes raking up and down your body before snapping out of it and clearing his throat.
“So… what now?” you asked.
“It’s still pouring so I guess wait out the storm here?” he asked.
“Sure.” you smiled.
“Ummm… do you want to play a game or watch a movie or something?” he asked.
“We can play a game.” you smiled, sitting down and making sure you were covered up.
“Never have I ever or truth or dare?” he smirked.
“Ummm.. never have I ever,” you decided.
“Drinking version?” he lifted an eyebrow.
“Not in your best interest,” you laughed.
“Alright then, hold up your fingers,” he instructed.
You held up both hands, showing all ten fingers.
“Never have I ever read a fashion magazine.” Seokjin started.
You put one finger down.
“Never have I ever joined a frat,” you grinned, watching him frown before putting his finger down.
“Never have I ever read a romance novel,” he smirked.
You giggled and put your finger down.
“Never have I ever played beer pong,” you shot back.
Jin put down a finger, then thought for a moment.
“Never have I ever shaved my legs,” he laughed.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and put a finger down.
“Never have I ever been in a fight,” you said.
Jin put his finger down.
“Never have I ever had sex with a guy,” he grinned.
You sat there awkwardly.
“Wait, are you into girls?” he asked.
You shook your head, avoiding eye contact.
“You’re a virgin?” he gaped.
You looked down and nodded.
“That’s insane. Is it a personal choice?” he asked.
“Kind of? I haven’t met anyone I want to have sex with that feels the same,” you explained.
“Who in their right mind would pass up that opportunity?” he shook his head.
You looked away and giggled.
“Never have I ever kissed someone,” you said, keeping the game going.
“WHAT? No one has kissed you?! Y/N this is a travesty!” he squawked.
“Volunteering as tribute?” you joked.
“Damn straight I am.”
“Wait, what?” your eyes bugged out.
“I’d gladly kiss you,” he clarified.
“Really?” you tried to hide the hope in your voice.
Your stomach was in knots, butterflies wreaking havoc when he said, “yes.”
“Okay,” you barely whispered.
Jin scooted closer to you, glancing from your eyes to your lips as the anticipation increased. You were nothing but nerves as he cupped your face in both of his large hands, calloused fingers gingerly rubbing along your skin. Jin leaned in, closing his eyes. Holy shit, this is happening. Jin’s plush lips barely brushed yours, a featherlight touch, but your heart stopped. He kissed you for real, pressing his lips against your own firmly, and your whole world spun out of control. You were dizzy and full of joy and you couldn’t believe you’d been missing out on this. You felt like time had stopped. Jin pulled away, looking into your eyes like he was searching for something.
“Wow, if I’d known kissing felt like that I’d have done it sooner,” you broke the silence.
“It doesn’t,” he said in awe, “it never feels like that.”
“Oh,” you whispered.
In a flash, Jin crashed his lips to yours again and you fell back with the impact, Jin hovering over you on the couch. You wound your hands in his hair as he deepened the kiss, hands all over your body. You felt like a light switch had been turned on, and you were warm all over. You moaned into Jin’s mouth as his hands grazed your inner thigh.
“If you keep that up I won’t be able to stop myself,” Jin warned.
“Then don’t,” you said, looking into his eyes, “don’t stop.”
His eyes darkened and he studied you for a moment.
“Are you sure about this, Y/N?” he asked.
You nodded.
“I need to hear you say it. Say you want me,” he purred in your ear.
“I want you Seokjin, so badly,” you whined.
That was all it took.
Jin ripped his shirt over his head, then with ridiculously quick and talented fingers, unbuttoned the flannel you were wearing, exposing your body to him. He licked his lips, eyes wandering along your smooth skin. Jin wasted no time, tossing the shirt off somewhere in the room and attacking your neck with love bites. You moaned his name, spurring him on. He unclipped your bra in record speed, his tongue instantly finding its way to your nipples, causing you to arch your back off the couch.
“This is your first time. It shouldn’t be here,” Jin mumbled, picking you up bridal style in nothing but your panties, carrying you into his bedroom and placing you gently on top of the covers.
You watched as he undid his belt and slid his pants off, only in his boxers as his body hovered over yours once more. Jin slowed down his assault, reminding himself this was a special moment for you, and he wanted it to be a good memory. He kissed and sucked on your neck, collarbone, your breasts, giving every inch of your skin attention.
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N. So pretty,” he cooed in your ear, “I’m gonna make you feel so good baby, you’ll never forget this night. You’re going to feel me inside you for weeks after this, I promise.”
You squirmed at his dirty words, watching him.
“Prove it.”
Jin lifted an eyebrow, then started kissing down your stomach, skipping where you really wanted him entirely, and nipping at your inner thighs, massaging them each time. You leaned your head back, reveling in the feeling. You should’ve started having sex ages ago, this was amazing. Or maybe it was just Seokjin.
You were so lost in your thoughts, it took you by surprise when Jin’s tongue dived inside your aching heat and you groaned as his tongue licked figure 8’s on your clit, fingers slowly pumping in and out of you. It felt so good to be touched by Seokjin. Of course you’d touched yourself over the years, but fuck it felt so much better when Jin did it. He was electrocuting you in the best way possible. You were so close to losing it when Jin halted his efforts and reached for the condom. He pulled his boxers down, exposing his rock hard cock and your eyes widened. He was huge. He had such a pretty cock though, you weren’t surprised. All of him was pretty.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” Seokjin confirmed.
“Yes. I want you so bad, Jin,” you said, taking his hand and pulling him closer, “I’m glad it’s you.”
Jin smiled, kissing you gently and sliding into you, pausing to let you adjust when you hissed. Jin was big, you knew that even with your limited experience, and it kind of burned. The burning subsided and you gave him the okay to move, and once he did, you lost your mind. Every time Jin moved inside you, you felt like you were going to explode with pleasure. Each thrust felt significantly better than the last. He went slow, murmuring sweet things in your ear and taking his time, making sure you were comfortable.
“Fuck Jin,” you moaned.
You were so close, on the edge of bliss, and Jin could tell. He sped up, moving in and out of you a little rougher, only once he knew you could handle it. It didn’t take long after he sped up for you to lose it. You screamed his name, clinging to his body and scratching at his shoulders. You were flying, floating, burning, dying inside. It felt like nothing you’d ever experienced in your life. You could die a happy woman if this was the last thing you ever did. You couldn’t even suck in a breath, your whole body was shaking from the immaculate pleasure coursing through you. Jin rode you through your high, milking it for all it was worth before spilling into the condom himself, then flopping next to you, exhausted. After you both calmed down and found your normal breathing again, Jin looked over at you and found you watching him.
“Not to be ‘that girl’ but… what are we now? Are we just friends, or-” you began.
“No. I want you to be mine. I don’t want to think about you begging for anyone else, being touched by anyone else. Will you be mine?” he asked.
“Yes,” you rushed out, tackling him in little kisses.
You both cuddled for a while, and you changed your relationship status online, begging Seokjin for a couples selfie. He said no about 15 times before you wore him down, fixing your hair as best you could before snapping the photo and posting it online, tagging Seokjin in it. You commented underneath.
@sugaflake thanks for making me go out tonight, it was definitely worth it. <3
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Red Moon
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banner done by the wonderful @dee-ehn​ (thank you bb)
pairing: OT7 x reader
genres: poly!au, fallen angels!au, demons!au
word count: 2095
warnings: feathers falling from the structure of their wings, leaving a very ugly structure (not described in detail), minor character death
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                                           ACT 1, CHAPTER 01
Small impetuous drops rumbled in the pine forest, in the silence only that continuous jingle was audible. The wood is very large and extends over an enormous arch of territory, surrounded by very high white mountains for recent snowfalls. The smell of resin, fir and musk was added to the sweet and relaxing sound of the drops falling on the pines. The landscape was wrapped in a solemn silence, the animals seeking shelter, the pine trees motionless since there was no wind. The whole expanse was colorful with various greens, from light to some dark shades. In the undergrowth, small bushes and moss reigned. On the ground only pine needles, fallen over the years. Suddenly a dazzling light, a noise rang out in the valley, the most intense rain and the amplified noises. A stream of water rushed beyond the valley and swelled visibly as the small drops increased. Namjoon was still lying on the ground, his body was too heavy and numb to allow him to stand up and seek shelter. He tried to move his head slightly to look around and to see if the others were beside him, but his neck hurt. He had taken a hit, so he stopped and closed his eyes, thinking about why he was in that place.
It all started when Yoongi saw that girl. He saw her run through the crowded streets of New York, with headphones in her ears that let out classical music. He had fallen in love with watching her play the piano, her diaphanous white fingers moved gracefully on the piano keys, while a sweet symphony echoed in the room where she was.
The second to see it was Seokjin; he saw her with several plastic bags in her hands, as she tried to go up to the fifth floor of the building. She almost fell from the cloud she was on when she saw that the girl was about to fall down the stairs when she was wrong to put her foot down but was saved by another human who was a few steps away from her. After a few minutes, he saw her enter her apartment and start putting away all the ingredients or products she needed for the home. He loved the fact that she was neat and that she loved to cook.
The third was Hoseok. He saw her while she was teaching girls ballet. Hoseok, besides the angels, had never seen such a beautiful and graceful creature. She managed to be so elegant even when the little creatures made a wrong move, she always smiled and if necessary she explained again every single move to those girls who couldn't understand or perform the exercise; but she also loved the fact that when she wanted to, she knew how to be serious and was able to put back those who did not follow her rules.
The fourth was Namjoon. He saw her walking with a bag over her shoulder in Central Park. Already the fact that the girl liked the vegetation had made the archangel's heart beat a lot. He saw her sit on a bench, and after taking a book out of her bag, start reading. He saw how she began to isolate herself, perhaps, recreating the scenes from the book in his mind. Namjoon could not help but stare at her with a smile on his face.
The fifth was Jimin, although a little hesitant in looking at a human who was not what the superiors had chosen at all. He perched on a cloud and looked at her with bored eyes. He spent several days looking at her until he understood why the others were so taken with her. Looking at her, he understood that she had a pure heart and soul, perhaps even too pure not to be an angel. He fell in love with her innocence and her smile; perhaps, he had never seen such a bright smile in all his years of service.
The sixth was Taehyung, who used the excuse of looking at the human as a moment of relax from the addict of his chosen one. He needed to breathe and to stop watching his chosen drug and slowly bring himself to death, that's why as soon as Namjoon asked who wanted to watch her, Taehyung did not think twice. He loved how the hair strands were arranged, which protruded from the tail, behind the ear, of how, when she had the chance, she went to see some art shows, or when she painted and stained, who knows how, her face.
The last but not least, at least for them, was Jungkook. The youngest of them and the newest. He had fallen in love with a nice and sunny girl like her. He loved the fact that, like him when he was still alive, she found time to play video games, train in the gym, but still managed to find space for friends. He knew that humans were running constantly. He understood that by seeing his chosen one. Single mother of two children, the ex-husband cheated on her with a colleague and gave her up in no uncertain terms, to then go to Norway with the other woman. It was something he hated. Betrayal.
The betrayal was just what he expected of all seven.
An angel heard a conversation that all seven were having and ran to one of the superiors telling him everything he had heard. They didn't even have time to rebel that in no time they were in the room where the Superiors met and discussed very important matters.
"Cherubino Namjoon, I never expected such behavior from you," said one of the elders. If Jimin remembered well he had to be called Jaehyung but he was not very sure.
"And what would I do?" Namjoon asked raising his head and looking at him defiantly.
"I heard that you seven have fallen in love with a human," said the superior, smiling at him, showing him his white teeth.
The boys widened their eyes, their hearts started to beat wildly. They could not speak, perhaps because they were caught in the act. Yoongi clenched his jaw thinking about who might have heard their private discussion.
"Seraphin Seokjin -continued the superior- you know that these emotions are not part of the angels, but of the demons!" he screamed the last word in panic, had wide eyes and a crazy smile, while looking at Seokjin, who remained impassive.
The Superior was about to insult Jungkook when the main door opened. "What do you want now?" he screamed as soon as he saw an Angel enter.
"Sir, we did what you ordered," said the newcomer, bowing.
"Well," said the Seraphin, then turned to the seven angels. "Surely you are wondering what I asked him to do. I ordered him to kill her while she slept. A quick and painless death. "
The Seraphin never expected such a violent reaction, especially from Seraphin Seokjin. He jumped up and threw himself against his body, squeezing his neck with his hands.
"How dare you! And you are the ones who say you love independently and that you are better than demons, but you are worse than them! As soon as a human creates the slightest problem, you get it out of the way! Jaehyung, remember my words, I will make you go through the pains of hell, I will make you die of a slow and painful death! " Seokjin shouted in anger.
Even the others had never seen him in those conditions. His neck and face were completely red, his hands that were still around Jaehyung's neck trembled and his eyes were filled with tears, as were theirs. In an instant the guards seized Seokjin and stopped him with golden chains, preventing him from moving.
Jaehyung got up and after adjusting his white tunic, looked at the boys, then smiled.
"I, Archangel Jaehyung, in the name of God, cause the Cherubino Namjoon, the Seraphim Seokjin, the Throne Yoongi, the Domination Hoseok, the Archangel Jimin, the archangel Taehyung and the angel Jungkook, to be exiled from Paradise for eternity. May Hell welcome you," said the Archangel and with a snap of fingers it began.
Pain began. They could feel their wings cracking, their heads hurting and their stomach turning over. Hoseok looked towards Jimin, and saw the younger bent forward while holding his head in his hands, the wings were completely bare and writhing taking a really bad position, all the white feathers were still bleeding on the ground while in their place, black feathers were growing. He looked at Namjoon and saw that the color of his eyes had changed to a color he could not define, but he looked like a mixture of light orange and yellow, his white hair had become a light lilac. Maybe his partners's hair had changed too but he had no reflective surface to see himself in.
When the wings changed completely, they felt the floor crumble under their feet and fell on deaf ears. Jungkook opened his eyes just when his body crossed a cloud, he tried to stop and trying to flap his wings but a twinge of pain ran all over his body. He looked to the sides and saw that the boys were beside him, Seokjin held the hands of Jimin and Taehyung, while Hoseok held his and Yoongi's. But who was holding Namjoon's hand? He looked slightly further and saw that Namjoon was still passed out, he tried to tell Yoongi to hold Namjoon's hand, but when they crossed a large cloud, he didn't saw him again.
Then the crash came in no time. The good thing was that it was raining like never before so humans would have thought that the sound of their fall was a thunder nearby.
Hours passed, the first ray of light illuminated the valley which took on a magical aspect. Everything was now visible: the high white mountains with various clouds full of humidity, the pine forest and the river.
Namjoon opened his eyes still dull and heard rapid steps towards him, perhaps someone was running to help him.
"Namjoon!" Seokjin entered his vision followed by Taehyung, who began to dig to free his body of the earth and the mud that had covered it. He tried to speak but only guttural lines came out of his mouth.
"Hyung, don't try! Keep drinking the water we found at a nearby stream! " Jungkook said approaching his cup-shaped hands.
Hyung? What word was it? What did it mean?
"I know you're asking yourself many things but first we have to get you out of here," Seokjin said giving him a reassuring smile. The oldest, along with the youngest, had always had this reassuring soul, which managed to calm the other five.
"Black looks good on you," Namjoon whispered when he started focusing. “Thanks hyung! Lilac is fine for you instead, ”Jungkook replied with a smile. "What is this hyung, you keep calling?" Namjoon asked looking him in the eye.
"Since I have been dead for about two, three years I think things have not changed much, hyung is used by males to call another boy who is older than him, therefore of logic, I should call you all hyung, to show respect, ”said Jungkook, continuing to remove the mud that had trapped one of the older's legs.
After the two freed him, they gave him a hand to get up and clean himself of the residues that had remained on his clothes and face. "So what do we do now?" Jimin asked, attracting the attention of others. "Let's start walking in search of civilization," Yoongi replied.
They didn't know how long they walked when they started hearing car noises. Taehyung passed a bush and had to close his eyes when a light blinded him. It was the headlights of a car passing by.
"Anyone know what place this is?" he asked when the others had joined him. "This ... this is Seoul, we are in South Korea," replied Jungkook and then continued: "This is the city that brought me to end my life, it shouldn't have changed much and I still remember some things," 
"So what are you waiting for? Show us the way angel, ”Hoseok said putting a hand on his shoulder. Jungkook nodded and the others followed him breathlessly. It would have been an adventure in teaching kids how to behave among humans and how to use the simplest things, like taking a bus.
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smilingleoo · 4 years
Bts Reaction- Y/N kissing their neck out of nowhere
Request: Could you do BTS's reaction to yn kissing their neck out of nowhere?? Thank you! ❤️
Enjoy it!!!
RM (Kim Namjoom)
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After dinner, Namjoon picked up the empty dishes and told you that he would be in charge of cleaning them. You thanked him and made your way to the living room, plopping yourself on the couch exhausted. After some minutes, you had already chosen a movie to watch with your boyfriend and he wasn't done yet. Impatiently, you returned to the kitchen to hear a happy Namjoon humming to their newest song. He swayed his body while cleaning the last dish and you couldn't help yourself but reach out for him, embracing his torso with your arms and planting a loving kiss on his neck.
"Jagi"-he said turning his head around-"Are you bored? Maybe we should watch the movie another day, I have other plans now"
Jin (Kim Seokjin)
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Seokjin was still practising, so you decided to prepare dinner. You took the necessary ingredients so as to prepare his favourite dish and began assembling the numerous elements. Halfway through, your bladder decided that it couldn´t take the pressure anymore. Therefore, you left everything and directed yourself to the bathroom. Seokjin had silently entered the apartment, initially trying to scare you. However, he was surprised by an empty kitchen as well as a bowl full of deliciously-scented food. Without further consent, he snatched a spoon and dove into the mixture, humming satisfied at the flavour.
