#remus and reader
robynlilyblack · 2 years
hi love! could you please write poly!marauders x shy!reader? :) i love how your write shy!reader sm! 🫶🏼 and maybe the reader is feeling a bit needy (not sexually) yk just needy for attention but she’s too nervous and shy to ask for cuddles and kisses but remus (or you pick who haha) notices and asks her what’s wrong and it just ends up with reader getting all the affection she wanted and yeah really fluffy <3 thank you if your write this💓
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A girl needs her cuddles
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Poly! Marauders x fem! Shy! Reader
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Summary: While Sirius and James are busy, Remus notices their girl is a little down
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, established relationship (remus x reader focus), pure fluff
A/n: 1k words, boys are professors and the reader is the librarian cause i though that was cute. Thank you so much, shy! reader is one of my fav kinds of readers to write xx enjoy sweetie
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You were sitting on the boys pushed together beds whilst they worked on the floor. James and Sirius on their stomachs with a pillow to protect them as they mapped out one of the new passages they found, while Remus was sitting with his back against the wardobe reading peacefully. It was rather funny, even as professors they were still updating that map of theirs
“Moons my darling, what was the scale again…1m to 10cm or 20cm?” Sirius asks in a voice you all knew meant, 'I’m pretty sure I did it wrong but I’m hoping there’s a 10% chance I didn’t'
“Nah it was 20mm wasn’t it?” James says with confidence, the two boys looking over at him while you watch subtly from the bed
Remus was quiet for a second too long and you all knew Sirius had messed up
“It was 1cm puppy” he says sweetly while you giggle quietly but not quiet enough as his wolf hearing picks it up, causing the boy to grin
Sirius’ cheeks go red muttering a quiet 'fuck' as he peers down at the drawing, realising that was why it looked so weird. James does the same before nudging Sirius and taking the map from him, beginning to restart the entire thing while the raven-haired boy sulks rather cutely beside him, cheeks mushed together in his hands
Soon Remus goes back to his reading and Sirius shuffles closer to James, snuggling into his side, the sight leaving you feeling a little…needy? Maybe that wasn’t the right word perhaps a little touch or attention starved for lack of a better phrase
They were all so excited about the new passage it left little time for your usual cuddles lately. You tried to catch their eye a few times by brushing your hand with theirs or forgetting your cardigan so when they visited the library they would hug you to warm you up. They didn’t seem to get the hint though and you now had at least one jumper or cardigan charmed to your size from each of them...not that you were complaining but still, a girl needs her cuddles
Problem was you were way too shy to ask them, even now, so you brought your legs up to your chest and hugged yourself instead
Remus glances back at that moment to check on you since you had been, funnily enough, quieter than normal. He presses his lips together in almost a pout as he observes you, head resting between your knees as you stared at James and Sirius with a look he could only describe as forlorn
You don’t seem to notice him slipping the bookmark you gifted him into his book, nor him getting up to put his book on the nightstand
“Hey bunny” he whispers, sliding in behind you, arms snaking around your sides
You instantly melt under his touch, hands loosening around your knees as you fall into him
“Hi” you bite your lip, trying to hold back your smile
He shifts on the bed, dragging one leg around your back so he can pull you closer, letting you settle between his legs
“You okay?” he nuzzles his nose into the hair just behind your ear, his strong yet gentle arms holding you flush against his chest
You hum in response, turning your head so you can nudge your nose into his cheek “I am now” you whisper, not wanting to disturb the other boys nor break yours and Remus’ moment
You can feel his cheeks rise before he plants a sweet kiss to the corner of your eyebrow “What’s wrong bunny?” he asks, face so close you can feel each others breaths
You shy away from him but he brings one hand away from your waist, rough fingers gripping your jaw softly and bringing it back towards him
“Bunny” his voice deepens, a smirk he tries to hide playing on his lips at your bashful expression
After a few moments to compose yourself you take a prolonged breath “I wanted cuddles” you confess shamfully and his smirk breaks free, a fond chuckle escaping his lips as his fingers slide upwards until they cradle your cheek, thumb moving back and forth over the apple in a smoothing motion
