#reconnect to people again. that people who love you will want you and accept you even when you fail.
tired-fandom-ndn · 2 days
I love obsessed oisin but I can't help but imagine quieter but equally obsessed adaine, pouring over ancient and probably cursed books looking for forbidden rituals to make oisin a full dragon or forcing him to adventure until he's a high enough level to get true polymorph to be a full dragon so that he can live as long as possible with her. seeing her grandma kissing the skull of the dragon she loved the most and imagining she won't even get a tenth of the time they had together before she's doing the same with oisin, unless she takes matters into her own hands
Anon, I ADORE this.
I love obsessive and creepy Oisin with Adaine being into it, but Adaine also being obsessive and creepy in her own way? Perfect, amazing, they're a match made in hell.
She's so much subtler about it than Oisin is, but she grew up with the awareness that nothing in the world belonged to her and then, later, that she would outlive the people she loved so she clings to everything she has with the desperation of someone who knows how easily it can all be taken away. I think, in this scenario, Adaine would've already been looking into how to extend lifespans, part of her desperately hoping that she cold crack that kind of magic and convince her friends to stay by her side.
Reconnecting with Aelwyn lessened that desperation a bit, with the assurance that she won't be completely alone as the centuries pass, but she would stil absolutely jump at the chance if any of her friends showed even the slightest bit on interest in that. With Oisin though. . . . . .
Adaine knows he's the one, the person she wants to be with forever. She spent much of her childhood listening to her grandmother wax poetry about her late wife and Adaine feels echoes of the things her grandma talked about in her relationship with Oisin, that sort of intense and burning love that makes everything else fall away. In her visions of her future, he's the one with her, the father of her children, her soulmate. And she also sees him grow old, scales getting rougher and duller while she stays young, and she knows that they'll only have a few decades together before she's alone again.
Decades. 50, maybe 60 years at the most. Adaine thinks about the thousands of years she has ahead of her and the idea of him being just a brief moment in her life is. . . devastating.
Instead of just accepting that that's her lot in life, Adaine does what she does best and starts researching. She looks into every possible way of expanding lifespans that she can think of, chasing even the tiniest lead, unearthing ancient manuscripts to pore over and looking into both "acceptable" magics and the most taboo spells possible. Deals with demons, blood sacrifices, whatever, there's no line she won't cross if it keeps Oisin by her side.
Most of her leads ended up being dead ends or methods that had to be taken off the table for one reason or another, either because they wouldn't work like she needed or because the risks were too high (like a lich ritual). Something like him changing into a true dragon would definitely be an option, but I think Adaine would only consider it if there was a way for him to be able to switch forms. She loves Oisin, loves the way she fits in his arms and loves being able hold his hand and even loves his dorky glasses. She doesn't want to completely change him.
For this AU though, since you brought up Grandma Abernant, I think she'd have her whole family's thousands of years of research into this exact topic at her disposal, her grandma more than happy to help Adaine's quest and getting the best magic users in their family on board. The fact that many of them have mortal loved ones means that pretty much everyone is eager to help.
Adaine would do her best to hide all this from Oisin, because she (ironically) doesn't want to freak him out or scare him away. Joke's on her though, once he finds out (by finding her notes in her tower or seeing correspondence from one of the other wizards she's working with or even when she breaks down after a particularly rough night and tells him everything), Oisin is fucking THRILLED and puts 110% behind helping her. He'd always known that their time together was limited by his own lifespan and though he always wants her to be happy, the idea of leaving her widowed and then her finding love with someone else is enough to make him spit lightning and rage worse than when he had the shatter-star; knowing that she wants him just as much as he wants her is a weight off his shoulders. Even becoming a full dragon is on the table as far as he's concerned, though obviously he'd prefer something a bit less. . . incompatible with Adaine's own body.
With the two of them, and their many contacts and their families' wealth and hoards of knowledge, they'll figure it out eventually :)
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mejomonster · 11 months
On a serious note, I do feel mysterious case lotusbook has a lot of sincere themes about getting older, realities of responsibility and dreams realized, how it's difficult to succeed and not always the direct path one expects, how there's value in little aspects of life. Almost every li lianhua scene seems to be about that to some degree. The murder cases aren't particularly deep as far as super complicated to figure out or Able to be predicted super well (since they don't always give all the details in the initial setup), but the themes about who was killed and why do connect to li lianhuas situation.
#mysterious lotus casebook#lb#by all this i mean: a lot of the positive things li lianhua AND di feisheng say are fairly good advice tbh#like a fei? hes like you need to be fair in your decisions for your actions to be worthwhile and earned#li lianhua: sometimes being the one taking all responsibility was bad for you and the people you led who felt burdened#by You taking the burden. and stepping back can be a respectable choice.#cooking is more difficult than fighting. keeping yourself alive is Hard and its the hardest thing we do#and its admirable even when youll never be a hero never be able to achieve what those around you might#your peers are worthwhile if they choose diffetently than you (qian wanmian isnt lesser for not choosing to lead a sect and instrad#dissolving it. di feisheng doesnt think li lianhua is no longef worth his time even though hes weaker now. li lianhua is still someonr he#wants to see alive see brlieve in himself see passionate about things. the monks think its never too late to#reconnect to people again. that people who love you will want you and accept you even when you fail.#even fang duobing by knowing li lianhua gets the experience of someone who wants him alive#and fondly smiles and Is proud of him. evrn if hes learning and fails and moody#fond of him in a way his family wasnt that strangers lied about due to his status#in a way that he clung to li xianyi for ALSO seeing value in him when he felt he didnt live up to expectstions of the world#its the Kindness of little moments of acceptance. of being kind to yourself and kind to others (even down to#not wantjng to kill suspects but take them to trial. not wanting scapegoats blamed. which arent usually done in wuxia)#its the fact this show is quite about gentleness and healing (i see the Love and Redemption screen writing ismilarities)#rather than about power struggles. do you know what i mean?
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frantic-fiction · 5 months
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(Pic: lovelybluebirdie) I cropped it a bit
Astarion x gn!reader, Astarion x reincarnated!Tav
Summary: A few months after reconnecting to your past life as Tav, a party is set to meet the rest of the group. You're nervous, worried about not living up to who you once were. Will you be enough?
This is a little part 2 of I'll Find My Way Back to You
Notes/ Warning: Pretty much just fluff. Reader is insecure. Astarion is a supportive partner. I kept all 6 origin characters alive because it's my story and I don't want to imagine any of them dead. Also, Halsin's here cause druids live to be like a thousand or whatever.
Word Count: 2.1k
You're not panicking. Why would you be? It's not like you're meeting a group of people you've only met in dreams—a group of strangers you've painted for the better part of your existence- a family forged through hardship from a past life you're still trying to remember fully.
No, you're not panicking. You're not scared that the people who are so excited to see you will not like what they see. You're not terrified the family Astarion has helped you remember will look at you disappointed once they realize you are no longer the Tav they once knew. You're not worried at all. Not. One. Bit.
You spent the afternoon cleaning the house from top to bottom. It was sparkling, and your fingers ached from the hours of scrubbing you filled in the restless day with. No surface was left untouched. Bookshelves were dusted, baseboards were spotless, and even the top of the cupboards, where no one would ever see, were wiped down. The floors were swept and mopped three times now, but you keep finding spots you missed. Astarion even physically stopped you from scaling the roof to clean the chimney when you ran out of things to occupy yourself with.
There's a roast in the oven, potatoes, and veggies cooking alongside it, and a pie cooling on the counter. You wanted to cook more, but you were worried that not everyone would like blueberries or that someone had turned to a plant-based diet. Astarion quickly reminded you that they used to eat food out of dusty barrels and mildewed chests.
Currently, you stand in front of your floor-length mirror. Astarion is out on a quick hunt before the party arrives, leaving you to obsess over your thoughts of inadequacy. The majority of your closet littered the floor. You're scrutinizing a simple tunic and legging combo. Was it too simple? Should you wear something more eye-catching?
You're trying to remember what Tav would have worn. All you can recall is blood-stained armor and simple camp clothes. But this occasion garners something more. Fuck. Stripping off the current outfit, you replace it with an almost identical one and look at yourself in the mirror again. You weren't sure what you expected, maybe to magically love this pair of pants and old tunic. But in reality, you were just as frustrated and worried.