You couldn´t believe your eyes. Seokjin was still enjoying his spoonful as you walked behind him and wrapped your arms around him, spinning him around. You caught him with the spoon in his mouth while a guilty smile crossed his lips-”I can´t believe you!”-you screamed but kissed his cheek anyway, going downwards and planting your lips lovingly on his neck.
“Jagi, I thought you were mad at me”-he spoke-”But you´re just rewarding me”
Suga (Min Yoongi)
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“Can you bring me some coffee, babe’”-Yoongi asked nicely, giving you a quick peck on the lips. You nodded instantly, having been on his lap way too much, pushing yourself off of him and directing yourself to the door. Quickly, you made your way toward the small coffee shop from across the street and ordered Yoongi´s dark coffee as well as some cookies. After paying, you returned to the studio´s safety, leaving your wallet on the small couch. Afterwards, you leaned over your boyfriend's chair and pecked his neck. He flashed you a gummy smile taking his headphones off and pulling your body onto his lap again. He grabbed his coffee, took a cookie and munched the first bite before shoving it to you. You giggled but accepted it anyway, enjoying the treat gratefully.
“I couldn´t be happier to have someone like you by my side”-he mumbled and you giggled in reponse-” you´re being soft again, Yoongs”
“See? What kind of magic do you use, eh?”
Jhope (Jung Hoseok)
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Hoseok danced happily around the practice room, his talent showing off from miles away. You sat on a chair next to the tiny speaker he had brought, admiring and cheering your boyfriend. But he suddenly stopped and pulled you to your feet, guiding you to the room's centre-"I know you love this song!"-he exclaimed and you giggled, actually enjoying the music. 'Airplain pt.2' echoed through your ears as your body moved with Hoseok's, who watched your every move through the mirror with a plyful smirk. The song was about to end and you had no better idea than to pull him into a seductive embrace, holding him in place before kissing his neck tenderly.
"Ah, Jagi"-he whispered-"Do you know what you do to me?"
Jimin (Park Jimin)
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"He's asleep on the make-up chair"-Jungkook told you as you opened the door to their assigned room. You gifted him a grateful smile before approaching your boyfriend's relaxed body plopped uncomfortably on the small chair. His head was thrown to one side, leaving bare his strong neck, and his full lips were slightly parted, giving space for his soft snores to come out-"Don't eat my chocolate, Y/N-ah"-he mumbled making you giggle slightly. Did he still dream about that day? It was weeks ago when you had snatched some candy from his secret spot.
Rolling your eyes, you reached him and leaned slowly downwards, kissing his neck lovingly once you reached it.
"Repeat it"-he said with his eyes closed-"But now on my lips"
V (Kim Taehung)
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When your boyfriend had invited you over to his apartment, you were beyond excited to share a night with him. Taehyung had planned everything; he had purchased the movie you said you've been dying to watch and had convinced the boys to leave the place for at least four hours. However, he hadn't take into account one thing.
"I'm sorry, baby"-he apologized while interwining his fingers with yours. You smiled reassuringly and laughed the whole situation off, claiming that this late-night adventure had brighten your mood up-"That's why I love you!"-he chuckled. You thrusted yourself further into him, landing on his side, and tip-toed in order to reach his neck. After gifting two tender kisses, you sighed and hugged him sideways. You felt how his heart pumped a little bit louder and how his smile sstarted spreading across his face.
"You always know how to make me smile"
Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook)
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You were both cuddled with each other while on your phones, browsing and texting through social media. Jungkook was waiting for the make-up artist to arrive and decided that a little bit of company wouldn't hurt anyone. He immidiately called you, being his best friend, and told you to come over. Without hesitation, you came excitedly and decided that this was the perfect moment to confess.
You've been in love with him for a long time now but words didn't seem to come out.
So you managed to climb a little bit further into him, placing your lips near his neck. And, without thinking, you delivered a loving kiss on his skin. He jolted on his place and looked at you wide-eyed. Yet, when he was about to speak, the make-up artist entered the room. Although he stood up, he sent you a devilish smirk and said...
"We'll talk about this later"
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Spending Valentinsday together - Hyung Line
A/N: Hey everyone! So here are the dates for the hyung line. It was more difficult for me to write them than the Maknae Line. But I did my very best and hope you like it. Vanessa :)
genre: fluff word count: 2,2K
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“Tickets, please,” the zoo employee asked you. “Oh, wait. I put them in my wallet.” Namjoon said and searched in his jacket pocket for his wallet. After a few seconds he found it but only for searching the tickets. The staff raised one eyebrow. “I know they must be somewhere,” he excused. “It´s okay when you can´t find them, Joonie. We will buy it again. It wasn`t that much.” You cheered him up because you were used to his Scatterbrainedness. People asked you sometimes if it wasn´t exhausting but the truth was: that was one point why you loved him. Things never would be boring with him. “Ah, I found it. I told you I put them in my pocket.” You smiled when he gave the staff your tickets and he let you in. It was a sunny afternoon and for February it felt like spring. After Namjoon had spent the last days working on writing new lyrics he asked you yesterday if you would like to spent the afternoon with him. He needed the distraction from work sometimes especially when he did the same thing the last 72 hours. After he visited a public location and absorbed the environment he felt fit enough to return to work. “How does it goes with the lyrics?” you asked him and curled up in his arm. “We are making good progress. Half of the songs are finished and the next step are our solo songs. Everyone is working on his own now to create something what match with our personalities,” He explained. When it came to producing music you he was clearly the expert. “And do you know what your song should be about?” “Yes I think its gonna be about you,” he simply said. “Em about me? “ “Yeah about what love really means. It is just a little simple word but everyone perceives it in a different way. We usually don´t notice it until it`s happen and realize that someone has become really meaningful and important to you... and that`s what happen to me,” he took your hands and stroked his thumb over your hand. “I really fell for you,” he said a little bit shyly. “I fell for you as well,” you smiled and leaned towards him that you can kiss him softly. After a few minutes you two went on the path and came to the aquarium. Of course he had to go at to the crabs first. He watched them fascinated. “Do you knew that crabs aren`t that stupid as everyone thinks? They have complex learning abilities and a spatial memory. It has been scientifically proven that they can find their way even in a labyrinth.” “Oh really? How have they prove it?” You asked him and watched how his eyes began to shine when he explained you ‪the experiment‬ and you went to the next Aquarium. “Last month I read an article about dolphins memory. It is similar to that of humans.” he chaired his knowledge with you. “I also read something like that. Dolphins can still remember former companions after more than 20 years,” you answered. It wasn`t strange to talk about topics like that. You loved his knowledge and that you learned so much new information. He gave you a soft smile and kissed your fingers softly before he put an arm around your shoulder. It made you realise how happy you were.
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“You look so beautiful princess,” he told you when you walked down the stairs and stood in front of him. You wore your new blue dress you bought few days before. The heart cut-out underlined you Décolleté perfectly and your long hair fell over your shoulders in curls. He made you blush with his comment and you smiled shyly. “Thank you, I was scared that you don´t like the dress because one time you said that you prefer light colours.” “Even when I told you this it didn´t mean that you weren´t allowed to wore something dark. Also it match perfectly with you eye colour. I like it a lot,” he pulled you towards him to connect your lips. “I have something for you. I found it in London and it reminded me of you.” He pulled a rectangular box out of his jacket pocket and opened it carefully. The content let you took a sharp breath. It was a necklace with a butterfly which was decorated with little decent sparkling stones. It was really beautiful. Softly you stroke with your fingertips over the pendant. “It is really beautiful Jinnie, but it looks like it cost a fortune. You know that I don´t want you to spend so much money on me.” “Yes I know it, that is a reason why I love you. You are not interested in my money and that doesn't let me hesitate when I want to buy a gift for my princess.” He took the necklace from the box and you turned around that he could put it around your neck. You felt the pleasant coldness of the metal on your Décolleté and his fingertips which stroke gently your hair away from your neck so that he could close the gap. Slowly you turned towards him. “And how do I look?” You asked him with a bright smile. “Handsome as her boyfriend. The prize for the handsomest couple on earth goes to us,” he laughed loud and you playfully punch his arm. “Are we ready to leave?” You asked him. He gave you his arm so you can hook up with him. Together you went to his car. You two wanted to spent the evening at a new restaurant which celebrated his opening today. It was the first evening together after he was back from his tour. Three month you didn´t saw each other so you couldn´t really believe it that he was finally back home now. You often didn´t know for how long it was so you enjoyed every moment together. When you arrived the car he opened the door for you but before you could enter he held you by your arm. You looked at him questioningly and he cupped your face between his hands and his thumb stroke softly above your cheek. You leaned into his touch. “I`m really happy that I`m home now. I really missed you princess.” “I`m also happy that you are by my side again, I love you.”
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The sun shined in your face caused you to blink. Tired you pulled the blanket above your head and groaned. It couldn´t be later than half past eight and that was really early for you. You turned around to the other side of your bed, but it was still empty. You sighed and stroke with your finger tips above the sheets. Another night where he didn't came home. It was normal that he spent one or two nights a week in his studio but now it was the third night in a row. You slid to his side and cuddled your face into his pillow inhaled his smell which was still on it. Slowly your eyes closed and you fell back to sleep. The second time this morning you were awakened but this time it was because someone pecked your lips softly. You opened your eyes slowly and looked in the dark eyes of your boyfriend. “Yoongi, you`re home,” you smiled and pulled him closer to you. “I´m sorry I have left you alone the last few days but there was so much to do.” “It is okay, I know how busy you are. You don´t have to explain anything. I´m glad that you are home now,” you kissed him softly and he put his hand on your neck because he knew how much you loved this. Your lips moved tender against each other and you felt how his tongue against your bottom lip which let you sighed. He ended the kiss with another short peck and said: “As much as I want to do things with you now but then the breakfast will get cold.” You smiled because it was a long time ago since you two could ate breakfast together. Often you had to wake up very early, to early for him. You stood up and went with him to the kitchen where he set the table with all things he knew you loved. It was a breakfast like you knew it from your home country. So the table was full with bread rolls, croissants, marmalade, cheese and so on. You eyes grew big. It was really difficult to find these things in Korea because it was really untypical to eat these things for breakfast. It was a lot of work to organized something like this. “Yoongi, where did you got all this?” “Near our studio opened a international supermarket so one part I bought there. Yeah, that was the easiest. For the other things I searched through the net and the croissants I made on my own. I hope they are good.” You hugged him tight. “Thank you so much.” “You know that I love you, right?” he said a little bit shy. It wasn´t often that he said these magical three words. So you knew that it meant a lot for him to say it to you. “Yes, I know it. I love you as well.” The next half an hour you spent together eating and talking about the things you missed. When you started to tidy up the kitchen your gaze felt on the calender and you noticed the date. You looked to Yoongi and watch him cleaning the table. You smiled softly. Valentinsday wasn`t important for you. Anyway it made you happy that even when Yoongi wasn´t the cheesy type of boyfriend he showed you his feelings with these little gesture on a day which stood for everything about love. You went to him and pull him close to you. “Soo now where we are ready, what do you think? Do you wanna go shower with me?” You asked him in a deeper voice. “Good suggestion and I promise you it's not just gonna be about taking a shower.” You smiled and dragged him towards the bathroom.
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Thank god it`s Friday! That was a horror week. You loved your job as a teacher but sometimes it was hair-raising. Especially when they plotted against you and there was no other solution then gave them detention. That turned in angry parents which called you late in the evening and told you how incompetent you were. You did well not to spent much thoughts about that but sometimes it caught up with you, like today. You entered the apartment and leaned yourself with your back against the door, fought against the emerging tears. “Jagiya? Everything fine?” You heart your boyfriend called. “I`m fine,” you tried to say but your voice betrayed you. Hobi came with fast steps out of the living room. “Sunshine, what happened? Why do you cry? I don´t want you to be so upset.” “It will be over in a minute, I promised.” He cupped your face between his hands and stroke carefully your tears away. “Whatever it is, it isn't as bad as you thought. You know what? I let you in a hot bath and then you told me everything. Okay? How sounds that?” You tried to smile. “Thank you, that would be great.” He dragged you to the living room and told you to wait until the bath is ready. You loved his caring type. He noticed every time when you are sad or didn´t feel good and he always knew exactly what he could do to make you feel better. After a few minutes he called you. “Jagi, the bath is recessed.” Slowly you entered the bathroom where he waited and helped you to undress. You sighed when you got into the tub because the hot water made your muscles relax. You leaned back and closed your eyes. Hobi took a sponge and let the warm water ran over your shoulders. “Do you wanna tell my what made you so upset?” He asked after a while when he noticed you got calmer and you began to tell about your horrible week. He was a great listener and never gave you the felling that what you were saying was shit. Hobi understood your thoughts. “I know it was right to keep them in detention and I also know that there exist always people which aren´t pleased with me. I don´t know exactly why it made me so upset,” you explained after you told him the whole story. “I know you do a great Job Sunshine and being a teacher isn´t always easy. So sometimes your body needs this time off and he needs to cry so that all pent-up emotions can be released.” He kissed you softly and you sighed. “Thank you for listening. I`m so sorry that I was so upset especially on Valentinsday.” “You don´t have to apologize for you emotions and I´m here for you with pleasure, Jagi,” he gave you a soft kiss and made you smile. How lucky could you be having such a caring and lovely boyfriend like him? “So what do you mean? Wanna put on our pyjamas and cuddle on the bed?” He asked you. “Nothing would make me happier.” 
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7joonie · 5 years
fics I’ve read ♡
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i’m making this post so i can keep all my favorite fics in one place!! lots of different ships, and the stories range from fluffy to smutty to both and everywhere in between, but i loved them all omg, they’re not really organized in any particular way, but here take them. also, i formatted this on desktop, so i’m sorry if it looks weird on mobile ♡
.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆
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wonder by wordcouture (jikook, rated teen & up, 7604 words)
["I wanted to surprise you."
Jungkook feels tears prickling at the edges of his eyes again as he digs a small, thin book from the large pocket in his new pants. The Little Prince. "Me too."]
au: apocalypse / space opera
the superior jikook fic!!
will absolutely make you ugly cry
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up we go by oh_hey_tae (taegimin, rated teen & up, 100331 words)
[Warmth. The memory of it. Sun-drenched earth beneath his feet. A piano song, shivering in the morning air. Wet handprints on his shirt, his waist. Laughter. The scent of orange blossoms and cypress.
“We,” Taehyung starts, grasping at his chest where his heart has begun to hum. “We… Have we…?”]
au: modern with magic / witchcraft
tw: implied/referenced character death, references to depression and suicide/suicidal thoughts, anxiety
this might be my favorite fic i’ve read, it’s so beautifully written 
it broke my heart into a billion pieces and then put it back together (mostly...i feel bittersweet okay)
i just really love poly fics
lots of fluff, romance, hurt/comfort
slow burn
happy ending
i cried a lot, just read this fic okay??
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canvas by daebon (yoonseok, rated E, 94922 words)
[When Hoseok had told the elder that he wanted to make love to him, he hadn't lied. Of all the things to fall from his lips in the last few months, this was the only truth. That first messy time in this very place had felt like heaven, like a sweet dream coaxed from him during a lazy afternoon nap, but this feels heady and consuming, like a strange rite of passage. He knows he'll never be the same after this, but neither will Yoongi.]
au: non-famous/normal life
tw: implied/referenced sexual assault, some internalized homophobia
the amount of angst in this fic almost killed me
there’s softness too 
smut of the artsy variety!!
hoseok is an artist and yoongi is his muse
stripper jungkook & jimin
angst with a happy ending
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lovely bloodflow by aetoms (taekook, rated M, 5246 words)
[“If we’re never able to marry here, promise me we’ll go somewhere else, that we’ll fly to some place pretty and far away from here…?” It came out as a question at the time, the hesitation present in his voice. Jeongguk didn’t know what he had to be hesitant about.
“Oh, darling,” he had said on a sigh, ruffling his fingers through the choppy fringe that stuck to Taehyung’s forehead. “That’s a promise I intend to keep.”]
au: non-famous/normal life
tw: major character death
this fic is written so beautifully, it’s so descriptive and i could really feel the characters emotions
just know that this fic broke my heart made me sob for 20 minutes so read at your own risk!!
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the castle on the hill by bellamees (yoonkook, rated M, 33098 words)
[i'm in love, jungkook thinks briefly, watching the sky change colors above them as nighttime starts its conquering. he's in love with all of them, the lost boys and their mismatched clothes, their boyish chaos, their accent, their smell of fresh paint and the blueberry lollipops stuck between their teeth.]
au: hyyh (hyyh yoonkook is superior)
yoongi is bad at feelings
angst and softness
red string of fate aka bangtan are soulmates and we been knew
bangtan are lost boys
hurt & comfort
some drunk fun times / drunken kissing
the ending of this fic had me sobbing into my pillow at 3am, seriously i just re-read the last few sentences and teared up again oh my god
read it!!
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taste of your lips on me, i can't forget by locks (taekook, rated E, 2420 words)
[It started off something hot and dangerous, and the fire has yet to burn out. Jeongguk hopes it never fucking burns out. He's not just in it for the rebellion, that actually doesn't have a lot to do with this, and a lot to do with the beautiful boy that never strays far from Jeongguk's mind.]
au: church
literally this is just pure filthy smut with lots of beautiful dirty talk
church sex, porn without plot
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everything is waiting for you by 777335 (taegikook, rated teen & up, 12110 words)
[It’s both of them in his daydreams, when it aches so much that he lets himself daydream like it will ease up the pressure inside his heart.  It never works, never eases up.  He lets himself do it anyway, sometimes.  And when he does, when he daydreams, in the little house he has built for them in his head, it’s the three of them and their dogs and their bed is big so they can curl up and look at the rain out the window and talk and talk and talk, Taehyung’s voice like riptides and Jeongguk’s voice like tide pools, and both of them rogue waves and—
au: non-famous/normal life
soft soft soft, omg so soft, pure fluff
this fic left me feeling so happy and warm, i just really love poly taegikook
so much love, just read this, it’ll make you happy i promise
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to live again by mindheist (taekook, rated E, 29984 words)
[“I love you more than anybody.”