“You should have just said bun” he shuffles impossibly closer, eyes flicking to the side briefly to see James still working on the map while Sirius is now in his dog form getting a belly rub from James’ free hand “Cuddles with you are the best” he rubs his nose with yours, adoring the scrunch
“Better than Siri’s?” you ask a little wide eyed, a happy shock flowing through you as Sirius’ padfoot form had such soft fur it was better than any blanket…especially now he was stealing your conditioner 
He licks his lips “Yes, just don’t tell him that” he winks causing you to giggle, the giggles catching the other boys’ attention
“My lips are s…Siri!” you start before you feel a ball of fur jump on you, pushing your back further into Remus’ chest
You turn your head back to face your boyfriend…well dog...and he licks your face, slobbery kisses all over. Remus chuckles at the sight, one hand still wrapped around you while the other takes James' as the boy moves to cuddle into his side
Eventually Sirius settles down, curling up into a ball on your lap, groaning softly as your nails scratch the skin beneath his fur, while James leans forward to kiss your cheek then Remus’ before laying down next to you both, head by your legs so he can see you both
“You’re so pretty” he says a little tired, head kissing Sirius’ snout, cheek squished against the covers
Remus wears a faint blush while you lean back in order to tug your head into Remus’ neck to hide from the compliments, much to James' delight before he closes his eyes and cosies into Sirius
“Better?” Remus whispers not wanting to wake the other two as they quickly slip off
You nod, pulling back to smile gratefully at him “Thank you” you bring your lips to his for a lingering kiss
“Anytime” he gives you one last peck “You want me to move him before your legs go numb or is it worth it?” he wonders, voice so soft you feel yourself becoming one with the mattress
“Worth it…but do you think you could reach our book?” you gesture to the nightstand and he chuckles quietly
“Course bunny”
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Thank you for reading 💛
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3K notes · View notes
Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
23K notes · View notes
aphrcdites · 10 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
64K notes · View notes
legallygemini · 14 days
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17K notes · View notes
thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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22K notes · View notes
natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
9K notes · View notes
lovelyspooks · 11 months
Me at 3am clicking “keep reading” on the most jaw dropping, earth shattering, pantie dropping, smutty fic when I have to be up in 3 hours
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44K notes · View notes
rosieandthethorns · 6 months
i don't WANT to read smut right now
i WANT to read a passionate, poetic, jaw dropping, tears streaking down my face, heart wrenching, giggle inducing, feet kicking, cringy yet amazing, gorgeous story written by someone who apologizes for english not being their first language(they're the best writers ever) which has 4 chapters and then makes me scream because it hasnt been updated in months and the author is mia
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bethsvrse · 6 months
8K notes · View notes
luveline · 9 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 —send me a shy!reader request for any character (with a plot) and I'll write a >1k drabble
sirius/james introducing shy!reader to remus. and shes just like quiet and in awe, but remus loves it.
luveline's 40k party ☆ tysm for requesting! remus x shy fem!reader
James is used to your personality after months of being your lecture neighbour, unperturbed by your quiet. "It's going to be fun," he promises, handing you a cold glass of cranberry vodka. "They're nice, okay? I won't let anyone irritate you." 
He's hosting a party and had the generosity to invite you round early. He's easing you in, so to speak. It took him two weeks of steady Hellos for you to work up the courage to say Hi back, another two weeks for small talk, a month before you felt comfortable speaking to him first. If you're that shy, a party is basically torture.
"It's not about irritating me," you say. 
"I know, I'm messing." James lists his head to the left. A second later, there's a knock at the door. "Aha. Wait here, shortcake, there's someone I want you to meet." 
"James," you say after him, wet from your glass leaking down to your sleeve, "what?" 
"I asked him to come early and say hello! He's quiet and handsome and you'll love him, just don't stare at his nose." 
What's wrong with his nose? you think, alarmed. 
James opens the door. Two new voices emerge, one scratchy and a little high, the other smoother. "I need to pee so bad," the scratchy one declares, followed by bounding footsteps up the stairs. 
