#share ur ideas of what else i should draw
ymeisli · 2 months
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take this as my ease back into codywan!!! armor codywan… armor codywan… 🫠🫠
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pm0 · 10 months
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@hajimedics revealing my #anonymous self to show how ur post inspired me 🫡
ok I guess I will explain what the symbolism in this drawing means under this cut now :)
BASICALLY Rave’s tags on his art got me thinking about mutual sentience theory & the idea that who these puppets actually are does not align with what playfellow workshop created them to be — specifically, the actual desires of the puppets in whps are not the same as what playfellow thinks they should desire — and it made me think about how it might apply to Frank & Julie.
We know that neither of them fall into (strictly) binary gender labels, we know that Frank is gay, we know that Julie was confirmed sapphic in a stream — and yet we see playfellow putting them into the roles of cisgender heterosexual man & woman respectively, that they cast them to be in the roles of each others romantic love interests (see julie-rella animation cels). So I wanted to draw something based on that concept, the contrast of who they are vs who they’re “supposed” to be.
This is why I included 2 Franks and 2 Julies here, one set in my usual style for drawing them and the other being more ‘on-model’ — the former are a representation of who the puppets actually are, with their agency, while the latter are who playfellow themselves outline the puppets to be. The playfellow puppets are a ‘perfect’ version of sorts, their canonical accuracy + their sparkling appearance being extensions of how true to the script they are.
The framing of these two sets, how they interact with each other within the image, is meant to show the situational helplessness Julie and Frank share. They are stuck together in a ring of lavender flowers (do you get it. wedding rings. lavender marriage. I’m a master of artistic metaphor /j), looking to one another in worry as they’re surrounded by playfellow’s expectations. Neither of them want this, for themselves nor for each other, but what are they meant to do? They aren’t trapped by something they can just escape from, they’re trapped by their own identities; the will of their creators and the will of themselves are intrinsically linked, each at their core are answers to the question of who “Julie Joyful” and “Frank Frankly” are, to try and sever that connection is an impossible task.
The circles above each of the on-model puppets’ heads are primarily meant to be halos bc well. you know how queer religious trauma goes (there’s a ‘playfellow workshop is a stand-in for american christianity and possibly god’ metaphor in there somewhere) BUT they are also supposed to represent wedding rings too, to show yet again how playfellow likely wants them to be a couple — and not in the “a couple of bestiesss(๑>◡0)~☆” way they’d like to be
I think that’s all????? not really much else I can say here. background is black + slightly red for that whrp undersite feel and the on-model puppets are drawn in white to contrast with the primarily black background but also because they’re technically Julie & Frank’s straightsonas & black+white=straight pride flag. ok bye
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cardboardfeet · 2 months
You said you’re willing to elaborate on that silly Ames brothers comic,,,, 🎤 please do, I wanna hear you out :3
SNATCHES MIC??? AND COLLAPSES????? r u sure. ur sure. okay buckle in bc they r in there rent free and mindless
the initial idea started bc I was at the hospital nd saw they had a cute bunny themed door window decor: "All Bunnies Welcome".
and my brain, running on fumes, laughed. rayne would absolutely have that. what would ppls reactions to seeing it (and subsequently, him) ?
ended up sketching the first 2 pages mindlessly in the lobby. and then EVERYTHING ELSE HAPPENED AND THEY TALKED ?? they possessed me I swear
WHICH LEADS TO EP 2. needed a driving conflict now bc im Invested (tm) and want to see where this goes, what they're gonna do.
idk Exactly how I want Rayne to act so highkey basing him off my own older brother HDBFJC. alot of his actions r gonna look wonky bc this man has an inner monolouge running 24/7 to me, so what he thinks is perfectly normal behavior is gonna be batshit to others. lack of communication BAYBEEEE
I want u to know it took so much will power and debating for him to ask ab what mash was making. imagine 3 Raynes in his own brain duking it out, and one slips away and uses the voice to ask that, while the three fighting turn to him in horror. that's what happened, basically. when I understand him better this might change hbdjsjgd
Finn shares this with him tho!! they're both loud thinkers to me, finn just happens to be the guy we hear the most of. so we see why he does things (nervous, dropped the box, etc)
spoilers. or hints idk. for the third ep !!! that box he dropped is IMPORTANT and u should be SCARED OF IT. or excited. it's very misleading <3 and I can't wait to draw it. something something essence and powders in the air.
the last page took me so long to do which is the main reason it took so long to post hdkgkskg. while I could pump put the other pages 3-4 days max, that one took arnd 5 days. mostly bc I have net 0 plans for this comic, just a vague idea, so a lot of the time I'm erasing and scrapping stuff.
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playandchill · 7 months
hehe its gna take me a bit to answer ur dialogue ask so in the meantime >:D - what would Kor's dialogue lines be for receiving gifts? (loved, liked, neutral, disliked, hated) and her dialogue for play date actions? (dining, chatting by the oasis, fireworks etc - ur choice!! ♡)
It's alright, take your time
Gifted Camera:
* Are you sure? It's not everyday you can find a camera. Well if that's the case, then i am definitely over the moon now! Among all the things the Old World left us, i am glad cameras are one of them. I can't wait to test it out. By the way, you should join me. It's only fair to share these moments of joy with you.
Gifted Raspberry:
* They look so tasty! Nowadays, I don't get to enjoy them as much as i would love to. So thank you. ...Ah! What do you think about raspberry jam?
* A gift? Oh. Thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate it.
Gifted tomatoes:
* You've got quite the harvest... Sorry, I am not keen on tomatoes. Do you mind if i share these? I am afraid they'll go bad before i get to them.
Gifted firearm:
* ..!?! Sorry, but... These things are too dangerous. I can't handle them. It would be better for everyone if you give it to Justice. Um... I should go now, bye.
Start of a play date:
* Lead the way. Whatever you choose, we'll make every moment count.
Asked about the past:
* It might sound surprising, but i lived half of my life in Walnut Groove. We stayed with my uncle and aunt. I was always fascinated by their job. Imagine living with people who decipher and analyze texts from the Old World. You would expect someone like them to be in Atara or Vega 5, but their love for theatre is too great to be anywhere else.
* My uncle and aunt possess a big collection of literature from the Old World. Most of it consists of stories about death and other heavy themes. How do i know that? They made me read more than half of their library.
Can you believe that the first book they gave me was about a deaf-mute slave who had to drown his dog, his only friend, because of his master's whims. The story was heart-wrenching, but... strangely comforting at the time.
Sand drawing:
*You want to draw with me? Usually, i would say it's a very bad idea, but since it's just sand...
Drawing successful:
* It turned out better than i thought. Soon enough, it will be just a memory for us two and those who were lucky enough to see it before wind does.
Drawing unsuccessful:
* We certainly... poured our hearts into it. What now? Out of sight, out of mind as they say...
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
any tips for a small wc blog who wants to share their redux/oc ideas with the wider community, but also has 0 drawing skills? it feels like in order to get anywhere as a wc blog you have to be able to draw cats, but I'm only decent at stick figures
I will try to give som advice, to no promises it will be any good!
