#seokjin ideal type
evillemons · 1 month
~ a manifestation of his ideal girlfriend. Continuation into part 2 and part 3. Masterlist here.
Key words: Soft-spoken, nurturing, feminine, traditional, introverted.
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Her personality:
• Out of the members, the type of person that Jin would date seems to have the most consensus among the fandom.
• I think we can all agree that Jin wants the traditional housewife type.
• Someone who can take care of him and support him.
• Kind, soft-spoken, nurturing, and somewhat submissive.
• She would be mature and motherly, but not in a prudent or matronly way.
• Probably not particularly ambitious in terms of her career, but may hold an associate’s degree in marketing or education. I could also see her as a midwife or nurse if she chose to work.
• A homebody type. Is content spending time alone, but might enjoy the occasional wine night with one or two close girlfriends.
• A generally pleasant and optimistic person that loves to please and make other people happy.
• She and her house are always neat and tidy. She always comes across as well put together and organized.
• Would enjoy gardening and reading in her free time. She might have a little vegetable or herb garden in her backyard.
• She also needs to love jokes and indulge Jin with his dry sense of humor…
• She might even joke back with him, leading them both to laughing tears.
• MBTI: ISFJ. A good homemaker and caretaker who wants to make sure that everyone feels happy and loved. Is very introverted, but cares deeply for the people close to her.
Her looks and sexuality:
• Feminine, but not in a cutesy way, maybe a little more womanly.
• Generally petite but with slight curves.
• She might have one “well endowed” feature, such as wide hips, that she is insecure about (that Jin actually loves).
• Shorter and younger (possibly by 5 years even). He needs to feel as though he can fulfill his traditional masculine role.
• I don’t even need to say that she must be Korean. A woman with the same traditions and customs he is used to.
• Probably doesn’t fit Korean beauty standards in the way Jimin’s girlfriend does, but very pretty and kind-looking nonetheless.
• Her style is classic, relaxed, and modest; not particularly fashionable or eccentric.
• She definitely would not dare to get a tattoo. She probably wears some dainty, dangly earrings in her first lobe piercing, but no piercings other than that.
• Neutral, light colored clothing (beiges and whites) and keeps her hair her natural deep black-brown.
• She might also be relatively pale due to her lack of sun exposure.
• As for sexuality, she is straight as a pin, no doubt.
*side note: I would really love to see him surprise us all one day and reveal that he is dating someone we completely don’t expect, like a foreign woman. It would be shocking, but in an amazing way (or even more so, a man. He did say his celebrity crush is Brad Pitt).
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lagoonalake · 4 months
Can we get BTS ideal type? 👀💕
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Personality: 6 of cups, the empress, 9 of wands
Someone very giving, compassionate, feminine, healing. A strong support. Very warm soothing presence. Very calming. More of a homebody. Fiercely protective of him and their privacy/home/family if they were to have one. He has a lot of love to give and wants to pamper his partner, so someone ready to receive affection and ready to settle. Physical touch is important. He also would most likely want children. Someone good with kids. Motherly. Nurturing. Sensual. cancer, taurus, leo
Appearance: 2 of wands, 9 of swords, the star
Someone who looks a little like him, who mirrors his features or matches him physically. Nice legs. A more mature, reassuring, soothing, motherly quality. More regular looking than sexy idol. Feminine but strong appearance. Can both look cuddly and fierce. "The typical mom". A more classic or casual style. He likes the teacher look, glasses, and it’s not the “sexy teacher” type, more like reassuring, warm teacher type. He finds someone being good with kids or cooking attractive.  cancer, leo, taurus
Turn offs: 4 of pentacles, knight of swords, 9 of wands
Someone clingy, possessive, jealous, aggressive. He likes a bit of fierceness, but too much defensiveness turns him off. Someone harsh with words, with no compassion, selfish. Someone who is never happy, always looking for a fight. aries, mars, scorpio
Personality: 4 of swords, 9 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles
Honestly, I’m not sure he really is open for love. Companionship maybe, but deep emotional connection probably not. He basically would prefer someone who is not too stressful, gives him some company and appreciates all the abundance he has to offer. He doesn’t seem open to offer much else unfortunately right now. So his type could be someone who is in need of money, or who would really value the material aspect of the relationship. Sugar daddy vibes lol. earth signs, especially taurus
Appearance: the tower, 2 of cups, the moon
It’s more about the chemistry and the impression that this person gives rather than specific traits. Someone he would feel a deep intimate connection with. He tends to rarely fall for someone but when he does it’s head over heels and it comes out of the blue. Someone who makes a big impression on him. Could like a thicker, meatier body type. Someone a bit mysterious but with an intense aura. scorpio, pisces, aries, taurus, uranus
Turn offs: king of swords, the magician, the moon
Trickster, people who are trying to gaslight him, manipulate him especially with their words. Cold, detached, overly intellectual people who like to listen to the sound of their own voice. People pleasers who hide behind a mask, who are fake, hypocritical, two faced. negative air signs
Personality: knight of wands, 10 of wands, the sun
Big personalities. Someone with a lot of energy, adventurous, confident, assertive, very fun and connected to their inner child. Someone who is creative, optimistic. Who wants to travel. Someone very active, never stopping, always in movement. Someone able to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. Someone with a lot of charisma and authority, with leadership skills. Inspiring, motivating. A self starter with great success that comes mainly from their own hard work and skills.  fire signs, capricorn
Appearance: 7 of wands, 2 of wands, 9 of cups
Someone athletic and fit, quite muscular especially the abs, someone who looks confident, expressive face, what you see is what you get type of face. Sexy and revealing outfits. Bright smile. Androgynous look. Short hair. Think baddie rapper style sort of vibe. Creative style, bright colors. Artsy street fashion. aries, pisces, sagittarius
Turn offs: 3 of swords, 8 of pentacles, page of swords
Backstabbers, cheaters, hiding things from him, lack of trust in the relationship, someone who plays mind games. Immaturity, people who are too fidgety, who never stick to anything, can never finish what they start. Someone who on the contrary is so slow moving that you never see the end of it. Someone always in a bad mood, grumpy. negative gemini, pisces, sagittarius, virgo
Personality: the tower, 4 of swords, the emperor
Very strong explosive personalities. All or nothing. In your face. Very passionate and who would make a strong impression on him. Someone respectable, with a certain authority. Well established. Someone protective. Interestingly someone not too complicated intellectually, but who still is able to think by themselves, not easily influenced, but just not the type to overthink everything. A more simple type of mind, who maybe sees things in a more black and white sort of manner. Someone who would turn his life upside down, he likes the whole transformative process.  aries, scorpio, leo, uranus, sagittarius
Appearance: the lovers, wheel of fortune, 2 of wands
His type changes depending on who he fancies. He’s going to find attractive traits he thought nothing of before just because his current lover has those traits. So he is rather open to different looks. But the physical attraction needs to be present, whatever that person looks like, he’s not attracted just to the mind. It’s more about chemistry and the spark than aesthetics. 
Turn offs: the hierophant, queen of pentacles, page of wands
Narrow minded, overly traditional people who just think the way they do because that’s what they learned and they don’t look beyond that. People obsessed with money, possessions, the material life. On the other hand, people who have no stability, who are reckless, disconnected from reality and immature.  negative taurus, capricorn, sagittarius, aries
Personality: queen of wands, 9 of pentacles, the devil
Someone fun and with a lot of humor. Joyful, who appreciate life to the fullest. Confident, sexy, an extrovert. Creative and enterprising. Who likes to party. He probably meet a lot of his lovers at parties too. He tends to be involved in rather toxic relationships though, it doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes he lets himself be used by people interested in his fame and money, by the luxury he can offer, narcissistic people who want to further their career or show him off and dominate him in the relationship. He's not fooled by them but he lets them because he feels lonely. And he can be a bit clingy and needy, so he needs to be more picky with his partners. leo, taurus, gemini
Appearance: queen of swords, 10 of wands, 3 of pentacles
Haughty looking, a bit vain, but beautiful. Cold beauties who play hard to get. Very stylish, trendy. Not too revealing but sexy. Charming voice and smile. Colorful, artistic, original fashion style. Elaborate make up and hairdo. Someone who could look a bit mean or out of reach at first. But at times he would catch their cute sides. I’m hearing “a tease”. Someone from his environment.  capricorn, libra, scorpio, gemini, aquarius
Turn offs: 9 of wands, king of swords, the sun
Basically the same qualities he is attracted to but when it’s not fun anymore and it makes him feel powerless or disrespected, emasculated. Someone so on the defensive that all sense of attraction is lost. Someone so cold and detached, so inflexible there is no way to make them melt. Someone too domineering, who makes all the decisions and acts like the ultimate authority, hyper critical, all of which I feel must have happened a lot in his more toxic relationships. negative aries, leo, aquarius, capricorn
Personality: queen of wands, 10 of swords, the hermit
He could be attracted to people who went through a lot, but who present themselves in a very cheerful or confident manner, even though in private they may suffer quite a lot. Maybe he is attracted to wounded souls that he wants to save. Despite this, he is attracted first to someone successful. So if he’s going to pick this wounded soul, it will likely be amongst his own circle. Someone who would impress him. Passionate, independent. Someone who can manage on their own. Can be very fun and charismatic on the outside but is more of a loner and deeper than you’d think.  capricorn, virgo, sagittarius, saturn
Appearance: 4 of wands, 9 of pentacles, queen of pentacles
Marriage material, very beautiful, looks play a big part in who he's going to go for, personality isn't enough. Sensual, sophisticated, nothing too flashy. Rich, warm earthy colors. Brown, green, beige, gold…Radiant complexion. Someone who looks like him or mirrors his looks, is on par with him when it comes to beauty. A certain fullness to their features, full hips, full lips, slim, beautiful radiant smile. Calm, soothing, slow energy. Someone who smells good. taurus, virgo, capricorn, libra
Turn offs: king of wands, ace of wands, 7 of wands
People who are loud and invasive, domineering, who want to decide for everyone. Self centered people. Loud. People who disrespect him. Impulsive, aggressive, childish people lead by their ego. People who are too easy to read, too spontaneous. fire signs
Personality: queen of swords, 4 of cups, the moon
People who are a bit cold, hard to get to know, who have strong boundaries. Intelligent, quiet, subtle. Could even seem a bit bored at first, uninterested. Calm, mature, reserved, independent, a bit remote. People who are a bit mysterious. It’s possible he is attracted to those shy private cold types and projects some kind of romantic depth onto them, he thinks there is something hidden behind the closed off exterior when there isn’t, sometimes they are just empty inside. Most of the times (more and more as he matures) he is right though, and those people really are warmer than they appear. pisces, capricorn, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: the star, 6 of pentacles, knight of cups
Soft, calm, mature and collected. Kind eyes. He would be attracted to someone who is kind with animals or is helpful to others, especially people in needs. Natural beauty, “like a light in the darkness” sort of beauty, a more simple style, doesn’t need much to stand out, effortless beauty. Soft, soothing gestures. Someone who looks "skilled" and "talented" at what they do. virgo, pisces, libra
Turn offs: 8 of wands, 8 of swords, 5 of cups
People who try to disrespect him out of envy or because of their own poor self esteem. Impulsive, loud, reckless people. Stupidity. People who play the victim and whine all the time, chronic complainers. People who are loud, talk too much, reveal too much about themselves, people who only have one topic of conversation: themselves and all their problems. XD cancer, gemini, pisces, leo, aries
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jjkgyu · 2 years
thank u so much for 500 followers i love u all !! ♡
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kim seokjin
seokjin shows affection by doting on you. he loves to cook your favourite meals for you after hard days. he goes grocery shopping with you and buys anything that you randomly throw in the cart. seokjin showers you with compliments from the minute you get up in the morning, and presses kisses across your face to wake you up. he nags you when you’re not taking care of yourself and runs you baths whenever you feel sick. seokjin is the true gentleman, never letting you strain yourself to open a jar and he always holds the door for you and opens your car door without fail. seokjin catches your eye from across the room and winks at you, and he always talks highly of you in social settings to the point where he can’t help but brag about you.
kim namjoon
namjoon loves to show affection with you. he recommends you his favourite books and movies and he buys you random stuffed toys or little plants that remind him of you. he attempts to cook for you when he knows you’ve had a rough day, and he gives you the most genuine advice to help you. he loves taking you on dates to parks and cafes where the two of you can talk for hours. namjoon wraps you in his jacket whenever you’re cold and he lets you borrow his sweatshirts because he loves how cute you look. he lets you rest your head on his shoulder when he can tell you’re getting tired, and he loves to stroke your hair to help you fall asleep.
min yoongi
yoongi shows a lot of affection in subtle ways. he always passes you heat packs when he notices you’re cold, and he intertwines his hands with yours whenever he’s walking by your side. he keeps an eye on you at all times in social settings and is the type to always defend you if you’re not there. he won’t let you do anything other than rest in bed if you’re sick, and he brings you food and medicine with a forehead kiss. yoongi spends time with your family and becomes close with them because he knows how much it means to you. yoongi never fails to ask about your day, and he drops everything to sit and listen to you talk, running his fingertips along your sides. 
jung hoseok
hoseok is the ideal boyfriend when showing affection. he is the type to want to know everything about you, and he listens so intently whenever you speak. he texts you things that remind him of you and he takes you on dates often, wanting to experience new places and new food with you. he picks up your calls on the first ring and he’s logged in to your online shopping accounts so he can buy whatever is in your wishlist. he remembers things that you mention liking and buys them for you - even if it was just a dress that caught your eye while walking past. hoseok watches the shows you recommend and listens to the songs you like, and he picks you up whenever you need a ride home even if it’s 2am.
park jimin
jimin loves showering you with affection. his hands have to be on you in some way at all times - around your waist, on your thighs, holding your hand etc. he gives you advice when you can’t decide what to wear, and he watches you get ready in silence as he admires you with a smirk. jimin taps his card to pay for your shopping before you even notice, and he would never let you pay for anything as long as he’s with you. he keeps up with your daily schedules and notices little changes like haircuts and new nails and always compliments them. he video calls you nearly every single night, no matter how tired he is because he loves seeing you and hearing about your day.
kim taehyung
affection is taehyung’s second language. if he knows you have to be up at a certain time, he’ll wake up 10 minutes earlier to make you a coffee and breakfast and have it by your beside table for when you wake up. he orders you a fresh bunch of flowers every week without fail, and texts you random messages throughout the day because he misses you. taehyung loves coordinating his outfit with yours and buys you so many clothes because he can’t help but spoil you. he writes you cute notes before he leaves in the morning, and remembers all of your orders at different food places. taehyung loves to compliment you and his camera roll is full of photos of the two of you.
jeon jungkook
jungkook is so thoughtful when it comes to affection. he feeds you snacks when you’re watching a movie together, and he lights your favourite scented candles before you come over to his place. he makes playlists of songs that he thinks you’ll like, and he back hugs you whenever you’re doing anything. jungkook loves to pinch your cheeks and he picks you up to kiss you after not seeing you in a long time. he always wants to make sure you’ve eaten and he cooks your favourite foods to cheer you up after a hard day. jungkook shows you any video he finds funny to make you laugh, and he never forgets to ask about your family and how your day was. he takes you out for dinner and calls you as soon as he drops you home, talking for hours until you both fall asleep. 
