#sad that only the first 12 chapters are translated in spanish
kuramirocket · 1 year
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justjams2003 · 4 months
Fast Pace- 15
I'd just like to thank @multi-universe21 for the Spanish Translations for these last two chapters.
The last one guys! This is the very last chapter! I can't believe it. I've been putting off posting this all day, because I'm so sad that this is over now :( Keep in mind, my request are always open. And I'll miss all you pookies so much 🫶. Follow if you'll miss me too, or don't. 🫶
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smut (Actually this time!!), sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', nudity, i guess Instagram posts?? Angst! Lots of it! Tell me if I missed any
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae @hangmandruigandmav @therealone4r @keii134 @dark-night-sky-99 @jax-the-oregonian @hachrinnen @formulaal tjdjindahouse
Word count: 4.3k
Part 14
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Y/N'susername 12 January 2024
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, Charles_Leclerc, Alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, LandoNorris and 1,647,903 more Some might say it’s too fast, but you and I have always loved a fast pace. Tagged: CarlosSainz55 Comments: CarlosSainz55: So obsessed with you. I love you so much. <3
Charles_Leclerc: So happy for you two <3
Alexandrasaintleux: You’re gonna be a Sainz before the end of the year!
LandoNorris: Well done, @CarlosSainz55, you found someone who will put up with you like I do…where’s my proposal? CarlosSainz55: You’re not as pretty as her. 🤷 LandoNorris: A dagger to the heart😭
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Y/N'susername 6 March 2024
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, Alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes and 198, 379 more Working hard or hardly working? The first option. Tagged: Francisa.cgomes and CarlosSainz55 Comments:
CarlosSainz55: Missing you so much already, mi futura esposa. Y/N’susername: I haven’t been this far away from you since we met😭
Francisca.cgomes: Already having so much fun with you!
Francisca.cgnomes: @CarlosSainz55, you’re all she talks about ✋ Y/N’susername: Nooo, don’t expose me😭
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The cold air hits your face, you don’t remember Paris being this cold. It doesn’t help that the dress you’re being fitted with doesn’t do much for heat. You pull the coat you’d been given closer to your body. It’s luckily big, Dior doesn’t want any paparazzi seeing their opening outfit.
You’re exhausted, it’s two days before fashion week starts. You’ve been pulled into a million places, auditions, fittings, rehearsals and everything in between. The cold air makes you crave a cigarette so badly. Not only that, you miss Carlos more than anything. You haven’t seen him in a month. You call almost every night, but it still isn’t enough. When he’s busy, you’ll play the Ferrari video again. He isn’t himself, but it is close enough.
You can hear someone calling your name but assume that it’s the same people who have been calling you all day. That is of course, until someone grabs you from behind and turns you around to face them.
Your fight or flight kick in before you can even see who it is. Your arms flail and your legs kick in all different directions. Not really caring for the pins stabbing into your side. Where are Otis and Brutis when you truly need them?
“Y/N, Y/N! C'est moi! C’est moi!” You know that voice, you know that accent, you know these strong arms. Your kicking stops, but your screaming doesn’t. “Bérenger! Let go of me, you fucker!” He does, he drops you right as you are. You don’t even turn to him, your bare feet hit the pavement with some speed. Before you can even open the door again, he stops you once more.
He calls you again, but this time you turn to him with fury. “Don’t you remember? I’m a whore, and a slut who sleeps with pedos?” You can see your brother bite the inside of his cheek. “What? You were so opinionated when Jean was disowning me! Now, you have nothing to say?” You scoff at his utter silence, but it doesn’t last long.
“Nothing I say will make you believe me, so I’ll just show you.” He pulls out a phone and shows you an image. “What the fuck is this?” He sighs at you refusing to even look at his phone. “It’s a picture of Carlos at the restaurant where you worked, three months before you actually met.” You trusted him, just as you had trusted Jas and Ilsa and told him everything.
Now you regret it more than anything. You look, and you recognised those booth seats and plates, you’d seen them so many times before. You shrug, “May be, but it could be chalked up to coincidence. What are you even trying to say?” His jaw locks and then he swipes to the right, then again and again and then he hands you the phone telling you to do the same.
“Bérenger, what am I looking at?” He still looks on edge but continues to explain. “I hired a private detective. He found this on Carlos’ cloud.” Now you laugh at him, “That’s not possible. I’ve looked at Carlos’ pictures before, and I’ve never seen these photos before.” You go to leave, thinking he’s just lying to hurt you again.
“His phone, yes! But not his laptop, not his PC, and not his cloud.” It’s true, yes. “What would these photos even mean?” You cross your arms, finally allowing him to speak. “He’s been stalking you, can’t you see? Months before you even met and he has hundreds of photos of you!”
This catches your attention. You sigh, and shake your head, trying to make sense of what he is saying. “Please, Y/N, you’re my sister. All our siblings missed you so much over Christmas. The girls were so excited to see you got engaged and couldn’t believe their ears when I told them what happened.”
This hits you in the stomach. It has to be wrong. He has to be lying. Or else your whole world will truly become crumbling down. More than ever before. “Is, is that all?” He shakes his head repeatedly.
“No, no there’s so much more.” How could there ever possibly be more than stalking? “I have to go, but I have just one day off tomorrow before a hectic week. Here’s my hotel room, we’ll talk.”
Your heart is racing in your ears, you don’t really listen to the people talking to you. You just sit in the makeup chair, trying to keep your stomach from twisting and turning. It has to all be lies, right? He must just be trying to get in your head, to hurt you even more. But, if you truly believed that it's all lies, why would have you agreed to meeting him?
The ringing hits your ear, not panic ringing but your phone. Your hands shake seeing Carlos’ name on your phone. For a fact, you know that if you don’t answer, he is going to worry all day. You don’t want that, he’s your fiancé! But, does he really love you or are his jokes more the truth. Each time he tells you he’s obsessed with you, flies through your mind.
Was he being honest with you? Waiting for you to realise? You turn airplane mode on and the phone goes quiet.
Then there’s also the option of your brother lying. After all, he didn’t defend you that night. He didn’t leave with you when your parents kicked you out. In fact, he made it even worse. He called you and Carlos horrible names and haven’t tried to reach out.
Now you wish Kika was with you on this Dior shoot to help you think all this out.
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“You have 10 minutes because 10 minutes is all you gave me.” You both sit down on the balcony of your hotel room. You show him the 10-minute timer on your phone and as soon as the clock starts ticking he begins talking. “I don’t need ten minutes. I can tell you all you need to know now.” You don’t say a word, allowing him to continue.
“Carlos paid us a million euros to disown you.”
He doesn’t even say another word, clearly he can see you spinning. “What?” He nods and then pulls out his phone. Your eyes don’t deceive you. Nothing is truer than the image of your parents sitting on the porch of their new mansion. Bright smiles are on their faces. He swipes to the next photo and you see your siblings being spoiled with lavish gifts.
Now you’re glad that you’re sitting down. Your heart rate has skyrocketed, and you can’t help but look around at everything you now own. The million-euro ring on your finger feels much heavier than ever before. Suddenly you feel exhausted, and a throbbing headache makes itself known. Your throat is dry and your eyes burn with tears.
“No, no, this…this is edited. It must be.” The sun feels too bright and your chest feels too tight. What else is left for you, if you don’t have Carlos? Yes, you have Kika and Alex, but if you lose Carlos you lose them too.
You’ve kicked your friends out of your life. You don’t have your family anymore. He’s it. Carlos is the only real stable person in your life. His family, his friends, they’re the only people you have.
Your brother panics, he pours you a glass of water and you swallow it with one big gulp. What’s even worse than having no one but him, is you realise that that is what he wanted. He wanted himself to be the only one in your life. For you to be isolated and depend on him and only him. He’s used his influence and his money to remove your friends, your family, your job and your person.
“Ilsa? Jasmine? Did he…?” Bérenger nods before you can even finish your sentence. It confirms your thoughts. “There’s more…” he pours you another glass of water. “He planned your meeting. We searched and we couldn’t find a single article of any mob or crazy fans that whole day. We looked in further… and found out that he paid your old boss to make sure you ended up in that ally on that day.”
He's obsessed. He's crazy.
Then the contract enters your mind. NDA. Non-disclosure agreement. Is this why he had you sign it? You thought it was just a safety concern for Ferrari. To make sure they don’t lose any sponsors or something like that. Now you see it’s to protect himself. All just to make sure you don’t say a word. Because if this gets out, he’ll lose everything. He’d be in an even worse position than you.
“Bérenger. You need to leave.” His brows furrow together. “I have photos of that too if you don’t believe me. Recordings, audios, you name it.” You shake your head.
“No, no. I signed an NDA. You aren’t allowed to know any of this. He could sue you into oblivion. He could…” Memories of him saying he’d have people fired. The look in his eye when he would tell you what would happen.
He doesn’t move. “No, no. You’re my sister. He can sue me all he wants.” You shake your head, over and over. Standing up on your wobbly legs. Trying to push his huge body from the seat. “He’ll do worse. Much worse, I’m sure.” His eyes go big at your reaction. “Leave. Now.” He sighs and then takes your phone and puts in his new number.
“If you need me. For anything. Message me, call me.” You can only nod. “Be careful. Don’t let the guards see you looking anything but normal.” Then you realise, they’d likely already told Carlos that Bérenger has visited. “Turn your location off. Don’t use the same road twice. His reach is far. Be careful.”
Your mind is reeling. Should you call him or wait for him to call you? If he does call you, should you lie? Pretend you don’t know anything and then buy a plane ticket with your own money? How would you even get to the airport without the guards? If you leave now, you’ll lose all your modelling jobs. Everything you’d been working hard for. Your dreams, you’d be throwing your dreams down the drain.
The phone rings, and you see his name on your screen. Your hands shake as you answer the phone. You don’t hear anything and can’t even speak. “¿Mi amor?” He asks through the phone, sounding just so innocent. ‘My love’. Are you really his love or just something he owns? Like some watch he’s crazy about.
You go to speak, but your throat fails you. Sobs echo through the hotel room. “Y/N? Are you okay? What’s going on? Talk to me.” Your tears become more, he was so perfect. Too perfect. “What did you do?” Your voice is just above a whisper but you can hear him shift on the other end.
He chuckles, thinking it’s some sort of prank. “What are you talking about? Don’t mess with me now. You didn’t call me back yesterday. I was worried sick.” Each of his words are like knifes into your heart. “Bérenger told me everything.” It’s such a struggle to even speak. “And you believe him?” He doesn’t even ask what Bérenger told you. It just confirms it more to you.
“He showed me the photos, Carlos.” You can hear him curse in Spanish on the other side. “Carlos, I loved you, how could you do this to me?” You pull your legs close to your chest, some sort of protection. It doesn’t stop your heart pounding. “And you still do. You still love me, don’t you mi amor? You told me, I’d never get in trouble with you.”
You scoff at his pleas. “That’s before I found out that you paid my parents to disown me!” He scoffs the same as you had. “You say that as if you loved them because they didn’t love you. Think about it, mi amor, they took the money, didn’t they? If they loved you they would’ve kicked me out there and then. But they didn’t.”
He’s right. Who would be so evil as to give up their own daughter, just like that? Clearly, you never really meant much to them. Why are you caring now? He must sense you coming to this realisation.
“I did it for you. I hate the way they made you feel. Weren’t they so cruel? They would hurt you over and over and I couldn’t stand it. Shouldn’t my love be a good enough reason?”
Another cry courses through you. It’s quiet for quite a bit, just the sound of your crying. You can hear the shuffling before he speaks. “We’re hoping on the plane now. Don’t go anywhere.” This just makes your cries worse. “No, no, please. You can keep everything. The car, the jewels, the clothes anything. Just, please don’t hurt me. Or my family.”
You can hear his footsteps stop. “No, no, mi amor. You know I’d never hurt you. Don’t you?” You don’t say anything, you can’t. You’re shaking and your cries become too much. “Don’t do anything rash. We’ll be there tomorrow.” You throw the phone across the bed, wanting to be as far away as possible from it.
Without even thinking, you throw open the door and face your bodyguards. They don’t even turn to you. “Who are you two loyal to? Me or Carlos?” They don’t say anything, like always. You pluck on Otis’ sleeve, he’s shorter and you’ve him smile…once but once is enough for you to reach out. “If Carlos comes for me, trying to take me, who will you go with?”
You can see him gulp and his face soften. “Carlos will not hurt you.” His words are soft and it’s the first time either of them has spoken of you. You scoff and jump on the balls of your feet.
