#sending asks like this to someone you don’t know because you’ve spent enough time thinking about me to come up with this false image
taigastyle · 10 months
I feel bad for you why do you watch wrestling if you’re only here to be miserable about it?
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moongreenlight · 4 months
More childhood best friend!Gaz headcanons because I cannot stop thinking about him
He’s your valentine every single year. Started as his dad trying to teach him proper etiquette when he was young and just never stopped. A bouquet of flowers on your stoop and a cheap card he scratches a note into. Never signs his name. Just ends ‘xx.’
He chaperoned your first real date in high school because your dad paid for his tank of gas. The guy you were keen on never called you back after. It took you until you were seventeen to realize that it was probably because Kyle was sitting on the same side of the booth as you and spoon feeding you bites of dinner.
He also ruined your first real relationship when he beat your boyfriend to asking you to formal (a full two months early). You tried to explain that it didn’t mean anything, but he just couldn’t understand. Kyle said it was for the better while you sobbed into his shoulder. “Tosser can’t cope with the fact he’ll always be second place. Better not to waste your time.”
His basic training was 26 weeks away from home. He went immediately after picking up his diploma. It was the most miserable summer of your entire life. Spent primarily waiting by the mailbox for the postman to deliver your daily letters back and forth. He’s started signing off “Garrick. x.”
Both of your families went to his graduation, but his mother insisted you were the one to tap him out. You barely recognized him, like the summer where his family took a month long vacation and he came back a full four inches taller. He’s bigger now, his shoulders permanently rolled back, but he still carries himself with that same cool ease.
He barely stays long enough to say his hello’s to everyone until he takes you back to the car and lays you out in the backseat. Griping the whole way about how “you’d be in a hurry, too. Couldn’t even get away with a wank in the shower.” And “s’your duty to the country. You wanna thank me for my service, don’t you?” You swear the two of you fit easier six months ago, but now he’s cramped between the seats. Caged in tight. His head bumps the window each time he snaps his hips into you.
You seriously considered moving close to base when you found out he was being permanently relocated after joining the task force, but he wouldn’t hear a word about it.
So you settle on sending each other disposable cameras back and forth. You’ve got a picture of him on a mission in Amsterdam framed up in your hall. He’s got a cigarette hanging out of his big, toothy smile, posing like an overexcited tourist in front of a lingerie shop with a display window that made your ears hot when you first saw it.
He called you a few days after his incident with the helo in Urzikstan. Boasted his adventure with only a whispering tremble on the soft underside of his tough facade. Carried on until you wretched dryly into the receiver. Working yourself up into sick with worry even though he promised he was fine, just sticking to the ground for a bit.
Even though you’re seeing him less nowadays, he’s still somehow coming between you and any romantic pursuits you make. You chalk it up to coincidence most of the time, but a blind eye can only be turned so far.
He seems to have a sixth sense for when you’re on a date or a one night stand. Sending texts and pictures that could be misconstrued as flirty to someone who didn’t know the dynamic at just the wrong moment every time. And there was the one time where he sent flowers to your desk at work just a few days after you’d said something about a coworker getting sweet on you.
It happened so often that you eventually decided that the dating scene just wasn’t for you. Resigned to focus on work and friends. Adopting a new mantra of “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.”
You’ve got no idea why Kyle is so pleased to hear about the conclusion you’ve come to. Or why he’s suddenly coming back home for a few weeks.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
feel the heat: newspaper club edition
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mephistopheles turns to you in a moment of desperation.
pairing: mephistopheles x afab!reader
content: nsfw. explicit smut. poly!reader, demon heat/rut cycles mentioned. demon form!mephisto. derogatory language, cursing, sexting/dick pics, first time, frenemies to lovers.
word count: 3.3k
feel the heat series: the demon brothers | the royals edition
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You passed Mephisto in one of the hallways of RAD long after classes ended for the day. You were on your way to the student council chambers, and you guessed he was on his way to the Newspaper Club office. He was distracted and walked right into you. He hissed when you made contact with his chest, and he skittered back like you burned him.
You're surprised by the anger in his eyes, but there’s sweat beading along his hairline and he’s panting. You recognize the dark haze clouding his vision, and you try not to stare at the outline of his half-hard cock in his pants. 
Your voice is almost shrill when you ask why he’s still on campus when he’s obviously unwell. He shouldn’t be here in his condition, and you tell him that, as kindly as you can.
He clenches his jaw and grits out that it’s none of your business.
Fair enough, but he’s the one who was stupid to come to campus like this. 
He looks insulted when you ask him if he has someone to help him with his little problem, and he glares at you. 
You offer to help him if he has no one else, and his stunned expression would be hilarious if it were any other circumstance.
He spits more venom at you about how you’re just some meddling human pest and how he wouldn’t want to get his hands dirty by touching you. He nearly shoves past you as he carries on to finish whatever’s brought him back to school in this very volatile state.
You’re not sure what to think, and you know your concern for him is unwanted. You stare at his back as he stalks away, but he doesn’t spare you another glance. He turns the corner and disappears from view, and you listen to the sound of his boot heels clicking on the floor until you hear nothing. It’s like he was never there; he leaves no trace of his presence behind except for the sting you feel from his rejection.
It’s a few hours later when you’ve settled in for the evening and try to forget what happened earlier. You’re watching a movie in your room when your phone buzzes beside you. You’re not sure who’s texting you at this late hour. It can’t be one of the demon brothers - they would just let themselves into your room if they wanted to see you.
You certainly don’t expect to see the name that flashes across your screen.
Mephistopheles: If I send a car for you, will you come?
You can’t contain the surprised laugh that bubbles out of you, because it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever said to you. Why would he do that now, after his scathing response to your offer earlier?
You point out how much of a hypocrite he’s being and ask what his problem is. He might be hot and you might want to get to know him better, but you also know that you deserve more respect than the less-than-bare minimum he’s shown you.
Mephistopheles: You’re annoying and you get on my nerves, and you’re stubborn and naïve and so painfully human it hurts to look at you. 
You: Okay…?
Mephistopheles: And I see the way you walk around RAD, sashaying those fucking hips. I hate the way your ass fills out your uniform. And you’re so clumsy! Do you constantly drop things so everyone has to see the way your perfect fucking tits strain the buttons of your blouse when you bend over?
Mephistopheles: Do you know how tempting it is to push you over a desk and fuck some sense into you when you’re too cheeky for your own good?
Mephistopheles: I’ve spent all fucking night thinking about your lips around my cock. I hate how much I want you.
Mephistopheles: I want you. I want—fuck.
Your eyes widen with each message he sends. Your throat’s gone bone-dry and suddenly it feels a little warm in your room.
His next message contains a photo. 
He’s laying on a bed in a dark room. He’s still in his RAD uniform, but his pants are loose around his hips and his fly is down. His hand - his bare hand, glove tossed aside carelessly - is wrapped around his cock. It looks painfully hard, and there’s a thick stream of cum dribbling from the tip. It looks like he’s come more than once already in an attempt to find relief on his own, like he has a craving only you can satisfy.
You wish you could tell him to fuck off and invest in a good fleshlight if he wants to get off so badly.
You wish you could forget about his filthy admittance of how he thinks about you while he jerks off, and how he’s practically begging you to come fuck his brains out.
You wish you could go to bed and forget this ever happened, but you know you’ll be fucking yourself on your fingers while you stare at the picture of his cock and regret not accepting this very tempting offer.
You wish you were stronger than this, but you’re not - not when you’ve wanted him for so long, and now he’s finally giving you a chance.
You: I’ll be waiting outside in five minutes.
Mephistopheles: The car is already on its way.
Arrogant prick, you think to yourself, but you have to bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from smiling.
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The ride to Mephisto’s grand estate isn’t as awkward as you think it will be. The car he promised arrives moments after you step outside, and the driver says nothing about your attire when he opens the door for you. You’re still wearing the t-shirt and loose sleep pants you planned to wear to bed. You didn’t see any point in dressing up for the occasion - you won’t be wearing your clothes for long, anyway.
When you arrive, the driver opens the door and offers you his hand. He tells you where you can find Mephisto - up the main staircase, the room at the end of the hall to your left. The house is quiet and you don’t see or hear anyone else, but you assume his family is giving him space and privacy to deal with his heat how he sees fit.
(You’re not sure you want to introduce yourself as his booty call when you’re wearing pajamas, so you think it’s for the best.)
It wouldn’t be difficult to find his room even without directions. When you reach the second floor, the air feels thick around you, like a warm fog. Mephisto’s natural scent and the spicy traces of his cologne grow stronger with each step you take and it leads you right to his bedroom door. 
You can hear the faint sound of bed springs squeaking inside his room and animalistic grunts that punctuate the rhythmic slick stroking sounds of skin-against-skin. The noises stop abruptly when you knock. There’s a rumbling purr just on the other side of the door, and when it opens suddenly, he pulls you inside.
Mephisto crowds your back against the door and it slams shut behind you. He’s still wearing his uniform slacks, but at some point he removed his shirt. His bare chest is sweaty, and his belly and pelvis are slick from when he jerked himself off for relief before you arrived. He’s never looked so sloppy before, but there's something gratifying about seeing the real him and not the perfect, superior demon he pretends to be.
You brush your hand through his sweat-soaked hair to sweep it away from his eyes, and he groans and leans into your touch. He buries his face into the crook of your neck while his hands explore your body over your clothes. He sniffs at your skin like he’s trying to breathe you into his lungs, and he licks over your pulse point.
“You came,” his lust-thickened voice rumbles close to your ear, and your shiver while you stroke his naked back.
“I did.”
He leans stares into your eyes. They’re blown black with lust, but you feel seen by him. “S-stay?” he stutters like he’s having difficulty speaking, but you know what he’s really asking you.
“As long as you want me to,” you murmur before you lean forward to kiss him gently, almost nervously because you’re not sure if he’ll reject you even in his heat. But he doesn’t - he leans into the kiss and whimpers against your lips before he pulls away.
One of his hands slides under the waistband of your pajama bottoms, and you gasp when two of his fingers drag across your slit. You didn’t realize how soaked you were until he touched you. His fingers stroke between your entrance and your clit, not focused on pleasuring you exactly, but more likely he’s surprised - and flattered - that you want him this badly.
“So wet,” he moans against your skin, and he grinds his cock against you, making a total mess of your shirt. 
You can’t help but breathe out an airy chuckle as his fingers continue to stroke you. “You have a filthy mouth on you when you’re horny,” and you cup his cheek. He huffs in amusement but doesn’t deny it.
He explores you a little more, but then he withdraws his hands from between your legs abruptly. You nearly whine at the lost contact, but he holds his fingers up for both of you to see. They’re glistening with your slick and the smell of your arousal hangs heavy in the air between you. You would be embarrassed if not for the way Mephisto sniffs the air and licks his lips. He holds your gaze as he pops his fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean. 
You bite your lip to keep from moaning, but it doesn't completely silence the aroused noise you make. He’s filthy and gorgeous, and his mouth hangs open like he still can’t believe you’re really here. His eyes lack the bitter disapproval he normally shows you, and you know that at least for tonight, he wants you just the way you are.
In a sudden wave of confidence, you reach for the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head quickly. You let it drop to the floor, and you try not to squirm too much when his hungry gaze trails down your body so he can stare at your breasts. He reaches for you and cups each of them in his large palms. His touch is gentle and exploratory, and he sighs while he squeezes the soft flesh. He pinches one of your nipples and you gasp. His eyes snap back to yours, and he does it again; you arch your back into his touch, a silent plea for more.
He steps closer and bends his head low so he can lick at your breasts. He swirls his tongue around each of your nipples and you cradle his head to your chest so he knows you like it. He draws one hardened nipple between his lips and sucks on it gently, and he pinches the other with his fingers.
It’s a wonderfully delightful sensation of pleasure with just the hint of pain, especially when he pinches too hard when you moan loudly into his ear. He hums around your nipple just to see if you’ll moan for him again - of course you do - and he growls his satisfaction. One of his fangs brushes against the sensitive skin of your breast, and you know he won’t hurt you, but the reminder of his demonic nature and inherent power leaves you breathless.
Desire rolls off him in waves, but you’re on the verge of begging him to fuck you. His cock throbs and twitches against your hip when he grinds against you, and you know you’re dripping-wet for him. His earlier teasing did nothing to quell the throb of your clit and you feel desperate for some kind of friction. Every time he moans or grunts as he fondles your body or plays with your breasts, your walls clench uselessly around nothing.
He grins when he realizes your growing desire mirrors his own. His mouth trails between the valley of your breasts and up your neck. The path is littered with tiny marks he's nibbled or sucked into your skin. His hands slide under the waistband of your pants and over the curve of your ass. He gropes you, squeezing and kneading your body greedily, and he drags you closer. 
“Need you,” his deep voice rasps against your ear. As soon as you nod because you need him too, he slides your pants over your hips so they fall down your legs and pool at your feet. You step out of them gingerly and head towards his bed, but you realize he isn’t following you.
The question you're about to ask dies in your throat when you look over your shoulder. He’s standing eerily still by the door, and his eyes are staring at you so intently that you feel vulnerable. His hungry gaze roams up and down your body, and you can see his eyes linger on your face, your breasts, and the mound between your legs. You guess that strange feeling of being watched a few moments ago was him staring at your ass, too. 
Mephisto loosens his pants so they fall down his legs, then he slides his boxer briefs off too. He straightens and rolls his shoulders. There’s a hum of energy and within the blink of an eye, his horns and tail have emerged. You try not to gape openly at his demonic form but you’ve never seen him properly before.
He’s beautiful, and you want him.
You sit on the edge of his bed, and you both stare at each other. His tail flicks behind him and you can hear him purring deep within his chest. You spread your legs wide and ignore the way embarrassment burns your cheeks. He moves quicker than your eyes can track, and he’s suddenly standing between your legs and staring down at you with so much hunger you can hardly breathe.
He leans forward and clasps your shoulders with his hands, and he urges you to lay down. His hands trail over your body and he slides them under the curve of your ass and up your thighs. He maneuvers your body how he wants you until your legs dangle over his shoulders. You’re utterly trapped beneath him while he kneels on the edge of the mattress.
One of his hands holds your hips down to keep you steady while the other guides his cock through your folds. He drags himself up and down your slit, and you moan quietly when he brushes across your clit with the slightest bit of pressure. He does it again, and you whimper.
“Please,” you whisper, and you’re reduced to begging now. You were promised a thorough fucking, and you feel like you’re about to lose your mind.
He’s the one in heat. He’s the one that should be begging to be fucked, not you.
There’s something predatory in the way he tilts his head and watches you beg for his cock, and his body grows completely still. When he snarls and buries himself to the hilt in one rough stroke, you choke on your cry as your body stretches around his cock.
Oh, you never should have doubted him.
He's relentless when he fucks you, and his pace is fast and brutal. He takes you with powerful strokes that punch the air from your lungs. The rough drag of his cock brushing over that spot inside you has you keening every time he thrusts inside with a sharp snap of his hips.
His eyes are nearly eclipsed by his blown black pupils and he pants loudly from the exertion and pleasure of finally claiming you. His bedroom fills with the wet, obscene sounds of his skin slapping against yours and your wet hole squelching around his cock.
He can’t seem to decide where he wants to look. His eyes flicker between your mouth and your bouncing breasts, then he finally looks down so he can watch his cock glide in and out of your body. His cock is coated in your creamy slick, and he growls with satisfaction when he sees your arousal leak from your hole and spread messily across your skin. 
He’s gripping your thigh so tightly that you think - you hope - his fingertips will leave bruises later. His other hand guides your hip back and forth in time with his thrusts so he can bury himself deeper every time his cock slams inside you. 
Your hands are clenched in his sheets. You’re powerless to do anything else but arch your back and cry your pleasure while he fucks through the haze of his heat.
His movements grow more desperate and he's losing his rhythm - you think he’s getting close. He’s still staring at the junction between your bodies, mesmerized by the sight of his cock claiming you over and over and over. 
Your clit throbs as your own desire threatens to consume you, and you reach down with one hand so you can stroke yourself in time with his thrusts. You tilt your head back and your moans grow louder, and you start chanting his name breathlessly as pleasure courses through your veins. Your fingers massage your clit faster because you’re so close you can almost taste it. Your body shakes, but he’s holding you so desperately that it keeps you grounded. You feel your walls flutter around him as the first waves of your release start to crash over you—
A loud growl startles you, and you open your eyes and stare up at him. He was watching himself fucking his cock into you with abandon; now, his heady gaze is locked onto yours. His body is trembling nearly as much as yours is, and he grits his teeth and bares his fangs at you. 
“Come for me,” he rasps, "come on my cock." It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard, and there’s no possible way you can deny him that, not when you’re still touching yourself and you’re right there on the edge—
He fucks you through your orgasm, delaying his own pleasure so he can revel in the feeling of your walls squeezing him even tighter than before. You let your hand fall away from your clit, and you blink at him with watery eyes and pouty lips. He finally spills himself inside you, claiming the deepest parts of your body for himself. He pants loudly as his hips come to a stuttering halt and the aftershocks of your orgasm milk his cock dry.
You feel exhausted and weightless and pleasantly full. You raise your arms high over your head and arch your back into a delightful stretch. The sweat on your back makes his sheets stick to your skin, and you squirm a bit on his cock. You gasp when you realize he’s still completely hard inside you, and his grip on your body tightens when you try to shimmy away.
“More,” he mutters harshly under his breath, and his smirk turns feral. His eyes are still black and hazy from his heat. He reaches for your hand and guides it back down between your legs. He laces his fingers through yours and slides them through your sticky, wet folds. Your fingertips graze the base of his cock that’s still sheathed inside you and he moans. He moves your hand back up to brush against your clit and he moves his hand away when you start touching yourself again.
You exhale a shaky sigh and rub lazy circles around your sensitive clit. He looks so pleased with your obedience that it makes your cheeks burn from his unspoken praise.