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justimajin · 9 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 14
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ 5.6k / Office AU (lowkey E2L vibes) 
↠ Summary: The workplace isn’t for everyone. It can be mundane and repetitive, with some describing it like a nuisance and others as a blessing. You’re the kind that leans more towards the latter and while it does make you an ideal candidate for many things, nothing could have prepared you for the whirlwind that is the new employee.
↠ Warnings: some swearing, workplace bullying
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GIF credit.
↠ Next Update: Tuesday, October 3 (series masterpost here)
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The office is quiet in the morning.
There’s the soft sound of typing against keyboards, as well as chairs squeaking through the silence. Occasionally, there’s a phone call or two ringing, employee’s leaving and entering while chattering to one another. 
His eyes sway back and forth, hands fidgeting with the seam of his light blue shirt.
“Uh…excuse me–“ A man brushes by him without a second glance and he grimaces, looking around, “Um, Miss–?”
The woman brushes by him as well, too occupied with the time on her watch. He lets out a gentle sigh, shoulders cowering.
“Hey, did you need some help?”
His irises widen at the sound of a voice coming from the long line of cubicles. There’s a young man with dark hair and dressed in a suit seated at one of the desks, staring at him with furrowed brows and away from the plethora of files displayed on his screen.
“Uh, yes!” He steps forward, “I’m trying to look for the Manager.”
“Oh, he should be in the office towards the hallway on the left.” He gestures, but the man before him fidgets.
He points with unease, “Wait, to the left…?”
“Here.” He warmly smiles, doe eyes slightly crinkling as he gets out of his seat. “Follow me.”
A sigh of relief leaves his pouty lips, and he trails after the employee, eyes curiously darting around. The office he was employed in sure is busy, he notes.
“It’s right over here.” The man stands in front of the door, pointing towards it. “You should find the Manager inside.”
“Thank you so much!” He beams and the man chuckles, giving him a small wave.
“It’s no problem.”
Once he departs, he spins around and knocks against the door, waiting until he hears a faint ‘come in’ to enter.
“Hello.” He greets, “I’m the employee that just got hired.”
“Ah…” The elder man before him notes, stroking his beard. “Jaehyun, was it?”
“Jimin.” He politely corrects. “My name is Park Jimin.”
“Ah yes, yes, Jimin.” He repeats, “You were hired as a Customer Service Representative, yes?”
He nods, “It’s good you got here early. Your cubicle should be on the left-hand side, next to where the vending machines are.” The man states, “It’s important you review all of our protocols and codes of conduct before you begin.”
He hands him a few papers to look over before turning back to his work. After a few moments, the papers are filled out and Jimin stands up, returning them back.
The Manager hums in approval and continues, “You’re going to be responsible for many tasks, namely talking to any of our customers that have been having issues with the product. There’s also efforts being made to increase the productivity of our customer service, so remember to take initiative in this product launch.”
Jimin widely grins with a simple response, “Yes, Sir.”
With that, he’s escorted towards his single cubicle amongst other ones. A bright look gleams in his eyes, and he makes sure of greeting everyone with a kind smile as he makes his way to his work station.
Plopping down, he turns on his monitor and glances around as it boots up. There’s a handful of employee’s next to him and he turns right to the one next to him.
“Hi!” He chirps. “My name is Jimin and I’m new here.”
The orange-haired man hums, barely looking in his direction. “Hi.”
His brows furrow, but he persists, “What’s your name?”
“Hi, Sandeul! It’s nice to meet you.” He tilts his head, “How long have you been working here?”
“Seven years.”
His eyes widen, “That’s a long time.”
“It is.”
The conversation is blatantly dry, dissolving from the man’s monotone answers. Yet Jimin continues to smile.
He awkwardly chuckles, turning back to his now gleaming monitor, “Well, I hope we can get to know each other.”
Sandeul hums, his hand still squished against his face as he lifelessly stares at his screen. Jimin decides to focus on his work, quickly running through the programs on his monitor and then briefing himself on any recent customer complaints he can assist with.
Sure enough, the phone rings, and he answers with a sweet tone to his voice.
The office is just as he expected.
It’s busy with dips in productivity, be it with the repetitive routine or the long hours stretching out. For the most part, his job does have some interactive elements, namely working directly one on one with customers and attempting to appease any of their inquiries or complaints. He tries his absolute hardest to resolve issues promptly in a kind manner, even with customers become pressed for time or persist in contacting him several times. Yet, it dwindles within his expectation, his job actually serving up the role he signed up for.
But of course, there are some bumps along the way.
“They’re have been many repercussions from the last product launch, in fact–“
Jimin crosses his legs, placing his hands against his knees. His Manager continues to explain current problems arising from the product as he keeps his eyes trained ahead. It was after all, his first meeting in the department, and he forecasted the usual – a breakdown of the current situation followed up with a discussion.
Thoughts swim around in his mind once his Manager finishes up, and he takes the chance to pitch some of them forward.
“I think that–“
A woman next to him speaks up, “The issues surrounding the last model should have already been solved with the current one.”
He hesitantly smiles, “Right, but if we–“ 
Another man vouches, “Not quite, it seems our customer complaints have only doubled.”
His eyes spark, “Customer loyalty could be a good–“
“What about customer loyalty? Shouldn’t we work on focusing on that?”
His shoulders slump down, the conversation carrying on with ease as if he wasn’t even there. His Manager hums at the opinions being presented forward, stroking his beard.
“That should be our primary focus… are there any suggestions on increasing the brand’s loyalty with this product launch?”
Within mere seconds, more opinions and ideas are being thrown left and right, most of which Jimin can barely keep track of. He’s instead still caught up with desperately trying to break through, his voice somehow disappearing amongst the sea of others.
Yet somewhere in between, he’s granted a silver of a chance.
“I think changing the Marketing of the product would be profitable!”
He clears his throat at the sight of many eyes turning to him, ignoring the sweat collecting at his temples and continuing. “Issues with customer complaints in the last product stemmed from dissatisfaction with functionality, so it would be a good opportunity to rebrand this new product in a different way.”
When only dead silence greets him back, he fidgets in his seat, running a hand through his hand.
“That’s a great suggestion.” His pupils snap up to his own surprise, seeing the faint smile on his Manager’s face.
He sheepishly smiles, “T-Thank you.”
The meeting progresses with the idea in mind and methods of rebranding for optimal customer satisfaction arise. To even more disbelief on his end, Jimin finds his Manager asking him more questions in the midst of facilitating the discussion, an opportunity he doesn’t wait to snatch up. He ignores the multiple eyes lingering on his form, choosing to instead be ecstatic in providing an opinion.
It’s all he can truthfully ask for – that his presence isn’t ignored and his enthusiasm can reign through. But he doesn’t notice that the eyes looking at him aren’t full of admiration.
In fact, many of them brim with disdain.
It’s missing.
He peers around frantically with rounded eyes, scattering papers around on his desk. Even with his abrupt actions, a line of worry mars his forehead when with no aid, is he able to find it.
It’s missing.
The file his Manager gave him.
It’s gone.
The color drains completely from his features and the sheer panic sets in. The file he was given was important – having contained confidential customer information that was only supposed to be for his eyes.
Now it’s gone and he had no clue on what to do.
“Jimin.” The authoritative voice calling out his name sends a haunting chill down his spine.
He turns and catches sight of his Manager, “Does there seem to be a problem?”
“Uh, no!” He quickly clarifies, a nervous laugh leaving him, “I’m just trying to see if there’s a USB port near here.”
“It should be right there.” The man points adjacent to his monitor, where the port is in an obvious manner.
“Ah, yes! I mustn’t have noticed.”
“Well, just pay more attention to your surroundings.” He furiously nods, “And Jimin–“
He freezes, looking at the man with wide pupils, “Yes?”
His Manager gives him a half-smile, “Good job with the report you sent me, I was quite impressed.”
“Oh, thank you….” Although his features flush with the sudden compliment, he’s over the moon at hearing the positive feedback.
His Manager shifts, telling him to keep up the good work before leaving. Jimin watches with a soft smile, but the moment the man disappears from his radar, he’s back to scavenging around his work area in a frenzy.
After a couple of minutes pass by, he takes a step back and stares at his desk. Letting out an exasperated sigh, his irises oscillate, noticing the person sitting right next to his cubicle.
There’s a spark to his eyes, “Sandeul, did you see any paperwork here at my desk?”
The employee barely moves his head. “No.” 
Jimin is baffled, “Really?”
He hums and Jimin runs a shaky hand through his hair. Since he’s failed in searching for the contents, he decides it would be better to retrace his own steps, going back to the locations he was at before he returned to his work station.
Quickening his steps, he chews down on his bottom lip. He peers back and forth, inquiring as many people as he can for assistance, but to his avail – he’s met with only confused and clueless faces.
Following the anxious hunt and pursuit after employee’s for his paperwork, it’s roughly close to an hour’s time when he finally manages to relocate them. However, the location he finds them leaves him a bit unsettled.
Jimin reaches down, picking them up from the trash can with a deep grimace.
Jimin is many things.
Kind. Soft-spoken. A reassuring presence. All traits he’s always been well-known for.
But among these, cluelessness can be loosely present as well.
To be fair, Jimin knows. He knows that sometimes he can be clueless, that there were moments where his mind would naturally drift or his head would be in the clouds, that he can make very simple mistakes despite being able to complete very complex tasks and that he can misplace, even without meaning to.
But that acknowledgment can only go so far.
More things of his begin to go missing. It’s like he’s blinks and there’s something he needs that just disappears – be it files or supplies. He starts with brushing them off, assuming it was just his own mistake.
However, his kindness is stretched, pushed up against until it ultimately crumbles.
“What is this?”
There hasn’t quite been a time when he’s seen his Manager look so furious, his brows tightly furrows and jaw clenched. In his hand, he holds one of the reports that Jimin worked on – one that contains inaccurate and faulty numbers.
Jimin stares in complete bewilderment, knowing that his cluelessness wasn’t enough to throw off an entire report.
“If I hadn’t double checked it, then I would have had a false report.” His manager states, “Just like the one you submitted two weeks ago.”
Jimin’s eyes enlarge. Not only did he mess up this report, the last one was faulty as well?
His profuse apologies don’t seem to work, his Manager opting out to proclaim that he’s very disappointed instead. Jimin ends up leaving after a couple of moments, but he does so with an incredibly heavy heart.
Although his gaze does remain down casted, his mind churns, attempting to pinpoint what exactly went wrong.
This couldn’t all be him…there must be something else causing all these errors.
But what could–
“Did you see the look on his face?”
“Of course I did, how can you miss out on something like that?!”
He freezes in his steps, a sense of dread striking him.
“He thinks he’s all that, doesn’t he?”
“I’d love to see him just try to be Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes now.”
His breathing sharply escalates and his head snaps up, noticing a hoard of employee’s from his department walking by that he isn’t familiar with.
Yet to his mortification, there's an individual he recognizes. 
It’s the same person that’s sat beside him every morning, the very one that he’s always greeted with a smile. 
It’s childish.
It’s truly childish to him. Something he would think children would do, not grown adults working in a professional environment.
But just like children, pessimistic emotions run unprecedented and he has to suffer the wrath.
“He looks like a sad puppy.”
“I guess that’s what happens when you’re not sucking up to Manager Lee’s ass anymore.”
“Now poor Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes is just like the rest of us.”
He tries his hardest to ignore the voices, even when they don’t attempt to hide theirs. He pulls on a smile, greeting everyone kindly even though he knows the thoughts that are masked behind their own smiles. He tries so hard – attempting to get by with sheer focus and hard work, but eventually the office becomes a place he doesn’t even want to be at anymore.
Jimin lets out a deep exhale, staring hollowly at his coffee on the table in the break room. He squeezes his eyes shut for a brief moment, knowing he was supposed to be eating lunch but having his appetite long lost after hearing some murmurs coming from this same room.
He wonders if he should just throw the coffee out and get back to work, wanting to leave as soon as possible the longer he just sits there.
But when he rises from his seat, the door across him opens.
“Oh.” A familiar voice calls out, “It’s you again.”
Jimin blinks, the man who helped him find the Manager’s office on his first day appearing before him. His doe eyes crinkle, taken by genuine surprise to see him sitting in the room.
A loped-sided smile crosses him, “Hello…”
“Why so glum?” He lets out a light chuckle, pulling out the chair in front of Jimin. His dark hair is swept to the side today, and he’s adorned in a white dress shirt and blue tie.
“I-It’s nothing…” Jimin laughs it off, “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Likewise.” He widely grins. “I didn’t catch your name last time.”
“My name is Park Jimin.”
The man reaches out his hand, “Jeon Jungkook.”
Jimin takes his hand and shakes it, “You work in Customer Service too, right? I think I’ve seen you walk by a couple of times.”
