#sally jackson defense squad
jasontoddssuper · 10 months
I can't behind any of the popular headcanons for Percy Jackson other than the afro-dominican one.Percy's not a masc dude,she's a femme trans woman who's repressed her femininity as a result of trauma.She's not obsessed with water/sea themed characters because of Poseidon,she's obsessed with blue themed characters because of Sally and she actually fucking hates him-She DOES love marine life and the sea but it's not to the point of her always going crazy over it.She's not horny asf and flirty,she's demi.She dosen't 'have a thing for blondes',Rachel was her only canon love interest she had chemistry with and she'd be make a really good couple with Clarisse,Thalia,Drew,Leo,Alex or Reyna.She's not dense or oblivious and especially not stupid,she's a genius and is just autistic and severely abused.She's not a jerk to Nico,she loves and looked out for him in the og series and literally the only reason she wasn't like that in Hoo is that Rick wanted to take away his first gay character's only friend to torment him even more than he already had.She's not 'just silly and not scary and super powerful at all',she's BOTH and funny and sweet does NOT equal weak and i find it incredibly condesending that you guys have been picking on her over this for like a decade now.Y'all don't deserve Percy so i'm gonna gatekeep her with an iron grip
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My Head Canons on the Pjo Character's Middle Names (bc every one of these is so fun to read) [Part 1]
Percy: HEAR ME OUT. I feel like Sally was kind of obliged by her love for Poseidon to name Percy a Greek name. But I feel like otherwise, she would have named him after a famous name in literature, since she loves lit so much. So I feel like his middle name would def be something related to literature. A character, an author, anything. Here are some random examples of names I have so far: Perseus Woolf Jackson, Percy Conan Jackson (bc of Arthur conan doyle AND conan gray cuz she's a livie)
Annabeth: I'm sorry. I can't get Annabeth Rose Chase out of my head. Rose is such a pretty yet such a strong name. It stands for strong feminity, cuz a rose has thorns too!
Hazel: The first thing that came to mind was Hazel Lorelai Levesque. Partly because I liked the name after listening to somebody talk about a show I didn't know about called gilmore girls. BUT it's very her imo. It sounds right
Grover: This was easy in terms of themes. After narrowing it down, I present to you; Grover Rowan Underwood
Leo: Leonidas Valentino Valdez has a nice flow to it ngl, but if someone has better names, please tell me because im not 100% on this
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dandelion-blues · 15 days
To Percy, Sally Jackson’s son.
Why do you stay with her?
When your bloody and bruised
When her pride almost gets you killed
Loyalty truly is a fatal flaw
Why do you smile?
Her lips are stained red
Her heart always beats for another
And you can never compare
Why do you let her use you?
Your achievements are hers
Your dreams useless to hers
Normality killed by the world she insists on making
Why do you let her mock you?
“Seaweed brain, all your plans are useless”
“Coward, admit your feelings for me before your reaped”
“It’s our ‘guy secret’ remember brain boy”
Why do you let her hurt you?
You’re stupid, a kick to the shins
Stop speaking, an elbow to the ribs
Don’t leave, a judo-flip where your mortal spot from Achilles’ curse once was
Will you die for her?
Worse, you’ll fall into Tartarus for her
Protecting her while she keeps you on your toes
Only to have to suffer and suppress yourself
How can others stand this?
Easy, you are a monster that needs to be restrained
So you try to kill yourself in poison she made you promise not to control
And Loyalty never knows abuse when it is absolute
To clarify, it’s Riodan’s Annabeth I don’t like, and when writing her, it will be as a friend, and her more extreme behavior is changed or addressed. Though, Percy is always my focus anyways. 😊
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kittykatanimelove22 · 6 years
Sonic/Equestria Girls Au Information and Lore
It's finally time to show you all something that I've had in my head for years and I promised myself that this year I would introduce it, AND TODAY IS THAT DAY. This crossover isn't like any other story where "sonic and his friends travel to the world of equestria girls because eggman messed up the timeline or mephiles miraculously came back and sent them there on a magic portal thingie for revenge" Nope, this is vastly different. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that this takes place in a hybrid universe where the IDW/archie comics/games take place. I love the archie characters too much to NOT let them be a part of it. Basically, it's the IDW/game verse but with archie characters in them, along with a few events that happened and some cities that are in the old comics (i.e Knothole, Meropis etc.). Another note is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians.
