#shinpachi x kagura
Kagura and Shinpachi official merch
This should be just these two being in merch together, but i'm a shipping trash so this is a shinkagu post!
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kitamars · 4 months
Oh god! 😭😭😭😭I LOVED THE INDIAN COMIC! 💛💛💛💛💛💛 I didn't know I needed this✨😭😭✨ thank you so much! Can you do other gintama cast in indian core please?!
JDHFJFHGHim so glad you liked it……this au is always dormant in my brain so i had some additional sketches lying around so i’ll just dump them here hehe enjoyyyy
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there were points to a lot of these but pray that i have more free time lmao 😭😭😭 i LOVE bollywood-esque gintama………so good
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gintamayorozuya · 1 year
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“Gintama: Class 3-Z, Ginpachi Sensei” ♥
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silversoulsociety · 1 year
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Gintama: Class 3-Z ✰ Ginpachi Sensei
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corpsekiller · 2 years
your writing is amazing!!! dadtoki makes me so happy and i wanted to ask if you would write more found family fics with him and perhaps the reader as a second parental figure?
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thank you for your request, my dear. dadtoki has a special place in my heart and i will never stop writing about the found family trope and the yorozuya, so i really couldn't stop myself from writing this <33
𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦. sakata gintoki x genderneutral!reader
𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲. hurt/comfort, rluff, mentions of blood, dad!toki
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Gintoki wonders how he got here.
The park is nearly empty at this time. A few children still run around the playground nearby and a couple strolls down the lonely path hand in hand, but the sun is already setting and most people are rushing home to enjoy dinner with their families. It’s too hard to decipher the letters of his new Shounen Jump by now and he gave up on reading anyway, the magazine long forgotten in his lap as he watches Kagura and Shinpachi chase around the meadow.
They’re laughing loudly, dodging each other’s hands and hiding behind trees and bushes, sometimes even jumping over Sadaharu who’s been dozing off since they arrived and seemingly doesn’t mind them climbing over his back. Every once in a while his left ear twitches at the sounds of their giggles and his eyes crack open to follow the kids dashing around his sleeping figure before he falls back into his slumber.
“I think we should head home soon, it’s already getting dark,” you mutter beside him. Gintoki nods blankly, only turning his head when you dig the tip of your finger into his cheeks and although his expression doesn’t change once his gaze meets yours, his heart still jumps in his chest at the sight of you wrapped tightly in his white yukata to protect yourself from the cold breeze sweeping through the park. You look so beautiful and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself from staring at you like a creep when you brush a strand of your hair behind your ear and give him a gentle smile before you scoot closer to him and snuggle into his side.
Sometimes, he’s convinced that this is just a figment of his imagination. It’s in moments like these when everything seems just a little too perfect to be real that he wonders how he got here, how his life turned out to be so beautiful after everything he’s done — the kids are laughing and you’re reaching out to grab his hand, soft and warm against his skin, a small reminder that yanks him back into reality.
“Gin, are you okay?”
“What? Yeah, don’t worry ‘bout me. I’ll get the brats, you stay here,” he croaks, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts and turning to call out for Shinpachi and Kagura right as she trips over her own feet. “Oi! Be careful—”
The words leave his mouth before he can even think, but it’s too late.
Kagura shrieks and instinctively raises her arms to shield herself from the impact before she lands face first in the dirt and Shinpachi, who’s been grinning from ear to ear only mere seconds ago nearly stumbles into a tree when he hears her fall. Worry is written into the crease of his brows as he whips his head around to check if she’s alright, even though his glasses have fallen into the grass and his vision has turned blurry.
“Shit, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Kagura groans as she fights to get up. Mud sticks to her pale cheek, a few leaves have found their way into her tousled hair and for a moment, everything seems to be fine until her eyes search his. Tears cling to her lashes and her bottom lip begins to tremble, barely holding in a sob and Gintoki is about to jump to his feet in panic, but you’re faster.
Rushing past him, you crouch down beside the girl and pull her into a hug, one hand cupping the back of her head and the other one resting on the small of her back to draw soothing circles. Small hands wrap around your chest and dig into the yukata engulfing your body, then she buries her face in your shoulder — she’s crying, sniffling and whimpering quietly as if she isn’t quite sure whether she’s even allowed to show weakness.
