#semester abroad
a-pop-of-korean · 1 year
Semester in SK: Ordering at a Restaurant
안녕하세요 여러분! I have yet another post from my Instagram--- this one has some useful phrases for ordering at a restaurant! I hope you all find it helpful :)
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cornchrunchie · 11 months
To my Irish friends (and those who know them)
My girlfriend will be doing a semester abroad in Cork (Ireland, as you may have guessed). Unfortunately, every housing accommodation near the city seems to be so freaking expensive that she might as well sell her soul for that.
Is there anyone out there who could help her out in any way? Any website we may haven't checked yet, any insider tip or connection?
If you know about something like this, feel free to respond to this post in any way or message me directly. Your help would mean a lot to me!
In the meantime, I will talk her out of buying a tent, I guess.
Thank you so much! <3
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dogbath · 2 years
Post Study Abroad Notes: Pt 1
Post Study Abroad Notes: Pt 1
* Written by JLH 6/28/2022* * Note: This post is a bit of a reflection on my thoughts after returning from study abroad, so it is a bit emotional at points. Just as a fair warning. * The cherry blossom festival in Sinchon, the neighborhood across the street from Yonsei University.연세대학교 앞에 있는 시촌에서 벚꽃축제중 찍은 사진입니다. Long time no write, I guess.  After roughly four months abroad in Korea studying…
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rusty25 · 1 year
erasmus culture is sending your international friends random funny videos and posts that feature their country but have nothing to do with their personality
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dacaprisuhn · 1 year
planning to move to Japan for a semester is so good bc now I have a deadline to get my shit together
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praguectical · 3 months
I'm in prague. And first thing to notice is that the money is pretty 😍
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starveildust · 5 months
Tinder Story #1 first time drunk party
For my first dating story I'm gonna share, I will start with one of my first experiences. A few years ago I just came out of my first really toxic relationship. I started to use Tinder for the first time. The thing is, I didn't use a picture of myself. I didn't use a picture of someone else. In fact I just put memes as my profile picture. I had a somewhat funny discription of myself tho. Still I got a lot of likes.
(Side note: It was one of the first times for me drinking. I only drank two times before that. Those stories are coming soon too)
I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to get over my ex and meet new people. So there was that one guy (Not gonna use real names). Lets call him Dan. So Dan texted me a really shitty but also funny and long pickup line. I thought it was cute and answered him. He was really surprised I even answered. But the conversation went well. He was joking about how I might be a killer or an old man, since I dont have a picture of myself in my profile. I just told him maybe I am. Seems like he needs to find out. He jokingly said he is scared but was still into it. We made a date to meet.
The first two dates went really well. There is nothing interesting to share at this point other than that he invited me to his birthday party he was planning to do a few days later. I told him that I would love to come but since my parents are really conservative I will not be able to drink. I could only drink when I'm not going home and lie to my parents and tell them I'm just going to a sleepover. So He offered me to stay the night with him. At that time I was living a yolo life so I just said yes.
The day of the party came. I was really nervous because I liked him alot and I didn't have much experience in any way at that time. He was really cute and kept mixing drinks for me and asking me if I am alright because he knew it was one of my first times drinking. Although he kind of didn't seem like he knew what he was doing mixing the drinks I still drank them. I watched him mix them in the kitchen and there we shared this moment where I touched his hair and said how good it feels. He then did the same. His hand then moved a bit down to my cheek/chin. We looked in each others eyes. It was the first time for me to be held that way. It was the moment where we were about to have out first kiss. But someone came to the kitchen and disturbes us.
Shortly after he noticed before me that I was not doing well. I didn't know what was happened, since I never had the experience of drinking too much. He took me to the bedroom and made me lay down. I had a bellyache. He brought me tea and a bucket, which I sadly both needed. I felt so bad becuse I held him back from his party but also it was his fault because he mixed the drinks wrong. He put in twice the amount of alcohol which was supposed to be in. But anyway, the evening ended for us. I went to sleep and he came about an hour later, when his friends left. The next morning was really cute too. I had a sweater from him and we talked a bit. After that I went home. We were still texting and made up a new time to meet.
When we met outside to go for a walk and we talked alot and had a fun time. I was thankful that he didn't take advantage of me while being nearly blackout drunk and I gave him his sweater back. He sadly then told me that he is going to make a semester abroad and he didn't know how to tell me earlier. I was pretty sad and didn't understand how he didn't tell me earlier or why he was on Tinder when he knew he soon wouldn't be in the same county. But I accepted it and wanted to still keep in contact. This wasn't the last time we met tho.
