#sapphire plus*
authorspirit · 7 months
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Plié, retiré, plié, saut-de-chat, glissade... with Leïla Stafford
While her sister is a tennis badass, Leïla found solace in ballet. And I definitely live vicariously through her until one day I myself IRL go back to ballet classes.
▬ 1 || top - skirt - leg warmers - ballet shoes ▬ 2 || outfit - pointe shoes ▬ 3 || tutu - pointe shoes ▬ 4 || dress - pointe shoes
Thanks to the amazing cc creators for giving a place to ballet in their cc: @caio-cc, @bluecravingcc, @joliebean and @roselipaofficial!
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juxtaposedpunk · 8 months
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Flannery ♨️ traditional art
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wormfunkie · 2 months
Think I have a simple but good straight forward idea for Archie and Maxie for the cowboyspe au
Maxie is in the steam train business (wants more land for trains)
and Archie is in the steamboat business (wants more ocean for boats)
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0ntheplusside · 4 months
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Saucy Sapphire
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Help... I'm in love with them
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selkie-hi · 1 year
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Sorry TWST x honkai au taking over my brain again
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honeyskywitch · 7 months
I bought my first ever pair of nice earrings and a matching necklace from a jewelry store because i have big girl money and a bonus from work! i'm very excited.
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mazeyphaedra · 14 days
sepia raspberry emerald!!! (for the circle colors ask thing xoxoxo)
🥺🥺 thank you sav!! right back at u xoxoxo
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casmick-consequences · 7 months
you've heard of izzy <=> pearl
now hear me out:
lupete <=> rupphire
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authorspirit · 8 months
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Baby it's cold outside
It's winter in my game, so Mila had a little winter in Tartosa makeover - so very fall suitable. I don't own a lot of infant cc, mainly cc shoes. And for clothing I use the recolors from @citrlet that give me a lot of variety already.
▬ 1 || beanie* - pacifier - sweater - pants* - shoes (velcro boots) ▬ 2 || pacifier - quilted onesie ▬ 3 || pacifier - beanie**- overalls - knitted tights* - shoes (climax sneakers IF I'm correct) ▬ 4 || dress with ruffles - knitted tights* - shoes
*basegame, **Growing Together EP
Big thanks to the amazing cc creators: @georgiaglm, @citrlet, @zurkdesign, @powluna, @madlensims, @jius-sims
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juxtaposedpunk · 11 months
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pro tip: if you buy a bundle with a full or mostly full inventory, the rest of the bundle will be still placed in your inventory, permanently increasing your inventory size. i use this all the time because my inventory is always full
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - chapter 13 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: Livia asks Sy to join her to the benefit and thinks about prom night, more than eleven years ago.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Vague mentions of sex, but not too much.
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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Okay, I now have to fix that date for the benefit and preferably with Sy. Gosh, that lie just rolled right off my tongue, didn’t it? But, let’s be honest: me and Chris attending an event together? Sure, he was one of my greatest friends growing up and I really like having him around and–for what it’s worth–he is not too shabby to have right next to you, but why on earth would we go together, when there is a much better fit for him named Abigail Syverson?
My continuous knocking on the door of the Honey Bee Ranch finally pays off, because it opens after a good ten seconds and Sy leans in the doorway, appearing unamused. ‘You must have a very good reason to disturb me like that.’
I ignore the wit, knowing he doesn’t mean it. ‘You gotta come with me to the benefit.’
‘And why would I do that?’ he asks, crossing his thick arms in front of his broad chest. 
‘Well, Chris is probably going with Abigail and I told him I’m going with you.’ I shrug and add: ‘So, now you have to come with me, otherwise Chris is gonna kill me for lying.’
‘So, because you were dishonest, I just have to go with you to the benefit?’
I nod. ‘Yep, you’re already getting the gist of it.’
He scoffs. ‘Bold of you to assume I have a suit to wear.’
‘I know you do,’ I tell him. ‘And otherwise, we can rent one for you. I found a place not too far from here and you can rent there, even on such a short notice.’
‘Crap,’ he mutters. ‘Now I can’t say no.’
‘So… Does that mean you’re coming with me?’ I hopefully ask.
Sy nods. ‘I guess so.’
‘Great! It’s gonna be like all our homecoming dancings and prom.’ Realizing what I just said, I clear my throat. ‘Well, you know what I mean.’
Sy scratches the back of his neck, sharing the same uneasiness as me. ‘I know what you mean,’ he says. ‘Well, Liv, I do have a suit. I’ll pick you up in the truck or do you prefer something fancier?’
‘The truck would suffice. I’ll text you the details later on.’ I break out in a smile and say: ‘Thank you, Sy. I owe you one.’