Here's a list of the Archie characters: Sally Acorn and her family (Elias, Max etc.) Uncle Chuck (I'm a bit unsure if I want to add Sonic's parents since I'm still figuring things out) Scourge the hedgehog Fiona Fox The Freedom Fighters (Bunnie, Nicole, Antoine etc.) Mina Mongoose Shard the Metal Sonic Razor The Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Honey the Cat Nack and his gang Hope Kintobor Rob O' the Hedge Some of the Echidna clan (which is honestly a huge maybe because I want Knuckles to have at least SOME of his people alive) Snively Robotnik (Also a huge maybe) ..and that's it so far! I'll update the list if I forgot a character. Some of the character's backstories are a mix of what Archie had and what the post-genesis wave had for them. For example, during the war with Eggman, King Max sent his wife Alicia and their son Elias to Angel Island to escape to safety when Sally was a baby. When they crash landed, and were presumed dead, Max groomed Sally to be the next heir for the Acorn kingdom until her father was banished in The Special Zone years later, he came back though. Alicia and Elias came back the same way they did in the Archie comics. Another thing to know is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians, they coexist with the equestrians. My OC's that exist in this au Isis Minorel Pacifica Catrine Jackson Somber and a few more that I haven't introduced yet! Jack and Isis are not energy vampires in this au but they still have their powers. NOW ONTO THE PLOT!! ~__________________________~ Basic Information: In this au, the Mane 7 are all sisters and Celestia is their mother, Isis is their adopted sister and Derpy is their first cousin, making her Luna's daughter. Celestia is queen of the equestrian humans, while Luna and Cadence are her royal advisors. Jack's father, Fredrick Somber is the monarch for all of the Novian species, he has a good friendship with Celestia. They reside in the kingdom of Equestria on Mobius, while the Seaquestrians live in the deep blue ocean not too far from where the kingdoms reside. They aren't from Mobius originally, they come from their own separate planet but it became uninhabitable. The equestrians are on peaceful terms with most of the species on the planet, especially the Mobians, and do whatever they can to help. Equestrian Human Species Info: Equestrian humans look the same in the original EG movie but the difference is that they have abilities based on their pony counterparts. Pegasi-based Equestrian humans can summon their wings at will, just like how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did in the first movie and so on. Magic-based (AKA unicorns) Equestrian humans can use their magical abilities to lift things or use them as a weapon for self defense, they DO NOT have horns. Earth-based Equestrian humans are just like regular humans but with a slight enhance of strength. Alicorn-based is just magic and pegasi mixed together. The Mane 7 and the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Harmony were assigned to the 7 princesses at birth, much different to how the elements were assigned to their previous users. There are seven elements: Honesty Kindness Magic Laughter Loyalty Generosity Forgiveness There used to be six, but their late father had unleashed the element because of his forgiving nature and heart. Isis doesn't have an element but is still considered very powerful. ALL of the Mane 7's abilities in this au are the same powers they have in the fourth movie and mini series, the only difference is that they don’t transform unless they use their elements. They do have different transformation designs throughout the story, like how Sailor Moon does. I wanted Sunset's element to be forgiveness because she started out as an arrogant and cruel person when she was introduced. After her defeat, she had worked so hard to not only become a better person, but to also receive forgiveness from the people around her, including herself. Sunset is the literal reason why this au exists and I love her for that. An important fact about Sunset is that she has pyrokinetic powers in this au, which she inherited from her mother. It is dubbed, The Royal Flame. Pyrokinetic Abilities - Can control ANY kind of fire - Can breathe in fire - Can control her body temperature in cold weather - Her fire won't burn people she trusts, unless she commands it too - If she gets wet her powers won't work for a little while - When angry or frustrated, her body gets super hot - If she becomes emotionally unstable, she turns into her she-demon form, it happened once Mane 7 Ages and Birthdays (From oldest to youngest) (These birthdays are not canon to MLP, I made them up)
Sunset Shimmer: Age: 19 D.O.B: June 16th Species: Alicorn-based (yes she has wings sHHH-
Applejack: Age: 19 D.O.B: November 29th Species: Earth-based
(Isis would be here)
