#reformation jeans
nyc-looks · 2 years
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Sharon, 23
“I’m wearing a Zara sweater vest and Reformation jeans handed down from a friend. This outfit is just one representation of what I like to wear. I’d like to think I allow myself to bend into a lot of different styles, it just depends on how I’m feeling that day. ’m trying to focus on the longevity and sustainability of my clothing. My mom inspires me a lot because she has handed down a lot of her pieces to me that she wore when she was my age, and it’s still as fabulous today as it was back then.”
Apr 16, 2022 ∙ Lower East Side
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styleforklossy · 2 months
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march 7, 2024 / miami, florida
while out in miami, karlie kloss wore:
— Toteme, “Signature cotton shirt navy stripe” - $350
— Reformation, “Wilder High Rise Wide Leg Cropped Jeans in Dillon” - $168
— Gucci, “Horsebit 1955 Small Black Leather Shoulder Bag” - $1,700
— Chanel, “CC Cap-toe Black Ballet Flats” - $1,300
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dentpx · 2 years
Oh my god playing DE with a high “esprit de corps” stat and understanding the Jean hype. The poor man. You have a weird toxic codependent relationship with your police partner for like 10+ years and you’re maybe in love with him and then he gets amnesia and finds a new best friend. God.
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empirearchives · 1 month
Napoleon and Nicolas Appert: The invention of canned food
“Although he [Napoleon] continued so far as possible the Revolutionary practice of having armies live off the land, he also did his best to develop an efficient commissariat. A famous part of his supply system was canned food, particularly meat, for the army. Nicholas Appert had started the food-canning industry in 1804, building a factory that employed fifty people. His method prescribed putting the food in glass jars, which were next carefully stoppered, and then cooked in boiling water for lengths of time varying with the type of food. The navy first used the canned food, with great success even on extended cruises. In 1810 the Minister of the Interior awarded Appert 12,000 francs on condition he make his process public.”
— Robert B. Holtman, The Napoleonic Revolution
The inventor of canning, Appert, deposited samples of his invention to the imperial government in 1809, specifically to the Society for the Encouragement of National Industry [Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale].
He published his findings in 1810, titled: Le livre de tous les ménages ou l'art de conserver pendant plusieurs années toutes les substances animales et végétales [English tr: The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances For Several Years]. It was “a work published by the order of the French Minister of the Interior, on the report of the Board of Arts and Manufactures”.
For his discovery, the government paid him 12,000 francs and gave him free lodgings and a workshop in the Hospice des Quinze-Vingts. Every prefecture in the French Empire was supplied with a copy of his book, and the prefects were assigned the responsibility of disseminating the information widely. Two more editions were created under the empire, and another in 1831.
His factories were ransacked and destroyed during the invasions of France in 1814 and again in 1815. He was able to rebuild and won several gold medals from the Society for the Encouragement of National Industry and eventually became a member of the Society.
Appert is quoted as saying “I sacrificed everything for humanity, all my life”.
Additional Sources:
English translation of Appert’s 1810 publication
Nicolas Appert inventeur et humaniste, Jean-Paul Barbier, 1994 (Fondation Napoléon)
Collection A. Carême: Le conservateur 1842 (archive.org)
Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830 by Jennifer J. Davis
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There is another measure to be taken. There exists in Paris a class of individuals who, despite the weakness of their sex, do a lot of harm to the Republic. They corrupt your young men; and instead of making them vigorous and worthy of the ancient Spartans, they only make them into Sibarites incapable of serving liberty: I am talking about these immodest women who make a shameful trafficking of their charms. It is a plague on society, and any good government should banish it from its midst. I ask that the Committee of Public Safety examine whether it would not be useful to stifle this germ of counter-revolution, by deporting these women of bad habits beyond the seas (applauds).
Jean-Bon-Saint-André at the Convention, September 5 1793
Banishing someone from their home country for being too much of a slut? Yeah that sounds about right…
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flats-fan · 4 months
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thewardrobeedit · 10 months
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Reformation Sustainable Wide Leg Jeans
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Enjolras and Jean Valjean friendship is great because neither of them can (or will) give advice about interpersonal relationships, but they sure can sit on a porch staring at the sky about it together.
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Emma Watson x Gin Magazine | Photo Shoot | Chablis, France | First Edition 2023
For bottoms, Emma wore a pair of Reformation Cowboy High Rise Straight Jeans in Grass 🌱 (exact color is sold out, others are $148.00).
📸: Gin Magazine
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torahtot · 10 months
so fucking nervous about shabbat/rosh hashanah/yom kippur like idk where to go.. terrified of going to the chabad shul bc they know my boss from camp, i wanna try the other ones (conservative, reconstructionist, and reform) but im like what if it's horrible and i freak out. and which do i try first. help
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President Joe Biden announced new executive steps to combat climate change on Wednesday, but fell short of issuing a climate-emergency declaration as some Democrats have called for amid stalled negotiations over major environmental legislation in Washington.
“Since Congress is not acting as it should ... this is an emergency and I will look at it that way,” Biden said. “As President, I’ll use my executive powers to combat the climate crisis in the absence of executive action.”
