#shoot me. cut me off. kill the internet
loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
superhero au where Davey has been a hero his entire life, recruited as a child, is looked up to and honored and admired by so many people, a shining example of what it means to be a good metahuman, somebody who uses their powers to help and uphold the morals and standards that everyone knows are best. he's been doing this for so long, his whole life, and everyone expects him to be perfect. he's merciful when he needs to be but knows that justice comes with a price. he's well-spoken and respectful, he knows how to talk to a crowd, he's the kind of hero that kids have posters of and people swoon over. he sits up straight for interviews and talks about the moral obligation those with powers have to protect those without, how choosing to do anything else with those powers is a waste of positive potential and only contributes to the problems that he's working so diligently to face.
and maybe he believes it for a time. for a long time. he believes it because it's all he's ever known, all he's ever been allowed to know. he's a role model, a hero, somebody for people like his kid brother to look up to. all of those things are good, aren't they?
but he knows there's more out there. and maybe he wants to give that more a try. maybe, after a long month of neverending fights, when he's bruised and sore and still nothing is fixed, nothing is better, maybe he has a moment of rebellion that he never allowed himself to have as a kid. maybe he puts on a new disguise, one that nobody will recognize, and he slips away into the city to live his own life, just for a night, not the life that somebody else decided he should have when he was a kid.
and the thing is. there's a whole world out here that nobody has ever thought to tell him about. a world of people who are rich and colorful and bright and full, who have lives on the streets of the city so unlike the sanitary, solitary existence he's believed in for himself for so long. he slips into the city and before he knows it, somebody who melts into the shadows like he's one of them and leaves streaks of light across building faces as easily as spray paint is grabbing his hand and telling him to, run, goddamnit, you led them right to me!
and this boy, this shining boy who's barely older than davey but knows the ins and outs of this city better than anybody davey has ever met, is laughing. davey is learning that he knows nothing about being on his own, nothing about how to sneak away, nothing about any of this, even the things he's supposed to be good at. he was followed from home by people who want to make sure he's never anything less than perfect, but this boy pulls him by the hand into an alley and surrounds them in shadow so dense davey hears rather than sees their pursuers run past, and then he's laughing.
and this boy, this shadowy, shining boy, pulls sparks from the air to leave his mark on every street corner they pass. he presses light into crevices in the sidewalk, gives warmth to the people they pass who have no home to return to, flashes a smile so bright that a shopkeeper doesn't notice when a little kid with holes in his shoes steals something to eat right in front of them. he's everything davey is supposed to warn against, somebody powerful, somebody strong, who doesn't use their powers for good the way davey has been taught is the only way to be good. but this boy, who names himself jack, is doing more good in one night than davey feels that he's done in the last year. these people recognize jack, they thank him for something he did yesterday and he laughs it off as nothing, nothing, just doing what needs to be done. he pulls a blanket made out of shadow from thin air and wraps it around the shoulders of a woman shivering in the night's breeze. from a block away, he throws up a wall of shadow that lets a woman disappear around a corner without the man following a few paces behind to see where she went.
and davey is in awe. and davey is realizing for the first time in his life that there is so much more to life and so much more to being a hero than he thought there was.
and jack, who's smarter than he tries to seem, has noticed right away how davey moves faster than he should and reacts before he should have noticed, has noticed the hidden strength that doesn't seem possible with the way his body is built, and he says, you don't have to hide it, you know, you should meet my friends.
and for the first time, davey meets people like him who are allowed to just be people. people with powers who use them for fun, a boy who can fly using it to steal his brother's hat and stick himself to the ceiling so he can't get it back, a boy who can read minds playing cards and pretending not to cheat, a boy who can see through walls teasing his friends by shouting out what embarrassing thing they have hidden under their pillow. not heroes, these kids, at least not according to what davey has been taught a hero should be. they're not neat and coiffed and carefully maintained, not scripted and stiff and poised. and he loves it. and he wishes that he'd been allowed to have this. and he wishes he could be a part of this.
and when jack starts talking and they start listening, davey hears a whole different kind of hero. the kind that jack is, the shining boy who doesn't care about the grand, posturing battles taking place miles above the city but cares so much about a kid going hungry that he can bring himself to tears. the kind of hero who isn't a role model because he never curses and is never anything but polite and never questions let alone breaks the rules, but is a role model because he isn't scared to get dirty, isn't scared to throw a punch against somebody dressed up and nice and neat and respectable and kind when he sees through that show, isn't scared to be seen as a bad guy by some people when he knows he's doing the right thing. and all of these kids are like that, davey notices.
when he leaves that night, with a shard of crystalized light he has to wrap in three pairs of socks to hide in his dresser drawer, he starts paying attention. starts noticing the way that the fights he gets thrown into don't change anything because that's the point, they're not supposed to. he's a hero because the status quo says the good guys are the ones who listen to the rules, even when the rules are hurting more people than they're helping. he's a hero because when he was little and not in control of his powers, promising to be good and sit still and not show off was the way to get people to leave him alone, he's a hero because somebody saw that he was so eager to please and so eager to be good that he could force himself to never think about anything as long as he was making people happy and keeping his family safe. and that tiny seed of rebellion that made him steal a night in the city grows bigger and bigger and bigger until it's driving him crazy, making him restless and reckless and stupid. until he's asking his sister, what if things were different and I didn't need to be this way? what if things were different and everyone understood that there's nothing special about me? and he's noticing the way she catches her breath and the way she's lying when she says, but this is the way it has to be, this is the way we need it to be, this is the way that it's safe. and it breaks his heart to realize that, however heroic everyone else seems to think he is, his family doesn't trust him, not really. because he never breaks the rules, and if he never breaks the rules, that means he won't tolerate them breaking the rules, either.
when he's on duty at night, he watches the streaks of light that appear from the shadows, burning messages that nobody but the person who created them can erase into the face of the city. he starts to notice how many people have gifts from shadowy, shining jack, and he starts to notice what the other kids he met are up to, too, the people they help and the difference they make. and that seed of rebellion grows and grows and grows until even the people who think he's a perfect, controlled, impenetrable example of their goodness start to notice. until sarah confesses to him, late at night and whispering so low he almost can't hear her, that she's been sneaking into the city at night, that les has been sneaking into the city at night, that they both thought davey would hate them for it. and when davey pulls that shining shard of light out of his sock drawer, sarah laughs just as quietly and says, it's like cinderella in reverse.
and on the day that perfect and poised, stiff and scripted, excellent example of heroism davey jacobs finally lets that seed of rebellion burst into something more, for the first time, he actually feels like a hero. not like an actor playing a part. and when shining jack kelly takes his hand this time and draws him into a shadow so deep he can almost taste it while letting dangerous pursuit run past, this time he doesn't say, run, you led them right to me. he says, I knew there was something weird about you. he says, do you want to help me change the world?
and for the first time since he was very young and very naive, davey actually believes it when he says, yes, I'm here to change the world.
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lovphobic · 1 year
hope your ex burns tbh not only is it so fucked up but also manipulative as fuck kinda making it seem like you'd be dying to hurt them lol also kids?? with this line of thought your ex shouldn't even be allowed to drink much less be responsible for children
TRULY? HONESTLY? she was like ohh i dont know if i can commit to that and this and that bullshit. like ok so somehow being born like this WAS indeed my fault and i did it specifically to hurt you, who was born 4 years before me, who i wont meet for twenty whole years. yes that makes total sense. i gave myself this disease JUST to hurt you.
