#ship: jonathan/argyle
samgelina-jolie · 1 year
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Jonathan/Argyle + Text messages
(Steddie version) (Ronance version) (Stancy version) (edancy version) (Reddie version) (stobin version)
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schrijverr · 1 year
Honestly, I'm a bit in tears, thinking about Jonathan going on to be a famous photographer, bringing out a book of his early work (late 80s/early 90s) in, like, the 2010s or something and it's just full of queer joy and the queerplatonic family they all made together with the Upside Down gang.
Like it starts with Steve giving Robin a piggy back ride, both laughing their asses off. It's 1989, they had just moved to the big city bc most of the kids had graduated. It's late at night and they went to a Rocky Horror screening. Robin is dressed as Brad, Steve as Janet.
There's a full spread of Eddie on stage, he's shirtless save for a leather harness, sweaty and alive, hankerchief hanging out of his pocket. The next page is him with Steve is his normal clothes in his lap, the rest of the band and Robin around them, all stuffed in a booth in a diner. Nancy and Argyle hadn't been able to make it, but that's okay. It was Coroded Coffin's first big gig.
Argyle has a page dedicaded to him, most of them in the early mornings, sharing the bed with Nancy, the place where Jonathan is supposed to be obvious.
One is Jonathan's favorite, Eddie and Argyle are sharing a joint. They're on the roof, Eddie is gesturing with one hand, holding the joint Argyle is taking a hit from in his other hand. They often had these late nights on the roof, before their lives took off, when insomnia got too band and company was needed.
Nancy and Robin are pictured, they're kissing. They had a short fling in 1987, before Nancy got back with Jonathan and Argyle, and Robin found her current wife.
The wife, back then a girlfriend, is more femme than Robin and there are pictures of their 'wedding'. It wasn't legal, but they didn't care. Robin wore a suit, her wife a dress. There is one page dedicated to the most traditional wedding pictures they took as a joke.
Then the following pictures are more like them, posing with their collection of garden gnomes and taking goofy pictures with everyone, as well as more serious ones.
Jonathan's favorites are the one where Steve is dancing with Robin, her second dance, both having been disowned by their parents. It's obvious they're both crying. The other one is Robin covered in lipstickstains, both her and her wife grinning like madmen, clearly a little tipsy.
There are also pictures from that first summer after Hawkins split open. Nancy on Argyle's shoulders, Steve's on Eddie's, the four of them fighting in the quarry. Robin floating nearby on a floaty along with Max. In the background the boys are jumping down, only held in posed in the air like that by El, who had taken an interest in photography after she realized how easy it was to forget.
There is also thanksgiving at the Hopper-Byers, 1986. Murray is there as well and they're all pushed together on the table, far more people than they thought would survive. Everyone is laughing, because Jonathan is sprawled over Agryle, having tripped in his haste to get seated for the timer.
It's the intimate domesticity that Jonathan has gotten good at capturing that makes the book pop.
Steve, dead asleep, head resting on Eddie's chest, legs thrown over Robin's lap. Eddie is pressing a kiss onto his forehead, Robin is holding his hand. The photo is called: Nightmares
A picture taken by El is in there as well, properly credited. It was taken when visiting Nancy, Argyle and Jonathan in 1991, the three of them are all half asleep, sitting at the table, all wrapped up together, but doing their own thing. Nancy is making notes on a notepad, Jonathan is rolling film and Argyle is doing the crossword in the paper.
There is also one of Coroded Coffin sitting around, crammed into the tiny apartment Eddie, Robin and Steve shared when they first moved out to the big city. They're writing lyrics, obviously mid argument about something. What is noteble is Steve in the background, leaning against the doorframe, looking very fond, dishtowel slung over his shoulders.
Naturally there is also one with all the kids around the table, dice scattered about, Eddie in the midst of a dramatic narration, seemingly oblivious to Steve, smiling dopily and nearly sleep, from where he is draped over Eddie's lap.
There are also pictures of Robin painting Steve's nails, because while Steve knew he'd had to take it off before work, he likes the way it looks.
As well as Steve doing Eddie's eyeliner, because Eddie used to be baby about it, before he got used to doing it before shows.
Will is also in there, alseep in the backseat with Mike, draped over the other guy. They're both in the remnants of cosplay, on the way back from a convention.
All the kids are, though they feature less, having been younger and in different phases of life.
There is a picture of Max and El asleep in Max's dorm when she went to college. Her skateboard is leaning against the wall along with her crutches. Max's hands are in El's hair, it's half braided like they fell asleep before finishing it.
Lucas is pictured with Steve, sweating on a basketball court, what is more obvious is Eddie and Max in the foreground. They're both leaning on their knees, oggling the two players. Max's eyes peer out through thick lenses, but that doesn't hide the moon eyed expression that matches Eddie's.