He nods, “It was my first day here when you helped me.”
“I guessed as much.” Jungkook smiles, “Say, if you’re on break right now, do you want to come with me to grab some lunch?”
“Lunch…?” Jimin wonders, taken aback from the suggestion. But Jungkook is already rising onto his feet, gesturing to the door.
“Yeah, come on.”
Jimin slowly stands up but for a moment, he falters. Although the former was kind enough to help him out last time, he doesn’t know Jungkook very well, and based on everything else going on with him, he wonders if this lunch offer is an excuse for something much worse.
“You okay there, Park?”
His eyes snap up, voice growing small, “Uh, yes! Lead the way…”
The corner of his mouth tugs up and Jungkook turns, but as Jimin follows, he can’t help the uncertain feeling churning in the pit of his stomach.
Jungkook ends up taking him to a small shop across from their building, a place the man quotes – ‘serves the best sandwiches he’s ever eaten in his entire life’.
Despite the unusual situation, Jimin manages to crack a smile at that.
“I’m telling you, I used to work at a restaurant and half the food there was awful,” He positions his sandwich in front of Jimin’s face, looking at it with awe-filled eyes. “–but this? Freaking amazing.”
Jimin softly grins, “I think you’re more passionate about food than our office.”
“I worked with food for a long time.” Jungkook leans back in his chair with a shrug, “Plus it doesn’t help that our office is more like a gossip hub than a workplace.”
Jimin nearly chokes on his food, staring at the man before in disbelief. Jungkook on the other hand, remains occupied with munching down on his sandwich.
“I-I beg your pardon…?” He sputters out.
“What? You didn’t know?” Jungkook blinks, mouth full of food, “The rumors that go around in the department? People talking behind each other’s backs?” He lets out a chuckle, “It’s kind of childish, if you ask me.”
Jimin falters, “Right…”
Jungkook raises a brow at his tone, but continues to eat his sandwich. He eventually finishes his food, checking the clock in the store as he wipes his hands with a napkin.
“We should get heading back soon.” He points to Jimin’s half-eaten food, “Are you good?”
“Yeah, I’ll just eat later…I haven’t had much of an appetite.” He responds, already collecting the wrappers to throw out.
Jungkook hums and aids him quickly with the process, and it’s not long before the two of them are stepping out of the shop. Jimin walks alongside him in the direction of their building, but there’s a thought that persistently lingers in the back of his mind.
It’s risky – he knows that, but he can’t seem to keep it down.
“H-Hypothetically…” Jungkook whirls his head around, slowing his steps, “If someone was being gossiped about, hypothetically–“ He pitches in again, “W-What would they do?”
“Hypothetically?” Jungkook adds with a raised brow.
“Hypothetically.” He repeats, “Since you know…what our office is like and all….”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything for a moment, simply staring at him instead.
“It depends.” He clears his throat, “Typically, rumours can be anything and it’s just employee’s circulating around information, but if it’s targeted towards someone–” His eyes grow stern, “That would be a problem.” 
“I see….” Jimin hums, brows drawn together in deep thought.
“And what about….having suspicions your work’s been tinkered with?” He blinks, “Hypothetically, of course!”
“Wait, what?” Jungkook sharply inhales and whispers, “Someone sabotaged your work?!”
Jimin’s eyes grow wide and Jungkook shakes his head, planting a hand against his temples and squeezing his eyes shut. “Ah sorry, hypothetically – ugh.” 
A sigh leaves him and he looks up, “Look, I’m really sorry, but we can’t go with your scenario anymore–“ There’s remorse written all over his features, “Another employee messing up your work is a big deal.”
Jungkook attempts to explain it further for him to identify any signs. He talks about how something like that doesn’t cut it in the workplace and that having others talk behind his back is a complete recipe that there is a problem. Jimin nods to his words, but eventually he notices that Jimin only seems to look at him more frightened by the second.
“–in conclusion, I think you should go to Human Resources about this.” 
Jimin tilts his head, “Human Resources?”
“Yeah, you could talk to one of them and they’ll help you out.” Jungkook frowns, “Do you have any evidence for this?”
He exhales, “No, but I’m sure there’s something wrong with my work. I’m not the kind to make so many mistakes.”
“And regardless, there’s still the gossip issue…” Jungkook mutters under his breath. His eyes light up and he checks his watch. “Tell you what, we still have some time so I think I can quickly introduce you.”
“Introduce me?”
He smiles, “Let’s just say I’m a little close to one of their workers.”
A knock resonates against the door.
Hoseok lets out a groan, stretching out his limbs as he gets up. He’s spent the last couple of hours going through some complaints from employees with a Manager down at Research and Development – a task that makes him desperately want to run down to the break room for a coffee. But alas, it seems like there’s going to be another task plopped onto his plate.
Rubbing his tired eyes, he paints on a smile and opens the door with a cherry tone, “Hi, can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, take a nap please.” Jungkook reprimands and Hoseok’s eyes widen.
He grins. “In the flesh.”
Hoseok’s entire mood seems to do a complete one-eighty. “What are you doing standing outside?! Come on in!”
Jungkook lets out a giggle and looks behind himself, to which Hoseok peers in confusion.
There’s a man with dark hair and glasses that he doesn’t recognize, standing sheepishly as he enters the room.
“This is Park Jimin.” He introduces. “He works with me in Customer Service. I brought him here because he would like to speak to you about a concern.”
“Of course!” Hoseok turns to him, “I’m Jung Hoseok, a HR personnel.”
“Nice to meet you.” Jimin greets and Hoseok gestures for him to sit down at his office. Jungkook turns to the door, glancing over his shoulder.
“I’m going to head back now.” He informs Jimin.
“Come around more often, will you?” Hoseok remarks, “I barely see you even though we’re in the same building now!”
“Sure.” Jungkook chuckles, giving them both a small wave before closing the door.
Hoseok brightly smiles, turning his attention to Jimin. “Alright, what seems to be the problem?”
“Um, well…” Jimin scratches the back of his head, “I’ve been having some issues…with my coworkers.”
“I see.” Hoseok clicks a pen open in front of his notepad and Jimin falters, “Oh, this is just my personal use, but regardless, all information here is kept confidential.”
Jimin hums, form relaxing, “I was recently hired and I’ve noticed some problems here and there…”
He goes on to explain it all – about how it started with his work being disrupted, to the point where he was beginning to foster suspicions around him, to how the rumours began and he heard horrible things about himself that made him mortified. He also adds in that he potentially does suspect someone, but then–
“I-I don’t have evidence…” He reminisces, “I should have collected some before I came here, but I was just so–“
“Hey it’s alright, Jimin.” Hoseok smiles, “It’s quite literally my job to make sure things run here smoothly and if that isn’t the case, then there’s all the more reason to come and talk to me.”
He nods, “–but moving forward, I need to ask you some questions. You said that you saw multiple mistakes in your work that couldn’t have been made by you. Has your Manager noticed this?”
“He was upset by them, but he didn’t say anything else…”
“So he hasn’t seen much of your work to determine the disruption… I’ll have to find a copy and go over it myself.” Jimin watches as Hoseok scribbles down on his notepad, “What about these rumours? Where did you hear these?”
“Near my work area, beside the break room….everywhere, really.”
Hoseok hums, finishing off his scribbling before spinning his chair around and grabbing some files.
He faces Jimin with intent, “You mentioned you think it’s someone – who?”
Jimin gnaws down on his lip, but after a moment he sighs and fesses up. “Sandeul.”
“Kim Sandeul?” Hoseok asks in astonishment.
Hoseok chuckles underneath his breath, “So he’s still working here…”
Jimin watches as Hoseok goes through multiple files, a smile working its way onto his features.
After a moment passes, he glances up.
“Just for your kind information,” He begins, “There’s been issues with Sandeul in the past. He was notoriously involved with two employees that were actually fired for spreading malicious rumours about others.”
Jimin’s mouth falls agape. “I-I…”
“Once I go over those reports you gave to your Manager and check in more on Sandeul, we can get to the bottom of this. But for now–“
Hoseok does a gesture that seals his lips and Jimin nods with a bright smile, feeling ten times more relieved.
“Thank you, Hoseok. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem at all.” He gets up and heads towards the door as Jimin trails after him. “If you encounter anything else, please don’t hesitate to tell me.”
Jimin gives him a nod before gratefully thanking him again, to which Hoseok brushes off with a smile.
“How did it go?”
Jimin lifts his head in surprise to see Jungkook leaning against his cubicle. He was luckily able to get more work done this time around, packing up his belongings for the end of the work day.
“Pretty good,” Jimin reminisces with a smile, putting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. “He asked me a couple of questions and then said he would get back to me.”
Jungkook grins, “That’s great!”
Jimin chuckles under his breath, following the man to the elevator, “I want to thank you for the help. A situation like this…is delicate.”
Jungkook hums as the elevator doors close. “A lot of people don’t realize that there’s consequences for their actions, especially in a workplace.” He explains, “A situation like this is hard, but it’s not difficult to recognize it as creating a hostile environment for the person involved.”
Jimin nods and Jungkook leans closer, murmuring under his breath, “I should mention though, be careful with whom you approach. Sometimes Human Resources can overlook things.”
His brows furrow, “But Hoseok took it seriously.”
“That’s because I know and trust Hoseok. He doesn’t brush things under the carpet for the sake of maintaining the company’s image.” He points out, “For him, if there’s something wrong happening, then there’s actually something wrong happening, if you know what I mean.”
Jimin slowly nods, not realizing that it mattered who he talked to. His former workplace was considerably different in that aspect, no treading down thin lines needed.
It makes him even more grateful that he has someone like Jungkook working in his department.
“Oh sweet.” His head spins around, noticing Jungkook looking at his phone. He glances up, a bright smile to his features. “Hey, do you have any plans after work?”
Jimin shakes his head, “I don’t.”
“Do you wanna come with me?” He waves around the phone in his hand, “Some of my friends from the company are meeting up to hang out.”
“Oh…” His eyes widen, having not really acquainted with anyone in his department except for Jungkook. “A-Are you sure? It won’t be weird?”
“Of course not.” Jungkook brushes off and the elevator doors open, “Come on, they’re all great people.”
Jimin softly smiles, “Okay.”
He exits the elevator, quickly making space for those entering the elevator at the bottom floor. As he trails after Jungkook, there’s a million thoughts racing in his mind, mainly a mixture of curiosity and nervousness surrounding meeting others at the company after his experience of those in his own department.
But when Jungkook turns around the corner, he notices a group standing together, giant smiles stretched on their faces. One of them he recognizes as Hoseok – the HR personnel that assisted him.
“Oh! You invited Jimin along?” He wonders, greeting him with a joyful wave that Jimin returns with a meek smile.
Jungkook shrugs, “Yeah, I thought it’d be fun.”
“Finally you decide to get drinks with us.” Another man says, one with russet hair and sharp eyes, Jimin notes.
“Oh come on, hyung! I promised, didn’t I?” Jungkook whines and Jimin is left in awe at the ease he speaks with them, as if he’s known them for years.
“Hi, you’re Jimin, right?” A deep voice beckons. He turns to see a man with cameral hair and a soft smile staring at him.
He nods furiously with wide eyes and the man kindly reaches his hand out.
“I’m Taehyung, it’s nice to meet you.”
As Jimin takes his hand, he overhears the others making plans to leave.
“Wait!” Hoseok shouts, “Y/N’s not here yet!”
Jungkook frowns. “What? She should have been done by now!”
“We should just wait then.” The man with russet hair mutters.
“It’ll be a great chance to get to know Jimin!” Taehyung suggests, much to the latter’s timid smile.
“You’re right!” Jungkook ushers, quickly introducing him to everyone and echoing back their histories. Jimin is left getting his attention drawn back and forth – whether it was someone wanting to know about his work to simply welcoming him to the office in a sincere manner.
It makes a smile unconsciously tug on the corner of his lips, for he finally has the epiphany that perhaps working in this office wasn’t such a bad thing.
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He takes long strides down the hallway.
There’s a small report in his hands that he’s required to submit to the head of the Operations Department, but after he’s finished with the task, he’s done for the day and can go home.
Jin stands in front of the office door, staring down at the paperwork he holds.
He deeply inhales.
The Operations Department was the last one he needed training from. After this, he would have completed his time at the company as an intern.
Which can only mean…
His eyes stray over to the thick plaque in front of him, a title written in bold large letters. When a lump begins to form in his throat, he snaps his gaze away, knocking against the door with a polite smile.
The head of the department greets him as usual, taking his report with interest.
“Great work, Seokjin.” The man chimes, slipping the report away into a file, “Nothing less than what I would expect from the future CEO.”
He plasters on a grin, “Right…”
After exchanging a goodbye with the man he’s been working under for a while, he departs back to his work area to pack up his things and head home for the day. There’s a handful of employee’s walking by him, all giving him smiles and waves as they depart as well.
He reaches his cubicle within a matter of moments, snapping from his daze to glance around from his belongings. He locates them with relative ease, but there’s a certain bright package stationed to the corner of his desk and next to his monitor that has his brows knitting together.
He picks it up, thrown off a bit from the translucent red material. It’s not packaged together like a delivery that had just arrived, rather it seems decorative and compared to everything else on his desk, stands out greatly.
Placing his bag to the side, he tugs at the paper, carefully peeling away the meticulously placed pieces of tapes keeping it all together. As he removes them, the paper unfolds and reveals a cardboard box.
He opens the top of it, scanning the contents inside. To his surprise, there’s pieces of paper in it and a–
“A ladle?” He exclaims in astonishment, staring at the kitchen utensil with wide eyes. In fact, there’s more utensils as well, all contained within the box like a set.
“What on earth?” He mumbles, placing the utensils down and yanking the pieces of paper out.
To his surprise, there’s a collection of coupons for restaurants, ranging from different ones in the area.
Upon seeing them, his confusion is simply magnified. As he flips through them and scans the different restaurant names, a white sheet catches his sight.
He takes it out right away, noticing some writing scribbled on it.
Wanted to thank you for helping me find Yuna. I thought the coupons would be useful for your restaurant obsession and you could use the tools for your cooking (a lot better than I can, I’ll admit).