He can't kiss you in this position, but he turns his head and nips at the skin of your leg still draped over his shoulder. It feels like a filthy, silent promise that he'll never go through his heat again without you.
He starts rocking back into you, slower and more gently than before, and you roll your hips to encourage him. You whimper his name and he starts to move in earnest.
It's not long before he consumes you once again, and all you can see and feel and hear is him.
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read more: mephistopheles masterlist | obey me! masterlist
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dira333 · 3 months
Of Godzilla and the Night Sky - Iwaizumi x reader
Finally done - tagging @shoulmate and @emmyrosee because for some reason Osamu had to play wingman in this one - come get your man
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It helps that Miya Osamu is roughly your age. 
“Please,” you say, swallowing around the lump in your throat. “I’m a quick learner!”
He eyes you for a moment. His face does not tell you anything and you suppose you can’t fault him for saying no. You’ve got no experience waiting tables and he’s not exactly looking for an employee.
“You can start tomorrow,” he agrees finally. “Do you have some time to go over everything right now or are you willing to come in earlier tomorrow?”
“I don’t have to be anywhere right now,” you stutter around and he nods, beckons you behind the counter.
This is how it starts. This is how it ends.
You’ve paid off your publisher instead of writing the last novel in your contract.
You’re free but without a job, almost all your savings have gone toward that freedom.
You’ve got no proper training but the almost forgotten two weeks you spent photocopying papers in your father's office when you were fourteen.
Maybe you’ve written too many romance books, have searched for too many signs where there had been none given, but the glowing sign of an Onigiri shop had called you in like a beacon in the stormy sea called life.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!” You greet with a friendly smile. Atsumu throws an arm around you and pulls you in.
“This is what I was talking about!” He calls out to his brother. “No one wants to see your ugly face when they come in. This is a smile that makes me want to eat.”
“Gross,” Sakusa mutters right behind him but while his mask hides his mouth, you can tell by his eyes that he sends you a smile.
Most of Atsumu’s team comes by at least once a week. High on adrenaline after a win, for team bonding, as Meian calls it, or just to lick their wounds after a particularly nasty loss. They’re not easy, with Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto all fighting for your attention while Inunaki keeps ribbing and teasing whoever he can get to. But they’re still under your favorite customers and sometimes, when the ruckus dies down a little, Sakusa comes to sit at the bar, mask put away, and asks about your day. You know Osamu thinks he likes you and Atsumu constantly tries to set the two of you up on a date.
But you know better. 
“How’s moving going?” You ask when Sakusa takes a seat at the bar, far away from where the rest of his teammates are trying to drink each other under the table.
Sakusa smiles softly. “It’s going well, thank you. But I’ve come to loathe the feeling of cardboard boxes. It’s disgusting.”
You laugh. “You are very particular in your likes and dislikes, aren’t you?”
He cocks his head to the side as if waiting for something. You sigh. “But you have great taste.” You add and he smiles smugly. 
Ever since you met his girlfriend - and was sworn to secrecy by him right after - he’s come to collect that particular comment almost every time the two of you talk.
“But enough about me,” He eyes the counter for a second before placing his elbows on the surface and leaning in. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing okay,” you tell him sincerely. “Osamu pays well and I don’t have that many expenses. I keep going like this I should be fine.”
“Hmm,” he eyes you suspiciously. “But you miss writing?”
You tense, throwing a look over his shoulder to check for people listening in. But they are still absorbed in their drinking game.
“I’m not… I miss the rush of it when the story would just… flow out of me. But I don’t have anything to tell right now and I don’t want to sit at my desk for hours staring at an empty document. That’s… That’s worse than cleaning the bathrooms after someone had the spicy Onigiri’s.”
Sakusa pulls a face but he nods, understanding. “I’m sure it will come back. But it’s good that you don’t have to rush anything, right?”
You smile. Yeah. It’s good. Life’s good.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!” You greet with a smile, hoping against hope that the nervous beating of your heart does not show on your face.
Atsumu reaches you first, slinging an arm around you before bounding off towards their table. There’s Hinata and Bokuto who hug you, Kageyama and Ushijima who nod at you in greeting, before Sakusa winks at you and steps aside to let Iwaizumi greet you.
The smile on his face makes your stomach flip a little but you keep your smile in place.
“Good to see you could come in again,” you tell him. He pulls you into a hug, warm and comforting, his scent washing over you like a wave of fondness. 
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he whispers into your ear before he pulls away again. 
“Come on, Coach!” Atsumu calls from the table, “We’re hungry!”
“Tell your brother then!” Hoshiumi crows right before Suna yells “Samu!” through the restaurant.
“Yeez, I’m here!” Osamu calls out from the kitchen. “And I’m not deaf, have some manners, will ya?!”
Iwaizumi takes his place at the table. It’s no coincidence that you come to stand right next to him to take their orders. It hasn’t been that long since they come in regularly after Friday’s training, Japan Men’s National Volleyball Team taking up most of the available space. It’s no loss in profit to keep the restaurant reserved for their team meetings and you’ve certainly enjoyed yourself ever since the first time Sakusa ventured over, Iwaizumi in tow, to introduce the two of you.
You like him. A lot, actually. There’s a warmth in his eyes that you seems to increase every time he looks at you. His interest in you is calm but sincere, and he remembers even the small things you mention offhandedly - like how you were worried that the plants you own could be poisonous to the kitten you found on the street or how your favorite brand of coffee has been discontinued. You like that he takes things slowly but is never careless about the meaning of his words. You wish, for the first time in forever, that you could write a story that feels like him. 
“Can I walk you home?” Iwaizumi asks as the team’s clearing out. You’re disinfecting the table, almost jerking up from surprise.
“I… uh…” You throw a look at Osamu who grins. 
“Go,” he insists. “I can take care of this.”
You live barely fifteen minutes away and while you’ve longed for a shorter distance on particularly rainy days, you loathe the shortness of your walk tonight. Iwaizumi’s warmth seems to seep into you just from walking next to him. His laugh vibrates through the air in a way you can almost see.
“I used to paint doors,” you recall as you walk, not really sure what question of his got you to this answer, “Hoping I’d be able to open them and step into different worlds.”
“Do you like that idea?” He asks, “To step out of this world, to get away?”
“Not necessarily to get away. It’s more like… What’s out there, you know?”
He nods slowly, eyes straight ahead. You wait, trusting the time he takes to think.
“When I was a kid, I used to capture Cicada’s. But I always let them go again. I felt sorry for them, I think, because their life’s so short anyway.”
“But you still caught them.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, rubs his neck awkwardly, “What does that say about you?”
“I don’t know, but… maybe you knew that they did not belong to you, but you still wanted to hold on to them for a moment. Like friends? We don’t own them, they don’t belong to us, but we still wish we could keep them close.”
“That’s a weird analogy,” Iwaizumi teases you and you can’t help but laugh about it. “Yeah, but it’s late, so I’ll blame it on that.”
Your apartment block appears in front of you. You stop, not wanting the time to end. A small white face appears in your living room window, peering down at you. 
“Do you own a ghost?” Iwaizumi asks and you laugh. “No, that’s my kitten. She’s got a black body and a white head, so I named her Onigiri.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “You are quite creative with names. But I guess Onigiri wants you to come inside, so I won’t keep you any longer.”
It’s as awkward as it is not, to stand in front of each other, unsure on how to say goodbye. It’s Iwaizumi. It’s Iwaizumi.
When he hugs you, you wish he would have kissed you but you still sink into his arms like you always do, trying to imprint his warmth into your skin to last you until next Friday.
That night you can’t fall asleep.
Around midnight you find yourself in front of your computer, typing away, too tired to really think about the words flowing from your fingertips. But there are cicadas and little boys and doors leading to nowhere and everywhere at all.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!” You burst out, a little breathless from running. Just seconds ago you’d been helping Myamura in the backroom when the bell over the door alerted you of new customers. Iwaizumi’s grinning and you can feel your own lips pull into a wide smile at his sight, your hands already moving to grasp his. 
“I’ve got something for you!” You tell him before you can back out, glad that he came in alone today, just like you hoped he would. After all, it’s not Friday.
“Really? But I have nothing for you-” He starts, breaking off when you come back. “Is that a book?”
“Yes. Well, a manuscript, you could say. I wanted you to read it first. It’s a little silly and I might not sell it after all, because, you know, the whole thing about Godzilla-”
“You didn’t?!” His voice flips a little, his eyes wide. “You really wrote that silly little thing I mentioned?”
“Not silly at all!” You promise, still beaming. “I’m still working on a title, but I think “My best friend Godzilla” is a strong contender.”
Before you can react, think, feel even, Iwaizumi pulls you into a crushing hug. Your head sinks against his shoulder like it’s an instinct, like your body instantly knows where it belongs. 
You could have stayed there longer, warm and safe in his embrace, if not for Osamu pointedly clearing his throat behind you.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” you pull back, “I was supposed to help Myamura.”
“Are you staying?” Osamu asks Iwaizumi over your head, handy busy as he speaks. Iwaizumi shakes his head and you feel your heart drop a little before he turns back to you with an apologetic smile. 
“I’ll see you on Friday. I’ll try to finish the book until then.”
“Oh, you don’t have-”
“I do.” He leans forward, pressing his lips against your temple in a move bolder than anything else he’s done before. You freeze and when he pulls away, his face is flushed and his voice hoarse as he bids you goodbye.
Osamu’s sending you a look that you pointedly ignore, skipping down the hallway to where Myamura’s waiting for you. Your heart’s somewhere in Iwaizumi’s back pocket, beating as fast as a hummingbirds wing as it follows him wherever he goes.
“Closing up?” Iwaizumi’s voice reaches you where you’re currently wiping the tables, exhaustion pulling on your limbs. His voice is soft and filled with warmth and something else you can only hear when he talks to you. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask, surprise evident in your voice. The doors should have been closed already.
“Osamu let me in,” he explains, stepping closer and pulling you into a hug. You sink into the embrace, the way he holds you threatening to put you to sleep.
“What are you doing here, though?” You ask again, trying to fight the exhaustion. “It’s not even Friday yet.”
“I finished the book. I wanted to talk to you about it.”
“Oh?” You pull back, anxiety filling your stomach. Suddenly you’re no longer tired.
His smile sets you at ease. It’s that small smile he gets when he’s proud of something but doesn’t want to boast about it. You’ve seen it happen a lot with the team but never directed at you, never like this.
“Well, I… uh…” You turn around, trying to figure out what else you’ve got to do before you can call it a night.
“You can go home,” Osamu’s voice calls out from the kitchen. “I’ve got it.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m your boss,” he points out, voice much too warm for his choice of words, “Go before I reconsider.”
“I never thought I’d get to read a story about a bitter Biologist who befriends Godzilla and learns to love humankind again because of that friendship.”
You laugh. “But you put that idea in my head. Why is it so surprising?” 
“Oh, don’t put this on me!” Iwaizumi puts a hand on his heart as he walks and it looks so much like Atsumu’s usual antics that you can’t help but giggle even as he talks on. “I only said it would be cool to see humans from Godzilla’s point of view. You created everything around it.”
“What was the best part?” You ask, nudging his side with your elbow. “Of the story?”
To your surprise he falls quiet, staring up into the night. You can’t see any stars through the fog of millions of streetlights, but somewhere above you they still exist. You look up as well, hoping to find what he’s looking for, hoping to find some calm when your heart’s still beating much too fast, much too far away. 
“I might butcher it, but I want to quote it.” He starts and your mouth turns dry when he looks at you like that, like he’s found the stars in your eyes instead of the night sky. “I saw the world as black and white before I met you. Too many wrongs and not enough rights, as if the world had turned into a night sky and one has to squint to make out the little shimmering dots of good in the blackness of bad. But you turned the night into morning, black into the soft lavender hues of a sun rising.”
“Hajime,” you breathe out and his lips pull into a smile you’ve never seen before. It’s wide and daring but softer than anything you’ve ever seen before. 
“I love your book,” he says, voice strong and confident now, “Because you put into words what I felt but didn’t know how to explain. And you told me how you felt too.”
“I-I did?”
His hands take yours, his skin warm, his hold strong. There’s something like amusement shimmering in his eyes. 
“Somewhere in the middle of the book you messed up. Our bitter Biologist was suddenly named Hajime. I can believe some coincidences but not this one.”
You swallow thickly. He pulls you forward and you sink into him like it was always meant to be. His lips press against your temple and you wonder, not for the first time, how one step to the left can lead you down the right path all along.
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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desceros · 5 months
INT DISCORD - EVENING @thejudiciousneurotic: i'm drawing a comic where leo talks about how he accidentally sent someone his nudes me: oh. now i wanna write a fic where leo flirts with you by "accidentally" shooting you his nudes me: ...trade u for the comic thejudiciousneurotic: 🤝 me: 🤝 leonardo/reader, female reader, rated m
You’re having a very nice lunch with April and Casey when your phone vibrates where it rests next to your plate.
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) [image]
Oh boy. What does this goober want?
Normally, you aren’t one to check your phone while eating with others. It’s kind of rude, and you don’t get enough time with the three of you hanging out like this. But April’s busy trying to make Casey laugh so hard his drink comes out of his nose, and—and you’re curious, because it’s Leo, and he’s sent you a picture.
You open the message app, and blink. It's not a meme, or a dorky selfie, or something pretty like he sometimes finds while he's wandering about and shoots your way to share.
It’s… a picture of him. The kind that he’d usually put on his So-Shell, you note, wondering why he’d sent it to you specifically. A little bit of a suggestive pose: his arms curling in just a manner to accentuate the way his arms have been getting big lately, one leg crossed over the other to show off how long they are, fingers framing that smug smirk he gets sometimes when he—
Oh, god.
Leo isn’t wearing his mask. Or—or anything, you suddenly realize. No wraps. No socks. 
…Are these… nudes?!
Quickly, feeling your face burn hot, you look up to check in with April and Casey. They’re both still fucking around on the other side of the table. She’s tickling him, he’s giggling. Normal. Normal. They haven’t noticed that you’re a few degrees shy of combustion. Cool, cool. No one’s noticed that your best friend—friend friend just a friend!—has sent you his smoldering-hot naked body.
Quickly, you stop yourself, inhaling deep before you go too deep into it. No, that’s silly. He’s a fucking turtle. So he’s not wearing socks. Or forearm wraps. Or—Or his mask, which you’ve never seen him without before. So it’s a sexy pose in front of a mirror. It’s—It’s not anything salacious, if you don’t make it such. 
You start typing, just the usual compliment that you usually give his pictures on So-Shell, maybe a fire emoji, and—
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) oops! didn’t mean to send that!
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) just uh. pretend i didn’t just accidentally send you a nude. haha :)
“Oh my god,” you quietly whimper. It is a nude. 
The proper thing would be, of course, to do as he asks. Spam a bunch of junk until it disappears to the void of the past conversation. Laugh it off with him. Tell him a joke to make him feel better when he’s probably fucking mortified. 
…A little like how you’re mortified the moment you tap on the picture, making it bigger. 
God damn it. It’s… It’s so unfair how good he looks, you think, biting on the inside of your cheek. He’s finally hit that growth spurt Casey has warned everyone was coming, and he’s just so—so big. Towering over you easily. Putting on muscle like it’s as easy as putting on a shirt. Moving like silk through the air. Comfortable in his skin and knowing he looks good.
A fresh memory comes to mind. How the other day, he’d picked you up in one hand to snag the blanket you’d been sitting on to hand to Donnie where he’d been whining about being chilly. You’d spent the rest of the afternoon uncomfortably wet and turned on, hoping to god his sensitive turtle nose couldn’t pick up on it as he draped an arm on your shoulder for the last half of the movie and pulled you to lean into his plastron.
(...Friends cuddle, right? Totally. Friends totally cuddle.)
Plus he’s just… pretty. The way his cheekbones curve, the markings on his face cutting beautiful lines around his eyes, eyes that you can see without his mask in the way. The breath catches in your lungs as you stare into where they’re half-lidded in the picture, turning the smirk into something sultry. The smirk, framed by fingers that are long and thick and—
“Oh fuck,” you choke, clenching your teeth so hard your jaw aches. 
(...Friends think about getting fingered by their friends, right?! Right?! Oh god, oh fuck—)
“You good?” April asks, finally looking away from Casey who is dabbing at his face and bellowing with agony. Oof, carbonation up the nose. Not fun.
“…I’m so good,” you tell her around the knot in your throat, fingers going tight on your phone. Gah. You have to leave now or else she’ll suss out what’s wrong and you’re pretty sure you’d rather die than admit you’re getting flustered off of Leonardo’s mess up. “Say, uh. I—I have to go to the bathroom. Right now. For a while. I’ll be back.”
You can feel her eyes between your shoulder blades as you flee her knowing eyes, quickly going into the stand-alone bathroom in the cute little café and snapping the door shut behind you. You slump back against it, whipping out your phone and looking at it a bit like it’s a ticking time bomb. 
Which it kind of is, you realize with a sudden terror. You haven’t responded to him yet. He would have seen the little dots where you’d given away you were typing. That you’d had his picture in your face. He knows you’ve seen it. You’ve seen it, and time is passing while he’s sitting there, knowing there’s a fucking nuke on your screen. Oh god. Oh fuck.
Stupid sexy turtle, you think, hands trembling as you compose a very normal, very chill response. You only delete three before you settle on the last and send it.
sent (12:45 p.m.) no worries! i didn’t see anything, haha :)
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) hm. you sure? you sure took a while to respond
Oh god. Embarrassment lights your blood on fire. He knows. He totally knows. Fuck, it feels like he knows how you zoomed the fuck in and had to press your goddamn thighs together beneath the table. Swallowing thickly, you try to do as much damage control as you can. 
sent (12:45 p.m.) i mean, of course i saw it. i was curious!
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) oh yeah? what were you so curious about?
sent (12:45 p.m.) i. you know. i’ve never seen you without your mask. 
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) you know you can ask, right? i’ll take it off for you whenever you want.
