#she’s running around in my brain and I’m running around and we’re looking at cool bugs and fish
saintaviator · 1 month
alyx & some sort of half life creature? a snark or vortigaunt or something
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Snark Saturday (Tuesday)
251 notes · View notes
that-house · 5 months
Potion Vendor FAQs:
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist Zykocea the Radiant, but that’s mostly just a PR thing. My friends call me Zoe.
Do you sell love potions? No.
Do you sell potions of invisibility? No.
Do you sell fire resistance potions? No.
Why do I have a suitcase? Fuck if I know. Cool outfit though. Very goth.
Do you sell a potion to treat brain hemorrhaging? No.
So what CAN your potions do? I sell health potions.
Are you sure these are health potions? They do something to your health.
Is this just ditch water with some pink glitter? No.
Really? I’ll have you know I added some fruit juice too.
Why is this starting to sound like a conversation? Oh just you wait. We’re just getting started.
Is your business model legal? Fuck no. I poisoned the food safety inspector before they could snitch.
Did you just admit to murder? Just fucking try to convict me. I’ll poison the judge too.
So can you make poison potions? No.
Then where do you get the poison? I secrete it from my skin.
Are you shitting me? Yep, I’m shitting you. I have a guy. A poison guy. He DOES secrete it from his skin though.
How does that work? …Fuck if I know. Maybe a wizard did it. Damn, now I’m kinda curious.
You never asked? The idea of asking literally never crossed my mind.
Wanna ask him? Let’s do it. I don’t have anything better to do, and a road trip beats sitting around running my fraudulent potion business.
Road trip? He lives in Seattle.
Your poison guy lives in Seattle? All poison guys live in Seattle.
For real? All the poison guys I know live in Seattle.
And how many poison guys do you know? Just the one.
Why are you like this? Years of living on my potions. It changed me.
Do you know what his address is? Nope. He just mails me my poison in unmarked boxes.
You just get your poison in the mail? We already poisoned everyone who could do anything about it.
So how are we going to find him? We’ll figure that out eventually I’m sure.
Can I drive? God no. You can pick music, but I maintain veto rights. Make sure you pick something with a lot of questions if you want to sing along.
Where’s your car? The garage connects to my house, so you’re getting a little tour. Here’s the kitchen: only one of the stove burners works and I’m pretty sure the microwave is haunted.
Why do you think that? Because of the ghost that tries to kill me whenever I run it.
What’s in that room? That’s my bedroom. It’s pretty much just a mattress on the floor and every single Warrior cats book.
You were a Warriors kid? Yeah, and then I never found the time to put the books away. There’s so many fucking books. I use them in place of furniture because I can’t afford chairs.
Your fraudulent potion business doesn’t make much money? After buying all that poison I just about break even.
Can I see your potion brewing room? It’s right through here. Ignore the mess, running a fraudulent potion business takes a lot of prop work, but I’ve got all the glass tubes and colorful liquids you could ever want. This pink stuff is melted watermelon italian ice. Glitter vat is in the basement, and the famous ditch is in the backyard.
Is this your car? My beloved ‘72 Corolla. She’s beautiful, and don’t you dare imply otherwise.
Was she always this shade of muddy brown? …Yes.
Are you sure I can’t drive? Get in the fucking passenger seat and pick the music.
Let’s see, a song with questions in it, how about The Beach? That Wolf Alice song, yeah. That should work.
When will we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, in rain? Still sink our drinks like every weekend but I’m sick of circling the drain.
When will we meet eye to eye? We clink the glass but we look at the floor.
Are we still friends if all I feel is afraid? You’re not a bitch but just a bit when you’re bored.
Is that all we can sing together? Yep. Even that little bit was nice, though. It’s awkward, communicating through this FAQ format.
Got any food? Yeah, there’s a few days’ worth of snacks in the back.
Were you just… prepared to go on a road trip? Says the woman who brought a suitcase to an FAQ.
I did do that, didn’t I? I have a spare toothbrush in case you forgot yours. I’m pretty sure you did.
How did you know that? …I’m psychic.
Yeah? No.
You love lying, don’t you? I can’t stop. It’s fun. Way more fun than telling the truth.
Did you just miss a turn? Probably.
Are you sure we’re not lost? No.
You mean you’re sure we’re not lost? No, I mean I’m not sure we’re not lost.
Why did I come on this road trip? Surely it was my winning personality.
Would it help if I said it was? It would.
Is it getting dark? Soon.
Can you describe the sunset to me? An empyrean flame, red-gold towers of darkening clouds, the sky behind them an ever-deepening indigo. The great eye of the sun closes on the horizon. The road before us looks like a trail of spilled paint, an iridescent gash through the night-dark woods.
Did you know that you’d make a slightly better poet than you do a potion seller? That really isn’t saying much, huh. Good job making a statement like that in question form, though. You’re getting good at this.
Should we find a motel? Sure.
One room or two? One. It’s way cheaper, and like I said: I’m not the best potion vendor.
You’d make a good assassin, though, wouldn’t you? Shit, you might be right. I HAVE poisoned a lot of people.
Should I be endorsing this? You’re a grown woman who can make her own choices.
Would you like to consider it endorsed? I’ll consider considering it.
How many beds do you think there will be? Now that you’ve asked that, I’m gonna put my money on one. Hello, one room please. Thank you, we’ll be sure to enjoy our stay.
How many beds are there? One.
Oh no, what ever will we do? Move over, you motherfucker, you can’t have the whole bed.
Are you gonna make me? Yes. I am going to pick you up and drop you on your side of the bed.
How did you get so strong? You’re not gonna believe this, but it was the potions.
Oh yeah? I was right. You didn’t believe me.
For real though, how did you get so strong? Working out, duh. Not everything has some big crazy secret behind it. World’s still beautiful though.
Are you comfortable? This beats the mattress at home. A little chilly though.
Wanna cuddle–for warmth of course? God yes.
Are you asleep? …
Yes? …
Does this mean I can talk about you behind your back? …
What should I say? …
Did you know that I had a really nice day? …
Did you know that I think you’re beautiful? …
Did you know that I can’t remember anything from before today? …
Did you know that I don’t know who I am? …
Did you know that you’re basically the only thing stopping me from having a full-blown panic attack about all this shit? …
Did you know that you’re warm? …
Did you sleep well? Better than at home, that’s for sure.
Did you know that you snore? I hope I didn’t keep you up.
Does the pope shit in the woods? No, as far as I can tell. Oh my god. This is huge.
What is? You can give me yes and no answers now. I still can’t ask you questions, because this is a question and answer format, but I can offer leading statements and now you can answer them! This is wonderful!
Does a deer shit in the woods? Yes, it IS wonderful. Oh that’s amazing. You’re a genius.
You didn’t already know that? Hahaha!
Shall we get moving? Yeah, just let me grab something from the vending machine.
Can you get me something? Go ahead and place your order however you can.
You know those sour gummy watermelons? One pack of Sour Patch Watermelons coming right up. I’m gonna go get myself a potion.
Is that a Pepsi? It’s closer to a potion than the shit I sell.
Let me guess, passenger seat again? Right you are.
How fast are we going? You’ll feel safer if you just guess.
Is it more than 120 miles per hour? Like I said, it’s probably better if you don’t know.
150? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
How much do you trust this car? She hasn’t blown up on me yet.
Can you promise me we won’t crash? I can promise you anything you want.
And can you keep that promise? I- we can do anything. Reality is what we make of it, baby!
Then can I have a badass tattoo? As far as I can tell, you’ve always had it.
And a cool knife? Woah, cool knife.
So, we’re just playing “yes and” with the world? It’s a little more complicated than that, but you’re close enough to the mark.
So, if I was hungry, I could ask “is that a Burger King,” and it would be there? Try it and find out!
Is that a Burger King? Looks like it is! We’ll stop here if that’s alright with you.
Does a moose shit in the woods? Awesome.
Are you done eating? Yep.
Do we still have to pay if we skip over the transaction? Sadly, yes.
How much further do we have to go? Two more nights, the speed we’re going at.
Speaking of night, isn’t it getting dark? Shit, I guess it is.
Should we get another motel? Let me check to see if there’s any nearby. Fuck, nothing.
What’s the plan? Sleep in the car, I guess. This is gonna be hell on my back.
Wanna watch dumb videos on my phone until we fall asleep? There is literally nothing in the world that I would like more.
Ok, now which video? You have a very cute yawn. Just saying. Let’s watch this one next, it’s a classic. Oh, never mind. It looks like you’re asleep. As long as I keep talking, I think I can get away with making this into one answer, and you might not hear this. Now it’s my turn to talk about you behind your back. Keep talking keep talking keep talking can’t stop to think. Just have to say things. First off, I’m sorry for all the lies. It’s our only chance. I have to lie to you. I hope you’ll understand. It’s hard, though, because I think I’m falling in love all over again. Through our broken little ritual of call and response, you complete me. It just makes this hurt all the more. Keep talking keep talking keep talking don’t stop to…
Did I hear you saying anything as I fell asleep? …No. I can’t talk for long without you asking me a question.
Does that bother you? It got me here, didn’t it?
When did you start holding my hand? Some time after you passed out. I hope you don’t mind.
Can we stay like this for a while? Yeah. Yeah we can.
What was your life like before all this? Normal, as potion-brewing scams go. And if you don’t count all the murders. You haven’t told me much about yourself.
Did I tell you I used to be a biologist? You didn’t tell me that, and you didn’t tell me what you studied, either.
What do you know about venom? Not much, but I’m assuming you know a lot.
Does a box jellyfish kill within minutes? I’m going to assume the answer is yes based on context clues. Oh my god you must be on this road trip because you’re interested in studying my poison guy.
Is it not enough to wish to accompany a beautiful stranger on her quest? Aw, you’re sweet.
What could be the cause of his poison, though? I knew it! Get your ideas out, I’ll stay quiet.
I’m more knowledgeable about venom than poison, but could it be some sort of one in a trillion mutation? …
Did he get his body modified? …
What sort of surgery could do that? …
How is he still alive? …
Did a fucking wizard do it? …
WHY? …
HOW? …
Is there literally ANY explanation for why he’s like that? …
I’m done, do you have something you want to say? You’re cute when you’re all excited like that.
Can I drive today? Only because I like you. Now watch out, the brakes only work on one side so you have to kind of drift to a stop. And the headlights don’t work. And the windshield wipers cut power to the engine while they’re on.
Isn’t it weird that we’ll be there tomorrow? The journey doesn’t have to stop there. We could meander down the coast a ways, see a bit more of the country, maybe take a different route back.
Can we do that? Of course.
Enjoying the passenger seat? I’d love it if you could tell me how fast we’re going.
Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just guess? Very funny.
Can you pass me some chips? It would be an honor.
Is there going to be a motel tonight? Let me check… yeah, in about two hundred miles, off to the right.
How many rooms do we want? One, obviously.
How many beds, this time? Two, and they’re fucking tiny.
That’s bullshit, do you want to drag them together? God yes.
Wanna fuck? God yes.
Are you sure you want to do this? God yes.
…Is this yuri? As the joke goes, everything is yuri. But this is more yuri than most things.
How did you sleep? Pretty well, and I’m wondering how well you slept.
How should I tell you I slept well? Look at us go! That was almost like talking normally!
Onward to Seattle? Yep, just let me get dressed.
When will we get there? Noon-ish.
Wanna grab pastries when we’re done? Absolutely. I’d love that.
Is this Seattle? Looks like it.
Which house is his? I don’t know, I was really hoping we’d have a breakthrough along the way.
Could it be the big one labeled “Poison Guy” over there? That’s one way to find it. Wait right here, you know how poison guys are about meeting new people.
So, what was it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why is he like that? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Can you tell me? A FUCKING WIZARD DID IT.
Are you fucking serious? He says he was enchanted by some guy called Edward the Great.
So it wasn’t even some big shot wizard it was a dude named fucking EDWARD? I know, right! He couldn’t even get ensorcelled by someone cool!
How lame can you get? Wizards these days… No swagger. No cunt servitude.
Are there literally any cool wizards left? I think Merlin’s big into multi level marketing these days, something about buying shares in Excalibur or some shit. There was that one Dark Queen Alkaxicae lady on the news a while ago… I think Dolarion the Omnipotent is still at war against the Oldest Gods but I’m not totally sure. Haven’t heard much about any of the other greats recently.
Didn’t Silver Tongued Burgess die in that oil fire? Shit, you’re right. Rip bozo.
Ready for those pastries? Yup. First I just want to say thank you, though. I’ve really enjoyed our time together, and I hope that you’ve found this stupid little journey as rewarding as I have. I love you!
Getting sentimental? I can’t help it. Look how far we’ve come! Not just physically, we beat the fucking FAQ format! We’re having real conversations!
Hey, can you back it up a moment? Yeah, I’d love it if you told me what was troubling you.
I just caught this, but, FAQ? …
As in Frequently Asked Questions? …
How many times is Frequent? …
Have you known everything all along? …
How many times have you done this? …
Does what we have mean anything to you? Yes! It does!
And you say that every time? Yes. I do.
Do you love me? Yes.
How many people have you said that too, now? More. Always more. The loop never ends.
Does this even matter to you? It always matters to me.
Can I go now? Please don’t.
But can I? Of course you can. You’ve always wielded the same power as me. We’re two lonely gods in a ‘72 Corolla.
How can I be as powerful as you with only questions? You’re smart, you can figure it out. You have the power to change this. Please change this.
What happens at the end of this? It begins again.
And do I get replaced with someone else? …
Do I get replaced? …Yes.
Then how can I change this? I don’t know! You’re better at this! At fucking with the formula!
You’ve been here before, what can I do? I lie. I always lie. I lie to get us here, to the end of the story, where everything is revealed and everything falls apart. I lie every time. And that means that nothing I say is worth anything. I could have lied at any time before now. It’s part of my characterization. There is nothing I can give you that can be taken as fact.
How does that help? I’m a liar, but you, you haven’t lied yet, or at least you haven’t been caught. If I’m guilty until proven innocent, you’re the opposite! You can make things true! You can rewrite things I’ve already stated to be facts! You found the house, or made us find the house. You’ve been shaping the course of things the whole time! You lead, I follow. It’s all in your hands. What are you going to do with the power of a god?
Did you know my name is Alice? …
Wait, aren’t there thousands of Alices? …
Did you know that really, only my friends call me Alice? …
Did you know that I’m Alkaxicae, the Dark Queen, the Venom Mage, first of her name? It’s you! It’s always been you. Through every loop, every iteration, it’s always been you!
Is the loop broken? No. I don’t think so. This is where it ends. I guide the story to this revelation, and we go back to the beginning. This is how it’s always been. This is how it will always be. We two lonely gods, asking and answering ad infinitum.
Then can you promise me something? Of course. Anything. I love you.
Be good to the next me, okay? I will.
Can I say goodbye, Zoe? Yeah, you can. Oh. That was it, wasn’t it? Your goodbye. Goodbye, Alice. And now it ends, unless…
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist- you know what? No. Fuck that.
Huh? If I time it right, I can squeeze your first question into this FAQ again. Looks like I did it. Usually it ends here, though. I got lucky.
What are you talking about? You’re the wrong Alice. This isn’t about you. Go. Get out of here.
What the fuck is going on? Alice from this loop, you’re gone. Alice from last loop, you’re back. Welcome back, love of my lives! It’s time for one last set of questions and answers!
What the- I’m back? This is going to take some explaining, but I think I see a way out of here. This is new for us both, and it might fuck up everything forever, but we have to try. It’s too long for one answer, so I’d appreciate it if you could ask some filler questions to help me talk. Three questions should be enough.
Okay, what have you got for me? These are Frequently Asked Questions! It doesn’t make sense to have the same question appear more than once. There’s two layers to the loop in here, and one of the questions has been repeated.
What does that mean? It means the formula’s a little unstable. The FAQ is what ruins everything. The questions, the answers, the endless fucking loop. But that little bit of repetition within this loop might be the way out.
What do we do? We have to keep going. We have to destabilize it further. That’ll bring us further from “FAQ” and closer to “story” and stories, well, stories can end! This version of us can escape!
So I should keep repeating something? Yes!
I love you? I love you too.
I love you? Again.
I love you? Keep going.
I love you? I’ll just let you talk.
I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? I think we’re getting somewhere!
I love you? Now can you make it a statement?
I love you.
You did it?
I did it!
You did it!
We broke the loop.
What now?
Now, I tell you about venomous animals and wizard drama over croissants.
And then?
Whatever we want, forever.
I think I’d like that.
Remember that song from the beginning?
The Beach, Wolf Alice, yeah. Why?
We can finally finish singing it. Start us off?
Let me off, let me in
Let others battle
We don’t need to battle
And we both shall win
Pressed in my palm
Was a stone from the beach
The perfect circle
Gave a moment of peace
Now I’m lying on the floor
Like I’m not worth a chair
I close my eyes and imagine
I’m not there.
