#she really reached into my brain with this one
brainrot-of-a-thot · 7 hours
o em geeee so ya know how umemiya is super protective of kotoha but like imagine how protective he would be of reader esp if they were dating :’))
BUT LIKE i wonder how he would react when reader was actually trying to defend/protect kotoha but ended up getting hurt in the process. how do you think he’ll react?
(im not really sure how requests work but if you don’t want to write something abt this it’s totally okay! taking the time to read my lil brain rot is more than enough for me!)
back off. [umemiya]
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“I think you should back off.” umemiya said, tone even and smooth — he sounded closely like himself, but your spine tingled with a sense of danger; though it wasn’t directed at you, you’d never heard such anger saturate umemiya’s voice before, and it was downright scary. for a moment, you even felt a brief pang of sympathy for the pushy creep that you had just been wishing a painful death on seconds earlier.
a/n: okay yes nonnie i love this brainrot here!! like ume, i am protective of kotoha myself (she’s just so freaking precious and deserves the whole world) and also — protective ume gets me going 🫠
wc: 1.2k
c/w: fem!reader, creepy guy being creepy (pls don’t be like this fellas), language, protective!reader, protective!ume, brief violence towards reader (creep leaves a bruise around her wrist), soft!ume, established relationships, hurt/comfort and generously sprinkled fluff
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“c’mon, sweetheart, just one date couldn’t hurt, yeah?”
your fingers tightened around the handle of the spoon, fingernails digging painfully into your slightly sweaty palm.
this creep had been flirting with kotoha non-stop since he entered pothos, and even when kotoha had made her disinterest blatantly clear, he still wouldn’t back off.
normally, you’d be jumping up to her defense; but kotoha was strong-willed and independent, and you knew from experience that she could stand for herself — so, you opted to merely keep an ear and an eye out on the situation, and to observe and gauge the way the man acted. should things take a turn for the worse, you’d be at her side in a split second.
you weren’t necessarily the best at fighting, but thanks the umemiya, you knew some basic self defense; and given the look of this guy, you had a strong feeling he hadn’t been in very many brawls. even someone like you could probably drop him.
“look, I’ve already told you I’m not interested. I’d appreciate it if you left my restaurant, sir.” kotoha seethed, and truly, you were impressed by just how even she kept her tone. if it were you, you’d be screaming colorful insults at the man and demanding he drag his ass down to hell where he belongs.
“one night with me, baby, and I promise you’ll be interested.” the man slurred, completely ignoring kotoha’s request for him to leave. alright, if he didn’t turn towards that door in point two seconds you were really going to lose it.
“I said no. now leave.” kotoha snapped, her tone raising above a professional level now. you slid your eyes over to observe your close friend; her body was trembling from anger and her face was turned into a scowl — and though you couldn’t see the man’s face clearly you could see the way his patience snapped from the sudden hard line of his shoulders.
your body was moving before your brain could catch up — you were out of your seat and at the creep’s side just in time to catch his wrist as he lifted his hand to reach out to kotoha.
“don’t even think about it.” you growled, fingernails digging into the bare flesh of his arm. the man whipped his head to the side to pin you down with a venomous glare.
“and who the hell are you?” he spat, but then his eyes traveled down your body and his lips pulled into a downright lecherous smirk.
“ooh, my bad; hello there, sweetie. and just where were you hiding?” he cooed, and you couldn’t help but mentally compare his voice to a hissing snake. you had to shove away the urge to wrench away in disgust.
“she’s not interested. you need to leave.” you ground out, and the man simply smirked — it was irksome and annoying, and you truly wanted to just punch it off of his face.
“but I quite like it here,” the man wisped, tugging his arm out of your grip. “there’s two feisty women right in front of me; how can a guy willingly leave that?”
“a guy can when he knows he’s not wanted.” you hissed, glaring icy daggers into his face. “you need to leave. before I lose my patience.”
the man’s eyes widened briefly before his face split open in a bout of loud, raucous, ear-grating laughter. your irritation was only building the longer you stood in this man’s presence.
“oh, whew, wow, holy shit — I needed that laugh sweetheart; seriously, you think I would be scared of you—”
the man’s sentence was cut off by a gruff yell as you hooked your foot behind his ankle and shoved him — he consequently stumbled and would have hit the floor, if it weren’t for his hand shooting out to grab a hold of your wrist on the way down.
pain lanced through your hand and wrist as his full weight threatened to pull you down with him; it was a miracle you’d managed to stay upright, but your wrist was definitely feeling the strain of it.
“let me go, shitdick!” you exclaimed, attempting to pull your wrist free — you could hear kotoha scrambling behind the counter, the metallic slide of a drawer opening and a shrill ‘shhhhink’ sound, but you were too focused on the man in front of you to bother looking in her direction. he was quickly rising to his feet, and he looked absolutely pissed.
“you’re really trying to start shit with me, you stupid bitch? what, you think because you’re a woman I won’t lay you out flat?!”
your heart thundered in your chest as his fingers tightened around your wrist — there was a cold feeling seeping into your muscles, a sensation that kickstarted something primal within your brain; fear. that fear took deeper root when the man found his balance, towering over you like some looming shadow. you flinched away as the man’s other hand flew into the air, no doubt wrenching back in preparation to land a blow — seconds passed, but the blow never came, and when you popped open an eye you noticed that your earlier prediction had proved true; the man’s hand was indeed loaded with a punch.
but it had been stopped by another hand, one that gripped his wrist tightly. your heart fluttered and your stomach swooped with relief. you’d recognize that hand anywhere.
“I think it would be wise for you to back off now.”
umemiya’s tone was even, smooth, and not much different than all the other times you’d heard it — but a cold shiver still crept up your spine; it wasn’t aimed at you, but the anger that saturated umemiya’s voice was palpable, the vibrations of which were intense enough to create an atmosphere of pure danger. it was genuinely scary.
you felt the smallest, briefest, most minute pang of sympathy for the man in front of you. had you been on the receiving end of that aura, you would have already pissed yourself — and judging by the look on the man’s face, he was able to detect that aura easily, and was probably about to empty his pathetic bladder right there.
in scattered, rushed, and stumbling movements the man wrenched himself free from umemiya’s grip and turned heel, shoving roughly past umemiya’s shoulder with a muttered “fuck y’all!”
silence followed the bell-tinkle of the man’s departure, but in only a few seconds time you were suddenly gathered into strong, warm arms. the scent of sunny detergent and faint cool aftershave invaded your nose as umemiya pressed you against his chest.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I should have gotten here sooner.”
gone was the previous anger in his voice, now replaced by a thick shroud of sincere regret and the faintest wisp of shame. you wrapped your arms around umemiya’s ribs and nuzzled further into his chest, drawing in lungfuls of that comforting scent. safety.