Rarity: Age: 18 D.O.B: February 14th Species: Magic-based
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: Age: Both 17 D.O.B: March 4th Species: Pegasai-based
Pinkie Pie: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 1st Species: Earth-based
Twilight Sparkle: Age: 15 D.O.B: December 3rd Species: Magic-based
((Before you ask, equestrian humans reproduce fast and the gestation period is at least 6-7 months)) Relationships this is what happens when the creator is a huge shipper-
Sunset Shimmer x Shadow the hedgehog (ShadowShimmer)
Sonic x Isis (Sonisis)
Pacifica x Jet the Hawk (Jetcifica)
Jack x Blaze the Cat (Jackaze)
Applejack x Elias Acorn (EliJack)
Rarity x Knuckles the Echidna (Knuxity)
Fluttershy x beret-wearing jackal from the Jackal Squad (Crimshy) 
((Crimson is my headcanon name for him))
Rainbow Dash x Gadget the Wolf (GadgetDash)
Pinkie Pie x Espio the Chameleon (EspioPie)
Twilight Sparkle x Silver the Hedgehog (SilverSparkle)
Celestia x Infinite (Celestifinte)
Derpy Hooves x Scourge the Hedgehog (Derpourge)
Princess Skystar x Razor the Shark (Skyzor) ((I haven't seen the movie yet so please no spoilers))
Zecora x Uncle Chuck?? and many more I have yet to introduce~ ~~~~~~~~~ History: Before they arrived on Mobius, the Equestrian humans weren't just one of Mobius' "inhabitants" and Equestria wasn't just a series of kingdoms. Oh no, it was once an entire planet bursting with life. The Equestrian race and the other inhabitants of the planet, Novians, coexisted together in peaceful tranquility. Throughout the years the two species would adapt and expand, turning villages into towns, towns to cities, cities to kingdoms. With the Novians vast knowledge of elements  and alternative fuel, and the Equestrians intelligent and superb skills in magic, it seemed that it would be perfect... but like all harmonious times, the destructive flames of war will soon come when unexpected and burn it all to the ground. There was another species among the Equestrians, Novians and Seaquestrians. They were the Centaurs. The Centaur race currently has a very rocky relationship with most of the other races from Equestria, the reason why is because of one single Centaur, Tirek. Many years ago, when he was just an organizer at a scroll store, Tirek had a huge dislike towards the Equestrian race, he hated them because the Centaurs didn't have much land nor much help at all. He thought they were selfish and greedy, hogging all the land for themselves and not leaving any for his people. He studied the arts of Dark Magic along with his brother Scorpan who also shared the same disdain for them as he did,  Once Tirek mastered it he had a battle to the death with the Centauran leader with him being the victor, after he disposed of him he took it upon himself to become the new leader of the Centaurs and wage war on the Equestrians and every other race that dared go against him. The Centaur War was the most brutal war ever, countless soldiers were killed, innocents were slaughtered, and kingdoms had fallen.Scorpan, now seeing the consequences of all of this tried reasoning with him. Feeling betrayed, Tirek murdered him out of anger and continued with his plans. For many, many years the Equestrians and Novians had fought long and hard but it seemed that they had reached a stalemate, they started to lose hope. It wasn''t until Galactus Centauri, a vigilante from the Crystal Empire had stepped in to help. Without knowing it, his kind heart and forgiving nature had revealed the lost element of harmony, Forgiveness. With the power of the 7th element, Galactus, Celestia and the other elements of Harmony had forced the Centaurs into submission. Most of them gave up and surrendered to the Equestrians, but not Tirek. Tirek, along with his minions and followers had disappeared. After they left for the time being, Galactus and Celestia married and had seven beautiful girls which would later on be eight when they adopt a 5 year old Novian orphan named Isis. Things seem to slowly get better for the Equestrians.....until Zecora had a horrifying vision. She had quickly told the king and queen that the planet was slowly dying and forming dangerous volcano's everywhere, the reason being all of the magic Tirek took during the war. She stated that in approximately 7 months the planet would become nothing more than a volcanic wasteland. With no time to lose they informed every citizen and species on Equestria that they will be evacuating the planet. Every spaceship was filled with Equestrians, Novians, the animals that were saved, and even some Centaurs. Galactus thought it would be okay, that they would finally be free from the war, and Tirek. Until he heard that his daughters Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were kidnapped by the centaur warlord. Galactus and a few soldiers went on a rescue mission to save