#ryan wolfe x reader
rubyarrows · 9 months
It Takes Two
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Amidst the bustling halls of the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, Ryan and YN stood in front of a large whiteboard covered with photographs, case details, and strings connecting seemingly unrelated pieces of evidence. Their camaraderie was palpable, having weathered countless challenges together, both on and off the job. Ryan, with his intense focus and meticulous attention to detail, balanced out YN's more intuitive and daring approach to solving cases.
The latest case on their docket was a complex one, involving a series of interconnected murders that had left the entire team perplexed. As they studied the evidence before them, YN's expressive eyes narrowed, her mind clearly deep in thought. "There has to be a pattern here somewhere," she mused aloud, her voice carrying a hint of frustration.
Ryan leaned against the edge of the table, his arms crossed, his analytical mind at work. "We've been through tougher ones, YNN. We'll figure this out," he reassured her, his tone calm and steady.
YN sighed, her fingers drumming lightly against the table. "I know, Ryan. It's just that... this time, it feels different. Like we're missing something crucial."
Ryan glanced at her, his gaze softening. "Hey, we make a great team, remember? We've cracked cases that seemed impossible before. This is no different."
She managed a faint smile, appreciating his attempt to lift her spirits. "You always know what to say, don't you?"
He chuckled softly. "Well, I try."
As the hours ticked by, the two delved deeper into the case, examining each piece of evidence from different angles. Ryan's attention to detail complemented YN's instinctive leaps, and together, they began to uncover connections that had eluded the rest of the team. It was this unique synergy that had always set them apart.
But despite their progress, frustration still lingered. YN ran a hand through her hair, leaning back in her chair. "It just feels like we're running in circles."
Ryan pushed himself away from the table and walked over to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get a breakthrough, YNN. We always do."
She looked up at him, her gaze weary yet determined. "You have an uncanny ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you know that?"
He shrugged, offering a small smile. "Someone has to, right?"
YN let out a genuine laugh, the tension in the room momentarily dissipating. "Well, I'm glad that someone is you, Ryan."
As the night wore on, their collaboration deepened. It was during one of these late-night brainstorming sessions that YN's eyes suddenly lit up. "Wait a minute," she said, excitement creeping into her voice. "Look at this pattern in the victims' locations. It's not random; it's based on their workplaces."
Ryan's eyes widened as he studied the map she was pointing at. "You're right. The killer is targeting them based on their jobs."
YN nodded fervently. "And if we cross-reference their schedules, we might just identify the common denominator."
As they delved into this newfound lead, it became clear that they were onto something big. Their synergy and determination propelled them forward, piecing together the puzzle one fragment at a time. Hours turned into days, and their work began to yield results. Eventually, their efforts culminated in the identification of a suspect with a vendetta against specific professions—a breakthrough that led to the suspect's arrest and the unraveling of the intricate web of motives and connections.
In the end, it was the unwavering partnership between Ryan Wolfe and YN that cracked the case wide open. Their distinct approaches and mutual trust were the keys to deciphering the enigma that had stumped others. As they stood side by side, looking at the solved whiteboard, a sense of accomplishment and relief washed over them.
"You see, YNN?" Ryan said with a satisfied smile. "I told you we'd figure it out."
YN grinned, playfully nudging his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, you were right. As always."
And in that moment, amidst the fluorescent lights of the crime lab, their unbreakable bond and shared triumph shone as brightly as the Miami sun.
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wolfish-nightmares · 3 months
CSI: Miami Masterlist
Horatio Caine:
Coming Soon
Ropa Vieja - 
Tim Speedle:
K9 - 
Night Shift - 
Exposed - Tim's double life with his pornstar girlfriend gets revealed.
Eric Delko: 
Honey Bear
Coming Soon
Ryan Wolf:
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Jesse Cardoza:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Calleigh Duquesne:
Coming Soon
Croc Tooth - 
Yelina Salas:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Alexx Woods:
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Natalia Boa Vista:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Megan Donner:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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Ryan Wolfe Masterlist
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In progress
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ashes-writing · 2 years
first | csi miami ; r.wolfe
A/N ;  This comes as a result of a conversation between @justmeandanoverdrive yet again and like... I really liked the idea of this and I firmly believe Ryan Wolfe has himself a bit of a corruption/deflowering kink, i dunno, I just feel like he does. This is the end result of the discussion and whew... I'm going to take an ice bath now. I hope you like this, dear. This one is all on you.
Pairing ; Ryan Wolfe x Virgin!Fem reader
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; Time is a construct. There is no clear indicator of when this took place, in other words. This is also not connected to any of the previous one-shots posted for Ryan, so.. standalone. Nothing else to read to go with it. Yay, right?
Tag List ; @beardedbarba, @justmeandanoverdrive @uncrownedmox and @EmyTheGoth are the only people on my CSI Miami taglist. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including CSI Miami, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open -> send me things. Headcanons + fluff / filth alphabet letters only.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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Warnings ; Minors, i think the entire fuck not. This -like all my other content, is not meant for your little eyes so go read other shit. 18+ only, minors dni. Corruption!Kink, virgin!reader, p in v -unprotected how do i never remember to get them to wrap it first wtf, biting / marking, oral sex (f recieving), body fluids, hand jobs (f recieving) and that's it.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open -> send me things. Headcanons + fluff / filth alphabet letters only.
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Things are hot and heavy. You’re whining in need and rubbing yourself against the way he’s straining hard against the front of his jeans. Ryan’s mouth is hot against your neck, his teeth digging against skin. His hand slips up your shirt and under your bra and he’s squeezing your tits as he bucks himself up into you and tries to catch his breath.
Dizzy. Light-headed.
Your legs wrap around his waist and he thinks that maybe the stupid chair you’re sharing will go backwards with both of you because of the way you keep rocking into him and chasing friction. His other hand slips up the bottom of your shorts and his finger drags over the lace circling the leg of your favorite panties. Your head falls back and you whimper and then your mouth crashes against his in a kiss so voracious that when you pull apart to breathe he can feel his lips aching from the after. 
Normally, this is about the time you panic and realize that you haven’t ever gone all the way and Ryan doesn’t exactly know this about you because you just can’t bring yourself to admit it. It’s nothing to do with shame, it’s more or less a lack of answers for any questions you know he’ll probably have because more than a few past boyfriends have all had questions. They’ve also gotten frustrated sooner or later when you don’t want to take it to the next level and go to bed with them.
But you made up your mind a long time ago that you weren’t giving up your virginity until you really found someone you clicked with. Until Ryan, you hadn’t.
And lately, it’s harder and harder to put a halt to things when they start to get hot and intense like this. And something in you snaps. You’re probably stupid for holding your virginity hostage this long, it’s not as if happily ever after really exists and someday you’ll meet that perfect guy and everything will fall into place.
Ryan is dangerously close to ticking all those boxes so it’s not like you’re making the decision on a whim that you’re going to regret later.
And if just what you’re doing right now has you soaked and dangerously close to leave behind a wet spot on his jeans, maybe just giving in to what you want more than anything right now isn’t such a bad thing. And so, with this thought, you crash your mouth against his all over again, your tongue battling his for dominance. When he groans your name and his hand comes out from beneath your shirt to tangle up in the hair at the back of your head to tug and pull your mouth in deeper as he takes over the kiss, you mutter quietly into the kiss, “Want you… Fuck..” in a breathy whine that hangs heavy. “Want you to be my first.”
Ryan pulls away so you can both breathe and he can process what you’ve just said. Relief washes over him because the poor guy thought maybe you just weren’t into him and he’s spent quite a while now waiting on the other shoe to drop because you always seem to get real tense when things get a little too hot and in the heat of the moment, it’s like you panic.
“Whoa, wait..” he grips your jaw before you can lean in and start to suck his neck like you were about to. You pout because you’ve got exactly one goal in mind right now and it is not talking. But Ryan wouldn’t be the man you love if he didn’t have at least one question. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the reaction you’re afraid you’ll get. Had your confession just put an end to your relationship? Because what if he wants someone with more experience?
Just when you’re really starting to panic, debating whether this was a complete mistake, Ryan grips your hips and pulls you back down into his lap. “Where the hell do you think you’re goin, hm?” he questions as his eyes lock on you almost hungrily.
He’s leaning into you now. And his touches aren’t frenzied anymore. They’re slow. Gentle. But the throbbing in your cunt doesn’t agree with or like this and you whine while pouting. “Ryan.” you breathe out as your eyes flutter open and shut when he grazes his lips against the front of your throat and starts to leave a very big mark behind -note, this is the first time he’s just… left one out there for the world to see..- as his hand slips back up the bottom of your cutoffs and settles on your ass, using his grip to guide you over his bulge again while taking several deep breaths. “You’re..” he trails off to breathe, to try to pull himself together and be a good boy, behave himself because this is huge for him and the last thing he wants to do is make you feel like you absolutely have to go through with it now. “You’re sure..” he questions, his tongue dragging over the pulse at the side of your neck as he mutters in a lower tone of warning,  “because if you’re not..”
“Please?” you whimper, a slow hiss on the end of the word as his fingers dig into the meat of your ass to squeeze and really make you bear down on the way he’s strained against his jeans. “Now.” you moan out. Ryan stands, carrying you down the hall to his bedroom. Your back meets a soft mattress and he’s lowering himself after he’s stripped off his jeans and the gray t-shirt he was wearing, settled his body between your legs, spreading you apart for him. He’s pulling at your shirt real slow. Taking his time, his fingers grazing against your skin until you’re rocking against him from below and trying to reach down to help him out just so it goes faster and you’re skin to skin with him like you’re craving so bad you can practically taste it.
He chuckles quietly, “Y’know,” he mutters with hot breath against the shell of your ear when he leans down and really presses his whole body down into yours to pin you totally flat beneath him, “This means a lot, princess.”
You nod and when his mouth locks onto your neck again and he leaves another mark behind on your skin, “You’re really sure.. Right?” he asks again, a low and husky laugh from deep in his throat as he gazes up at you. His hand slips out from below your shorts and underneath again, his fingers splayed and squeezing your thigh as he searches you eyes for confirmation. “Ryan,” you whine out against the shell of his ear, “Please. Yes.” you don’t know how much more you can take, and just when you think he’s going to drive you crazy, he lets the shirt he’s stripped from your body fall to the bedroom floor with the rest of his clothes. And then his fingers catch in the waistband of your shorts and he skims his finger across the exposed skin just above it. You shiver all over and whimper, rolling your hips up into him, needy and desperate. His hand catches hold of your hip and he holds it flat against the bed. His lips brush your ear when he leans down to whisper in a darker husk, “I’m gonna take such good care of you, baby. Relax, okay?” and you moan his name because the hand at your waistband slips between your thighs, pressing right against your clothed sex until the ache is so bad you can’t think straight and you’re begging, squirming, pleading with him for what you want.
He chuckles quietly. His mouth crashes against yours, swallowing your little whimpers and moans and the sounds of your lips meeting his fervently swallow the sounds of his quiet groans and the growl that falls from his lips when he feels how warm you are when he slips his hand up the bottom of your shorts and cups your clothed cunt, squeezing and rubbing the heel of his hand up against you. Hard and fast. And the more he does it, the more you come alive beneath him. And whimper. Moan and beg. And all your little noises sound so fucking hot that he’s forced to rut against the inside of your thigh because he’s aching to bury his cock all the way inside, let your velvety walls wrap around it and clench him tight.
But he’s also trying to be careful, gentle with you. It’s so much harder now that he knows he’s the one you’re choosing to give up your virginity too. It’s a huge deal for him. Huge. Just the fact that he’ll be the first -and only, if he has his way about it, man to touch you and see you like this… It’s driving him to an almost feral level of worked up. He finally decides to pull off your shorts and as he’s pulling them down your legs, the overhead light catches on the way your juices are coating the inside of your thighs.