“You can’t.”
“I can, and I do,” Taehyung says. His voice is tired, but stubborn, the dreamy haze of his orgasm dissolving in the wake of his insistence.
“I love you too.” It sounds like a dirty secret, the way Jeongguk whispers it for only Taehyung to hear, but Taehyung cups them in his hands like newborn black-and-scarlet koi. “First I love you, too.”]
au: historical
tw: some light violence
forbidden love!!
this fic is so original!! omg i love it
pov of namjoon reading the historical book of taekook’s story
this fic made me cry, it’s so beautiful and bittersweet and it really broke my heart
please read it
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love, i have wounds by sharleena (taekook, rated E, 79451 words)
[There's a pause then a small laugh “I like you so fucking much.”
Jungkook smiles “I know you do.” he says, when in reality he wants to tell him that he's in love. So in love.]
au: college/university
angsty but also fluffy
lots of smut, some rough some soft
themes of loneliness and depression
friends with benefits turned lovers
artist tae, photographer kook
they are so in love it’s SICK and twisted
light themes of abuse so be aware
this fic feels so real!! please read it
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bad boy by xiajin (yoonkook, rated M, 26427 words)
[“you scared?” yoongi murmurs against the kiss marks on his neck, pasting over the ugliness left there underneath. jungkook scoffs, pushing at his shirt, begging closer. “i don’t scare easily.”
“how did i get so lucky to meet you?” yoongi asks, marvels, voice heavy with the weight of his breath.]
au: college/university
tw: themes of possessiveness/stalking/unhealthy relationship dynamics so be aware
angsty and soft
this fic scared me, but in a good way
angsty yoongi
they’re both whipped af omg so in love
kinda slow burn
some violence/sexual assault (not between main characters)
they’re both subtle / not so subtle sociopaths what can i say
it’s also written in all lowercase which for some reason i love
this fic shocked me and it’s written so well, it’s so DARK DARK DARK and the writer really draws you in, i just really love it okay?
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strawberries & cigarettes by notyoongs (yoonkook, rated E, 129328 words)
[“you are so special, jeongguk,” says yoongi. “did you know that? i feel very, very lucky to know you. i feel very lucky that you choose to show me parts of your heart like that.”
“i trust you with it,” whispers jeongguk. “my heart, i mean.”
“i’ll keep it safe, then,” says yoongi. “i promise.”]
au: non-famous/normal life
mutual pining
CUTE CUTE CUTE i was blushing reading this fic
slow slow slow burn omg so slow
SOFT, shy jungkook, soft bad boy yoongi
so much great fluff, very light angst
some smut
so freaking cute, so much love, omg read this now
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384.400 km by bellamees (yoonkook, rated GA, 6457 words)
[“i met someone like you once,” yoongi huffs. “he was in love with the sky, too.”
“i’m not— in love,” jungkook sniffs, shifting on his weight. “you can’t love something like that.”
“ah.” and something of the likes of bittersweetness stains yoongi’s face. “yeah, i guess not.”]
au: magical realism
i’m tearing up right now as i type this
this fic is so beautiful and bittersweet
i cried a lot
please read this fic it’s going to hurt you so much but it’s so beautiful
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logical thinking by only_a_fangirl (namgiseok, rated E, 135153 words)
[“Let go,” Namjoon says, locking eyes with Hoseok. “We’re all close. You can come, let go.”]
canon compliant
this is literally pure filth i’m SO SORRY
rap line threesomes what more can i say
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if you love me, won’t you say something by 777335 (yoonkook, rated E, 102213 words)
[“It lives in the center of my soul,” Yoongi whispers finally, opening his eyes, “how I feel about you, Jeon Jeongguk.]
au: college/university
the superior yoonkook fic!!!! omg it’s my favorite
mutual pining
they are both oblivious and WHIPPED
sloooowwww burn
tons of domesticity and time jumps *chef’s kiss*
some smut
soft af!!
bangtan friend group!!
some drunk fun times
light angst
i know i already said this but it’s the superior yoonkook fic
142 notes · View notes
sugamoonv · 5 years
Origins Pt.1
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At Last
Summary: You learn how BTS came to be and what specifically they are.
Word Count: 4,485
Pairings: Jungkook x Jimin/ Jin x Yoongi/ Taehyung x Jimin/ Future Hoseok x Namjoon/ Future Jungkook x Jimin x Taehyung
A.N: This chapter is a flashback and does not include you/reader so it’s way different from the other chapters so far. Hopefully, this doesn't make my fic seem all over the place bc I promise it makes sense in my head but if it is confusing, let me know and I can go back and edit/organize things. I also split this because right now the chapter altogether is nearing 10k and I’ve already made you guys wait a while for this. But the second half of this chapter should be up in one to two days depending. Also also, I believe the tags got messed up in the last chapter so if I forgot to tag you or you want to be added, just let me know
Masterlist / Origins- Part 2
The woman glanced away from the sparring trainees to the witch making her way to the training field. With a single command, the young women had all dropped their wooden weapons and stood in a line, backs straight behind Hyuna. As the witch was is proximate distance, they followed their admiral deeply bowing. With a nod of the witch’s head, Hyuna bounded off after her and the young women went back to their training.
The white colonial house was off limits to Mistress Jennilee’s army. Years of training and willpower aided Hyuna in resisting the temptation to look into the open windows to get a glance of the interior. They rounded the dirt path to the front of the house where a horse-drawn carriage was awaiting them. Hyuna stepped forward and opened the door for Jennilee to step into the carriage then moved back to the small bench attached to the back outside. The carriage jolted and off they were.
This house was built similarly to Jennilee’s but had a masculine touch to it. Hyuna had opened her mistress’s door before the servant made his way down the porch steps to the overshadowed driveway. The man gave a deep bow and turned to hold open the door for them.
The inside was light despite the dark wood that built the walls, floor, and staircase. The familiar aroma of herbs and spices filled Hyuna’s nose. It was similar to those that her mistress used and grew in her greenhouse for spells and potions. Hyuna kept her composure as an older man and his admiral came into view in their guest dining room.
Hyuna made sure to keep the way her heart skipped at Hyo-Jong’s appearance hidden. Jennilee had been working close to her father’s companion Byung-Wook which meant that she had been spending ample amounts of time with the admiral of the man’s army. Keeping their affair secret was proving to become more and more difficult as the time went on but they were determined to build a life together someday.
The same servant that had greeted Jennilee and Hyuna entered the room with a tray. He carefully set each small cup and poured the steaming tea in each for them then stepped to the side of the room, waiting like a statue if any of them may need him to fulfill a request.
“Thank you, Namjoon,” the older man muttered. He had his nose buried in the concoction of herbs, eyes closed. With a deep breath, he straightened in his seat, “Make sure to go help Hoseok bring the horses to the barn.”
The man shot off without a question and the occupants of the room were finally allowed to discuss recent events.
“There have been more invasions as of late. I have lost some of my men and Hyo-Jong is unable to train the new men quick enough to survive the next attack,” a deep frown marks Byung-Wook’s face.
“Do we know who keeps orchestrating these attacks?” Jennilee leaned in.
“That is what I have been trying to figure out, my dear girl. In the meantime, I am asking for your assistance. The attacks are more frequent and so I fear my servant’s well-being. As you can see, Namjoon and Hoseok have been very loyal to me and it would be an injustice for me to lose such good workers.”
Jennilee knitted her eyebrows but stayed silent.
“I have granted them the blessing of long life. So that if they were to be targeted, they may yet live. Already I had to have someone bury the body of some simpleton kitchen girl who had wandered too far out and was killed by this army.”
Jennilee nodded her head in understanding. “What is it you wish for me to do?”
Byung-Wook sighed and with a flick, the smoke stopped rising from the stone bowl. “Until I am able to end this warmongering traitor, I ask that we combine our soldiers and magic until this person is no longer a threat.”
Hyuna and Hyo-Jong glanced at each other, happiness glittered in their eyes despite the threat at the prospect of having a guise to spend more time with each other. They kept their backs straight and eyes forward as Jennilee and Byung-Wook pricked their fingers and closed the deal with blood magic. The walk to the sleeping bunker on the training grounds may have been a little fast paced and Hyo-Jong may have forced some of his men that night to remain silent with threats to their lives.
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A piece of meat was thrust into the man’s face as he sat in the dirt. He looked up to another man with the plumpest lips he’s ever seen and warm brown eyes that gave his a run for their money. The man gave a kind smile and nudged the food further into the sitting man’s face. They both ignored the mist dampening their hair, warning of later rain, and the man took the piece of meat from the other’s hand cautiously. Once the man went back inside, the man sitting greedily ate the meat; it was cold and had some burn marks but it was better than an empty stomach.
Rain was pouring down in buckets, the loud thumps of rain against the inn’s roof and the mud drowned out any other noise. The man was still sitting in the same spot from before, only now he was shivering under some poor attempt at a shelter and was covered in the mud underneath him. Too weak to move, he had resigned to his fate.
The man from the inn rushed out the door, a leather jacket he had traded for earlier in the week acting as an umbrella. He stopped himself a few paces from the door; he wasn’t sure what he had seen in his peripheral vision. But turning, he confirmed his thoughts as he looked down on the poor man that had taken food from him earlier. Sympathy quickly flooded his chest and guided his actions.
The man put on the leather jacket, ignoring how his hair became soaking wet, and moved over to the slumped man. He inserted his hands under the man’s arms and dragged him to the door, working extra hard to avoid his feet sinking into the slick mud. He dropped the man onto the rough wooden floors and stirred the fire to re-add heat to the room. He ran up to one of the rooms of the inn he knew would be unoccupied and yanked a blanket from the bed. Some customers at the bar gave the owner’s son strange looks as he ran to the back, arms full.
He carefully removed the soiled clothes from the unconscious man’s body and immediately covered him with the blanket. He hung the clothes near the fire so that they may dry and then started preparing food to replenish the man. Once the plate was full, he kneeled down and shook the man awake.
“What is your name?”. The man had moved into a sitting position and was shoveling the second plate of food into his mouth. The blanket on him had fallen to his waist which exposed the man’s pale skin and slim figure. Luckily he had stopped shaking and his hair had dried somewhat.
“Mn Ygi”
The man swallowed the mouthful, “Min Yoongi.”
“Oh,” his mouth formed a perfect ‘o’. “I am Kim SeokJin. My father owns this inn.” Jin admired Yoongi’s thinner lips, squinted eyes, and squishy nose, “If you want, I can convince my father to let you stay here so long as you work.”
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“Jimin, you’re going to get us in trouble,” the man weakly protested as Jimin worked kisses up his neck. They had snuck from their training session in order to take advantage of the quiet bunker, something that rarely occurred with the all-male army.
“Jungkook! Jimin!”
They shot to opposite sides of Jungkook’s cot as their lieutenant walked in.
“Of course I would find you two in here.”
“Sorry, Taehyung,” Jimin sheepishly looked down. Jungkook was not used to Jimin being so informal with someone of a higher rank and was afraid to refer to the man the same as his lover, but it seemed the man didn’t mind so much as he broke into a wide grin.
“Get back outside before Jin-ki sees that you’re gone. Then you’ll really be in trouble.”
Taehyung brought his hand up as if he were about to brush it against Jungkook’s cheek, but quickly dropped it and turned and lead the men out of the room. The two forces had joined a few weeks ago but Jungkook and Jimin still had yet to get used to the sudden presence of women amongst their ranks. The women joining them meant they also had more eyes to watch out for even though they slept in different bunks. Some years of sneaking had taught the two men the signs of secrecy but they decided that not exposing the admirals would be for the best, considering that tensions were also high between the two armies.
Most of the men and them themselves refused to spar with the women, spreading the belief that they were weaker than them. Disputes over how to train the younger men and women also rose during their weeks together. Surprisingly, the women were harsher during their training which either took the men off guard or spurred them to act more aggressive. This change in behavior, unfortunately, trickled down to Jungkook and Jimin.
Jimin could hold his own during a fight. He had proven that many times with his training and the small battles defending his master’s land. He was more flexible than the average soldier and so he was graceful during his sessions, and quick. But this opponent was being noticeably aggressive towards Jimin. Jungkook flinched with every hit that landed upon Jimin’s body. He would have to make sure to be extra careful with the man later in the night.
Jimin cut through the air and he had landed a few severe blows on his opponent. But where his opponent lacked in agility, he made up in brute strength. Jimin had poorly timed a kick to the man’s torso and was subsequently dragged to the ground when the man caught his foot. He used the position to his advantage and quickly moved over Jimin and grabbed him by the neck. Jimin wrapped his body around the man’s abnormally large arm in an attempt to free himself from the stone cold grip. The man foiled Jimin’s counter maneuver by lifting his arm and slamming it, and Jimin, to the ground beneath. A sickening crack was heard as Jimin’s grip went slack with breathlessness, yet the man didn’t cease.
As the man brought a fist into the air, Jungkook rushed the man and tackled him off of Jimin. They rolled on the ground, trying to gain the upper hand and as the man did, Jungkook quickly hit the man in the throat and turned them so that he was straddling the man. His fists quickly made time marring the man’s face til soon blood was mixing in with the dirt. The man had landed a few blows against Jungkook’s ribs but was futile as Jungkook saw red.
Arms were pulling Jungkook from the now badly beaten man. His first instinct was to rush to Jimin but the disproving looks from his admiral, captain, and lieutenant halted him. Jimin was now standing with the help of another woman and was giving Jungkook a look of sadness and gratitude. The man was slowly getting to his feet behind Jungkook with the help of a few others that banded with him.
“You best sleep with one eye open. May you suffer the harshest punishment for your transgressions against the natural order.”
The man sneers and spits blood at Jungkook’s feet, who is too frozen to the spot.
“Take care of this.” Hyo-Jong gruffly ordered.
“If I may, Admiral. It may be best for me to administer the punishment as you and Captain Jin-ki are preoccupied,” Taehyung quickly interjected with a bow. Hyo-Jong and Jin-ki regarded their inferior before Hyo-Jong nodded and walked away. Taehyung silently breathed out a sigh of relief. Taehyung excused the three men to clean themselves, promising publicly that he would deal with them once the day’s events had come to an end.
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Seokjin nervously stood to the side as his father eyed Yoongi up and down. Yoongi had tried to look as impassive as possible during the inspection from the older man, but he could occasionally feel his lip twitch and the urge to rub his ears. Yoongi’s dry clothes were stiff and no doubtedly smelled. Their declaration of his status was something he feared would ruin this opportunity at a warm bed and sustainable food.
“What is it you are able to do, boy?”
Yoongi heard Seokjin lowly slip out his name, to submissive to actually call out his father but refusing for Yoongi to be referred to as ‘boy’.
“Anything you require,” Yoongi kept his voice low. “But I am especially gifted at writing poetry.”
Interest lights in the man’s eyes, “Music and poetry are very similar to one another, yes, boy?” Yoongi unsurely nods in agreement. “Do you have any skill with instruments?”
“I play the piano.”
“Excellent,” Seokjin’s father loudly clapped his hands, startling Yoongi, “You shall work in the kitchen as payment to board and during your spare time you will teach my son how to play the piano.”
“Father, that’s not nece-”
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“All I am saying is that she needs to mind her own.”
Namjoon watched Hoseok move about the barn with angry gestures. Since being Byung-Wook’s favored servants, they had intuitively turned to each other as confidants. With the recent changes over the weeks, they sought each other out more and more.
“This witch takes far too many trips for my horses to properly rest. And she doesn’t tell Master Byung-Wook where she is leaving, so for all we know, she could be conspiring with this traitor.”
“Taehyung tells me that since Hyun-ah has joined them there are fewer attacks, Hyo-Jong hasn’t lost as many men,” Namjoon informed while focused on his nails.
“As if Taehyung has much to tell. He’s too infatuated with those two soldiers,” Hoseok muttered. “His stupidity will only end in banishment and loneliness. He’s hopeless.”
“Well, I hope he’s certainly not as hopeless as you hold him to be because he is the only person in Byung-Wook’s ranks that we can trust so far.” Namjoon frowned at Hoseok.
“I don’t even understand why you went to him. I could do the same as him with less suspicion.” Jealousy coated Hoseok’s voice.
“This was before Byung-Wook granted us abilities. And if you were to do anything with your ability, you know Byung-Wook would know.” Namjoon stepped close to Hoseok’s face, “I have managed to hide that from him this long and I’m not about to risk it now because you have some petty quarrel with a man you don’t even know. Remember, you came to me. If you want the freedom you say you so crave then listen to me and don’t do anything until you have my permission. Understood?”
Hoseok stared past Namjoon with his jaw clenched.
Namjoon patted the man’s shoulder, “Good.”
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“Lieutenant Kim,”
Taehyung was supervising Jungkook and Jimin as they cleaned the bunk and turned to see Byung-Wook’s servant at the doorway. Jimin watched with curious eyes as they bowed to each other and walked outside together.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Jimin whispered.
Jungkook grunted and sat back on his thighs, “I don’t know. The Master probably sent him to talk to Lieutenant Kim.”
“Yeah, but they’ve been speaking to each other a lot,” Jimin drew his shoulders in. The insecurity in his voice left an unsettling feeling in Jungkook’s stomach.
“Why does it matter?” Jimin sheepishly looked away from Jungkook to focus on making one of the beds. Jungkook stood and made his way behind Jimin. “Jimin. Why do you care?”
“Something just feels off. There’s something going on with Taehyung. I know you’ve noticed it too.”
“It’s none of our business. It most likely has to do with The Master. It’s not our place to question what they do.”
Before Jimin could get another word out, Taehyung re-entered the bunk. Upon seeing the men’s inactivity, he gave a dissatisfied frown but said nothing. The faraway look in his eyes worried Jimin though he did nothing as Jungkook nudged him to begin cleaning again.
