#she even told the professor during a group meeting that no one had shared the work except for her and oh my gosh i was like ''actually you-
diobrando · 2 years
this bitch is so flakey man it’s getting on my nerves
#we're supposed to meet up on saturday but im going to cancel on her to see how she likes it fuck her#i do most of the work and then she still says she's stressed bc of the assignments#girl we're taking the same 2 classes and both work i know youre full of shit#besides the last lesson plan for 457 is the easiest one because we already did 80% of the work its just adding new differentiation for 3 new#students idk man this is so annoying ive never been paired up with someone this ridiculous at the college level#also so fucking crazy looking over the year long curriculum that we wrote and seeing the notes my professor left#all the stuff they wrote sucks and he said its too vague and missing a ton of important info and mine is great and detailed like yeah ik#im looking at the standards ive taken 401 ive done this at a higher level bc that one was 20+pages and was super detailed AND had examples#this one sucks bc its collaborative and i cant just do whatever i want and like lmao the 401 one was also collaborative BUT it had multiple#components so 1) the year-long curriculum overview 2) a 10 page rationale 3) a powerpoint with a mini lesson (10 min presentation) and we#split up and did our parts but one of the girl who wrote the rationale was so fucking annoying i almost told her to stfu multiple times#she kept trying to drag us for not doing the work on her schedule like sorry but we have lives and will get to it when we can#she even told the professor during a group meeting that no one had shared the work except for her and oh my gosh i was like ''actually you-#-didnt share anything either so dont complain to the professor about other people's work'' and then i had my work done on a google doc and#pulled it up and so did the other 2 people like cmon girl get over yourself people that take 4 unit classes and stick around until the end#arent in that class to mess around but ANYWAYS THIS IS SO MUCH IM JUST ANNOYED AF by the ppl i was stuck with in 450S this semester i should#have picked a different grade level smh i shouldve picked 7th grade and worked alone it wouldve been better than this
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nadinebrooks · 8 months
Hello!! Can you do a couple head cannons with hufflepuff reader x Draco and a hufflepuff reader x Cedric (separate),maybe some Yule ball head cannons too only if you want to though (: if not just wanted to let you know I love your writing and your understanding of the characters is just incredible <3
Here is the link to my masterlist.
Cedric Diggory x Reader: Blossoming Love
Warnings: I don't believe there is anything.
The start of the school year at Hogwarts was a magical whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. The castle buzzed with energy as students returned to their beloved home away from home. Among those students was (y/n), a warm-hearted and hardworking Hufflepuff entering her sixth year.
Over the past couple of weeks, she was really starting to settle into her schedule. Her favorite class had always been Herbology. She absolutely adored Professor Sprout. 
Professor Sprout’s voice rang through the greenhouse as she attempted to capture the attention of all of her students. 
“Class, for this semester, we will be working on a long-term group project. Each of you will be paired with a partner and before you get too excited, I will be selecting your partners randomly.”
(y/n) exchanged excited glances with her closest friend, Eleanor Wilson, as they silently prayed that they would be partners. Nobody wanted to be partners with someone that they didn’t like or had never talked to.
The professor waved her wand as enchanted parchment soared through the air with names on them. (y/n) watched as a piece glided toward her and she held her breath in anticipation. 
When the parchment landed in her hand, she unfolded it to reveal the name of her partner:
Cedric Diggory.
Eleanor’s eyes widened with surprise as she leaned over (y/n)’s shoulder and looked at the name. She giggled and winked at her friend. 
Cedric wasn’t just any Hufflepuff. He was one of the more charming, talented, handsome guys (y/n) had ever come across during her time at Hogwarts. She thought he was absolutely perfect. However, the two of them had never really gotten a chance to know each other on a more personal level. They were in the same year, but (y/n) always looked at him like an unreachable star in the Hogwarts constellation. 
Cedric slowly gathered his belongings and made his way toward her. Elanor smiled one last time at (y/n) and went to find her partner. 
“Hi (y/n),” He grinned down at her. “I’m actually happy that we’re partners.” 
“Really.” (y/n)’s eyes shot up in surprise. She was a little surprised that he even knew who she was. 
“Yes.” He nodded earnestly. “Usually I end up pairing with one of my friends and that never goes well because I always end up doing all the work. But you don’t have to worry about that, I plan to pull my weight.” 
For the project, the two of them had to explore and document herbal remedies for common magical ailments like burns, insect bites, or minor curses. Then they had to create a detailed pamphlet with instructions.
“Thank you, Cedric. I really appreciate that. I’ve also had my fair share of assignments where I’ve had to do most of the work.” (y/n) told him. And in that moment it seemed as if the two of them decided to pull their weight for the sake of the other one. They decided that the best thing would be to meet every other evening in the library when Cedric didn’t have Quidditch practice. 
(y/n) very quickly learned that Cedric was so much more than just a pretty face. He was intelligent, funny, and above all, he was genuinely interested in their assignment and eager to collaborate. 
As the weeks went by and the project unfolded, Cedric and (y/n) found themselves spending more and more time together. They were even spending time together doing things that had nothing to do with the project.
Even after doing their research in the greenhouse, they would have dinner together or play chess in the common room late at night. Rumors even started floating around the castle but somehow they hadn’t made their way back to them. 
Once when the two of them found themselves alone in the common room, Cedric finally told (y/n) something that he had been wanting to tell her a couple of months ago. She uncovered a side of Cedric that only a few had seen - thoughtful and vulnerable. He found himself confiding in her about his aspirations, insecurities, and his innermost thoughts. 
“You know (y/n), I really do appreciate your company. It’s nice to have someone to talk to.” Cedric’s voice had gone somber. 
“I hope you know that I’m always here to listen.” (y/n) looked over at him with empathy. She couldn’t image how hard it was to be him. 
“Thank you.” His eyes were filled with gratitude. “I like that you treat just like you treat everyone else you come across. You just see me as Cedric and that means a lot.”
Their bond deepened over the course of the semester, and Cedric found solace in sharing his thoughts and worries with (y/n). He began to look forward to not only their meetings but staring at her across the room in Potions or getting to have breakfast with her. It was nice to know that he could be himself without the weight of the spotlight. 
However, their growing friendship did not go unnoticed by Cho Chang. The rumors had made their way back to her. She was someone who had caught Cedric’s eye in the past and even though they weren’t officially dating, she always wanted to a presence in his life. She couldn’t help but feel jealous of the connection (y/n) and Cedric was forging. 
One day, Cho confronted (y/n) while she was sitting out by the Black Lake reading a book.
“Stay away from Cedric.” She hissed dark eyes piercing into (y/n)’s. 
“Cho, there’s no need to worry.” (y/n) was taken aback by Cho’s hostility. “Cedric and I are just friends. I would never try to come between the two of you.” 
“I’ve seen the way you and Cedric have been spending time together. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” 
“We’re just working on a semester long project together.” (y/n) responded completely unfazed by Cho’s hostility.
Cho’s expression softened slightly when she saw that (y/n) was genuine about not wanting to come between the two of them. “You better keep it that way.” 
“Cho, you and Cedric aren’t officially dating.” (y/n) let out a patient sigh that caused Cho’s left eye to twitch. “Besides, I doubt he sees me the same way that he sees you. I’m not as beautiful as you.” 
“Not as beautiful as me?” Cho let out a dark laugh. “I can’t believe you actually think that. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but Cedric sees your kindness and genuine nature.” 
Deep down, (y/n) couldn’t help but feel that Cho was a vision of grace and beauty. Someone that she could never compare to. There was no way that Cedric thought about her the same way he thought about Cho. 
Despite her insecurities, (y/n) continued to be a supportive friend to Cho. She listened to his hopes and dreams, offered advice when he sought it, and cherished the moments they spent together. Cedric found himself seeking (y/n)’s company more and more.  
As winter approached, the Yule Ball became the talk of the school. It was an event filled with excitement and anticipation. Of course, the idea of the Yule Ball crossed (y/n)’s mind, but she hadn’t given it a ton of thought. Eleanor tried to convince her to mention it to Cedric but after that conversation with Cho, there was no way. 
“You know, (y/n), the Yule Ball is coming up.” Cedric sat down his quill. His hand had started to cramp from writing so much. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?”
“Me?” (y/n) sat her quill down and looked up at him. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure.” Cedric nodded with a warm smile. “I would love to go with you. You’ve been amazing and I can’t imagine a better date.”
“I’d be honored to go with you, Cedric.” (y/n) felt herself grinning. The thought of attending with him made her both nervous and excited. She never considered that someone like Cedric Diggory would ask her. And for second, the two of them felt themselves leaning in. 
The world seemed to fade away as they shared an unexpected moment of intimacy. Their lips met in a tender heartfelt kiss. It was a silent confession of emotions that had grown stronger with each passing day. It was a realization that their bond was more than just friendship. 
“I’ve wanted to do that longer than I care to admit,” Cedric whispered when they pulled away. His cheeks were flushed and both of their hearts were racing. 
Now that their feelings were finally out in the open, the two of them spent the rest of the night working on the project, but not without sneaking glances at the other for the rest of the night. 
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suzitaree · 1 year
Missed loved one. (O. Gaunt x reader)
Ominis Gaunt, a Hogwarts student from the Slytherin house, had been dating Y/N for the past year. They had grown inseparable and their love had only grown stronger with time. However, Y/N had to leave for London on a secret mission with Professor Weasley. Ominis was worried sick about her, but he knew that she was capable of handling herself.
The Ministry of Magic had received intelligence that a group of Ranrok’s men were planning to attack the vault in London. The vault containing some ancient magic. Y/N and Professor Weasley were sent to investigate the matter and prevent any harm to the city.
Y/N had been gone for a week and Ominis had not heard from her. He missed her terribly and could not concentrate on anything else. He spent his days with Sebastian for some distractions but nothing seemed to work.
Even though it was a risk to send Y/N an owl letter he decided to do so anyway.
"Write to me, as soon as you are able, for I feel that till then I shall continue sad," the letter read. 
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He wrote her how much he missed her and how worried he was about her. He also shared his day-to-day activities, trying to make her feel as if she was still with him.
Finally, after two weeks, Y/N returned to Hogwarts. Ominis rushed to meet her and they hugged each other tightly. Y/N told him about the mission and how they had managed to prevent Ranrok’s men going in to the vault. And wasn’t able to write him of the risk getting detected.
As they walked through the Hogwarts grounds, hand in hand, Ominis realized that their love had only grown stronger during the time they had been apart and how much they meant to each other.
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sadinasaphrite · 7 months
Friday Nights Ch 1
Oh no, I accidentally started a modern fantasy AU Professor Gale BloodWeave fic. Full blame goes to @tearsontherocks for instigating this in the first place, along with the BloodWeave Tower Discord server for encouragement.
Read on AO3!
* * * * *
No one ever talks about how much of a wizard’s time is taken up by teaching. When a child says they want to be an astronaut, some spoilsport will be quick to warn them astronauts need to be good at math and astrophysics or some such. Too many adults are quick to temper the dreams of children with an uncalled for dose of reality.
Ordinarily, Gale would frown upon such behavior, preferring to encourage the imagination of the up and coming younger generation. Today, however, Gale wished someone had warned him away from his career path in the magical arts. If someone had told him the price of manipulating the power of the cosmos was lecturing two hundred bored students about ethical transmutation, then maybe he’d have become something else. A cook, perhaps. Or a librarian. Something more mundane. Something safer.
If he’d never become a wizard, maybe last night would never have happened.
Gale let out a long breath. No time to think about that now. Students were filing into the lecture hall, and he owed them a good lecture, no matter how disinterested they looked. He checked the time, gave the stragglers a few moments to find their seats, then plastered on a fake smile and started his lecture.
He didn’t mind teaching, truly. Given the right circumstances, he loved to teach. Unfortunately, what the right circumstances entailed were willing, attentive, engaged students, something in short supply these days, and certainly nowhere to be found in these oversized classes. If only he could have a higher level, more specialized class to teach. Perhaps a handful of grad students, all eager to share and collaborate in the pursuit of knowledge. They didn’t even have to meet in a classroom. They’d take over one of the nice study rooms in the library, with cushioned chairs and couches. Gale could see it now, a group of bright-eyed young mages, ready to learn from his wisdom and experience to… to…
Mystra slipped in through the door at the back of the lecture hall and leaned against the wall, arms folded over her chest. A manicured nail tapped against her arm. Gale’s heart dropped.
She knew.
To his credit, Gale didn’t miss a beat. He continued his lecture as if the woman with the power to ruin his career, his reputation, his very life wasn’t watching him like she’d just discovered a particularly vile cockroach in need of squashing. He’d never seen that look on her face before. It didn’t suit her. He much preferred her smile, her laugh, or the gleam in her eyes when she made a break in her research. Just last week, he’d taken her out to a lovely dinner before she invited him back to her place and they…
Well. Now was definitely not the time to dwell on those thoughts.
“For next week’s class, read pages 235 through 261, and complete the Chapter Six Questionnaire. If there are any questions, please reach out to me through email, or drop by during my office hours.”
The students filed out of the room and Gale busied himself with putting away his lecture notes and laptop. The sharp click of heels approached his desk with the same solemnity as a death knell.
Oh, he did not like how his name sounded in that icy tone.
“Mystra,” Gale gave her a smile and prayed it looked natural. “How can I help?”
Mystra’s dark eyes were cold and her jaw tightened.
“I’d like to talk about last night.”
“Last night?” Shit. Gale looked away to slide his notes into his laptop case. “I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific.”
“Don’t be stupid, Gale. It doesn’t suit you.”
“I should certainly hope not!” He flashed her what he hoped was a charming grin.
Mystra’s scowl deepened. “I know you went to the lab last night.”
“I go to the lab most nights,” Gale said. He’d put everything away and was running out of ways to occupy his hands and avoid her gaze. “Surely you—”
She slammed her hand on the desk and Gale jumped, the laptop case slipping through his fingers to clatter on the desk. Mystra’s eyes flared with absolute fury and Gale thought for one wild moment that she was about to strike him. He stumbled back and fell into his chair, feeling even smaller as she loomed over him.
“Do you think I am an idiot?”
“No, of course not,” Gale babbled. “In fact, I would say you’re—”
She cut him off with a snap of her fingers. “Then do not treat me as such. Stop pretending you don’t know why I’m here. You were in the lab last night. Alone. You deliberately violated safety protocols. You interacted directly with the artifact, something I expressly forbade you from doing. What I don’t know is why.”
Gale remained silent for a moment, doing his best not to shrink back in his chair.
“…We were getting nowhere,” he said, sounding as small as he felt. “Month after month of dead ends. And with the grant money running out, we were under a time crunch.”
A time crunch you mentioned at every meeting, Gale thought, but did not voice.
“It would have meant a massive success for the university. For you. I thought… I was sure I could handle it. If I could just connect with the artifact directly, not through the layers of shields and protections, then I’d be able to see how to unlock it. How to understand it.”
“And did you?” Mystra asked.
“As I thought. Show me,” she ordered.
Gale’s heart jumped into his throat and his gut twisted.
“Show you what?”
“What it did to you.”
Gale checked the lecture hall was indeed empty apart from the two of them and rose to his feet. With slow, hesitant fingers, he unbuttoned his sweater vest and undershirt to expose his chest. He didn’t need to look at it to know what Mystra would see. He’d stared at it all last night and into this morning. A purple discoloration sat in the center of his chest, like a deep bruise in a perfect circle. Dark lines circled the bruise and branched outward over his heart, then crawled upward toward his neck, following his carotid artery.
Mystra ran a hand over his chest, not the caress of a lover, but the clinical examination of a scientist to a specimen.
“The discoloration appeared with the initial event,” Gale explained. He hoped Mystra didn’t hear the tremor in his voice. “The…veins branching off of it started two hours later and have been growing at a rate of approximately six millimeters per hour.”
“And the noted effects?”
She raised a thin eyebrow. “You haven’t tried spellcasting since?”
“I…” Gale swallowed thickly. “Frankly, I’ve been too afraid of any unknown consequences to try.”
“Perhaps you should have thought of that before you violated the security of this university.”
“Quiet,” she planted her hand firmly over the discoloration. “Let me in.”
Gale let out a slow breath, then closed his eyes and dropped the passive shields around himself, exposing the core of his very being, the source of his magic within himself. The cold tendrils of Mystra’s own magic prodded at his core and around the strange intrusion into his magic. They’d shared energy in a similar way a dozen times over, intimately locked soul to soul, but this was different. Instead of sharing and intertwining their magic as equals, Mystra remained shielded from him, examining his most intimate self as Gale stood helpless and exposed before her.
He hated it.
“Whatever happened between you and the artifact, it left a piece of itself within you,” Mystra said, withdrawing from him.
Gale gratefully pulled his shields back up, buttoning his shirt as he did so. “And? What did it do?”
“It’s draining you,” she said. “Draining your magic, specifically. Whatever great pool of magic reserves you had before, it has been reduced to a puddle, with the excess siphoned off to feed the shard within you.”
Gale’s blood ran cold. “And… when it runs out of magic to feed on?”
“Right now it looks like your reserves are replenishing fast enough to keep it fed,” Mystra replied. “That being said, I don’t think it’s wise for you to cast more than a cantrip or risk draining yourself.”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t know, Gale,” she snapped, “You have a shard, an…orb of ancient magic within you that no one on the planet understands. I don’t know what this will do to you. No one does. All I can tell you is to keep monitoring it and let me know of any changes.”
She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
“And on that note… Professor Gale Dekarios, you have violated university safety procedures and disregarded my express instructions, putting yourself, others, and the university at risk. I have no choice but to take you off the project.”
“What?!” Gale’s jaw dropped. “Mystra, no! This is my project! I’ve been the lead on every aspect of this! You can’t!”
“As Dean of this university, I can and will!” Mystra rounded on him, raising her voice. Her fists shook at her sides and Gale took a step back. “You could have died, Gale! You could still die! You could have blown up the whole building, the whole campus for all we know. All because you thought you knew better than myself and your whole team, some of the best mages in the world. Your sheer arrogance put lives at risk, put the project at risk, and you dare stand before me and think only of yourself!”
“No, stop. You are going to listen. The only reason I haven’t reported this to the authorities is because I don’t want to tarnish the university’s reputation. The only reason you still have a job is because I don’t want to go through the trouble of hiring a new teacher halfway through the semester. Also, you have tenure, and I don’t want to deal with that headache.”
She jabbed him in the chest, right over the orb.
“You are never going to walk into a lab again. You are forbidden from university research or experiments involving any and all active magic. Any projects you pursue are academic only, and you are banned from touching anything more dangerous than a book. You will be taking on another nine credit hours of teaching next semester. You are no longer a career academic, you are primarily a teaching professor. If you don’t like it, you can try your luck finding a job as the wizard who screwed up at the most prestigious university in the country,” she gave a bitter laugh. “Considering your condition, you might not ever cast a proper spell again. Congratulations, Gale. You’ve destroyed yourself.”
Gale’s mouth worked, but no sound came out.
Mystra held out a hand, palm up.
“And I’ll be taking back the key to my place, while we’re at it.”
Gale’s heart shattered upon that final blow.
“Mystra…” his voice cracked on the word. “Please, love—”
“You do not get to call me that anymore. My key, please.”
Gale could only stare dumbfounded at her for a long moment. She waited, hand held out expectantly. Slowly, he retrieved his keys. His hands shook as he fumbled with the key ring, removing the silver key to Mystra’s home. With a horrible sense of finality, he placed the key in the hand that only a few nights ago had been wrapped around him in a loving embrace.
“Thank you,” she said, voice curt, and turned away.
No! No, he couldn’t lose her! Not like this!
“Mystra, please…” He reached for her hand and she snatched it away.
“You are the worst mistake I’ve ever made, Gale. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.”
Gale froze and watched the woman he loved walk out of his life. The sound of the door closing echoed through the empty lecture hall. Only then did the gravity of his situation hit him.
Oh gods. What had he done?
Read the rest on AO3!
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subliminalbo · 7 months
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Hypnovember Day 4: Children of the Crater
This is a companion to Classified Information: The Prophet
On the second night at the impact site, Joey and Ada took Debbie aside to talk.
It was Debbie's first research project of its kind, and up to that point she'd treated it like a textbook cultural anthropology study: during the day she went out to the fields to work with the women, and at night she worshiped with the locals around the massive fire pit at the center of their village.