"You alright?" the smoother asks.
You think there's patting, a hug, "I'm brilliant! You smell really nice, Remus, like a garden." 
"In a good way! Come and meet my Y/N, you remember I told you about her nice gel pens?" 
James leads the smooth-voiced Remus into the living room. You hurriedly put down your drink and stand, wiping your wet hands in your shirt. You cringe at the darkening fabric but hide your grimace as they stop in front of you. 
"Remus, Y/N. Y/N, Remus," James introduces you both. 
Remus has a scar across his nose that seems cruelly cut. There's another beside it that starts in his upper lip, both of which end in his eyebrow. You know how self-conscious it feels to be looked at, so you manage to smile and offer your hand without too much of it. He's handsome with his scars, a nice nose with a ridge and brown eyes the colour of caramelised sugar.
"Hello," Remus says, shaking your hand. His is big enough to make yours feel small. 
"I invited her early because she's more fun than the rest of our lot," James says, throwing himself down on the sofa and kicking his legs out on the coffee table. 
Remus taps your elbow very gently as if to usher you to sit and sits down beside you, enough space to be casual but too little to stop the rampant nerves that blossom in your stomach. 
Remus asks about your life. What you're studying, where you're from, if James is being nice to you. While James is touchy in the rough older brother way, scrunching your shoulder and shaking you when you're not expecting it. Remus is touchy in a different way, you find, almost as if he doesn't know he's doing it. His shoe bumps your shoe, his hand falls down between his outer thigh and your own, his knuckles touching your jeans very lightly. He spins in his seat to talk to you. 
You don't notice other people arriving, nor the scratchy-voiced friends return. All you can do is look up at Remus with wide eyes. Your nerves meld to something warmer. 
"And what do you do?" you ask him. 
He smiles like you've wandered into a secret. "I'm trying to write a book." 
"He's being a bit much," Sirius says to James, the two now loitering in the doorway with matching beers. You and Remus chatter on, unaware of their running commentary.
"It's a very strong reaction. I knew she'd like him, but I didn't think she'd like him like that." James takes a sip of his drink. Remus asks you a quiet question. You duck your head, playing with your sleeves, and Remus, the bastard, ducks his head to follow your gaze, smiling at you all the while. 
James almost chokes, pointing his bottle toward you both as though Sirius isn't already looking. "He's eating it up. I forgot how flirty he is."
"She'll be nice to him, won't she?" Sirius asks, like it's a done deal. To be fair, Remus seems enthralled with you. 
"Definitely. She's very nice. Oh, look, that's sick, she's gonna pass out." James winces as Remus takes your arm into his hand. 
Remus wouldn't do anything cruel, but James wasn't joking when he told Remus that you were exceedingly, achingly shy. He's about to step in and rescue you, but you turn into Remus' touch and pull your leg up on the sofa to make yourself comfortable. Your voice is animated, if quieter than the average person's.
"Woah," James says, beaming.  
Remus flirts almost as a defence, like he wants to get the rejection over and done with so he can move on. You've yet to reject; you're looking up at him in moderate awe, your lips quirked into an easy smile. 
"Boo!" James calls, flicking his bottle cap at Remus, who brushes it away. "Took me three weeks to get a smile out of her," he mutters. "What a dick." 
10K notes · View notes
being a marauders fan is a red flag.
it’s also an orange flag.
and a yellow flag. and a green, a blue and a purple one.
you’re gay.
3K notes · View notes
robynlilyblack · 2 years
No one messes with my guy
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Remus Lupin x fem! slytherin! reader
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Summary: Remus' girl is the least slytherin like slytherin the world had ever seen, but when she finds out he's getting bullied, she proves why she wears a green tie
Warnings: swearing, talks of scars and insecuirties, mean bullies, Remus getting picked on, mentions of sex, partial nudity and slightly heated scene near the end, kissing, alot of intimacy and fluff at the end, established relationship, reader is a badass good girl, hurt/comfort
A/n: 4.2k words, reader is like really lazily and sleeps everywhere, thank you for the request! enjoy xx
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Remus fiddled with his quill, treating the now dry nip like it was a muggle pen, twirling it around in his fingers as he stared hopelessly at his page. He had been on this practice question for a while now, one originally left in hope it would suddenly come to him but it was now sitting there mocking him a mere half an hour later.
