#salami hunt
osatokun · 3 months
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The hunt has begun
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theindieinformer · 16 days
This Week In Indies: May 20 - May 24
This Week In Indies: May 20 - 24 May 20 - Little-Known Galaxy May 21 - Paper Trail May 22 - Isles of Sea and Sky May 22 - Venture to the Vile May 23 - Hauntii May 23 - Zet Zillions May 23 - Pine Hearts May 23 - Duck Detective: The Secret Salami
Welcome to This Week In Indies, a peek at the indie offerings on Console and PC you can look forward to playing in the following days. As always, you can always scope out our further-reaching 2024 release list to see what awaits in the impending weeks, months, and year. We’re still ten days out from the end of May, and developers keep delivering. Another week, another stacked list of indies to…
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shatteredsnail · 2 years
i personally think i should subscribe to my fathers gift giving mentality of “no no i swear it’s for you. but i might use it sometimes”
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Hey! I saw an earlier post you had about the boys in the grocery store and it got me wondering about how they would react to hunting. I’m a hunter, have been all my life. I hunt deer, boars, ducks, coyotes, turkeys, quails, pheasants, wild Burmese pythons, and I fish locally too (strictly a vermin exterminator and food hunter, I find sports hunting to be distasteful and I strictly use a bow and arrow, no traps or guns as I take issues with those too). I can picture the absolute horror of the TFP or Lost Light bots seeing their/a human skinning and processing an animal that they just hunted for food, they see the modern convinces that are grocery stores so it’s easy to forget where human food actually comes from 😂
Weirdly enough, IDW/MTMTE does have Cybertronian edibles like cesium salami and rust sticks.
But then again, there's a big percentage of the crew members who were produced by the war, so there's a great chance that they didn't get a crash course on things that were deemed "unnecessary," like Cybertronian cuisine and fauna to forage and hunt.
TFP Cybertronians, on the other hand, have Questions.
Get ready to pull up diagrams, manuals, videos, and live demonstrations via YouTube or your own hands because they got the curiosity of two-year-old with the capacity to keep you in their palm for no escape.
Ratchet absolutely hates it. It's too messy and squishy and completely unalike the organized and relatively clean method of converting crystals to fuel. Horrified over the mysteries of hotdogs and how everything can and will kill humans without specific preparations to negate the toxins. Ratchet is boggled over spice challenges and how the hell humanity hadn't died in its infancy over culinary explorations. Someone told him to look up Hákarl.
He takes great displeasure when the kids sass him over Cybertronians eating their own blood. Different. Absolutely different. He clucks over the base kitchen and is not above making things disappear. He argues with June and Agent Fowler over the groceries and fast food bags. Ratchet's crunchy.
Bulkhead actually enjoys fishing. He's more catch and release rather than for keeping and gutting. He likes soaking up the heat of the sun, the sound of running water, birdsong, and insects buzzing, the gear setup and picking out the right lure and bait. It's a different kind of downtime, but it's nice. All he's missing is engex, but he's able to throw a line farther out than anyone else and has the capability to detect motion far greater than an average human. He still wants an engex cube.
Arcee has mixed feelings. She enjoys hunting. Patience, tracking, stealth, and the sense of accomplishment with a clean catch. She likes less the process of handling carcasses, but really hates waste anything that could have been useful. Meat, leather, tools, jewelry, and raw ingredients that could be sold or traded. Arcee just doesn't like sharing something with Airachnid's methods.
Bumblebee's a scout. People expected him to like foraging or the wilds. He prefers domesticated stock. In particular, beekeeping. To him, it represents a more equivalent partnership: he provides accessible resources and safe quarters and the bees yield honey, comb, and wax in return. If the hive don't like him or the area, then they can leave elsewhere.
Optimus is deeply fascinated by how Earth's biodiversity is so immense and how ecosystems are so diverse and complex, yet so fragile. He quietly wishes for Alpha Trion's presence because Optimus is seeing familiar similarities of Cybertronian long gone biomes: wetlands, woodlands, and reefs. The Sea of Rust once was a massive ocean of mineral-laden Energon. It has long since disappeared by the consensus of heavy, unregulated industrialization, but if Earth has the water cycle, ocean currents and belts, and complex system of thermoregulation that replenishes itself, then Cybertron had to have something similar at one point, no?