Only in this case the locals were colleagues: fellow Carpenter State University scholars who had left a year earlier to collect soil samples around the impact crater. Their camp of makeshift homes that they called a community was a source of infinite fascination to Debbie. It was the kind of research that she could build her career on. At night she'd lie in the tent and think of titles for her dissertation.
The Children of the Crater, as Dr. Barone named his fledgling doomsday cult, had named three terms for Ada's group to agree to before they could enter the camp.
No clothes at any time
Witness Dr. Barone's testimony
Submit to worship at the impact crater
Ada had agreed to meet those terms in the spirit of cultural anthropology, unbuttoning her shirt to reveal a gorgeous pair of breasts that Debbie secretly admired. She blushed as she removed her own top in front of her professor, who assured her that she didn't have to participate if she was uncomfortable.
"I'm really alright," Debbie insisted. "I know what I'm getting into.
On the first day, Debbie separated from Ada and Joey and was led to the fields by the Fine sisters. She'd actually taken biology with them in her freshman year. It was a little unnerving seeing their naked bodies on display, her eyes drifting down to study their small, round tits. She kept shielding her own breasts with her arms.
Abigail and Holly Fine had changed a lot since they left Romero. Debbie knew them as two notorious party girls. Brilliant, up and coming biologists, of course, but prone to wild nights in between. Now they spoke in soft, almost identical voices.
"Does the human body make you uncomfortable, Debbie?" Abigail asked.
"No, of course not," Debbie blushed.
"The meteor says that clothes are not of the earthly realm, but the human one," Holly said. "If we are to survive the coming apocalypse we must discard all trivialities of the human world."
"The meteor told you that?" Debbie asked skeptically.
She learned quickly that, to the Fine sisters and all the other inhabitants of the small colony, "the meteor" was another way of saying "Dr. Barone," though these days they mostly called him "The Prophet." That night she returned to the tent to report her findings to Ada.
The second day was more of the same. Debbie, out in the fields with the Fine sisters, while Ada and Joey toured the community. Debbie learned a bit more about the cult's recruitment process: sending Dr. Barone's most gorgeous acolytes out to the closest town to collect new converts. Dr. Barone's scientists had become something of local boogiemen.
Before Debbie returned to the tent at the end of the day, the Fine sisters asked her to attend a reading of Dr. Barone's testimony up at his shack later that evening. "It's his highest honor," Holly explained. It was when she shared the good news with Ada and Joey that they pulled her aside. Joey had gotten into an altercation with a member of the camp that day, and they were forced to return to their tents while Dr. Barone considered what to do with them. Ada was already considering pulling the plug on the whole study.
Debbie understood Joey's trepidation about the camp. He was a film student with no real background in anthropology. He was there to document their research, but they'd denied his ability to film their community. It was Ada, her professor and mentor, who really disappointed her. She understood the tenants of cultural relativism that guided their study, and but she was refusing to meet them on those terms.
"That's because their terms are fucking crazy," Ada protested.
"Can't you see how wrong you are?" Debbie begged. "We're anthropologists. We don't judge cultures, we study and learn."
"But this isn't some civilization whose lived in isolation for hundreds of years, Deb," Joey said in his measured way. "They were Carpenter State students a year ago. Can't you see that something's happened to them? I'm not saying that you can't interact, observe, study. I just want you to be careful."
Debbie noted their warning, but still attended the meeting with Dr. Barone in his shack. She knelt on the floor between the Fine sisters as Dr. Barone spoke to them from his cot. His features were obscured in the candlelight, but she could see that he was as naked as anyone else in the camp. The room smelled like stale sex.
"The meteor spoke to me when I reached out," Dr. Barone said. "It spoke of a coming apocalypse, of the annihilation of all human life. We've bled the earth dry of all resources, and soon it will fight back. The only thing we can do now is embrace our most basic natures, to live as the earth does. Only in this primal state can we be spared."
When Dr. Barone was finished with his speech, he sat up in his cot to face the three young women. His cock was hard and as trained, the two Fine sisters crawled to him and sucked him off together. Debbie watched, covering up her arousal with scientific curiosity.
She escaped that night without fellating the professor, but he did give her a small flake of the meteor that he had collected, the same kind of flake the Fine sisters would pass out on their missions to town. It was hot in Debbie's hand, and almost felt as if it had a heartbeat.
"Why the oral sex?" she asked as the sister's led her back to the tent.
"The meteor demands a carnal sacrifice to forestall the coming apocalypse," Abigail explained.
"It is inevitable," Holly added. "But we need time to spread to finish our community before it comes."
"Interesting," Debbie said.
"You don't believe in the meteor," Holly said outside of Debbie's tent.
"I believe that you believe," Debbie replied.
"Let us show you," Abigail offered.
In the spirit of cultural anthropology, Debbie couldn't say no.
The sister's circled Debbie in the tent, scrutinizing her. "You love being nude, don't you?" Abigail asked.
Again Debbie blushed, but she didn't answer.
"I've caught her glances," Abigail said to her sister. "I know what she thinks when no one else is looking. You desire us, don't you?"
Holly made the first move, stepping up to Debbie and placing a kiss on her lips which Debbie didn't deny. Holly's tongue twisted into her mouth, Debbie moaning as she began to suck on it. Abigail moved in behind her, sliding her hands down her body until her fingers found her slit. Debbie moaned as Abigail explored the folds of her wet pussy while Holly trailed kisses down her neck, to her tits, then began sucking on her nipples.
The thing that Debbie had been pushing down since witnessing all the gorgeous, naked bodies at the camp was bubbling to the surface. Hell, she hadn't even been able to get Dr. George's tits out of her mind, sneaking a peak any time she could. And when she worked in the fields with the Fine sisters, a vision of their bodies pinning her just like this replayed over in her head.
"God, I've wanted this," she admitted. "Fuck, it's so good. Fuck!"
But when Joey's scream cut through the night air, the sisters were forced to escalate. Their slow, passionate sex quickly turned violent as they forced Debbie to the floor.
"What are you doing?!" she cried. "That's Joey! What are you doing to Joey?"
"He'll be educated," Holly said. "There is no reason to fight us. You'll understand soon."
"Please!" Debbie cried. "Please, let me go!"
But Debbie's protests were short lived, cut off when Abigail pressed the flake of meteorite to her forehead. The feeling immediately overpowered her. The meteorite felt somehow both hot and cold to the touch, echoing a terrible cry in her mind that melted all thoughts away until she was a blank slate. Debbie's voice caught in her throat, one last protest lost forever in the empty space of her mind. She had heard The Prophet's testimony, but now her education as a Child of the Crater could truly begin.
The Fine sisters presented their newest convert to The Prophet in his shack the next morning. He sat on his cot in the same position as he had the night before, only this time Debbie eagerly crawled to him when he demanded a carnal sacrifice. She slid her tongue over the head of his cock, then took his full length into her mouth. It didn't taste like any cock she'd ever sucked before. It tasted like salvation. She thanked him when he came down her throat.
When they were finished, The Prophet summoned the next convert. Joey entered the room with the same distant stare Debbie had seen from others in the camp. His carnal sacrifice was to break Debbie in further, bending her over and taking her from behind. The Fine sisters joined in on the orgy as The Prophet marveled at his work.
"And then there was one," The Prophet said.
"Please, my Prophet," Debbie begged. "Dr. George has to join us. I can't lose her to the apocalypse."
"Don't worry my child," The Prophet laughed. "Dr. George will succumb to her education just as you all have. I will make sure of it."
Debbie's lips spread into a relieved, dreamy smile as she imagined all of the things she would do to Dr. George's body when it was time for her carnal sacrifice.
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ohdeedraws · 1 year
Bit late to the trend but since the Velma show butchered the scooby gang so badly, I've seen people sharing their ideas for a scooby doo rewrite and I wanted to share an idea for a reboot I've been working on for a while now.
The story would take place in Coolsville, a small town famous for the high number of disappearances every year and the rumors of monsters, a witches curse and other paranormal activities. It's also famous for its renowned Personal Dectecives, Mystery Inc.
The gang would be older in this, probably in their 40s. They have grown up in Coolsville and become local celebrities. Aside from Mystery Solving, they have their own lives and families.
Daphne became the writer of an immensly popular series of mystery books detailing the gangs adventures throughout the years (I'd imagine these to be episodes of the past shows, eg. 'What a Night for a Knight' from Where Are You, 'Camp comeoniwannascareya' etc., because yes, they're canon in this reboot). She married a famous fashion designer (but during the events of the story they're going through a divorce because she has finally come to terms that she is a lesbian). She has three kids.
Fred coaches the local highschool football team when he's not inventing new traps or catching monsters. He married a woman who works as the main news presenter on the local channel and he loves her dearly, more than his traps. Together they have two children.
Velma's main focus is Mystery Inc. But on the side she runs the local book shop, the main supplier of Daphne's books. She was married to an English Professor who works at the University a few hours outside of town, but they realised they weren't right for eachother and got divorced. They had one child together.
Shaggy runs a cooking/food review blog where reviews food from all over the world and shares his own recipes and tutorials, all with his trusted dog Scooby by his side of course. He's a single parent of one, and no one talks about his wife because, quite honestly, no one knows who she is.
The Gang are still close, like family, even after all this time. But the show wouldn't focus on them, it would focus on their eldest kids.
Let's meet them!
Grey Matthews-Blake is the richest kid in Coolsville. He's often seen wearing his father's newest line of clothes and his signature designer green sunglasses (that he even wears inside). He's known to be quite dramatic, sarcastic, and generally uninterested in anything to do with his mother and her job.
Wren Dinkley is often told that it's hard to believe they're the Velma Dinkley's child. Whether it's when their preforming their heart out on the stage during whatever production the local theatre group are putting on, or failing science, Wren doesn't let it get them down. They're headstrong, passionate, and totally comfortable with themselves...'totally'.
Cassia Jones is the nicest girl in town. She's captain of Coolsville Field Hocky Team, Head of the debate team and Student Body President. She's bubbly, hard working and determined to live up to the Jones legacy and make her father proud.
Billie Rogers doesn't care what her dad and dog tell her, she knows the supernatural rumors in town are real. And she's going to be the first person to prove it. She's talkative, outgoing, and very knowledgeable in the paranormal - much to her dad's dismay.
Despite their parents relationships, the kids aren't that close. The town's folk expect them to be just like their parents and that couldnt be farther from the truth. But they do have one thing in common with the Original Gang, their mystery solving talent. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason (*wink* plot *wink*) their parents are strongly against them following in their footsteps.
But things come to head one day when Mystery Inc disappear, and the local police turn up useless in the investigation.
Now its up to the kids, Billie, Wren, Grey and Cassia to band together to take up the jobs left in Mystery Inc's absence and find their parents. But in doing so they'll discover that their quaint small town is not all that it's seems and have to unearth a witches spellbook, an old grudge and an ancient evil that many have tried to escape but no one has defeated.
Ft. Side Characters such as The Suspects aka Jinx and Mozz McKnight (daughter and son of Thorn from the Hex Girls!), RJ Herring (Son of Red Herring), and other callbacks from all of scooby doo lore!
This is just the bare bones explanation, I'll go deeper into each character in their own posts and introductions. But this is my own little passion project. I've been obsessed with scooby doo since forever and I've always wanted to make my own iteration :)
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zablife · 2 years
Hey hun! Super congrats on the 600 🥳 I saw this gif and thought maybe it could be a combo of your ☎️ and 🗣 because it gives me such professor!Cillian Murphy vibes with his cosy sweater and jazzy glasses 🥰 And who doesn’t love a bit of smutty Cillian in a position of authority, eh? 😉
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I love your work so much - you give such vibrancy to your characters, esp your OCs. It feels like they jump off the page (well, screen) in 3D, which is such an amazing skill to have. Thank you for being such a great writer and for sharing it so generously with us all here, xx
Hi darl, tysm for this amazing request! I LOVE the gif inspo as well😍I had a lot of fun with this even if it did turn a bit angsty. I drew inspiration for the last lines from Bob Dylan's song "Just Like a Woman," which is one of my favorite songs. I included a bit of smut as well, which I hope you like!
Professor of English literature, Thomas Shelby
*Professor Shelby is always calling on you in class, asking difficult questions and pressing you for your opinion, but you can tell there’s an attraction there. However, your papers are returned with challenging remarks and lower than average grades.
*When you ask for tutoring after class he puts you off at first saying he’s too busy, but you persist. When he agrees to meet with you the only time available is late in the evening after his colleagues have gone home. 
*He sips whisky in the dim lamplight of his office as he has you recite Chaucer from memory. When you flub the lines due to your exhaustion, he sighs with annoyance and makes you start again. Your hands tremble, not wanting to disappoint him.
*When you inevitably cry from frustration, he stands and takes you by the shoulders, “Told you you should have been studying,” he tsks, wiping the tears away.
*”I have,” you assert firmly, “but I’ve also had work and my other classes, Professor Shelby. Please, I’ll do anything,” you plead, sliding a hand down the front of his trousers.
*He pulls away with an amused smirk, scoffing, “I can get a fuck whenever I want, love. Why would I want to bed a university girl?” 
*You felt incredibly foolish as he turned you away, but you wondered what his intentions were as he kept bumping into you all over campus. How did he always know where you would be? He would show up during your shift at the cafe, walk by during your study group at the library and drive past as you finished your workout at the gym. Was he following you?
*Everyone said he was sleeping with Professor Stark in Linguistics. She was tall, dark and elegant. Rumor had it she spoke seven languages and had lived all over the world. How could you possibly compete with someone so worldly and elegant?
*One day in class Professor Shelby stood reciting Blake’s Poison Tree. As he recited the lines about the grudge held against a foe:
“And I sunned it with smiles, 
And with soft deceitful wiles” 
You swore he looked straight at you, his sapphire eyes burning a hole into your core with lustful desire. It wasn’t your imagination, he wanted to consume you, but the source of his lust was odd as though he hadn’t made up his mind if it was love or hatred that drew him to you. 
*After class you waited for everyone to file from the classroom and you rushed to confront him. “Why have you been following me, professor?” you hissed in a voice just above a whisper. 
*Professor Shelby grabbed your chin harshly and said, “Because you’re the most brilliant student I’ve ever met. Your mind intrigues me and now I have to have your body.” He wasted no time pushing his tongue into your mouth and you crashed into him with reckless abandon. Without care for who could find you in the empty classroom, you made love on the floor by his desk, a desperate attempt to gain dominance over one another, although you allowed him one final act of control when he seated himself deep within in you riding out the waves of his pleasure.
*Catching your breath in the rays of the afternoon light, you buttoned your blouse and fixed your hair. You gathered your satchel and fled from the room, afraid of what the day’s affair would mean to your grades and your reputation. 
*Over the course of the next few weeks, you and Tommy had sex in his office, his car and his flat. He couldn’t seem to get enough of you and you wondered if this would become serious. Then one day, it stopped as suddenly as it began. 
*You found yourself watching him in class, licking your lips as you watched him recite poetry from the front of the lecture hall, but he never returned your gaze. You caught yourself looking up from your books during study sessions waiting for him to pass by your table, but he never came. 
*One night you decided to visit him in his office for a tutoring session and heard the unmistakable moans of a woman in the throes of passion and you turned on your heel, knowing he’d moved on from you. 
*When you confronted him about it, he took your hands and held them out from his body as though you were no longer permitted such familiarity, “We have to stop.” When you looked hurt and began to cry, he rolled his eyes and scoffed coldly, “You’re just like all the rest. You make love like a woman, but you break just like a little girl.”
*Before you left you had to tell him how you felt. You knew this would end eventually, but the way he was doing it was so cruel. “Tommy, do me a favor. One day when I’m a famous author and we’re introduced again. Don’t let on that you knew me when I was hungry and it was your world. Everyone will hate you,” you said with as much confidence as you could muster. 
*Holding fast to the idea you would one day reclaim your dignity was all you could do to maintain some level of control despite the spiral of fear and shame you felt in that moment.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer has been declared a masterpiece by the audience globally. The three-hour-long film has managed to impress fans to a great extent and many believe that this film is Nolan’s best work so far. Apart from the director, the cast of the film is also being lauded for their performance, especially Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer. Florence Pugh who essays the role of Jean Tatlock, Emily Blunt as Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer, Matt Damon as Gen. Leslie Groves, and Robert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss are also garnering a lot of love from the audience.
Some scenes from the film have impacted the audience gravely. J Robert Oppenheimer’s interactions with Jean Tatlock, the team’s reaction to the testing of the bomb and the courtroom drama involving Lewis Strauss — the Oppenheimer hangover is real. A large section of the audience have also been discussing the one scene featuring Pugh. The tragic end of this character has rattled people, who cannot help but shake off the memories of the suicide scene. This has piqued people’s interest in knowing more about Jean Tatlock.
Born on 21 February 1914, Jean Frances Tatlock was raised by her parents in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her father, John Strong Perry Tatlock, was a professor of English at the University of Michigan. Just like her father, Jean also had a flair for writing. She finished her studies at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Williams College in Berkeley. After which, she entered Vassar College in 1930. She studied there for five years and returned to Berkeley to prep for Stanford Medical School. During this time, she worked as a reporter and writer for the Western Worker. It was an organ of the Communist Party of America.
Her hard work landed her in Stanford Medical School where she studied to become a psychiatrist. She was a graduate in 1941 after which she went on to intern at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C. She then had a residency at the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco.
Her relationship with J Robert Oppenheimer
Jean Tatlock and J Robert Oppenheimer began seeing each other in 1936. She was still a graduate student while Oppenheimer was a professor of physics at Berkeley. At that time, Oppenheimer was known to be surrounded by Communist people and he was introduced to Jean at a fundraiser by his landlady, Mary Ellen Washburn, who was a member of the Communist Party.
Despite the age difference of 10 years, Jean Tatlock and J. Robert Oppenheimer shared a passionate relationship. Oppenheimer even proposed to Jean twice. She is credited to have introduced the physicists to radical politics. It was also Jean who introduced him to people involved with, or compassionate to, the Communist Party or related groups. However, the two did not end up together. Oppenheimer married Kitty Harrison in 1940, and it is said that he cut all ties with Jean post his wedding. He did, however, meet her at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco when he was working on the Manhattan Project. It was during this meeting that she told him that she still loved him and wanted to be with him. Oppenheimer never saw her again.
While she shared a dynamic relationship with the physicist, Tatlock also claimed that she was a lesbian. Many people suggested that there was a possibility that Tatlock had a relationship with Mary Ellen Washburn. In the 1940s, being a homosexual person was considered to be a pathological condition that could be cured. This struggle with understanding her sexuality could have been a reason for her suicide.
Jean Tatlock’s tragic death
Tatlock was diagnosed with clinical depression, for which she was receiving treatment at Mount Zion. It was the year 1944 when her father came to visit her at her apartment at 1405 Montgomery Street and found her dead. Her body was found lying on a pile of cushions in the bathroom. Her head was submerged in the partly-filled bathtub. She left a note where she talked about giving up. Oppenheimer was informed about her death while he was still working on the atomic bomb in Los Alamos. The physicist named the first test of a nuclear weapon “Trinity” which was a reference to the poetry of John Donne, something that was introduced to him by Jean Tatlock.
The conspiracy theory
Many historians and her brother, Hugh Tatlock, believed that her death was not truly a suicide. Conspiracy theories suggest that the lady was killed by intelligence agents working for the Manhattan Project. This theory has been depicted in the TV series Manhattan. And the very scene in Nolan’s film where a gloved hand can be seen for a brief moment, pushing her head under the water, could be a suggestion of this theory as well.'
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Hey Director, what do you think of your teaching staff and how are your relations with them? any stories?
"My staff is full of wonderful people. You wouldn't find a better group of teachers! I will say they are a little odd, but aren't we all?" "Jacq and I are old friends. We were on the Tera Project together- back then he was just Clavell's assistant! But I knew him before that- Raifort too. Now, don't go telling everyone, but their older brother is Professor Augustine Sycamore. Sycamore and I have been friends for years, and I met Jacq when he was in high school. Raifort I met a few years later, at a mutual friend's funeral. I... would rather not say who, other than he was a good friend. Anyways, Jacq and Raifort are known for chaos. Especially Jacq."