#another batshit thing she said to me. after telling her i literally cannot drive because my condition has made it so i have had multiple#surgeries on my one eye. ON. ON the eye BALL. and therefore im super light sensitive and THEREFORE would be super super fucking unsafe for#me to drive during the day (sun) and night (people who cant turn their fucking brights off) and she read all this and was like you cant jus#expect me to drive you around everywhere? like YES I FUCKING CAN? YOU WANT ME TO KILL MYSELF AND/OR OTHERS TRYING TO DRIVE MYSELF???#and then there was this other time where i was ''shutting down'' her suggestions to manage my depression. like go for a walk (outside. cant#be in the sun. live near a highway) or play online games (had horrible internet at the time. physically couldnt do that) and she got SO#fucking mad at me for shooting down her suggestions even though i wasnt doing that at all and giving valid reasons i could not do the thing#she was suggesting. and so i broke up with her! and i never got back together with her!#but oh my god she thought i did! and even though i told her multiple times that i made it clear we were not together and that i didnt feel#comfortable getting back together w her because she blew up on me over fucking nothing. she was like so you were just leading me on? you#dense cunt. i would not do that and the fact you have to ask if i would/was doing that proves you dont know shit about me#another time was when she told me. outright. knowing i am very uncomfortable w the topic. that she was going to. and i quote. 'cut the shit#out of my arms tonight' and then left the dm and didnt say shit for like half an hour. and im just over on my end panicking the fuck out of#my mind trying to reach her get any fucking message out of her begging her to fucking not. and then months later she was like heyyy um your#reaction to that moment was pretty toxic? i was having a meltdown and i literally couldnt respond to you in the moment. LIKE OK? YOU COULDV#SAID THAT IMMEDIATELY AFTER? NOT SAID THE INITIAL TRIGGERING THING TO BEGIN WITH?#she makes my fucking blood boil even to this day. there is so much more i could talk about but i think i have made my point crystal fucking#clear. like. you know what. did i deserve any of that? no. and im sorry for whoever has to deal with it next.#and we werent even together for a year. this all happened from december 21 to september 22. just let that sink in. just for a moment.#snail mail
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f0point5 · 9 months
Max Verstappen x bestfriend!reader Masterlist
She’s still bejewelled - Y/N finds out F1 wag pages are once again speculating she is dating her best friend, Max Verstappen
It’s (not) a cruel summer - Y/N and Max enjoy the summer break
August slipped away - Y/N does a Q&A to catch up with her followers after summer break
Burning red- Lando puts his foot in it
Holy ground - Fans discuss their excitement to see Y/N and Max interact at Zandvoort
I’m the one who understands you - A window into Max and Y/N’s home life
It turned into something bigger - Y/N’s comments about her childhood friend, Mick Schumacher, lead to a social media firestorm
They’d say I’d hustled, put in the work - A look at Y/N’s podcast, Dirty Air(time)
Shake it off - Determined to forget her worries, Y/N goes out parting with Max and Lando
They say home is where the heart is - Fans discuss how Y/N and Max love being roommates
(We’re) in the club doing I don’t know what - Fans look back on Max and Y/N’s Club Rat Renaissance
Pauses, then says, (he’s) my best friend - Y/N spends the day in Amsterdam while Max does press at Zandvoort
How evergreen, our group of friends - Snippets of Y/N and Max’s other friends on the grid and beyond
We’re faster and never scared - It’s a dramatic Friday in the Zandvoort paddock
I watch Superman fly away - The drama continues as Y/N and Mick have a run in in the paddock
Long live all the magic he made - Y/N supports Max as he equals the record for most consecutive wins
Remember the footsteps - A look at Y/N and Mick’s lifelong friendship
He has his father’s eyes…his father’s ambition - A look at Y/N’s relationship with Jos
I love your handshake, meeting my father - Fans discuss Jos’s perspective on Y/N, and her relationship with Max
And maybe it was egos swinging - Everyone speculates about the cause and consequences of Y/N and Mick’s falling out
I fell from the pedestal - Y/N becomes the subject of internet trolling after her fall out with Mick becomes public
Don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay - Unable to deal with the stress and trolling, Y/N goes home to Switzerland, cutting off Max
My reputation’s never been worse so - Y/N’s absence sparks concerns amongst those closest to her
If someone comes at us, this time I’m ready - Y/N’s friends publicly support her as the hate continues
You don’t want to know me, I will just let you down
My words shoot to kill when I’m mad - Mick and Y/N finally talk
Something in your eyes says we can beat this - Max has a tough start to an important weekend, but his luck is about to change
(We) saw something the can’t take away - Y/N is there as Max wins at Monza and breaks another record
This is life before you know who you’re gonna be - Netizens discuss Max and Y/N’s enemy era
20 questions, we tell the truth - Y/N catches up with her followers after a hectic couple of weeks, and meets a man in Monaco
On a Wednesday, in a café - Y/N’s podcast with Daniel leads to some interesting revelations
Do you really want to know where I was? - Y/N and Max spend a day at the factory as rumours begin to swirl
I make it look oh so easy - Y/N and Max choose different confidants as they both attempt to avoid the elephant in the room
You’ll find me on my tallest tiptoes - It gets harder for Y/N to keep her secret
Slow motion, double vision in rose blush - Y/N gets back in the saddle while Max watches from the sidelines in more ways than one
Carnations you had thought were roses - Two of Y/N’s secrets are revealed
Didn’t it all seem new and exciting - Max leaves Y/N behind in Monaco as she reflects on her date
Loose lips sink ships all the damn time - Y/N heads to Switzerland for a special appointment as her relationship with Max is put under a microscope
I don’t wanna miss you like this - Y/N and Max deal with the distance between them differently
Your finger on my hairpin trigger - Tensions run high as Max has a bad day on track and Y/N gets defensive
Takes one to know one - Y/N’s much needed talk with Elliot is interrupted by an explosive qualifying in Singapore
I want to tell you not to get lost in these petty things - Max’s streak comes to an end and he and Y/N look ahead to Suzuka
Forever going with the flow, but you’re friction - Max asking Y/N to fly out early to Japan leads to tension and Y/N turns to Daniel for advice
I drive down different roads - Fans, and Y/N, speculate about her budding relationship
(They) knew what it was, he is in love - Netizens set out to prove that Max is in love with Y/N
(We) counted days, I counted miles, to see you there - Y/N arrives in Japan and is reunited with Max
Balancing on breaking branches - Max receives an unexpected delivery as Y/N answers questions from the media and her mother
It’s you and me, there’s nothing like this - As Max gets back to business as usual in Suzuka, wag social media does it’s thing
My (baby flies) like a jet stream - Max has a good day on track and Y/N’s Vogue article goes live
I can read you like a magazine - The internet reacts to mentions of Max in Y/N’s Vogue article
He’s passing by, rare as a glimmer of a comet in the sky - Red Bull securing the WCC is overshadowed by the revelation that Max hates podcasts
The lingering question(s) kept me up - Y/N does an Instagram Q&A
I just may like some explanations - Y/N answers more questions
How you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry - Set in 2017, we learn what led to Y/N’s dad being dropped as Max’s sponsor, early in their friendship
People started talking, putting us through our paces - When Y/N is spotted out with Elliot, Instagram, Max, and Lando react
I don’t wanna touch you - Y/N finds herself short of breath on her padel date. Later, she appears on Max’s stream
(I) will never make my parents’ mistakes - Y/N’s dad hears about her dating life, and her mother weighs in
Drinking on a (yacht) with you all over me - Y/N and Max kick of his birthday celebrations with a day on the water, while Elliot changes his tune
I’d pick you up and we’d go back in time - Y/N and Max bring in his birthday somewhere special
We’re gonna be timeless - It’s Max’s birthday, but Y/N isn’t the only one planning surprises
Take the moment and taste it - Max enjoys a birthday boat day with family and friends, and Vic makes an accidental discovery
There’s glitter on the floor after the party - It’s the morning after night before. Max and Vic discuss Y/N’s letter
Movin’ on was always easy for me to do - Y/N and Elliot meet up to talk and Y/N’s friend weighs in. Y/N’s tweets irritate Max
Your eyes look like (being at) home - Y/N goes riding, Lando proposes plans, and Max has plans of his own
No I didn’t hear the news, ‘cause we were somewhere else - Max and Y/N arrive in Doha, but rumours about Max’s Monaco exploits follow them
You heard the rumours from (your friends) - Max attends Media Day while Y/N hangs out with an old friend
‘Cause they don’t know about the night in the hotel - Max’s GQ interview exposes an interesting part of Max and Y/N’s past
I was dancing around, dancing around it - Y/N and Clara celebrate Max’s on track triumphs
(You) stand up, champion tonight - Max becomes a three time world champion
This life is sweeter than fiction - Max wins in Qatar in a physically gruelling race
Life makes love look hard - Back in Monaco, Y/N is seen out with Elliot, and he makes a bold suggestion
Can we always be this close? - Y/N and Max have a chill day at home and while Twitter notice Max made an admission in an interview, Y/N makes an admission to Victoria
Inescapable, I’m not even gonna try - Y/N and Max spend a day at the factory, where both realise they may have something to work on
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me - Y/N’s podcast with Oscar comes out, on the same day she finally films one with Max. Meanwhile, Max uses the sim in an unconventional way
Yes, I remember what you said last night - Y/N’s plans for COTA baffle Christian, and Y/N learns an unexpected fact about the past
Take out, then take me home - Y/N prepares for Austin, and an interview with Max comes out
Love’s a game, wanna play? - Y/N tries her hand at padel after watching Max compete, and Max steams with Redline
Rosé flowing with your chosen family - Clara and Y/N spend the day together, and Clara becomes determined to finish what she started in 2017
(We are) a flight risk, with a fear of falling - Y/N and Max head to the US
Ain’t it funny, rumours fly - Y/N heads to a Ferrari gala as rumours swirl about Max’s next career move amid reports of infighting at Red Bull
As if I don’t already see (it) - The circus settles in to Texas and Y/N’s dad weighs in on Elliot
Can you see right through me? - Y/N and Elliot make a king and awkward paddock debut
I’ve been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night - Y/N sheds light on her dating history while she and Elliot struggle to adjust to life in the paddock
It’s morning now, it’s brighter now - Y/N reaches out to an old friend for support. Meanwhile, Daniel tries to support Max
The moment I could see it - Max takes another win in Austin while Elliot reaches his breaking point
You’ll find the real thing instead - Y/N and Elliot have an honest conversation
In the name of being honest - Bonus part where Y/N answers Instagram questions after the Austin GP
I’m asking you why - More of Y/N’s post Austin Q&A
You’ve got a girl at home and everybody knows that - Y/N and Max are suspects in the wildest paddock rumour yet as they wrap up their trip to Austin
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded - Y/N gets brutally honest with Mick as Max plays goalkeeper twice
You saw the truth in me - Max cuts it close before media day as reports surface of security threats in Mexico
They tell you that you’re lucky, but you’re so confused - Max attends a gruelling media day as Y/N deals with the heat of Mexico
Laughing with (your head in my) lap, like you were my closest friend - Everyone has a tough quali day
This is the golden age - Maxico delivers another win, and Y/N celebrates with tequila
(You would never) me darling, but who could stay? - Y/N and Max arrive in Brazil for a short break before the race
No one has to know what we do - Max and Y/N fall off the map and enjoy some private time
I can’t say anything to your face - Max and Y/N continue to leave each other flustered and Max starts press for the Brazilian GP
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm - Max takes pole in difficult conditions and Y/N gets near her breaking point
We were cards sharks, playing games - Max wins the sprint and Y/N wins games of her own
🚨I’ve had to add a second masterlist for all posts after this point. That can be found here 🚨
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meo-on-prairie · 9 months
Pro-gamer!Gojo, Geto, Sukuna, and Toji
Writing this on my phone because life been putting me thru a meat grinder and i dont have the time to write an actual fic so i'mma ramble about the fic i been writing in my head when i dissociated
Imagine e-sport AU JJK
Youre a girl that's joining a 5 members first person shooter esport team call Curse Technique (CTQ) cuz women respresantation in esport fucking damn it
Your teammates are Gojo (Sixeyes), Geto (spiriteater), Sukuna (malevolent), and Toji (topji)
Theyre all streamers turn pro-gamers and are the most cocky bastard alive. The have never lose a single tournament ever since the game launched.