The sun had long set and Jungkook and Jimin were both sore, jointly from the multiple bruises and their punishment. Sweaty men began filling into the bunk, plenty happy with full stomachs that their spaces had been organized and cleaned. Their beds seemed extra soft with the pressed blankets, tucked corners, and fluffed pillows. Jungkook doled out dirty looks as he watched the men ungratefully enjoy the fruits of his labor, even if it had been a punishment.
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Hyuna looked down at the beaten man, sweat dripping down the sides of her face and hair sticking to the back of her neck. Hyo-Jong’s footsteps sounded upon the soft earth as he jogged to the two. Chips of armor and the man’s weapons laid a few feet away from him. Hyuna saw the way he glanced at the weapon and hit him once more, completely knocking him to the ground. Hyo-Jong sent a wary glance at Hyuna and the man then signaled for the few soldiers patrolling with him to retrieve the man. They lifted the struggling man from beneath his arms and disappeared past the forest line to the training field.
“Are you hurt?”
Hyuna shook her head as she relaxed into Hyo-Jong’s concerned hold. He brushed a few strands that stuck to her forehead back and pressed his nose onto the top of her head. They quickly separated as some of Hyuna’s soldiers ran to them, nearly as worn as their admiral.
“Han-Bi, tell that Master Byung-Wook that we have captured one of the traitor’s men.”
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“You want to spread your fingers more.”
Yoongi guided Jin’s hand to properly rest upon the piano keys. The bench assigned to the piano was small, so the two men had been forced to squeeze together. Yoongi had tried to teach Jin standing, but Jin felt paranoid with Yoongi peering over his shoulder and Yoongi grew annoyed at the mistakes he wasn’t able to adequately correct with the distance.
A broken melody composed of hesitant notes filled the room. Yoongi would flinch every time a harsh note reverberated in his ears and would replay the song for Jin. Luckily, Jin was talented with music and so he had picked up the skill fairly easily. Though Jin still had much to learn.
After spending half the day practicing the one song, Jin picked up the tempo and was soon playing to the correct pace. Yoongi closed his eyes and focused on the music coming from the piano and the soft, concentrated breathing coming from the man close beside him. It took him a few seconds to realize that Jin had stopped playing and opened his eyes to come face to face with the man. Yoongi’s eyes searched the chocolate brown eyes melting in the sun’s light, wanting to experience the sweetness.
He cleared his throat and slid an inch off the bench, “Why did you stop playing?”
Jin playfully shrugged his shoulders. His eyes flickered to Yoongi and the corners of his lips lifted and he tilted his head, “Maybe I want to hear you play.”
The tips of Yoongi’s ears turned a bright red and his hand darted towards them before he awkwardly laughed. Jin held in a laugh as he watched Yoongi slide another inch off the bench.
“You should continue playing, you’re getting a lot better.”
“I’ve been practicing for too long. I want to do something different.” Yoongi tongued the corner of his lips, torn between following Jin’s father’s orders and making Jin practice more or pleasing the man and allowing him to practice free will. Jin decided for him and sprung up, dragging Yoongi with him.
The kitchen was busy with orders as men bustled in and out of the keep of the motel. Yoongi got a large whiff of stew as a waiter passed by him. By now, Yoongi had become familiar with the layout of the kitchen in which he was saved in. The beaten wooden floors, the stone fire, and the large wash bin and the stack of dishes that remained no matter how many hours he spent laboring over them.
“My father doesn’t know but I enjoy cooking. He believes that as his son, I have no need to learn to cook. He only let me learn piano after seeing a nobleman’s son play.”
Jin smiled but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Is piano something you enjoy?”
Jin shakes his head, “I once saw a man in the street playing guitar. I would have much preferred to learn that but my father saw the piano as more elegant.”
Yoongi listened intently and watched as Jin stole a bowl of stew from a tray passing by and sat at the table meant for the cooks to take their meals. He spared a glance at the man that angrily huffed at Jin and yelled for a new dish. As Yoongi on the opposite side of the table, Jin pushed the bowl forward and held out a spoon. Yoongi took Jin up on his offer and began eating with him.
“Mmmm,” Jin closed his eyes in contentment, “I could make better.”
“I trust you,” Yoongi eyes squinted in adoration. Jin responded with an affectionate gaze and reached over to rub Yoongi’s hand, letting his fingers linger a second too long for it to be considered a gesture of simple thanks.
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Yoongi kept his hood up as he slinked through the town market. The smell of fried foods and sight of fruit stands made his stomach growl, but he was here for one thing and refused to be distracted. He finally found the stand he was looking for. A crowd of people concealed the actual stand but the music that drifted through the air indicated he was in the right place.
He elbowed past some people to the front of the crowd. In the center a man sat on the ground, guitar situated in his lap. Yoongi wasn’t sure if it was the same man that Jin had told him about. He had a feeling that it was as the man had gray running through his hair. The man’s fingers moved swiftly upon the strings, almost becoming a blur. The melody produced matched the man’s fingers, quick and smooth.
Yoongi waited until the man stopped playing and the people dispersed to other stands. The man didn’t notice Yoongi. He had his back turned towards him as he put away the guitar. Yoongi cleared his throat, demanding the man’s attention.
“I’m here to trade for a guitar.”
The man quirked an eyebrow at Yoongi. “And what would you trade? From the looks of it, you would be better off trading the little you probably have for a good size meal.”
Yoongi sucked in his lips in annoyance, “I can offer a few nights stay at the Ossu Sieromushi.”
The man considered Yoongi’s words for a few moments before shaking his head. “Good food but I have no need.”
Yoongi took a few steps closer to the man. “Please. This is important. I just want a guitar, I’ll even take one that’s broken.”
“Listen, boy, you have nothing to offer me. Get lost.”
Yoongi backed into the street and disparagingly watched as the man finished packing his stand and left. He rubbed his hair beneath his hood and began the trek back to the inn when suddenly a hand grabbed onto his shoulder. He whipped around to a man much taller than him with a powerful aura.
“May I help you?”
“I overheard that you were looking for a guitar.” Yoongi squinted at the man. “My name is Kim Namjoon and I am a servant for Lord Byung-Wook. I believe he has an old guitar that I could acquire for you. All I ask is for a few minutes of your time to speak.”
Yoongi’s eyes lit up at the mention of the guitar. Namjoon shifted his hand to the space between Yoongi’s shoulder blades and together they walked into a shaded alleyway. Yoongi looked behind him, scared that people would be judging them and scared for himself. He had no idea what this man was capable of or if he was being honest about his identity in the first place.
Namjoon used the brick wall of the building behind him as support and looked Yoongi up and down. The energy that Namjoon had sensed from the man greatly mismatched his stature. The power he felt, he assumed that he would have found a larger man.
“Do you know of the Amarbhagat?” Namjoon guesses from the confused look Yoongi gives that he does not. “Not many commoners do. Hundreds of years before us, as magic users became more commonplace. After a few began feuding, they started investing in protection for themselves. Spells worked but they were tiresome and when they grew more powerful in society, it was more practical to have others do it for you. The thing is, is that humans are disposable and no amount of manpower, weapons, and preparation can take on a powerful witch. So witch’s developed a spell that allowed them to grant immortality to others. The catch is that anyone that is granted immortality can pass it on to others as they have access to that magic. Once servants and soldiers started passing on this immortality to their loved ones and friends, it threatened the witch’s standing and they grew strict.”
Namjoon paused to allow Yoongi some time to retain the information just told. Yoongi hummed to indicate for Namjoon to continue.
“Nowadays, immortality is usually only granted to those that make up the army of the Lord or Lady they are serving. Together, they make up the Amarbhagat.”
“What does this information have to do with anything?” Yoongi glared at the man, sure he was just wasting his time
“Why is this guitar so important to you?”
Yoongi blushed but quickly hid it with an even sharper glare. “Don’t change the subject. Why tell me about the Amarbhat?” Namjoon smirked, not surprised by Yoongi’s cleverness.
“Amarbhagat. And I am telling you because I am one,” Yoongi’s face transforms into one of shock, “The main thing I wished to do is offer you a deal. One that we would both benefit from.”
Tagged: @detectivebourbon @eshika0102 @xsmilebitesx @perfectlyfangirling @eilowyneleyne @itsapurrfectstorm @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers @suck-my-bts @rosymccheese @craftypersoncheesecake @ficcion-escrita @twilight-loveer @perfectlyfangirling @respectfully-yours-emily @delightfulyoongi @disfoqia @deathsasshole @mint-myg-yoongi @vljvanessa @young-yellkie @jungkookssistan @sincemalik @milady-mira @stardustjjk @recoveringflowerchild @xandraray22 @shelley-hennig14 @justapotatonow @riyahrocks @notalentforsubservience
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readyplayerhobi · 6 years
What Big Teeth Part 1
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; Yoongi x OC
; Little Red Riding Hood!AU
; Genre: Angst, fluff, (future smut)
; Word Count: 6.5k
; Warnings: Death, violence, gore
; Synopsis: Yoongi has grown up knowing that the primordial, dark forest of Myrkviðr is a dangerous place filled with magic and creatures of legend. However, it is also the home of his grandmother, the light witch who brings balance. But grandmother, what big eyes you have…
Hands kneading the pale dough forcefully as he worked at it, Yoongi inhaled deeply and simply enjoyed the smell of baking bread that was so strong that it had permeated the aged wood of the house. Every nook and cranny would carry the scent of baked goods that was pleasing to the nose, calming to the mind and hunger inducing for the stomach.
Yoongi smiled slightly as he exhaled slowly, eyes tracking the dough as it became more elastic. Stretching it out, he folded it over once again and watched as his hands were almost clear of any flour or dough, sensing instinctively that it was ready.
As his father had once done before him for decades, he began to shape the bread dough carefully before preparing it to prove. Once done, he took the peel, what looked like a wooden shovel attached to a pool, and removed the fully baked bread that he had set baking earlier from the oven, placing it on the side to rest.
The door opening to the side distracted him from his work, the cool breeze of the early morning bringing in the smell of the village to overwhelm the bakery. Looking over, he gave a soft smile to his mother, watching as she stood there for a moment with hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised, an air of exasperated love around her.
“Yoongi, what did I tell you about coming in so early? There’s no need, I can do it myself and your brothers will be here soon to help.” She tutted, walking over and placing a calloused hand on his cheek, stroking gently. He leant into the touch, simply enjoying the feel of her unspoken love before turning and taking more bread out of the oven.
“I know mother, but I don’t think it’s fair that you do all this work in the bakery and then go home to clean laundry for others as well.” Yoongi muttered, scowling as he placed the peel back in its place and turned round to face her. Biting his lip, he tried hard to not to show how amused he was at the look of disapproval from her.
She stood a foot shorter than him, in the traditional brown dress of his village and hair covered with a head covering that was decorated in tiny embroidery that she had done in her free time. The death of his father two years ago had resulted in the village losing its bakery for a time, until she had stepped in and kept the small bakery running while his brothers, Jin and Hoseok, had quickly improved their baking skills to allow them to run the place.
And yet even though they now ran the bakery together, she still came and helped to bake before the sun rose, despite the complaints of the entire family. With Jungkook and Namjoon apprenticing at the blacksmith, Jimin at the carpenters and Taehyung currently a village away as he undertook training for their grandmother, her family was spread thin now.
But none of them wanted her to overwork herself like she did. Reaching forward, he took her into his arms and hugged tightly, ignoring her soft laugh and the gentle pushes of her hands before she gave in. “Mother, you are working yourself too hard.” He muttered, exasperation and love warring with each other.
“I must, my sweet Yoongi, for if I don’t then I dwell on the past.” Was all she whispered, and any fight in him drained out towards the floor. His mother missed his father desperately, and he knew that she would give anything to have him returned into her empty arms.
“Well, if you must, at least make sure not to over exert yourself. We’ve already lost father, I’d hate for us to lose you as well.” Yoongi leaned back, hands resting firmly on her small, fragile shoulders and sighed deeply at the resolute expression on her face. He had to look away to hide his grin as it was the spitting image of Jungkook right there.
“I find baking relaxing, so please don’t worry. And besides, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be asleep right now?” His mother frowned deeply, lines crossing the unmarred skin of her forehead as she reached up once more, turning his head one way and then another to look him over.
A slight flush spread over his cheeks as she did so, causing him to gently jerk his head away from her hands and take a step back. “I’m fine mother, honestly. You know I struggle to sleep so, I figured I should help Jin and Hoseok get a head start. They’ll be busy today with the feast day and all.”
Her intense stare caused him to look away, fingers playing together nervously and a small part of him found it amusing that at 25 years old, she still managed to make him feel two feet tall. A long sigh left her, causing her shoulders to drop down before she nodded and turned towards the left over dough.
“Very well Yoongi. I’m sure they’ll appreciate your efforts.” Without a word she added a little water and flour to the dough before she began kneading. He could see from the tense look to her back that she was still unhappy, but he knew she couldn’t particularly say anything.
Frowning lightly, he turned and headed towards the wooden door, opening it slowly before looking back at the small figure of his mother, alone in the room and felt his heart twist. She looked tiny, and he felt the biggest urge to wrap her up in his arms and just hug her until her sorrow went away.
“Oh, Yoongi,” Her voice stopped him, causing him to turn around and look at her expectantly. “Please can you take this bread to your grandmother? And some of the fruits from in the kitchen, oh and there is a necklace that Jungkook made for her and a little wooden figure that Jimin made on the table as well. There’s a list of the herbs she needs as well.”
Taking the basket of bread she handed to him, he gave a small laugh before nodding in agreement. It made sense that she would ask him to go, it had been weeks since anyone had visited her and he knew that it was time. If no one went, then they would end up inundated with her unusual method of requests.
“Very well mother, I’ll make sure to go quickly. I don’t want to miss the festivities now do I?” He teased, giving her an indulgent smile that caused her to laugh sweetly. She had been badgering him to find a wife for months now, wanting him to follow the example of Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon, but his situation made it hard to find someone.
Leaving the bakery, he strode across the small centre of the village and headed back to the house he shared with his mother, Jungkook and Jimin. It was quiet, the only sounds heard were the soft chirps of birds singing their way into the morning and the clucks of chickens that ran wild amongst the houses.
In the distance, towards the farmland that extended out past the village boundaries, he heard the gentle mooing of the cows that kept the village in milk and meat. The sky was still dark, a few bright stars still shining in the black that turned to a gentle navy blue, lightening even further in the east as the sun rose.
The small house that had been Yoongi’s home for his entire life stood before him quickly, stone walls that had existed for decades rising up and being topped by a thatched roof. Pausing for a moment, he examined the roof with a heavy sigh as he noted it was sinking in slightly. It needed to be re-thatched, but they simply did not have the money to pay for it right now.
Inside the house was cool and when he breathed in, he could smell the damp that was hiding in the parts no one could reach. A fire was burning merrily in the hearthplace as it attempted to bring warmth, the flames casting an orange glow to the dark room, shadows dancing along the walls. No doubt it had been lit by his mother to bring some warmth to the house.
Jungkook and Jimin sat at the table, both quiet and faces puffy with sleep as they chewed slowly on day old bread while sipping on a mug of beer. At his arrival, they both looked up blearily before giving identical tired smiles, causing Yoongi to laugh and shake his head.
“You two look like you’ve been up all night chasing skirts,” Jungkook grunts in response while the corner of Jimin’s lip tips up in a smirk. “Please tell me that it wasn’t in this village. Mother will kill you herself if she finds out you’ve deflowered one of the local girls.”
At that, they both glare at him and he has to turn away to stop them from seeing his smile. That was how Jin had ended up married to his wife, getting caught with her. Though he still maintained that he’d been planning to ask for her hand anyway.
“Are you coming to the feast later?” Jimin asked, his voice croaky with sleep still before he lazily chewed another piece of bread. Placing the basket of bread on the table, Yoongi searched in the cupboard and came up with a bowl of fresh apples. Picking out three of the best looking ones, he added them into the basket before wrapping up a handful of blackberries he had picked the day before.
“I will be, but mother has asked for me to take these supplies to grandmother.” Without a word, Jungkook is suddenly handing him a bundle of fresh vegetables including leeks, carrots and beetroots that grandmother was sure to turn into a delicious broth. This far into autumn, the pickings for fruit and vegetables was getting slimmer. It would be alright though, the winter vegetables would be available soon.
The very thought of warm nights against the fire, belly full of winter vegetable stew and bread and a mug of mead to keep him content made him feel a flutter of happiness. Yoongi liked the long, still darkness of winter and the crisp air that smelled of cold and frost. The long nights of the winter months hid many ugly things, which is why the small village he lived in prayed desperately for the season to be short and swift.
“Do you think you’ll find a lady today?” Jungkook asks softly, his voice thick and rough as he scrapes his hand through the mop of brown hair atop his head. A chuff of laughter causes Yoongi’s shoulders to shake, taking the carefully wrapped items the two had made for the elderly woman and placing them into the basket too.
Jimin was suddenly next to them, covering everything up with a brown, tattered blanket. “You know mother wants you to be happy right? She worries for you.” The young man looked down with a frown, his tawny coloured hair streaked with orange in the firelight. Yoongi sighed deeply before ruffling his brothers hair with a smile.
“I’ll be fine, honest,” Yoongi picked up the cape that had been draped over one of the hooks by the front door, pulling it around his shoulders and tying it firmly around his neck before buttoning it along his chest. Jimin snorted at the deep, burgundy red of the material, fingers coming out to stroke it gently before prodding Yoongi’s arm.
“Brother, red is your colour. It suits your pale complexion and black hair.” He mused, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes. Picking up the basket of food, he took a moment to double check everything was ready, before looking back at his brothers.
“Don’t get smart with me, this is Chaelin’s. I think she took mine by accident when she was here last.” He grumbled, remembering when Jin had brought his wife for dinner a few nights ago. It had been a cool night and in the darkness of the room, she had apparently taken his robe instead.
“Either way, you’re sure to get a girl at the feast if this is what you’re wearing.” One glance at Jimin allows Yoongi to see the mischievous smile taking over his face, so big and bright it almost envelops his eyes. It would take a stronger man than he to not smile in the face of such unadulterated happiness.