  ~ Y/N
He blinks.
“Y/N?” Glancing back and forth at the contents, it all suddenly makes sense now. You knew where he would be working and decided to leave him a gift for his efforts.
A huge smile breaks out onto his features and he chuckles underneath his breath, observing the collection of items once again. He can only imagine you attempting to figure out what to get him, only to realize that he wouldn’t hesitate to use coupons and mind extra supply for his cooking.
Something you’ve even taken the courtesy to admit that he’s better at.
It’s not far to say he’s impressed at the least with the generous gift. Lifting his head, he quickly packs his bag for the day alongside your gift, holding it in his hands as he heads for the Sales and Finances Department with a grin.
It only takes him a few moments to locate you, but he notices that you’re in the midst of talking to a co-worker inside one of the meeting rooms. He peers wide-eyed through the glass, wondering if he chose a wrong time to come by.
However, as if on instinct, you pause your co-worker from speaking and turn around with furrowed brows. Your gazes lock and your irises widen with his appearance, but then Jin raises a familiar red wrapping material in his hands with a giant smile.
He watches as your eyes instantly light up, the corners of your mouth fondly upturning.
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hwnglx · 7 months
✾ bts readings ✾ ⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙     ⁂̩̩͙͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁎̩͙
please take my readings lightly. i do not know these idols personally and am only basing everything on the energy i'm picking up on and my interpretation
it's all for entertainment purposes only
all members
bts as a person mtl to have strong bond with fs have they met their fs already?
future spouse current energy - start of apr '23 current energy - end of apr '23 who is his fs? feelings about his fs - apr '23 first impression green and red flags bts' reaction jealousy other readings ideal type jungkook + han so hee jungkook + chaewon jungkook + jimin thoughts on marriage
future spouse green and red flags about his fs yoongi + iu
future spouse current energy - nov '23 jimin + jeongyeon's scandal jimin + jungkook
future spouse solo album is he possessive? taehyung + jennie
future spouse
future spouse
last update: 25 november 2023
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Masterlist ✨
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☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕smut | ♥ completed works | ✍︎ work in progress
Indigo’s Note: All my fics are posted on Ao3, all the links will take you there. I will work on getting them posted here soon, but for now they’re being slowly uploaded to Ao3. 💕
© playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved. Do not, copy, edit, translate, my works, on any platform. I work hard on these stories. If you find it absolutely imperative to translate anything, MESSAGE ME FIRST 💕
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🌙Impress Me ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: The Prince annoys you endlessly, but he’s also the only one that you’d trust with your life and heart, if only he’d let you in just a little bit more.
🌙Shore Enough  ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: Somehow, everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and when you told the concierge that you had a room booked under your name, they said to you that they had no rooms available. That was until a handsome man in a three-piece suit decided to be your “husband” and told you you could room with him in his presidential suite, and you chose to say “screw it” why not right? What's the worst that could come from rooming with a handsome stranger?
🌙90′s Boyfriend ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: After a night of binging old rom-coms, Seokjin drunkenly convinced himself that the perfect boyfriend could be curated by simply following a few steps. Seokjin decided that for a month, he'd try out the role of the ideal boyfriend, following every rom-com cliche down to a tee, and he wanted you to be his 'girlfriend,' which you drunkenly said yes to. The only catch is that he's done such an excellent job in pretending to be the perfect boyfriend that you've started to fall, but unlike a movie, you can't guarantee if your story ends with a kiss.
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🌙 A Blueprint for Love ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You and your boyfriend broke up for the silliest reasons, but one late-night visit brings back all the feelings you thought you buried. Is it enough? To finally talk and reconcile?
🌙Build You a Castle ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: Life isn’t ever straightforward, but that’s what makes it life 🌙Entering & Contracting ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: Yoongi is a busy diplomat with you as his extremely meticulous assistant. However, he finds you at times a little bit too wound up for your own, so he proposes a new deal, one where he can enter (you), and you write up a contract of what the deal entails. 🌙If You Just Smile ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: Life being a bitch talks, soft Yoongi being the best boyfriend anyone can ask for, wise Min Yoongi sayings sort of?
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🌙According to Science ☆♕♥ Summary: The theory is that dancers are the best in bed, and you and Hoseok put that theory to test.
🌙Congratulations, Now Take Care of Me ☆♕♥ Summary: Hoseok in a purple suit got you feeling some type of way and you need him to help fix the problem he caused.
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🌙All Too Well ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥
Summary: You thought you met the man of your dreams. He was everything that you ever wanted, but what happens when that dream falls apart, and what happens when that man is no longer the one you recognise, but you want to love him against all odds because you believe things can be better. 🌙Film Out ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: When Namjoon told you he loved you four years ago, he meant it with every fibre of his being, and that meant that he would do everything in his power to ensure that you would never get hurt, ever, but promises like that are often impossible to keep, and now. You were hurt, and he could do nothing as he watched you become a shell of the woman you once were, as you struggled to remember everything that ever happened to you, including him. You forgot him. Namjoon still will try, but how much is too much, and when the hurt is irreversible, can he still make you fall in love with him again? Or will he let you go? Or will you? 🌙It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You love everything about Christmas and your neighbour hates it, but hopefully, you two can find a silver lining to it all this Holiday.
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🌙 Shiny Things ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You get a piercing, and it’s shiny, Jimin likes shiny things.
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🌙 Bloody Green Suit ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Taehyung’s green suit in the Dynamite MV, that’s it. It did damage to your loins and only he can fix it.
🌙 Red is Your Colour ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: PTD Taehyung Red Cowboy looking outfit was divine and now you really just want to take it off him. 🌙 Teardrops on My Guitar ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You loved him, but he was your best friend, and while he sometimes blurred the lines, he never saw you more than one, but since he was your best friend and you were so in love, you’d break yourself apart for him. You watched him fall in love with everyone, but you, only question for how long?
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🌙 And We’re Live ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend looks criminally good with a ponytail and a turtle neck, and you need him. The only problem is that, he's currently on a live stream with his fans. You just need to figure out how to occupy yourself. 🌙 Birthday Boy ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend made a drunken request one night, and so tonight on his birthday, you’ll make his dreams come true. 🌙 Exile ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You two were high school sweethearts, and your love story was something only found in the scripts of a shitty teenage rom-com, but he was a jock, and you were shy and quiet. It shouldn’t have worked, but somehow it did, but now, fast forward ten years and things aren’t the same. Your lives aren’t the same, he’s stuck in the past, and you’re only focusing on the future. Neither of you have your priorities straight, and neither of you realises that your present is a complete and utter mess. You won’t let him go because he’s all you’ve ever known, and he won’t let you go because you’re the only thing right in his life but will love and high school promises keep you two together? 🌙 Mine☆♕♥ Summary: Jungkook really shouldn’t have ventured into the house that no one else did, and he really should have seen the warning signs, but something about you drew him in, and now, he was in and never getting out.
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🌙Truth or Dare ☆♕♥
Summary: OT7 x Reader Truth or Dare
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
hi darling! congrats on your milestone and your anniversary! could i request “hey, only i can call them that!” and “that is not what the instructions say.” for jin? thank you and congrats again!
forty seven steps | ksj
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seokjin thinks he’s decent at building things. well, he’s never met an ikea storage bed.
pairing: seokjin x f!reader
rating: PG
genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, slight crack (?), swearing
word count: approx 1.4k
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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The IKEA Brimnes Storage Bed, also known as the bane of your existence starting from today. Not only does the wooden fucker come with thirty six whole pages of instructions detailing forty seven steps, it needs eight different types of screws and bolts, and another dozen of ungodly contraptions has to put in place before you can get a good night’s rest.
Why you chose to buy it in the first place has long been forgotten since you tore into the packages and were presented with a preposterous amount of pieces to be assembled.
Now, as you sit on the floor, sprawled out in front of a sea of strange-looking bed components, you can physically feel the excitement from before drain from your body. You turn to glare at the man beside you, Kim Seokjin as he’s been called since birth, but from now on he shall only be known to you as The Devil’s Advocate.
The man shrinks under your intense gaze. “What?” he mumbles.
He was at the store with you, helping you pick out furniture and decorations and living up to the title of dutiful boyfriend that he usually holds. That is, until he came across a certain storage bed while you were browsing through an array of mugs and dishware.
Seokjin's face completely lit up with childlike wonder, practically dragging you over to the display. “Look…” he merely whispered, choking up like he was sending his firstborn off to school for the very first time, “this is perfect.”
At the store, the bed was a dream. You even laid in it, under the covers and all, in the middle of bustling IKEA and you swore that if heaven existed, it must feel like a Brimnes bed. It has a ton of storage, which is absolutely godsent as it would save you so much money on drawers that you can’t possibly fit in the less-than-ideal space of your unfurnished bedroom.
“You…” You stab an accusatory finger at his chest. “You did this to me!”
He pushes your hand away. “Chill out. This is totally doable. It only takes…” He scans the instructions quickly, “approximately five hours.”
“Five hours!” you cry, throwing your entire body back to lie on the floor, limbs flailing around petulantly.
A minute later, Yoongi shows up at your half-open bedroom door, leaning against the frame and looking over the mess. He must have heard your distressed noises from the living room, where your friends are helping you and your boyfriend put together another dozen pieces of unholy IKEA furniture. Not because they’re dutiful friends, but because you had promised each of them a favor and dinner at the newest boujee restaurant downtown.
“I told you not to get storage beds,” Yoongi says in his best I told you so voice. “At least fifteen websites claim that they’re the most difficult to assemble.”
“It wasn’t my fault!” you cry out again and jab your foot into Seokjin’s ribs, which makes him squirm like one of those inflatable stick figures in front of car dealerships. “He tempted me.”
Yoongi crosses his arms and shakes his head. “And I also told you not to listen to hyung. He’s a 10-year-old in a grown man’s body. This is mostly on you, dummy.”
“Hey!” Seokjin yells. You don’t know what he sounds so offended for; he’s even admitted to his own childishness on multiple occasions. He throws a dirty rag at Yoongi, though the younger man easily dodges it. “Only I can call her that!”
Your friend chuckles and rolls his eyes, muttering a simple Good luck to you before he goes back to the living room to rejoin the group. 
Your boyfriend tugs your limb body closer to his. When you finally sit up, with the biggest pout ever seen in the history of mankind, Seokjin pats your butt in encouragement.
“Come on,” he says, tilting your face up by your chin to give you a peck. “Did you forget how good I am at these kinds of things? I’m practically the handyman at the office!”
You squint at him. What kind of dumbassery is this? He works as an acting teacher at one of the best drama schools in the city. (Yes, it does sound a little fancy. Your coworkers are always enthralled when you mention his profession in passing and how he scores you tickets to movie premieres from time to time.) But the thing is, his “office” is practically pocket sized, and you doubt that there’s a lot of things there that need maintenance other than the printer when there’s a paper jam. Not unless Seokjin is qualified to tinker with a Nespresso Creatista Pro.
Still, you don’t argue with him about it anymore. What’s done is done anyway. You nod in defeat, coming to terms with the fact that you’re stuck with a Brimnes Storage Bed and the only way out is through. 
Six and a half hours later, you’re still sitting on your bedroom floor, only at step number 43 out of 47. Your friends have gone home for a while now; it’s getting close to midnight after all, but you don’t have the luxury of resting just yet.
Overall, the bed looks pretty good. It’s almost finished, you just need to put the beams in place, tighten a few bolts here and there, and you should be good to go.
Problem is, a couple of the screws are missing, and there’s one extra beam that you don’t know what to do with. The instructions say all the components don’t have extras, which means you’ve most likely messed up in one of the previous steps.
You stare at the manual as if burning a hole into it with your eyes will magically solve all your dilemmas. Seokjin picks up a random screw on the ground and begins to tighten it on the side of the bed.
“Wait.” You stop him. “That’s not what the instructions say.”
He glances at the booklet in your hands and at the bolt in his, and brushes it off with a chuckle. “It’s fine. All these bolts look the same. Using bolt number 100365 instead of 100360 won’t be the end of the world.”
You purse your lips, thinking it over but you suppose it shouldn’t be an issue. It’s late, you’re exhausted, and you want nothing more than to pass out for at least the next few days. Moving is always such a nuisance, even if you’re moving in with the love of your life.
Humming, you let him go back to the beams and bolts while you work on the storage compartments. It takes another hour before Seokjin stands up and wipes the sweat from his forehead, breathing out a large sigh of relief as he takes a look at his and your accomplishment.
“Fucking finally.” He smiles brightly despite the weariness in his eyes.
You tug on his shorts. When he turns to you, you hold up that extra beam from before. “What about this?”
He faces the bed once more, though nothing seems to be out of place. The structure that you’ve built together looks very similar to the illustrated picture on the manual, even if there’s a few mismatched screws here and there. The wooden piece in your hand doesn’t seem that necessary, so he waves it off. Taking it from you, he puts it in the corner along with all the useless junk that you two haven’t found a home for yet.
“It’s fine,” he repeats his earlier words. “Now come help me put the mattress on.”
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It’s fine. The words that you should fear whenever they come from his mouth. Your mistake was being too tired to care.
Because at exactly 3:57AM—a couple of hours after you’ve secured the mattress onto the frame, brushed your teeth and washed your face, and collapsed into bed with your boyfriend—something creaks. More than once. It sounds like it’s coming from right beneath you and it’s so loud that it rouses you awake. 
When you turn around in Seokjin’s hold, you’re surprised to find that he’s already up and looking at you with alarm written all over his features. You swallow thickly, and clutch his arm.
The bed caves in. Your life flashes before your eyes. Cue in the bloodiest scream anyone has ever heard.
“Kim Seokjin!”