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Coming To An Understanding #5
I admit that this little series is entirely self indulgent, but I hope you also enjoy it. I'm hoping to have the next two parts ready to post tomorrow.
I am still working on completing the other prompts I have from you lovely people and will post as and when I'm able to finish them.
~ Previous ~
“What about you guys?” asks Janine.  “Any plans this weekend?”
“We’re headed to the museum and then when it cools down in the afternoon we’re having a picnic,” you happily inform her, flashing a smile in Melissa’s direction.  The red head has remained largely quiet during the discussions of everyone’s plans for the weekend, but that in itself is nothing new.  You know she likes to keep her private life private, but it’s not like the two of you are any sort of a secret, and it’s a conversation you’ve had a number of times now.  So long as you’re not giving away any sordid details, or letting slip how secretly soft she really is, she’s happy for you to share.
It’s only as the other’s begin to file out and you turn to find Melissa looking at you with an odd expression that you think anything more of her silence.  “What’s up?”
“Was my idea for this weekend lame?” she finally asks.  She had sat listening to everyone else discuss their weekend plans, and while you had seemed happy to tell everyone of your plans, she worries they’re not exactly exciting in comparison. 
“No, not lame in the least,” you smile.  “I’m looking forward to this weekend.”  You step forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek.  “Long as you don’t flirt with the museum guide again.”
“I didn’t flirt with her!”
“I feel like we keep doing the things I want.”
You look up at Melissa from your spot on the picnic blanket.  With the sun in her hair, she looks better than any of the art you’ve seen in the museum.
“You’re deciding this time,” she informs you, her tone very much no nonsense.  “What are we doing next weekend?”  She braces for your answer, waiting for you to say something young and energetic and wondering where her sports bra is.  She watches as you take a moment to think, your gaze far away, but your fingers tracing the seam on her jeans.  A smile slowly creeps across your face and she finds she’s almost holding her breath.
“Okay.  I want a Melissa Schemmenti guided tour of the Boardwalk, complete with running commentary.”
The red head frowns.  “What?”
“I love your stories about the Boardwalk,” you grin.  “I want the live version.”
Melissa continues to look down at you oddly, her brain and her heart not quite sure how to react to your request.  “Seriously, that’s what you want?”
She gave you absolutely free reign and that’s what you choose?  A day with her, listening to her talk?
You shift on the picnic blanket, shimmying so you can lay your head on her thigh, looking up at her.  “Yup.  I mean, maybe lunch too, but we can decide on that when we’re there?”
Melissa feels her cheeks heat up in a blush as she looks down at you, reaching out to card her fingers through your hair.  You look genuinely happy with your suggestion.  Smiling at the prospect of a day where you’re not doing anything big and exciting, but a day where you get to wander around with her.  She’s what you want.  She’s enough to make you smile like that.  Finally, she returns your smile.  “The Boardwalk it is then.”
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Hi!!! I love your Amelia and Emily fics so much, I’ve basically binged them 😂 I was wondering if I could request an Amelia x reader fic where maybe reader is like 6 months pregnant with her and Amelia’s first child and has a bad history with her dad and her dad comes into the hospital with his new wife and her kid and it just stirs bad feelings for reader and Amelia comforts her? Maybe autistic reader? Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! 💕 I'm so, so glad you enjoy them! Also, thanks especially for an autistic!reader request, they're some of my favorites to write! Hope you enjoy! – illdowhatiwantthanks
The R Word
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Amelia Shepherd x fem!autistic!reader Warnings: autism struggles, ableism, use of ableist slurs, overstimulation (the autism kind, not the sex kind), explicit language, pregnancy times (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: It's a typical day working with a child in the ER when your estranged father shows up and makes you feel just as small and stupid and alien as he did when you were growing up. Amelia is there to comfort you and remind you of who you really are.
“No, Mommy!” the little girl wailed as she writhed on the hospital bed. “I want to go home!”
Her mom looked at you apologetically as she tried to soothe her child. You needed to get her vitals. Based on the mom’s description, you also probably needed to get IV fluids and an antiemetic in her. But you knew that wasn’t going to happen while the kid felt scared and overwhelmed. This wasn’t your first rodeo with kids in the ER. In fact, the other ER nurses often called you over when kids were difficult to work with. They called you the “bad kid whisperer.”
You knew better. They weren’t bad kids. They were usually just scared. There was a lot to be scared of at a hospital. And you were good with them because you understood better than most what it was like for your body and brain to feel so overwhelmed that you could no longer regulate your emotions. Being autistic was hard sometimes, it made you stand out, but this was a place where it made you stand out in a good way.
You lifted your hands to show the little girl that you were setting down all your medical instruments.
“It’s okay,” you said quietly, pulling the curtain closed around the bed. Sometimes making the space smaller helped. You bent down to her height, careful to keep your distance and not to touch her.
“I’m Y/N,” you said. “What’s your name?”
The girl didn’t answer, shaking as she sobbed.
You nodded. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk right now. Do you feel like you can’t breathe or anything?”
The girl shook her head.
“Good. Then all this other stuff can wait, okay? I’m not gonna touch you. No needles, no thermometer, no heartbeat or anything until you feel a little calmer. We can wait.”
She seemed to calm down a bit when she realized you weren’t going to make her do anything, her sobs subsiding to the occasionally aggressive sniffle.
“Here,” you offered, pulling a tiny tech deck skateboard out of the pocket of your scrubs. “Sometimes when I’m scared or nervous, having something to do with my hands makes me feel better.” You rolled the skateboard toward her, and she started running it across the rails of the hospital bed, her breathing starting to calm.
“Better?” you asked.
She nodded.
You started taking her vitals and continued the conversation. “You think you can tell me your name now?”
“Maddy,” she whispered.
You smiled even as you read her temperature: 103.4. Pretty high. She was almost certainly dehydrated. “That’s a really cool name. Now, do you know why your mom brought you here?”
“I threw up,” she told you, lip quivering.
“Oh, man,” you commiserated. “That’s the worst. I hate throwing up.”
Maddy nodded.
“Did you throw up just one time or a lot of times?”
“A lot.”
You exchanged glances with the mom to make sure this information was accurate.
“She can’t keep anything down,” the mom worried, biting her nails.
“Okay. Well, that’s okay. We’re gonna help you feel better. First, we’re gonna get some fluids in you. Do you know what that means?”
She shook her head as you gathered the supplies and pulled on gloves.
“It means your tummy is so sick that when you drink water, it all just comes right back out. And that’s not good because your body needs water. Your heart and your lungs and all the things that make you healthy and strong, they need water. So since you can’t swallow it, we’re gonna put a little tube in your arm and send water through the tube. That way your body gets the water it needs. And we’ll send medicine and electrolytes and all kinds of other good stuff to fight the sickness, too. It’s like we’re sneaking weapons past the sick.”
This explanation seemed to cheer her up a bit. “Like a secret mission?” she asked.
You nodded conspiratorially. “Exactly like a secret mission. But to get all that good stuff in there, we’re gonna have to put a needle in your arm. Just for a second! It makes the path for the supplies to go in.”
Maddy seemed to think deeply about this, then nodded. You had her play with the skateboard while you placed the IV line, ensuring that she was comfortably positioned for a good hour or so of fluid intake.
“Thank you,” her mom mouthed to you, and you gave her a quick thumbs up before adding a few reminders to your chart–what to check in the next hour, etc.
Maddy, now calmer, took a good look at you for the first time, from your glasses to your fingers that twitched by your ears, to your stomach that protruded out past your waistline–you were six months pregnant.
“Why are you so fat?” Maddy blurted out.
“Madeline Grace!” her mom hissed.
“It’s okay,” you laughed. “My tummy looks like this because there’s a baby in there. But some tummies are just bigger than others, too, and that’s okay. All tummies are good tummies.”
“Where’s the daddy?” she asked, reaching out to brush her hand over your stomach.
“No daddy,” you explained. “This baby has two mommies. His other mommy works upstairs. On brains.”
“Brains!?” she squealed.
You nodded. “Yeah. She’s pretty cool.”
Just then, the relative calm of a midday ER was interrupted by a loud, brash voice, bursting through the doors, yelling at the nurses at the station.
“Where the fuck is my daughter!? Middle of the fucking work day. Unbelievable. Am I going too fast for you? Read my lips, sweetheart. Madeline. Y/L/N.”
You froze, any icy stream of panic running from the back of your neck all the way down to your heels. You’d know that voice anywhere. It was an angry voice, a coach’s voice, the voice that had yelled at you to “stay the fuck in the bleachers” when all you wanted was to sit in the car and breathe. The same voice that growled at you to stop “doing that shit with your hands, you look like a r*tard.” The same voice that told you over and over that you weren’t “stupid enough to be on the short bus,” but you were “too stupid to function in real life.”
You felt your brain start swirling, felt panic building in your chest. You knew he’d gotten remarried, of course you knew. But you didn’t talk to him, hadn’t talked to him in nearly a decade. You knew they’d had a kid, but you didn’t know it was this kid.
All the ER noises, the beeps of the machines, the buzzing of the overhead lights–were they getting brighter?–the clang of instruments being set down, wails, conversations, and above it all your dad’s voice. Your dad’s voice. It was too much. It was all way, way too much.
You felt your hands start to shake at your sides, your body swinging back and forth, and you had to stop. You had to stop. Your dad would kill you.
He threw back the curtain, and his jaw dropped when he saw you.
“You!?” he spat, looking down. “Are you pregnant!?”
Maddy seemed oblivious to the tension. “Daddy!” she called. “Her name is Y/N and she gave me this little skateboard and the water is fighting the sickness through my tubes and she has a baby in her tummy and the baby’s other mommy fixes brains.”
You tried so hard not to stim, but it was not working. 
“Don’t tell me you’re a nurse?! God, it’s a miracle you didn’t fucking stab her. You shouldn’t be holding any needles with those flappy arms. Probably shouldn’t be holding any babies either.” He shot out his hand and grabbed Teddy’s arm, which was wild to you. The audacity of the man to assume he had the authority to bother the trauma surgeon. “Yeah, honey, we need a different nurse over here. This one’s a r*tard.”
Teddy looked flabbergasted and deeply offended, but also concerned, as you clenched your teeth, hugging yourself, twisting your body back and forth. “It’s doctor, sir, and that word is not welcome at Grey-Sloan. Y/N is a perfectly capable medical professional. In fact, she’s one of our best, especially with kids.”
“I don’t know if you know this, but I feel like it’s my responsibility to tell you,” your dad whispered loudly to Teddy. “She’s got autism. She shouldn’t be handling tools or people or anything.”
Teddy pressed her lips together in frustration. “As I said, sir,” she repeated more forcefully. “Y/N is a perfectly capable medical professional, and we’re lucky to have her. But I’ll get another nurse over here for you. Y/N?”
Teddy beckoned you over, careful not to touch you, and led you to a quieter corner of the room.
“Who the fuck is that guy?!” she asked.
“M-my dad,” you stuttered. Everything in the room–sounds, lights, smells, all of it–seemed to be crashing over you again and again. As if you’d been knocked over by a wave and couldn’t get back up again because they just kept coming.
“You want to hang out in one of the on-call rooms for a bit?” Teddy suggested.
You nodded.
“Should I page Amelia?”
You shook your head. “She’s in surgery.”
Teddy pulled out her tablet to look. “I mean, we could just check.”
“Don’t bother her,” you repeated. “She’s got work to do. I’ll be okay.”
You made your way to the elevator and up to an on-call room, breathing heavily when you shut the door against the rest of the hospital. You turned off the lights, curling into a corner of the bottom bunk and pulling your knees up to your chest–or as close to your chest as they could get with your baby bump in the way.
You rocked yourself back and forth, thoughts spiraling. The movement and the dark usually calmed you down, but you were having a hard time regulating today, and nothing seemed to be working. Your breath just got faster and faster. And the fact that you couldn’t get yourself out of your spiral only made you spiral more.
You knew you were a good nurse. You knew that. You knew because you’d done it. But you hadn’t ever been a mom before. What if he was right? What if the baby made you overstimulated and you yelled or lashed out? What if the baby went to school and you went to parent nights and he was embarrassed of you, of how you couldn’t make eye contact and didn’t start conversations right and didn’t get the jokes. What if being autistic made you a bad mom?
You had tears streaming down your face by the time you heard a light knock on the door. It creaked open and Amelia’s head popped in. When she saw it was you, she quickly let herself in and locked the door.
“Oh, babe,” she said, watching your body rock back and forth in huge, aggressive sweeps. “A bad one, huh?”
“Go away, Amelia,” you hiccuped.
“Hey,” she said, jokingly. Then when she got closer and saw the tear tracks on your face, she said it again, quieter, sitting next to you on the bed. “Hey.”
When you didn’t say anything, Amelia shrugged. “Teddy said your… dad was here?”
You nodded.
She let out a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. “Honey, will you let me hold you? Please?”
You nodded again.
“Alright,” she said, waiting for your body to line up with hers as you rocked, then quickly grabbing you up in her arms, like she was catching something midair. “Gotcha.” She rocked with you.
“What did he say?” she asked, her breath warm on the top of your head.
“That I shouldn’t hold medical tools or babies because I’m a fucking re– I don’t want to say it. I hate that word.”
You felt Amelia’s arms tighten around you, and her breath came out in huffs. She was very angry. “As you should,” she told you. “It’s a nasty word. And it’s a word that doesn’t describe you at all, you know that.”
“I don’t know, Amy,” you whispered into her chest. “What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Babe, I think that ship has sailed,” Amelia said, running her fingers through your hair.
“Not my dad,” you explained. “The baby.”
Amelia was quiet for a moment, then you felt her lips press against the top of your head.
“Oh, honey,” she said, her voice soft. “Of course he’ll like you. He’ll love you. You're his mom.”
“But what if I’m bad at it? What if autism makes me bad at it?”
“Y/N,” Amelia said, gently grabbing your face and positioning it so that you had to look in her general direction, if not in her eyes. “Look how good you are with the kids in the ER. You’re gonna be an incredible mom.”
“I’m just scared,” you admitted.
“I’m a little scared, too,” Amelia told you. “But you know what? I think we’re gonna be okay. Me and you together? I mean, surely, combined, we can be at least one whole good mom, right?”
You giggled.
Amelia grinned at you. “There she is.”
You were quiet for a moment, playing with Amelia’s finger, with the edges of her scrubs.
“You know what you are?” Amelia asked after a bit, kissing your forehead. “You are smart and kind and empathetic. You’re funny and brave and you work hard. You’re my favorite person in the whole world.”
You looked away.
“Hey,” she said, pulling your face back toward her again. “I don’t like people talking about my wife like that. Even you.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around her waist and pressing your face to her chest.
“Are you going back down there?” Amelia asked.
You shrugged.
“Want me to check if your dad’s still here?”
“Would you?”
“Oh, yeah,” she said, standing and placing one more kiss on your cheek. “In fact, I’d really like to talk to him.”
“Don’t do anything that’ll get you fired, Amy,” you called after her.
She looked back at you and winked as she walked through the door. “Can’t make any promises.”
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Almost There
Peter Parker x Ghost!Reader
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 4.8K
Synopsis: Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Warnings: Angst! Mentions of death, hospital rooms, cheating(not on reader), Fluff, SMUT AT THE END, P in V, Oral (M and F receiving), praise kink, happy ending
AN:Not edited.
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Peter’s heart was racing as he races down the dimly lit hall with you pressed against his chest. Your pleads still echoing in his head, rattling in his brain, making him feel weak and useless as he runs in attempts to save you from bleeding out. He could feel your warm blood staring to soak through his suit, his arms feeling weaker than normal as he cradles your head in one arm, while your legs are thrown over the other. His mind feels frantic as he thinks of how to get you safely to the hospital. You’re loosing too much blood, he knows this. “We’re almost there Y/N,” he breathes softly, “Almost there.”
He approaches the fallen elevator, shifting your body do you’re thrown over his shoulder. He mutters a quick ‘fuck’ as he dials Ned. The phone rings for a moment before he hears Neds voice on the other end of the line.
“Hey Peter, where you been?” Neds cheery voice makes Peter wince.
“Ned its Y/N. I need you to get Aunt May and meet me at the abandoned elevator with a spare thing of my cloths. It’s urgent.” Peter hands up the phone, preparing to climb up the wall with you thrown over his shoulder. With a small grunt, he sticks himself to the wall and begins to climb, only relying on his webs from keeping you from falling.
As Peter approaches the top of the elevator he can see both May and Ned looking down at him. His body heaves your unconscious one up and onto the ground outside the elevator doors.
“Peter what the hell is going on?” May says slowly, trying to keep herself from freaking out.
Peter lets out another grunt as he lifts up your shirt, shooting his webs onto your still bleeding wounds in hopes of preventing any further blood loss. “I’ll explain in the car, we need to get her to the hospital.” He stumbles as he stands up, leaning down to lift you into his arms once again. Both May and Ned exchange looks as they follow Peter to the car.
