#secong life
jestroer · 8 months
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Cletho, am i right
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prismaticpichu · 9 months
Pardon my French but
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i don't know if you are into the rumors that the next loyalist primarch to return to the set being the Lion, but for some reason i have this image of when the Lion starts to bitching abou Guilliman being the one leading the Iperium, Guilliman would say nothing and just unload a pile of paperwork the size of a skyscraper in front of the Lion and tell to get to work as the new lader of the Imperium, the secong the Lion sees how much paperwork he would have to do he would shut a just let Guilliman deal with the beaurocracy and go do his thing.
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dracossweetie1331 · 2 years
From best friends to lovers to………
sumarry: you and draco from bestfriends turn to lovers and then turn to…
13 year old yn pov
draco malfoy, how would i describe draco malfoy?well what can i say he’s my best friend and He’s the best. Yes he can be a complete arsehole sometimes but to me he is sweeter than sugar
every girl says I'm lucky, I know that.His soft platinum blonde hair, soft pale face,preety gray eyes(*sigh*) all of then for me to watch.At not by stalking i can just stare at him and he wont even say anything.
Ok i might have to admit i might have a slight(humongous) crush on him,but i obviously would never risk our friendship just for feelings.You might say I’m a coward, but afterall I’m no bloody griffindor
15 year old self yn pov
I stare at him ohh how could i get sooo lucky. Draco malfoy the must beautiful person ever to exist mine all mine. For two whole years we’ve been dating.No i was not the one to confess, it was him. He had a crush on me all the time to.
‘What you staring at darling’ his melodious voice asked. I just smiled and went over to sit in his lap,he instantly wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek ‘you still didnt answer my question. I smiled and replied ‘just admiring my boyfriend ,cant i do that?’ ’of course you can anytime you want, I’m all yours’.
Life seemed amazing me and draco were happy, and life was perfect ….a bit too perfect
20 year old self pov
Crash!!! shit! there goes my tea. Oh god this the 4th teacup i’ve broken this week.Now why would a witch need care if she broke a teacup she could just repair it.But the thing is right now I’m not a witch,I’m a normal ‘muggle’ who lives in a normal house.
I left the wizarding world after the war. I wanted to free myself.So i went away from wizards/witches, away from magic, away from…
We were a perfect couple……until …….. draco got his mark
‘Draco show me i’ll help you’ ‘no yn it will only put you in danger’.He was crying now ‘ Draco please we’re in this together’ ‘no yn we aren’t, I’ve got to keep you safe so please i beg you to forgive me’ ‘Draco there’s nothing to forgive u about I still love you’ ‘But i dont!!!!’
‘I have this mark yn i can’t love you, you will be safer withought me’, and just like that he left walked out of my life, I begged him to stay but no he didnt. Even after the war ended i tried to get his attention but he just shoved me off.thats when it hurt so this time I left, not only away from his life but from everyone and everything that reminded me of him
CRASH!!!! 5th cup of the week.It still makes my heart breaks whenever i think about him.These muggles say everybody will move on and time heals but in my case… i’m stuck. I’m stuck on the feeling of his soft kisses,his angelic laugh, his protective hugs. I just want to feel them again,I want to feel him again.
Nevermind now, I looked outside and saw my plants, they were the only thing that reminded me of magic,basically because they were magical plants.Talking about plants I need to go buy a few things.well guess that means i await a trip to diagon ally.
I exited the store and started to make my way back home.That was until i bumped into someone.I looked up and god i saw those oh so famillar and patronising grey eyes.yes i had bumped into the one and only DRACO MALFOY.
He looked at me sadness washed over my face 'yn' he wispered. I Knew that of i stayed a secong longer i would break so i shoved past him and didn't looke back.Neither did he call back.
I cried my self to sleep that night
Draco pov
I saw her today, beutiful as before.How was i supposed to tell her that i left for her safety,she didnt deserve a pathetic deatheater like me!It broke my heart when she left but i guess its my fault.If only she knew I would give her the world if she'd give me a chance.
Both pov
I cant belive what we became,we were best friends to lovers to.......
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hametsux · 4 months
[Me talking to my cat]
You asshole *kiss*, you absolute garbage *kiss*, you are the blight of my life *kiss*, the bane of my existance *kiss*, every secong is agony thanks to you *kisses*.
