#sah au
balestrra · 4 months
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Death Grips, or Infinite if you know him personally. (You don't)
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sadviko-off · 2 months
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SV loves gummies! Especially sour gummies! The marshal's mouth is already watering! ^ ^~ This is his everyday wear for secretly walking around the city. He sometimes takes off his cape) Cutie..
but at the same time…
cw:gore | cw:blood
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He hates traitors and he will gladly kill the insolent person who betrays him, his feelings and his friendship. Alas, he is very vindictive, that’s why he always hides this guy’s head in his office in a jar of formaldehyde, he loves this guy and hates…. (according to history, his offenders should have disappeared, but now he kills them with his ovuzhia - an iron angel fan)
He does this to protect his people and his wards in the mercenary base.
I think now I’ll draw a couple of sketches with the new guys or maps of the area, or maybe even some architecture. I haven't decided yet ^ ^"
Do you like this Marshal SV?
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cuervolyx · 3 months
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My babies! I want to get started on so many drawings for the three of them. I only wrote their names in Korean/Mandarin, but I’m sure you all recognize their designs at this point (well maybe not “Haoyu” since he’s new). This sketch was just to show their dynamic (well kind of)
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awkward-sultana · 7 months
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"According to the criterion of stipend, the haseki, or favorite concubine, enjoyed the greatest status in the imperial harem after the valide sultan. The haseki, a slave concubine and no blood relation to the reigning sultan, ranked higher than the sultan's own sisters and aunts, the princesses of the dynasty." - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire by Leslie P. Peirce
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galli-halli · 2 months
Keine Frage, ich brauch nur ein Ventil :D können wir bitte mal darüber reden, wie heiß Klaas in der neuesten Folge WSMDS aussah als er nur in dem schwarzen T-shirt da stand 🔥 ich kann echt nich mehr..
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Für die Screenshots muss ich wieder Content_Corinna danken <3
Ich habe dazu nicht viel zu sagen, außer: Ja.
Damit sind wir nicht alleine, schätze ich xD Der einzige, der sich davon überhaupt nicht hat ablenken lassen, war überraschenderweise Joko. Der war scheinbar zu sehr damit beschäftigt, Klaas im Finale mit beeindruckender Überlegenheit völlig auflaufen zu lassen.
Wie ich finde, war das Finale dadurch zusammenfassend und insgesamt: 🔥
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pumpking64 · 3 months
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nervouslittlewreck · 3 months
Alles in allem muss aber auch mal gesagt werden, wie gut es Adam offensichtlich tut mal durchatmen zu können. Nächte durchschlafen und regelmäßig, eventuell sogar gesund zu essen. Leo um sich und zwei nervige Kolleginnen die ihm dann irgendwie doch ans Herz gewachsen sind.
Und morgens wacht er dann nicht mehr auf und fragt sich wie lange noch, sondern schaut in den Spiegel und sieht einen gesunden Mann, der viel scheiße hinter sich hat und trotzdem nach vorne schauen kann. Und es geht ihm gut.
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starlighnes · 9 months
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Adam Schürk in Everyone is fucking crazy Folge 4
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Mir kam gerade eine Frau mit einem Spaten auf dem Fahrrad entgegen.
Mein erster Gedanke: SPATORT
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mistofstars · 1 year
Ich habe jetzt wieder taggeträumt und mir vorgestellt, wie es mit Teil 5 von Tatort Saarbrücken weitergehen kann. Und ich weiß, meine Ideen werden nicht unbedingt canon, aber man darf ja mal träumen.
Nach Kde frostige Stimmung zwischen Leo und Adam, Leo redet nur das Nötigste mit ihm und Adam weiß nicht, wie er ihren Konflikt überwinden soll.
Leo überlegt, sich aus Saarbrücken versetzen zu lassen, irgendwo anders hin, weg von Adam, um einen Neustart zu wagen. Redet darüber mit Pia im Büro, während sie alleine sind. Adam hört das Ganze zufällig vom Flur aus und kriegt Panik und Pipi in die Augen und geht weg. Derweil tröstet Pia Leo und bietet ihm einen Cookie an, ganz süße Szene zwischen den beiden, und Leo nibbelt nachdenklich und heartbroken am Cookie.
Kurz darauf findet Esther Adam draußen rauchend, mit den Nerven am Ende. Auch sie weiß, dass Leo überlegt, Saarbrücken zu verlassen. Sie teilt sich mit Adam eine Kippe und meint bierernst, dass sie sauer sein wird auf Adam, sollte sie ihren Chef wegen ihm verlieren. Sie verlangt von Adam, das wieder hinzubiegen. Noch ein cuter bonding moment zwischen den zwei.
Im Büro zurück hadert Adam mit sich, merkt Leos eisige Blicke, wann immer sie sich zufällig ansehen. Adam nimmt schließlich seinen Mut zusammen und fragt Leo, ob sie reden können.
Leo wimmelt ihn ab "nach dem Mittagessen, bin verabredet" - alle machen große Augen. Leo ist verabredet? Mit wem??