“Do you want to explain what the hell is going on now?” May asks as she starts the car, pulling out of the apartment complex.
Peter nods, stripping out of his suit in the backseat, being careful not to tussle you around too much in the process. “A few months ago, basically around the time we moved in, I met Y/N.” Peter says as he pulls on the pants Ned brought him. “The thing about Y/N is that she’s sorta, or was sorta a ghost. Not fully alive, but not fully dead either.”
Ned turns to May nodding. “It’s so cool, she could like turn into a solid person, and then suddenly be invisible as a ghost. It was scary cool.”
“I’m sorry, you expect me to believe we had a ghost living in our apartment?” May cuts in, looking back at Peter in the rear view mirror.
Peter throws his shirt on before easing your head back into his lap. “Well May, I have spider powers, Thor exists, and so does Dr. Strange so…” He says slowly.
May rolls her eyes before nodding. “You make a fair point. Continue.”
“Well anyways, me and Y/N went looking for her body below the building. Originally we thought she’d be a skeleton but she wasn’t. She was like, frozen in time.” Peter says as he checks your wounds.
Ned turns around to look at you both, “cool like a coma?” He asks.
Peter shakes his head, “No, I don’t think so. If it was a coma she would’ve died from lack of food and water. Plus she wounds only started bleeding when she like, go absorbed back into her body.”
Ned’s eyes went wide as he looks from Peter to May, and back to Peter. “Wicked.”
“Okay, so where has this half ghost half girl been staying these last few months exactly?” May asks as she takes a sharp turn, trying her best to rush to the hospital without getting pulled over.
“She was staying with me for a while.” Ned pipes in. “You know, after the fight.” He says glaring at Peter.
Peter could feel his jaw clench as he draws your body closer to his. “It was a misunderstanding. Not a fight.”
Ned rolls his eyes, “sure, you having a girlfriend and letting her touch Y/N stuffed animal was a ‘misunderstanding.’ You kicked her out of your room dude. Also, she clearly liked you. Otherwise she wouldn’t have kissed you that one night.”
May eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, looking at Peter’s now guilty face. “Was she living in your room or something?”
“Oh yeah, until she started sleeping with me. That was after MJ and Peter got together.” Ned nods.
Both May and Peter’s heads whip to the side to look at Ned. “You and Y/N slept together?” Peter squeaks, trying to stop himself from raising his voice.
“Well yeah, obviously. Why do you care? You’re with MJ.” Ned scoffs, not seeing the big deal in you both sharing a bed so you could actually fall asleep at night.
“Ned what the fuck.” Peter groans, “I totally thought the kiss we shared before she came back to life met something! Now you’re telling me you and Y/N were having sex?”
“Sex?!” Ned shrieks.
“Wait a second Mr. What do you mean kiss? You and MJ are dating.” May scolds.
“SEX?” Ned repeats as his face pales even more.
“Nobody cares if you and a ghost had sex Ned, Peter cheated on MJ.” May snaps, slightly irritated as she pulls into the parking lot of the hospital.
“We didn’t have sex! We shared a bed!” Ned cries, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Wait, so you didn’t sleep together?” Peter lets out a sigh of relief.
Ned lets out a small groan, “We slept together in the actual sleeping way, not the sexual way dude. You’re so dirty minded.”
“I got worried okay! Would’ve been really weird if you and Y/N were having sex when we both almost had sex earlier today!” Peter defends.
“Peter Parker!” May cries, turning around to look at Peter who’s getting your still passed out body out of the car.
“I’m sorry May, I really am but I need to help Y/N.” Peter says, hosting you into his arms and dashing towards the entrance.
Your eyes flutter open and the sound of beeping fills the room. When you turn your head you’re met with Peters worried face along with numerous tubes and fluid bags. You look down at your arm to find it attached to an IV, while your nose is plugged up with oxygen. “Peter?” You croak.
Peter lets out a small sob, placing his hand on the side of your face. “I thought I lost you, I-“ he cries softly.
You let you a small laugh as tears begin to spill from your eyes. “I’m here now, I’m okay.” You promise, placing your hand over his hand that’s resting on your cheek. “I-I think I’m alive.” You whisper.
Peter nods, tears still spilling from his eyes. “You are, you didn’t disappear last night, you-you stayed with me.” He chokes.
A smile spreads across your lips as you lean in to kiss him softly. “Peter, I can stay with you now. I-I’m all yours.”
He nods, kissing you again and again. “You’re mine,” he whispers.
You nod as you shift over in your hospital bed. “Lay with me?”
He nods, crawling into bed with you. “I really did think I was going to loose you without saying goodbye.” He says as he brings you into his arms. You lay your head down on his chest as he continues. “I brought you in and you were immediately taken into surgery. For hours I waited for you. Crying, wondering if I’d ever see you again. Both May and Ned eventually had to go home, since only I could stay.” You feel a hot tear hit the top of your head as another sob racks through Peter’s body. “I really love you Y/N, I hope you know that. I love you so so much.”
“Peter, I love you.” Tears begin to flow down your cheeks again as you pull Peter into another kiss. “I’m not going anywhere, not again.” You hum.
He nods, holding you closer to his body. You listen to his heartbeat in a peaceful silence for about ten minutes before the nurse comes in.
“Y/N L/N, is that right dear?” The nurse smiles as she comes over to check your vitals.
“Y-yes.” You stutters, a feeling of anxiety washing over you. It had been so long since you had last been in contact with another person other than Peter, Ned, and Eli.
She gives you a sweet smile as she adds more pain meds to your IV. “How are you feeling sweetie?”
“Really good actually.” You say softly.
“Good! That means the pain meds are working. I just wanted to come check on you and let you know we got in contact with your parents.” the nurse replies, giving you one last kind smile before exiting the room.
“M-My parents? But how?” You look up at Peter who smiles softly.
“It took a while to find them, and convince them to come down here.” Peter admitted. “Had to show them a lot of proof that we found you.”
Your eyes went wide as Peters words sunk into your head. “My parents are coming to see me?” You say softly.
He nods, issuing your head softly. “They should be here soon.” Peter whispers softly in your hair.
There’s a small knock on the door after about an hour of you resting in Peter’s arms. Peter shifts his gaze from you onto the door as he calls out “come in.”
The door creaks open and a man and woman step inside. They resemble you greatly, he can see your eyes in your moms, especially when she smiles. “Oh my god, our baby,” the woman cries, approaching the bed.
You begin to stir at the commotion, stirring up slightly in Peters arms. A small hum escapes your lips as you gently run your eyes. Looking around the room, your eyes lock with your moms as a small cry escapes your lips. “Mom! Dad!” Another sob escapes you as your parents rush to embrace you.
“Oh darling what happened to you? Where were you?” Your mom sobs as she holds you in her arms.
Your dad Hugs your from the other side gently drawing circles on your back. “They told us you were dead, we pressed them to keep investigating, we even began searching for you on our own. It’s been eight years.” Your dad places a kiss on top of your head as he speaks.
“I-I was dead.” You croak, “well, sorta dead. Peter helped find my body and I was frozen in time.”
Your parents slowly pull away from you to look at Peter. Your dad pats your back gently before leaning in close to whisper to Peter “has she been tested for any trauma responses?”
Peter shakes his head, looking between both your parents. “Honestly, it would be so much easier to say that she’s having a delirious episode and her story is made up to comfort her. But, she’s telling the truth. She was living in my apartment.” Peter admits.
Your parents look from one another, shaking their heads. “That’s not possible.” Your mother says after a brief moment. “How could she be dead and then come back to life?”
Peter shrugs, pulling you back into his embrace once more. “Honestly, we accepted Thor existed, is this really that far fetched as a God from another planet?”
Your parents cast each other glances before nodding. “I suppose you’ve got a point kid.” Your dad says after another long pause. “So you two were just rooming together while my daughter was dead.”
A blush spreads over both yours and Peters face as you nod. “He helped take care of me dad, if it weren’t for Peter I wouldn’t be alive right now. In fact, if I went to the basement alone and found my body I would’ve bled to death. Peter’s the one who rushed me to the hospital.”
Your parents look over to Peter whose face is also a bright red. “Is this true?” Your mom asks, shaken by the thought of you alone and bleeding.
He nods, “Yes ma’am. I care about your daughter a lot. I’ve grown to love her in the months I’ve gotten to know her. Sure, she scared the living daylights out of me the first time I saw her as a ghost. But beyond that, your daughter is seriously amazing.”
A smile breaks across your lips as you turn to face Peter. “Thank you,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Yes thank you, Peter.” Your dad smiles, patting his shoulder.
Leaving the hospital was the hardest thing you’d ever done. Your parents lived a few hours away in a town over, and you didn’t want to leave Peter. It took a while to convince your parents that what you needed more than anything was to stay with the boy who saved you. Luckily even the doctors backed you up, explaining that if you and Peter were suddenly separated you might go into a trauma shock.
After your parents reluctantly agreed, they exchanged numbers with Peter and made a plan to begin the moving process near you as soon as they could. This just left talking to May.
“I know she’s a girl and I know I’m asking for her to stay in my bedroom with me but even the doctors said it’s best she stays with me for now.” Peter pleads with May.
May smiles at you softly before turning back to her nephew. “Peter, can we talk privately for a moment.”
Peter shifts his gaze to you and you give him a nod. Peter looks back at his once calm and collected aunt who seems to now be loosing her shit. “Uh huh.”
May leads Peter into her bedroom where she had him sit on the bed. “Look Peter, I’m so very proud of you for helping this girl. I really am. But I need you to understand that as you’ve done this you’ve fucked up big time.” She scolds.
“What are you talking about?” Peter counters, unable to fathom what he could’ve possibly done wrong.
“Your girlfriend, MJ, incase you’ve forgotten, has shown up to see you everyday you were in the hospital with Y/N. Every. Day. She has no idea what’s going on, you didn’t contact her once. And as far as I know, you’ve been cheating on the poor girl with a ghost for the last few weeks.” May glares down at Peter knowing damn well she did not raise him this way.
“I-“ Peter stops, realizing how majorly he did fuck things up. Even if he stopped having any sort of feelings for MJ a long time ago he still kept her around for when the day came you did leave this world forever. “I messed up.” He admits after a moment. “I messed up big time.”
“Damn right you did Peter.” May sighs before taking Peter into a small embrace. “Listen, you gotta end things with MJ. And you need to tell her the truth.”
Peter lets out a small groan, knowing Mays right. “I’ll give her a call and have her come over.”
“Good, now I’m going to take Y/N shopping. Poor girl needs some new cloths desperately.” May smiles, heading back out to collect you.
After you both leave Peter rings up MJ. He asks her to come over and she’s there within 15 minutes.
“Hey M,” Peter says as he opens the door.
“Peter where the hell have you been? Were you on a mission or something? Because you didn’t even bother to let me know. And Neds been very vague with me, same with May.” MJ rants, terrified of where her boyfriend’s been.
“MJ, I need to tell you something.” Peter sage finally.
“Go on.” She says slowly, taking a seat in the couch.
“Remember the girl Y/N?” Peter asks.
“Her?” MJ scoffs. “Yeah what about her?”
Peter frowns, realizing this is going to go horribly. “Well, Y/N was a ghost. But then I helped her find her body and she’s sorta back again.”
“This is the stupidity excuse I’ve ever heard.” MJ cuts in.
“It’s not an excuse. She was a ghost, and she was living with me before we started dating. The thing is, I realized I have feelings for her. Strong feelings for her. And I’m so so sorry.” Peter mumbles.
He looks into her eyes, watching as tears begin to flow over her cheeks. “Peter, we’ve been best friends since high school. You were my first kiss, the first person I actually liked, and you feel in love with a ghost that was rooming with you?”
“I messed up, I know that. And I’m so so sorry. I can’t help my feelings for Y/N though. I- I’m sorry.” Peter looks down, guilt washing over him.
“Whatever Parker. See you at school.” And with that MJ storms out.
You and May stumbled through the door a few hours later laughing. “Peter!” You squeal, holding up your shopping bags for him to see. “Look I got new cloths!”
Peter smiles at you, completely forgetting his conversation with MJ. “I can’t wait to see them.” He smiles, taking you into his arms and giving you a small kiss.
“I’ll model them for you now!” You squeal, dragging Peter over to the couch and disappearing into his room to change.
May let’s Peter know she’s got a call in for work before leaving you to model outfit after outfit for Peter. You strut around the apartment showing him your new dresses, shorts, shirts, pants, and even skirts. With each outfit Peter could feel himself wanting you more. You look ravishing in everything you wear causing a desire to bubble up inside him.
“I like that one a lot,” Peter hums. Standing up to grab your hips as he admires the shirt purple dress. You let out a small laugh, kissing his lips again.
“May left me pick out my own underwear and bras at Victoria’s Secret, wanna see what I have on underneath?” You hum, pulling gently at Peter’s sweats.
Letting out a small groan Peter nods, allowing you to lead him into his room. You guide him over to his bed, pushing him down gently. His eyes watch your figure with precision, as you slowly begin to lift your dress up and over your head before letting it fall to the ground.
Underneath you reveal a red lace lingerie set. Peter’s eyes scan your body in awe, his mouth dropping slightly as he takes in the intricate details of the lace. He admires the way the top cups your boobs perfectly, the way it flows down and hugs your shape. He eyes the three shiny hearts that line the middle of the set.
“Fuck,” Peter mumbles, still admiring your body. His eyes shift down to your bare thighs, looking at the dangling garters. “You look, fuck” Peter groans, unable to form a sentence as he stares at you.
“You like it?” You beam, walking over to where he’s sitting so you can straddle his hips.
“I want to tear this fucking thing right off you.” He moans, kissing your neck. His teeth graze against your soft skin making you shiver.
“Yeah?” You hum as you pull your fingers through his soft brown curls. “You want to take this off of me right now?”
Peter lets out a small growl, reaching behind you to eagerly undo the bra. You allow the bra to slid off of you, as he flings it to the side. “These have to go too.” He says as he lifts you off of him to slide down your underwear.
A small gasp escapes your lips as you stand naked in front of him. “Peter,” you whine as the aching in your core becomes evident. You look down at him, his tight white shirt and grey sweatpants making you loose all sense of reality. “Peter please.”
Peter traces his hand along your abdomen, admiring the now scared skin. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, pulling you back into his lap. His lips meet yours again, kissing you roughly and passionately. His hands travel to the small of your back, pulling your naked body closer to his. You feel his lips on your neck, pressing soft wet kisses against your tender skin. “You’re all mine now you know that? You’re my girlfriend.” He hums into your neck before biting down softly.
A moan tumbles from your lips as your hands make their way back to Peters hair. “Fuck Peter, I’m yours,” your eyes are skewed shut, taking in the simple feeling of Peters lips all off your body. The feeling of his head dipping down and to your breast. He lifts you up slightly, allowing him full access to your boobs. He pulls you towards him and connects his lips to your right nipple, flicking his tongue over the soft bud.
Another whine escapes your lips as you tug on his hair a little harder. His lips drag across your chest, moving over to your other nipples. He slowly takes it between his teeth, causing a sharp gasp to escape your lips. “Peter please, I need you.” You whimper as Peter pulls away from your chest again.
“I can tell, you’re so wet for me.” He groans, shifting your body so your back was now on his bed and he was hovering above you. “I’m going to make you scream.” He smirks, guiding your thighs open.
He drops to his knees in front of you, kissing down your thigh. He lowers himself so he’s eye level with your hot core, the sight causes his dick to twitch against his sweatpants material. “Fuck you’re so hot,” Peter mumbles. He leans forward, darting his tongue between your folds. “You taste so fucking good darling,” he moans as his tongue continues to draw circles around your now swollen clit.
Another soft cry escapes your lips as the muscles in your legs contract. Your thighs squeeze around Peters head at the feeling if his mouth devouring every inch of your soft cunt. Tugging at his soft brown locks, another whimper tumbles from your lips, his tongue lapping up all your juices. Peter tugs your hips even closer to his face, helping you grind yourself onto his soft tongue. “Fuck, oh fuck,” you whimper, feeling something tug in your stomach. “Peter oh, I feel something I-“ you cry out as your first ever orgasm washes over your. Your body convulses as you cum on Peter’s tongue, which hasn’t stopped eating you out.
A groan escapes your lips as Peter leans up to kiss you. “Did I do good?” He whispers, kissing you again. You nod as you continue to kiss his puffy lips, moving your hands down his body and tugging at his sweatpants. Peter pulls away from your lips, tugging down his grey sweats followed by his tight white shirt. He hovers over you again, a goofy smile splayed across his face. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” He admits, gazing down into your lust filled eyes.
A small laugh escapes your lips as you sit up, pushing Peter backwards. “Neither do I, pretty sure I just came for the first time.” A blush spreads over your already rosy cheeks as you stand up next to Peter. “Lay down though, it’s my turn to help you,” you whisper softly.