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henlp · 5 months
2023 Show Round-up
.Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel - Flawed, overly quippy, amazing character work oozing from every pore. Surprising how many contemporary actors popped in these shows before they were big. (Worst - Buffy S01, Angel S04; Best - Buffy S06, Angel S03(?); Fav - Lorne);
.Gargoyles - While some credit is warranted for a show with dark tones and heavy consequences for a lot of characters (both main and secondary) sadly the inconsistent quality of the animation, heavily flawed execution of the action setpieces, messy magic system and power levels, makes this one not worth revisiting, save for the two moments of peak comedy;
.X-Men the Animated Series - In spite of some animation jank, and Jubilee making a terrible impression during the first two episodes, the show has surprisingly decent, albeit simplistic, character work. Execution is mostly okay, resolutions more hit-and-miss. Time travel plotlines make no fucking sense;
.Spicy City - Rounding off a Ralph Bakshi arc with one of his most engaging projects, if not his best altogether (though not being a writer or animator might be seen as a jab at the man). Five (out of six) episodes of tech-noir tales, exploring a harsh cyberpunk future and the choices of different characters. And also one about voodoo magic hands, I don't know what the fuck;
.American Dragon: Jake Long - This 2005 show, about a magical asian kid protector of the world of magic and humans (in the East Coast), is always taking one step forward and one step back. Not only is there a major shift from S01 to S02, but for every good story, there's a ridiculous contrivance; for every decent new design, something looks ridiculous; with proper character writing, mostly contradicting what's come before; for every funny joke, there's a lot of mid-2000s cringe to unbalance things;
.Fantastic Four the Animated Series - First season is atrocious: incredibly childish writing; awful, overused comedy lines; cheap, lame animation. Second season is a mild improvement, but does not justify ever rewatching the show;
.Iron Man the Animated Series - First season is somehow WORSE than the Fantastic Four's, almost like a parody of old He-Man, including a team of random heroes that do nothing, but with a less chidish tone (on the surface). Once again, second season is a mild improvement, with some focus on a core line-up of characters and recurring plot points, but fails to deliver anything of quality;
.The Incredible Hulk Animated Series - While toning down the Hulk's raging nature, making him more of a misguided soul looking for acceptance and peace, it does a perfectly serviceable job with a smaller scale narrative, exploring Bruce Banner's attempts to escape custody and cure himself of his gamma radiation alter-ego. Secong season is far less engaging and the quality dips. A big, green 'Okay' overall;
.Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated - For the most part, it's just the old show with a fresh coat of paint and extra teen drama that isn't sufficiently explored. The overaching plot is interesting and really comes into its own during the second season, but the individual episodic mysteries are still formulaic and lacking (with some exceptions). Not bad, but could be better, maybe if the runtime for each episode had been longer;
.Spider-Man The Animated Series - Not even close to Spectacular Spider-Man tier, several problems relating to character interactions and how they're written (special mention to the romance and Peter's 'inner' monologues). Still, it's the king of 90s Marvel cartoons for a reason, whether that's due to the comic book stories it adapted, or because it was more grounded and focused on the protagonist's struggles;
.My Life as a Teenage Robot - Blown away by how much I enjoyed this show, especially the comedy. Which is good, because it definitely leans more on the comedic toon shenanigans involving 'kidified' teen characters, than weighty stakes in plot-driven episodes (but even those are pretty well-executed, all things considered);
.Spider-Man Unlimited - It's fine. In spite of its 90s edgy coat of paint, and being a soft reboot/spiritual sequel to its predecessor, it doesn't have any eggregious issues, powers and arsenals are used accordingly, characters aren't too nuts with monologuing and have appropriate lines of dialogue. Cliffhanger ending is what mostly sours the experience;
.Animaniacs - Hit or miss, the nature of a variety show with several segments and casts of characters. But overall positive, as the good is often funny/clever, while the rest is somewhere between okay, to a tad repetitive. Favorites are the Warners, Slappy Squirrel, Chicken Boo, and lil' Flame;
.Johnny Bravo (S01) - Less exaggerated with its humor, compared to the second and third seasons, but in spite of the more simplistic artstyle it still manages to hit some really good jokes; a bunch of which kids wouldn't understand or appreciate, and are definitely more aimed at adults.
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allredclayton64 · 1 year
How To Take Out The Dents On Your
3) In case you are buying a moveable unit, research for large rubber wheels, a tall sturdy handle and large front lower limb. Even smaller units can be heavy and capabilities will really help. When buying a used air compressor, the most important thing you has the potential is to figure out the exact history with the machine. Ask to see any maintenance records and find out if there tend to be any replacement parts. If for example the unit is not local, its your right and duty to ask to see photos if the seller hasn't yet provided any. If ever possible, ask to see video of the compressor being employed to view it in process. Know if this machine is a viable option before you drive however many miles to investigate it in patient. Thus Link will discover that will need to the compressed one in many cases. Similarly piston type compressor will require the pump as well. Thus Home is quite clear that this machine is essential. Life Expectancy - This is usually a no brainer. Diesels short-term built to last. The rated creation of a diesel engine will produce since way back when. In general, gas generators are designed for intermittent and emergency power ways. Nearly every gas powered generator will run at a nearly suicidal RPM of 3600. Compare that to diesel, that run have got a half associated with these RPM's however give you every bit as plenty. This is the main factor factors you obtain a life expectancy of diesel that is profoundly compared to gas. Safety - Diesel cars are along with the same safety features as fuel driven motor vehicles. Things such as front and side airbags are standard as well as anti-lock brakes and stability control. Many models include screw the extras such as back-up cameras to make certain you do not run into something whenever back automobile up. Rather limited are as safe as and gasoline operated used suv. diesel has been a big part for the auto industry in other countries for a long time. Diesel BMWs are frequent in Europe and get 40 plus miles into the gallon, while they measure it in the kilometer very similar. So, why haven't we seen a bit here across the nation? The answer has you want to do with carbon dioxide. Our efforts to cleaning the smog basins since our cities led to regulations that essentially outlawed many diesel cars. Although diesel engines run well, they aren't exactly comb. You only have to generate driven behind one of them old tank Mercedes understand what Come on, man. Look for excessive leaks at the shaft wrapping. More than one boat has sunk on a mooring or at anchor from a leaking stuffing box. Few drips a secong provide lubrication, but beyond that says the nuts are too loose also know as the packing material has worn. You will need two over-sized wrenches to tighten the items. If it still leaks, replace the packing material. Rol-Air makes two pores and skin wheeled air compressors: electric and gas. Their gas-powered machine is perfect for marathon give good results. However, their electric wheeled compressor is the ideal choice fantastic perform uninterrupted work.