“Answer the question.” You can see he bites his tongue. “We are paid to protect you, from everyone. But also to report everything you do to Carlos.” It’s Brutis who speaks, you both seem shocked.
“Thank you,” it’s all you say before closing the door. You grab your phone again and call your assistant slash publicist slash just about everything. “Y/N, hello beautiful, what can I do for you?” Her voice is always chirpy but it quickly changes when you ask her what would happen if you didn’t show up to any of your shows.
She chuckles, clearly incredibly nervous by your sudden change of heart. “You’d be blacklisted. Not showing up to Dior? As the opener? Yeah, word will spread and you won’t get another runway job again. Why do you ask?” You can hear her panic about her job. “I signed an NDA.” It’s all you say, you don’t want anyone else’s life being ruined.
You sit back down on the bed. Now you need to think clearly. Why exactly is your brother telling you all this? It can’t be to protect you, because if that was the case then he would’ve done exactly as Carlos said. If he really did care about you, he would’ve tried harder.
Bérenger would’ve told him no, beat Carlos’ ass. But he didn’t, so clearly he doesn’t care too much about you.
So why did he bring this to you? Why else but to hurt you and your relationship. Force a break between you and Carlos. To make sure to ruin your connection with him, so that you’d lose the love of your life. Not only that, but you lose everything. Your new family, the Sainz, your new friends, Alex and Kika, and your career.
You’ve dreamed of tomorrow all your life. To walk down that runway, with all those cameras flashing and people screaming. Your wildest dream was walking for someone like Dior. As a little child, you’d wear your mother’s clothes and put on a little runway show for your siblings. It was one of the few times they’d show some sort of interest.
When you were cooking, you’d always imagine being on a show. Explaining in great detail what you're making and people would love it. People would love you. That’s what you’ve always wanted if you really think about it. To be adored and obsessed over. And that’s what Carlos has given you. He’s given you a world where this is a reality.
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You peek behind the curtain and look at all those seats. Then you look at the window outside and see the incredibly long line of people. Much more than the seats put out. An hour. One whole hour before you walk the runway for the very first time. Now just any runway, the Christian Dior runway.
Yes, you spend weeks practising your model walk. You’ve rehearsed this runway three times now. Your outfit is perfect, your hair is perfect, all you’re waiting for now is makeup, jewellery and touch ups. But you can feel your heart in your ears. Yes, you’ve wanted this all your life but now that it’s here, you feel like throwing up.
All those people, watching your every move. They’ll know if you’re breathing too heavily, if you're walking too fast, you’re certain that they can smell fear. And boy are you scared. What if you slip and fall. Then again, Naomi Campbell fell on the runway and that became an iconic moment. But are you as iconic as her? Could you ever live up to her?
What if you sneeze and the whole dress bursts open? What if the dress just falls apart as you walk, leaving you naked for everyone to see? You’d be the laughingstock of the model world. Never again seen on the runway, doomed to forever be remembered as the girl whose dress fell apart. Or the girl who was far too unprofessional for the runway.
“Are you okay?” The makeup artist’s voice snaps you out of your hyperventilation. Your thoughts are torn between two very important things. But really they come together for one big thing, your future. And one question affects both things. Do you still want to be with Carlos? “Yeah, sorry. My mind is just all over the place. Very nervous, my first show.” You shrug and she smiles.
“What usually helps when you're nervous?” His name instantly pops into your mind. “My fiancé. He’s always been my rock.” There hasn’t been a moment since you met him that he hasn’t been there for you. If that’s due to an obsession or love, does it really matter? What really is the difference? What if love isn’t enough for you?
Your parents claimed to love you. Your friends claimed to love you. You claimed to love your job. But all three of those are lost at just the mention of money. Not Carlos. To him, money wasn’t even an object. He didn’t care if you got your new shoes dirty or never wore something his money bought. Because to him, there’s always more money but not more of you.
“Speaking of…” the make-up artist’s eyes glance to one of the side entrances. His hair is always something you notice first. You hope he never loses it, even if he goes completely grey. Then it’s the crinkle in his brow, he’s always so worried. Then the way his eyes scan the room, always looking for you. It’s not that he always wants you by his side, it’s just that he wants you safe.
He’s by your side before you can even blink. His hands fit into yours, and like always you reach for the other. “Mi amor, please let me explain.” He’s down on his knees, opening himself up to vulnerability. So many people here could take a photo at any time. But he doesn’t care, he just thinks about you and keeping you.
“Carlos, I can’t do this.” His eyes go big and he shakes his head. “No, no please mi amor. I love you, I can’t lose you. I know some actions to protect you might have been a bit… unorthodox but it all came out of love.” You chuckle and kiss his forehead. “I know and you’re right. Good riddance, I mean. If they gave me up that easily, for that little amount, then I’m better off without them.”
His face lights up and he gives you his charming smile. “You mean it?” You nod and smile, “What I can’t do, is this show. Ask Ava here, I’ve been hyperventilating this whole time. I’m sure she’s so annoyed with me.” The girl gives an uncomfortable chuckle, likely more worried about her job than yours.
He stands up and rubs your shoulders. “Don’t worry, handle it like you do the paparazzi. Because you handle it better than any celebrity that I’ve ever seen.” He holds back your hair, keeping it out of Ava’s way, still gentle enough not to ruin the style. You laugh, it feels like so long ago now, your first real encounter with fans.
“Will you be watching?” “Of course, imagine it’s just me in the audience. Just you and me.”
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“Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro Junior, ¡ven aquí ahora mismo o llamaré a tu padre! Quieres decepcionar a papá? Porque si lo haces no podrás venir más a las carreras.” I can’t help but laugh, hearing my wife scold my eldest.
He’s likely run off again trying to find me or Lando or even Charles. It’s nice to hear her speak Spanish. As soon as we found out she was pregnant, she began learning immediately. And she picked it up quick.
“I am shaking in my boots.” Her eyes shine seeing me. Clearly, she’s tired, but still, she is glowing. “Papa!” The little man runs up to me at full speed. His Ferrari shirt is still too big for him at four. But he does insist he’s a big many and doesn’t need the baby sizes. “Are you being naughty? Didn’t I say we must always listen to Mama?”
His wide smile falls, “I’m sorry, papa,” I hate seeing him upset like this. But he does need to know that what she says goes. “You know what they say, happy wife happy life.” Charles comes up behind me, tickling Junior making him cry out in giggles. He then greets Y/N and picks up one of the twins. Also tickling his feet as the other is as always perched on my wife’s hip.
“Aw man, this is why I love the Spanish GP so much,” Charles comments and I can hear my beautiful wife laugh again. “What? To admire my family?” He nods with a smile, “You know it.” I can’t help but shake my head. “Ai, no, get your own.” Charles just rolls his eyes at my shenanigans before he is called away.
I place Junior down, telling him to sit tight. I then bend down and rub her swollen belly. “How are you, mi amor? How is our girl treating you?” She sighs and her fingers find my hair.
“She’s much nicer to me than these two were. But you know how it is when we get to the eight month mark.” I coo and kiss her head. I love seeing her swollen like this. Hands full with our children, in the role I have chosen for her.
“What’s on your mind?” She’s so warm and I just can’t keep anything from her. When she wasn’t pregnant it was hard to say no. Now, it’s basically impossible. “I think I should retire…” Her brows furrow and her bottom lip pops out. It’s no wonder where Junior gets it from. “I have a championship behind my back and this year is looking like another…”
She shrugs and then nods, “You’re his hero, you know? I just don’t want to break that bubble for him.” I sigh, placing my head on her round stomach. The baby kicks my chin and I can’t help but chuckle. “I’m 38, mi amor, my contract ends this year. I don’t want to miss more of my kids growing up.” She holds my face in her hands, this is what I imagine heaven would be like.
“I’ll support you all the way.” I nod and give her a kiss. She pulls Elija, the youngest closer to her. They’re just over a year old. “Look who’s the main breadwinner now.” Elija just babbles on as a reply. This is more than enough for me.
She’s mine, all mine. Three beautiful kids with one on the way. A championship to my name. There is nothing else I could want.
The End.
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I just want to quickly add, that this story was written before the Epstein list came out. If the mention of Noami Campbell is too much, please, please tell me so, so that I can delete the mention of her immediately. But like,,,, I'm just a girl and idk what to do 🤷 please tell me what to do😭 Okay, love you bye <3
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nottawriter · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag, @fazedlight and @thatonebirdwrites
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl – Arrowverse/ DC Comics: Primarily Supercorp, secondarily Dansen, Brainia, and J’M’zz, and I have one AgentReign with secondary Supercorp.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
PRIDE and Prejudice – Super gay retelling of Jane Austen’s classic. Every kudos equals $1.00US to a LGBTQIA2S charity I make at the conclusion of Pride month (June) each year (teen)
Tell Me It’s Not Too Late – Post-S4, Lillian believes Supergirl is responsible for Lex’s death. Lena rushes to J’onn’s for game night, to confront Kara on her identity, only to find she’s nowhere to be found (teen)
I Believe in a Thing Called Love – Full alternate Season 6 rewrite (teen)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – 50 First Dates movie AU (teen)
How Lost We Are – Lena is placed by her Witness Protection team (Maggie, Kelly, and Lucy) in Midvale as a flower shop owner where she meets teacher Kara and coffee/bookshop owner Jess, among others (mature)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I do usually respond, though not always right away. I enjoy chatting about my fics, so don’t hesitate to ask questions, but I don’t give out spoilers though.  
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
When She’s Gone, the Darkness Comes – Oof. It was so sad I had to write a second chapter. I much prefer happy endings (teen)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have a happy ending of some kind, or they will once they’re completed. Though there are some with happy endings like Speak Now and Tis the Damn Season. Smut. I’m talking about smut (explicit)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, though I’ve been mostly lucky. I don’t know why people leave hate on any fics really. If you don’t like something, close the tab.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It started as a small scene here or there when it was a natural progression of the fic, but now I occasionally right full smut fics and pwp like those found here (explicit)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Kind of, but the characters are all from within the Arrowverse/ DC Comics universes somewhere.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I don't understand why someone would do this. Please respect writers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I Believe in a Thing Called Love is also in Spanish Creo en una cosa llamada amor (teen)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’m currently working on one with @thatonebirdwrites, though it's not published. It’s a Supercorp fic where Kara is a building inspector and when she goes to inspect Lena’s home, she meets Lena’s daughter to tells her the floor is lava, so naturally Kara has to ensure that issue gets resolved.  
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp. But I do love most wlw ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I intent to finish all of my active WIPs. I have some WIP ideas that may or may not ever get going, but once I start a fic, I intend to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea… I guess easter egg type stuff or like blending canon into storylines. If your a reader and there's something you think is a strength I have, let me know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing. Words be hard. And it's hard to find the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do it sometimes, probably not well. I like to include the translation in the fic (unless the characters themselves aren’t supposed to understand until later). But I'm sure the translations aren't fully right as I only use google translate and the Kryptonian dictionary.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp. I started writing fiction in Dec 2020. Before that it was all scientific research papers for uni.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I suppose What Has Been Lost (Mature). It was what started this crazy adventure, has been the most challenging piece, and my longest (still ongoing). It truly blends lore and characters from across the Arrowverse and DC Comics into a human world and original storyline.
For Tags, if you'd like to participate: @fyonahmacnally @casualsavant @luthordamnvers @itsalliebitheway @innamorament0
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hypnostheory · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Howdy, so I was tagged by @kiwiana-writes , @littlemisskittentoes and @affectionatelyrs , who I’d like to thank for being very supportive and friendly. Thanks besties!
1. How many works do you have in Ao3?
So this is changing by the day sometimes lol, right now I’m sitting at 16 fics, 2 are currently unfinished, 5 are chapter fics.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
Again, changing by the day it feels, but 132,329 words so far. That’s about the length of A Tale Of Two Cities.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it’s FirstPrince (Red, White, and Royal Blue), but I have a Good Omens fic and several Homestuck fics.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. i hit my peak at seven feet
2. and that’s the way i loved you
3. something good and right and real
4. trouble’s gonna follow where i go
5. wanna know that body like it’s mine
Combined, these fic have 4,089 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to reply to every comment, but sometimes it’s a little overwhelming. I absolutely try to respond to all comments that have more than one sentence, but if I miss you I’m sorry and I promise I’m going to get to you at some point!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Sir we write smut here, this is not a tragic writing space lol. If I had to pick I think then I think you don’t want to know me is going to have one of the sadder endings but even still it’s gonna be happy because I’m not a sad writer lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I mean, the sappiest ending is somewhere between i hit my peak at seven feet and something good and right and real.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I mean the closest is someone who said my work was like disturbing or somethingbut I think that was actually a compliment???
