#shitty siblings
imjussaiyan · 5 months
Anyone else have a sibling that HAS to have ALL the attention and is entitled as fuck?
My sister is so fucking entitled it makes me sick. And she’s fake on top of it all.
So I know accidents happen and it only takes one time to get pregnant. And I know you’re wondering why this is an issue and you’re probably thinking I’m an asshole.
Well, we live on the family farm with our parents because this country is a hellscape. She was going through trade school, which fine I get them supporting her through that. However, her boyfriend lives here too (that’s partially my parents stupid mistake) and neither of them have a job or source of income.
Like. At all.
My parents FULLY support them financially and otherwise. And they had the fucking nerve to get pregnant and KEEP it..? On someone else’s dime? In a home that there is literally no room for a good damn baby? With a broke ass, dead beat ass fiancé..? Because of course they’re engaged. Idk how they’re going to get married or with what money. She wants to do that before she has the baby. L O FUCKING L.
Oh, but there’s more. Not only did my parents and I pay for her trade school, she slacked off and took too many “personal days” because she was upset about social things at school. Which created MORE fees adding up to 2300 dollars. Which I paid so she could graduate. Bitch. You are almost 22. Shut the fuck up.
ON TOP of that, I found a nice little manufactured home for a low price and showed her because it was cute. Not that I can afford it, but it’s fun to window shop and the bitch says, “I should have mom and dad help me with that.”
Our parents cannot afford to do that. And I told her so. She then gets all sad and butthurt. Like, excuse me? We literally grew up poor as dirt and she thinks our parents are just going to buy her everything? I know they spoiled the fuck out of her and that’s partially why she’s such a selfish brat, but honestly, it’s her personality.
But wait. THERE’S MORE.
Not only is she pregnant on our parents dime, she signed up for state insurance incorrectly and was just going to give up even after our other sister told her exactly how to do it and offered help. Her response? “Oh, mom and dad will pay for it.”
She does next to fucking nothing around the house and is overly fucking sensitive about anything and everything. She’s also a little bitch ass know it all and she literally has no fucking clue about how anything in this world works, including her own body. Yes. She doesn’t even know how her vagina works and she decides to have a god damn baby that no one can afford.
And now I’m the asshole because I’m NOT excited. Nor do I have to be. She lied about “the condom didn’t fit right.” Then why did you do it? Especially when she KNEW she was ovulating..?
She tried to have a kid with her last fiancé under the same exact circumstances, but aborted that one because she realized it was a bad idea. Mind you, I’m the only one who knows this. If my hyper religious parents found out, they’d go ballistic. Part of me wishes I hadn’t protected her from that. Anyway, she did this shit on purpose. I know when she’s lying and she can’t even keep her lame ass story straight.
I am so done with her rn.
He finally got a decent job. Even though he could’ve been working a meager in between one instead of relying on my family for everything for over a year… but whatever I guess. At least he’s got a job now.
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thiamblogger · 14 days
don't mind me.. just crying cause apparently i have a vendetta against my little brother for not wanting him to always ruin my stuff!! 🤗🤗
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rainbowofthenight · 8 months
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acourtoffeyandfables · 8 months
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ghl-osty · 3 months
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luz isn’t above using undertale references to make her brother and herself feel better
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Please excuse my attempt at being funny
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howlonomy · 2 months
Has it crossed Clover's mind to go to their old home? To see how they are?
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i like to think that obviously, ceroba and the others would ask; but clover is still uncomfortable sharing that part of their life. so they ask them not to pry and just let it be, so the adults respect that and dont mention clovers previous family.
but you always share your deepest secrets at midnight, so clover confides in kanako about it every once and a while. so she suggest they go at night, so no one sees them, just to see the house. just a little bit of closure.
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zoomzooml · 7 months
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Sanji using idioms/sayings with colors(+feelings preferably) mainly to mess with evil-super-sentai-wearing-stupid-boots a bit
It's kinda OOC so maybe AU??
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startagainaprologue · 2 months
Boops bonnie
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in where loop fucking dies
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watzuu-lmk · 10 months
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Au where mk and swk are born twins
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crunchchute · 3 months
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Sam and Max if they were cool /j
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violent138 · 2 months
HC that Jason and Dick have very different strategies for handling Tim's repeated jokes about killing himself.
Jason: "Why don't you just stay out of this one, Dickhead? Let the kid make his own decision."
Dick, kicking Jason: "Tim think about the consequences--"
Tim, more annoyed by the conversation than anything, slumped on the table: "The whole point is that there are no consequences."
Dick: "--if you killed yourself, you'd violate the no-killing rule and Bruce would revive you to be disappointed and make your life miserable."
Jason, to Dick: "You're such an idiot."
Tim: *bursts into laughter*
Alfred: *booking therapy*
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
the quiet tragedy of verin being the one who never quite made it out.
for most of their lives, essek was the one who was entrenched in expectations, in the politics of their den. while verin was stationed far from the heart of the dynasty, ostensibly free from the eyes of his elders, essek was sitting beside their mother in court and speaking before the queen. and it made sense, because essek had always been better at all of it — the posturing, the sweet-talking, the ladder-climbing. his brother the black sleep was still his brother the prodigy; his brother the heretic was still his brother the shadowhand.
but then, essek meets new people and they get through to him and change him and make him softer, make him better (and why them? what is it about them, that they could do what verin never could?) and he runs. he gives up the title and the status and the power and leaves it all (leaves verin) behind.
suddenly, verin is the lone newsoul of den thelyss, the one with all eyes on him, with the expectations meant for two brothers falling squarely on his shoulders and only his in the absence of their other target. he is still the youngest of his den, the one they all watch and wait to be disappointed by, but there is no one to share that burden with anymore and all at once it becomes painfully clear that distance never really was freedom.
essek has a family, then — not a den but a family, with love and trust and care and warmth and all the things essek once called verin childish for craving — and a welcoming home to go to with someone who loves him waiting there and a garden in the front yard, and verin is left still fighting demons under the banner of a god (of a family, of a home) he only half-believes in.
and maybe they see each other more often then. maybe bazzoxan is remote enough that it’s safe for essek to visit in disguise. maybe essek’s friends come too and are kind enough to offer a taste of what essek has now and verin can almost believe it’s his too. maybe essek doesn’t even fight it anymore when verin insists on hugging him. but how much can that really fix? how much can it really change?
an unloved man leaves no one behind when he finally makes a better life for himself, but essek was never an unloved man. not really.
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cluster b solidarity time.
i love you people with bpd 💚
i love you people with hpd 💚
i love you people with aspd 💚
and... i love my fellow people with npd 💚
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coralpaperthoughts · 1 month
i think some people (me, I'm talking about me) forget that Azula is only 14 years old.
she's FOURTEEN and she was a master at firebending, conquered Ba Sing Se and was nearly crowned Fire Lord ?? among many other things that I can't remember off the top of my head, but she was only 14???
me, at 14? I didn't even know what a swear word was
and then after the war's over?? what happens to her idek but if it's some bs like she got thrown in jail or smth imma be pissed coz she deserves better, like yeah she did all that shit, but Ozai was literally her father and Ursa was her mother - I think that justifies all her actions ngl
she wasn't even of legal age yet, surely that means they can offer her help or smth, instead of punish her???
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housewifebuck · 1 year
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