The initiatives include providing $2.3 billion in funding for a program that helps communities prepare for disasters by expanding flood control and retrofitting buildings, as well as leveraging funding to help low-income families cover heating and cooling costs.
The President also is directing the Department of the Interior to propose new offshore wind areas in the Gulf of Mexico, a plan that could power more than 3 million homes and help the administration reach its goal to deploy 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030. Biden is ordering the Interior secretary to advance wind energy development in the waters off the mid- and southern Atlantic Coast and Florida’s Gulf Coast.
The President announced the initiatives during a speech at a former coal-fired plant in Somerset, Massachusetts. The plant will host a cable-manufacturing facility to support the offshore wind industry.
The orders come as the White House struggles to salvage Biden’s aggressive climate agenda after talks with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin stalled last week. Manchin, a centrist who holds the swing vote in the 50-50 Senate, told Democratic officials that he won’t support major climate provisions in the reconciliation bill, diminishing hopes of Congress passing any major climate legislation this summer.
The administration also faced an additional setback for its climate agenda after a major Supreme Court ruling last month limited the federal government’s authority to impose regulations to cut carbon emissions from power plants.
Without Manchin’s support on the bill, the President must rely primarily on executive orders to address climate change, which can be overturned by future administrations. Some executive actions could limit emissions from fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters and bolster electric vehicle usage.
Democrats and environmental groups had been calling on the president to issue an emergency declaration that would unlock federal resources to address climate change. Such a declaration could provide the administration with a legal authority to stop some oil and gas drilling or other fossil fuel plans and shift funds to clean energy projects.
Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. were joined by seven Democratic legislators in an effort to urge Biden on Wednesday to immediately decare a climate emergency to unlock the powers of the National Emergency Act (NEA) and pursue regulatory and administrative actions to curb emissions.
“Declaring the climate crisis a national emergency under the NEA would unlock powers to rebuild a better economy with significant, concrete actions,” the senators wrote in the letter. “Under the NEA, you could redirect spending to build out renewable energy systems on military bases, implement large-scale clean transportation solutions and finance distributed energy projects to boost climate resiliency.”
Biden has vowed to slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to 52% by the end of the decade and reach net-zero emissions by 2050. But without major climate legislation, the country is on track to miss the president’s target, according to an analysis by the independent research firm Rhodium Group.
“A historic climate-emergency declaration is exactly what we need from Biden to match the scale and urgency of this crisis,” said Jean Su, Energy Justice program director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “By unlocking crucial climate powers, Biden can put Manchin’s gaslighting behind us and get busy getting us off fossil fuels and building the renewable-energy powerhouse we desperately need.”
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hermitthrush · 2 years
From year to year, this soul had progressively withered, slowly but inevitably. A dry eye goes with a dead soul. When he left prison, he had not shed a tear for nineteen years.
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables (1862) | FANTINE, Book Two, VII. “Profoundest Despair.”
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Britt is wearing the Off-White Comic Jeans from Reformation (sold out)
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empirearchives · 4 months
Napoleon reopens the Sorbonne after it was closed down in 1793
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Place de la Sorbonne — Victor-Jean Nicolle (1754-1826), early 19th century
“Abolished in 1793, the faculties were recreated under the Empire in 1806, the official date of birth of the faculties of letters and sciences.”
Supprimées en 1793, les facultés sont recréées sous l’Empire en 1806, date de naissance officielle des facultés de lettres et de sciences.
Source: Sorbonne université — Histoire
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c1uster · 1 year
i'm working on a proper about / bio that details canon divergences but i know that fantomex / cluster aren't like...the most known? characters? and i want to get my general sketch out so here we go! a tldr of my eventual bio (yes i realize a three paragraph tldr is wild but it's also like the background on the character that is most important to know)
TLDR ; a weapon created by weapon plus to kill mutants, fantomex is three brains within one body, each with their own sentience and personality - a contingency plan in case a head injury puts one brain out of commission or even kills it, the next can take over. after a brush with the x-men wherein this is discovered - but the fact fantomex doesn't want anything to do with hunting mutants - they continually bump into each other over the course of a few years, resulting in fantomex joining the x-force and helping kill apocalypse and then having to deal with the fallout from that. eventually fantomex is killed saving psylocke and is cloned into three separate bodies for each brain.
cluster gets the compassion, the mercy, and the capacity to love. fantomex gets the scoundrel, thief-bits. weapon xiii is what he sounds like. cluster and fantomex stick together for a while, pulling heists and both being in love with elizabeth braddock - it's a whole thing, and the three of them pull heists in paris for several months. both of their relationships with her come to a screeching halt when fantomex double crosses psylocke, letting her take the fall for a heist the three of them had planned. fantomex and cluster split ways after this, fantomex continuing his heists and cluster trying to figure out her place in the world, somewhat unsuccessfully.
later, cluster seeks out psylocke again in the midst of an x-force mission because fantomex had been kidnapped by weapon xiii in an attempt to lure psylocke to him. they team up again to find fantomex and defeat weapon xiii. cluster & psylocke are successful in saving fantomex and defeating weapon xiii, for a time. fantomex wants to reform into one body, but cluster refuses, instead deciding to continue traveling, sometimes stealing, and occasionally showing up at the jean grey school for mutants to teach a class or two.
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flats-fan · 8 months
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