“it’s okay,” you mumbled, words muffled into umemiya’s broad chest. fingers combed comfortingly through your hair, the feeling turning your muscles into a jelly-like consistency in an embarrassingly short time. “you’re here now.”
umemiya hummed but it sounded rather distant, as if he was distracted by something else — you wondered briefly if you’d have to smother the guilt out of him (as you had done on multiple different occasions, for even things that were innocuous that he somehow felt he should take the blame for), but that worry had quickly melted when umemiya asked, with a slightly shaky voice,
“kotoha… you’re gonna put that knife down now, right?”
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caraetdeul · 3 days
A Bouquet of Breakdowns
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Choi Seungcheol x reader
Sometimes, life is a bride that just gives a whole ass bouquet of problems in one throw.
TW: breakdowns, stressed reader
a/n: hi so this is more of a self-indulgent fic. I've been so stressed lately and I may have inserted my own situation in this fic in a very detailed way too much, so sorry bout that. But other than that, hopefully everything's good at your end of the screen but if not, hopefully this fic will help you in any way possible. Enjoy reading caratdeuls!
~Main Masterlist~
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I’ve got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine, oh oh
Do what you want but yo—
Seungcheol groaned, trying to reach out for his phone on his nightstand in his sleepy state. Letting you change his ringtone to this song may be a mutual decision for the sake of comedic timing but right now, all he wants is to just throw his phone out the window.
“Whoever decided that 2 o’clock in the morning was a good time to call was definitely gonna taste the wrath of a sleep deprived Cheo—”
“Oh thank God you answered!”
He paused for a second, his brain trying to comprehend the urgency in your brother’s voice. Once his brain caught up to the moment, he sat up immediately.
“What do you mean, Chan?”
“I’ve been trying to call noona for 30 minutes now and she’s still not answering her phone. I’m panicking right now hyung. I don’t know what to do!” Cheol can already hear Chan’s pacing from his end of the line and knew that he was already at the brink of a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, hey calm down for a bit. What do you mean you’ve been calling your sister for a while now? Isn’t she in her room probably sleeping right now?”
“That’s the thing! She isn’t! I went in her room to borrow something from her but when I entered, she wasn’t there! Oh god, this can’t be happening right now.”
“Okay, breathe Chan. I’ll go help find her. Do you have any idea where she might have gone to?”
He heard Chan take a deep breath before answering slightly more calmly than before, “Try the park behind the church. I do remember her telling me something about the garden there and how she goes there sometimes.”
“Okay, thanks Chan.” Cheol stood up, immediately searching the vicinity for a shirt and his wallet and keys.
“Wait, I’m coming with you.” He can already hear a door slam shut before Chan even finished his sentence.
“No, stay there in case she comes back. I’ve got this.” The call went silent for a bit and Cheol can feel his hesitance to follow his instructions. But even then, Chan knew he was right and can only sigh in agreement.
“Okay, fine. Just call me back once you find her, please.”
“I will, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, hyung. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“No worries, Chan. I’ll do anything for the both of you.”
Once the call ended, Cheol rushed to his car, praying to every single higher being he can remember at the moment that you were alright. He wasn’t really shocked with how your brother reacted to your sudden disappearance. Ever since you were children, all he could remember was how you took care of your little brother all by yourself. Your parents were always too busy for the both of you thus, you were left with all the responsibilities in your home including being a parent for your own brother. Because of this, Chan decided that he was gonna be your protector in any way that he can be. So it was no shock that he would react this way.
It took him around 15 minutes before he reached the town’s church. He parked the car by the sidewalk before walking towards the back of the church where the park is found. Chan didn’t really specify the garden that you mentioned but he had a slight clue as to what it might have been. You were always fond of the hydrangeas that bloomed at this time of the year. He can remember how pretty you looked under the light of the sunset as you explained how hydrangeas can grow in groups but still retain a unique beauty for each flower. He then remembered how you further sprouted random facts about them and all he’s thinking about is how much he loves your nerdy side.
Walking through the park, he tries calling out your name but there were no response. As he neared the garden hidden at the very end of the park, he can slightly hear a melody being played from a phone. Once he got closer to the sound, he sighed in relief when he clearly heard the lyrics to your favorite song. It was only then that he realized how stiff his whole body was from panic, only relaxing when he sees your form lying on the grass and watching the stars above. He sent a text to your brother to let him know you’re safe. As soon as he received a text back, he walked towards your direction, careful not to spook you too much.
“You do know that phones are made primarily for texting and calling, right?” You immediately turned to the direction of the sound, scared for your life. But once you see your boyfriend’s face, you relaxed your hold on your pepper spray and took a deep breath to calm your nerves down.
“What the hell, Choi? You scared the shit out of me.”
“Well to be fair, you scared me first what with you disappearing in the middle of the night and not even telling anyone about it.”
“Okay, fair. Sorry about that.” You sheepishly smiled at him in an attempt to look apologetic as he lies down next to you.
“Apology accepted.” Cheol stretched out his arm to you, letting you cuddle up to him, “but i can’t promise any forgiveness from your brother any time soon. He was about to burn the whole house down in panic trying to find you.”
“Oh god.” Cheol chuckled at your response. He can already hear the gears in your head running and trying to find an acceptable peace offering for your brother. For a few minutes he let you dwell in your thoughts, knowing all too well that you’ve already moved past that and now deciding on whether or not you would share the whole reason why you’re out here at this time of night.
“So,” Cheol started, “want to talk about it?”
You hummed. Biting your lips, you said the first thing that came into your mind, “I don’t really know where to start.”
“That’s okay. Take your time. We’ve got all night.” His hold on you tightened for a bit, letting you know that he’s there for you no matter what. You don’t know what you did to deserve him but you thank God so much that he let you two meet because you don’t know how you will ever survive this world without him in your life.
“I’m overwhelmed,” you sighed shakily, “everything is too much and I can’t even relax properly. I…”
Cheol scrunched his eyebrows in confusion when you didn’t continue your train of thought only to hear you sniffling and feel your body shake a bit from trying not to cry.
“Its okay, love. Let it out.”
And then the dam broke.