Your shorts fall on the floor, settling with the rest of the clothing and he turns his attention to your cunt, raising one of your soft legs to rest it against his shoulder as he drags his tongue down the inside of your thigh, cleaning up the mess he’s made out of you already. You moan his name, back arching upwards, your head back and your face all flushed. Looking down and seeing you come alive and grip the sheets the closer he gets to your dripping pussy only fuel the lust he feels. Your panties are flooded. And their in the way. He drags a finger beneath the thin strip of fabric at the side and fabric is torn with a soft rip. As soon as he’s got your panties off, he’s pulling you up halfway, stripping off the bra. Out of instinct, you go to throw up an arm, cover yourself. But Ryan pulls your arm down and he pulls away from you, kneeling in front of you as he openly fucks you with his eyes. Then you’re pushed down against the mattress again and he’s lowered himself, settled in between your legs with either of your legs thrown over his shoulder. You’re spread wide open for him and his tongue is lapping at wetness, determined to lick you clean. When you feel his lips latch against your clit, your hand finds his hair and you’re tugging at it, fingers carding through. He growls when he feels you start to flood his tongue. Your body is tense, you keep trying to rock your hips upward against his face but his hand is holding one of your hips flat against the bed as he stops to gaze up at you and watch you start to unravel.
He repeats what he said earlier. “Gonna take care of my baby girl, fuck.” he groans out the words against your pelvic mound as the hand gripping your hip lets go for just a moment. His fingers slip into your cunt, working you open. Stretching you a little. Enough that you tense around him and you gasp quietly at the little sting of pain. As he latches his teeth onto the inside of your thigh, he mumbles something about getting you ready for him and you whine, you try to plead because the second he took away the friction he was giving you by letting you roll your hips and drive your core against his mouth, the second you really felt the ache kick all the way up.
Your stomach is coiled so fucking tight you don’t know what to do. You know what you want, but Ryan’s not likely to let you just yet. You know this because he keeps stopping.
Until he’s not and he’s fucking into you with two fingers and his tongue, rutting himself against the bed just to give himself a little friction until he’s buried inside you. “Fuck. Princess, holy shit. You’re being so, so good for me.” he growls out. He can feel your pussy grip his fingers and he can feel you tense up, your fingers digging against bedsheets and his hair again. And he knows he can’t take any more of this teasing.
It’s gotta be now.
He’s gotta be inside you. Taking you for himself.
You whimper in need when he stops and starts to pull himself up your body. You’re whimpering until you feel the tip of his cock graze against your entrance, a soft hiss pulled out of you as you shiver because you’re so sensitive, no thanks to all the times he’s almost gotten you there but then denied you.
You tense up as he begins to bury himself inside you and he pauses, hips pinning you against the mattress as he works on marking up your neck and throat, leaving a necklace of lovebites to circle soft skin. Lovebites that won’t be hidden. They’re big and they’re dark and you can feel them. Your arching yourself up into him because you’re finally used to the feel of his thick cock stretching you and you want more. You need friction. Your lips latch against his neck and as you sink your mouth against skin, he growls quietly, fucking into you in a slow and deep pace. Buried to the hilt, so deep that you can feel him smash against your cervix with each deep thrust. “Fuck.” he groans against your skin as his head dives down and his mouth latches on to the top of your breasts, “you feel like fuckin heaven, princess.” he’s totally blinded by lust and the way your pussy vises his cock so perfectly. You’re so wet he can hear each thrust and that’s driving him crazy. Your legs wrap around his waist and the slightest change in position sends him smashing against the spongy soft of your spot and as your nails drag up and down his back, pausing to dig into his shoulders a little when he keeps plowing away at you and hitting the spot over and over until you’re shaky beneath him, he knows he’s not holding off much longer.
“Where do y’ want me, hm?”
“Don’tstopdon’tstop, please don’t stop.” you beg breathless, your pleas stretch and drag and the way you whine his name is enough to send him racing right over the edge. You’re meeting every drive eagerly, clumsy rolling your hips, desperate to let another orgasm shatter you. Your hand’s buried in his hair now, pulling. Caught up in the heat of the moment, you moan and beg for him to fill you up and listening to you beg for it only has him slamming into you deeper. Urgent as he shatters right over the edge and his hips stammer, your pussy milking him as his hot seed spills, filling you. After a few more clumsy thrusts, he settles on top of you gingerly, his forehead against your breasts. “I didn’t… hurt you… Right?” he asks, gazing up at you in concern because he knows he got rough with you just a little in the heat of the moment. You’ve got this fuck-dumb little grin on your face and it’s the cutest fucking thing he’s seen in his life and you yawn out the word No, as you drag your fingers lazily through his hair.
You belong to him now. The realization has him soaring.
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supercap2319 · 1 month
"Dude! Who's the hot naked dude on fire!?" Cody asked. In the doorway of Cody's house, a naked man stands in the door frame. He's covered head to toe in fire but doesn't seem to be affecting him in the slightest. His eyes burn with an orange hue color while the most enormous cock that Cody and Y/N have ever seen, twitched in the air. Fire licks all around his body as he slowly enters the house as Y/N and Cody back up.
"Parrish? Sheriff Parrish?" Y/N asked.
"Sheriff? Dude, you know a Sheriff?"
"He's the Sheriff in Beacon Hills. I can only assume he's here for two reasons." Y/N said.
"Which are?" Cody gulped.
"He's either here to kill us, or fuck us. I'm hoping it's the former. He's possessed by a Hellhound." Y/N explains as they back towards the living room, Parrish following their every step.
"Why would he want that?" Cody says as Y/N waved a hand and couch moved between them and Parrish, but the Hellhound burned it up with a single touch. "Submit."
"Like hell. Why is he doing this?" Cody asked.
"Hellhounds have a confusing relationship with witches. It's hard to explain at the moment. We need to get out of here." Parrish reached out a flaming hand towards Cody, and before he could grab the mortal boy, Y/N flicks his wrists, and Parrish froze in place.
Cody looks shocked as the flaming man stopped his advancements on them. It's like someone pressed pause on a big TV remote. The flaming man had stopped, but his frozen expression was enough to make Cody shiver.
"How did you do that?"
"I'm a good witch, remember? I put up both hands, and bad things tend to freeze."
"For how long?"
"Not very. Let's go before Parrish decides to make us ride that pitchfork all the way to hell." Y/N grabs Cody's hand, and they run for the doorway and into the night as the Hellhound unfreezes and roars, following the witch, and his human pet.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Make You Feel Better - Jordan Parrish x Reader
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Summary: You get attacked by one of Theo’s Chimeras and accidentally out you and Jordan’s relationship to your dad
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: little injury; oral (f!receiving); fluff
“FUCK!” I’m crying out, the pain in my arm sudden and blinding, the all too familiar warm trickling of blood making me let out a frustrated growl but I can’t stop to check how bad it is. Of course it’s me who runs into one of the Chimera pack that has been kidnapping student for sacrifices and of course I was going to be her next victim with the way she’s hot on my tail. I’m not too far from the main road and if it’s the time I think it is, Dad and Jordan should be making their way up the road around this time, coming back from their weekly check up on Derek and the rest of the pack at the newly rebuild Hale house. All I’ve got to do is make it to the main road. 
A wrist grabs my ankle and I’m flailing, the floor meeting me with a hard thumb and my nose throbs with pain. I struggle against the strong, almost bracingly strong, grip as if flailing enough will free me from her. By some miracle it works and I’m scrambling to my feet, sprinting up the embankment and my feet hit the tarmac almost painfully as the familiar sound of tires makes me relax a little but I can still hear her behind me. I’m waving my arms frantically at the Sheriff’s car, seeing the way Dad’s face has confusion, anger and then worry written across it. 
Something is yanking on my hair and I’m being pulled backwards but before they can do anything else Jordan is bolting from the still moving, albeit slowing, car and firing a shot in our direction. My face feels hot and wet suddenly, that tangy metallic taste in my mouth as I stumble straight into Jordan’s open arms. He wraps me up in a hug as I bury my face in his shirt, gripping it like a lifeline and he doesn’t protest that I’m getting blood on his uniform, instead he’s smoothing down my hair as my scalp stings a little still but the safe and familiarness of Jordan calms me down. Jordan holds me tightly, his arms warm and comforting around me. I can feel my heart racing in my chest as I try to catch my breath. The adrenaline from the danger is still pumping through my veins, but Jordan's presence is grounding me and you would think that after being part of the McCall Pack for four years I’d have learnt to not be scared of phased by any of this but nope. 
“It’s okay,” He murmurs softly, his breath warm against my ear, “I’ve got you.” 
I just nod, unable to trust my voice yet, still clinging to him. My hair is a mess, tangled and pulled out of its braid, and I can feel the sticky wetness of the blood on my face. I know I must look a right mess but Jordan doesn’t seem to care as he just hold some close, rubbing circles on my back in a soothing gesture as he waits to hear my heartbeat slow. My breathing steadies and my heart stops jackhammering in my chest as I focus on the comforting smell of Jordan: smoke; cedarwood and something sweeter like strawberries or raspberries. Without thinking I’m pressing my lips to his neck, kissing softly and Dad’s clearing throat has me realising what I did and I’m jumping back. 
My face flushes and I’m glancing at Jordan who has a mixture of surprise and amusement of his face, those pretty green eyes bright in the afternoon sun, being comfortable with Dad knowing our relationship. Jordan was just waiting for me to be comfortable enough to tell Dad as Jordan is his deputy and I didn’t want him to get into trouble or anything. 
“Come on, lets get you home,” Dad says, gesturing towards his cruiser and I’m nodding, slipping into the backseats while Jordan takes his place in the passenger seat and Dad gets back behind the wheel. I can feel my heart racing again, Jordan glancing back at me as soon as he hears it, brows quirked in worry before he smells the anxiety in the car, damn supernaturals and their ability to smell emotions. 
The drive home is short and filled with a tense silence, the only sounds coming from the hum of the engine and the occasional tapping of dad’s finger against the steering wheel which is something he only does when he’s stressed or he’s thinking about something intently and it just adds to my building anxiety. I can feel the sweat on my palms and the tightness in my chest, unsure if it’s from being attacked by one of the Chimeras or from Dad thinking without speaking up. It makes me almost bolt out of the car and make a beeline for the front door, rummaging through my pockets for my keys and beginning to panic even more as there’s no way I could have lost them in the forest, Dad’s gonna kill me even more than-
A gentle hand grips my hip while a familiar body presses against my back, leaning around me to slot my keys into the door and open it, voice soft and sweet as he speaks, “Your Dad said you left them at home this morning.” 
I’m glancing over my shoulder to see Dad pulling out of the driveway, a knowing smile on his lips, and I all but fall into Jordan’s firm body. He guides me inside, both of us kicking our shoes off and he’s suddenly grabbing my arm when he sees how much I’m wincing while peeling my bloodied hoodie off, gently checking the gash over. 
Without a word he’s guiding me upstairs to the bathroom and sits me down on the edge of the bathtub. He opens up the medkit and starts cleaning the wound on my arm with a damp cloth. It stings a little but Jordan is gentle and careful not to hurt me, taking my pain as he works. As he cleans, he murmurs softly, asking me how I'm feeling and making sure I'm okay. I can feel his warm breath on my skin and I close my eyes, just enjoying the comfort of his presence. 
After he's finished cleaning the wound, Jordan applies some antiseptic and a bandage. He checks it over one last time before standing up and taking a step back. "There, all done," he says, his voice soft and reassuring. "You'll be okay.”
“Can I kiss you?” It slips from my lips before I can stop myself, my hand reaching to cup his jaw and rub my thumb over his cheekbone as he looks up at me with those breathtakingly green eyes.
He’s swallowing, adams apple bobbing before he whispers out a soft “Please.” 
In an instant Jordan’s raising himself on his knees, lips soft and warm against mine moving in perfect harmony as our mouths mold together in a passionate embrace. I can taste the sweetness of his lips, a mix of the chapstick he’s wearing and the slightest hint of raspberries that I had smelled earlier. He’s deepening the kiss, pulling me closer and I’m slipping off the edge of the bath and straight into his lap, one of his hands finding its way into my hair to press my lips to his even more while the other wraps around my waist. The kiss feels like a warm blanket wrapped around me, comforting and familiar yet exhilarating at the same time. Jordan is gentle yet oh so passionate, his lips hot and needy against mine, a soft sound rumbling in his chest when I tug on his soft hair. I can the feel the heat radiating from his body as he holds me close as he stands in one smooth motion, keeping me held in his arms as he carries me to my room. 
When we reach my room, he carefully lays me down on the bed, finally breaking the kiss to gaze down at me, those usually bright eyes having darkened and he’s wetting his lips, “You okay baby?” He asks softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes and smiling softly, thumb tracing my cheekbones. I’m nodding in response, hand finding its way to the back of his neck and I’m guiding him down into another kiss, this one much softer and slower. 