Gintoki knows she’s a Yato and she endured injuries much worse than this, but at this moment, as you rock her back and forth, comforting her with loving words and a tight hug, he is once again reminded that she’s just a kid. Much like Shinpachi, she was never allowed to be just that — and like him, they had to grow up too fast, never had a childhood that wasn’t defined by blood and violence, and never had someone who looks out for them until they met him.
And look, he doesn’t really think he’s made for this whole single dad thing he’s got going on since he picked them both up, but he’s been trying his best to make them feel safe and loved, and even though it’s quite exhausting to keep them both fed when his own wallet is empty, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He does have to admit that he’s grateful you came along though. Somehow, you completed their little family and it becomes so much clearer to him as he watches you inspect Kagura’s injury, the fabric of her pants ripped and soaked with the blood from her grazed knee, carefully dabbing the wound with a tissue to clean away any dirt.
She’ll get a bandaid at home, a pretty pink set with little dogs on them he got from the store a while ago, in case his kids got hurt because that’s what they are now — they are his kids and this is his family, not the one he was born with, but the one he chose.
“C’mon, let’s go home,” you encourage Kagura, grabbing her smaller hand to help her onto her feet. “I’ll buy you sukonbu on our way, okay?”
He groans loudly. These brats will cost him an arm and a leg and his pockets were already empty before they even came along.
“Right, Gintoki?” You give him a pointed look as if you could read his thoughts and he nods defeatedly, already searching for some coins in his worn wallet. Whatever makes you happy.
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sl33paholics · 7 months
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Yandere Gintoki Platonic Headcanons
Warning(s): Manipulation, Distortion, Delusions, Isolation, Deterioration, Possessiveness, etc
I don't see much of this on here or on Wattpad, so I wanted to give it a try 😛
Gintoki is known for his laid-back, carefree, somewhat lazy, and comedic personality amongst his peers and people who come across him. Not to mention his obsession with sweets. Strawberry flavored sweets to be specific. With him and the gang doing odd jobs and goofing around the city they reside in, such as gambling, reading manga and comics, it's rare to see Gintoki alone expressing his true self while no one is around. He's dedicated to protecting his loved ones and friends, no doubt. But how far is he willing to go to keep them from harms way? How is he going to keep his impulsiveness in check?
Gintoki knows how to keep his image in check from his peers. His carefree and silly persona as an odd-jobs worker is a façade he maintains to blend into society. Though behind closed doors, his urges and tendencies truly manifest. A well guarded secret. Not a soul knows about his dual personality. Though Shinpachi and Kagura may have a vague sense that something is wrong , they won't know the level of his possessiveness until it's too late.
Due to his past, it haunts him to think with his closest friends might drift away at any given point due to an expected event or because of what he's done. Jealousy is something that he can't control. Seeing his friends interact with others than him makes his blood boil. If he's feeling very petty, he'd purposefully make an excuse where they need to be somewhere, ASAP!
Sometimes, when he's out of his mind, he'd isolate his two favorite people for as long as he wants. Mainly believing that they could find happiness from him. Whether it's intentional or unintentional.
Though, when he's called out on his behavior, he'd justify it. Saying that it's only an act of "protectiveness" or even "love." His delusional justifications may lead him to think that what he's actually doing is reasonable.
Gintoki may do acts of self-sacrifice. To ensure safety and happiness, going out of his say to self sabotage or just straight up his own life.
He'll get unhinged. If anything, he'd probably do things and disregard the consequences of his own actions. Though, he'll even forget about Shimpachi and Kagura and wonder off into his mental instability for a period of time before someone beats it out of him.
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gintokey · 1 year
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they will find each other in every universe
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daddytoki · 2 months
Fandom: Gintama Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shimura Tae/Yagyuu Kyuubei
Valentine’s Day came and went with little fanfare, because neither Kyuubei nor Otae knew what to do with it. Who was supposed to be The Man in their relationship, anyway? Well, thought Kyuubei, I am clearly the more masculine of us two. I will wait for White Day to roll by, and then I’ll pull some romantic declaration out of my ass that’s so life-changing we get married on the spot. This plan is flawless.  Well, thought Otae, these gender stereotypes are pretty outdated anyway, I wouldn’t want to stick Kyuubei in The Man box against their wishes. The progressive thing to do would be to wait for them to make the first move for White Day and just follow their lead.  Suffice it to say, Kyuubei received zero chocolates on Valentine’s day. Everything went to shit.