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
This is like asking the Pope if he’s Catholic lmao. Yes I do, it’s primarily D/s dynamics, and almost always an AU one shot.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s your craziest one?
I do not. I sometimes put subtle references to other fandoms in my fics, but no crossovers.
11. Have you ever had your fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, my partner has tho. If someone found out my fic was stolen I’d like to know, but honestly if you see something I’m writing and get inspired by it just write your own version and tag me so I can read it Y’know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so, but I have had someone offer to translate a fic into Chinese. I’m down if anyone wants to, but I only speak English and a moderate level of Spanish so I couldn’t check someone’s work.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
So my partner and I can get very collaborative, and I absolutely run my shit past people before it goes live, but for the most part I’m doing it all by myself.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Listen I love FirstPrince with all my heart but DaveKat is my first OTP and I’m never letting those fuckers go.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably never will?
Hmm, so I want to finish that Good Omens fic I mentioned but honestly that started in a weird time and I’m not sure if it’s got legs. Aside from that I’m trying to finish everything I start! (Or at least everything I publish!)
16. What are your writing strengths?
So from comments, I’d say my prose and my dynamics. I’d agree, I think my style is based in my education in poetry, so I can for sure get colorful. And I really enjoy the politics of a relationship, so I’ll sit there and wax poetics about the nature of soulmates daily and nightly lol. I also just write a lot very fast, so that’s a strength I guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I’ll explain emotions to death but explaining how people look is more challenging. I also have issues with finishing things, which I’ve been trying really hard to work on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So I’m from Texas, so if it’s Spanish dialogue I’m comfortable. For the main part, I’m not going to write dialogue out word for word if the POV character doesn’t understand what’s being said, which takes out a lot of that issue for me. I think putting a foreign language in a fic is something that can be done very poorly, so I want to avoid that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Publically? Homestuck. That’s my answer.
20. Favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh god, having to pick between my own kids basically. i hit my peak at seven feet is so important to me, it’s a very personal story and it really catapulted me back into writing fic. I also love there’s nowhere in the world like, which is the first fic I published in this account and is a really fun work about one of my hyper interests, so if you like 80s theme parks and Homestuck, give it a spin.
I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this, so feel free to blame me and take a spin! But also I’m absolutely tagging @futureseaempress 💖
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king-buckley · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers - tagged by @thewolvesof1998
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
65 (33 iasip, 21 9-1-1, 8 chicago med, 2 one direction 1 it)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently 9-1-1/Buddie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Apartment 9 T
can't keep my hands to myself E
what a time to be alive G
like an animal E
i'll make your body a habit E
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love getting comments so I will always try to reply!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None really, I don't like sad endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apartment 9 for sure!
He was right, there was no Eddie Diaz or Evan Buckley anymore, there was only Buckley-Diaz and both of them were more than okay with that.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a hate comment once of one of my Sunny ones and one on a 9-1-1 one
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes I mean no, I'm a holy girl.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I once wrote a Glee/It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia crossover AU
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't but would love it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Me and Britt have helped each other fics so much you could probably count half of mine as that
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Buddie currently but I was the biggest Klaine shipper
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have like 0 wips
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my description of things is good
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything else
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Bit of spanish here, bit of Italian there
19. First fandom you wrote for?
So, there was a band in the UK called The Midnight Beast, who made parody videos on youtube and I was obsessed when I was like 14/15 so I wrote a fic for one of the members and they met, got pregnant and married in about 15 chapters
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Apartment 9
tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @theotherbuckley
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coleoffduty · 7 months
tysm @sapphireblueye for tagging me and for all the wonderful things you do for this little corner of the fandom!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9! [but i have 17 wips breathing down my neck rn]
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
only hotd rn but i really wanna try writing for marvel (nashuri) or dc (batriddle)!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- brutus - The Watcher - The Realm's Sweetness - phantoms & fishbowls - legacies
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! i think it's so sweet and intimate when someone takes the time to not only read and kudos my work but also leave an appreciative response,,,, i reciprocate a lot and as a reader, commenting is a bit intimidating so i rlly value the initiation!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think anything i have out yet is too sad (but i'm angst tone deaf at times) although 'The Realm's Sweetness' is def the one that comes to mind. it's based on canon/my take on a lore accurate asoiaf storyline for lucemond so,,,,, yikes,,,
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'love in the dark' and 'brutus' are a tie for that one. rhaenicent get to run away together and live domestically while lucemond get to rule and start their own little family despite,,, the horrors.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
actually not really. i've gotten condescending/backhanded comments but the only fic i've gotten a crumb of real hate on is my fic concept art which was.... interesting....
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do! i write the bad kind <3 no but srsly it's just nothing crazy or fun (imo)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no,,, maybe when i was like younger but as of now, no,,,
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! but i think most of the ideas/plots i make up are really out there and abstract so if anyone tried-- good luck. i can barely keep up with some of my fic lore and that's because i have it all written down in my notes app.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i was thinking about translating my english stuff into spanish myself,,, and then i realized how much work that is so,,,
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nah. i've thought about it... i just feel like my writing process takes a while and anybody stuck writing with me would end up regretting it lol
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
i ofc love my hotd dumpster fires (lucemond, rhaenicent, luaena, alysmond, jacegan, etc) but the first pairing that forever has a special place in my heart are soul&maka from soul eater,,,
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i have this rhaenicent fic that was in the works but i just sort of lost any new plot to add to it. that tends to happen and my brain randomly picks things back up, but this one has been radio silent for a while,,, nothing i've teased or already have a preexisting work out for though!
16. What are your writing strengths?
detail. foreshadowing. outlandish things galore. you could give me an inanimate, random household item and i'd probably come up with a rlly intricate backstory for it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probs smut and the amount of writing i do. average trs and legacies chapters are 5-10k and that leads to slow updates. but hey, i'm trying to learn about quality over quantity.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
hmmm the only other language i'm fluent in is spanish but none of the characters i write speak it so,,,, valryian is rlly the only language i write dialogue in for fics but that's generated through a translator so eh. things get lost in translation or don't come across with the initial intended meaning. at first, i used to think high valryian was such a nice, intimate undertone for fics but now as someone writing the dialogue and sourcing the translations-- i've become a bit immune. i just use it for plot reasons now.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
b-bts ff- on wattpad- [gunshot] (this was actually a really nice experience and intro into fic writing so,,, army borahae asf)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
probs 'is this fate (or is this fear)'! i love black mirror and the actual premise is based on one of my own nightmare sequences, so how fun <3 no but yeah i wrote it in a week and felt so immensely pleased with myself for having stuck with the idea and then completing it,,,
tagging @droppofsaltt, @spiderlilac, @unohanabbygirl & anybody else who sees this and feels like doing it <3
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xaori · 3 years
fic writer review
I wasn't going to do this until tomorrow, but I couldn't wait. The fantastic @defaultjane asked me to answer, so here I am. I won't tag any particular writer, I'll just forward her invitation to do it if you feel like it ❤
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Eleven. Now ask me how many I have on Ffnet lol It's fifteen.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 
624573 words. Not bad for someone who started writing chapters no longer than 2K hahaha
3. How many fandoms have you written for? 
Officially, just one: Resident Evil. But I used to write some The Legend of Zelda/Pokémon Crossover stories (including self inserts) when I didn't even know that fanfiction was a thing. Thankfully you will never get to read that lol
4. Top 5 fics by kudos? 
Family Portrait
Just Friends
Merry Un-Christmas
Inside, Outside
A Third Chance So happy this one made it on the list, too hahaha
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! There was just one comment I never replied to and it came from a troll. I will be forgiven. I also used to respond to replies to my own comments, but I'm getting pretty lazy lately LOL
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending: That's a hard one. My fics always have flowery happy endings. I guess the one with the angstiest ending so far is Secrets.
7. Do you write crossovers? 
No Crossovers since the TLOZ/Pokémon thing, I swear ✋🏻 
8. Ever received hate on a fic? 
Not sure if I would call it hate or braindeath, but I received very creative troll comments on Family Portrait chapter 22. They even wrote a scene about me being raped by Wesker and Chris and posted it in the comment section. I was so proud lol
9. Do you write smut? 
Yes. Fluff and smut is basically all I write.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Yes! Drake Oskars stole Inside, Outside and published it on Amazon. He even copied the A/N with all the messages to my readers. Thanks to all the people who helped get this shit removed. I seriously hope nobody ever paid for reading it LMAO
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11. Ever had a fic translated? 
Sadly no, but I've been asked very often to translate my fics into Spanish 😊
12. Have you ever co-written a fic? 
I have many helping hands, but no co-author :)
13. All time fav ship? 
I'm almost sad to say that my favorite ship doesn't involve my favorite character, Claire Redfield, but I'm sure that my all time fav ship is Valenfield ❤
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The only valid reason for me to leave a fic unfinished forever is death.
But there are some sequels I promised to write and which will probably never see daylight.
15. Writing strengths?
My fabulous beta says that my writing improves when it's smut. I believe him lol My strength is smut.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Everything but smut? Lol. Dialogue, probably. I hate when people have to talk.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? 
I did that a couple of times myself. I'm not against it as long as there's no important content locked in a foreign language. I'm the kind who goes to Google Translate whenever there's something I don't understand anyway, but it shouldn't be a message of importance.
18. First fandom you wrote for? 
I mentioned the Zelda/Pokémon thing, right? 
Resident Evil!
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far? 
Too much, never enough. It probably needs a rewrite, but it's a super solid idea I'm ridiculously proud of and it NEVER got enough love. 
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bellakitse · 3 years
fic writer questions!!
tagged by @reyesstrand (thanks dear!)
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I have bounced around and I think I have like 12 different fandoms I have written for on ao3, but the ones I have written the most is 911 Lone Star, Teen Wolf, Skam (OG), Roswell New Mexico, Terra Nova, The 100
What are your top five fics by kudos?
(4 are Sterek, one is Stucky)
Sticky Notes and Silent Words
Nurse Rogers
Quiet on the Set!
Number Twenty-three
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
For sure ‘A Drop in the Ocean’ for Terra Nova, it is the only time I have ever written Major Character Death and it broke me to write it.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Lol. I mean, like 99.9% of my fics have happy endings cause I don’t like sad endings. So like all of them?
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I never have.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, now. Tarlos is the first couple I have written explicit stuff for. But, of course, it’s always romantic smut cause I’m a sap.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to answer all of them if I can.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I’m sure I have in the beginning, but it’s been a long time since I have gotten hate.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Unfortunately, yes, and it’s infuriating when it happens, and I am not remotely nice when it’s happened. I have no patience for thieves.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few. It’s always a great honor when someone wants to take the time to do so.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I have always wanted to give it a try, though. It would have to be another writer I’m very close to and have a similar writing style.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It’s a tie between Tarlos and Sterek.
What’s a wip you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I hate your face, it makes my heart skip a beat (evak) It hurts that I can’t seem to finish it even though it’s two chapters away from being wrapped up.
What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue and expressing emotion are where my strengths lie. I wish I was more descriptive with settings.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I speak Spanish exclusively at home, and I love sprinkling that part of my life into my writing. If it was another language that isn’t my own, though, I would try to reach out to someone who is fluent. The last thing I would want is to be disrespectful to someone else’s culture or language, especially because I don’t like it when people are disrespectful to mine.
What was the last fandom you wrote for?
911 Lone Star. It has my main focus, though I am outlining some Teen Wolf/Sterek stuff.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
The ‘It takes a Village’ Series. My baby and the works I’m most proud of because I actually wrote all I wanted to write and didn’t stop halfway.
tagging: @iboatedhere @mtnofgrace @reyescarlos @manesalex @lire-casander @sunshinestrand
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downwiththeficness · 3 years
A Need So Great-Chapter 18
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Summary: Eva Moore is assigned to work the last year of her contract with the DEA in Colombia. She just wants to get to the end of her tenure, but she keeps getting drawn further into a string of murders in the city. It isn’t long before she’s forced to face the ghosts of her past.
Word Count: ~2,000
Warnings: Oral M!receiving
A/N: For the purposes of this story, Carrillo isn’t married--or, if you like, divorced. A/B/O dynamics are prevalent, and they come with their own warning. The overall rating for this story is Explicit, although not every chapter will contain adult themes.