You fumble your phone. What the fuck. Is this happening. Quickly, you look up. Yep. You’re still here. A quick pinch reminds you that it isn’t a dream. It’s quarter til one on a Saturday, and your childhood friend has sent you a nude on accident and then said that. 
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) is that something you want? seeing me without my mask?
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) i’d do it. for you.
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) no wraps. no socks. no mask. 
“…Holy shit,” you mutter, feeling a little dizzy. You gape, unsure of how to respond, how to fucking breathe. Then, you nearly jump out of your skin when the phone of your screen fills with a selfie of you and Leo in a photobooth at Alberto Land, feather boas and silly matching heart-shaped glasses stupid on your face. 
Oh fuck. He’s calling you. 
“Where are you right now?” Leo asks as soon as you answer the call, not waiting for you to find your voice, his words velvet in your ears.
Defensive at how you’re reacting, protecting your friendship with him tooth and nail, you claw out of the fog that had settled and made you stupid. You narrow your eyes at the hand dryer next to you. “…Did you actually ‘accidentally’ send me that picture, Leonardo?”
His laugh fills your ears like wine; rich, decadent, intoxicating. Warmth blooms in your chest. “Where are you, beautiful?”
That’s about as close to an admission as you’re probably going to get, you think. The pet name, familiar in shape but foreign in tone, makes your stomach dip. Licking your lips, you try one more time. 
“…Why are you sending me your nudes?” you ask, air catching in your throat, voice quiet but feeling loud in the privacy of the bathroom. 
“Why are you looking at them?” he responds cheekily. You bite down on the snarky response that reflexively comes to the surface; am I not supposed to, goober? There’s something glittering in the air, an invitation for something, and it makes you hesitate. Makes you look at the boundary of the lines you’ve drawn around him. Wonder what they’d look like a little smudged. 
“I… wanted to see,” you admit, feeling a little breathless, wondering if you sound so. If he can tell you’re on the edge of a cliff, feeling a bit like maybe you’re ready to take a step and fall.
“See what?” he asks. Voice lower still. Umbrous. Hypnotic. Tantalizing.
“You. Without—Without your mask. Without… any of it.”
His phone ever so slightly picks up on a sensuous rumble that comes from deep inside his shell. The sound of it makes you shiver, goosebumps rising on your skin. Your eyes fall shut. It’s an easy fantasy, thinking of feeling it in your flesh.
Leo says your name. It’s not a way you’ve ever heard him do so, before. It pricks your attention, hooking into it, pulling it where he wants it. “Where are you?”
You tell him. A second later, your eyes flare with familiar blue light. Two seconds later, your back is against the bathroom door, the sound of the lock clicking loud in your ears as he reaches over and ensures no one will be interrupting.
“Leo, you—!” you gasp, the barest amount of protest that he cuts through as easily as if he’d taken his katana to it. 
“I got tired of waiting. And you want to see,” he says, his fingers finding your chin and holding you in place, his mouth hovering over yours, his breath hot against where you can’t breathe. His other hand finds the curve of your hip, pulling it to meld to his own, his plastron pressing you to the door. “So look while you still can, pretty little thing. Because you’ve got about three minutes before I plan on getting my face between your legs for a long, long time.”
Later, much later, after you nearly bite through your palm trying to keep quiet through the several orgasms he easily eats out of you, after he portals you back to the lair and he pins you to that cursed mirror in his bedroom so you can see how good he looks while fucking you stupid, after he crawls over you in his sheets and slowly curls his fingers together with yours while rolling his hips to get slow and deep to drive you absolutely insane, your phone vibrates again.
This time, you ignore it, fully fucked out, completely disinterested in moving from beneath where Leo’s snoring into your shoulder, having everything you can possibly want within arm’s reach for the foreseeable future.
ayyy-pril (2:19 p.m.) lmao did you fall in?
ayyy-pril (2:19 p.m.) hellooooooo
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) …since leo’s also not answering i’m guessing you’re with him. girl u Gotta let me know when you dip so i don’t worry >:T
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) also. ugh. can you two just make out already? the pining is getting ridiculous. and don’t tell me i’m just imagining things again. i’m sooooo bored by your excuses
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) grabbed your leftovers for you. love you ttyl byeeee
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biaonww · 5 months
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"unspoken feelings" sae itoshi based • angst. • i recommend listening to oceans & engines w/ this
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may contain errors, similar content is coincidental. • super fast paced huhu, but hopefully still enjoyable :^)
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6 years ago —
you were 17 when you had a crush on the sae itoshi. his eyes colored just like the ocean, and his hair reminds you of neutral pink. 
he was always so beautiful, and he did everything so beautifully. soccer, expressing his thoughts, his actions.. all done elegantly. but you knew you were two people who lived in two different worlds. 
but still, you tried to get to know him. and get close to him. 
so if not being lovers with him will settle, being friends will atleast be enough, you suppose.
so you ask for his number from his friend, shidou ryusei. 
4 years ago —
surprisingly, you two did become acquainted, then graduated high school as close friends. 
... the label ‘close friends’ that at some point, people thought you two act like an actual couple that was inlove with one another— but really, that seemt like a whole joke. 
since he was already dating someone. 
and you found out two days ago. 
well, it wasn’t surprising, of course. he’s a soccer star. he’s famous. rich, even. everyone’s dream man. and you can’t just keep him to yourself, too. because that would just be plain selfish. 
so one night, you were just tired of suppressing your feelings. 
the feeling of wanting him. 
you should’ve been contented being friends with him and still being in contact after high school— 
but there’s just this feeling, that it will never suffice for you.  ...
he noticed you acted strangely today. 
and he knows every single bit of you damn well. 
your perfectionism, how much you want to please everyone so that they don’t leave you, how you don’t want to be a second option. 
so you two fought that stormy night. 
“you’re keeping something from me, and i don’t like it.”
“i’m not.”
“you are. don’t fucking lie to me y/n. i know you damn well to say that you’re lying.”
“things won’t get better even if i tell you, okay?!”
“well you aren’t telling me! how can i help when you won’t-“
“sae itoshi! i am fucking inlove with you. but it makes me feel real pathetic standing next to you, while you have a girlfriend already.”
“it annoys me how i turn all mushy when i’m with you. it annoys me that i keep staring at your back going further and further away, because i can’t keep up with you. it annoys me how you can read me so well, but don’t get that i’m inlove with you.”
“i’m leaving to go back to kyoto, sae. i don’t want to loathe you because i like you. so it’s better if we stop being friends.”
“i’m drained from loving you, itoshi sae.”
and just like that, you slip out of his hands. 
the last image he had of you before leaving to go to kyoto, was that you were soaked in the rain and crying. crying because of him.
guess love never suited him, huh. since it will never last, and slowly rot once he gets a hold of it. 
two years ago —
you’ve heard he got engaged with the same girlfriend he dated three years ago. 
you think it’s time to let go of him. 
to finally let go of the past. 
so you finally send a message to him. a plain but pathetic “congratulations on your marriage, sae. i’m happy for you.”
honestly speaking, you expected him to have a new phone number, and that he blocked you. 
though he didn’t. your message had been delivered. 
still, it’s funny how you never changed his contact name on your phone. 
but you remember that his contact photo was a picture of you and him. smiling and all giddy back in the old days.
itoshi • 1:27 pm
y/n. thanks. i know it’s been a long time.. but do you wanna meet up and catch up?
and so you two hit it off and meet up. 
except, your boyfriend is with you. 
but he didn’t expect your new boyfriend would be rin. his younger brother.
… he can clearly see the way his brother looks at you.
one that represents the way sae used to look at you in late-night conversations that were spent in silk sheets back in high school,
a pathetic man who was admiring you. 
the present. 12 whole years after the past.
sae and you became friends again. 
so you think it’ll be fine inviting him and his wife to your wedding with your fiancè, right?
i mean— rin was good with you. he communicates with you, there’s trust in the relation, communication- mutual agreement.
there were some rough edges in your relation, but he actually tried for you. 
you’re getting ready with your makeup, and someone knocks on the door. 
“come in.”
you mumble, fixing the strap of the wedding dress you’re wearing. 
the door opens and it’s sae. it’s just him, standing alone. 
so you turn back to face him, smiling softly. 
“you came.”
“i did. uh, mia’s just sitting down in the assigned chair you set for us.”
“i wouldn’t miss your important day anyways.”
“thank you.”
“why thank me? i did nothing.”
he softly chuckles, adoring how besutiful you looked in the wedding dress. 
you always looked best in white either ways. 
“what are you staring at, sae?”
“— i’m inlove with you too.”
your smile dissipates, so he takes it as a bad sign. 
“sae. you can’t do this to me. please don’t say you love me.”
“not when i’m finally over you.”
“i know. but i never got to tell you what i really meant back then, didn’t i?”
“… sae. i love you. but not in that way anymore. sure, i’ve missed you as a friend. but i still love rin.”
“after i met rin, he changed my whole life. he helped me get over you.”
“you’re too late. i’m sorry.”
you place the eye shadow palette you were using back on the vanity, standing up as the church bells ring. 
“i have to go. he’s probably waiting.”
“go ahead.”
and so you do leave, walking down the aisle to marry his brother.  
to him, you were just a fraction of his life;
something that was past, but something he was still trying to hold on to, even if it was already destroyed.  if he never let you go that thundery night, would he be the one you were standing with at the altar? — fin.
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aa sorry for slow posts :(( im like super busy w things this week so... hopefully i'll get to post the reo fic on thursday/friday tho!! <3 reblogs, likes, and comments are vm appreciated
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theoreticslut · 2 years
「 your kiss is on my list 」
eddie munson x fem reader
summary: a little game of truth or dare leads to lots of shock, a not jealous eddie, and your first kiss.
requested: no
word count: 2.7k
warnings: alcohol use/mentions of being drunk, slight playboy steve (early s1 personality), jealousy, pet names (honey, angel, & princess), bed sharing, fluff
a/n: if you don’t know by now, i love eddie munson so fucking much. i’m literally getting ideas for him daily. i hope you like this & if you’ve got an idea you’d like to see written, feel free to send it to me! Xx
title insp. from kiss on my list by daryl hall & john oates
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“Oh my god!”
“You’re a pig, Harrington.” Robin’s voice cuts through the rest of yours as he and Eddie laugh at the confession.
Needing time and friendships away from the little group of 15-year olds you’ve all somehow adopted, the five of you - Steve, Nancy, Robin, Eddie, and yourself - have started having weekly get-togethers. Sometimes you’ll all sit around and watch movies as you munch on junk food, and other times you’ll have a makeshift house party/game night like tonight.
“You asked for the truth!” Steve laughs, taking a swig of his beer as an amused smile settles on his face.
“You didn’t need to be so detailed. We’re not drunk enough for that yet.” You groan, trying to clear the mental image your brain cruelly created.
“That’s not my fault.”
“You’re right. It’s not your fault that you’re a complete lightweight.” 
“Hey! Not a lightweight.” He defends, slightly pouting as he points at you.
“Yeah, he’s not a lightweight, honey. You just don’t drink enough.” Eddie pipes in, slinging an arm around your shoulders as he stands behind you, having gotten up to get himself another drink.
“Are you really going to make me the villain here, Eds? Just because I’m not a borderline alcoholic like the rest of you?” 
At your cocked brow, all Eddie can do is smile, chuckling as he shakes his head, pulling you against his chest as you sit on a stool at the counter jutting out into his living room.
After the events of spring break, the two of you have become quick friends, having spent a good majority of the six months that have passed together. The rest of the group - especially the younger kids - love to tease the two of you for how quick you became “friends” - as they like to put it. 
You don’t mind though. You really enjoy having Eddie around, and it’s not like you haven’t had little thoughts of him from time to time. It’s just that you’re friends, and you’re perfectly fine with that.
“Of course not. I’m just trying to get you to drink more, princess.” He smirks as you roll your eyes at him.
“Get me a drink and maybe I will.” You challenge, meeting his eyes as you do.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get back to pl-aying the game!” Robin almost whines, hiccuping as she does so.
“Steeeeve, you get to ask someone.” She giggles, definitely drunk at this point in the night.
“Alright. Y/n, truth or dare?” Steve questions, and you pretend to think about it for a moment.
“Hmm, I guess I’ll go truth.”
“What was your first kiss like?” 
At the question, you can feel Eddie turn his attention to you, apparently being curious of the question himself as he hands you a drink.
“Gonna have to give me another question, Harrington. I don’t have an answer for that one.” You chuckle airily, popping the tab open on the can before taking a sip.
“You don’t have an answer? How come?”
“Have you not had your first kiss?!” Nancy gasps, drawing a hand to her mouth as she watches you.
At her question you feel everyone look at you as a silence settles over the room, waiting for an answer as you sip on the beer Eddie brought you.
“Why do you all look so shocked?”
“Because you’re like…you. How have you never been kissed?” Steve questions, completely mind blown at the knowledge. 
“Because I haven’t….?” You question, not sure what other response there is. 
Looking around at everyone, you find that they’re all still in stages of shock or confusion.
“I volunteer to be your first.” Steve comments, filter gone with even the tiniest bit of alcohol. 
“Like hell you will.” Eddie snaps, glaring at the jock.
“Why not? I’ve been told I’m a great kisser.”
“He is.” Nancy mumbles, giggling in her drunkenness.
“See?” The prior ‘king’ points out, a slight air of smugness to him as Eddie grinds his teeth.
“Because her first kiss should be with someone she actually likes, Harrington.” Eddie scoffs.
“But she likes me. Don’t you like me, y/n?” 
“Someone as more than a friend, asshole.” 
“If she’s comfortable with me, though, wouldn’t that be more important than ki-“ Steve starts to question before Eddie cuts him off, the two arguing about the topic as if you weren’t even there.
“Shut the fuck up or i’ll make you shut up. She’s not going to kiss you.” 
As Eddie talks, you feel him step closer to you, as if trying to protect you.
“What’s it to you anywa-wait, are you jealous?” Steve asks, mouth agape as he scoffs humorously.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Sure you’re not, bud.” 
“I’m not. I just don’t think she should be kissing you.” Eddie states.
“Besides, I don’t think Nancy would appreciate your lips on someone else’s.”
As the two boys argue with each other, you look to Nancy and Robin, who just seem amused. 
If anyone had asked you four hours earlier how a game of truth or dare would turn into a discussion of who your first kiss should be, you’d have no answer, having thought it impossible. Sitting here, though, you realize how absolutely nothing is impossible for this little group.
“Hey, buttheads! The only one who has any say in who y/n’s first kiss will be is y/n. Yeah?” Robin questions, cutting the two guys off from their argument.
“I would hope so.” You retort, looking up at Eddie as he hovers over your shoulder, still glaring at Steve as he grinds his teeth.
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m serious though; I’ll happily be your first kiss if you want me to be.” Steve states, sitting back on the couch as Eddie lets out a tense breath.
“I’ll let you know if that day ever comes.” 
He nods, taking a big gulp of his beer, finishing the can as Eddie turns his attention to you.
“Do you want another beer?” 
“Nah, I’m alright, Eds. I’ve still got some.” You smile, shaking your can to show it’s still about halfway full.
“Alright.” He mumbles, smiling lightly as he releases a deep breath, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he stands to the side of you.
“Bye guys! I’ll see you later. Be safe!” You call, waving to your three friends as they climb into Steve’s car, leaving you and Eddie to yourselves in his trailer.
Watching them drive away, you turn to close the door but stumble over your feet.
“Careful, honey.” Eddie states as you giggle, righting yourself up again and closing the door.
“I’m good, Eds. Promise.”
“You’re not drunk are you? We were up all night the last time you got drunk.” He questions, hoping you’re only tipsy. 
Even though he knows he’d stay up with you all night again, listening to you ramble about whatever crosses your mind, giggling as you slur your thoughts to him, he’d much rather get some sleep.
“Not drunk. Just tipsy and tired, Eds.” 
“Alright, angel, if you say so. Let’s get to bed, yeah?”
He watches as you nod, smiling softly before you shuffle across the room to him. Chuckling lightly, he slings an arm around your waist to help guide you to the bedroom where you’ve stayed plenty of times before.
“Hey, Eddie?”
“You got a shirt I could borrow? I didn’t think to bring pjs.” You pout, looking over to him with sad eyes.
“Course I do, princess.” He chuckles, digging through his dresser to find a clean shirt. He’s definitely got to do laundry this weekend.
“Here you are, honey.” 
As you turn to him, he tosses you a black tee shirt, some metal band logo on the front of it. It’s worn, the band’s logo faded and crinkled in spots, but you don’t think you’ve ever felt anything softer. 
“Thanks, Eds. Be right back.” You lazily smile, making your way over to the small bathroom.
While you’re gone, Eddie changes into pajamas of his own - the only time he wears them. Typically he’d just sleep in his boxers, possibly with a tee on, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Hence why he found himself digging out the few pairs of cotton bottoms he had stuffed in one of the bottom drawers of his dresser the first night you had stayed over.
You’re also the reason he’s been washing his sheets more often, not wanting you to be sleeping on a dirty bed. He may have only known you a handful of months, but he’s almost completely changed his habits at home on the chance that you’d be over.
He’s tidying up his bed as you come back in from the bathroom, his shirt hanging on your frame, just long enough to cover you. He can’t help but notice how much of your thighs are on show though, gulping lightly as he tries not to stare.
You’ve never been anything but beautiful in his eyes, even from the first time he set eyes on you back in the boathouse, wild with fear as he held a broken bottle to Steve’s neck. In all honesty, half the reason Dustin was able to talk him down was because he was so focused on you, wanting to know who you were and why you were here, looking for him of all people.
You’re the reason he dove into the lake back when all five of you ended up in the upside down. You had been friends with Nancy before all of this came about, and as soon as she dove in after Steve, you were diving in after her to make sure she wasn’t doing anything more stupid than diving into murky waters to save her ex - whom she still has feelings for - as he was being pulled under. 