The clothes weren't the problem, you knew that, but it was easier to be pissed at a blouse than to accept that you were scared. You were frightened to face Astarion and Tav's friends. You have Tav's memories and feel an odd kinship with these people. But you weren't Tav, and you would never be them, at least not entirely.
You felt like an imposter to try and convince anyone otherwise. Tears of frustration and disappointment in yourself began to trail down your cheeks. How could a silly artist hold a candle to the kind and heroic savior of Baldur's Gate? You glared at yourself, wishing things could have been different.
You jump when you feel cold arms wrap around your torso and a warm kiss at the nape of your neck. Astarion loved to use his lack of reflection to sneak up on you. You, on the other hand, hated it. Still, you found yourself leaning back into his firm chest.
"Hello, my love,"
You try to stop the pathetic sniffle, but it's useless. Astarion turns you in his arms and cups your jaw. "Darling," is all he says because he knows. Of course, he knows.
That simple pet name causes the floodgates to open, and you crumple into Astarion's chest, nuzzling his neck. He tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body. Astarion lets you cry, knowing how nervous you've been for this meetup.
He rubs soft circles on the small of your back and peppers kisses to the crown of your head. "You can talk to me,"
"W-what if they don't li-like me?"
Astarion moves you both to the bed, skirting around the mess you made. He sits down and pulls you onto his lap to look you in the eyes better. "Why wouldn't they love you?" He prompts, not wanting to push you.
"Star, you know why. I'm not Tav," you hiccup, and you're positive the words you're speaking are incoherent. "I have their memories and some of their mannerisms and…and I'm also allergic to bees, but I'm not them. What if they hate me because I'm not Tav."
Astarion pecks your lips to halt your panicked words. He wipes the tears from your damp face. "No, you are not Tav, but they are part of you. They live in your art, laugh, and kind heart."
"But wha-"
"Let me finish, my love," Astarion smiles, brushing some hair behind your ear. "No one expects you to be Tav. We all love them deeply, but Tav's gone." He swallows hard, the words still hard to voice for him.
Astarion kisses your forehead, then your cheek, and continues to pepper kisses over your face, catching stray tears. "They just want to get to know the beautiful artist I fell in love with. Gale's big mouth might have let them know more about our history than I would have liked, but that doesn't change anything."
"And if they don't like the person you fell in love with?" You ask softly.
"Then fuck all of them. I love you, and if they don't love you as well, then they have no place in my life." His eyes pierce deep into yours, and there's no denying the truth of his words. You are overcome with a wave of love for your vampire and kiss him softly once more. "Now come, my love, by the smell, your roast is done."
"Shit!" You jump off his lap and rush out of the room, self-doubt pushed to the side.
The roast is fine if slightly burnt on the top. It looked juicy and smelled amazing. The vegetables are mush, but the potatoes are tender and seasoned well. It's not your best meal, but there's nothing you can do to fix it now. You left it on the counter to rest and found Astarion in the living room.
He was rehanging one of your paintings- the one you drew late last year after waking up in a cold sweat. It was a complete picture of the party standing on a dock overlooking the Grey Harbor just as the sun rose above the horizon. Astarion helps you fill in the gaps, telling you that this followed the fall of the Absolute.
"What are you doing?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning against the wall. You had hidden away most of your art, too embarrassed by the sheer number of canvases depicting the guest due here any minute.
Astarion finishes hanging the painting above the fireplace and turns to you. "I liked this one and thought I'd put it back."
Before you could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Your stomach instantly dropped, and your heart beat hard in your chest. As if sensing your rising anxiety, Astarion moved to your side, his large palm finding the small of your back.
He swiftly kisses your cheek. "One word and I'll throw them all out."
Astarion leaves you and walks to answer the door. Your palms are sweating, and you rub them down your thighs. You take a few deep breaths and pace the room. Not knowing what else to do, you idly fluff up the decorative pillows of the couch and stall.
"Pull yourself together." You mumbled under your breath. You hear the sounds of multiple footsteps, and you know they're all here.
Why did Astarion request for them to arrive all at once? You're still not sure. But you're suddenly very pissed at him for his decision. Having all of them looking upon you like an art exhibit terrifies you.
"My dear," Astarion pokes his head into the room, a warm smile adorning his sharp features. "Would you like to meet our guest?"
You swallowed hard and nodded. Putting on a brave smile, you rounded the couch and reached for Astarion's hand. Threading his fingers with yours, you curled around his arm like a lifeline.
Moving out into the foyer, you shyly look at the group before you. Gale, given the circumstances of your and Astarion's meeting, you had already met. He had relentlessly bothered Astarion until an introduction was made between you and the wizard. But you've only seen the others in the paintings you've made and the dreams you've seen.
Karlach bounced on her feet, Wyll smiling brightly behind her left shoulder. Haslin stood by the door, a beautifully sculpted wooden bear in his arms. Shadowheart stood beside him, her face passive but relaxed and almost pleased. Lae'zel was the farthest from the group, brooding in the corner, looking at you suspiciously. Still, she even loosened her tense shoulders and stepped forward upon your entry.
"Um, hi." You waved meekly, giving them your name, cringing when your voice cracked.
It's quiet for a moment too long, and you're a step away from fleeing when Karlach skips over to you.
"Can I hug you?!" She almost yells, shaking her fists excitedly.
"Karlach!" Astarion scolds. The Tiefling had, by the looks of it, broken a rule he had set for your comfort.
"Sorry, sorry." Karlach's smile fades, and she moves to retreat. Your heart clenches, and it's like your body moves on instinct. You detach from Astarion before you can think, and then your arms are around her waist. Her scalding heat seeps into your bones and listen to the cranks of her engine.
"Hi Karlach," you whispered into her torso. The wind squeezed from your body, and your feet were off the ground.
"It's nice to finally meet you! The letters fangs write didn't do you justice."
Quickly, the group connects like magnets. Wyll crowds in and hugs you from behind, pressing you closer to Karlach. Gale piles on after, then Halsin. Shadowheart nudges her way between the men and apologizes on behalf of everyone but gives you an equally tight squeeze. The group even wrangles Astarion and Lae'zel into this group hug.
These people are supposed to be strangers, but having them close, seeing this family you've watched through someone else's memories for most of your life right before you. It fills you with familiar warmth and affection and has tears of joy in your eyes. You might not be Tav, not entirely, but you still have a place in this little family.
"Um…excuse me, I can't breathe." You squeak out after a moment of suffocation, and the group is quick to disperse.
Wiping away the lingering dampness from your cheek, you take a moment to compose yourself, clearing your throat with a subtle grace. Your hand instinctively finds its way back, and Astarion swiftly recovers it, his touch reassuring. Soft circles dance on the back of your hand, a silent question lingering in his gaze, seeking affirmation that you're all right. You respond with a nod and a comforting squeeze of his hand.
"Ah, well…" you chuckle with a hint of self-awareness. "I have a roast with everyone's names on it. And a blueberry pie; Astarion found a wild patch on one of his hunts."
"Thank the gods, I'm famished," Wyll sighs, his appetite evident as he sniffs the air dreamily. A nudged Karlach sets the communal movement toward the dining room in motion.
Astarion emerges with the wine, gracefully pouring glasses of red for everyone. Gale, the sole visitor to your home beforehand, takes charge of the table settings. With a flick of his fingers and a whispered incantation, plates and silverware align harmoniously. The stage set, the food emerges, and the night takes flight.
It feels like a cinematic scene picking up where it had once paused, a seamless continuation. Laughter weaves through the air, stories unfold, and even the occasional argument dissolves into a chorus of joyous laughter. Though new and fresh, the conversation flows as naturally as breathing. Strangers evolve into friends, and amidst the clinking of glasses, a familial bond begins to sprout. Tav was indeed fortunate to have these beautiful souls around.
As the night bids farewell and everyone departs, you find solace curled up against Astarion. His voice, a gentle undercurrent, softly reads from his newest book, and you gaze up, fixated on the beautiful man before you. A silent expression of gratitude graces your lips, an unspoken acknowledgment directed at Tav. Thanks for giving you a family and the love of your life.
Astarion's fingers scratch your scalp, tenderly coaxing your eyes closed. "What are you thinking about, little love?"
"Just how lucky I am."
"I would argue I'm the lucky one, but I suppose we can share," he smiles; he continues to read to you and massage your scalp until you're puddy against his body, sleep having all but consumed you. The night settles into a tranquil symphony, the warmth of shared love lingering in the serenity.