There was a reason that Jimin was the most eligible bachelor in the village, though Yoongi doubted he would be ready to settle down for many years. Soft and quiet Jungkook on the other hand was already halfway to marriage with a sweet girl who was the daughter of a farmer.
Opening the door, he looked back inside the dark room and gave his younger brothers a bright smile. “I will see you all later. Make sure to wash up, mother will clip you both around the ears if you show up looking like that.” He reprimanded, causing them both pull faces that gave away their young age.
“Yes brother. Be careful and stay on the path. May Eir watch over you.” Jungkook spoke, smiling at him. Jimin repeated the phrase, both of them tapping their fingers to their forehead before gesturing upwards in the gesture of protection. Yoongi nodded to them both, moving his hand down from the air to his forehead in reciprocation before closing the door behind him.
A low mist hung around the floor of the dense forest, trailing lazily between leaf fronds and the thick trunks of ancient trees. Early morning sun was beginning to peak through the thick canopy overhead, rays of light piercing through and illuminating dust and other particles moving gently in the almost non-existent breeze.
Despite being unable to see them, Yoongi could hear the soft patter of woodland creatures as they ran through the underbrush, the occasional leaves rustling while branches crackled under tiny feet. An owl in the distance hooted lightly while the odd bleating deer made could be just heard from far away. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes for a few seconds as he walked along the lightly trodden dirt path, boots crunching over stones and rocks.
The air was crisp and sharp, fragrant with the scent of trees that had grown for centuries undisturbed until they towered above anything man could create. If Yoongi were to wrap his arms around the trunks of these trees, he would not even be close to touching his hands.
There were many village folk who would not step foot inside this great, ancient forest and it made Yoongi feel a poignant sadness. It held such beauty and wonder, an almost ethereal and ghost like appearance appealed to all the senses with the rich vegetation so strong he could almost taste it.
But he understood their fear, for it was as old as the forest was. Many people around the country lived beside forests with no fear, using them to grow food or fell trees for wood. An abundance of wildlife often made them good hunting grounds.
Not this forest though. This forest was not for the villagers, for this forest was not for the humans. Myrkviðr was a forest that had been inhabited by the gods once, the primordial beings that had once roamed these lands and this was the forest they had died in. As such, it was imbued with a magic so thick, it sent the senses tingling with fear and anxiety.
The deaths of the ancient gods meant that Myrkviðr was overflowing with magic, and the malevolent nature of the gods in turn had twisted many of the creatures here. It was from these very paths, inbetween the inanimate trunks that stood watch over life, that creatures of darkness had risen.
Many humans in other lands told tales of the elves, speaking of their beautiful and grace. Elaborate stories were woven about the prowess of the race, from their elegant archery to the way they could traverse long distances with an incredible speed without much of a thought. To those of his village however, the elves were a bloodthirsty race who hunted humans for sport.
Children were guarded desperately, with herbs of protection woven over their beds and iron filings circled around wherever they slept. The fairies that people thought innocent and cute were notorious for stealing human children and replacing them with their own.
Yoongi could tell a hundred more tales of the creatures that inhabited the forest, from will-o-the-wisps that took pleasure in leading humans down dark paths to their deaths to the kelpie’s whose horse appearance made them appear friendly and approachable.
Yes, the people of his village knew the dangers of Myrkviðr and the long winter nights often encouraged the inhabitants to leave the comfort of the great forest. It was no surprise that the village folk prayed for spring to arrive quickly.
A lifetime of traversing this path however, first with his father and eventually on his own once he was deemed old and careful enough, had numbed Yoongi to the dangers. Perhaps not enough that he was negligent, for the quickest way for one to die is to not pay attention in Myrkviðr, but he was acquainted enough that he could sense when something was wrong.
Which is why as he walked along the dirt path to his grandmother’s house, a place he had been many times, he felt a gnawing sense of unease rising in his stomach. Frowning deeply, he paused for a moment, breathing in before looking around slowly.
Nothing seemed out of place and he could see no suspicious shadows moving in the distance. Moving forward, his tongue flicked out to lick his lips as he strained his hearing, head moving from side to side as he tried to find that had set his instincts screaming.
He was used to the area around his grandmother’s house feeling unusual compared to the rest of the forest. She was a presence it did not like, a presence that kept it in check and stopped it from expanding and consuming the human lands like it so desperately wanted.
His grandmother came from a long line of witches who had pledged their lives to keeping the forest in check. Their magic was pure and light, one that spoke of life and rebirth. They trained to live in the forest and contain it, working constantly to combat the malevolent evil of the forest, bringing a balance that simply was not present naturally.
As such, his family had always held a high esteem in both their own and the neighbouring villages, for everyone knew that if it was not for his family, they would not be alive. An eccentric sort, his grandmother had given birth to his father and then taken herself into the forest, her own mother dying only a few years after she arrived.
After this, she had never stepped foot outside of the forest again, for if she did then the magic protection she brought would be broken and the forest would run rampant, it’s hunger unchecked. The only times he had ever seen his grandmother had been in her house or in the garden adjacent to it, filled with all the herbs she could fit inside with a single cow and a handful of chickens in a paddock.
Taehyung had been the only son of his fathers to show proficiency in light magic, which was why he had been sent to the neighbouring villages to learn all he could from their witches before taking up residence with their grandmother and learning the ancient secrets of the forest.
If it had been Jimin or Hoseok, Yoongi was positive that they would have railed against the decision and possibly even run away. But Taehyung understood the filial requirements bestowed upon him and accepted the task without complaint. He seemed even eager perhaps to practice magic, leaving Yoongi feeling at least a little pleased that his brother appeared to have found his calling.
Taehyung had to be as prepared as possible, as the forest was sneaky. Many in the village did not realise that it was an entity all on its own. It had constantly tried to remove his grandmother, sending tendrils of power into her land and trying to take root.
Each time it was met with a blast of power that sent it scurrying back, nursing its wounds sourly until it was ready to try once more. He’d seen it once, a tiny sprite that flew on gossamer thin dragonfly wings that darted in quick, sharp movements that reminded him of a hummingbird.
He had been fascinated at the time, only a youngster, only to see it vanish in a puff of black sparkles as a golden whip crackled in the air momentarily before vanishing. His grandmother hadn’t even been present, and upon querying it with her she had informed him of the nuisances as she called them. Many of her defences were automatic he had discovered.
It often meant that the space around her land was a dead zone basically, with no creatures taking residence near her home. She told him that it was because her magic was painful for the evil to live near, and he could understand why. Walking through the forest was calming for him, but he could still feel the underlying threat that felt like it could overwhelm him at any moment.
His grandmother’s house felt pure and soft, like what he imagined fairy homes looked like to those who did not live near Myrkviðr. But today it did not feel like that. Instead, the forest seemed to crouch in breathless anticipation, the leaves shuddering felt like muscles twitching with the need to move quickly and each blow of the wind felt like the pant of excitement.
The spiteful croak of a raven began suddenly, high above him and he looked up with a frown, mouth opening before he looked back down. Ravens were an omen of death to many, and even both he and his grandmother believed in that. Swallowing thickly, he licked his bottom lip once more before moving quicker, his dark red cape fluttering in the wind that had risen.
By now the sun was further in the sky, lightening the forest as much as it could but the thick canopy prevented too much light getting through. Yoongi felt antsy, like his skin was going to crawl off his shoulders and he felt like he was being watched.
A sudden clearing appeared through the thick trunks ahead, bathed in rich morning sunlight, revealing the squat, one story cottage that his grandmother resided in. It looked just like normal, with a rudimentary wooden fence encircling the small paddock that her cow and chicken resided in and another area for her garden, currently overflowing with herbs and spices.
Luscious, pink and purple flowers crawled along the walls of the wooden building, an odd spattering of white blooming against the colours while the roof was a rich carpet of green grass. The soft tinkling of windchimes sent nostalgia crawling down his back, reminding him of the many times he had played here as a child in the safety of the clearing.
It looked exactly how it always did, and he let out a breathe that he hadn’t even realised he’d been holding. A hand pressing to his stomach, he swallowed and closed his eyes, letting his breathing regulate itself as he felt relief flood him. His grandmother would laugh herself silly if she saw how worried he was.
Walking forwards, he knocked on the door lightly and waited for her response. She did not like visitors just intruding into her home, even if they were family. He could understand why, given where she lived.
A small pop echoed in his ears suddenly while he shuddered violently at a feeling he couldn’t describe, the only thing he could think of was the sparks from a fire. Lifting an arm, he pushed his sleeve up and noted the hairs on his arm stood up straight.
Observing this with interest, he was about to consider it further before he heard his grandmother’s voice through the thick wooden door calling him to enter. Shaking his head, he pushed open the door while trying to push the strange sensations out of his mind.
Her home smelled strange, the typical scent of herbs and potent magic gone in favour of an overwhelming floral scent. Yoongi thought that was unusual, for his grandmother was not the type to favour flowers, but he saw her so little that perhaps she had developed a taste for this.
Placing the basket on the table and beginning to unload it, he called out over his shoulder to her as he heard her make her way from where her bedroom was situated. “Grandmother, it’s feast day in the village today and mother wanted to make sure that you had enough supplies. I’m not sure if you want to celebrate too, but Jungkook, Jimin and I made sure to pack enough vegetables for you to make a broth if you’d like.”
It took quick work to put all the items where she kept them before he unwrapped the items his brothers had made for her, turning around with a smile. The magic that his grandmother practiced made her look younger than her years, though she still remained an old woman who was slowly reaching the end of her life.
Taehyung was supposed to be moving in with her in a years time, before spending a few years learning her craft till she was satisfied, upon which she would finally be free to do what she wished. He sometimes wondered whether she might stay here in the forest, or perhaps go travelling.
A smile aimed at him sat in the centre of a soft face, wisened by age but gentle by nature, and long, grey hair was spiralled around her head in the manner she always loved. A sumptuous dress of black and green dress adorned her body, her back crooked ever so slightly from being bent over creating spells and potions.
“My sweet grandson, it is good to see you once again.” She croaked out, voice deeper than usual and his forehead creased in response. Giving a wry smile, crooked fingers rubbed at her throat as she made a disparaging noise. “My throat has been acting up, I shall make myself a potion later.”
Nodding at her, he gave her a sweet smile before walking over, hands out to claim her hands for his own. The quick way she pulled them back had him frowning once more, looking over closely as she tittered lightly, skirting around him to look at the items Jungkook and Jimin had made.
Hands enclosing them, she turned them over and examined them closely, making soft noises of acknowledgement before smiling gently. “They are very talented those boys, aren’t they?” She murmured.
Lowering his head slightly, Yoongi’s eyes trailed over her as the sense of wrongness suddenly took over his body once more. It was only then that he realised there was an odd stillness to the air in the cottage, and it reminded him alarmingly of the anticipation he had felt outside in the forest.
She looked at him once more, giving him what he presumed to be a genial smile while he stared directly into her eyes and gulped. “Why grandmother, what big eyes you have today. Have you done something different?” He stated lowly, taking a step forwards.
The very eyes he talked about widened even further, alarm preset in them and he watched as they flickered from side to side nervously. If his own eyes did not deceive him, the colour of them flickered from the warm brown of his grandmothers to a dark emerald that made him think of the undergrowth outside.
“Oh...oh yes. I thought to add a little rose pigment to them, I get awfully bored here sometimes you know and I’m still a woman.” She laughed gently, giving a nervous smile before moving further behind the table. It did not go past his notice that she was putting something solid in between them.
“And grandmother, what a beautiful dress you’re wearing. I’ve never seen you wear colours like that before.” He said, his voice deepening as he casually made his way around the table, tongue playing between his teeth as he easily followed her around the room.
“I thought I would try something new, your mother told me the last time she visited that this is all the fashion in the kingdom nobles now.” A twist of her foot and she was giving a spin that made her dress billow outwards elegantly, the move far more spry than a woman his grandmother’s age should be able to do.
She hadn’t thought to move away from his reach this time, and suddenly his hand was around her throat as he slammed her back into the wall, the thud causing dust to fall from the roof. Eyes widening at him, he noted the forest green bleeding slowly into her irises from the centre as a snarl erupted from his throat, fingertips lengthening into black claws that pierced her throat while his teeth sharpened.
“Grandmother, what a strange scent you have. Not at all like the woman I’ve grown up with.” He growled, the sound vibrating from deep inside his chest and echoing violently around the small cottage.
There was a moment of odd silence in the cottage as the imposter stared at him in confusion before a look of wonder bled quickly into malicious amusement. Her open mouth curled quickly into a smirk before he felt an odd shudder underneath his hand and suddenly his grandmothers appearance bled away.
In front of him stood a woman of outstanding beauty, her face a picture of perfection that could no doubt have launched a thousand ships. Thick, luscious hair slowly unfurled down her back which straightened from its crooked position, causing her to be taller than his grandmother had ever been. He watched as the body of a voluptuous young woman took shape underneath his hand, filling out the extravagant dress with ease.
Thick lips that were almost wine burgundy smirked up at him while her forest green eyes sparkled at him. He could almost believe she was innocent, if it were not for the fact that every inch of him screamed danger.
“Oh, well isn’t this interesting? She never mentioned anything about a werewolf for a grandson,” A tinkling laugh left her, the sound running down his back like nails gouging out a chalkboard. “The irony of the pure white witch having such an evil thing for a grandson.” A hand came up to run a finger along his cheek and he hissed suddenly at the burning sensation.
“What have you done with my grandmother?” He pushed her even further, blocking off her windpipe as his claw dug into her throat. Instead of choking or even looking frightened, she simply moaned and he watched as her body lifted up towards him in what looked to be sexual ecstasy.
“Harder sweetheart, I like it rough and painful.” She hissed, a grin spreading over her face. Pushing her away, he growled deeply as he lowered himself into a fighting stance, the training his father had made him undertake when he was younger taking over.
She watched him with merriment, fingers trailing along the lightly bleeding wounds on her neck before she brought her finger to her mouth, tongue licking along the blood before she winked. “Oh Mr Wolf, what big teeth you have,” She purred low. “A werewolf. How fascinating. I’m afraid your grandmother isn’t available right now, or ever. Myrkviðr sends its regards.”
Yoongi stands for a moment as the words soak in and he stares in confusion for a second, trying to comprehend what she had just said. She says nothing further as she watches, a malignant aura to her causing his nose to twitch in annoyance.
“You killed my grandmother?” Is all he can whisper, his throat closing on the final word at the thought of her gone. No, she could not be gone. She couldn’t, it wasn’t possible. Taehyung hadn’t finished his training, he couldn’t take over yet. And she was supposed to have her own feast today.
The woman laughs, the sound echoing around the small cottage and he suddenly realises that he does not smell the floral odour anymore. Instead he smells something bitter and metallic, causing his stomach to roil with nausea. Head turning to the bedroom, he’s frozen for a moment before sprinting over, slamming the door so hard it rebounds off the wall.
Inside is a sight so violent and revolting it takes a moment for his mind to comprehend it. Walls washed red while unidentifiable objects are strewn across the floor. The wooden walls are almost invisible under the liquid that is still wet and in the silence he hears a gentle dripping coming from the centre of the room, directly where the bed is located.
Looking over slowly, he sees a deformed lump that he vaguely acknowledges to be his grandmother, or what was left of her, but Yoongi can’t focus properly as his breath is coming hard and fast. The bedding that his mother had so carefully stitched for months lay sodden underneath the mass and he feels a sudden urge to leave.
Turning away, he retches slightly as the door closes behind him, the scent not as strong now and it’s only when he looks at where his hand is holding him up against the wall that he realises he had left behind a red handprint. Looking at his hand, he sees the red liquid coating it and simply stares for a few seconds.
“Why?” Is all he manages to croak out, a film of tears filling up and threatening to overflow as he desperately wipes his hand on the red cloak, tearing it off his shoulders in an attempt to rid himself of the colour. Jimin’s earlier comment of red suiting him comes back and he’s gagging once more.
A spiteful laugh is all the murderous woman does for a moment, hand coming up to the handprint on the wall and running a finger through it. He watches in disgust as she sucks it clean, before giving him a bright smile with teeth that look far too white to have done what is inside the room.
“Myrkviðr is tired of staying in its boundaries. It is time for us to leave. She was in the way. Don’t worry though, her sweet, pure magic made the meat even more tender than normal.” Leaning forward, her hair falls over her shoulder in thick ribbons and he’s watching her in silence, gritting his teeth.
An overwhelming rage fills him suddenly, despair and grief at the loss of his grandmother merging together with sheer hatred of this woman into a red film over his eyes. Snarling viciously, he launches forward and takes her down to the floor, teeth razor sharp once more while deadly claws erupt from his hand without a second thought.
One hand holds her firm shoulder down while he lifts the other, ready to slash her throat in what will be his first act of violence since he was turned. His grandmother had countered the forests dark magic that ran through his veins now, turning him patient and kind, but right now he welcomed the blistering rage that filled him.
Her laughter stopped him, causing him to look at her as he panted with restrained effort and it was then that he realised he could not move his arm. Looking over at it in panic, he watched as she wriggled underneath him, a wanton moan leaving her throat before she licked her lips seductively.
“Sweet wolf, as nice as this is. I have somewhere to be. We have things to do, people to kill. I’ll send your regards to your family yes?” She gives a sweet smile and his rage vanishes suddenly at the thought of his mother, his brothers and the village that was lying in wait. Panic ran through him at the thought of them dying but he couldn’t move.
“And now, we can’t have you stopping this can we?” She whispered, pulling herself from underneath him before kneeling at eye level. Pressing a delicate kiss to his unwilling lips, he gasped before choking in pain, his eyes darting down to where her hand was embedded deep within his stomach.
Thick, red rivers of blood spilled out of him onto the floor and shards of pain caused him to cry out, tears falling down his face as he watched her grip tightly and twist. His family, his family were going to die and his grandmother was already dead. It was all he could think about as she killed him.
At least, until she screamed in outrage and pain and the majority of his pain vanished along with it. Opening his eyes, his forehead wet with sweat from his strain, he watched as a figure stood in the open doorway, letting in the cool wind from outside.