"Tyme I battled back during her tyme (heh) as gym leader. She is the one who is basically the co-director. I honestly have no clue how I managed to keep Arven alive this long, so being placed in charge of a school was... daunting. She's been helping me keep the Academy afloat!" "Salvatore... he and I bonded after I told him my mother was a linguist. He's a bit too hyper for me, but he is a sweet man." "Dendra and Miriam... I haven't had much interaction with. Miriam and I really only met to discuss Mabosstiff. They both seem like good people." "Hassel I knew as being an Elite Four member. We've become close since I became Director. Gible and Aero get along well too." "Sageuro has become like Arven's second (third counting Clavell) father. They share things I don't even know about. Apparently, he and Hassel are trying to set up a meeting between Arvie and Kofu!"
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gucciwins · 3 years
The First Kiss
Harry and Y/N go on their first date...will they finally become something more?
Word count: 4814
A/N: I know how much you all love breakout room and the follow up it's your birthday. I love writing them and it's been a while but do know they are doing well. this is nothing but sweet fluff. I do mention the vaccine and wearing masks which I hope you all are doing. it's important to stay safe and truly wish nothing but the best for you all. I love you xxx
please reblog and let me know your thoughts
“Are you feeling good? I sent over a goodie basket.”
Harry giggled, loving how concerned you were. “I’m doing good, baby.” He sees you tuck your head into your sweater smiling, when he notices it’s the one he sent you in a goodie basket after you got your second shot of the vaccine.
It’s spring break, and Harry can finally say he is officially vaccinated after letting the mandated two weeks pass. It’s perfect timing, honestly, as he has been itching to finally see you in person again.
Your university let you know that they would begin to have vaccine dates open to students through an email that you quickly forwarded to Harry. You had to register to get a date for your first vaccine, and slots were filling up fast. You shot Harry multiple texts telling him what day you got and time, but you went without an answer for an hour which is weird, seeing as Harry never liked to leave you waiting more than five minutes.
By the time he got back to you, he had to wait two weeks, unlike you, who would be getting in only three days. You asked why he didn’t answer, and he said he was in class. You frowned because even then, he always answered. He then confessed he lost his phone in his apartment and didn’t have time to search for it.
You laughed about it, but he was disappointed because he wanted to see you. To give you a hug. To hold your hand.
After spending his birthday together, you both decided against meeting in person for safety even though you both wanted to, more than anything. You postponed your date to the future. Instead, you completed the group assignment through zoom meetings that led to facetime calls. After submitting the project and learning that you aced the assignment, well, you both caved in.
Harry gushed on how he always got B’s on the professor’s assignments, and to celebrate, he sent you a dozen cupcakes from the bakery that you never stop raving about located only three blocks from where you live. Then proceeded to call him over to celebrate and who was he to say no. Harry was shocked at how rich and full of flavor they were because he wasn’t aware it was vegan. Yet, it tasted better than anything he ever had. Harry realized why it was your favorite, promising to take you there in person to have your pick of favorites and not only red velvet and carrot cake because they were safe choices.
You couldn’t say you’ve been on a proper date with Harry, but you’d like to count all the zoom calls and facetime calls as dates not that you let Harry know it would only inflate his ego. You’d start a call to ask a question on assignments, and it would lead to sharing stories back and forth of what their favorite book was to where they would visit if they could go that very second. You loved how insightful he was, also liked how he used pastel highlighters to mark his annotations. Harry was a fan of how you always had a pencil in your hair or behind your ear. How you always had a snack on hand because you didn’t want to listen to professors without something to eat or you’d lose focus.
You were glad you’d be able to get together safely but also taking all the needed precautions. Safety is hot, as Harry liked to say all the time when you sent him photos of you wearing your masks.
“Yeah, like the basket?”
Harry grins, but it’s not as bright due to the lacking pixels of your laptop. He holds it up, having placed it in his lap. “I did love the bath bombs.”
You smile back at him, “Going to change your life. Self-care is important, bub. Even in the smallest ways as a bath.”
Harry nods, “I know, baby. The reason I remember to take deep breaths each morning, no longer eager to reach for my phone.”
“Proud of you.”
“And I of you, baby.”
Harry shines his dimples at you when you turn your head away at the sweet name he started calling you a few weeks ago. You adored it, honestly, but it always left you feeling flustered.
“H, please.”
“Baby, I like seeing you flustered.”
“You’re a menace.”
He shrugs, still giggling.
“How are Mitch and Sarah?”
“Wonderful, sickly in love as always. Spend their time at Sarah’s like composing together.”
“That’s sweet.” You lean in, smiling at him, “you know we should all hang out together. I get to meet Mitch properly and see Sarah again, and you’ll get to meet Amy.” You grow excited at the thought.
“Not before I get to see you.”
“H, we got to coordinate a day that works for all of us. No need to get jealous.”
“Not jealous.”
“Sure,” you reply sarcastically.
“Got to learn to share me with Amy. I cook her lunch and dinner; otherwise, she’d be nothing but a walking cadaver.”
“I want you to make me lunch and dinner,” he pouts.
“I can now that you’ve vaxxed.”
“That I am, so you are.”
“Yes,” you’re waiting for him to go on.
“Will you go on a date with me? Think we waited long enough, and if my feelings weren’t obvious enough, I like you and really want to take you out.” he rambles on.
You interrupt him knowing fully well he could go on for days, “I’d love to, Harry.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Yes, Harry.”
“Great. Friday then.”
“I’m free.”
“I know, know your schedule by heart.”
“Creep,” you gasp at the news.
“Shush, like you don’t have my classes added to your planner.” Your turn to pout.
“I like knowing your schedule, and they overlap.”
“I do too. Look forward to your messages every day between classes.”
“So Friday? What are you planning?”
“A picnic.”
You jump up in excitement, causing your laptop to fall back on your bed before you dive to save it. Harry yelling dramatically in the background as if you just dropped him.
“H, be quiet. You’re fine.”
“Dropped me, darling.”
He mutters something in return, but you can’t hear him.
“So I’ll prepare lunch because you’ve told me once or twice that you’re hopeless in the kitchen.” Harry doesn’t even try to fight you because it’s true. “You’ll take care of drinks and desserts.”
“Seems like you’re planning the date,” he teases.
“I like picnics.”
“Well, I like you, so I’ll let you take over.”
Your smile turns soft, reaching your hand out as if you could reach in and caress him. “I like you, too. I can’t wait to give you a hug.”
“Counting down the hours.”
“Alright, you have class in ten, and you always struggle to log in.”
“Making me hang up. Not fair.” Harry frowns, debating skipping class for you.
“Don’t think about it, Styles.”
“Fine. Take care, baby.”
“Bye, H.”
A date.
You have a date with Harry.
Finally, it happened.
You were nervous.
Why were you nervous? It was just Harry.
Harry, who wanted to date you from your first meeting, who emailed you asking you out, and who has not stopped talking to you since February. Constantly reminding you of his feelings for you. You hope he knew you felt the same, in texts and sending him little gifts even as small as writing him a letter.
You got up early today to prepare lunch. You decided on sandwiches, a non-messy meal, and Harry always said he wanted to try the bakery bread you use and not the basic store-bought. It was a bit pricey but not as much anymore because you had become a regular, meaning the sweet owner began giving you a discount, especially when finding out you're a student. Still, you always remember to leave a good tip. The turkey sandwiches were finished with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Looked so good that Amy had one as you were making them. You made three and packed them up in your glass reusable containers.
Staring at the sandwiches, it felt like too little food when Harry had told you many times how much he enjoys eating, so you cleaned up and got to make a second meal. You decided on vegetable rice paper rolls. A favorite and easy meal to make that you enjoyed eating. It was packed with lettuce, avocado, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, noodles, and fresh herbs. This was a meal your dad made you all the time as a child with the special slightly spicy peanut sauce that you could drizzle on top.
Harry was going to enjoy this, so you hoped. He promised to make strawberry lemonade. Assured you that it would not be store-bought, and you believed him. During one of your late conversations, he shared how his sister would make him some when she returned from uni. Reminds him of home, he would say.
After packing everything away in the fridge to keep it cool it was time to get ready. You stood in front of your closet for a good five minutes before you began to swipe through the hangers. You knew you wanted to wear a dress; it was warm weather and would only get hotter as the day went on.
You searched your entire closet, there were three options once you had decided on, but you called Amy in to make the final decison for you. She decided on the one sitting in the middle of your bed, which was exactly what you were thinking.
The dress was a white button-front high slit that fit you nicely. You hadn't used it in quite some time, seeing as when you left your apartment, it would be in leggings, sweats, and the first sweater you could slip on.
You couldn't stop looking in the mirror, loving how it flowed around you when you twirled. For accessories, you slipped on a gold ring that had a little heart on it and another that was a gift shaped like a small snake as it was going to scale down your finger. A simple heart locket gifted to you by your grandparents hung right above your cleavage. You decided to leave your hair natural, liking how it air-dried after the shower you had that morning.
There was no makeup on your face, just your favorite rosebud salve lip balm that left your lips soft. Amy insisted you put some on, but you stood firm in your decision, knowing you'd be wearing a mask and didn't want anything smudging.
You looked down at the time on your phone and knew it was time to head down, Harry said twelve, and you didn't want to make him come up to your apartment only to walk down the three levels again. You grabbed the picnic basket that was sitting in the back of yours and Amy's shared doorway closet and made sure to place everything neatly, leaving room for Harry's drink and stashing a bunch of napkins in for any accidents. Basket prepared, you slipped your sunglasses in your hair, placing your lavender tote bag with tiny embroidered daisies on your shoulder that contained sunscreen, your wallet, extra face masks, and a book Harry had told he had wanted to read.
Before opening your door, you put on the white mask that you embroidered sunflowers on. It was one of your favorites, and glad it complimented your look well. You walked down the stairs slowly, not wanting to drop the basket.
You walk out the front door and find Harry getting out of the yellow mask on his face. As you get closer, you can see it's the one you made him. It has bees on it, and embroidered on the left side is 'my honey.' Harry had turned quite pink when he opened the gift he got in the mail over facetime with her. You happily screenshot his reaction, happy to have it to look back on.
As soon as you reach him, it's as if all the nerves you had disappeared. Calm washes over you as he comes to stand in front of you. You can't see the smile he has, but the crinkles by his eyes prove he's just as happy to see you.
"Hi, Harry," you say, your eyes taking him all in.
Harry doesn't hide, he's checking you out, and you're thankful for the mask at the moment, able to hide how bashful you're feeling. "Hello, baby. You look gorgeous. I'm a lucky man."
"Yeah," you swayed side to side, "gave me a reason to dress up."
"Always beautiful, but I'm so glad to see more than just your shoulders." He laughs, and you join him.
"Look pretty, H. I had not seen this cardigan." You reach out, running a finger down over the pastel yellow cardigan that looks to be well-loved. He paired it with a plain white shirt that fits him loosely with Gucci denim trousers that he told you he found a few years ago when he was thrift shopping in London with his mother.
"No, brought it out just for you. Wanted it to match my favorite mask." Although he couldn't see it, you hoped your eyes were doing their job expressing your joy. "Let's put this basket in the trunk. Got a blanket and a few pillows as well as the lemonade."
"And the dessert?"
He chuckles, "and the dessert."
You place everything in the trunk, taking a step back for Harry to close it. He walks you over to your door, opening it for you, you offer a soft thank you, but before you get in, you turn to look at him.
"What is it, baby?"
You stare down at your ribbon-tied wedges before looking up into his piercing green eyes. "Can I have a hug? I just--I'm really happy to see you."
Harry falters for a second before answering, "of course, come here." He's quick to bring you in for a hug, and it feels like home. It's comfortable, and you can't believe you haven't hugged him since February, a good two months ago, when it has honestly felt like a lifetime. "I would have earlier, but when you came out, you truly shocked me with how amazing you looked."
You just hug him tighter, enjoying feeling his strong arms around you. He looks at you smiling. "That was nice." You nod because it was, and if he'd let you, you'd stay in his arms all day.
"Well, shall we go?"
"We shall."
And with that, you were off to your first date with Harry, which would hopefully lead to more.
The drive to the park was short; you unloaded everything from the car once you got there. Harry offers to carry the basket, letting you lead to picking the spot. You walked ahead, glad he brought you to a park you recognized; it's one you liked to walk around during finals week when you were drowning in essays and exams. This was a nice break. On the other side of the park is a lake where you can rent pedal boats, but you were sure they hadn't opened up for business just yet, wanting more of the population to be vaccinated.
You led him to a secluded area laughing when he joked if you were leading him to his murder. Once you reached the clearing, one large tree with lots of shade and a few rose bushes surrounded it.
"It's beautiful here." Harry awed in amazement.
"Yeah, I found it my first year when I was trying to destress; I don't think many people know about it because it's not on the maps."
"Lucky us."
Harry grabs one end of the blanket, helping you spread it on the grass. You set your tote bag on one corner as well as setting down the pillows. As you make your way to sit down, Harry gently grabs your elbow, causing you to turn and look at him; he's holding a bouquet of tulips.
You felt your eyes well up with tears, not used to such a kind gesture; it's been a long time since you've been on a date with someone you really care about, "You got me tulips, H."
You reach forward and cradle them in your arms. "Course I did; I think you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer."
You set the flowers on top of the basket before straightening up and pulling Harry into a hug. Your arms around his neck, his resting tightly around your waist, "including you," you whisper in his ear, causing him to squeeze you a bit tighter. Harry pulls back, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Let's eat, baby. Know you made something delicious for us to enjoy."
Harry set the food out, and you are sure to hand him the wet wipes to clean your hand before you could begin wanting to be clean and not wanting to venture out to find a restroom. He eyed the sandwiches first, then the veggie rice paper rolls.
"Couldn't decide?"
"Wasn't sure what you'd like. So I gave you two options."
"Too sweet angel." Harry leans in to kiss her cheek.
"Think we ought to take off the mask now." You giggle, sad you didn't get to feel his lips on your cheek.
"Yeah, so comfortable it doesn't really bother me wearing them. I am hungry."
You place your mask in your bag, and Harry puts his mask in his pocket. He opens up both containers and digs into the veggie rolls first. He hums after the first bite, chewing happily. "Delicious," he mutters between chews.
"Can add this peanut sauce to give it more flavor, just a tad bit spicy." He watches you as you pick up and spoon drizzle a bit on top, taking a bite. Harry follows your steps taking another bite, and his eyes go wide at the added flavor.
"Shocked, I've lived all my life without this food."
You laugh, "well, now you don't have to."
He chews happily at your response.
Lunch is filled with little conversation, both praising each other for a well-planned meal. The strawberry lemonade complimenting the food perfectly. He brought a raspberry lemon loaf cake for dessert, and you happily admit you ate two pieces. It tasted so heavily, making Harry promise you to buy more in the future for you. He agreed, stating he'd do anything to make you happy.
"It's nice going out with someone, enjoying the sweet fresh air." Harry comments.
You hum in agreement, "I adore my alone time, but with the right company, it can feel just as perfect."
Harry's cheek turns rosy pink quickly, not at all trying to hide from you. You love that he loves to show how much you affect him.
"It feels normal like we've done this hundred of times already.”
You chuckle, nudging his shoulder. "It's cause we have. Just never called any of them dates."
"So you agree, we've been dating since February," he teases.
"Yeah, I think we can say that."
"When was our first zoom call?"
"Hmm...after class a week after your birthday. Think we worked for an hour and talked about nothing for another."
You look over at Harry loving how the sun reflects off his skin; it makes him look like a gift from the Gods. Harry feels your gaze on him, flashing you a big grin, his dimples on display just for you, because of you.
"We will call February eighth our anniversary," he declares.
You laugh, not a silent one but a full-out belly gripping laugh; you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Harry sits there confused, not sure where the joke was.
"You alright, baby?" He asks, just a bit concerned.
"That is what you were thinking so hard about; you couldn't figure out a week from your birthday quickly. Took you a good few minutes." You shake your head, trying to catch your breath, tiny giggles still escaping you.
"Oi, no need to be rude."
"Sorry, honey."
"Never claimed to be smart."
"The pretty ones never are," you tease.
"Alright, that's it. I've had enough."
Before you can stop him, he's on top of you, his fingers tickling you from your sides to your thighs. He knows your body getting all your secret spots that make you squirm away from. You almost succeeded in getting one of his hands over your head, but he surprises you by straddling you. You've stopped laughing, but Harry keeps going.
His curls are falling over his head, his eyes shining bright, a new lightness to them. At that moment, you realize how lucky you are, and before you know it, you reach your free hand up and place it on the back of his neck, bringing him down to your lips catching him by surprise.
Harry stays frozen for a second before sinking into the kiss, responding softly, wanting to explore you as he'd been thinking about this moment for months. You love the feel of his lips against yours; you'd happily give up breathing, never wanting to part. Harry tries to pull away, but you chase his mouth, not ready to stop kissing. He smiles against your lips, humming when he places a hand on your cheek, adding more pressure; you're not sure who lets out a moan letting it out into the universe wishing for more, hoping for forever.
You don't get butterflies or fireworks. Instead, you feel the ease of calmness wash over you like when you arrive home after a long day. That's what kissing Harry is like coming home.
You pull back, laying your head on the pillow Harry was wise to bring; you don't try to contain your smile as Harry stares down at you in a look of awe. You run your thumb over his bottom lip-loving how swollen they look thanks to you. His eyes never leave yours; you gasp as he places a kiss on your thumb before taking it in his mouth, sucking it gently; a moan escapes you, surprised at how hot the teasing is getting you.
"You're filthy, honey."
Harry smirks, "just for you, baby."
"Only our first date, H. We aren't going to move fast."
"A makeout isn't too fast for you," he teases.
"Felt just right." You smile, loving the feeling of his weight on top of you as he has not moved from his position, still straddling you.
"I agree."
"Sorry, I didn't ask if I could kiss you. Consent is sexy."
Harry's smile is soft, his eyes flicker to your lips, then back to your eyes, "You hereby have permission to kiss me whenever you please, my love."
"You know all the right things to say to make me puny for you."
"Good to know. Got to keep a mental list."
"What's on there so far?"
Harry smirks, leaning down his mouth right over your mouth; you remember the taste of lemon you felt when you kissed him, and well, you don't try to stop yourself when you attach your lips against his. There's no sweeter feeling, you've decided.
He pulls back, keeping the kiss short, "Know you can't be close to me without giving me a kiss. Know your heart is racing like it might beat out of your chest, and I know you're dying to ask me to be your boyfriend."
"Guess you are smart," you whisper.
He chuckles, nudging his nose against yours, humming as he places a kiss on the top of your nose.
"You know, I was right."
"Yeah, about what, H?" You reach your hand up to run your hand through his curls, brushing them back, giggling as they fall forward again.
"That your laugh sounds better in person. Know it's cheesy but truly music to my ears."
"You nutter!"
"Oi, picking up my slang, are you?"
"Got to, especially when you called that Evan kid a wanker for dismissing my response." You snicker, remembering the moment a few classes ago when you spoke up to give your opinion only for Evan trying to mansplain how women in politics were growing already especially having a female-run as a candidate a few years back. You would have cussed him out, but Harry did it for you. He packed up all your points with his own references. Safe to say, Evan has not spoken up since then.
"Cause he is one. You're the smartest person in the class, and that tosser should not even be in this class. Clearly, hasn't learned one bit since January."
"Settle down, honey. All in the past." You pat his chest a few times, getting his focus back on you. "Got that book you've wanted to read, want to give it a read now?"
"Course, baby. Happy you had it in your collection." He's gotten back into reading now that he seemed to have more time on his hands, and they had been bouncing recommendations off of each other. You had told him to stay off Book Tok because it was the same ten books being promoted by every page. His sister told him to read The Silent Patient, but he couldn't rationalize spending fifteen dollars, and he couldn't find the free pdf. He asked you and told him Amy bought it for you as a gift for feeding her.
"Let me get it out of my bag; you can lay in my lap easier to listen to."
Harry's eyes go wide; you're going to read him. He did not expect that, but he had to make sure. "Going to read to me, darling?"
"If you don't mind." you tuck your hand into your tote bag again, "brought my kindle in case you didn't want to. Won't be sad if you don't want to."