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afoxysunny · 8 months
To celebrate Burrow's End starting "today" (not in my timezone it doesn't) i Had to draw Stoats from all over Calorum
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I tried to pick looong foods for each of them, but the Toast Stoat was too funny of a pun to me to not pick it
The colourations for all of them were also chosen specifically to adhere to the stoat fur pattern: brown fur, white belly, black tail tip. Dairy Islands and Meatlands are the only exceptions to that rule.
String Cheese just doesn't have a darker version, so I had to fluff up the tail to make it stand out; and it's permanently in its winter coat (all white irl).
Salami just is lighter on the outside than the inside, so while the rest followed the lighter belly - darker back scheme the Meat Lands stoat is the inverse. To still show off the fun red colouration it has on its belly all year round, the one I drew is shedding into its winter coat.
All of them have funky claws which are based on the knifes used to cut their specific food group with, so they can hunt more expertly
Want more calorum fauna? I recommend this post of mine or just looking at that tag
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riddles-n-games · 1 month
I know I was thinking no more headcanons but I couldn't resist. Here: card games. We all know that Avery loves to play poker and we explored some of the card games at the Devil's Mercy. What about the others?
Nash-Rummy and Spit
Xander-Crazy Eights
Libby-Go Fish
Oh, and the boys have an entire wall in Games Room dedicated to cards from all around the world (see the international theme here?). They also have a dedicated Day of Cards since they are very big fans of such games and the girls having learned of it recently since Avery was named heiress got very into it. The tradition started with Tobias Hawthorne creating a special scavenger hunt designed to include a different card game and the prize would be a new clue that would be a hint to the next room to go to and the next game. Because it was a day long game, their grandfather set up a buffet lunch with many cheeses and salamis (the boys aren't really sure why but who the heck cares when the food is delicious) which is what the brothers continued when they set up the game for Avery, Libby, and Max.
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lizardywizard · 1 year
(you don't have to take a treat "meant" for your theriotype! take anything you want!)
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shanesbluechicken · 1 year
Oooh how about Shane with a Vampire SO?
The farmer is a vampire (Shane)
Someone teach me how to write short hesdcanons, because they always turn out to be wayyy too long :'D
TW: heavy language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood
Gender: neutral
Shane's been making vampire jokes since day one without even know you're actually one. Everytime he makes them you're practically getting a heart attack since you don't really want the town members to know. The possibility of being chased down by torches was not on your agenda.
But come on! There is no easy way to make it not obvious.
You won the egg hunt just to get that straw hat, because it shields your face completely.
Not to mention that even on cloudy days you seem to try to protect your skin. Some residents asked if you're maybe allergic to the sunlight and you just went with that. Marnie that sweet woman took the liberty upon herself and offered to ask Harvey for help, but you quickly shut that idea down saying that because of your past you don't want to make a big deal out of it.
Shane though. Oof.
"What are you? A fucking vampire?"
You freeze, unsure on what to answer, but soon enough you notice that he's just meaning it as a joke or a way to provoke you.
As you two become friends, he one day decides to bring some pizza over. You've been isolating yourself the last couple of days and he is a bit worried. Knowing you you're probably fully invested in work and your farm.
But when he arrives no one is outside on the fields and your front door is slightly open. He hears glass breaking inside so naturally he rushes in like a whole SWAT team with nothing but a frozen pizza as a weapon. He is fully intending on blinding potential enemies with the salami pieces.
"What the FUCK is going on? Are you hurt?"
What he thought might be an intruder was actually just you being clumsy, but he does notice how you're holding your arm with a painful look on your face. Good luck getting him off your back now.
Your sleeve got ripped apart while building a fence and the light burned your skin, but you tell Shane that it's from starting the fire place. Everything indicates that you haven't even touched the fire place and it's a hot day anyways. You got him suspicious here, but he doesn't say anything. There must be a reason why you'd lie and he'd be damned if he doesn't find out.
Usually he couldn't care less even if someone comes up with such a bad lie. He doesn't have the energy to play detective, but with you it's different. You're one of the very few people who showed him kindness no matter how shitty he behaved and if you're having issues then he wants to help you out.