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tracydeadly · 4 months
I love Gintama fanfics. Because, since the canon has taken care of being as ridiculous as possible, anything a fanfic comes up with won't sound crazy at all.
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kuromitos · 2 years
Parents needs to keep their doors locked when the kids are home
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Summary: Shinpachi walks into a tense situation in odd jobs
A/N: I wrote something to pass the time for the next chapter on my other story. It might suck cause I wrote it over night.
Pairing: Gintoki x reader
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Shinpachi has walked into an awkward tense situation this morning at Yorozuya. He stepped into the main room to see cartera on one couch, looking to be in the very foul and angry mood while eating her breakfast and Gintoki, looking like a kid that got caught doing something wrong, slowly eating his portion of breakfast that was on the table, sitting on the other couch. And then there was y/n who was bringing out the food trying her best to look happy. Trying to act like nothing isn't wrong right now, like she can't sense the very awkward tense in this room as well.
Shinpachi was confused but not at the same time because he was used to odd situations happening at Yorozuya but ever since y/n came and applied to work here, some peace has come here and everything can be relatively normal, well more normal compared to their type of 'normal'. Y/n's job there is something similar to a secretary but she's more like a second house wife ,the first one being Shinpachi of course. While everyone else was doing jobs outside of the building she would maintain the phones, clean the house and cook the meals;
of course she was doing this because she also stayed here alongside gin and Kagura. But even so, she's kind of the only responsible one here and actually does her job; because of that and her kind and well mannered attitude (also the fact that she's a very pretty young lady) Yorozuya has been busier and gotten more clients coming in.
She used to this kinda behavior and has seen it many times,more than wanted since living here but this time something was off about her, that's what Shinpachi thought when he sat down next to Kagura. Y/n had her usual happy look but it looked tense and forced. She also seemed distracted because she didn't even greet Shinpachi at the door like normal. He had to cough to catch everyone's attention to his presence.
"Ah! I'm sorry Shinpachi-kun. I didn't hear you come in. Good morning to you." Y/n say with an embarrassed blush on her face. "Y-yeah morning Pachi." Gintoki says with his head down still, while Kagura was too busy angrily chewing her food. Now that he was sitting with everyone, the tension is so thick and suffocating you can cut it with a butcher knife.
'This is too much. I need to end this now.' Shinpachi thought to himself while trying to find the cause of the problem.
It doesn't take much to figure out that this whole thing is between Gintoki and Kagura. He must have done something to make her mad but he does that on the daily. Even so, she never looked this upset and he looks way too guilty for it to be one of their daily fights. And then there y/n too. She plays a part in this too but what is it? looks like the only way to find out is just ask. "Did something happen before I got here?" Hearing that question made the adults stop whatever they were doing out of nervousness and started to sweat . Totally not suspicious.
"What are you talking about, Shinpachi-kun?" Y/n say with a nervous smile. "Nothing happened. Right, Gin-san?" She asked Gintoki to get the heat off her, which he didn't like judging by the glare he gave her. "Y-yeah. Everything's fine here. Nothing happened. Just breakfast. " As he said that, he started shoving food in his mouth. "If that's the case, then why is Kagura-chan so pissed off?" Gintoki starts to think quickly to avoid (more) suspicion from Shinpachi. "Well, you know she is at that age where girls are pissed for no reason. Probably just on her per-" a hand smacked him in the face to shut him up.
From those responses, Shinpachi understands that the only one who would give a straight answer would be Kagura. Turning to look at the young girl, he sees that her anger has gone up throughout the conversation. She glaring at Gintoki so hard, Shinpachi surprised his head didn't explode yet. He didn't want to accidentally make her more mad but he needed to know what's going on.
"Kagura-chan?" She turns towards him with her still mad face. "Why are you mad?" Silence followed the question because she still chewed her food . She swallowed it and spoke for the first time today. "Gin-chan is keeping y/n-nee from me." She says with a pout. 'Huh' Shin thought to himself. "What do you mean by that?" "Exactly what I said,glasses! Gin-chan is hogging y/n-nee from and has been all morning!" Kagura yelled at Shinpachi. She reached her breaking point.
