#i am the anti hero
thatluckyrabbiit · 2 years
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capitanschampagne · 1 year
taylor swift was right, I stare directly in the sun but never in the mirror
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nicostiel · 2 years
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ANTI-HERO (2022)
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sweetpeapoppy · 1 year
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
It’s almost surprising that the mandalorian puts very little effort into depicting Din as an honorable mercenary- his reception is generally that of wholesome dad, but the canon is explicit about him not vetting his targets or his clients, and not caring enough to do so. He changes his mind eventually in the face of a literal baby, but he was fully prepared to do people trafficking for imperials, he generally kills without a flinch, and he says outright to his bounty in tbobf that he doesn’t care who hired him or why, and then... literally delivers a head on a plate, after killing a room full of slaughterhouse workers. That’s... not even between the lines. What did that guy actually do? He clearly has some compassion, and is frequently moved by the people he interacts with, but that’s juxtaposed with his ‘cool’ violence that barely makes an effort to be palatable.
That concession to palatability mostly being that the majority of the people he indiscriminately shoots at in the course of handing over people to anyone who has a grievance and also money, or whenever really, are non human, and the humans he does kill tend to be imperials. and also that whenever he’s in a room with other bounty hunters he comes off better than them because they have no honor(tm). Normally I would maybe say it was bad faith to look at the aliens he killed when he first took Grogu, or the aliens he killed when he infiltrated that imperial facility and there were local “pirates” trying to destroy the explosives they were transporting (but not steal, despite being “pirates”)(knowing the locals were discontented with imperial presence), but when it’s in the text that he doesn’t think too hard about his work or his kills, and no vetting is involved, well.
This is less present in season three for Din, but Axe was much the same.
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skellizo · 4 months
Rewatching some dsmp and other mcyt stuff and fuuuuuuuck if Tommy were to play a villain like role or something akin to his Patient Zero character I would be watching doesn’t matter what server but give Tommy the freedom to write a villain character and I know that he would hit that shit out of the park
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lawttes · 2 years
midnights by taylor swift is for the girls who fantasise about love because they feel that they could never deserve to actually experience it. the girls who are deeply flawed. the girls who make mistakes in trying to please everyone else, only to be told that they'll always be inadequate. the girls who fantasise about revenge on said people and feel like they'll never move on. the girls who need to plan their every move to even function through life and not get crushed by others, only to feel guilty for not being genuine enough. and of course, the girls who stay up at night thinking about missed opportunities and people, and every mistake they've ever made.
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princeizuku · 12 days
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people really need to stop whining about this chapter bro. It was perfect. Y’all need to realize a lot of things here:
Tomura dying was him being saved. “not everyone can be saved”, “death is also a way to save someone” BOTH OF THESE WERE PROVED. In not just this chapter, but multiple. Like what the hell did you expect? Izuku to be like “you’re not evil🥺 you can be good🥺 join us, you can be a hero🥺” after he’s killed so many people and literally almost caused the end of the world?💀 this is NOT my little pony please 😭😭
The amount of people I have seen saying “deku didn’t save him, he’s not a hero” actually make me wanna rip out my brain because I wanna know what’s it like to be so fucking brainless. I don’t even wanna elaborate because WHAT.💀 ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW????? ARE WE READING THE SAME MANGA??? like damn just stfu atp PLS😭🙏
Horikoshi is a AMAZING author and creates so many fantastic and interesting characters in the show, ESPECIALLY with the main ones (whether hero or villain), I will die on that hill 🗣️
anyways cry about it, bc mha is and always will be PEAK 🫡
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bruciemilf · 2 years
this concept that won't leave my brain. It's like a little gremlin banging to be let out.
Particularly, - Batman is Gotham's hero; He's not like any other baby faced, squeaky clean, popular good guy. He's scarred and brutal and violent in his service.
But it's fine, because Gotham is like that, too.
It's never peaceful, but it's standing strong, and there's an unanimous agreement they have Batman to thank for that.