"No, I want you to. Yeah, more than anything. Got the prettiest voice." Harry pecks your lips, pulling back giddy because that's the first time he's kissed you, and well, he has to do it again. Your lips move in sync, the kisses feeling smoother but just as passionate. You break the kiss, playfully push him away, hands-off, letting you adjust yourself before he sets one of the smaller pillows in your lap and lays his head. Your hand is quick to find a place in his hair, thankful you've mastered the one hand reading and page-flipping due to always having a book in your hand growing up.
After reading for a bit, Harry lifts his head from your lap, taking the time to admire you. You kept reading, letting him take you in from this new angle. You stopped brushing his hair instead, allowing yourself to get immersed in the book once again. You giggled, thinking back at Harry's reaction to the opening line of chapter one.
You had just flipped to a new page, ready to start chapter seven, when you saw how fidgety Harry had gotten. He clearly had something on his mind, so you wanted to give him his space; you had only read five words when he spoke, interrupting you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry blurts, shifting to sit in front of you.
You don't smile, but you know he can see the gleam in your eyes at his words, "Hmmm...will you give me a cute nickname?"
Harry doesn't know what you're doing but goes along with it. "Already do, so yes."
"Will you let me make you more masks?"
"Will you knit me a sweater?"
"I'll knit you hundreds."
You nod, "then yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
"Yeah, you want me to be your boyfriend," Harry teases.
"Dork," you shove his shoulder, causing him to fall back. He gasps in shock.
You laugh, and it's music to his ears; his dramatic response is swallowed as he takes you in. Harry isn't sure where he'd be without you. He takes in the happiness displayed on your face and knows if you could look in a mirror, he'd look just as happy if not more. You are a light in his life.
These last few months have changed everything about him. Harry hadn't really understood what it meant when people said that your partner should also be your best friend. He thought it was cheesy and something to give false hope to others, but with you, he knew it was true.
Starting off as friends built a strong foundation for you both to grow together, and he is forever thankful you took a chance on him.
Harry called it fate, but you well, you think it was all thanks to the zoom gods who set you up in a random break out room not once but twice.
thank you for reading :) I adore you xx
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saturnsummer · 3 years
oh, how we’ve grown.
prompted by an anon from my ask here! 
notes: this was probably the fic that stumped me on so many occasions, since it was really bittersweet. editing, grammar and other mistakes will be taken responsible by me! it took me longer than expected and i’m not sure if everyone would be able to catch on how i interpreted the group’s futures and personalities! if anyone would like to know more, do dm me! as always, enjoy and thank you for the support and love!
original prompt: I think Joon Hwi and Sol A was already dating during their 3L (since Sol A looked so comfortable acting flirty and cute aroud Joon Hwi on their way to the old man's trial). Now I wonder what happen with them during time skip and by the ending, what stage of relationship they are in. Can you write a fic or headcanon ab that? Thank you! 🥰
words: 4373 words
it was finally the day of graduation.
joon hwi was beyond excited. he was nostalgic, sad and emotional, for sure. but after crying so many tears yesterday and the past week, he found it useless to cry any further. he lets the adrenaline set in for his new chapter lying ahead.
joon hwi was finally going to be a prosecutor.
his letter came in a few weeks after the bar exam. he counts himself lucky, being one of the students that helped to capture assemblyman ko, solve his uncle's murder, prove his professor's and his own innocence. all in his first year. it was no surprise that when he applied, they immediately wanted him. his grades were just the cherry on top to his stack of achievements. he was certainly overqualified for a guy who just passed the bar.
(well, he did pass the second round judicial exam.)
further than that, he was crowned valedictorian and was tasked to give a speech to his fellow batch mates. he had practiced his speech countless times, and he could recite it in his sleep by now. but he can’t quite place the feeling that he feels. his thoughts are all over and he can’t seem to keep his heart rate constant.
a knock on the door of his now empty dorm room distracts him from his thoughts. there, dressed in similar graduation robes, with long wavy brown hair is kang sol a, or to him, his kang sol. she walks in with a small smile on her face, but her smile fades away to a face of concern after studying his face. her eyes dart to the door, and she strides back to shut the door, giving him and her the privacy that he needs.
"what's troubling you?" she asks gently, taking his hand into hers. a quiet, simple gesture done by sol could soothe him so much. joon hwi is silent, not knowing why he’s so nervous. he’s done speeches and talked to crowds bigger than this. heck, he has testified for court. yet, the knot in his stomach refuses to cease.
“i don’t know… it’s nothing new, yet…” he trails off, avoiding his eyes with his girlfriend. his thoughts race through his head, but it leads back to his uncle, his samchoon, the man that brought him up: seo byungju.
“joon. joon, look at me.” sol brings a hand up to his cheek, gently raising it so it meets her eyes rather than the floor. joon hwi promised he wouldn’t be emotional today, yet he found his eyes glassy when he met sol’s eyes. as a tear slips, her fingers wipe it away gently.
“your uncle… he would be so proud of you to see the boy he raised achieve his dream.” sol says, a voice so quiet and soft, it seems to echo to joon hwi. she always knew what to say and always knew what was troubling him deep down, even if he denied it.
samchoon… are you proud of me?
“i’ll always be supporting you, like how your uncle did. when you’re on stage, if you feel intimidated, just look at my eyes, alright?” sol says, rubbing his cheek. he gives a small smile and nods slowly. taking his hand, sol intertwines it between her fingers, an action that he knows she only does when they are alone. an act so simple, yet his heart was so soothed by then.
joon hwi’s free hand reaches to the back of her head, as he lowers his slightly, so their forehead rest against each other. he breathes her perfume in, the one he bought for her a few months into their relationship, the one that she always wanted but could never buy. he takes slow breathes with her, her thumb rubbing his knuckle gently.
sol pulls away, much to joon hwi’s disappointment. he wanted her skin ship even more, just savouring her touch under his skin. sol notices his disappointment and only gives him a smile.
“they’re waiting for us. come, let’s go.” sol says softly, letting go of his hand after giving him a squeeze. he knows she hates being affectionate in public, even in front of their close friends. he gives her a quick peck on the top of her head before following behind her, walking to the lobby where they were.
“yah, hyung!” bokgi waved with enthusiasm, gathering the attention of the group. joonhwi maintains his composure and lets out a deep breath.
“nervous, hyung?” yebeom asks, his fingers fiddling.
“tch, it’s me. i’ll be fine.” joon hwi replies. it’s a half truth, now that sol is by his side.
“that’s why sol-noona had to find you, right?” bokgi teases, earning a nudge from yeseul. bokgi looks in mocked offence, but he recovers. everyone eyes at sol with prying eyes, the look of teasing on their faces. she takes this moment to shut her eyes, bring her hands up to face and shakes her head while sighing. these kids have literally nothing better to do than to just tease her and joon hwi.
“it’s time. you should go.” jiho says as he nods towards the lecture hall. the ceremony doesn’t start till half an hour later, but being valedictorian, he had preparations to do. they send joon hwi their last words of encouragement, but joon hwi was not going to leave unless he embarrassed his girlfriend a little longer.
his hand reaches up to sol’s hair, sweeping the curls behind her and cutely arranging her fringe the way she likes it. sol blushes as the group ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ in front of them. joon hwi knows she hates being so affectionate in front of her friends, but it’s always fun to tease. sol’s bright red and her face forms the smallest pout. joon hwi knows he’s achieved his mission.
“i’ll see you later.” he says with a wink and walks away, hearing the tease from yebeom and sol squeaking back.
when he’s on stage later, giving his speech, the words fall out of his mouth effortlessly. but the only thing that changes is that his eyes are fixed on the warm brown eyes of sol. as he addresses his late uncle at the end, he pauses and takes a deep breath. sol looks at him and gives him an encouraging nod. he ends his speech, eyes never once leaving her gaze, as the student body claps for him and he takes a bow.
one by one, the students are told to line up and take their certificates on stage from dean oh. she gives the seven graduates a knowing smile when they step on stage, knowing how much they’ve been through, after being swept up by their problems in their first and second years. even after all that, they managed to graduate with excellent results.
when they gather to take their photos (taken by seungjae, who decided to attend their graduation. it was the least he could do to show his support.), joon hwi swears he sees his uncle standing at the rock by the entrance of the school. he swears he sees the knowing silhouette of the tall man, grey hair and his metal spectacles. but what warms him the most is the smile of seo byung ju’s face and the slight nod.
yes, my boy. i’m so proud of you.
with that, joon hwi lets himself smile as seungjae snaps the camera.
(he doesn’t notice his blurred vision from his tears, but rather blames it on the sun hurting his eyes.)
the group takes individual shots of themselves, even jiho and sol b are smiling when their photos are taken. sol doesn’t lose a chance to tease her roomie about her cute smile, one she only reserved for limited situations.
joon hwi watches as his friends spread out across the field to meet their family, sharing the good news of graduation and their new starting jobs. the smiles on the parent’s faces warms his heart deeply, somehow, even though he’s standing alone.
jiho was going to be a prosecutor with joon hwi in their new office. jiho could care less about joon hwi, but he can’t help but admit that it comforted him knowing a familiar face to be in his office in about two weeks. after all, they did share a room for three years.
sol b, against her mother’s wishes, has decided to take a gap year. her mother initially planned for her to continue her training, securing her route to being a judge. but sol b has had enough of her mother’s toxicity. as they went through therapy as a family, sol b had expressed as best as she could her need to discover what she wants for herself, not what her mother wants for her. what she will be doing in her gap year is still undecided, but she has chosen to move out for the time being.
yeseul was going to be in a firm that mostly did cases of women rights. while she initially was hesitant, bokgi encouraged her to take this opportunity, using her experience and her trial as a voice to the other victims. from time to time, she promised professor kim that she would come back to help at the legal clinic.
bokgi, on the other hand, had finally achieved his dream of being a human rights lawyer. while he was upset that he couldn’t work near yeseul, his spirits were immediately lifted when he heard that yebeom was going to be working just at the building across from him, another big law firm. (it was settled that as much as they went through, the bok-beom duo was never to be separated.)
sol, on the other hand, accepted her first job at attorney park’s firm, ironically. just when she had her first internship, she remembers screaming that she would never work with crooked lawyers like him. sol chose to work with him, as a return of the many favours she owes professor yang, starting with the one from high school. it was the most she could do for her role model.
joon hwi observes as he notices the proud faces of mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, and spots the few sightings of grandparents. somehow, he can’t help but feel a little lonely. his parents, the two individuals he had a short-lived relationship with had long passed. his uncle, the closest thing he had to a father had too passed. he can’t even guess where his aunts or other distant relatives are. his distant relatives probably don’t remember him, and neither does joon hwi.
a small body crashing into him breaks his flow of thoughts, as he looks down to see who it is. byeol wraps her arms around joon hwi’s waist happily and joon hwi breaks into laughter, realising who it is and lifting her before spinning her. she’s giggling in a mess as joon hwi spots sol’s mother and her walking to them.
“ah, hello, mrs kang.” joon hoi greets with formality. sol’s mother playfully smacks his arm with a smile, clearly embarrassed from such formality.
“ah! how many times have i said to not call me that, joon hwi-ah! at this point, you should just call me halmeoni!” she says, earning a big laugh from joon hwi and sol’s face burning with embarrassment.
“umma! don’t say things like this!” sol squeaks back. joon hwi only smiles and insists to call her ‘mrs kang’. byeol is getting introduced to their friends as bokgi and yebeom play a game of tag with her. sol’s mother stands by sol, her hand on her back and her other rubbing joon hwi’s back.
“joon hwi-ah, i hope you know how proud i am of you. sol has told me your own fair share of troubles. i know... you don’t have much of a mother figure in your life, but as your girlfriend’s mother, i hope you know i treat you like my own.” sol’s mother comments to him, holding both his hands in her warm ones. “more than just tutoring my daughter and helping her, you got through your troubles on your own.” joon hwi can only smile as he suppresses the emotions.
“your parents must be so glad to have such a righteous son.”
joon hwi, for a moment, is reminded of his limited memories with his parents. he doesn't remember much, being so young when they died. but how his mother would teach him the importance of kindness and compassion. his father would teach him to be strong, to stand up for the bullies that picked on the poorer kids in his preschool.
hearing his girlfriend’s mother tell him that, he couldn’t help but just pull her into a warm hug. sol joins in from behind, enveloping them with a warm that joon hwi was unable to explain. burying his face into the older woman’s hair, he lets himself be a child, as she rubs his back and holds him lovingly.
for the first time in his life, he finally experiences the warmth of a mother’s hug.
as the field starts clearing out, the seven graduates and seungjae are left behind. their families have gone home, leaving them on the field, laid down in a circle, heads together. there was just silence, as they breathed in the air of hankuk university once more.
once more, as students.
once more, as graduates.
once more, before they step into their next phase.
“i’ll really miss you guys.” sol says quietly. yeseul, lying next to her, nods, although no one can see.
“we’ll meet up. especially you, seungjae-hyung! don’t be shy to ask for babysitters!” bokgi announces, earning a smile from seungjae. they slowly got up from the grass, dusting off the dirt and making their way back once more to the university lobby.
this was the place where these eight students met, all with different objectives and from all walks of life. yet, as different as they are, they got along and went through hell together, for each other. the short lived three years were filled with so many troubles, yet they pulled through together.
truly, they were more than friends. they were family.
seungjae took his leave first, being the family man he was. yebeom had to rush to a family event, and yeseul was going to catch a meal with bokgi. (yeseul promised bokgi to give him a chance once they graduated, and so she kept her promise.) jiho and solb were silently headed off in the same direction with their only conversation being “i’ll drop you off” by jiho and solb nodding. (joon hwi and sol only eye them, making mental notes to tease their ex-roommates.)
“are you going home?” joon hwi asks as sol grabs her bag. after graduating, sol made the decision to move home for the time being, to pay off her loans and support her family and ease her mother of some financial burden. joon hwi has opted many times to help, even wanting to pay off her loans. he had no loans, and after he sold his uncle’s mansion, he had a huge sum of money along with the inheritance. but sol couldn’t do it, she needed to work for this herself.
“yeah. i promised byeol i’ll help her with her work and catch a movie with her too. it’s been long since i could just spend time with her.” sol says. the lobby was now empty, with a few students walking in and out. sol looks at the lady justice statue, almost reminded of the many times she stared at it to remind herself of why she chose law. why she chose this profession.
together, they walk out, holding hands for the first time openly in their school. they were no longer students, and there was no point hiding from others anymore. she was just kang sol; he was just han joon hwi. no more ‘second round judicial pass’, no more ‘uncle killing nephew’, no more ‘klutz’, no more ‘twin failure’. just them.
joon hwi takes the bus to sol’s home, still in the ground floor apartment by an alley. sol’s mother invites him in, but he quickly declines, saying he needs to run some errands back at his own apartment. well, it wasn’t a lie. he just shifted in and he certainly had to clean and unpack.
when the apartment is packed with law books stacked neatly in his bookcase, the floor dusted and mopped, furniture clean and the fridge stocked with fresh groceries, he picks his phone to find seungjae sending the group their photos. there’s numerous comments on how yebeom is already missing us, and even jiho gives a ‘tch’ as a reply in the chat. he notices an unread text from his professor and opens the chat box.
you’re on my speed dial for cases. don’t ignore me.
joon hwi scoffs. he sets his phone aside as he flops back on his bed, for the first time processing all that has happened.
he can’t wait for the future.
(on his wall, he hangs a childhood photo of him and his uncle. on the frame, it has a tag with his daily reminder to judge fairly, and to make sure no one suffers unjustly.)
the next few years for joonhwi are an adventure. his experience in the prosecution office is busy and stressful, but with jiho working just next door, he finds comfort in having him by his side. he battles many cases, slowly but surely, making a name for himself. instead of being known as the man that solved his uncle’s murder, he was now known as the prosecutor that never loses.
the study group kept in touch, meeting every two weeks for dinner at a barbecue place. somedays, they drank. on others, they just chatted and kept the plates of pork coming. seungjae did his best to join, but with his toddler kid, things were difficult.
seungjae took a year after his hearing to be with his wife, and take care of her during her pregnancy. he then decided to work as a forensic examiner. if he couldn't practice law and help people with it, the least he could was to uphold it and enforce it. his job was new and interesting, but he humbled himself to push through his training. he meets the group when they are dealing with criminal cases and helps them out as best he can.
the study group also took turns meeting his kid, and would always love babysitting. sol, as expected, was the best with chaotic duo bokgi and yebeom. instead of dinners some nights, they met at his house to catch up with him and spoil his kid. (seungjae couldn’t stop it. when the kid was born, he immediately gained 7 new aunts and uncles, ready to spoil and pamper him.)
his relationship with sol grew as well. working such long working days was tough, but they tried their best. sol would sometimes deliver homemade stews to his apartment and joon hwi would deliver jjajamyeon with her extra pickles on some nights. they met on the weekends, where they would just go to the park and take strolls or hole up in joon hwi’s apartment to work on their cases together.
sol was doing exceptionally well as a new attorney, almost successfully appealing to all her clients. her clients love her, not only for winning, but for always being so caring to them. many say she still keeps in contact with some clients, even after the case has been closed. while she thinks it is no big deal, sol’s career was climbing up. her loans were fully paid, and she has begun looking into apartments for her family and her to shift out of. that alley brought too much danger, especially with byeol growing into a teenager and her mother’s joints weakening.
sol b took that gap year to work at an administrative office at a law firm, before deciding to continue her law career to gain experience before moving forward to be a judge. throughout the gap year, she split her time on herself and therapy, as well as on her study group. she found herself wanting to be a judge, not for her mother, but for herself.
jiho and sol b also started dating each other shortly after they graduated, when joon hwi spotted sol b and jiho holding hands when he was leaving his office. they only told the group a few months later. but of course, everyone knew by then. ever since then, they caught sol b and jiho smiling a bit more, even if their smiles were just the slight curl at the corner of the lips.
yebeom was doing well in his law firm, handling mostly small cases, but he was content since he had a fun time handling the many cases and making visits to meet clients instead of being stuck in the office. bokgi was a human rights lawyer, with most of his cases about the discrimination of citizens in any aspect. he fought for the rights of those of different sexual orientations, races and religions and was extremely happy being able to do that.
yeseul was defending women of all walks of life, from their unequal treatment to domestic abuse. she was passionate and has made headlines a few times over the years when she chose to speak out about her story. she was well known in this area, being the first few lawyers to be a victim of domestic abuse and defending them. she also kept in contact with professor kim and made regular visits at the legal clinic.
bokgi and her only started dating a year after the graduated. bokgi respected the reasons and her space and yeseul found herself falling in love with him. after all, he stood by her all this while for the whole three years and have seen her at her worst. more than that, he treated her with respect and loved her equally, even after all that.
one day, as joon hwi and sol spent their day on the sofa at joon hwi’s apartment, joon hwi was nervous to ask this question. sol was busy looking at different apartment listings.
“sol, can i ask you something?” joon hwi asks, grabbing her hand. sol nodded, eyes still focussed on her screen.
“would you... would you want to move in with me?” sol’s hand stops scrolling as the words sink in and she slowly faces her boyfriend.
“i... i don’t know. i mean, byeol and umma will be left alone, right?” sol says, her voice quiet and soft.
“we can live near them. i think the lease of the apartment is ending soon, anyways.” joon squeezes her hand.
“but... i don’t know if i have enough money to get an apartment for them and us. joon, i really want to, i really do. but...” sol’s eyes are uncertain, and joon hwi sees her eyes guilty, almost like she feels bad for saying that.
“we can get the apartment in instalments. you can buy one for your mom and byeol first and we will slowly pay for ours.” he says. placing a finger under her chin, he raises it so her eyes meet hers. “sol, they are going to be alright on their own.”
sol nods her head and reaches up to pull her boyfriend’s face to hers, letting their lips connect. his lips are soft against hers, as she taste the slight coffee taste from his mug. it’s almost frenzy, from what started as a simple kiss lead to a fight for dominance. without knowing, sol is straddling joon hwi, as his hands pull back her long hair.
when they pull away, he feels her hot breath on his face, and her face burning red, embarrassed at how she acted.
“should we get back to looking at apartments?” joon hwi asks, a small smile on his face, ultimately an act of tease to her. she quickly nods and climbs off of him as they look at apartments together. joon hwi gives her a knowing smirk, before sol swats his arm and they resume scrolling.
and it was true, when professor yang had him on speed dial.
he was just about to leave for a coffee and bother jiho for a bit at his office one day, when a call came in from professor yang.
“han joon hwi.”