They got scouted by CTQ organizations from their stream when the game first launch
They fight each other for the second position on the leader board.
Note how i say second
Because someone with the in-game name KandyCat have the top position. Undefeated. Many have tried. But they cant even come close to thag ranking score
And goddamn did the 4 of them tried. They did a 1 week subathon with the sole purpose of tryna take the number 1 spot. They got their ass handed to them by said KandyCat in their solo rank games. So they temporarily gave up.
They always curios who this KandyCat is tho, becaude they are not a streamer, there are nothing about them on the internet beside the fact that theyre number one on the game leaderboard.
Over times, their curiosity and completitiveness against KandyCat before some sort of admiration and obsession. They really want to know who this person is and learn from them.
Now let's talk about when the team manager introduced you to them.
They thought you were their new assistant. They were expecting their last teamate would be another well known streamer or pro-player
The disbelief on their face when your manager said "this is y/n, she's your 5th member and also will be your in-game leader"
You almost let out a snicker
They threw a tantrum. That's for sure. Not cuz youre a girl. It's cuz theyre prideful as fuck
They cant fathom how a literal no body, someone they never heard of before, be their leader?!? Theyre literally the top 5 players of the game. Impossible. No. If leader is one of them, the rest will be bitter but they still relinquish. But their leader is someone they have never heard of before??? They wont stand for this
No. They refused "she can be our leader if she can beat all 4 of us in 1v1s" sukuna scoff and for the first time theyre all in agreement about something.
"Sure!" You said "let's make it more fun by placing a bet, whoever win get a wish from the loser"
Your manager, nanami, just sigh a long sigh and let yall duke it out on the game.
You logged into your account (y/n0nt0p) and gojo immediate poke fun of you "after this you should chsnge it to y/nthebottom"
They were all so confident. Already thinking of what their wish gonna be.
They could not even land a shot on you
For the first time in their career they went negative on their Kill Death ratio. It was tragic. You were abusing mechanic they have never seen before. Taking angle they didnt know exist. Shooting through wall they didnt know were made out of paper.
They were floored
Complete. Utter. Defeated.
"How?" Toji, the last one to went against you, ask in disbelief.
" You surely dont think this is my main account right? I dont even have any cosmetic on here" you said with a smirk, hinting to them that this isnt the account you will be competing under.
Nanami let out another sign, he need painkiller after this "if you would let me finish introduced her before throwing a tantrum, you coulda save your pride." He said while shaking his head "y/n will be competing under an alias "KandyCat" or Cat, she specifically put in the contract that she does not want her identity to be out in the public including her appearance so----"
"KANDYCAT?!" Gojo shouted cutting nanami off once again.
"The. KandyCat??? Number one player on the leader board. That KandyCat?" Getou said, not believing his ears
Poor men.... theyre going thru so many shocking things in one day. It's like their word just got turned upside down.
Honestly, i havent thoughts about it after this but it would be fun to be like a choose your own adventure fic. Where they all fell head over heel for you over the course of the competitive season.
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jgmartin · 11 months
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We can’t leave the house.
They’ve boarded up our doors and windows, started shooting people trying to break free. There are things in the streets. Tall things. I see their shadows sometimes as they run past the wooden boards. I hear the rumble of their feet.
I don’t know what they are. None of us do.
They cut our access to television and the internet when the lockdown began. They even took out the cell tower. Anne said they didn’t want us communicating with the outside world, telling them about what’s going on out here. I think she’s right.
It’s been two weeks since the men in suits came by. They said they worked for government intelligence and that they were looking for a terrorist. They didn’t strike me as government types, personally. They looked distracted. Spaced out. More like Scientologists than CIA agents, but then I’ve never met a Scientologist or a CIA agent, so who was I to tell the difference?
Either way, they said it would be over soon, and they sounded official. More importantly, they had guns. “We’ll need to search every household,” they explained. “We can’t have anybody leaving before we’ve cleared their property, so we’ll have to board you in.”
It made sense, I guess. In a twisted dystopian nightmare sort of way. It made sense all the way up until the end of the fourth night, when the Tall Things started roaming the streets. They were dressed in long raincoats. Hooded. The way they moved gave me the chills, all jerky and snapping, so I stayed away from the windows.
Anne didn’t mind though. She was fascinated by them. Her and our gun-nut neighbor, Old Ty, exchanged theories written on pieces of cardboard, holding them up to the glass of our windows. GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENT, she wrote on hers. ALIEN INVASION, he wrote on his.
At first, it seemed to just be a bit of innocent, morbid fun. Finding some humor in a bizarre situation. Then Anne watched one of the Tall Things kill somebody, and everything changed.
It was an elderly man in our cul-de-sac, Mister Douglas. Anne watched him open his door, hammer down the boards as one of the Tall Things walked by. He shouted at it. Told it to get over here so he could see just what kind of unholy bullshit his tax dollars were being used to fund.
Next thing you know, there’s sirens in the streets. Soldiers rushing his home. There’s a megaphone shouting at him to get back inside. All of it is useless. All of it happens far too late, because the moment Douglas starts yelling at the Tall Thing, it starts to twitch and jerk like it can’t control its own behavior. Like a predator hungry for a meal.
It snaps its head toward Douglas, then tears across his lawn and snaps him up in its long, spider-like hands. It lifts him off the ground. Then, he screams. He screams and he screams until the Tall Thing lowers the hood of its rain jacket, and then Douglas goes pale as a ghost. Silent.
According to Anne, that’s when the skin of his face started to bubble and pop. That’s when he started hissing out steam, smoking as his flesh sizzled beneath his clothes, as if he were boiling alive from the inside out. Next thing you know, he’s dripping onto the pavement. Dripping and dripping until there’s nothing left of him but a puddle of flesh and clothes.
Nobody tries to step in. Not any of the soldiers, not Anne, and not even Old Ty and all his guns. Everybody watches in stunned silence as the Tall Thing finishes its execution and saunters away.
The soldiers roam with them. The soldiers and the people in long white clothes. Anne says they’re lab coats, and the people are researchers studying the Tall Things as experiments, but I think they look more like robes– like clergymen. All of them wear helmets with tinted visors. It’s as though they don’t want to get a good look at the things.
After Mr. Douglas, more people on the block decided to make a break for it. Maybe they realized this was worse than they thought. Maybe they started wondering what the point of keeping us locked away like this was– were we food for these creatures? Were they trying to turn us into them?
None of us knew. All we could say for certain is that the killing didn’t stop with Mr. Douglas. I woke up one morning to see several of my neighbors shot dead in their yards, their lifeless eyes gazing back at me from the grass. Nobody came to pick them up. They were left there to rot, picked apart by birds and stray dogs.
Soon, gunshots were ringing out at all hours of the day. People wanted out, but the soldiers wouldn’t let them leave, and so the bodies began to pile up. Eventually I think Anne and I were the only two left alive in our cul-de-sac. Even Old Ty had seemed to vanish. Probably shot dead in his backyard.
I’d rarely known death in my life, and now the sheer volume of it was numbing me. I couldn’t process it. I didn’t know how. But then, almost out of the blue the government had a change of heart. Or maybe they just shifted tactics. Suddenly they began letting people leave.
I saw it first with a house at the very end of the road. I watched the woman who lived there break out with a baby tucked in her arm and a grade-schooler holding her hand. The three of them darted across their lawn, jumped over their father’s corpse and piled into their minivan on the street.
The entire time, a soldier and white-coat stood only meters away, quietly observing. It didn’t take long for the rumbling to begin– that telltale sound of approaching death, of one of the Tall Things coming to claim its prize. The van started up, backfiring a plume of exhaust into the air. I listened as the woman shrieked for joy, but I knew the joy would be short lived.
See, from my vantage point at the end of the lane, I saw something that she never could. The boot locked around her rear tire. The van rode forward as she pressed the gas, and then clunked to a stop. My heart broke. The look on her face, the desperation wasn’t for her– it was for her children in the back.