If you want to draw followers in with art/designs but you dont think ur art skills are good enough, I would suggest using bases and coloring them urself with how u see the characters! There are lots of great free bases out there! I have made some as well, they are linked in my pinned post!
Tags!!! Tag all your posts with things like #warriors #warrior cats #warriors au and LOTS more!! Also put the more important tags first, the first few tags are the ones the Tumblr algorithm looks at! Tags also mean that tumblr will suggest your blog to people who follow blogs that use similar tags!
this ones a complete guess BUT! similar to Tags.... reblog other popular Warriors creators stuff, especially from blogs who are also making aus! Tumblr suggests blogs that have similar content to blogs ppl already follow so I think that having content reblogged from blogs ppl already follow may give your blog have more of a chance at being suggested! Also ur helping out fellow blogs while ur at it!
have a pinned post with a simple summary of what your about and what your au is about! this tells ppl exactly what they are getting into and they will hopefully be more likely to follow! also in your pinned post you should have a link to a master post of all ur main important au content! this helps ppl know what's going on in the au!
If anyone else has any advice fell free to reblog and add more!
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silksongeveryday · 1 year
I just want to quickly say please don't push yourself to try to fulfill every request !! we all really appreciate what you do and the fact that you're even taking requests to begin with is really cool of u !!! and if ur ever feeling overwhelmed don't hesitate to close requests, those ppl who are pressuring you to get to their request can just deal with it :T and thank you again for providing us coping fans with art to fuel us every day, ur awesome
First off, I want to thank you for being super understanding and appreciative of what I do! The fact that so many of you here have been supporting this blog so much has been a big highlight in my life recently. :)
That being said, I’d like to explain a few things now that we’re on the topic if you don’t mind!
About requests:
There are a few reasons that I usually keep my requests open that I think I would like to explain. One of these reasons is that sometimes I can’t always come up with very good ideas on my own all the time. Taking requests from everyone here in this community can help me draw ideas I would have never thought of and for that I’m grateful. Another is that I personally feel like taking requests builds a sense of community and gives me a chance to connect with all of you. I’ll be honest, I’ve been in quite a few fandoms and some of them were quite toxic. So to see that a majority of my experience here has been very nice has been refreshing in a way.
Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that I should feel obligated to do requests all the time. It’s just that I find them more fun than my ideas most of the time so that’s why there’s more of those than stuff that I’ve come up with.
The main rule that I’ve set for myself is that if I don’t like the request, I simply delete it. If someone repeatedly pushes for their request to be done I just simply ignore it or block that person if it’s too much. This is so I can keep this a comfortable experience for both myself and everyone else who follows this blog. Thankfully this doesn’t happen very often. This actually only happens with like a couple people which is why I haven’t really said anything much about it until now. It hasn’t really bothered me to be honest.
I also do close requests from time to time just to slow the flow down. This is so it doesn’t get too overwhelming since I do have a lot of requests that come in. As of posting this, there are like, 30+ requests that I haven’t done yet? But it’s not a big deal to me personally. I have a whole day to complete a 5 minute doodle so I’m sure I can take that tiny bit of time out of the day to do something so simple. That does mean waiting for your request might take longer, but I’ve already kinda talked about that haha.
Being overwhelmed:
Speaking of being overwhelmed,
Also I should clarify that I’m not really that overwhelmed by requests as you might think. I’ve had my fair share of overwhelming moments with similar scenarios like this and this is nothing compared to those. I knew what I was potentially getting into when starting this account so I knew what to prepare for ahead of time if it ever got to this point. I guess bad past experiences really can benefit you sometimes.
Now that doesn’t mean that I’m not overwhelmed at times! There will be a few moments that running this blog feels a little bit overwhelming but those moments are very brief. And in most cases those moments are usually worrying if people will like my doodle for that day or not. Or if I forgot to post that day lol. But generally speaking it’s nothing too worrying. I consider myself fairly good at keeping a level-headed attitude about this.
I’ve also had a few people both here on tumblr and other platforms say that they think I’m gonna burn out from doing this. Whether they mean this because Silksong hasn’t had any news for so long or because they’ve had no experience with a daily account, I’d like to assure you that burnout has a very low chance of happening for me. I’m intentionally putting semi-low effort into my doodles to avoid putting too much energy to this. Otherwise I’m absolutely sure I would have burned out weeks ago. If anything, I’m fully prepared to be posting to this blog for as long as a year assuming nothing happens along the way to prevent that. (*cough* like Silksong *cough* *cough*) If everything stays as is, then I’ll be here for a while.
Overall I’d just like to say that I’m under no pressure at all and all of this is just in good fun.
I think I mostly said everything I wanted to, but I hope I made myself clear about all this. If I missed anything I’ll probably talk about it on my main blog, @miizori.
And anon, you are a great person for being so considerate about this! You guys are just as awesome! My biggest takeaway from doing this is that I’ve had a good experience overall and it’s been really fun to interact with the community. I’ve also been enjoying watching my gradual improvement drawing my favorite characters too. If anything, it’s refreshing.
Most all of thanks for reading this! I look forward to posting more doodles to help everyone (myself included) with coping lol
- miizo :)
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Oh wow, I Really Screwed up this time. (Meet The Tailsilutions)
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I don't know what I thought I was doing when I made these. I thought "hey, what if tails had different forms like the Eeveelutions?" and then it sparked in my head. Starting in May 2021 i thought "I should do the same with tails that Pokémon did with the Eeveelutions". I think I might have gone through problems to make this Monstrosity of an idea. The Tailsilutions was the name for this line of stupidity. U got Hydrowler, Zapowler, Flamowler, E.S.Prowler, Darkowler, Freezowler, Leafowler, and Sylvowler. GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!! JUST TYPING THE NAMES IS SOOOOOOO CRINGEY. *Calms Down* anyway, yeah! They have names. but Leafowler, Freezowler, & Flamowler were originally called, Taileaf, Freezfox, And FireFox respectively. Im Sorry if ur feeling Cringe, but i have to dig this grave and Burry it somewhere else. Now i went ahead recreating these Tailsilutions thinking id get it done quickly and bring these back from the Grave. But that wasn't a great idea.
BTW: Tailsilutions is a cross between Eeveelution and Tails
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Welcome To Pain the Game (where March & April of 2023 Said Goodbye world)
Now these new upgraded characters are Fine, it's just the backstory behind the tailsilutions that makes me Cringe more than these 2 Artz. Yeah, 2 Artz (I Was too Lazy). Now the characters are more faithful to the actual Eeveelutions, But it's just not the Eeveelutions. So, I said "Maybe I should put this series of characters to rest and just make the Eeveelutions" (I will be Drawing them Soon). So, Hydrowler & Zapowler whose name is now Electricowler, are going to hit the grave. Never to be seen again. SO yeah, This Is the Tailsilutions Line (If someone wants to show me how it's done, I'd gladly take your advice.) If u ever want me to keep doing this, ur welcome to recommend (Don't make me suffer, Please!). SO to Revive this Eeveelution aura, i decided to start drawing the Eeveelutions (To help Burry the Tailsilutions). Now that thats out of the way, i can finally Conclude this Post.