them, unbeknownst to them that the volcano's were coming toward to where they were. In the end, Galactus, Sunset and Pinkie were the only ones who escaped Tirek. When they had reached their home castle the ships had already left because it turns out that planet's core was ready to burst early. After confronting, and defeating, Tirek once again in the castle, the three had reached to a magic teleportation chamber. There was another chamber on the ship that could teleport them back, but it required a lot of magic to do so. Galactus was heavily injured from his battle with Tirek, he didn't have time to heal because a volcano had formed under the castle and would burst any second. He had to act quick, he only had enough magic to teleport two people. So with every last bit of his magic and energy he teleported a heartbroken Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie back on the ship, leaving him to die as soon as they were gone. Equestria had mourned for it's lost king and their lost home, but soon they would find a new home, with new allies and new foes as well. They would rebuild, adapt, expand and help those in need, just like they did all those years ago.... ANNNND THAT'S MY AU FOLKS!! I HOPE TO DRAW IT REAL SOON! I didn't go into full detail on the history part because I want to keep some things secret for now ;3 I really hope you love it as much as I do!! I poured my heart and soul into this au, it's one of the best creations I've ever made ;v; it felt so good to pour out all of this after keeping it to myself for so many years, especially the ships TwT Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think! ^O^/
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raystart · 6 years
Hacking for Defense @ Stanford 2018 – wonder and awe
We just finished our 3rd annual Hacking for Defense class at Stanford. Six teams presented their Lessons Learned presentations.
Watching them I was left with wonder and awe about what they accomplished in 10 weeks.
Six teams spoke to over 600 beneficiaries, stakeholders, requirements writers, program managers, warfighters, legal, security, customers, etc.
By the end the class all of the teams realized that the problem as given by the sponsor had morphed into something bigger, deeper and much more interesting.
Each of the six teams presented a 2-minute video to provide context about their problem and then gave an 8-minute presentation of their Lessons Learned over the 10-weeks. Each of their slide presentations follow their customer discovery journey. All the teams used the Mission Model Canvas, Customer Development and Agile Engineering to build Minimal Viable Products, but all of their journeys were unique.
The teams presented in front of several hundred people in person and online.
Team: TrackID
If you can’t see the TrackID video click here
If you can’t see the TrackID slides click here
Team: Polaris
If you can’t see the Polaris video click here
If you can’t see the Polaris slides click here
Team: Acquiforce
If you can’t see the Acquiforce video click here
If you can’t see the Acquiforce slides click here
Team: Intelgrids
If you can’t see the Intelgrids video click here
If you can’t see the Intelgrids slides click here
Team: See++
If you can’t see the See++ video click here
If you can’t see the See++ slides click here
Team: Theia
If you can’t see the Theia video click here
If you can’t see the Theia slides click here
Video of the teams live presentation are here.  Worth your time to watch.
The Class Our mantra to the students was that we wanted them to learn about “Deployment not Demos.” Our observation is that the DOD has more technology demos than they need, but often lack deep problem understanding.  Our goal was to have the students first deeply understand their sponsors problem – before they started building solutions. As you can imagine with a roomful of technologists this was tough. Further we wanted the students to understand all parts of the mission model canvas, not just the beneficiaries and the value proposition. We wanted them to learn what it takes to get their product/service deployed to the field, not give yet another demo to a general. This meant that the minimal viable products the students built were focused on maximizing their learning of what to build, not just building prototypes.
(Our sponsors did remind us, that at times getting a solution deployed meant that someone did have to see a demo!)
Note: The Hacking for Defense class was designed as “fundamental research” to be shared broadly and the results are not subject to restriction for proprietary or national security reasons. In the 10 weeks the students have, Hacking for Defense hardware and software prototypes don’t advance beyond a Technology Readiness Level 4 and remain outside the scope of US export control regulations and restrictions on foreign national participation.