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mildcicada · 3 years
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PLEASE read Beloved and Loathed by Em13bubble on ao3. It just ugh
I had to make something for it djdndj
#my art#this fanfic is ALL ive been thinking about for days#the whole stary was just so....full of love#they all just seemed to love eachother so unconditionally. it was so soft 😔#the endings in particular is what have sruck with me the most#the first ending?? devastating. made me feel too many emotions#it just..??? ugh#hajime having to leave to live his life and nagito begging him to stay and#then when they met him again years later??#and hajime was described as.. not hugging hug as enthusiastically as nagito was hugging him#and he already had a kid and his own life and...has clearly moved on from izuru and nagito#you could just feel the distance between them now. and at the end where...they just knew they were never going to see him again#oh god im crying just thinking about it aaaaaaaaa#the first ending was just...so bittersweet#having to think about nagito and izuru having to spend the rest of their lives without hajime#this drawing is about the secong ending though lol#i just wanted to talk ab how much the first path hurt#i love love the second ending#where they accept that theyre..basically monsters and talk ab how they only really care ab a small small group of ppl and are fine with the#rest of the world being hurt for them. sjdbjshs#its just...my favorite djdjjdbd. and im not even gonna start talking about the third ending bc im gonna run out of tags lol. this fanfic an#these versions of the characters live rent free in my head now. i could write so so much ab everything i love about it. its actually one of#the things that made me relove dr again when i felt kinda disconnected to it sjdjdh. OKAY. NO MORE COMMENTS. GOTTA DO TAGS#nagito komaeda#izuru kamukura#hajime hinata#danganronpa#WAITIHAVEMORETOSAY. this drawing is ab when izuru picked up hajime when he was dying from the poison and izuru was so happy that he got to#stay with them without forcing him to. but nagito was still kinda rambling ab hoe it was his fault and his luck's fault djdjdjd#kamukomahina
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babylove00 · 2 years
His past and present
summery: steve rogers was a man out of time, he was kissing the girl of his dreams one moment and 70 years into the future another. when steve goes back to the past to be with the the dream girl he realizes that shes 70 years in the future. one moment he was laughing with her and the next he was standing infront of peggys Carter's house. steve rogers is a man out of time.
warnings: angst! fluff, crying, steve missing reader, kissing.
Paring: steve Rogers x fem reader
The sun shined through the tree as y/n watched steve step on that platform, the pain in her chest wouldnt die even though she said she was happy for him and told him she wasnt mad, she was. the hurt and anger burned the back of her throat.
That over the years of love was second to him, the love steve and her shared came secong place to one kiss. the betrayal stong with spite in her veins, her having to watch him smile at her and bucky like he just told a joke. a joke. she was the joke. a joke for thinking steve rogers could ever move on from his past. thinking that steve rogers was no longer the man out of time, a man who lost his home 70 years ago. she thought she was his home and he was hers. to many memories flashed before steve eyes as he looked at her one last time.
a punch of something he couldnt place... a fleeling he was feeling too strong for someone who was leaving her.
she was in his sight one second next was a world of color he was spinning through. peggy -he had to remind himself why he was doing this, why he left her. why he left his angel his girl, why did he leave her? he couldnt answer that question always working around it. deep down in his heart in his soul she lived there, when he closed his eyes he saw y/n.
when he slow danced he did it to her favorite songs that he showed her. when he looked into peggys eyes he would catch himself wishing they were hers. he told himself no that he did this because he loved peggy but time heals all wounds right? or does it only make them bigger? this void of her touch swallowed him.
it had been so long since the last time he saw her he couldnt hear her voice in his head anymore, he knew if he heard it he would recognize but he could no longer rember the things he swore he would rember for the rest of his life. Steve knew if you put him in a group of millions of people he would always look for her first-and then bucky. funny how without a reminder you forget the most thing you loved.
you. you were his reminder of all the things he loved because he only seemed to love you. peggy was a hard worker, she cooked, she cleaned, loved him, made jokes. she was everything just not you. she cooked good and steve found himslef missing your brunt eggs, she cleaned up and he missed your mess, she was a hard worker but not as hard as you. he misses the things he said he hated about you, he missed you. after two years with peggy and thoughts of you huanting his every waking moment that he spent in the past made him want the future.
peggy sat there laughing at some dumb joke another man told and in that moment steve found himself hating her. hating peggy for making him feel like you were a second in his eyes. hating that she haunted his mind all those years all becuase one kiss.