A golden arrow was firmly embedded in the evil woman’s arm, black blood dripping profusely onto the floor as she screamed in anger, her beautiful face cracked and broken with ugliness. “You will not stop this.” She hissed, the sound quiet and yet it cracked like a shockwave in the cottage.
Without a word, she vanished into black smoke which filtered out of the open door quicker than the eye could see and he could practically feel the forest vibrate with happiness and malevolent excitement. Yoongi felt sick as he collapsed to the floor, arms cradling his wounded stomach and yet he knew he needed to go. He needed to warn everyone.
“Do not move.” Came a soft, gentle voice that chimed with light, reminding him bizarrely of the sun. He figured it was his delirious half dead mind that was turning him into a poet, but he simply ignored it as he reached out to her, a bloodied hand leaving a dark print on her deep brown sleeve.
“The village...you have...to warn them. She...killed my...grandmother. The forest...it’s free.” He gasped out, eyes opening to blearily stare at her. Yoongi vaguely recognised a bow on the floor next to her, a quiver full of feather tipped arrows that shone in the light strapped to her hip that trailed on the ground.
“Hush, you are more important right now. Svefn.” She whispered, hand raising to his eyes and for a moment all he saw was golden sparkles before the word for sleep infiltrated his mind and everything turned to black.
A/N: So begins the new fairytale story. I think this will only be 3 parts long. Please let me know what you think! I love hearing your thoughts and opinions. Who do you think the newcomer is? Let me know!
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eoieopda · 1 year
Jade 💀”the only person on your team that doesn’t make you want to walk into a forest, never to be seen again”! Why am I laughing so hard 💀
to be fair, that is precisely how i feel about hobi, lol. d’you ever just look at him and think “wow, perhaps all hope is not lost” ???
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thetrueghostqueen · 5 years
Jimin Thought Destiny was an Emotional Suck
Masterlist cover characters prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
  By the time Hades returned to announce Thoth and Bastet would be arriving shortly the Gods had changed into day clothes. V was on the couch curled up in Jimin's arms an awake Yen on the floor in front of them.
    "Are you okay?" Yen asked V in a whisper. 
   He shook his head no in answer and curled himself tighter in Jimin's arms. Yen glanced up at Jimin. "I'm sorry." She apologized. 
  "What are you sorry for? Was it your fault? I heard it's been messing with you too."  Jimin spoke.
  Yen let a tear slip down her face. "I'm sorry because this nightmare  I've lived with my whole life has found another victim. I wouldn't wish that on anyone especially on someone wonderful."
  "H-how do you live with this?" V stuttered.
  Yen gave V a weak smile. "It's a burden I've always had. When it affects Tae I use some of my abilities to lesson it for her. I can't erase the memory, but if you want I can take away the fear." 
  V and Jimin both nodded their heads yes. Yen took V's hands and closed her eyes. Jimin felt V tense before suddenly going limp. 
  Terrified that Yen did something that seriously hut V he yanked V's hands away and pushed her backwards.
  Yen fell back on her elbows and gave Jimin a surprised look. What she saw in his eyes sent chills up and down her spine. " I-I w-was hel-helping." She stuttered.
Jimin made to move forward to get up V stopped him. "Min, no. She didn't hurt me  I feel." He swallowed. "I feel great. I feel strong."  He turned from Jimin to Yen. "What did you do?"
    She gave V a soft smile. "I siphoned all of your negative energy. I drained you of the fear and replaced it with positive energy. I'm sorry I couldn't do more."
  "You did more than enough. Thank you!" V moved out of Jimin's arms and off the couch to hug her. 
  Yugyeom started  making his way over to Yen when Thoth and Baste showed up.
  "I guess we should get started." Hades announced.
  For the next hour or two Thoth and Bastet made V explain his nightmare and what he saw after he woke over and over again so they could analyze every detail. After what had to be the 60th repeat, Namjoon finally yelled enough. 
  The other Gods kids and Hades sighed contently when they stopped.
  Bastet and Thoth huddled together speaking back and forth in angry whispers before re-directing their attention back to the room.
  Thoth called Tae and Yen forward. He placed his hands on either side of Tae's head and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and gave her a slight smile before moving on to Yen.
  Everyone jumped as Yen filled the silence of their home with an ear piercing scream. Instead of letting go Thoth dug his fingers deeper into her scalp.
  They watched as her screams died and her body went limp. Bastet forcibly holding Yugyeom back as he tried to get to Yen.
   Thoth opened his eyes and released her causing Yen's limp body to crumple in a heap at his feet. 
  Whatever magic that held back Hades, Jackson, Jimin, V, and Hoseok dissipated causing them to fall in a heap around Yen.
   Hades jerked up and glared at Thoth. "What in Tartarus was that?" He spat.
   "My sincerest apologies. It was not my intention to harm the girl. I needed to see what she has seen, what she has experienced to understand if what has happened to her or the boy correlate to what the Gods children were created for."
   "What is your conclusion, brother?" Bastet queried.
  Thoth put his finger on his lip and contemplated for a moment. "I have concluded that whatever it is that is tormenting these children  is most definitely either Sumerian or Mesopotamian. This being so means that the moment of truth has come and their destiny has begun." 
  Thoth finished speaking and looked to Bastet and Hades. The Gods kids sat waiting for them to continue. The Gods kids watched in silence as it seemed the three were in a silent conversation  of their own.
   Bastet was the first to break eye contact and with a soft sad smile turned to the kids. "TO start we have to go back to the beginning. The story begins long before the Gods that are in power now were.  Only a handful of the old and ancient Gods are still awake. At the beginning the Mesopotamian Gods ruled. After a time a sect of them broke off and fought to take over. The Mesopotamian Gods lost and the Sumerians took over. Tempest the God of Time and Khalida the destroyer of worlds were imprisoned. They were the two most ruthless and vile of the Gods. With the old Gods out of the way the Sumerians set out to create utopian societies where Gods and mortals could live in harmony, peace, and prosperity. Ryujin moved to what is now Asia and became the Progenitor of Dragons. He also created some of the mythical and legendary cities. Another group of Sumerians left for the Celtic Isles and became known as the Tuathe De. They also created mythical and legendary cities. Others stayed and crated Atlantis. For a time it seemed as if they achieved their goal of a utopian society. Sadly that of course didn't last. Even with Tempest and Khalida imprisoned they were able to crate chaos. With help from the outside they crated different breeds of super naturals. For example the first set of vampires were borderline indestructible with the help of Khalida's silver blood. The peaceful Gods were at a loss as to how to save the world. Eventually a prophecy came to the first Oracle Acheron also known as the ultimate fate. The prophecy he saw: There will come a time. Those that are lost will be found. When those forgotten will rise. The power to save us all will be unbound. To save the world seen in prophecy 14 children must come to be. Born of pantheons that are not the same. These full God children will be the salvation for the forgotten to be unchained. Shortly after Acheron spoke the prophecy minus Ryujin, the Sumerian Gods fell into slumber. As time went on their names and histories fell by the wayside. Other Gods became prominent. Humans and super naturals learned how to exist. Which leads us to now." Bastet finished. 
  She looked at the kids while they digested all the information. Namjoon was the first to speak. "You said the prophecy spoke of 14 children. There are 15 of us."
   "I have a theory on that." Thoth chimed in. "When it came time to produce said children, many were in agreement. We conclude that there was just an extra pairing. Better to have more than less."
  "So what are we supposed to do?" Jaebum questioned.
  "Find Khalida's soul stone and destroy it. It is the only thing in existence that can finish her for good. Many of us tried, but we aren't the children of prophecy." Hades answered. 
  "Umm...." Jackson started.
  "For this, we are officially at a loss. No god has a clue as to where it could be, what it looks like, or even how to look for a clue to lead to it." Hades stated.
  "How do we know it's a soul stone then?" Namjoon posited.
  "Every God has one. You could say it's our life force if you will. It is the surest way to snuff out a Gods existence. For the most part our stones are tied to our tapestries that only two beings have access to." Bastet answered directing her gaze to Tae and Yen.  
  "The earliest dated tapestry we watch over is Donii. We've never seen a Sumerian tapestry." Tae explained.
   Thoth's ears perked up at the name Donii.  "Donii, are you positive that, that name is on a tapestry? Not a different name?"
  Tae turned to Thoth and opened her mouth to speak, but Yen beat her to it. "Yes it's Donii's. Well one.  She has many tapestries woven together. More than most Gods."
   "Who is Donii? The way you guys are speaking makes it seem really important." Jaebum spoke.
  "Thoth looked to Hades and Bastet to pose a quick private conversation.
  As the three of them huddled in a corner, Yen explained to the Gods kids who Donii was. "Over the eons Gods came and went. Some, a very notable few have always remained. Their names changed according to culture and society, but they are the same. Donii is one of those few. She is the Great Mother. A lot of societies and cultures refer to her as Gaea."
  Yen finished her explanation as Hades, Thoth, and Bastet returned from their huddle. Thoth directed his question to Tae and Yen. "Can you take us to Donii's tapestry?" He asked excitedly. 
  "NO" Both girls said in unison.
   He tried again. "It's important. It could be a clue. 
  Once again in unison. "NO"
   Bastet tried and also received a NO.
  "There could be a map." Thoth tried a third time. 
   The Gods were no longer speaking to Tae and Yen, but to the Fates. Once again they spoke in unison. "The tapestries of life are the responsibility of PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, and ABOSOLUTION. NO BEING BUT THOSE CHARGED SHALL EVER ACCESS THE HALLS."
   The Gods kids looked at the girls as they spoke. Watching as their eyes turn gold before fading back to normal. The focus solely on the girls no one caught the third set of eyes flashed gold as well. Nor the lip movement following along in sync.  
  Thoth sighed in defeat. "Could we at least see a recreated image?"
   Tae and Yen locked gazes having a silent conversation. Yen eventually broke contact and nodded at Thoth as Tae shot her arm out creating an astral visual of Donii's tapestry. 
  Thoth studied the visual joyfully. Every so often letting out excited little yips. When he felt the tapestry was successfully burned into his memory he turned away and thanked the girls. "I believe we finally have a starting point." He informed the room. "The tapestry is indeed a map of sorts. Not a complete one, but it does lead us to one of the libraries of knowledge. It leads to Fukurokuju. He's a Japanese God of wisdom. There is a book in his library that once belonged to an ancient sect of demons.  It is the most important book in his library and therefore what I believe you need to begin your destined quest." Thoth finished.
  Everyone sat waiting for him to continue. How do they find the library? Do they just ask him for the book? Once they have it, if they can even get it what do they look for?
    When it was evident no further explanations were going to be given Jinyoung spoke up. "So the idea is that we are supposed to travel to Japan, find some mythical library, bang on a door, demand a book and then...?"
   "That's not it exactly. His library can only be located and accessed at the shadow time. Once inside you'd only have 30 or so minutes to get in, find the book, and get out. The old libraries are all rigged so people can't just wander in. His library can only be accessed once a year." Thoth answered. 
   "And that is when?" Namjoon pressed.
   "December 21st and only for 30 minutes or so like I said. If you are in there past that you will be stuck for a year or dead." 
   Everyone in the room just stared at Thoth. December 21st was in 4 days. How in the Underworld were they supposed to get to Japan in 4 days, locate the library, get in and out in 30 minutes, and carry on? Some of them hadn't even shown abilities yet.
  It seemed the destined were destined to fail before they could even begin.
   All Jimin could think was that Destiny was an Emotional Suck
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Mine | myg (m)
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Summary - A jealous Yoongi shows you that no one else can fuck you like he can.
Word Count- 1487
Pairing- Yoongi x reader
Genre- smut
Warnings- dom!yoongi, possessive yoongi, jealous yoongi, dirty talk, rough sex, oral (f recieving), multiple orgasms
a/n: another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
It was a Friday night at your local bar, and you were ready to let loose. You’d had exams all week, and had spent the majority of your time with your head shoved in a book, trying to pass. You didn’t want to take your education for granted, so you worked your ass off to catch up and score a good mark on the exams. You’d slacked a little the previous weeks, too caught up in your new relationship with Yoongi, the beautiful man who was currently sending you “come hither” eyes as you made your way through the crowded bar. You’d made up for it but now? You were ready to party. The bartender slid a strawberry daiquiri your way and you closed your eyes as you drank it. The sweet drink always took a minute to kick in, but had you feeling loose and happy and warm. Your whole body felt more fluid and limber, and you walked up to Yoongi who gathered you in his arms, pressing soft kisses to the top of your head.
“Hey, gorgeous.”  
“Hey, sexy,” you winked. 
“Already buzzed? Such a bad girl,” he tsked.
“I deserve to let loose a little,” you argued, “I’ve been studying my ass off.” 
“I know I’ve barely seen you,” he whined, “was starting to think you were ditching me for someone else.”
“Like anyone could compare to you,” you scoffed, turning to survey the room.
“I am pretty sexy, eh?” 
You rolled your eyes with a playful smile just before your favorite song came on and you shrieked excitedly, begging Yoongi to come dance with you. He declined, telling you he didn’t dance. You pouted, and walked off to dance on your own, but what fun was that? You saw Hobi standing by the bar, bobbing his head to the music, and you grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the center of the room. He easily began moving his body to the rhythm, dancing next to you and laughing. Hobi was always up for acting like a fool and you loved it. He was one of your best friends, aside from Jimin, but he was working on picking someone up at the bar. The song changed to an even faster one, one of those songs that had the whole room thumping with the bass and brought out your inner stripper. Or maybe it was the alcohol.  Either way, you pressed the back of your body up against Hobi’s front, grinding against him to the music. You didn’t mean anything by it, you were just having fun.Hobi didn’t think anything of it either, happily dancing along to the dirty song, slightly drunk himself. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, and he placed his on your hips as you danced in time with the music. When the song ended, you both burst into laughter, and you went to find Yoongi while a slow song played.  He sat over by the pool tables, brows furrowed and eyes dark.
“Hey baby,” you smiled, sitting on his lap and kissing his cheek.
“Don’t ‘hey baby’ me after you just dry humped my best friend on the dance floor,” he scowled.
“What?” you laughed, “You mean dancing with Hobi?”
“Yes, I mean dancing with Hobi! You were all over him!”  
“It was just dancing,” you defended yourself, “you wouldn’t dance with me.”
“So you throw yourself at the first guy who pays you attention?”  
You froze, his words stinging like he’d smacked you right across the face.
“You know it wasn’t like that,” you bit back.
“It sure looked like it,” he grumbled, avoiding your gaze.
“Oh my gosh, you’re jealous.”  
“I’m not jealous,” he let out a single sarcastic laugh.
“Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I went and found Hobi again? I hear talk dirty to me is the next song coming up,” you stood, and Yoongi’s big hands clamped around yours. 
“Don’t,” he warned.
“Or else what?” you grinned. “Why would it matter if you’re not jealous?” 
“I don’t want another man’s hands on you. You’re mine,” he growled.
Something about the way he’d said it, so carnally, made you stop and look at him. His dark hair messy, eyes intense, vein in his jaw taut, one fist clenched as the other hand held onto you, firm but not painful. However, there were sure to be marks as he tightened his grip, pulling you towards him. Your hands went to his chest as your eyes locked with his. Your breathing became labored as you both just stared at each other, sexual tension rising between you. He crashed his lips onto yours like a feral animal and you kissed him back with the same frenzy, earning a few hoots and hollers. Yoongi simply held up his middle finger and continued to kiss you passionately. 
“Yoongi,” you whined, pulling away, “need you.”  
He picked you up, placing you on the ground before standing and grabbing your hand, driving home as fast as the car could take the two of you. He nearly dragged you into the apartment, stripping his clothes off haphazardly, tossing them wherever as he left dark hickeys on any patch of skin he could find of yours. Your neck, your breasts, your arms, it didn’t matter. Yoongi just needed to touch you, mark you, claim you. You moaned as he bit down roughly, tugging on your bottom lip. 
“Y/N, you’ve been such a bad girl tonight, teasing me. Rubbing up on Hoseok, showing off in front of everyone. This whole neighborhood is going to hear you scream tonight, they’re all going to know you’re mine,” he growled with an air of dominance.
You shivered, nodding.  He smirked, and ordered you to get on the bed, naked and on all fours. You did as told without hesitation. He wasn’t one to be reckoned with when he was like this. Territorial, jealous, animalistic. He smacked your ass once, watching it bounce from the impact with a satisfied smirk. You flinched, but you secretly liked how rough he was being, how commanding and powerful he was. He stripped down, rolling a condom onto his thick, throbbing erection, before lining himself up at your entrance and shoving it abruptly, causing you to gasp at the sudden burning.   The burning quickly subsided as you adjusted to Yoongi’s size, and he started thrusting into you fast and furious, tugging on your hair and making you lift your head so he could leave hot, wet kisses on the side of your neck. You grunted with each thrust, trying to hold yourself up as your arms weakened in pleasure, but it didn’t stop Yoongi. He pounded into you with all his anger, all his jealousy, all his possessiveness. You absolutely loved this side of him, already soaring towards your release. Loud moans and screams left your lips, his name falling from them like a prayer. Your whole body shook, and the headboard against the wall sounded like thunder from how forcefully it was rocking. Yoongi pulled you up on your knees, so your bodies were fully flush against each other, but didn’t slow down.
“You like that, princess? You like my cock buried inside you, pounding your sweet little pussy?” he growled. “I bet Hoseok couldn’t fuck you like this.”
“No, just you,” you choked out, dangerously close to your climax.
“Say it again, who makes you feel this good?” he demanded.
“You, Yoongi!” you cried out, orgasm crashing over you as Yoongi released at the same time, both of you feeling like you were in outer space from the intensity. 
You lay there breathless, and Yoongi shoved your legs apart again. 
“Yoongi?” you asked, spent and panting.
“When you can’t walk tomorrow, I want you to remember how good my cock was inside you, how good my tongue is,” he grinned deviously.