“Bu-” he stops himself, letting out a sweet chuckle at the sight before him
You had joined him for a study session just like you always did, and just like always you had fallen asleep during it. Cheek adorably squished up against the crook of your elbow, breathing soft, relaxed
You looked so peaceful. Serene
He envied you a little for being so carefree, feeling so safe you could sleep anywhere. The library, outside against a tree, in class, even the great hall on occasion. Still he smiled, that little bit of jealousy held nothing to love he possessed, never would he thought a slytherin would capture not only his heart but his friends
Yet how could they not, when you were the sweetest girl the world had ever seen? The girl that fell asleep on him anywhere and everywhere, the girl that could sleep as long as he did and with pleasure after full moons, the girl that had his heart entirely, so much that his fears faded away when you were near
He stands up, deciding to take a turn around the library and instead of waking you for help. Before he leaves he presses a kiss to your temple, heart fluttering as your lips tug up and you hum, cuddling into your crossed arm a little more
“Be back soon bun” he whispers like you could hear him, gifting your sleepy figure one last look before he heads down a random row of bookshelves
He doesn’t get far though, someone trips him up from behind, sending him crashing to the floor. Luckily his hands catch him just in time, but the sting in his knees and wrists from the impact do nothing for his already achy bones. 
He groans, wincing as he looks up to see a two people he knew too well, and not for the better 
“Some marauder you are” the girl scoffs “Nothing without your little friends”
“Even the fat one has thicker skin” the boy cackles at his own cruelty and Remus’ blood boils, yet he can’t find it in him to get up, fight back…not that he ever did
“What’s wrong scar face?” the girl mocks him, bending at the hip in order to belittle him further
“Just leave me alone” he closes his eyes for a second, his tone of someone clearly exhausted, dare say broken from the bullying that has been inflicted upon him for 7 years
“And why would we do that? You know for a bookworm you should love the poetic nature of a bully getting bullied” she lets out a laugh at the end
Remus finally pulls himself up, standing shaily as he replies “I’m not a bully” he says firmly, out of his friends the only bullies were Sirius and James, yet even they now had calmed and matured significantly
The girl crosses her arms, looking skeptical while the boy notices him looking backwards “Who are you looking for?” he asks but then his face lights up in a sinister like recognision “Ah. That little snake of a girlfriend” 
Remus jaw clenches at the emphasis “Don’t bring her into this” 
The girl laughs “Oh we won’t. Her dating you is a great joke in itself”
“Merlin every time I’ve seen you together she’s asleep”
“Bore her much?” 
“Or maybe she pretends to sleep so she doesn’t have to look at that face” 
They take turns at their insults, a quick fire of every insecurity he possesses, hitting him again and again, and it takes its toll
“Aww is the freak getting upset” the boy pouts at him
“Shut up” he begs them
“You’re pathetic Lupin, worthless” her words are cruel but her tone his crueller, so harsh Remus can feel it cutting into his heart “A joke of man by how much of a pale…” she stabs his chest with her finger “...sickly…” and again “...monster…” once more “...you are”
The last one cuts him deep, like they knew what he was. Really they just meant his appearance but still it hurt more than anything
“She’s a pretty thing ya know. That girl of yours” the boy states, taking a step towards him “Maybe I’ll take a crack at her once she comes to her scenes. Silly girl clearly, but purebloods stick together…besides sillier girls are easier to tame” he says the last part lowly, stepping past him and going on his miserable sod of a way
“Freak” the girl butts her shoulder into him as she passes by as well leaving Remus alone
He should have stood up for himself, punched the guy for his words, merlin he should kill him for what he said about you. But he didn’t, his fists softened, the tears fell, and he found himself leaning against the bookcases, head tilted upwards as he tried his best not to completely break down
Pathetic. Worthless. Freak.