As Jordan's lips meet mine again, it's as if the whole world melts away. His kisses are gentle and sweet, each one sending shivers down my spine and setting my skin ablaze. His lips move slowly and sensually, exploring every inch of my mouth with a softness that leaves me breathless. I can feel his warm breath against my skin, his hand caressing my cheek as our lips dance together in perfect harmony. It's a slow, sensual kiss that makes my heart race and leaves me wanting more. Our bodies press together, fitting perfectly as we explore each other's mouths with a hunger that cannot be denied. It's a kiss that ignites a fire within me, leaving me burning with desire and completely lost in the moment. 
“Jor,” I’m gasping out, hands moving to unbutton his uniform but he gently grips my wrists, “Jor please.” 
“Baby,” He’s shaking his head in amusement before he makes me look at him, “We can’t sweetheart, you’re hurt. Let me… let me help in a different way.” 
“J-Jor.” I’m choking out, feeling a rush of love at how sweet he is, my breath hitches in my throat when his lips find my neck. He’s tugging at my shirt and I think my heart tries to take up skipping as I sit up to let him slide it over my head before he’s guiding me to lay back down, hands caressing my skin softly. He’s peppering kisses across my chest and stomach, leaving a trail of sweet and chaste kisses. I can feel his lips leave a few tender hickeys here and there, causing me to gasp and giggle, running my fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin. Jordan’s touch is oh so gentle and loving, fingers dipping into my waistband of my jeans and glancing up in question. 
I’m lifting my hips for him and soon enough I’m bare for him except my bra and he sits back on his heels, looking at me with appreciation and love and as much as I want to cover myself out of embarrassment I don’t as I trust Jordan. His hands are sliding up the insides of my thighs, slowly and teasingly, and before I can make any sound of protest he’s diving down and hungrily latching his lips onto my clit, drawing a surprised moan from me and I’m tugging at his blond locks. He’s flattening his tongue and lapping through my folds in slow and leisurely strokes before he presses his tongue as far as he can into my heat, a moan vibrating through me when I pull on his hair even more. 
Deft and nimble fingers circle my aching heat when he moves his tongue back to my bundle of nerves, collecting slick on then before he eases them to the knuckle and I think my eyes roll back into my head when he experimentally curls them. My head presses back against my pillows, eyes slipping shut and his name falling from my lips as I rock my hips into his movements. Never in a million years did I think Jordan would be this dirty and needy with the way his other hand is gripping my hip, promising bruises and adding to the building pleasure. 
“Jor, fuck… Jor baby-“ 
“It’s okay sweetheart,” He’s murmuring into the skin of my thighs, fingers still working at an almost brutal pace, “Cum for me baby.” 
Hearing how wrecked he sounds sends me over the edge and I’m crying out his name, pulling almost painfully hard at his hair as waves of ecstasy wash over me, my thighs clamping shut around his head as he never stops. Only getting the hint when my hips are wriggling away from him and he’s pulling his fingers from me, keeping his gaze on me when he sucks them into his mouth, a soft groan leaving his lips and I whine. 
“Tease,” I grumble as he slides off the bed, finding a towel and cleaning me up before he’s grabbing me some clean underwear and a pair of my sweatpants. He helps me stand on shaky legs and helps me step into them, adjusting them so they sit comfortably on my lips and I feel like I want to cry at how loving and caring he is, “What about you?”
“This was about you sweets,” He smiles lovingly at me, brushing his thumb over my cheek and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, “There you go. Now, how about some food?” I nod, feeling grateful and content as he pulls me flush against him by my hips, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips before moving to press on to my forehead. Just as we’re about to pull away from each other and head downstairs the front door opens and there’s a crash, meaning it’s the one and only Stiles Stilinski. My twin brother. 
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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gardensofivy · 5 months
we collectively as a society have failed with the lack of seth cohen fics. like I need that man so bad. If I could write I would. someone please fill this need in me.
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headrant · 4 months
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𝐽𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟
❝ 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑀𝑅𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟'𝑠, 𝐻𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ...
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑜𝑙 𝑢𝑠𝑒. ❞
I sat alone at the oak wood bar that my father used to take Stiles and I to, my index finger tracing along the rim of my nearly empty glass of Sprite.
If he has it, I don't know what I'll do... I can't lose my brother the same way I lost my mom. Scott said he'd give Stiles the bite, but what if he reacts the same way I do? What if this whole phoenix thing runs in the family? Derek said it's genetic... The bite could kill him just as easily, right? If he's-
My thoughts were interrupted when a strawberry milkshake was placed in front of me, the bartender giving me a smile. "I didn't order this..." I told him with furrowed brows, sliding the glass back towards him only for the man to give me a grin and point behind me.
To say I was in awe is an understatement... He was fit, tall, with brown hair and green eyes.. I'm a sucker for green eyes. As I went to hand the milkshake off to him, the man finally spoke up.
"It's yours. You looked like you were having a rough night.. And I also noticed you weren't drinking any alcohol so I assumed a milkshake would be a safe bet." The man said as I felt myself at a loss for words. That's when he smiled... that damn smile.. with the white teeth and dimples, he was beyond handsome.
"Do you mind if I sit?" The man asked, a small chuckle passing his lips as it knocked me from my trance.
"Uh- Yeah.. yeah, please.." I told him before pulling the treat closer and taking a sip. "Thank you.. I, um.. I needed this." I said, allowing the awkward silence to sort of greet both of us before ultimately giving in and bringing my hand up to my mouth as my nails found their familiar place between my teeth. Before I knew it, I was chomping down on my nails to ease my nerves when the man gently took my wrist in his hand.
"You shouldn't do that, you know.. you'll end up hurting yourself." He said. "I used to bite my nails, too.. My dad doused my fingers in lemon juice to stop me." The man said with a small chuckle before taking a sip of his beer, ignoring the fact my wrist was still in his hand. My wrist was still in his hand...
"My name is Jordan by the way." He introduced himself, grazing his thumb over the top of my wrist as my heart fluttered. It was almost as if I couldn't speak as I watched his thumb gently trace the small freckles on my wrist before shaking my head and looking up at him.
"U-uh.. Hilde." I told him as my voice cracked slightly. There it was again.. that damn smile.. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." Jordan said, his green eyes flickering down towards my lips briefly.
"You think I'm pretty?" I scoffed slightly as he downed the rest of his beer.
"Gorgeous." Jordan said, scooting closer. Unsure if he was drunk or if he was genuinely flirting, part of me felt like I couldn't pass up this opportunity.
"Do you go to college? What are you studying?" He asked me.
Shit. I can lie, right? I've slept with older guys before...
"Um, law.. law enforcement." I told him, shifting in my seat slightly. That earned an intrigued look from Jordan before his eyes grazed along my body.
"I could see it." He said, his words making my heart skip a beat. "I'd like to learn more about you..." Jordan requested. It was almost like a magnet that pulled the two of us closer, my brown eyes locking on his green ones almost in a challenge.
"Then why don't you?" I asked before pulling him into a deep kiss.
I don't know how it happened, but before I knew it Jordan and I were at his apartment already tearing off each other's clothes before the door was even closed. "Sorry about the mess..." He panted, slipping off his jumper before wrapping his arms around me once more. "I didn't plan on bringing home a pretty girl..." He mumbled, trailing his lips down my neck.
For once my body didn't heat up like it often did, it almost stayed level with Jordan's before I cupped his cheeks and pulled him into another deep kiss.
"I want this..." I told him, making him pull away. There was a relieved and almost happy glint in his green eyes before I was tossed onto his makeshift couch bed, Jordan soon hovering over top of me.
"Good... I do, too." He agreed, delving down to return his lips to mine.
The next morning, I woke up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist making me smile as I remembered the night. Turning around I pecked Jordan's lips before his eyes fluttered open.
"Morning..." I whispered, earning a tired and afterglow grin from him.
"Good morning..." He rasped, pulling me tighter into his grasp before pressing his lips to mine once more.
"Mm- I have work, but I could meet you for lunch if you want..?" Jordan offered, breaking the kiss but still leaving our lips close as his brushed against mine when he spoke.
"You mean like a date?" I teased, making him lean back with a chuckle only to then push me onto my back and hover over me once again.
"Yes, like a date." He grinned, brushing his nose against mine before his lips soon attached to my cheeks and neck causing me to laugh before pushing him off.
"Jordan!!" I squealed, finally releasing myself from his grip before giggling as I leaned over the couch to grab a notebook and paper to write down my phone number.
"Text me when and where." I said, handing him the paper only to receive a kiss in return before getting up to get dressed.
Lunch rolled around, and with a few silly texts from Jordan throughout the day Lydia has been on my back about who I've been talking to. I couldn't tell her though... I don't even know if it's going to go anywhere with Jordan.
"I'm going to bring my dad lunch and I'll meet with you guys later." I called out before leaving the loft, unlocking my Volkswagen and heading to pick up something for my dad.
Grabbing the bag from the passenger side, I walked inside the station before seeing Jordan, my heart sinking. It took everything in me not to drop the food as he spotted me, getting up and walking over.
"Hey! I didn't think I told you where I worked, did I?" Jordan said, dressed in a full deputy's uniform. "How are you?" Jordan asked, about to press a kiss to my lips before my dad opened the door to his office making me snap out of my stunned expression and jump away from Jordan before he could.
"Dad! Hey, I brought you lunch!" I said, seeing the color drain from Jordan's face.
"It's not salad, is it?" My dad asked, taking the bag from me.
"Open it up and find out." I teased, trying to lighten the tension as I glanced over at the obviously stressed out deputy.
"Hilde, have you met my new deputy Jordan Parrish?" My dad asked, pulling a fry from his bag before eating it.
"Yep." I said, glancing over at my father's newest employee to see his pure shocked expression. "Sure have..."
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ignitedminds27 · 1 year
From BABY to DADDY 😘
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johnnys-breastmilk · 10 months
daring | jacob custos x reader
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a/n — wanted to make this different from my last jacob fic! again, writing to escape the slump so it might not be as good as usual!
summary — A game of truth or dare goes wrong when the counselors hear something outside of the cabin. You and Jacob go to check it out...
warnings — drinking, swearing, a bit of oral (jacob receiving), rimming (jacob receiving)
words — 3.3k
One thing about the outdoors was that it was quiet and slow. The night drug on and felt as endless as the forest. The atmosphere around Hackett's Quarry didn't feel much different, being the hearth in front of the warmth and spirit brought alive by the campers and counselors. Somewhere, lost in the passion, likely at the last cabin in a U-shaped order of identical structures, did it ignite into that fire. Alcohol carried that flame as it burned down everyone’s throat, and the contents of the cans evaporated, to which now laid in a pile under one of the unused bunks in case the big bad wolf—Mr. Hackett—stopped by to blow the roof off the closest thing that would come to be a party at Hackett’s Quarry.
"Jacob," Emma draws on the name, letting the syllables leave a pronunciated taste of sweetness on her lips, "I asked you: truth or dare?"
You noticed that, to Jacob, her salt looked like sweet sugar. He was willing to do whatever pleased her, and that reflected itself in his answer. “Dare.”
Emma bit her lip and smiled, “I dare you to. . .wear a piece of my clothing.”
“Do I get to choose?” Jacob pried. He sounded interested, and you figured that he probably would choose her bra or something immediately available on her, like the loose pair of sweatpants or tight spaghetti-strap hiding under a blue baggy cropped sweater. Emma knew better.
“Let’s take a vote.” Emma looked around in a circle, meeting the line of eyes as she waited for a response. Everyone sat facing each other in one big circle, and Kaitlyn, who sat two spots over from Jacob, skipping right over Dylan, put her opinion in.
“I think it should be the dealer’s choice,” she admitted.
Dylan turned to argue with Kaitlyn, “No way, the dude should get the choice since she came up with the dare.”
”I’m fine with Emma choosing for him,” Abby chided. Kaitlyn ignored Dylan to speak directly to her, “Thank you. See?”
The remainder of the group went, and finally, you. You sent the decision into a majority rule, and it was settled: Jacob would be able to pick his own humiliation. Jacob almost wanted to kiss you for unknowingly letting his preferred outcome happen. The question became not if he was embarrassed by the thought, but what he would choose to strut through the door in that he promptly exited with Emma tugging on his arm like a thick leash. In her absence, she left a promise that she would be back with expecting eyes trained on the door. That left you, Dylan, Kaitlyn, Ryan, Nick, and Abigail in the room.
Soon after, the two returned to a sprawl of low conversations that were interrupted as the old wooden door crept open with a creak. Emma entered first with her back turned to you and the rest of the group, only interacting with Jacob on the outside. She told him to wait for a cue, and he responded with a laugh about her dramatics. She turned to face the group, her glassy eyes falling on you first before looking around the half-circle.