The next week he sees you stumbling through town and barely holding onto the wall of the bridge. At some point it seems like you're about to fall into the river any second and he runs over to hold you up. The fact that he's running late to his shift is long forgotten.
"I'm bringing you home."
"No, Shane, I promise I'm fine. I just feel a bit light headed."
He's way stronger than he looks and while he's carrying you back you to Harvey's clinic he realizes how dead you look. More dead than usually of course.
The closer he gets you to the clinic though the more you try to get out of his grip.
"Stop it, you need a fucking doctor."
"No, please."
Shane stops dead in his tracks upon hearing how desperate you sound. He's never heard you beg like this and his stomach is practically turning upside down from all the concern.
"Carry me home and I will explain everything to you. I'm done with lying and hiding."
You're hallucinating. That must be it. But something about your tone and your pleading eyes that he barely makes out behind those dark sun glasses make him obey to your wish.
As he lays you down into your bed he gets you a glass of cold water, but you almost smack it out of his hands, pointing towards the fridge. Confused, he looks inside, but can't see anything besides the usual vegetables and some left overs. Then, behind all these items, he spots something dark. Something red.
In the next moment you're next to him, grabbing that red liquid and ripping the package open like he usually does with booze when he's going through a particularly nasty time.
"This better be strawberry juice."
Deep down he knows it's not and he isn't sure what he feels watching you chug that entire bag in one go. With anyone else he'd most likely be disgusted or mortified, but the feelings he has for you, ones that he can't quite describe yet, are way too deep to feel anything negative towards you. His mind is still occupied with images of you nearly falling off the bridge and not being able to stand on your own two feet.
But you sure got some explaining to do and you promised to tell him everything after all. There's no way to get yourself out of this mess. You're scared of Shane's reaction. You don't want to ruin whatever you guys have going on, but what you don't know is how deep that bond between you goes. You have no idea that Shane reached a point where he would go through fire for you, but in your defense he's not the type to really show that.
He takes the information pretty well and with humor too. Internally he's screaming a bit though, because OMG HE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG?!
"Are you telling me that...this is the skin of a killer?"
"Shane, stop."
"How long have you been 17?"
"I'm not 17 and stop with the Twilight references."
"Can you read my mind?"
"So you have visions?"
You're not even sure if you wanna question his oddly deep knowledge of those movies.
You explain to him that most vampires nowadays live off of blood donations and the people donating know where it goes to. The issue with you now is that it's difficult getting these donations since Pelican Town is quite isolated from the cities and you can't ask Harvey to receive them for you, because he doesn't know that vampires even exist.
You've been holding back with your drinking, but it's affecting your health badly which is the reason why you almost fucking died there at the bridge.
Without a second thought Shane offers you to give you his blood, BUT there is a problem with that as well. Considering the amount of alcohol in his system his blood would make you even sicker than no blood at all.
Now he has the right motivation to stop drinking! And it works!
You drink it directly from his wrist though, because you don't really have the right equipment for taking it differently.
Shane has to hide the bite marks otherwise Marnie thinks he's gotten into something worse than booze.
He's a ride or die, okay. He backs up every made up story of yours to not make anyone in town suspicious.
You have to expect lots of teasing from his side as well and I'm not only talking about twilight references.
"What happens if I throw garlic at you?"
"Fuck around and find out, bitch. I suggest that you don't even start fucking around."
You could serve him some vegetable he doesn't like and he would yell "THE POWER OF YOBA COMPELLS YOU"
Absolutely adores your fangs. Sometimes they're super fucking adorable when you shoot him a bright smile and other times he finds them so hot that his knees turn into pudding.
Don't get me started on the fact that you can crush rocks with your bare hands.
Doesn't know if he should be very scared or very in love.
