hisbucky · 6 months
Bobby: I don't need a family. Buck: ...So uh, do you want to go to a Bruce Springsteen concert? I don't know who he is, but I won a couple of tickets. Bobby: Why yes, I would love to adopt you. Buck, blinking: What? Bobby: Tell me, son. Do you need a partner? Do you want to have any kids? Buck, blinking rapidly: Huh?! Bobby: You're going to love your new family. This is Eddie, and this is his son Christopher —
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dk-thrive · 4 months
Then today I was thinking about how I don’t need to justify everything, and that this is the cause of so much of my misery, this constant monologue in my head, as though I have to account for the way I am, my every action, my entire existence.
— Sheila Heti, Alphabetical Diaries (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, February 6, 2024)
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boiboiperson · 8 months
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potatotalksculture · 1 year
Potato Tweet: Could it be that AI makes people read or even consume less? Maybe. But not because they want to.
I don’t have a Twitter account and I know very little about the dynamics of using this platform. So when I read that some restrictions on the number of posts you can read in a day are being put in place, I am generally alerted, because seeing the words “ban” or “restriction” and “reading” in the same sentence is highly alarming per se.
All because of this article by The Guardian:
I know that a Tweet is a very short post. According to the Twitter Developer Platform a Tweet is up to 280 characters (not words) long. That is not much. Accounting to the Guardian article the current reading limits are: “10,000 posts per day for verified users, 1,000 posts per day for unverified, and 500 posts per day for new, unverified users (…)”. 10,000 x 280 = 2,800,000 characters. For unverified users the amount equals 280,000. For the new unverified users - 140,000. Assuming every Tweet would have the maximal possible length. For the perspective: the Guardian article is roughly 1,820 characters long, a 24-pages-long thesis written in Times New Roman, 12 is 67,560 characters long and an average book, according to some AI bot, is roughly 500,000 characters long. So while the unverified users have the opportunity to read an equivalent of a short to mid-long book in a day on Twitter, a verified user can read up to an equivalent of 5 - 6 book or one book by Dostoevsky. I guess that, this, especially the last amount, exceeds the average literature consumed by a person during one day. So the regulations of the maximal amount of reading done on Twitter doesn’t threaten the literacy of an user. Yet.
Here me out. AI is already being used for a lot of creative work. In two recent episodes of the Rehash Podcast Maia aka Broey Deschanel and Hannah Raine talk about how the AI is being applied, among other fields, in writing scrips and how it’s connected to the writers strike, that is happening right now. (For the details - go listen to their podcast, at least the episode about the strike.) Between the writers strike and the Twitter restrictions a possible method of managing the AI and containing the threat of it overtaking creative jobs emerges: restrict the amount of already existing creative content it can consume. But as long as an other algorithm cannot differentiate between a human user and an computed user, a restriction hits everyone. Twitter is not a place where the literacy battle is being fought, at least not strongly. But what about all the online platforms for reading books? What about films and series that can be found online. A theoretical global restriction would hit everyone. So it’s not so good. On the other hand, I am in support of not letting the AI grow to the point where it can completely replace people in the creative working field. So there’s a dilemma.
Don’t forget the paperbacks!
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evilhorse · 1 year
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It was a good deal you struck.
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sixbucks · 1 year
“Now there are Marvel pictures. And what is a Marvel picture? A Marvel picture is one prototype movie that is made over and over and over again to look different.” ~Francis Ford Coppola
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@amalthea9 @professorlehnsherr-almashy @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland
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wisdomfish · 2 years
The rehashing of angry thoughts and feelings leads to resentment and bitterness, which will eventually rot the soul. But the cleansing of our hearts from unrighteous anger renews the soul.
Bruce Ashford
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books-apples-socks · 2 years
harr harr people who watch french cinema since they were 8 are nerds and should be bullied my brother in christ do you realise how stupid you sound
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vignesh0307 · 2 years
Belated Happy Born Day Wishesh to " @ananddollis " Buddy💓 ( #17thjune Birthday🎂) . . . . . #happy #birthday #anand #buddy #hcas #hcas_chennai #hindustancollegeofartsandscience #studentcouncil #culturalsecretary #senior #fun #college #memories #reunion #rehash #rehash2019 #alumni #alumnimeet #instapost #post #on #saturday #18thjune #2022 #instagram #vignesh0307 #vigneshgovindhan #vignesh0307foodlife #vignesh (at Gopinath Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9Kp0ILq9f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wildwaxshows · 2 days
Sa., 24.8.2024, 21:00 Uhr: REHASH (BE) + WASTING PIGS (HH) – Komet Musik Bar, Hamburg
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Der Post-Punk von Rehash ist ganz offensichtlich von der Düsseldorfer ‘Ratinger Hof’ – Szene inspiriert, singt auf deutsch und spart nicht mit Klischees in der Wortverwendung: Autobahn! Panik! Bauhaus! Eine moderne Referenz für Rehash wäre die ewig unterschätzte britische Band The Rakes, deren frühe Single “Strasbourg” ebenfalls minimalistischen Punk mit deutschen Wortsprengseln versetzte. Ich bin begeistert und hoffe auf baldige Vinyl-Single-Veröffentlichung, was das einzig standesgemäße Format für einen Sound wäre, der so nach 1979 klingt! (https://blogs.taz.de/popblog/2023/01/18/neue-bands-rehash-panik-in-das-bauhaus/)
Wasting Pigs are a Hamburg-based duo consisting of two mysterious masked musicians. Coming from unknown origins many scholars and academics have tried and failed to get to the bottom of this enigma, one of the only clues being their deep southern accents. One thing is clear though, these fellers sure ain’t from round these parts. Talk of vanishing deep in the bayou, riding the rails, being arrested and southern cooking set the scene when Wasting Pigs takes the stage. This horror/twang inspired twosome’s sound unifies the country and doom genres. They fluctuate from heavy enough for moshing to melodic enough to sing along with and everything in between. The guitarist, known as Wasting, provides mostly clean vocals while the drummer, Pigs, uses a more gruff and aggressive tone for the heavier tracks. Much more than just a musical performance, Wasting Pigs keep the masses thrilled with on-stage antics and stunning displays of clownery, twisted balloons, tall tales and ghost stories. In fact with their crowd-working one might consider the audience the third member of the band. Their “let’s not take this too seriously” style of entertainment isn’t limited to their live shows though as the two included three radio-plays on their debut EP, Wolfman and other tall Tales.
Don't miss that show!!
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bonhmhm · 2 days
how about i repost a bunch of old shit hhaaaghasasha
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daletraesp · 5 days
Consulta la letra de la canción “Re-Hash” de Gorillaz
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ankle-beez · 9 months
"we need more angry, traumatized female characters" you guys could barely handle katara
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