Bye everyone, Dont forget to Like, Reply, Share, Reblog, & Follow! Bye
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finn-m-corvex · 7 months
I see ur doing the writer ask game 👀
so 1, 4, 8, 14, 16, 48, 23, and 31 for the ask game! (it's alot sorry-)
1 - Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Multi-chapter! I love fleshing stuff out and seeding ideas and all that good stuff. Lightning in a Cubicle was supposed to be one thing but now it's like, at least five I think. Same thing with Survivors. When I start something I go all in!
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Would you believe me if I said that it just kinda happens?
That's not entirely true but it also kind of is. One of the things that I trained myself to do when I was younger was constantly narrate my life; my brain is always writing even if I'm not actually writing, and that's what spawns new ideas. And it's not an "Oh I should have a sandwich for lunch," but more like a "'I should have a sandwich for lunch,' she thought as she walked down the sidewalk.'
Also I think about something that I wish someone else would write and I think "well ill just do it myself"
8 - Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
The middle! It's so underrated. I know everyone gets hyped about climactic scenes and bombshell beginnings but there's something about the middle that's so endearing to me. You don't have to worry about tying up loose ends or making sure you get stuff right nearly as much.
14 - how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Yes and yes! I'm an empath, so reading emotional scenes tends to get me very much fucked up. I project a LOT during emotional scenes, but I also have to keep in mind what emotions are actually supposed to be felt during the scene.
Writing tip for you guys: if your character is angry/irritated/anything like that, shorten the sentences. Make the writing choppier. Cut out the fluff and the adjectives and everything like that, because people don't like doing extra work when they're angry.
16 - How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
TOO MANY TO COUNT. I have a couple babies waiting in the back to be published, but I can't put them out until I get some of the stuff I already have open done. One fic idea I am nurturing right now is something with Jay dying based on my experience with being revived (do not recommend btw).
23 - Best writing advice for other writers?
You have to make a hundred bad things to make one thing great.
31 - Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Plot! Everything that I write starts with a plot that I then adapt the characters to. I think a lot of people get stuck because they think up a hundred characters but those characters don't have a clear direction. By starting with a story and then creating characters, your characters are automatically in-tune with your plot and themes and you know where they need to go. That's how I made Beta, Dee and Talon!
48 - What do you look for in a beta?
OOOOO I'VE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! I've never had a beta before so I'm not sure. Definitely someone who knows their stuff and their way around, but also someone whose flexible and good with anxiety. I also need someone who can put things in a way that doesn't trigger my RSD.
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I think a Blood Blood Fruit coukd work but as a Paramecia
Paramecias tend to be the odd ones out and they tend to have a fochs a bunch of them with your body beibg able to do some crazy things like be rubbery or be able to split itself or be magnetic
So! My preposition
The Blood Fruit allows you to have total control of your blood
At first youd need to have open injuries to draw it out but as you train you can learn tmake it "seep' through openings in your body and maybe even become immune to bloodloss as you body becomes able to generate as much blood as it needs and you can like
make weapons mad eof blood
go the Metallica way and make you able yo control the iron in your blood so you can make sick blades
you have unlimited blood so not enough iron wont be a problem!
Imagine! You an oponent and as you connect uor fist it brusts into multiple nails and razors on impact which desls a fuck ton of damage!
And like, blood puppetry!
Mix in yur own blood with the opponents and you can mayne be able to control them because now you share same blood technically linfa like Doffy does but without need for strings but maybe you need to like REALLY learn anatomy and such or else its very difficukt and hard to use it idk
I dont thibk awakening should be ,"control other people's blood" vuz maybe that'd be a little too broken idk (if u had ideas on that hit me up one piece tumblr i love yall), but im not sure what i could be, maybe like be able to sap blood that isnt inside someone's body? suck blood thru just direct contact? somethin like that lmao
This devil fruit wpukd be good decent offence BUT i like to see it even more as a great support fruit cuz you can help at least sustain a teammate from dying of bloodloss because ur a walking blood bank basically! ypu can also fake damage by letting people stab and shoot and hit you and make blood sprput form your open wounds and pretend to be dead and then sttack them with ur own blood when they least expect it! theres so many cool possibikities its all about gettin to it
yways this is the fruit im giving my Pirate Sona idc
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tflaw · 1 year
Hello!! Hi!! Where do I start? How do I start?? I'm feeling like a reader lining up in a book signing event, a fangirl abt to meet her idol in a fan meeting, I'm all nervous sending this. This is totally off season hehehe it's abt ur wt. Maybe I should share with you my exp just so u can imagine y I'm feeling this way.
-> Sooo, I only got back to Tumblr in Nov, left few years back after done w college and succumbed to modern slavery of the evil corporate world and torture of guilt to be a responsible adult, (oh, it was awful *putting the back of my hand resting on my forehead like a damsel in distress* ok that was dramatic) butt yess I return just for fun. Despite no longer reading fanfic on Tumblr/AO3 I still read original works from time to time.
-> So when I was in Tumblr the first week if, I remembered I saw an illustration and I was like woahhh nice!! I'm always so drawn to historical/period/royal au fics and I thought, oh cool concept for TR and ahh Mikey is always like a King for me. Silly me, I didn't know it was a fanart by one of your readers for ur wt!!! 2 days back I read this terrible fic from elsewhere not here, historical romance and I thought what was that TR fanart abt again? I felt so dumb, I lost the post I didn't even rb it, not sure the name/title/tag used/ until 9h ago. Found it, rb the fanart, read wt on AO3, and I'm blown away. It was 10000000000% wayyyy better than what I read goodness lawd, well for me, for me u wrote better than a published writer my love!! I felt the excitement of reading another Tolkien's and reminds me of asoiaf.
-> Oh but I had another silly episode of finding u back in Tumblr, from one handle to another my silly self did not realize I've already followed you the first week for a Genshin fic tbr and only now I understood that one person sent you some Asks as a knight or something following you. Long shall you reign hehehe. Sumtg like that abt ur handle. This also I was confused I thought it was someone else's acct. 😂
Ok there. That's why I have no idea where to start or how to start. But sweetheart,this is an appreciation msg. I'm so so in love with you and your writing, wicked throne. Gosh I wanted to just sit down w u in a coffee shop/garden and just talk abt this au. Hang on this reminds me of the two besties on IG wearing medieval dresses and walk around in some European gardens in modern day 🤭 lmao. I've read all of your TR on AO3, but I had no acct there to send Kudos so I'm sending from this Ask. I've been missing sooo much since you wrote it.sighhhh
Here you go babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks for writing so well!!! Ok this def isn't enough for all the effort, blood, sweat and tears you've put into your babies.