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
bob and linda seem to plan special activities w/ each of the kids so they can bond and nobody is ignored or feeling like they don't have a special memory with their mom or dad. here are all the activities that i remember being mentioned throughout the series (excluding one-off special occasions like linda and tina's school trip etc)
bob and tina: thundergirls activities (birdwatching, camping, cardboard boat races), helping bob on the grill, running special restaurant errands together, going to the movie theater and dressing up in fun costumes, watching equestranauts together
bob and gene: listening to music together, watching western movies, cooking, going to the farmer's market, video games, midnight cheese platter(??), they also seem to like gardening and going mushroom hunting together :)
bob and louise: watching hawk and chick movies, making fun of tv shows together, running errands together and going to the farmers market, watching and enjoying wrestling on tv
linda and tina: going to linda's favorite hotel to use the bathrooms and presumably socialize, spa days together where linda does tina's hair (she helped tina shave once but bcuz tina didn't enjoy shaving her legs they probably don't continue with that. could see linda volenteering to keep helping if she did), shopping for bras shoes & clothing
linda and gene: going to the barkery together and getting free samples, doing a weekly spa session in the bath, mommy and me salami and tea time (every sunday), getting their nails done together, scrapbooking, sleepovers!
linda and louise: going to pet the puppies together at the pet store, laser tag(??), going to wonder wharf together, linda braiding louise's hair (im assuming she's also the person who brushes louise's hair and puts it up into pigtails after bathtime)
some of these are weekly and some of these seem to be every-so-often. bob occasionally brings all three kids along w/ him on errands but he's also seen bringing only one kid along with him so maybe they do a little bonding afterwards and bob buys them a special treat for coming along with him :)
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autumnaaltonen · 1 year
Hello! :) I was wondering if you can do a, Alucard x short human reader. ((She or they whichever))
Where maybe the reader is a professional vampire hunter and just newly intern into Helsing. An at first look she seems weak and nonthreatening. But once they get into the battlefield or get threat at the manor, they're kicking ass like the tiny little menace that they are. Like they prefer close combat than out range and due to their small stature they move pretty quickly against big enemies.
((I like to think of her as a mini Mirko lmao))
I am 5'9 and cannot sympathise with the plights of smaller folk 😂
That being said, my mother and all of my friends are under 5'5, so I think I can do this 👍
You were initially hired as a member of Hellsing's taskforce.
Having spent years hunting vampires as a solo assassin, you had more than enough skills to hold your own against creatures of the night.
Not that any of your coworkers believed you.
Everyone stood a solid foot above you, I mean, it was ridiculous. What were these people eating?
The workplace also presented a physical disadvantage.
The shelves and hook carrying tactical gear were always just out of reach, your uniform was on the baggy side, and you were dwarfed by the bullet-proof vests provided for marksmanship training.
More often than not, you were left out of group training exercises, teased during break hours, and the last chosen for missions on the field. It was more than frustrating, but you still spent your free time training on the grounds and further honing your skills.
When you eventually met Alucard, he was also a bit of a pain.
He belittled your small stature, calling you a "piece of dog kibble" and that you should "get out while you can before the wolves snatch you up."
But then everything changed when the Fire Nation Valentine Brothers attacked.
While your comrades were being slaughtered, you were cutting through ghouls like they were salami on a charcuterie board.
You were able to weave through their sloppy formations with ease, taking knives, ammunition and explosives off of the ghouls tactical belts as you butchered them one by one.
You even happened to pass by Jan Valentine at one point during the battle, grabbing one of the guns in his holster and getting a good shot behind his knee before disappearing back into the chaos.
"What the shitballs was that!?"
It's 1999, Jan, year of the rabbit 🖕🐰
By the time the battle was finished, you were CAKED in ghoul blood. Picture Carrie in a Kevlar vest with 2 combat knives and a semi-auto strapped to her back.
Meeting up with the survivors, Integra didn't immediately recognize you due to the fact you were always overshadowed by the giant soldiers (they dead now), but you definetley stood out in your own way.
The following week, you were promoted to Captain and put in charge of training the Flying Geese into proper vampire killers.
Alucard, still unconvinced that the mercenaries were worth their salt, watched as you proceeded to kick their asses through every training exercise, weaving around them like Walter's fibreglass wires.
The Geese even gave you a nickname: "The Virus." Because while not visible to the eye, you could take down entire biosystems of freaks before they could say "shitballs".
For the first time in a while, Alucard had to swallow his pride and admit he underestimated you.
But it didn't stop there.