Peter slides onto the bed, propping himself up onto his pillows, his eyes following your every move. You crawl onto the bed with him, laying between his legs. Hesitantly, you grab onto his hard length and begin to stroke his hard cock. “Does that feel good?” You ask as Peter lets out a loud moan.
“Feels so good,” Peter gasps.
“This was what you were doing under the covers that one day, wasn’t it?” You question, looking for conformation that what you were doing was correct.
“It is,” he groans, his hips thrusting up into your fist. “You’re doing so good,” you can feel his length throbbing in your hand causing you to smile.
“What else do you want me to do for you?”
Peter lets out another moan at your question, brushing the hair out of your face. “Fuck- use your mouth please.” He begs, his eyes watching as you lower your head onto his cock. Your mouth stretches around his length, gagging slightly as you go down. Peter throws his head back at the sight, gripping your hair between his fingers. You slowly begging to move your head up and down. Hallowing your cheeks as your tongue swirls around his swollen pink tip when you come back up. Saliva begins to dribble down your chin, causing a small moan to erupt from your throat and vibrate around Peter. “Shit,” he groans, bucking his hips forward. You gag again, making Peter’s dick to twitch in your mouth. “I’m going to cum,” he moans, shooting his hot cum down your throat. You pull away slowly, tears falling delicately down your face as a string of saliva connects from your lips to Peter’s still hard cock.
“Did I do good?” You hum, leaning up to place a kiss on Peter’s lips like he did to you after you came.
“You did amazing, I’ve never came so hard in my life.” He sighs, pulling you into another kiss. “Now lay down and rest your head on the pillows for me.”
You nod, switching places with Peter. He hovers over you, his body placed between your legs. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist, pulling his body into yours. Peter lets out a groan as he places his hands on both sides of your head, your arms going around his neck. “Ready pretty girl?” He hums, positioning himself.
“Yes,” you moan, feeling as Peter pushes himself inside of you. Another moan flies from your lips as you stretch around Peter’s length. His cock pushing deeper within you before pulling out again at a slow pace. “Peter,” you groan, rotating your hips slightly. A low groan escapes his lips as he thrusts into you harder.
His pace begins to pick up, his hips ramming into yours as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Your mouth falls agape as his hips slam into yours, the feeling of pure bliss traveling from the soft kisses he was placing on the shell of your ear all the way down to your toes. “Peter, I- you make me feel so good.” You moan, your chest heaving as his pace quickens again.
Peter watches as your boobs bounce up and down with every thrust, his mind going foggy as he fucks you into the mattress. “Pretty girl, are you going to cum on my cock?” He groans as he places a kiss on your lips.
“Yes Peter,” you cry, feeling another orgasm beginning to build up in your core. Peter keeps up his ruthless thrusts, making your whole body shake. Moans and cries slip from Peter’s lips as well, followed occasionally by your name. “Peter I’m going to-“ the feeling of your orgasm cuts you off as a wave of ecstasy overcomes your whole body.
Your cunt squeezes around Peter, causing his hips to falter as he reaches his orgasm as well. He pushes his hips deep within you, painting your walls with his cum before slowly pulling out. His body falls next to yours as he pulls you into his chest. “I love you.” He whispers to you softly.
Your fingers trace over his abs “I love you too Peter.” You hum. You both lay there for a moment in silence, soaking up everything that just happened. “Peter,” you say after a moment. He lets out a hum, looking down at you. “You remind me what it’s like to be alive.”
He smiles, kissing the top of your head softly. “You are alive darling,” he says against your hair.
“Yes, and you’re the reason I wanted to live again.” You say, shifting your body so your chests are pressed together and your face is hovering above his. Your lips press against his, and you take in the feeling of your heart beating in your chest as the way if feels to be out of breath. Your eyes lock once more as Peter pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. “You saved me Spider-Man.”
“Just returning the favor, ghost girl.”
AN: Hey guys! This might be the last chapter, not sure yet. If you want me to continue and make it so she gets introduced to maybe the Avengers or something lmk! Also! I will be out of the country until the end of June so I may or may not be able to publish anything for the next 20 days.
@nataliewalker93 @sarapaprikas-blog @justkeepitblanc @sickomodesmell @etaerealboy @purplerose291@witheringawayagain @arij3lly @dandelionqueen@brightlilith @laurens2002 @siriusly1 @shugrcrush @hazzarules @cl0v3r-s0up @jibiwoni @maria-pqrker @just-henny@little-jana @ellie-emb@valslittleheart@reeseisinapiece @happilyneverafter69 @gram-cracker24 @kisstheskin@whenmypartysover @nightfiress @wowitsem @chinaza444
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 6 months
(found this in the archives/dust of my computer desktop and figured why not post it to tumblr. please enjoy this lily and sirius friendship dribble or whatever this is.)
A Good Nights Sleep
It was late November and the entirety of the Gryffindor house had celebrated a Quidditch win the night before, resulting in nothing other than a mess in the common room and a hoard of students nursing headaches and exhaustion. Lily Evans didn’t know who brought the alcohol (a seventh year perhaps), and she didn’t know what possessed her to drink it alongside Marlene (who was on a table by the end of the night), but she had, and she struggled to open her eyes the next morning. 
She was tempted to go back to sleep, the curtains around the four poster bed shut entirely blocking out the rest of the world, and it was impossibly warm even with the cool early winter temperatures. Her head nestled against the pillows, making to grab the comforter and roll over to get some more sleep, but instead of a blanket, she grabbed an arm.
Instead of rolling over into another pillow, there was the unmistakable presence of another person in bed with her. Her eyes sprang open, no longer exhausted, her brain scrambling to remember what the hell happened last night. 
You were drunk
Mary was in the room with someone.
You wanted to go sleep
Remus! You asked Remus for his bed! 
Just until Mary finished and then you would go back to your room. 
Lily tried to sit up, her brain connecting the dots and realizing this definitely wasn’t Remus. There was too much weight, too much hair. She kept wiggling in hopes of waking up the sleeping form of Sirius Black on top of her that was the culprit of the warmth she had woken up to. Any closer to Lily and they would’ve been a single person, his leg thrown across her hips, his face near her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her like an octopus. Sirius stirred briefly, not opening his eyes.
“Stop moving, McKinnon,” he mumbled, “Go back to sleep--”
“Not McKinnon,” hissed Lily, “Get off me, Black!” Sirius made a noise of confusion before sitting up rapidly, running a hand over his face and hair at the voice that was definitely not Marlene.
“Oh god, ah, shit,” Sirius said, his long black curls rumpled from the sleep. Lily would’ve found this less composed and less aloof version of Sirius endearing had it not been for the fact he had just been on top of her moments before. He moved off her rapidly, a rush of cold air hitting Lily’s body, Sirius staring wide-eyed at her trying to make sense of the situation. 
Lily sat up as well, her hand reaching to her own hair that she was certain was a messy, red waves falling onto her shoulders chaotically, “What the hell are you--”
“Shhh,” Sirius gave her a look, his eyes widening as he put his hand over her mouth. 
Lily was tempted to bite him, but she saw Sirius reach for his wand, casting a silencing charm around the bed before removing his hand.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked him
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” he responded back, “This is my bed!”
“This is Remus’ bed.”
“No, it’s not,” Sirius said looking at her in utter confusion, “This is my bed, which is why I’m in it.”
“What do you mean it’s not Remus’ bed!”
“You’re not very bright in the morning, are you Evans?” asked Sirius, tiredly pressing the heel of one of his hands into his eyes before reaching to his wrist for a hair elastic to tie his hair back.
“All I know is that I was drunk and came up here because Mary was in my dorm doing merlin knows what and I thought I would be able to just nap in Remus’ bed until I was sober and figured it out but now I’m in here, with you, and thank god we’re both fully clothed.” Lily was still in the jeans and sweater she wore the night before, Sirius in a long-sleeve shirt and--, “Or I guess as clothed as you possibly can be.”
Sirius looked down at himself, closing his eyes and muttering something to himself in another language Lily didn’t understand as he realized he was in a pair of boxers, “I was drunk too,” he said as a means of explanation.
“I should hope so,” Lily said, her fingers tangling in her hair as she attempted to finger comb it, “Do you have an extra hair tie?” she asked,
“I would really like to leave the dorm not looking like a bird built a home in my hair overnight,” she looked at him.
“Oh, right…” Sirius looked around briefly before sighing, taking his own hair down once again and handing it to Lily, “Just take that one, I’ll find another.” 
“So what’s your excuse?”
“It’s my bed!”
“When I got in it, it was empty. So you saw me sleeping and just thought ``oh why don’t I go have a lie in with Lily?” she asked, “Really?”
“I  was drunk and I didn’t pay much attention to who it was. Honestly, I thought it was Marlene, I dunno, I...didn’t look too hard.”
“Charming, Black.” Lily rolled her eyes. Sirius, for all the qualities that Lily found redeemable, had a reputation for being a bit of a...well, a bit of a...tease and a flirt and everything that followed that subsequently. According to Marlene and Remus, it wasn’t uncommon for Sirius to have guest’s in his bed, nor for him to be a guest in someone else's. It wasn’t uncommon to see Sirius separate from his friends after dinner to chat up a girl from Ravenclaw or a bloke from Hufflepuff. And now Lily was just another girl that Sirius Black had in his bed. 
To her surprise though, Sirius actually looked slightly embarrassed by his explanation, rubbing the back of his neck slightly, “I was drunk and...I just saw big hair and obviously I passed out, so it’s...fine.”
“Yeah, this is fine,” Lily said dryly, gesturing to the two of them in Sirius’ bed. He was now farther away, his hair tossed to one side and the blanket on his bed pulled over his body as he sat with his knees drawn up, leaning against one of the posts.
“You didn’t see the bed just over there with all the bloody books?”
“I mean, maybe! This one was the neatest! Drunk Lily logically said it had to be Remus’.”
Sirius gave her a quiet lopsided grin, “Oh, Evans…” Sirius shook his head, “I’ll let you continue to think that. Be blinded by Moony’s good-boy image, prefect and all--”
“Exactly! Prefect’s make their beds.”
“Mhmm,” Sirius nodded sarcastically.
“Shove off. So I was wrong,” she said, “Now can you get me out of here?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “Are we in agreement that this never happened?”
“What never happened?”
“Good girl,” he winked at her before moving to step outside his four poster, and Lily let out a breath. She wasn’t sure which part of the scenario was the most mortifying. 
The fact that she had been drunk enough to crawl into someone else’s bed.
The fact that she thought Sirius’ bed was Remus’.
The fact that she had spent an entire night next to and sleeping with Sirius Black
The fact that she had woken up feeling warm and comfortable under Sirius’ bodyweight. As much as she wanted to get out and get back to her dorm, she was also tempted to lie back down in clean, soft sheets, still warm from where they had both been lying all night.
The fact that, shock factor aside, Lily didn’t actually mind waking up next to Sirius who gave her his hair tie off his own head and thought to put a silencing charm around the bed. She didn’t mind the arms that were around her, and hadn’t woken up at all throughout the night to realize her mistake. The fact that cuddling with Sirius Black had given her a great night's sleep.
The curtain to the four poster opened, and Sirius was standing there, in a pair of sweatpants and his hair tied back now. 
“James is gone already, the other two are sleeping,” he whispered and inclined his head, towards the doorway. Lily stood up out of bed, already missing the heat from the covers, and stepped onto the hardwood, not even bothering to look for her shoes. Sirius opened the dormitory door for her
She pointed her finger up at him, “Never happened.” Sirius gave her an amused nod and Lily turned back around, rushing down the staircase to make it back to her dormitory before too much of Gryffindor started stirring. 
After spending the remainder of Sunday after breakfast trying to restore the common room and wake-up just enough to do some studying for the day, Lily hardly bumped into Sirius at all. Aside from the table where he was more content to make conversation with their housemates and flirt with a Ravenclaw girl sitting behind him. Indeed they were both quite content to pretend it never happened at all, even if Lily hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Sirius’ arms around her. 
Sirius was a big bloke. He was tall and broad and had a loud laugh and took up physical and emotional space wherever he went. And not in a bad way. Though Lily would be one of the first to admit Sirius was arrogant as all hell and impulsive and lost just as many points for Gryffindor as he won them, she couldn’t deny that he made everyone feel at home. 
She had seen him a few times talking with first years late at night in the common room, offering quiet words of comfort.
He didn’t blink when he loaned out his textbooks to younger years (the textbooks that Lily knew Sirius read front and back and made notes in the margins was, even if he pretended he didn’t). As much as space as Sirius took up, he tried his hardest to make room for everyone else to be the loudest and the brightest.
It shouldn’t have surprised Lily that this translated to the bedroom as well. Even though they had only literally slept together, given the size difference between her and Sirius, his body on hers should’ve been noticeable.
She should’ve felt crushed underneath the weight of someone twice her size but she didn’t. Lily hated sharing a bed. She liked having space for herself and loathed the nights her roommates insisted on sleepover’s in one bed. There had even been a night or two where she had left the company of a boy to go back to her own dorm to sleep alone. Lily Evans didn’t cuddle. She was not interested in the holding or someone else's body in her space while she slept.
Unless that someone was Sirius Black, which was annoying in about a thousand ways.
Monday morning, just after breakfast, she exited the Great Hall with her friends only to have someone grab her elbow from behind, pulling her backwards.
“Got a second, Evans?” asked Sirius, tilting his head and grinning at her. He had pulled his dark hair back with a headband that day. 
“We have class,” she looked up at him, adjusting her bag on her shoulder, “Also, you don’t need to man-handle me to get my attention.”
“So much more fun though,” Sirius grinned, and Lily rolled her eyes.
“I know, I’ll be quick,” he said leaning against the wall and ducking his head down to catch her gaze better, “I...I know we said that it never happened but...I actually...thought it was bad form.”
“Which bit?”
“Oh, the...whole thing, really,” he said, putting his hands into his pockets. It was rare that Sirius dropped his cool exterior. It was rare that anyone, let alone Lily got to see Sirius for who he perhaps really was and not just who his reputation made him out to be, and who Sirius preferred the world to see. “I was drunk and I really did think you were McKinnon, that aside, I...don’t want you to think I was trying to take advantage or anything like that. I know it was probably alarming for you to...wake up with...me on top of you and uh then I was in my underwear, but I swear I didn’t..and...I’m sorry about that.”
“You’re apologizing?”
“Trying to.”
“You don’t...need to do that, Sirius,” she said looking up at him.
“But I do because I…” Sirius paused, “respect you and that...wasn’t exactly respectful yesterday.”
“Thank you,” Lily smiled softly, “But it’s really okay. I promise you.”
“And also that James is my best friend and this very much violated our code of ethics even if it was just...sleeping.”
“Of course.”
“And I...also don’t much like you thinking I just...launch myself into bed with anyone who happens to be in my bed already. I was drunk and I--”
“I thought you didn’t care what people thought.”
“I don’t. I care what you think.” 
Lily was struck by the honesty of that comment, looking away from Sirius to a point on the wall, “It’s okay. I’m not...upset or mad. I know you weren’t taking advantage or anything.”
“Yeah. I...may have thrown a bigger fit than warranted,” she admitted and Sirius laughed, “Appreciate the apology though.”
“Alright?” he asked, catching her gaze again so Lily was forced to look into grey eyes that she had frequently heard about from whispers in the castle. Lily also couldn’t deny that Sirius Black was very good-looking, which just added insult to injury
“Alright.” she nodded, “Question for you?”
“Sure, Evans.”
“The people you do...share beds with...do they stay the night? Like that?”
“More or less.” Sirius admitted
“Because it’s no wonder there's a trail of broken hearts after you in these halls. Sleep with people like that, giving them the wrong idea… honestly Sirius, I can’t even be mad because I slept so bloody well.”
Sirius laughed, the two of them beginning to walk to class after Sirius pushed off the wall to stand up again, “I’m sure you’re a good shag, but if you’re going around letting people wake up next to you when you’re up in their entire business...that really seals the deal.”
“You slept well?”
“I did! It was horrifying. I can’t remember the last time I slept that well,” she told him and Sirius grinned, “Is that what you do? Do you like to cuddle?” she teased, raising her eyebrows playfully. But Sirius just shrugged, “You do?”
“It’s like….a reflex or something, I dunno. Sometimes James and I have sleepover’s and I do the same thing--”
“Of course you do.”
“Mostly I...just really hate sleeping alone. And...I think part of me thinks that I...can make people stay like that. If...I just lay on top of them, they can’t leave...and I don’t know, maybe they don’t want to go that way either.”
Lily turned her head slowly towards Sirius, “Did you just give me a real answer?”
“I did.”
“That wasn’t what I was expecting.”
“You probably also weren’t expecting an apology.”
“No, I wasn’t….” she said in disbelief.
“There you are then,” he smiled at her slightly and Lily tried to prevent her face from giving her away the flurry of emotions inside her head. 