“After a long wait, I present to you. . .” Emma bounced on her toes, “Jacob!”
She moved off to the side of the door, watching the reveal for herself as everyone joined in gazing at the widening space in the wall. Jacob pushed the door inwards and came into the light of the cabin, the soft glow casting a shadow on his torso where his newly-fitted brown cropped sweater ended. His thighs, which had previously been covered by solid denim, were now replaced by taut, pink nylon shorts that struggled to contain his tree-trunk-like thighs, and you couldn’t help but look at the ax-grinding right between his carved trunks. He also had on a different pair of less-than-pristine white canvas high-tops, which contrasted the dome of his head being covered by the same black baseball cap. Flipped backward, as expected.
“So that’s all yours, Emma?” Nick asked.
“No,” Jacob answered for her as he strutted to the center of the now mostly complete circle and posed, placing a hand on his hip, “These are mine, obviously. Why do you think I look so good in them?”
“And the—and the shoes, too. ‘Cause, obviously,” he followed.
While Jacob modeled himself, you noticed a thin separation between his shorts and his torso. A skinny piece of fabric shifted just above the band of his pink shorts, something that matched the color and looked like an entirely different thing underneath them. He must have failed to mention it or intentionally forgot about the fact that he put it on. You figured that it was the latter, given that Jacob had an issue with oversharing (circa the start of summer when he pulled, in what could only ever make sense coming out of his speak-before-think mouth, "The finest chick at camp.")
“That’s it?” You asked, hoping he would reveal it to your curious eye.
He kept posing, striking more complex stances that beefed up his upper body by puffing out his chest, “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you wanted more.”
You receded, “It’s fine, Jake. I was just kidding.”
He brushed it off by not acknowledging it at all and returning to his spot in the group's circle, which was a little unnerving. Jacob accepted defeat when he was rightfully toppled over in a conversation but never exited without leaving a snarky comment in his place. The group found their way down the path of truth or dare again, and according to their rules, the dare victim became the one in control.
The second he learned of his power, he looked directly at you and called your name, "Truth or dare?"
"It's only fair. Dare." You admitted with a dreaded swirl in your gut. A jock without inhibitions could mean that anything goes, and the night had already taken the turn of trying on clothes that weren't the proper size; who knows where else it could go? Jacob sat puzzled by the endless things he could make you do. Oh, the things he wanted to make you do. To satisfy himself, but more importantly, to inflate his big personality.
"I dare you to—what the fuck was that?" Jacob exclaimed.
"I didn't hear anything," Emma spoke without a thought behind her eyes. She smiled blankly in an attempt to reassure the panicked jock.
He tried to defend himself, "Yeah, well, it sounded like a bear. . . or something."
You interjected, "When have you ever—"
"Shh—shush." He hushed everyone in the room.
"You should go out there, Jacob. Maybe you can finally use that body you're always talking about to keep that bear occupied for a few minutes," Kaitlyn spoke, "It'll finally shut something up."
He lifted himself to the ground and strode to the door, "Yeah-yeah, fuck you. All of you, actually."
She ignored his insult. "Take some backup for help."
"I'll go." You offered.
He looked at you with gratitude, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for fucking you."
He held the door open for you, and you went first onto the deck and down the small row of steps. You heard his footsteps follow close behind. The placid night swept over the two of you as the ripples of sundown carried away the day's motion, and only your and Jacob's entrance into the still night could bring it to life again, even in fear.
After a slow lap around the cabin, with only the swish of Jacob's running shorts to remind you of his presence as he kept his unusually sewn-shut tongue behind invisible strings. It urged you to break the silence, “You never gave me a dare.”
He peered at you. Suspicion, expressed blatantly, “Didn’t realize we were still playing.”
“You started it when you came in with those shorts,” you remarked.
"You know, you look—uh, good in them." Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe you were delusional, but you couldn't help yourself. The move had to be played now or the game would switch to something you didn't know the rules of.
"Thanks for noticing." He teased.
You weren't sure how to bring it up, "Speaking of, I noticed something under them."
"It pairs with it, right?"
"Totally." You agreed. It was hard to go wrong with the matching colors. "But why—"
"Jesus Christ, I dare you to pull these off. . ." Jacob dug his thumbs into the elastic of his running shorts, stretching them out. The threading around his lips broke, pulled apart by neediness. He used the freedom of his lips to press them to yours—his being notably rougher and less taken care of than others at camp. You had trouble believing that the words chapstick and hygiene float around often in the boy's cabin. "I wanted you to see it."
The feeling of Jacob laying out a hint to you was enticing, and you were ready to take the bait further down. Your hands dove in, pulling down his shorts to his ankles and reaching for the thin tri-pointed cloth covering his dick. He was already chubbing-up and pushing the small mask to its limit, and you cupped a hand over it, feeling his still soft dick and balls overfill your hand. You thought about how your hand would smell and maybe taste like him if he set the boundaries at simply hand stuff. But a single worry cannon-balled into your thoughts to disrupt the flow: what if DylanRyanNickEmmaAbbyKaitlyn saw?
"What about everyone inside? They'll see this, too." You went to pull your hand away, but Jacob brought it back to its rightful place with his rough-skinned one. Your palm felt warmer—he felt warmer. The cloth could turn to bits of scattered ash and ember from the heat, and you wouldn't question it.
"They won't," he confidently stated. Another kiss and even more nonchalance, "If they do, they'll see this beast. Scarier than a stupid fucking bear, right?"
Moving the thin, nearly tearing cloth to the side is the reason why you're about to act in the way that you do. He flopped out, albeit a little unceremoniously, as the support of your hand on his dick was gone. Jacob was big and much scarier than your first sip of beer from earlier in the night because he wasn't just a sip. He was the whole can. He was the type to bottom out and pound and pour and bottom out and repeat.
You looked at him, taking him into your gentle hand, "What first?"
Jacob took a moment to think. "You tell me. Dare or dare?"
His chocolate irides guided your impossible-to-make decision, "That's a hard one. I think I'll go with a dare."
"I dare you to get on your knees for me." There was a moment of silence where the only noise was a light shuffle and whir of fabric rubbing against itself. Your knees sank onto dirt packed in by hundreds of happy campers, and you were about to give Jacob an ending to the night that would make him feel just as happy being there.
Cast in the soft glow of a lantern a camper must have left nearby, a brief glance over to it revealed that it rested on an old tree stump, it shined a light on your endeavor to do something you had never done before. If you were still in the cabin, the dare could have been something as easy as stealing something from Mr. Hackett’s office or shotgunning the next beer you might have decided to drink. But now you were outside, surrounded by the darkness as your only witness with one faint light not too far off. Light from the window above poured out, too, but it served as less of a guiding gleam and more of a reminder that you were in the shadows of vigilantes in the cabin. One loud moan or even something as stupid as losing your balance could draw their attention, and that was the last thing you wanted.
Maybe you could use the experience of shotgunning at this moment; to recall the feeling of a sudden rush flowing into your mouth. The opposite happened when his tip went past your lips, though. Jacob was slow and careful with familiarizing his cock with your mouth. He could have done it for his own sake, or he was just being a tease.
"Fuck," Jacob moaned. "You're hot. So fucking hot." He ended his praise on a high note, almost sounding giddy,
You managed to get a good movement going from the tip to about halfway down his dick. When your mouth got to the halfway point–made clear by how his pink tip faded to white by that point–he nudged the back of your throat. But on one of the trips down his cock, taking the usual jaunt past your lips, and molars, carefully watching your teeth altogether, Jacob felt the right, or even the need, to make you take all of it. You gagged, sputtering out a cough as you choked on him. "Should've warned me, Jake."
"Notasfun." Jacob ghosted your throat, pushing himself back into the back of your mouth and slowly pulling farther and farther out until he actually pulled himself out. He did stop as you had hoped for but not without some kind of trade in mind. Jacob let his slobbery cock fall on your face, credulously asking as if he knew the answer, "You want more?"
"Uh-huh," you moaned. Jacob laughed, "Good, 'cause that was only half of the delivery and only the first dare. Still got a dump truck for you."
Jacob turned around, bunching up what he could of his already shortened sweater to make sure everything in his backside was in view. His thick thighs lead to two pale moons, with a thin pink line running over the tops of both and going down his crack to circle under and cradle everything he had just taken out in the front. It looked a little bit uneven, likely from the events happening on the flip-side of where you were now–on the bright side of the moon.
His shoes were rough against the dirt path paved out by years of dozens of feet running across it, making small crunch sounds as he spread his legs out and bent over. He beckoned you forward by waving his hips side-to-side. You peeled apart his cheeks–and now it felt like the dark side with the hair smattered along the inner parts of both. A place where light didn’t shine, thanks to Emma and her prudity, and his moons appeared as crescents in the night, thanks to you and your dare.
Jacob noticed the lack of your nose or mouth getting to work, “Eat up, baby. You know you need this snack to sober up after all that drinking.”
“You were making me nervous, Jake…” And he still was in this moment. You moved the pink strap out of your way to look at what exactly you would be tasting.
He played it off, “Yeah, I totally meant to do that.”
Leaning your face forward, his wiry asshair lightly crosses your chin and the sides of your cheeks. It became the scruff on your face as the hair rubbed against your chin with every movement. You couldn’t please him without the sensation of his hair scratching you. You couldn’t do it without taking him in, his ass overwhelming your senses and weighing down on your face as he did his best to keep himself from grinding back onto your face.
Could you really stop now? If you did, you might as well have considered yourself notasfun. He felt your hot breath take in his musky scent and release it, begging you to do it again. You weren't going anywhere. The way he smelled was anything but a turn-off—almost sweet and sweaty in one, a nearly perfect blend of alternating tastes to linger on your palate. The smell was just as good. Some of it was his natural stink, the rest being made up of whatever he used to clean himself with in the communal showers. You couldn’t help but wonder when this dare would end, if it had an end in sight. Maybe it would be over when the sun came up, or if everyone exited the cabin in time to see all of this happening, but the longer it went on, the better. The taste you picked up on with your wet tongue became addictive, and Jacob seemed to love the feeling just as much.
"You taste so fucking good," you told him between laps. You found yourself being pressed deeper into his crack, and all you can think about is his muscled ass finally shutting you up.
It was his hand raking through your hair. He wanted you to be closer, “This dare isn’t over yet, keep going…”
That was the sign that it was time to step up your game. Your method of licking the same area once over wasn’t cutting it for a guy who seemed like he would fuck in the same position every night. You started to let the tip of your tongue wander through his hole, being surrounded by all sides and getting a taste of Jacob from the inside. Soon, it became a quick and erratic motion of assaulting his hole by moving your head back and forth and your tongue along with it.
As you steered course, it seemed to be working since Jacob audibly shuddered. “Oh, shit, dude. I dare you to make me come.”
And that was the sign that your actions worked, but you knew there was one more thing you could do. So far, your hands hand just been free, resting on your own body or Jake’s wide ass to keep yourself steady. The idea to lay them in his sensitive areas, most notably his dick and balls, which had been touched very little since their acquaintance with your mouth just a short while ago, came to you. You reached around to grab his standing cock with one hand while the other went under and between his legs to fondle his low-hangers. Jacob shuddered in a way that you could feel, a quick “fuck” slipping out that sounded like it was only meant for him.
You noticed how Jacob still had his cropped sweater still bunched up in his hands at the front by looking at how the back of it was taut around his waist. He always had a hold of it—even if it was with just one hand—and he seemed to be clutching it as a way to prevent himself from coming, or so you thought it was for that. When he did come, spurting massive globs over your hand and shooting some ropes of it on the dirt at his feet and likely hitting the lattice fence under the cabin, he finally dropped it. You felt and could see his legs shake while he kept your nose and mouth buried between his crack, only letting you back off when he knew he was tapped out.
“That was too good, dude.” Jacob complimented. He bent down to pull his shorts back up, then he finally let go of the brown fabric. A second later, he was standing straight up with his shorts in place, the pink thong mostly covered besides the slight raise between the hem and the actual strap of it as he had done before.
“Yeah? What do I get for it?” You smacked his now-clothed ass with an eager smirk. Jacob looked at you, noticing that your face was damp from slicking him up with your saliva, and wiped a bit off with his sleeve. The same arm that the sleeve covered found its way over your shoulders, directing you in the opposite way of the cabin with the rest of the counselors.