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted august 11, 2022]
— permanent taglist: @mi55delulu @fan-ati--c @highly-functioning-mitochondria @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @morauvmi @jeonjcngkook @shownusshoulders @jungkooksseuphoria @yoongukie-ff @curioughts @taegismochi @mwitsmejk @jeonsorchid @here4btsfics @mytearsriscochet @lvoekook
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evillemons · 3 months
Obligatory (but seemingly necessary) disclaimer: Obviously we have no idea what the boys’ personal lives are really like, this is just for fun and not intended to be taken seriously. But we can have fun imagining :,)
BTS ideal types and relationships
Each girlfriend is intended to be somewhat of an original character and part of a headcanon universe, but all sections can also be read on their own from the reader's perspective.
HOSEOK'S IDEAL TYPE (j-hope pt. 1)
BTS most likely to’s, reactions, and other fun lists:
Which members would fall for the same woman
BTS MBTI types
MBTI types of BTS's girlfriends
Most likely to be the best at oral
How they would react to their girlfriend being a former escort or sexy content creator
What BTS would smell like
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
hai bestie!
let’s feed into some delusional, shall we?
what do you think the members would be like if they hung out with armys individually on an off day? if that were you, how do u think u would feel? :}
babe... u had me at delusional <33333 let's DO IT
i think joon would be sooooo cool about it like he loves meeting new people and doing things and bc he knows you're a fan it really would be like hanging out with an old friend like you'd probably meet up around noon hit up a brunch spot chat over eggs and coffee and then ya know i don't think you'd end up at a museum bc that's his interest and he loves it soooo much that he would not be focusing on you so i think he'd do something more neutral like a bike ride or something and then sit and talk under a tree at some point get some ice cream or something and just walk around and talk and then get dinner like really the whole day would just be eating and talking tbh bc he the type that got something to say about everything and tbh i do too <333 so that'd be my ideal day we'd 100% be besties by the end of it and i'd probably be in love with him or something or maybe not if our core principles are diametrically opposed but bffs fo sho
hanging out with seokjin would NOT be an all day affair unless you convinced him to play games with you or let you watch him play games which would be hard to do he'd probably say it was boring for you and that y'all should do something more exciting and so i think if you was to hang out with seokjin you could like do a cooking class with him like he'd get chef baek or one of his other celeb chef friends to teach him a recipe and y'all could cook together and then eat and drink together it'd be cute bc he'd be rambling the whole time bc he get nervous like mouf moving a mile a minute talking nonsense until he gets comfortable with u and then his mouf would be moving two miles a minute either way i think it'd be really fun like you know he silly and got all the jokes and he'd be so caring worrying over you while you chopping telling you to be careful bc you the one that pay his bills it's true he just wants you to be safe so you can continue cutting his checks <\3
i have no idea what hanging out with yoongi would look like like what are his interests besides music LOL OH HE LIKES SPORTS but i'm not bout to sit and watch a game with him like i'm only willing to go so far for a man i mean if it was like an in person one with him maybe that'd be cool but i'd probably annoy him by asking the rules like don't get me wrong i know the basics of basketball bc of my dad and brother but all the fouls and this and that idk how that works SO THAT'S AN IDEA but tbh i'd probably just be drinks like it'd be fun to drink with him won't get drunk bc then i'd just be sleepy but have a enough so that my head gets that floaty feeling yes i'd be all rowdy and i know yoongi is good for conversation like suchwita a hit fr it'd be something lowkey like that drinks and food and he got that kinda dry sense of humor and he opinionated just like me my twin flame fr i wanna have some whiskey with him now
do i have to spend only a day with hobi? i can't marry him?? this has nothing to do with anything but i would marry hobi even if he didn't love me like i would be in a loveless marriage with him bc you know even if he didn't love me he would still care about me like we may not sleep in the same bed but he would still cook me breakfast in the morning we may not go on dates but we would still hang out and probably like watch tv together some nights we may not kiss but i know he'd give the best hugs when i wanted or need it and you may say why not just be his friend then and the answer is bc i'm toxic just bc he not mine doesn't mean i want him to be anyone else's 🥰 and you know i'm not sure what circumstances would lead to him marrying someone he doesn't love but i know he wouldn't cheat on me like ion think he got it in him BUT ANYWAY BACK ON TOPIC LOL i wanna go shopping with hobi so bad like not even necessarily for myself like even if i don't plan on buying anything or relying on him to pick up the check i just wanna walk into a fancy louis v store or prada store and be serviced like tbh i just wanna live the rich life with him for a day bc one thing about hobi is he is BOUJEE LOL like he is one of the most humble down to earth people ever but he obviously takes advantage of his wealth and i can't blame him for it bc i would too so i just wanna be rich and catered alongside him skskskssl i wanna go with him to one of them boujee restaurants and get a plate that got 3 ounces of food sitting in the middle of it wit some sauce circling it that cost like $40 and then we'll be in the middle of the joint cutting up bc hobi loud and then you get me riled up and i'm loud and all the other stuffy people gonna be annoyed that we rich and happy yeah <3
jimin <333 my babycakes my bias wrecker the current object of my affections i think as shown by his most recent lives that he’s good with us as long as he’s using his hands but at that same time he’s most likely to go along with whatever you wanted to do like frfr tbh thinking back looking at the data i’m like 87% sure that jimin has some kind of humiliation kink but that is NOT what we’re talking about so um anyway fortunately for him i like crafts so we’d probably build a couple lego sets together like i’d make him spring for them expensive ones like he gon spend some time with me that day mhm we gon be sitting there looking at the instructions with squinted eyes tryna figure out which part go where yessirrrr it’d be really fun and you know how our relationship with jimin is like we gon make sure each other is hydrated and fed so lots of snacks and stuff and he’d probably order a dinner in too and it’d just be a real nice meet cute situation the room would be filled with giggles
taehyung is so trusting that this man would let you into his home like if you’re army and you’ve been vetted by the company and allowed to spend some time with him you not gonna do nothing bad to him in his mind so he definitely talking you back to the crib like i can see him letting you in and introducing you to tannie and of course tannie’s gonna look at you like you’re something he stepped in and then walk away and tae gonna lie and say he like you even tho you know he doesn’t then he’s just gonna hand you a headset and walk you to his pc room and start playing some game and you’re gonna be like 🎧🧑‍💻👁️👄👁️ bc it’s gon be something you’re either bad at or never played before and you gonna be playing AGAINST him bc he not gon let you mess up his rank and then you’re gonna be yelling bc omg how could he just shoot you like that when you trying to figure out your controls like he’s soooo dirty for that and once he’s had his phone beating you y’all are gonna end up having a nice lil conversation about why you like bts and he gon hit up your bias (if it ain’t him) and force you to talk to him it’ll be embarrassing and then somehow y’all gonna end up like watching music videos and dance practices and dear lord don’t let you be handy with the footwork or good with the lyrics bc he’s gonna get so hyped up he’s gonna record you and dance and sing with you and just know that by the end of the day you finna end up in the group chat
it’d be a real classic time with jk like you’re gonna start off at a bbq restaurant gorging yourselves on samgyeopsal and galbi or whatever kinda meat he’s in the mood for and either beer or soju probably both tbh like y’all definitely leaving the establishment at least a lil inebriated and then y’all are headed straight for a noraebang room bc one thing about jk is he love a karaoke session like i feel like he’ll start off with some nice lil ballads so he can show off as if you don’t know that he’s one of this generation’s best vocalists and you just gonna sit there in awe for a bit hearing his voice so close in person and then me personally i can show off a bit too and so i’d do that but then also one thing about us is we looove to get hyped so it’d transform from nice lil slow songs to like pop kpop and rap anthems us jumping up and down around the room getting hyped and after a couple hours we gon be too tired to keep it going but the vibes gon be too good to end the night there and jungkook gon be like OJO i gotta feed bam and boom you ending up at his house too meeting the dog this one’s considerably nicer than tannie a lil weary of you bc you too chummy wit his daddy but at least you won’t feel like a street rat in comparison anyway so y’all would probably end up playing with bam he will have worked off whatever y’all ate at the beginning and order some chicken and get ramen going on the stove and then y’all will spend the rest of the night scrolling through tiktok
all in all good days me thinks 🥰
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justimajin · 11 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 2
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (3.8k), Office AU (lowkey E2L vibes) 
↠ Summary: The workplace isn’t for everyone. It can be mundane and repetitive, with some describing it like a nuisance and others as a blessing. You’re the kind that leans more towards the latter and while it does make you an ideal candidate for many things, nothing could have prepared you for the whirlwind that is the new employee.
↠ Warnings: pg13, just a whole lot of bickering
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GIF credit.
↠ Next Update: Tuesday, August 1 (series masterpost here)
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You rise from your chair. 
Firstly, you peer to the right and left of your cubicle, before your feet take a step back and end up walking down the lengthy hallway of the sales and finance department. You walk back only moments later, swiveling yourself to glance at the elevator leading up to the floor, before threading your way by Human Resources ‒ from which you can see Hoseok working at his desk from the window ‒ until you’ve reached all the way to Customer Service, eyes hastily flickering over the department. With an exhausted huff, you stride all the way back to your department, finally planting yourself down in your cubicle and frantically typing down on your keyboard. 
Yoongi raises a brow when the circumstance repeats itself three times, his irises eyeing your working form. 
He cuts to the chase, “What are you doing?” 
“Two hours.” You huff, halting your typing to stare at him, “He was supposed to be here two hours ago.” 
Yoongi stares at you in alarm, “What?” 
You shake your head, deciding that you’ve had enough prolonged waiting and the best way to combat is to resume your work. You don’t try to glance at your watch this time, painfully aware that you were losing patience by the minute and there was a huge dent in your schedule. 
It’s short of an hour later when he arrives. 
You don’t even notice at first, too submerged in your work to be paying any attention to your surroundings anymore and frankly, to wait.It’s only when Yoongi’s eyes grow wide that he’s leaning over the plastic wall separating you and poking you by the shoulder, gesturing to the man at reception that’s peering around the place. 
A sigh of relief escapes you immediately and you shoot Yoongi a grateful smile for the reminder. Rising from your seat, your heels practically rush over to the white desk. 
He’s leaning against it, grey suit hanging off of his broad shoulders and one of his hands raised against his cheek. From his subdued posture and turned head, you can tell that he’s engaged in a conversation, but what catches you off guard is the wide-eyed look that’s taken over Bora. 
Your irises flicker and Bora’s eyes connect with yours as you draw close. 
She seems dazed, clearing her throat right away, “Oh, Y/N!”
You’re not one to indulge in other people’s personal lives, but it is a bit annoying to know that he’s late by three hours and finally shows up just to resort to having a conversation with the receptionist. 
You get rid of the ill thoughts, a smile looping on your lips. “Bora, I see you’ve met Mr. Kim.” 
“Uh y-yes, I have…” She looks at him expectantly, and he swivels, coming face to face with you. 
Your breath hitches. 
The first thing that catches your attention is how tall he is, his height surprisingly surpassing many employees at your workplace. The second thing you notice is how disarrayed he actually seems to be, suit jacket clumsily hanging from his shoulders like he just threw it on, his dress shirt barely tucked in. But the last thing you notice and the very thing your gaze is fixated on, is his actual face. 
Swept back dark hair, wide twinkling eyes, plush full lips, it’s like an actor from one of those kdrama’s Hoseok had forced you to watch just walked out in the flesh. 
You attempt to muster up a couple of words, suddenly understanding why Bora was so dazed ‒ but that’s when you notice it. 
You’re practically ogling at him and in the moment, he grins.
Almost as if aware of the effect he has. 
Clearing your throat, a rigid look reinforces in your eyes and you offer him a handshake. 
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim.” 
Still grinning, he takes your hand. 
“Likewise.” He says, surprisingly polite, “And you are…?” 
“Y/N.” You state, “You’re supposed to be shadowing me today. Please follow me.” 
You turn around without another word, briefly glancing over your shoulder to ensure he’s coming along with you. You notice his gaze drifting, eyes sweeping around his surroundings as if he was in a completely different world. 
Taking out a rolling chair for him, you pair it next to your desk as you place a hand against your monitor.
“So this is where I work.” You begin to explain as he sits down, “My work hours start at nine in the morning, which is the set standard time that everyone follows.” 
He dryly hums, half-lidded eyes fixated on your keyboard even though you’re pointing at your monitor. You sit down with a sigh, deciding to show him instead. 
“This is my computer,” You explain, hovering over the icons, “I usually store my own work files on here and continue from where I left off each day,” You click on the report you were working on last week, “I’m mainly involved in the sales portion of the department and this is what I created at the request of an email‒” 
You continue to explain it all using the company’s last product as an example. You go on to inform him of how crucial it is for you to generate reports and keep an eye on the company's numbers, as these numbers would not only demonstrate what they’re current situation with sales is but also forecast for upcoming projects. You even explain to him how you work on a task-to-task basis with taking in impending notices from the company as priority, but how occasionally your work can overlap with other departments if need be. 
As you keep explaining the details, you notice his eyes are concentrated on your computer, shifting into a haze that you pick on right away. 
You freeze, “Am I going too fast for you?” 
He shakes his head, but your eyes are still narrowed at him, flickering over his features. 
You could have sworn that he seemed utterly bored for a second, your instincts already hearing the wii music playing through his head. 
“Do you have any questions then?” You probe, “Anything you’d like to add on…?”
Life flickers into his eyes, but before you can get your hopes up about an inquiry regarding how you conducted your analysis or maybe even a question about how you generated your recent sales report based on the given numbers, they immediately fizzle out the second he opens up his mouth. 
He appears greatly interested now, a grin tugging on his lips. 
“Do you think I’m incredibly handsome?” 
You blink wide-eyed, wondering if he was being serious. 
“I beg your pardon...?” 
“Do you think I’m handsome?” He repeats it like you weren’t listening. 
You narrow your eyes, “What does that have to do with anything I’ve been talking about?”
He playfully tilts his head, “You’ve been staring at my face a lot.” 
“How else am I supposed to talk to you?”
“You know what I mean.” He crosses his arms and leans forward, a glint residing in his eyes, “So? What’s your answer?” 
You frown, “I’m not answering that.” 
“So you do agree.” 
“What? No!” He widely grins and you shake your head, focusing your attention back onto your monitor. “We need to be focusing on your training right now.” 