Goals for the Hacking for Defense Class Our primary goal was to teach students Lean Innovation while they engaged in a national public service. Today if college students want to give back to their country they think of Teach for America, the Peace Corps, or Americorps or perhaps the US Digital Service or the GSA’s 18F. Few consider opportunities to make the world safer with the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community or other government agencies.
Next, we wanted the students to learn about the nation’s threats and security challenges while working with innovators inside the DoD and Intelligence Community. While doing so, also teach our sponsors (the innovators inside the Department of Defense (DOD) and Intelligence Community (IC)) that there is a methodology that can help them understand and better respond to rapidly evolving asymmetric threats. That if we could get teams to rapidly discover the real problems in the field using Lean methods, and only then articulate the requirements to solve them, could defense acquisition programs operate at speed and urgency and deliver timely and needed solutions.
Finally, we wanted to familiarize students about the military as a profession, its expertise, and its proper role in society. And conversely show our sponsors in the Department of Defense and Intelligence community that civilian students can make a meaningful contribution to problem understanding and rapid prototyping of solutions to real-world problems.
Origins of the class Hacking for Defense has its origins in the Lean LaunchPad class I first taught at Stanford in 2011. It was adopted by the National Science Foundation in 2012 to train Principal Investigators who wanted to get a federal grant for commercializing their science (an SBIR grant.) The NSF observed, “The class is the scientific method for entrepreneurship. Scientists understand hypothesis testing” and relabeled the class as the NSF I-Corps (Innovation Corps). The class is now taught in 81 universities and has trained over 1500 science teams. It was adopted by the National Institutes of Health as I-Corps at NIH in 2014 and at the National Security Agency in 2015.
In 2016, brainstorming with Pete Newell of BMNT and Joe Felter at Stanford we observed that students in our research universities had little connection to the problems their government as well as the larger issues civil society was grappling with. Wondering how we could get students engaged, we realized the same Lean LaunchPad/I-Corps class would provide a framework to do so. Both Hacking for Defense and Hacking for Diplomacy with the State Department were born. Hacking for Energy at Columbia and Hacking for Impact (Non-Profits) at Berkeley quickly followed.
The Innovation Insurgency Spreads Hacking for Defense is now offered at eleven universities in addition to Stanford – Georgetown, University of Pittsburgh, Boise State, UC San Diego, James Madison University, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Southern California and Columbia University. Over the next year it will expand to 22 universities. Hacking for Defense.org a non-profit, was established to train educators and to provide a single point of contact for connecting the DOD/IC sponsor problems to these universities.
We’ve been surprised was how applicable the “Hacking for X…” methodology is for other problems. It’s equally applicable to solving public safety, energy, policy, community and social issues internationally and within our own communities. In the next year we’ll see three new variants of the class:
Hacking for the Environment
Hacking for Oceans
Hacking for Cities
It Takes a Village While I authored this blog post, this classes is a team project. The teaching team consisted of:
Pete Newell is a retired Army Colonel currently a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the National Defense University’s Center for Technology and National Security Policy and CEO of BMNT.
Steve Weinstein a 30-year veteran of Silicon Valley technology companies and Hollywood media companies.  Steve is CEO of MovieLabs the joint R&D lab of all the major motion picture studios.
Jeff Decker is a social science researcher at Stanford. Jeff served in the U.S. Army as a special operations light infantry squad leader in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Two of our teaching assistants were prior students: Samuel Jackson our lead TA, and Will Papper and Annie Shiel and Paricha Duangtaweesub also assisted.
Special thanks to our course advisors – Tom Byers, Professor of Engineering and Faculty Director, STVP, Arun Majumdar and Sally Benson Co-directors of the Stanford Precourt Energy Institute, and John Mitchell, Stanford Provost of Teaching and Learning.
A special thanks to Rich Carlin and the Office of Naval Research for supporting the program at Stanford and across the country.