A stupid smile crossed his face, “All the dares you want! We got all night!”
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rubyarrows · 7 months
Job Offer
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YN stood outside of Horatio’s office, clutching the letter offering her a job in the Orlando CSI division in her hand. This letter held the possible opportunity to further her career in a field she had dedicated her life to as well as being closer to her family. But as she lingered on the thought of taking the job, she couldn’t help but feel like this was a goodbye to the place she had grown to know as her home and the people that had become more than coworkers but her family away from her own. This was why she had to talk to someone and the only one with the most logical course of thinking was H.  
Taking a deep breath, the YHC haired girl knocked on the office door. “Come in.” said his voice as it resonated through the glass. As she entered, YNN found Horatio engrossed in a pile of paperwork. He glanced up and once he noticed it was her, he gave her a small smile. “YN, what can I do for you?” 
YN took a seat in one of the chairs across from him at his desk and laid the letter in front of him. He then opened it, reading the words before him and then looked up at the young investigator sitting at his desk. “I received that in the mail at the beginning of the week,” she explained with a tinge of uncertainty riddled within her voice. “Though I don’t know if it was my father’s doing to try and get me to come home or if I've been that noticed, but it’s a fantastic opportunity none-the-less. I can’t help to feel torn.” 
Lieutenant Caine leaned back in his seat; his piercing gaze fixed on the young detective. “What’s holding you back?” he questioned. “Father’s pull or not something else has kept you from taking this offer the moment you read the words on this piece of paper.” 
“To be honest with you, H, I don’t know.” she confessed. “Miami has been my home for almost 5 years. The team has become a second family to me. But I know I haven’t gotten to see my actual family as much as I or they would like and taking this job would change that.” 
Horatio nodded, understanding the dilemma she had found herself in. “Family is important. It's what grounds us, what keeps us connected to who we are. But I can see why this decision would weigh so much on you.” He said and leaned onto his elbows that rested on the desk in front of him. “But I do remember what you told me when you were first hired on, the reasoning you left there in the first place.” 
YN nodded, knowing exactly what he was speaking of. She had just moved down to the area after working for the city of Orlando for three years. It was the fresh start she had always wanted, and she was happy with the way her life had panned out since deciding to come south. Now she had considered going back to the place that she wanted to get away and stay away from. 
As their conversation continued, Ryan Wolfe, who had been passing Lieutenant Caine’s office, overheard snippets of what they were talking about. His curiosity piqued at the sounds of the conversating, so he stopped in his tracks and leaned against a nearby wall to listen in.  
When YN and Horatio had stopped talking, Ryan continued on his way. He didn’t know how to feel. YN was one of his closest friends, they were partners. Knowing that she might leave hurt him, but he knew that her family was important to her too. 
YN managed to catch up with him a few moments later. “Hey, Ryan,” she said with her signature smile. “Mind on taking a ride with me? Got a lead on Tavers.”  
“Sure thing.” he said as he fell into step beside her. “So, might be going back to Orlando, huh?” The girl beside him only nodded, not knowing what to say since she hadn’t known he was listening. “What did H tell you?” 
YNN looked over at him with uncertainty. “He understands why I'm willing to leave and why I'm wanting to stay but his advice was that family is important and whichever family I do decide to stay with, the other should be able to accept it and move on. And though I know that my parents, mainly my father, won’t do that and you all will, it’s still a hard decision to make.” she confessed her gaze fixed on the ground as they walked together. 
Ryan nodded. “He’s right, you know. Being closer to your family is important. Reason number one why you should take the job.” 
YN’s heart skipped a beat at his words. This coming from Ryan, of all people, gave her the biggest shock. He had been her partner and best friend since she had joined the CSI team. He had always shown her kindness and support in all her endeavors. But when it came to leaving Miami, it was a shock. 
“I wasn’t expecting that coming from you, to be honest.” she admits as she looked up at him. “But I agree, I just can’t help but feel sad thinking about leaving everyone here behind. That includes you. Especially you.” 
Detective Wolfe met her gaze with complete sincerity. “YNN, look, friendships don’t just end because distance separates us. No number of miles between us can change that we’ve been through so much together and have vowed to each other to be there throughout whatever challenges us next.” he said and grabbed her hand. “Besides a four-hour drive isn’t going to kill us every other weekend.” 
YN looked up at him with an amused look on her face. “Every other weekend, huh?” 
Ryan grinned. “Oh, you thought I was going to let you just go and not see you on occasion? That’s funny.” 
As they made their way out to the Hummer, YN couldn’t help but still feel sad at the thought of leaving but the talks with Horatio and Ryan did help. She knew whatever path she took they and the rest of the team would back her up a hundred percent. But she wondered what she wondered what her dad would say when she told him she wasn’t going to take that job. 
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illusioninfnty · 7 months
day 28 ; dubcon
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↠ jacob custos x reader
fandom: the quarry word count: 2.4k warnings: nsfw 18+, heavy emphasis on dubcon, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, creampie, light gore elements (wolf transformation)
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Your voice is hushed as you try to remain as calm as possible.
But Jacob was definitely not okay.
You should have known this whole night was going to go to shit once you and your fellow counselors decided to throw a last minute party before you would all go your separate ways.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. The teenagers always die that way!
You didn’t have time to dwell on your stupidity now, though. Jacob had been bitten–yes, bitten–by one of those werewolves just like the one that was trapped with you two in the red room.
You don’t think you would’ve believed anyone who told you that werewolves existed. Especially the bony, hairless, freaks of nature that you had witnessed attack the two of you before your very eyes.
When Ryan showed up with Laura, one of the counselors who didn’t make it for the summer, and freed you two while revealing their plans to kill Chris Hackett, you probably would’ve thought that they were insane if it wasn’t for the hideous creature that was locked into the cell right next to yours.
Now, you and Jacob were lost in the middle of the woods, you with an injured foot and him being bitten in the shoulder by one of the creatures when he pushed you out of the way of its attack. The open wound was bleeding profusely and the skin surrounding the area was starting to darken. You wince at the sight as you inspect it.
“Oh my god, Jake. I think it’s infected,” you mutter. 
His eyes widen as his head swivels towards you. “What the fuck! Don’t tell me that!”
“Sorry!” You rip off a piece of your already torn pants in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding. The fabric soaks up all the blood within seconds and you curse as you throw the useless scrap aside. “There’s a lot of blood here. I don’t know what to do.”
“Fuck–just, I don’t know, just think of something!” His words are sharp, in a tone you rarely ever heard from him, and you could hear the impatience and struggle in his voice.
“No need to get pissy with me; you’re not the only one injured here.” You gesture to your foot that was caught in a bear trap just moments prior. Trying to make your way back to the lodge had been proven a failure when another one of those goddamn werewolves appeared out of nowhere. It caught you off guard but was spooked off by a gunshot in the distance, which had led to your current situation.
“Sorry. It just really fucking hurts,” Jacob says, gripping his shoulder as he hunches over in pain. Exhausted, you plop down on the ground next to him and lean back against the tree.
You try to remain calm and wrap your head around what the actual fuck was happening tonight, since no one was around to explain to you what was going on now was.
 “Okay, so I’m pretty sure that with all this shit—” you throw your hands in the air to motion to everywhere around you, “—there’s probably not a single person coming to look for us. I think our best bet is to just…wait this out. Whatever this is.” You put your head in your hands and sigh. “It’s also no use trying to move, with my leg and your arm all fucked up. Hopefully the thing that just attacked us won’t come back for seconds.” 
Jacob awkwardly pats your shoulder. “Hey, hey, don’t worry about that now. At least we…” His eyes seem to glaze over as he stops talking in the middle of his sentence.
You pause at his sudden shift in behavior. Jacob was usually never this quiet, and you assume that would extend to when he was in pain. Even though this night turned out to be absolutely batshit insane, you weren’t expecting Jacob to act so unpredictable. You were worried he was hurt more than you initially thought. “Jacob…you all good?”
He blinks rapidly, as if that’ll give him the answer. “I…I don’t know, it’s like…” he rubs his chest with a closed fist, his other hand swiping across his forehead to wipe off some sweat before running it through his unkempt hair. “I feel so…hot.”
You let out a sigh of relief. That was a lot better than him saying he was in more pain. There had to be some water source close by that wouldn’t be too far for you to walk to on your own with your incapacitated foot. You could work with hot.
“Okay. Okay, that’s good.” You go to stand up from your place next to him. “Stay here. I’ll try my best to find some water to cool you down.”
“No!” Jacob grabs your arm with so much force that it knocks your head against the tree as he pulls you down to him again.
“What the fuck, man!” You rub your forehead where you made contact, wincing as you got to your knees once more. “That fucking hurt. Watch it.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He calls out your name, more gentler than his abrasive tone. He still hadn’t let go of your arm. “I-I guess I don’t know my own strength anymore.”
You give him a once-over. Jacob was definitely much paler than minutes before, save for the blackness that sprang from the bite wound, and his skin was glistening with a layer of sweat that was extremely concerning given the practically freezing temperature of the night.
“Look, if you don’t want me to leave, that’s cool. But I don't think it’s a good idea for you to stay like this. You need something, anything. You’re not doing too well.” Jacob appears as though he registers your words, as his grip loosens enough for you to wriggle free from it.
“Thanks,” you breathe out. You begin to leave before being interrupted again.
“Wait!” Jacob calls. You turn around, now completely fed up. You were trying to help him, but he was making it so goddamn difficult. “I—I wanted to apologize.” Jacob audibly gulps. He’s clearly starting to become delirious, slurring his words and panting profusely. But you let him finish. “I didn’t think all of this would happen. It was only meant to be one more night.”
The implication behind his words makes your heart drop. “Jake,” you start hesitantly, “what are you talking about?”
Jacob continues to ramble. His eyes are glazed over, and you’re not even sure he heard your question. “I didn’t picture any of this to happen. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew of the—the werewolves and shit. I wanted us to have one more night together. I didn’t want you to leave.” He coughs, giving you time to register his words. “Needed another night to build up the courage, you know?”
You inhale shakily, reeling in your anger. “Are you saying that…that you purposely ruined the van so we’d get stuck here?” “Just for the night!” His voice rises defensively, and he grabs onto your arm. “Don’t be mad! I didn’t know it would end up like this!”
You try to wriggle free from his grip, but it’s iron tight. “Let go of me!”
“No! Let me explain!” He pulls you down to the ground and crawls on top of you, trapping you with his body.
From your position, you’re able to get a better look at Jacob. The blackened area that was around his bite wound was clearly spreading across his body. The veins in his neck were black and bulging, and the color was starting to move up his face. He was sweating profusely, his skin slick with moisture and his face turning a deep shade of red.
Your eyes widen in concern, the anger rushing out of your body. “Oh my god, Jake, you look bad. I need to get you help. Like, right now.”
He lets out a growl, so inhuman it has you pausing in your struggle to be let free.
“Not when you're angry at me.” Jacob’s breathing gets more noticeable as the black in his veins spreads more rapidly to his face, and at this point you’re too afraid to say anything. His eyes go bloodshot as he looks down at you, panting heavily. It’s then that you feel the hardness against your stomach.
“Jake…” your voice shakes with fear, unsure of what he was going to do.
It seems as though he’s trying his hardest to restrain himself. His body trembles and his jaw clenches. “I’m sorry,” he chokes out. He begins to grind himself on you, and you can feel his leaking cock through his boxers.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Jacob pleads. “It feels like I’m going to die.” He continues to push his length against you, whining. “I need to—to—”
“O-okay, just,” you gulp hard. You didn’t want to hear him say it. “Just be gentle.” You shut your eyes tight, and try to hold in your tears. If this would help Jacob from whatever that werewolf bite did to him, you would accept it, and hope that it’ll be over quickly.
With your approval, Jacob wastes no time in ripping your clothes off. The shreds lay limply on the dirt next to you, and that’s when you notice that his fingernails had grown sharp, too. He pulls off his own boxers, and you turn away after getting a glimpse of his throbbing cock, leaking with precum.
Jacob forces you to turn over, positioning you onto your hands and knees. Without any warning he rams his whole length into you with so much force it knocks you over, unable to balance on your forearms. You collapse into the ground beneath you, feeling your body get caked in the loose dirt as you’re shoved back and forth. You barely register the pain you feel where Jacob just entered you.
“J-Jacob wait!”
He ignores your protests and continues with the ruthless pace. You cry out—in what was pain or terror you aren’t sure. You can feel warm liquid running out of your pussy, what was most likely blood from the intrusion.