The rumble reached a crescendo, and in the blink of an eye a Tall Thing crashed into the van and knocked it over like a diecast toy. I couldn’t make out much beyond that. Nothing but the sound of the monster tearing into the roof of the van and pulling the crying children out one by one while their mother begged for mercy.
If I were a better, stupider man I may have kicked down my door and tried to save them, but I wasn’t. I was a coward. Instead, I fell to my living room carpet and cried. I laid there and listened as their flesh popped and sizzled, as their skin fell to the pavement in long, heavy drips.
It’s a sound I’ll never forget.
The next day, things got worse. The soldiers no longer cared about enforcing the lockdown or even keeping people safely indoors. Now they were breaking them out. Like hungry wolves, they tore down boarded-up doors and kicked in living room windows, dragging families out onto their lawns for slaughter. If the screams were horrible before, now they were unbearable. You couldn’t ignore them. Anne and I cranked our sound system to the max, but it only served as background static. The dying cut through everything.
That night we barely slept. Anne tossed and turned beside me, while I stared blankly at the ceiling fan above. There was an understanding between us. We had been abandoned. There was nobody coming to help us, nobody coming to arrest these monsters and save the day. We were alone.
How long until her and I were dragged out of our home? How long until we became the next experiment chained to our fence, waiting to be attacked by one of those creatures? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. Neither of us knew, and somehow that made it all the worse.
I woke up to sunlight peeking through our boarded-up bedroom window. Anne was missing. I looked all over the house for her before I found her note on the kitchen counter, scribbled quickly.
I know you’re afraid, the note read, but I have to leave. You might think we’ll make it through this, that once they’ve had their fill of guinea pigs they’ll let the rest of us go free, but I promise you they’ll come for us soon. This might be my last chance. Since you won’t come with me, I’m going alone. I wish I could have said a proper goodbye, but I know you’d try to stop me.
Love always,
- Anniebear
She left through the basement hatch. I know this because I spotted her corpse some five feet away through our kitchen window. She gazed back at me, a look of shock painted across her pale face, with a small red dot where the bullet pierced her skull. I couldn’t even muster the courage to step out and bury her. Instead the racoons and dogs took care of her, one piece at a time.
She was right, though. Eventually they did come for me.
It was over a week later. By then I didn’t have the will to resist. I waited patiently at the kitchen table, drunk with a glass of whiskey as soldiers and white-coats dragged me from the house. When I’d seen it happen to other people, it seemed to occur so quickly. Now, it happened in slow motion.
I heard every word from the soldier's mouth. Every command. First, he patted me down and ensured I was disarmed, then he told me this was all routine and nothing to worry about. Together they took me out into my yard. The white-coat asked me if I had lived a good life, if I had been a man of faith. I didn’t know what to say. Maybe I was simply too drunk, or maybe I truly didn’t care anymore.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” the white-coat assured me. “You’ll be at peace once it’s over, brother.”
In the distance came the growing rumble of the monster’s feet. Of the Tall Thing coming to claim its bounty.
“How many more after this?” the soldier asked the white-coat, his hand painfully gripping my shoulder.
“Then us, sister?”
“Then us.”
The rumbling deepened. The Tall Thing was getting closer, and soon my heart was beating in sync with its stampeding footfalls. Memories flashed in my mind. Memories of Anne, of my dead neighbors, of the mother who lived at the end of the road and her children, now puddles of flesh on the pavement. My hands became fists. Indignation and fury grew inside of me, stoked by whisky fumes.
“Why do this?” I growled. “Why not just put a bullet in my head?”
“Because we love you, brother,” said the white-coat. “You waited patiently. You had faith, and for that you will be rewarded with salvation. You will be raptured.”
The Tall Thing rounded the corner, its legs slapping against the ground in great strides. Its frame eclipsed the moon, casting a shadow across me and stealing the breath from my lungs. It slowed down as it reached my lawn, sauntering this way and that.
“What are they?” I whispered.
“The ones that made us,” the white-coat replied. “Those that gave us life.”
I shrank away as the Tall Thing neared, but the soldier shoved me forward. “Be strong, brother. Show it your conviction. We were brought to this planet long ago, but now our time is served and we’re finally going home. Don’t you want to go home?”
The Tall Thing reached up to its hood. As it did, the soldier’s grip loosened and both he and the white-coat stepped to the side, away from the creature’s view. I would not scream, I told myself. No matter what, I wouldn’t give these monsters the satisfaction of my terror.
It pulled back on its hood, and something grotesque looked down on me. It was as if a hundred different faces had been stitched together, fused into an abomination that seemed to smile from fifteen mouths. “We come in peace,” it said.
My teeth bit into my cheeks, clenching them closed. A whimper escaped me, a whimper and a groan as my stomach filled with a soup of boiling horror. I would not scream. No matter the pain-- I would not scream.
Its long, spindly hands gripped my face. It cocked its head to the side, a hundred different eyes blinking back at me. Then it tugged at the bottom of my mouth.
But I wasn’t going to let it have its way. I clenched my jaw, holding it closed. The creature blinked at me. Then it repositioned its grip.
It snapped my jaw like cardboard. I roared in agony, my lower mouth hanging limply from my face. Tears fell from my eyes in a torrent.
“Shh,” it whispered, slipping a finger down my throat. I choked and gagged. It fished its finger around as a hundred different eyes rolled back, and fifteen mouths began muttering an alien language.
I struggled against it, pulling at its arm but it was useless. The monster was too strong. Then a gunshot rang out.
And another. The Tall Thing wheeled around, dropping me onto my lawn as the soldier began shouting into his radio. The next second, a bullet found the soldier in the head. The white-coat shrieked, fleeing around my fence as a round caught her in the shoulder. The Tall Thing shot up to its full height, standing level with the street lamps and then sprinted toward the shooter.
Toward Old Ty.
He’d set up a killzone on his roof, surrounded by rifles and ammo. He’d waited for a moonless night to do his business, and now he was raining lead onto the creature like a blizzard of death. “What are you waiting for?” he bellowed. “Get moving, dipshit!”
I did. I stole away, hiding in shrubs and behind sheds, watching as Tall Things came roaring down streets, jumping over houses and knocking over cars as they tried to reach Old Ty. He only lasted a few minutes. That’s when the shooting stopped, but it was enough time for me to get away.
Maybe enough time for others, too.
It took me three hours to hike through Debby Forest and make it to the next town, and once I did I breathed a sigh of relief. There weren’t any soldiers. No white-coats. Most importantly, there weren’t any Tall Things melting people in their clothes. Just quiet stillness, the thing early mornings were meant for.
I made my way to the sheriff’s department to blow the whistle on what was going on. To explain that people were being shot, that Tall Things were melting people on the street and that we needed to get our ass in gear and call in the National Guard– no, scratch that. We needed to call in fucking NATO.
But as I got to the door of the precinct I stopped. Something gleamed in the corner of my eye, catching my attention. It was there, at the edge of the curb. A puddle.
Strange thing was, it hadn’t rained in weeks.
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postwarlevi · 1 year
Content: 2.4k words of dad to be Jean worrying maybe a little too much about you and the baby.
a/n- first time with established relationship with Jean! Kind of got away from me but I hope you enjoy anyway :)
"What are you doing?!" You freeze at hearing your husbands voice ring out. Caught again!
"Nothing! I was just-" You don't even get to finish your sentence before Jean is scooping you up into him arms, off the first step of the little stool and back onto completely solid ground.
"You were just getting off of there!" He says, taking the stool and removing it from the kitchen.
"I was just trying to reach the flour!" You follow him into the living room, explaining yourself.
"I could reach it for you, just ask me." He says, turning back towards you once the stool is far enough away.
"Okay, could you get me the flour?" You mumble, not meeting his gaze.
He hugs you around the waist, petting you hair. "Flour would be for.. baking?" He asks in a way as if you are doing something wrong.
You huff at him. "Of course! I was just going to make a little strawberry dessert!" Just a little something!
"You know you can't have a lot of sugar." He speaks calming and still holds you despite your obvious rising irritation.
"Jean!" You whine at him. "I can't go the entire time without something sweet! And you love strawberries!" You would have preferred a blueberry dessert, but were hoping by making it strawberry, you could talk him into letting you make it.
He smooths your hair back and kisses your head, ignoring the daggers you shoot at him from under your lashes as you look up at him. "I told you, I wouldn't have it if you couldn't have it. And, you can't have it. Not yet." Not even strawberries would entice him.
"You don't let me do anything!" You sigh in defeat and lay your head against his chest, annoyed, but still showing him acceptance and appreciation, knowing that he has your wellbeing in mind.
"I'm going to let you give birth in a couple months." He chuckles, rubbing your belly.
Your mood changes instantly and you grin and hug him for real.
"Yes, a couple more months. A couple more months of not letting me do anything." You say playfully, looking up at him.
"I know. I know." Jean let's out a tiny sigh. "I can't help it. It's our first baby. I've always tried to keep you safe, and now I'm keeping both of you safe. It's stressful." He says, a bit of worry in his voice.
"Honey, nothing is going to happen. But I promise, I won't get on step stools anymore. And I'll keep my sugar intake down, mostly. And I won't go water the plants when it's too hot, and I won't get in the car when Sasha is driving, and-"
He cuts you off with a snort. "I know I can overreact, and I won't promise I'll get better. But you shouldn't let Sasha drive no matter what your condition." You both laugh together.