Okay I know it was a bit cheesy, but I needed so fluffy shit today. Anyway, tell me what you thought I love talking with y'all.
Taglist: heartfully10, ayselluna, marina-and-the-memes
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uncpanda · 10 months
Something More
Prompt: Something More by Sugarland 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy 
Requested by: ANON 
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You’re in the front yard, planting daffodils when the car pulls up. It takes you a few minutes to get to your feet, your pregnant belly makes movement more difficult these days. You glance over at the porch where Jack is playing cars with James. Despite being twelve years older than his younger brother, Jack never complains about spending time with his baby brother. In fact, he loves being a big brother. It’s why you’re pregnant again. Jack is in desperate want of another sibling, and Aaron had been in desperate want of a third kid. 
You let out a breath once you’re upright. You turn to face the people coming up your walkway, and then you hear Jack yell, “UNCLE DAVE!” 
You pause at that, and everything clicks together as you watch a group of people exit the car. These people are your husband’s former team. You watch as Jack’s head swivels between his two year old brother and the people who had been his honorary aunts and uncles. You toss your head towards them and head up the stairs of the porch. 
You hold out your hand for James, who happily takes it and lead him inside while Jack hugs everyone. You find Aaron on the couch surrounded by the papers he’s grading. “Aaron.” His head shoots up and he smiles at you. “You have visitors.” 
His brow furrows, before he gets off the couch he peers out the window and a very serious look comes over his face. You’ve never seen him look that serious. You place a hand on his arm, and some of the tension eases from his body. 
James tugs on his pants leg, and he swoops down and picks him up. He settles a giggly James on his shoulders before ducking out the front door. You watch from the doorway. You had met Aaron nearly four years ago. Of course, back then you had known him as James. He’d been your next-door neighbor; a handsome and kind single dad. He’d been older than you, but you’d been infatuated.
It had taken a few months for him to warm up to you. A month after that he’d accepted your invitation to dinner. There were things that didn’t make sense about his life, but you had a feeling he was being as honest as he could. It was only when you’d found yourself accidentally pregnant that he had sat down and told you the truth of everything. You’d been surprised when you didn’t feel any anger. You understood the lies and you also knew that there was no way in hell your were giving him or Jack up. And with his cover blown and the two of you tied together, you decided to get married and be enveloped into the witness protection life. 
Scratch had been found and captured in your sixth month. You’d been living in a small town in Florida. Aaron hated Florida. And when he got the call there had been a moment of elation, and plans were made to move back to DC and for Aaron to go back to work. And then they stopped. While Aaron still wanted to be back in or near DC he told you he wasn’t going back to the FBI. He was going to take early retirement. When you had asked him why, he simply shrugged and said, “I want something more.” 
Your growing little family had moved back to DC  and Aaron had gone back into law practice and started teaching at GW. He’d told you a lot about his team, and he’d surprised you when he hadn’t reconnected with his team outside of the job. 
You’d asked him about it one night, and while he’d held you close he’d admitted, “I’m scared I’ll get sucked back in. I want to be here for you and Jack and this little one.” His hand had stroked your nine month pregnant belly. And now, here you were two years later and Aaron was finally being reunited with his family.
You watch Aaron and Jack from the window. James is leaning forward, but he isn’t trying to interact with anyone. He’s in the toddler stage where he hates strangers. Instead, he’s clinging to Aaron’s hair. You know for a fact that that isn’t comfortable, the kid has a grip like you wouldn’t believe. There’s a twinge in your back, and you rub at it while Jack gestures towards the house. You take that as your que to head on out. 
It’s a bit of a waddle, and Jack is quick to run back and help you down the stairs; your sweet boy. And as you’re enveloped into hugs and greetings you can’t help but wonder how Aaron has stayed away from these people for so long. 
Aaron watches you interact with the team. He expects some sort of longing to take over; a desire for the old days. He admits he sometimes misses the weight of his gun on his hip or the feeling of his credentials in his suit pocket. But the overwhelming NEED to be out there chasing the bad guys is gone. 
His time in witness protection had allowed him to realize he wanted something more out of life. He didn’t want just a job, he wanted a family. He wanted to be there for Jack, and he had treasured those first few months just the two of them, but Jack had been growing up, and then he’d met you. You’d been an unexpected curve ball life had thrown at him, and he was so grateful. You’d provided him with love and understanding and someone to lean on. You were his sun, and his children were his moon and stars. 
And as James pulls on his hair, and Jack and Henry run off to go look at his comic books, and you connect with the team while rubbing your baby bump, he knows that he can be part of this family again, and he can do it without being sucked in. Because he has something more than the job now. 
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fulcrum-art-fox · 4 months
I feel like Mizu and Ringo’s dynamic across the show really personifies the way that Mizu really craves connection but her revenge quest has left her absolutely no room for it “I’m on the path of revenge and there’s no room on it for love or friendship or weakness” and all. Like at the start she is actively trying really hard to distance herself from others, but she’s human, and little as she may like it bc of how she’s been hurt in the past, people need other people. And while Ringo demonstrates practically why she needs the support of friends and community in the way he patches her up and makes her food and helps her out again and again, more than that, he becomes her friend, a companion. And like it or not, she needs that. And that’s exactly how she reconnects to him in episode seven, by telling him “there are some things I cannot do alone”, by asking for his help, help that she did truly value, even if she didn’t want it when they first met, and did everything she could to get rid of him, they’ve grown close and she’s glad for his friendship. She wants to be his friend again. Just, the way the development of their dynamic is partly about her acceptance of her need for others in her life, which is leant into in episode six with the way that when she reaches her epiphany at the end, and says “Okay. I’ll teach you” her action is letting go of killing Fowler (for now) and saving Taigen. Because when she embraces her friendship with Ringo, she accepts her need for him too. And they go further with this in episode seven, when she includes the items of people who’ve touched her life, such as Ringo’s bell, but also items tied to Taigen, Akemi, and the man who raised her, her own Swordfather. And while it’s frightening, to connect to people like this again after being so badly hurt, it’s what she needs, to be whole again. Her friendship with Ringo teaches her that
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netherfeildren · 1 year
Updates Blog : Follow and turn on notifications for new writing! All works are 18+
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Fear of God : Joel Miller x OFC
Summary : What was monstrousness? What was it, but a certainty that there existed within you multitudes of desires, needs, guilts, impulses – humanity? At the end of the world, when the dust has finally settled, Joel grapples with what it is to take hold of your own monstrosity – your own humanity – and live with it. And what it is to bear that truth in the palm of your hand held towards the person you love, offer it to them, and have it be accepted for what it was. Courage, above all else, it is courage that is necessary to go on.
Big bad Joel Miller falls in love and doesn't know how to deal with it.
Someone's Wife in the Boat of Someone's Husband : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: What do you do when you meet a woman, have a child, get married, and then find the love of your life?
A Joel infidelity AU
The Cassandra Complex : Ongoing : Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Enter: A man who is not so much a man, but an effigy, a wound of steel and armor and Creed – secrecy and masked faces, above all else.
Enter: A girl who is not a girl, but a creature helmed in darkness and spit out unto the galaxy broken and unmoored.
Enter: the creation of myth.
the mandalorian / dark sider au
Fable of the Dog : Ongoing : Joel Miller x FMC
Summary: The sky is a glass mirror of blackened silver streaks, and you’re almost positive that all the stars in the Milky Way are visible from right here at this very spot in the heart of Wyoming. The sight makes your broken heart feel full and falsely mended.
And then there is Joel Miller, too.
the cowboy/heiress AU
Pink : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: The story of a son who won’t love you, and his father, who will.
the father-in-law AU
Honey, Stomach, Mine : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Existence is a needful thing. Choice is fickle, nature inescapable. Run to the end of the world, Joel, all those things will still find you. 
She'll still come for you. 
the A/B/O outbreak AU 
One Shots :
bétteln : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary : You really want Joel to give you a baby. You don’t really care what he has to say about it.
biéten : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary : Now that you have his baby in you, you’re Joel’s most special girl. 
Kiss, Kiss, Kill, Kill! : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Joel is a long haul truck driver. One day he finds a pretty girl in a diner and decides he’d like to keep her. 
Murder and sex ensue!
Greener Memories of Better Men : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Best Story of the Day! South Austin elementary school started a “Breakfast With Dads” program but many dads couldn’t make it and several students didn’t have father figures. The school posted fliers at the local YMCA’s for 50 volunteer fathers… 600 different people from all backgrounds showed up…
Joel Miller is one of them.