You would come look for him once you’d woken up, which would be soon since you were funny like that. Even in your sleep you could sense his prolonged absence. 
Wiping his tears, he readies himself to pass off the hurt for pre-moon pain. He never thought you low enough to leave him for being weak, yet he would never let you know what just happened, what had been happening since they laid eyes on him in first year
Thankfully when he returns to his spot you’re still asleep. Sitting beside you again, he shrugs off his robes and pulls off his jumper, covering you with the first and placing the second under your head as a pillow
“Thank you Rem” you murmur, arm lazily coming down to hug his thigh, pulling it flush against yours
He felt instantly better at that, the pain from his exchange would remain, the insecurities he already had for himself and from them would linger on, but his heart knew they were just that, insecurities, they weren’t the truth. Besides, in a month he would graduate, he’d never need to see them again, and he’ll get to spend the rest of his life with you
“Anything for you bunny”
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You were angry, beyond angry actually, you were damn near furious. It had been a week since you’d woken up and overheard your boyfriends bullies in the library, one week you had been gathering information on the two so you could destroy them at the right moment 
And that moment was right now
“Hey!” you shout, startling more than one person, terrifying everyone in that corridor with just one glare
The sleepy girl in class had finally woken up on the wrong side of the bed, the girl who was inherently ‘not slytherin’ would destroy that title in threefold today
“Yeah I’m talking to you two” your eyes narrow in on them while the other students around you relax a little, they weren’t in your sights yet they still stepped back
Your shouts draw the attention of the marauders as well, all glancing up the hall to see what's going on, noting the large crowd
“Wonder what's happening” Peter says, sadly a little too short to see anything
“Probably some girl who caught her partner cheating” Sirius shakes his head with a small laugh “Y’all coming to watch” his face morphs into a smirk, his love of drama entertaining to his friends
“I’m good man enjoy” Remus says with a laugh, bidding Sirius goodbye as he stands with Peter, watching James climb up on a nearby window
“Watch yourself” Peter warns, hands moving to upwards to catch James if he fell
Remus was chuckling at his James’ laziness when he saw his eyes widen, before literally cleaning his glasses to check he was seeing it right. 
Suddenly he jumps down, grabbing Remus by his cardigan and Peter by the wrist
“Prongs what the-” Remus is cut off
“It’s your girl” is all he says letting go of the boys but gently rubs Peters wrist to say sorry if he hurt it
“What?” Remus forcefully stops in his tracks, looking at James wide eyed
“It’s your girl” James points to the crowd, hithering for him to follow
“My girl” Remus looks at the crowd then James “My girl” it dawns on him, following swiftly
Meanwhile the girl and boy whose names you couldn’t give a lesser fuck about were finally bring their attention to you
“What do you what?” the girl glares at you but you see right through it, her eyes give away her fear and in all honesty you’d be scared of you right now too
Sirius arrived just then, mouth dropping in shock and backing up to go get the others when James wraps his arm around him and Remus and Peter appear on his other side. 
Remus felt sick as he saw who you were in a confrontation with, wondering how you knew or if this was all some coincidence, but really, he knew the answer
“Leave him alone” you say scarily calm, a stark contrast to the rage within and your earlier shout 
“Or what? What are you going to do about it sweetheart?” the boy steps forward
He was a little taller than you, and clearly trying to use that to intimidate you whilst simultaneously eying you like a piece of meat. You knew who he was, another arrogant rich pureblood whose name meant everything in his eyes but nothing in the real world. 