After joining Alucard and Seras on a couple of private missions, the three of you became thick as thieves, especially you and Alucard.
The dichotomy between you two made for an interesting duo. The monstrous vampire king and the petite human hunter, it was almost like a sitcom.
While you continued to prove time and again that you were more than capable of pulling your own, Alucard would never stop being protective of you. He was always watching your back, shooting freaks from a distance while you run into the heart of the fight.
You would always be his little rabbit, but never forgot that this rabbit was a carnivore.
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magenta-racer · 1 month
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Commission Art - Hospitality
Amazing artwork I commissioned from @star10world!
This is meant to be after the battle between Raditz, Goku and Piccolo. Raditz is able to make it out alive, but is heavily injured and collapses near Jingle Village. When Suno goes out to hunt that day, she finds him, gets worried about his condition and takes him to her village to get the wounds treated.
Raditz is having a hard time understanding why she's so kind towards a stranger, even less the strange foods she offers him. He's planning to leave and destroy the village when he's recovered anyway, so might as well enjoy his stay, right? Not like a certain redhead can change his mind… 👀
The food she's offering here is chocolate salami, a typical Russian dessert. 😋
Art © @star10world.
Raditz and Suno are from Dragon Ball franchise © Akira Toriyama.
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solarcas · 1 year
Okay I'm no fic writer and I don't usually post story ideas like these but i'm currently in sicko salami mode and I obvs need to cope SOMEHOW so have this Dean 200-new-neurosis-at-once-type fic idea that won't stop plaguing me:
Dean and Cas get their happy ending, they finally get to settle down, quit hunting, get a house in some nice small town and be in big ol gay love w each other all that. And OFC they want to get married ofc they do they're sappy old men in love and when Dean proposed they cried a shit tone but that's not the point the point is that obviously one of them is legally dead and the other rly never much existed so actually getting legally married is kinda off the plate, and neither of them are big fans of the church for.... Obvious Reasons. So instead they plan a big party at their place, planning to invite everyone they know and just force one of their lucky guests to play priest for a bit and pronounce them married etc etc and actually thats STILL not the Point™️ the Point™️ is Dean gets so so so into planning the whole thing
I'm talking he studies the meanings of flowers in depth to get just the right ones for their table arrangements. He makes Cas practise dancing with him every day so they can be perfect at it and Cas can twirl him around on the dance floor without him crashing into the snack table (Cas as angel obviously knows all the moves and performs them perfectly even before, but there's no way he'd pass on any chance of dancing with Dean). He makes sure every guest gets their invitation weeks beforehand so that no one would end up missing. He prepares a closet with demon traps in case they need to trap Crowley should he try and interfere with the ceremony. Cas regularly catches him lost in daydreams about The Day (not that Dean admits that's what he was thinking of). The guy is PREPARED and he's EXCITED like. Neither of them had much chance or reason to celebrate in their life. So he wants to use this to the fullest.
Then one day one of their friends is over, maybe Charlie idk, and they talk abt everything they've planned so far and what they're still missing when Charlie points out "Oh what about suits? You guys gonna dress the part right?" Cas pulls a very affectionate face like he knows what's coming bc boy if there's anyone on earth that likes dressing up more than Dean. So they both turn to him expecting an answer and meanwhile Dean's brain has just turned off because. Ah. Yes. Yeah yeah the suits. Suits we should get. Suits to wear at our wedding. Because we're grooms. And grooms wear suits. Those suits. Right. And that's when he realises for the first time that all this time as he'd been visualising their perfect Happiest Day In Their Lives he had been thinking. Had been picturing himself. Not in a suit. But in a dress.
So obviously he panics and not knowing what to do with this information, he runs off mumbling something about having heard the washing machine beep and man if he doesn't put that all up right now it'll end up all wrinkly sorry- leaving behind a very surprised Charlie and an even more worried Cas.
Anyway not sure where this goes from here but ofc after much Fighting The Represso, much reassuring from Cas and probably a trip to another state to find someone willing and capable of making a wedding dress that fits a guy, Dean gets his dress and he's the prettiest groom a guy could wish for and he gets to twirl around in it all night. And ofc he has a matching white lingerie set underneath, for Cas to explode some lights over later.