FIRST I DONT RLY KNOW WHAT TO SAY OMG this is such a sweet message i'm honestly so happy!! it's been a while since wicked throne has been mentioned in any of my blogs so it makes me extremely joyous receiving this ask today!!
+ yep omg wicked throne has a lot of talented artist AND I SWOON EVERY TIME SOMEONE DRAWS A FANART FOR THE FIC!! just the effort of sitting down and thinking of wanting to draw fanart for wt makes me want to cry !!
+ thank you so much for reading!! if i could i would sit down in a coffee shop w you too to talk about it!! it's a story i've been cultivating during the last few years and it's forever in my system <33 i'm just rly sad that i haven't the inspiration to continue it but it's gonna be finished one day !! thank u for ur support and rly any kind of interaction is more than enough for me so u don't have to leave kudos or anything! this ask is already a treasure to me. again thank you and i hope you're having a wonderful day!!
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redr0sewrites · 9 months
14, 23, 63 for the ask game!
AAA TYSM!!!! SOOO EXCITED AB THIS EHEHEH!!!! just fyi, these questions are from this post
14. (how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel? do you draw from personal experiences?)
when writing emotional things i often do use personal experience or my own feelings, but i also do try to put myself in others' shoes too! i consider myself to be pretty empathetic (to a fault sometimes), and writing too much emotional or negative content def has an effect on me. i always make sure to space out my emotional or angsty writing pieces, and overall it can be a bit challenging handling emotions in my writing!!! i def feel what the characters feel when im writing, esp when it comes to x reader fics cuz i want to make both the readers and the characters personalities as accurate as possible!!!
23. (Best writing advice for other writers?)
WRITE WHAT YOU ENJOY. im serious, if your forcing yourself to write for a fandom, character, or anything at all that you dont enjoy it will be so draining and exhausting!!! you also are NOT obligated to obey other peoples wishes when it comes to writing reqs, trust me when i say that no one else should dictate your writing or writing style. if someone doesn't like your writing, thats their problem and if people are continuously disobeying and disrespecting your requesting rules and guidelines it is VERY MUCH OK to simply not write their requests and to set that boundary. finally, never feel afraid to write or post something if it feels too "cringe" or bad, bc the more you write the more you improve!!! keeping all those ideas and creativity bottled up inside personally made me feel so misunderstood, and i felt like i had nobody who shared my interests. thats why i personally started writing fanfiction, to feel closer to my interests and share them with others!! (also coming from a fanfic writer + reader standpoint, make a masterlist PLEASE it makes finding your fics so much easier and link thirsts as well, not just fics! i see so many good writing blogs with incredible wips or thirsts or asks that i want to read, but have only like 2 fics actually on their masterlist and it takes FOREVER to scroll and find all the posts in the archives. i just find masterlists sm easier and more organized tbh!!!)
63. (something you hate to see in smut.)
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE OR TARGETED, JUST SOME THINGS I DONT LIEK!!! i do some of these in my own writing, dont feel bad if u do this stuff, its just my preference!!!!
now, starting off- when the story starts right in the middle of the smut with NO CLUE where the characters are, what position theyre in, whats going on, like the first sentence is like "i could feel my release building as (character) thrusted into me" HOW? WHERE? WHEN???? WHY????? WHATS GOING ON???? also, when the writer is describing a position or something but 2 paragraphs later the position seems completely different with no context whatsoever- like one second the characters hitting it from the back and the next theyre sloppily making out and rubbing their chests together??? when did they move???? also when theres like NO description at ALL ab the position, liek i NEED to know what im visualizing here😭😭😭 . an unnecessary amount of dialogue is also a no-no for me, like why yall having a discussion arent u fucking😭😭😭😭. AND FINALLY. THE BIGGEST PET PEEVE OF THEM ALL. WHEN ITS TAGGED AS GN BUT THEN THE ANATOMY IS DESCRIBED AS FEM OR MASC LIKE USING COCK OR G SPOT OR PROSTATE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE GN!!!! CAN ALSO BE WHEN ITS TAGGED MALE AND THEIRS FEM ANATOMY AND VICE VERSA, WRITERS PLSSS TAG UR SMUTS ACCORDINGLY I DONT WANT GENDER DYSPHORIA WHEN TRYING TO SIMPLY READ SMUT 💀💀💀
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whenrockwasyoung19 · 3 years
As a historian, I really want to do a piece on how 9/11 has been commemorated and how it’s been remembered by the people who lived through it and the generation that came up after. So I need to see 9/11 memes so I can determine what jokes about 9/11 are deemed acceptable by society, if any, and which ones are purely tasteless.
Having lived through that time, and remember the South Park era of comedy, I saw a lot of 9/11 jokes in the years after the attacks. They were tasteless then but laughing at them felt cathartic in a way. We’d all been through this collective trauma, and laughing at some shitty jokes was a way of coping with that trauma. But were these jokes tasteless? Probably.
I feel like as we get further away from the event, our memory of it gets more and more distorted. I think for a lot of people who weren’t there and don’t share that collective trauma they can be more cynical about it than the people that were. What do I mean by cynicism? This refers to a couple of trends I see in 9/11 discourse. The first is tasteless jokes, usually in the form of memes. The second is discourse that usually makes a lot of (false) comparisons between 9/11 and some other tragedy. This can be a comparison between some military mission performed by the US military or a natural disaster and most recently the pandemic. The emphasis in these comparisons is that 9/11 wasn’t that bad actually OR what America has done in retribution for 9/11 is worse than the original act itself. The latter point isn’t necessarily wrong but using a tragic event in which thousands of people lost their lives to do it, while an effective rhetorical strategy, can also come off as cynical and disrespectful to the people who survived it or lost family members. I feel like the best way to make that argument is to emphasize how horrible 9/11 was but explain that what the military did in response was perhaps even more destructive and cost more lives. I think deemphasizing how bad 9/11 was or just using it to make a political argument can read as disrespectful and not enough people find that tricky balance between political argument and disrespect.
As for the but such and such was worse, those people can shut up. Like I can entertain conversations about the actions of the US government and military in response to 9/11 because those are conversations worth having. This sort of cynical worldview doesn’t actually yield effective discourse. It essentially posits that because more people died in say a hurricane or an Earthquake that that event was a bigger tragedy. But as a historian, I can tell you that historians don’t claim that something is more significant or even more tragic or less tragic just because at some point in history a worse thing happened. Like as a historians were more aware than most how many bad things have happened in history, so there is no point in comparing all the tragic things to all of the other tragic things like some kind of mad web. Like there is no point in comparing a natural disaster to a terrorist attack because they are in no way similar other than the fact that innocent people died. They are far more dissimilar than similar, and comparing to disparate events that may not have even happened around the same time doesn’t make any sense. What points of comparison are we drawing and to what end? What does that really tell us about the society we’re living in or were living in during the time of these events? So just the business of comparing tragedies is a pointless endeavor but it also posits that the only thing that measures how tragic something is is it’s death toll and that’s not true. 9/11 is a tragedy not just because innocent people died but because of how meaningless their deaths were. They were caught in the crossfires of a conflict that these random office workers, flight attendants, flight passengers, and first responders had nothing to do with. An ongoing struggle between the East and the West, the dynamics between the most powerful nation on Earth and tiny subsections of a massive global religion has nothing to do with these people who died and yet they lost their lives anyway. Now that is true of any civilian attacks. But that’s the thing: there have been far worse civilian attacks in history, even some conducted by the US military (the Dresden bombings come to mind) but that’s kind of the problem with drawing comparisons. I can’t really say if the Dresden bombings and the Blitz were worse than 9/11. It simply doesn’t feel like my place to say to someone that suffered that your tragedy is actually smaller or less significant than this other tragedy that happened some other time. They are all hugely significant in their own ways, they are all tragedies, and they should all be remembered and discussed with reverence.