You told him how your work was piling up and everything was just so stressful. You also told him about the disappointment you felt when your workmates left you all alone while struggling to meet a deadline on time when they promised you that they will help. In short, you have vomited every single slight inconvenience and big event in your life that happened in the course of a few days to your boyfriend. Your sweet and caring boyfriend who’s listening intently to every single word you’re saying.
By the time you were done, the sun was beginning to rise. You can hear the sounds of the nature around you waking up as Seungcheol wipes your tears and hug you tightly. You can feel him kiss your hair, stroking it in an attempt to ground you. You both stayed like that for a few more minutes before Cheol made you both sit up to face each other.
“You do know you can share anything with me, right?” He cupped your face with his hands, forcing you to look into his sincere eyes.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So the next time you feel like this, will you please go straight to me?”
You felt your lips quiver due to the intense sincerity that you felt from his words. You observed his face, memorizing every detail and imprinting them into your brain.
“I will.”
Seuncheol smiled in relief before hugging you once again, pulling your head to rest on his chest as he enveloped you with his arms. Maybe you’ll have a hard time letting him be a shoulder for you to cry on but he vows to you and to himself that he will be there to catch you whenever you fall.
Taglist: @moonwonuu @belladaises
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chemicallywrit · 3 days
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! What a week! Let’s talk about some shows!
🕷️ Ghosts in the Burbs continues to be the kind of quiet horror that creeps into your brain. This last multipart story has a twist that makes me genuinely worried about the fictionalized Liz Sauer of the podcast. She seems overcome by anxiety and a lack of trust, and I worry it will make her vulnerable to supernatural or mundane attack. And all that would do is reinforce her fears! Hang in there Liz.
📻 @breakerwhiskey HARRY DID WHAT? Suddenly this tenuous, teeth-gritting relationship makes sense. Of course our hero feels betrayed! Of course they never really reconciled! Note that it’s out in the open, I wonder if real reconciliation is on the table.
🌺 @wanderersjournalpod is so fascinating, not just because of the framing device, but also because Marigold tells on themself in this surface humorous story about accidentally poisoning themself. She is starving. Both Marigold and Pluto are in tricky situations and neither of them seems to be reaching out for help from anyone but each other. Is it by necessity, or are they just stubborn?
🦀 What can you say about @thesiltverses? These episodes, mostly monologue, set the scene for whatever the finale will bring, and I can feel the tension building. I have to pour out the accolades for the actors, whose work embodying these roles has been incredible, especially B. Narr.
🌳 My best friend @worldgonewrongpod is back this week and I love this small town drama over creepy trees. Being from small town Colorado myself (although not quite this small), it felt comfortingly familiar. I can’t help but see the parallels between the book banning campaigns in small towns all across the US, which work about as well as shooting trees. This show continues to, in a friendly gentle way, destroy me.
✊🏾1972 wrapped this week! I love a historical drama, and I cheered out loud when Angela Davis was declared not guilty, even though like. That’s a historical event. It wasn’t a surprise. At the same time I found Shirley Chisholm’s campaign so heartbreaking, even though she didn’t. I’d like to be as forgiving and smart as Chisholm, I think. Even though she lost, what she did mattered; even though Angela Davis was in jail for years for no reason, it mattered.
⚙️ In Inn Between news, GET READY FOR THE FINALE KIDS. The penultimate episode is out, and our early access folks will see this season wrap this week. Now I gotta like. Write season six. Pray for me, hopefully this one won’t take a tear and a half.
That’s it for this week! 😘
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lost-in-fandoms · 19 hours
This came to me out of nowhere this morning and I spent my whole time in the shower doing way too much lore building I barely even put in this.
Girl!Max and girl!Daniel are roommates and best friends. cw: the tiniest bit of implied sexual content
It's awkward for about 20 minutes the day after Daniel and Max have sex after the party.
They do their usual hangover morning routine, going to their coffee shop to buy Daniel's coffee and four pastries to share, and then going to sit on the beach, but it's stilted and awkward and weird. Max hates it.
It's never been this weird between them. Not when Max was just a teenager freshly out of high school, living on her own for the first time, moving into the apartment Daniel used to share with Sebastian and Carlos (and Valtteri, who technically didn't live there, but somehow was always on their couch). Not even when Sebastian had left and they had all spent two months fighting over chores and bills and groceries. Not even that one time Daniel had walked into her blowing Carlos (it had happened once, no matter what Carlos said, and only to prove a point).
And yet, now they seem unable to have a normal conversation and Daniel has already pulled back her hand three times after instinctively reaching out to touch her, which is absurd, because Daniel has never had any qualms about draping herself all over Max before. Max will not stand for it.
So she takes a sip of her second red bull of the day, finishes one of the pastries (which Daniel doesn't even fight her for!), and nudges Daniel's knee with her own.
"Was it good?"
Yes, alright, maybe not the best question choice, but Max has never claimed to be smooth, or graceful. For a second, Daniel looks startled and nervous, which is a bad thing, because a skittish Daniel is not very good at being talked to, and Max is already wracking her brain trying to fix it when Daniel's expression changes. She smirks at her, waggling her eyebrows.
"Why? Need some pointers, Maxy?" she asks, motioning suggestively with her index and middle finger.
Max splutters, feeling herself blush, as Daniel laughs, startling two nearby seagulls. A moment later, Max's red bull has been spilled, the last croissant corner is on the ground, and Daniel is running away, screeching and cursing, while Max runs after her, threatening to throw her into the water.
And that's the end of the awkwardness.
It's a relief, really. Even if she would never admit it to Daniel, Max had been worried about the night ruining everything. She is not the kind to tiptoe around a crumbling friendship, she much prefers either solving the issue or cutting the person out, but the idea of things changing between her and Daniel has always made her feel a little sick. Just because so much of her life is intertwined with Daniel's, of course. It would be a real effort to change things around, and there's nothing Max loves more than her routine.
As it is, things go back to normal. They watch movies together curled up on the (now Valtteri-free) couch, they barge into each other's rooms without knocking, they share the bathroom in the morning when Daniel is running late for work, and they cook together (which involves Daniel making the food and Max making sure she doesn't lose track of time, making everything burn).
They don't talk about having sex again.
It's not like they're actively avoiding the subject, it's just that it doesn't come up. Lots of queer people have sex with their friends, Max is well aware of that, and just because she keeps thinking about it, it doesn't mean Daniel is too. It's just a thing that happened, didn't break them, and won't happen again. And that's okay.