Sarah’s gone and Joel wants to feel close to her again. He reconnects with someone he used to know along the way.
I urge you: Bite me : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Sometimes love hurts like a split nail, and sometimes we like it like that.
Sometimes Joel hurts like a split nail, you like him like that too. 
With Mercy for the Disturbed : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: He's a father and then he isn't, and then he's in the perfect place with the perfect girl, and he's done so many bad things that terrify the both of them. And then, finally, he's saved and there are dancing bears and doors newly opened, and everyone's a little mad at the end of it all.
the Hannibal/Alice in Wonderland AU wherein Joel loses his mind
Evermore : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: The Thanksgiving AU
Meet Me in the New Year : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: The New Year’s Eve AU
10:05 PM : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Joel is exhausted, you’re there to make him feel better.
How to Endure Ardor : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Joel teaches you how to love him.
Notes On a Virtuous Affair : Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: One would think this road ends in something virtuous—a greenness so dazzling it hurt the eyes—and not the sort of man waiting in his far out removed solitude.
At the Restaurant : Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: It’s three days til Christmas, and you’ve never known want like this, and his eyes are glossy with emotion and everything he won’t ever let himself tell you or anyone else, and you so badly want to tell him that it’s only that it’s hard to be casual when your favorite bra lives in his dresser, and also that you’re in love with him.
the Christmas situationship AU
Forfeiting My Mystique : Ezra x F!Reader
Summary: You're a girl made of golden gossamer, a work of art come to life, and Ezra, well, he's dedicated his life to collecting beautiful things.
An Ezra Art Collector AU
Austerlitz : Simon (Ghost) Riley x F!Reader
Summary: The day he left for his hideous war, the dream changed. The house was still there, but now neither of us lived in it anymore. And when he finally came back, if that’s what you could even call it, he was nothing but a Ghost. 
Ghost goes away, comes back in a maybe dream.
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moviecritc · 12 days
dreamer ⋆ carlos sainz
track 1 of my bewitched department
pairing: carlos sainz x old friend!reader
summary: you leave the city searching a meaning to your life, founding an old friends instead
word count: 2K
warnings: carlos isn't a driver, just a really rich guy with hobbies
a/n: here's the first track of my bewitched department <33 i love reader and carlos so so much tbh
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"I'm sick of all this, Natalie," Y/N declared, throwing her phone on the sofa. Her roommate diverted her gaze from the TV to her. "It's the fourth guy that ghosted me after I ask him out."
"Become a lesbian," said Natalie, turning her attention back to the movie.
Y/N let out a sigh. "I should. I'm tired of all men being assholes and manipulators."
She grimaced, thinking that maybe the problem wasn't men but her. She had studied Art History and had been the best in her class. Now, at 28, she was sharing an apartment and teaching preteens who called her 'ma'am.' Was she wasting her life?
"I need a change," she said to herself.
"The smell goes away with a shower, don't worry." Natalie looked at her, wrinkling her nose.
"No, damn it. A change in my routine," she explained. Nevertheless, she took a sniff at her armpit, regretting it. She'd shower later. "I need to get out of here."
She stood up, grabbed her phone, and headed to her room.
"Hey? And where are you going, if I may ask?" said Natalie, following her.
"Anywhere!" Y/N shrugged. She drank a glass of water and took out a couple of pieces of clothing. "I need to change the scenery as soon as possible, I'm stuck."
She pulled a small suitcase from her closet while her roommate rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, you can't just leave suddenly. Don't you have classes tomorrow?"
Y/N paused for a moment and then shrugged again. "I'll ask for the day off. The week, actually."
"The week!" exclaimed Natalie. Y/N was already looking at flights on her phone when Natalie covered her screen. "Y/N, you don't have the financial or mental stability for this!"
Y/N swatted Natalie's hand away to see her phone screen.
"Madrid is very cheap this time of year," she said, with a small smile.
"But you don't even speak Spanish!"
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Y/N boarded a plane to Madrid with the idea of not talking to any men that week. This trip was for her, to reconnect with herself, the Y/N she had lost over the years.
She still didn't have a place to stay, but she would resolve that on the go. The journey from the airport to central Madrid was tedious; she didn't know how the metro worked and people ignored her like she was nothing. Frustrated, she sat in a café. She looked up things to do in Madrid on her phone, but soon the battery died, and she was sure she had forgotten her charger at the apartment.
She let out a long sigh and ran her hands over her face. As she opened her eyes, she heard a voice.
She looked up immediately, surprised that someone knew who she was in Madrid. When she met the gaze of the individual, she recognized him instantly.
She stood up immediately, greeting him. Was he a man? Yes but Carlos and she had gone to university together; they had been friends for several years. Probably best friends, though they never talked about it. He hadn't changed much; he looked older but in a positive way, with a more flattering haircut and surprisingly stronger.
"What are you doing here?" Carlos asked, leaning in for a short hug.
"On vacation," Y/N nodded. Running into him had instantly lifted her spirits.
"Damn, I haven't seen you in… six years?" Carlos tilted his head a bit.
"Since graduation, right?"
They both nodded; it had been quite a while. Long enough to realize they had lost contact too soon.
"I didn't expect to see you in Madrid," commented Carlos, with a smile.
"It was a last-minute decision," explained Y/N, wrinkling her nose a bit. She formed a smile. "I'm glad to see you, really. Do you want to sit for a bit?" she suggested, pointing to the empty chair.
"I'd love to," Carlos accepted the invitation immediately, sitting down.
A waiter approached, and Carlos ordered a coffee to accompany Y/N's.
"Well, tell me, what have you been up to all these years?" Carlos asked, crossing one leg.
Y/N told him a bit of everything, very sweetened. That she was teaching Geography and History at a public school, that her family was fine, and they reminisced about the time Carlos practically crashed her Christmas party because Carlos Sainz Senior was mad at him for his grades and that she was happy living in her city.
Carlos told her that he now worked at his father's company as an executive.
"Oh, I thought you’d be doing something related to what we studied," Y/N pressed her lips a bit, somewhat disappointed that Carlos hadn't continued doing what they both loved.
"I would have loved to… but there were very few job opportunities. And I didn't want to be a teacher, so I played it safe," admitted Carlos, shrugging a bit. For a moment, he thought Y/N would judge him for it, but her sweet and calm expression told him otherwise.
"Understandable not wanting to be a teacher," agreed Y/N, before sipping her coffee.
"Is it tough?" Carlos mimicked her, lifting his cup too.
Y/N shook her head a bit. "I'm sure there are worse things. But having a twelve-year-old try to cut your hair because his dad is bald is rather curious."
Carlos almost choked on his coffee from the sudden laughter. "Really?" He tried to stifle the laughter as best as he could, but Y/N was already glaring at him.
"No, no. It's not funny, it happens every damn day," she nodded vigorously. Carlos let out a laugh that ended up being contagious for Y/N too.
The conversation continued for the rest of the afternoon. It was like going back to university for a few hours, a time she missed a lot. When they decided to get up from the table, they had finished four coffees and at least one glass of wine. It was even starting to get cold outside.
"Shall I walk you to your hotel?" Carlos asked with a smirk.
Y/N grimaced, remembering she still hadn't sorted that out. She bit the inside of her cheek, embarrassed. "I haven't booked a hotel room yet."
"Oh," he pursed his lips and quickly said, "You can stay at my place, I have a spare room."
Y/N, hearing him speak, was already shaking her head. "No, no, no. I don't want to bother you."
Carlos clicked his tongue, looking away for a moment.
"How are you going to bother me? Come on, bring your suitcase. My car is parked nearby."
Y/N was intrigued by Carlos's initiative but kept shaking her head.
"Really, it's not necessary, Carlos," Y/N extended her arms a bit for Carlos to return her suitcase, but he even moved it away from her hands. "I'll manage."
She said that last part to ease him a bit, but it only sounded like she needed more help.
"Y/N, I'm not going to leave you out on the street," Carlos put his hands on his hips and she let out a sigh. "That's not very gentlemanly of me."
"You were never a gentleman, you idiot," noted Y/N. Carlos smiled, knowing that if Y/N started to insult you, she was about to agree with you. "Alright, but just for one night. Then I'll find a hotel."
"Whatever you say, cariño," Carlos smiled triumphantly, and Y/N tried to hide her smile while he put her suitcase in the trunk.