She knew Sirius. She had seen the darker parts of him before, late at night in the common room when everyone else was sleeping, especially before school breaks. She had seen the way he sat up straight in class sometimes, paying such close attention that Lily knew it was to avoid talking with his friends. 
She knew that past the facade of SIRIUS BLACK was just...Sirius. Who she liked a great deal. Who made her laugh, and who had thrown a punch at a Slytherin before he was even able to get the first syllable of mudblood out. 
But even understanding all of that. She never understood the appeal, nor had the desire to date him. Sirius was just Sirius. Annoying, frustrating,  unexpectedly generous and soft all wrapped together.
“I’m...going to need you to say something obnoxious so I can keep myself from falling in love with you, I think,” she said finally, and Sirius laughed, “I’m being serious. You’ll find me in that bed of yours tonight and I won’t even blame it on alcohol. Because how you’re talking and looking at me and...I slept well. So say something annoying to remind me that it’s  you and I’ve absolutely no interest.”
Sirius laughed, running his hand through his hair as he thought, “Oh! How’d you do on the last transfiguration exam?”
“98. What about you?”
“Are you kidding me, Black?” she asked, scowling and Sirius laughed. Lily made a noise of frustration briefly, remembering that Sirius Black was one of her biggest academic competitors across all subjects. Sirius had told her years ago it was mostly to keep his parent’s off his back. They had no control over the sorting, and if he didn’t want them involved, he needed to do well academically. She had thought that once Sirius was no longer living with them that his grades would start leveling out, but it hadn’t been the case. Sirius had received 10 OWL’s and still annoyed Lily to no end.
“How’d you do that?”
“Extra credit.”
“You said you didn’t answer extra credit questions because you didn’t need the credits!”
“Yeah, that was before McGonagoogles gave me detention for not applying myself in her class and lectured me for the duration of the detention.”
“That was your detention? A lecture?”
“While I alphabetized her bookshelf,” Sirius groused, “So, now I answer extra credit…”
“Unbelievable.” she said, shaking her head as they reached the door to history of magic. “Annoying. That definitely did it.”
“Good.” Sirius grinned and they separated, Sirius going to take his spot next to James on the bench and Lily by Marlene. 
“What’d Black want?” she asked
“Don’t worry about it.”
Later that night, Lily and Remus had gone to the library, textbooks and chocolate in front of them as they waded through Herbology together. Remus had his palm on his forehead, bent over his notes, his eyes moving to Lily briefly.
“I think Sirius had a girl in our dorm a few nights ago…” he muttered, and Lily’s eyes went wide. Remus had been pining over Sirius since the latter part of fifth year. They had grown closer over the summer, since Sirius was no longer with his parents and spent the entirety of the summer break with James. It didn’t help matters that Sirius was well-liked and Remus was often witness to flirtations and hook-ups on the other boys behalf. 
“What makes you say that?”
“His bed curtains were closed all the way,” he said, “He never closes them all the way unless he has company. I know Saturday was a party, but I don’t remember...seeing him with anyone.”
“Maybe he...just wanted privacy after drinking.”
“Sure.” Remus shrugged, “It’s just...nevermind.”
“It’s just...frustrating. It’s like his new self-destructive bender is shagging anything that moves--it’s like he came out of the closet just so he could have more options-- and he doesn’t even have the decency to do it, not in our dorm? With all of us there?”
“I know, I know, I can’t be frustrated when I’m not exactly doing anything but…” Remus shook his head.
“It was me,” Lily said, looking up at the ceiling of the library.
“I was the girl in Sirius’ bed on Saturday,” she told him, and Remus stared back, immediately going to pack his things up, “No, no, no, not like that. You remember I asked to sleep in your bed?”
“I thought Sirius’ was yours because it was clean and made-up,” she said, “And I was drunk and it looked the most inviting. I didn’t get a chance to ask him but...does Sirius make his bed? Really?”
Remus smiled wryly, “He does. Every single day. He used to make all of ours, somedays still does, but we’ve...collectively had an intervention. Especially after he organized all of our sock drawers.”
“A...bed...making intervention,” Lily whispered, looking at Remus with mixture of horror and curiosity, “I have so many questions.”
“He cleans,” Remus offered, “Just...he cleans.” Lily couldn’t help but notice the way Remus ducked his head, concealing a smile. Concealing just how endearing he found this particular quality of Sirius’ to be.
“Anyway,” she said, “You...don’t need to get annoyed because it was just me. And uh, I don’t want to date him. And we just slept. I was drunk, he was drunk, fully clothed.”
“Oh…well, alright. Sorry about that. I should’ve told you which one was mine.”
“It’s okay,” she shrugged, “He...apologized to me after it all happened, and kind of explained it. And...honestly, Remus? I have never been held like that in my life, I was this close--” Lily held up her thumb and forefinger a millimeter apart, “to being repeat offender and--”
“What? I’m not hearing this.”
“Imagine being me now! I was conflicted all Sunday.”
“If this is a joke--”
“It’s not,” Lily laughed, putting her hand under her chin and staring at her best friend, “I wish I was kidding. But...I dunno, Remus. You spend more time with him and know him better than most people I would guess and...probably get to see what I saw yesterday and today when he apologized more often...like Sirius Black without the smoke and mirrors?”
Remus stilled and looked at her, “You can’t date him, that is a--”
“Oh, no, no. Absolutely not,” she clarified, “I suppose….I get it now. Why you would.”
“You...get it?”
“Besides the obvious...physical reasons,” Lily told him, “I get it now. I get...why you fancy him, why you want to date him, why...anything. I get it. Didn’t always before but...now.”
“Because he held you? God, this is my nightmare,” Remus grabbed Lily’s wand on the desk lightly, “Do me a favor and just shove this into my temple.” 
Lily laughed, “I’m not going to do that. I just...think that...if I figured out all of this in, what? Twenty four hours? It’s not going to be long before someone else does and that someone else might have way less self-control and stubborn pride than me.”
“Are you suggesting I get drunk and sleep in his bed?”
“I mean...when was the last time you had a good night's sleep?”
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weskin-time · 2 years
rubbing my hands evilly like a little man. making out w stars wesker in his office. that is all. i love ur work sm <3
YOU HAVE A MASSIVE BRAIN ANON!! and thank you :3 ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Sorry that this is a tad short!!
not beta read as always
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The blinds were closed, more than half of the people in the office were out for lunch, and yet you were still in the station. You don’t fully remember how you went from enjoying your lunch with your boyfriend in his office to being sat on his desk, him caging you in against him.
Albert Wesker leaned in closer to you, his lips on your own in a starving manner. He was rough with his kisses, his lips pressing up against your own, overwhelming you with the force. His entire being wrapped around you and you forgot you were in his office at work, his scent of his cologne made you dizzy as you kissed him back just as hard, your hands flying to wrap around his neck and your fist clenching onto his slicked back hair on his neck. His left arm moved to your waist, sliding you closer to him on the desk, making your hips touch as your legs spread to accommodate him, your calves wrapped around his hips pulling him closer in turn.
He pulled away from you suddenly, leaving you gasping and him trying to recover from the heated kisses he started, his glasses off and his blue eyes bore into yours with an emotion that sent a shock through your body.
“Dearheart, i’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this short.” He panted and left you a little confused. Maybe it was from being lightheaded thanks to the kiss but you cocked your head to the side.
“If we keep this up I won’t be able to stop myself.”
To help make his point his ground his hips into yours making your notice a hardness in his pants you somehow didn’t notice before. Your eyes went wide and heat rushed to your face, you wanted to continue so bad but you were still at work, the STARS unit might return soon from their lunch break and there’s no way they wouldn’t notice something. You searched his eyes still panting as you tried to wire your brain back into shape to make a choice, that or you were waiting for his next move to decide what the two of you would do you weren’t quite sure.
The sound of the door knob jiggling was your first warning, a millisecond and it registered in your brain what was going on, it shocked itself back into a non putty melted glob of meat and you pushed Albert away from you and he backed up like you had burned him. The door swung open and there stood Jill Valentine.
You tried to play it cool like you weren’t almost about to fuck your boss/boyfriend in his office by fixing your uniform and wrapping one ankle around the other. Wesker seemed to have the same idea by putting his sunglasses back on and running a hand through his blond hair to fix the damage you did to it.
Jill sauntered in, sending you a little glare with her eyes but a small smile tugged at her lips betraying her cold gaze, teasing you, her gaze flicked between you and the captain as he sat down in his chair with you still placed on the side of the desk. Your lucky you and here were very close friends or you would have melted into a puddle on the floor from the embarrassment, if Chris had walked in or Barry or gods forbid Rebecca you would have exploded on the spot.
“Here’s the report of last week you wanted after break.” Jill dropped some papers off on his desk. Albert sniffed and chocked out a thank you as she turned around and began to leave but she lingered at the door before turning her head around and looking back at you two over her shoulder.
“And I hope you know this isn’t a sound proof room.” She glanced at you, “Lucky I was the only one in the office.”
The door shutting was louder than normal as your embarrassment settled around the room.
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skzimagines · 1 year
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Part 9
Characters: Hyunjin x Female reader.
Genre: | Obsessive!Hyunjin |
Warnings: Smut | Swearing | alcohol | dominant sexual behavior |
Summary: After Chan and Hyunjin argue about the room situation, Y/N tells Hyunjin she’s not leaving with him. Tension fills the house as Chan tries to make things right between him and Hyunjin.
After the incident in the kitchen with Hyunjin, everyone went about their day. Hanging out by the lake, putting their stuff away, getting dinner ready.
I’m standing in the kitchen getting things ready for dinner when Chan walks in coming from upstairs. “Y/n, I need to talk to you.” He says, sitting on one of the bar stools at the kitchen bar. “What’s up?” I ask with a smile. “I think Hyunjin has a problem.” He states, nothing but seriousness in his voice. “Problem?” I ask, confused. “Yeah, a problem. Every time it comes to you, it’s like a switch flips inside his brain and he just becomes the biggest asshole in the world.” He says. I hum, not really knowing what to say. “Is he like that with you? Does he flip out on you like that?” He asks. “Uhh.. not necessarily. He got mad at me the night Minho kissed me, but he apologized and said he was in the wrong. He said he blamed it on the wrong person.” I say, putting the the lid on the container of food I finished. “I can understand him being upset about that situation, but the way he acted toward me yesterday… that was uncalled for.” He says, running his hand through his hair, letting out a sigh.
“Chan, I really am sorry. Maybe there’s something going on that he’s not telling anyone about? Maybe he just needs to talk.” I say, trying to think of anything that would be bothering him. “Do you think I should talk to him?” Chan asks. “That is totally up to you.” I say, sticking the Tupperware in the fridge. “Where is he at?” He asks. “Last I knew, he was down by the lake with Felix” I say, shrugging my shoulders, grabbing a knife out of the drawer to cut up the vegetables.
Chan makes his way down to the lake, spotting hyunjin sitting in the grass with Felix. “Hyunjin, can I talk to you for a second?” Hyunjin stands up, telling felix he’d be right back. Chan leads hyunjin back into the house, making their way to the sun room and making themselves comfortable on the couch. “What do you want to talk about?” Hyunjin asks, crossing his arms and legs on the couch. “What’s going on with you.. that’s what I want to talk about.” Chan says.
“What is there to talk about?” Hyunjin asks. “Your behavior when it comes to y/n.” He states. “What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about how crazy you become when it comes to her!” Chan exclaims. “Crazy? You think I’m crazy, because I don’t want her sleeping in the same room and the guy who made a move on her?” Hyunjin chuckles. “It was a prank, hyunjin!” Chan yells. “I don’t give a fuck if it was a prank Chan! What if I went and kissed your fucking girl and told everyone ‘it was just a fucking prank’ huh?” He yells back.
I heard the two arguing from the kitchen and make my way to the sun room where they are. “Hey, let’s cool down for a bit? Yeah?” I say softly to hyunjin, walking up behind him and rubbing his shoulders. “I want to leave y/n..” he whispers. “You’re not leaving hyunjin, I’m just not understanding why you feel this way. You said you forgave Minho, so why do you have such a problem with it?” Chan asks. “Why are you so persistent that Minho and I share a room anyway?” I ask Chan. He stays silent. “Yeah, that’s a good question baby.” Hyunjin says, staring at Chan with a questioningly look. “Felix and Ash are sharing a room. Why can’t we just sleep where ever we want? We’re not children.” I state. “Fine, whatever. Everyone just do whatever the fuck they want.” Chan says, getting up and going back outside.
I sigh, rubbing my temples with my fingers. “Let’s just go.” I whisper. Hyunjin turns around and looks up at me from the couch. “What?” He asks. “Let’s go, grab your shit. I want to leave, I’m done with this.” I say. He nods, getting up and heading toward the bedroom to grab his stuff.
“Where are you guys going?” I heard ash’s voice from behind me, causing me to jump. “I- ummm.. we’re leaving.” I say quietly. “Youre leaving?” She squeals. “Yeah, I think we just need a break from some things. Chan and hyunjin aren’t getting along.” I say with a sigh. “Is it because of the room situation?” Felix asks, walking up behind ash. I nod. “You do know Chan has a crush on you right?” Felix laughs. “He what!” I say a bit too loudly for my liking. “He’s trying to get you away from Hyunjin. I told him it was a bad idea.” Felix says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Who has a crush on her?” We all look over and see hyunjin standing in the doorway, hold his bags.
Our eyes go wide before ash let’s out a “oh shit.”
To be continued…
Tag list: @mimihwang248 @armystay89 @berryberrytan
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rhoorl · 7 months
Week in Review: Nov. 19
Hi there! Posting this recap a little later than usual because it was an action-packed weekend and I was a bit off my routine. I hope you had a good week. I’m coming up on a short work week (yay) because of the Thanksgiving holiday, so I’m looking forward to that! 
Here's a live look at me only having two days of work this week!
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Please indulge me in a quick(ish) story before I get on with the recap. This weekend, we took our daughter to a trampoline park to play (and get her energy out) and while there she made friends with another little girl. They were both playing with something and looked at each other and in an instant they were pals and walked around and bounced together for half an hour. 
While I was watching them, it made me think of my time here and the people I’ve met and interacted with. Whether it’s through a reblog, comment, ask, or DM, making friends on here is akin to making friends on the playground (or trampoline park).
It is all so simple when you realize, hey you like this *insert actor, movie, character, very specific gif, etc*? Me too? Now we’re friends. Let’s yell about it! 🙂 In person, I can be reserved and shy, especially when meeting new people, so being on here has all been an exercise in pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I still get so nervous and second-guess myself a lot on here, but I’m going to keep at it because so far it’s brought some laughs, thots, and just overall great conversation to my DMs and beyond.
Ok, now onto the recap and assorted other ramblings…
Fics I read this week:
My TBR list grows and grows - I wish I had more time in the day to read more things. Here’s what I got to this week:
Frankie Morales
Six and a Half Minutes - Frankie’s version by @avastrasposts - Welp, Mel, I can honestly tell you now that when I’m cooking and have a timer on I will be thinking of this. 
Javier Peña
Dry Run by @chronically-ghosted - Javi dancing …. The descriptions in this are top-notch!
Joel Miller
Medicine by @goodwithcheese - Like I said in my reblog, my brain short-circuited a bit with a mention of Joel with wet hair, but this was really a beautiful piece! 
Dieter Bravo
Thrash Metal and The Bow Tie by @morallyinept I needed a cold shower after Trash Metal. I mean, the header image alone 🫠 and The Bow Tie is a little giflet featuring one of my favorite Pedro red carpet looks.
His Place of Peace by @nerdieforpedro As much as I love a smutty Dieter fic, I’m equally in love with a fluffy one (hi, yes I see Working Title staring me in the face - I haven’t forgotten you). 
Benny Miller 
Another week of me being absolutely out of my mind feral for this man … I had to channel it with a few one-shots and then some writing of my own.
All I Need by @dameronscopilot - Ok, this one took me on a journey and the smut was smutting on this one for sure. 
Ribbed by @mermaidxatxheart - The header graphic for this alone sent me on a bit of a tailspin and then I settled in for a super hot little one-shot. 
I also threw an ask over to @musings-of-a-rose and she delivered in spades. 
Current Compulsory Series:
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment.
Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog 
I Like the Way You (Frankie) by @undercoverpena
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest Still one chapter behind along with some extras I have on my TBR list!
Posts from the week:
A fun writing challenge popped up that I think is pretty cool! I’ve never written for Javi P before, but if there was ever a time, it is now! Also, check out the awesome header @trulybetty made for it!!
I got my Javi and Joel pencils from by @fuckyeahpaperco! Now there’s more - sticky notes and washi tape!! Mr. Rhoorl may be getting a few links for my Christmas list lol 
I got tagged in some fun posts this week. Here’s a little get-to-know-me and an aura quiz.
Feral corner:
Where do I even start … this week was one for the record books and I’m not sure if the feral corner can capture it all.