Taglist: @dirtynerdy98 @1zashreena1 @heresathreebee @deliciouslyclassytrash @maybege @kid-from-new-zealand @clydesducktape @revolution-starter @autumnleaves1991-blog @jedi-mando @buckysalefty @anaeve
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 10.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21
Eva was laying in bed at Horacio’s house, reading a novel she’d picked up at the corner store, switching between it and the English to Spanish dictionary as she tried to translate.  Though her skills had definitely improved, she still found herself flipping through the pages of the dictionary in frustration as she came across and entire sentence that she couldn’t quite understand. It was slow going, but without having to go into the office every day, Eva had the time.
The door opened and shut loudly, startling her. Quietly, she set her book aside and slid off the bed, padding as softly as she could through the bedroom door and down the hall. Keeping herself against the wall, she peered around the corner. At this point, she couldn’t be too careful.
Horacio was leaning against the counter next to the refrigerator, an ice pack on his hand. Concerned, Eva rounded the corner, hands already coming up to pull his hand to her chest. She lifted the pack, hissing when she saw that it was bruised, cut in a few places.
“What the fuck happened?”
He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he really didn’t want to get into it. Eva tugged just a bit on his arm, lifting her brows. She expected him to answer her.
“We found a man who Vanessa had been paying off to keep tabs on your whereabouts outside of work,” he explained in a moderate tone, “He didn’t want to talk. We worked on him a bit. When he did talk, we knew we had to run a little recon on your apartment.  There was a guy waiting for you inside.”
Eva stared for several seconds, then her eyes dropped down to the hand she was holding, “Was he…?”
“Did you…?”
She felt the air go out of her, “That’s good.”
“That’s not good, Eva,” he countered, tapping his first finger under her chin to get her to look at him, “It means that we were right. There are more coming.”
For the first time in a really long while, Eva hated being right.
She thought about it for a minute, “Did Vanessa pay him out?”
He shrugged, “I’m waiting for a call to confirm.”
More waiting.  All she had been doing since she got let go was wait. It was for the best, but Eva chafed at the inaction.
“What happens if we have confirmation?”
“I give the information to Javi and let him add it to our file, which is growing by the moment.”
Needing a change in subject, Eva lifted the ice pack, gauging the damage, “Does it hurt?”
He lifted one shoulder, “A little.”
Mouth curling into a smile, she asked, “Was this the guy who wouldn’t talk, or the guy who wanted to kill me?”
There was a beat of silence, then, “The guy who wanted to kill you.”
That was more telling than him taking on this mission to track down an endless line of people who were under Myra’s thumb. Eva lifted his hand and tenderly kissed one of the bruised knuckles.
“I’m a little sad that I didn’t get to watch,” she admitted, lifting her eyes back to his face.
His brows drew together, “Its not a pretty sight.”
“Big Guy, you uppercut a guy unconscious before we even started dating,” Eva drawled, pulling him from the counter and leading him to the couch where she sat him down and crawled into his lap. “I can definitively say that violence isn’t going to scare me.”
Casting her a strange look, Horacio wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her in to rest against his chest. He pushed her hair over her shoulder, nosing over her skin and inhaling. Eva sighed, little tingles of awareness coursing over her body everywhere they made contact. He’d beaten a man, and then killed another, tonight—all in an effort to keep her alive. It stunned her how casually he talked about it. It stunned her more how proud she was that he was willing to go so far for her sake.
Holding his jaw with both hands, Eva ran her thumbs over his cheekbones, her expression soft. Shifting forward, she peppered his face with little kisses, her heart warming at his bemused chuckle. She kept going, laughing when he tried to pull back, only to be stopped by the couch cushion. Eva pressed her advantage, kissing everywhere she could reach, laughing even more as his face scrunched despite the dimple revealing smile stretched wide over his lips.
He gripped her underneath her chin, tilting her head down so that he could give her a proper kiss, a chaste press of his mouth to hers. Then another, longer kiss, his tongue darting out to swipe over her lower lip. Eva gripped his biceps for balance and took a third kiss, deeper and harder than the last. It felt like no time at all before they were making out on the couch like teenagers, the ice pack thrown on to the carpet with a wet plop.
His arms held her tight, one hand drifting up and under her sleep shirt to knead her breast, thumb circling over the nipple. Eva could hear the desperation in her own moan, even as it rolled out of her throat. He mouthed down her neck to her collarbone, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.
The phone rang and Eva jumped. Horacio pulled back, kissing her soundly on the mouth before leaning over and picking the receiver out of the cradle, holding it to his ear. He continued to hold her as he spoke, a muted voice responding over the line. His fingers drifted lazily over the naked skin of her thigh, circling.
Eva widened her stance, letting more of her weight rest on his hips, on the growing erection in his forest green slacks. Holding his gaze, she gave him the smallest circling movement, just a little bit of friction to stimulate the both of them. The hand on her thigh tightened just a fraction in warning, but his eyes were warm and aroused. Green. Light.
Running her hands over his chest, she rocked forward and up, using the motion to lay a kiss on his cheek, far more innocent that the kisses she was giving him not a minute before. She could feel his breath on her neck and shoulder, faster than normal. His voice was entirely too calm when he spoke next. That needed work.
Adjusting her stance, Eva dropped one foot, then the other to the ground and let her body slide down his until she was kneeling on the floor between his legs. He watched her go, looking torn between censuring her and letting her do as she pleased.
Massaging his thighs, Eva got comfortable, eyes flicking upwards to gauge his expression. His mouth was parted, eyes dark and focused. The hand over the phone by his ear was clenched, the other laying flat against the couch cushion.
Hands tracing up to his stomach, Eva felt for his heartbeat, a quick pulse in his chest, belying body language that could conceivably be described as calm. That was progress. Eva laid her cheek against his thigh, keeping as much eye contact as she could. She placed one hand on the opposite knee, pushing very slightly. Obediently, he let his legs fall further open.
Pursing her lips to keep the smile away, Eva rubbed her cheek up his thigh until she reached the bulge beneath his fly. She exhaled, letting him feel the heat from her breath. Then, she tilted her head and, meeting his eyes, licked him from base to tip. He inhaled, nostrils flaring, eyes narrowed and gaze hot. She did it again, putting a little bit more pressure on him with her tongue.
For a few minutes, that’s all she did, until the fabric of his pants was wet and he was pulsing with every touch. Reaching up, she slipped his belt through the buckle, nimble fingers flicking open the button and carefully lowering the fly.
She looked up, fingers tucked into his waistband, just to make sure he was okay. Breathing uneven, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and lifted his hips in invitation. The conversation continued, though Horacio more than once had to cover the mouthpiece of the phone when she drew him into her mouth, tongue extending to get at as much of him as she could. His moan was strained as he worked to keep it inside.
Eva pushed her hands up his chest, the material of his uniform and undershirt catching on her wrists and drawing upwards to reveal the thick trunk of his torso. She lifted her mouth, letting his cock fall to his stomach for a moment as she took him in. Chest heaving, red in his cheeks, pants pulled down just past the bend of his ass—Eva had to bite her tongue to keep the moan of want inside.
Sucking him back into her mouth, Eva pumped him with one hand, the other slipping down to cradle his sack. The thighs on either side of her tightened a little bit more with every down stroke, and she could feel the tension in his hips as he worked to keep them still. He was only a little bit successful, they rolled up to meet her, keeping time with her rhythm.
Above her, his voice cracked. She looked up. His eyes were closed, the hand on the couch pushing hard into the cushion. His responses to whoever he was talking to were short and sharp. In her hands, he hardened further, and she could feel his sack drawing up against his body. Eva sped up.
Grabbing her shoulder for purchase, Horacio pressed a bit into her movement, trying to slow her down. She gripped his hand, slotting her fingers between his and setting it on the couch very deliberately. Eva could taste the pre-come that was leaking from his tip, knew that he was getting dangerously close. From above, he ended the conversation with a terse goodbye, slamming the phone down into the cradle with a sharp moan.
“Eva,” he breathed, finally letting his lungs take in the air they needed. “Eva, come here.”
He tried to pull her up, but she caught that hand and pushed it into the couch as well.  Without use of her own hands, it took more concentration to keep her body over him, to keep licking and sucking and tonguing him. In her grip, his hands flexed, but remained where she put them. Fingers entwined with his, Eva breathed through her nose, hollowing her cheeks.
Groaning, his hips jerked upwards, nearly gagging her. Eva had to let go of one of her hands to keep him steady in her mouth. The added sensation of her fist bobbing in time with her mouth pushed a pained grunt from his chest, a rumbling growl following. The hand she still held tightened.
“Fuck, fuck,” he spit, and then she could feel the initial pulse of his orgasm.
She swallowed down what she could, a bit dripping down his length and between her fingers. She used the extra lubrication to continue pumping him until he was spent. Pulling off, Eva sat back on her heels and took him in.
Horacio was sweating a bit, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Eyes closed, mouth open, head tilted back. Beautiful man. Eva smiled and pushed up so that she could sink into the couch next to him. He pulled his pants back up over his hips, but left them open. Then, he flung an arm over her, head lolling to the side to look at her.
“I think I needed that,” he said. His brows quirked a little, “Maybe not while I was on the phone with Javier trying to discuss bank statements.”
Eva laughed, “Do you think he knew?”
“I don’t care,” he replied, cupping her cheek and kissing her. He stood, pulling her with him, “Come on, I need a shower and I want you with me.”
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kazetokinouta-a · 4 years
List of Good Kazeki Fanfictions
There are a lot of fanfictions about Kaze to Ki no Uta on the Internet, in this list we are going to see only the finished ones.
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Warning: I do not own the rights to any of the stories cited here, all credits are their proper authors. The following list is for fan to fan promotion only. Kaze to Ki no Uta belongs to Keiko Takemiya.The stories here were all I read and the ones in English are complete.
When the Earth Touched the Water
Link :  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113410/1/When-the-Earth-Touched-the-Water
One Shot Writed by Despaired Author
Synopsis:In a world where one's zodiac sign determines one's looks and abilities, a Capricorn learns the dangers of crossing a seemingly harmless Pisces. (Zodiac Personification AU)
My opinion:It's a short story, but a very good one. If you are looking for something different and with a lighter plot then this fanfic is perfect for you.
Dull Gold Silence
One-shot by Despaired Author
Synopsis:Just another day in Paris for Serge and Gilbert after the accident. (Canon divergence from Volume 17)
My Opinion: It is sad and happy at the same time, Gilbert does not die but is sequeled after the events of volume 17.
Shut up, Please!
One Shot  by Despaired Author
Synopsis: "Oh my god, will you shut up already!" — In which Gilbert only meant to kiss Serge to shut him up… at least, in the beginning.
My Opinion: This is more romantic with a bit of humor, has no sad ending and has a kind of provocative scene at the end.
Twisted Fate
One Shot by Despaired Author
Synopsis: The two of them fought, and one ran away. The other set out to search for him. As the rain pours down, the runaway finds himself back down the road where the carriages would mainly enter Paris. Their fates are sealed, and the fate one shall meet is beyond twisted. Yaoi. Character Death. No like, no read.
My Opinion: Beautiful, sad and inspiring are the words I would use to describe this story. Just say one thing, prepare tissues for the end.
SergexGilbert Music
13 Chapters by Despaired Author
Synopsis: Series of short stories based on songs I have randomly heard on the radio. Also songs I think would match my favorite romantic couple of all time! WARNING: Yaoi/gay actions and maybe some other stuff that make this Rated T! NOT SONG-FICS! SergexGilbert There will a few chapters that will be related to each other, thereby created a mini-series within the stories!
My Opinion: A cute, well writed story, the last chapter even made my heart race. At the end of each chapter there is a very entertaining dialogue between the characters and the author.
Mirror Image
21 Chapters by Enmy
Synopsis: There's a new student at Laconblade Academy. Will he gain Gilbert's trust or he will just fall in Gilbert's trap like everyone else?
My Opinion: A happy ending where Gilbert finally finds the happiness he deserves.
8 Chapters by Despaired Author
Synopsis: Serge is a student at the now all-gender school Lacombrade Academy in France. Gilbert is the new student with a mysterious past and also happens to be Serge's roommate. What secrets does he hold behind his innocent appearance? And what scars are they both hiding from the world? The beautiful romance with my own little twist! Warnings inside! SergexGilbert forever!