His balls slap against your ass as he thrusts in and out of you. His tip reaches the furthest parts of you, having you moan involuntarily. Your nails dig into the dirt beneath you as you get pummeled into it, trying to find a way, any way, to stabilize yourself.
You don’t think Jacob is coherent anymore. All you can hear from behind you is low grunts and growls, and his saliva dripping onto your bare back. He takes his hand and smashes your cheek into the ground, giving himself more momentum for his thrusts. Your body gets dragged across the ground as he moves you every which way.
“Jake…” You don’t even have the strength anymore to push back. His cock feels so big, so full inside of you, and you feel as though you’re about to break from the force of his hips against your own. The pain has subsided for the most part, and some pleasure takes its place. All you can do is allow yourself to enjoy it as best you can.
You reach your hand down towards your clit, wanting some relief. If Jacob’s going to get something good out of this, you may as well, too. Your hands are caked in dirt, but at this point nothing about what is going on could be sanitary.
You rub your hand fast against yourself, trying to match the pace of Jacob but failing. He moves faster than what you ever thought was possible, and you shakily give up after mere minutes.
Jacob’s now sharp fingernails dig into your sides as his cock pulses inside you. Your walls squeeze him tight and he lets out a loud groan from above you. Your own arousal wets his cock even more, and the pap, pap, pap of his thrusts are louder than ever.
Feral is the only word you could use to describe him now. His strength seems to have increased by a tenfold and he has you completely still by the force of a single hand. His other one grips your hip, drawing blood, which only seems to egg him on. He forces his cock deep inside you over and over to the point where your vision goes completely black.
His cock throbs furiously, and you can tell he’s about to cum. Another wave of fear washes over you. You didn’t think Jacob had any plans to pull out, not with the state he’s in. “Not inside!” You try to struggle against his hold, but it’s no use.
Jacob doesn’t listen—rather, doesn’t hear you—and his hot semen floods your pussy. You let a choked sob escape you as you feel the warm liquid drip out of your thighs.
You can’t focus too much on that now when Jacob is making strange sounds above you. He grunts, and his voice changes from his normal tone to one much more deeper and animalistic. You hear him let out a low curse behind you, and with him distracted you’re able to remove yourself from his still-hard cock.
As you cover your head with your arms all you hear from behind you is a loud burst, and the sensation of hot liquid coating your back and making you flinch. You turn to look and choke out a scream and frantically scamper away in the ground as the weight of Jacob’s body leaves you.
In your friend’s place is a werewolf, almost identical to the one in the basement with gray skin and gangly limbs with a mouth full of sharp teeth. You stare in terror, covered in Jacob’s blood, just waiting to be gored to death by the terrifying beast.
But instead the creature stares back, and for just a second, you think you see recognition in its eyes. Then it scampers away, snarling as it passes between the trees and out of your sight.
As Jacob (should you even call that thing by his name?) flees, you fall apart, choking on the sobs you tried your best to hold back before.
You pray to whatever god is out there listening that the sun would rise soon to save all your friends, and to pretend that this entire night never even happened.
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lueurjun · 11 months
youtuber bf sunghoon
youtuber!sunghoon x reader! in which he is a world renowned youtube star with millions of subscribers but his favourite person will always steal the spotlight — requests are open officially now if you want something specific:)
honestly i see him being one of those youtubers that started posting when they were a kid and just grew a huge fan base from there
like hes been posting since he was like eleven and now hes 20 with over 15 million subs
yes. i’m giving him 15 million. he deserves more. subscribe to him rn
and you’re not on the youtube scene until the two of you start dating
but how you met is actually filmed
he was filming a vlog with his friends and they decided to film a basketball vid for heeseung’s channel
now sunghoon isn’t bad at basketball but he isn’t the best
so you can probably see where this is going
if not then… you were innocently passing by the court when the ball flung over the high gate and smacked you in the side of the head
you wanted death to welcome you
really you could’ve curled up in a ball
pain and embarrassment you didn’t know which was worse
“riki stop laughing- oh my god-”
you couldn’t really see that well but you managed to make out multiple figures on the court standing still just staring
one of them had their hands slapped over their mouth so you assumed that one was riki
someone was leaving the court but you couldn’t make out it it was one person or two because your vision was off
poor you just wanted a slushie to cool you down
you ended up walking away with bf tho so let’s be real… getting slapped in the head was worth it
“i’m so sorry- are you okay?”
“oh no. it’s fine. cant see but you know… it’s all good”
you little people pleaser you
the person takes your hand awkwardly to try and steady you
because that ball had knocked off your entire balance
thats so embarrassing for you im so sorry for doing this to you BUT ITS FOR THE PLOT! you’re gorgeous enough to get through it, your face card never declines bae just take it in stride
after a few moments your vision settled and you were finally able to focus on the boy
and boy was he fine
suddenly the embarrassment seemed worse than the pain
because a really hot guy just watched you get a ball to the head
“do i need to take you somewhere to get checked? you don’t have a concussion right? i didn’t kill you or anything?”
the only thing he killed was your ego
despite insisting that you’re fine, he convinces you to let him buy you a slushie as a makeup gift
cue the annoying wolf whistles when his friends see the two of you walking away together
sunghoon flips them off forgetting all about the video he was supposed to film for heeseung
and you best believe that long legged mf kept that part in the vid
anyways the two of you get a slushie together and he tells you all about his channel and eventually when it’s time for you to head home
he asks if he can see you again
and you’re just like *debby ryan meme* who me?
that was horrifyingly cringe i am so sorry
skipping past that, you are not about to turn this man down so you agree and a date is scheduled
moving on from how sunghoon was blessed with your existence, let’s get into your relationship — my favourite part;D
his fans absolutely adore you as they should
im your biggest fan tho don’t forget that pls
literally his stans beef with him asking if he can fight
no but fr can he because i’ll get my boxing gloves on rn
sorry sorry
videos with you always get a lot of views but there isn’t many of them since he does value privacy and is quite protective
theres like a video with you once every six months and then you’ll just make the odd appearance in the background
his friends LOVE having you in their videos tho bc you bring in them views bc everyone loves you so much
ultimately as much sunghoon would like to protect and shield you, he knows you are your own person and let’s you decide whether you want to be in their videos or not
most of the time you’re like sure because it’s fun
there’s definitely fan made compilations of sunghoon being an absolute simp for you
you literally sit and watch them before you go to sleep
ngl id do that too i don’t blame u
the video of you being knocked out by the ball is an iconic moment in his fandom
his friends bring it up any chance they get
“remember when sunghoon knocked all of the brain cells out of their head?”
“what brain cells? they had none to begin with.”
cue you throwing a pillow at the youngest for that comment
“you’re like 6! go learn how to read.”
ni-ki definitely sees you as an older sibling and as much as he teases you, he adores you
the boy literally threatens sunghoon whenever you aren’t around
“i swear if you mess up this relationship and make me a child of divorce, i will roundhouse kick you”
sunghoon just snorts but he knows he will never ever hurt you
because the idea of breaking your precious heart genuinely fills him with dread and nausea
also because me and ni-ki have a y/n protection squad going. we’ve got your back ml don’t worry
sometimes he films for hours and then goes straight to editing with no breaks so you always supply him with some water and snacks
that definitely convinces him to take a break because he just needs to kiss all over your face for being so darn amazing
you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him
isn’t sappy often but he has his moments where he’ll remind you of how much he genuinely loves and appreciates you
those little declarations always make you sob
and now i’m gonna sob because you’re both just so in love
definitely the internets favourite couple
now that’s over, excuse me whilst i go slide down a wall and cry of loneliness:)
small end note — had this in the drafts for a while and i’m not too keen on it but it took some time to do, so here we are. also thank you for all of your support recently! i’m very grateful and appreciate of you! much love! :)
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ashes-writing · 2 years
w a k e up | csi miami ; r.wolfe
|| taglist,babes + req rules + send ?s + masterlist + kinktober masterlist ||
** graphics made by me courtesy of pinterest + google image search. The list of prompts provided so generously by @the-purity-pen -huge thanks, y'all please go check them out. **
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𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡 ; 𝚌𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 + 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚎𝚡
Summary ;
--- falling asleep with him buried inside of you only to wake up and fuck him awake completely.
Pairing ;
Ryan Wolfe x fem!reader
--- no physical description given beyond having female parts.
Warnings ;
--- minors, abso-fuckin-lutely not. In addition to the prior, pinv - unprotected, body fluids, reader is the instigator here, body fluids, kissing, petnames/dirty talk, cockwarming, teeniest bit of a breeding kink on Ryan's part if you really squint, hiiinted at somnophilia -consensual of course
Taglist ;
--- the people listed below are the only ones I have on my csi miami/vegas/ny taglist. If you'd like to be added, click the little link up top.
@beardedbarba @calmcoast
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The feeling of his cock getting hard inside of you all over again is what draws you out of the dream you were having, prompting you to fuck yourself up and down on his cock as it continues to grow. 
His fingers dig against your bare back and he groans quietly, the sound shattering the silence in the bedroom of your apartment. “You want somethin’, sweetheart?” he mutters as he grabs your jaw and pulls your mouth against his to kiss you. “Take it. It’s yours. I’m yours, fuck…” he growls the quiet command against your mouth as he starts to skim his hands up and down your sides, letting them settle at your hips, giving you a little squeeze when you start to move just a little faster because it feels way too good.
“Ride me, baby. C’mon.” he’s chuckling as he says it, peering up at you through heavy lidded eyes as he watches you take his cock and use him. “Fuck. So fuckin hot, baby.” he groans out as a hand leaves your hip to clutch at the dark navy sheets on the bed as he bites his bottom lip. It’s probably the only way he wakes up in a good mood anymore, truth be told. Watching you ride his cock until you’re a teary-eyed mess and you have to lean down and cling to him to let him fuck you through the way your orgasm always shatters through you and leaves you a mess, dripping all over his cock as you kiss, nip and bite him almost frantically.
It feels so fucking good, to be wanted… Needed that much by somebody, so if you want to wake him up with sex and you can only fall asleep if his cock is buried inside you lately, he’s definitely more than happy to oblige.
“Ryan, oh.. Ahhh, fuck.” you whine, your cry shattering the silence in the bedroom and competing with the steady creak of the bedframe as he grips your hips and starts to slam you up and down on his cock as his own orgasm reaches a blinding height. “Baby, faster, c’mon..” you moan out, your hands planted on his chest and your nails digging against his skin as you bounce yourself up and down on his cock, your orgasm so close you’re aching for it. 
“C’mon, princess.. You know what I want.” he coaxes right as your orgasm slams into you and you melt down into him to giggle against his neck, “Your turn, fuck…. Feels so damn good, baby.. Please give it to me?” 
At your begging against his neck and the way you start to suck a mark into it, he’s fucking up into you, letting you raise up again and gripping your hips to keep you upright as he drives into you as deep as he can, absolutely buried inside of you.
His orgasm shatters him and he groans, his hips stammering before going completely still as he catches his breath and then starts to fuck up into you slower, fucking his spilled seed back inside of you. He pulls you down on top of him again and presses his lips to your forehead lazily. “We’re off today. We’re not gettin out of bed, I hope you know that, angel.” he chuckles as he says it and you yawn out against where your face is buried in the hollow of his neck, “I can live with this decision, baby.”
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lettersfromaphrodite · 11 months
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― pairing : Seungmin x fem! reader ― content warnings : smut, fluff, wolf au, reader is a witch, soulmates, hard dom Seungmin, angst with a happy ending, medieval settings as always, if you think I quoted that iconic Ryan Atwood quote, yes, yes I did and I would do it again , unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ― word count : 3.456
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris part one | part two // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho part one | part two // Felix // Jeongin
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Festivals in your hometown were always funny and entertaining, and you absolutely loved them. You spent the night among the villagers, chatting and sometimes joining the dances illuminated by the candlelights, and in a warm mid-summer night, that’s how you met him. Your bodies ungraciously crashed together during one of the dances, since both of you were distracted laughing with the momentary partner you both had assigned until you were supposed to spin around and change position.
«Who are you?» you timidly asked the tall, handsome boy who was securely holding your waist with his right hand, while his left one was gracefully placed on your elbow, his hold being the only thing preventing you from falling on the floor.