His apartment was huge, truly huge. A dream kitchen, a large living room, and definitely more than one spare room. As they entered, a beautiful brown and white dog greeted them, heading straight for Carlos's legs.
"And who is this?" said Y/N, petting his head a bit, enough for the animal to focus all its attention on her. He sniffed Y/N's shoes and licked the hems of her pants.
"His name is Piñón," said Carlos with a smile, surprised that Piñón hadn't started barking because of a stranger's presence. "I adopted him almost after we graduated."
Y/N crouched, petting Piñón's neck and behind his ears. "Hi, Piñón. You're so pretty."
"I'll show you the room," Carlos said.
Y/N got up, giving Piñon one last pet. "Thank you, really. I feel like an abandoned cat, but thank you."
They both chuckled softly.
"It's nothing," Carlos said as they went to the room.
Y/N left her suitcase in a corner and turned to Carlos. "Do you have a charger?"
She felt like she was taking advantage of him too much, even if it was just for a charger, she felt bad.
"Of course, here," Carlos handed her the charger, their hands touched for a millisecond. She tried so hard not to feel anything. He kept a flirty smile. "Are you hungry?"
"Well, yes," Y/N nodded. "But give me a few minutes and I'll help you cook."
Y/N took a couple of things out of her suitcase and went back to the kitchen to help Carlos. They quickly cooked some pasta with burrata. Y/N noticed how Carlos would get close to her or brush his hands against hers casually.
While cutting some tomatoes, the knife slipped from Carlos’s hand. "Shit!" Carlos looked at the cut and put his finger in his mouth, letting out several whimpers.
"Did you cut yourself?" Y/N went over to him, Carlos took his finger out of his mouth, showing her a small cut. Y/N pursed her lips, remembering how dramatic he could be. "It's nothing, Carlos. It's barely bleeding."
Y/N cradled his hand, gently caressing his fingers almost unconsciously. The room went silent, Carlos looked into her eyes, he adored that look. Y/N lifted her eyes, connecting them with Carlos’s. He leaned toward her, listening to her breathing and matching his to it.
"Can I kiss you?"
The question hung in the air. Y/N held her breath. This was the opposite of what she wanted. She blinked and slightly opened her mouth. To Carlos, it felt like an eternity.
"I'm sorry," Y/N said in a faint voice. She looked at him with pity and Carlos stepped back, feeling more embarrassed than ever. "It's just… it's not the right time. I'm in a bit of a strange phase and things aren't going well for me, I don't want to mess things up for you." Y/N fidgeted with her rings as she said it.
"I understand," Carlos said, nodding slowly. "I shouldn't have asked you that, it was out of place."
"No, I should have told you before," she contradicted, with a grimace.
"Don't worry," he said. "It's just that…," Carlos hesitated a bit. "In college I had a huge crush on you and seeing you again brought everything back."
Y/N blinked, absorbing those words. She had always wondered why Carlos barely dated any girls during their time in college, it never crossed her mind it could be because of her.
"You had a crush on me?"
"You didn't know?"
"Damn, we spent so much time together,"
"Because we were friends! That's what friends do!"
They both laughed and Carlos leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.
"So, you're not having a good time?" he inquired, with a calm look.
Y/N lowered her gaze. "I'm trying to sort out my life."
"I understand," he bit the inside of his cheek. "Anyway, if once you sort out your life you feel like going on a date, I haven't changed my number."
That felt so good in Y/N's chest, as if her heart expanded a little. She laughed like a fool, taking a few steps back.
"I'm going to go to sleep,"
"You're not having dinner with me?" Carlos extended his arms, with a sad look.
"Maybe tomorrow," Y/N turned around and smiled over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.
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taglist; @theseerbetweenus
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crazilust · 1 year
questions i wanna ask the signs <3
these are just silly little questions. choose according to the placement/sign you relate to the most.
aries :
1. are you tired of getting misunderstood?
2. were you able to find your tribe or do you still feel out of touch with your present relationships?
3. did you get out of that toxic relationship? mentally, too?
do you feel like you’re dealing with your money in a good way? do you feel responsible with it? …. be honestl pls lmao
have you been isolating a lot these past few days?
did you reconnect with that one person that hurt you? or did you move on and burn the bridges?
1. do you have a crush on someone right now? do they feel different than your (multiple) past crushes? how so?
2. have you been dealing with your anxiety? your insomnia?
3. how’s your self esteem? getting better?
1. do you still feel lost in life? or you’re getting a little bit more guidance?
2. are you still in your villain era ? or you’ve come to peace with the fact that you making mistakes doesn’t make you the bad guy lol
3. how are you..? truly.
1. if you’d stop reminiscing about past failures, what would your heart tell you?
2. do you feel proud of yourself?
3. do you feel well surrounded? do you feel like the people around you care ? if yes, are you able to listen to their constructive criticism without getting immediately offended?
1. do you still feel like a failure despite your achievements?
2. how’s your friendships? after helping everyone, do some people care about you? or you’re being walked over all again?
3. how’s.. erhm.. love? yea, maybe let’s skip this one.
1. are you able to being truly yourself?
2. do you feel like you truly live up to your potential and ambition?
3. are you truly as good as you seem to be ? or is it a facade?
1. are your proud of your achievements? can you see how much you’ve achieved or are you stuck judging yourself for how intense you come off?
2. did you move on from your ex lolololol
3. have you done that one thing you truly wanted to do?
1. are you able to accept yourself for who you are or are you still stuck in that same loop of clowing around?
2. have you chosen on what to channel all of your energy instead of hopping around and never comitting to anything?
3. did you get try tapping into your creative side?
1. will you ever forgive your past self?
2. are you excited for the future?
3. do you miss the people you’ve went “no contact” on? or is it better for your mental health, maybe, to keep them apart?
1. do you still feel as lonely?
2. are you one step closer to achieving your goals and dreams?
3. have you decided on them, even?
1. have you move on from your ex…..?
2. have you been able to move on from your past, then?
3. how’s your hobbies going!!
If you have taken the time to answer to even just one of these, thank you so much.
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Raine is the embodiment of trying to fix the system from the inside, of the idea that is taught to us by people in power that the institutions that are designed to hurt us are neutral, and need only be wielded by the right people. If the finale of the show is trying to teach how you dont owe forgiveness and kindness to people who dont want to change, Raine's part of the story exemplifies how even the kindest, most forgiving person can be rendered helpless by these institutions if they try to fight from within them, how sometimes the very institutions we accept as given in our word dont deserve our forgiveness either, don't deserve our hope that they will change for the better, because they were always designed to hurt people.
Raine became head witch because they wanted to be a mentor, to help- this intention is never muddied or changed at any point in the series (this is very important- Raine is not corrupted by the power or position, it's not a matter of good people becoming bad with power, its a matter of good people being unable to do good within the system)
It's an isolating job- it appears to be them alone against the covens and belos. But the most effective change we seen them enact is not through their status as a coven head- something they are not comfortable or suited for as someone who "can't stand an audience"- its done through the CATTS, a group outside the coven system designed to persuade and help people against the throne. They get to wear a mask, get to perform in a way that makes them comfortable get to overcome their fear in a group setting. The CATTS organize in a very realistic way, and through them Raine meets Eda again, comes closer to the love and community they lost around the time when they joined the Bard coven.
But then, the plan changes- they go under cover. Pretend theyre working with the emperor until the last moment, use their status as a coven head to change the outcome of the day of unity. Whe they're doing that, they have to very publically denounce all of their beliefs, and behave as if the system that's trapping them is good. They aren't actually being controlled at this point, but the nature of the plan is such that they have to act like an arm of the emperor, going against everything they believe in. So, in a very real, non-magic way, they still are being controlled.
And the plan ends up being a disaster. All that work, all that deep cover planning, none of it stopped the day of unity from happening. Meanwhile, Raine's spent all this time- what was probably their last opportunity to reconnect with Eda and build back a damaged relationship before the world ended-compromising their beliefs and behaving as a propaganda machine for Belos. It appears, at the beginning of season 3, that Raine has given up everything- their autonomy, their friends, their love- for nothing. So, of course Belos picks them to possess- he's so used to Raine being a puppet in every other way. They have inadvertendly made themself a vessel for the will of the emperor through trying to stop him.