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend or friends, all you could see was red and the two arses who dared hurt the sweetest man who ever lived. But if you had seen them, you would have saw James grabbing Sirius’ hand to stop him from punching the boy, while Peter does something similar for your boyfriend
“You know, my father knows your father” you start, watching the confusion take over his face but a few other slytherins including a younger brother of one of the marauders knew where this was going and grinned subtly “Prissy little fellow, strange isn’t it?” you ask almost rhetorically, almost, because you know the idiot will answer 
You stepped towards him then, looking up at him with no fear, and, if anything, amusement
“What's strange?” he plays right into your trap
“Well your mother and father are quite small, even your grandparents are rather short, whole family actually…strange that you’re so tall is all” you muse earning sniggers from the crowd and the boys face falters “But alas your heritage isn’t my point” you smirk, glancing at the girl who looks like she's getting ready to run before your quiet calculated wrath turns towards her
“And your point?” his face hardens again, the fury in his eyes already marking your victory
“My father’s your boss” you state then seei the pure shock on his face “Didn’t know that huh?” you say teasingly
“Even if your father is his boss he can’t fire him based off you running to daddy over some narrative you’ve got in your pretty little head about your boyfriend” he tries to mock back, gain laughter on his side but there's a dead silence, almost uncomfortable as everyone can feel the second hand embarrassment
Your smirk grows
“Oh mister asswipe” that gains laughs and a cackle you recognise as Sirius’ “Can I call you asswipe?”
“Good” you shut him up “Well mister asswipe, and little miss asswipe, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you dearie” you throw her a wink and that finally sends her running off, abandoning her ‘friend’ and you giggle “Looks like miss asswipe left the building” you shrug 
Remus watches you amazed, seeing his girlfriend put his and so many others bullies in place was satisfying, almost empowering, to watch…although it also reminded him to never, ever, piss you off
“Your girl is fucking awesome” Sirius whispers, shaking his head and loving every second of this
“She's so cool” Peter smiles
“Chose well mate” James lifts his hand from Sirius’ shoulder and pats Remus’ back
Remus can barely splutter a 'thanks' back as he listens to the boy scoff
“Avoiding my question with a misdirect? Amateur y/l/n” he rolls his eyes, earning boos from the crowd that you would later find out was started by Sirius and James
“If anyone's an amateur it’s your father. Let’s face it he’s only got a job at the Ministry because he’s rich and pure blooded, and while my family may also possess those traits we have something your inbred one could never have”
“And what is that?” 
“Respect, love...oh and class of course” you say simply “So, how would it affect your fathers already unsteady reputation when 3 to 4 dozen students come forward tomorrow with their statements of how you, and your little friend, have been bullying them for the last 7 years” you pose with a wicked grin, 'ohhh's' coming from the crowd around you and a 'damn' from who you can only assume was James
“I-ugh” he panics looking around the room and is met with no sympathy
“You see if there’s one thing even the purist of fuckers and the mugglest of muggleborns can agree on is what a piece of shit looks like and you, Mr Asswipe, are that…” you stab his chest exactly like the girl did last week “…piece…” again “…of…” and again “…shit” 
The boy looked mortified and down right terrified, clearly hoping that situation was hypothetical but judging by your dementor and satified smirk, his reputation really would be going down the toilet tomorrow 
Your smile dropped to a glare, ready to seal your final threat when you glanced briefly to the side, doubling back as you see Remus and your face softens immediately. He looked somewhere between shocked and impressed, but above all relieved, gifting you a funny looking yet grateful smile
You give him a quick one back before returning to the boy in front, face hardening to a menacing look once more “If you ever bully anyone again I will end you, but if you or your little friend dare come near my guy again, so much as breathe the wrong air around him I will do so much worse. So. much. worse” you say the last bit slower and lower, puting the fear of Salazar into the boy, who’s name we care not about "No one messes with my guy"
You point at him, trying not to laugh at fear on his face nor him literally shaking in his so last season boots
“Understood?” he nods quickly “Sorry princess, couldn’t hear you”
“Good” he doesn’t move “You can leave now” and he does, quickly, like a penquin with his arse on fire, meanwhile the crowd claps
You give them a smile, seeing a couple professors pretending like they saw nothing in the corner of your eye, both wearing smirks. 