Although you had called him stupid for following all of you into the water, he had done so for the same reasons, having wanted to make sure you were safe. Not that he needed to worry, though, as he found out when you fearlessly fought demobats off from the five of you.
If Steve thought he’d get your first kiss, he’s dead wrong. Why would he get your first kiss when he’s always been too focused on Nancy. Eddie’s the one who’s always had eyes for you. 
���Eds, you ready for bed?” You question, pulling him from his thoughts where he realizes you’ve been waiting for him.
“Yeah. Sorry…zoned out.”
“I noticed.” You giggle, crawling into the bed as he gets himself settled.
As you situate yourself into the bed beside him, a silence falls between the two of you where his mind continues to race.
“You’ve really never kissed anyone before?” He questions, still not believing it.
“Why is that so hard to believe?” 
“It’s not. It’s just, surprising. Like Steve said, you’re…you.” 
“What does that even mean?” You chuckle, looking over to him with lightly furrowed brows.
“You’re pretty. Like really pretty, and you’re so fucking cool. You’re kind, and warm, and so good with the younger kids, but you also kick ass. You’re just…amazing.” 
“But people like Steve just see that you’re pretty and find that good enough.” Eddie huffs, jaw setting as he juts his lip out.
If you weren’t trying to calm him down, you’d find his angry little pout adorable, but you can’t focus on that right now.
“Hey - look at me.” You coax, turning onto your side to face him.
“Why are you all upset, Eds?”
“Because people like Steve shouldn’t be your first kiss. He just wants to kiss you, and that’s not right. You deserve to have your first kiss with someone who actually likes you, you know?”
“That so?”
“Yeah. I mean, at this point you shouldn’t just go for anyone. Go for someone that’s going to want more than just a kiss.”
“It's cute when you’re jealous, Eddie.” You smile, loving how he stutters and pouts at your words.
“I-I’m not jealous. You can kiss whoever you want.”
“If you say so…you have nothing to worry about, though, Eds. I won’t be kissing Steve anytime soon.”
“If I were to kiss someone, it’d be you.” You state, smiling to yourself as he nods, sighing in relief at your first statement as he’s a little behind. You can see his brain pause as your words slowly sink in.
By the time he’s turning his attention to you, though, you’re already turned away from him.
“Say that again?”
“If I were to kiss someone, it’d be you, dumbass.” 
“Are you saying-“
“That I like you? Kind of.” You chuckle, glancing at him over your shoulder as his brain works through your words.
When they all finally process, all he does I stare at you in shock, with a little bit of confusion thrown in. You like him? Like actually like him? And you want to kiss him?
“Wh-what does this-?” He questions, wondering what this means and where things are going right now.
“I think you should kiss me. If you like me, that is. If you don’t then it’s-oh!” You half gasp, half moan as his lips find yours.
Registering the fact that he’s kissing you, you find yourself relaxing into the mattress, letting your lips follow his.
“You talk too much sometimes.” He mumbles, barely a centimeter of space between your lips.
“No more than you do.”
“At least I’ve never told you to kiss me and then kept talking as if you wouldn’t. Just tell me to kiss you and shut up so I can.” 
“Kiss me again then, but don’t stop.” You challenge, just wanting to feel his lips on yours.
Upon first meeting Eddie, you can’t say you were immediately enamored by him. You more so just felt sorry for him for everything that had happened, knowing how terrifying your first experience with the upside down shit is. 
As you and the group helped him though, talking to him as he tagged along, you found yourself being amazed by him. Between the way he would joke around, the way he looked out for the young boys, the way he fought even though he was terrified, and the way he cared for you even though he’d only just met you, you found yourself seeing him in a whole new light. One that slowly had you falling in love.
It wasn’t until after the fact, though, when the two of you started hanging out frequently that you truly fell for him. You got to see all the different sides of him from how passionate he was about Dungeons and Dragons to how peaceful he got when playing his guitar, even to how much he truly was a teddy bear by nature. 
He was everything you ever wanted in a partner, and it was even better that he was insanely attractive with his wild hair and big, chocolate-y eyes. How could you not end up falling for him?
“Your lips are so soft, honey.” Eddie murmurs, forehead resting on yours as he smiles against your lips, eyes closed.
“I think yours are softer.” You smile, running your thumb over his cheek as you look up at him.
“Not in the slightest.”
At his chuckle, you can feel your heart race as a soft smile finds a place on your lips. It takes a moment longer before he pulls away from you just enough to look over your face, admiring each and every feature.
“You know, I think I just might love you.”  He comments, watching your smile deepen as you shy away from his words.
“I think I just might love you, too, Eds.”
With your admission, a smile grows on his face before he’s leaning back down to you, pressing his lips to yours in a needy - yet loving - kiss. There’s nothing that could make the two of you happier right now when you’re curled up together, lips molding with each other’s as you let every unspoken admiration leave your body wordlessly. 
Every kiss only solidifies the silent admission that you are his and he is yours, and nothing could possibly be better than that.
pls like & reblog if you enjoyed this!
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3xiles · 23 days
Sweet lies part two
Pairing •Toji x gn!reader
Warnings• Angst!, Cheating, suggestive (they like lowkey make out), manipulation, UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!, Cursing. Lmk if i forgot any!
Word count • 1079 words
A/n • I had this pre written ever since i put out the first part but was so hesitant on posting it LMAO! Enjoy! Masterlist is pinned!
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You knew life after the honeymoon phase was rough but nothing could’ve prepared you for the drastic switch in you and Toji’s relationship. About two months the after you guys got married is when you realized the mistake you made. Your days went from him coming home from work and showering you with affection to him coming in with an inaudible hello. You were confused on what you could be doing wrong. He was coming home to a clean house with food on the table, a bath prepared and you all dolled up for him, just how he liked it. This went on for months and throughout those months he’s just been coming home later and later. The man who was once coming home every day at five now walking through the front door as late as ten at night. It didn’t bother you until your 26th birthday.
You woke up excited to celebrate your first birthday as a married woman. For your birthday last year Toji went all out so you couldn’t help but let your expectations be high! Toji wasn’t there when you woke up, which was normal because he usually leaves extremely early in the morning. You spent your day pampering yourself to the max, expecting to maybe go out later. Soon enough five o clock rolls around. You sit pretty and patient on the couch, telling yourself he’s just running a little late. You wait… and you wait.. sending text after text to your husband every hour.
Y/n: Hey babe coming home soon?
Y/n: Toj idk what you have planned but i’m super excited! see you soon❤️
Y/n: Hey is everything okay??
Y/n: Hello?
Y/n: Toji it’s almost 10 where are you?
Y/n: Toji?
You send your last text with tears falling from your eyes. You hate to think he forgot your birthday. It can’t be. He just got caught up in something. It has to be. You check the time one last time. 11:03. You then tell yourself you need to go to bed. As you stand up from the couch the door opens and the man you’ve been waiting for finally shows. You do nothing but stare at him, tears mixed with mascara running down your puffy cheeks. “The hell happened to you?” he says, taking off his shoes, tie, and blazer. He begins to unbutton his shirt, purple marks adorning his chest. That was in that moment when something in you just… snapped.
“Toji, what is today?” you slowly walk towards him. He shrugs, scratching the back of his head. “Look doll, i’m beat. Can we talk tomorrow?” he begins to walk towards the stairs that lead to your shared bedroom “No. Absolutely the fuck not.” oh crap. did you just say that? he stops in his tracks and turns to you. “Excuse me?” Shitshitshitshitshit what do you say? why did u say that? “Toji i asked you a question. What. Is. Today.” you keep up the tough girl act, too deep to back out now. “Y/n.” he walks closer to you but you back away “Toji today is my fucking birthday. Today is my birthday and i’ve been home all day thinking my ‘husband’ was going to at least come home on time but you were out fucking some bitch!” You begin to yell, crying harder than you were before. “The fuck are you talking about?” You weren’t stupid, you knew he was cheating but who were you to say anything. You were nothing without him. You didn’t want to ruin things. You can’t lose him. “Toji, i know you’re seeing someone else but i at least thought you would have some type of respect or decency to not do this to me on my fucking birthday.”You’re falling apart in front of him.
The silence is strong. He walks towards you and wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Things just haven’t been right with me, i don’t know why i do the things i do. You know how much you mean to me baby, i never want to hurt you.” i never want to hurt you. Those words replay in your mind. He brings his hands to hold your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “You know I love you and only you, right?” you wanted to yell at him. You wanted to kick and scream but something in you made you believe every word he was saying. Instead of doing any of those things you just nodded. Shame rose in you but it all started to fade away when his lips connect with yours. You know this isn’t right, this isn’t healthy but that doesn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and letting his hands wander. “I’m so sorry baby.” his lips travel to your neck. You try to hold back sounds but he knows just what to do to get it out if you. “Gonna let me show my girl how sorry i am?” you just started at him. not wanting to say yes but you didn’t want to disappoint him by saying no either.
You have to draw a line somewhere. “I think i just wanna go to sleep…” Removing your hands from him and stepping back. His looks confused but he doesn’t press further. Is it bad that part of you wishes he did? You wished he would’ve showed some kind of kind want, not just wanting to fuck out of pity. You know why he didn’t tho, he already got his fix of pussy for the night and it didn’t come from you. What a shame.
That night you couldn’t sleep, you were up all night silently crying. Is this really what your life was? You had lost yourself in this relationship. Your 26th birthday was a wake up call. The next few days were rough, he was just coming home later and later. Not to mention he wasn’t even trying to hide his affairs, He started to be careless. Not bothering to cover the scratches or hickeys that covered his body, leaving his phone open when you could see messages from the multiple girls and having panties and various other items in his car that didn’t belong to you. It’s like he was trying to hurt you, but isn’t that what he said he never wanted to do?
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scuderiahoney · 5 months
happy Logan day to all who celebrate 💛
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It’s warm this far south, even at the end of December. Not so warm that it’s unbearable, not the overbearing humidity of Florida in late July. It’s comfortable, though, so you’re standing outside in a t-shirt and jeans. A neighbor is about to set off a fireworks display, starting early.
There’s a clamor of noise from inside. Kids screeching, up far past their bedtime. Adults yelling, up past their bedtimes too. You can just make out Logan’s voice in the cacophony. You know it by heart, but it’s not often you get to hear it in person. He moved away a long time ago, hasn’t been back nearly often enough. But it’s New Year’s, it’s his birthday, and he’s here.
Someone opens the door and calls your name. “The cake?”
You head inside and help light the candles. You and your friends do it with hushed voices, even though you know Logan saw the cake in the fridge earlier. He’d winked at you as you shoved him out of the kitchen.
Then you’re walking into the living room, and the noise stops, the kids parting like the Red Sea when they catch sight of the candles. Logan’s in the corner, grinning, cheeks red. You haven’t spent his birthday with him in years. You balance the cake carefully in your hands and walk towards him as everyone starts to sing.
From beginning to end, till he blows the candles out, his eyes never leave yours. A little kid tugs at his sleeve and asks what he wished for. Logan tilts his head.
“If I tell, it won’t come true. First rule of wishes,” he says.
His face pulls into a smirk. You laugh, because it feels like the only thing you can do. Someone takes the cake to go cut it into slices. With your hands free, Logan takes the chance to pull you into a tight hug.
“Happy birthday,” you tell him, muffled against his chest.
It’s the fifth time you’ve said it. You’re making up for all the ones you missed.
“Thanks,” he answers.
Then someone’s calling him to get cake, and he lets go if you reluctantly. You wander off again into the relative quiet of the backyard. You know he’ll find you again. Across the yard, from someone else’s house, fireworks erupt. You check the time. It’s 11:50. You sit down on the steps of the deck to watch.
You don’t even bother turning when someone sits down next to you. It’s Logan, you know it. He hands you a piece of cake on a plate, and you smile and lean into him. He wraps an arm around your shoulder to keep you there.
“You know, birthdays were never the same without you there,” he says.
“Yeah, New Years hasn’t been the same either,” you tell him. “Hey, you’re a big star now, you can fly yourself home or fly me out, right?”
Logan laughs. “I’d fly you everywhere with me if you’d let me.”
There’s something in the way he says it that makes you lean back and look up at him. There’s something in his eyes that makes your heart race. There’s something in the way his hand tightens around your shoulder. He sets the plate down on the deck next to him. He’s waiting for you to say no.
It’s not the first time he’s suggested it. But maybe it’ll be the last.
He takes a quick look around, but somehow you’re alone in the backyard. You know what’s coming, then, but when he kisses you it still sends a jolt through your whole body. He’s warm and soft and there’s something so Logan about it that you can’t help but kiss him back.
When he pulls away, all you can think to say is, “s’not midnight yet, you know.”
He laughs and kisses your forehead. “Yeah. Wanted to make sure you knew I wanted to kiss you even if it wasn’t for good luck.”
“Okay,” you tell him. Then, “and sure.”
“Sure?” He asks.
“Take me with you,” you say.
You could cry at the way his smile lights up his whole face. In seconds, he’s closing the distance and kissing you again. He doesn’t stop until it’s 2024- a new year, a new day, a new start. You loop your fingers with his as the fireworks explode above your heads.
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taglist: @4-mula1 @celestialams @struggling-with-delia @lovekt @i-wish-this-was-me
204 notes · View notes
hqbaby · 10 months
sixteen — this is real
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.5k content. swearing, pretty tame tbh
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him: wanna come over tonight?
y/n the love of my life: sorry!! got plans
Suna can’t help the frown that takes over his features as he stares at your message. It’s not a big deal. You’ve turned him down before, this isn’t anything special. In fact, this is completely normal. Did he really expect you to drop everything going on in your life for him? Of course not.
Logic doesn’t stop it from bothering him though. The truth is that he hasn’t been alone with you since you left him that one night. Sure, he sees you around friends but you never really talk because you’re not supposed to be this close. Sure, it’s only been four days since that night but still. It unsettles him, it makes him feel like he doesn’t know where the two of you stand.
“Sorry, Bo, I got plans with Y/N tonight.”
Suna’s head shoots up to find Atsumu grinning at their teammate. What?
Bokuto waves it off. “No biggie, bro!” he says. “Say hi to her for me.”
“Will do.” Atsumu closes his locker and turns to look at Suna. “Ya good, man?”
So he’s your “plans,” Suna thinks. It makes him want to hurl. He hates it.
“Yeah,” he manages to say, already sprinting out of the locker room. “I’m fine.”
He’s not fine. He feels like he’s burning from inside out at the thought of you ditching him for Atsumu. Fucking Atsumu. Don’t you know that he used to cry after science exams? That he had to take his driving test four times? That he and Osamu once spent an entire week finishing a 10,000 piece puzzle while everyone else thought they had died?
Suna slams his head on his steering wheel. It doesn’t matter if you know any of that. All that matters is that you’re choosing Atsumu. Instead of him.
He pulls his phone out and starts typing a message to some girl who gave him her number at a party. She wouldn’t say no to him. He knows she wouldn’t. And that’s why he can’t bring himself to send the message, why he throws his phone on the passenger seat and drives back home instead of doing anything stupid.
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Kiyoko reaches her leg out and pokes you with her toe. “What’s up with you?”
You glance up from the lab report you’re working on, bemused. “With me?” you ask. “Not much, dude. What about you?”
She gives you a knowing look. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Am not!”
“You’re withholding gossip!” she accuses, grinning as she points a finger at you. “Come on! I need to know what’s going on!”
You put your laptop away. “Nothing’s going on!” you tell her, but there’s a smile in your voice that says otherwise. “Well, nothing too crazy at least.”
“Tell me!”
You start laughing as your roommate hops onto your bed, grabbing one of your pillows while she looks at you eagerly. “It’s really nothing,” you say. “‘Tsumu just kinda sorta… asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Yes, you are,” she says. “Because if he actually did that, you wouldn’t be seeing him tonight.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you said no to him. You’re nice, you don’t string guys along after you turn them down.”
You stare at her. She stares at you. You stare at her. She cocks her head to the side. You give a small nod.
“Holy shit!” she exclaims. “You said yes?!”
“Not yet!”
You’re laughing as she tries to tackle you. “Dude, chill!” you say. “We don’t know what’s gonna happen!”
She shakes her head, hands on your shoulders as she rattles you around. “You have to tell me,” she says, leaning close enough to make her already-wide eyes look wider, “do you love him?”
“I don’t know!” you say, pushing her away.
You furrow your brows at the words that fall out of your mouth. You were supposed to say no. Why didn’t you say no?
“You don’t know?”
“Are you using me as an excuse to avoid your homework?” you ask in an attempt to change the subject.
“Doesn’t matter!” she says. “Wait. What about Suna?”
You wince. 
The truth is that you don’t know what’s going to happen with Suna. You’ve been avoiding him ever since the night that you decided not to stay over. You still see him when you hang out with his friends and go visit his team, but you never talk to him, sticking to your usual polite-but-not-close relationship in public.
It’s been eating you alive and you don’t really know why. You’re going to have to talk to him eventually, about Atsumu, about everything. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but for some reason, it feels like it is. Why?
“If I say yes to Atsumu,” you say carefully, “I guess things with Rin will be over.”
It hits you as soon as you say it.
It seems so final, so unnecessary. Surely, there’s a better way to do this. This can’t be it.
Kiyoko looks thoughtful, like she’s considering her words very carefully. Then, she asks, “How do you feel about that? You know, ending things with Suna.”
You shrug. This time you know you mean it when you say, “I don’t know.”
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You’re sitting in Atsumu’s car with your head leaned against the window. You haven’t planned anything special tonight, just eating take-out and driving around. Normally, you’d be talking each other’s ears off, but you can’t seem to focus right now.
Ever since your talk with Kiyoko that afternoon, you haven’t been able to stop thinking about Suna. It bugs you more than you know it should and that only makes it worse.
“Yer quiet tonight,” Atsumu says. His voice isn’t accusatory or harsh, like he’s just making an observation. “Somethin’ botherin’ ya?”
You chew your bottom lip and fiddle with the straw of your drink. “Yeah. Just a little.”