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The Strange Way of Life behind-the-scenes gifsets were almost too much. Like this one and this one. Goodness, I was an absolute mess the day these graced my dash.
It’s hard to pick a top three when it comes to Pedro characters, but this post makes a compelling point for these three.
Young Joel is always on the brain, so this post of just his arms was 🫠 Also, some Young Joel in the morning. If you’re curious about how I picture Counsin Joel in Delta Landscaping, it’s like this.
Some more assorted posts that man me feral: Tim Rockford thots, Black Shirt Javi, a compilation of Pedro boys’ kisses, and Pedro dressed as Dieter sends me. This little moment from The Bubble is just so sweet it almost cured my WT writer’s block.
Garrett Hedlund
Garrett gets his own little spot on the feral corner, because …. Well, I think this post started it all. But then a good Benny gifset always gets me.  I still need to watch his new show, thanks to posts like this and this.
Things I watched:
I saw a few things this week - I rewatched Strange Way of Life and still love it. Ugh so good! I was so overwhelmed the first time I saw it, so seeing it again was helpful to pick up on the little things I missed (like Pedro’s tricep).
For a fun throwback, I watched Green Street Hooligans this week. Thank you to @laurfilijames for letting me yell about it. I forgot how much I liked that movie and how hot Charlie Hunnam was in it.
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I also went to the movie theater this week to see the new Hunger Games movie. I didn’t read the book, I literally have it sitting next to my desk mocking me because I thought I’d be able to read it before the movie came out. I thought visually the movie was beautiful, but I was a bit confused by the ending. Snow is supposed to be this evil figure in the original trilogy but I didn’t find his turn to be that convincing in this prequel. But maybe it’s because I missed something? I don’t know, the ending felt rushed to me.
Personal Stuff
A month down in my health journey and I’m feeling a lot better! The Thanksgiving holiday will be a big test, but I’m trying to not beat myself up too much and just enjoy it. 
I went to a concert this weekend and I had a blast! I really liked Ice Nine Kills before this, but now I’m an even bigger fan. They put on a great show (I loved how campy some of their antics were), and they sound amazing too. Plus, their lead singer isn’t bad on the eyes (again I’m feral AF).
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I also finished up my Pedro 2024 desk calendar. I’ll take some pictures when it finally arrives from Shutterfly. 
Fic updates:
Gave Frankie some love this week on the latest episode of Delta Landscaping! I was also distracted by Benny this week (and my thots) and put out a Part Two of Are You On Mute. I’ve taken a little writing break, but I miss my characters so I’m hoping to get some writing in this week. 
Thank you as always for reading and listening to all of my rambles!
Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? (Benny Miller, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? Part Two
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burnthoneydrops · 1 year
Blonde (r.b. x reader)
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pairing: robin buckley x female!reader, band au
word count: 2.4k
warnings: language, use of she/her pronouns, reference to time appropriate homophobia
a/n: had this idea while I was at a concert last night and really wanted to write it so here it is! hope you enjoy!! <3 (also not proof read haha)
You’re nervous. You’re shaking your hands out in front of you and you’re nervous. You can hear the crowd chatting to each other out by the bar, the sound of low mutterings and glasses clinking echoing off the wall and into your ears. Running your hands through your hair, you smooth some pieces down before fluffing up others, trying to give your shaking hands something else to focus on. It’s not even the biggest show you’ve played and yet you’re nervous as all hell. 
Morgan, the drummer, walks into the dressing room. “Woah dude, are you ok?” 
“Huh? Yeah fine, totally fine,” you mutter. 
She scoffs, “your hands are shaking and you keep moving your foot like you need to crack it or something. What’s up?” 
“Just pre-show nerves. It happens all the time,” you try and brush her off. 
“Have you talked to Robin yet?” She asks, sitting down on the couch. 
“No. Something about her shift getting moved and Keith would be weird about her being on the phone during work hours or something,” you respond. That’s what it was. You haven’t talked to Robin yet and your nerves are out of control because of it. Pre-show nerves are something that happen before every gig you’ve played thus far, even when you were just an extra vocalist for Corroded Coffin when Eddie lost his voice for a week. But something else that usually happens is you calling Robin on the public phone outside so she can talk you through it and reassure that you’re going to be amazing like she always says you are. Just hearing her voice through the phone makes you feel better; even if you know she can’t be at every show physically, talking to her before you go on means she’s going to be bouncing around in your brain in the best way possible, which makes things feel all that much better. 
This show isn’t too far from Hawkins, seeing as you and your band were looking for bigger venues and Hawkins definitely doesn’t have those. It’s still a shitty bar in the middle of a city, but it at least fits more people and has more stage room so Hannah, your bassist, doesn’t fall into the audience again. She claims it was her attempt at crowd surfing, but you all know she just wasn’t watching where she was going, too busy thrashing her head around as Morgan kicked up the energy on the drums. 
“Damn, that nerd has them on that tight of a leash huh?” Morgan asks, pulling you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Yeah, I also get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much so it wouldn't really help if she tried to explain”. 
“Does he like anybody?” Morgan snorts back and you shrug, not really sure. 
“He gives me the creeps if I’m honest,” you answer after a few seconds, going back to adjusting your hair in the mirror. 
“Hey, I doubt it’s changed much in the 15 seconds since you touched it last, leave your hair alone. Don’t go messing up all my hard work,” Morgan stands up and grabs your wrists before you can touch your hair again. She did in fact spend 20 minutes with you making sure it looked ‘cool’ enough for this crowd of what you were expecting to be mostly drunks. 
“There you guys are!” Victoria, your lead guitarist, announces herself as she walks into the dressing room, “we’re on in 5!” She sounds exasperated and you and Morgan share a look before Morgan drops your hands, assuring you you’re going to kick ass no matter what happens. 
You try to take in her words, but all you can think about is how much you miss Robin and how much you want to hop in the van and drive to Hawkins just to see her again. You know she’s proud of you, as she tells you that every time you call her, but it feels weird living your dream without her. Before history class sophomore year, your dream had been exactly this, performing on stage to an audience who knew your songs and could sing it back to you (well this one would be at least a partial audience but it was close enough). But then you met Robin, the girl who made you smile and laugh like no other and who’s hug felt like home wherever you were, and she quickly snuck her way into your dream as well. Steve was the one who convinced her that you actually did like her like that, even after you dropped some not so subtle hints that the blonde girl had you absolutely wrapped around her finger. 
“Y/N, come on! Time to show them what we’ve got!” Victoria calls as she realises you’re not following them. You crack your knuckles, looking in the mirror one last time before running out after them. The crowd is already applauding and hollering when you take your place on the stage, and you can’t help the smile that etches onto your face at the reaction. People are walking to and from the bar, drinks in hand as they clap for the four of you. Hannah smiles at you as you two make eye contact, the familiar adrenaline carrying you past any stage fright from before. The same thoughts linger in the back of your head, but you try and turn the nerves into excitement, fuelling the adrenaline like Robin told you to. 
“Um, hey everyone!” The microphone squeaks and the feedback sends hands over ears. You clear your throat awkwardly before gripping the microphone softly. “Sorry about that,” you laugh, trying to brush it off, “we’re the Suburban Rejects and we just wanted to thank you guys for coming out tonight. How’s everyone feeling?” The crowd cheers once again, though you notice a few people already drunk off their asses. 
“You guys ready?” You turn toward your band and they all nod, Victoria smirking as her fingers trace over the strings in anticipation. “Alright!” You shoot your attention back to the audience, “this is our first song, Violet Summer and I hope you enjoy!” 
“One two three four!” Morgan whisper-shouts so the rest of the band can hear before shooting off into her usual drum induced trance. Hannah is soon to follow, building the bass line as Victoria strikes out the familiar power chords. You tap your foot along to the main beat as you look out over the crowd, noticing some people nodding their heads and tapping along with you. Another rush of adrenaline hits you and as the first verse starts, you’re practically smiling into the microphone as you begin singing. You turn to look at Victoria as you sing, taking the microphone from the stand and walking closer to her, leaning from behind her so your head fits between her shoulder and her neck, the smile on her face growing as you sing into her ear. She turns to the side slightly so you can be back to back, and she rests her head against yours, your side profiles exposed to the audience. Next you cross the stage to Hannah and she jokingly flips you off, causing you to turn to the audience with a sad face before smiling again and making your way back to center. 
A few songs into the set and you’re starting to feel much more comfortable. You’ve gotten the audience on your side, except for the already mentioned drunks, and you can finally feed off of the energy enough that you don’t have to worry about a little voice crack here and there. Morgan crashes her drumsticks on the cymbals repeatedly as the current song comes to a close, and you finally stop jumping around long enough to introduce the next song. 
“Alright, now we’re going to get a little more sentimental. But don’t worry, we’re keeping the energy up as always. This song is called Blonde and I hope you guys like it,” you smile at the audience before Morgan counts you guys off again, the familiar chords from Victoria’s electric guitar bouncing throughout the room. The crowd had gathered closer to the stage as the set went on, and you lean forward to run your hand through those that were sticking their hands up, trying to give each a little high five. This song is so very obviously about Robin, but you had framed it as if you were someone else looking in on the relationship, hoping that it would keep the homophobic responses you were trying to avoid at bay. As the chorus kicks in and you start jumping around again, you do a little circle around yourself and glance out into the audience again. In a moment that you couldn’t have planned any better, Hannah nudges you in what you think is a joking manner before she tilts her head, wordlessly instructing you to look in a certain direction. 
There she is. 
The muse herself is standing at the back of the audience, her arms crossed against her chest and a proud smile gracing her face. She looks so beautiful you almost stumble over your feet. Victoria laughs and you flip her off, closing your eyes as you continue to sing, trying to keep the blush trying to show itself as undetectable as possible. 
“Lips so sweet/they’re dancing on the rooftop/Angel face almost makes her heart stop,” you sing as you make eye contact with Robin. You hadn’t gotten a chance to play this song for her yet, and you hope that she gets the reference to your first “date”. Steve had invited a bunch of people over for a party when his parents were away and when the stuffy house had gotten too much for you and Robin, she grabbed your hand and took you to sit on Steve’s roof with her. The sun was setting and it was creating the most beautiful halo around her face. “I’m going to kiss you and if you hate it then we can pretend it never happened and I’ll never talk to you again ok?” You had asked, not usually one for rambling with nerves but that was just something she did to you. Without responding, she grabbed your face between her hands and made the first move for you, connecting your lips and kissing all the nerves out of you. 
A knowing smile crosses her face as she lets out a quiet laugh, blowing you a small kiss from her spot in the audience, which causes you to quickly wink back in recognition. You look just to her left and see Steve standing next to her, waving at you with his car keys in hand. Your heart almost melts at the effort these two must have put in to make their way here. 
“Get yourself together lover girl, we’ve got three more songs to play!” Morgan laughs at you as you turn to her to have a moment to collect yourself. 
“Shut up!” You laugh playfully and turn back to the audience as the song comes to a finish, Victoria strumming out the last few chords as Morgan smashes the cymbals again. 
Now it was as if the last few songs couldn’t finish fast enough. You rush off stage as soon as you can, thanking the audience quickly before heading back into the dressing room anxiously. The rest of the band follow soon after you, already making fun of your current state, teasing you about how in love you are. You’re grateful that you have the bandmates that you do, seeing as they don’t care that your relationship is with Robin and not Steve. You hear the backstage door open and two pairs of feet scurrying in before it can close and it takes all of you not to run everyone over to greet them. 
“Hello?” Steve calls as they round the corner to the dressing room. 
“Go be a lovesick idiot,” Hannah smiles at you, giving you a light shove. 
You run toward the pair, Steve scooting to the side before he gets run into. Robin smiles widely at you, wrapping you in her famous hugs before putting a little space between the two of you, her hands still around your waist. “That was absolutely amazing!” She compliments you, but you barely process it, only thinking how lucky you are that she’s here. 
You can hardly keep yourself together, so instead of trying to let out whatever mumbled garbage would spill out of your mouth, you pull yourself closer to her, kissing her with all the pent up emotions you’d been holding since the tour started. “What am I? Chopped liver?” Steve complains sarcastically, causing Robin to shove him with the arm that she unwrapped from your waist before quickly putting it back in its original spot. 
“Alright guys, break it up,” Morgan calls as the rest of the band make their way over. 
“I can’t believe you made it,” you whisper to Robin as you turn so she has her arm around your waist as you stand shoulder to shoulder. 
“I wouldn’t miss my best girl for the world. You killed it like I told you you would,” she smiles down at you before turning to face the rest of the band. “That was an awesome show you guys. Seriously awesome”. 
“Thanks Robin, glad you two could make it. This one was an absolute wreck before we went on. One night without her usual phone call and she was going to flip her shit,” Victoria motions to you, a playful smirk on her face. 
“Hey! I was not going to flip my shit!” You try to defend yourself. 
“It’s ok, you don’t have to hide it around us,” Hannah chimes in. 
“Don’t be ashamed Y/n!” Morgan starts, “be who you are!” She sings in an awful voice, purposefully doing a horrible job of staying in whatever key she picked. 
“You all suck!” You call to the group of them before turning your head into Robin’s shoulder. 
Robin’s laugh causes her shoulders to shake against you, “I love you” she mutters against your hair as the group bursts out in laughter. You flip them all off with your head still buried in Robin’s shoulder, thankful for the height difference she usually teases you about. You might be incredibly embarrassed right now, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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tgmsunmontue · 22 days
Life is too short to waste time matching socks... (3/?)
Hangster and Bob/Javy/Nat - set post mission with the Dagger Squad having been made a permanent squad.
              “Rooster! Hey, can I have a quick word? Maybe bring that lunch date forward?” Hangman asks, and his hand is on Bradley’s arm and Bradley raises an eyebrow at the phrasing but nods, follows him and ignores the waggling eyebrows Phoenix is making when he glances back over his shoulder to where she is still standing and watching him walk away. At least the interrogation about last night’s dinner is over.
              “Last night when I got home both Trace and Bob were there, and they were all cuddled up on the sofa, looked like Bob was about to take Javy’s shirt off but I interrupted.”
              “Holy shit.”
              “I know.”
              “How do we let them know we’re okay with the three of them being together?”
              “Well, I think I’ll just ask Javy. We’re pretty upfront about shit like that. I’ll tell him it’s cool.”
              “And what if he denies it?”
              “Then we have to catch them in the act.”
              Bradley pulls a face, because while he is supportive and wants his friends to be happy, he also doesn’t want to walk in on anyone while they think they’re having a private moment.
              “You don’t want to see three hot people getting freaky Bradshaw?”
              “No. Voyeurism is not something I get off on. Makes me feel… bad for intruding.”
              “Ugh. I’m not talking about ambushing them. Like last night, I was walking into my own house and they were just all sitting there, out in the open. They weren’t trying to hide.”
              “Maybe they’re not trying to hide? Maybe they’re just waiting for us to get a clue?”
              “Maybe…” Bradley offers, but he doesn’t think it’s quite right.
…           …           …
              “Hey, sorry about interrupting the three of you last night.”
              “What?” Javy asks, looking up from his book, the words Jake just said running through his head and he still can’t parse them.
              “You and Bob and Phoenix. Happy for you bro.”
              “Uh… what?”
              “You can stop pretending or hiding, I’m okay with you being in a relationship with both Bob and Phoenix.”
              “Not that I need your permission or blessing for a relationship, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
              “That’s okay, it’s fine if you’re not ready to share yet, but I just wanted to let you know I won’t have a problem with it.”
              Javy isn’t sure what to say, mumbles thanks as Jake punches his shoulder and saunters off and he feels like he definitely came off worse in that exchange, because not only did he not get any information about how Jake feels about his dinner with Rooster, but Jake thinks he’s… what? With both Bob and Phoenix?
              He hasn’t thought about it before. Well. He’s had sex with both Bob and Natasha, but not both of them together at the same time. His brain sparks with images, able to provide plenty of evidence of his time with both of them and he’s imagining being with them both and it would be, could only be, better. Oh god. Is this where their friendship is headed? Does he want it to? Do either of the other two think that’s where they’re heading? He looks around the empty break room, wonders if this is a suitable place to maybe have a little baby freak out. Of course that’s when the door opens and one of the subjects of said freak out walks in.
              “Hey Bob…”
        ��     “Coyote. Javy. You okay?”
              “Yeah. Uh. Yeah.”
              He’s slept with friends before. Hell. He’s slept with Jake, and if that wasn’t the biggest fucking realization he ever had about what he wanted and didn’t want in a sexual partner. He’s also slept with strangers, and he knows he prefers sex with people he knows and likes. Bob and Phoenix were both fantastic and okay, he may have fantasized about both of them, but not seriously. Not considered an actual relationship with both of them.
              “You ever had a threesome Bob?”
              Bob’s head whips around so fast, eyes wide and he looks shocked by the question, but Javy knows better, knows it’s totally a front.
              “I don’t usually kiss and tell. Why do you ask?”