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pokemonknight · 5 months
Don't expect much meat in your diet here. You might be able to fish up some Magikarp, but other than that not many species are socially acceptable to hunt, let alone eat.
However, we do have meat substitutes (IE tofu) and a couple species produce eggs specifically made to be eaten.
... that poses a small problem. A lot of my diet beforehand, to keep fit and lean as I traveled, included meat. Veggies, mushrooms, fruits and the like were obviously the kind of things I would eat as well, but I need proteins that meat provide, either poultry or game.
<It's funny this anon points this out without realizing that in Paldea, synthetic meats are actually REALLY common. Ham, salami, pepperoni, bacon, chorizo, filets? Pretty easy to come by! All made usin' lab tech to grow it without hurtin' the Pokemon.>
Then I'll be fine if it gives the same nutrition I'd need.
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miixz · 2 years
Here's my fic for the @pocketfulofrecs MXTX Epic Journeys Big Bang! I worked really hard on it alongside the lovely @side-salami who did all the beautiful beautiful art ♥ and I'm so excited to finally be able to share this!!!
Chapters: 7/7 || Words: 32.681 || Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationships: Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian; Lan Sizhui & Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Fluff, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, POV Outsider on Time Travel, Parents Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī and Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wēn Remnants Live, Child Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Slight Alteration of Characters Ages, Misunderstandings, Getting Together, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly, MDZS Ensemble Cast, Minor Yiling Siblings
Wei Wuxian stared openly at the man sitting across from him, unable to look away from the strange picture he made.
He wore common clothes and had his hair up in a simple bun, his expression was contained, but soft as he looked at the baby held in his lap. Though nothing about the way he presented himself was outwardly remarkable, his mannerisms gave him a distinguished air. There was a gracefulness to him, the type that hid strength behind it.
And he was beautiful. Even missing his usual mourning white and forehead ribbon there was no way Wei Wuxian would have mistaken him for anyone else.
Still, the Lan Wangji with him right now might as well be a different person from the one he knew. He was still as stoic and silent as ever, but there was a warmth in him that he’d never seen before.
Or: Wei Wuxian’s life takes a turn for the unexpected when he’s approached by Lan Wangji on his way back from a night hunt.
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leviathanverse · 25 days
Chapter 25: Genya and Salami?
Your heart raced, breathing sharp and short as you inhaled, vision blurred and skin tingling.
A panic attack. You knew by just the symptoms alone. You couldn't calm down. It was almost impossible. Almost.
You looked up, staggering as you tried to get up, the walls around you a dark grey with computers. A security office... help... You could get help!
But first, you had to get over the panic attack. It wouldn't do much good to still have a panic attack while calling for help.
It would make it sound like you are saying farewell to the ones who are supposed to rescue you... you...
Your head went blank as you only thought about yourself. It didn't feel right. You didn't need to escape, you were sort of useless. But Tanjiro... everyone-!
They needed to get of of the island the most. It didn't matter if you were going to die or survive.
Their lives mattered more than yours.
" Y/n!"
You looked at the cameras, and saw Tanjiro with Zinetsu look t one of the many cameras. Your panic attack called down.
" Y/n?! Can you see us?!"
You quickly got up and pressed a button, activating the speakers and intercoms all around the park.
" Y-yeah! I can see you!"
" Do you know where we have to turn to get to the docks?"
You looked at all the cameras, and saw something very promising.
" Yeah, I think so."
" Can you lead us?"
You nodded, before remembering that they were on the screen and not there in person in front of you.
" Take a right, then go straight. You'll be able to go to the docks."
You saw them nod. It was nice to see them again. Especially Zika, Inosuke and... you sighed.
" Douma. Of course. Who did I expect? Genya?"
As if his name was a summoning spell, said man appeared in one of the cameras. Your jaw dropped.
" How the fuck d- WHERE DID HE COME FROM?!"
Your brain tried to process how he was still alive- no. How he was STILL on this island. Didn't everyone evacuate? Why was he still here? Many questions formed, to which you didn't have the answer to.
You swallowed thickly, and pressed the button.
" Genya?"
" I am in the Control Centre. Well- in one of the tunnels of said Control Centre."
" Y/n? Can you please tell me what is going on?"