My Opinion: A good narrative to read, with a good and peaceful ending.
29 Chapters by Despaired Author
Synopsis:A prequel to my first Kaze to Ki no Uta fanfic. Serge and Gilbert's relationship slowly reveals itself at Lacombrade Academy. Will their love triumph, no matter who finds out about their secret? And what does the universe have in store to test their love? WARNING: Yaoi/Gay actions included!
My Opinion: A long story that precedes another fanfic, is a story of good quality and worth reading. A tip, read also part two, you will be thrilled. 
Kissing Sins
30 Chapters by Despaired Author
Synopsis: Serge and Gilbert have run away to Paris to live a new life as lovers. Will their love survive? Will Gilbert's past tear them apart? How long will they be able to survive in Paris? Am I asking too many questions (the ultimate question)? WARNING: Yaoi/Gay actions included!
My Opinion: It's the continuation of what I said earlier, it sure is one of the best, most complete and exciting fanfics I've ever read. If you have time, read from the previous to the end of this one and you won't regret it.
Freak Like Me
One Shot by TheWammy'sHouseReject
Synopsis: You don't belong here either, do you, Serge?
My Opinion:It is focused on Gilbert's point of view, is interesting to read and matches what the character would think.
Another Glass of Wine
One Shot y Anomalous One
Synopsis:Despite his actions in the past, Auguste Beau has very much become somebody that Jules admires, and if he wouldn't mind being seduced by him, well, that isn't his fault, is it? Spoiler/trigger warning for Rosemariné's past.
My Opinion:After reading this story, I could understand a little more about Rosemariné's past and Jules's view of Auguste. It's worth reading, it's a different thing.
One Shot by Anomalous One
Synopsis: Jules' feelings for Rosemariné are far more complicated than he'd like them to be, and when they take tea together he sometimes does his best to try and understand. Spoilers/trigger warning for Rosemariné's past.
My Opinion: If you ship Rosemarine x Jules, then this fanfic is perfect for you. It shows what everyone who read the manga wants Jules to admit, his true feelings for Rossy.
Joyeux Anniversaire
One Shot by Anomalous One
Synopsis:It's Rosemariné's thirteenth birthday, and he wants a special present from Jules. Blushy awkwardness ensues.
My Opinion: It's a cute story, it shows that the feeling that exists between Rosemarine and Jules has always existed since they were children.
One Shot by Anomalous One
Synopsis: Jules' bedroom smells of the outdoors, and books, and lavender perfume. It smells like roses, too, which is understandable and disconcerting and exactly what makes him happy.
My Opinion: This is one of those stories that make the reader imagine what could happen next, once again Rosemarine and Jules try to admit what they feel for each other, it is worth checking out.
A Thorned Rose
12 Chapters by eirinatakebana
Synopsis: (The synopsis is unavailable, however, it is a happy ending version of the original manga)
My Opinion: Of all the fanfics mentioned here, this is certainly one of my favorites, the story is very beautiful, well written and will make you emotional in the end.
Sleep In
One Shot by Sara Jaye
Synopsis: Serge, for once, wishes he could stay in bed instead of going to class.
My Opinion: One of the shortest stories, but it's cute and shows one of the few moments of joy for Serge and Gilbert.
My Only Love
One Shot by X-Bride
Synopsis: Serge portrays his feeling towards Gilbert in a passionate way. Will he finally fall in love and realize his true feelings? My fist Kaze To Ki No Uta fic! Please read and comment! Thankyou!
My Opinion: The structure of the story looks like a poem, is beautiful and resembles something that Serge would actually write.
Ultima carta de despedida ( Last farewell letter)
One Shot by yamato ishida yagami
Synopsis: Gilbert escribe una carta a Serge antes de morir... ( Gilbert writes a letter to Serge before he dies ..)
My Opinion: The story is written in Spanish, but it's so good that I couldn't help but quote it here. Copy and paste the text into Google Translate, because it's worth reading, it's very good.
One Shot by X-Bride
Synopsis: Gilbert breaks down in his black despair and Serge is there to comfront him. What will they learn about themselves and their existence? Slight attempted suicide. R&R!
My Opinion: Similar to what happens in the original manga, Serge comforts Gilbert during his suicidal thoughts, is beautiful to read and shows the real meaning of true love.
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com 15/17
Author’s notes: I’ve been vague about Lilah’s heritage so far with the exception her her being latina, but it made sense to me she would speak her native language with her mom and since I didn’t want to butcher another language by trying to writing in Spanish, she’s speaking  Portuguese here. I put the translation next to it in brackets. 
Summary: Keanu and Lilah meet at the set of John Wick. Rom-com shenanigans ensues
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Wordcount: 2980
Warnings: just a F-bomb and an anxiety attack.
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Lilah should not be missing Keanu this badly. It had only been gone a few of days since he left, but every time she caught sight of the finger-shaped bruises on her hips or the bite mark in her shoulder, Lilah felt like there was a gaping hole in her chest that made her just feel empty and everything else dull.
Lilah wanted to laugh at the irony. For someone who hated rom coms, she sure as hell was going through all the motions. She was this close to watching rainfall from her bedroom window with a sad song playing in the back. Which was sort of pathetic, so she really needed to find something to distract herself.
Good thing she still had the crushing doubt of what she would do to about NYFA and Oxford to keep her occupied. Arthur was being very understanding about her lack of response, but every time Lilah met Dr. Williams, it was the first question out of the older woman’s mouth.
“Do you know how many other candidates would kill for this opportunity?”
“Yes, I’m aware, Dr. Williams,” Lilah sighed, squeezing the bridge of her nose. This was giving her a headache. “But it’s a huge decision and I can’t just make it without thinking it through.”
She could see Dr. Williams wanted to argue some more and she braced herself for the conflict, but it never came. The other woman let out a sigh too and took off her glasses. For the first time in Lilah’s time in grad-school, the woman before her looked almost approachable.
“Lilah, I have been doing this for a while and I haven’t met many students like you. You’re brilliant and I don’t say that lightly. You work hard, you’re good at improvising, you hardly ever complain or say no, something I take advantage more times than I should, and you’re a great researcher. It would be a shame to let that go to waste.” She paused, wiping her glasses before putting them back on. “However, I also know that those same traits will make you succeed at any other career path you chose.”
“They called you, did they?” Lilah asked, twisting her hands together, heart in her throat. “From NYFA.”
“You did include my letter of recommendation in your application,” Dr. Williams said. “I told them exactly what just I told you, but you have to make a choice, dear.”
“I know,” Lilah sighed. “Tomorrow. I promise.”
“Good.” Dr. Williams said with a short nod. “I also expect the new chapter of your dissertation by the same deadline.”
All the way home, Lilah was a jumble of messy thoughts and conflicting feelings, because she had no idea what to do next. She just gave herself an ultimatum to make a decision when she told Dr. Williams she would give them an answer tomorrow. But the truth was that Lilah was no close to an answer now than she was four days ago when Lilah argued with Keanu.
Ever since this whole mess started Lilah became very aware of how ill-equipped she was to make her own choices. She had been doing a reevaluation of her life decisions and how she made them, and it was slowly becoming very clear the weight her parents’ wishes and expectations had on every step she took. Especially her dad.
She remembered being 13 and considering to join the theater club because it could help her make friends, but her dad insisted she joined the debate club instead because it would improve her English and would look much better on her college application. The same happened when she wanted to practice martial arts, but he thought the track team would be better. And that continued all the way to choosing her major for college and deciding on grad-school.
They were rarely obvious commands, it was more like nudges here and there that made Lilah doubt her own choices and start on a spiral of insecurity that was only abated once she did what he wanted, and he praised her for it. How mess up was that? How manipulative was that? Was he even aware that he did that?  
How many times did she settle for something she wasn’t all that into it just to please him? Lilah didn’t even know. And how many times she hid part of herself or her interests, so he wouldn’t be disappointed? Like he was when she decided to go to New York for grad school. That had been quite an epic fight and it left Lilah crushed and crying for days until he relented and allowed her to go. And she knew he only did it because her mother talked to him.
That was crazy! Lilah was 21 at the time. She didn’t need his authorization. She was a damn adult, but apparently, she still acted like a child searching for his approval. Right now Lilah felt like she was in a turning point and one wrong step could mean she would wreck her future beyond recognition and that prospect terrified her.
With a heavy sigh, Lilah closed her laptop and moved to her bed. She wasn’t going to get any work done right now. Not until she finally made her decision and that needed to happen right now.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” Jean asked, leaning against the doorframe and startling Lilah.
“Sure. What’s up?” Ok, maybe it could wait a few more moments.
Jean stepped into the room and walked up to Lilah, handing her a check before taking a seat on the bed. Lilah glanced at it with a frown of confusion and gasped, looking back up at Jean.
“Wh…?” she trailed off, too shocked to even form words.
“That should cover tuition for the first year, right?” Jean asked, eyebrow arched.
“I can’t accept this, Jean,” Lilah said, trying to give the check back, but her friend just crossed her arms over her chest in refusal. “I know how much you hate the trust fund your parents made for you. I’m not gonna be the reason you go to them.”
“That ship sailed a long time ago, Lih,” Jean admitted with a sigh. “I’ve been using that money to keep Novelsy afloat for the last four months. And anyway, that’s not where it came that from. That’s from the sale.”
“Sale? You sold Novelsy?” Lilah exclaimed with wide eyes, jumping from her seat. “But Jean that was-”
“My dream?” the other woman completed with a little sad smile. “See I thought so too, but I began to realize the only dream part of it pissing off my parents and Novelsy deserve better than that. Who knows? Maybe these new people can do a better job than I did.”
“Don’t say that. You did a fantastic job!” Lilah said, coming to sit next to her and wrapping her arms around Jean’s shoulders, pulling the other woman into a hug. “You could’ve talked to me, you know?”
“You had your own thing happening with film school and Keanu.” Jean shrugged and Lilah pulled away to glare at her.
“No matter what’s going on in my life, I’ll always be there for yours, ok? Always. You’re my person, remember?” Lilah said, her tone leaving no room for argument and Jean smiled and nodded. “So now what? What are you gonna do?”
“Honestly? I have no idea,” Jean replied, her expression turning into a grin. “It’s kind of exciting not knowing.”
“You and I have very different concepts of exciting,” she commented with a chuckle, resting her head on Jean’s shoulder. “But you’re really ok? About the sale?”
“I mean, I’m sad and all, but yeah. It was for the best. They promised to keep all the same staff and structure and that’s the only reason I agreed.”
“That’s good, but I still can’t take this money, Jean.”
“Yes, you can. I did some math of all you the time have helped with Novelsy throughout the years without charging a cent. That’s about what I’d owe you.”
“That can’t be right,” Lilah snorted in disbelief and Jean flashed a sly smirk.
“Ok, maybe I added a healthy bonus too, but still…” Jean took Lilah’s hand in hers, entwining their fingers together. “You’re my person too and you deserve to have a chance to do this. Let me do this for you, please?”
Lilah felt her eyes stinging with unshed tears, her heart beating wildly in her heart as she hugged Jean. she was out of words to tell her friend how much this meant to her.
“I… you… thank you,” she choked, fully crying know and watching as Jean’s eyes welled up too. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Lih.” Her expression opened up into a wide grin. “You’re going to film school.”
“I’m going to film school,” Lilah agreed, her voice a little high-pitched, her own lips drawing into a smile. “I'M GOING TO FUCKING FILM SCHOOL!”
They squealed together, jumping and hugging and laughing and it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. Lilah had made her choice.
A moment later, Isaac came into the room, with a confused look on his face but since Lilah was still chanting that she was going to film school, he quickly caught on and joined the celebration. Lilah was breathless from laughing so hard, her cheeks hurting, and she might her twisted her ankle with all the jumping around, but she was so happy that she didn’t care. That was why she missed her mom’s first two calls. She only caught the third.
“Hi mom!” she greeted, signaling Isaac to turn down the music.
“Honey, you need to come home,” her mother said, her voice low and broken and Lilah felt all the cheerfulness draining from inside her. “Jamie was in an accident. He’s in the hospital…”
She couldn’t hear anything else due to the blood rushing through her ears; it felt like her ribcage was compressing her lungs and her heart trying to bust out of her chest. Her knees gave out and if it wasn’t Isaac’s quick reflexes, Lilah would be on the floor. Her phone wasn’t so lucky and she barely registered Jean talking to her mother, finding out what happened.