You open up the sales report from the beginning of this week. 
“I’ve just explained how I got the revenue computations through this software to you,” Quickly glancing over the statistics, you step back from it, “Can you try to repeat what I did?” 
The question renders him silent. He stares at the computer for the longest amount of time, gaze flickering all over the screen in a puzzled manner before his eyes abruptly snap up to you. 
Desperation leaks into his voice. 
“I don’t really feel like it...” 
Your eyes are as wide as they can be,“You don’t feel like it...?” 
You hear a low snort from behind you, swatting at the plastic wall separating you from Yoongi. 
“It’s just one computation.” You attempt to explain, “It shouldn’t be that difficult, and if you really do struggle with it, I’m here to help.” 
You roll away from the monitor, and he hesitantly steps forward again, narrowing his eyes at the screen. You closely watch from behind for any errors, but when he takes a long amount of time just to get started, you decide it’s best for him to go at his own pace. 
Your arms are crossed as you continue to stare at him, but something flickers inside of you. 
In puzzlement, you blurt it out, “Have we met before?” 
He scrunches up his nose, answering without hesitation, “No.” 
“I could have sworn I’ve seen you somewhere….” You attempt to wrack your mind for an answer. 
“Maybe I walked by you one day and you couldn’t resist forgetting me.” He grins again, but you roll your eyes at the answer. 
“Nevermind.” You attempt to change the topic, “So did you figure it out?” 
“I don’t understand any of this.” He mumbles. 
“What?” You alarmingly inquire, glancing at the statistics sprayed out on the computer. “None of it?” 
He steps away from the monitor, “How about you explain it to me one more time and I’ll try to give you 2% of my attention?” 
You scoff, “What happened to the other 98%? Did you lose it on your way after being three hours lateto work?” 
Seokjin smiles, “Maybe if you actually admit you were caught staring at me before, it’ll return.” 
You deadpan from his words, shaking your head with a sigh. 
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Your heels click against the tiled ground. There’s a file in your hands and a scowl written on your lips when you gyrate around the corner, pressing the button for the elevator with a huff. 
It’s been roughly an hour with Seokjin and you already feel like pulling your hair out. You came into this with an understanding that it takes everyone various amounts of time to learn properly and were prepared for at least some development and progress. 
But in that one hour you’ve had to face his complete confusion with your job despite being recently hired with the credentials to do it, him constantly making remarks about himself and at one point, you even found him spinning around in his chair when you were in the midst of getting something from Hoseok. 
You’ve been trying your best, chiding yourself on being patient with him, but that patience is beginning to wear out. 
You seriously don’t get paid enough. 
The elevator dings just as a sigh leaves your lips and you head in, swiveling around to press the button for the floor beneath you. There’s still a scowl lining your lips as you cross your arms. 
“Who spat in your coffee this morning?” 
You instantly spin around in surprise, irises coming into contact with a man leaning against one of the corners.
There’s a small playful smile tugging on his lips, but it contrasts the dark bags underneath his feline eyes and his tousled caramel hair. 
A lengthy exhale leaves you, your sarcasm practically peaking, “Well, aside from the fact that I’ve possibly gotten the worst shadow ever and asking for a different job seems far-fetched now...things seem absolutely peachy.” 
His fond smile only grows from your ramble, tugging him out of his fatigue. 
“You really seem to be having a lovely day.” His deep voice is able to mimic your exact sarcasm and tone, something that draws out a roll of your eyes. 
You peer at him curiously, confused as to why he was on the same floor as you. 
“Why are you here, Tae?” 
That question snaps him out of his amused demeanour, tension filling his form. “I’ve been bringing up files to Research and Development from Marketing.” He sighs, “Basically been playing messenger boy this entire morning.” 
You hum and Taehyung narrows his eyes, “By the way, is this person you’ve been talking about only supposed to shadow Sales and Finances?” 
“I think so...why do you ask?” 
He shrugs, “There’s supposed to be someone coming over to shadow the Marketing Department soon and more specifically‒ “ He points to himself, “Me.”
Your eyes widen, “Kim Seokjin?” 
Taehyung tilts his head to the side, “Hm, so it is the same person…” 
There’s confusion in his irises and it reflects your own. You were first told that Kim Seokjin was going to be hired but needed to be an intern first, then you discovered that he wouldn’t just be shadowing one person in your department. 
And now Taehyung ‒ who works on a different floor that’s beneath you in Marketing ‒ has also been requested to mentor him? 
Before you can inquire more, the elevator dings and the door opens. Taehyung gestures for you to go ahead with the promise of dropping by if he’s given the chance and you quickly smile at him, hurriedly saying that you’d love to catch up with him later. 
You step out the elevator with the file in hand, mind still swimming with the details. 
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Seokjin ends up returning from his much-needed lunch break ‒ as he precisely worded to you ‒ for you to have already returned to your cubicle and resumed your work. However, this time you’re not alone. 
Soyou is talking with you as you patiently wait for his return, already wanting updates on his situation even though it’s truthfully been going horrendous. 
Her eyes light up instantly as he draws near, “Mr. Kim!” 
Soyou’s hand is outstretched with a friendly smile on her lips, something that has your brows furrowing. 
“Mrs. Kang.” He takes her hand, acknowledging her politely much to your own surprise. 
“I hope you’ve been finding everything well.” She gestures to you, “Has the shadowing been going alright?” 
You raise an eyebrow from her response. Here was your Manager, someone always scrutinizing details and never ever adhering to anyone, generously asking someone that just got hired if he was comfortable. 
Seokjin sincerely smiles and you nearly gap at the appearance of it, “Of course, Y/N has been training me so well.”
He directs the smile over to you and for a second, you can see it all. It’s a fluke, a mirage of him putting on the disguise of being an absolute angel while the past couple of hours have simply informed you of how much the opposite is true. 
Soyou nods in an instant and you still can’t grasp onto the way her expressions have shifted. It isn’t like Bora, who was stuck in a daze and captivated with his appearance. It seems more personal, almost as if he’s the one that’s hired her instead of the other way around. 
She requests for him to demonstrate his knowledge from the computations (aka the thing you’ve been trying to teach him for the past hour that he has yet to properly grasp) and to no one’s surprise, he’s barely able to do it. 
You’re expecting a lot ‒ Soyou reprimanding him for wasting time like she did to that one employee that was slacking off and then promptly fired, to then finally alleviating you from the tough position with something else that might shed some better light on your skills. 
But your eyes are as wide as they can be when she waves it off completely, left gaping as she in turn tells you to work harder and that she’ll be back soon with some expected progress. 
Your mouth is left hanging as you watch her form disappearing, head snapping in Seokjin’s direction. 
“What kind of magician are you?” You ask in a mixture of awe and disbelief. 
He playfully smiles, giving an answer you expect by now, “The handsome kind.” 
You shake your head, left wondering how you managed to get yourself into this situation. 
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After meeting with your Manager, the remains of your day consist of futile attempts in training Seokjin, the former not being interested in the least and throwing remarks in your face that just make you want to roll your eyes. Fortunately there is some luck on your side, because he only sticks with you for a couple of hours before suddenly checking his watch and promptly informing you that he can’t stay longer. 
He leaves early, and you are relieved. Your productivity spikes up again, no longer having to monitor his progress in the midst of sacrificing your own. 
And it’s thankfully enough to earn you a decent break. 
“Yoongi, you’re not supposed to be working during lunch.” Hoseok states, eyes fixated on the company laptop the former is working on. 
After grabbing your lunch and heading towards the breakroom, Hoseok and Yoongi had bumped into you in the midst of their own break. The room itself isn’t much to look at, a handful of tables and chairs alongside with a fridge and a counter that has a sink, microwave and a coffee machine that you know every single employee is attached to. 
Yoongi is seated across from you, balancing the laptop on his knee.
“I’m not working, I’m checking the stock market.” His pupils flicker all over the bright screen, scrutinizing the numbers displayed. 
“Are you looking to make an investment?” You ponder, grimacing at the amount of charred onions in your home-cooked pasta. 
“No, I’m trying to see how much the company’s stocks are failing.” Yoongi casually states. 
Hoseok’s mouth falls agape and you stare at him with wide eyes. 
The door to the break room yanks open and a familiar face emerges. 
His eyes light up, “Oh, hey guys!” 
Taehyung grins and Hoseok spins around in his seat, abandoning his beloved sandwich. 
“Taehyung!” He rushes towards the latter, engulfing him into an endearing hug. 
Taehyung laughs, swiftly grabbing his lunch from the fridge as Hoseok urges him to sit down with you. He grabs a spot next to Yoongi, scrunching up his nose in disgust once he sees the laptop in his hands. 
“Are you working?” 
You lightly shake your head, “He’s checking the company’s stocks.” 
“Oh yeah, apparently the recent product didn’t do too well.” He attempts to open up his container of food, “I’ve heard rumours that the executives weren’t too happy.” 
“They shouldn’t be.” Yoongi injects, spinning his laptop around, “Look.” 
Your eyes enlarge at the range of numbers the screen displays, all highlighted in red and dipping into negative zones. 
Taehyung physically winces. “Ouch.”
“That is not a pretty sight….” You state and Hoseok hums. 
Yoongi spins his laptop around again and Taehyung shakes his head. “I don’t understand why they’re still fussing over this new product. If you ask me, they should just cut their losses and move onto launching something else.” 
“Maybe they’re having issues because the head of the company is retiring soon?” Hoseok whispers. 
Yoongi furrows his brows, “The head of the company?”
“CEO Namjung,” Taehyung clarifies for him, glancing at Hoseok, “And I think you’re right, I remember seeing it in the headlines. There’s even rumours going on that they need someone to take over.” 
Yoongi shakes his head in dismay, “Great, the company doesn’t want to cut their losses and now they have to find a new head.” 
Hoseok sheepishly laughs, “But it can’t be so bad...right?” 
Your features twist and Taehyung tries his hardest to smile back at him. 
“It shouldn't affect us too much…” Taehyung cautiously says, flickering his eyes around, “but if it does….anyone got a backup plan?” 
Your eyes light up, “You guys can work at my restaurant.” 
There’s responses flying out left and right. 
“I suck at cleaning.” 
“The only thing I know how to cook is rice.” 
“I can’t remember the last time I did laundry.”
You blink, “Wait, what?”
“That sounded a lot better in my head….” Taehyung pipes down, lightly chuckling to himself. 
Hoseok scrunches his nose in disgust, desperate to change the conversation. “What about you? How’s it been going with Mr. Shadow?” 
Taehyung’s eyes glint, “Kim Seokjin, right?” 
You let out a groan, planting a hand right against your temples. 
Taehyung blinks wide-eyed at your reaction.
“That bad?” 
You sharply inhale, “He’s not aware of basic analyst computations, didn’t feel like doing them after I tried teaching him and for some bizarre reason, keeps announcing self praises about himself.” 
Hoseok cringes, “Damn, that does sound pretty bad.” 
“It is.” Yoongi mentions, “It doesn’t seem like he knows what he’s doing half the time.” 
Taehyung looks defeated, “So you’re telling me this is the person that has to shadow me too?” 
Hoseok sheepishly smiles at Taehyung, “You’re not the only one in that boat.” 
You look at Hoseok wide-eyed, and he sighs, “I had a meeting with the head of HR this morning about the new intern.” 
“So he’s going to be our collective headache?” Taehyung frantically asks. You’re prepared to sink your head against the table at this point. 
“Wait.” Hoseok holds up his hands in defense, “Who is he going to be mentored by next?” 
You slowly raise your head and Taehyung turns at the same time. Hoseok’s eyes are wide, filled to the brim with sympathy. 
There are three sets of eyes spontaneously glued to him and Yoongi’s head snaps up, the horrid realization finally sinking in. 
48 notes · View notes
namtree08 · 2 months
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Kim Seokjin Jin 김석진 Soulmate /Spouse and Ideal Type
#fyp #jin #seokjin #bts #kpop #진
3 notes · View notes
yoonieper · 2 years
BTS Dynamic Breakdown & 1k Celebration
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Hello everyone! This is a semi-detailed guide to certain dynamics and some kinks I think BTS might have. These are just my own personal observations and ideas I have after stanning the group for the last 5 years! This is all purely speculation! 
I approached this more like a research topic than anything too sexy so I’m sorry friends idk what happened lol (but y’all know me, there is some spice ;D)~ For explaining my points I’m using a scale me and my sister came up with years ago. It’s really dumb (once you see the name it’s even dumber) but it’s something I keep in mind to this day whenever I write smut! I guess this can clue you guys into my methodology, and maybe if you’re a smut writer as well or even if you have an active imagination like I do this might help you with any head cannons you might create! 
I've been sitting on this since August last year so finally glad to have this out :') Please don't mind any mistakes or anything, finishing this up took some rushing so I promise to make things a little neater when I have more time~
This unexpectedly also turned into a 1K celebration 😧… I have lots of plans for upcoming fics and I hope to celebrate properly with you guys soon! Love you guys so, so much and thank you for all the love you’ve been showing during my time here on tumblr 🥹~ Please go ahead and leave suggestions for mtls, imagines, reactions, or anything like this post! Like I said I have some plans (hehe keep an eye out) but I’ll try and do these quick posts in between to celebrate even harder for the occasion! 
THIS BREAKDOWN IS QUICK AND EXTREMELY SUMMARIZED!!! Eventually I might post a full breakdown of the scale! 
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Category Breakdown:
Sub (0-10%): Likes to give up pretty much all control (an extreme end). If lower than 5% likely to be associated with some type of trauma— likely to want to be submissive 24/7. 6-10% likely have some type of subspace.
Bottom (10-30%): Likes to give up control but not completely opposed to topping. 
Switch (30-70%): Likely to travel into top or bottom categories depending on the situation, control is less important depending on placement, pretty flexible on the scale.
Top (70-90%): Likes to be in control, but is not opposed to bottoming occasionally.
Dom (90-100%): Likes to be in control pretty much all the time. If higher than 95% likely to be associated with some type of trauma— likely to want to be dominant 24/7. 90-94% range from typical hard doms to soft— ex masters/dominatrixes. 
