#season 4 bungo stray dogs
sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Bsd really is THAT story isn’t it? Mafia x detective, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, gay gay homosexual gay, author au, found family, be gay do crime, french people, uber instincts of uber autism, old man yaoi, cats and no dogs, vampires, clowns, American capitalism, babygirls, twinks, a dragon, furries, the list could go on and on
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maalidoesart · 1 year
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your average casino owner
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sableeira · 1 year
sure ango may have betrayed every organization under the sun but tachihara put in the effort to build up the perfect stereotypical gangstersona and act his silly little heart out for the perfect plot twist so we all know who deserves the award for best port mafia betrayal
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shroomstfu · 9 months
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It’s 1:36 am
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originalartblog · 1 year
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now that Untold Origins is out, I would like to take a moment to mourn all of Fukuzawa's inner yelling that didn't make it into the anime
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cattatetcho · 4 months
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art trade
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miyakyo · 1 year
Someone drew a parallel between young Odasaku and young Dazai and now there's a lot on my mind
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The same empty cold eyes, both of them were put through so much already while still being just kids. It also makes it easier to understand how Oda managed to understand Dazai's heart and mind so well. Because he was the same.
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I wonder how would've been if they ever met at that time, when they were both too young to be alone...
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dazaistabletop · 11 months
Asagiri: damn these spot the difference games are getting harder and harder
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
Can i request measuring hands with Dazai, chuuya and tecchou and s/o hands are smaller, please :)
this request was adorable! when i saw it i couldn’t get it off of my mind. i don’t doubt that my own hands would be smaller than theirs, well, besides chuuya that is (sorry)! this is also doubling as my hand headcanons whoops. anyways, thank you for the request anon! <3
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Measuring Their Hands; Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, and Suehiro Tecchou
Format: Scenarios
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Osamu Dazai
“Come here for a moment,” you said as you looked at your boyfriend.
Dazai was currently sprawled out on the couch of your shared apartment, hogging all of the blankets he could possibly find. You were honestly worried that he might get overheated, but then again, it was Dazai after all. He had a knack for somehow managing to survive dire situations, so you knew that he would be fine.
“Why? I’m comfortable,” he whined. “How about you come over here!”
You rolled your eyes then got up from where you were sitting. You then sat down on the arm rest that Dazai was resting his head on with a soft sigh. After that you had started to dig around in the cocoon of blankets that Dazai wrapped himself in. Eventually after some trial and error, you managed to find his right hand. You quickly grabbed it and pulled it out of the blankets in victory.
“Found it!” You exclaimed.
Dazai looked at you questionably. “What are you up to?”
You didn’t respond to him.
In fact you silently flattened your hand and put it against Dazai’s. His bandaged hand was larger than yours, albeit not by a lot. Your finger tips had only managed to reach his middle knuckles. His hands were calloused, most likely from wielding fire arms often from his mafia days. It wasn’t unpleasant though.
“Your hands are bigger,” you simply stated.
Dazai raised a brow at you. “They are indeed. Maybe it’s because you’re so short!”
You clicked your tongue then playfully rolled your eyes. “I am not short.”
“But look at you! Your hands are clearly smaller than mine! Oh, it makes me want to protect you even more,” Dazai gushed.
“How romantic. Truly, you are my knight in shining armor,” you deadpanned.
Dazai chuckled. He then carefully took your hand into his. Afterwards Dazai then slowly brought your knuckles to his mouth, then gave it a small peck as he closed his eyes. He then looked up at you and gave you a smile.
“If I’m your knight, then I shall treat you like royalty, my love,” he said as he let go of your hand.
He then pulled you into his embrace, wrapping his blankets around you. He made sure that you were unable to move away from his tight hug as he spoke to you once more.
“I love you.”
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Chuuya Nakahara
Today was one of Chuuya’s very rare days off. Therefore, the two of you were currently out at a restaurant. Chuuya had sought out this establishment because the reviews had said that their wine was delectable, and Chuuya didn’t want to miss out on this said wine.
He had brought you to a private booth much to your disliking. The two of you were holding hands, his pinky interlocked with yours. It was a very sweet gesture, but it made you think. Whose hands are were bigger?
Once the two of you sat down, you immediately grabbed his hand. You quickly took off one of his gloves and put it on your lap gently. You then flattened his palm alongside with yours and placed them together.
“What’re you doing?” Chuuya asked, a singular eyebrow raising.