The last time we met was a few days before he was going to move away. I went to his place. Things started to get a bit steamy while we were joking around. It was the first time we made out. He wanted to take it to the next base and started to undress me. I wasn't ready for this and before I was completely naked I stopped him. At that point I told him that I was still a virgin. He was supprised but said it was not a problem for him. For me it was though. It was the last time I saw him. He barely texted me after he moved away and then told me he doesn't want to stay in contact anymore for my own wellbeing. I was very hurt. Not because he "broke up" with me but because he wanted to take my virginity knowing he would move away and didn't want to stay in contact.
Well that was my first story I wanted to share with you. I hope you liked it. Please leave a comment and follow for more.
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ncfcatalyst · 6 months
How to study abroad and what NCF students have to say about it
Students at New College have unique opportunities to study abroad due to myriad support systems available. This issue, the Catalyst looks into how to make international schooling possible, and hears from study abroad students. Adjunct Professor of French and Director of Global Education Florence Zamsky told the Catalyst  that the earlier students start planning to study abroad, the better.…
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k12academics · 9 months
The idea of The Traveling School sprang from a group of high school girls and founder Gennifre Hartman in 2000. They imagined a dream school - one high school semester to travel the world, fully engaging in a region to learn firsthand about its history, people, challenges and its sheroes. They believed this school should mix experiential academics along with outdoor and cultural activities. This would be more than school - here, students would become a community of learners.
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The Traveling School launched its first semester in the spring of 2003. Since that time, many talented and committed individuals have helped us realize this dream. Today, The Traveling School demonstrates a strong track record of providing exceptional semesters that serve as a catalyst for future leaders who return home from their dream semester with the confidence, insight and dedication to become agents of change.
We are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and a member school of the National Association for Independent Schools (NAIS), Semester School Network (SSN), and International Coalition of Girls Schools (ICGS).
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Wien, ich freue mich, dich kennenzulernen! 🇦🇹
„Wer Neues wagt, dem wachsen Flügel.“
Acht Monate sind vergangen, seit ich im Mai 2022 das erste Mal mit dem Gedanken spielte, mein im Pädagogikstudium vorgesehenes Auslandspraktikum in einem Mutter-Kind-Haus der Caritas Wien zu absolvieren. Aus einer ersten, spontanen Idee wurde eine Bewerbung, und aus dieser nach einem sehr harmonischen und eindrücklichen Bewerbungsgespräch eine Zusage. Nun haben wir den 5. Januar 2023, ich sitze bei meinen Eltern auf dem Sofa und spüre eine Mischung aus Nervosität, Anspannung, Angst sowie Vorfreude, Neugierde und Abenteuerlust in mir aufsteigen. In zwei Tagen, am Samstag, den 7. Januar 2023, wird mein kleines dreimonatiges Abenteuer in Wien beginnen. Das vergangene halbe Jahr während meines 5. Semesters in Freiburg war geprägt von Aufregung, von Zweifeln und gleichzeitig von dem alles überwiegenden Wunsch, diese vollkommen neue Erfahrung in der wohl schönsten Stadt der Welt anzunehmen, um in professioneller und persönlicher Hinsicht an ihr zu wachsen. Trotz des regelmäßig in mir aufkommenden Bedürfnisses, einen Rückzieher zu machen, spüre ich, dass der bewusste Schritt raus aus meiner Komfortzone genau das ist, was mir in der momentanen Lebensphase sehr gut tun wird. Nach vielen Jahren, geprägt von psychischer Belastung, fühle ich mich stabil und gefestigt genug, diese intensive Herausforderung anzunehmen und damit über mich und meine Ängste hinauszuwachsen. Es ist der richtige Zeitpunkt für neue Eindrücke, Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen, Enttäuschungen, Freuden, Ängste, Tiefpunkte, Lektionen, Menschen, Orte und Routinen. Es ist für mich an der Zeit, einen Schritt auf das Leben zuzugehen. Wenn es nicht gut wird, wird es trotzdem gut, denn es wird in jedem Fall eine unvergessliche Erfahrung werden.
Warum ausgerechnet Wien? Nachdem ich in den vergangenen Jahren im Rahmen meiner Berufsausbildung zur Erzieherin zahlreiche Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Kindertageseinrichtung, Hort und Schule sammeln durfte, möchte ich dieses Praktikum nutzen, um einen Einblick in das erweitere pädagogische Berufsfeld, insbesondere in beratende Tätigkeiten, zu gewinnen. Das Mutter-Kind-Haus als beratende Institution für Mütter und deren Kinder in Not schien mir ein wunderbarer Ort, um meinen beruflichen und persönlichen Horizont zu erweitern.