Three weeks later they're both laying on Max's bed, Max propped up on her pillow and Daniel laying on her belly, feet kicking in the air, one of Daniel's playlists playing from Max's laptop. They usually hang out in Daniel's room, because it's bigger and she has an actual sound system, but Max has been too caught up in her finals to find the time to remind Daniel to pick up the cups and glasses strewn everywhere, or to help her focus for long enough to put away the clean laundry piling on the unused side of her bed. And now Max can't stop thinking about the last time Daniel had been in here, even if she is trying her hardest not to think about it.
"Lando wants to go for drinks tomorrow, to celebrate the end of the semester" she says, reading through the five different messages Lando sent, which could have easily been one. "Do you want to come?"
Daniel hums, not a yes nor a no, as she keeps scrolling on instagram for a few seconds. Max waits her out, until Daniel's head snaps up, brows furrowed.
"Wait, what?" she asks, blinking rapidly at her.
"Lando said..." Max patiently starts repeating, but Daniel interrupts her immediately.
"Oh, yeah, no. I have a date."
It's not surprising. Daniel loves going on dates. For a while, she had called everything she and Max do together "dates", even if they were just hanging out or going for a run in the park or having dinner at home.
(Max doesn't remember when she had stopped, but she knows she does not miss it.)
Daniel loves dressing up, spending hours shaving her legs, putting on her makeup and doing her hair. She loves meeting people, going to new places and having fun, even if the dates often don't get a follow up. They are all things Max has never understood, but it makes Daniel happy, and that's important. The fact that they had sex once doesn't change anything.
"Who is it?" she asks, ignoring the pang in her chest (she is not jealous) and letting Daniel tug her further down the bed, so she can make her way on top of her, face pressed on Max's stomach.
"A guy from tinder. Johnathan."
Max wrinkles her nose, she doesn't like people called Jonhathan, and plucks the phone from Daniel's unresisting hand, unlocking it and navigating to her tinder's messages.
"He's big," she comments, looking at the broad shoulders of the guy in the picture. Daniel emerges from her hiding place just to wiggle her eyebrows at her. Max rolls her eyes, putting one of her hands on top of her curls and pushing her down again. She leaves it there, scrolling through their messages one handed, enjoying the way Daniel goes almost liquid, rubbing her cheek on Max's belly like a cat.
"He's boring," she adds after a while, reading through the seven messages recounting a particularly uninteresting story involving Jonhathan and his preferences in protein shakes.
Daniel bites at her through her hoodie, before pushing off her hand and raising her head once again, pouting. Her cheeks are red, probably from pressing them against Max, and her hair are all messed up. She looks beautiful. Not that Max is noticing.
"Well, if the sex is too boring, I can always come to you, right Maxy?"
They both freeze. It's clear Daniel hadn't meant to say it from the way her eyes widen, once again her mouth running away from her, and Max knows this should be the moment she turns it into a joke.
She can't though. For some reason, she can't bring herself to laugh, and she's entirely serious when she replies, looking straight into Daniel's eyes.
"Of course you can."
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klaprisun · 2 days
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 32: Haley's POV
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
To my delight, I awakened in the early morning with the person I had just shared quite a night with still by my side. I do feel fairly guilty for not returning the favor for Danny, but she had rocked my world so intensely that I couldn’t even register what had happened. 
I also was feeling a little nervous with everything too, considering it was my first time getting down and dirty with a girl. I really don’t want to embarrass myself, or make myself a fool. Being bad at things on the first try makes me lose my mind too, so I can either be phenomenal or nothing at all. Little dramatic on my part, but I don’t want Danny to laugh at me or pity me.
She really isn’t that kind of person though, she wouldn’t laugh at me or make fun of me. I know she would be patient with me and let me take my time figuring things out, but I don’t want to disappoint her. Danny really set the bar high with her performance last night.
Just as I was about to sit up in bed, I looked down and noticed Danny’s arm strewn across my stomach. Her hand was caressing the side of my hip ever so gently in her sleep. She was sleeping, stomach down, head turned away from me with the blankets weirdly entwined with her legs. She is a really warm bodied person, so I can see how the blankets got kicked down to our legs like that. I would’ve been cold all night if it wasn’t for her body heat.
I watch as Danny’s bare back rises and falls slowly with each deep breath she takes in her sleep. She was truly okay with sleeping naked last night, which I really didn’t mind. It is a nice treat to wake up to this morning, that's for sure. 
Suddenly, as if sensing I was awake, Danny rolls over onto her back with a groan. She stretches her arms above her head and grabs onto the headboard. At this moment, all other thoughts have escaped my brain and my heart flutters in my chest.
“Haley,” Danny groans in another attempt to stretch, this time her legs. “Are you up?”
“Mhmm,” I sing back, soaking up her beautiful body. I try to be polite, but my eyes just keep finding their way to her chest. 
“I did end up having a dream where this ended up coming off.” As she said that, she tugged at my nightgown. Danny had rolled onto her side now to look at me, propping her head up with her hand. 
“Oh, did you?” I seductively respond, propping myself up as well so we are face to face. She wraps her other arm around my waist and pulls me closer, pressing our bodies together tightly. 
“Do you always look this pretty when you first wake up?” Danny whispers.
“I could say the same to you…” I feel my cheeks heat up and look away sheepishly. She brings my gaze back to her by taking my chin in her hand. She softly kisses my lips, which I quickly return. 
What starts off as a wholesome moment, quickly escalates to a continuation from the night before. Our lips move in perfect sync with one another, sometimes slipping a tongue into the mix here and there. I find myself rolling on top of Danny so that I’m straddling her hips. She effortlessly slips my nightgown off and hangs it up on the post of the headboard. She does a double take when she notices her cowboy hat hung up on the same post.
“Hey, there’s my hat,” she exclaims as she reaches over and places it atop of her head. She just got significantly sexier with the hat.
“Oh my Yoba…” I mutter, feeling my underwear getting a little soaked. And so early in the morning, how dare she.
I feel her grab onto my hips and flip me around so that I’m now under her. She grabs onto the headboard with one hand and keeps the other wrapped around my waist. 
“Ah ah ah,” I managed to get out between kisses.
“What’s wrong?” Danny pulls back worriedly.
“You had your time to shine last night. It’s my turn,” With my movement, I slowly guide us into switching positions so that I’m back over her. 
“Are you sure you are comfortable with that?” Danny sighs, biting her lip.
“Well when you make that face at me. I’ll do anything for you,” I reply, nipping at her neck. She tilts her head back and untenses her body, putting her arms behind her head. She still has her darn hat on too.