He shakes his head. ‘No, Liv, this is what friends do. We’re there for one another.’ 
‘I also need another favor.’
‘And what’s that?’
‘Can you drive me? I have to buy a dress.’
You can say about Sy what you want, but he is a good sport. Without muttering or sputtering, he got the car keys and drove me to the store I had in mind. It was an hour drive, but he didn’t mind. I guess he always really liked driving. I knew my way around here in Sapphire Falls, back when I was younger and Dottie took me out for driving sometimes, but I haven’t driven a car in so long. Besides me never liking it, I also live in New York City.
Feel like I don’t need to further expound on that one.
Together with Sy I walk into the store and let out a deep sigh as I stare at the amounts of clothing. ‘Do you think I should’ve brought Abigail with me?’ I ask.
Sy scoffs. ‘You couldn’t have thought of that an hour earlier?’ 
‘Well, you didn’t say anything either.’
He smirks. ‘True. Okay, come on, let’s make this quick. Max three dresses for you to try on.’
At first I want to strangle him for suggesting something so outrageous, but I think three dresses is enough. Besides, having a defined idea of what to do here is probably the best way to go. ‘I came prepared,’ I say, ‘because I already brought some shoes.’ I fish the heels out of my bag and hold them. ‘They’re black,’ I say, as if Sy can’t see that, ‘so, they’ll fit mostly everything.’
Sy holds one in his hands and examines them. ‘These are high.’
‘Yeah, and I am short,’ I tell him. ‘Come on, I have to compensate. You are gonna be my plus one and knowing us, we’re gonna hang out with the other giants named Abigail and Chris.’
He smiles. For a second I’m lost in those eyes, in that smile and his handsome features, but I quickly shrug it off and look through the racks of clothing. Nothing is good enough. It’s either too casual, too royal or borderline cosplay and that was not the look we were going for.
But I grabbed two dresses, a red one and a green one. I first try on the red and when I have put on the heels, I look at myself in the mirror.
Oh no…
This isn’t good. 
‘Are you gonna show me something?’ Sy impatiently asks, who has taken a seat outside of the changing rooms. 
‘No,’ I say. ‘The red one is no good.’
‘Show it to me, Liv.’
‘No, it’s horrendous.’
‘It can’t be that bad.’
I pull the curtain to the side and show him what I’m wearing. ‘You still think that?’
Sy doesn’t want to, but he still bursts out into laughter. The collar and sleeves didn’t look too bad on the hanger, however now that I’m wearing it, I feel like doctor Quinn is gonna barge in the store any minute now to rip the dress off me. ‘That is not good,’ he says.
‘Don’t laugh too hard,’ I mumble, though I have to chuckle too. ‘It’s horrible.’
‘Well, let’s hope the green one is better.’
I hide in the changing room again and after nearly breaking my neck because I tripped in the very tight space, I somehow managed to slide into this other dress.
This is a look. The tiny cut outs near the waist line really show off my middle and despite the dress being knee length, the high slit on the side doesn’t make it look frumpy. 
I turn around in the mirror and realize I have a great ass in this too! 
This dress fits like a glove and that in a little boutique. Is this how people feel when they hit the jackpot? I open the curtain again and walk out. ‘And?’ I ask, as I make a little pirouette. 
Sy blinks his eyes, before I see him scanning the entire dress and therefore me. ‘Wow.’
‘Is that a good wow?’
‘More than a good wow,’ Sy notes, getting up from the chair to stand next to me. He holds out his arm and I hook mine though it. ‘You sure you wanna show up with me by your side for the benefit?’ he asks. 
‘Absolutely,’ I say, leaning my head against his arm. ‘I’d love that, Sy.’
He can’t help but smirk. ‘Good, me too.’
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Prom was probably one of the most highly anticipated moments of my life. Doing my hair and make-up with Abigail and her mom Dottie, then putting on the red dress I had bought with them. It were moments like this I cherished forever. After Dottie pulled an Abigail and took a lot of pictures, we went to school. Chris and Abigail in Chris’ fixer up. Sy and I in his truck.
But when we arrived at school, Chris and Abigail quickly disappeared, but I never lost track of Sy. The crowd was getting too much and too packed and being my height, therefore unable to oversee it all, I wanted to walk back, however Sy placed his hand in between my shoulderblades, causing me to look up. ‘I’ve got you, Liv.’
Four words, but it was enough to send my heart into overdrive. 
My prom was mostly spent with Sy and because I couldn’t persuade him to join me on the dance floor, we remained wallflowers for the majority of the night and to be fair, that was all I really cared about. I liked being around Sy and to be his moral support for events like this–which he absolutely despised–was the least I could do.