Another intimate moment that Jonathan captured was Steve, Eddie and Dustin, the three of them in front of a mirror, shaving. Eddie is just dry shaving, but Steve and Dustin both have foam beards, by the looks of it, Steve is teaching Dustin how to shave.
There are also just a few pages dedicated to cheek kisses, both platonic and romatic. They have big grins, soft looks, tears and blood in them. All of them look meant.
One double page is Argyle, Eddie, Nancy, Robin and Steve painting protest signs. There is laughter, but a somber atmosphere too. A heartbreaking point in history to be alive.
The next page is Eddie, Steve and Nancy, the three of them black eyes, Steve even missing a tooth. They're on the steps of a police station, Eddie is giving it the finger, his other arm slung around Steve. Nancy is getting checked over by Agryle, looking determined. Robin is running towards Steve.
Furthermore, it's filled to the brim with pictures of them doing dishes, playing games, backstage with Eddie, Nancy interviewing leather daddies at pride, hands twined together on the dashboard.
Nancy has provided the writing, telling their stories of those times. They might not be able to say it all, but they can say more than back then and their stories deserve a space too. Their interlinked dynamics, their ups, their downs. The family they built together.
Just Jonathan's queer photography of the late 80s/early 90s y'all.
On AO3
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lokiiied · 9 months
when mr. murray the matchmaker bauman said “experiment sexually” when talking to joyce about what the kids might do while she was away he KNEW who he was talking about.
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loki-the-bi-frost · 2 years
How is it that I am 100% certain that my ship will be canon yet at the same time have barely a crumb of hope it will be canon, you ask? Well, sorry to disappoint, but I don’t fucking know and I hate it here please help me
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bigdumbbambieyes · 10 months
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They’re going to form a union!
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For the youngs arguing about the plausibility of ships on Stranger Things: yeah, it's a science fiction that need not be historically accurate at all, but also, I grew up in a small Midwestern town, like Hawkins, in the 80s, and I knew queer adults. It's true that far fewer were out then, but they were there, and some were out. My mom regularly played cards with some gay male friends, the adult daughter of one of her other friends left her husband for a woman, and my aunt had a favorite coworker who was part of a long-term lesbian couple. All of these people lived in my small town or the surrounding county. As an old, I assure you, we existed in the 80s, even in a place like Hawkins.
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duffer brothers please let the metal head kiss the jock and the journalist kiss the talkative one and the sad gay nerd kiss the repressed gay nerd and the angry redhead kiss the telepathic one and the basketball player and the weed smoker kiss the other weed smoker and the-
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post-st4 Steve and Argyle unexpectedly bonding over the pros and cons having the type of inattentive parents that let you do things like throw house parties, and smoke weed all the time, and disappear into an underground Russian base for 24 hours, and drive across the country in a stolen van with a superpowered fugitive
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mioakem · 2 years
Everyone would be shipping Jargyle if argyle was a skinny white boy and you all know I’m right
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Steve: Third base is letting you bring me to the hospital when I have a concussion
Robin: So you've never done third base? Ha
Jonathan: Third base for me is talking about my dad...
Nancy: So we...? Oh god no, I'm lesbian
Jonathan: Thanks
Argyle: Third base is if I tell you my secrets for my hair
Steve, blushing: You told me them before
Argyle *winks*
Nancy: Third base is letting you into my room and letting you look around
Robin: You let me do that!!
Nancy: No I didn't! You just did it without permission
Robin, shrugging: Anyways, third base for me is like probably me letting you pick my outfit
Nancy, blushing: Fuck you
Eddie: Third base is letting you touch my guitar
Steve: You don't even let me within five feet of it
Eddie: You're a clumsy man! I don't want you to hurt her!
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feralforwesper · 1 year
Happy Pride Month to everybody and all the non-canon gay ships in my silly little mind
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
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A crime these three never interacted
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Harringrove AU where all of them have a study date together but Steve’s eyes are a lil more glued on Billy than the notes in his hands
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highlyincorrect · 2 years
Murray is the most dynamic ship-accelerator in Stranger things and I don’t think we’re all taking advantage of it
Byler? Murray would raise one eyebrow and it’d be over. Jargyle? Done and dusted with one pep talk. Ronance? They’ve already been set up on a candle light dinner.
But don’t get me started on Steddie. Murray would take one look at the two of them just minding their own business, sigh heavily and shoo the others out of the room, telling Joyce “I just need a minute. Ten tops.”
Eddie and Steve emerge from the living room fifteen minutes later as boyfriends and they have no idea how it happened. Murray follows behind them, with a slurpee and a smug grin
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i-am-autistic · 6 months
Are there any Jonathan fans who aren't Jancys or Stonathans or care too much for his romantic situation.
I feel like I don't hate either ship or dislike them even but the aspect I care about the character the least is his romance and I honestly don't like that 90% of Jonathan fans feel he HAS to get with Nancy to have a happy ending.
If anything I lean furthest to Jargyle
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abisbookshelf · 2 years
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they’re all queer, fight me.
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