I start to venture down her body the same way she did to me last night. I place kisses all over her body, focusing mostly on her chest. Soon after I travel down to just above the hem of her panties and nip at her skin around there. Taking a deep breath, I go to slip my hand under the waistband. But just before I do, I notice my long, manicured nails. I hesitantly cringe at the thought of using my wicked long nails to pleasure Danny, but then get a bold idea. 
I made the decision so fast, Danny didn't even realize I had hesitated. Instead of slipping my hands down the front of her waistband, I slip them down the sides and tug her underwear off. I gently graze my fingernail along the inside of her thighs, giving her goosebumps. My thumb finds its way to her clit and I rub in circles. She is soaking wet at my touch, making my stomach flip in excitement.
I lower my head down to between her legs and push her legs further apart so I can start using my mouth. 
“Oh Haley…” Danny moans, arching her back as my tongue makes contact with her clit. “I didn’t expect you to do that…”
I don’t reply since I was a bit busy, but I bring one hand up and flash my nails at her as my only explanation. 
I feel her legs start to quiver and shake but I hold them down, not letting her squirm away from me. I’ve never felt so dominant in a relationship before. Even between Danny and I, she is usually the one doing the work so this is a nice change.
“You are doing so well,” Danny moans to me, making my heart skip a beat. I watch her hand fly up and grab onto her hat as she arches her back again. Her body starts to shutter, and I feel her start pulsing against my tongue. She lets out a moan, but I hear her try to hold back anymore from escaping. She is making sure Emily doesn’t hear what's going on. 
Slowing down and pulling away, I look up to see Danny panting heavily, closing her eyes and leaning her head back.
“You sure you’ve never done that before?” Danny breathes out. 
“I think I’d remember if I had,” I chuckle.
“Never know. What if you had too much to drink,” Danny teases, putting her underwear back on. I give her a playful shove as I get up to put some clothes on for the day.
“Round three?” Danny sneers, eyeing me up as I bend over to ruffle through a drawer of my dresser.
“Put your clothes on, silly,” I begin to put on a jean skirt and blouse. Danny tries standing up from the bed, but her legs wobble too much and she just falls back onto the bed. 
“I need a minute,” she huffs. I pick up her clothes from the floor and toss them at her, rolling my eyes playfully. 
She slips into her flannel and starts doing up all the buttons. She then finally stands up and hikes her shorts up and on. 
“Time for breakfast,” she slings her arm around my shoulders and walks us to the bedroom door to head out for the day. I have a sneaky feeling everyone is going to know something is up. Danny isn’t exactly the subtlest person ever. 
The two of us head over to the kitchen, Danny’s arm still slung around my shoulders. I feel a blush forming on my face as we near Emily who is sitting at the kitchen table. And just as I suspected, Danny cannot refrain from doing the most already.
“What’s up Emily!” She holds her hand up for a high five. Emily raises her eyebrow but smacks her hand against Danny’s. She quizzically turns to me for an answer, but sees the huge blush I have on my face. 
“OH MY YOBA,” She screeches. Her hands fly up to her mouth to cover it in shock. Danny goes to lean on the table, but stumbles as she just misses the corner of it. She cannot play it cool whatsoever. 
Time for me to get ready for a million questions and have the whole town know.
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lazyveran · 20 hours
Kazula cuddles tysm
wrote this out in under, like, 20 minutes and havent reread it but HERE! thank u for getting my brain going anon.
(set in the arranged marriage verse, a good few years along)
“Five more minutes.”
Katara huffs. Loud enough, she hopes, to rouse her wife from the document that was clearly more important to her than her own wife.
Azula huffs back. Louder, more punctuated (because of course, the blasted woman practiced her sighs, categorised them by inflection and level to convey adequate messages) and taps her caligraphy brush against the table.
“You’ve been working all day.” Katara says, internally denies the whine that carries her words, “And besides, didn’t we both agree to no work in the bedroom?”
Azula flips the parchment, places it neatly in the pile next to her. It was one that had grown in recent days, now obnoxiously tall where it was stacked on the desk.
Her wife murmurs something under her breath. Then, “Would you really have the entire east coast collapse for—” A pause. From the bed, Katara watches her tilt her head (this one was at a forty-five-degree angle – her mocking confusion angle), “cuddles?”
“Of course.” Azula sighs. “Water Tribe predilection. It’s a shame I never—”
“Do not finish that sentence.”
Azula sighs again. At once, the second document is placed on the pile, and she turns. Golden sharp eyes, hair straying into her face as undone from its top knot. It was domestic, as far as a woman like Azula could ever be.
It’s that sharp, golden softness that trails down Katara’s bare body, lingering, before neatly returning to her eyes.
“Really?” She deadpans.
Katara smirks. “Water Tribe predilection.”
She rolls her eyes. “And subtlety. Fine—” Azula rises to stand. Clad in her dressing gown, wrists and hands bared to show marred, delicate flesh, she crosses the room. “Though you’ll find I lack the energy for any extracurricular activities.”
A laugh escapes her. “Only you would call sex ‘extracurricular activities.’” Katara watches her wife roll her eyes and grins. “My love.”
She grumbles. “To think I put up with you.”
The red silk robe is laid neatly over the chaise lounge. Bared to Katara’s indulgent eye, Azula finally approaches the bed. One sharp eyebrow raises – expectant, awaiting. Requests or demands, she stills in the face of both.
Katara softens. It was a wonder, sometimes, how easily Azula trusted her, how much she’d give to her if only she asked. She often finds a fear buried deep within her throat, to ask too much of Azula and see the woman break herself apart without a thought for it.
Tempering the woman’s love was something she had never thought to do, in the years past. Since then;
“We won’t do anything, love. You’re tired, I know.” Katara cocks her head. “Only curricular activities tonight.”
Azula loosens. Though her tone is still sharp, “Must you?”
“I should ask for a divorce,” She climbs into the bed.
“You won’t.”
Azula opens her arms, shifting the silken sheets to accommodate her space, “No, I won’t.”
The heat of the woman is like a blanket in of itself. Katara is greedy, she finds, in these moments where Azula surrenders. Still sharp, but oh so soft.
She wriggles into her warm embrace. Often, she wonders if Azula specifically regulated her body heat in these moments. It was never too hot, never too cold, and wrapped into the soft, steelcord of her arms, Katara thinks this is what Heaven would feel like.
Azula rests her chin on the crown of her head, tangling their legs. Pressed to her chest, she feels a delicate breath leave Azula.
“Thank you,” She murmurs. Those were rare, only whispered in the dark – the only time Azula ever relaxed.