He hums. “Do ya wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t know if I can,” you tell him quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothin’ to apologize for,” Atsumu says, glancing over to give you a reassuring smile. He finds a spot near the lake on campus and parks nearby. “We can talk about anythin’ ya want. Or not. We can just sit here and eat. That’s okay too.”
He turns the engine off and rolls the windows down, the autumn air drifting in. There are a few other people in the area, groups of friends daring each other to dive into the lake and couples talking or getting into arguments. It’s a night like any other and, as you sit there eating and listening to the playlist you and Atsumu put together, you know you wouldn’t mind spending more of your time like this.
“Have you ever had to let something go?”
The question just falls out of you. It fills the gaps in the air like it was always meant to be there. Like it was something you were always meant to ask.
“Anythin’ in particular?” he asks, taking a sip of his drink.
You look out the window and see a girl, soaked to the bone, walk out of the lake before chasing after her friends. 
“A person,” you say, “after you realized that you wanted different things.”
“Yer not talkin’ ‘bout me are ya?” His tone is teasing.
You shake your head and smile at him. “No.”
You catch the way he looks at you. His gaze is soft and warm and kind. It makes you feel like you’re all that matters to him at this moment. Like the rest of the world is just static. 
The only other person who ever looked at you that way was Suna and he only noticed when he was inside you in one way or another.
It feels different when Atsumu does it. It makes you feel like you matter just by existing.
“So,” you say, trying to stop yourself from focusing too much on the look on his face, “have you ever had to let someone go?”
He considers your question for a moment. “I have,” he tells you. “‘Samu actually.”
That catches you off-guard. The twins are absolutely inseparable, as far as you know. “‘Samu?”
“Yeah.” He nods, getting into it now. “In highschool I thought that we were gonna do volleyball together forever. I couldn’t imagine a world where I’d have to go at it without ‘im, but that’s what happened.
“I was so mad.” He chuckles, clearly recalling a fond—or maybe not so fond—memory. “We got in a big fight and… it wasn’t pretty.”
You nod along, the story distracting you from any thoughts of Suna. “What happened?”
Atsumu sighs. “I had to get used to it,” he tells you. “We had different dreams and it wasn’t right that I pushed mine on ‘im. It wasn’t ‘Samu’s job to change and I wasn’t bein’ fair to either of us by thinking he would.”
He offers you a smile, all boyish and a little shy. He knows the vulnerability should irk him, but he can’t bring himself to care. Not when he’s talking to you. Not when you’re looking at him all nice and understanding and so fucking gorgeous.
You lean over the console and kiss him. It’s short and sweet but it means everything to the two of you.This is real, you tell yourself. You don’t know much else but you know that this—you and Atsumu and all the little spaces in between, this—is as real as you’re going to get.
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notes. THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM *mic drops and runs for the hills*
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maximumsass · 3 months
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Green Eyes of Envy Pt. 5
Synopsis: Things with the reader and Melissa have been going extremely well! So well that a certain redhead is possibly talking about a future with the reader! Which shocks the reader because it’s Melissa Schemmenti we’re talking about. Melissa is feeling so safe and happy with the reader that she invites her to the infamous Schemmenti Family Dinner on Sundays hosted by the one and only Nonna! It’s a big deal PEOPLE!! Will the reader say yes and meet the Schemmenti clan?? Will the Schemmenti’s approve of the reader! Guess you’ll have to keep reading to find out!
Author’s Note: Hello my amazing fanfic village! I know this is late! Please do not hate me! Haha! Writing this has brought me joy during a really rough few weeks for me. Writing about Melissa feeling safe enough to think about a future with the reader and just how they take care of each other and how purely genuine it is just makes this gay fanfic author’s heart so damn happy! And i hope it makes all y’all’s hearts happy too! This is my longest one I think but as a reader I like the longer ones so hopefully you feel the same! Please let me know what you think!! And any requests you have! As always sending all da hugs and love!!!
Warning: SMUTT and an Obnoxious amount of FLUFF
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Word Count: 6.28k
It’s a Sunday night and the first quarter is almost over, report cards are due Wednesday morning. But you’ve made it your mission this weekend to get them all done so you can let go of the heavy stress that doing report cards carries.
Much to Jessica Rabbit’s chagrin you insisted that you spend the night apart. You honestly can’t remember the last night you spent away from each other. You had practically become the infamous U-Haul lesbian trope minus the U-Haul. Which wasn’t your norm in relationships, you had always liked spending a very calculated amount of time with someone and then you needed to be alone and charge your social battery until you were up to spending time together again.
But like everything that involved Melissa, it was just different in the best possible way. You could just be your 100% authentic self, tired, crabby, anxious, frustrated, sad, loving, happy…she just knew what to do and when she didn’t know she’d ask what you needed in those moments. Which in your past had been a very one sided thing that you would do for your significant other but they couldn’t do it for you. So having it be reciprocated was mind blowing to say the least.
Your phone starts ringing and a picture of the redhead kissing you on the cheek pops up.
“You know this totally defeats the purpose of us spending the night apart right?” You answer the phone in a teasing tone.
“You know you miss me just as much as I miss you. And you love that I called you!” She quips back.
“That is highly possible.” You say as you smile into the phone.
“Are you almost done?” She playfully whines.
“Are you a second grader or a second grade teacher?” You tease with a chuckle.
“You did this to me, you know! I was perfectly fine by myself, you know that I don’t like people. And then your gorgeousness had to walk into my life and gave me no choice but to fall in love with you! And now I’m the kind of woman who can’t even go a whole day without you being in my arms!” She exclaims.
“You’re making me get a big stupid smile on my face. You know that I feel exactly the same way about you my angel. I have two report cards to go, when I finish them I’ll text you and if you’re still up for seeing me I’ll pack a bag and Uber to your place.” You say hoping that’ll cheer her up a little bit.
“Correction, I’ll be picking your cute ass up. You promise you’ll text me?” She asks.
“If it’s not an ungodly hour, yes I promise.” You say softly.
“Noooo even if it’s an ungodly hour. (Y/N) I need you.” She says quietly, her voice filled with vulnerability.
“Fine silly girl. I promise to text you when I’m done.” You say softly.
“Good! I guess I’ll let you get back to grading. I love you so much amore mio.” She says softly.
“I love you more baby girl. Byeeeee.” You say.
“Byeee pretty girl.” She says and ends the call.
When you finish your last report card, you look at the clock and it’s already 11. You know the redhead is either in bed or fallen asleep on the couch. She’s not going to be happy but you’re going to Uber there so you don’t wake her up and have her drive here. You throw your stuff in the overnight bag that practically lives on either your floor or Mel’s floor. You make sure you submitted the report cards in the portal. And then call your Uber and before you know it, you’re standing on the redhead’s doorstep.
You take out your phone debating whether you should call or text her. You open your phone and pull up her number and decide calling is probably more effective and press call.
“Hey baby. Are you ready for me?” She answers trying to sound more awake but the grogginess in her voice gives her away. You definitely made the right decision to Uber here.
“I am but you need to check your front door first please and thank you.” You gently instruct her.
“You did not!” She exclaims.
You giggle into the phone.
She opens the front door and lets out a little squeal. And pulls you into the house and into her arms and you immediately relax from the stressful day you just had.
“You were supposed to let me pick you up!” She says into your neck.
“Were you not just sleeping?” You ask her teasingly.
“Possibly.” She reluctantly admits.
She breaks the hug so she can give you a long passionate kiss.
“Thank you for coming and taking care of my (Y/N) withdrawal.” She says softly, leaning her forehead against yours and gazing into your eyes.
“If I’m being honest with myself I had some Mel withdrawal myself. But this is definitely helping.” You say making sure she knows you feel the same way about her.
“Are you okay with just cuddling in bed?” She asks while trying to stifle a yawn.
“I will always be okay with cuddling in bed with my gorgeous girl.” You say as you caress her cheek. “Come on sleeping beauty, let’s get you in bed with your head on my chest and off to dream land.” You say with a smile as you lead her to the bedroom.
You get her to the bedroom and then go and make sure that everything in the house is turned off.
You’re weird when it comes to what you wear to bed, you literally just strip down to your underwear and call it good. Melissa gave you crap about it at first but stopped real quick when she realized it basically gives her a fast pass to all the goods!
You’re brushing your teeth and then you feel her wrap herself around you.
“You’re supposed to be in bed silly girl.” You say between brushing.
“I need you.” She says into your neck.
This is Melissa at her most vulnerable, she’s literally the definition of I don’t need anyone or anything towards everyone and everything else in life. The fact that she feels safe enough to say that she needs you is an honor and privilege that you don’t take for granted.
“I’m right here baby, available for all the cuddles you need.” You say gently as you finish wiping your mouth and then turn around to face her and kiss her softly.
You guide her back to bed and you both get in and just like you said she lays her head on your chest and you just melt into each other.
She traces patterns on your skin because she knows how that makes you fall asleep faster.
“Someday, hopefully in the not too distant future we won’t have to go anywhere to be with each other because we’ll have a home together.” She says quietly.
This is the first time she’s brought up moving in together. Of course you’ve thought about it because you already know Melissa is it for you, you can’t imagine your life without her. Loving her and being loved by her is your happily ever after.
“I don’t know… can you handle my ever expanding mug and magnet collection?” You tease her.
“I would get as many fridges and enough cabinets as it takes for your collections if it meant that I could wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night.” She says as she smiles up at you.
“Have you really considered moving in together? Or is this sleepy Mel talking?” You ask as you play with her hair.
She takes your chin in her hand and has you look her in the eyes to show how genuine she is about this.
“(Y/N) you know I don’t say stuff that I don’t mean. I’ve really considered this. I’ve thought about how I’d ask you to live together. I’ve looked online for where we could live if you didn’t want to move here. I’ve also considered other things.” She says and then she mimics sliding something on your ring finger.
And for once you’re literally speechless by what she just hinted at!
She chuckles at how surprised you look. And then proceeds to give you a long and desire filled kiss.
When the kiss ends you look at her and see her mind going and then fear and embarrassment wash over her face.
“Have you not thought about those things with us?” She asks quietly. “Because if not… I didn’t mean to…” She tries to say.
“Melissa, look at me.” You gently instruct her. Once her emerald eyes are locked on yours, you continue. “I would love nothing more than to have a home together and to make you my wife. I was just shocked that you said it first, I thought I’d have to prove myself a little more or warm you up to those ideas.” You say as you stroke her hair.
You feel her let go of a breath she’s been holding. “You mean it?” She asks softly.
“I definitely mean it. So much so that I might have a Pinterest board called Mel’s Engagement Ring.” You say with a big smile.
The redhead is beaming at you and you can’t help but pull her in for another kiss.
“Do you think that we’re crazy for talking about all of this already?” She asks looking up at you.
“No I don’t think we’re crazy. I think we’ve known each other for two years and some change. And we’ve been close friends for most of that time. So compared to people who have just known each other the amount of time we’ve been dating, it makes sense that we’re already all in. And I think it’s one thing to know and want a forever future with someone but we just want to chill and get some more time under our belts as a couple first. And it’s another thing to be like we want all of that by next Friday. And correct me if I’m wrong but I would assume we’re both leaning towards the first one.” You say looking for her chime in.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind if it was next Friday.” She teases you with a smirk.
You chuckle and roll your eyes playfully.
“I’m just glad we’re on the same page and that it’s all out on the table.” She says softly.
“Me too angel. Now let’s get some sleep, my sleeping beauty.” You say as you kiss her forehead and pull her closer to you.
Your alarm goes off. “Noooooo.” You moan, you open your eyes, light is streaming through the window and red hair is splayed all across your chest, Jessica Rabbit has magically ignored your alarm and is quietly and adorably snoring with her arms wrapped around you like your her most prized possession and no one can take you away from her.
You try and wriggle your way out of her grasp but like an anaconda the more you try to get away the more the redhead holds you tighter.
“Baby.” You then proceed to kiss her until you see those emerald eyes open.
“I need to get up princess. And you’re doing the death grip hold again.” You tease as you kiss her forehead.
“You love it. Can we stay in bed for five more minutes?” She asks while intentionally giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Fine but only five minutes and then you have to be a good girl and let me get up.” You say in a faux strict tone.
“Deal! I love you so much.” She says into your chest.
You pull her in for a long passionate kiss, your tongues fighting for more access to the other. You feel her hand slink down to your nether regions. You hiss because my god do you want her right now, but you have to get ready.
She breaks the kiss and looks at you hungrily and in her husky seductive voice just says. “Please?”
And you did not know that just one word could make you wet until that very moment.
You close your eyes and nod.
“No, I need you to look me in the eyes and use your words.” She seductively instructs.
Damn look at her making consent hot! You look at her with such desire and say “Yes.”
And just like that she’s rubbing slowly along your folds. Shit, her fingers feel so good, you’re trying not to squirm and to keep some control. It’s like somehow she reads your mind because she looks at you and smirks and then immediately goes for your clit interchanging rubbing it slow and then fast and your whole body is shaking. She chuckles because she knows she has total control of you now.
“Mel, come here.” You say as you look at her longingly. She comes so her face is right above yours and you pull her in for another kiss. The heat between you two is so thick and every touch is another spark that turns it up hotter and hotter.
“I need you inside of me.” You whisper in her ear. She let’s out a little moan. This is probably both of your “favorite dirty talk” lines with each other. Because not only does it feel amazing when she’s inside you but you’re saying that I’m in this vulnerable position and need you to take care of me and it’s showing the rawest realest parts of yourselves to each other.
She slides her fingers into you and pumps fast and hard and you feel yourself start to float into an orgasamic haze. You cry out “Fuck Mel! Yes!” She puts her thumb back on your clit and starts rubbing it and in a matter of seconds you feel your cum just flow out of you and then her beautiful mouth cleaning you up.
She comes up and lays next to you. “Taste what I made you do.” She says softly and then pulls you in for a kiss, your hands tangle in her hair pulling her closer.
“Now that was your reward for working on your report cards and finishing them like the boss bitch you are.” She says with a big smile.
“I don't deserve you. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” You say as you stroke her hair.
“(Y/N) you deserve everything you want and so much more. I’m just lucky that I get to show you the love you deserve.” She says as she kisses your shoulder.
You both get up and start getting ready. You are putting on your blouse when you hear her enter the closet.
“So in lieu of everything that we talked about last night, I wanted to run something by you.” She says softly and you can detect a hint of nervousness.
“Okay what’s on your mind pretty girl?” You say as you take her hands and look into her eyes.
“I want you to come to family dinner and meet everyone.” She says while looking down nervously.
You literally don’t know what to say, it’s like your brain short circuited. You need to say something because obviously she was nervous to bring it up.
“Huh.” You say because it’s literally the first thing you can articulate.
You’re literally trying to make yourself understand that she wants you to meet her family. Fear and self loathing come crashing down on you.
“(Y/N). (Y/N). Where’d you just go?” She asks placing both hands on your cheeks. .
“It’s just past shit coming up again. I’m good.” You say as you lightly kiss her.
“Look at me. You’re safe. I’m right here with you and whatever it is we’ll face it together. But I need you to talk to me. Please (Y/N).” She says softly as she strokes your cheeks.
“I hate meeting people for the first time because the majority of the people just see my disabilities and not me. I don’t know if you remember but my first few months at Abbott I would just say hi and smile at the other teachers and staff, laugh when I thought something someone said was funny and talk to someone if they were directly talking to me. It just makes me think why the fuck would Melissa want me. You could literally have anyone and definitely many people who don’t deal with the shit that I deal with. And ironically Gary fucking said it, charity case is exactly how I feel when it comes to this shit. Like I feel like your family will take one look at me and be like what the hell, she could do way better.” You say in a shaky voice and you feel your eyes fill with tears.
The redhead wraps her arms around you and just holds you as you let the tears fall.
“It makes me so mad that you feel this way about yourself because of the bullshit you’ve gone through. First of all you feeling scared about meeting my family is totally valid. I know that I can’t begin to really understand what you experience when you meet people for the first time. But what I can say and this is not me trying to kiss your ass, the way I see you go through life with such grace, strength, courage and perseverance when you have obstacles pop on a regular basis just leaves me in awe of you. Yes you have shit that a lot of other people will probably never experience. But it’s made you the woman who makes me feel so safe, loved and taken care of. And that’s something that I didn’t think I’d find. Yes technically this will be the first time meeting my family. But I’ve literally talked their ear off about you and how amazing you are to me and how amazing you make me feel. They already love you and are so excited to meet you. And if anyone has anything bad to say they’ll have to go through me. I love you so much amore mio and every day I wake up I’m so grateful that I get to call you mine.” She says looking into your eyes with such love and adoration.
“I love you more angel. You always know how to calm me down. Thank you for being your amazing self.” You say as you pull her in for a kiss.
When we break away she gets a playful smile on her face. “Besides, how am I going to propose to you if you haven’t met my family.” She says with the biggest smirk and playfully nudges you.
“Melissa Schemmenti saying the P word, I must be dreaming!” You say nudging her back.
“Well as the gorgeous woman standing before me said last night I want to make you my wife. Mrs. (Y/N) Schemmenti just has a certain ring to it.” She says and then she kisses you softly.
“Seeing you all giddy about this is very adorable, you know.” You say with a smile.
“It’s all your fault, you turned me into this sappy romantic lovestruck chick.” She says as she goes into the bathroom to finish her makeup.
“Well what can I say, it suits you.” You say with a smirk as you lean against the bathroom doorway gazing at her with adoration. “So you have convinced me, I will go with you to family dinner. Do you want me to come this Sunday? Or should we wait a little bit?” You ask as you look at the ground nervously.
“Really?! You’ll come?!! Oh you are so coming with me on Sunday! Everyone’s going to be so excited to meet you! And I promise I’ll be right next to you the whole time and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. I know this brought up a lot of hard shit for you. Thank you for really facing it and it makes me fall even more in love with you if that’s even possible.” She comes to hug you.