It had been so long since Lilah had an anxiety attack, so it took her a while to recognize it now. She sat on the floor, head between her knees as she tried to control her breathing and concentrate on something else, anything else. Her nails dug on Isaac’s arms as she tried to count her breaths and listen to what he was saying.
Lilah knew how anxiety attacks worked. She knew it was just her body freaking out because it thought there was danger around the corner. Lilah just needed to wait them out. It might feel like she was dying, but in the end, she would be ok.
It took Lilah about 15 minutes to regain control again and be able to refocus on her friends. Both Isaac and Jean were on the floor with her. She was practically on Isaac’s lap as he was holding her against his chest while Jean sat by her side. Lilah’s face was wet with tears and she had left five crescent-shaped wounds on Isaac’s arm.
“How are you, hon?” Jean asked.
“I need to go home.” It was all Lilah managed, struggling out of Isaac’s hold to get up. There was too much to do and no time to waste. “Can one of you check flights for me? I need to call Dr. Williams and my TA to cover my classes.”
“I’ll start packing your suitcase,” Isaac offered. “You should call Keanu. He’s coming back tonight, right?”
“Shit!” Lilah froze, turning to look at them. She completely forgot about Keanu. About everything else really. “I’ll call him from the cab.”
If someone asked Lilah how she managed to get everything ready and herself to Miami, she wouldn’t be able to tell you. It was all just a big blur to her. All she knew was that a little over five hours after she got her mother’s call, Lilah was stepping through the doors of Jackson Memorial Hospital where she knew Jamie would have been taken. It was the hospital he did his residency and where her father worked and taught.
Lilah knew this place like the back of her hand. Most of the nursing staff knew her so they didn’t even blink when she walked in and didn’t even paused by the reception area, just headed straight for the waiting room outside the surgical center, where she found her mom, Alba, sitting next to Jamie’s mom, Susan, comforting the other woman.
They looked up when Lilah walked in, her mother’s expression turning into one of relief as she let go of Susan long enough to meet her halfway from a hug.
“Que bom que você aqui. (I’m so glad you’re here),” she whispered, her voice wavered a little and Lilah just held her tight, breathing in the familiar scent of lilies from her mom’s skin.
“What happened?” Lilah asked as she let go of her mom to hug Susan, before taking a seat, holding her mom’s hand tight.
“They say he ran a red light,” her mom explained, and Susan let out a loud sob. “A pick-up truck hit his car, driver’s side.” Lilah felt the familiar tightness in her chest and forced out a long, shaky breath. This was not the time for another panic attack. Everyone here needed her. “Your father is with him.”
That much Lilah figured the second he didn’t see him. Technically no family member should be allowed anywhere near the OR, but her father was one of the top surgeons of this hospital and it was very hard to say no to him.
“Foi muito ruim? (How bad was it?)” she whispered to her mom, mindful of Susan. Alba took a deep breath, her hand tightening over Lilah’s.
“(Ruim) Bad.”
Once again, Lilah forced her lungs to keep working, her breath to remain steady as she tried to settle a little better on the uncomfortable couch of the waiting room. The hours dragged by without news. The only sounds in the room were hospital announcements and Susan’s sniffles.
Lilah got tired of the couch and started pacing, trying to work out some of the nervous energy running through her. Every once in a while she would check her phone, update Jean and Isaac. There had been no word from Keanu, but Lilah couldn’t bring herself to worry about that right now.
The OR doors were pushed open and her father stepped out, expression drawn into a deep frown of concern, the lines in his face deeper than Lilah remember from when she visited during the summer.
“They finished repairing his lung and had to remove his spleen. He should be out in another hour or so and head straight for observation,” he announced, his eyes landing on Lilah and his expression softening a little. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi dad,” she breathed out, against the crook of his neck as Frank wrapped her into a tight hug.
“My boy’s gonna be fine then?” Susan asked, her voice raspy from crying.
“He’s not out of the woods yet, but Jamie’s strong and Owen’s the best trauma surgeon I know,” he said with an encouraging smile, but Lilah noticed it didn’t quite reach his eyes. She had never seen her father scared before. “I’m going back in.”
With a final kiss to Lilah’s forehead, Frank turned around and headed back into the OR, leaving them behind. She could Susan on her phone, probably updating her husband while Alba’s fingers worked through her rosary and she prayed under her breath.
Lilah sighed and headed to the reception where she knew there was a coffee machine. She had been up for God knows how many hours and the adrenaline was starting to fade, exhaustion sipping so deep it almost seemed to reach her bones.
Lilah blamed her fatigue for not noticing him right away even though she must have walked right by him on her way to the coffee machine. He stood at the reception desk, carry on by his side talking to one of the nurses. It wasn’t until she heard her own name that Lilah turned to look, recognizing him.
“Keanu?” She called and he turned her way, his brow furrowed with worry.
“Lil,” he walked up to her, stopping just a step away, almost as if unsure if he could come closer, touch her.
“What you doing here?” Lilah asked her astonishment making it hard for her to process his presence.
“I heard about your brother, and I just…” Keanu sighed, rubbing his face. “I don’t know. I wanted to be here for you.”
Lilah felt the knot in her chest rising to her throat as her eyes stung. She closed the distance between them, letting Keanu wrap her into a hug, feeling him kiss the top of her head. She fisted the back of his blazer, fighting against the need to break down. It wasn’t time yet. No matter how safe she felt on his arms.
They stayed there, wrapped around each other until one of the orderlies asked them to move since they were blocking the way. They broke away, but Keanu took her hand, entwining their fingers together and Lilah led the way back to the waiting room. She paused just outside the door in hesitation, before she glanced over at Keanu.
 “This wasn’t how I pictured you meeting my family,” she said with a humorless chuckle. Keanu gave her a soft, reassuring smile and squeezed her hand.
“I know, but it’s going to be fine.”
Lilah nodded and pushed the door open. She really hoped Keanu was right.
Go to part 16
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stanislovers · 4 years
So I understand something happened with the group that usually posts Saezuru’s translation in english.
Since it’s been 84 years and a new chapter is dropping this month, I translated in english from this spanish version for all to enjoy (well, mostly for me to enjoy lol).
All credit goes to:
For raws, cleaning and editing: SofiGB (sofigb.livejournal.com)
For translating from japanese: Kazu
Disclaimer: I’m not a spanish nor english native speaker, so forgive me for any mistakes.
I had no intention --
--of ever seeing him again.
We didn't came here to kill you.
If you tell us where your brother is,
we'll let you go.
But I already told you... I haven't seen him in more than a year.
Why did you try to run away then?
Anyone would do that if someone like you is looking for them.
I don't believe you!
Hey, calm down.
Remember who you're dealing with.
If you're yakuza you can't harm a civilian.
Can you not interrupt?
This doesn’t concern you.
What did you say, idiot?
Nobody asked for your opinion. You're annoying.
Who are you and where do you even come from?
He's Nanahara, from the Shinseikai group.
You know that's a thing of the past, Doumeki.
Could you please stop excluding me and speaking between you in code?
It drives me crazy!
Truthfully... I don't know..
Hey, you. Who are you?
Your name. What's your name?
Bring that guy over here, Kamiya.
You must know something. Spit it out immediately.
So? Are you ready to talk yet or not?
He's worse than I am.
Boss, stop. He's a civilian...
Don't just stand there and look, Nanahara. Help me.
I'll do it.
Thank you for offering, but--
I'm going... to talk...please... stop...
There you go.
I really don't know where my brother is but... recently I saw him and he started talking about a job that could make him a lot of money.
Well, he would always say things like that.
Did he give you more details regarding this job?
No, he didn't tell me anything more than that...
Just that this time there were dangerous people involved. He wasn't talking about you, was he?
He wasn't referring to us, we just lent him some money.
Our situation is similar.
Now that I think about it, I read in the paper --
That a member of the Sakuraikka group was run down and that the suspect fled.
The yakuza only acts when money or questions of honor are involved, isn't right?
But if Kido was working for a group, things are different, right?
Yes, that would complicate things.
Give me your phone.
Call your brother and make him talk.
Surely he'll be cautious but gather all the information you can.
Hi, it's me.
Can you talk?
Yes, what's going on?
I need to ask you something.
Can we meet in person?
Yes. Are you at home?
No, i'm not home.
For a while, I can't go back there.
For a while?
Are you in some kind of trouble?
No, no it's not that.
Sorry, I'll have to call you some other time.
Wait. Don't hang up.
What is it?
Well... I need money.
If i don't get it soon, I'm going to be in trouble.
How much do you need?
Is that all?
Well, it doesn’t matter, it will be ready tomorrow.
Ok. You saved me, Thank you.
I'll let you know where to meet.
You still haven't answered the question i asked you a while ago--
But, since the circumstances have changed, I need to inform my boss.
A while ago?
When I asked you what should we do-
I’ll do that.
It's clear that you are old acquaintances and surely you have a lot to talk about.
It's been four years...
I would have never imagined that you would've been part of the Sakuraikka group.
No, wait, before that...
What are you even doing, still being in the Yakuza in the first place?
Are you stupid?
With that face you're condemned to continue in this world.
I am the one who decides for myself how to live and what to be.
My time and my body are my own.
Also, even before the scars, you were the one who cut off my finger.
So "they're your own", uh.
Seems right to me.
Another thing...
Did you know--
That I was looking for Kido?
I found out yesterday when I was walking by the pet store.
I see...
That's enough! Who the fuck are you? You're annoying me!
And you, Doumeki, explain now.
Uhmm? Why don't you introduce yourself first?
I'm Kamiya, from the Sakuraikka group.
Ah, goody. I'm glad.
Son of a bitch...
Surely it must be difficult for you working with someone like him, he's like a statue.
It's clear as day that he doesn't listen to you.
I'm just a casino manager.
He used to work for me a long time ago. That's all.
He was completely useless--
But he's strong, so I guess you're using him for that.
That's a mean thing to say...
So, you do remember me...
...It just came back to me.
I had completely forgotten about you until today, but as soon as I saw your sad face I remembered.
And another thing.
Don't call me kashira.
Right now I am not part of any group---
and I'm not your kashira.
Well. I can go now, right? I’ll inform you as soon as my brother calls me.
Right, he’s still here.
No, you’re coming with us.
But before that, you are Yashiro from the Shinseikai group, isn’t it right?
Can you come to our group’s headquarters?
I’m not trying to be disrespectful or anything like that. It’s just that I know that--
--the money you make goes directly to the Doushinkai group.
I know that because my boss plays golf with the president of your group.
So, the second in command of the already dissolved Shinseikai…
You know him? What do we do with him?
I don’t know if his goal is to merely recuperate the money he lent…
You find out that money it’s involved in all of this?
Just as I thought. You’ve got a good eye.
I learned that he’s Misumi’s favorite. And what’s more, he used to be Doumekì’s boss.
I want to meet him. Bring him to me.
If we’re going to work together, it’s best if we decide in advance how much money goes to each group.
For this reason, my boss asked me to bring you with us.
Boss, what are we going to do?
It’s not a problem.
Whatever his plans are, we have no reason to deny him.
Great. Thank you for not making a fuss.
Hey. If something happens, you’re going to pay, do you understand?
What? What are you saying?
Do you even know who you’re talking to?
I have no idea. Who the fuck are you?
Kamiya, I already told you. Learn it once and for all.
I can see you have no manners, idiot.
Enough, Nanahara. Let’s go.
So he used to be your...
Argh! He pisses me off!
This Doumeki…
What happened to him? He became insolent.
Since when does he have this attitude?
He can’t talk to you like that…
He seemed fine to me.
It means he matured.
It’s annoying to me.
And I was convinced that he had left the Yakuza by now…
Calm down a little.
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horsefreckledgirl · 6 years
After that we decided to walk, see the city, the streets, just get lost. There was no need to go somewhere in particular, one of the things we both agreed on, being together and having fun was more than enough. We forget our routines, our jobs, people, acquaintances, even the notion of time, since suddenly it was 1AM. I ruined the moment by remembering that his mother would be furious waiting for him at home, but it was only a few seconds since Marco stopped just as we were coming, again, to the central park.
-What is it?
- … - He looked at me - do you want to dance?
- … Huh?
-Hahaha Jean, if you want to dance.
-Wh … why?
-I don’t know. Just … - he shrugged - do you want to dance?
-Here? Now?
-Hmm … - he began to inspect the whole place - … the fountain. Let’s go to the fountain.
Like a child who loves to get wet, he ran to the center of the park, and waited for me so excited, so happy. I could not believe what he had just asked me, but it was something to be expected from him, like his ability to detect when I am uncomfortable.