“you’re needed, now. meet me at hankuk university in thirty minutes.” and the call disengages. it was a habit of his professor’s, to give blunt replies and just cut off without saying goodbye. he slips on his blazer and grabs his briefcase before picking up the call from sol instinctively. so much for listening to orders, even though he wasn’t a student anymore.
“called you too?” he asks once he picks up, scribbling on a post it note, noting his early leave from the office.
“what else? gosh, i really hate it when he hangs up like that.” sol replies, a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
“i’ll pick you.” joon hwi says, as he leaves his office, then knocks on jiho’s door. jiho’s head pops up from his laptop, before nodding in acknowledgement.
“no, don’t bother. i’ve already caught the train.” sol replies and joon hwi hears the familiar beeping of train doors. sol knows she’s got to hang up soon, if she doesn’t want to irritate other commenters on the train.
“love you.” he says back. sol’s face is blushing red, but she’s lucky everyone on the train was busy on their phone.
“i love you too.” she whispers before hanging up and storing her phone away in her handbag.
when they meet at the doors of hankuk university each time they are called in for a case, they can’t help but to think of how far they’ve come. sol, the girl with bad grades and on a scholarship. joon hwi, the top student with a hidden secret. yet in a matter of years, they blossomed together with their friends on their routes.
professor yang is by the lady justice statue, and when he looks up to see his students stroll in with authority and confidence, he gives a knowing smile.
shall we start?
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raibebe · 3 years
Simple Lessons
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Genre: fluff Words: 3.200 Prompt: 90s grunge boy Jeno x female reader
Warnings: smoking, mentions of food
A/N: Literally no one asked for this but this just poured out of me the other day... EVERLONG JENO IS MY COMFORT CHARACTER OKAY??
Everlong masterlist
“Do you want to go out to grab lunch? You don’t have classes until later as well, right?” Your best friend asked as she dragged you out of the lecture hall. “Sure,” you smiled, basking in the rays of the sun for a while after being stuck inside an auditorium with barely any daylight for two hours straight. “There is this cute new diner a little off-campus and a little birdie told me there is this super hot guy working there,” she wiggled her eyebrows to which you could just groan loudly, making her giggle in return. Mimi had talked you up during orientation days and you two hadn’t seperated since. Sharing majors surely helped with that and soon you had found a small group of girls to call your friends. While she was very much the flirty, extrovert in your group, a crush on a different boy each day of the week, you couldn’t not be fond of her shenanigans when it made all of you laugh out loud whenever she told stories of yet another drastically failed date. “Not everyone can still be with their Highschool boyfriend like you,” she accused, slapping your arm before tugging you in the direction of the diner. “Are we really going to this diner just because someone told you that one of the waiters is hot?” “Listen. This was a very trustworthy source,” Mimi pouted, “I’ll pay for your meal, just come with me please.” “How can I say no to free food?” You laughed loudly, letting her pull you along while complaining about all the assignments your professors had given out.
You had to admit that the diner was really cute. It had this old-school look inside with the red, big sofas and a variety of license plates decorated the walls and the female servers even wore cute puffy skirts. “This is so pretty,” you said once Mimi had chosen a booth, the leather of the sofa squeaking while you sat down. “Yeah, yeah,” she waved it off, looking around the place, “Now where is this hot waiter?” “You’re hopeless,” you giggled, picking up the menu that was already laid out on the table to look at their food options instead of helping your friend. “Shut up,” she grumbled, copying your action, “You also still haven’t introduced us to your boyfriend.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “He’s...” Well, what were you supposed to say now? If it were to go how you had wanted, your friends would have already met Jeno at the first party you were invited to but he had declined the offer, only sweetly kissing your head and promising to pick you up at 2 am from the adress you had given him. Which he had done but by that time everyone was so wasted that they couldn’t remember a thing. Which had become a reoccurring theme, no matter how much you’d bribe them to not drink to finally catch a glympse at him. “If you all would stop drinking yourself into a coma every time we go out, you’d have met him already.” “I am beginning to think you’ve made him up,” Mimi grinned, “He seems way too perfect. Letting you go out and party on your own and picking your drunk ass up after but then he never shows up to your classes to walk you to the next one.” Well just maybe you hadn’t gotten around to telling your friends that Jeno in fact wasn’t even studying but working different part-time jobs to help finance your apartment until he had figured out what he wanted to do in the first place. They had just assumed he was studying something way different than you hence why you wouldn’t meet up during your breaks. “Well he is real,” you sighed, “He’s just... Different?” “Oooooh, I get it,” your friend grinned, “He’s older than you. Oh my god. Do you have a sugar daddy?” At that you let out an embarrassed screech which made her double over with laughter. “Why would you say that?” You whined, “He’s the same age as us, for real.”
“Hi ladies, I see you’re already having a great time. I’ll be your waiter for today, have you already decided what to get?” A deep velvety voice interrupted. You didn’t need to look up to know who the waiter was or what he looked like because his voice was almost as familar to your ears as your own was and you knew his body inside and out. Smiling brightly, your eyes met Jeno’s who was also smiling, throwing you a little wink. You had known that he had been working in a diner for a little while now but not this specific one so it was a nice surprise to see him here clad in a neat button-down and pants that for once weren’t ripped to shreds. Meanwhile, Mimi was stunned in silence, her mouth parted in what must be awe. “Hi,” you kept smiling at Jeno, “Anything you can recommend?” “Our burgers are pretty good,” he shrugged, “But what’s really good are our milkshakes.” “Then we’ll take that, right?” You asked your friend, kicking her shin beneath the table to get her to snap out of it. “Y-yeah sure,” she stuttered, still blatantly gawking at Jeno. “Great, I’ll be right back with your drinks,” Jeno smiled before walking off again.
“Girl he’s so hot oh my god,” Mimi exclaimed as soon as he was out of earshot, dramatically flopping down onto the table. “He’s really good-looking,” you admitted, a big grin on your face. “Better than your boyfriend?” “I wouldn’t say that,” you laughed, awkwardly shuffling in your seat. Was this the right time to tell her that the waiter apparently a lot of girls were thirsting after was in fact your boyfriend and probably not at all like they thought him out to be? “God, I bet he looks so good out of his uniform as well,” she groaned, “Just the thought of him in light washed denim.” At that, you had to mask a burst of laughter with an awkward cough. You had tried times and times again to convince Jeno to swap out one of his dark jeans for light-washed ones but he wasn’t budging, only in turn challenging you to wear one of his many black baggy T-shirts instead of your brightly colored spaghetti tops. “Sure,” you giggled instead, kicking your friend’s shin again to alert her when Jeno came back with your drinks. “There you go, food will be out in a bit,” he smiled politely. Not the kind of smile that turned his eyes into beautiful crescents but a more reserved one.
“Hey, uhm,” Mimi suddenly spoke up when Jeno turned around to walk away again, making him halt in his steps. “Have you been working here for long?” Oh god. You had to physically keep yourself from cringing at her awkward try to rope him into a conversation. “Just a handful of weeks, so not that long,” Jeno shrugged, “Looking for a job as well?” “Oh no, we both work part-time at a clothing store downtown,” she waved it off, “I was just wondering because I had never seen you around before.” “Well yeah, makes sense I haven’t been here for long.” “So you recently moved here? I’m sure I would have remembered a handsome face like yours,” Mimi now blatantly flirted, twirling a dyed strand of hair around her finger and just slightly leaning forward on the table to give Jeno a better view of her cleavage in her white cropped top. “Yeah, I’m not from around here,” he shared, his eyes firmly staying on her face but the redness of his ears and how his fingers were fiddling with his little notepad betrayed his cool facade. Was this the time where you should end this to save Mimi and Jeno from further embarrassment? Or should you enjoy this for a little longer? “Are you also a student?” She asked next, “We both go to university here.” “Oh god no,” Jeno exclaimed and this time you couldn’t hold in the little giggle that slipped past your lips, noticing that your boyfriend’s lips twitched into a little grin as well. The more Jeno saw you struggle between classes, essays and study sessions, the more sure he had become about his whole decision to not do the whole university thing. Just when your friend wanted to ask the next question, a loud voice interrupted: “Jeno, I am not paying you for flirting with customers! Get back to work!” Rolling his eyes at his boss, Jeno shot the two of you an apologetic look before quickly walking to the register where his boss was waiting.
“God, even his name sounds good,” Mimi groaned, returning to her former position, sprawled out over the table. “You sound like you’re in love with him,” you giggled, “You don’t even know him.” “Listen. This is love at first sight. Do you not watch romance movies?” You did in fact. Even though Jeno would complain throughout the whole first 30 minutes of the movie until he’d either accept his fate in favor of cuddling and letting you pet his hair or actually get invested in the movie as well, cursing the characters for being so stupid and not talking out their problems. “I do, dummy,” you rolled your eyes, taking a sip from your milkshake that didn’t disappoint after Jeno had praised it so much, “But don’t you need to get to know a person before you can love them?”
“You’re the one with a boyfriend,” she mumbled, collecting herself from the table to take a sip of her drink as well, “Tell me about him.” “My boyfriend?” “Yeah, you never speak much about him and don’t let us meet him either. Convince me he’s not made up.” “Well we know each other since childhood,” you shared, feeling heat creep up your cheeks and neck, knowing how cliche your story sounded, “He lived in the house next to ours so we played a lot as children but then my family had to move away when I was in like elementary school or something because of my dad’s work but eventually we moved back for my last year of highschool.” “Oh wow, that must have sucked to leave all your friends behind twice.” Sighing, you ran your hands through your hair. “It wasn’t easy to just leave everything behind, but I managed. We moved back into our old house and he was also still living in the house next to us with his family. His mom made him take me to school every day and we shared a lot of classes and then it just went from there,” you smiled, blatantly leaving out the part where you had to basically force Jeno to speak and open up to you at nights on his rooftop beneath the moon and the stars. That was a private matter you didn’t want to share without his consent.
“That is so wholesome,” Mimi cheered, “What’s he like?” “Different?” You tried to explain, swirling your straw in your milkshake, “Like different than you’d expect him to be. When you see us together, you’d probably say we don’t match.” “Ooooh,” she nodded, her eyes wide, “So you’re like opposites?” “You could say that,” you smiled, “But when you get to know us, we’re not that different.” Before she could ask more questions, Jeno interrupted you again, hands full of your plates. “And that’s your food girls. Please enjoy,” he smiled, placing the plates down, “If you need anything else, I’ll be around.” “Actually,” Mimi began and you had to hold yourself back from interrupting her, “I was wondering when your shift is ending.” “My shift?” Jeno repeated, his eyes shortly drifting over to you. “Yeah,” she smiled, waiting for his answer. “I’m off in a bit,” he said slowly after checking the time on the neon clock hanging over the counter. “So you’re free after we’re done with our food?” She pressed on. “Probably?” “Would you like to hang out after? We still have some time until our next classes start. “Hang out. With you two,” he repeated, still dumbstruck by her boldness. “I mean you don’t have to if you really don’t want or have something to do,” she shrugged but you knew that look in her eyes. She was determined to have him hang out with you. “I was just going to go get groceries and go home,” Jeno shared, “Listen, I gotta go back to work or my boss will literally fire me because he already hates me.” With an apologetic smile, he quickly walked down to another table where a couple was seemingly done with their meal.
“You’re so shameless,” you accused your friend, finally digging into your meal. “Listen. I see a hot boy and need to talk to him, it’s as easy as that,” Mimi giggled, taking a bite from her burger. “Now tell me more about that boyfriend of yours.”
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Once you were finished with your meal, Jeno already wasn’t there anymore to take your bill, instead, a cute girl with a big puffy skirt handed your friend the bill. “But half the stuff is missing,” Mimi asked, “I’m paying for both of us.” “Oh, my colleague took care of one of the meals,” the waiter smiled, “He must like one of you.” “I told you my flirting was worth it,” your friend smiled, handing over the money. You really didn’t have it in you to tell her that Jeno most likely covered for your half of the meal when she seemed so genuinely happy about it, so you swallowed the words back down even if it was going to come out sooner or later when you’d finally get Jeno to meet your friends.
Apparently, the universe wanted it to be sooner because as soon as you stepped back out of the diner and into the sun, a boy clad in all black caught your attention. He was leaning against the little railing around the diner, a cigarette between his lean fingers. “Hey,” you nudged your friend, nodding towards Jeno. “Huh?” “It’s the waiter,” you explained, looking over at him. By now it looked like he was trying his hardest to hold back his grin while taking another drag. Shocking people with his looks still was one of his favorite things to do if they only knew him from one of his jobs where he had to wear a uniform. “No way,” Mimi whispered, “He looks like a completely different guy.” “You’re not in love anymore now?” “He’s just so…” “Different?” You helped her out, rolling your eyes. Why could no one see past the dark clothes, chains and the cigarette and made the effort to actually get to know Jeno? “I don’t think he’s my type.” “You’re ridiculous,” you snorted, leaving her behind to walk over to Jeno.
“Hey bubblegum,” he smiled, curling an arm around your waist like it was second nature already, “Fancy seeing you here.” “You didn’t tell me that was the diner you applied to,” you pouted, scrunching your nose at the smell of smoke. “I didn’t know it was close to your campus,” he shrugged it off and stubbed out the remainder of his cigarette after taking a last drag, making an effort to blow the smoke away from you, “Your friend tried really hard to flirt with me.” “She’s an idiot,” you rolled your eyes, looping your arms around his torso to hug him close, “I missed you.” “I made you breakfast literally this morning,” he laughed but pulled you closer to him anyways. “If you work this close you could have come to visit.” “Bubblegum…” Jeno sighed, tucking a wild strand of hair back into place. “My friends think I’ve made up my boyfriend,” you pouted. “You want to show your friend back there how real I am? I think her eyes are already very close to falling out of her head.” “What’s going on in that head of yours Jeno Lee?” “Let me show you,” he grinned, cupping your face with one of his hands before pressing his lips to yours in a languid kiss, the taste of smoke on his breath familiar by now. “You really need to quit,” you grumbled against his lips. “I know,” he sighed but kissed you again anyways, “Wasn’t expecting to see you this soon.” “So you smoke in secret?” “Stop arguing when I’m trying to kiss you,” he grumbled, playfully biting your bottom lip. “Stop kissing me when I’m trying to safe your lungs,” you pouted, slapping his chest for emphasis but didn’t protest and insted kissed you again, languid and deep.
“Are you two done making out now?” Mimi suddenly interrupted you, making your face heat up as you took a step back from Jeno who was having nothing of that and pulled you back against his side by your waist. “Yeah, all done,” he grinned, holding one of his hands out for your friend to shake, “I’m Jeno.” “I figured from your boss screaming at you,” she mumbled but shook his hand anyways, giving him her name as well, “You made me look like a fool. Like you could have told me you were the infamous boyfriend refusing to meet us.” “It’s not like I was refusing.” “You totally were,” you butted in, pinching his side. “Listen it doesn’t sound as appealing to spend my evenings with a group of all girls as you think it does,” he defended himself, “And now you have a witness that I am in fact real.” “You’re not getting out of his now, Jeno Lee,” you grinned, lacing your fingers together. “And if I told you I had this really important thing to do?” He tried, throwing you his best puppy eyes. “We can go grocery shopping after my last class,” you rolled your eyes, “You’re walking back to campus with us now.” “Yes, ma’am,” he rolled his eyes, “Let me carry your bag.” “Oh god, you’ll make me feel so single,” Mimi groaned when you handed Jeno your backpack to carry. “You wanted this, I can leave any time,” your boyfriend shrugged, “Do you have like stones in your bag or something?” “It’s called books, you should try it,” you said, playfully sticking out your tongue. “Why am I even dating you?” Jeno just rolled his eyes. “Because you love me,” you smiled brightly. “Yeah, I kinda do,” he confessed, squeezing your hand.
“No need to make me feel even more single,” Mimi groaned again, “Do you have any hot friends to introduce me to, Jeno?” “I don’t think they’re your style,” he shrugged it off, motioning at his attire of ripped black jeans and dark shirt. “So you do have some hot friends that are also single?” “You almost fainted when you saw me, I don’t think you could handle them.” “Don’t judge a book by its cover, babe,” you smiled, leaning into his body. “Sure, bubblegum,” he gently smiled back.
Because if you had judged him by his cover, you’d never be as happy as you were right now.
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Would you do a slight NSFW Draco Malfoy imagine of him dating a Slytherin who's good friends with Hermione, Ron and Harry and she manages to convince Draco to go to the Three Broomsticks with the Golden Trio and be cordial with them since she's promised him some alone time if he's nice to them since she wants them to see that he's not all bad because they don't get what she sees him in?
Hello! This one took forever to write, I lowkey got stumped and I couldn’t figure out how to write the ending, lol. I didn’t want to go all-in so this is what I came up with. I love Draco Malfoy so I want to do him justice!
                                           ϟ ϟ ϟ
Draco watched as (Y/N) (L/N) adjusted her lipstick in his dormitory mirror, studying her silhouette as she bent over his dresser. As an upcoming superstar for the Slytherin Quidditch Team, (Y/N) was quite popular and often found herself being the center of attention. But once the school caught wind of her relationship with the Draco Malfoy, it did not take long for them to be considered the power couple of Slytherin House. However, despite sharing a perfectly healthy relationship, there were a few students that questioned (Y/N)’s partner of choice.
These complaints came from the three most determined students of Gryffindor House. Despite being in separate houses, the Golden Trio and (Y/N) managed to become great friends, effectively breaking the hateful stereotype between Gryffindor and Slytherin relationships. During their second year, (Y/N) found herself in quite the predicament when she fell off a borrowed broom hours past curfew. She spent a fair amount of time sprawled across the training grounds staring up at the starry sky trying to ignore the excruciating pain of her broken arm. It was then that Harry, Ron, and Hermione stumbled upon her still body as they pursued the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione Granger was the first to approach her, momentarily scolding (Y/N) for breaking the rules before examining the extent of her wounds.
Harry and Ron followed cautiously behind Hermione, the two of them exchanging worried looks before kneeling beside (Y/N).
“It’ll be alright,” said Ron with a sympathetic smile, “We’ll take care of you.” 
From that day on the four of them were inseparable. Which was a natural outcome when a group fabricated lies to fool Madam Pomfrey or any other staff member, for that matter. When they were not chasing dangerous creatures within Hogwarts, they often spent their time near the Quidditch Pitch, with Harry and Ron teaching (Y/N) the basics of the game while Hermione reviewed her books from the ground. As time went on (Y/N), and Hermione calmly listened to Harry and Ron’s rants about Draco Malfoy and how much they despised him. 
Being from the same house as Draco Malfoy, (Y/N) often found herself conflicted between choosing her friends and abiding by the “your house is like your family” statement. She could not think of one occasion where Malfoy had been rude to her directly, but she could not excuse his behavior towards her friends. It was not until Professor Snape paired them up for a Potions essay that (Y/N) and Draco began learning more about each other. Draco was used to boasting and putting on a show in front of other students, but he quickly realized that (Y/N) would not succumb to his usual tricks.
Draco lay comfortably against his bed, his arms crossed behind his head as his eyes landed on the plaid pleated skirt his loving girlfriend decided to wear for their Hogsmeade trip. (Y/N) looked at Draco’s reflection, a devious smile playing at her lips as she bent forwards, giving her boyfriend a better view of what he quietly desired. At this movement, Draco clicked his tongue and scowled in her direction, swiftly rising from his four-poster, and making his way towards her. 
“Little nymph,” uttered Draco against her ear, rubbing small circles against her hips as she straightened up, “We could just stay. Avoid the trouble... and have a little fun ourselves.” Under different circumstances, Draco would have been thrilled to visit Hogsmeade with his beloved, but he knew they would not be spending the afternoon alone. 
(Y/N) cleared her throat, her eyes landing on the silver “I” on Draco’s robes before excellently replicating Professor Umbridge’s high-pitched voice, “Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other,” she teased, leaning back into Draco’s grip as he scoffed. Spinning her around, Draco lifted her onto his dresser, pushing her skirt up farther up her thighs. 
“I’d like to think I can change your tune rather quickly,” Draco snapped, pressing chaste kisses against the smooth skin of her neck, “I’ll never understand how you imitate that woman so perfectly” he added, earning a giggle from (Y/N).