We were lucky to get a team of mentors (VC’s and entrepreneurs) who selflessly volunteered their time to help coach the teams. Thanks to Tom Bedecarre, Kevin Ray, Daniel Bardenstein, Rafi Holtzman, Craig Seidel, Michael Chai, Lisa Wallace and Dave Gabler.
We were privileged to have the support of an extraordinary all volunteer team of professional senior military officers representing all branches of service attending fellowship programs at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, and Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) and Asia Pacific Research Center (APARC) at the Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI). These included: Colonel Bradley Boyd, Lieutenant Colonel James “Gumbo” Coughlin, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Ferrara, Lieutenant Colonel Jer “Jay” Garcia, Lieutenant Commander Nick Hill, Commander Michael Nordeen, Commander Rebecca Ore, Commander Michael Schoonover, Colonel Jason “Shrek” Terry and Todd Forsman.
And of course a big shout-out to our sponsors. At SOCOM, Matt Leland and Angel Zajkowski, at MITRE, Suresh Damodaran, at NAVFAC, Ben Wilcox, at the 9th ISR, Ian Eishen, at AFRL, Jeff Palumbo and Mike Rottmayer at the Defense Acquistion University, Shirley Franko and at ERDC Thomas Bozada.
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
The Pjo/Hoo fandom should give Poseidon the Jiraiya treatment
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Jason Todd could be Percy Jackson and Talia Al-Ghul could be Sally Jackson but Bruce Wayne would never want to be pjoverse!Poseidon.He'd think that barnacle assed mf was a punk ass bitch tbh(< is projecting but also correct)
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
What was Poseidon's millenia old ass doing dating someone who hadn't even graduated college.Stay away from Sally you weirdo
@peachyblkdemonslayer @leo-thecactus
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Sally deserves to not have a partner but I like Paul and I like that he's in her and Oercy's life. They need someone like him. Just why did it have to be romantic? Why couldn't he and Sally stay friends? That would have been way way way better. Cause still Paul, and justice for Sally
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Also Aro Sally Jackson or at least not interested in dating how you gonna be in an abusive relationship and not need a break?? Found that strange asf she doesn't need to be thrown back into dating to matter </3 (what RR can't understand apparently) and Percy not being afraid to embrace traditional femininity my beloved.....
This turned into a rant i got real heated so sorry this doesn't make sense AJDHDBRHDB
First of all,don't ever apologize for ranting to me in my inbox,i love LOVE to see it!!!!Now for what you actually said,i agree 1000000%!!!!!Percabecky bad,Annabeth gay and Percy his trans found sister(i see him as a he/him transmasc butch)and free Sally from romance!!She's had E N U F F
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I think the thing with Gabe was framed like "Sally can leave at anytime but she has to stay with an abusive asshole to physicallt protect Percy" and that is so fucked up. And Poseidon is so in love with this woman we're supposed to believe he'll break a ban on dating but he won't give her any protection from all the danger he put her in but a warning? And that's not even getting into Sally's childhood. This woman is a fucking saint for staying so kind and so Sally with everything she's been put through by RR. Also back to the Gabe thing that makes Percy encouraging Annabeth to meet her parents again so not good. He would know better but Rick doesn't
Holy shit you're so right.../pos.Rickald Rioted be normal about abuse challenge(impossible)
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punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
It's a whole thing the Pjo fandom just,dosen't want to Percy to actually be neurodivergent representation.There's the obvious worst part they won't even let him be autistic despite objectively being the most autistic-coded character in the whole franchise but there's also just as glaringly they have never let him defy neurodivergent stereotypes
He's smarter than Annabeth by virtue of being more emotionally mature and making better plans way quicker and unlike her this was in no way an inherentence so he could qualify as a legit ex-child genius but he's constantly getting called stupid for not fitting society's idea of what intellengence is due to sucking at school as a result of his symptoms and he's said he hates it many many MANY times in his narration and only dosen't speak out against it as per irl trauma like his he's been forced into believing he deserves it and given strong ass Impostor Syndrome and the fandom falls for it hook line and sinker cause Annabeth forcing herself into the role of Percy's girlfriend without his consent and even a moment of verbal rejection to her FACE that she spit back at him('I am never going to make things easy for you' is a fucking awful thing to say to an autistic person and that's why you'll never convince me book!Annabeth is autistic like Leahbeth,being a nerdy jerk with ego problems is NOT more autistic than EVERYTHING Percy's got going on right down to his character concept)and proceeding to treat him the same as ever but with corny kissing and promises of a future nuclear family cisheterosexual marriage living in a place that directly goes against Percy's lifelong wish for ANNABETH'S is proof his self-hatred is accurate as if she knows or likes him as a person on any level and vice versa seeing how he talks about her and never returns her romantic effort