I do feel that a lot of the comparisons between 9/11 and some other tragedy come from this place of “why does the US make such a big deal about 9/11 and not xyz tragedy?” And this is a valid question but not all of the answers come down to “the US doesn’t care about xyz tragedy” or “the US only cares about itself!” So let’s go through some reasons why the anniversary of 9/11 is so widely covered. Firstly, it happened on our soil. Countries are always going to honor things that happened to them. It’s just a thing. If it affected the people in that country, then yeah they’re gonna go on and on about it. Secondly, it happened 20 years ago so it’s still in very recent living memory. Most people alive on the planet have vivid memories of that day, so most people still remember what that day felt like and want to honor the victims and commemorate it. Thirdly, all the cynical reasons. Yes the US is less concerned about anything else that’s happened outside of our borders. What happened to us matters more to anyone else. No this isn’t great but I’m just reporting the state of things. And yes, the US is selective about what it remembers and what it doesn’t, and the government has a history of struggling to acknowledge the bad things America has done. And lastly, America never really stopped being overly nationalistic like a lot of other countries did after the rise of fascism scared them out of ever doing that shit again. America just maintains its nationalism. Maybe one day it’ll have a more nuanced perspective of itself like other countries do but we’ll see. So yeah there are a lot of reasons why the US makes a big fucking deal about this day and will forever and not all of them are bad or reason to criticize.
Ok now to acknowledge the memes. God any time I tell kids not to make memes about 9/11 I feel like a grandma. I mean I could go on and on about how it’s disrespectful but the people making them know this and don’t care. I guess I’m more interested in understanding why people make memes about a national tragedy. I think it has to do with how 9/11 has been remembered which is largely clouded by all of the political and military stuff that happened as a result of it. For people who learned about 9/11 years after it happened, they didn’t experience these events in real time. For those of us who lived through it, we didn’t know all that was going to transpire because of it. On that day, all we really knew was that thousands of people were dead and more were going to die in the conflicts that would result from it. We didn’t know that the wars would last decades or how pointless it would all be in the end. We had no idea how shitty George Bush was or how incompetent his administration was. We definitely had no idea that Trump was coming. So for a lot of us, we can separate the mess that happened because of the attacks from our memories of the attacks. It’s so much easier for us to think only about the events of that day because we were there. We have specific memories of it which we can latch onto rather than just thinking about news footage or events that came later.
And the cynicism that people feel is somewhat earned. The attacks obviously spurned two decades of Islamaphobia as well as countless military attacks in the Middle East. For a lot of young people, they feel like they’re supporting Muslims or standing against Islamaphobia by disrespecting an event that prompted so much Islamaphobia. And I get that. But also that’s not the way to do show your support or take a stand. Keep in mind that the people who died that day had no idea what they were dying for. Most in their last moments probably didn’t even know it was a terrorist attack. The American people didn’t even realize the first plane was an attack. So it doesn’t really make sense to disrespect their memory when it’s not their fault that their deaths resulted in so much pain and suffering for the Muslim diaspora. Disrespect the people who were openly Islamaphobic after the attacks, criticize the American government for their actions in the Middle East. But not the people who had no control how their deaths were remembered or used by politicians, military leaders, white nationalists, and other racists to attack Muslim people.
As a historian, it’s my job to try to apply a historical context to people’s actions. A lot of people have done this to observe why people responded to the attacks the way they did. Now I want to use it to understand why so many young people feel at best indifferent to the events of that day and at worst resentful and disrespectful towards ur
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pasteljeon · 4 years
don’t need ur love (m)
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❥ pairing: ot7/reader
❥ warnings: some vague descriptions of sex, just really angsty sorry :(
❥ based on this prompt: bts being in a relationship with y/n but then slowly all of them fell out of love with her and with another girl. from @/armyforlifelove :”)
❥ summary: four lessons on love.
❥ notes: exams are finally over so i’m super excited to share my upcoming projects soon <3 i hope you enjoy this little ficlet and lmk what you think!
One. Love is fickle.
There is not one boy, there are seven.
“Jimin, I’m not angry. I don’t blame you. You don’t feel the same for me anymore. I accept that. I can’t do anything about it, and I’m not going to sink down and beg you to love me. I know my own worth. I am worth loving, I am worth being cherished and treasured.” You give his cheek one last fond pat, smiling lopsidedly as you pick up the handle of your suitcase.
His lips are downturned, eyebrows pinched and body stiff.
They watch with mirroring expressions of guilt and sorrow as you give the place a final, lingering sweep. But there is also relief and gratitude. You have never been the petty type, never been vindictive. You have always been the mature one, the fun one, the level-headed one.
You say, “Thank you for the memories. I’ll see you around.”
Jimin opens his mouth, like he’s ready to apologize again, but all that comes out is an uncertain, “You too.”
The penthouse is the same as always, clothes scattered on couches and loveseats and hung over the dining table chairs. Yeontan’s toys lying in a pile next to his little bed. Your mug, your clothes, your books and papers, they’re all gone. It’s like you were never here.
The door shuts quietly.
You fall in love in summer.
They pluck you from the crowd, these gorgeous boys, and they carve a space in your heart and fill it with them, until your chest feels so full and warm.
You’re happy for a long time. Winters pass. Spring blooms, so lovely and sweet and it makes your nose itch. They’re soft and kind and their touch is reverent, sometimes bold and daring and always loving.
Then it stops.
He’s distant, shifty-eyed and avoids you like the plague. Slowly, they all become just as detached. And you realize.
Time’s up.
He cries and cries and begs for forgiveness, he buries his face in your stomach and his hands are shaky and cold. He’s sorry, he sobs. He’s sorry he fell in love with someone else.
Yeah, you think. You’re sorry too, because you could have saved yourself from it if you’d only looked hard enough.
Taehyung is the only one that stays with you that night. You send Jimin away, too anguished and defeated to comfort him.
He’s the last one, the one whose heart still flutters when he talks to you, touches you. But you know. You know that eventually, he will leave too.
He kisses your tears away and he holds you close, murmuring sweet nothings until you finally fall into fitful sleep, and his stomach hurts, hurts so much with the way you’re curled into him, so small and fragile, clutching at his shirt as your eyes flicker with whatever dream you’re having.