“One of my many talents,” retaliated (Y/N), wrapping her arms around Draco’s neck, “You know, I can’t help but think this is your way of distracting me” she added, twirling small strands of his platinum blonde hair.
“Ugh,” groaned Draco, “I just don’t understand why we have to spend our Saturday with Potter and his stupid friends,” he spat but quickly scowled at (Y/N)’s hurt expression. 
“I’ve told you before, Draco,” (Y/N) frowned, “They’re my friends too and I wish for us to get along. It took me a while to convince them, but they’ve agreed to give you one more chance,” she said, placing her hand against her boyfriend’s cheek, “I want them to see the real you, the Draco I fell in love with.”
Draco turned his head away from (Y/N) but held her hand to acknowledge her words. Despite being together for a little over a year, he still found it quite difficult to let his guard down completely. He supposed it was due to his family’s teachings and the expectations of his Father, but throughout his relationship with (Y/N), he came to realize there were far more important matters. One of them being keeping (Y/N) (L/N) safe and content. 
“Fine,” Draco uttered, his grey eyes meeting hers, “I’ll do it for you, Darling” he added, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. (Y/N) smiled against his kiss, pressing her forehead against his once he pulled away. 
“I appreciate it, Draco,” She whispered, pressing a light kiss against the tip of his nose, “and don’t forget, I promised you a little reward if you behave.” (Y/N) added seductively, leading Draco’s hands underneath her short skirt. 
Draco hummed contently, harshly squeezing the back of her thighs and lifting her against his body, her legs wrapping instinctively over his hips, “Well then, I’ll make sure to be on my best behavior,” He said, kissing her once again and setting her down in front of him, “We better get going, it’s not polite to keep them waiting.”
(Y/N) laughed at his change of behavior, taking one final look in the mirror, and heading towards the door. A loud smack suddenly filled the room, earning a small yelp of surprise from (Y/N), “Draco!” she exclaimed, turning to face her seemingly innocent boyfriend, “Why don’t you save the spanking for later?” she teased as Draco chuckled. 
“Alright, alright,” He added, raising his arms defensively, “but you are aware of how much I adore those little skirts you wear.”
(Y/N) opened the door of the boys’ dormitory and took another glance back at Draco, “and that is exactly why I wear them,” She winked and scurried down the stairs, filling the stairwell with her giggles as Draco chased behind her. 
                                            ϟ ϟ ϟ
Meanwhile, at the Three Broomsticks, Ron Weasley let out his fourth impatient huff of the afternoon, leaning his hand into his palm with a noticeable scowl on his face. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” he grumbled, taking another swig of his Butterbeer as they waited. 
Hermione sighed once again, “Ron, this is for (Y/N), just try to give him a chance.” Even though she was attempting to sound positive, Hermione could not help feel wary of what was to come. They had never seen eye to eye with Draco Malfoy and his new position on Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad made the situation even more cumbersome. 
“Ron’s right, Hermione,” added Harry, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into his seat, “I find it hard to believe that Malfoy has a ‘good’ side.” Hermione scoffed at his words, glaring at the crabby boys beside her, “Oh, stop it!” exclaimed Hermione, “You two know how much (Y/N) cares for him, we at least have to make the effort to talk to him.” Ron and Harry looked towards each other, exchanging abhorrent looks until Hermione elbowed them both. 
“Bloody hell, Hermione!” exclaimed Ron, tenderly rubbing his aching side, but quickly shut up once he noticed the presence of his friend (Y/N) and her boyfriend. Hermione quickly rose from her seat and greeted (Y/N) with a tight hug before awkwardly turning to face the silent Draco Malfoy. 
“Hello, Draco” she greeted, extending her hand for him to shake. Draco shifted his eyes towards (Y/N) who gave an encouraging nod as he gripped Hermione’s outstretched hand. 
“Hello, Granger,” He replied, a meek smile playing at his lips as he turned towards the boys sitting at the booth, “Weasley, Potter, good to see you.” 
Ron absentmindedly let his jaw drop, hesitantly replying “Erm- Good to see you too, Malfoy”, carelessly scratching his head as Hermione returned to her seat beside him. Harry, however, did not speak, he only acknowledged Draco with a subtle nod of the head as he sipped his Butterbeer. Draco smiled towards (Y/N), pulling a chair out and gesturing for her to take a seat, “I’ll go order us some more drinks,” He stated, kissing the top of his girlfriend’s head before sauntering away.
  Ron watched Draco go in shock, “good to see you?!” he whispered harshly, slapping his hand against his forehead, “I sound like a prat!”. Hermione scowled once again, shooting a reassuring look towards (Y/N), “Ron’s just getting used to this, I’m sure he’ll behave once Draco returns” she stated comfortingly, taking (Y/N)’s hand into hers with a smile, “But honestly, I didn’t expect him to say that either.”
(Y/N) laughed, patting the top of Hermione’s hand as she glanced back at Draco at the bar, “I told you he was polite,” she added with a grin, “You just have to get to know him.” With nearly perfect timing, Draco returned and took a seat next to his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around the back of her chair. Ron examined the situation carefully, his protective instinct rising as Malfoy got closer to his friend.
“Madam Rosmerta will bring our drinks soon, I also requested an assortment of pastries” Draco spoke out, lacing his fingers with (Y/N)’s underneath the wooden table, “My treat,” he added, earning a satisfied smile from his girlfriend. 
Some of Ron’s animosity disappeared at the mention of free food and he gave a small nod of appreciation towards Draco, “Thanks, Malfoy” he uttered, looking towards Harry and Hermione who were also having a difficult time understanding this “new” side of Malfoy. 
A wave of silence fell over them. It seemed like they were unsure of who should speak first, but upon feeling the gentle squeeze of (Y/N)’s hand, Draco cleared his throat, “So, (Y/N) tells me you two taught her how to play Quidditch,” he added, nodding his head towards Harry and Ron curiously. 
“Uh, yeah,” Harry replied, speaking up for the first time since the couple’s arrival, “(Y/N)’s a natural though, it didn’t take long for her to learn the basics.” 
“That reminds me,” added Ron, grinning as Madame Rosmerta set down their freshly baked pastries and full goblets of Butterbeer, “(Y/N), you haven’t told us your favorite Quidditch team! I think you should have a pretty good idea at this point,” he said, bringing his cup to his lips to take a generous gulp. 
(Y/N) took the opportunity to play a joke on her friends, taking a bite of her warm apple tart before saying, “Why! The Chudley Cannons, of course!” 
Harry immediately regretted taking such a big drink, choking on the liquid before (Y/N) even finished her sentence. Hermione let out a panicked squeal, patting Harry’s back as he violently coughed, “T-The Chudley Cannons?! Have you gone mad?!” He exclaimed tearfully, looking towards (Y/N) in bewilderment. 
Ron subtly placed his hand over his mouth, concealing his smile as Harry finished up his coughing fit. Draco, on the other hand, could not hide his amusement and snickered at Potter’s antics. (Y/N) burst laughing at Harry’s reaction, quickly shaking her head, “I was just pulling your leg! The Chudley Cannons are complete rubbish!” 
Ron let out an angry scoff, “Hey! It is just a management problem! The players are quite good!” He defended while Harry violently shook his head. 
“I’m glad it was just a joke, I was ready to take you to Madam Pomfrey” Harry exclaimed, dabbing his mouth with a napkin and sinking back into his seat.
“And what would she have done?” Hermione asked dubiously, taking a bite of a pumpkin pasty.
“Unless she knew a cure for madness, she would not have been much help,” chuckled Draco as he sipped his Butterbeer, earning a noticeable smile from Ron and Hermione. 
Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed pastry off the tray, “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled in annoyance, “She could’ve examined (Y/N)’s head or something, I don’t know”
“Who do you follow then, Potter?” Asked Draco curiously, wrapping his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders as they continued their conversation. 
“Uh-” Harry paused, caught off-guard by his question“Well, the Bulgarian team has some great players, but I’d say it’s between them and Ireland” He admitted, recalling the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, “Can’t say I have a favorite, though” 
“The Gryffindor team is definitely your favorite,” teased (Y/N), “but that is a bit biased since you are their Seeker.”
Harry playfully rolled his eyes at her comment, “Can you honestly say your favorite team isn’t the Slytherin team?” He asked, pointing an accusatory finger towards (Y/N). Both she and Draco laughed, shrugging at Harry’s reasonably accurate comment, “You got me there” she admitted.
“We are quite good,” Draco admitted proudly with a nod of the head, “Never lost a match until you came along,” he added, shrugging towards Harry, “I promise we’ll beat you next time, (Y/N) and I have been training non-stop.” 
Harry snickered at Draco’s comment, “We’ll see about that, Malfoy,” he grinned, “I’m not going to let you off easy just because you’re with (Y/N).” 
Draco clicked his tongue in amusement, “I want a fair match, Potter.” He stated sternly, “I wouldn’t be satisfied if I won a match just because you threw it” 
“Then we’ll settle this on the field,” Harry stated confidently, raising his Butterbeer in satisfaction and finishing it off. 
After a surprisingly pleasant outing, the five of them walked back towards the castle, hoping Professor Umbridge would not catch them sneaking in the extra special butterbeer Madam Rosmerta brewed per Draco’s request (and compensation, of course). Disregarding educational decree number twenty-six, Draco snaked his arm around (Y/N)’s waist, pulling her closer to him as they strode towards the Great Hall. Once there, Hermione gave (Y/N) a hug as they happily exchanged goodbyes for the evening. Draco and (Y/N) gave the Golden Trio one final wave before turning towards the direction of the Slytherin common room, making their way there quicker and more excitedly than usual.  
Delighted to find his dormitory empty, Draco urged his girlfriend into the room and swiftly locked the door. Although he would not give her the satisfaction of knowing this information, he actually had a great evening at Hogsmeade with (Y/N) and her friends. However, this realization did not deter Draco’s excitement as he recalled his dear girlfriend’s promise before they left. 
Placing a hand against the small of her back, Draco pushed (Y/N)’s stomach against the dresser she used to tease him earlier. “I’d say I put forth my very best manners today, wouldn’t you agree?” He muttered against her ear, earning a small gasp from her as one of his hands gripped her hip and the other sneaked towards the buttons of her shirt. A sultry moan slid past (Y/N)’s lips as Draco’s hips ground against her clothed behind. 
Encouraged by her noises, Draco wrapped his fingers underneath her chin and lifted it so their eyes met in the mirror, “Should I take that as a yes?” He asked huskily, pressing a kiss against her cheek as he gave her throat a squeeze.
 The boldness she exhibited earlier quickly cast out the window as she gave a rather desperate nod, enthralled by Draco’s movements. (Y/N)’s mind had strayed farther than she had expected it to. It did not matter how confident she acted before their usual teasing started, as soon as his expertly calculated movements began, she became putty in his hands. The feeling of his fingers tracing lines up her thigh until they were hidden under her skirt made her heart beat wildly. Draco carefully inched his fingers up her inner thigh, ghosting them over her dampening core, but moved them away without pressing them into her. Shifting her hips, (Y/N) let out another small whine as she attempted to at least brush herself on Draco’s fingers, earning a small tut from him.  
“Cat got your tongue, Princess?” inquired Draco, his hands moving to flip her skirt up, exposing the flimsy black lace underwear she flashed earlier, “I’m not going to do anything until I hear that pretty little beg of yours…” he added, removing his hands from her body and loosening his emerald green tie, his school robes discarded at his side. Draco’s words sent shivers down (Y/N)’s spine, his low tone forcing her thighs together to provide some friction, something her observant boyfriend had taken note of. 
“Oi, where are your manners?” he retorted, gripping her hips hard enough to bruise. Fed up with her silence, Draco slapped his hand against her exposed ass cheek, the cold, silver rings decorating his fingers adding another layer of pleasure as she gasped harshly. “I’m not going to ask you again,” With that, Draco hooked his index fingers underneath the lacy fabric and yanked it down her ankles, her arousal on full display. 
“I-I’m- Please, Draco,” (Y/N) whined out, squeezing her thighs together in front of him, “I need you, please touch me..!” She begged, another gasp overtaking her as Draco swiped two fingers against her folds. 
“That’s a good girl,” He praised, dipping the press a kiss against the back of her neck, smirking at her moans as he finally inserted a finger inside of her, “Keep making those noises for me and I’ll reward you” demanded Draco, lowering himself onto his knees as he pumped his fingers. Flattening his tongue against her folds, (Y/N) let out a sensual moan, her hands reaching for the corners of the dresser in an attempt to anchor her shaking legs. Draco smirked as (Y/N) shuddered at the sudden loss of contact, rising to his feet while he fiddled with his belt, “Let’s get started then, shall we?” He stated, kicking his trousers away and gripping (Y/N)’s hips tightly, her skirt pushed up to her waist as he ground his erection against her needy core. 
As their moans and groans echoed throughout the empty room, Draco could not help but think about giving in to her requests more often. If all of them ended with her writhing and calling his name underneath him, he did not have any qualms with entertaining Potter and his friends for the afternoon.
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Whatever Words Exist
StudentTeacher!Cal x Reader (Gender Neutral). Like mostly fluff. 
Reader and Calum have only met briefly. But when the connection is this magnetic, you don’t press fate. 
Masterlist (semi-hiatus) 
Calum readjusts the strap on his backpack, getting the bag hitched back right on his shoulder. Just up the hill he can see a gathering of people, a general human mass but still too far away for him to make out any one person in particular. He knows he’s in the right place for sure. So he continues on and a few folks wave as he approaches. Derrick, former officemate, spots Calum first and waves him closer. 
“Meet Calum--old officemate of mine,” Derrick tells the group surrounding him. First years, Calum assumes and gives them a tiny smile and wave to the group. 
“Yeah, because this jerk decided to apply for a full time instructor position. And then got upgraded,” Calum laughs. 
“Look, gotta pay the bills how I can,” Derrick returns and then goes around the semi circle introducing everyone. 
Calum looks at each one in return and then his gaze lands on yours. As a first year to the program and student teaching, you ran into Calum during the intense two week training. Well, you two didn’t really run into each other. Calum ran a few sessions during the training and you might have purposefully lingered behind on the free range Q&A that he was a part of with a few other experienced student teachers. He seemed to be calm and level headed about all the teaching and you were quite the opposite, so listening to him answer questions gave you a small amount of peace. 
The second reason you lingered until everyone else was gone and asked their questions is because you thought he was attractive. The baggy t-shirt but nice fitting jeans and the way he titled in when he was listening to someone. He seemed to really care and take his time to answer any questions--even when he had other things he needed to attend to as well. “Hey,” he says as his smile brightens around your name. 
“Hi Calum,” you return. “Slumming it with us first years.”
“I would never call it slumming, not in the slightest,” he laughs in return. The conversation steers away from that, talking about the summer and general shared interests. But every so often you and Calum lock eyes, gazes lingering for way longer than you’d like to admit. Mostly because you don’t want to be this into someone so early into the semester. And truth be told, the semester hadn’t even truly started. 
About ten minutes pass before professors start to approach, a couple of them holding boxes of pizza. And while you definitely weren’t sure how to juggle all the responsibilities of teaching, classes, paying rent on time, you were grateful for the lunch of pizza. It also meant that you’d be taking some home if enough people didn’t go in for seconds. And getting a free meal plus an easy dinner was always worth it. 
As the pizzas are lined up, you linger back, not wanting to be the first person to get food, but close enough to the first brave souls. “So, have you done any exploring around town?” Calum asks from behind you. 
You spin to half face him to talk to him. “Not a lot. By the time we get done with training I’m too tired to do anything else. But I need to get my bike looked at, so I probably should get downtown at the very least.”
“What’s up with your bike? You said it was your main mode of transportation.”
“Just double checking tire pressure--nothing major. One of them feels like it’s not as high as the other. But rather be safe than sorry since the semester starts.”
Calum nods and shuffles up as the line moves. “If you need a ride to the shop, I have my car.”
You’re not sure if Calum’s offering just to be nice or if it means more. So you default to telling him he doesn’t have to, but he insists. And even as you’re grabbing a slice of pizza and Calum’s right behind you, you try to tell him that he shouldn’t completely disturb his whole day just for you. 
“I cannot have you blowing a tire on the side of the road. Do you have your bike with you today? We could go after this.”
If there were any way to die right in this moment, you’re wishing for it. “I do,” you answer cautiously, walking towards the metal picnic tables. “But really, I can do by myself. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Oh, c’mon, this town’s not necessarily the nicest to cyclists and if you got stranded I’d feel like an ass.” Calum settles across from you on the bench, slipping his backpack off his shoulder. You do the same, setting your backpack next you and pulling your water bottle from the side pocket. 
“I don’t know what your plans are. I don’t want to intrude,” you counter, unscrewing the top to your water bottle to take a sip. 
“My plans were to sit in my office and pretend like I was lesson planning.”
“Where’s your office again?”
Calum rattles off the name of the building, before taking his first bite of pizza. And you swear for a moment the universe is fucking with you. It has it out for you. “I’m in the same building,” you state. 
“I’m in room 138.”
Oh, how cruel is the universe. How fucking cruel could it be. “Same,” you state after finishing your bite of pizza. “Haven’t been inside to see it yet though.”
“Oh, it sounds like I’m your personal tour guide today.” And it’s not that he’s being adamant about it. Because you know if you were in the reverse positions, you’d do something similar. But a glint crosses his eyes, his smile is a slight curl of his lips and he’s looking up at you from underneath his lashes. 
Your stomach flutters, and suddenly pizza looks and feels like lead, but you take another bite to do something other than let panic settle. A quiet settles between the two of you as you eat. Though more people are turning up and settling in around you to make up for the silence. A few more minutes pass, even with you tossing away your plate and saying hi to some other people who are also teaching for the first time this year before you hear the professors calling for the group’s attention.
As the group quiets down, you return back to the spot where your bag is and Calum’s still there, laughing at something Derrick is saying. You catch his gaze and you really only think that you should look away. But you do. He’s too fucking handsome not to keep your gaze lingering for a moment longer. The humorous smile changes, becomes more subtle as the two of you continue to gaze at each other. 
You can feel your cheeks getting hot but slowly feel your own smile over taking your face before you cast your gaze down and then flick it back up to who’s speaking. It’s good information to get, as you listen to each professor in turn talk about the program more. You get a good sense of who each person is, and it’s not too much longer before each of the new and old cohort introduces themself. 
It’s a natural break as everyone starts to talk again with the business now out of the way. You mingle with some of the instructors but gravitate towards the snacks that are available. Just as you get a good grasp on one of the oreos, your name is called out. You spin, making sure to keep the Oreos in a tight hold. Calum waves you over to the group he’s in and you walk over. You know you shouldn’t. You know you’re playing with fire. But you do so anyway and he introduces you to some other people in the same year as him. They weren’t at the student teacher training. 
You’re thankful for the introduction but slowly the conversation drifts to the group joking about something that you seem to be missing and you know almost without thinking that Calum’s going to seize this opportunity. You turn to him first. “I like the vibe of this program,” you start. 
He smiles. “I’m glad. It’s all pretty tight knit.” You nod, agreeing with this point, but also not sure if you’re reading the air between you and him correctly either. “Do you wanna duck out now?” he asks quietly. “Get that bike fixed up for the first day of classes.”
“Ye-yeah, that’s cool.”
He nods over to where your belongings are with a smile. And the two of you gather your things. As you lead Calum over to where you locked up your bike you pause. “Wait,” you start, “do you even have a place to strap a bike down?”
“My friends and I bike the trails a lot during the year. My SUV can handle it, I promise,” he returns with a laugh. The two of you walk side by side down the parking lot. “Where do you call home?” he asks. 
You rattle off the answer and in return ask him the same. “Well home home is Australia. But I came to the states with some mates and we’ve sort of always called California a second home.”
“You beat me the longest distance from home,” you laugh. 
“Well, only on a technicality.”
“So like your mom, dad, and siblings--if you have any--are like clear across the world?”
“Mum and Dad are. Sister’s in London.”
“Is she studying too?”
“Singer--she’s over there doing that.”
You hum. “Is singing a family trait?”
Calum laughs and you watch some lights blink from a car and you spy the keys in his hand. “I wouldn’t call it a family trait. But yeah, we all sing. In our own ways. Originally made some moves for music. Career paths changed just a tiny bit.”
“So you and the friends you moved with were in a band?”
“Of sorts. Went well for a while. Then we just needed rest.”