And now, they have another internal battle to fight- one over direct control over their own body (I don't think it's a coincidence that the biggest trans character in the show has this struggle, but thats for later.) What has been more of a symbolic or ideological control for all of the series becomes an inescapable physical control, one that they fight with every inch of their being to overcome. And they do overcome it- they push Belos out- but it doesn't stop him. Just like how it was being a coven head, being a tool for Emperor Belos didn't actually give Raine the power to stop him, it just put them in close enough proximity to him to be hurt more.
It's meaningful that they finally do get to take down Belos when he's without the system he build to prop himself up and put down others, literally ripped from the heart of the titan- nothing but a manipulative pile of goo. It's meaningful that they do it surrounded by friends and allies and lovers, and it's meaningful that they get to enjoy it, after all this time scratching at the surface and trying to change the coven system for the better, the thing that finally destroys it- destroys Belos is an alliance- a found family- curb stomping him into oblivion.
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ilovefredjones · 7 months
the frozen ii ending makes me soooooo angry like the whole POINT of frozen i was that elsa learned that she could rule arendelle with her powers and with anna by her side!!! literally in the bway musical she sings ‘i know i’ll never see that sunny day / when this trial is finally through / and it can just be me and you’ like. elsa WANTS to stay with anna
and they try and explain this somewhat in into the unknown, with the ‘who knows deep down i’m not where i’m meant to be’ but. WHY isn’t she where she’s meant to be. all of the first film was her learning that she belonged in arendelle and her powers/herself wasn’t something to be afraid of. why isn’t she meant to be with her family? with her sister who’s been desperate to reconnect with her? why doesn’t she belong where people readily love her and accept her and want the best for her?
and then, what about anna? there is no mention of her wanting/being ready to be queen in either two films. we don’t even see the offer on screen; we don’t get the sisters’ quiet, vulnerable conversation where elsa admits to wanting to live with the rest of the nature spirits and anna offers to take her place as queen. we don’t see anna begging elsa to stay in the forest because she can rule if elsa’s happier there. we never see their dialogue. it’s just so sudden. is anna once again just going along with what her sister wants? is elsa isolating herself all over again? we just don’t know. they both seem happy, but there’s barely any indication that it’ll lead up to that point.
it just makes no sense for either of their arcs, or their previous wants/needs. if they were meant to stay together, why separate them again? they just got each other back. and now they’re alone again.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 9 months
Hi! Thanks for running this amazing blog! Lately I've been feeling like reading Drarry fics that would have some nice Harry & Ginny friendship in them, but haven't really been able to find any. You got any recs? Thanks again!
I cannot abide fics in which Ginny is the bad guy! Even in fics where the break up between Harry and Ginny is difficult and complicated, I fully believe that they eventually make it back into friendship. Book Ginny is such a badass, and has nothing but love and support for her best bud, Harry Potter.
Harry and Ginny Friendship
another bridge will have to burn. by anonymous (1,673 words, rated T)
Harry certainly didn't expect to see Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson at a queer Muggle club. He didn't see any of this coming, really.
Elocution by Shaddyr (1,721 words, rated T)
End of the year bonfire night at Hogwarts. Firewhiskey is flowing freely, Ginny is nosy, Harry is rambling and Malfoy just wants to help...
Silver Linings by @kittycargo (2,480 words, rated T)
Harry and Ginny have a long overdue conversation.
Knowing Who I was Before by @janieohio (2,670 words, rated T)
Breaking up is hard, but for Harry and Ginny, staying together isn’t an option if they each want the other to be happy.
Ginny | Your Local Lesbian's Guide to Wooing Draco Malfoy by @skooffuskaild (3,931 words, rated T)
Your Local Lesbian's Guide to Wooing Draco Malfoy by Ginevra Weasley (author of critically acclaimed tome Taking the Broom Out of The Closet: A Memoir and Six Signs You're A Lesbian) is a helpful step-by-step introduction to the confusing and exciting world of courting Malfoy heirs!
Or, Harry and Ginny bond over being queer kids, and manage to successfully ask out Draco Malfoy.
As it was (you know it's not the same) by queercodedvillain (15,832 words, rated T)
Harry's navigating a life he thinks he doesn't deserve and honestly, didn't really think he'd have. For some reason that means a whole lot of Draco Malfoy.
Seeker's High by @corvuscrowned (40,178 words, rated M)
Harry Potter doesn’t expect to take up running years after the war ends; it just sort of happens.
He also doesn’t expect that — as he fights tooth and nail to climb out of a post-war depression he didn’t realize he’d fallen into — he’ll end up running right into the arms of Draco Malfoy.
A half angsty drama, half romcom of Harry working on himself, learning how to accept help from his friends, and falling in love with his childhood nemesis.
Blood and Fire by @lqtraintracks (44,888 words, rated E)
Harry has spent the last twelve years in Romania, not returning to England as often as he knows he should. It's complicated. But when Ginny asks him to be her best man and help her plan her wedding, he can't say no. Having a reckoning with his choices, with himself, won't be easy. To say nothing of seeing Draco again.
Nearly Lost Things, Carefully Tended by @norelationtoatticus (46,653 words, rated E)
Three years after the war, Harry is lost, drifting, and feeling left behind. In an effort to get control of his life, he commits to cleaning out Grimmauld Place top-to-bottom and forcing it to be a home, whether it likes it or not. The rotten old house is stuffed full of antiques, and Harry is shocked to discover none other than Draco Malfoy running the local antique shop. Malfoy is polite -- too polite, and Harry soon finds himself with a mission: to annoy and bother Malfoy with the most hideous, absurd antiques he can find. But along the way, Harry comes to appreciate Draco, his work, and the power of connecting to the people who came before him. It's a hard lesson, but Harry learns that if he wants to build a future, he has to reconnect to his past, and Draco might just be the one to help him do it.
A Gift of True Esteem by @teledild0nix (53,965 words, rated E)
Professor Draco Malfoy believes he has something unique to bring to Hogwarts' History of Magic course. Professor Harry Potter is willing to be convinced.
Had To Be You @lettersbyelise (59,020 words, rated E)
Draco Malfoy is possibly the last person Harry expects to find at the wheel of a Muggle car, on a beautiful summer day on the road to London.
This is the story of how Harry runs into Draco once, twice, three times, and how he doesn’t leave their next meeting to chance.
Such Great Heights by aideomai (93,302 words, rated E)
Draco Malfoy, wide-eyed and pale and in a decidedly ragged shirt, was crouched next to the pile of whatever the dragon had been eating.
Harry threw himself to a halt and yelled, “Merlin, how many times do I have to save your life?”
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Howdy! May I request Caine and Jax with a reader that comes back from abstraction but doesn’t remember anything about them or themselves? I think it would make for some good angst material. Have a good day/night!
Back from the 'Dead' (Caine and Jax x Mended!reader)
i dont know if the fandom has made a term for unabstracted people for fic stuff but i like the way mended sounds anyways YES MORE ANGST!! yipee! gonna probably be flip flopping between answering requests and finishing my art wips tonight so!! listened to this song while writing this, feelings were made jack stauber // just take my wallet
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You wake up on the floor, not knowing where you are. Everything before you opened your eyes is a quickly fading blur of darkness, far too fleeting for you to grasp and make sense of. Your body hurts, a dull ache seeping down into your core. As your sight clears, you can't make out where you are... you appear to be on a stage of sorts. You can't bring yourself to move, even after the pain becomes bearable. You feel so tired. Eventually, someone approaches you
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youre torn back to reality as a loud chattering voice fill your ears, talking almost a mile a minute. looking up you see a short man with a set of teeth for a head. he keeps repeating something that, after a few seconds of processing, sounds like its meant to be your name
hes also throwing in names of endearment, namely "My Dear"
you cut him off mid sentence after he fails to pause between his words, asking who he was and where you were
in an instant he stopped speaking, jaw hanging open and hand paused mid gesture
he doesnt ask if youre joking, i dont think caine would be in that kind of denial
on one hand, i can see him trying to jog your memory, but on the other hand i cant help but feel that he would accept it. maybe its because he doesnt want to stress you out more when youre already in a murky space, fearing that he would accidentally undo your sudden mending
its so weird for him, you were his first love and first partner; and now hes grieving your loss. except youre still here. you still have your mannerisms, but none of your memories. he truly doesnt know how to go forward
gone, blanked, erased, deleted even
he has to stop himself from calling you the nicknames he once called you
he still tries to foster a new relationship with you, but whether or not you would fall in love with him again is up to you
bonus angst, imagine you do fall in love. just not with him. like can you imagine how much that would hurt
the longing looks, the way he would attempt to reach out to you only to stop with his arm half-outstretched, the stumbling of words as he tries to stop himself from spilling how much he loved you
even if you ever abstract again, or you somehow leave the digital world, he would still go on to love you just the same. in fact, i dont think he would ever move on from the heartache
theres a visible change in demeanor in him, too, he seems a little more. fake?