There's no 'smart himbos' or 'not dumb but a dumbass',if y'all are such Annabeth stans then expend your vocabulary so you can be even bigger nerds that don't have to be nice to make friends cause that's what privilege is for and you get to speak over 'slow' autistics thanks to that too irl.Percy's also meant to defy 'neurodivergent people are total losers','neurodivergent people think and act like little kids no matter how old they are' and 'neurodivergent people only act rebellious for attention and to look good' by being the coolest character and this was backed up in dialogues and actions by Percy himself without even trying almost ever,he's a Team Parent to younger minorities but especially Nico and Hazel as a way of breaking the cycle of abuse and out of a mix of found eldest sibling and pseudo-parental love for them and to heal his inner child and he's pessimistic and highkey mean and ruthless but is an anarchist with awareness to what corruption is and how to fight it and DOES it unlike Luke's pedo propagandist poser ass and 'rebel' is NOT Percy,Percy is a PUNK,i.e,a minority who was radicalized by their experiences growing up in a system that hates them for being one and takes direct action and does activism and always stays noncomforming instead of selling out
So y'all deny his off the charts swag like it's gonna effect you negatively to appreciate him for it,mock his special interests(blue,the sea and pg media)because they're not trains or neo-liberalism filled fantasy books or whatever the fuck and don't let him have the canon ones you'd obsses over in an allistic character(alt music and childcare)and straight up call him mentally a little kid as mockery with Annabeth as his mommy gf and Jason as whatever the male equivalent is i ain't googling that shit and you can just drop that r slur you're holding back because that would somehow be LESS ableist and you won't even let him hate authority figures despite your 'the only authority he respects is his mom XD' corn as if any of you actually care about Sally,you ship her with fucking POSEIDON over Paul,because yeah,Luke WAS authority as the Titans Army leader and The Gods are literally the highest authority you can get in general,not just within Pjo,Percy dosen't need to look for older men to 'satisfy him'(this is a CHILDREN'S BOOKS SERIES,go APOLOGIZE TO YOUR YOUNGER SIBLINGS)because he has 1.a backbone,2.rizz and 3.a life,the him being upset Nico for not being 'his type' and hassling him over it is literally sexual harrassment by an adult towards a minor and Hazel's more of a part of him AND her own character than any minor white character that TRANSCENDS THEIR SOURCE MATERIAL
Just say it:You want Percy to be a gag instead of rep and you're so set on it rather than having standards in mentally abled people you're ready to start harrassing other people on different ends of the spectrum for saying Percy is afrolatino-an ACTUAL afrolatino,not y'all's lightskin slightly big nose no lips with vague cultural roots you didn't research copout,or saying he's transfem-coded based off actual real life transfemininity,or even just that they hate Percabeth since book!Annabeth is a white pick me bully.'MY friends' insults and hitting eachother is our way of showing affection!!!Have you never had a friend before?!'I have a lot of years long friends and keep making more and one of them's now my trans girlfriend that's adhd and agrees Percabeth is super bad because Annabeth is too mean to Percy and that Percy's a tgirl and her and the rest of them shower me in praise and defend me when people treat me badly and the latter goes for my own little brother like i always did and still do him and i treat my friends the same way they do me and my girlfriend gets extra.Rip to your self-hating selfves but i'm different and so's Percy