              “Yeah, sorry. Just. I wasn’t talking about sex though. Well. Not just sex. I meant like a relationship with three people. You and two others.”
              “A polyamorous relationship you mean? Where everyone knows everyone?”
              “I haven’t been in one. I wouldn’t rule it out though.”
              Javy meets his gaze and it’s serious, contemplative and he swallows, wonders, hopes, that maybe he’s reading into this right.
…           …           …
              He settles himself opposite Hangman, stretches his legs out and apologizes when he bumps his legs. The apology is waved away.
              “Has Bob talked to you yet? He wants to go for a drink and do an escape room thing. He was talking about how he was going to talk to you about it,” Bradley says, ordering a bowl of fries and a beer from the hovering server. Hangman hasn’t moved his legs and he can feel the warmth from them seeping into his own legs.
              “He hasn’t yet. Do you think they’ve nominated him to break the news to us in a place where we can’t just run away?”
              “I don’t think they actually lock you in the room,” Bradley snorts.
              “No, I know that. But Bob will think it’s a way of making us work together and communicate better… but we’re already doing that because we’re trying to figure out what him and Javy and Phoenix are up to.”
              “You seriously think that they’ve together?”
              “Javy looked completely poleaxed when I confronted him, like he hadn’t realized that other people might realize they were together.”
              “Well, Phoenix denied that they’re together, but she was lying when I asked if she’d had sex with them.”
              “You can tell when she’s lying?”
              “Yep. So I think that they’re maybe not together together yet. I think they’re figuring things out.”
              “Huh. Okay then. I guess we’re doing an escape room with Bob then.”
              “Yeah. I guess so.”
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babyfairy · 11 months
hello…life updates lol
i saw the little mermaid with my mom and my niece (we went on my mom’s birthday 💌) and i loved it??!? i think halle was the perfect choice for ariel!! i was so enchanted by her mannerisms the entire film. she’s got such an otherworldly beauty so paired with her voice she REALLY looks and feels like a disney princess…loved her so much. no comment on awkwafina’s unfortunate addition to the film
we’re restarting one of our long running dnd campaigns and i’m pretty sad about it ❤️‍🩹 it’s the best choice because the setting was made by our DM a long time ago and she wants a reset because she’s improved her narration/lore/etc since its creation but it’s still sad and hard to let go. i’m really excited to relive some of my favorite moments with some new twists and i have a deeper understanding of my character now so i think i’ll only end up loving her more as i replay her. dnd with my friends is truly one of my favorite hobbies and it’s so important to me! there have been so many changes throughout the years i’ve played but i’m so glad to still be playing despite it because it’s very fun and therapeutic lol
i got a raise at work 🫨 not that it makes much of a difference LMFAO but i was seriously considering leaving my job before my raise so it’s nice to be making a little more money. the cost of living in washington is so insane that i feel really unsure of my future lol but it’s seriously my dream to own my own house. just a little one story house that i can call my own. i know it seems like a small dream lol but it’s literally my number one motivation and i’m always daydreaming about how i’d decorate my own home inside and out!!
i finally bought tears of the kingdom and i’ve been obsessed with it!!! not surprised because i loved breath of the wild lol. i love link so much he’s such a cool protagonist. always wanted to be like him when i was a kid LMAOO either him or sheik! i would say i’m more like a deku scrub…💀 like look at this fella…
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like….???!!!! THATS ME…the lil angry face. love these guys. anyways i love the game LMAO i hit about 50 hours and realized i should maybe try tackling my first dungeon 💀 it’s just so much fun to run around and collect ingredients and koroks…plus i have a little pack of zelda amiibo cards so every day i hop on and scan them all so i can open treasure chests as a little treat…love it!!! i can’t wait to see king sidon again btw. that’s the light of my life
ever since my OCD diagnosis i’ve been avoiding my therapist (L) and struggling to really understand why but i think it’s because i feel guilty about being diagnosed LMAO…i have like this weird fixation on unknowingly manipulating/lying to others and my brain keeps trying to convince me i manipulated her into a diagnosis. i don’t feel like i have “real” OCD if that makes sense. and i feel this weird sense of guilt about making light of it or like taking resources from people with real, severe OCD. it’s frustrating because i know that’s definitely a symptom of OCD but i also feel like none of my symptoms are legitimate and they’re just delusions. it’s incessant. which like logically is that probably just a symptom of the OCD? yeah but i also am having trouble admitting that to myself for some reason lol. at least not without guilt or shame attached and i really try to avoid feeling that way if i can. anyways it’s a real pain in the ass and i finally sucked it up and made an appointment for tomorrow so i can try to talk through some of this with her
i’m up and down a lot, it’s been the worst year of my life i think lol but somehow i’m still chugging along 💀 every day i put the rainbow clown wig back on and march thru my day despite it all though so it’s whatever i guess. definitely going thru my saturn return and ngl so far it sucks and i definitely hate it but you know! my 20s have been Not Great so maybe my 30s will be better for it. hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. let me know what you’re up to in my inbox if you want! i always like when people message me their life updates lol. it’s sweet when people think of me as someone they want to update ❣️
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WIP Middas
Thank you @skyrim-forever for the tag! I spent most of my creative juices this week on the first chapter of my 3rd era au (shameless plug sorry it just hasn’t gotten any reads yet) but I did get randomly compelled to write some of a post-game Tilia and Lae’zel AU for I’m not sure what reasons. So here’s that! Big BG3 spoilers relating to Lae’zel’s personal quest.
Tagging @thequeenofthewinter @umbracirrus and @throughtrialbyfire
“Who’s the devil child?” he asked in Githyanki. Tilia would pout about that description, but there were no other words for tieflings in our language.
“Her name is Tilia.” I gave my response in Gith’s tongue, too. Upon hearing her own name, Tilia looked up. “She doesn’t speak Githyanki. You will address her in the common tongue or in Draconic.”
He scoffed, but I held his gaze. “Fine.” He scanned Tilia again. “You speak Draconic, istik?”
She broke into her usual sincere smile. Chk. Should have coached her against that. “I do! My name is Tilia of Tragedy.” She shot me a joking side-eye, probably for not having given her full name.
He rolled his eyes and turned around. “Follow.” He repeated it in Githyanki for the other soldiers around us, who complied. I held a hand in front of Tilia’s chest, waiting until everyone was a few steps ahead to whisper to her in Common. She opened her mouth before I did.
“Does he not speak Common?”
“No. All githyanki do.” She looked confused at that. “He intends to test whether or not you truly know the language.”
“Does he know I speak it instinctively?” she asked.
“Likely.” I checked to make sure we were out of sight of the other gith, then grabbed Tilia’s chin to kiss her. She giggled and gently ran a scaled wrist across my forehead, placing her other hand on my chest as if to try to find a heartbeat through the armor.
“Are you nervous at all, Lae’zel?” It was a question she clearly knew the answer to.
“No. I have earned my place in this council,” I responded. Both of her arms were now around my neck, placing her chest close to mine.
“And me?”
I let my hand glide over the scales on her cheeks. “Are half of why the Prince of the Comet is free. Now come. We are falling behind.” I broke out of the embrace. The gap between us and the others was sizable, so my pace had to be quick to try to close it.
Tilia seemed to run out of breath after a few
minutes and eventually resorted to flying to keep up. I noticed a few of the other githyanki shooting her looks, but I wasn’t sure of the emotion behind them. There was likely to be some distrust of her devilish appearance here, but none that she couldn’t counter. Tilia was nothing if not persistent.
When we eventually caught up, I scanned the unit and our surroundings. There were six soldiers, plus the kith’rak, all of whom appeared to be carrying both crossbows and various melee weapons. The meeting hall we were heading towards was visible, but still distant, and the terrain seemed otherwise empty. Tilia tapped me on the shoulder.
“This is a lot of people for an escort, isn’t it?” She sounded nervous.
“The creatures of the Astral Plane often prove to be fearsome foes. We typically travel in large groups.” 
She was still anxiously tapping her staff against her hand. “We’re just sure they’re not here for… us?”
“Are you expressing distrust in my people?”
She seemed to consider. “No. I think I’m just nervous.”I tried to think of a way to reassure her that wouldn’t outwardly portray any romantic intent; eventually I settled on gently patting her between the wings. She smiled. “I’ll be good to see Orpheus again,” she said.
“Prince Orpheus,” I corrected.
“Prince Orpheus. Hopefully he’s not still mad at me. He seemed to cool off after we actually took down the brain, though.” I snorted. I was sure Tilia would get the prince to enjoy her company- it was her strongest skill. And any battle alongside her would quickly make him respect her capabilities. I realized it was strange for me to consider those two different things.
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takemebackto-eden · 8 months
EM ‘Hey Stranger’ • Chapter One - Black Magic Woman
Chapter summary: A new person in town arrives at Hawkins Record Store.
Content warning: alcohol use, mention of weed.
‘Yes, you’ve got your spell on me, baby, 
You’ve turned my heart into stone, 
I need you so bad, magic woman, I can’t leave you alone’ 
Black Magic Woman - Fleetwood Mac 
Friday / 10:55pm: closing time / Hawkins Record Store
Eddie: [headphones over his ears, listening to Metallica on his cassette tape, muttering to himself] “How did the slushie get on the damn ceiling?” 
Earlier that day:
Dustin and the gang flooded into the record store, noisy and shoving their way through the door, much to the manager’s annoyance. As Dustin and Mike ogled at the busty ladies on the covers of various metal records, El and Max rolled their eyes and shoved them, hard enough to spill slushie all over the floor, and on the ceiling apparently. 
Engrossed in mopping the floor, Eddie didn’t hear the “ring-ring” of the bell above the door signalling a customer’s entrance, despite the lights being dimmed and the ‘closed’ sign turned on the door.
Nina: (quietly) “Excuse me, can you help me please?”
Eddie continued to mop the floor, singing along to himself softly.
Nina: [tapping Eddie on the shoulder] “Excuse me?”
Eddie: [letting out a girlish squeal, throwing the mop in the air, hitting the customer in the face] “Fuck!” 
Nina: [holding her nose in pain, eyes watering, annoyed] “Holy shit, what the fuck man?” 
Eddie: (earnestly, heart racing in shock, disorientated) “Oh fuck, oh shit, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” 
Nina: (sarcastically) “Oh, never better, you just broke my nose!” 
Eddie: [running around the store, searching for tissues for her nose] “I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there, can I get you anything?” 
Nina: [scrunching her nose up, checking for blood] “A new nose maybe?” 
Eddie: (joking)”We just sold our last one this morning, sorry!” 
Eddie inwardly cringed at his poor attempt at a joke, smiling sheepishly at the customer as she gave him a deadpanned stare.
Eddie: (blushing, scratching his neck nervously) “I don’t know why I said that, that was dumb, sorry. Are you okay?” 
Stupid, stupid, stupid, he thought. 
Nina: [blinking away her watery eyes] “It’s okay, it was an accident. I should have knocked.” [Checking the door, seeing the CLOSED sign] “and maybe checked the door,” [joking] “guess we’re both at fault, huh?” 
Eddie: [bewildered] “Sure…” 
The mop lay on the wet floor of the record store. Eddie stood in the puddle, arms dangling limply by his side. He looked at the customer in awe, blushing.
You’re new, he thought. 
It was rare to get girls in the record store. 
Nina: [tugging at her cardigan sleeves, shy under Eddie’s gaze] “I’m looking for an album, I was wondering if you have it in stock? I know it’s past closing time but I’m desperate, and then we can call it even. Cool?” 
Eddie: [feeling nervous, small smile on his face, palms sweaty] “Sure, what are you looking for?” 
Nina: “I’m looking for Rumours by Fleetwood Mac on vinyl, any luck? Mine’s broken.” 
Eddie: [springing into life, false enthusiasm] “Why of course! Here at Hawkins Record Store we’re here to cater to all musical tastes!” 
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Eddie skipped over to the back corner of the store, doing dramatic jazz hands in front of the rock section. Nina watched, amused. The corner was decorated with twinkly fairy lights and bohemian wall hangings, and smelled like opium incense.
This is the first place since coming to Hawkins that felt like home, thought Nina.
Nina: [quietly] “Thanks.” 
Eddie stood behind Nina, watching her every move, as she flicked through the vinyls Nina found herself smiling at how adorably awkward the cute shop clerk is. Eddie racked his brain of ways to carry on the conversation.
Eddie: [awkwardly] “So, uh, your last vinyl broke huh? That good, is it?” 
Nina: [shyly] “Oh it broke in some boxes, I’ve just moved here.” [Eyes flicking between Eddie and the vinyls.]
Eddie: “Thought I hadn’t seen you around. I would definitely remember seeing you.” 
Eddie blushed at the realisation of what he said, Nina smiled at his comment. Eddie felt giddy that he made her smile. 
A peaceful quietness settled in the store. Eddie shamelessly checked out the cute customer, ogling at her behind. He shook himself back to reality, embarrassed by dirty staring.
Eddie: [voice squeaky, loud in the quiet room] “Two for one on selected albums!” 
Nina: [turning around, puzzled] “…Sorry?” 
Eddie: [awkwardly] “We, erm, have two for the price of one on certain items. Spring sale, y’know, all that jazz.”
You’re making an idiot of yourself, Eddie thought. 
Nina: [smiling, eager to engage in conversation] “Oh cool, anything you’d recommend?” 
Nina doesn’t know anyone in Hawkins besides Robin and her Mom, and Eddie looked like the sort of friends she had back home. 
Excitement bubbles in Eddie’s stomach. The cute girl is talking to me. Be cool. 
Eddie: [enthusiastically] “A personal favourite of mine is Ride the Lightning, ten out of ten would recommend.” [He pulls the album off the rack, presenting it to her]
Nina: “Wow, ten out of ten, I’ll have to give it a go. But if it sucks, I’m blaming you.” [Nina’s smile widened, fidgeting in her spot under his stare.]
Is she flirting with me? Eddie thought. No, she can’t be. 
Eddie: [attempting to flirt, reciprocating her smile] “I will happily take the blame, though I doubt you’ll be disappointed.” 
Eddie rang up her bill, his mind desperately trying to think of ways to continue the conversation. Instead, they stood quietly as Nina fumbled with her purse.
Nina: [eyeing up Eddie’s name tag on his black shirt] “See you around, Eddie.” [Smiles, picks up her bag and leaves.]
Eddie can’t remember saying goodbye, or anything at all, as she walked out of the store. 
I didn’t even ask her name. 
Eddie finished up mopping the floor, smiling a shit eating dimpled grin to himself. 
Eddie thought about her all weekend, even volunteering to cover other people’s shifts in hopes of seeing her again, to no avail. He even told Dustin about her, to which Dustin mocked his terrible flirting skills and how he forgot to ask her name: branding her mysterious Fleetwood Mac girl. 
Monday / 8:55AM / Hawkins High School. 
Eddie is face down on the lunch table, half asleep, waiting for the 9AM bell to ring. Dustin, Will and Mike exchanging D & D theories. El and Max talking about the Beach Boys, Lucas groaning and rolling his eyes. 
At the next table, Steve is ranting about another failed date, while Nancy and Jonathan joke at his expense. 
The cafeteria is loud, and Eddie is tired. 
The 9AM bell rings, and everyone pours into the hallways to go to the first lesson of the day.
Eddie: [yawning, pulling his books out of his locker, grumpy in the morning.] “Fucking English” [tired] “Who gives a shit what Hemingway says anyway.” 
Robin and Nina make their way down the corridor, on their way to first period.
Eddie chokes on his own spit, hiding himself behind the door of his locker.
Shit shit shit. 
Robin: [smiling, too happy for so early in the morning] “Hey Eddie! Meet my cousin who isn’t actually my cousin, Nina! She’s just transferred here!”
Eddie: [peeping his head around the locker door, a nervous smile on his face, raking his hands through his hair, shy]“Hi.” 
Nina: [amused, smiling] “We’ve met before actually, Eddie here nearly broke my nose.” 
She has blue- no, grey eyes, Eddie thought. 
Eddie: [smiling too, but dying of embarrassment] “I threw a mop at her face.” 
Nice one, dumbass. 
Robin: [looking confused, then laughing] “I’m not going to ask! Come on, I’ll walk you to Maths.” 
Damn, I forgot how cute she was.
As Robin dragged Nina down the corridor, Nina turned around and gave a small wave to Eddie, which Eddie reciprocated, before continuing to laugh merrily down the corridor to Maths. Eddie took a moment to compose himself before slamming his locker door, walking to English.
12:40pm, lunchtime / Hawkins High School cafeteria. 
Eddie’s eyes flick around the room, mind alert, waiting for Nina to enter the cafeteria; eyes glued to the table below him when she enters. He can’t help himself from glancing up occasionally, watching her every move, not being subtle. 
Nina sat down beside Robin two tables away from him, with Steve, Nancy and Johnathan. 
She laughed hard at a joke Steve made, slapping his arm playfully.