“So your idea of rest is going to school and teaching?” You laugh. Calum opens the trunk first for your bags. And when he closes it, you finally spot the rack to set your bike on. 
“Like I said, career paths took a turn. Rest or new experience--I’ve yet to decide on the name yet.”
With the bike settled and secure, you walk around to the passenger side door. Calum’s quick to turn the air on in the car once he’s inside. His radio starts up immediately and he scrambles to turn it down. “Sorry, don’t wanna blast you out of the car,” he states. 
“No, no worries.”
“Any requests? You can plug your phone in too, if you want.”
“Oh God, I take over the aux and you’re going to get some anime theme song and I’d rather save myself the embarrassment.”
Calum’s chuckle is quick and clear of the click of the seatbelts. He switches over the radio and hands you the white cord. “Now you have to embarrass yourself.”
“That’s what I get for opening my big mouth.” Plugging the cord in, you shuffle for a decent opening song as the truck starts backwards out of the parking spot. 
“So what about you? How did the universe drop you here?”
“Pure determination and spite,” you laugh as the song starts over the speakers. “I finished my undergrad, worked for a couple years and then promptly said this is not what I want to do forever and started looking to go back to school.”
“Pure determination and spite,” Calum repeats. He keeps his attention heavily on the road as he’s driving out of the park and through the neighborhoods. But once he hits a stretch of main road he can glance over to you. And you’re staring out of the front windshield, head slightly tilted. “You look lost in thought?”
“Just admiring the view.”
And Calum hums, a sound of agreement, but the view he’s enjoying isn’t the sight of campus and the surrounding area. The two of you continue on, weaving around some traffic and soon you’re turning down a side street. One that reminds you almost of home. And maybe that’s just the universality of it all. Almost anything could be home if you wanted it to be, because there was always going to be a piece of a place that you could connect too. 
“The guys here are nice and really quick about anything that’s a simple fix,” Calum offers. “Also, your music isn’t that bad.”
Your jaw drops just a little and a small squawk of indignation falls from your lips. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, jumping out of the car. Calum’s already at the back, pulling your bike from the secure rack. 
“It means that having an anime theme song play would’ve made it ten times better.”
You huff, but follow behind him into the shop. The two of you greeted almost immediately and when the guy working on the floor spies the bike, he’s quick to walk over and see what the issue is. You explain that you’ve noticed a difference in tire pressure. In your move your gauge got misplaced and you hadn’t quite yet had time to get someone to look at it until now. 
“Yeah, we can check that for you. No problem. So any other plans for today?” he asks, making small talk. You talk briefly about the weather, though there’s not quite a lot to talk about it. Not too long later, the guy’s able to confirm that one of tires did have something puncturing it and letting out some air. But he’s quick to let you know that they can fix it in just a few minutes if the two of you have it. 
“I’d greatly appreciate it,” you start and then look at Calum, who just shrugs. “Yeah, can you fix it?”
“Sure can. Just give me a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
You watch Calum browse, trying not to linger on the way his back moves underneath the t-shirt as he reaches up for something along the walls. And it’s like asking to get into trouble. Though there’s nothing wrong with instructors dating. You just had a plan, that's all.The first semester you’d get settled, figure out what this whole student teaching life was all about. And the more you watched Calum, the more you were sure that plan was going to fall apart. 
“Here she is, all fixed up.” You look up from your spot, in the store, having migrated to the opposite end of the door and walk over to the man with your bike. “Just a little puncture. Nothing too bad.” He rattles off the costs and it’s more than you anticipated, but not so much more that you have complaints.
Calum’s quick to take over the bike and walk it back outside, smiling as you hold the door open for him. “Thanks.”
“No, thanks to you. For chauffeuring me around.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he returns, getting the bike back onto the rack. “Did you want to explore some nearby shops?”
“Oh, hmm. Maybe later. I haven’t an ounce of lesson plans just yet. So I think I should maybe get my week 2 planned.”
“Well it sounds like you have something of week one planned,” Calum counters. 
“We were forced. Thanks to orientation.”
He laughs. “Yeah, they wanted you to have that down at least.”
In the brief glance around, as you try to tell yourself, you shouldn’t explore, you spy a little coffee shop. It looks intriguing. And you point out the sign. “Have you ever tried them?”
“Yeah--it’s a really good shop.”
You take a small step towards the building, careful though because you’re still in the parking lot and about to head into the street. “Can I tack on just a tiny bit of exploring and grab a cup?”
“Of course.”
“Recommend anything?”
Calum holds the door open as he speaks. “Chai Latte, but you can’t tell anyone that it was me that recommended it.”
“Your secret it safe with me.”
In line, you try not to think about how close Calum is, as he stands behind you. But you can feel him, or maybe you want to feel it, you’re aware of him that it’s like all you’d have to do is fake a clumsy step back to be resting into his chest. You imagine it to be firm, but somehow cozy. And maybe that’s just the worn t-shirt he’s adorned in and the beanie on his head. But his presence feels soft to you. 
Your daydream doesn’t last long as the line shuffles forward and you take the step forward rather than the step backward. The coffee shop is quaint, the wide windows letting in plenty of sunlight. But the tables are dark brown and look worn from your place in line. It feels lived in and you enjoy that even though the outside was painted a hunter green, the inside is a pretty beige accented by the chocolate wood of the tables. 
“It’s like a dream,” you state in a whisper, taking in the lights in the ceiling and the scattered bodies of students with backpacks at their feet and others whom you assume live in town and are most likely trying to enjoy the last bits of quiet before the rest of the students descend onto the campus and town. 
In all your sight exploration, your order is called up and Calum has to get it for you. He smiles though, watching the wonder that fills your eyes. “The offer’s still on the table,” he states, handing over the correct cup t you. “We can explore.”
“Can we raincheck? What does next weekend look like for you?”
He still hadn’t responded to Ashton about the hike. So he doesn’t really have plans. “Free as a bird.”
“Would it be okay? To wait till then?”
“Of course,” he exhales. “I’m not the one still learning with training wheels of teaching. I can do this in my sleep.”
“Oh, so big and tough,” you joke, but head back to the front door. The two of you break back out into the bright sun and it’s warm on your skin. “Just give me a semester. I’ll be able to knock you down a peg.”
And Calum doesn’t doubt that for a second. Not with the way you talked about getting into the program. Inside the truck, you’re handed the aux yet again and this time don’t think twice about plugging it in. “To our office?” he asks. 
“You’re not even going to be doing anything for real.”
“I like the sense of productivity.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” you laugh. The drive back to the campus isn’t as long as you thought it would be. But somehow it comes all too quickly. You’re still not sure what’s happening between you and Calum. It’s easy, natural between the two of you. But your plan--you know it’s all going down the drain. All his jokes make you laugh, and you know one or two shouldn’t. And when you do laugh, Calum turns sheepish. He goes quiet, a tiny smile quivering at his lips. 
Calum parks in the employee parking lot in front of the building with your office. Both of you climb out at the same time. And with backpacks, coffee, keys and phones all in place you two trek up to the door. “I think it’s only three of us in the office this year,” Calum talks, fishing out the right key on the hook. 
“Only three?”
“This used to be an old dorm building. So they can usually stick four of us into the room. But the email we got about office assignments only had three names. There was a fourth, but I don’t know what happened to them. They were in a different English program than us. And I don’t know if they graduated or not.”
“Ah,” you return, stepping through the door behind him. And it doesn’t remind you too much of a dorm, not in the always at least. But when Calum unlocks the door, you can see where it definitely once was an older dorm building thanks to the sink in the corner. “You weren’t kidding, huh?’
“About it being an old dorm? Not in the slightest.” He drops his backpack into the desk on the left side of the room but closest to the window. A couple pictures decorate the desktop. The desk next to him as a blanket and the whiteboard above it, has something written on it. So you assume it’s the third person. The desk on the right, closest to the door has nothing on it. The one closest to the window, across from Calum is also empty. 
You walk into the room some more and Calum pulls out his laptop from his bag and then steps around you. “As a heads up, the door stays locked. So you’ll need your key if you go out and close the door. I got locked out once or maybe twice. And it’s definitely not fun.”
You nod. “Thanks for the heads up.”
He smiles and then slips out of the door and you study the empty desk. It’s stupid, trivial to take the one across from Calum, but you drop your backpack into the office chair. The next time you come, you’ll bring desk decorations. To claim which one is yours. Because right now in the depths of your backpack you don’t have much. Well you do have a book that you don’t really need to keep up with too much. Maybe you can leave that. 
Exhaling, you get mostly settled and just before you can get your laptop out of the sleeve the door opens to Calum walking through again. The beanie’s now in his hands as he strides across the room and you can’t help but stare at the curls falling from his head. You want to curse him for looking so good. But you force yourself to go back to your screen. 
Calum settles back into his chair and watches you, sitting up straighter than he’s ever seen a person sit. And he wishes he wasn’t so chicken shit about it. You fucking asked him to hang out next weekend. But still, it’s like toying the line. Trying to make sure he’s reading the cues right. Maybe not right now, maybe next weekend he can get a better read, make a move. He turns back to his own laptop and finds the syllabus he made from the last semester. He can still use most of it. Though in the spring they had a break and in the fall, now they don’t. So he can delete that week as no class and actually have time for the group project in class that the department requires for them to teach. 
A couple hours go by, silence between the two of you, but the clacking of keys makes a chorus around the room. Calum pauses every so often to look over his shoulder. Sometimes you’re deep into work, pushed up into the seat. And once or twice, he found you slouched, staring out at the window next to both of you. 
Another hour passes and shuffling ensues behind Calum. He looks over and finds you packing up. “Headed home?”
You nod. “Managed to get the first unit mostly planned. We’ll see how it goes.”
He smiles. “I’m sure it’ll go well.” He goes to turn around and then remembers your bike is still attached to the back of his car. “Oh, let me go with you to get your bike,” he says ,shooting up from his chair. It rolls backwards for a split second but then makes a sudden stop. 
“Oof,” you let out, rubbing at your stomach. 
“Oh my god,” he rushes out, stepping in closer. “I’m so sorry. Had no clue you were that close. You okay?”
“Yeah,” you laugh and then look up. And Calum’s eyes are a deeper brown that you initially thought. Now that he's closer to you. “Yeah, I’m okay,” you exhale in a breath. 
“You sure? I think the Campus Health Services is open. Or you know, urgent care?”
“I don’t think you caused internal bleeding. Just caught me off guard.”
He finally brings his gaze up from where you’ve stopped holding your stomach to your eyes. And he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t let his gaze drop below your eyes, because truth be told he already stared too much at your lips during the entirety of orientation. And he already knows just how plump they are. 
It’s silent--almost uncomfortably so. “Can I--I should get your bike,” Calum says, saving himself from sure embarrassment. 
He steps around you and you stretch out, capturing his wrist in your hand. “No, what were you going to ask?” you ask. The question leaves you without much thought and you know you shouldn’t ask. But you just can’t help it. Because you almost stretched up to kiss him. 
“It’s nothing,” he returns. But he doesn’t pull his wrist away. 
“Is it really nothing?”
Calum feels you step in closer. He inhales and lets it slowly. He shouldn’t. He absolutely should not let the question cross his lips. But he turn, and sees you illuminated by the sun from the windows and god, how can he deny an angel standing in front of him. “I was going to ask if I could ask you a question.” And it’s not really what he was going to ask. But it buys him some time. 
“You can ask me.”
“Do you--is this--,” he exhales, for a moment hating that the words are getting caught in his throat. “I don’t know if you’re feeling the same thing I am. But I-I’ve been interested in you, like from the second I saw you at the orientation. And I really, really don’t want to make a fool of myself. But I was hoping, are you interested? In me?”
There it goes--the plan--down the drain in just a few sentences. “If you’re asking if I thought you were attractive, yes. And if you’re asking if I care to see where this goes, the answer is also yes. But it really wasn’t supposed to go down like this.”
The elation covers his face and makes his cheeks push up as he smiles--so much so that the skin around his eyes crinkles. “I’ll gladly interrupt all your plans.”
You scoff at the sentiment, but feel your body heating up. Calum steps in even closer to you. His fingers find yours and thread them together. “So the real question I had was if I could kiss you? But I wasn’t sure if that was too forward.”
“Too forward a minute ago. But not too forward for right now,” you state, already moving in to kiss him. It’s short, longer than a peck, but not quite long enough. Because as you pull away, Calum’s other hand is cupping the back of your head and keeping you closer. His hold is firm but his lips are soft and you melt, knees buckling just for a moment. Thankfully, you manage to recover quickly. It doesn’t stop Calum from chuckling. 
“Are you telling me that I have that kind of effect on you?”
“Shut the fuck up, and kiss me again,” you state breathlessly. He doesn’t need to be asked twice. His lips capture yours again, happy to finally get a small taste of you. And you’re acutely aware that it must look ridiculous--you with your backpack full to the nines pressed up against Calum’s chest, chasing down his lips because his touch is mixing in with the scent of his cologne and all you know for sure is that it’s an intoxicating mixture that you want to be trapped in forever. 
You pull away, needing just a moment to catch your breath and Calum rests his forehead against yours. “Are you sure you want to leave me now?” he teases. 
“I--I’ll be honest. The reason why I was leaving was because I knew this was going to happen.”
“Oh? You knew?”
You laugh, cupping his jaw. “Calum, I know one thing for sure. You’re a dangerous man to be around.”
“Oh you’ve just met me. I should be offended.”
“Should be?” you question. 
“You’re--I don’t know what. But I knew that I wanted to know you. So whatever words that exist for that--that’s what you are.”
“I’m flattered,” you state softly. 
“If you give me 5, I can pack up my stuff and drop you off back at home. Now I’d be an asshole not to drop you off.”
You watch him, pulling back from the closeness. “I can make it home now that my bike’s fixed. Thanks to your insistence.”
“Well, let me insist one more time that I make sure you get home safely.” 
“Fine,” you resign. And he’s quick to pack up. Out in the hallway, he takes your hand, threading your fingers again. And it’s natural, easy between the two of you. You bump shoulders, laughing as you step out in the daylight. 
Inside his car, you slip back into the passenger seat. But when Calum settles into the driver seat and gets buckled in, he rests one hand on your thigh. Not too high up, nothing too suggestive, but not directly on your knee. You try not to let it fluster you, the ease at which he establishes touch, but your heart races just a little. 
You curl your fingers around his palm--it’s something to do with your hands, but also allows you a bit of control. You direct him easily back to your apartment. It’s nearly a straight shot, minus the one left turn needed and when he pulls up into a parking space in front of your building, he squeezes at your fingers just a little. 
You face him with a smile. “Thanks, for everything.”
“Yeah of course,” he returns. “So, next weekend? More exploring?”
“I’d like that.”
“I’ll text you about the date and time for sure. Unless we meet again in the office.”
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you laugh gently stretching across the console. “I have a suspicion we shall meet again in the office.”
“Lovely,” he breathes and you meet his lips, capturing them gently before pulling away and grabbing all your things. Your bike is easy to get down and then you lock it back up on the rack outside, even though Calum does help. He leans up against the door and you spy him watching. 
“Enjoying the show?” you tease shaking your butt at him at the outside door of the building.  
His laughter rings out. “Making sure you get inside safely, actually. But a show is always welcomed.”
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howdoesagrapewrites · 3 years
All yours, Babooshka.
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Tags: Yelena x fem!reader, soulmate!au, fluff with a bit of angts, historically completely incorrect, happy ending.
TW: depiction of war, brief mention of sex, homophobic slur a few times, suicide.
Synopsis: War is no place for loving, it never was, but maybe you could love her again in the 21 Century, i mean, only if you could stop feeling so overwhelmed by her only existence, but no matter what, you can't stop something that's meant to be.
Notes: one, i don't like the part 4, it just feels lazy to me, and two, i'm not a native, so please tell me if i made a mistake <3
Part one: When she was beautiful.
Yelena Armanovna, as strong as ten soldiers, the jewel of the battlefield, once was just a kid, her land was destroyed by the war, and as the only child of the house, she was forced to join the army, or else die there, she became a soldier, and she desired that the war wasn't real, that she hadn't being born into this world, that no one had. 
Everyone knew that she didn't talk a lot, most of their fellow soldiers didn't even knew where she came from, or if she was even from Russia, the only one she talked to was a nurse, her name was y/n y/ln, and like Yelena, no one knew about her origin, the nurse was way more talkative than Yelena, but she was assigned to other areas, staying with older soldiers, child soldiers, or severely injured soldiers, she was called by the child soldiers "angel", because of her comforting aura in hard times like those. 
These women wouldn't be able to meet eachother if it wasn't for the near-death experience Yelena faced one time. She got shot by a hidden enemy, fainted from the blood loss and was taken to the nursery right away, they couldn't afford to lose her. That's when you saw the look in her eyes, that look, and you knew that death was upon the jewel of the battlefield, and you knew that if she died, everyone else will die, you tried as hard as you could to stay cool during the surgery, but you were breaking, because of all the hope that was layed on her shoulders, she was the hope of everyone else in that place to return home someday, even if Russia didn't won the war, her strenght will keep a few alive. So there you were, assisting the surgery of the one that could do something to keep everybody safe and triying to act like it didn't meant a thing. At the end, she survived, and with her, the dreams of returning to your home, you were the one assigned to take care of her, and you were  going to make sure Yelena survived.
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Part two: Uncanny how she remind her of her little lady. 
—"¿Yelena Armanovna?" You asked to the blonde girl laying on the bed. 
"Yes" she answered without taking her deep eyes out of the book. 
You told her that it was your bed she was in, pointing at your last name on the post-it next to the bed, then showing her the same mark on the bed across the room where it said: "J. Armanovna". 
"Ah, i hate when they misspeal it, it's Yelena with a "Y". Well, sorry, but this is the only bed i can sleep in, i'm kinda tall, you can use mine, i will give you a cookie for your kindness." She concluded with a little smile, you notices how her voice was way sweeter than you could think considering how menacing her looks were. 
At the end you decided to let her keep the bed, thinking it wouldn't mean anything, how wrong you were, now you could look at her sleeping without moving from the bed, and you did it, you thought it was so creepy and you wanted to stop, but you couldn't, why? Why were you obsessed with the sight of her closed eyes and dry lips at night? Why did she gave you this insane feeling of comfort and loss at the same time? It was so uncanny. 
No matter how weird It felt, you couldn't escape from Yelena, she was your roommate, and your classmate in some of your classes, on top of that, she was quite nice, a very smart lady with a pleasent personality, so you had no excuse to be mean or distant whenever she asked about your day, or started a small talk when the professor was late. Along with that sort-of friendship, you also knew Yelena's group; a beautiful girl with raven hair named Pieck, a blonde sarcastic man named Zeke, sometimes his brother Eren, and Hanji, a very excentric and funny person. These people were good friends to you, more than you expected, and that confirmed you: there was nothing wrong about Yelena, and you had no reason to be disturbed by her… Well, to be honest, there it was a little thing that made you upset, Pieck said that Yelena liked Zeke, again, you had no reason to be mad, but you were anyway. Why did you felt so attached to this lady? Why did you did what you did? 
It was 2:00 am, you couldn't sleep and you were so ashamed of being doing what that thing, what thing? Writing a love letter, a love letter to Yelena, with a pseudonym, with the first word that popped into your head: "Babooshka". You put perfume on the paper, and you signed it under that name, a scented letter, when you were finished, you let the envelope under your bed, and let it on Yelena's locker. 
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Part three: How she was before the tears.
She woke up, feeling dazed and almost disappointed for being alive, when Yelena saw you, she recognized you for the stories of her colleagues, "Angel?" She guessed. 
"Hello", you smiled and giggle a bit for that nickname, "My name is y/n y/ln, and i will take care of you until you are better"
"If i'm with you means i'm already dead, you only take care of the ones that are almost there." Yelena asserted with a careless attitude. 
You wanted to protest, but it was meaningless, you wouldn't make her upset in her state, "May i ask how is your wound feeling? Are you in pain?" You kept that polite and sweet smile on your face. 
You kept taking care of Yelena, she healed way too soon, her body wanted to stay alive, but you couldn't say the same thing about her. You got to meet the real jewel of the battlefield, she told you her story, and you told her yours, you two knew everything about eachother, likes, dislikes, and sad pasts. You noticed how Yelena cried softly whenever she thought about her life before, her life before the tears, before the war, when she felt happy. And you also noticed that you could erase that tears, the touch between your soft hands and her ser face, was something magical, something that nobody could understand in that moment, but you two? You knew everything about it, about that love touch, those secret beautiful instants you shared. 