You both find something to eat and settle down on the couch together and watch a bit of television. You sigh happily and kiss Jeans cheek, who smiles at you. You never really get mad at him, and neither of you can stay annoyed for long.
You try to be understanding. This is your first child, after all. Six months ago a little life had been created and now in three more months they would be here.
Though you've been a bit nervous, overall you've held it together. Children are born every day. There's no reason for any nerves. Your husband, however, is a different story.
Not only is he insistent on listening to your doctors to a tee, he has been reading baby books and perhaps has taken up a bad habit of searching the internet as well. Any little ache or pain you get, any sneeze, any new craving, Jean is right on it. He doesn't let you lift a finger if he can help it. He doesn't let you do anything that could compromise you. Nothing, at all. It's been a lot, and you would possibly kill for something sweet at this point. But you know he has yours and your little ones best interest in mind.
"I'm gonna go out with Connie and Marco for a bit tomorrow, is that okay? I could stay home if you want." He asks you as he puts his empty plate on the coffee table, making you almost laugh.
"Of course you should go, I don't want you stuck with me all the time. Save that for baby." The house to yourself? Even just for a little while? It sounds wonderful.
"Well, it's not stuck babe, but, thanks. Sasha said she'd come stay with you." Though he wouldn't let her drive you around, Sasha could come to the house.
"Honey, I don't need a babysitter." You almost pout. You love Sasha, she's your best friend, but you haven't had a moment to yourself in… months.
Jean takes your almost empty plate of healthy snacks and puts it aside, pulling you to his chest. "I know." He knows he's being silly, but with you, he wouldn't take any chances.
You put your arms around him and close your eyes. "Okay. Okay." You say quietly. Maybe girls day would be nice.
You're only allowed light duty at the moment and are lucky Jean let's you stand long enough to wash the dishes yourself. Though he is never far.
Later in the evening he helps you into the bath and you relax pretty good. You wonder if maybe you can talk Sasha into taking you for a walk in the park tomorrow. If it were up to Jean he'd push YOU around in a stroller. You just want to stretch a bit.
"I love you." He says to you once you're in bed for the evening, after helping you dry your hair. He has you pulled in close and strokes your hair.
"I love you too." You say softly, kissing his mouth lightly and snuggling in close to your sweet, warm lover.
Really, how lucky you are, that you have a husband so caring and loving and involved in the whole process. You would take that and not being allowed to get out of bed yourself over having to do this without a partner.
The next day when Sasha arrives she makes quite the entrance, making you light up.
"Worlds best auntie is here!" She sing songs and pats Jeans arm as she comes in.
"Sasha, please!" Jean tries to settle her down. "Remember what I said." He goes over a few things, like no sugar, making you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, leave, go, your wifey is fine with me." She comes over to hug you and you giggle.
"Go on you." You agree as you hug Sasha back, then go over to Jean. "I'll be good." You promise him, giving him a kiss before sending him on his way.
To Sasha's credit, she takes very good care of you. Helping clean up and doing whatever you want that's within reason. You do go for a short walk, but it turns out, you get tired fairly quickly and head back sooner than you thought.
Sasha also sneaks you a piece of dark chocolate, and you almost melt as you eat the semi sweet goodness.
"Thank you!" A little walk and a piece of candy and you are magically still in one piece. Perhaps you wouldn't mention some of this to Jean though. Especially when you realize your feet are swelling just a tiny bit.
"Can I feel?" Sasha asks you with wide eyes and an outstretched hand as you both sit on the front porch swing.
"Oh course." You stick your belly out more and smile as Sasha puts her hand on your stomach.
"Are you nervous?" She asks quietly, as if she's going to scare you or the baby.
"About giving birth? Yeah, a little."
And for the next little while you talk about the topic and how you're doing and how Jean is doing and if you're ready, and so on.
"The guys really had to convince him to go out today. He doesn't want to be without you." Sasha tells you.
"Yeah, I know. And it's great, really, though I appreciate you guys helping out. Jean is just so… worried." He kind of always has been anxious over things, it's gotten better over the years, though it's come back strong with the new addition coming.
"You help him through it, you know. He loves you so much." Sasha says of her friend. She's known him a long time and sees how good you've been for him. He deals with things much better thanks to you.
It's not long after that Jean is home and he and Sasha trade off. You say your goodbyes to Sasha and hug your husband.
"How was your day?" You ask as you sit on the couch and put your arms around each other.
"It was nice. I feel good. And, babe, I'm sorry. The guys were telling me to relax a bit, I guess everyone has been. I just want to make sure you're happy and healthy, that's it. I hope I haven't been… intolerable." He says with a grimace, realizing that he's only added to your limitations lately.
"Oh Jean, it's fine. You've been so wonderful. You're taking such good care of me, I feel like the luckiest woman. I know how much you love me, us." You put his hand on your stomach, making him smile and nuzzle you head with his chin.
"So very much, and, I worry, you know… which isn't an excuse really to have been acting like I have." He sounds disappointed in himself, making you give a sad smile.
It's really not been as bad as he's making it out. Nothing about this has been easy for either of you. More so, you've been worried about him, which he suspects, and is part of why he's feeling bad.
"It's okay Jean, really. I do understand and know you've been trying your best for all of us, and it's all I could ask for. And everything is going to be fine."
You feel him squeeze you a little tighter and he let's out a soft, "I know."
"And how was your day?" He asks, helping you off the couch and into the kitchen where he starts making dinner.
As you tell him small details of some of the things you did, you notice he does a slight double take and frowns. You pause, knowing you haven't said anything he should scoff at, so, it must be…
"Your feet are a little swollen. Did you go walking?" He asks, trying not to sound to disapproving.
You actually laugh. "Of course you noticed. Yes, yes, we went for a walk. And you and the doctors were right, I didn't get very far. But it was nice to do it anyway." You tell him, and he hears the satisfaction in your voice.
Almost done making dinner, he comes over and leans in to kiss your cheek. "Good. I'll rub your feet later."
Your smile brightens and you hug him, whispering. "I also had a piece of chocolate." You kind of broke your promise, but it really was a tiny piece.
Jean chuckles and holds your cheeks, looking into your eyes. "I'm glad. As long as you enjoyed it. Cause that's all you're getting for a while." He says teasingly and you both laugh together as you continue your evening.
The next few months go by faster than you can imagine. Jean is still very protective but tries to let you indulge sometimes.
Before you know it, a healthy baby boy is born, and you become the most happy, doting parents on the planet. Any tiny cry or cough and you are both right there. How Jean has been acting and treating you, you understand more than ever now.
Jean is still the more anxious one. He's ready to call the doctor over anything new or unexpected, no matter how small. He tries to be more calm so it doesn't affect you or the baby. He's been making pretty good strides the last few months.
"Honey, I think you can put him down now." You say one night, standing in the nursery, after finally getting him to sleep.
"I'm never putting him down." Jean says in the most sweet voice you've ever heard from him as he looks down at your sleeping son. This is not nerves but love, and happiness.
It warms your heart and you rest your head on Jeans shoulder, stroking your babies hand gently. "Our boy." You smile, and soon find yourself back in your bedroom with baby resting on Jeans chest as he sits up in bed.
"You can't sleep like that." You remind him that it's safer for him to sleep in his crib, earning a soft grunt from Jean.
"Just a little while longer." He says, pulling you close once you're in bed too.
"You're doing such a great job, daddy." You tell him, snuggling against his side, enjoying the quiet evening with your two loves.
"So are you, mommy. I couldn't do this without you" He kisses your head.
"Me neither." You whisper, making sure he knows how much you need him.
The three of you cuddle for a while until finally putting baby back in his crib.
"Maybe we can just put the crib in our room." Jean says as you leave the nursery, making you giggle.
You do not put the crib in your room, and your little one is right there, safe and sound in the morning, and every morning thereafter.
It takes more practice, on both your parts, but most anxiety of raising a child turns into positivity and creativity over time. There's still bumps as he grows and gets older and everyone experiences new and different feeling and emotions. There are highs and lows like doctor visits, losing a tooth, throwing tantrums, making friends, birthday parties, getting good grades in school, and sometimes not so good ones.
It all comes up again when baby number is announced, but the joy and love outweigh any nerves, as you and Jean look forward to meeting another new little life, ready to do it all over again, and give your son a sibling.
"And I promise, not to ban chocolate." He gives his word, and keeps it. This time around, both of you don't feel like novices anymore.
Though, you don't think you've ever seen quite the look on Jeans face when you find out this one's going to be a girl.
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papurgaatika · 3 months
People trying to tell me zionism isn't rampant in TLOU and that Neil isn't a zionist. Okay sure, let's get into it really quick.
First of all, there's no such thing as an "innocent israeli" they're all settlers aiding a settler colonial state. If they truly wanted to change things they would leave occupied Palestine, but they won't, because it's easy to blame your government and move on when you're being aided by the privilege they're giving you.