Since y/n been working at odd jobs, Kagura has grown attached to her. She sees her like an older sister and like a little sister, she always wants to be near her. So it makes sense for her to get upset if she thinks gin is spending too much time with her but this mad? Something is missing here. "Kagura-chan! Calm down! What do you mean by that? How is he keeping y/n-san to himself?" "Last night I had a nightmare, so I want to sleep with y/n-nee to feel better because she said I can. But when I try to go in the room, Gin-chan wouldn't let me in. He kept saying how she was busy and couldn't see me." Kagura told Shinpachi which confused him a bit. Why won't gin just let her see y/n? Doesn't make sense.
That is until he adds everything up. The adults being nervous. Not letting her in the room. Saying she is busy. Oh…
He looks at Gintoki and sees marks on her neck. Red marks. Oh… now he gets it.
"Kagura-chan. What he meant was she was really tired from the day before and you shouldn't disturb her. That's all." Y/n chimes in, cluing in on what Shinpachi is doing "yeah Kagura. I was super tired yesterday and I get really cranky when I don't get enough sleep. Gin wasn't keeping me from you. I would never let him."
That seems to satisfy Kagura since her mood changes from mad to happy in an instant. Shinpachi suggests taking Sadaharu for a walk together and she says a quick okay before rushing out with the giant dog. When she was gone, Shinpachi turned to the adults in the room with an emotionless stare that sent a shiver down both of their spine. "If you guys are going to do something like that, at least do it when Kagura isn't home." And left to catch up with the girl.
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randomginhijithings · 2 years
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Pies & Chocolate: Yorozuya & Shinsengumi
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kitamars · 9 months
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writing-badger · 2 years
Twitter Polls Make For The Bloodiest Battlefields - Chapter 1
Never Trust An Anonymous Letter
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 6.5
Pairing: Sakata Gintoki x Reigen Arataka
Summary: Anime Twitter was thrown into chaos. Thirty-two "DILFs" were thrown into a merciless battle to find out who truly encapsulated the title of Dad I'd Like to Fuck. Two competitors begin to wonder whether the battle is worth it and maybe, just maybe, they can overcome their differences to find a way out.
Genre: Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 2,457
Warnings: None
As with any other Monday morning, Sakata Gintoki is sprawled out on his bedroom floor. Scattered around him are his discarded clothes that were hastily cast aside the night before, or more accurately during the early hours of the morning. Even his futon is balled up at his bare feet, a victim of its owner’s restless sleep. Looking in from the door, Gin appears as an almost angelic being, his silver hair framing his face and his dead-fish eyes are hidden away by his left on. From this distance, an onlooker wouldn’t be able to smell the alcoholic stench which clings to his skin or see the sweat that has created a slight sheen as his body fights a dire hangover. 
 However, they would still be able to make out the scars that paint his skin, currently exposed to the world except for a small area protected by his pink strawberry-patterned boxers. If someone asked him where the scars came from, he would often claim ignorance unless it could earn him some pity points from clients. In reality, he remembers each and every one leaving his skin as a canvas of the past wars he’s fought in. 
 The most noticeable is a deep scar found on his left forearm. Usually, people only see the red mark on his outer forearm, not realising that there is a matching injury on his inner forearm. Gin likes to joke that if he had 5 yen each time someone impaled his forearms he’d have 10 yen, but this usually earns a concerned look from whoever asked him about it. Due to it being hidden under the sleeve of his yukata, it’s an unfortunately rare sight but, for the longest time, he hated it. It was an ugly reminder of his failure to protect Otose; his family. How could he have made such a confidant promise at her husband’s grave, only to let her get hurt? 
 But as time moved on, he fought more battles and started to slowly overcome his weaknesses. When he finally fought against his… against Takasugi after so long, it became a reminder of him. A man who still occupies a clear-cut space in Gin’s mind. Sometimes Kagura and Shinpachi would find him gently tracing the injury with a far-off look in his eyes, letting his mind wander back to those days as a bittersweet sensation would stir deep in his chest. 
 They both know who he is thinking of in those moments, but neither would say a word. 
 A wound that more people notice is the crooked middle finger on his right hand. This is especially true on cold days when the skin would turn a slightly different shade to the rest of his hand. It never escapes Kagura’s attention that Gin still struggles to hold his chopsticks after having that finger nearly broken beyond repair. Despite forgiving her brother for most of his aggressions, she still feels an ugly feeling stir inside her when she sees Gintoki drop his chopsticks for the umpteenth time. Whenever he catches that regretful look settling in her blue eyes, he immediately tries to reassure her that it doesn’t bother him. 