Katara noses along her collarbone. Takes a moment to press a kiss to the halberd wound carved there. When she reaches the base of Azula’s throat, she smiles into it. She gets a shiver in response.
“Someone has to look after you.”
“Mmh,” Hands reflexively tighten around Katara. Often, Azula clings so hard it hurts. “What rotten work.”
A kiss to the hollow of her throat. “Never.”
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rc-writes · 2 days
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: penelope garcia x platonic/bau!reader
based on: season 6, episode 4
warnings: use of pet names, nothing else that i’m aware of
a/n: guess who's not dead!?!? sorry for saying i might not update for a little while and then disappearing off the face of the planet, i promise i didn't mean too. i got caught up in updating my longer fanfics and then my first year of college so i was a bit too busy to write anything for this blog. but here i am back with a little penelope garcia blurb since i'm on a criminal minds rewatch journey! i can't yet confirm how much i'll be back on this account but i will sure try!
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“What can I help you with, pumpkin?” Penelope Garcia’s voice sounded as you entered the small room. She had noticed that you were wearing an orange bracelet earlier on the plane and decided pumpkin was your designated nickname for as long as you wore it.
You didn’t respond back to Garcia’s question for a long moment. You seemed to be lost in a thought the second your eyes met her face when you entered. 
“Hey are you alright?” Garcia asked when she noticed your faraway, oddly soberly look.
Snapping out of your thoughts, shaking your head to come back to reality you finally spoke. “Sorry, sorry. I had a question related to something you said one of the family members had said to you. I wanted to hear exactly what they said about this specific thing. And I know JJ usually is the one who speaks to the families, but I know you’re now handling that. And so, I knew to come here to you for that information, but I think the information wires in my brain seem to have gotten mixed up and so I was expecting to see JJ's face when I entered the room.” Your eyes widen at the sudden thought that what you said might be misinterpreted. “Not that I’m not happy to see you. I promise that’s not the case, I love seeing you. I do, I do. It’s just-"
“Hey, hey. I understand you completely. You don’t have to worry about it.” Penelope stopped you’re rambling, reaching out for your hand, smiling. “Now I’m no Jennifer Jareau but I can do my best to help you with whatever you need.”
You grasped for her hand back, beginning to sniffle a little. You cursed yourself in your head for beginning to get all teary eyed and sniffling. You had been so good at trying not to all day so far.
Penelope immediately caught on to this and plucked a tissue from the box next to her computer and handed it to you.
You smiled softly, taking the tissue and using it to lightly dab around your eyes. “I know it’s silly to be upset with change considering this job is all about change.” You tried to add a laugh, but it sounded more like a muffled cry.
Garcia held onto your hand a little tighter, her own eyes beginning to get glossy. “Pumpkin don’t worry, it’s not silly. It’s completely normal to be upset about JJ suddenly not being here. We all miss her like crazy.”
“I know, I know." You shook her hand a little. "I know we all miss her and don’t know how to act without everyone on the team being here. It’s just that I seem to be the only one who can’t seem to hide it.” You shrug.
“Oh, you’re definitely not honey. Trust me. I’m not going to name names but you’re not the first to come searching for JJ and found me instead. I’d imagine if I was still blonde it would be all the more confusing.” Garcia joked, causing you both to laugh a little. “Now I won’t say who that was, but I can say I myself was just getting a bit weepy at our phenomenal liaison not being here just before you came in here. Trust me when I say JJ so totally downplayed how much work she put into this job.”
Penelope said this with a lighthearted tone, but you understand the implications of it. It really was a lot of work for one person to do. You now kind of felt bad about interrupting her with a question you could have asked anyone else she had told what the family had said.
“Garcia, if you need any help no one here is going to be upset. You’re doing more than you’re getting paid for and more than anyone should be required to do. I’m more than happy to take on some things from you or find someone who can if I can’t help.” You offered.
“No, no I’m alright. A little overwhelmed truth be told, but I’m handling it. And I’ve already gotten Kevin to help out when needed.” She smiled up at you.
You didn’t entirely believe the tech but decided to not push any further. “Alright but promise me you’ll ask for help if you need it.” 
“I pinky promise.” Garcia smiled, holding her pinky out. You happily reached out to seal the promise, laughing. The day the higher ups ever decided to transfer Miss Penelope "Tech Genius" Garcia from the BAU would be the day you were going to become an unsub someone would have to track down.
“Now what was the information that you needed, honey?”
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thatluckyrabbiit · 2 years
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starry-bi-sky · 3 days
i have... ✨Danyal Al Ghul Headcanons✨ but specifically for my yaelokre danyal oneshot
There's also the tumblr post here but I recommend the link in the title because its the ao3 version, and that one is edited and has some stuff in it that's not in the tumblr post, and will be the version I'm using.
So for summary: this Danyal is also from a Demon Siblings Au where Danny is five years older than Damian. However, things turned out a bit differently, and Danny and Damian had a fantastic relationship with one another. Danny loved music and regularly came up with songs to sing to Damian with. Specifically the folk band Yaelokre's EP "Hayfields" (seriously go fucking listen to it its sooo good. Harpy Hare is the second song but its my favorite. Special shoutout to @gascansposts for introducing the band to me)
He falls off a train when he's twelve and Damian is seven while the two of them and Talia are on mission. He ends up with magically induced amnesia and wakes up in Arkansas while the Fentons are on their yearly Divorce-iversary visit to Aunt Alica, and since he can only remember his name, he ends up being taken into their care.
Yaelokre Danny has the same facial scar as Things in Threes Danyal, since he was initially another version of him where things turned out better. I'm debating on whether or not I should take it away however, and give him a different scar (maybe from when he fell off the train?), just because the scar is a pretty key identifier for Ti3 Danyal.
Danny frequently visits Aunt Alicia in Arkansas! Well, only after he gets settled in and stuff. He doesn't really like the city that much and prefers the countryside where Alicia lives. I know she lives in a cabin but I'm changing it to a farm, so she puts Danny to work and gets him to help her.
I don't want to confine his hobbies to only being star stuff, because people tend to have more than one hobby and I feel like it reduces him to one-dimensionality, so he likes to garden, and learns guitar. His room becomes filled with plants, and he turns their roof into a rooftop greenhouse right below to OPS Center.
He has a complex relationship with the weapons from his past, but he's not... like... appalled by it? When he finds his weapons in the Fenton attic all he thinks is that they're his weapons, and he starts carrying a knife on him afterwards. Essentially he becomes fascinated with weaponry because its one of the few physical ties he has to his past, and while he's not training like he is in the League, he allows his strong muscle memory to guide him through his katas.