Second. He is a zionist. He has made his stance on the matter extremely clear. Whether or not you understand and use your own critical thinking skills, is up to you. He has stated in many interviews that pt. 2 is based on the "conflict" (if you want to call the resistance to colonization of a native people a conflict) happening in isreal and Palestine. Do you believe that when Neil said that "if [he] could just push a button and kill all these people that committed this horrible act, I would make them feel the same pain that they inflicted on these people." after the killing of two IOF soldiers, he was somehow supporting Palestinans? Or are we choosing to ignore his blatant hatred?
Third. Over 30,000 individuals have been killed because they are being bombed, forcibly starved, trapped under rubble, or getting medical supplies cut off. There is no way you can ask me to condemn a freedom fighter for shooting down an imperialist soldier, it's stupid to even think that.
Fourth. Do not ever tell me what I can and cannot write. If my morals and values make you feel like you need to write a stupid ass reply to my fic, shut the fuck up!! I don't need you to read my work, and lord knows that I don't need to hear your blabbering. If you take such great offense that I've linked ways to donate to a vulnerable people, i don't know what to say to you. Seek help and gain compassion* maybe.
Anyway. I know for a damn fact that if you're mad that I oppose an ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing that you're not going to comprehend anything ive said nor will you read anything that I link in here, but what the hell. I have sources to back myself up. I don't speak out of of my ass.
If you've made it all the way down here and want to actually help the people in Gaza right now, I'm providing some links below. Goodnight everyone and free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Remember that E-Sims are how people in Gaza are able to use the internet so PLEASE donate those if you can as well.
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teecupangel · 6 months
hey what if noa Kim learned that he has a nephew in the form of elijah
We have yet to have confirmation (as far as I know) that Noa Kim is William Miles’ son but I will write this idea like it was an AU where Noa Kim is William Miles’ son and focus on him and Elijah.
I feel like this could work really well with The William Miles Gets A Woman Knocked Up Grieving Desmond’s Death idea that has Elijah becoming the ‘caretaker’ of his father’s second child, Clay Kaczmarek’s child and his grandfather’s second child.
Honestly, he already has enough children to take care of, he has no time to get another one of William Miles’ wayward children.
If Noa hears this though, he’d be offended because he was called a child and they’d get into an argument because…
Noa isn’t quite sure but he’s pretty ‘sure’ that Elijah is younger than him.
Elijah would just scoff and tell him that, sure, physically, maybe, but Elijah is much more older mentally and emotionally.
Sidebar: This entire conversation is happening while the other kids are tying up ‘Shimazu’ Sei and her fellow kidnappers a little too tightly and Elijah is tapping on Sei’s computer because…
And he cannot reiterate this enough…
They’re not here to save Noa Kim.
They’re here because Elijah learned that Sei had taken a full copy of Sample 17’s data.
When one of the kids (probably Squirtle who may or may not be Noa Kim’s younger half-sibling???) let out that they were trying to resurrect Desmond Miles, Noa thinks Elijah’s being an immature brat, wanting his father back.
Before Elijah could deny it, he has no parental feelings for a man he had only heard about and had died without even knowing of his existence, his younger sibling picks a fight with Noa by shouting at him and pretty much throwing Noa’s own family problems in front of his face.
Clay’s child is just on the corner, wondering who was going to throw the first punch and absolutely thanking his dead father for not having the Kenway drama genes (the kids have unrestricted internet but they still decide to prioritize learning about their bloodline because they’re all fucked up one way or another and Elijah is very hands off and believe they can take care of themselves).
While the two start shouting at each other, Elijah finally copies Sample 17 and lets his own virus destroy Sei’s computer and every other computer and devices in the same network. He nods at Kaczmarek who starts the virus in all devices that they found that were not part of the network and Squirtle helps him drench the place in highly flammable liquid.
Noa’s ‘debate’ with a child is cut off when he hears a gunshot and he’s frozen for a second as Elijah kills every Templar.
Starting with Sei.
When he finally tries to stop Elijah, Elijah simply continues to shoot the rest as he asked, “Why are you stopping me? They’re Templars.”
Elijah shoots the last one who begged for his life, saying he has a family and a young d-
“They kidnapped you, forced you to relive Edward Kenway’s memories for their own selfish reasons…”
Elijah finally turns to Noa Kim, “Why give mercy to them? Have you become a turncoat, Noa Kim?”
“There was no need to kill-”
“Are you being kind or are you being stupid?” Elijah cut him off as he narrowed his eyes, “They had no problem kidnapping and forcing an innocent civilian like you to get what they want. Killing them with one bullet on the head is a kindness they didn’t truly deserve.”
“Call me evil, call me selfish. Curse me for all I care.” Elijah raises his arm to aim his pistol at Kim, “We might be connected by blood but, if you’re going to pose a danger to me and my plans, I will not feel even a ghost of guilt killing you here and now.”
“So choose, Noa Kim.” Elijah’s voice held the coldness of Aita as he ordered, “Stay out of my way? Or die the same pitiful death as Edward Kenway.”
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In the Internet Hub, two familiar Admins sit near an elevator. The pink one looks sheepish, and the purple and blue one is rubbing his face.
"You are taking this.. surprisingly well."
"I'm actively using all my willpower to not pass out from shock."
Abyssal pulls a face. "Oh.."
She glances down at Umbra, who is rubbing his temples. He groans softly before looking up at her.
"With the dude that helped you get possessed? Really?" He stares at her.
"He's cute." She pouts.
Umbra continues to stare at her before he groans softly. He shakes his head and looks down, trying to figure out what to say.
Abyssal speaks first, "Are you upset?"
"Confused," he corrects. "It's just.. I dunno, I still look at you sometimes and see that young Program I found all those years ago." He looks up at her, frowning. "And then my processors start acting illogically, making me think that you still need to be protected when.. you really don't." He chuckles lightly. "So I'm just.. I'm trying to figure out how I really feel without nostalgia clouding my mind.."
Abyssal's face softens, and she smiles. "Well, glad you can at least admit that."
Umbra lets out a soft laugh and gently punches her shoulder. She laughes softly as well, rubbing her shoulder. She tilts her head. "So.. you're not mad?"
"Keep asking, and I will be."
Umbra pauses to think. "How'd you even end up falling for him?"
"That one time I was chasing him.." Abyssal's cheeks darken. "His hood fell, and I saw his face. His freckles look like stars in the night sky."
He blinks, surprised. Then he snorts. "Oh, so you're down bad."
"Am not!" Abyssal whines, slapping his shoulder. He laughs, rubbing it with a grin.
"You say that as if you don't do the same with Ping!"
Umbra sputters, his cheeks darkening. "Wh- I do not!"
Abyssal grins. "You so do! You will go on and on about him if you can."
He grumbles. "I really only have myself to blame."
The two break out into laughter, with Umbra leaning back and clutching his stomach. Abyssal extends a wing to keep him from falling back, which he shoots her a grateful smile for once he calms down.
After a moment of silence, he exhales. "Well, if you're serious about him, I'll trust you." He then leveled a glare at her, face now serious. "But if he hurts you in any way, I'll kill him."
"He's not that easy to.." She trails off, seeing just how serious Umbra is. She smiles a bit. "Alright, whatever you say. But if anyone, it's probably him you should be worried about. I can be a little rough with him."
Umbra stares at her. "I'm sorry?"
"Sometimes we do Cat-and-Mouse." She shrugs. "Sometimes I get a little too into it and end up roughing him up."
He exhales. "Codes above, I thought you meant something else."
She smiles smugly, not responding. He stares at her.
"... Abyssal."
"Have you.."
"Not the full way."
Umbra continues to stare at her. She continues to smile smugly.
He quickly gets up, and she shrieks.
CPU looks at Buffer, who nods he speaks. "It would just make more sense if we could check more universes, but we can't-"
He's cut off by a blur of pink and a blur of purple and blue rushing past him, followed by the familiar voices of Abyssal and Umbra.
CPU pulls as face as Buffer grins.
"Lost the bet?" She teases.
"Shut it." He opens a chat box, grumbling. "This is the last time I do bets."
"You said that last time." Buffer tilts her head with a snort. "What was the bet again?"
"When Umbra would find out about her secret boyfriend."
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alicepao13 · 7 months
What, no complaining? No, of course not. Let me preface this by saying that whoever thought of this episode order needs to be fired for real. I'm always ready to point fingers at CityTV.
I knew there was a Charah scene somewhere! But what the fuck, he's going to meet her entire family? Yeah, I'd bolt too lol. Also, yay, S4 Charlie is still in there somewhere and if you don't think that's a good thing, I must point out: continuity.
This is the whitest cake I've ever seen in my life. It should be a crime to give such a white cake to anyone you claim not to hate. And I don't even like chocolate much especially in cakes, but jeez.
Very, very action packed first twenty minutes. Like, good job. I have zero notes. Also, the camera work was good. Hell, maybe even the editing.
Every time Rex goes through a window like that, I lose the next ten seconds going back to Kommissar Rex.
And look at that, we have competent Charlie this season.
Charlie's communication shorthand with Rex is so Rex/Brandtner that it's killing me. Like, thank you for killing me.
They finally gave the rest of them some work to do. And beyond that, gave the actors some work to do. It's a crime to have expressive actors in your cast and just have them talk about evidence.