Your main focus went to Remus, walking right up to him but you’re cut off by his friends
“Teach us” James gets down on knees as does Sirius both bowing their heads like you were a god
“If moony says no to marriage I’m here darling” Sirius adds earning a smack in the back of his head by Remus 
“She’s my girl” his words and voice so soft yet so firm
“Sorry Siri” you shrug, throwing him a wink before taking your boyfriends hand and leading him away, leaving James and Sirius chucking while Peter gives you a rather adorable wave goodbye
There aren’t many words spoken on the way to his dorm, only the password to the portrait and a ‘you first’, both said by Remus in a whisper
“Are there actually people coming forward tomorrow?” He wonders, closing the door behind you
You giggle “Yup” you pop the p “He’s never gonna bother you or anyone again”
“How-” he’s cut off by you taking his hands and leading him towards the bed
“You remember last week at our study session?” You ask, dropping your hand from his and beginning to undo his tie
He nods “you heard them?” he asks, heart rate picking up at both the conversation and your soft movements 
You slide off his tie, pads of your fingers pressing tenderly into his shirt as you push off his cardigan “I did” you admit, placing his tie and cardigan on a nearby chair
“Why didn’t you mention it?” He’s whispering now, breathless at the simple movements done with so much care 
You begin unbuttoning his shirt, placing a sweet kiss on the new skin exposed with each one undone 
“You didn’t want me to know” you say simply between kisses “So I plotted how to destroyed them”
He chuckles at that 
“You succeeded there Bunny” he lets out a smile, a weight lifted for the first time in a long while
You continue to kiss down his chest to his stomach and Remus’ eyes flutter with each one
You untuck his shirt “You think I went a little far?” you meet his eyes, you felt no sympathy or guilt for what you did but you needed to know he felt it just
“Best thing I’ve ever seen” he wasn’t lying, seeing his girl humiliate his bullies was a little hot, he had no idea how much of a spitfire you could be when you wanted to
You smile, leaning in to kiss his nose “I thoroughly enjoyed it” your fingers run up his chest, gently playing with his dusting of hair as you do before you push off his shirt and place it with his other clothing
Remus takes over when you fingers move to your own tie “let me” he kisses your temple, nudging his nose deeper into your hair afterwards as he can’t express his gratitude through words
He takes off your emerald tie, placing it neatly with his own. He kisses your nose, adoring the scrunch and giggle while his hands find the hem of your jumper. Your hands go up without instruction, this dance had been done multiple times before, yet neither of you grew bored of it
His fingers find your buttons, copying your own movements and kissing as he goes. His fingers tickle your skin as he untucks it, and he catches it when you let it fall from your shoulders. 
“Pretty bunny” he compliments, now sitting up on his knees and kissing just below your belly button
“Pretty wolf” you return, seeing the inner conflict in his eyes at it
You encourage him to stand up and he takes your extended hands which help him to his feet. You then unbuckle his belt and unzip his trousers, pushing them down just a little and letting them fall to his ankles before taking his hands again, needlessly but sweetly helping him step out of them
Left in his boxers Remus’ fingers hook around the band of your skirt, gently pulling it over your hips before allowing it to fall to the floor. He then moves you towards the bed, tugging your tights down to your thighs
“Sit down bunny” he gently asks, chuckling as you do sit but let your body fall back onto the bed, lifting your legs for him
He glides the tights off, placing them with your skirt while you sit up
“Is my night shirt still here?” you sit up, already unclasping your bra
He nods, grinning to himself as he goes to his dresser and catches a glimpse of you as he does. 