The thing about Bruce is that he gives. He bleeds for Gotham, dies little by little every night protecting it, sacrifices everything he can and a little bit more so it won't be swallowed up by the evil that took his parents.
He doesn't expect parades, or celebrations, or gratitude because in his mind, it's just the decent thing to do.
Goodness isn't a chore. It's a choice. It's a sword you pick up again and again until your hands spill red and then pick it up some more.
And there's a collective fear in Gotham City. that one day, Batman would get tired of bleeding. When the GCPD gangs up on him, for refusing to let them gun down an Arkham escapee, they watched.
" He's not presenting a danger right now. His healthcare isn't enough to cover medication and he was dissociating. Let me take him back."
" For what? So he could escape again and rob another bank, like all the others?! Why are you protecting this psycho?!"
" He needs help."
" I don't care. His 'needs' aren't our damn problem. He wouldn't be anyone's problem if you just stepped aside and let us do the job you're too chicken shit to do. Who's side are you on, anyway?"
Batman's jaw is screwed tight, but he doesn't move. If he did, that guy hiding behind him would paint the streets red with a bullet hole in his head.
" We're supposed to work together, Batman."
" I work with people. Not pigs."
Commissioner Gordon tried to be fast, but he was pushed back as nearly half the police force swarm Gotham's knight; Kicking, stomping, punching, attacking because they know he can't attack back.
Because he's Batman, and they're just people. And the crowd watches, eyes wide and limbs frozen, until they can't. Until they won't.
There's a purse flying between the two crowds, hitting one of the officers square in the face.
" Hands off our Bat!"
There's pushing; That's what Bruce can see. Bodies on bodies, but it's easier to breathe again without a forearm pressing on his windpipe. He can't tell what's happening, but he's pulled back, handled almost... Carefully.
" Hey," he knows this voice, this face; It's the mailman, probably the one guy brave enough to deliver to the Waynes, who wonks for Damian three times as he drives away, elping him stand on a bad leg. " You alright, Batman?"
Someone else picks up his weight, - It's the owner of the grocery store his boys like to shop at.
She's glaring at police man currently sharing punches with an angry mob of people. " Bastards roughed you up, huh? Jim! Get your car!"
The people make way for Jim until he safely unlocks his car, threatening to fire anyone who even touches a trigger before he wheels over to where they're at. " Take care of him, will you?"
Jim nods, " I'll try."
They drive away, Jim locking the car because he knows Batman. But the people here are tough. They're just as angry and vengeful as their city is.
" Why?"Bruce is speaking outloud, watching a dozen, hundred people fight; For him.
Jim thinks it's very simple. " Gotham's fucked up. But we take care of our own," and he looks at Batman, eyes gleaming and grateful and relived, just like the runaway in the back-seat. " You may not be one of them, but you're one of us. Hope that's enough."
There's quiet.
" Thank you. For fighting for us."
"... Thank you for letting me."
Batman says nothing, but he doesn't need to. Jim doesn't say anything to his glassy eyes, or the temple of his lip.
Hope isn't permanent, but it's not lost. Not if they're reminded to find it.
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bybdolan · 2 years
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MIDNIGHT SONGS AS BOOKS [1/?] inspired by LitHub and @carlytayjepsen; ”Vigilante Shit” photograph by Szilveszter Mako for Vogue Hong Kong folklore, evermore
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thisdoesnthaveend · 2 months
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Harley Quinn (2021) #38
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short-wooloo · 9 months
Either learn what that means or you can't use that term anymore
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(Thanks to @rogueleader14 for showing me this)
An anti hero is not an antagonist who is likable or sympathetic, an anti hero is a protagonist who is unheroic in their motivations, someone who does/fights for good, but not necessarily for good reasons, fighting for things like profit or to save their own skin, basically their on the good guys side for selfish reasons, a good example of this would be Han pre character development
(Also I sincerely doubt Baylan is our first Force sensitive anti hero, pretty sure Ventress fits into that category after she split with Dooku, and there are probably others)
I'll grant that we don't precisely know what Baylan's motivations are yet
But he's trying to bring back thrawn, a fascist, so that thrawn can restore the fascist empire
That's not very heroic
And even if Baylan's motivation is a belief that the galaxy needs a strong hand to force it to be peaceful, that still doesn't make him an anti hero
Because y'know what? That's what Dooku and Anakin believed
In other words, Baylan, like Dooku and Anakin, is a fascist, or at least a fascist enabler
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What’s your opinion on Caleo?