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he sprints towards you, he doesnt care at all if someone hears his footsteps pounding the ground, just as long as hes there to make sure its really you. and sure enough, it is
similar to caine hes asking you how you managed to come back, not even noticing youre confused and uncomfortable face as he placed his gloved hands on your shoulder firmly and pulled you up
similar to caine as well, you have to cut him off in order to get him to stop talking, having to assert your voice firmly in order to get him to back off
you ask him who he is, where you are, and what he meant by 'coming back'
this man would be in denial i think
like deep down he knows theres something going on with you, but he doesnt want to acknowledge it
hes not really outright romantic with you, since he doesnt want to actually. screw his chance to reconnect with you up, you know. i mean he can kind of see it from your perspective, you just wake up and some guy is already trying to make out with you? yeah no, he would be put off too
i think jax would have more luck trying to rekindle something with you simply because unlike caine, he doesnt carry the same fear of you abstracting again
i think, as an added thing to think about it jax's feelings of hurt and grief coming to a head and he kind of. unintentionally snaps at you, telling you to stop messing around and drop the act
overall sad stuff
constantly trying to get your attention through being a nuisance, kind of like when you guys first met and he started catching feelings
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thetimetraveler24 · 2 months
I just need to know if I’m weird for feeling like it was so wrong for all the atla characters to get mad at Aang every time he learned about a part of his culture that was either destroyed or he couldn’t recreate?
Like, why did Aang have to find it in himself to be okay with what the Mechanist did to the Northern Air Temple? It’s a treasure trove of a lost culture and some guy just comes in and blows up a bunch of it? And replaces it with machines? And that’s not even taking into account that the same guy is actively helping the Fire Nation and building stuff for them to use while being all safe and happy in a place where the Fire Nation murdered who knows how many Air Nomads! I understand his situation and needing to do what he did to protect Teo, but in my opinion, Aang should not have had to be okay with all the changes and desecration of a place holy and sacred to his people.
And I love Toph. But I really wanted to slap her in the comics when she was shitting on Aang wanting to celebrate Yang Chen’s day. Questioning why we do things is healthy and you should do it. But you don’t need to be an asshole about it. Aang didn’t know anything about the history of the holiday because he was twelve and the monks and him assumed there would be more time later. Well, there wasn’t. I don’t see why it’s such a crime for Aang to want to try to reconnect to his culture because that is literally all he can do to be close to his past. It’s just him. And, as we learn, there was actually a very good reason for the airbenders to celebrate the day and do the specific rituals. And because Aang couldn’t do that, bad stuff happened! But then, once again! The burden falls on Aang to just accept the change by the end of the story.
I dunno. It just never sat right with me and I’ve just been holding that in for a minute and I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on this.
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feyhunter78 · 9 months
Pink Pastels Pt 31
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Description: Miguel and Gabi have a little discussion, Miguel gathers info on your mother.
Pt 32 here!!!
"Papá?” Gabi’s voice is soft, hesitant, her face illuminated by the warm glow of the nightlight in the hall.
Miguel looks up from his computer, shoulders heavy, eyes burning from the harsh blue light of the three strategically placed screens.
Gabi is lingering in the doorway, hand on the doorknob, Oso under her other arm.
“Yes, mija?” He pushes back from his desk, chair wheels rolling smoothly over the rug as he turns his body towards her, his free hand minimizing his open tabs.
She shuffles in, mindful of staying away from any computer equipment, until she curls up in his lap, resting her head on his chest. “Why was Abuela being mean to Mamá?”
Miguel wraps his arms around her, silently cursing himself for not thinking about how she might’ve inherited his enhanced senses. “What do you mean?”
“She wouldn’t let Mamá go shopping with us, and then she said she was going to plan my quince, but I want you and Mamá to do that.” Gabi says, dropping her chin atop Oso’s fuzzy head.
“Your abuela is just having a hard time accepting Ms. y/n over your mother.” He says carefully.
Miguel says nothing for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he speaks. “Because she loved your mother very much, and she doesn’t like the idea of losing people.”
“Like Tio Gabriel?” Gabi asks quietly.
A wave of grief washes over him. He misses his brother desperately, even when they were at odds with each other they were still brothers. This universe his brother died long before Gabi was born, and his mother could never quite get over it. She clung to anyone new who came into his life, attempting to force them to fill the hole Gabriel left behind. Ava seemed to fit the mold for his mother, well enough that she was willing to put him and his family in peril for the chance to reconnect with her.
He was aware his mother loved his brother more; Gabriel was a shining, golden thing. The example of the perfect son, the one who didn’t come from an affair, who looked enough like the man Miguel called father for most of his life that no one questioned him. Miguel didn’t hate his brother, he never could, but he resented him for leaving him alone with their mother, for caving time and time again in every universe. He loved him deeply, protected him, counseled him, cried with him, cried for him at his funeral, he carried a part of Gabriel with him everywhere he went. They were of the same blood, he would never truly lose that part of his brother, and that was enough for him.
“Yes, like Tio Gabriel.” His voice falters for a moment, and he clears his throat. “But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for her to be mean to your mamá.”
“Is Mamá okay? I thought I heard her yelling while Uncle Brett was taking me back to the sheep.”
Miguel chuckles. “Your mamá was just very passionately defending us, that’s all. She’s okay.”
She nods and snuggles closer to him. “I don’t want to go shopping with Abuela if Mamá can’t come.”
“You don’t have to go shopping with your abuela for any reason if you don’t want to.” He reassures her.
“Okay…” Gabi says, stroking Oso’s ears.
“Is there something else bothering you?”
Gabi sticks out her bottom lip in a puppy dog pout. “I wish Nanna Nancy was my only grandma. She really likes Mamá. Why can’t Nana Nancy, Auntie Mon and Uncle Brett be our only family? Everyone else is mean.”
If Monica were here, she’d been over the moon at Gabi’s words.
He chuckles. “The only other family that’s here is your abuela.”
“And mom.”
“You don’t have to worry about her, she’s not going to bother us anymore.”
“Okay good.” Gabi huffs. “Now, if Abuela would stop being mean, everything would be perfect.”
He loves how simple some solutions seem to her, how if just one person would change, everything would fall into place. He wishes that were true.
“If only she would stop being so mean.” He echoes.
They stay up for a while longer talking, until sleep finally overtakes her, and he carries her back to her bed, gently tucking her in before slipping back into his office and locking the door behind him.
“Lyla?” He calls out, bringing all his tabs back up.
She flits into existence, heart-shaped sunglasses pushed up on her head. “It’s like two AM, why are you even awake? Don’t you have a fiancée to join in bed?” She teases, stretching her arms above her head with a yawn.
“She’s asleep. Now find me everything you can on Tiffany Robins.”
“Thinking about your next victim?” Lyla drawls, scrolling through her superhighway of information.
“Thinking about ensuring my fiancée is happy.” He replies, skimming the information as she flicks it onto his computers.
“Okay Ms. Tiffany Robins, lives in Nueva York, divorced, two children, y/n, and Leon, never been remarried, a lot of custody issues, a restraining order requested by Mrs. Rosaline Y/L/N, high level official at Serenity and Wellness, a company that sells wellness products, and self-help programs. It’s pretty successful, but they definitely don’t believe what they’re selling.”
“Can you get me her phone records?”
She gives him a pointed look.
“Already done.” She says, a Cheshire Cat grin tugging at her lips.
Tiffany: Y/N let’s get together soon; I want to make up for all the pain I’ve caused you.
Y/N: You said that last time.
Tiffany: Don’t be so stubborn, I’ve been seeing someone, and it’s really been helping.
Y/N: I don’t know, I’m really busy with work.
Tiffany: You can’t make time for your mother? I gave you life, and this is the thanks I get?
Y/N: Ok, ok, I’ll think about it.
Tiffany: I’ll be on your side of town in a few weeks, I’ll let you know when I’m there, we can meet then.
Y/N: I said I’d think about it.
Tiffany: I’ll make sure it’s not during school hours don’t worry, now I’ve got to go, I have a meeting to get to.