he left you for one kiss. years of friendship turning into love, years of a love story that was staright out of moive, the realization hit him he missed you, he needed you, he made a mistake! after two years he finally let himself think about you without reminding himself that he "loved" peggy.
he was so focused on what he lost in the past he lost what was in his future. so he pressed that button and a second later he was back on that platform with the sun shing through the tree, you and bucky standing there waiting. he stepped off that platform and ran to you scopping you up kissing and holding you.
the two seconds he was gone to you was nothing but the two years he went without you was hell. "i thought you wanted her" you asked once he stopped kissing you "no! im sorry, im so sorry my sweet girl. i cant live without you. your the love of my life your number one and thers no other numbers" he held you pushed against his chest his left arm holding you head pressing into his neck and the other one wrapped around your waist. "i love you steve" you whispered "i love you too, my pretty girl"
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assassinsinvalhalla · 5 years
right, expansion of my "bolin is an insanely good earthbender"
bolin is an earthbender of legendary skill and the thing is-- he doesn't even realise it because for some reason no one in the show points it out??
lets start with his earthbending education or rather his lack there of. there is very little indication that bolin is anything but a self-taught earthbender, he and mako grew up on the streets which never really gave them the opportunity or money to have a formal education in such things, meaning bolin had to create his own way of bending, a way to help him on the streets and in the pro-bending arena-- even toph was taught by the badgermoles but living in the city, bolin didn't have that.
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[Two GIFs. The first depicts Bolin doing a front flip and as he flips back onto his feet, he uses his momentum to bend a rock out of the earth and hurl it at his assailant. The secong GIF shows Bolin doing a back flip, pulling a small stone pillar out of the ground as he falls backward bcak onto his feet.]
look at those flips!! i've never seen earthbending like it before!! bolin's way of bending is uniquely his and i don't see anyone else move like him.
quickly looking at metalbending, i think it's his lack of formal training that makes it so hard for bolin.
his entire life, bolin has had to be adaptable. this completely goes against earthbending in its traditional sense. everyone we know to be a metalbender, even the nameless republic city policemen, have been trained in traditional earthbending. as stated before, bolin never had that and i don't think it detracts at all from his skills as a whole. i do like reading fics where he learns how to metalbend but i liked that he didn't in the actual series.
onto the next point, bolin has also managed to teach himself how to earthbend without touching the ground. watching atla and lok this seems to be quite a rare talent but this just tells us that bolin is incredibly sensitive to his element which is!! amazing!!
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[One GIF. Bolin is riding on an underground tramline with Mako and Asami and as he speeds down the tunnel, he is able to pull the tunnel roof down to block their pursuers.]
you can see this elemental intuition in other scenes as well, particularly in fights, but for bolin the earth just seems to jump to his command
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[Two GIFs. The first, Bolin very quickly earth-bends a wall to block his assailant in an alleyway. The second one shows him doing some fast jabs and as he does so, little boulders jump from the ground and fly at his attackers.]
he's an incredibly fast bender, able to pull earth from the ground and form barriers in seconds-- and not just pebbles, these are boulders and huge slabs of earth
the only time we see bolin have to take a moment before bending is when he topples the skyscraper in the finale of season 4
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[One GIF. Bolin takes a few moments to plant his feet, mimicking Lin and Suying Beifong and, as if he were cleaving something in half with a sword, creates a huge fracture in the adjacent skyscraper to topple it.]
and when it comes to lavabending??
bolin is a way better lavabender than ghazan and that is the hill i will die on
ghazan seems to have this "start-up" stance that he does before bending large quantities of lava which slows him down a few seconds. bolin? he can lavabend pretty much instantaneously
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[One GIF. Ghazan takes a few moments to get into position and begin trying to Lavabend the base of the Ba Sing Se walls.]
here, ghazan only lavabends enough to weaken the bottom of the wall of ba sing se which you could argue is all he needed to do but if we look at bolin, he can lavabend more lava and do it much quicker-- even without his hands!! as shown in the first gif below
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[Two GIFs. The first GIF shows Bolin with his hands tied but he jumps and kicks his legs out, making a sweeping motion and as he does, lava leaps from the ground and creates a sort of moat to protect him and Varrick from some prisoners of war. The second GIF shows Bolin bringing both his fists down onto the ground and lava erupts to bury some mecha suits.]
and this is a talent that very, very few people have. it's not like bolin had a teacher to help him, he had to master a very volatile and dangerous skill by himself, and he did!! in just 3 years!! can you imagine?!?!?
and not only is he an incredibly skilled bender, he also has a heart of gold
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[One GIF. This GIF depicts Bolin jumping in front of the prisoners of war to lavabend and block their attackers from following after them, soldiers from Kuvira's army running away from being burned.]
given the opportunity to escape, bolin instead goes back to save the people who threatened him into helping them (granted they were well within their rights to do so but ya know) and bends the lava with ease. its not hard to find more examples of his loyalty and devotion to his friends and even strangers. he's compassionate, optimistic and a veritable badass!!
i just wish he'd gotten more recognition for his talents instead of constantly playing the role of comic relief.
also @polyglottishthings yes to everything you said!!
tldr; bolin is an earthbender of legendary skill and no one in the show seems to notice.