You were the one crying when Yelena got better, you were joyful for her recovery, but you knew that she had to go, and after that, you were going to lose her forever, or so you thought. "We can send eachother letters, and we can meet at night." She reassured you while you were laying on her chest, skin to skin, she kissed your forehead and caressed your cheeks with her strong and graceful hands, you purred at her cuddled your body in hers, you liked to kiss her scars, she had so many, it showed how determined she was on the battle and you liked that, the eyes and body of a soldier, and the heart of a suave lover, Yelena was always elegant, her movements could been rough and beastily, but she was soft and neat, whether i'll be fighting, talking, or embracing you. You could say with pride that only you knew this side of Yelena Armanovna, the subtle dominance she always established on her manner mixed with the chivalry and dulcet, that made the blonde woman truly enticing and amusing to anyone with enough luck to discover it.  
You knew that your letters to Yelena couldn't be too suspicious, so you took advantage of the fact that no one knew a thing about her, "Babooshka", was the pseudonym you choose, because everyone was going to think that it was from Yelena's grandmother. 
Your first letter to her, was this one: 
"My dearest Yelena, even though i promised that i wouldn't miss you too much, you have been away for three days and i'm already feeling the lack of your touch, and missing your dark eyes that make me shiver every time. I always thought that i would die without having loved, but you prove me wrong, i love you, i love every part of you, if i could picture perfection, it would be you, your laugh, your hair, the way you talk about home, everything about you would fit the word "perfect".
I swear to God and every star on the sky, that someday i will marry you, someday i will call you my wife, and you will be fully mine, and i will be fully yours. I know that you may think i'm silly because of this wish, but i know in my guts that i will become your wife, no matter how many years or Centuries i have to wait to do it.
All yours, Babooshka." 
When Yelena read the letter, she felt nothing but joy, she couldn't use words to describe how in love she was with everyone of your words, and giggled at the idea of marriage, of course she would marry you, she would marry you all the times that she could, she will make you hers every time, and she would submit herself to you every time. 
The two lovers kept sending and receiving love letters, and meeting at the comfort and hacen of the night, with only starts and the moon herself as a witness, sharing the intimacy of loving, not always touching two bodies, but the touch of two souls, two tormented souls who found love in a hopeless place.
It has been almost a year since the letters and secret meetings started to happen, Yelena and y/n couldn't be more in love, but tragedy was upon them. A soldier named Floch, started to notice the letters, and one day, he intercepted one, the love words were obviously not from Yelena's grandmother, and with fear of the jewel of the battlefield getting courted by a man who could get her pregnant and useless, this soldier tried to trace the letters, he spend days getting up triying to catch the mailman, and when he did it, he noticed that there wasn't an adress, so it must have been another soldier. After waiting for the guilty one to put the letter on the mail box, he saw y/n y/ln, the nurse, the angel, being a witness of how Satán corrupted the two women into a sapphic relationship, he ran into his superior's arms, showing him the evidence and warning him that given the nature of the letters, he may be grossed out by the devil's pervertion in the two women. 
The superior gave orders of keeping Armanovna here, and taking the nurse away, into a convertion field. 
Yelena was lucky to hear it, and she ran the fastest that she could into the critical patients nursery, where Y/N was. "Babooshka", she whispered at your ear while grabbing your arm yo take you away, you followed her into the woods. "What happened?" You asked with confution, you saw the look of pure fear un Yelena's eyes.
"They are going to tear us apart, they are are going to take you away, they will torture you there", she was ay the edge of crying, and so did you. 
"What can we do?" You couldn't think anything, you were all feelings
"Die, that's our only option, if we run away they will find anyway." The tall one tried to stay calm, failing
"You can't die, you mean hope for everyone!" Your conscience was heavy, you couldn't let Yelena die for you
"Y/n… You are the love of my life, if they take you away, i will kill myself anyway, i can't live without you, i can't just survive anymore, i need to live, when i'm with you i'm alive." Yelena wrapped you in a hug and you felt the tears falling on her face.
At the end, you agreed, Yelena already had a little bottle hidden in her uniform, you both took  sips until the bottle was empty, and you kissed and felt eachother like never before, because it was the last time, those were your last hours of life. You passed away after two hours, you were sleeping in Yelena's arms, while she was singing a lullaby from her hometown. 
She started with a cracked voice; "I know i do not have silver or gold like many others,
but i promise that i will wrap my bride in silk"  she stopped to cry a little.
"and i will love her with such depht,
that all my lacks she will forget, 
and she will love until the end… "
Yelena cried louder, and before falling asleep, and looked at your corpse with adoration.
I'm all yours, Babooshka. 
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Part four: Babooshka
She woke up, ready for the exams, dressed with her usual suit, and put a lucky charm on her pocket. 
She was getting to class when she remembered, "my lucky pen is in my locker", so she went to get it, and saw a letter that fell sloppylly on her perfectly organized locker. She looked at the envelope and read "Babooshka", It clearly wasn't from her grandmother, one, because she would have written in "the tongue of mother Russia", two, because she was a bitter old woman that didn't write her, never, not even on her birthday, and three, because it was on her locker, not the mailbox. She opened it go find a love letter that has essence of a known perfume, she received the letter with a strange delight, smelling it and making a place on her locker for the piece of paper. 
These letters came one by one every week, and she knew they were from y/n, but Yelena couldn't help to love the letters, and she wanted to keep collecting more and more. 
She decided to shoot her shot after two months, when you two were studying together, she kissed your lips out of nowhere, leaving you completely confused and flustered.
"I- i thought you liked Zeke…" 
"Oh, i did" Yelena acted so shamelessly "But then you came."
"Do you say that a lot?" You asked annoying trying to shield from your notorious blush
"No, just you, Babooshka. I don't know why, but you make me fee… alive? I feel so close to you since i saw you." 
You didn't know what to do, you felt the same way, and you were way too nervous to think a witty reprise. 
"Why did you choose the pseudonym Babooshka?" Yelena have been wanting to ask you for a long time. 
"For real? I don't know, it just, familiar? I guess" 
"Ok, then" she smiled and pulled you closer
"I'm all yours, Babooshka."
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wondernimbus · 4 years
no time to die — tom riddle
pairing: tom riddle x female!reader
prompt: "i'd fallen for a lie, you were never on my side."
a/n: this was inspired by the song no time to die by billie eilish so i highly highly recommend listening to that while reading! the prompt/lyric itself isn’t in the actual text but it was based off of it eeee anyways enjoy
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It should never have come to this.
She’d warned him, time and time again, that if he didn't stop, she would have to interfere. Whether he liked it or not.
He never listened, of course. He’d said the same thing he always did: that everything he was doing was leading to something much, much bigger than she would ever be able to imagine. Never quite specifying what it was, exactly, but [Y/N] wasn't dumb—she knew Tom wasn't up to any good.
It was during his fifth year that she first tried to confront him about it, only to no avail. Tom had told her not to worry, putting on that same facade of complete composure that he'd used to fool so many others into believing that he was nothing but the picture-perfect student he made himself out to be. [Y/N] saw right through it, as she'd done so many times before.
They’d first met when they were eleven and grew closer ever since. Tom, she supposed, knew right off the bat that he wasn't fooling her; it was clear in the way she looked at him, so full of doubt and suspicion, that she wasn't easily fooled, young as she was. It should have made him want to avoid her, but instead he only grew curious, and before he knew it they'd become something akin to friends, growing more and more intimate with the passing of time even though neither of them ever quite addressed it.
The two of them cared for each other, that much was certain. She wasn't sure how deeply Tom cared for her, but she knew that she would do anything for Tom. Or at least whatever she thought was best for him.
And maybe it was for that reason that [Y/N] found herself outside of Dumbledore’s study, hand hovering in mid-air mere centimetres from the wooden door as she took in a shaky breath, wondering if this was the right thing to do.
She knew Tom better than she knew anyone else, and she knew that he was getting worse, growing more distant with each passing day. She was losing him to.. whatever his plans were. He was beginning to spend more time with his so-called group of admirers (although [Y/N] knew that the term "followers" was more appropriate). What little glimmer of sanity in his eyes that always used to show only whenever he was around her was slowly starting to dim.
She wasn't just losing him; he was losing himself, too, bit by bit. And she knew she had to do something about it.
So she knocked on the door.
"Come in!" came Dumbledore’s voice.
[Y/N] took in another deep breath, furled and unfurled her fingers, swallowed, and then she twisted the knob and pushed open the door.
She’d only been to Dumbledore’s study once before, to ask him a question about homework. Such drastically different circumstances she found herself in now.
"Good evening, professor,” she said, meeting the old man's gaze from where he sat behind his desk. There was an open book in front of him—when was there not?—and what looked like a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans clutched in his hands.
"Ah, Miss [Y/L/N]," beamed Dumbledore as he held out his box of treats. "Would you like to have some?"
Rather used to Dumbledore’s peculiar friendliness, she forced a smile and shook her head. "No, thank you."
"I imagine you don't make it a habit to visit your professors as a means of enjoyment," said Dumbledore, wizened old eyes twinkling as he set down the box on his desk in favor of clasping his hands together and setting them over his book. "So what, might I ask, brings you here? Oh, and please—sit." He gestured to the plush chair across from him.
[Y/N]'s movements were hesitant as she made her way to the chair and took a seat; something that didn't go unnoticed by Dumbledore, judging from the sudden somberness that crossed his face. It was clear that she wasn't here to ask about homework, much less share a box of jellybeans.
"Is everything alright?" Dumbledore frowned.
[Y/N] looked down at her lap. She couldn't stop fidgeting.
Tom was going to suffer for this. She didn't know how, but she knew he would. But she had warned him, hadn't she? She’d told him that if he didn't stop whatever it was that he was up to, she would put a stop to it—and this was better for him, wasn't it?
She knew what Tom was capable of. To anyone else he may have looked like nothing but the perfect model student, but [Y/N] knew him. He had a certain kind of coldness about him. The dangerous kind; the one that suggested he was capable of doing terrible, terrible things.
That, coupled with the nights he spent somehow sneaking out of the castle, only to come back in the early morning with a disturbingly triumphant gleam in his eyes.. the countless reports of dead Muggles in the surrounding villages.. the young followers he'd already amassed, some greedy for glory, others hungry for cruelty, some weak and seeking protection.. his seemingly harmless talks of immortality..
And the constant talk of a plan that would bring about some sort of change in the wizarding world. Somehow [Y/N] knew that whatever this change was, it wasn't going to be a happy one.
"Tom," she breathed out, deciding to cut straight to the point as she looked up to meet Dumbledore’s gaze. "Tom Riddle. I’m sure you know him."
A brief look of realization flashed in the old man’s eyes. Shifting in his seat, he looked down at his book momentarily as though pondering over something, and then back up at [Y/N], gaze now completely serious. “Yes,” said Dumbledore. “Of course.”
”And I know that you have your doubts about him.”
A beat of silence. And then he nodded. “I do, Miss [Y/L/N].”
”He’s planning something,” she said, oddly breathless. “I don’t know what, but he’s.. he’s up to something.”
A ghost of a slight smile appeared on Dumbledore’s face. “That much I have figured out as well.”
[Y/N] swallowed. “I think he’s trying to make a Horcrux.”
A tense silence followed her words.
The weight of what she said hung heavy in the air as though a dark cloud had settled over the room. For a few seconds all Dumbledore did was peer at her through his half-moon spectacles, brows creased just the slightest bit, and then, after what seemed like an awfully long time, he let out a long, low breath and nodded.
"I wish I could be more surprised," sighed Dumbledore. "But I'm afraid I've long since had my suspicions about Mr. Riddle, and I don't doubt your words, even though part of me wishes they were untrue."
"He mentioned the word Horcrux to me once, in passing," began [Y/N], relieved at how easily he trusted her. She'd always known Dumbledore was wiser; while the other professors had fallen for Tom's spell, he had not. "Something about having found an answer to his problems—the answer being Horcruxes. something about a soul in exchange." [Y/N] paused, fists clenching in her lap. "I decided to look into it. It took me a while—none of the books in the library here hold too much information about it, but I looked through my family's library when I came home during the winter break. I found out what the word meant.. how to make it."
"And you believe Tom might be interested in—"
"In making a Horcrux, yes." Her tone of voice held a sense of urgency; she'd leaned forward unconsciously in her seat. "I know it sounds mad, but professor, I know Tom. I know what he's capable of. And I—" she inhaled, as though bracing herself for her next words, "I believe he'd be willing to kill for the sake of immortality. Saying it out loud sounds ridiculous, but Tom is hungry for power. I don't know what kind exactly, but I've known him for a long time and I'm sure I'm not just imagining it. He even has followers of his own—he calls them friends, of course, for the sake of normalcy, but they're more his subjects than anything else. He's up to something."
She was betraying Tom, she knew. She was the only person he truly trusted; it was clear just by the way he looked at her, the way he treated her like she was royalty. And [Y/N] felt just as deeply for him as he did for her.
[Y/N] loved Tom; it was why she was doing this. And if he loved her, he would understand.
There was a beat of silence as she recalled what Tom had told her, not so long ago. "Something big," she echoed, holding Dumbledore’s gaze. "Something much bigger than neither I nor you would ever be able to imagine."
The world seemed to be ridiculing her.
Two days after her conversation with Dumbledore, Tom took her to the Astronomy tower and confessed that he did, indeed, care for her. And not like a friend would care for another, nor the way a brother would care for his sister—no, he loved her like a man would love another woman.
Tom loved her.
But that wasn’t all he confessed. Finally, he told her of his plans to seek immortality, and along with it, power; how, in the future, he planned to purge the world of non-magical blood. He told her that his plan was already in motion.
This boy standing in front of her, only sixteen—had he murdered someone already?
The mysterious deaths in the Muggle villages surrounding the castle.. [Y/N] had her suspicions, but she’d hoped that it wasn’t him.
”We will rule the wizarding world together,” Tom told her, hands holding the sides of her face, pulling her close. “Bit by bit, we will gain power together. You will be at my side as I become the most powerful wizard of all time—and I will protect you with that power. I will make sure that no man will ever be able to touch you—“
”I have never known love like the one you’ve taught me to feel,” he exhaled. “And I intend to keep it. To keep you.”
She closed her eyes, ignoring the tears burning behind them as she reached up, gently prying his hands away from her neck. “Tom, listen to me.”
He tried to hold her gaze even as she looked away; her hands gripped his own weakly. “What you’re talking about,” she began softly, “It’s.. I’m sorry, Tom, but it’s madness.”
He stared at her. “Madness.”
This time her grip on his hands did falter. Her arms dropped down to her sides as she turned to instead hold onto the railing, needing something to hang onto. “Tearing your soul apart? For immortality?” she shook her head, pained. “You can’t possibly expect me to stand by your side while you do.. Merlin knows what.”
Tom was silent, but the loving look in his eyes had died out. They were cold again. A little stunned.
“I love you,” she whispered, looking down at her hands, which clutched the metal railing as though it were a lifeline. “Just as much as you love me, Tom, I can assure you of that. But I can’t be with someone who—“
”Someone evil,” Tom cut her off. His tone was bitter. “Is that what you think I am?”
Isn’t that what you are? she wanted to say. Asking me to help you tear your own soul apart and stand by as you murder innocent people?
She swallowed, hung her head, eyes squeezed shut. “Please leave,” she said quietly. “I need some time to think.”
A few seconds passed by in complete silence. She could still feel his presence behind her—could feel the frustration radiating off of him.
“Please leave, Tom,” she repeated, ignoring the shakiness in her own voice. And then, louder: “Leave.”
She listened to his footsteps as he left the tower. And once they faded away, it was only then that she sank to her knees and started crying.
[Y/N] loved Tom, and it was for that reason that she found herself inside Dumbledore’s office that very same night, retelling each and every detail of Tom’s plans to the wizened old man, her voice oddly numb and devoid of any emotion.
No fear. No anxiety. Not even pain, as she stood before Dumbledore, betraying the boy she loved and yet could never have. Not with what he wanted to do.
”Thank you,” Dumbledore said once she was finished. Her jaw was clenched as she nodded, swallowed, and then—
What now?
She would go back to the Slytherin common room and face Tom again. What would she do? Take him into her arms and pretend as though all he’d confessed to her hours earlier was that he loved her, and not his horrible plans? Or would she ignore the ache in her chest and pretend as though all their six years of friendship were nonexistent?
Could she? Was her heart capable of that?
As though Dumbledore had read her mind, he said, “Miss [Y/L/N], I’m going to have to ask you to look for another sliver of bravery within you. You must continue to gain information from Tom.”
At this, [Y/N] looked up, the first few traces of real emotion flickering in her eyes for the first time since she arrived.
“Learn his secrets. His plans. Find out what horrid things he has already done and what he will do.”
[Y/N] opened her mouth. No words came out.
“I understand that it would be difficult,” said Dumbledore, tone gentle and yet at the same time authoritative; it wasn’t a request. “But as far as I am aware, you are the closest thing Tom has to a friend. It seems he trusts you.”
”And you want me to keep betraying him.”
There was an almost amused lilt to Dumbledore’s tone. “Were you planning on stopping after this, Miss [Y/L/N]?” he asked, brows furrowed in curiosity. “Did you honestly plan on walking out of this room and turning a blind eye to your friend’s dangerous schemes? I believe you and I reached an understanding the moment you asked for my help a mere few days ago: we will stop Tom Riddle, no matter what the cost. No matter if it risks your friendship with him.”
It risked everything she ever had with him. Everything she would ever have.
And yet.
And yet she loved him, and it was for that reason that she nodded and muttered, “I'll.. I’ll do what’s necessary.”
Meaning, she would betray him.
The first time she’d gone into Dumbledore’s office, she was determined. Nervous, yes, but she’d known what she had to do. But now, knowing that Tom loved her, that he trusted her enough to tell her of every single one of his plans—it changed a lot of things. Made her feel ten times more guilty than she already did.
But she had no choice. She had to stop him. She knew he wouldn’t even if she asked him to—the mere idea of it was unrealistic—so she had to find another way.
She had to trick him. To betray him.
If Tom truly loved her, he would understand.
[Y/N] hoped he would.
It took days before they spoke again.
[Y/N] had wanted to put off her task for as long as she could, but before she knew it, Tom was approaching her again.
It seemed he couldn’t last very long without her.
It was nighttime. She was alone—the rest of the students were at the Great Hall, eating dinner—so she had the Hogwarts courtyard all to herself.
Until someone yanked her by the shoulder, pulled her into them, and kissed her.
There was a brief moment of surprise in which she tried to push him away roughly, but then, wide-eyed and bewildered, she got a good look at him.
“Tom,” she gasped, but he kept his lips on hers, one hand on her waist and the other clutching the side of her face. The way he kissed her was almost feverish—desperate—as though he'd been longing to have this for a long time and wanted as much of it as possible now that he had it.
She thought of protesting, of pushing him away roughly and storming away, but instead she found herself relaxing into him; there was a part of her, she realized, that wanted—no, needed this as much as Tom did. So she kissed back, fingers pressing into his upper arm as she kissed him with just as much passion as he was offering her.
Warning signs flashed inside her head. Could she really do this? Pretend like nothing was wrong?
And then a thought came to her. A disturbing one, really—one that had what felt like guilt pricking at her chest as she molded her lips against Tom's own: this could work.
This was exactly what she needed to do. Pretend as though nothing was wrong, stay at Tom's side like this, grow closer to him, find out his secrets and his plans, like Dumbledore said—and then.
And then she would bring him down, in the end.
So she kissed him. Kissed him until she lost track of time; until the passion in her died out and was only replaced by a feeling of numbness, knowing fully well that the reason she was kissing him was no longer because of how much she wanted to, but because she had to gain his trust. When Tom pulled away, finally, lips swollen and eyes like dark pools of water, he leaned his forehead on hers and whispered, "I love you."
A chill ran down her spine. She swallowed and closed her eyes. It was easier not to look at him.
[Y/N] tightened her hold on Tom's arm and choked out four words that she meant fully well, and yet felt so horribly guilty for saying.
"I love you too," she told him, and hoped that he didn’t hear the trembling in her voice.
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