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Pjo are soooooo boring with their Percy headcanons,it's always either he's a DudeTM or whatever the non-slur version f*mboy is.How about neither?How about taking his actual personality into account instead of projecting your lacks of it into him and subpar lore ideas too?Sally is obsessed with the sea instead of him and she's the only reason he loves it too because Poseidon's ain't never done anything for him,this leads to her opening up a family Beach Shack with him and Nico and Hazel helping her out a lot in it because she legally adopted them,she's transfem bigender and autistic and afrolatina,she's punk and presents both masc and fem and that includes long locs and multicolored dyed tips and a good handful of piercings,her and Rachel do grafitti together and Percy was her first real friend as Grover was to her and she got her to embrace her femininity,she only accepts the blue flavored energy drinks and has diy skills and range that would make the gods strike her down if they found out and one of her special interests is video games but she uses game emulators only on principal,her favorite animals are cats and sharks and she has a thing for pastel punks and her favorite bands are Mcr and The Cure and Bikini Kill and she loves indie horror and lost media and Polly Pocket and MLP with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as her favorites,he got power upgrades as time passed but he was ready to handle them instead of being afraid thanks to all the love he'd been given,he's Nico and Hazel's Team Parent and sends them pretty/cute stim gifs and wholesome memes when they're sad and has all their needs memorized and helped them train to become even better heroes and they made him realize he wants kids and he made them realize Hades was never an actual father to them and that he was and took up the mother role for them too and she took down to gods by actually going for them unlike Luke who wasted his time on children.Y'all somehow took the most interesting 2000s protagonist and turn him into Harry Potter 2.0-Fuck off you cunts,the shoe dosen't fit
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Pjo fans saying as a theme of posts 'what a tragedy is that Percy couldn't save Luke😭' now is so fucking sick and highkey twisted.'Couldn't save him'?Since when is the job of kids to save adults from their own trauma instead of the other way around?I mean Percy did that just fine!He saved Nico,he saved Hazel,he saved all the CHB kids by sticking around to care for them even if he's not a year rounder and he's been saving people his whole life by being a bully beater who encourages victims to love themselves for being weird and nobody saved PERCY then.No,Sally dosen't count,because the bullying and Smelly Gabe's at home abuse still happened with her around and that's not her fault or a flaw on her part,it's the system's and Gabe's and DID do her best for him and he correctly thinks she IS the best for it so he grew up to be seen as the best his found siblings and pseudo-kids too and they're all also correct
And right,tell me what Luke did for Percy to even make him want to save him to begin with?Their entire dynamic was gaslighting and child grooming to leave Percy all alone with a crime he didn't commit to the gods,Luke loud and proud announced that in the TLT finale while being a grown ass 19 year old traumadumping to his 12 year old summer camp 'friend'.Even they really WERE friends,it still should've been Luke to save Percy,just like it's MY job as an adult to save my actual friends who're kids from what's been done to them by their abusers and i'm happy to because i genuinely love them as people and see them as my younger siblings as much as i do my bio ones,who i've also helped grow up with self-worth and defense mechanisms against shitty people.I'm an eldest,it's in me to and i'm more like Percy than Luke could ever be so stick to your lil oink oink child military creating in his 20s minor-coded sellout and leave Percy out of it so he can move on with his life since Luke was the one who ruined it to begin with and kept forcing it onto him,alright besties?I have links to actual anti-fascist tactics and history instead of just Karl Marx memes if you feel like reading them to put on a break on the 'dark smut' too💕
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
If you like Lorgan Lerman as Percy,you're not allowed to speak on Walker's Scobell's name.We're still recovering from the damage Double L did to Percy's perception both by the public and in fan content and Walker's healing us by making Percy an actual troubled kid and unconventional hero instead of a John Green protagonist with no interesting relathionships or powers and a side of greek mythology that's innacurate and not even fun about it.Logan's got L for both initials and Walker's name starts with a W for a reason,prophecy
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Poseidon's mentally in his 40s even besides the being millenia old thing,he wasn't no 'soulmate' to a 19 year old and their dynamic was predatory as shit with the combo of how Sally had no living family members and him buttering her up with his riches and THEN ditched her with their kid not even a year later and sent ZERO reperations because apperantly him dating her was necessary to him but helping his kid until he became useful to the mythical world wasn't and it's all topped off with how he prioritizes his image over being kind to Percy and the nicest thing he's said to him was backhanded because calling them his 'his favorite son' is an insult to Tyson and Triton.AND the Pjo show made him a british white guy.Pjoverse Poseidon,kill yourself rn before i get to you first
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