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icharchivist · 2 years
Only worse would be Belial's VA with Sandy's or Takahiro Sakurai (yes, he's only VA i remember by name and only one i can recognize after saying ONE FUCKING WORD, WHEN I DON'T FIND HIS VOICE ESPECIALLY NICE OR PLEASING FOR ME, FUCKING LUCIFER OBSESSION)
But on secong thought... Belial already has pretty graphic lines, i think...
Also... do you perhaps want to share name of this... anime? For... science, yeah... Hehe
Okay so i don't know how to start there but
-Belial's VA was part of a shounen with a gay romance subplot (No.6) which i watched recently and i'm still losing my mind over it (have him singing there)
-You think Sakurai and Suzuken is bad? let me tell you something. Back when i was 13, which was now exactly 13 years ago, a friend showed me a character death in a video game that destroyed my life. Downright changed the shape of my whole existance. I would rewatch the character death often, and would often cry about it. The character death is one from final fantasy 7 crisis core. Involving a character voiced by SuzuKen (Sandalphon's VA) dying in the arm of a character voiced by Sakurai, having him swear to keep living for him, that he will be his living legacy. This scene has haunted me for over a decade. Do you even realize what going into gbf did to my psyche. Do you. (Also SuzuKen and Sakurai also plays two of my favorite characters in dgm. Hell, my URL was made with the character voiced by SuzuKen in mind.)
Anyway i'm pretty sure they voiced rowdy things together at this point but at this point i'm just mad that they are making a duo especially to ruin my life.
I can recognize both at one word but except that it's bc of 10 years of intensely suffering because of them.
-Belial is already too graphic on his own we don't need a lot more
as for the "anime" i was mentioning i was. not really mentioning any anime so i don't know which of the two you mean but, the BL Eguchi was adverticising is here, if you want to hear more lewd EguTaku i'm redirecting you here (don't ask.), and the songs i was talking about is for a multimedia saga called Tsukipro, and though it has an anime i personally never watched it and only ever listened to the songs from his band, SolidS (which i got into because it was when i was obsessed with Saito Soma (CV Feather, yes Feather was one of the original reasons i played gbf))
which if i have to do recs about
this is the biting song Tight/Night. this is my litterally most listened song of all time I Am A Bartender. this is one of EguTaku solo that i really love Tide, and if i have to make more point about the horny may i propose EguTaku's duet with Hanae Natsuki (Geo CV) called Between the Sheets. And i stop here bc else i'll just share too much of their songs but yeah i have many thoughts there.
The more u know.
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hwrryscherry · 3 years
I'm so interested in your reader model y/n ❤️❤️❤️ please, when you can do a blurb talking more about her life 🥺
oww thank you lovie🥺🥺 honestly, when it comes to blurbs I like to do them when is related to both Harry & Model Y/N BUT I prepared some facts about her for you since you're interested. Hope you like it and thank you for the love, I really appreciate it🥰🥰
50 Facts about Model Y/N that you probably didn't know.
Her face claim is Devon Lee Carlson BUT I always like to make it clear that you’re free to imagine her as whoever you want and whoever will make you feel comfortable
Model Y/N was born on May 12th, 1997 so she’s 23 years old. I choose this date because it's my birthday as well and besides Harry’s birthday, it is the only birth date that I can remember since I ALWAYS forget everybody’s birthday.
She’s a brazilian. She was born on a brazilian state called Minas Gerais that makes border with Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Besides her first language being Portuguese(pt-br), she can also speaks english, spanish and french.
Her zodiac sign is a Taurus and her rising is cancer.
She’s closer to her mother than she is to her father. They don’t have a good relationship.
She subscribed herself online on modeling agencies in August of her senior year.
She went to New York City on September and signed with IMG models in which is also the modeling agency of Giselle Bündchen, Kate Moss, Gigi & Bella Hadid, Joan Smalls, Karlie Kloss, Ashley Graham, Barbara Palvin, Miranda Kerr, Hailey BIeber, Cara Delavigne, etc.
Model Y/N’s modeling informations are: Height: 5′8(172cm). Bust: 32 Waist: 23 Hips: 35
She considers herself a geek.
Her first fashion show ever for a really big brand was for Balmain by early 2015.
The Balmain fashion show was also where she met Gigi and Bella.
She considers the beggining of her career one of the most difficult moments of her life. She was in a new country by herself. She didn’t received much money on modeling yet and she used to pay rent, which in NYC is very expensive. She had to save money most of the time, so when her first Paris Fashion Week came, she stayed in an Inn and didn’t do any tourism through Paris because she simply couldn’t afford it.
Model Y/N bought her New York apartment on early 2017 when she was 19.
Her favorite country to visit ever is Italy.
Model Y/N auditionated for Victoria Secrets on both 2015 & 2016 but only was accepted in 2017 when she walked for the first time and met Harry as well.
Model Y/N actually met two 1D members before meeting Harry.
The first One Direction member that Model Y/N met was Zain by the end of 2015 when he started dating Gigi.
The secong member was Liam back in 2016 when she was in London for fashion week.
Model Y/N celebrated her 23rd birthday on quarantine when she and Harry were in lockdown with their friends in LA.