“Measuring our hands, duh.”
You stared at his hand. Your hand was barely any smaller than his. Your finger tips reached his third knuckle; the one that was near his own finger tips. His fingers only had the smallest bit of callouses. He only really used his ability instead of weapons, so it was to be expected.
Despite all of this, his hands were on the softer side. It was comforting to touch his hand like this.
“Your hands are bigger than mine,” you said with a smile. “That’s weird. I thought that they’d be smaller than mine since you’re shorter than me.”
Chuuya groaned then interlaced your fingers together. He then brought your hands down to the table and held your hand gently. Afterwards Chuuya started to rub small circles with his thumb into your palm.
“Will you ever stop teasin’ me about my height?!” He asked.
“No, I don’t think so.”
You grabbed his glove off from your lap and brought it up to him. You then took your hand away from his grasp and put on his glove gently. Chuuya only stayed silent as he watched you do this, a small smile adorning his features.
The two of you stayed silent for a while until Chuuya eventually spoke up. “(Name)?”
“Your tiny hands are adorable,” he said with a snicker.
You rolled your eyes. “They aren’t tiny.”
“Well they’re tiny compared to mine.”
“Only by a little bit!” You exclaimed.
“Uh huh, sure,” he said with a smirk.
He let out a short chuckle then kissed your cheek. He then picked up your hand once more and held it gently. He acted as if your hand was made of glass—or maybe even a stack of cards piled up to make a house.
Chuuya then gave you a soft smile then started to speak once more. “I love you.”
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Suehiro Tecchou
Currently, the two of you were out on patrol. With the current rise of crime in a certain district, you and your boyfriend were tasked to look around and make sure nothing illegal is happening. So far nothing noteworthy has happened besides Tecchou holding your hand rather tightly. It didn’t hurt, no, not at all. In fact it was rather comforting—you liked it.
When you eventually looked down at your interlaced fingers, you noticed that Tecchou’s hand was bigger than yours. Curious, you stopped walking and brought your intertwined hands up to your line of vision and stared at them for a moment.
“Hm?” Tecchou looked down at you. “Is something the matter?”
“No. Just flatten your hand real quick,” you said as you stopped holding his hand. You then flattened your own palm. “Please?”
Tecchou’s face remained indifferent as he did what he was told. He flattened his palm, then you put your hands together.
His hand was larger than yours by a long shot. It also had countless callouses all over, the most prominent being where he would normally hold his saber. Despite this though, they were still slightly soft. There were also a few small scars littered across his palm alongside his index and middle finger.
“Your hands are bigger than mine, ’Hiro,” you said with a small giggle.
His expression was still as indifferent as before once he spoke up. “I can see that.”
“Do you know what that means?”
“It means that you have to hold my hands more often,” you spoke matter-of-factly.
“Because they make me feel safe, duh.”
You interlaced your hands together once more, then put them down back at your side. Tecchou then lightly squeezed your hand then started to walk once more. You of course followed him, albeit with a small grin on your face.
“What was the point of that?” He asked while looking forward.
“I was just curious to see how big your hand is compared to mine,” you said while looking up at him.
“That’s weird,” he muttered as he continued to walk. “Why would you want to do that?”
“Again, I was curious. Plus, you have no room to talk about weirdness. I saw you eat mini tomatoes with your strawberry shortcake last night.”
He tilted his head to the side a little bit. “But it was good?”
“Yeah… sure it was,” you said playfully as you rolled your eyes. You then got on the tip of your feet and kissed his petal markings. “I love you, Mr. Big Hands.”
“Don’t call me that please,” he said as he sighed. “And I love you too.”
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lanlishiba · 8 months
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These two are my current pillars of sanity <33
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dazaaaai · 1 year
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j11nko · 1 year
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Happy Sigma day
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maalidoesart · 1 year
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all i could think about after e1 of season 4
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nixnephili · 18 days
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I definitely may be having a bit too much fun with the concept, as lackluster as it is...
In case you guys haven't read the Fyo!Atsushi chapters so far, they're linked in my bio. The more you get interested, the more reason I'll have to shift focus more towards writing as opposed to drawing. I'd be excited to do so ~
Please feel free to discuss the A.U. in comment sections~
Fyodor's ability will differ from Canon in Fyo!Atsushi A.U.
-Nix 🌙
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
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Look him. Look at that precious baby. A terrorist? No. He could do no wrong ever. He’s just a cute little guy.
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