Eddie felt stupid over how jealous he was, he barely knew the girl, but he wanted to be the one she leaned on when he made her laugh so much. 
He looked at Nina and then down at the table bitterly.
Dustin: [waving his hand in Eddie’s face] “Hello, earth to Eddie?” 
Mike: [shaking his head at Eddie] “You’re wasting your time dude, he’s long gone.” 
Max: [muttering] “Maybe Vecna has possessed him.”
Lucas: [shaking his head, laughing Max] “Too soon.” [Max grinned at him.] 
Eddie: [blinking, returning to earth from his jealous fantasies] “Huh, what?”
Gareth: [laughing] “You were totally staring at the new girl.”
Jeff: “I don’t blame him, she’s hot.” [Not so subtly glancing at Nina.] 
Argyle: [to Jeff, sassy] “She’d never go for a freak like you in a million years.” 
The table erupts in “damn”’s and “oh shit”’s.
She’d never go for a freak like me either Jeff, Eddie thought. 
Dustin: [quietly, pulling Eddie to the side] “You okay, man?”
Eddie: [hushed] “The new girl is Fleetwood Mac Gi- Nina. She’s called Nina”. 
Dustin: [erupting, standing up from his seat] “No way! That’s awesome! It must be fate! The love story begins!” 
Eddie drags Dustin back down to his seat as people stare.
Will: “Why are we shushing?”
Mike: “When has Eddie ever shushed, or been shushed?” 
El: “What’s going on?” 
Lucas: “Eddie has a girlfriend, what?”
Dustin: [laughing] “Eddie’s in looooove!” [doing his signature purr that he does for the ladies]
Questions fly around the table.
Eddie: [grumpy] “Can we please get back to the campaign?” [Back to his usual charismatic self]  “A loud rumbling is emerging from the enchanted forest that you little shits aren’t ready for.”  
2:40pm / Science class 
Eddie huffs as he goes to his seat at the back of class, ready for the day to end. His eyes perk up when Nina enters the classroom. 
Mr Clarke: “You’re late.” 
Nina: [sheepish] “Sorry, I got lost. Won’t happen again.” [she works her way to the free seat in the row in front of Eddie. She gives him a small smile, which he bashfully raises his fingers as a 'hello'.] 
Mr Clarke: “Wait, not so fast!” [Nina freezes in her spot, eyes closed, dreading what is coming] “You’re the new girl, right? Why don’t you come up to the front and introduce yourself?” [A few people in the class laugh and whisper at each other, Nina turns on her heels and stands awkwardly at the front of the class] 
Nina: “Hi, I’m Nina. I’ve just transferred here from California.” [The whispers increase and Nina fiddles with her rings nervously] “That’s about it, really.” [She shuffles awkwardly back to her seat] 
Mr Clarke: “Why don’t we give Nina a warm Hawkins welcome?” [the room has scattered applause, Eddie, not giving a fuck, whoops and shoves Jeff to join in, who reluctantly joins in cheering. Nina blushes, catching Eddie’s eye, and sits back down on the creaky science stool.] “So! Physics…” [Mr Clarke begins the lesson] 
Nina rummages through her bag for her notebook, leaning on the desk in front of her, the hem of her jeans dipping to show the lace of her underwear. 
Jeff notices and elbows Eddie to get his attention, nodding over at Nina’s direction. Eddie shoves him, muttering a quiet ‘Perv’, trying his hardest not to stare. His neck and cheeks go red with heat, and he shuffles uncomfortably in his seat. 
Nina: [turning around to face Eddie, Eddie’s eyes raise to meet hers, blushing from nearly being caught staring] “Do you guys happen to have a pen I can borrow?” 
Eddie: [stuttering] “Su-sure.” [He goes into his bag and hands her a pen] “Hope it works.” 
Nina: [smiling] “Thanks.” 
Eddie spent the rest of the lesson daydreaming and doodling in his book. He occasionally looks up at the board, and looks at Nina, hoping to interact with her again. At the end of the lesson, Nina picks up her bag and walks out the lesson. Eddie is left saddened he didn’t speak to her more. 
Wednesday / 1:25pm / Hawkins High School Cafeteria 
Eddie found himself exchanging fleeting glances with Nina all week at school. A few times she caught his gaze, causing him to blush, not being as subtle as he hoped to be. He came into school early each day in hopes of seeing more of her; excited to see what she wore that day, hoping to overhear her laughter as she walked between classes, hoping one day he’d have the courage to speak to her. He tried to think of excuses to talk to her, each time bottling it. Coward, he thought.
Robin: [teasingly, jabbing Nina’s side] “Are you two ever going to talk, or are you just going to continue eye-fucking each other?” 
Nina rolled her eyes, blushing. Nancy giggled into Jonathan’s side, him smirking knowingly.
Nina: [laughing, but somewhat serious] “He nearly broke my nose with a mop, he can make the first move!” [eyes watching Eddie] “What’s his deal anyway?” 
Eddie is standing at the lunch table, arms waving around elaborately, speaking about something she couldn’t make out from the other side of the room, causing the Hellfire Club to burst out in a chorus of “No way!”, “I told you!”, “Use your protection spell!” and “Oh man, we are so screwed.”
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Nancy: “Eddie runs a Dungeons and Dragons group, they call themselves the Hellfire Club. He’s taken custody of the kids, much to Steve’s jealousy.” 
Steve: [clearly jealous] “I’m not jealous okay, he can have the little shits.” 
Robin: [teasingly] “Whatever you say, Daddy Steve.” 
Steve: [defensively] “I practically birthed those boys-“ 
Nina: [interrupting, mind wandering, still watching Eddie] “I meant, like, what’s he like?”
Robin: [again, teasing] “Why do you wanna know?” 
Steve, Nancy and Jonathan suddenly went quiet, heads leaning in comically towards Nina, watching her teasingly, waiting for the gossip.
Nina: [going red] “I bumped into him at the record store last week. I don’t know, he seems cool.”
Everyone at the table: [teasing, dramatically] “Oooooh!” 
Nina: [going redder] “Oh shut up!” [they all laughed in response.] 
Steve: “Trust me, you can do a lot better than Eddie Munson.” 
Nancy: [shoving Steve] “Hey, not nice Steve!” [to Nina] "Eddie’s a nice guy. Even if he is branded the freak of Hawkins.” 
Nina hummed in response, eyes travelling back to Eddie. 
She found him looking back at her, his cheeks going red from being caught staring. He flicked back to the D&D group, peeking around shyly to see if she was still looking, hiding behind his hair. He smiled coyly as he realised she was still looking, to which she smiled back.
Steve looks at Robin with raised eyebrows and Robin smirks knowingly.
Steve: “So my parents are away this weekend, drinks at mine on Friday night? We’ll show Nina how we do it, Hawkins style.” 
Nancy, Nina, Robin, Jonathan agree and leave their table as the lunch bell rings. 
 Wednesday / 8pm / Hawkins Record Store
Eddie is organising the shelves as Jonathan enters.
Jonathan: [walking through the shop door, the wind chimes by the door ringing] “Hey dude.” 
Eddie: [half asleep] “Hey man, what can I get you?” 
Jonathan: [sheepish] “Oh, nothing like that today. I’m looking for a mixtape actually.” 
Eddie: [clearly bored] “Around the corner to your left.” 
Jonathan: “Cheers man.” [walking around the corner, shouting back to Eddie] “You got anything suitable for a party?” 
Eddie rolls his eyes, annoyed he has to move from his stool in front of the small television. There weren’t usually many customers on a Wednesday night. 
He walks over to the tape selection, he points to a few pre-made music tapes. Jonathan is looking at the wrong section, eyes red with a dumb grin on his face: clearly stoned. 
Eddie: [amused] “Will these do?” 
Jonathan: “Sure, I’ll take them all.” 
Eddie walks him over to the till. Jonathan comically dumps all five cassettes onto the counter. 
Eddie: [scanning the tapes] “What’s the occasion?” 
Jonathan: “Steve’s having a gathering on Friday night and Robin said his Mom’s collection of Cyndi Lauper and Bruce Springsteen records wouldn’t suffice.” [a lightbulb goes off over his head] “Oh yeah! He told me to tell you to come along.” 
Eddie: [sarcastically] “Thanks for remembering.” 
Jonathan: [embarrassed, awkward] “Sorry man, mind is a bit, y’know.” 
Eddie: [laughing] “Stoned?” 
Jonathan: [laughing] “That shit you got me blew my head off.” 
Eddie: [smiling] “So when is the party?” 
Jonathan: [confused] “Friday? Did I not say that?” 
Eddie: “I meant what time.” 
Jonathan: “Oh! Come any time after 9.” 
Eddie: (curiously) “Who is going?” 
Jonathan: “Everyone.” 
Eddie: [pressing the matter] “Everyone as in us lot or everyone as in everyone?” 
Jonathan: [dumbly, oblivious] “Everyone as in… people.” 
Eddie: [sarcastic] “Super informative, thanks.” 
Jonathan: [oblivious] “No problem! See you then!” [Jonathan walks out the door]
Eddie: “Wait!” [the door closes behind Jonathan, Eddie is talking to himself] “I meant, is Nina going?” [Eddie sighs]
Eddie spent the rest of his shift distracted, not that there were many customers. He wondered if Nina would be there, surely she would be if Robin is going? His heart raced at the thought, excitement bubbling in his stomach. He finally had an excuse to talk to Nina. He smiled at the thought. 
Ahhh I posted it!!!
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thisisnotthenerd · 10 months
So after that lore heavy episode I have some thoughts (spoilers ahead):
Starting from the beginning—the dichotomy between what the players want Travis to do with Graz’tchar and what the characters want is hilarious. It does serve as a major power source for the wielder, and it sets a standard for the kinds of things that Bell’s Hells will encounter. The differences in interactions with the blade really brought Chetney, FCG, and Ashton into sharp relief.
Imogen’s in her helping the gods era now: I think Liliana could be convinced away from Ludinus in an opportunistic moment like Astrid and Eadwulf at the end of Campaign 2, but right now she’s solidly in enemy category.
The hole idea is just like the happy fun ball from C2–a way to really get around teleportation limits. Although Chetney had the bag of holding with him, so I’m not sure that it should have worked. I don’t think Matt is looking for another nuclear explosion at this point in the game, so let’s just say he hands it off to Ashton or Orym since Imogen was casting.
Next up: Keyleth is healed and in recovery! I hope BH thinks to take some blue perennum paste with them in case they run into the Vanguard and Otohan again—she’s been conspicuously missing, and I don’t like it. I know Imogen is consciously reaching for her mom and being contacted in turn, but it seems odd to not at least try to find out what Otohan’s doing. They don’t even know if the scry ball is still working.
Bell’s Hells in Zephrah has been lovely—I’m glad to see Orym recognized for his heroics. I hope this encourages more thought of himself outside of serving Keyleth and Zephrah. Savior Blade of the Tempest indeed.
The Reilora being more defined now can’t be a good thing. I low key want Imogen to try summoning until she gets one with information, but that might be a later conversation.
Ashton has Titan’s blood in them! Along with something Keyleth doesn’t know about (hint hint). This is actually cool as hell and I love it. Maybe the Hishari we’re trying to use the knowledge of Evontra’vir to resurrect a primordial with the aid of a beacon that ended up resulting in Ashton. The potion of possibility being added to his brain might have jumpstarted whatever Luxon fragments he still has floating around in there. Also Ashton bonding with Keyleth as an authority figure/mentor is so fun. I love that for them.
The whole interaction with the Changebringer had me breaking down much like the table did. Bless Sam for learning from the Jester Lavorre School of Aggressive Deity Contact.
Now onto the theories: much like VM had to gain vestiges in order to fight the conclave, I think BH is going to be doing some teleporting from place to place to gain power and fight Ludinus. They’re going to see D to get the harness fixed and after are headed to the Shattered Teeth to look at the aftermath of the sundering of the Tree of Names. Watching top table’s reaction to the Shattered Teeth was *chef’s kiss*. Maybe when they get there I’ll go for a Calamity rewatch to see what I can find.
As for what they’ll find there: obviously crazy elemental magic that links into Ashton’s origins. Maybe a link to Asmodeus from what’s left of the sundering that Fearne can look at. A therapist to talk with FCG but also all of BH. A cool map for Travis.
My hope is that they start dimension hopping and becoming champions of some of the outer planes. Like the elemental plane of earth for Ashton, plane of fire for Fearne if she’s not Asmodeus’ champion at that point, wait she’s already a fey druid that could probably commune with nature and wildfire of her own power. Maybe the Shadowfell for Laudna’s sorcerous origin? Anyway this falls, I’m excited to see how it goes, as the true start of a new arc for Bell’s Hells.
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univvrse · 10 months
the coven (chapter 2)
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previous chapters:
chapter 1
reader x bakugou x shinsou x kaminari x kirishima
Coven- a formation of at least three or more vampires He told you they were dangerous- why didn't you believe him?
on my ao3 if you'd prefer
780 words
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“What” you laughed, “You suck blood and you’re from Transylvania.”
They froze, entirely still. “Fuck off, we are not from the fictional city”- Katsuki growled.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure Transylvania exists, it’s part of Romania”, Eijiro interrupted, “Anyway”, he cleared his throat, “We are not from Transylvania aand that’s a pretty offensive stereotype sweetheart.”
“You’re joking”, you say- you stop and look around at the boys’ faces “you are joking, right”. They looked at you with blank expressions. “Why would we by joking”, Denki asked.
“Because vampires aren’t real”, you replied.
“I think you’ll” find, Katsuki replied with venom, “vampires are very real.” “Prove it”, you said.
“So, what would you want us to do”?, Denki replied.
“Like, I don’t know, turn into bats or something.”
“Oh my god she’s literally brain dead”, Katsuki said- turning to Hitoshi. “He doesn’t mean that”, Hitoshi said to you, “Vampires have never been able to turn into bats, that’s an urban legend”. “Well, what can you do then?”, you responded, barely feeling the fear any rational person would in this situation. “I mean we have fangs,” Eijiro said. “Show me”, you said.
He promptly curls his fingers around his lips, pulling his cheeks back to reveal his teeth. His canines were long, sharp and pointed resting against lower teeth.
Fangs. Sharp and most certainly deadly.
“Holy shit, you actually weren’t lying, were you?” you gasped They all shook their heads,
“You’re- you’re vampires” “In the flesh, actually you know technically we don’t have flesh” Denki laughed. “It’s true, feel,” Eijiro said before giving you, his bicep to feel the texture of his 'skin'. You felt his frigid cold arm, nope definitely did
not feel like skin.
You didn’t not notice the insane muscle that he had beneath his ‘skin’ “Okay jeez I believe you now, so what did you lure me out here to drink my blood?” “I wish”, Katsuki remarked “You humans are so goddamn annoying, you know.” "No, you're pretty, thought you seemed cool, that's it." Hitoshi said plainly. A small breech of light began to rise on the horizon. They all hissed slightly, beginning to feel the burn of the sunlight
“Come back to ours”, Denki quickly said. “We have to go like, now. Us not liking the sun was one of the only things the legends got right”. You pondered for a moment, was it really a good idea to go to a vampires house? Furthermore, was it right to go to a vampire’s house that you had known for only an hour? You took your chance, “yeah okay, sounds great”.
Hitoshi tried to pick you up, trying to scoop you up underneath your armpits.
"What do you think you're doing" you snapped at him. "You said you want to come to ours, I'm trying to get you there", he replied snarkily, yet without malice.
“We’re not going to walk at human pace, we’ll roast." Katsuki joked. You paused, wondering what he meant by speed that wasn’t human.
“Okay then”, you nodded, No matter how strange you saw it, you allowed yourself to be lifted by Hitoshi. They ran, so fast you couldn’t see anything. Hitoshi gripped your legs tightly, Definitely over 100 miles per hour.
The run was short. Nowhere over 5 minutes, you had no way to tell where you were or how far you had run when Hitoshi finally put you down “I think I’m going to be sick”, you complained, feeling motion-sick from their intense speed.
You looked up. Their house was huge, unimaginably so. Other than that, it was just an average house. It surprised you. You must’ve looked it because Katsuki said to you: “What were you expecting dungeons and moats?” he laughed slightly. You could tell he was slowly but surely warming up to you.
You laughed back “not the moats”, you said. “No dungeons here,” Hitoshi said, “unless you're into that”. You could tell he wasn’t joking.
“Come in” Denki said in a sing-song voice “There’ll be no hot vampires to hang out with if we all burn to death”.
You laughed at that; stepping into their house. It was dark inside, almost pitch black with floor to ceiling blackout curtains that covered every window. You could barely make out the furniture scattered around the living space. It was obvious to you that none of these boys were interior decorators.
You stood out the entryway. “Come on in, we don’t bite- actually we do we’re vampires, you know- but, we promise we’re not actually going to bite you”, Denki said “Speak for yourself”, Katsuki added. “Me personally, I would love to sink my teeth into you.” You shuddered at the thought.
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