Model Y/N ADORES Lizzo btw and Lizzo sent to her bday balloons on her bday that said "100% that birthday b!tch".
Model Y/N prefers New York over Los Angeles.
She believes that one of the most inspirational people in her life is Harry, because she always get inspired by him and she really values his opinion.
Her fashion icon is Rachel Green from Friends.
She is TERRIFIED of dolls. It’s more like a phobia. Just the simple thought of it is enough to cause chills on her.
She is obssessed over MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe), from Avengers to Fantastic 4. If you want to talk about MCU with someone who knows A LOT about it, Model Y/N is your girl.
She is also a Potterhead and she is a Gryffindor, confirmed by the Pottermore sorting hat quizz.
She is scared of Twitter and doesn’t have a personal one. The one twitter that she ‘’has’’ is controlled by her manager and she doesn’t even has access to it.
The best advice she ever received came from a night out in London with Anne, Gemma and her mother that is: Be educated. Work Hard and always stay true to yourself.
Her spirit animal is a horse.
Her favorite disney movie is either Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas.
Model Y/N is a supporter of humans rights and considers it extremely important to have those conversations and stand for what is right.
Model Y/N has starred at a Vogue US September cover. The September issue is the most important one from Vogue.
Model Y/N never went to college but she was planning to study criminal psychology.
Her favorite Harry Styles song yet is Sweet Creature.
Her favorite 1D song is They don’t know about us.
She is a huge Game of Thrones fan and had a major startruck moment when she met Emilia Clarke in the backstage of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in 2019.
Her favorite books ever are Call me by your name BY André Aciman and a very famous novel called Dom Casmurro by a brazilian author called Machado de Assis.
Her favorite decade aesthetic is the 70s.
On quarantine, Model Y/N focused on things that she has wanted to learn but didn’t had time so she started studying italian and learned how to play piano.
She's a huge American Horror Story & The Hautings series fan and that's why she has a celebrity crush for Evan Peters & Victoria Pedretti.
Her favorite season is Fall but her favorite holiday is christmas.
She only had one serious relationship before Harry that lasted between 2015-early 2017.
Her dream trip is Amsterdam.
She doesn’t drink alcohol.
She walked as the Chanel Bride in 2019 Fashion Week.
Model Y/N says that if she ever has a daughter, she’d like to name her Blair.
She's an art lover. She believes that a world without movies, paiting, music and all the others types of art would be really boring.
That's why she loves musical movies and still knows the lyrics from every High School Musical and Camp Rock song.
She doesn't have a favorite movie from all times but The Mask of Zorro is for sure one of them.
Model Y/N would love to act in the future and she looks foward to trying it one day.
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vivildicno · 3 years
My Monster High Reboot Pt. 3: Cleo de Nile
Part 1: Frankie, Part 2: Draculaura
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Age: Around 5600, you can add or substract some years.
Backstory: Cleo was born in ancient Egypt as the second daughter of the Pharaoh Ramses de Nile and Berenice, who came from Greece. Their marriage was political so they didn’t really love each other but they took good care of their kids. Ramses tho cared more about his first daughter Nefera because she was set to rule and marry well, and the legacy of the de Niles depended on her. Bc of this Cleo grew closer to her mother who taught her to play the harp, her native language and most importantly to have a strong personality and to stand out since she would need it being the secong daughter. They lived well with all the luxuries they could think of until Ramseses brother plotted against them and organized armies to attack them when Cleo was 16. Berenice had gone to visit her sister in Greece and never saw or knew of them again. They stood no chance so a servant took them out of their palace, led them to a pyramid and wrapped them in some magical bandages that would let them sleep for some time until it was safe when he would wake them up and help them escape. They woke up a few hundred years later and were trapped in the pyramid for years. Amanita Nightshade bloomed from a flower Nefera had somehow carried with them, but she stole some things and found a way for her to get out but never called for help. After more years a group of archeologists appeared and helpped them out. They took all the amulets and gold they had and started a new life in egypt as monsters, where they made a fortune. Eventually they decided to move to New Salem in hopes to establish a good home there and make their fortune bigger there. After some years Nefera entered monster high to end her education, and then Cleo followed her after 3 years.
Personality: Cleo is THE diva of Monster High. She likes to know everything that goes on and be the first one on the important things. Won’t hesitate to do what is needed to get what she wants, but would never play dirty. She likes to be pleased and flattered. She won’t doubt to take the lead and has great organization and ruling skills. However, under that a very insecure and hurt person hides. She needs a lot of reasurance. She’s always trying to help her friends though they don’t realize. Generally a godd hearted ghoul. Very scared of the unknown and the new, these things make her very protective. 
Style: First, gold accents. It is important to show wealth for her family. Second, colours that match her eyes. Third, cute trendy clothes that fit well and don’t mess with the bandages. 
Romantic Relationships: When she just had started to attend Monster High she dated Clawd because they were both popular and it seemed fitting however they didn’t really have feelings for each other, though they formed a really nice friendship. While with Clawd she met Deuce and completely fell in love. Soon, her and Clawd decided that it was better to just be friends. After that Deuce asked her out and they’ve been together ever since. They have a cute and stable relationship where they undertand and support each other and are comfortable showing their true selves together. Her father dissaproves them but they never really cared and as of Deuces family, they love Cleo.