And he swears he’ll never let you go, never betray you.
“It didn’t break me. How could it? I loved them so much, yes, but this isn’t the end. It’s not the be all end all. It can’t be. I believe that there’s more out there.” You stare into the dark contents of your drink, your reflection rippling across the surface as you trace the handle absently.
The person across from you watches you with a startlingly intense gaze, fingers crossed as they lean in, arms braced on the table.
“It was like … there was a bullet to my heart and a hole in my chest, and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night drowning in anguish and tears burning in my eyes and cheeks wet. Sometimes it’s a struggle to breathe when I think of them, when I do something that reminds me so vividly of them.”
Two. Love is painful.
There were seven boys, now there is only one.
You press your forehead against his. Your voice is soft, your breath is warm and your words are sweet. He thinks he’s dying. Your ache is palpable, your grief burns, lighting a dull pain travels, throbbing and expanding, at the base of his spine.
“It’s weird because it’s not like you wake up one day with this sudden revelation that you’ve fallen out of love. It happens slowly, over a period of time, when the things you did before and the things you liked about your partner no longer holds the same charm. Suddenly, the small things that had made you fall so hard for them are annoying. Their laugh is too loud, too ugly. They leave their utensils in the sink, they forget to separate the lights with the darks They look … ordinary. Just like everyone else you pass on the street. Suddenly, they’re just … somebody. Just not somebody to you.”
“It’s okay, Taehyung. You loved me, and that was enough.”
He sobs out a garble that sounds like your name. He puts a hand over his face, shame and guilt overwhelming him like a tide that threatens to choke the life out of him completely.
You pry them away gently, and you kiss him. It’s wet and uncoordinated, lips slick and salty with your mingled tears.
You stumble into the bedroom, and he presses you against the mattress, hands heavy and hot as he makes love to you one last time. He pours everything into it, everything you’ve been through together, everything he feels for you. Slowly, slowly, because he’s saying goodbye. For real this time, because he can never look back without this weight of failure and guilt.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, he chants, like a broken record, he sears the movement of his lips into your skin and you bear the scar even as you close the chapter for good.
Three. Love changes you.
“But then it starts to fade. The hurt, it lessens with every day that passes. The tightness in your chest loosens and the world starts to regain some of its colour, your body begins to stomach more, your taste buds remind you that food can taste brilliant.”
You find retain old habits and find new hobbies. You reconnect with old friends, make new ones. You go out for dinner, drinks, dessert, the movies, to their houses for barbeque, the skating rink, rollerblading, the occasional club. Not all at once, never in quick succession, but you go when called, go when you ask.
You are reminded that you still have a life outside of the all-consuming romance.
You learn how to draw the perfect wing, you shop, you redecorate, you work, and at the end of the year, you take a two-week vacation to travel somewhere new. You take pictures, write stories, finish your thesis and you graduate.
You enjoy your life.
You still see them, on billboards, TV shows, concerts, YouTube videos, articles, your friends buzz with news about them, at first hesitantly and apologetically, now eagerly and excitedly.
You are proud of them, of where they’ve come, where they are, who they are and what they’ve accomplished. They are an inspiration, legends, and you are grateful to have shared a part of your life with them, to have been born in the same era as them, because this universe makes no mistakes.
And you move on.
You are living.
Four. Love is worth it.
It is worth every tear, the anger and sorrow, the loss and the sacrifice.
And sometimes, the world works in mysterious ways.
Sometimes, you go full circle, only to end up where you should have been from the very beginning.
“Is it too late, have we been through too much, have I lost you? Is it unfair for me to ask if we could start again? The moment you left, I knew … I knew I’d given up something good. Something beautiful and I wasn’t ready to commit, couldn’t see all that I had in front of me. I was foolish, I was … a coward.” He reaches out to touch your hand gingerly, barely a graze, gauging your expression. You don’t move, and he curls his fingers over your palm.
“I thought … I thought that it was natural for me to follow, I thought I felt something for her, but I was wrong, I was so wrong. God, you have no idea how much I hated myself for hurting you like that. I … I love you, I have loved you all this time, and I miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, the way you hold me, the way you touch me, the way you can comfort me with just your presence. I miss the way you loved me. I missed … you. I miss the colour of your soul.”
“So, I was wondering. If it isn’t too late, if we haven’t been through too much, if I haven’t lost all of you yet, would it be fair to ask you to start over again with me?” His warmth is familiar, his eyes are a burnished gold and the truth is, you are strangers. So much time has passed, he looks a ghost from the past, he talks like him, walks like him, still hates bitter things like him, but he’s not him anymore. You know this because his expression is wiser, he has looked in the mirror and found himself and he is ready to try again. To do better, to dare to become someone better.
But is it too late? Are you ready for the risk of your heart being broken all over again?
Isn’t life a game of risk and reward?
You squeeze his hand gently. “I would like that.”
Taehyung beams. His smile is still boxy, his jaw line sharper, silky hair permed, and it flops over his forehead. He looks older, is older. He pushes the black locks back and strokes his thumb over your knuckles. He’s more comfortable in his own skin, you think his chest is wider, shoulders broader.
“Can I buy you a coffee?”
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milkybonya · 3 years
Hi bby!!! Whats's up? I am once again asking for Wooseok content 🙏🏻🥺 Drunk confessions are always funny and so sincere.. do you think you can do something im with that? :o maybe a college AU ? If you don't feel ok with that you know you can change it as you please, I'll love it anywyas 😩 thanks!! 💛 I hope you had happy holidays💙💙
omg it is my FAVOURITE WOOSEOK ANON !! but not on anon anymore ofc hehe i love this idea! so much! (and happy holidays to you too ♡) i hope you enjoy this even though it's a whole mess~
Drunk Confession
Warnings: party/drunk mentions
Pairing: College!Wooseok x (gender neutral)reader
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When Wooseok, your roommate, texted you saying that he was going to a party, you considered going. You considered it because you knew this boy was going to get drunk and cause trouble like he always did... but this time, you didn't go. For once, he should clean up after his own messes.
You still kept your phone close to you in case he called, though, and later that night, your phone screen lit up.
Wooseok ur drunk
hidrunk im dad
no Wooseok. YOU'RE drunk. and im dad in this case i guess
ur notb dad... ur [y/n]&&@
yes.. im glad u know. why are u texting me when ur at a party?
i feel lonelyyy
ur literally surrounded by people
but none of fhem aee [y/n]
none of them what?
you havent caused any trouble, right?
no, [y/n].. are u troublencause i canf seem to stop causing you ehhehe
that... doesnt make sense?
pls pick me up i miss u pls ecome pls
it's late, Wooseok i'm tired :(
ur cute pls dont do :( or my heart go boom
we wouldn't want that to happen..
i'm coming, Wooseok
Without any further consideration, you grabbed your jacket and rushed out the door. Luckily, Wooseok had told you where he was headed, so you were able to find him easily. Also, the loud singing and flashing lights in the middle of a fairly quiet street of houses was a dead giveaway.