Enter: Rainer von der Steuerfahndung! Betritt das Büro, ein charmanter DILF Ende 40, Tür-hoher Muskelberg. Umarmt Leo und sie verschwinden Arm in Arm aus dem Büro. Adam fallen die Augen vor Eifersucht fast raus.
Adam geht sogar zum Fenster, um die beiden unten auf der Straße laufen zu sehen. Die Mädels ziehen ihn auf, dass er eifersüchtig ist, Adam lässt frustriert den Kopf auf den Tisch fallen.
Nach dem Mittagessen, wo sie ja eigentlich reden wollten, kommt Leo nicht wieder. Weil e entführt wurde. Drama ensues. Jetzt zu faul das zu tippen 😂
Und dann habe ich mir noch vorgestellt, wie Leo und Adam dunkelblaue Anzüge tragen, und eng umschlungen tanzen, und mit den Fingern sanft durch die Haare des anderen fahren. Und jetzt bin ich ein nervliches Wrack 😭😪😅
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lelanida · 7 months
You know, family is not always a married couple and their kids. Sometimes, family is space entities of light and darkness, favorite son of light (currently in the Void), only son of darkness, six elders, two children of one of the elders, and about 3 millions of skykids
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balestrra · 10 months
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The Mirage Saloon proprietress Primadonna, and her trusted employee, Ms Rose
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sadviko-off · 3 months
Military theme OCs Question prompt.
1. What do they think about their home nation? How likely is it for their country to betray them?
2. If an opportunity came up, how likely is it for them to betray their country?
3. What do they think about military? Do they like or hate the system? Why?
4. What is the worst work environment they have to worked in during their service?
5. What do they think about their supervisor at work? How often are they being praised/ scolded and how do they react to it?
6. What are they like before joining the unit? How does their work change them?
7. What do they think about themselves and their skill set, are they satisfied with their current abilities? Do they find their skill to be a blessing or a curse?
8. What do they think about peace? Had they lost faith in it?
9. What's their spending habits? Is the salary they earned sustainable for them?
10. Are there any specific kind of skill they wish to have? If there are, what stop them from getting it?
11. What do they think about sacrificing your life in the war mentality? Do they also have that mentality and do they acknowledge it?
12. What do they think about themselves, do they think that they are a good person? Why?
13. Do they have a plan for retirement? Whether they have a plan or not, what will they do once they are retired?
14. What would be most likely reason for them to be laid off from their unit? And what would they do if they really are laid off?
15. Do they think they made the right choice choosing the job they are currently doing? Why?
16. What's their opinion on espionage and intelligence industry? Why do they hold said opinion?
17. If someone were aiming to work the same job as them, what would they tell that person? Will they support them?
18. What's their opinion on paramilitary service(mainly mercenary)? Why do they hold said opinion?
19. What do they think about legal system and law enforcement? Do they have any part of law they wish they can change? Why do they want that change?
20. If they are told that their current job is bad for their health mentally and/or physically, how would they react?
21. What kind of stress they enjoy the most? If they don't like stress, why?
22. If they are soldiers or was soldiers, why did they join the military? If not, why didn't they join the military?
23. What do they think about the stereotype for each branch in military and do they agree with it?
24. What is the worst injury they sustained during their service? Does it affect them in long term?
25. What is the fail rate and success rate in their mission? Are they the type who let agents die for high mission success rate or prioritize agents's life and choose to retreat when things got out of hand?
26. If they are forced to take a day off, what would they do and how would they react?
27. Back before they got the job they are currently doing, what was their opinion about that job?
28. What do they think about their body count? Are they proud or ashamed of it? If they work in the unit that doesn't need to engage in combat, what do they think about the body count culture of the unit that does?
29. How competitive are they in their career and how much are they willing to sacrifice for rank climbing?
30. What do they think about their uniform(whether service uniform, dress uniform or combat uniform)? Do they like wearing it?
31. You can ask your own question.
Why not?
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cuervolyx · 3 months
Are there any other characters planned for your AU?
Yes! I have two characters in the works! I have sketches and names thought out. I just need to properly implement them into the AU.
Haoyu (浩宇, his name means “vast universe”) and Raon (라온, her name means “joyful”)
Haoyu is another member of the Military Police, but he has a secret that he needs to hide. He will help Eunkyu hide his crimes, but not because they want to but they feel like they have to. (He is a cat)
Raon is an assistant to Chunhee. She is aware of more things than meets the eye (not the crimes). She is a bubbly sweet assistant to a more stone cold mentor. (I forgot to draw her tail! She’s a chipmunk).
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awkward-sultana · 3 months
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Magnificent Century AU: If the show had honored the prestige of Hürrem's status as haseki sultan. (requested by anonymous)
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juliaandthephantoms · 4 months
Haben wir schonmal considered, dass Adam das Geld behält, weil er einfach Pleite is?
Der Bub hat monatelang in nem Hotel gewohnt. Das is fucking teuer.
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