«Whoever you want me to be.» he answered, his eyes wide in stupor and a wide smile on his lips. If anybody else ever tried to use this kind of cheesy pick up line with you, you would have immediately rolled your eyes in annoyance, apologizing for crashing into him and then going back on your way, but there was something mesmerizing about the boy, his gentle smile and his soft eyes that made you giggle, a faint blush on your cheeks.
As if you were in a fairy-tale, the world around you shortly disappeared, before the boy asked you to dance with him. Needless to say, the answer was yes. You spent the whole night with the charming and mysterious boy, which introduced himself as Seungmin, and the more time passed, the more you did not want him to leave.
Both of you were seated on a small bench, far away from the crowded square and the main streets, enjoying each other’s company while sharing some sweets that Seungmin offered to buy. There was something hypnotic about him, and you could not understand what exactly it was. You were sure you were not under the effect of a love spell and it was not the first time you were alone with a boy, either, so, why did you felt like a young girl dealing with this first crush?
The timid and dim lights of dawn surprised both of you, which with a mutual blush realized that you sat there talking all night. Being the gentleman he is, Seungmin escorted you back home.
«I hope to see you again.» Seungmin said, and you nodded, heart hammering in your chest. Seungmin smiled, inching closer to place a short but sweet kiss on your cheek, before walking away.
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One month later, you and Seungmin were officially a couple. Summer eventually started to give way to autumn, and you gave yourself to your boyfriend on a rainy, autumn evening.
That night, Seungmin made love to you until your legs kept shaking, his touch melting your skin and his kisses being the only grip on reality.
«Come on, be a good girl,» Seungmin mouthed against your throat, holding back a strained moan, his deep and hard thrusts overstimulating you once again, «I know you can come again.» his left hand reached out to lift your trembling thighs around his waist.
«Seungmin, I-» Closing your eyes as his name left your lips in a whimper, you clenched your jaw as your right hand buried itself in his soft brown hair, roughly pulling on it. «I can’t.»
«But you were the one who told me to ruin you,» Seungmin cooed, biting dark marks on your throat and your collarbones. «I want to make you cum until you can barely form any words, » in the brief moment your eyes met, you swore you saw his eyes flashing blue. «Until you can barely beg for me to let you come.» you threw your head back, the discomfort you had previously felt totally subdued to pleasure, the sinful movements of his hips along his voice giving you trouble to keep your breath steady. You came again not too far later, stuttering on your words as you begged for him to let you come, and as soon as you heard Seungmin’s affirmative response, you let go once again, the familiar sensation of your orgasm bringing you once again on cloud nine. Seungmin came few thrusts later, the bed harshly slamming against the wall as he buried himself inside you with a choked moan and his cheeks flushed pink.
«You did great,» Seungmin said, peppering your face with kisses, the dominant behaviour he showed until few moments earlier, now completely disappeared. You giggled, sneaking your arms around his neck using all the strength you had, and pulled him against your body. «Such a good girl for me.» he added, carefully rolling you around – his length still buried inside you, but now you were laying on top of him.
«Seungmin.» you groaned, on the verge of falling asleep. «Why, and I mean this whole heartedly, are you still hard?» Seungmin’s laughter caused you to move by inertia, and as sleep was about to take over you, you thought you heard Seungmin’s voice answering a soft «Must be the moon’s fault.»
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Three months passed since the first night you and Seungmin met, and sometimes, you had the feeling the boy was hiding something from you. You never questioned him about it, you figured he would eventually come around; after all, he just discovered about you being a witch, so it was fair to give him his space and his time, you just needed to trust him. You had your fair shares of suspicions when his eyes would flash blue while he was being possessive and dominant while you were having sex, but you never voiced your thoughts.
“For all I know, he could be an incubus or a werewolf”, you thought. You learned to know Seungmin, despite his rough behaviour during sex, he was the sweetest boy you have ever met, and you knew that asking the right question at the wrong time could end up in him trying to go a little easier on you. Thing, which you absolutely did not want to happen.
During sex, Seungmin brought you to the verge of tears more than once, your lips were bruised due to the rough kissing and biting, and your legs were sore; despite this, you knew that the pleasure, the aftercare and the cuddles were absolutely worth any kind of pain.
«What are you thinking about? You’re blushing.» Seungmin said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear using his pinky finger. You both stopped in the crowded streets of the village, your date coming to an end since your boyfriend accepted to walk you around to buy herbs you needed.
«Nothing,» you sighed, noticing how Seungmin seemed to tense up all of a sudden. «I spaced out. Is everything okay?» you asked, noticing how he nervously looked at the crowd, as if looking for someone.
Seungmin nodded, «I forgot I promised to meet Chris,» he said, before sweetly pecking your lips. «You think you can get home by yourself?» You nodded at him, and he kissed you once again, the feeling of his lips lingering on yours even if you parted ways. You walked home with a happy heart and a smile on your lips, but sadly, your happiness turned out to be a fleeting feeling.
«Well, look who decided to come back home.» an unfamiliar voice said, and you immediately tensed up. Two boys around your age were waiting for your return in front of your front door: one was leaning against the brick wall next to the door, and the other was sitting on the small step in front of it, his chin casually placed on his palm. «I hope you had a wonderful day, sweetheart.» the seated boy stood up, and took a step towards you.
«Don’t move.» your eyes flashed golden in a silent spell to block his movement, and his jaw tensed immediately.
«Now, sweetheart, it would be nice if you didn’t get on my nerves.» the stranger said with a smile, which gave you an incredibly uneasy feeling. Despite him being handsome, there was something in his behaviour, which was definitely unsettling. You were too focused on him that you didn’t notice the smirk plastered on the other boy’s lips, which simply nodded his head with a scoff. While your spell was still active, you glanced at him, before the feeling of a short blade pressed against your jaw made you freeze. Stupidly, you didn’t consider them having any kind of back up. You deduced the boy must have pressed the blade a bit too harshly, since you felt the warm sensation of blood trailing down your throat.
«Oh, you hurt Seungmin’s pretty mate.» the boy you blocked spat, and your spell dissipate due to your sudden confusion at your boyfriend’s name being mentioned. He scoffed, pleased at how you were easily triggered, and nodded at the boy standing behind you.
Don’t hurt her any further,» he instructed, a smirk plastered on his face. «We can’t blackmail then with a dead mate.» a sharp pain in your neck made you stumble forward, and your senses were surrounded in darkness, falling in the stranger’s arms.
As soon as he parted from you, Seungmin quickly met Chris and the rest of the pack. «They’re here again,» Chris simply said, and Seungmin understood that he was referring to the nomad’s pack which occasionally intruded their territory. «Apparently, they want to settle down.» he scoffed, holding out a letter for everyone to see.
«What are we going to do?» Hyunjin questioned the alpha, and he shook his head in response.
«They’ll understand we’re not leaving this place, by hook or by crook.» Chris said, and the other nodded at him. They all grew fond of their territory – the woods, the village next to it, and no one wanted to leave.
Seungmin paled all of a sudden, and Changbin rushed at his side. Explaining his worry for you, they followed him back into the village, all the way to your house. Seungmin’s uneasiness grew each step he took, the possibility of something happening to you making his heart sink in his chest. He and the others stopped in their tracks in front of your house; the basket, which contained the herbs you and Seungmin bought, was on the floor, the herbs scattered on the driveway and blatantly trampled. What confirmed the fear squeezing his heart was your necklace, laying on the floor. Seungmin hesitantly kneeled to take it in his hands, the broken chain indicated that it had been torn and deliberately left as a warning.
«They took her.» Seungmin said, eyes flashing blue, about to let his wolf take control. Chris’ strong hold on his shoulder was what made him restrain from giving up to his instinct.
«We’ll get her back.» the alpha said, and Seungmin nodded, rage and regret filling up his heart.
“It’s my fault,” he thought, “I shouldn’t have left her alone.”
You woke up feeling cold; you hesitantly opened your eyes, a dark and minimal environment meeting your eyes.
“Am I in a dungeon?!” you thought, the previous events coming back to your mind; you jolted forward, immediately checking your clothes for any sign of things out of the ordinary. The loud shackling noise of the metal chains attached to your handcuffs did not go unnoticed, and you tried to free yourself with the help of your magic.
«Try as much as you want,» your head snapped up as you recognized the voice owner’s, which was looking at you with an amused smile on his face, sitting on a wooden chair turned backwards. «the handcuffs are enchanted, so your magic is pretty much useless.» he said, running a finger through his soft, brown hair. «Also, no one didn’t try anything, Seungmin’s scent lingering on you is disgusting.» You furrowed your brows, confusion evident on your face. The boy let out a surprised laugh. «He didn’t tell you?! You’re in for a big surprise then, sweetheart.» without adding anything else, he got up and left, whistling to a song you didn’t know, and immediately decided you didn’t like.
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«Chris,» Seungmin said, rushing into the other’s cottage. «It’s been three days.» Chris sighed, acknowledging the other’s state: Seungmin looked like he hadn’t sleep since he found out you had been kidnapped, and knowing him, he probably did. «If you’re not coming up with a plan, I’m gonna go alone.» Seungmin spat, his kind and gentle gaze completely gone, subdued to angry and bright blue eyes.
Chris got up from his desk chair, and slowly made his way in front of his friend. «Seungmin,» his authoritative voice said, «I understand your concern, and I plan to do everything to save her,» Chris’ eyes flashed a bright red «but don’t challenge my authority.» Chris’ firm voice caused Seungmin immediately adverted his gaze, looking at the floor while harshly clenching his jaw, he sighed, and nodded; Chris hated using his status to make the pack follow his order, and he shortly felt bad for it, but he couldn’t let one of his bestfriend act when his actions would be clouded by his anger and furtherly put him in danger.
«Sweetheart, it’s already been so long,» the boy said, playing with your conception of time while harshly grabbing your chin with his right hand. «Will your mate ever come to get you?» he tilted your head, and dangerously inched closer to your lips. «Or shall I mark you as mine instead? He didn’t even mark you, what a coward.» he scoffed, his eyes glancing at your lips; despite your weak state, you managed to kick him in the stomach, using all your strength. He smirked to himself, before standing up and brushing the dust off his clothes. «If by the full moon they haven’t given up, your pretty mate will definitely have an unpleasant surprise.» he said, before walking away while whistling that obnoxious song.
If you had to be honest, you completely lost perception of time: they kept you in a mostly dark room, so you couldn’t tell when the day took the place of the night and vice versa. Despite their harsh and obnoxious attitude, they still gave you the essential amount of food and water a human being could need, you simply decided not to eat and kick the tray away occasionally, out of spite.
Deep in your heart, you knew that Seungmin would have come for you, but sometimes, the boy that kidnapped you managed to get under your skin until the point where you started to doubt it. You didn’t even know how many of there were beside him, since the only boys you saw in the face were him and the other one who was lying against the wall back then, so you didn’t do anything; you were left there, alone with your thoughts.
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You felt guilty for having doubted about Seungmin – probably, few days later. With your eyes lost somewhere in the ceiling, your head was resting against the wall, as the boy was still trying to convince you that your “pretty mate” would have never come to get you, almost getting under your skin once again, when the wooden door of the chamber slammed open, and seven unfamiliar faces barged in, followed by Seungmin. You immediately lifted your head from the wall in surprise, your heart immediately feeling lighter as your eyes briefly met.
Seungmin’s eyes were still a bright blue, and he roughly yanked the boy up to the chair and slammed him against the wall; Seungmin was holding him by the throat, and you could see claws on his hands; you thought you must having hallucinations due to your lack of food. You didn’t have time to investigate any further, or try to recognize his friend’s faces, as one of them immediately kneeled in front of you, occupying part of your sight.
«Hi! I’m Jisung,» he said, a friendly smile on his face. «I’m Hyunjin!» another one said, intentionally kneeling behind Jisung and hugging his shoulders, so that now they both completely prevented you from seeing Seungmin. «And he’s Jeongin,» he pointed to a boy which kneeled next to you as well, offering you a gentle smile. «We’re Seungmin’s family, so you’re safe now.» Hyunjin said, a smile on his pretty lips, and you tried with all your might to ignore the traces of blood the three of them had on his clothes, or on their faces.
«I’m really sorry,» Jeongin’s sweet voice said, and you looked at him, confused. «But it’s better if you don’t hear, either.» you furrowed your brows as his gentle hands covered your ears, shielding them from any noise. Your eyes flew towards Seungmin’s direction, and you distinctly saw him turning into a wolf. Hyunjin reached out to cover your eyes, but your mind must have decided that during these days, you endured too much.