With your head down, you quietly entered the loud space, trying not to draw attention to yourself. There were people dancing wildly, socializing and doing.. many things that you would have rather not seen.
After asking around for Wooseok, you found him and his long limbs sprawled out on a couch.
"Wooseok! Are you okay?"
"[y/nnnnn]" he slurred, grinning.
Just as you were about to help him up, he fell off the sofa while reaching for your hand. Laughing it off, he brushed himself off and let you help him leave the house.
Out in the cool air of the night, Wooseok stumbled back to your shared dorm with you.
"So, Wooseok, did you have fun?" you asked him, smiling up at the tall boy.
He smiled, pushing up the frames of his glasses which he somehow had not lost.
"No. I told you, someone was missing. [y/n] was missing. And I was sad," he muttered, pointing his finger in the air while pouting.
"Why were you sad?" you asked.
"Because [y/n] wasn't there. They're my best friend, I can't live without them. My heart hurts when they're not near, but also," Wooseok continued, turning to look you in the eye, "I want to hold their hand and hug them.. we hug sometimes but I want to hug them for hours on end and give them a kiss on the cheek and.."
"Are we talking about the same [y/n]?" you asked, unsure how your legs were still moving when your roommate and best friend had just confessed to you.
"Yes.. you're [y/n], I like [y/n] and we're all happy! Woo!" Wooseok cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
"You're drunk.. You're just drunk.."
Back home, you tucked Wooseok in despite him whining about how he needs bed time cuddles and him holding onto you for dear life. Drunk Wooseok was affectionate Wooseok, so none if this was new, but butterflies were raging a storm within you.
When he said that he wanted to cuddle you snd hold your hand earlier that night, you tried to remain calm but you were so overwhelmed with emotion. Wooseok. Your goofy, fun but super cute roommate liked you... back. Back since you also liked him but suppressed it to maintain the friendship.
It was complicated.
But he was drunk.
He was just rambling. Perhaps he liked someone else but because he saw you so often, he had mistaken you for his true crush.
When he woke up in the morning and the two of you awkwardly ran into one another in the kitchen, and Wooseok's face turned red as he scratched the back of his neck while pretending to search the fridge for something... you had a feeling that maybe Wooseok wasn't just rambling last night. He was being overly nervous even though you'd seen him get drunk before.
"Wooseok... do you remember everything you said last night?" you slowly asked.
He simply hummed with his head still in the fridge.
"So you remember confessing to me?"
"I'll only remember it if you also like me back," he said, finally closing the fridge and turning to face you. His hair was a mess and his face was puffy but his smirk and the way his white shirt hung from his shoulders made him look so good.
"If you don't like me, then i don't remember a thing," he said, reaching for some cereal.
"No, Wooseok. I like you too.. only if your confession was a sincere one," you say, leaning forward against the kitchen counter.
"It was as sincere as it gets.. do I have permission to hold your hand now?"
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tiredrobin · 2 years
Mmmmmmmm ok ok ok im back, i read your posts and noticed that maybe... I only asked about Nib and not Bin jeje, sometimes i just think things but forget to write/say them.
I like both of them, they are very different from each other, except maybe for the nonverbal part? That's a common denominator i really like.
I love what you've got going on for Bin, like the universes, the energy streams, the fucked up society ™, the transportation powers and how it ended up in animal crossing, very fitting because nobody there will give a fuck that it is so strange.
Don't know if this is what you were going for but the clipping through walls and weird 'glitchy' stuff may be due to it being an entity used to the physics of its world of origin, so it sometimes forgets how this new world works and just ends up doing the weirdest shit like letting water clip through it to get to the sea floor easier to get cool stuff to sell and the villagers would be like 'hey cool, wanna hang out?'
I was left with some questions, if you will indulge me further
Does Nib's 'human' form was something it willing made or some kind of transformation it suffered while entering this reality?
Did it get hurt and the missing arm was a result or it's just how it was born? (I think this sounds like the question above :/
You mentioned it can't use it's mouth to eat or talk, does it live only from what energy it can take from the current universe it lives in?
Does it partake in ingesting food in anyway? Maybe more liquid-y through a straw like a smoothie or just candy/stuff it can disolve in it's mouth?
I have more but these are a lot already, sorry.
Once again, take your time, answer only if you feel comfortable. You don't have to draw if you don't feel like it.
No pressure jajja I'm just a very curious person :P and your OC's are very interesting.
Once again don't forget to rest and take care of yourself!! Have some nuggets or maybe something else you like :3
I say this when just last night i pulled an all nighter just to olay pokemon masters.... BUT I GOT INGO AND ELESA.
I'll sleep early tonight, promise.
EHEHEHEE so fortunately (maybe unfortunately?) for the both of us im too tired to draw anyhting for Bin because ive been drawing Nib content all day, but i can Defo write a text reply! and yes, you're right, i am still working on the nib response to ur previous ask!
before we get into bin tho U RLY BETTER GET SOME SLEEP. im being a hypocrite rn but its ok cuz i only work one day n then i have 2 off so i will have plenty of time to rest afterwards :]. but u gotta get some rest!!
(also. do u think i should...get pokemon masters......? im tempted...)
ALL THE ART IN THE LAST FEW POSTS AND IN THIS POST WAS DRAWN LIKE MONTHS AGO so i am not drawing anything new im just sharing all the bullshit i drew for bin already! usual warnings for body horror, also some sfw nudity. so anyway, to answer in order:
yeah about nib and bin being pretty different!!! bin is a lot more... i mean, it's an "adult" (vaguely young adult-ish), so that's a big difference already, and it's weird in a funky monster kinda way. nib, meanwhile, is just a goofy-ass kid. i Do enjoy that both nib and bin are kinda naive, though bin's naivety is a lot less childlike and a lot more "i am a weird extradimensional Creature and idk how the world works".
Don't know if this is what you were going for but the clipping through walls and weird 'glitchy' stuff may be due to it being an entity used to the physics of its world of origin, so it sometimes forgets how this new world works and just ends up doing the weirdest shit
it's less that Bin forgets how the world works, and a lot more like bin's body forgets. or, even more accurately, the world itself—the fabric of this universe—has no idea how to react to bin's anomalous body. i wanna say that bin is maybe 80 or 90% Physical Meats and Liquids, and the rest is something that can't be easily perceived by this universe. so, like, bin can't stick properly to our "layer" of existence, i guess, and that leads to weird glitchy shit.
bin still has its powers, but it has no idea How to access them 100%, though it can access them overall pretty moderately.
Does Nib's 'human' form was something it willing made or some kind of transformation it suffered while entering this reality?
bin had no say in how their body got created!! when it dropped into AC universe, its being tried really, really hard to conform to the third dimension, and bin was... unconscious during the process. it woke up Like That and just had to role with it.