And after prom, we went home. We had a lot of dances in the past and it usually ended in us going back to the ranch. Chris however went home, because he had a basketball game the next day and it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to just assume Abigail was staring at the pictures she had taken that night. Because the ranch was big and had a lot of rooms, I slept in one of the guest bedrooms, where I took off all my make-up and the dress. I stared at it for a while, as it was draped over the chair and the last reminder I had of prom night. 
I went to the kitchen for one more glass of water, only to see Sy also standing there. ‘Hi,’ I said, causing him to look up. ‘What are you doing here?’
He simply shrugged, before he suggested: ‘Want to come with me?’
‘Where to?’
‘You know how my dad and I were building that shed near the lake?’ he asked. ‘I finished it the other day. I just hadn’t gotten around to show it to you just yet.’
I peeked through the window, realizing how dark it was.
‘It’s not too cold out,’ Sy said, as if that was what I was worried about. ‘So you can just go in your pj’s.’
Knowing with the aftermath of prom still buzzing through my veins, I would not fall asleep anytime soon, I nodded and together we walked into the dark night. I held onto Sy’s arm, not wanting to lose sight of him. 
The shed was absolutely beautiful. I remembered clearly when Bernard and Sy were working on it, but after the death of Bernard, Sy hadn’t picked up on working on it. He probably found the willpower to do so again.
‘It’s like a little house,’ I said, as I plopped on the bed. ‘You can rent it out.’
‘I’m probably not gonna do that. I… It’s nice to have my own place so to say.’ He sat next to me on the bed. ‘Liv, I had fun tonight.’
‘Really? You frowned like ninety nine percent of the time.’
‘That’s my default state,’ he retorted. ‘Thought you knew by now.’
I chuckled. ‘Well, thank you for tonight. For the corsage, for the tie that matched my dress and actually mustering up a smile for the picture.’
‘I hope mom’s reflexes are good,’ he joked, ’because that smile was very brief.’
I stared at his handsome face, his jawline more prominent than last year, though I still saw some of the softness left. ‘Maybe we should go back.’
However we both didn’t move. I saw Sy’s eyes descend from my eyes to my lips. 
‘We can also stay here,’ I suggested in a hoarse tone.
Sy nodded and told me he would lock the door of the shed. I scooted back on the mattress and snuck underneath the thin covers. I stared at my best friend, as he was locking the door and checking the windows. The moments I got to spend with him were going to be scarce as time went on. Sure, we still had time left before I would officially depart for college and it’s only then I have to say my goodbyes to him, but that doesn’t change the fact I was going away and he was staying here in Sapphire Falls.
I had lived my life here, got used to the people here and I knew he was always there for me.
Sy walked over to the bed, got underneath the covers as well and I didn’t even have to think about curling up against his strong and protective frame. I placed my head against his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist.
‘High school is almost over,’ I whispered. ‘Do you think we’ll be people who peaked during high school?’
‘Maybe I will be, but you can never be,’ Sy said, as he played with my fingers. ‘You’re going to conquer the world, show everyone what an amazing writer you are.’
I looked up and smiled. ‘Is the farm going to be your forever home, Sy?’
‘I can’t leave this behind,’ he said. ‘Besides, there is a community college not too far from here. I bet I can learn a thing or two there. If I want.’ The second those words left his lips, he chuckled. ‘Well, you know me: I suck at school. I am probably never going back.’
‘You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for,’ I said. ‘You’ve got so much to offer.’
He let out a sigh. ‘I’m going to miss you.’
‘I’ll miss you too.’
And then it happened. Usually I would insist on us being friends and solely friends, however now I couldn’t. Not when I felt his lips on mine. It was so different than the first times we kissed, because then I stopped us. 
I didn’t want us to stop now. 
Our kiss deepened and I allowed my body to melt against his. His hand carefully touched my lower back, as it had slipped underneath my pajama shirt. 
He rolled me on my back, as he was on his side next to me, not once letting our lips depart from one another. His lips descended to my nape, his hand resting in the dip of my waist. My lips were burning, desperate for more of these types of kisses. My skin was on fire, because of his touch, from both his lips and his calloused hand. 
A shaky exhale left my lips, causing Sy to look up. ‘You alright?’
I nodded. ‘I’m okay,’ I whispered. ‘Are you?’
Now it was his turn to nod. He leaned closer to give me another kiss. Sy carefully rolled on top of me, as he kneeled between my legs. He made sure he wasn’t smothering me underneath his large frame, leaning on one of his strong arms. 
All the things I usually would do–telling him this wasn’t a good idea, how we were just friends and what not–were all forgotten. 