Feeling safe, you let darkness surround your senses.
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You woke up with the feeling of a hand gently running through your hair; your eyes snapped open, and fear shortly paralyzed your body. Seungmin’s startled gaze met yours, and you gradually relaxed, looking around to take in your surroundings, pleased with the fact that you were finally home. You closed your eyes once again, and Seungmin kept caressing your hair, your cheeks, and your nose. Tentatively, you reached out to hold Seungmin’s other hand, which was pressed flat on the mattress.
«I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were a werewolf,» you whispered, your throat burning due to the lack of talking in the past days.
«To be fair, when we first met, I said I was a dog person.» Seungmin innocently smiled at you, shrugging.
«Oh my God» you groaned, hiding a smile behind your hands which now both covered your face.
«How angry are you on a scale from one to ten?» Seungmin mumbled, and the guilt that transpared from his tone made your heart clench.
«A solid one and a half.» you answered with a sigh, asking him to help you move so that he could lay down next to you. You thanked Seungmin for having bathed you and cleaned you up, and you weakly cuddled up to him.
«I’m so sorry,» he mumbled in your hair, and with a strained whine you turned on your side, so that you could hug me closer.
«It’s not your fault, Seungmin.» you said, and the sudden, loud rumbling of your stomach interrupted anything Seungmin was about to say.
«Let’s go,» Seungmin kissed the top of your head before escaping your grip around his waist, helping you to get up from the bed. «I’ll make you something to eat.»
«Then I take that back, I’m not angry anymore.» you joked, silently thanking Seungmin for having picked you up instead of making you walk all the way to the kitchen.
With a full stomach, you definitely felt better; you stretched your limbs, still feeling a bit sore, but you felt better than you thought.
«He said that you didn’t mark me, what does it mean?» you saw Seungmin eyes flash blue with irritation at the mention of the boy, before his gentle smile returned; he quietly explained everything to you, the special meaning that marking his mate holds for a wolf, and the inevitable stronger bond that grows between the wolf and his mate.
«Generally, we mate during the full moon,» he explained.
«So cliché,» you answered with a smile, getting up from your chair, pleased with the fact that you weren’t dizzy anymore. «When is going to be the next full moon? I lost track of days back there.»
«Tonight.» Seungmin answered, furrowing his brows in confusion at your question. You nodded, clapping your hands twice and urging him to get up.
«Come on, pretty boy, we have a mating ritual to complete.» you said, holding Seungmin’s hand and leading him to your room.
«You’ve just been kidnapped, and you’re still weak!» Seungmin said, as you lightly pushed his chest, so that he was sitting on the edge of your bed. «You know I tend to be rough-» with a finger on his lips, you silenced your boyfriend and sat on his lap, Seungmin’s arms loosely wrap themselves around your waist.
«I want to be your mate,» you said, pressing your forehead against his, Seungmin’s eyes appearing even bigger from that angulation.
«And I love you.»
«Are you sure?» Seungmin asked once again, and as you nodded, he leaned up to briefly kiss your lips. «I love you, too.» he said, re-adjusting your positions on the bed so that you laid under him, the dim light of the full moon illuminating your bedroom through your window.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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xmorguekittyx · 7 months
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Ever Locked
Part 5: Now You Know From What
Part 4: Good Night, Bunny
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pairing: Older!Leon Kennedy x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant Reader
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, talks of eating out, build up to enjoying trauma and being stalked
extra: i’m so so so so so sorry for the wait! it’s been insane and this job is killing me. I really can’t wait to find another. I’m still livid i lost my original chapter 5 :( I promise i’m gonna be back to writing, at least one chapter a week since i’m working 10 hour shifts a day for 5 days a week.
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"So...", green eyes stare back at me as the hands of the waitress move from my vision. "So?", the warmth of the coffee cup is nice against my hands, the rain and near negative degrees having frozen my fingers as i stretch them against the warm cup. "Don't pull that shit on me.", the deadpan delivery nearly had me snort out coffee as her emerald eyes squint. I had no plans of telling Marina anything, nothing about the man from the bar. Nothing about the years before I came to Seattle. "He really unnerved me is all, asking about me and saying we dated. I never saw him before-", the sharp laughter from her voice in reply to my words had me jump, the liquid bit back at my bottom lip, causing me to wince.
"Don't believe me? Ask Ryan.", I nearly rolled my eyes at my best friend. Her lack of trust was not for no reason, but she just needed to drop it. I didn't want to bring her into the world of Leon Kennedy and the undead, it was hard enough having seen it first hand.
She'd just say it was insane sounding or that i must be lying once more. There seems no real way to get out of this but tell her but i truly did not want to. If it were up to me, Ryan wouldn't even know. With relationship came time to come clean, telling him in detail how my ex treated me and the night that lead up to my old ex treated me and the night that lead up to my old home being burnt to a crisp in a bombing.
"I will not, he'll lie to cover your ass. You're that kind of couple.", her tone was not friendly, her accent heavily German, as she took a bite of her eggs. Her eyes narrowing into mine, i could tell just in that look that she was over having to be left out of a good part of my life. She asked to get breakfast out, How could I say no? "You don't trust me and that's starting to upset me.", she continued, cutting another piece of the white fluffy eggs. "It's not that, Marina." the sigh that left my lips heavy and present within our conversation. "You're wonderful and so, so generous. You started hanging with me since day one at White Wolf, I could never not trust you.", the words came out so quick before i could process them. Yet, here i sat, lying to her face. How could she handle the horror that came? Anyway... it's not like Leon is that stupid to try something so many years later, right?
Blackness swirling across my vision, fingers digging into the hallows of my eyes. "I just need to quit attracting all the weirdos and psychos.", a dull bit of laughter fell from my lips, into the tense air that swam around us. "Hey, at least you've never been on a Dateline episode.", she shrugged, if only she knew how close I truly was to having my photo slapped across tv screens across the country, all the "she lit up the room when she walked in" bullshit. "Yeah, you're right.", the words felt a bit more... distanced than before, it seemed the normality crept away after seeing the blue eyes of an angel of pain.
The sound of my phone buzzing brought me back to reality, carving out a piece of waffle, the phone near my grasp as i reach for it. "Anyway, what time do you-", the number that flashes across the screen attached to the message was unfamiliar, the slightly blurry letters mumbling out a 'Bunny... i know you're angry with me, but give me a chance. I was only protecting you and now you know from what.', i felt like the back of my throat was kissed with acid, the hand holding the fork tightening as my brows pinched together. "Hey- earth to weirdo-", Marina's voice came back into recognition. Her laughter cut off as she realized my look of confusion hadn't changed. "You good? What happened?", her fingers wrapping around the glass of her cup, bringing it to her lips as she sucked from the straw.
  "Someone texted the wrong number is all.", my eyes lingered on the glass she held before i looked up at her. "That's common right?", she nodded, "Why do you look like you saw a ghost?", did i really look that upset? My fingers gripping the Razr tighter, "They just said some weird shit.", my hand waved her off as i looked back down at the waffle before me, soaked in with syrup and butter. "You need to relax, honestly. You're so strung up over that guy from the bar and it's ridiculous. If you're being honest then he's just some fucking creep who doesn't want to keep it in his pants.", she shrugged, "simple as that.", and how i wished her words weren't more then a hopeful thought. "You're right, you're right.", i concurred, the waffle being stabbed by my fork before shoving the sickly sweet bite between my lips. The sticky, thick heavy taste of syrup carving its way between my taste buds. I could feel a drip, dribbling from the corner of my lips as my phone goes off once more.
  'If you'd gone out with me, I'd love to taste that drop of syrup. You should be more careful, Bunny. Don't wanna stain that pretty black shirt, it's so pretty from the back.', my eyes now widened, feeling my pupils bug out from my head as i snap my head around, searching for the brown scruff or the blue eyes. "Hey- you're acting hella weird, girl.", Marina gave me a 'the fuck is wrong with you?' look. My eyes didn't stop searching for the man himself as I knew he had to be here, somewhere. He was a bold bastard, he knew how much this was bothering me as i got another text. 'Aw, searching so hard for me... i'm not easy to catch, Bun.', the sound of a motorcycle revving up caught my ears, snapping my eyes through the window to see a black leather jacket with white pin stripes. Mother fucker- that's him. That's the same jacket he had at the bar. That fucker was watching me.
  I had half a mind to hop up and chase down his ass but that would accomplish nothing more than give him more of an opening to my life. He slipped the black helmet over his now brownish hair, fingers clicking through buckle in place as he revved up once more, taking out of the diner parking lot and heading back deeper into town. "Hottie on a bike- you have a boyfriend, miss thing.", Marina joked as i tried to crack a smile for her. "Yeah... just interested in the bike is all.", my words weren't the strongest but i giggled to give her more of a confident answer. The waffle now half eaten as i ran my fork over the pooled up brown amber liquid. "The bike?", her scoff was humor filled. "Yeah, sure and i'm interested in seeing anything as long as it's under a hot man.", she laughed as her explicit meaning was caught. My eyes rolled back as far as they could before i leaned over the table once more. "Shit up and eat your eggs before they get cold from all your talking.", i pointed my fork towards her plate as she poked my fork with hers. "You do the same, been on that waffle for 30 minutes now.", this is why we were best friends, her attitude rivaled mine but in the best way possible.
"You're sure it's him.", I didn't see Ryan much at work, usually just at home or at a restaurant for his breaks. "Yes, i'm sure.", my arms crossed tightly under my chest, his eyes flickering to my tits before back up at me. "You said his name was... Leon...", he snapped his fingers, left hand on his hip as he tried to recall the creeps name. "Leon Scott Kennedy.", my eye narrowed, it seemed everyone had a great 'let's piss her off all day' meeting yesterday. "Right, you still got the test and the number?", he reached out for my phone, his large fingers brushing mine as i passed off the flip phone to him. "Yeah, just- hurry up and get back to me about the restraining order.", my hand fell to my hip. "I don't know if he's going to try anything but just knowing that he was watching me at Benny's.", a shiver ran up my spine at the thought. What if he came into our home? What if he had been watching for longer than i thought before?
  "I promise, my love-", his lips pressed to the crown of my head, "-you're my priority at the moment.", he squeezed on my bicep, opening the flip phone and reading the message. His hand gripping the phone in a grip so hard i thought he’d snap the device before he handed it back to me. His hands pulling up his slacks before he wiped at his nose, eyes on the floor before he looked up at me. "You tell me as soon as you get another message. I don't care where you are or if he's watching. Call me and tell me.", he pointed at the phone in my hand. I knew his jealousy had a mean steak but this seemed to tip him off harder than before as he ran his fingers through his hair.
  "He like that when you were together?", it was rude, his tone asking and demanding an answer rather than the sweet one usually used to not push her. "No... he was shy back then and a little unexperienced.", i'm not sure why i answered but i did, just to make him feel better. My words seemed to have the opposite reaction of deescalation to escalating the entire thing- before i knew it, my back was pressed to the top of his desk, papers and cups falling over the other side of the mahogany desk. "He didn't know how to treat a pussy as good as yours.", his words came quick as he snatched the joggers off my legs, the wet patch across my underwear definitely not from seeing Leon on that bike from earlier. Something has to be wrong with me... to get so turned on from my psycho ex stalking me.
"Pussy's so wet f' me.", his lips pressed a kiss onto the soaked gusset of the pink underwear. "So soaking wet, don't even gotta ease you up, bed you could take my cock right now.", has i know jealousy was the one thing to break the man- i would've told him more about the men at work. His tongue danced across the gusset, drawing small photos as he teased. "Ry-", my lips bit between my lips. "Be quiet, slut.", he scoffed, his fingers ripping the pink fabric before his pointer and middle fingers tucked the material into the parting of my lips. "Dont need all my coworkers hearing your whore mouth. They'll try to get in this pussy too, you'd like that wouldn't you? Pussy so full of cocks, that's why you didn't tell me about your ex, right? You wanted all day to come to me and tell me he was watching you. Bet he likes to watch you shower too, see you fingers that cunt-", he breathed onto my wet slit, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine.
I know that i shouldn't be turned on by thinking about Leon Kennedy, especially after all the shit and trauma he put me through, but some trauma's manifest themselves on weird ways- mine being i am always turned on by the things he did. That's why i stayed those days... maybe he's not the only fucked up one. Maybe he fucked me up, made me some stupid, small girl. Made me conform to what he gave me... in that little of time, he conditioned me to his type of affection and god- did i love and hate it.
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