Danny likes climbing things. This causes Problems For Everyone Else.
Danny was not the "kinder Al Ghul" in the League. His kindness extended to his brother and family, and that's it. To everyone else he had high expectations out of them, and the pride you'd expect from the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul and trained by its top members. While he wasn't like, unnecessarily cruel or anything, he wasn't merciful either.
This transfers post-train fall as him coming off as no-nonsense and unforgiving. He's not fond of the idea of giving people second chances, and is skeptical of the idea. He's disgusted by incompetency and views it as an unforgivable offense, especially if he thinks that the person should know better, although he's not sure why. Some egocentrism for the soul.
He doesn't like being touched by anyone who isn't family, and gets irritated when anyone grabs him or holds onto him for extended amounts of time. Dash has gotten hit so many times. With Jack Fenton's tendency for abrupt physical affection, it doesn't make it any better. I'd argue it'd make it worse because Danny doesn't want to be touched more often than not.
Danyal had a red scarf in the League that he wore on his last mission, it came off before he fell off and caught itself on the roof. Damian still has it and took it with him to Wayne Manor. He's got it locked in his room and takes it out when he's alone and missing Danny the most. One time he forgot to put it away before leaving his room, and Dick was visiting the manor for something and found it. Damian found him holding it and freaked out.
Dick could only say "I've never seen you wear this, Damian, this is really pretty--" before Damian shoved him to the floor and stole it out of his hands, before screaming at him; "Don't touch this! You don't ever touch this! This is mine! You hear me!?"
It caused such a commotion that the rest of the family present came to see what the fuss was about, and Damian kicked them all out of his room. Dick is the one brother Damian's the closest with, so the fact he reacted so strongly shocked them all.
This is likely what leads to the "Danyal" conversation.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#danyal al ghul au#yaelokre danny#yaelokre danyal al ghul#the yaelokre danny post didn't really go into him interacting with other people but i'm trying to figure out his personality post amnesia#just know this: he's not canon danny. im spitefully refusing to make him a Cookie Cutter of canon danny because the idea pisses me off lmao#he's complex and confused and morally gray even with the amnesia bc memories aren't stored in one part of the brain they're stored#in different parts depending on the memory and muscle memory exists and danny might not actively remember the things that shaped him but hi#body does. and somewhere deep in his mind so does his brain. his memories weren't destroyed theyre locked away in a place where his active#conscious can't reach. plus its magic amnesia and i have comic AND cartoon realism on my side.#danny's personality from the league doesn't get challenged that much by the fentons because danny's learning this about himself just as muc#as they are. Jazz can't “Fix” what's wrong with him when neither of them know it and Danny is always the first to figure it out and then#keeps it to himself. Also. Jazz has a fucking life? she's not the family therapist she has friends and hobbies even if we the viewers don't#see it. But also i just really deeply despise the idea that Jazz “fixes” danny's league issues just by existing and being the therapist#because it waters her down into a one-dimensional character who only exists in the context of providing emotional support and life advice t#danny. also therapy only works on someone that's actively trying to change. otherwise its just psychoanalyzing and people tend to hate#being psychoanalyzed without consent. which as a result may have them refuse help. anyways point is: i believe that growth is slow and#complex and danny would hide a lot of the stuff he discovers about himself because if there's one thing he still retains from being an#assassin. it's how to hide. he likes jazz but there are some things you just hide from people.#damian also told dick to “keep his filthy hands off his things”. which was also a shock because it sounded something he'd say more to tim#damian was distraught the entire time.#okay thats all i have for now.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
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knifewieldingenby · 1 year
A friend and I (well, more like an affection) starting watching ofmd together, and I'd always casually referenced it as the gay pirate show, as one does. But she's so fucking keen and she sees through things so fast. After two episodes she turned to me and said "everyone just calls it the gay pirate show. Why did no one tell me that this show deals with deconstructing toxic masculinity and trauma? This is so compelling and important, why did no one tell me?" And ever since then, when I'm trying to talk someone into watching the show, I mention it.
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dutybcrne · 1 month
From a very young age, Kaeya held such a fondness for handholding. Whether it was his father clinging tightly to him to make sure he didn’t get lost, Adelinde’s gentle, grounding hand closed over his to comfort him whenever his nerves got the better of him, Crepus’s rough-palmed, firm yet comforting grip as he brought him back home, or, as it was most often of all, Diluc’s warm, yet at times uncomfortably tight hold as he dragged him anywhere, everywhere, determined to always keep Kaeya close and eagerly show him all there was to see, Kaeya treasured the gesture greatly.
Of course, being as shy as he was, initiating it himself was always the harder part. So much so, he would tend to hold pinkies, rather than outright take a person’s hand in his own. Eventually, it would become his most common way to go about the gesture of affection.