We made out for who knows how long, his shirt disregarded and I allowed my hands to wander over his strong upper body. 
Sy carefully let his fingers caress my skin, as his hands were still underneath my shirt. For the longest time, I never thought I’d ever kiss him again, but his lips were attached to mine. 
Our lips parted, his forehead resting against mine. His hot breath tingled against my lips. For seconds we didn’t speak, not a word was exchanged between us.
What did I want to say to him? Stop? I want this? 
I had no idea. 
Everything he did was careful, well thought out. I never wanted him to stop, but deep down I knew that friends didn’t do this.
I whispered: ‘What are we doing?’
‘I’m not sure.’
He was sure. I was sure. We both were. 
I pulled him closer, his lips fell perfectly against mine and I said: ‘Do you want this?’
‘With you I do,’ Sy said. ‘What about you, Liv?’
I nodded carefully. ‘With you I want this too.’
We didn’t speak about the elephant in the room. That was quite the achievement, considering us just losing our virginities to one another on prom night, was probably the biggest elephant ever. We stared at the ceiling after I put on his shirt, since I was a shivering mess. I turned to my side, placing my head on his bare chest as I held his hand in mine. His lips pressed a featherlike kiss on my fingers. 
‘Sy,’ I whispered. ‘I am leaving in a month.’
‘I know.’
‘I want us to remain friends. No matter where I am.’
‘I want that too.’
I craned my neck to look up and when our eyes met, he smiled. 
‘What’s up?’ he asked me.
I leaned in to give him a kiss on his cheek, before I whispered: ‘I love you, Sy.’
At first I thought he didn’t hear it, but then he said: ‘I love you too, Liv,’ before giving me one last kiss. 
And after that, we never spoke about it again. We never said those words to each other. We went back to how it was pre-prom.
Like it never happened.
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anakahaia · 8 months
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Inktober 2023
Day 15: Dagger
It’s mostly ceremonial
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cloudshapedpatch · 2 years
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i will not be taking criticism at this time
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
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Sapphire isn't used to love letters much less affection in any way considering a lot of people want nothing to do with her nowadays or scared her away further into self-isolation. But the deeply suppressed hopeless romantic part of her sprang up -albeit reluctantly- as a result of the letter that somehow popped up. Who could it be???
This does not involve any former fictional love I had in the past.
A personal doodle with vague self-ship implications as is intended. I don't date irl people anymore as I think it's best for others to not have to deal with me. But regarding the not-irl world I've had this damn bastard of a character in my head for... a month now? Even tho they've been my childhood during the late 90s - very VERY early 2000s when I was little probs because I didn't know f/os were a thing, and they've only just stated making me crush on them this year. Which is all well and good because I miss the feeling so much. But I don't really talk about them much at all and even less want to even hint at who they are outside of extremely vague shit that could apply to anyone else because frankly the only way I feel safe loving 2D in such away again without having people make me feel like I'm a freak who shouldn't feel negative emotions is to keep it all to myself.
Also this doodle takes an anti-social extremely misanthropic cryptid with relationship problems & believes she doesn't deserve any sort of happiness and pairs her with a sudden strange love letter and was an interesting combo because she's not trusting at all and is dealing with an array of emotions like I've been.
Art/OC: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me
#Sapphire (Fursona)#Em Doodles#I take self-shipping very seriously because it's such a huge part of my life that shaped me to who I am#not to mention my brain sees and materializes the characters into a whole thing with them to where they literally feel real#to where I have entire lives with them. Like living with them. Socializing with them. Talking about them as if they were real and happy#plus I cannot love myself without it as it feels fake and performative otherwise#I don't like that I'm at the point of being afraid of a means to love myself in a coping-mechanism sort of way.#especially not if it was originally a thing to make me feel wanted that I'm now struggling to hold on to (I want this to be long term ffs)#and yet the fact that it's a problem for others shows me that people literally will not get me even when I explain everything#it's like hiding your s/o. I've already had to do that irl with my longest bf. it's why I don't like doing it with my fictional others#it's not JUST a coping mechanism it's literally my best means for a healthy relationship and I wish outside forces didn't make it difficult#real people have almost always hurt me while fictional characters never did. I do not care. I prefer the former over the latter ANY day#the only exception are those that haven't but they're very veeeeeery few. Like three fingers or something few#But oh well. Guess the only way to do that now is to keep it to myself#note btw that Sapphire is still a character built off my stil current extremely depressive state and thus won't be seen happy all that ofte#this is already pushing the line and even then I'm not comfortable still talking about stuff like this now#but between this and an extreme piece of bloody vent art I rather post this
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