 After all, it means he can ask someone cute to feed him when he goes to a club. 
 It’s one of the reasons why he has such a heavy hangover today. The booze kept flowing and he isn’t one to turn down a free drink, especially if it was coming out of the pocket of the Demonic Vice Commander. In those moments, he’s having the time of his life but the morning after is when he feels like death warmed up. 
 Groaning, he rolls onto his side while trying his hardest not to throw up from the motion. His body curls up slightly as he tries to retain some warmth as goosebumps prickle his skin. His right hand gently pats the floor around him, searching for his discarded yukata but his attempt is futile as his fingertips lightly brush against the warm fabric; pushing it further away. 
 In the end, he gives up and curls up into a ball as he tries to retain his body heat. Surely Kagura or Shinpachi would come and check on him to make sure that he’s alright. As he sinks further and further into self-pity, the shoji to Yorozuya Gin Chan slides open. Gin assumes that it must be Shinpachi arriving to prepare for the day. 
 Of course, he would come in to ensure that Gin is still breathing, right? And so Gin wait, pitifully curled up like a foetus so that it would gain him more sympathy. 
 After a couple of minutes, however, he is still curled up on the floor and no one has come to see him. Instead, he can hear the hushed whispers of Kagura and Shinpachi as they seem to argue about something. This piques Gin’s interest so he rolls towards the shoji, trying to ignore the churning in his stomach as he does so. 
 It’s not like he’s insecure or anything, but as the main character, he really should be involved in major conversations… And they are meant to be a trio, so why isn’t anyone checking to make sure that poor, old Gin-san is still alive? Kagura must have heard the pain he was in this morning and she wouldn’t just abandon her earth dad like that, would she?
 “Maybe we should just ask him?” Kagura whispers, her confusion clear in her voice. 
 “No, he’ll still be hungover after drinking all night..,” Shinpachi says.
 “Did the Gorilla tell you that?”
 “Yeah, apparently Gin-san blew a huge hole in the Shinsengumi’s budget after getting Hijikata completely wasted.”
 “Then it’s his own fault,” Kagura says, her footsteps reverberating through the floor as she begins to walk towards Gin’s room. Before he can even begin to roll away and pretend to be sleeping, he finds himself flying across the room where he collides with the wall and collapses to the floor in a heap.
 “Kagura-chan,” Shinpachi sighs as he picks up the wrecked shoji and moves it to the side of the room, “you don’t have to break everything.”
 Gintoki is still in a heap, not moving an inch as Kagura storms over to him. Clutched in her hand is an unopened envelope with his name printed on it. Without hesitation, she shoves it in his face.
 “Are you so late on rent that Otose has finally decided to kick us out, huh?” Gintoki shakes his head, trying to get rid of the cloudy fog which makes it difficult for him to think. He slowly sits upright, resting his back against the wall for support. Kagura, meanwhile, drops the letter onto his lap so that he can get a better look at it. 
 “It can’t be. Tama’s been very effective at collecting rent lately,” Shinpachi argues although he seems unsure. He is right, however. With Tama’s preference for using her flamethrower of a broom, she never walks away empty-handed. If she is really struggling then she often sends Catherine over with a lock pick.  
 After a moment of staring blankly at his name, Gin decides that he doesn’t recognise the handwriting and, with the fact that his name is spelt correctly, it immediately knocks out the only person who bothers to send him letters in the first place. The only other mail he receives is during New Year celebrations and, even then, it’s the cast wanting to get more screen time. 
 Well, that’s not happening here. The story hasn’t even gotten started yet and six irrelevant characters have already been mentioned. Gintoki is not going to let anyone else muscle their way into his spotlight. 
 “But who else would want to talk to Gin-chan, he’s a loser,” Kagura energetically responds, her voice reverberating around Gintoki’s head. 
 “Kagura, Gin-san is feeling a little ill so could you please stop shouting,” he says, ruffling his hair as he tries to massage his scalp. 
 “And you’re too old to be out drinking all night,” she huffs, “Madao’s a bad influence on you.”
 “That’s not fair. I’m trying to help him,” Gin tries to argue, but one glare from Kagura immediately stops him from digging an even deeper hole for himself. 