“Anything for my queen. Thanks for helping me through it baby.” You say melting in her arms. She tries to go for a kiss.
“You literally just applied your lipstick and are going to get it all over me. And then I will have to tell everyone this is what being loved by Ms. Schemmenti looks like.” You tease her and duck her kiss.
The redhead does the biggest pout you’ve ever seen and you can’t help but chuckle. “I love you angel.” You say as you kiss her forehead and then you head to get y’all’s coffees started.
Your hands feel like you literally just washed them they’re so wet with sweat. Great just another thing to add to the not good enough for Melissa Schemmenti list you think to yourself as you wipe them on your dress for the billionth time.
It’s Sunday night, you’re in the car with Melissa driving to Nonna’s house. You’re debating doing a fling yourself out of the car drop and roll type of situation to get you out of dinner but you know you can’t do that to the redhead. She’s been glowing all week. She's so happy about you meeting the Schemmenti family.
Barb asked you at lunch midweek what had gotten into Melissa. You explained that you were meeting her family over the weekend.
“(Y/N), I’ve seen her with Joe and the aftermath of men after him. I’ve never seen Melissa Schemmenti this happy and in love. So whatever you’re doing, keep it up! But know that I know and see all and will put you in your place so fast if you hurt her that you would’ve thought Jesus himself came down and smited you.” The brunette said giving you a no nonsense look.
“Yes ma’am.” You said with a nod.
Back in the car you feel her warm hand squeeze your leg. “Honey, you've been holding your breath since we got in the car. Breathe for me please.” She says as she gives you a concerned look.
You realize that she’s right and you didn’t even realize that you were holding your breath. You let a big breath out. And take a deep breath in and out.
“Better. One more deep breath please.” She gently instructs. You take one more deep breath in and out and realize it actually makes you feel better.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?” She says softly as she looks at you with a big smile.
“Only four other times.” You tease as you look at her while chuckling.
“That means I’m doing my job as your woman.” She smirks.
“You most certainly are.” You say as you kiss her hand.
“Okay we are on her block. Her house is the brick one with the green shutters.” She says to you.
The house comes into view and you swear to god your heart stops. You hear Mel shut her door and it jolts you back to reality. She comes to your side and helps you out of the truck.
She puts her hands on your biceps and gazed at you with such love. “They already love you. All you have to do is be yourself. And I’m right beside you the whole night.” She pulls you into a big hug. “Kiss please.” She says with a smile. You gently kiss her. And then you walk arm in arm up the steps and the redhead does a playful knock and then let’s herself in.
You follow the redhead into the entryway and can immediately hear the Schemmenti’s shouting over each other and possibly at each other. The aroma of an amazing Italian meal being made wafts through the house.
You brought Nonna a bouquet of an assortment of yellow, orange, and purple flowers. You decide to be a few steps behind Melissa, let her introduce you to everyone.
“Look at what the cat dragged in!” Announces a big bald burly guy who you think is Vinny.
“You’re one to talk Vin!” Melissa says as she playfully punches his arm.
“Now Vince, ya can’t talk like that, we have a lady in our midst.” A guy Vinny’s size with jet black hair comes up beside him and slaps him playfully aside the head.
It then dawns on you the man is talking about you.
“Mel you got yourself a looker! Where are my manners? I’m Dominic but everyone calls me Dom. It’s very nice to finally meet the woman that my cousin won’t shut up about.” He says as he holds out his hand.
You take it and give it a firm shake. “It’s very nice to meet you.” As you look up and give him a small smile.
You then hear a woman shout. “Let me through! I need to see this woman!” A little old lady barely five feet tall with the hint of red in her perm walks through the sea of Schemmentis, emerald eyes just like Jessica Rabbit’s give you a full body scan.
“Well you must be (Y/N). My granddaughter has told me so much about you!” She says as she gets to you.
“Good things I hope.” You say with a small smile.
“All good things which is high praise coming from her! But you already know what a special woman you must be to have Melissa feel the way she does about you.” She says looking you right in the eye.
“That’s very kind of you to say. Loving Melissa and being loved by her is something that I am so grateful for every day. And I know that sounds rehearsed and maybe ingenious but like Melissa I don’t say things that I don’t mean.” You say looking back at the Schemmenti matriarch.
“Hmmm I already can see why Melissa is fond of you. Strong women attract other strong women.” She says giving you a genuine smile.
“I brought you flowers. My mom taught me to never be an empty handed guest.” You say holding out the flowers.
“Your mom sounds like a very smart woman. These are beautiful dear! You are the first one that she’s brought here to give me flowers! And she married one of them, can you believe it?!” She said and winked at me. “Dom go find your wife and have her put these in a vase for me.” She hands the flowers off to Dom.
Her and Melissa give each other a big embrace. And then she says something to the redhead and they both look at you beaming.
“Come (Y/N)! A little birdie told me that you’re nervous about tonight. Well you just sit by me and I’ll talk enough for the both of us! Besides I need to know what your intentions are with my granddaughter as well as make sure you enjoy my lasagna!” She takes you by the arm and with Melissa on the other arm leads you to the dining room.
“Oh my god there she is!” You hear a voice say and then you see a doppelgänger of Jessica Rabbit herself only with jet black hair.
“You’re even more gorgeous in person! I’m Annette by the way, Mel’s cousin but we’re practically sisters. We've been inseparable our whole lives.” She says as she looks you over.
“It’s very nice to meet you.” You say with a smile and you hold out your hand.
“Awww look how polite she is, Mel you could learn a thing or two from her.” She teases Melissa and winks at her. “One thing you should know about us is that Schemmentis are huggers. Better to get used to it now. Come here I promise I don’t bite..hard.” She says and she opens her arms.
You don’t hesitate to hug her, you know how special she is to Melissa and you want to start off on the right foot with her. You hug her and it’s one of those warm comfy hugs where you can just feel her joy radiating to you. She’s got very good vibes, you can see why Melissa loves her so much.
“Has anyone told you that you give really good hugs?” She asks when the hug ends.
You chuckle a little. “Melissa says that to me all the time.” You say smiling at her.
Nonna takes you by the arm again and leads you to a seat. You pull out her chair to have her sit down first. And then you pull out Melissa’s chair for her. Annette is giving you this astonished look.
“Is she even real?” Annette asks Melissa jokingly.
“She’s pretty great, right?” Mel says and looks up at you with such love that you kind of get choked up a little bit.
“She deserves to be treated like the queen she is.” You say to Annette with a small smile. And then you lean down and kiss the redhead on the cheek. And then you sit down in your spot.
“Speaking of how you’re treating her, I hear you’re taking care of her in more ways than one.” She gives you the infamous Schemmenti smirk.
“Annette!!” Melissa exclaims.
“Oh come on, we’re all grown women who have been around the block more than once! And Nonna needs some excitement in her life!” Annette says.
“For your information Annette, I do take care of your cousin in more ways than one. And let’s just say she’s very enthusiastic about how I take care of her and always keeps coming back for more.” You say with a big smirk as you emphasize the word coming.
All three women gape at you in disbelief of what just came out of your mouth.
“What? Annette started this conversation and I responded appropriately. I’m not gonna deny my skills!” You say chuckling.
Nonna bursts out laughing and you finally start feeling comfortable and like you can just be yourself.
“Dinner is served!” Dom announces and then he sets the lasagna on the table and then a slew of Schemmentis come out of the kitchen setting different side dishes on the table and taking their seats.
Chatter is happening all around the table and you just sit there quietly observing. You notice the similar physical features that they share that you’ve memorized about Melissa. Melissa is chatting with Annette and just looks so relaxed and happy that it just warms your heart.
“So (Y/N). Melissa said that you’re fairly new to Philly. Where are you originally from?” Nonna asks.
“I’m originally from Michigan. Abbott was my first job offer after I graduated with my masters. And I had always wanted to live out of state somewhere so it was the perfect opportunity.” You explain.
“Do you get to see your family a lot?” She asks.
“Only a few times a year. Mostly for holidays. Seeing y’all have dinner like this is really nice. Even if I saw them more we aren’t like this with each other. I mean don’t get me wrong I know they love me, but they love the version of me that they approve of, not the rest of me. So when I’m with them I feel suffocated if that makes sense.” You say getting a sad look on your face.
“Oh sweetheart I’m sorry. A parent’s job is to love their children unconditionally and when that doesn’t happen it’s really difficult to come to terms with. I mean look at all these knuckleheads, they’re loud, they’re stubborn, they’re confrontational, but at the end of the day every single one of them knows that wherever they are in life, they can come here and the rest of us will love them just as they are. And I want you to know that you can come here just as you are and we will love you too.” She says and then pats your hand.
This woman is being so incredibly kind to you and she just met you, you almost can’t comprehend it. You smile and nod.
“So I don’t know how long I have left here on this earth so I have to know do you intend to marry Melissa?” She asks.
This woman has balls you think to yourself, getting straight to the point. You feel Mel put a hand on your leg. You look and she’s looking right at you, she definitely heard Nonna’s question.
You give Mel an I got this nod. “We were actually just talking about this last night. We both expressed that we do want to get married. This one actually insinuated it first which was surprising to me because I thought I was going to have to convince her to marry me. But yes there will be proposals and then a (Y/L/N) Schemmenti wedding in the future. And if Melissa gets her way, which she probably will because who can say no to that gorgeous face, it’ll be sooner rather than later.” You say with a genuine smile.
“The way you’ve been with her tonight and from what she’s told me and the way you look at each other, I can tell you really love her and go out of your way to take care of her. And knowing that she has that gives me peace. Now everyone cough up the money!” She looks around the table as people start begrudgingly tossing money towards Nonna.
And you realize that the Schemmenti’s were betting on your relationship. Of course they were, you think to yourself and you can’t help but chuckle to yourself.
“I can’t believe all of youse, betting on my relationship! We better be getting a cut of the winnings or there’s gonna be a problem!” Melissa says glaring at all of them, the hard ass Philly side of her coming out in full force.
Once everyone is finished eating, you look over to Nonna. “Can I take your plate for you?” You ask.
“Yes that’d be very helpful dear. Thank you for offering.” She said and squeezes your arm in appreciation.
“Baby hand over your plate please. I’m gonna start helping clear the table.” You say into Melissa’s ear and then give her a quick kiss on the cheek. She hands you her plate and looks at you with such admiration.
You overhear Annette say to Melissa. “Is she always like this? Cause if so can she come and teach my man her ways, I will literally pay her to.”
“She is always like this. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is my real life and I’m not dreaming. But it’s a reciprocated thing, we just take care of each other, like there’s this unspoken agreement that we make each other’s lives as easy as possible that way we can focus on spending time together. And when balls do get dropped, there is so much more room for empathy and understanding. Seriously, it’s been a game changer. It’s absolutely why I know I want to marry her because doing life with her is a breath of fresh air. I just love her so much Annette and I feel so loved by her.” Melissa says to Annette.
“Oh honey.” Annette embraces Melissa. “If anyone deserves this, it’s you. I know there was a moment there where you had given up hope about finding a real love. And I’m just so glad that the gorgeous girl in there has proven that theory all wrong.” Annette says.
You help clean up dinner. And then you say goodbye and hug what feels like a hundred Schemmentis.
“Well you have definitely proven that you can hold your own with the Schemmenti clan. Not an easy feat. I think that makes you an official Schemmenti until this one actually makes you one legally.” Says Dominic with a wink.
“Thanks man, I’ll wear that title with pride.” You say smiling up at him.
Nonna is your last goodbye. “Thank you so much for having me over for dinner. The food and the company were wonderful and it was really nice talking with you.” You say and then give her a hug.
“It was so wonderful meeting you dear. I’m looking forward to next Sunday. Take care of our girl. Okay?” She says.
“Yes ma’am I promise she’s in good hands.” You say as you put your arm around Mel.
“(Y/N) you call me Nonna from now on.” She says with a smile.
You smile and nod. “Good night Nonna. Have a good night everyone! Nice meeting y’all!” You say to the entryway filled with Schemmentis. And you and Jessica Rabbit leave Nonna’s hand in hand for the first time but definitely not the last.
When you get home Melissa knows that your batteries are low from all that socializing. She takes you straight to bed.
“Thank you for being so amazing with my family tonight. You make me feel so happy and loved. And I just need you to know that I will do everything in my power every day to make you feel as loved as you make me feel.” She says looking at you as she strokes your cheek as you lay facing each other. You pull her in for a passion filled kiss.
“I love you so much angel.” You whisper.
She smiles and nods. “I love you more amore mio. Now you just let me hold you and have sweet dreams.” She whispers softly and then kisses your forehead.
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poppy-metal · 7 months
I wanted to give you a not horny idea.
Long-term partners! Part of the 7! Jordan li where all you want to do is marry them, and keep getting asked by all your friends when you’ll tie the knot. People you introduced are getting married, and at the wedding, you keep getting asked questions, so that night, you both go home and fight.
And your like “I just wanna be with you forever” “it’s embarrassing seeing our friends who have dated half the time as us get married and we’re still stuck dating”
Jordan is scared of that kind of commitment not because they don’t want you (they have had a ring for years) but it’s stuck in their mind even after so long that they don’t deserve you because they aren’t ‘normal’.
So Jordan says some hurtful stuff to end the fight “you only wanna marry me so you can have my dads money…” “you just want a big ring and someone with my prestige.”
So you end up taking a few items of clothes and spending the night at a hotel not wanting to see them anymore tonight.
And Jordan just spends the night crying and wishing they could be what you want. They don’t sleep well for the next few nights because you don’t come back. Until a week later you are seriously out of clean underwear. So you bring your bag of laundry to do and take more clothes. You figure Jordan would be out and not at the apartment but they are in bed holding a photo of a previous anniversary and a box
Wait, is that a ring box? Yes, you're so shocked you drop the bag, and then Jordan notices you and hops up, trying to look presentable while covered in what seems to be a stained tank top and boxers.
You now notice the take out containers strewn on the bed seemingly the only thing they’ve eaten in the week you’ve been gone.
They push back their greasy hair and dry their eyes with a cleaner part of their shirt about to grovel—.
When you embrace them, worried for their mental state. You hate being away from them and you didn’t think about the fact you haven’t spent more than a few hours without each other since sophomore year
They try to speak and you shush them “it’s fine we’ll talk about last week later let’s just get you cleaned up now”
The end
Sorry if my grammar sucks I have dyslexia and spell check hates me
oh i shall weep long and hard over this.
jordan is their own worst enemy forreal. they spend that week sobbing and thinking the worst, thinking you're done with them because why wouldn't you be, you took a risk, being with them, and they aren't the easy choice. marriage would just be another risk, a big one. who wants to take that plunge? especially with them?
when you come back they're ready to fall to their knees and beg you to just give them time - please dont give up on them - when your arms wrap around them they nearly melt into the embrace. they crush you to them, not bothering to hold back, knowing you're sturdy enough to take it - they just need to hold you so hard it hurts. wants your warmth to seep into their bones and send the chill away.
"lets get you cleaned up, yeah? we can talk again tomorrow. i just want you to be okay right now."
they kinda trail after you like a lost puppy, watching as you turn the shower on and test the temperature until its warm. when you turn around again you almost jump, they're standing so close. they wrap you in their arms again, and you relax, hugging them back.
"you'll get in with me?" they ask quietly. its not sexually suggestive - its a cracked open kind of vulnerability. showering together is an intimate thing, and they don't want to be apart from you again. not for a second. so you nod against their shoulder. feel them shudder in relief and realize maybe there's some groveling you need to do to, that such a question could ever raise doubt.
you let jordan undress you after themselves, step in and take their hand when they tug you into the warm spray with them. you meet easily in the middle under the umbrella of waterfall. their hands skate reverently up your waist, your sides, climbing until they're cupping your face.
jordan li is a beautiful being. something about them with dripping wet hair, rivulets of it streaming from their long lashes, is captivating. you'd never give this up. not ever.
"i love you." they say, voice wavering. "so fucking much."
you reach a hand up to cup over one of theirs holding your face, let them see the love shining in your eyes. "i know. and I'm not going anywhere, not tonight. not any day after, yeah?"
their eyes shudder closed. they lean their forehead against yours and you feel their fingers glide down your spine like they're trying to commit every dip and curve of you to memory, "yeah." they breathe, and their nose skims yours, "okay."
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obsessedelusional · 8 months
read your mind
paring ↬ Bella Ramsey x Fem!Reader
summary ↬ you’re a famous singer. you meet Bella at a event. the two of you end up spending an intoxicating two weeks together. one day you wake up and Bella is no where to be found. this turns into a vicious cycle of Bella hitting you up whenever it’s convenient for them. when you finally have enough Bella does something extreme to prove their case to you. requested here & inspired by read your mind - sabrina carpenter
word count ↬ 2.4kish
authors note ↬ I love writing but It’s hard to find the motivation. Anyways slowly working through my Bella request. someone requested this so long ago and I started it and never finished it. thank you ily (also I physically can’t imagine Bella as anything but the sweetest ever so this was hard omf)
Feedback & Reblogs are helpful and extremely appreciated ♡
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
Bumping in to Bella Ramsey at an a event and becoming “a thing” was something you didn’t have planned for yourself. Yet here you are, have spent nearly everyday together in one way or another since the day you met. The two of you had been following each other on social media for a while so when you to were invited to the same award show you approached Bella. An innocent hello turned into an intoxicating two weeks.
Bella was in town for press, who knows how long they’d be in town? Two famous celebrities running a muck all over Los Angeles. Of course it becomes public knowledge, paparazzi photos of you guys walking out your home get taken. Neither of you aware until the next morning when they’re plastered all over the internet.
You wake up reaching over to find the bed empty. Unusual but you’re not worried yet reaching for your phone. You have several miss calls and texts. All asking about Bella. Your best friend the first to notify you of the photos and then asking if you seen Bella’s Instagram story. Closing your messages app to open it, notifications ten times more than normal.