Did it get hurt and the missing arm was a result or it's just how it was born? (I think this sounds like the question above :/
"born" with it, so to speak!! if bin were 100% human, it'd have been born without an arm; as it is, when bin was an angel, it was "missing a limb" as well, though in a weird angelic way that idk how to describe or even really perceive. it just translated over into the physical world.
bin's body is fucking weird. here's some art (nudity warning, but sfw)
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it can alter its body with a lot of work, but bin doesn't really think its worth it to try and get rid of the extra pieces. and, in case you're curious, bin Cannot give itself another arm. any possible manifestation of it would be missing a limb.
You mentioned it can't use it's mouth to eat or talk, does it live only from what energy it can take from the current universe it lives in?
Does it partake in ingesting food in anyway? Maybe more liquid-y through a straw like a smoothie or just candy/stuff it can disolve in it's mouth?
bin can actually eat!! it just cant Chew, at least not properly. it doesn't need to eat as much as a normal person mostly because it's so, so full of energy that it could perpetuate itself Forever, but only if it didnt have a physical/3d body. it needs to eat enough to keep the meat and liquid of its body Alive and Nourished, but it otherwise can provide itself energy jsut fine for probably millions of years.
as for How it eats.... yeah, mostly soups? smoothies that itll eat with a spoon (cant really use a straw properly), itll suck on candy, etc. sometimes if it wants something Solid, itll either cut it up in tiny pieces and eat it that way, or itll just spend a while gnawing it slowly. its jaw isnt strong enough to rip into solid foods, but it can worry and work at the food until little pieces break off
thank u for questions!!! i love talking about my ocs, haha
heres more random doodles from before
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from an anon, about parents and school
(it's just long, that's why it's under a break XD)
here's my proposition: make parents understand that not every child should conform to whatever traditional career paths that exist. as an asian, i could feel the pressure to take science like a fucking boulder on my body. i have to rant a bit.
i am the younger sibling, my brother is two years elder to me. i was never instilled any curiosity in anything science related, i was kinda left all by myself lol. my brother tho, maybe because he was older or because he was a guy (yeah LMFAO), was encouraged AND involved in a LOT of coding, mechanix (its a construct-ur-own-stuff thing).
i guess i never really noticed until i was leaving middle school, that i was not as smart as him, and would probably never be. but i had other strengths he didnt have. i love writing, im pretty good at it. i am analytical and subejctive, i like thinking and making conclusions about things. i mean i guess i've figured out what i could be better at, right? but the problem?
its that my parents dont see it. its as if they dont know me or they DO know me and are just forcing the things they need onto me. it feels selfish of them to completely forgo my actual strengths. like YES OK i UNDERSTAND i can never be as smart as my brother, but u dont have to pretend like i can. because pretending that i can achieve whatever he has, is just going to affect YOU. because i have accepted long ago that some things arent for me.
they think i dont want to put effort into anything i do. that im lazy and want the easy way out. god, every time they say this i want to honestly show them that its the things IM interested in, where i put in the work. its so belittling.
ive written articles abt bts, their music, about how carl jungs theory of archetypes and i occasionally ask a lot of questions about the world to you (hi lol). i just dont get why they want me to waste energy on something im clearly uninterested in.
short answer, point to BTS and say, "They're Asian, they make tons of money. Leave me alone."
just kidding XD
If I'm being serious, I don't think they will change their mind. They will continue to force their ideals onto you, because they believe in certain career paths had assured success and that is what they are after. They either want you to make a certain amount of money, have a certain status in life, or simply know that you can obtain a stable job. To be honest, these are not really traditional career paths at all if you think about it. Becoming a doctor takes many, many years and it is hard ass work. Parents just make it seem as if these are the only jobs available to you, even if you know it's not true.
Men vs women in Asian countries, well, I feel everyone knows this, but many Asian parents born in their respective countries put more effort into their sons than daughters. Firstborn son? He probably walks on water to them XD
I understand what you mean when you say your parents do not understand. This might sound egotistical (it does now that I'm writing it, I am very sorry) but I was the one in my family who got the best grades. None of my siblings got better grades than me (basically I had a 4.0 from middle school to university), and do you think with all that I would be immune?
I am good at the sciences and I am good at the humanities as well. I had an interest in reading, writing, and drawing. Reading fiction, I could pass it off to educate myself. Writing? I could pass it off as something for school. But drawing?
Woo, boy.
This was a constant fight. I do not back down (a rebel, wcyd) and I drew and it would get ripped apart. I drew and it would get torn up and thrown away. I drew and and would be beaten, yelled at, constantly belittled for my interest in it even though I was good at the sciences and math. To my mom (my dad doesn't count, he had zero interest in parenting) - if she did not think it was going to make money in the future, it was useless. If I could not spin it into profit, I should not be doing it (very fun childhood I had, yes). The most ironic thing is, after I became an adult, she suggested I start drawing again and sell it to make money.
You literally forced me to stop drawing because you constantly connected it with negativity???
(not now, I have since stopped talking to her and started drawing again and it is purely for myself, not to show anyone else, I do not even post it on social media or show anyone irl)
Not saying your parents will act like mine, btw, only sharing my experience.
The idea that you'll never be as smart as your brother? That's bullshit lol. That's like saying intelligence is only valuable if it's science or math, which, as you know, is not true. You are you. He is himself. It is not you cannot do those things. It is that those things are not what you want to focus on. You have a limited amount of time in this life and you have chosen the things you want to delve into and explore.
You don't have to be good at everything. Everything is just not good enough for you.
I am of the mindset that you should try and learn everything you can about this world. I love learning, personally. I think knowing everything I know, from the humanities to the sciences, enriches my life and gives me a broader perspective.
But I totally understand how you feel, because being pushed into something makes you end up hating it. Parents push their kids to learn this or that and kids end up resenting schoolwork because it doesn't feel like something they wanna do anymore. It's just adults yapping in their ears and it feels pointless. Grades aren't everything. You think anyone cares that I aced Physics with Calculus I and II as an adult? LMAO, no one gives a shit. You passed, good enough XD
Here's how I think you should treat school. It's not the content that matters. It's you understanding how you learn each subject. Every subject is different and how you learn them is different. It is not because you are bad at the subject, it is because you haven't figured out the best learning style for you. Teachers have to teach a mass of students and, yes, I understand this seems very tedious to have to "teach yourself".
The skill in learning to learn becomes so, so valuable as an adult. It is how you maintain interest in things, how you develop new interests, and how will come to find meaning (in whatever you want to focus on finding meaning for). I'm not saying that you will be able to find your perfect learning style in every subject, but I am encouraging you to simply see it in that light.
And, you might find certain things to be not that important to you, in which case, just pass the class, it's totally fine if it's not going to help you for the career path you're going for XD Nobody asks me about the themes of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (tbh, a pair of overdramatic loons) or how I feel about Sigmund Freud (actually a twat, but that's neither here nor there).
Let them talk. That one that walks your path is you. Focus on what you want to focus on. They are set in their ways and they way to show them there are different paths is to walk them.
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