Friendships: Ghoulia is her ultimete best friend, they understand  each other very well and know each others secrets and worries, Cleo won’t hesitate to defend Ghoulia from anyone who mistreats her for being a zombie. Lagoona is weirdly very close te her, probably because Lagoona is so chill and relaxed, wich is the opposite of Cleo but bc of this they both try new things together. Draculaura is just as her old and inmortal, so they fing comfort in each other. She does Cleos highlights. Be friends with Frankie was hard at first bc Cleo doesn’t like new people that could potentialy hurt her friends but when they got over that they created a cute friendship and since Frankie likes hearing Cleos stories, being together feeds Frankies curosity and Cleos ego. The relationship with Clawdeen has always been weird: at the begginig they really ignored each other, then Clawdeen hated her bc she thought she had broken her brothers heart, but when she realized it wasn’t like that they started to get along and now they have found out they both like fashion and bond over that. Clawd is still her friend and usually have very good advice for each other. Cleo is currently pushing him to make a move on Draculaura, whom she knows to have a crush on Clawd. Then there is Jackson, who she met because he’s Deuces friend and has turned out to be a nice and funny guy when he’s comfortable. Lastly, Viperine, Deuce’s cousin. They love to gossip about people in each others life that they probably will never meet, and Viperine always does some amazing make up on her.
Interests: Cleo loves going out shopping, and because of that she also spends a lot of time cleaning her closet and reselling what she doesn’t like anymore. She also likes to play the harp. The rest of her free time she researches about what happened with her mother, but has had no success yet.
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magbay · 3 years
OMG AGGIE i just saw your Junior edit and i thought for one secong that it was Second Life, it looks really good!!
WOW im so glad u liked it, i really like it too, it's very simples and different from what i usually do but i think it has become my favorite edit!
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Crushing and Breaking
Masterlist (this is chapter 29), Ao3
Word count: 1433
Warnings: implied/mentioned abuse, food mention, gross food combinations mentioned (the sandwich is something my sibling actually ate once. my dad and I were disgusted), fight and blood, mention of biting ear of and cutting ear off, passing out
Remus took two steps at a time up to Patton's apartment.
"I can't wait to see Virge again!" he grinned. "I missed him."
The apartment door stood open and Roman closed it behind them.
"We're here!" he called.
"Hi, kiddos!" Patton called from the kitchen.
Remus kicked off his shoes and strolled into the living room.
Virgil looked up from where he was setting the table.
"Sup," he gave a two finger salute.
"Holy fuck, you dyed your hair?" Remus blurted out. "Fuck, why didn't you tell me! It looks so cool!"
He heard Roman come in and even though he didn't bother too turn around Remus was sure that Roman was a gay mess. He probably wouldn't stop gushing about this for a week.
Virgil glanced away.
"Uh, thanks," he smiled nervously. "I had a break down."
"Oh. Mood."
The smile on Virgils face turned even more frantic.
"Heh, yeah," the look in his eyes screamed 'you have no idea' and Remus wondered what the breakdown had been about.
"I once tried to shave my head during a breakdown," he said instead of asking. "Roman stopped me though."
"Yeah, cause Ma would've killed you," Roman butted in.
Remus chuckled. Even if Roman was probably right.
"Hi, kiddos!" Patton came out of the kitchen, dispersing the weird tension that had settled over the room. He gave Remus and Roman tight hugs. "How are you doing?"
"I'm good," Roman answered.
"School was boring but Remy let me borrow some cigarrets," Remus said.
He noticed Virgil's eyes widen.
"Do you know Remy?" Remus blurted out.
"Dunno, I know a Remy but..." Virgil trailed off.
"Our Remy is our therapist's boyfriend," Remus offered. "He's really cool."
"Dr Picani," Roman said.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Virgil muttered.
"Language," Patton scolded but looked mostly confused at the exchange. "Do you know know that guy?"
A panicked look entered Virgil's eyes.
"I uhm- Yes. They're my uncles," he smiled nervously.
"Wait, really? Does everyone in downtown know eachother or something?" Remus gaped.
"I didn't know Logan had any siblings," Patton muttered but was ignored.
"No, we don't all know eachother," Virgil scoffed. "That's ridiculous."
Patton chuckled at that.
"Well, how about we eat now, before the food gets cold, kiddos?" he suggested.
"Alright, what did you make?" Roman asked.
"I made us some lasanga," Patton moved back to the kitchen and brought out the lasanga wearing ovenmitts. "I hope you kiddos all like lasanga."
"I don't like the one our cook makes," Remus said, sitting down. "He uses bean curd. It's disgusting and not in the good way."
"Okay, first of all, you have a cook? And secong of all is there a good kind of disgusting?" Virgil, frowned in confusion.
"Yes! Like milk in orange juice! Or a sandwich with peanut butter, cheese, chutney, sausage and coleslaw!"
"Don't ask," Roman said in a flat tone. "Just don't."
"Okay," Virgil nodded slowly and took a seat next to Roman.
An awkward silence settled over them.
"How was school today?" Patton asked into the room, not really addressing any of them.