Bella just posted on their story, twenty minutes ago. You click it open, you are presented with a selfie of you two Bella took a few days ago. Your sat basically on top of Bella with the biggest smile, they’re smiling too. Your feel your heart drop to your stomach when you read what they captioned it. “my best friend”
“Bella?” You call out loud, excepting them to respond. Only there is no response. You try to phone them, no answer either so you typed out a text and press send.
You: best friend? really?
Only a few moments pass before they respond. So they were purposely ignoring your phone call, noted.
Bella: its better than every one knowing
You: knowing what? that this morning you woke up in MY bed and now we’re just friends
Bella: it doesn’t matter anyways I’m leaving back home
Now your infuriated, you call again no answer.
You: so wtf was the last two weeks then?
Bella: we’re just friends
You: you are not my friend and you never were
Bella: I just need to be alone
You don’t warrant that with a response. It’s a rough couple of weeks but you eventually move on, accepting that it’s over. The internet finally moving on from the thought of you and Bella being more than friends. For a while you couldn’t open your phone with out more than half of your notifications being related to Bella. Whatever that was is done. For good.
Or so you thought because as soon as you feel like you’ve stopped thinking about it Bella is hitting you up. Your sitting at your birthday dinner when your phone vibrates. Surrounded by everyone you love so your unsure who it could possibly be.
Bella: happy birthday I miss you xx
Your best friend notices your change in mood.
“You okay?” She asks. You don’t even respond just pass the phone her way, watching as she reads it.
“I thought you blocked them.” She says, quiet enough the others around don’t hear. You can’t form a response because you know whatever comes out will not be what she wants to hear. Knowing damn well you’re about to do something stupid. You take your phone back, shooting her an unsure look at her before tucking it away in your purse. Deciding you’d deal with it later, when you are alone.
Later that night when you’re alone you respond with a simple thank you. What was suppose to be a good night was filled with stress thanks to the text waiting for a response from Bella. As soon as your message says delivered Bella is calling you. You let it ring for a few moments before answering.
“Hello?” Bella says over the phone.
“I missed you.” They say and you physically can’t come up with a response. Sitting in silence forcing Bella to speak.
“I’m sorrry, I never should of ended things the way I did. I need you.”
“As a friend?” You question, referring to the comment that lead to the downfall of the blossoming relationship.
“No I miss you in my life. I thought I needed to be alone but I haven’t stopped thinking about you.” You later find out that Bella is in town wanting to see you. It crosses your mind that it seems they only want you when it’s convenient for them. Against your brain telling you this is a horrible idea you agree to hang out.
It’s akward for a short moment but when Bella is the first to initiate conversation you two fall into the same feelings as before. This time Bella’s time in town is longer. They’ll be around for two months filming. Between your two busy schedules you make time for each other. Bella fills your worried mind with empty promises of being something more than just friends. You let the delusions of a possible relationship influence your decisions. Night and day your at Bella’s beck and call.
Only for the painful cycle to begin again. A month into Bella being in town they decide to exit your life with no warning. Your attempts to contact them go unanswered. Until a week later, Bella shows up to your home with some lame ass excuse about needing to be alone. They continue with this nonsense only to keep calling you at late hours of the night. The two of you only communicate and see each other on Bella’s time.
Eventually Bella goes home and just as you had expected to happened, Bellas doesn’t make an effort to make things work long distance. A few weeks pass since the two of you last speak. You pretend you don’t care any more, growing used to this treatment. Swearing one day you’ll find the courage to break it off officially. Only this time you see on social media that Bella is back in town, probably for an award show coming up in a few days. In the past by now, Bella has already slid their way back into your bed. You don’t dare text them first.
Your going to start tour in a week and you know that once that starts there’s no way you’ll get a chance to see Bella. Your tour is a few months long and will have you all over the United States. Eventually the award show passes and it’s safe to assume Bella is home or headed home. Their inactivity on social media not giving you much to work off of. You’re checking for the millionth time when you finally get a sign of Bella being alive, a short test message.
Bella: miss you gonna be in la soon
You read the text over and over again, only fueling you with anger. Bella was in town and not once did they think to reach out and suddenly they’re back on the other side of the planet and they want to hit you up. Before you can think about it you send a text.
You: I’m going on tour won’t be here
No response.
You’ve been on tour for a few days now, driving to your second show. Started in Seattle and now your in the tour bus headed for Portland. The first night went smoothly, exactly as you had hoped. Now sat on the tour bus doom scrolling through TikTok, waiting for tiredness to find you. Rolling onto your side and closing the app, opening Instagram. Greeted by a new post from Bella. It’s a black and white photo mirror selfie. Bella’s smiles as they take the picture. A girl stood behind them arms wrapped around Bella’s waist perfectly hiding her face in Bella’s shoulder. The caption a date in the near future.
A mixture of sadness and anger take over, quickly becoming only anger. Bella messages you a week ago about how they miss you. You don’t reciprocate the same energy and suddenly they’re publicly telling the world about this girl. You start feeling sick looking at the photo, blocking Bella on instagram. It’s not enough, so you block their number too. Taking this level of disrespect as a sign to stop whatever the two of you were completely.
When you arrive to Portland, your sad demeanor is noted by the people around you. Even when you go to perform your usual happy self is no where to be seen. At one point you cry on stage, as you sing on of your sadder songs. It gets video taped and plastered all over social media. You singing as tears fall down your face. Fans speculate what it could be about but nobody knows what caused truly your sadness.
After that hiccup it was rough for a good few days. Being surrounded by your team, always being busy, and not wanting a repeat of that night things get better. You alow the hustle of tour sweep you up so you can pretend to forget. The tour goes by quickly, last show left has you back in California. One of your biggest shows yet in your hometown, Los Angeles. You’re filled with excitement as it’s completely sold out.
Only for it to all come crashing down when you’re about to go on stage in a few minutes. One of your team members is cheery about the fact that your friend Bella is in the crowd, not knowing about your past with them. You had done such a wonderful job at avoiding Bella. Limiting your exposure to social media because you figured what you didn’t know, couldn’t hurt you. Allowing a team member post for you, you couldn’t entirely disappear like you wanted.
“Please don’t let them back stage.” Is all you say, your team member nods face filled with confusion. Not questioning your request and leaving you alone. Your sat in front of a mirror, looking at your self. So excited just a few moments ago, now you look miserable. Bella somehow succeeding in ruining another important day in your life.
You’re thankful for the large venue because wherever Bella is you can’t see them. Your eyes stay towards the front and rarely venture past the first few rows, doing everything in your power to not see Bella. When the concert finally comes to an end, your exhausted more than normal. Sweating bullets as you head back stage. Your team surrounds you momentarily, congratulating you and sharing a brief moment of excitement over your coming to an end.
You feel bad because you can’t be as excited as they are, eventually getting away from everyone and finally finding solitude in your dressing room. As you walk in your greeted by Bella stood there, looking as uncomfortable as possible.
“What are you doing in here?” You snap, turning your back to Bella fully prepared to leave and get security.
“I know I’m crossing so many lines right now. I have no choice you blocked me. I just needed to talk to you.” Bella speaks, your stomach dropping at the sound of their voice.
“Yeah because you were wasting my time. You only wanted me when it was convenient for you. Then your proudly posting som girl on social media. Not even a week before that you were trying to see me.” You snap, finally letting all your anger out on the source.
“That was a promo photo for the show coming out this month. It was a ploy to get people interested enough to watch my story, if you watched it. There was several stories about it.” Bella explains, a slight grin on their face.
“Doesn’t change anything. Why are you here?” You retort, feeling stupid but not wanting to show it. Bella’s grin disappears before they respond.
“I want to make this work, I miss you.” Bella admits.
“What even is this? One day you say you want to be alone, the next you just want to be mine. I can’t read your mind.” You say, sighing exhaustion heavy.
“I’m serious this time. I promise.” Bella says, looking at you. Trying to gauge your feelings on this.
“I can’t believe a single word that comes out from your mouth.”
“What can I do to prove it?” Bella asks, you don’t have an answer. Bella pulls out their phone suddenly typing away.
“What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” Bella grins, causing you to move closer.
“Check your phone.” Bella adds. You change your course and head for where you left your phone at the vanity. As soon as you unlock it you have a dozen texts from friends and family upset that you didn’t let them know about your relationship with Bella.
“What the fuck did you do?” You ask.
“You’re gonna have to unblock me on Instagram to see.” Bella smiles, laughing softly.
“No thank you.” You snap, switching to your private account. Typing Bella’s name into the search bar and seeing a recent Instagram story. When you open it a picture Bella took of you months ago, when you two first met. Your hand reaching for the camera, in the middle of telling Bella to stop. The smile in your eyes making it known that you don’t want them to stop.
the caption: my girlfriend
“Are you kidding me?” You groan, facing Bella.
“I thought that’s what you wanted..”
“Oh my god. I can’t believe you right now. The whole world thinks we’re together now and we’re not.” You say, mostly thinking aloud. You look over to Bella who’s just sat there laughing at the situation.
“Don’t fucking laugh. This is a big deal.” You snap, stopping Bella.
“It’s not too late to post lol just kidding you all have been pranked.” Bella respond causing you to crack a smile.
“No.” You say.
“Oh so you wanna be my girlfriend now?” Bella teases.
“If I say yes you’re gonna have to make up for being such a dick head.” You respond.
“Anything.” Bella responds, desperately.
“I want to go on a real date. Out in public.” You demand.
“Okay. Let’s go.” Bella eagerly smiles.
“Not today. You’re coming home with me tonight.” You smoke, ready to pick up where the relationship ended. Hoping that you aren’t making a huge mistake.
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asgirlblog · 3 months
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You’re Out Boy-scout. Part-3
Your last interaction with Felix was about two days ago in class. You realized you have a few of the same courses, and he plopped himself down beside you that day. He leaned over and asked “Do you have a pencil I can borrow?” Not to disrupt the lecture you quietly nodded and began digging through your bag for one. You pulled out a 0.7 gray mechanical pencil and placed it in his hands, your fingers brushing against his. “You can keep it.” You say. “Really?” He leans over once again and whispers in your ear. “That’s kind of you, I’ll have to return the favor some time.” The warmth of his breath sends a shiver down your body to your core. “No really, it’s okay. That’s the least I can do considering how kind you’ve been to me these past few days.” He smiles. Little does he know you spent the rest of class imagining all the ways that he could return the favor. You watched his fingers fidget with the pencil, spinning it around, tapping it on the desk. When did that become so hot?
As you cross your arms and lean out of your dorm window, you feel the warmth of the sun kissing your skin. You lay your head on your elbow and close your eyes. As gorgeous as Felix was, you were too. As he walks by your building he sees you out the corner of his eye. He stops and admires your beauty from afar. Glowing skin, long soft eyelashes, plump lips. Simply stunning. He doesn’t stop until he snaps back to reality when you open your eyes. He waves and calls your name. You smile and wave back. “Hey Felix.” you say softly. He likes that about you, your pleasant nature, the way that you carry yourself. It’s very alluring to him. “Would you like to join us tonight? Some sort of party, like a small thing.” he asks unsure of how you’ll respond. At this point he knows that you aren’t a fan of large gatherings but he’s trying to help you out of your shell. “Yea, I would actually.” you say with a smile. You can tell by the look on his face that he’s pleasantly surprised. “Great, I’ll message you.” he says before he continues on his way.
You haven’t been struggling in keeping up with your schoolwork yet, but that’s because you try not go out too much. You’ve been trying to let loose a little, as that’s what you told yourself you would do once you got to college. Though you’ve never been the most outgoing person, being around Felix makes you feel different. You look forward to every moment you get to spend with him.
-“I’ll meet you in the corridor again around 9 yea?”
-“Sounds good, I’m just getting ready now.”
-“I trust you’ll look great in whatever you wear ;).”
You feel your cheeks growing hot and a wide smile across your face. Now you really have to find something nice to wear. Something sexy. Or not. You still don’t know how you really feel about Felix. It’s feels as if there’s something between you too but neither of you are sure what. You decide to go with a form fitting silver sequined dress. Low cut, but not too low. Just enough for your jewelry to perfectly drape over your chest. To make it more casual you decide to toss on a black leather jacket and some black boots. Lastly you do your makeup and your hair. A soft yet sultry smokey eye and pinky nude lip with brown lip liner. You keep your hair down. This time you beat Felix downstairs and see him as he opens the door to look for you near the stairs. He sees you and his eyes widen. He reaches for your hand and you walk outside to meet everyone else. “You look.. stunning y’know.” he says with a grin. Annabelle gives you a slightly dirty look. “Looks like someone didn't get the memo about the dress code.” she says dressed in a tight black tank top and a mini skirt. “I think this is just fine actually.” Felix interjects. The whole walk you feel Felix’s eyes on your body, now thinking that you should have chose the other option as opposed to the sexy one. The problem is not the way he’s looking at you, it’s the fact that you like it. Arriving at the party you see a few familiar faces from other gatherings you gone to with Felix. He and Ollie plop down on the couch. You find your eyes drifting towards him as he spreads his long legs. Annabelle and India walk over to the drinks and you follow closely behind. Somehow you find yourself with a beer filled cup making conversation with some other guy across the room from Felix. He notices and doesn’t like it. You’d be able to see it on his face if you were paying attention. Gesturing towards Annabelle and India, Oliver suggests that Felix “eenie meenies” one of them and takes them home because they look miserable. Not too long ago Felix had been hooking up with Annabelle and India off and on, which you knew but it still bothered you everytime you would notice them leave with him. Felix notices that you look more uncomfortable than anyone else in the room which concerned him. “Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he squeals let him go.. errr.. you’re out boy-scout.” he says gesturing towards you. Oliver sits there surprised. Felix stands up and walks in your direction. The man you’re talking to stops to look up at him and Felix takes your hand. You stand up a bit confused but happy regardless. “What do you say we get out of here?” You nod with a soft smile on your face. You begin walking in front of him when you feel his large hand plant a soft smack on your butt. Your heart nearly skips a beat but you continue walking with him as if nothing happened. Annabelle looks pissed which delighted you.
Felix wraps his arm around your waist as you walk back towards the dorm. You can feel the warmth of his body against yours and you almost melt. “Where are we going?” you ask as you look up into his eyes. “Where do you wanna go?” he asks with a smirk. Before you can answer, you hear the sound of thunder striking. Rain starts to pour and before you know it you and Felix are both soaked. His button up clings to his chiseled figure, your eyes may pop out your head if you looked any closer. He uses his height to your advantage and almost curls over you to protect from the rain the best he can. You both pick up speed and you reach his building soon. He opens the door for you, and you go in. He follows quickly after you. When you reach his room he unlocks the door and gestures toward his bay window. You plop down on the cushion as he closes the door and takes off his shoes. You pull both your boots off and lay them to the side. “We’re dripping.” he says as he chuckles. He walks towards his dresser and pulls out two oversized shirts. He places one in your lap. You hold it up with confusion plastered over your face. “What am I supposed to do with this?” you ask. “Put it on of course, what kind of guy would I be if I let you sit there all cold and wet?” he says as if it’s obvious. “Alright but you have to turn around.” you hesitantly agree. He playfully cover his eyes and spins in the other direction. You quickly slip the shirt over your dress and then pull it off from underneath. It was a bit short but it will do for now. “Finished?” he asks. “Yea, you’re okay now.” He turns back around and begins to unbutton his shirt. “Oh but you have to turn around!” he laughs as he mocks you. You roll your eyes, which he likes. You’re not sure if you start drooling or not when he take off his shirt but you know for a fact that didn’t look away once. “Enjoying the show?” he asks. You quickly break eye contact with his abs and look away. He can tell that your embarrassed. “I’m only joking y/n, y’know I like to give the ladies what they want.” For some reason hearing him reference “giving the ladies what they want” stings. Probably because it forces you to remember that you’re not the only girl he’s ever given any attention, which was dumb to think anyway.
You start putting your hair into to two braids still not saying anything. He pulls his pants down and slips on another pair of shorts over his boxers. You start fidgeting with your necklace after you finish your braids just to have something to do with your hands. Felix then comes to sit next to you. He notices your necklaces and extends his hands out to hold them, his knuckles grazing your chest as he observes them. “I got most of these for Christmas last year.” you say not knowing how to fill the silence. “Yea.. they’re nice.” he says still playing with them in his fingers. He looks up to meet your face, slowly moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips. “You’re gorgeous y’know?” he says, eyes almost twinkling. You smile and say “You are too.” He looks away shyly, which you’ve never seen him do. When he looks back you admire his features just like he did yours. His pink lips, his downward deep brown eyes, his sun-kissed skin. You reach out your thumb to feel his lips, softly rolling over the bottom, then the top. You can feel his lips curling into a smile under your touch. He raises his hand to grip yours. You both sit like that for a minute before you place your hand back in your lap. “Well we should get to bed.” you say. “Right.” Felix says looking slightly disappointed. Before he can stand up you lean forward and press a soft kiss against his lips. You pull away for a moment before he pulls you closer by your waist. This time the kiss doesn’t stop for at least a two minutes. You find yourself running your hands under his shirt and over his perfectly sculpted body. When you finally do stop you both smile at each other before stands up and gestures towards his bed. At first you’re hesitant. In high school you never had a boyfriend so this was the most physical intimacy you’ve ever had with a man. Thankfully Felix had pure intentions and only wanted to go to sleep. You lay down on the inner part of the bed and he follows behind you laying right next to you. You both lay forehead to forehead, eye to eye. He wraps his arm around you and your wrap yours around his waist. “Goodnight.” he says before planting a kiss on your nose. “Goodnight.” you say back with a smile.