Incels, that fucking plague. I feel for the mother though. And she was so sweet. But honestly, while I think the actor playing the shooter also did a good job (watching the promo, I though he was so bad but thank god it was just another terribly cut promo, CityTV please contact me, I'll do it for free!) I can't help feeling like he was a bit too old to be given the justification that he could not think for himself. Although, I've seen way too many people not thinking for themselves ever since the internet got on everyone's phone. Realistic. Still, I wouldn't empathize with someone in his situation either in fiction or in real life. Like, he almost murdered a bunch of innocent people because he couldn't get laid or he got laid off? Cry me a river.
Terrible timing with the mass shooting in Maine, by the way. Not the show's fault, obviously, but still.
Jesse, that was such a cool move. Also, fistbump that didn't look awkward!
Can they even use "Neural Net" on the show? When Neural Network is a thing? Really curious about this, although I don't think it's a registered trademark. Also, are we going to spend our entire season mentioning AI and deep learning? It's like the new cryptocurrency (someone fucking loves new technologies on that show).
Sweet Charah scene at the end too. Kiss or no kiss. I can still see the new showrunner's direction all over this, but it's less noticeable, and they're not trying to pull their relationship back, instead they're trying to move them forward, even with less screentime. And while I don't think most of our reactions weren't warranted as fandom, I think we did overreact a bit. But hey, fandom privilege. Unless we go really crazy in which case someone should call it out.
I really don't understand why this wasn't the season premiere. Like, I've tried to come up with conspiracy theories even. None make sense. Did the new showrunner (names, I want names, damnit) felt the need to appease whoever is in charge of Newfoundland's public relations so much that they had to make a 45 minute "Visit Newfoundland" spot?
PS: Is it me, or is Charlie's house suddenly unavailable? I mean, as of this episode, we have two Charah scenes (finally) and one Charlie's house scene. Although, how many scenes were the out-of-work scenes, really? Very few in this season.
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fonkymonkeyfriday · 2 years
Platonic!sashisu x gn!reader headcanons
Yaga’s biggest headache? This quartet right here. Mostly just Gojo, but everyone plays a special part in Yaga’s headache.
Any try guys fans? Anyway, you know that one try guys video where it’s what type of friend you are?
Shoko: the grandpa
Geto: the adult
Reader: the teenager
Gojo: the child :)
The group chat name currently is “the fantastic foursome 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️” courtesy of Gojo because he keeps changing it back every time someone changes it.
Friday night hangouts/movie nights are a must and if they don’t happen, Gojo whines and whines until y’all end up actually doing something. Imagine the presentation nights with these guys:
Gojo: disney milfs I’d let destroy me respectfully
Shoko: crimes my friends have committed but I’m just too lazy to report them.
Geto: pictures of my friends that I will leak to the Internet if they ever do me dirty
Shoko and reader have most definitely rescued and raised a kitten together once. You haven’t brought it up to either of the boys because they are loud mouthed hooligans. Eventually Gojo finds out and tells Geto. You have to bribe them both not to tell Yaga. What happens the next day? Gojo accidentally rats you out to Yaga. Good news, Yaga reluctantly lets you keep the cat (don’t tell Yaga but he secretly loves the kitty.). Gojo steals the kitten right out of you and or Shokos hands and takes a nap with it resting in his chest.
Geto and reader have a book club and they are the only members. I just think that Geto has really good taste in books and gives great recs. And that’s how your two person book club came about. There have been multiple occasions where Gojo has walked in on you and Geto having an absolute cry fest over a really sad book. Did you and Geto throw books at him so he would leave? Yes. Did Gojo complain about the paper cut to Shoko until she healed it? Also yes.
Gojo forces you to go on snack runs with him. Whether that be snacks for yourselves or for the group on movie nights. Craving a snack in the middle of the night? So is Gojo and that is why you’re both sneaking off campus to grab snacks. One time you both got caught by Yaga, but bribed him with snacks this resulted in your punishment being not as severe.
If your technique requires you to go on missions with Gojo and Geto, you’re in for a rollercoaster. These two hot menaces cannot for the life of them be serious when they are together. Let's be honest you too aren’t as serious when on missions. Whether this be you and Gojo having a photo shoot with the curse you just killed, or you and Geto roasting the curse and cackling at each other. The shenanigans are 24/7 with these two. You get hurt though? All hell breaks loose. Geto is right by your side immediately making sure you’re ok while Gojo is going absolutely feral in the curse that hurt you.
Or maybe your technique relies on you to hang with Shoko? Your days are chill listening to a playlist you both created together while practicing your technique and messing with the underclassmen (with love of course.). This also makes you the first two people Geto and Gojo come to after a mission if they got hurt or roughed up. Geto is usually fine but Gojo is the biggest baby you’ll meet and milks the tiniest bruises. “Omg y/n 🥺🥺 I got a cut on my hand will you fix it 🥺🥺” queue you examining Gojo’s hand and it’s the size of a paper cut.
Road trips? Gojo is on snack duty, Geto is in charge of driving and planning the trip, Shoko is in charge of music and you’re there for the vibes. Geto handed his phone to Gojo for one second while pumping gas which resulted in you guys spamming his phone with selfies, Gojo downloading games on his phone, and accidentally closing out of Google maps. Geto never handed his phone to Gojo again. Don’t tell Geto but his wallpaper is now if you, Gojo, and Shoko are lovingly flipping off the camera.
Gojo makes thirst traps often and sends them to the group chat before uploading it. This is y’all’s time to shine and bully him out of love…of course. He pouts but eventually posts them. Queue you guys commenting things like “Sir this is a Wendy’s drive through.” “Mom come get me I’m scared 😀” “Girl I- 😟”
For Halloween, Gojo makes everyone dress up like this. He won’t allow any other option.
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Episode 15 (all parts)
• starts with a warning that includes violent content, swearing, bad humor and voice acting and script writing, excessive use of the word ‘muffin’, low polygon count, poor texturing, lack of handrails, the presence of coolant, and frequent references to the internet
• “Do not watch this movie if you are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant, or are on drugs, or not on drugs, art sitting down, are drinking a beveragez are nailed to a plank of wood, are eating a pretzel, are planning on asking me how to holster a gun, are listening to this at a volume above 100 decibels, are from the country Uzbekistan, or have the name Bob. Yeah Bob, that means you.”
cinematic intro! Not Half Life related but more related to his channel I'd assume
• “Awsomesauce!”
• doesn't like the beeping. Tells it to install a handrail
• has seen YouTube videos load faster than the elevator
• really needs a coffee, would even settle for instant coffee
• says he could get a job at another science facility with all the experience he has
• “Barney Calhoun, assistant theoretical physicist!”
• says he's not cut out for that job
• says hi to the beam of death
• says the Houndeyes are more annoying than kids, then wonders the legality of shooting kids
• is bored with all this teleporting stuff
• his mouth tastes like green :(
• stuck in a teleporting sequence! Lots of bright flashing green!!
• teleports to Xen, CS:go?, Half Life 2: Episode 1, I don't know a nature sandbox?, Half Life
• the programmers are still playing their music! I recognize the song but don't remember the name
• “‘no smoking area?’ Thanks, that's very helpful.”
• assumes the casserole is because of someone pressing the popcorn button, says its always set for too long and is super high-powered
• likes fire!
• Tells a dead scientist to get out of his pool of blood and be useful
• asks the person inside Gordon's locker if anyone is in there, when he clearly hears someone inside the locker
• Adrian is very annoyed at being stuck in the locker and very snarky with Barney
• “If you're the locker, why would you need help getting out of yourself?” ‘that sounds vaguely dirty, and shut up!’
• says Adrian being stuck in the locker is like high-school, only he's on the wrong side
• “Alright, let's try this! 1…1…1, mmm nope.” ‘Barney.’ “1…1…2… mmm no.” ‘Barney…’ “1…1…3 mmm no.” ‘Barney!’
• Adrian wants to get out before the heat death of the universe
• Barney suggests using the satchel charges to open the locker first, gets a sarcastic reply about juggling chainsaws
• sounds very disappointed about using the crowbar
• can't get the locker open with the crowbar
• crowbar and pistol cant open the fire extinguisher glass
• Adrian tells Barney he needs to point the loud end at the glass, which passes Barney off
• There's pills in a thermos! Alprazolam! A sedative that's used to treat anxiety and panic disorders and can cause paranoid and suicidal ideations
• Barney says the name sounds like a dark wizard, which gets a laugh from Adrian
• Adrian is taking the pills
• Barney is very confused about the idea of electrified toxic waste, but then says it's used in redbull
• after Adrian says he's a soldier Barney isn't going to let him out because they're trying to kill everyone, which confuses Adrian cause he wants to gtfo
• “I'm an HECU marine, actually >:(“
• after being offered a chocolate bar, Barney agrees to let him out
• he leaves to go find keys and gets teleported away!
• sees the marines dragging Gordon away
• hey he sounds familiar 🤔 can't figure out why though 🤔🤔
• takes a nap :)
• gets woken up cause of a soldier checkpoint
• can fly a plane!!
• Walter tells Barney his name only to get told to shut up
• “Oh I was turning the handle the wrong way.” ‘Ha!’ “Quiet you!”
• There's a minibar in the plane. Don't drink and fly kids!