-What is it?
-… I…
- …
-Haha, Jean, just say it!
-I can’t dance, okay?!
-Ah, that was it. It’s easy, I’ll teach you.
-What ?! No, Marco wait! - His hands taking my wrists, only with that I gave myself for well served.
-Place your hand here, and your other hand here - one hand placed on his shoulder, the other on his waist … those were the causes of my death.
-Wait, what are you doing?! - His hand on my waist … you can die twice, right?
-Mmm … let me see - he pulled his phone out of his pocket - what song could it be…?
-So- just to corroborate, do you know that we are in the middle of a park, right?
-Remember not to look down - never taking his eyes off the phone.
-Shhh … just let yourself go. Right, left, right, left.
-I can’t with you, really.
-Hahaha, what difference does it make if they see us?
-You know I don’t care if they see us together … I care if they see me dancing.
- … Oh … it was that. Oh, this will be.
He played the song, left his phone on the edge of the fountain, and at that precise moment it began, Marco moved us both from side to side, quietly and quietly. I didn’t take my eyes off the phone, thinking that maybe it could fall into the water, and he didn’t take his eyes off me. And then … I heard a voice, and soon recognized the song.
I’ll be seeing you.
In all the old familiar places.
That this heart of mine embraces
-It’s not Jimmy Durante - I started.
-I know, I know … I prefer Billy Holiday’s version. She seems more relaxed.
-Hum … if you say so - our stares crossing.
Right, left, right, left. And our eyes didn’t move away, the universe usually stops when I see him straight in the eyes. I think we both knew exactly what would happen if we kept it that way, we inhaled and exhaled, and then we stopped looking at each other. Automatically I lowered my head to see how our feet had the same rhythm, Marco let out a small laugh.
-… You’re doing it right.
-Marco, it is not as if is necessary so much movement… and I really suck at dancing.
-Haha, even so, we are synchronized - and I decided to look at him one more time.
- … I must assume … that I can rest my head on your shoulder?
- … You guess well - he answered.
I slowly put my head to his right shoulder and … huh … I fell more in love with the smell of his cologne.
- … I hate being smaller than you.
- Come on, it’s only three centimeters.
-Three centimeters of difference.
I’ll be seeing you.
In every lovely summer’s day
In everything that’s light and gay
-Thanks for this day, Jean.
-I had a lot of fun, even with that misunderstanding.
-… For real?
-Yes. A fight is the least.
- … I think so too.
- …
-Since I came to this city … I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t known you.
I’ll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I’ll be looking at the moon
But I’ll be seeing you
-… Marco?
-Tell me.
-No … nothing, forget it - always a coward.
-… Can I kiss you?
- … You can kiss me when I give you the signal.
- … Will it take a lot?
-Maybe, maybe not.
I’ll be seeing you
-I like you … I really like you, and I want you to forgive me if you have felt pressured.
-And I want you to know that I will not bother with holding your hand anymore.
-I want you to take your time and-
I didn’t realize that one of his arms was no longer on my back … .. until I felt a warmth in my right hand … fingers interlaced with mine. Slowly I lifted my face from his shoulder to see him … and he only gave me a look and a smile so pure and sincere.
- … That’s the signal.
I’ll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I’ll be looking at the moon
But I’ll be seeing you
He didn’t look his eyes away from me, while I did nothing but see his eyes and his lips, over and over again. The day we met, the day we talked, the months we dated, everything was gathering in my head and in the realization of what we were about to do. Our breaths brushed, our eyes closed, I had never before been able to observe the freckles in their cheeks closely, nor feel their lips in mine … until that moment. I would be lying if I said I didn’t crave kissing him from the day I first saw him in that subway wagon; all that time we talked in the subway, all those days that we shared, created a space for him inside my being, and I didn’t want him to disappear. The kiss was warm, tender, slow, and very … very long. Little by little our hands got loose, and just like our arms, they changed places … then mine were around the back of his neck, theirs surrounded my back with great force, and in a few moments his left hand caressed my face, while my right hand was lost in his hair. His words at the beginning of our date echoed in my head.
“Don’t take so long saying the words.”
We both parted when we remembered that we needed to breathe … and instantly our foreheads were united. Both panting, without stopping to smile, he kept his eyes closed, while I watched him.
- Mmm?
- … I think this must have an order but …
- … Do you want … you want to be my boyfr- - he interrupted me with a kiss.
-We’ve been dating for three months, we just kissed … it would be ridiculous to say no. Why did you ask?
-Today… you said that I didn’t take so long-
-For the same reason it took you a while I decided to take your hand, hahaha. I couldn’t stand it anymore.
-Agh … I hate you, Bodt.
-No, you don’t.
He tightened his arms on my back, and kept me close to him. My hands on his face. That night there weren’t enough kisses, we were drowning for each other, it was not enough … for me it will never be enough. The taste of his lips was something I was dying to know, I didn’t want to let go of him, I didn’t want to stop hugging him. I didn’t want to go back to reality … the sad reality that we were in the middle of a park at dawn.
A ‘little’ translation from chapter 8 of my JeanMarco fic “I’ll Be Seeing You” ♥ (wrote in Spanish). I haven’t continue with the story for like 2 years, since chapter 12 :c hope you like it ♥ @loony-moony-world
Una pequeña traducción del capítulo 8 de mi fic JeanMarco “I’ll Be Seeing You” ♥ (escrito en español). No he continuado con la historia en 2 años, desde el capítulo 12 :c
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hisnanoka · 7 years
Nanoka no Kare - Chapter 84 - Final Chapter
Click “Keep Reading” for the translation.
The following is a very rough translation/interpretation from the original Japanese text to English via Google Translate and is not guaranteed to be accurate. Text will be reviewed and edited when a Spanish translation is available to double check for errors.
Story: Saro Tekkotsu
Art: Miyoshi Toumori
Click here for the RAW scans! (Raws are out of order so I’ve uploaded them all here just this once.)
N = Nanoka | H = Hayata | T = Takato | O = Ouji | Y = Yuuko | C = Chisato
Page 1 – Cover page
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“The love that was far away, I hope that it will lead to your happiness.”
Page 3
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T: “I love you Nanoka.”
“But even now,”
“You still cannot see me.”
N: [Takato-kun told me that.]
[I thought I loved him more than I thought.]
Page 4
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N: [I thought I would do anything for him.]
[Takato-kun is always fixated on the me that is missing.]
[I myself too]
[Even if I try not to see it, even if I try to fill it]
[Even if I try to keep my eyes turned away-]
Page 5
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N: [Over time, I began imagining the depth of the hole arbitrarily.]
[It was swaying me and preventing me from moving forward.]
[I have to remember.]
Page 6
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N: [For that purpose,]
O: “You just have to re-enact it.”
Are you scared of falling?
Page 7
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O: It’s all right.
If it’s for the person you love,
You can do anything.
It’s right below your feet.
You ought to see the landscape that you thought was the most beautiful.
Page 8
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N: A flower garden…
The flower garden I saw with Takato-kun…
O: Yes, he will be there soon.
Page 9
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O: Let’s fall down together to that flower garden.
T: I see.
Page 10
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T: If I was begging for Nanoka to jump down together for our future so that she could recall,
If we fell together
O: Takato?
Why don’t you return to Nanoka-chan
T: No
You are holding Nanoka.
Page 11
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T: Release Nanoka.
Please let her go and allow her to go where she wishes.
…I am
We have
Caught the Nanoka of our dreams and trapped her for 2 years.
With the time I was given,
I noticed it.
Page 12
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T: For the one I love,
Nanoka, I want her to smile from the heart.
O: …even if that means she will no longer return to you?
I see, you must hurry or Nanoka-chan will fall alone.
T: Hayata already went there.
Page 13
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T: For 2 years, he continued running and now he came here.
He will absolutely grab hold of Nanoka.
Release it, Karasuma.
---even you fell in love with her at first glance
“” (T/N: The app I’m using can’t scan this part, sorry, still trying to decipher it)
Without being able to understand the emotions that were swirling in your head
“I also hate you as well” (T/N: Not sure if this is correct, both lines seem to be from past events.)
I can understand it.
Page 14
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T: To know what kind of feeling is love, you already knew it long ago.
O: I
Page 15
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O: Have been holding you captive all this time, I see your tears rising up to the sky.
What kind of face do you have while I am holding you in my arms, I want to know.
I am letting you go now.
Page 16
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O: So
“Right now” *
“Turn around.”
Page 17
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O: “Ayase-san.”
Page 18
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Page 19
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N: Hayata-ku……
Page 20
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N: ......eh…
[“If only I never loved you,”]
Page 21
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N: [“Would you not be suffering in pain right now?”]
[“If only I never spoke to him.”]
Let go Hayata-kun
H: You will fall if I let go
N: No
You’re wrong
Because of me, I’ve made Hayata-kun suffer
H: So you won’t hold onto either!
Page 22
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H: At that time you chose not to grasp onto either and fell!
Neither Takato-san or I could grab you!
I’ve regretted that! My weakness is that I always make the choice to hurt myself.
You did not chose that for me! **
Page 23
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H: Believe in me Ayase-san! I definitely won’t allow you to fall!
Page 24
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H: Ayase-san…
N: ------------ha…..
Page 25
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N: Hayata-kun!!
H: ……thank goodness
N: Hayata-kun, I…
Page 26
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N: I…
Why is it only me and Hayata-kun. Why is that so.
Page 27
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N: I like…?
H: Her memory returned. It seems she passed out after the confusion.
Page 28
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H: It’s a good thing we’re at a hospital. I will carry her down.
…she can’t be two people at once. Even I knew it would be like this.
Even though I understand it, I have not regretted that it has returned.
I feel pretty good right now that it feels like I’m the bad guy here.
T: What…
H: Is that funny?
T: I guess so.
Page 29
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T: Hayata
I only have one thing to tell you
…The flower garden that you promised to go to,
I have already gone with Nanoka.
----Because of that, for Nanoka,
Show her an even more beautiful flower garden.
Page 30
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C: Hayata-kun is going to the same university as Nanoka?
Instead of studying abroad!?
N: He decided on an apartment and is already moving in.
C: Aw~~~I can’t believe it. The same university – the same grade.
Y: Has Uesugi-kun ended all communication with you?
N: Yup.
Page 31
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Y: I see. He didn’t even come to the graduation ceremony.
C: How was it? When you got back your memories.
After all for Nanoka, Hayata-kun has always been the right choice!
Y: How about that? You know? I’m still confused.
N: …at first the order of the feelings were swirling around. It felt like it wasn’t lining up properly but-
The half year returned.
I am here now
Y: Thank goodness
C: Bye-bye then! I have afternoon classes.
Page 32
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N: [---However,]
[There are times]
[When it feels like I have two hearts]
[That flower garden.]
[When it gets wet with rain, a shining flower garden occasionally appears in my vision.]
[I am caught by my heart and sucked in there.]
Page 33
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N: [The other heart]
[Drags me back to the surface.]
[My feelings and Hayata-kun is what I love the most.]
Page 34
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N: [Round and round]
[We are making up for the lost time.]
Page 35
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N: [The flower garden that was supposed to be seen by Hayata-kun – now he’s looking for one.]
H: Hmm
Flower garden, flower garden…
[As I thought, the state of Montana.]
[I heard that the scale of the flower garden there is amazing.]
N: Sorry for the wait!
H: Woah!
N: What’s wrong?
H: Nothing…
Page 36
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H: What did you want to do today?
Want to go somewhere
N: Well I guess I’d like to go to Hayata-kun’s room.
Heh ♡
Organizing your moving luggage will be an ordeal. I want to help you.
H: Ah------
N: Is it no good
H: It’s not like that!
…it would  be faster to just show you.
N: ?
Page 37
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H: See?
There really isn’t much to do since I don’t have much luggage.
N: …it was
Hayata-kun’s room was originally like this, wasn’t it?
Back when I visited Hayata-kun’s room in high school as well
I was sad because I saw you didn’t hold onto many mementos.
Page 38
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N: I wondered if your room was set up that way to always be prepared to move quickly…
H: You thought like that?
N: …I did think that.
H: I’ll go get us some drinks. You can take a seat on the bed if you’d like.
Page 39
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N: …this is…
“This is my e-mail. If it’s okay, please take it……!”
H: “……okay.”
Page 40
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H: “Ayase-san”
“Is so cute.”
Sorry for the wait
Are sports drinks okay?