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midnightsnyx · 10 months
what if i told you (i love you) part 3 - joel miller
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pairing: joel miller!fem reader
chapter summary: with Joel and Ellie still in Jackson, you try to navigate your confusing feelings towards Joel. warnings: small mentions of violence, angst, fluff, swearing I think. let me know if i missed anything please! also this isn't edited at all. if you know tlou and wanna beta this story, that would be lovely <3 word count: 3k masterlist series masterpost ask box tag list form
authors note: thought I abandoned this story? same. so it's been a hot minute, and I'm not sure if anyone is still interested in this story but it's been in the back of my mind and then 3k words poured out of me at work today. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, but I hope you like it anyways. I'll tag the people who asked, but I know it's been MONTHS so if you want to be removed from the tag list, send me a message and if you want to be added to the list, fill out this form. if you've got any questions, comments or thoughts, my ask box is here or just leave a comment in the notes:). thanks for reading, like & hit that reblog button if you enjoy it🩵
When Jack was first born, you went through a rough time. You were a new mom in a post-apocalyptic world and still trying to get over the betrayal you felt from Joel. You spent many nights at the kitchen table with Maria or Avery, crying or sitting in silence and feeling numb. The hardest nights were when you missed him, because that meant feeling weak and you hated letting yourself feel like you needed him. 
Your task of avoiding him during his stay in Jackson is becoming particularly difficult because of the duckling you seem to have acquired. Ellie trails after you nearly anywhere you and Jack go and Joel has no intention of letting Ellie out of his sight for longer than a few hours. A small part of you is jealous that he seems to see the girl as a daughter when he wouldn’t even accept Jack but you can’t blame her, so you let her tag along while pretending Joel isn’t always hovering in the background like a mother hen. During movie night, you seat Jack with Ellie and go stand in the back with the adults. Brad, one of the men around your age immediately comes over and tries to strike up a conversation with you. He’s nice enough, and not hard on the eyes but you never really let yourself make time for dating. You have your hands full with your kid so you just smile politely but entertain him, listening to him talk about going on patrol but tune him out when he begins bragging about taking out a pack of clickers. You know his story isn’t true because Avery was on the same patrol as him and told you when the clickers showed up, he hid while everyone else took care of it. 
At some point, you can feel a pair of eyes on you and immediately you know who it is without having to look. You’re trying to ignore it but his eyes feel like they’re burning a hole in your head so you turn to look and as you do, he quickly walks out of the building. You don’t know what comes over you, but you excuse yourself from your conversation with Brad and follow Joel outside. He didn’t go far, you find him leaning against the wall near the door a few feet away, arms crossed and deep in thought. It’s close to impossible to sneak up on him unless he’s feeling safe or is with someone he trusts. You’re apparently neither anymore because his head shoots up as soon as you get close.
He stares at you, mouth opening and closes a few times before he looks back at the ground and scuffing his boot in the dirt. You’ve no idea why you even followed him out here in the first place and after a few more seconds of silence, you start to head back inside but his voice stops you just as it did a few nights ago. He still has this invisible hold on you and you can’t understand why.
“Sarah,” he mumbles so quietly you wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t silent outside. “Her name was Sarah and she was my entire world and she’s gone.”
Tommy had admitted to you on one of your bad nights while he and Maria were trying to comfort you that Joel had lost a daughter. You’d put two and two together after Tommy made the memorial with Maria’s late son and the name Sarah who you knew was neither of theirs.
“Yeah,” you whisper, hating the ache in your chest you feel for him. You can’t imagine losing Jack but you don’t know if you can accept what he is insinuating. You can hear him walk towards you and you fight the urge to leave because as much as you don’t want to be around him, this is the first time he’s opened up to you. 
“I thought it’d be replacin’ her,” he mumbles and you realize he means Jack. That accepting another child would mean replacing his late daughter. 
You turn around to find him closer than you were expecting and take a step backwards, almost toppling backwards but his arms reach out and catch you. He doesn’t let go immediately, hands firm and steady gripping your arms exactly how you remember. For a moment, neither of you move. It’s as if you’re in a trance and it only breaks when the door flies open and Jack comes running out the door with Ellie chasing after him.
You pull away from Joel, picking up Jack when he reaches for you. 
“Mama! The movie’s over,” he says and then frowns. “You were gone.”
“I came out for some fresh air.”
He grumbles and tucks his face in the crook of your neck. “‘S cold,” 
You’re about to respond when Joel shrugs his thick brown jacket off and drapes it over Jack but it’s big enough that it covers you as well. 
You mumble a quiet thanks, ignoring the curious look Ellie gives you both and bid goodbye to the both of them, promising the girl that you would see her tomorrow. 
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It was inevitable, you realize, sitting at the table listening to Jack tell Joel and Ellie a story you’d told him too often. 
“And-and then the Prince saved the Princess from a huge monster who’s teeth go click click click and then they went to Fred and Bob’s house for dinner!” 
You can feel Joel’s eyes on you the entire time Jack is telling them the story. He’s clearly piecing together that this isn’t just some made up story you told your son but a kid-friendly version of something that happened between you and Joel. It was shortly before you left Boston, Joel and yourself going to Bill and Franks for something. You’d been distracted because it was just after you found out you were pregnant and hadn’t told anyone yet and you turned your back for a split second while you were in the wrong place and nearly torn apart by a clicker. Joel had been furious, saying you needed to be more careful but he couldn’t have been that mad because after lecturing you for ten minutes, he’d pinned you against a tree and kissed you until you couldn’t remember your name.
It was one of the last times he had kissed you before you told him you were pregnant and then left Boston. 
“Quite a story,” Joel says, looking at Jack who proudly smiles at the older man's comment. “Does the Princess have a name?”
Jack gives you a curious look and when you don’t say anything, he shrugs and looks back at Joel.
“Mama never said.” 
Ellie snickers quietly, obviously also realizing that the story is based on actual events. Joel gives her a look but she doesn’t back down despite his glare. She leans towards Jack and grins. 
“Do you have any more stories about the Prince and Princess?” 
Simultaneously, you and Joel both say “no” a little too loudly which earns the two of you some looks. 
“I think it’s time for someone to go to school,” you say, standing up and offering your hand to Jack who grumbles but climbs off his chair and requests to be picked up by you rather than walk. You know you’re probably babying him but he’s growing too quick and soon he won’t want to be carried around by his mom so you’re cherishing every moment. 
You chance a look at Joel before you leave and he’s wearing the softest expression you’ve probably ever seen on him and it makes your stomach do somersaults and cheeks warm. It’s probably a bad idea, no it’s definitely a bad idea but when it comes to Joel Miller, you always made bad choices. 
“You guys can walk with us if you’d like,” you say and Ellie is out of her chair before you even finish the sentence. Joel looks a little more hesitant but he still doesn’t like going far without the girl in his sight so he follows the three of you outside. 
Of course by the time you get to the small school Jackson has, Jack is more than happy to go in and play with his friends. He gives you, Ellie, and a startled Joel hugs before running inside without looking back. You’re grateful that you have a place here where Jack can have as close to a normal childhood one can have in this world. You can’t imagine if you’d stayed in Boston what kind of upbringing he would’ve had. You certainly don’t miss it there, aside from the nights you missed Joel which were far and few in between up until he showed up here. The reason he’s here is still unclear although you have a suspicion Tommy knows more than what he’s told you and even Maria. The length of Joel and Ellie’s stay is also not known. You were expecting them to just need to stop and get supplies before continuing their journey but they’re still here and you have no idea when they’ll be leaving.   
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You’re not sure what possessed you to invite Joel and Ellie to your little house for dinner but here you are, chopping vegetables to make soup. Jack is still at school and the soup will take time to cook but Ellie insisted on helping you prepare it and Joel said he needed to go see Tommy. It’s kind of nice to have company even if it’s in the form of a fourteen year old. Said fourteen year old has been awfully quiet the past twenty minutes and you can tell she’s wanting to ask you something but is stopping herself. 
“Go ahead,” you eventually say, tired of her silence. 
“Joel is Jack’s dad, isn’t he?” 
You’re so tempted to say no, only for the fact that she obviously looks up to Joel and you don’t know who she would look at as the bad guy. And honestly is the best policy, right?
“Yeah,” you tell her, noticing when her shoulders deflate. 
She’s quiet for another five minutes before asking, “Did Joel tell you to leave?”
You’re quick to answer this question because as wrong as what Joel did was, it was your decision to leave Boston and you don’t want to put some wedge between them.
“No, I left because I wanted a better life for Jack.” It’s not a complete lie, Joel is part of why you left but you really did want a better life for your son than what he would’ve had in Boston. 
“Alright,” she eventually says and then: “Can you pass me another carrot?” 
And that’s that. You both chat about random things, she tells you some terrible puns and you buckle and reluctantly tell her some more stories of when you, Joel and Tess lived in Boston. She tells you that Joel won’t talk about Tess and she feels guilty about her death. You listen quietly, letting her spill out things she must have been holding in knowing Joel didn’t want to hear it. 
“I knew Tess really well,” you tell her. “She wouldn’t have done what she did if she didn’t think it was worth it.” 
Ellie looks at you hesitantly. “Yeah?”
You nod and she smiles a little before asking if she can come with you to pick up Jack, but you tell her that Avery is going to pick him up and drop him here. Since you’ve got some quiet time, you decide to do some cleaning while Ellie goes to the house she and Joel have been staying at to take a shower. 
It’s a couple hours later when there’s a knock on your door and you’re figuring it’s Avery with Jack so when you open the door, you almost drop the broom you’re holding when you see Joel standing in front of you and Jack in his arms. You start to ask why Joel has Jack and where Avery is when you see the woman in question standing at the bottom of the stairs with a sheepish smile on her face. 
“We, uh, ran into Mr. Miller on our way here and Jack insisted that he come with us,” she explains but you can’t stop looking at the duo in front of you. Jack is smiling, arms wrapped around Joel’s neck and telling him a story but Joel is watching you warily, like he’s expecting you to yell or something.
“Hi mama,” Jack says but makes no move to leave Joel’s arms. In fact, he looks very pleased that the older man is carrying him. 
“Hi baby,” you reply, unsure what to do. You don’t want to upset Jack by taking him from Joel but you can’t tell if the latter is uncomfortable. Avery, sensing the tension, smiles brightly and waves awkwardly.
“I gotta go feed Lucy,” she says, already walking backwards. “See ya, Jack!”
Jack shouts goodbye to Avery and you finally snap out of your stupor, stepping back to let Joel walk inside. He toes off his boots and you’re about to offer to take his jacket when you realize he’s not wearing one because you never gave him it back last night. 
“Dinner smells good,” he says, following you to the living room where Jack finally wriggles out of Joel’s arms but only to get a toy to show him. 
“Look Mr. Miller,” the boy says, offering a wooden train that you gave him for his birthday. An older gentleman in the town made it for you after hearing Jack talking about how much he loved looking at pictures of trains. 
“That’s a really nice train,” Joel compliments, sitting down on the couch. Jack immediately climbs up and settles down next to him, chatting about the toy and you watch as Joel listens intently, nodding at the right times and you remember that he’s done this before, it may have been twenty years ago, but he’s dealt with an excited almost five-year-old.
The front door opening and closing tears your attention away from them and you look to find Ellie walking towards you, shrugging off her jacket. She lays it on the rocking chair and then plops down next to Jack, shooting you a small smile. There’s something in her expression that is sadder than when she left and you wonder if something happened since she left but you don’t bother asking her now. Instead, you go set the table and check the soup to make sure it’s done before calling everyone to the kitchen. Jack makes sure his chair is as close to Joel’s as he can get it so he can keep talking to him.
You have heavily conflicted feelings about the relationship growing between them. On one hand, it’s kind of nice that Jack is getting to know his dad, even if he doesn’t know Joel is his father. On the other hand, if you let Jack get too attached to Joel, it’ll break his heart when he and Ellie leave. So, you decide tonight after Jack is gone to bed and Ellie goes home, you’ll sit Joel down and ask him why he’s here and when he’s leaving.
Of course that doesn’t happen because Ellie and Jack pass out on the sofa after reading every children's book you own and you and Joel end up sitting at the table, drinking some liquor Maria had given you that you never got around to drinking. You’re not drunk, but you’re tipsy enough that you feel relaxed around Joel and laugh at whatever he’s saying. It almost feels like Boston, when the days were so long and dark that all you wanted to do was sit and drink with him and eventually wind up in bed together. 
Except now, you’ve got two kids who are sleeping in the living room and no intention of going to bed with him. Well, maybe if you let yourself have a few more glasses and if there weren’t kids in the other room but that’s just the alcohol in your system making you think things you shouldn’t.
“Do you remember when Frank asked how long we’d been dating?” He asks and you snort at the memory. You didn’t know at the time why Frank would even think that since you and Joel had been bickering the entire time you were at dinner, and Tess had to tell the two of you to knock it off multiple times. She had choked on her water when you asked why Frank thought you were dating and he said that it was because the two of you reminded him of Bill and himself.  
“Yeah, Tess nearly choked because she was laughing when we simultaneously shouted no and then Bill caught us making out behind his house,” you say, smiling behind a sip of your drink. He doesn’t react to you saying Tess’s name and just shakes his head with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. He tilts his head a little so he’s looking at you and not the ceiling. 
“If I thought it covered the pain I caused you, I’d say sorry,” he says quietly and a little broken. 
You look away, swallowing loudly. “Well, sorry would be a start.” 
You don’t say that you’re not sure if you can forgive him, even if he did say sorry. Even if he knelt in front of you and begged, you’re not sure if you could push past the last five years. Every night you spent sobbing into your pillow in Boston while you waited for him to come back after you told him you were pregnant. Every bad night you had here in Jackson, thinking of why he did it.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers softly, like it’s a secret. 
Blinking back tears, you clear your throat and nod. “Thank you.” 
Thank you but I can’t forgive you, goes unsaid. But a little voice in the back of your mind whispers, I can't forgive you yet and you can’t help but believe it a little bit.
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tag list: @sloanexx @wandering-poetess @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @chiogarza @jellybeanxc @iranispunk @imonmykneessir @wakaladjarin @sleepylunarwolf @pedropascalfan221 @abovenyx @starjoyyy @shuriri4life @cavillary @absolukeyrh @uwiuwi @keileighr @whitemanshoe19 @mishasminion360 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @praline357 if you wanna be removed, please let me know <3 i know it's been awhile!!
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sirianasims · 5 months
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I was near my due date when Griffin called a house meeting.
“Listen guys, as much as I love living here with y’all, I’ll be moving out in a few months. Daria and I are getting married, can you believe it? So we’re moving in together, probably buying a house in the suburbs where we can pretend that we’re real, functional adults.”
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Jessica squealed with excitement.
“Whaaat? You proposed to Daria?”
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“Of course not. She proposed to me.”
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I was stunned. I mean, it wasn’t like it was against the law or anything, but I didn’t know any other girls who had done that.
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“Freya, stop looking like you’ve seen a ghost. Daria is a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to get it. Why should she wait around for me to stop slacking? It’s one of the things I love most about her. She takes charge. Everywhere.”
He winked.
Jessica punched him in the shoulder.
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“Too much information, Griffster. It’s more than enough that we can hear you guys sometimes.”
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“Sorry, I’d ask her to keep it down, but the gag makes it hard for me to speak, you see.”
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“And the handcuffs make it impossible to remove the gag!”
We all laughed, but I couldn’t quite let the mental picture of Griffin and Daria go.
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We had all been unfortunate enough to walk in on them by accident. It was definitely something you only did once before you learned to always knock, even if the door was ajar.
Samuel and I were quite the opposite. He was so careful with me, like I was something fragile, or an easily spooked animal. And not just because I was heavily pregnant, it had been like that since the first time.
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And he wasn’t just controlled in bed. Sometimes, if he was frustrated about something, he felt like a tightly wound spring that could go off at any time, but he never did. Samuel was always measured, composed, and polite.
I wanted to make him lose that control, just a little. The sex wasn’t bad, not that I had much to compare with, but we had definitely never been at risk of disturbing the neighbours the way Griffin and Daria did.
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That night, I was awakened by a dull ache in my back, much stronger than the small twinges of pain I’d been feeling for a few days now. I woke Samuel up.
“I think it’s time.”
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“Is she asleep?”
“Yeah, seems like it.”
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Samuel came over and put his arms around me. For a moment, we just looked at her.
Hailey. Our daughter. We’d made her and now she was here. Even though it had been almost a month, the thought still blew my mind. And scared me.
When I learned to drive, someone told me what to do and what not to do, and gave me a license afterwards to prove that I knew what I was doing. There were no licenses for babies. They just let you take them home from the hospital by yourself, expecting you to figure it out.
It was terrifying. And amazing.
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“Samuel, I want another one.”
He let out a quiet laugh.
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“Another baby? Freya, we just had Hailey. Not only would your body benefit from at least a full year to recover, we also need to figure out what we’re doing when Griffin moves out.”
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“I know. But I want more, I want at least two or three. And I don’t want them to be ten years apart like me and my sister. I want them to be friends.”
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“I get that, but still. And don’t you want some time back at work before we have more kids?”
I looked at Hailey. She was so tiny, so fragile. She depended on us for everything. Back to work meant endless training, weekends and evenings spent on matches. And Samuel would work long hours when he became a resident doctor. We’d be leaving Hailey with strangers for most of the day.
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“No. Samuel, I don’t want to go back. Could we… could I maybe stay at home for a while? I don’t want to get a nanny or send her to daycare. I want to be there for her. And you’re going to be so busy when you start your residency, she’d never see either of us.”
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“Freya, are you sure? If you skip out on your contract, you risk never getting signed again. What if you can’t go back? And how long would you stay home? Have you thought this through?”
“Samuel, this is really important to me. I don’t care about the contract. I want to stay home until we’re done having kids, maybe until the youngest gets ready for kindergarten. And if that takes ten years, then I’ll figure out what to do then. I just – I don’t want to abandon our baby.”
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“Daycare is hardly abandonment. I know you have some issues, but I promise she’d be perfectly fine. But listen, this is your decision, your career, and I’m not going to argue. If you feel this strongly about it, we’ll make it work.”
“I do. Thank you.”
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He put his arms around me again, pressing his cheek against mine.
“I guess I better look for residency somewhere affordable, then.”
beginning / previous / next
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