Grabbing the shirt he turns back to find you have already gotten under the covers, sitting with your knees bent, arms lazily wrapped around them with a thin sheet covering yourself, back on full display for him
“Come here big guy” you tap the bed next to you
His face light up, cheeks raising as he climbs in next to you “Here Bunny” he holds out the shirt only for you to gently push his hand back
His eyebrows knit for all of two seconds before the raise, face flustering as the covers drop and you turn around, leg lifting up and over as you straddle him
You take the shirt from his now loose hand, while his eyes flick from your chest to your face but mostly to your chest until the shirt slides over them
“You’re killing me” he tells you, hands sliding up your bare thighs slowly 
“I know” you say, pressing your lips together as you smile
“Cruel temptress” his hands find their way under your shirt, resting on your hips, thumbs caressing where your band of your underwear meets your bare thigh, tucking themselves into the crevice 
You bite your lip, eyes trailing down his chest to the pudge of his stomach, loving the squish from his seated position 
“Maybe…or perhaps you’re just so beautiful I can’t help myself” you say, causing his already dusted cheeks to kiss his eyelashes 
“You really think so?” He asks, like he has too many times before but you still treat it like the first time
Cupping his cheeks you whisper “I know so” yet this time you have more to add “you aren’t pathetic nor are you worthless. You have more in that heart of yours than they could have in a hundred lifetimes. You are more than what you turn into once a month and the scars you have from them” you kiss the old wound on his nose “They are beautiful, they aren’t a reminder of a monster they’re a reminder of the brave…brave man in front of me” you peck his lips as you speak, unable to resist “You’re not a monster or a freak. You’re Remus, the man as pretty as the thing you’re named after”
His grip on your hips tightens slightly, bringing you that little bit closer as he leans his forehead on yours for a few seconds before pulling back, eyes a little glassy
“I adore you” is all he says, no denial of his beauty, no argument that he was indeed a monster, no, none of that this time
You smile “I adore me too” you quip, yelping a little as he nips your sides “Meany” you giggle before one hand drifts up and pulls you in for a kiss
Sadly, you pull away early, much to his, and your, disappointment but you can’t let it go unsaid
“I love you”
He didn’t need the confirmation, everything you just said, did and were doing for him confirmed your love. 
Still, hearing those words completed him
“Say it again” 
“I love you” you repeat, chewing on your lip as his hand moves back to your hips to pull you impossibly closer
“One more” he whispers, leaning in, lips brushing
“I love you Remus lupin” your lips tickle his, both smiling before your lips meet again
Your hand finds his chest, palms flat against it, while his move up and down your waist. Lips moving in sync while your bodies try to move closer, merge as one. His tongue sliding out and over your lips, diving in when you grant permission
“Hey you’ll never…oh hello”
You and Remus jump at the noise, lips disconnecting with a small trail of saliva as you turn your head to see James and Sirius at the door, the former with Peter asleep in his arms as a rat and the latter with food from the kitchens 
Remus’ hand lowered your shirt the moment the door clicked open, hands resting on your bum to ensure it was covered. While you wipe your now plumb lips with a shy smile on your face
Sirius was smiling while James raised an eyebrow “You two doing it right now or is this still the lead up?” He wonders motioning 
You giggle, tucking your head into the crook of Remus’ neck while he answers “Out” he points 
Sirius chuckles, turning to James “Told ya he’d get turned on by…”
“Pads” Remus scolds, cheeks heating up so fast you can feel it creeping up his neck
“What?” Sirius shrugs while James pushes him out of the room mouthing ‘sorry’ although that was mostly for you when you peak out at them
The moment the door shuts again you and Remus start laughing, especially at the muffled “be safe” from Sirius 
“So” Remus starts once the laughter dies down
“So” you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, hands finding his and playing with them
“What do you want to do?” He asks, although he’s pretty sure he knows the answer
“You know what” you grin at him
He lets out a chuckle “Come on then” you both wiggle down on the bed until his head meets the pillow
You smile to yourself, shifting your weight to one side and lowering yourself to lay beside him. Remus reaches down and grabs the covers, pulling them up until your shoulder, as your head moves to lay in the crook of his shoulder
“I love you rem” you kiss the side of his chest, leg and hand moving around him
“Love you too bunny” he kisses your hair, arms wrapping securely around you “sweet dreams”
“Sweet dreams” you murmur, somehow already falling asleep
Remus just smiles down at you, not one hour ago you had the entire school afraid and in shock, while now it was like none of that ever happened and you were his sleepy bunny again…and he was your guy, your wolf…
Your moon
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Thank you for reading 💛 (a/n: hope someone got the doctor who reference in there)
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aphrcdites · 1 year
“not all men”
you’re right, my favorite fictional character would never.
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cinnamoodles · 4 months
getting into a fandom and reading all the top fics >>>>>
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thatboisus · 5 months
he wants me so bad (he’s fictional and i read a fanfic about him)
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natti-ice · 3 months
A man with a pretty face and a slutty waist.
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