His tongue darted inside you, and you groaned in ecstasy, still sensitive from the rough fucking he’d just given you. He slipped two fingers inside your heat, pumping in and out quickly and mercilessly as his tongue worked magic on your clit, almost immediately bringing you to your second orgasm of the night. Yoongi spent all night pleasuring you in multiple ways and by the time he was finished, you were completely exhausted. You couldn’t even move and your clit kept throbbing, your legs twitching from time to time. 
Yoongi lazily left soft kisses along the already formed hickeys on your skin. He smiled against your lips, then laid next to you, cloaking you in his safe embrace.
“You did so good, princess. You took it all like a pro,” he complimented.
“Mmm…” you smiled, too tired to reply.
Yoongi chuckled and you fell asleep in his arms, listening to him whisper how beautiful you were, how glad he was that you were his, and how you better not grind on Hoseok ever again.
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sodoyouknowbts · 6 years
Yoongi x Reader - Guardian (Seven)
Part of the ‘Souls’ Series.
Summary: Min Yoongi is a cynical guardian angel assigned to look after you.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (ft Hoseok)
Genre: Romance, fantasy, soul mates
Author: Pilot
Chapter Seven
Yoongi kicks a stray pebble on the path and it bounces off to the side. He pays you a glance and you’re too busy moving your arm around to notice. Your cast had been cut off today and you had spent the past twenty minutes just bending and flexing and flinging it randomly in front of Yoongi’s face.
You were resuming work the next day. In a weak attempt to send you off well and get you settled back home, he had gruffly suggested taking you for dinner. Not one to miss a free meal you had jumped at the offer, although you did re-consider as you still hadn’t spent that much one on one time with Yoongi and were still a bit bitter about the fact that he hadn't apologised for ignoring your call for help.
You stop in your tracks and quickly turn back around. You point to your left, recognising the name of the noodle place you had seen on Instagram you had wanted to try. Yoongi’s eyes move from your pointed finger, down and across to the front door, where his eyes continue to trail a long line of people standing outside waiting. 
“I’m not waiting.” he states.
You look at him and do your best to negotiate but he’s not having it. 
“I know another place. You shouldn’t always believe the hype.” He says, ushering you to follow him. You pout and agree to go somewhere else. 
You walk alongside Yoongi, stealing glances at him every now and then. You wanted to get to know him more, but you considered if Guardians were really allowed to grow close to their assignments. If you became good friends, would that break the client/customer relationship in this voluntary opt-in Guardian service?
Yoongi holds open the door for you and lets you walk in first. You’re in a small Chinese noodle shop and the smell of chicken stock lures you in further. You see a number of small tables and on them are some piping hot dumplings. The waitress greets you both and shows you to a seat for two.
You scan the menu. Pan fried dumplings, pork mince noodles, soup and wontons... you can’t make your mind up. 
“I’ll order for you, if you can’t choose.” Yoongi says. You look at him from over the menu. He’s leaning casually forward, his elbows on the table and hands clasped over each other. He moves back and brushes his fringe from his eyes. His coat is folded up and hanging over the back of the chair. He’s only wearing a black shirt and black jeans.
He signals to the waitress and orders to bowls of noodles, both different. You raise your brows at him and he quickly adds “So we can share.”
You nod, happy. You were keen to try more than one bowl of noodles and you were pretty hungry. 
“So. Congratulations for having your cast off.” He starts.
“Thanks, although I wouldn't have had a cast if you had -” You begin, you couldn’t help yourself.
“I know. If I had picked up the phone we’d both be in a different situation.” he sighs, sitting back in the seat. He watches as some people get up and leave after having finished their meal. “I hadn’t received any indication that you were in danger prior to it happening. Usually I have an ability to see, some sort of internal distress system goes off from you and I can feel it, but this time I came up with nothing.”
“Distress system?” you enquire.
“Yeah, like an alert system. Guardians are alerted if their assignments are in danger or soon to be in danger. I guess my internal alarm wasn’t functioning.”
You nod. In a weird way, it made sense.
The noodles arrive and Yoongi tries to hide a smile as he observes your face light up. You clap your hands together, excited and begin to split your chopsticks.
You eat quietly and comfortably for a while. Yoongi notices you’ve gotten some sauce on the corner of your mouth. He tsks, pulling out two tissues from the tissue dispenser and he leans over the table, placing it on your mouth. It sticks there and your eyes widen at the sudden action. He scoffs, pulling a somewhat disgusted look as he sits back down.
Yoongi catches himself smiling and tries to make himself busy instead, quickly investing a heap of time and energy into inspecting the small side dish of garlic and chilli sauce sitting on the table. You dab the sauce from your mouth and think nothing more of it.
“Sung Wook, he found you and brought you to the hospital, right?”
You nod. “Yeah, initially I had thought it was you. He’s your arch nemesis right?”
“Arch nemesis?” Yoongi asks, amused. “Did Hoseok tell you that?”
You shrug not wanting to give it away but it was obvious who spilled the details. “I wouldn’t give him that much credit to call him an arch nemesis. We’re not living in an anime world.”
You roll your eyes. Yeah sure, not living in an anime world but you still have magic powers? Sure buddy. It’s basically a world in an anime now.
“Did he say anything to you?” Yoongi prods.
“Hmm? No. He was gone before I woke up and before you got there. He kind of just left me after I was admitted.”
Yoongi changes the subject.
“The car, you should probably not drive for a while.”
“Well that’s the thing.” You start, poking your chopsticks at him as you think. “I’m not a bad driver -” Yoongi scoffs. You narrow your eyes and continue. “But honestly it felt like the car had a mind of its own, I don’t even know why it ran off the road. I mean...” You pause. “I was investigating a story before that and I had noticed someone following me, like the same person. I hadn’t thought much of it at the time. But, it feels a bit weird.”
“What story are you digging up now?”
“Mmm not telling.”
Yoongi sighs. “How can I look out for you if you don't tell me? I’m not 100% sure my alert system is functioning properly.”
You pull a face. “Fine. Some of my sources have said that theres an interesting and underground lobbying party that have been conducting underhanded deals, selling women and stocks for political power.”
Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest, frowning. Sounds interesting he thinks. And dangerous for a klutz like her.
“I can see why you think the car accident is suspicious.” he pauses. “I’ll help you with this.”
You almost choke on your noodles and start to cough. “What?” you say, grabbing some water. “You want to help?”
He glares at you, annoyed.
“Since when - usually you’re too busy making fun of me to actually help me with anything.”
“Whatever. Just finish your noodles.”
You’re walking back together to your apartment. You had wanted to walk off the noodles you had eaten so instead of taking the easy route, this was how you found yourself walking side by side with Yoongi, wheeling your suitcase behind you and watching Yoongi effortlessly carry some of your other belongings home.
Hoseok had loaded your suitcase up with snacks before you had left which had meant your suitcase was more full than to begin with. Your wheel catches on a slightly unlevelled brick in the pavement and you tug at it. This causes you to trip and you stumble. Yoongi reaches his hand out and grabs you, pulling you back upright.
“Don’t hurt yourself and don’t get sick.”
You look up at him. He still has his hand on your arm and he’s looking at you with concern. You’re a little thrown by his sudden candor and Yoongi clears his throat, continuing. “It’s bothersome.” He lets go of your arm and you scoff. 
You reach your apartment in no time and he helps you carry your things up to your place. You turn the lights on to your apartment and push the suitcase in, letting it scoot across the floor of your hallway freely. Yoongi watches on, amused as the suitcase zig zags and slowly comes to a halt.
He places the rest of the bags on the dining room table and bids you farewell.
“Have a good sleep. You’ve got work tomorrow.” He says and then he’s gone.
“So?” Hoseok asks, turning his head around to look at Yoongi, who has appeared in the kitchen.
“Did you apologise?” he continues.
Yoongi returns a disinterested look at Hoseok and moves over to the couch.
“Yeah I apologised.”
“Good.” Hoseok replies, happily turning his attention back to the tv.
Yoongi and Hoseok sit there for a while, watching the television. Yoongi fiddles with his phone and Hoseok pays him a sidewards glance. Yoongi leaves his phone on the table and goes to the kitchen to get a drink. Hoseok takes the liberty in updating your contact card, adding rainbows and flowers and sparkles and cakes to it.
Yoongi sits back down. 
“There’s a Guardian reunion in three weeks.” Hoseok starts. “I got the invitation today. You’re coming right?”
Yoongi takes a sip of water. “Is it compulsory?”
“Hyung, you need to attend these things. At least once. You missed the past four.”
“There was a reason I skipped on those. I was busy.”
Hoseok sighs. “Come to this one. It’s expected. We’re allowed to bring one of our assignments each, the Custodian’s noted your absence at all the others. You should come.” Hoseok continues. “You should bring Y/N.”
Yoongi shrugs off the suggestion. “Why?”
“Ehhh what do you mean why?” Hoseok says, jabbing Yoongi in the side. 
Yoongi ignores him. 
“What’s wrong with bringing Y/N?” Hoseok pesters. “I’ve already invited her to your birthday party I’m organising next week.”
Yoongi groans in response.
“She’s weird. Clumsy. All of it. She’d probably make a mess of the Guardian reunion. Birthday party is okay but the reunion?”
“Hey give her more credit than that. And so what if she’s weird. You’re pretty weird.”
“She’s not just like normal weird.” Yoongi rebuttals. “She’s really weird.”
Hoseok pulls a face, one that Yoongi knows to read as stop trying to bullshit me, I see through you.
“If you don’t already like her now, you’ll come to like her eventually.” Hoseok teases. Yoongi doesn’t bother denying anything, instead making himself busy by looking around the apartment.
It’s much quieter now, without you here. Especially now that she’s not digging into a packet of chips. He thinks to himself. He spots a few manga books you had missed, tucked underneath the coffee table. He kicks them out with his foot and reaches over for them.
He’s about to transport himself to your apartment when he stops. What if she’s in the shower? He blushes. I’ll call her instead.
Yoongi goes to ring you, his eyes scanning over the updated contact card, courtesy of Hoseok’s earlier antics. He says nothing, instead cocking his brow at Hoseok who is feigning ignorance. 
Yoongi smiles to himself and gives you a ring.
“Hello?” You say, a little groggy. You were exhausted and the noodles had put you into a huge food coma. You had managed to shower, wash your face and get into your pyjamas but that was about all you had managed to do before you had KO’d on the couch.
“You left a few of your things here. I’ll be over in ten?”
“T-ten?” You blink. “Ten minutes?”
You sit up abruptly, somehow managing to knock your leg into the coffee table. You stifle a yell. 
“Okay. See you in ten.” You say, your voice increasing in pitch out of sheer nervousness. 
Shit. You rush over to your bedroom and pull out your BB cream. You frantically plaster it onto your face and bring out the dry shampoo you had bought on special and spray it into your hair. Whatever. You think. This is not because of him. I’m just being efficient. So I don’t have to do this tomorrow for work.
Yoongi is waiting patiently on the street outside your apartment. You open the door and he looks you up and down. You’re wearing pyjamas but your hair was neatly brushed - dare he say it, even a little curled - and he thought he could smell perfume.
“Were you still up?” he asks.
“Yeah, of course.” You say, still a bit sleepy.
He knew you hadn’t been up, you sounded like you had just woken up on the phone and judging from your attire, he could tell you had scrambled out of bed. You weren’t even wearing your coat properly. He smiles to himself just a little. He adored the effort.
Without thinking, Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps the coat around you, adjusting it carefully, pushing your hair back from under the neck of the coat. He clears his throat, realising what he’s done and steps back. 
Yoongi quickly thrusts a bag of your things to you, holding it out, waiting for you to collect it from him. A little thrown by his earlier action, you slowly take the bag from him and peer inside. Your toothpaste, toothbrush, facial wash and two stray manga books. 
You look up at him, he’s shoved his hands into the front pocket of his parka and the street lamp you’re standing under with him seems to give him a radiant glow.
He clears his throat.
“Well. I’ll get going. Call me if you need anything.”
You nod and he waits for you to walk back to your apartment. Once he’s sure you’re back inside, Yoongi turns on his heel and begins to walk home, to clear his mind. This was getting dangerous, especially for him.
To be continued
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
His Moves | Hoseok
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[A/N] Enjoy all my BTS ‘His’ Series!
 "I suddenly regretted watching this series, it’s so good, it’s consuming me.“ You had nothing to say so you laughed. You set your laptop to two-screen mode, one on a video call with your bestie living three hours away and another on that drama you’ve watched before. The series is too good that you thought, a re-watching wouldn’t hurt. And it’ll be so much more better with your bestie watching it too. "Well, this is the only thing that distracts me from a horrible day at dance class today.” You sighed.
“Why. What happened? How dare you not tell me.” Bestie is getting impatient, but you could see she’s watching the drama, with the lights from her laptop shining on her face. “It’s really nothing. And you should turn on the lights in your room, you’ll hurt your eyes that way.” You told her so she slide her glasses down the bridge of her nose and peered at you through the screen. “It scares me when you do that, stop.” You lashed back at her. “Are you going to tell me or not?!” She roared back. You waved your hands to the camera, laying on your stomach. “You’re missing all the important points, focus, wife.” You scold her. You affectionate calls her wife when you’re mad at her. A lot of people don’t understand this, but you two are so single, you’ve considered to move into one house together or at least be each other neighbors, for the rest of your life.
But being a young adult and penniless, the plan is put on hold, for the mean time.
“It’s just.” You started and she was all ears although her eyes is on the drama. “…He was, fluidly good, and his movements are just, magical. And I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve that kind of talent even if I stay up and practice.” You finally said it. Your bestie paused the video and told you, sternly, to do the same. You start off with a sigh. “So, I came a little late. Like two… twenty minutes late.”
Actually, thirty minutes passed the starting time. And when you entered the entrance, everyone was already drenched in sweat, panting, hair plastered on the side of their face and Jimin, the other dance instructor specializing in modern ballet was smirking on his chair. His classs starts at 6pm, not until three hours later, so he looks good while scrolling down his phone, slouched in his seat and when he hovered his eyes up at you through his phone, he snickered. “You are so~ murdered, today.” He said and left you with no further explanation. Actually, you already expected that. You knew Hoseok can be straight up bitch about things, but you’d probably talk your way into leniency like you always do at your day job.
“Any tips on taming the beast?” You asked, giggly. Jimin passed your shoulders and a whiff of his perfume shot up your nostril, it’s flowery and kind of soothing, and you silently wished he was your dance instructor instead of Hoseok, the beast. “…Good luck; is all I could say to you.” Jimin was younger than you, in fact, so is Hoseok. So there’s no reason to be afraid. You entered a one to one dance studio, passed the room with a see-through glass, where most people are. This one was zumba classes, for those who wants an upbeat and to lose weight while keeping it fit. Your class, is somewhat, lonely, because apparently, as much as Hoseok seems approachable, not a lot of people stayed more than a week, in classes with him.
Why you took this dance class? It was a long-forgotten hobby. Your mother was traditional dancer, with hanbok and all those folded fan and knife dances, poised and slow movement, so you already had the basic footing and dare you brag, the body of a dancer. But as time passes, you didn’t like the fact that people look at you for your body so by the time you turned 15, you decided to fold the talent and melt back into the rest of the community. Be ordinary, you’d say. Your mom didn’t protest as strong as she did before, when you carefully taked her through about why you didn’t want to pursue this professionally.
Because A) Your skills are so-so.
And B) There’s no absolute need to make a hobby a big part of you.
Making money is more important. You learnt that the hard way when you see your mom selling her hanbok to make sure you have enough to pay for dance classes, but of course, you didn’t say this to your mom. “I don’t like guys staring at my body, and girls bully me because of my proportions. Danceing didn’t make me happy anymore.” Were your exact words. So why the sudden change?
Kim. Tae Woo. A.K.A. Kasper.
He’s so good looking, he made panties drops where ever he went. You saw him street dance once and you heard a few audience, fawning over him. But there was also a few that was gawking and mocking that his styles were similar to Hoseok. No, not Shin Hoseok. Jung Joseok from a well-known academy who has stunned everyone with his fluid style dancing and technique (all this you got to know, from an online extensive research). But Kim Taewoo, as a person is unique. He was so kind when you came to the academy he was representing, 1Million Dance Studio. By luck, you get to see him practice, and even though you didn’t have the guts to enter and cheer when he danced, he knew you were watching. When Kasper was done dancing, he made an impressive spin and stopped, then he smiled. He knew he nailed the choreography, and the roars that cam after, proved that.
Then Kasper looked out the glass wall where you stood, drooling. He waved. He walked out with a sweaty face and neck, and you took out a handkerchief. “Thanks…” he said. “You’ve been watching me…a lot.” He added. And you replied, “So are the others.” Your eyes glide to the room fullof people where he came out from. “Nah, they are always there to cheer, it’s a kind of tradition we have here…” He starts to move and with your eye on the handkerchief in his hands, you unknowingly followed him, “Have you decided which class you’d like to enroll in?” He asked, his voice raise a bit. “I um. Already enrolled.” You lied. “Cool, with who, may I ask?” he was so polite.
You tilt your head to the side, seeming uncomfortable with the sudden question. You’re also a bad liar so Kasper thought that you needed an explanation as to why, he needed to know that. “I mean, whoever had the honor to teach the daughter of an amazing dancer, deserve my respect.” Right, he knew you from your mother. His sister is your mother’s student for awhile, and when she’s succeed, she’ll return from overseas to greet your mom whenever she can, and she’ll bring Kasper along too. “Oh I wasn’t enrolled here, no. It’s another dance academy…there’s too many people here.” You let out a nervous chuckle, praying he won’t realize it. “Oh,” was that a disappointment in his voice? “Well, maybe I’ll pay you a visit some time and see your moves.” He took your handkerchief away with him and you extended your arm a little, “My handkerchief…”
Kasper spun to his side, “You didn’t think I’d return this handkerchief with all my sweat, did you?” He winks at you. “It would have been fine with me.” You blurted out. Kasper’s face contorted into a smirk, very childishly, “I’ll wash them and bring them to you when I go visit you later, so don’t forget to invite me to your show.” He clicked his tongue and went off.