Panic entered Virgil's eyes again and he stuffed his first fork into his mouth. Somehow he managed to not even make a noise but Remus could see tears in his eyes from the heat.
"We got a math test back," Roman said. "I got a D. Better than I expected to be honest. Can you sign it for me maybe? Mother will be pissed if she sees it."
"Of course, kiddo."
Remus didn't listen as Roman continued to talk about the fight between Kelly Brook and Chase Weatherall that had happened during lunch and had ended with blood dripping from Kelly's nose like a faucet and instead drifted off into his thoughts.
"Fuck," Janus whispered. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
It was foggy and the roofs were icy for the first time in the year. Their boots slipped on a few tiles and they barely managed to catch themselves before pummeling down to the street.
They hoped that the fog hid them, at least slightly.
It couldn't hide Heartrate though.
Janus risked a glance backwards and spotted the glowig heart just a few roofs behing them. A lighter figure was just a few metres behind them.
"The red one is fast," Virgil huffed out.
The Prince, the media had started to call him a little while back, Janus recalled.
"Let's split up," they suggested.
"And loose sight of eachother?" Virgil hissed. "I don't think so."
"Okay, yeah."
They jumped down to a balcony, a pot shattered next to Janus and they winced slightly, before jumping over to the next one, Virgil just behind them.
A sharp pain was starting to grow in their side.
Either they lost them soon or they were going to have to give up.
"Don't they have anything better to do than chase us around town?" Virgil sounded out of breath too.
Apperantly not, Janus wanted to say but they opted to save their breath.
They nearly felly down the fire ladder, slammed into a wall, unable to stop themselves on the slippery ground, and nearly gagged as the air was knocked out of them.
Janus stumbled and gasped, trying to get oxygen into their lungs.
They managed to take a breath and it was immediatly knocked out of them again.
"Sorry," the Prince stumbled back a few steps.
Janus flipped him off desperatly trying to regain control over their lungs.
They felt like they were about to throw up. If their vision could stop blurring and swaying, that would also be nice.
Where was Virgil? Had he gotten away?
Good for him. But it also made them slightly bitter. They kinda wanted to throw up on his shoes for that but they couldn't really do that if he had really gotten away.
"Dude, are you alright?" the Prince asked.
They flipped him off again.
"Don't call me 'Dude'," they finally managed to take a breath again.
"Er... Pal?"
"I'm not your fucking pal, sidekick."
They blincked and the blurryness finally faded too.
Heartrate landed on the ground just next to the Prince. The Duke was nowhere inside and neither was Virgil so maybe they were starting a book club together while they were gettin captured in this fucking alleyway.
Janus frowned at their own thought.
They probably had hit their head.
"Are you okay, kid?" Heartrate asked.
Janus opened their mouth to sass him but stopped. They couldn't be mean to their uncle like they could with the sidekick brat.
"No," they said before they could stop themselves.
A strangled yell by the exit of the alleyway distracted them.
Janus turned to see the Duke boy carrying Virgil like a sack of flour. A yelling, struggling and kicking sack of flour, but still.
"Bitch, stop trying to bite me!" the Duke hissed.
"Let me go or I'll bite your ear off!" Virgil yelled, the Ts completely swallowed by his accent.
The Duke dropped him like he was playing football and just made a homerun. That was probably not what it was called but Janus couldn't bring themselves to care. They weren't a fucking jock. They were a queer theatre kid. And maybe hit their head too hard. It wasn't their job to know about sport shit.
"Bitch, I wanna cut that off myself like Van Gogh!"
Virgil scrambled onto all fours and hissed at the Duke like a feral racoon, before managing to get to his feet and bringing a good two metres between himself and the Duke.
"Look, I don't want to hurt you," Heartrate spoke up. "I want to help you. There has to be a reason you're doing this. You're too young to end up in a life like this."
"But be gay, do crime," Janus heard themself say.
They should probably shut up until they could think clearly again.
The Duke snorted.
Janus couldn't see Patton's eyes behind the mask but they could imagine how confused he looked.
This was going well.
"Are you drunk?" Virgil asked.
"No, not really."
"Oh. Okay, then," Virgil nodded slowly. Somehow he sounded a lot less concerned than Janus thought was appropriate.
The world was blurring around them again.
"I think I'm gonna pass out though."
They heard someone answer but it sounded too far away somehow and they could barely even tell who had said it.
Darkness began to cloud their vision.
"Fuck," they tried to say but they had no idea if it actually made it out of their mouth. If it did they couldn't hear it anymore.
@patton-cake , @isabelle-stars , @joylessnightsky
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I really don't remember the last time a fictional character had me go through an emotional rollercoaster like Wei Wuxian. I love him to pieces but I also hate him a little bit. He wonderful but also kinda awful. I feel so bad for him for everything he has to go through but also, I want to bang my head into the wall because of his inability to tell the truth about certain important matters and ask for help when asking for help would have made his life a lot less of a tragedy. So I kinda think all the shit is partially his fault too. I even feel anxiety over this damn guy even though I know how the drama ends. I think I might be more stressed out on my secong watch through of cql than I was on the first, and it's all because of WWX. Damn you!
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