#hc; kaeya#//Handholding is one of his favorite ways of affection bc 1) it’s not too overwhelming when it comes to his touch aversion#//The sensation is all focused in one spot; and even then; it’s more grounding than uncomfortable bc of how firm people’s grasp tends to be#//He really took to holding pinkies bc he realized he could ‘test’ people that way#//If it was a bother to them; they wouldn’t blink twice before moving their hand from his hold. so rejection isn’t as BIG; more subtle#//And if they Liked it; they could either accept it as is or make him happier and take firmer hold of his hand#//Once he was more confident; he would go straight to more outright handholding. Klee ofc got that RIGHT from the getgo. Bc she is smol &#liked him from the start. Even if her Pyro energy did make him uncomfortable at first; but he got used to it. for her#//Luc made it easy to go right to it to—the kid would always seem to know when he wanted to hold hands for whatever reason and grabbed hold#before Kae could link pinkies. kae did like the fact that Luc would Pout the few times Kae did link pinkies instead of hold hands#//Pout; & snatch his hand firmly in his like ‘Why did you do that? THIS way’s better’. Love the image of bby!Kae grabbing bby!Luc’s sleeves#but lbr; they deffo held hands a lot as kiddos. Bc we all know just how (canonically) indulging Luc is with whatever Kae wants. Once Luc#//figured him out; it was a Very common sight; seeing Luc tromping around like the proud lil protector he was; & Kae scurrying after him#//Lil subtle delighted gleams in his eye compared to Luc’s more overt confidence and joy. So common a sight; it was no surprise that#Kae was Deffo distressed when Luc inevitably grew out of it. Adjusted; yeah; but the sudden Change was deffo NOT good for his nerves#//Clung to Addie a lot to make up for it; until he heard the maids tittering abt how childish he was being#//He quit that FAST; finding other ways to stave off his nerves and show his affection#//Sometimes when he’s drunk at Angel’s Share; he gets tempted to hold Luc’s hand—an old habit dredged back up bc he wants comfort#//But any sudden moves Luc makes; whether bc he noticed Kae reaching out or not; utterly scare the urge away every time#//He’s made his peace with Luc resenting him; but it still stings that the ONE person he felt closest to is now practically a Chasm away#//Not like he helps any with that; running away or lashing out every time Luc tries to bridge gaps or shows concern#//Sends him into fight or flight mode every time—who’s to say Kae won’t fuck it up and make a Luc regret trying?#//Might as well sabotage it all himself—at least THEN he knows with utmost certainty it will end failure. Whoops veered off topic#//The closer he is to someone; the more likely he ends up toying with their hands a bit—esp if Interested in them#//Likes playing with their fingers; linking; unlinking and slotting them together; tracing lines on their palms#//Cute shit like that. He likes seeing how they fit together; the differences in size and how they feel#//This was all bc I saw a detail from a show pointed out on the Twitter ndnfn. And thought the pinkie thing was SO cute. Anywho#//Hi. Shit happened irl & I am still not 100%. Not saying what bc it’s not a pleasant topic; but know I am ok#//Just a lil tired. But kinda wanna hcs for rn. I had a lil burst of energy earlier today. that was nice. Over a long dead show; no less#//But it helped lift my mood a bit. I still kinda wish I could drink rn tho. Think it’d help my brain rn
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
I feel like at least several times a month, I have a random insane revitalization of my love for The Smiths. Not that I ever stop loving them, but I'll listen to some song and then suddenly fall into this pit of just deep, intense love for their music again where I can't stop listening to their music on repeat and watching live performances and looking at pics like AAAAAHHHHHH WHY IS THEIR MUSIC SO GOOOD?????? WHY IS IT PERFECT?????? WHY WERE THEY SO GENDER???????
(songs I am feeling intense brainrot over rn in case you're curious: "I Want The One I Can't Have(live)", "Stretch Out and Wait(live)", "You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby", "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others(demo)", "What She Said", "The Boy With The Thorn in His Side(live)"(p.s. I Want The One I Can't Have is Martian-coded to me, pls listen)(also it reminds me of that movie I watched yesterday)
#i want the one i cant have is playing on repeat in my brain rn and i watched a live performance and i was tearing up. why am i like this#the live versions of their songs are just incredibly good like at an insane level to me#i know the guitar is very complicated bcs my brother is equally obsessed w the smiths and rants to me abt how hard their music is to play#so the fact that their live performances are equal if not better than their studio versions is crazy#and i love the way he sings in live versions AAAAHHHH like just so over the top and dramatic#i absolutely love singing along to music and their songs are perfect bcs i can be as dramatic and loud as i want#and that hes singing perfectly and dramatizing it so much also while dancing along to it on stage??????#their music has an energy to it in every single aspect that no other band will ever be able to reach for me#i spent so much of today just dancing along to their music and singing over the top. i just felt so joyful 🥹🥹🥹🥹#GAAAHHHH sorry i just am really in it rn hahaha#its just crazy to me ig that ive listened to these songs so many times and they still fill me with such emotion#my mom sings and dance along w me tho shes like 'wow youre so energetic today did you hit your head or smth' 😭😭😭#also was losing my mind looking at their pictures today and gahhhhhhhhb such gender envy their gender is unmatched to me#but its so funny every time i get gender envy over smiths era morrissey +#because theres some pics of my dad from that same period of time when he was younger where he literally looks exactly like morrissey#SIR WHY DID I NOT INHERIT YOUR LEVEL OF GENDER???????(my dad was a icon sjdkkd we look alike tbh)#anyways: i feel very joyful and energetic about their music. they just make me so happy and i want to dance around again 🥹#i think this recent lapse into the pit was bcs i listened to the demos/live versions on The Queen is Dead deluxe edition#and im like ....how the fuck are they this fucking good??????#hehehe tho my passion has affected others 🤭#my brother is learning some songs on guitar atm and waxes poetic abt their instrumentals#my dad always listens to their entire discography when he needs background music. and my mom sings and dances w me#sorry this is unhinged i just feel a lot of serotonin bcs their music and i need to infect other people LMAO#maybe i need to make another web weave#catie.rambling.txt
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
hmmmm no writing today, just thoughts and vibes. just me imagining if there’s an alternate version of jorogumo who suits the name more — a darker version who honestly would kill all the bad guys if not for her moral compass ( her moral compass being her grandma?? her cousin?? someone close to her ). chiyo meeting her and going oh that’s who i could’ve been?? yikes! and the other lady is actually a lil envious that chiyo still has light in her eyes and all i’m saying is i could so easily make a new oc and connect her to chiyo bc you know what i love?? connected characters :’ )
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picavecalyx · 1 year
#ooc ;; pterodolphin has no devil fruit#tw: implied animal death#the fuckin. language used around silva is so.#its got so many implications if you even squint a little#shes meant to be a sort of sacrificial lamb/fetted calf to team flare#she raised with a good life. one could say the best life she could have had.#she was treated well and the best so that she couldnt suffer because in the eyes of Flare she was going to die.#she would not reach her adulthood.#she is constantly called stuff like little one or little bird. this is literally...like shes a little yveltal#shes 'put down to sleep' everytime she goes to surgery.#which is literally prep for being *actually* put down when shes used for the weapon.#the fact that shes seen more like an object or pet than an actual person only pushing that fact.#flare basically treated her like a dog being raised to have a purpose and then die. all the way in a manner to keep her satisifiedand happy#its fucked up. and a lot of that is intentional to be the 'kindest' way#which makes a lot of sense considering flare really doesnt see itself as the bad group here.#theres a necessity rather than being cruel just to be cruel#also comes with--at least how i write xerosic--he would never want to cause unnecessary pain#or treat something badly if he can avoid it.#it still sorta fucks with my brain that if the accident never happened the only time silva would start questioning.#is when she would be put IN the absorbers/machine.#like. only after it started. only after she realizes 'wait what is my purpose' and realizes just what shes going to be hsed for#at least realize shes supposed to die.#its just. gah. gUH#tw: dehumanization
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sugarless5 · 2 years
The first sex scene in Sarah MacLean’s Heartbreaker took me on a more satisfying, layered, and complete emotional journey than the last trilogy I read
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