N: Hayata-kun, this is my note…
You’ve kept it all this time?
H: Ah
Page 41
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H: That’s not-
This is-
N: [You do not have to look for it anymore.]
[Because you have already found it.]
[You, who does not leave anything.]
[And lets go of everything.]
[In the corner of this room.]
Page 42
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N: …like a small flower garden.
[Without being interrupted forever,]
Page 43
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N: [The promise is right here.]
[He was always blooming right next to me.]
*Ouji is acting like Hayata here. Using his voice to speak the way Hayata would.
**It’s really hard to figure out what’s being said by Hayata here. If anyone knows it please tell me. I’m still trying to figure it out.
It’s been an incredibly stressful cliffhanger after cliffhanger ride but here we are at the end! I’m not sure if there are any special chapters after this so as far as I know, this is the end. A bit of a rushed ending for my taste after all that build-up - I feel like they should have given the authors another volume to work with. Regardless, I’m glad to see it ended on a happy note. Cheers~
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thecrazydragonlady · 7 years
“Of Runways and Darkness”- Chapter 12
Author's Notes: Hey all! I'm finally on summer break so I'm trying my best to update everything. One-shots, I promise, I'll be working you all into my busy schedule as well. I will get your stories , some credits are due in this story. The story of "The Disowned Princess" is from The Chinese Fairy Book edited by Dr. R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (published by Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1921). You can check it out at your local library or at the following websites: /collections/the-chinese-fairy-book-1921/ or Asian_folktales/Chinese_Folktale_ #set_visible. I tried researching the history of this story but wasn't able to find much. I still like it even if it might not be 100% accurate. It's one of the few that I liked from the book. I also tried to make sure the Spanish was accurate but if it's not, if someone better at speaking Spanish than I would care to correct me, please let me know! I wanted it to read something along the lines of "What has happened to you?" or "What has happened?" Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 12
Morning dawned again but Marinette didn't feel her usual cheer; her hair was disheveled, her neck sore, and her mood just generally sour. She stretched. Looking over, she discovered it was four, a time way earlier than she normally awoke at but the stress of losing an akuma was getting to her and she knew it. Tikki slept peacefully on her pillow. A soft smile crossed her face as she watched her for a few minutes. Deciding that sitting there wasn't doing her any good, she climbed down her stairs, grabbed her shower things, and went to clean up for the day. Water never felt so good. A few minutes under the spray helped to clear her head and work the tension out of her body. Coming out, she dried her hair and went to her desk where she turned on the single lamp which casted a soft glow around the immediate area. It was covered in papers. Most were maps and lists of places they've already looked. She hesitated as she reached for them but she pushed them out of the way in favor of pulling her sketchbook and drawing supplies to her.
She stared at the blank page she'd open to. Adrien's situation had made it nearly impossible for her to work on her portfolio for the Agreste Industries contest. She had so much to do. Her thoughts circled and circled and circled but came up with nothing to no avail. A soft knock came from her door. She turned as it opened, revealing the concerned looking face of her mother. Her eyes wandered for a second before landing on her daughter who jumped up in surprise. "Maman! What are you doing up?"
The older woman smiled. She entered the room with two cups of tea that were raising steam. "I know they're hot and summer's almost here but I think it's cold enough outside to enjoy them."
Marinette smiled and took a cup gratefully. Her mother sat on the chaise lounge and patted the space next to her which her daughter took without question. They sat in silence for a few moments, sipping the tea. Marinette had to admit that she was starting to feel a little bit better. Finally, Sabine asked, "Mari, what's wrong?"
"Nothing Maman," she mumbled. The older woman eyed her.
"Marinette, don't lie to me. I've been around long enough to know when something isn't right. Especially with my daughter." The girl flinched. Sabine sat her cup down and took Marinette's free hand, holding it gently as she brushed some stray hair out of her daughter's face; her face was warm and loving but her eyes were filled with concern. Of course the last couple of nights hadn't escaped her. She'd seen how tired her daughter was and how worried she appeared to be despite how she tried to be her usual, peppy self. "You can talk to me Mari. Maybe I can help you more than you think."
The girl blinked before sighing, "I'm just… It's my fault Adrien's sick." Now it was Sabine's turn to blink. A slow soft smile crossed her face.
"It's not your fault Mari…."
"But it is Maman," she whispered, "It was my fault we were out and I wasn't paying attention when he got splashed. He did it to keep me from getting wet."
The other's had agreed that until Adrien was healed, the lie was that he had been splashed with water protecting Marinette. Because it had been cold out, he had gotten sick rather quickly. They told everyone who had a connection with Adrien the lie just to make it stick for now. Even Nathalie had been alright with it and used it to basically keep Gabriel at a distance… for now.
Sabine continued to smile. "Adrien will get better Marinette. I have no doubt about that. You just have to trust him and forgive yourself." She paused long enough to think, "Do you remember when you were younger and I told you the story of 'The Disowned Princess'?" Mari shook her head. She remembered her mother telling her a lot of old stories when she was younger, a great deal of them were passed down from generations of Chengs, but most were just general fairy tales and legends. She'd always had a preference for the ones about princess who were both strong and beautiful, kind and courageous. Sabine bushed another strand of hair out of her face.
"A long time ago," she started, "a young man failed his exams and was thus made to return to his family. On his way, he ran across a beautiful young woman who was herding sheep but these were not ordinary sheep; they were thunder sheep, said to control the weather. The young man was moved by the sadness in her face and stopped to talk to her, 'Young maiden, why are you so sad?'
'Sir, I have been disowned by my husband. He treated me horribly and then threw me out to tend these sheep and my step-parents would not acknowledge his treatment; thus I am left to be a herder of sheep even though I am the youngest daughter of the Dragon King of the Dungting Sea! I am in need of my father's help, and I have a letter for him, but I cannot send it.'
The young man thought for a moment. 'I am on my way home. I pass by the Dungting sea. Why don't I deliver the letter for you?'
The princess cried, 'Would you? I know it some ride away….'
'I will do it,' he insisted. 'I cannot stand to see a young lady hurting as you. You do not deserve this.' She smiled brightly, pulling the letter from her shirt, handing it to him, and before he rode away, she explained how to get the attention of the servant who would take him to see her father. She bowed as he rode away.
It was the first time in months that she felt any kind of hope.
A month passed. The young man eventually ended up at the Dungting sea and he did as the young princess instructed: he took his belt and knocked it three times on a nearby tree and the servant came from the water.
'What is it you want mortal,' he demanded.
'I come to see the Dragon King. I have a letter from his daughter who has fallen on dark times,' he explained. The servant did not hesitate. He cleared the water and led the way for the young man to meet the king but the king was busy and in a meeting so he had to wait a bit. However, it didn't take too long. The king arrived and the young man explained everything but it was only after he read the letter did he cry, 'It is my fault! I should have treated my daughter better!'
Then the women cried and he ordered them quiet before his brother was angered. His brother was a powerful being with a temper and should he hear of the problems, he would not have hesitated to destroy his daughter's ex-family. But it was too late! The brother of the king heard and immediately set out to destroy the family, eating the ex-husband and flooding the lands of the family, returning home with his niece in tow. The young man was still there at the request of the king; everyone rejoiced when they walked in and the brother promised to never do it again. The king and his family threw an elaborate feast for the young man. The uncle eventually asked if he would marry his niece but the young man was offended by the question and refused; he insisted that he needed to leave and return home even though he knew he would never see the young woman or her family again.
The family understood. Everyone bade him farewell with gifts of jewels and other riches. The king even walked him to the edge of the kingdom! The young man traveled and by the time he got home, he was rich from the things he'd sold. He decided to marry once there. There was a widow with a daughter at the edge of his village and he decided to take the daughter as his bride and treat her mother generously in her old age.
However, the young man noticed that the daughter looked a lot like the Dragon princess. He had his suspicions but said nothing, still marrying the girl. After some time, she admitted that she was the same princess and asked if he was mad at her for tricking him; she knew his good spirit and wished to be his wife. He could not be angry with her, he too admitted, and they spent several years happily together before they finally returned to the kingdom of Dragons to live together happily for the next ten thousand years."
Sabine patted her daughter's hand, "I tell you this story again Marinette because you are like the Princess. Like her, I see the light fading from your eyes and the stress getting to you but…."
"But I shouldn't worry because everything will work out right," she smiled. Sabine nodded, kissing her daughter's temple.
"Exactly." Marinette smiled for the first time in several days, taking her mother in a tight hug.
"Thanks Maman," she whispered. "You helped me out more than you think."
"You're welcome." She held her daughter out at arm's length and smiled wider. "Now that I see my Marinette coming through, I think you have your ideas?" She nodded to the desk.
"You bet! I'm going to get to work now." The young girl shot out of the lounge and went back to her desk, drawing like crazy, ideas circulating in her mind as she finally was able to grasp what she was doing. Sabine watched for a moment. She grabbed the two mugs and quietly left the way she'd come in.
She was close.
She had to be.
The energy shot out around her again.
It was terrifying and painful.
A silent scream stuck in her throat as Maria collapsed to the ground again.
Where was he?
Where was he?
Panting, she waited until the pain subsided again.
A shadow crossed in front of her eyes. There was a gasp.
Suddenly, a strong set of hands grabbed her shoulders and she weakly looked up from where she laid. Bleary eyed, she barely made out a familiar shape as her vision started to blacken and a voice called, "¡Maria! ¿Qué pasó? What is wrong?"
A low growl escaped her throat.
A weak hand shout out and grabbed the front of his tailored suit and she pulled him in close. When their faces were close enough, she managed out, "Help… me…."
Her body gave out.
She spiraled into darkness.
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miss-cigarettes · 7 years
This is for all those who speak/understand English and/or Korean, or simply all those people who are reading Killing Stalking...
First of all, I want and need to ask all fans of Killing Stalking in the most polite and attentive way possible ....
And I'm referring to the chapters translated into English!!!
I know that firstly when I recommended this manhwa I added links to illegal pages like "Mangago" (which was until now the only page that was uploading the English translation, again, ILLEGALLY on its website and they only uploaded the first 2 chapters until all the hype was present because after that they uploaded until chapter 12 from one day to another.) But now I see that it has been spreading on other websites like "Kissmanga" and "Mangafox" and that all of you are recommending people who are interested to read it on all those ILLEGAL websites.
I want to inform the Killing Stalking fandom that this is obviously wrong, it's illegal and this is damaging the hard work of Koogi, the author of Killing Stalkiing.
In case you didn't know, there is a website with the OFFICIAL translation into English. Killing Stalking is licensed by lezhin comics. This webtoon website is available in Korean, Japanese and of course in English.
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If you read Killing Stalking on LEZHIN.COM, you will be supporting the artist's work instead of reading piracy. You will be recognizing and appreciating in the way that is due the great and amazing work of Koogi buying the Killing Stalking chapters in the OFFICIAL WEB WITH THE OFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION.
Please allow me to quote @yoonbumprotectionsquad blog that gives us a little explanation about the purchase of chapters on lezhin.com
Lezhin Comics runs it, here’s the link for everyone interested
The first 3 chapters are free, after that you have to purchase coins to buy individual chapters. You do not have to go back and buy chapters sequentially, you can just buy new ones as they come out.
It looks like at the moment the cheapest option for coins is a $2.99 pack that contains 14, and chapters for KS only require 3 so that will get you through the next 4 chapters.
Also it IS released on Wednesdays for everyone asking!! I just signed up using my twitter account and got coins, so if anyone’s got the money to burn (and $2.99 is a pretty damn good deal) you totally should.
Also they have done a small tutorial for those who don't know how to handle an account in LEZHIN.COM
If you really like and appreciate this wonderful manwha, I invite you to stop spreading it illegally. Even if you don't understand or speak the English or Korean language. I invite you to support the work of Koogi by buying the chapters. It's unfair that she doesn't receive anything in return for her work because many people now read it ILLEGALLY AND FREE.
I have also seen people using the Spanish translations of the Facebook  "Banco de Sangre" page. On that page the staff always encourage readers to buy the chapters (in Korean or Enlgish) to support Koogi.
Already there have been problems with other manhwa authors (such is the case of the author of Blood Bank) who has heard of these illegal English web sites and they have been depressed thanks to this. They feel angry and sad because someone instead of buying and supporting their work prefers to read it on UNAUTHORIZED AND FREE SITES.
There are so STUPID "fans" who have even gone to the twitters of these manwha authors to say:
And what is the author's response:
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