Das Mutter-Kind-Haus, in welchem ich mein Auslandspraktikum am Montag, den 9. Januar 2023 beginnen werde, ist ein Haus für wohnungslose Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und deren Kinder. Es vereint zwei Angebote unter einem Dach: Ein Mutter-Kind-Wohnhaus (Frist: 2 Jahre) sowie Akutplätze, die eine kurzfristige Unterbringung für in Not geratene Mütter und ihre Kinder ermöglichen. Mütter sollen darin unterstützt werden, sich nach einer schwierigen Lebensphase zu stabilisieren, neuen Mut zu fassen und ihr Leben in neue Bahnen zu lenken. Das Angebot umfasst die Begleitung und Unterstützung nach akuten Krisen, die Beratung und Unterstützung in finanzieller, sozialer, gesundheitlicher und rechtlicher Hinsicht, die Hilfe bei der Suche nach Arbeit oder einem Kinderbetreuungsplatz, die Begleitung und Förderung der Kinder, die Hilfe bei Erziehungsproblemen oder Lernschwierigkeiten sowie die Unterstützung bei Behördenwegen.
Meine Koffer sind gepackt, die Zugtickets gebucht und der Reiseführer in der Tasche. Nun heißt es, von meinen Liebsten und meiner Heimat Abschied zu nehmen, und mir selbst die Daumen zu drücken, dass ich meine zwei vollbepackten Koffer heil mit dem Zug nach Wien bringen werde. Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge werde ich dem Schwarzwald den Rücken kehren und freue mich auf alles, was mich in den nächsten drei Monaten erwartet und auf den Rucksack voller neuer Erfahrungen, Gedanken und Stärke, mit dem ich im April nach Hause zurückkehren werde.
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I finally started my semester abroad and this is what I learned so far:
If someone bumps into you, and says "Sorry", you can response with "No worries."
Simple like that. And still I always end up saying: "Everything is ok."
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a-pop-of-korean · 11 months
Semester in SK: Holidays in Korea
안녕하세요 여러분! I have another Instagram post that explains a bit about the many Korean holidays there are! In addition to having off for a few national holidays this semester, I got to wear a 한복 at 경복궁 with my language exchange partner recently and thought it would be helpful to learn a little more about Korean holidays, when 한복 is usually worn! I hope this offers some useful information for you all as well! 화이팅!
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devonalexis · 2 years
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Read my latest blog post for my top 3 tips on how to save money before you study abroad!
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germanymore · 2 years
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Are you studying in Germany and need to open a blocked account? Then check out our newest article about the best blocked accounts in Germany:
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rusty25 · 1 year
my toxic trait is that I gaslight myself into thinking that I will have plenty of space in my bags since I don't have a lot of stuff
well I'm currently packaging the things I will send home by post and let me tell you that I am so so wrong at estimating how much stuff I have
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Nice! Anon,
I counted to 69 for you! Here is what I found on pages 68/69. Identifying info edited out/changed. Parenthesis are my notes/commentary.
2/xx/2007: Last portion of the entry.
Read Pardiso (Dante). Friend 1, Friend 2, Friend 3 and I headed to the [stadium] to see [footy team 1] take on [footy team 2]. I had a meat pie and a huge thing of fries. I was short on cash, so Friend 1 spotted me a beer. The game was fantastic. I decided to root for [footy team 2]. Their [color and color] uniforms are prettier than [team 1′s] [color] ones. I need to look over all the teams, pick my favorite, and buy a jersey. We laughed and cheered the entire game, having a fucking blast. Afterwards we grabbed chicken wraps at a Portuguese place outside the dome. I sat on the train next to a dyke and an old couple. I really need to come out soon. I figure my myspace profile will take care of it for me (hahahahahahahahahahaha). We get internet this week, so I shall wait and see. We ran into Asshole [dude’s name] on the train. He was rather drugged up and walked home with us. I’m gonna hit the hay in a second. Class starts tomorrow with [redacted] at 1. I’m wicked excited. The other thing I wanted to mention from Pub Crawl is that people were stealing shit left and right. The award goes to Friend 4 who walked out of [redacted bar] with a bar stool.
2/xx/07: Beginning of entry.
I couldn’t sleep a bit of Sunday night. I was too nervous about class on Monday. I woke up at 9, but decided against the gym (😱). I headed off for my 1pm class. They teach concurrent classes at [redacted university]. What is [redacted class] for me as an upper level student is actually [redacted different class] for everyone else. Us upper level people are going to do more work and be held to a higher standard. I can’t wait. (Yes, that’s sarcasm).
The way I want to read the rest of this, but I also want to hide it far, far away. So many cringy moments lie ahead for 20 year old Turkey. But maybe I browse to figure out who Asshole [dude’s name] is. I can’t remember him. Or maybe send me another random number (1-320) and I’ll give you that page.
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