You swallowed, unsure of how to tell him that everyone evacuated the island due to a rogue hybrid dinosaur roaming the island.
" Um... did you not hear the alarms?"
You questioned, and were surprised by his answer.
" No. I only woke up underground with my brother. We just woke up from our nap."
" ... The island evacuated because of the Indominus Rex, or I-rex for short."
He stayed silent.
" What?!"
" Genya? Who are y- the fuck is the camera doing?"
SALAMI?! Oh great. Now you had to not only deal with dinosaurs, but now Salami's bullshit. Could this da- nope. You weren't going to jinx it.
" Hello, Mr. Shinigazawa"
He went quiet as he stared at the camera. His expression was unreadable, blank. It was... creepy.
" It is me, Y/n. The new worker?"
" I remember you as clear as day."
His tone...
" I can help everyone get off of this island by guiding them to the docks. There are emergency boats there at the docks."
He sighed, before looking at Genya. He didn't utter a word before returning his attention back to the camera. You swore that he stared in your soul...
But he wasn't staring into your soul. It was Fate controlling the I-rex behind them that stared into your soul. The dinosaur, controlled by Fate, stared at the two humans. It wasn't going to hunt them. No, not yet. It was too soon.
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venusisshe · 1 year
Chapter 1: Part 1
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It was the first day of summer and the sky was dull and gray from the rain that was supposed to come. School was out and the majority of kids were enjoying their summer by sleeping in. Including Gavin.
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But his slumber was soon interrupted by his infant sister’s loud crying. Turning over, he glanced at the time: 6:55 a.m. It was still too early, but the smell of egg, fried cheese, onions and salami woke him up completely. His stomach was begging for some Mangu.
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Rolling out of bed, he made his way to the living room, saying ‘good morning’ to his mother as she rocked the baby.
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He made his way to the kitchen, where his father was cooking breakfast. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, his father interrupted. “Before you do anything, put the trash out and then wash your hands”
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He sighed deeply but did as told, taking the garbage out. As he opened the door, he noticed a few boxes stacked and laying around by the apartment across from his. The previous neighbor, Mrs. Henry, had moved down to North Carolina to get away from the city. She had babysat some of the kids in the building, including Gavin when he was a baby.
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New neighbors probably moved in today, he thought. He didn’t see any moving boxes yesterday. Moving along, he hurried taking out the trash and came back up to wash his hands.
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For the rest of the afternoon, it was Gavin’s time. Both his parents went off to work and his baby sister was off to another babysitter. It was just Gavin and his closest friend, Ramir. Since diapers, they were thick as thieves. He just lived on the first floor of the building. Today was just a chill day. It would have been greater if they could shoot some hoops at the basketball court, but Ramir had other plans. As they walked to the corner store, he went on and on about how annoyed he was that he had to help his aunt and uncle move in. They were the new neighbors that moved into the apartment across from Gavin.
“I gotta get back soon. I wish I could sneak off but I know how my mother is”. Ramir shook his head. “She will hunt me down. Can’t even say no”
“We got the same mom. I almost slipped up last week when I told her I didn’t want to get up early for church. ‘Doh mek mi done yuh!’, Gavin mocked his mother. “She cursed me out on a Sunday of all days”, he sucked his teeth. “But I’m glad that’s the only thing she did because I almost fainted when I realized I said ‘no’ to her”
“You survived”, Ramir said patting Gavin on his shoulder. He then went back to his rant. “Plus, my moms said I have to watch over my little cousin. Like dang!” 
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“Is she a baby”, Gavin asked.
“Two years younger than us. She’s a first grader. So yeah. A baby”, Ramir rolled his eyes. “I mean I’ll look out for her when school starts but now? Messin’ up my summer!”, he mumbled.
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“So now I have to ‘watch’ her. I’m not a babysitter. I hate it!”, Ramir continued.
“Dang. So no ball tomorrow?”, Gavin asked. Ramir shook his head. “Nah we can still ball but she just has to tag along. I’ll keep her out of the way.”
Gavin nodded his head. “Good. We can head back after I get my ice tea and chips”. Gavin would have stayed out and hang out at court for a while but he could smell the oncoming rain. So off they went.
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