Miguel massages his temples. Obviously, your mother still believes she’s owed access to you, that she’s still in control of you.
There’s a call logged, from this morning, while he and Gabi were out getting donuts.
“Y/N I need to push back our meeting, I have to meet with a potential client that day, can you do a Wednesday instead?” Your mother’s voice is smooth, pleasant, and controlled.
“I can’t, I work on weekdays, I’m a teacher, remember?”
“Just put on a movie for them or something, I doubt it’ll be much different from your normal teaching.”
Miguel hears your voice tighten, can feel your hackles rising through the audio.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh my—saints above y/n, you’re so sensitive. I just mean that…well we both know how you struggled in school, and I mean they’re still so young, I doubt they’re really learning anything.”
“The only thing I struggled with was math, but I doubt you’d even know that considering you weren’t allowed in my life while I was in school.”
“That wasn’t my fault, it was your father and his whore, they stole you and your brother from me.” Tiffany complains, a hint of hysteria in her voice.
He can only imagine the rage flowing through you at Tiffany’s words.
“She’s not a whore.” You snap.
“You just can’t see it; you’re blinded by it all. But don’t worry, I know one day you’ll wake up and see that she’s not your real mother, and she’ll never be.”
His stomach drops.
“You’re not her mother, and you never will be.”
His mother had unknowingly repeated the words said to you about your own mother.
“You’re such a bitch.” You hiss, venom dripping from your every word.
“Me? You’re just a spoiled brat who abandoned her mother.”
“Aband—you know what? I’m not doing this with you, not today, not now. Goodbye, Tiffany.”
The call ends and Miguel continues to scroll through your mother’s information, a plan formulating in his mind.
Taglist: @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @needsleep3000, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7, @justrandomlolidk, @chimpkinnuggies, @alicefallsintotherabbithole, @loser-alert, @wwwellacom, @ryantryan6969, @lollipopin, @youcantseem3, @a-cult-leader, @verexi, @purpleskiesandroses, @they2luv1naia, @sophiaj650, @idolautism, @rheannajrs, @merakiq, @rexs-wife, @sukaretto-n, @twilight-loveer, @f1shb0nez, @callsign-blue, @marcelineormars TL 2: @sxnasbitch, @111gltzpzy, @lucilavenxoxo, @ray-rook, @elizamelody, @soapbar99, @trashieboii, @erissco, @gardenof-venus, @vlads-dracula3, @yaoisenpaiii, @the-occasional-artist1125, @polireader, @mvchmp, @shadowxfheaven, @weirdothatwritess, @ash-aragami, @angelarcheangel, @nekotaetae, @namjooningera, @hana-1235, @amberpanda99, @joceymoo, @tfamidoingwithmylife, @itsashree, @battinsonwhore05, @namjooningera, @tortilla-chips-and-allioli, @fluffy-koalala, @fandom-ash, @angelarcheangel, @yuuotosaka3, @latersgaters-steven, @ariparri, @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast, @lycaninelizard, @angelarcheangel, @yuuotosaka3, @allysunny, @lollipopin, @allysunny, @loves0phelia, @tayleighuh, @namtaeh, @comeonatmebruh, @jacejawp, @cowboylikeevie
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What do you think M6’s answers would be to the question “is it better to feel all the pain or nothing at all?” I haven’t played all the routes so I can’t answer for everyone but I think
Julian -feel it all
Asra -nothing
Muriel -at the start of his route nothing but as he grows as a character it would shift slowly to feel it all
Portia -feel it all
I’d also love to hear your answer if you’re comfortable with that! As someone who’s felt both my answer is nothing bc in my experience the numbness allows you to still function. Even if the life you’re experiencing isn’t as full as it could be, you still get to experience it. When I become so overwhelmed by Everything I completely shut down and cease to be a person. I am my emotions. And I think in Asra’s route this kinda gets explored in that they choose to not feel as deeply ever again bc a muted life with MC is better than a full one without them. Anyway can you tell I recently reread The Giver lol
Woah, that's a good question friend!!
To be completely honest, I think all the M6 progress from the "numb" to the "willing to feel everything" point throughout their routes - as is the case for many people who are in the healing process! (essay below the cut)
Julian, while fully embracing the misery of his situation, is also running from the part of him that wants a happy ending. Meeting the MC is his slow journey of self-acceptance, realizing that his happiness is valuable and worth fighting for. He stops choosing one feeling to drown out all the others and starts feeling everything in a context of loving and being loved.
Asra's in a similar situation. They don't see giving up half their heart as something to regret, but they still talk about the reduced ability to be attached to people as a loss. Reconnecting with MC, being able to slowly bring down the walls that used to facilitate a drifting, untethered survival mode, allows him to start caring more about the people around him since he has a person to call home again.
When Nadia wakes up, she's lost. Seven years of memory have blipped out of view, she's responsible for a city she knows very little about, and the people who are supposed to help her are only getting in her way. She speaks of a similar numb state, being detached and uninvested in the world around her, until meeting MC and finding a way forward gives her what she needs to flourish again. We see a lot of that emotional progression in her reconnecting with her family.
Muriel is an almost textbook case of complex trauma and the myriad of coping mechanisms that arise from trying to escape it. I've written whole essays on the effects of his deal on that process before, but his journey with MC starts with him just wanting them to forget about him, and ends with him asking MC to help him collect the memories of himself and his people.
Portia isn't quite as much numb as she is stuck. From the moment her parents' ship wrecked, she's lived her life in the orbit of other people. First her older brother, then the children and grandmas of Nevivon, then her older brother again, now the Countess - it isn't until she begins to receive that same attention from MC that she starts to really own herself and discover the true depth of her capacity. While we never see her choosing to be numb, we do see her hesitating to come fully into her own. With MC's empowerment, that's exactly what she ends up being able to do.
And finally, Lucio - he's literally numb. He's spent the last three years trapped between realms in a ghostly form that won't let him feel anything at all beyond hunger. While MC is instrumental in returning him the capacity to feel, it's Lucio's own choice to take advantage of that as a fresh start.
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crowfromfoggyforest · 3 months
It's time for some Random Ramblings!
I love "Loser, Baby". The first time i heard it, it almost made me cry. And i've already seen several people talk about how wholesome the "you're not alone" thing is. But that wasn't even the part that touched me the most.
For me, it was "it's okay to be fucked up." Of course, i'm not saying that Angel (or people in general) shouldn't change, neither is Husk. But often, accepting your situation is the first step towards a better life.
And not only accepting in the sense of acknowledging - because Angel already knows that his life is shitty. But what Husk does is telling Angel he doesn't have to constantly beat himself up about it. Right now, Angel's life is hard, but he's probably making it even harder by thinking stuff like: "God, why did i mess up my life so badly? It's all my fault. I'm such a useless idiot. I got myself into this, and now i can't even get out. I really should be able to get out. I should at least try. But i'm not strong enough, that's so pathetic." And so on. And that's completely normal in his situation. But now, Husk offers him to stop thinking about how different his life should be and why it isn't like that, and just accept his current situation. Saying "i'm not judging you for being a loser, and neither should you."
And then (after that great moment where Husk sings "Baby, that's fine by me", and Angel smiles and it's so sweet)... i think it's also about self-esteem. Because when Angel starts singing, he sounds like he's almost proud of being a loser. Which, again, has nothing to do with not wanting to change or glorifying a horrible life. It's just that in his current job, Angel constantly has to put up a show pretending he feels like the sexiest person in the world. And to protect himself, even in his free time, he pretends he loves his life - when in reality, he has started hating all of it more and more. Not just his life, but also himself. This ties back to the beating himself up thing i talked about before, but it goes so much deeper. When Husk encourages him to sing in "Loser, Baby", he offers Angel to be proud of who he is, for the first time in decades. As messed up as his life is, it must be so liberating to allow yourself to say: "Hell yeah, that's me, i'm like this, so what?" This allows him to reconnect to who he is, realize that his life is worth living, so it's also worth changing.
And another little thing: I think the "i've got an appetite for..." part is also important. Because a healthy changing process also includes accepting what you can't change about yourself. Yes, Angel has always wanted certain things, he will never turn into a chaste nun. That's okay. He doesn't have to become a completely different person in order to have a better life, he can live with his "sinful" traits and still get better.
And lastly, i wanted to point out that "Loser, Baby" is a great title/ main chorus line because it symbolises taking the words you use to beat yourself up and turn them into something positive - because others and yourself can love you even for your bad parts.
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