The Age difference
Rushed AF
Both are clearly not good for each other.
They both were desperate given their situations.
I hate the excuse of, She’s like a thousand years old but is still stuck at age 15. Like no…she’s physically 15 but mentally she is not. And it’s been stated in the book.
Leo? Leo is completely 15 and waaaay too engrossed in the fact that he was the 7th wheel to realise that relationships don’t happen in a few days.
They both are on different levels of maturity which clashes a LOT. Hurting both of them in the process.
It is so obvious Rick tried to rush this relationship. See the other ships. How there was gradual development.
(in case for Piper and Jason. They were feed memories about having a past together. After that they still tried to maintain a relationship which was worked on gradually. Even if in the end they broke up, they gradually realised this. This was way better than Caleo.)
One week? And they’re in love?
I see no love here. Just desperation.
Both Calypso and Leo were controlled by love (in a way) that they rushed at the given moment to get into a relationship.
For Calypso, it’s because she was doomed to fall in love with anyone that crashed on her island. She couldn’t escape without a partner that loved her. And for Leo, its because he had a bad case of FOMO. He was insecure with his life. He had self loathing problems. Love could’ve helped him, but not only from a partner but from himself as well.
I’m not shaming either one of them. I’m stating why they even got into a relationship.
Love doesn’t always have to be romantic.
Leo’s arc should’ve been about self love. He struggled with self loathing due to his past trauma, his arc should’ve been about him finding love in himself to care for himself. He’s getting his life together in the Waystation, He lost Jason, Piper’s not in his life as much as she was before, and he’s finally finding his people again with Emmi, Jo, Reyna. Maybe let him do that first. Partners could’ve come later in life.
With Calypso here. She’s devoid of the outside world, she was under a curse to fall in love, it was never her choice with who to begin with. She was so lonely. What she needs is to explore life, make friends, be the teenager she never got to be. And it’s good to see she is perusing that (as she’s in band camp now and attending highschool).
Look…they are good together as friends. In fact they are perfect friends!!! I think if they stayed friends, it would’ve fit them better and they’d actually be happy with each other.
Caleo just doesn’t work.
People who ship it. Do whatever y’all do guys. I’m simply stating my opinion here.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 2 months
Daniel Ricciardo should change his name to dozen because he dozen do anything, dozen win, dozen even score points, dozen act like a team player.
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ohgaylor · 7 months
who is gonna tell her the gay pride makes me me to seeds of allyship pipeline is maybe a lil jarring?
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adelinamoteru · 1 year
I have truly never seen so much discourse for a hero/anti-hero that kills until I started liking jason todd. I have literally never seen so many people get hate for not condemning a fictional character who kills bad guys until now its shocking! and I mean that literally
maybe I’m the one missing something but there are plenty of heroes (not antiheroes but HEROES) who exist that choose a lethal method and people take that in stride? the only way I can make sense of this is that people are so attached to batman and his mythos; they literally imprint on him and his thinking ?? and now any slight against him or challenge against his righteousness is taken as if its a slight against them.
at the end of the day, to me, you can still support jason being lethal because the fictional characters hes killing aren’t actually dead. in this sense, specifically, I don’t see why real life morals should be applied to a comic world. he’s not killing out of bigotry and if he was, I would get the controversy! but if you can agree with brutally beating and invasions of privacy in the dcu because it’s “morally correct” within the universe, I can’t see an argument against jason’s methods being morally wrong as valid unless those views are applied to every aspect of batman comics. if we did that, then everyone who continued reading these comics would be getting the same treatment jason todd fans do. ​you cannot hold one character accountable to real life moral views and not the other(s)!
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