 "Kagura-chan's right, Gin-san," Shinpachi says as he walks over to the pair, "you aren't as young as you used to be."
 “Oi! I’m only twenty-nine... Give it a couple of years and you two will be complaining of back aches and wishing that you were younger," Gin says as he waves the envelope in the air. 
 “Who do you think it’s from?” Shinpachi asks as he leans a little closer, the curiosity eating him up inside. 
 “Maybe it’s my invitation to join Smash Bros,” Gintoki guesses. 
 “Alright, I'll bite. How the hell did you reach that conclusion?”
 “Well, Pachi-boy, I am the star of a highly rated video game and I would have a very unique skill set,” he explains as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. 
 “There are so many problems with what you just said that I don’t even know where to start,” Shinpachi says, knowing full well that he is going to list all of them anyway. “Firstly, you stole your “unique” skill set from Goku. Secondly, you’ve never been in a Nintendo game. Thirdly, why would Sakurai want you to join? Fourthly, they stopped adding characters to the roster years ago.”
 “And you’re lazy,” Kagura adds, kicking Gin while he’s down.
 “Thank you, Kagura-chan. You, Gin-san, are painfully lazy so why on earth do you think you would be allowed to join such a prestigious group!”
 “Well, it seems you don’t know what you are talking about Pachi. We’ve had four games published by Nintendo, like…” Gin pauses for a moment, “Gintama: Silver Ball Quest… uh… Gin-san Changes His Job and … something, something.”
 “You don’t even remember the name of it!” Kagura and Shinpachi yell at the same time.
 “Well, the name doesn’t matter. And why wouldn’t Sakurai want me? As a character voiced by the incredibly talented Sugita-san, I would of course fit right in with Chrom, Yusuke, and that other guy.”
 “How could you even pretend that you are on their level, Gin-san?” Shinpachi says, disappointment evident in his voice. 
 “Yeah, Kugimaya-chan deserves her chance at being in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate more than Sugita-san needs his fourth role,” Kagura adds without a moment’s hesitation. 
 “I don’t think that’s the point Kagura-chan.”
 “Alright, Bonsly-boy.”
 “Hey, Bonsly was an integral part of the Super Smash Brawl experience Kagura,” Shinpachi argues before taking a moment to calm down his breathing.
 “So we’re all agreed that this is my invitation to join Smash, right?” Gin cuts in, happy to find that neither teen has the energy to argue with him anymore. Instead, they seem to be in the middle of a heated exchange about which Pokemon deserved to be in Smash more. 
 He slowly opens the envelope, pulling out a thin piece of cheap paper. 
Congratulations _Insert Name Here_!
You have been nominated to participate in the Ultimate Anime DILF Awards.
 Gin re-reads the lines a couple of times. 
 “Gin-chan, why do people think you’re a DILF?” Kagura asks, clearly more confused than horrified. Gintoki is certain that the moment her shock wears off, she is going to absolutely tear him apart so he tries to twist the situation to his favour. 
 “That’s because your old man, Gin-chan, is a loving father and… uh… he’s good at stuff.. and doing things,” he says, not able to think of an actually valid reason as to why he might have been chosen.
 Unlike Kagura, Shinpachi seems painfully aware of what this means. “I’m not sure these Awards are a real thing,” he says, mostly for the sake of his ever-shrinking sanity. 
 “Ultimate DILF Awards, Shinpachi… That must mean there’s a grand prize.”
 “Gin-san, can you please not say that word?”
 “What, Ultimate? I mean, if that’s what you really want,” Gin turns to look at Kagura who is still more confused than anything else. 
 “I still don’t get why they chose you,” she repeats. “Was there some kind of jury, or did some random people choose you? Because if they did, they need their eyes checked.”
 “Ouch,” Gin says as he looks back down at the letter, reading the rest of the page.
You will be transported to the competition grounds as soon as this letter has been read. 
Thank you for taking part, and we wish you all the best.
 Transported? Gin wonders if he will be getting some sort of luxury ride. If that's the case, he hopes that it's some sort of limo since he's never really been in one before. Or maybe he'll get a private jet like some sort of VIP. As he's thinking about all the luxuries he might get to experience, he feels an odd tingling ripple through his body.
 “Gin-san, why are you glowing?”