Kinky Island (outliers of the data): For certain reasons they do not fit the traditional format of the scale. Will go into more information in a future breakdown! 
Point of Reference: This is the exact percentage on where you place someone on the scale. This point is used for determining their range. Consider this the “average” of their range.
Range: Sex always isn’t consistent, but there is a typical range no matter the situation. Based on “personal” data (such as possible kinks, preferences, lifestyle, partner’s data, etc), shows the likely dynamic push and pull this person is willing to undergo. 
__-leaning: Whether they are on the top or bottom half of that category. 
Important note: 
The way to use the scale… you put the person you’re analyzing on the right side of the scale and their partner on the left. For ideal matches their points of reference and ranges should be relatively close to each other or only slightly intersect. The further apart or the more the points intersect likely indicate a incompatible sexual match. 
Here’s a diagram I made for some extra help! Those marked in green are ok matches and those marked in red are likely incompatible.
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Now onto the fun~ 
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Kim Seokjin:
68%— switch, top-leaning with a range of top and bottom
Ideal Partner Range: 30-75%
Ok so honestly it was only recently that I feel like I got an idea of where Seokjin might lie on the scale. Seokjin I don’t think was as obvious for me as some of the other members but I think I got an idea now! He’s a hard guy to analyze, especially about a topic like this, he’s just harder to observe. 
There are a lot of assumptions about him, that he’s vanilla per say and I would like to counter this argument. This is where the top leaning side of his range comes in. Seokjin is the type that likes to take over during casual sex. Early mornings before he needs to leave, he’ll get on top of you and fuck you so you’ll miss him all day. In very casual scenarios he likes to lead, likes to be on top. He loves the way you grasp his broad shoulders, loves your moans. He’s a very laid back top. I don’t think he would possess too many kinks that lie in the top or dom range. He is just a natural lead, but well he’s still a switch. 
This is where it gets interesting. If your times line up in the day and you actually have time to just... fuck, a different side of Seokjin comes out. He has mentioned that he enjoys being choked and tied up in the casual joking sense, but the jokes had a pattern that to some point there might be some truth behind his laughs. I think if the day and time allows it he wants to be fucked. I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s a sub, his range doesn’t go that far, but I think he just wants to be played with. Likes to see how much fun you can have with his body. It may even be a way he fuels that top-leaning side of himself. 
This man would have a subtle praise kink. Not as big as you think Mr. WWH would have but it’s definitely there. He finds a lot of pleasure in knowing how much you enjoy his body and how much you love him. Wouldn’t really ask you to say it, but would definitely tell you how much he loves it. I don’t think any of his kinks are too extreme. He never dips into dom or sub territory (his range again, doesn’t permit that). I think he’s more so for soft, feelily sex (that romantic shit) on a normal basis but likes to have fun here and there. 
I think Seokjin would be slow getting to this point in the relationship though. He’s a lot like Yoongi in that regard, in that I think it would take him a while to even catch feelings. Even in an adorable friends to lovers scenario, he would be slow moving in trying anything with you. I think he’s modest and traditional in the sense that he prefers to wait a little while before taking that step. 
I do think the dynamics would change if he was with a guy— his point of reference might cement itself in the top or bottom category, depending on his partner’s point of reference! 
His ideal off day: 
You spend the entire day doing cute domestic things together, like cooking and doing laundry. You take a break in between playing games and somehow playing Mario Odyssey ends in a whole debate about who’s really better at games. The match got a little too heated so you both ended up cuddling up as you watched all 11 seasons of the Walking Dead (you made it through 3). 
The sun eventually sets and your cuddling session ends up getting quite handsy. You finally have enough and bring him to the bedroom, tie him up and have your way with him. You’d have your hands around his throat as he eventually fills you up with his cum.
“So pretty, you always make me feel so good…” You sigh, seeing the way his eyes rolled back in pleasure and hearing his soft sighs of relief. 
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Min Yoongi: 
27%— bottom, top-leaning with a range of switch and top 
His ideal Partner Range: 60-80%
Oh boy oh boy, this is gonna be fun >:)
Bottom Yoongi agenda stans rise please! Yoongi to me has the lowest point of reference of any member of bts. But well it’s a little complicated lol. See the thing about Yoongi… I honestly don’t think this man can dom like some of y’all want him to. Yoongi has been a person I’ve seen written with some of the most extremist, darkest kinks given to him. Now let me rant a bit. I hope this doesn’t stem from the fact that Yoongi has this stereotype of being the “savage and cold” member because as most of you should know that ain’t it my friends. YOONGI IS A BIG SOFTY THAT JUST WANTS LOVE. This man is not the dom you’re looking for. His range I don’t think could ever really reach dom levels. He can move to a top-leaning switch but that’s only if his partner is more sub-leaning.
This man just wants to be cared for and taken care of. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a subspace but I think something that Yoongi would appreciate with a partner is just being cared for. He works hard all day long and comes home and wants to be loved. He wants to let go of all his worries and just let you have your fun with him.
Yoongi though, I don’t think he would necessarily be a subway sandwich that can go to <10%. The OSS Scale is based on control and Yoongi would like to give it, but he isn’t a major sub in the sense— especially revolving around kinks, he’s more laid back. He’s a bottom, meaning he more so prefers being in that position, and giving his partner most of the control. I will say though that he can top slightly in that sense— when needed he can step up to the plate (if you’re tired etc). 
I feel like this might potentially be a deal breaker in the question of a long lasting relationship. Yoongi can top occasionally but again he prefers letting someone else take control. He wouldn’t want this to be a dealbreaker, but subconsciously, if he was with a more sub-leaning switch, he would get a bit exhausted and would not be completely satisfied as far his sex life would go.
Yoongi is another fucks with feelings type of guy, but like on crack or sumn. He to like you in order for him to have any type of sexual feelings. Yoongi in those interviews where they would be asked about romantic relationships, he would always emphasize feelings. I’ll go more into this when I do a gen relationship breakdown but Yoongi is an emotional guy. 
I honestly don’t think he’ll be that interested in rough kinky sex (not to say it won’t happen). He considers sex to be an intimate thing between two people who really like each other and is more into passion than just hardcore sex. Not fucking, but a making love type guy. I feel his kinks might lean that way too. He prefers things that heighten the intimacy. Something I feel might be on that list is coming inside~ The connotation that it traditionally has, makes it that much more special when you get to that point in your relationship. Not necessarily an impreg kink but a form of closeness, passion, and trust that comes with it. High key also think he’d love to watch it drip out of you because hghhh it’s hot.
Would the dynamic change if he was with the guy? Yoongi would just become slightly more sub-leaning but I don’t believe there would be too much difference :)
An ideal day off: 
Coming home from a long day of work to your loving embrace. You eat dinner together, food courtesy of you, and it’s delicious because you’re amazing. You talk and laugh the whole night and Yoongi just stares at you with so much adoration in his eyes, because he just loves you so much. Eventually you both end up back in bed and he shyly pulls you close, his hands running over your skin and gently pulling at your clothes. You pick up on the hint and straddle his lap. 
“Is this what you want?” You lightly tease as he subtly tries to get your hips to move.
“Please…” He looks up at you with pleading eyes, but they trail down to focus on your lips.
And you give him exactly what he wants because how could you deny him when he looks at you like that. 
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Jung Hoseok 
73%— top, bottom-leaning with a range of switch and dom (possible member of kinky island)
Ideal Partner Range: 25-45%
Alright alright… Jung Hoseok. Ok so lots of thoughts have come to mind about Hoseok. This boy I think would be a comfortable top in most scenarios. I propose he might be a possible member of kinky island because like a lot of people seem to agree, Hoseok might be so kinky that it causes his dynamics to dip outside of his range. 
For causal scenarios he’s a top, but bring out the box of toys it’s kinda up in the air. I don’t think he would have too much of a problem letting you try things on him and he’d let you take the reins when you asked. But I think Hoseok would look for a sub-leaning switch or bottom, so that wouldn’t really happen too often. 
Anywayyy the toys. So he would not be opposed to being experimental, but I feel like in contrast with Jungkook he might be a bit more selective in what he actually ends up liking. 
I feel like Hoseok can be pretty causal about sex. As you read or have read already, some of the other boys might hold sex up to a certain standard or how they can only do it with people that they care about. Hoseok, I don’t think he would be the same. 
Does he like romantic sex? Of course he does, why wouldn’t he? Buuttt I just don’t think he necessarily cares about it compared to the same degree as others. This man is the perfect guy for your playboy aus alright (plus Jimin). Wouldn’t be opposed to just having causal sex— quick hook ups, maybe even a fuck buddy situation. 
My man likes to have fun and being in a relationship or not isn’t going to stop him hehe. Again he still values that connection— might even long for it at times, but it’s just not necessary. 
Sex with Hoseok would be pretty fun and he’d make sure to make it a blast for the both of you. He’s a cutie and I love him :3
With a guy Hobi might cement himself as a top (possibly?), but I don’t see any of his placements changing too much!
His ideal scenario: 
You and him break out the “toy chest” and do your favorite things with each other.
“So how do you feel about…” Hoseok searched through the box for a good one. His eyes picked up on one towards the bottom he recognized you both haven’t pulled out in a while. He pulled it out and looked at your shocked expression.
“Too much prep time, need something a little quicker.” You say from over on the bed. Hoseok nodded, putting the 12 inch dildo back in chest.
“Alrrrighhttt, what about…” He continued to search and his eyes lit up when he finally spotted what he had in mind originally. 
He pulled it out and he saw the gleam in your eyes as well. Hitachi wand it is then.
Hoseok teased you a little bit, but your begging was enough to get him to turn up the settings. Using the wand, a favorite toy of you both, he made you cum till you got dizzy and you happily took over afterward and before he knew it the wand, your hand, and your face was covered in his cum. 
It surely was a beautiful sight to see :)
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Kim Namjoon
81%— top, no lean with a range of dom and switch
Ideal Partner Range: 20-35%
Ooo ok Namjoon! Let’s go with this one yall >:) 
Alrighty, Namjoon to me is definitely a top no doubt about it. I will fight people on the fact that I don’t think he’s a major hard dom. Some of y’all might have thought I would put his placement higher on the scale, but I honestly don’t think Namjoon would be able to place himself that high. 
He’s a lot more of a softy than what some people might expect. In his sex life it would be the same. Yes he enjoys control, but any of those contributing factors that I think would push Namjoon over the edge for a placement of dom, for the average, I don’t think he would go that high most of the time.
Top is a comfortable place for him and I don’t think he would have any particular lean. That will likely be how sex is a majority of time— whether a quickie or long drawn out sessions.
As far as the kink department goes— I feel like Joon might also be similar to Yoongi in the sense he looks for more intimacy, ways he can feel closer to you. I feel like he would be a bit particular with what he likes. Something that just came to mind recently is eye contact. I feel like he’d really enjoy looking into your eyes as he is buried deep inside you as you moan and plead for him. 
I also do feel like Joon could potentially dip into switch territory… I feel like Joon is high enough as a top that there would be a bit of opposition. It wouldn’t be extreme, a bit of hesitation, but it wouldn’t be too hard to convince him to let you take the reins for once. 
Joon could also dip into dom, but I feel like this wouldn’t happen often, even less than him going into switch territory. These times are for special occasions or emotions that could possibly fuel him into going past his range. Namjoon though is not a hard dom and would not be able to go that high. His range at the highest might be up to 93%. 
I feel like sex for Joon is more of a stress relief thing in the more casual sense. Of course he prefers being in a relationship rather than all the hassle of bringing someone who he hardly knows every time, but my man has a whole lot of weight on his shoulders and he needs something to take that out on. 
Joon’s dynamics might be a little more solidified if he was with a guy, but placement likely wouldn’t change too much!
His ideal day off: 
You both had been making out on the couch. Lips hastily moved against each other and Namjoon’s hands ran over your skin, but found home right on your ass. You had no idea what happened, you both had been talking about this new book he was reading. He looked so cute in his hoodie and glasses, the minute Joon flashed you that adorable dimpled grin while he talked about something important, suddenly you’re on his lap needing this man inside. 
Your desperate act at getting him close certainly worked fast, Joon was struggling to breath and his mind ran a 100 miles an hour trying to keep up with your lips and taking in the fact you were on his lap and felt so good against him. 
The situation got a little too intense and Joon hastily whisked you away to your shared room. Before both of you knew what was going on he was buried deep inside you while he stared into your eyes as you cried out his name.  
“I love you…” He moaned, he was getting close. 
You didn’t say anything at first, instead pulling him close, needing him close. 
“Love you too Joon…” 
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Park Jimin
90%— dom, bottom-leaning with a range of top
Ideal Partner Range: 8-25%
Alright y’all can fight me on this BUT JIMIN IS A DOM NO QUESTIONS!!! I stand by this one yall. 
I’ve observed Jimin a lot and I can not for the life of me place him in any type of submissive scenario. Like guys… He isn’t a hard dom, unless under the right conditions, but he will have your knees weak and you can’t help but fall into submission the minute he’s got you under his spell. I feel his point of reference wouldn’t be able to go too much higher since he’s near the end of the scale. 94% might even be pushing it. His range I feel would dip into top and that’s where he’ll likely reside a lot of the times during casual sex. 
But Jimin, he ain’t no sub y'all I’m sorry. I've watched clips and things over the years and I would love to pull up some of them to show y’all but tumblr has a limit of how much I could post so :,(…. It’s the way he speaks, carries himself, and just things that he’s said about his ideal type that lead me to believe he is likely to take charge. 
Jimin I feel like would have a lot of top to dom kinks. Something I feel pretty strongly about is him being a brat tamer. 
… picture it yall. 
Jimin I feel like he would be with someone with a little spice, would be the type to bite back. Probably lots of playful banter, maybe even enemies to lovers, but oohohohohohoh, the minute y’all take that step in your relationship he would love nothing more than to get you on your knees and shut you up with his cock. 