And that’s how you end up underneath Hoseok’s nose.
“You call that a dance…?” He started, you close your legs together and fiddled your fingers. “Why are you even here, you don’t even take this lessons seriously.” He added, crossing his arm and circling you as you stood in the middle of the studio, the spotlight on you. “It’s just, I’m used to classical dance with slower steps. That’s why it’s being too boxy.” You defended. “Excuses!” Hoseok yelled, the hoarseness of his voice shuddered you and your hands fall to your side, balling. “Get out.” He pierced his gaze to you. “Get out!” He roared in your face, but you stood firm in place. You feel tears pooling in your eyes and before he said another word, you were grabbing your training bags and out the door. But you couldn’t bring yourself to exit the entrance so you brought your bag back through the hallway and to the toilet.
You twisted the faucet and let the water flow. Then you angrily washed your face.
With your face drenched, you stormed out of the toilet, re-enter the room where Hoseok was. He had his hands above his head, laced together but when you came, he was on-standby mode. You threw your bag to the side, and marched right to him. And you shoved him. Hoseok stumbles back. “You’re trying to make a popper out of me when I’m a fucking traditional dancer. You shout at me and completely disregard my efforts to turn myself into something I’m not. How dare you use me as your punching bag! No wonder no one would last more than a week with you. Your attitude is trash!” You pushed him with your chest, and Hoseok backs away, turning his gaze away from you.
“And how about you? You speak like you’re all perfect. Being veteran doesn’t mean anything here. And a veteran dancer means, you’ve never gave up on dancing, and you did, for seven years! Why after seven years, you decided, to come back? To prove what you once were? For self-confidence? Self re-assurance? Or. To impress a guy? To feel better?” Hoseok noticed you winced at the part where he said 'a guy’. He caught that, and he pursued it. “I was right…aren’t I? There’s a guy in the story.” You spun away from him, too angry to face him, too frustrated.
Or too afraid?
“Dancing is not to impress. Dancing is using yourself to embody an emotion, to lose yourself in spite of your strong core values, dancing is to make the music use you, not to make an impression to a pathetic guy!” Hoseok circled you once more. “If impressing a guy is all you’re interested in, then I feel sorry for you.”
“Don’t pity me!” You wanted to say, but your tongue froze. Those words sounded so familiar. They are the repetition of something from someone. No, those words read so familiar. Shortly after a dance show, you received a note, on a chocolate bar in your bag pack. It wrote, scraggly, “I heard you don’t want to dance anymore because some guy is moving away and won’t be able to watch you dance. If impressing a guy is all you’re interested in, then I feel sorry for you.” You leave the note in the trash can and ate the chocolate, that following night, you told your mother you wanted to stop dancing.
Hoseok’s voice echoed through your head and as you regained your memory, you pointed your finger at him, storming, “You! I noticed you! How dare you! When I was a dancer, you were nothing. And dare you raise your voice to me! Fuck you!” You ended the argument with the door behind you slammed. And you head home. Put your bestie on video call, and calmed down.
The bullet throttles through the barriers of the sea, as the criminals try to shoot the hero down. He was swimming in the river, underneath a hanging bridge made of steel, trying to grab his little brother’s hand. Failing to do so, he dip his entire body into the river, and by force of nature, those bullets missed him. A minute later, he heard a bomb and although deafened by the water surrounding him, hasn’t given up to rescue his brother, convulsing due to lack of oxygen. He was drowning.
Doorbell snaps you back into reality. But the vibration from your phone at the side of your laptop finally peeled your eyes from the screen. “Help me get the pizza, money’s on the dining table,  I’m pooping.” Your housemate surely has no sense of filter when it comes to this things. You blasted the front door open to see a young men in red cap. “How much?” You asked, shoving your hands in your back pocket, “Forty-six.” He answered and from that voice you look up. He was using his normal voice, and is slightly flirtatious for your own liking.
“Jung Hoseok?” You were surprised.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath. “You do deliveries too?” You shrieked and smiled.
“Why the pose?” You asked, questioning him. He was flipping his hair, and unzipping his delivery jacket for some reason. Hoseok lowered his cap to cover his eyes. “Forty-six, please.” He repeated. You swatted the beak of his cap away and sent it flying to the steps with a lingering smile. Hoseok see it flew and held curses in his tongue. “So it is you.” You peered up at him. “The hotshot motherfucker with a big mouth and no insurance. What’s good?” You asked, naughty smile on your lips.
“The requests that came along with the delivery is to: present the pizza sexually. So that’s what I did, now give me my forty-six so I could go.” Hoseok held his palm upwards. “But I don’t want you to go, I want to have fun with you, teacher…” You played with the flaps of his jacket as he back away. “Forget the forty-six.” He said leaving the pizza on the post box, trying to escape. He went off to his motorcycle and searched his pockets. You licked your bottom lip, and dangled the key in your fingers. “You’re so easily distracted though.” You grinned. “Please give me my keys, I’m gonna get fired.” He half-begged. You threw it behind your shoulders and it slide way deep into your house.
“Opps.” You puffed your cheeks.
“Just murder me already.” Hoseok groans. “What’s the most expensive dance teacher doing as a pizza delivery guy?” You dared to ask.
“You should have guessed it, when your students run away from you, you don’t earn much.” His shoulders rise and fall. “Besides, you are way to stiff to be a popper. You are fulid enough to execute most of the moves, I was making you suffer because I don’t want you to do this.” Hoseok said it. “Why not?” You crossed your arm. Hoseok walked over to your pavements and pick his cap up from the ground before putting it backwards, making him look more his age.
“Because your body aren’t made for popping. You’re made for classical dance. Don’t lose yourself, trying to be what someone else want you to be.” He said, casually. Although he said them in a way that’s more of a shrug than motivating, it stung you. Hard. “Your body is used to elegant movements, captivating in your own way… not for harsh moves. Your techniques is far more different. I can’t teach you that, I can’t teach you something I’m good at, knowing that you’re better at something else.” Hoseok said.
You paid him and never went to his classes anymore. You went back to your mother, and you performed with her. Not only that, you were given your solo stage because of the prestige your mother had and you executed the steps more beautiful than you ever did, in popping. The spotlight was on you, after a very long time. When you lift your majestic sword dance, the audience were at awe. Then the fan dance, where you spun elegantly to the floor, your expression was emotionally attached to the dance you almost forgot.
Your tears dropped to your cheek as you finish the routine, receiving a standing ovation to the enormous crows in the dance hall. Your mother was inconsolable, and all she did was clap, enthusiastically. Two young men stood up. Kasper and Hoseok both came. Kasper approached you first as you descend from the stage, Hoseok was watching in suits by the entrance. Kasper gushes at how you looked good and honestly, you kept glancing to Hoseok by the door sill, worried that he might not be there. Kasper said a number of things, but you weren’t focused at all. In your white hanbok, and your hair tied up in a tight bun, you looked at Kasper as he took out the handkerchief you gave him.
“I know you want this back. So here. I hope we can be more than friends.” Kasper said.
But it didn’t feel right, you stared and found yourself, confused. “This is all I ever wanted, all I ever thought I’d be, but the way you said it didn’t bring me butterflies like I thought it will…I.” You choked, glancing over Kasper’s shoulder, you watched Hoseok starts to move away, and never in your life did you want to end a conversation as quick as you can. “I’m sorry…” you gaze from Kasper’s hand holding yours to his dark brown eyes, he was as confused as you were, “I waited too long for you. Years. But I realized that you could have me back then but you’re more interested to me keep as an option.” Kasper’s expression changed. “But I really like you,” he said.
“No.It wasn’t liking…” you laughed slightly, but dryly, “It was pity…yes Kasper. You pitied me. You know what, we can talk about this more later but I have major things to attend to right now, so…” you rushed away before Kasper could anything in return and watched you dashed out of the hall and went after you.
“Jung Hoseok.” You called, urgently.
He turned around. You lift your dress and marched to him, pull him down by his tie and hook your fingers around his belt loop to feel his hip and lips at the same time. You were impatient, and for all the good reasons as well, because these few days of watching Hoseok train on his own in private, without him knowing, had finally taken it’s toll. But you could blame it all on Jimin and his convincing smile, “You know he’s only like that to you… bt when you’re not around or if you come a little late from usual, he’s all: 'Why is she not coming, had she call in sick, I wonder if something bad happen…yah Jimin-ah, you call her and ask,’ is all he’d be whining about.” Jimin crinkled his nose.
Hoseok had his eyes wide open to the sudden attack and when he glanced over your shoulder as you were kissing him, he saw Kasper and he felt triumph. He fluttered his eyes close and kissed you properly, by lifting you up by the waist.
“How did you know?” Hoseok asked you. You don’t want to embarrass him by telling him that Jimin exposed him, so all you said was, “I had a feeling. By your moves.”
His Drug - [BTS] Taehyung!Au 
His Remedy - [BTS] Jungkook!Au 
His Pain - [BTS] Yoongi!Au 
His Desire - [BTS] Jimin!Au 
His Heart - [BTS] Namjoon!Au
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hello-btsfangirl · 7 years
Hiii hope you're doing well 😊 if u can do a BTS reaction when they kiss their s/o more passionately than usual and she got weak in the knees, & a messing blush.. Ect..😳 (they are her 1th Bf). Thanks
Since iv been promising and not keeping it, I made this extra long for each member, I hope everyone will forgive me and btw this request was really cute.
Kim Seokjin/Jin:
Jin was making breakfast this morning, you could smell his pancakes in the whole apartment, he was so soothing to look at. His broad shoulders in a white loose shirt, he was such a prince where he stood making his love some food. You sneaked behind him and gave him a hug, he turned around to face you “how beautiful you look this morning…but not as beautiful as me” you gasped “hey!” you yelled play fighting him, Jin simply picked you up and sat you down on the table.
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You were staring into his eyes and you could feel the tension of romance. He took some of you hair behind you ear “you are always more beautiful y/n, and especially when you get those pink cheeks when I kiss you” you chuckled at his comment “I DON’T BLUSH” Jin leaned in closer and closer until you felt your heartbeat go a hundred times faster,  his lips so perfectly pink and so gentle on yours. His kiss was like a dream, it was deep and longer than usual, you felt your body give up in his grip. Oh could you never escape this amazing dream.
“See I told you that you blush” you hit him playfully “I just have a cold, that`s why they turn like that, almost like an allergy thing” he laughed at your excuse. “Oh just admit is y/n, this prince gets you knees weak and I can tell I would need that to happend pretty soon” you blushed of his sudden words, until it went over when you both heard the pancaked were burning.
Kim Namjoon/Rapmonster:
He had just picked you up to go to a amusement park. It was a sunny day, perfect weather for some fun. He bought you candy and ice cream and you would eat all day, of course he had to buy more ice cream since he kept loosing them on the ground. You loved this weird trait about him, how he either lost or broke something no matter what he was touching. After a long day you two decided to end end the day by going where you two had first met, by the tree where both of your initials were.
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You leaned against the tree feeling the fresh air. You couldn’t stop to notice Namjoon staring at you “what are you looking at?” he shrugged his shoulders and stood beside you “you know there is no one but us in the park right now…maybe we could, you know” he leaned in closer, you blushed at his sudden action, you couldn’t move as his lips was just so perfect and plum. He was fast at getting his hands on your hips, feeling every curve and line of your body as he kissed you deeply, playing with your tongue.
“Namjoon” you said and pulled back “we cant do this” you said as you looked down the ground. He chuckled and gave you a hug “its okay, it was just us. Pluss since youre mine I want to show you off, how awesome and amazing you are. Im allowed to do that as your bf right?” he said with a big smirk as you started blushing even more, he kissed the top of your head and it was truly a day to remember.
Min Yoongi/Suga:
Yoongi have had such a bad day, the only thing that helped him through this day was small texts he got from you telling him you loved him and you knew he would do well. He had bee so distant these few weeks, he felt bad for it. Bad that he didn’t tell you how much you meant to him, or showed his love to you through music or a simple loving gesture. His anger was boiling inside of him “how can I be so stupid, y/n loves me. Even when I act like a complete jerk, how on earth did I get so lucky”. He had to do something to show you that he truly loved you and always would.
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You were watching tv, all set up with a blanket, snacks and a sugary drink. You didn’t hear the door opened but when you saw Yoongi you began to smile and stood up . He walked closer to you and before without even saying a word he kissed you, a deep kiss, a longing kiss. You felt his tongue exploring your mouth, his hands on your hips, his heavy breath when he stopped kissing you and his forehead resting on yours before staring deep into your eyes and he whispered “I love you”.
You smiled shyly at his sudden gesture and was almost too shy to look at him in the eyes. He kissed your cheek before smiling cheeky at your blushing face “y/n…Are you blushing?” you turned around not wanting him too see more of your red face “oh how embarrassing you mumbled to yourself as you felt a hand turn you around once again to face his cheeky smile. He put his thumb on your lip, slightly parting it so he could kiss you again “you`re cute when you blush y/n, I might need to hold you more tight the next time, just in case you get weak in your knees again” he said and gave you one last kiss on your forehead.
Jung Hoseok/J-hope:
“nae pi ttam nunmul, nae majimak chumeul, da gajyeoga ga” Was all you heard before getting mesmerized by the way his body moved to the music, his effortless moves and the passion in his eyes. The song ended, his body breathing heavily, he used his arm to dry away the sweat from his face. You loved watching him doing what he loved the most, dancing was truly an art. He turned around, facing you with a big smile as you gave him an applause for his outstanding performance. “How was it?” he asked as he opened a bottle of water to cool down “it was so amazing, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you at all. You are so talented Hoseok”.
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He walked slowly towards you, breathing heavily as he slowly pressed you against the wall and his lips met yours. His body was so hot against your, his hands tightly secured on your body, making you wanting more of him. Your hands roamed his hair as your tongues were to busy wrestling each other for pleasure. His hand went under your shirt feeling every inch before he stopped the kiss and gave you a dirty smile, you stared at him breathing heavily. Your knees failing to keep you up, he held you and was sure no to let go.
You quickly gathered your senses “..ah…” was the only thing that came out of your mouth “maybe I should go, I mean I have planned to meet up with a friend and cant keep them waiting” you smiled shy and walked towards the door, when suddenly Hoseok jumped in front of you, pinched your cheeks and said in a baby voice “Is my little y/n blushing?! OMFG WHY IS MY BOO SO CUTE!!!”
Park Jimin/Jimin:
The stars were shining bright above you as you sat and watched the beautiful night sky. Tonight would be a magical night, a night to remember that you had yet to discover. He was looking at you, more in love than he could ever be, you were such a beauty in his eyes “y/n” he said as you kept looking at the sky and only let out a simple “hm?” he smiled “you know what would make this night more perfect than it already is?”. You turned to him, curious what this could be “what is it Jimin?” Your eyes were shining in the starlit sky and you knew something magical was about to happen.
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he put his hand under your cheek and gently lifted it up, his eyes slowly closing as he lips met yours and your heart felt like it was about to pop out of your chest. He was so calm, warm and gentle, you knew you were in safe arms as his lips were soft and his tongue making you feel like your were in heaven. His fingers twirling your hair as he let you explore and feel his deep love for you.
He ended it with a short soft kiss on your lips before smiling and held you in his arms. Both heart`s were beating as fast as lightning, both faces red from this magical experience “you know…” he started “we are a perfect match” you smiled “why” you asked softly as you leaned your head on his shoulder “because we both look like roses when blushing” he kissed your hand then forehead before whispering softly “you are the one”.
Kim Taehyung/V :
“TAKE THIS TAE!!!!” You punched him with the pillow, feathers all over the place. “ OH NO YOU DIDN’T!” he yelled as he returned the favor. Both was giggling at all the fun you two had, earlier today you had been watching anime, eating snacks and just run around your apartment like a couple of idiots but he was your idiot and you couldn’t be more happy to have him by your side. You cherished these moments when it was you two having fun and just enjoying being with each other.
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He hit you one more time causing you to fall backwards and him on top of you, he stared you deeply into your eyes carefully leaning closer and closer to your lips, his eyes closed and his tongue started gentle dancing with yours like a gentle valse with small twist and turns. His left hand gently caressing your cheek as you felt that there was only you two left on earth, like you were in heaven. You put your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, you had never done this before but you didn’t want this new excited feeling go away.
He broke the kiss and smiled at you, you looked shyly away from him. “y/n” he said softly, you looked at him, his eyes sparkling and full with wonder and love, you smiled softly back at him before asking “what?”, he chuckled “you´re cute when you blush y/n, the way your cheeks go all red and when you look away from me. I really love you” you smiled, his lips met yours once again and you could feel your heart beat faster when the dance started once again.
Jeon Jeong Guk/Jungkook:
You felt the warm sunlight on your skin coming through the drapes. His arms was tight around you as your head was resting on his chest, this way you could hear his heartbeat when he slept. It made you calm knowing he was there to hold you, you giggled at the thought of you being in his arms, you have always been so shy but this was perfect. “Just me and him…alone all day” you started to giggle at your own though, he woke up noticing your giggles “you alright?” he asked “everything is just fine” you smiled.
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You sat up stretching your arms “ready to start a new day?” you asked, Jungkook sat up too “well..” you looked at him “well?” before you knew it he laid you back so he could be on top, his eyes starring into yours his lips so perfect, his skin so smooth and soft. His were locked at your lips, what else could he do but kiss those soft wonderful lips but, this was no ordinary kiss. His kiss was so deep and meaningful, he didn’t need words to explain what he felt for you and how much he loved you.
You both smiled and before you knew your cheeks turned red. You closed your eyes in embarrassment and covered your eyes with your hands. He smiled and gently removed your hands so he could see those beautiful eyes. He chuckled at your reaction “I make your heart flutter don’t I?” he asked with a sweet smile across his face, you caressed his cheek “always” you said before he once more kissed you, this time it would last all day.
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