 “Huh?” Gin looks at his arms and notices that there is an odd white glow surrounding him. “This isn’t good,” he says as his face pales slightly. Clearly, he is being teleported, or something along those lines, but he is also nearly completely naked. 
 “Quick, grab him some clothes,” Shinpachi orders as he throws Gin his pants and top. Kagura, meanwhile, has already passed him his belt and yukata. Gin starts to pull his pants on, barely managing to wriggle into them before his trusty wooden sword is thrown toward him. He swiftly catches it, placing it in the usual spot. 
 As the light glows brighter, he gives himself a final look over before noticing that something is missing. 
 “Hey, where are m-“
 And just like that, Sakata Gintoki disappears. As Kagura walks over to where he was once standing, Shinpachi goes back to the main room. Despite the suddenness of their situation, the remaining members of the Yorozuya are calm. Kagura now satisfied that Gin has actually gone then walks into the main room. 
  “Do you think Gin-chan will win?” Kagura asks as she takes a seat on the sofa, her large dog sauntering over to her before plopping on the floor. Her hand absentmindedly runs over his soft, white fur as she waits for Shinpachi. 
 “Not at all,” Shinpachi replies as he carries the destroyed shoji into the hallway, preparing to throw it away. He carefully dodges Sadaharu’s large tail which gently sways along the floor. 
 “Pachi, what is a DILF?”
 As Kagura’s question ricochets throughout the room, Shinpachi finds himself tripping over a pair of abandoned black shoes. The shoji collapses to the floor and he lands on top of it, breaking it even more. 
 “I… uh... Maybe you should ask Sacchan instead.”
Next Chapter
Read on Ao3
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gin-hiji · 7 months
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SAIKYO Jump January issue cover by Sorachi. Illustrations of Kagura and Shinpachi will also be featured. This is for the Gintama x Bentame collaboration featured in the magazine. Released on December 4th, 2023.
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Missed You {Sakata Gintoki}
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Pairing: Gintoki Sakata x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: none
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Gintoki always thought he appreciated you. As it turned out, after one week of you being gone to help Katsura with some business, he did appreciate you but not enough. Kagura and Shinpachi behaved way better with you around, that Ayame was not around... his life in general was much easier.
And not once in his life would have imagined that he would actually have a girlfriend, let alone wake up thinking of someone. But he did think of you, every single day and he hoped that whatever business Katsura had asked you to help him with, would end soon so he could see you again.
"If you wake her up I'll kill you!"
Was it Kagura yelling to whoever was inside that scared him or Otose leaning against the door? Gintoki didn't know but when Kagura repeated the same exact sentence, him and Shinpachi exchanged a worried look.
Before he could even ask Otose about what was going on, the old woman walked away, a knowing smile on her face.
With a hand on his wooden sword and the other scratching the top of his head, Gintoki signalled Shinpachi to open the door of the Odd Jobs.
"Gin!" Ayame's attention drifted to him, leaving an ever angrier Kagura behind.
"No wonder she was yelling..." Shinpachi sighed and walked in.
"Gin-chan..." The young girl approached him pouting and Gintoki looked down, keeping Ayame in arm's length from hugging him. "She came here shouting and..." Kagura looked around before motioning him to lean over so she could whisper in his ear. He gladly did. "She's sleeping."
Gintoki's eyes widened despite him trying to show as little emotion as possible. He tried to ignore the way his heart began beating faster, the way the palms of his hands began sweating. In front of Kagura and Shinpachi he wanted to be the cool Gintoki he always was -mostly to save himself from their teasing.
But in a matter of seconds he was in his room. He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to get used to this feeling. He hoped the answer was yes and he hoped that if you ever happened to leave again, coming back tired, he wouldn't have to wake you up. You looked so peaceful sleeping but he just.... he had to listen to your voice, search for any injuries because that idiot Katsura had never told him what kind of job he needed you for.
"Gintoki?" You whispered, your eyes fluttering open and he swore his breathing stopped.
Gintoki is not someone who is good with expressing his feelings. He knows that better than anyone and he won't try to change it. So he hoped his tight hug, the way he was clenching onto the back of your shirt -technically his shirt, since you were wearing the clothes he usually wears to sleep- would count the same as him saying that he missed you. Because he had. He had missed you so much and he just didn't know what to say.
So he hoped that was enough.
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