Jimin wouldn’t want an obedient sub, he gets off so much on getting you to behave. Wants you to talk shit, wants you to be bad just so he can punish you later. OHHHH he would love punishments. Loves a spicy relationship, if it’s too flat he gets bored. 
Jimin would have this control on you that even if you’re riding him or something I feel he would still be in control and he would get you to listen. Would make you go a certain speed and with enough *cough cough* persuasion, you would do as he liked. 
Honestly for Jimin I feel like he would be able to be with a person as high as a bottom leaning switch. Switches are pretty flexible so his partner would eventually settle into a bottom role, so that’s not too much of a big deal to him. Just know at the end of the day who’s in charge. 
Jimin’s more of a soft dom to me at least in comparison to hard doms, Jimin’s not too intense. Also likes to just make love here and there, when he’s in his feels. He’s a big cutie too and the best with aftercare after sessions. 
Jimin would be into LONG sex sessions, especially when he’s playing with you. He likes to fuck and will do quickies when it’s a must, but loves to take his time and have some fun. 
OH AND THIS BOY’S PRAISE KINK YALL!!! Gosh yep please please tell him how good he makes you feel. Would definitely ask you to do it and that reassurance gets him off so much ooooo please do it. 
Jimin is also your ideal guy for your playboy aus, like Jimin ain’t a fuck boy or anything but he definitely likes to have fun. Feel like this man just enjoys sex whether that be in a relationship or not, he’ll still do it. For him, it might just be stress relief or “it feels so good” type of thing, either way it’s not too big of a deal for him when he’s feeling needy to go out and invite someone new into his bed. He’s shy, but that’s his charm, and boy, to be charmed by Jimin in person! Your clothes are off before he can even say hello! 
I feel like the dynamic wouldn’t change too much if he was with a guy! 
His ideal day off: 
Jimin was a little shocked to come home after a night out with friends and find all the lights in the apartment turned off. Eventually he made his way to the bedroom and he was in for a major shock seeing the bed covered with rose petals and you laying there with your sexy black lingerie. 
Jimin is stunned and you laugh at his reaction. 
“What’re you staring at?” You teased.
“What do you mean what am I staring at…” He chuckled, already starting to take off his clothes. 
“I mean what I said, you seem to be in a rush for something.” You eyed him up and down as he climbed onto the bed. 
“Mmmm, if that’s how you want to be, I’ll make sure you know what I’m looking at.” His laugh was dark, he had a lot in store for you. 
He tackled you in kisses and made you came so many times on his tongue as you cried out his name. 
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Kim Taehyung 
74%— top, bottom-leaning with a range of switch 
Ideal Partner Range: 25-35%
Ok yall I’ma be honest. Taehyung is a HUGE mystery. He’s honestly the member that I have yet to have a firm placement on the scale. I would honestly love to hear your opinions about Taehyung because this is really just purely speculation (with evidence and clips if possible)! 
So I think Tae’s a top, a pretty casual one too. I feel like when Tae’s in a relationship he takes this like, protector role. He falls into the top category pretty naturally, but he is easily able to dip into switch, and it doesn’t really take much persuasion whatsoever. 
I feel like with kinks Tae might be a bit of a wild card. He’s another intimacy guy, but there’s something that I feel like might come out of nowhere. It might not be at all anywhere near his range, but I feel like Tae would be the type to have some sort of weird kink he needs to sit you down and tell you one day. What this might be really could be anything, but if y’all have ideas I’d be down to hear them! 
Anyway I don’t have too much to say about Taehyung as I never really was able to figure this boy out so I can’t give too much concrete evidence but he’s cute and I love him~ 
Taehyung can certainly play the part of a playboy, but irl I don’t really see it. Taehyung seems pretty romantic and I think he’d be similar to Jungkook in the regard that he prefers being in a relationship but it’s not a necessity. Like he might occasionally go out and find someone when he’s really desperate, but I feel like he’d have the most fun with someone close to him. 
I feel like with a guy Taehyung could end up doing a complete dynamic switch potentially. He would either be about right where he is now, or might even dip into bottom territory. I feel like it would really depend on his partner’s preferences. 
His ideal scenario: 
The whole day was occupied by hosting a gathering with your closest friends and family at your place. It was long and the process of planning it, but it had been worth it in the end being able to see everyone have such a good time. 
You and Taehyung had started a little bit of the cleanup process. It was only silence now but the joyous spirit of the event continued to linger. 
You had managed to clean up the kitchen before suddenly Taehyung grabbed your hand and led you back to the bedroom. You were a little confused at first but the minute you were inside, suddenly he was pulling you close and pushing you down on the bed.
“Had some much fun today…” He sighed into your lips. 
You couldn’t help but smile.
“Seeing all my family have fun together… so glad we decided to do this.” You weren’t sure if he knew exactly what he said and you tried to rule it off as just a hasty confession in a moment of passion, but that didn’t stop you eyes welling up slightly.
“Feeling really good today, you wanna try that thing?” He asked suddenly and you couldn’t be more excited.
Anything with your family.
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Jeon Jungkook
48%— switch, bottom-leaning with the range of top and bottom (possible member of kinky island)
Ideal Partner Range: 45-75%
Jungkook! Hehe ok so this boy is a lot. Jungkook has the potential of being a true switch which is why I think he might be a member of kinky island. But 48% I feel is a good place to put Jungkook. He’s bottom-leaning, which I feel is the best category for him. 
I feel like Jungkook would prefer subbing. This is another case that I think that if his partner wasn’t high enough on the scale, he wouldn’t be able to be satisfied. I feel like this might be even greater than Yoongi, he needs that. Jungkook’s point of reference is higher on the scale than Yoongi but this is where the major divide happens. 
Jungkook to me might be the kinkiest member of bts. Jungkook would have no hesitancy experimenting, always bringing new things into your relationship. In contrast with Hoseok, I feel like Jungkook would actually have a pretty big repertoire of things that he’d be into. Hoseok’s a bit more selective, but I feel like the list might be small of things he wouldn’t be into or at least willing to try. 
Jungkook’s range is A LOT more sub-leaning, stretching even farther than Yoongi. Another reason he might be an outlier is the fact that Jungkook might even dip into the sub category. He loves to be controlled, worked, and pushed. This is where Jungkook finds the most satisfaction when it comes to sex. This evidence isn’t too far fetched when you consider some of the things he’s said himself or the members have mentioned.
I do, however, still feel like he’s a switch and can go as far as top. I feel like this side might not come out as often but when it does… oh when it does. The cause might stem from something— he gets jealous, angry hate sex I feel wouldn’t be off the table, maybe he’s just feeling like a tease that particular day. 
Because he loves to sub, he knows how to be the perfect top— would love to push you the way you always do to him. If he was jealous he would leave marks all over your body, making sure everyone everywhere knows that you’re his (would def get real soft afterward). Jungkook likes to top sometimes and this is why he’s not a bottom with Yoongi. 
Jungkook’s kinks I feel would fall all over the scale, but a lot would be below 50%. Just something I feel like he’d likely be into is edging. I feel like I don’t need to explain that too much but yes, that’s very much his vibe. One more thing I'll talk about real quick is I feel like Jungkook would have a praise kink. It wouldn’t be the same as Jimin’s, would never really ask you to praise him but he would like it just as much as he does. Praise gets that boy going like no other, tell him he’s pretty or handsome and he’s putty, tell him no one can fuck you like he can, he’s going to make sure that’s right. 
But Jungkook’s a big softy. He may be kinky but would love the soft intimate shit that has him teary eyed as he cums and tells you how much he loves you. 
For causal sex I feel like dynamics might be less important to the both of you. 
Lots of Jungkook’s information might be contradictory or there are too many variables in the question. His kinks, his position, there is lots of evidence that supports that he would be an outlier of the scale if this information was true. Jungkook is definitely the strongest candidate for Kinky island.
Jungkook is also a pretty big sex with feelings guy. I wouldn’t say it would be a necessity but a BIG preference for him. As most of you guys should know, Jungkook’s a hopeless romantic! Idk how someone that fine can be one of us, but Jungkook def gives me the vibe that he be daydreaming about relationship stuff on the reg (whether he’s in one or not). Super soft boy, please give him love >:O
If Jungkook was with a guy I feel like his point of reference might even cement itself in bottom territory— would definitely be looking for a top or maybe even a dom. Would still like to play around and top occasionally, but he would be more of a bottom even in casual sex. 
His ideal scenario: Our boy is pretty sappy so he has two. ONE) You spend the whole day together and end up in each other’s arms just making sweet sweet love. TWO) The minute you both wake up you’re all over each other, spending the entire day trying out different things that interest you, can hardly put your clothes back on before you’re tearing them off again. 
Your breathing was heavy as Jungkook rolled off of you. There was the third time today you ended up in this position. You had tried to go downstairs to get a drink of water, but you weren’t wearing any clothes and one look at your ass had Jungkook pulling you back down to the bed so he could take you all over again. 
“You think I can get up this time?” You joked as you looked over at him. Jungkook looked back at you.
“I don’t think so…” Jungkook sounded just as out of breath as you were. You didn’t know whether he was joking or not.
“Jungkook, if you keep doing this, maybe I need to get you to behave. You won’t even let me leave to get water.” At the mention of the punishment, you got his attention all over and suddenly he was back on top of you again. 
“Maybe I might need a better punishment and I’ll be good.” Jungkook knew what his words did to you, he knew what the words did to himself. Just the thought of you having your way with him, telling him how bad he’s been was a recipe to get him harder than a brick embarrassingly quick.
You thought about it, before you were pushing him off you and reaching for the nightstand to pull out your gear.
Maybe this time he’ll let you leave. 
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thecrowtit · 2 years
Anyway, here are all the instances where BTS have both quietly and openly supported the LGBTQ+ community, as well as implied there is a possibility of one or more of them being queer:
(Part 1/?)
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To start off Yoongi has outright said that gender does not matter when it comes to his ideal type
When asked about what kind of man he finds attractive, Yoongi went into very specific detail
Namjoon outright said “when we don’t have boyfriends or girlfriends” why would he specify boyfriends or girlfriends if they were all straight?
Hoseok talking about the various types of love, as well as writing Equal Sign, which is, among many things, a very pro-LGBTQ+ song
Hoseok also almost said “boyfriend” this kind of slip is interesting cuz boyfriend and girlfriend are very different words in Korean. Not saying it’s proof, it could be a slip of the tongue, but just interesting.
Jimin’s entire photofolio is queer coded, as well as wearing a shirt based on a queer poster for Free Love (a very pro LGBTQ+ slogan which Jimin also has written on his arms) and his photoshoot is washed beautifully in bi-flag colors
Jungkook and Tae have both felt comfortable flirting with fanboys in the past saying they would be willing to date them! Yes it’s fanservice but they didn’t dismiss their fanboys confession just because they were boys.
Seokjin in the same way bragged about how he received 16 roses on Valentine’s Day while attending an all boys school. He’s clearly not uncomfortable with recieving confessions from boys!
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Also side note RE: Tae and Kaya...
I've just googled this, and it seems this is very old news... from 2015
This tweet in 2017...
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And this Amino post references the Japanese interview:
This being the interview from 2015:
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Tumblr post has a fuller translation of the article/interview:
Key parts that refer to Kaya:
Celebrity that closely resembles his ideal type -  Kaya Scodelario Ideal date - “Amusement park. But nearby park is also good. I think that it’ll be nice if holding hands. The ideal is cute dating.” -  “I like a thoughtful person since I don’t think much. I hope she cares for me. Kaya Scodelario, she’s very lovely.” [k-popism.com]
So, when recently has he ever mentioned Kaya, but because I don't recall him doing so. This seems like people dredging up something from 8 years ago, to push a narrative that doesn't exist.
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leonaluv · 1 year
Can you please do Seokjin as a bf and his ideal type?
I did ideal type so here dating
Jin prefers to be the one on whom you can rely in a relationship, and he is the one who works things out. He is also the most passionate person in the relationship. He prefers to move quickly and ask the person he likes out. he is surprised by how forward someone is, he enjoys it. He enjoys being impulsive in relationships and going on spontaneous trips. He is the type of person who is constantly thinking about their partner, so he would want to try new things with her. He takes his partner's word seriously, and they usually work together well.He know there things the other person is great at. He does like to work out and he is the gentlemen type to open the door ,give the person his jacket,he likes to lift up person .be touchy .
cards strength, eight wands , three wands , three coin
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evillemons · 1 month
~ based on his ideal type as described in part 1, continued into part 3. Masterlist here.
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• Jin is husband material, no doubt. If he found the right person, he would probably marry her quickly. I can’t even imagine him with a girlfriend, only a wife.
• While their relationship dynamic would be rather traditional, Jin is very self-sufficient and would do his fair share of the cooking and cleaning, and would love to take care of her when she’s sick.
• He would be anything but lazy and ensure to put consistent effort into the relationship to show his love and appreciation.
• I don’t see them going on a lot of dates. Maybe the occasional fancy dinner for anniversaries or special occasions, but otherwise they would be content spending time at home.
• She would often be so out of breath with laughter at his jokes. Not because they are particularly funny, but his mannerisms and expressions are so ridiculous that it’s impossible not to laugh.
• Wait until they have kids, his dad jokes will reach new heights of absurdity.
• She would always feel the need to prepare snacks and desserts for visitors, including Jin and his friends.
• Likewise will check up on him during a long gaming sessions to make sure he has eaten and is hydrated.
• Jin is rather stern when he’s angry, and it might startle her a little the first time she witnesses it.
• But his intention is never to be disrespectful or condescending; he only wants what is best for his family.
• Despite his goofiness, Jin can actually be quite emotionally mature and I don’t foresee jealousy or possessiveness issues.
• However, as a couple, they believe that Jin is the “head of the household” (as well as the breadwinner) and thus, she is rather obedient.
• Would not reveal their relationship to the public under any circumstances. Very protective of their family and privacy.
• They are likely the couple to have the most “normal” relationship (per Korean standards) out of the members, and to stay out of the spotlight.
• I really think his girlfriend/wife would be his biggest priority in life. Even when they have kids, he would love and appreciate her so deeply and ensure that she never feels neglected.
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