• lots of plane mumbo-jumbo
• Barney gets told he isn't funny
• 2 voices that answer him when he asks if everyone is strapped in! I only recognize Corky though
• military tells Barney to come with them, Barney plans on losing them in the canyon while Walter says to go with them
• “for some reason your extreme confidence gave me chills up my spine. 😒”
• nice music, idk what it is though
• getting shot at!
• Walter passed out :(
• the fighter jet gets teleported somewhere
• hopes Adrian and Gordon got out
• knows people in Bulgaria! Plans on heading to a local airport to hop on a plane there
• “Barney Calhoun, supreme overlord of the world!”
• damn counter:1
total damns said: 51 🎉🎉
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
13 | Can't Let You
Series: Heinous
Paring: Billy Loomis x OFC ! Stu Macher x OFC ! Mickey Altieri x OFC
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Attacked, near death, betrayed
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"Fuck you! You fucking betrayed me! I guess when you meant, you would make sure I don't get hurt.. you meant physically, because you sure did hurt me emotionally. Fuck, you did hurt me physically. You cut me at the party by accident! You apologized at the next morning for me getting hurt because you weren't there... I knew deep down something was wrong because Stu did the exact fucking thing." I say as he steps in front in the gun pressing himself up against it to his chest. 
"You won't kill me because you love me too. You helped Billy and Stu get away because you loved them too but too bad for them they died." He says then grabs the gun and hold the knife at my neck while pointing the gun at Sidney. 
"It's not helping if I lost a fight against Stu. I was tied up." 
"Now who's doin that? Could that be... the guest waiting in the wings? Told ya I had a partner. Surprised cameo just for you." Mickey says as Derek was pulled back up.
"Mrs. Loomis?" Sidney and I say together. 
"Billy's mother! Nice twist, huh? Didn't see it comin, did ya?" Mickey shouts pushing me over to Sidney. Mickey then explains to us that she helped him get into school because it's expensive. That they met on the internet on a Psycho web site. Mrs. Loomis then adds all he needed was guidance and nurturing. "Told you it was gonna work, but change of plans... I don't wanna get caught because I want to live my life with Allison." Mickey tells her.
"Oh, Mickey. Neither is gonna happen for you." She raises her gun making us jump out of the way as she shoots Mickey in the shoulder twice. "Mickey was a good boy. But that whole blame the movies motive was stupid and then his second plan was worst. My motive isn't very 90s. Mine is good old fashioned revenge. You girls killed my son! And now I'll kill you both. And I can't think of anything more rational." She tells us and then tells us how she was also gonna get away with all this. 
As she rants Sidney makes a run of it and Mrs. Loomis shoots at her hitting her in the head causing her to fall to the floor.
"You're as crazy as Billy." I tell her and she gets crazy eyes. 
"What did you just say? Was that a negative, disparaging remark about my son? About my Billy? Randy spoke poorly of Billy, and I got a little knife happy." She walks closer to me and I back away. 
"You fucking bitch!" I spit at her. 
"I was a good mother. You know what makes me sick? I'm sick to death of people saying that it's all the parents' fault. It all starts with the family. You wanna blame someone? Why don't you blame Sidney's mother! You know it's true because your father ruined your family with her. She took my husband too, and Sidney took my son, and then you helped her take him too. You let them get together. Billy wanted you first but you didn't want him back." She gets upset. "You don't know what it's like to be a mother. To raise a child and to teach him and guide him-," I cut her off.
"And abandon him! It is you're fault! You can leave your husband because he cheated on you but you didn't have to leave Billy! You could have taken him! You could have made some arrangement! But no! You left him and never kept in contact with him! You're the one to blame for Billy breaking! I was there for him and you weren't!" I shout at her. "I also think is a good time to tell you Billy is alive. He's been calling me for the past two years." I tell her as my back hits the wall. 
She relaxes some but then raises her gun again, "He should have killed you for breaking his heart." 
I look behind her, "Isn't Mickey supposed to be dead?" I lie making her look then make a run for it. She shoots at the play walls as I locked the door. I rush over to the emergency ax to cut ropes to make things fall down to get her. I hear her scream so when I no longer hear anything I make a run if it.
As I run she jumps out at me with a knife and she chases me. I use everything around me to block the stabs but she then gets on top of me. We both see the gun at the same time and she tries to stop me. As the blade get closer to be a gunshot stops her. We both look over to see where it came from and see Billy and Stu. 
"Billy." She says jumping up but pulls me up too holding the knife to my throat. 
"I thought you guys were in California?" I whimper. 
"We do live there but since the first murder we came here. We've been hiding and watching from a far. Mom, let her go." Billy tells her. 
"No, Billy can't you see. You have to stay in hiding because of her. She stopped you from killing the others but don't worry I killed Dewey, Randy, and Sidney." She explains to him. 
"Mom, I won't let you kill her." Billy glares at her.
"I'm doing this for you. Let me kill her, please. She broke your heart too. You've loved her since you were ten and she never returned those feelings for you." She cries to him. 
"Billy." I whine and Stu gives him a look. 
"I can't let you do that. My plan never involved her dying and it's still not. Let her go." Billy growls at her walking closer to us.
"Well that's not part of my plan, son. If you let me killer her, I can keep you safe. I'll be there for you." She begs him. 
"Where were you when I needed you? You weren't there for me, Allison was. I'm sorry but I pick her over you." Billy says before firing the gun. 
We both fall back and I see he shot her in the neck. Stu rushes over to help me up and pulls me into a hug. "You killed your mother." I look at Billy. 
"Like I said, I pick you over her. You have always been there for me." He walks over kissing my forehead.
"ALLISON! SIDNEY!" I hear Gale and the guys rush off. 
"Gale!" I call out. 
"Debbie?" She sees Mrs. Loomis first. 
"Mrs. Loomis. Just 60 pounds lighter and a lot of work done." I explain to her. 
"Where's Sid-," She turns right to see Sidney laying there. 
"She made a run for it and got shot. I kinda wish I didn't fight back. I should have died too." I say making Gale rub my arm. 
"It's over now." She says as I hear groaning and look over to see Mickey slowly getting up. 
"A little help." He sits up. Gale goes over to help him up while I stand and watch. "Allison." He groans. 
Everything was running through my mind... Do I kill him? Do I let him get caught? Or do I let him get away with it? I was no different from him, Billy, or Stu. Yeah, I didn't kill anyone but I let them get away with killing others. I was just as sick as them. Why do I let them and not let them get what they deserve either by dying or getting arrested. There had to be more than just me having feelings for them. Did I have psychotic tendencies deep down I didn't know I had. Was it just because they knew how manipulate me perfectly. They're really good at pretending and putting on a mask. 
"Did you call the police?" I ask her. 
"Yes, they're on the way." She says and I go over to help her with Mickey. 
"Did you have to make the set come down on me too?" Mickey leans on me more. 
"I thought you were dead already. She shot you twice and you went down." I explain to him.
When the police and ambulance show up they check me to see if I was hurt but I just had a few cuts and bruises. "They're gonna take me to the hospital." Mickey says sitting in the ambulance so just nod my head looking at the ground. "Why? I mean thank you but..." Mickey makes me look up at him. 
"Other than my feelings for you... you know how to manipulate me. All three of you." I cry. 
"How did you kill her?" He asks me.
"I didn't. Help showed up then left." I say before someone yells, "We got a live one!" I hear a man yelling and I see it was Dewey. Gale goes with Dewey and I just get in with Mickey. On the way to the hospital, Mickey puts his hand out to me but I just stare at it.
"You don't have to be scared of me." He groans because the ride was bumpy. "You know I won't hurt you, Allison. I could never in that way. I care about you too much." He whispers. 
"If you cared you would never involved me. You wouldn't betrayed me." I tear up. 
"But if you didn't care about me, I wouldn't be here with you right now." He makes a stupid fucking point. 
"I hate you." I cover my face. 
"You might but you love me too." He says making me want to just slap the shit out of him but I don't.
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out-of-control · 1 year
words: 1381
warnings: suicidal thoughts, drug use
summary: several instances of jax and jim’s favorite game.
“Tell me something fucked up.” 
“Tell me something fucked up,” Jim repeats, shoulders hunched, placing one foot in front of the other, avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk. “Anything.”
“Uhh, fuck,” Jax says, screwing his face up. “Work is having me do shit that's not in my fucking job description and then they’re not paying me enough for it." He blows smoke out of the side of his mouth as he walks, looks over at Jim. “That work?”
“That works,” Jim says, trying to keep the relief in his voice to a minimum. Anything to keep his attention directed away from the inside of his own brain.
“Cool, your turn.”
“For what.”
“For you to say something fucked up,” Jax explains patiently. 
Jim looks at the cigarette in his hand and turns it over thoughtfully, before providing: “I found a centipede in your shower two days ago.”
Jax makes a face. “Wasn't that the night we…?”
“Ew," he says, shivering.
"Your turn again," Jim responds, rolling his shoulders and looking up at the sky. Pale gray, like it's toying with the idea of rain but can't commit. "Tell me something fucked up." 
Jax obliges, and they keep on walking.
Jim pulls up to the apartment building, shifts the Tercel into park. He looks to his right to consider Jax, who’s been uncharacteristically quiet the whole drive. “Tell me something fucked up.”
Jax raises his head, looks over at Jim. He breathes in, then out. “I don't remember my mother's voice,” he says dully, flicking his gaze away from Jim and out through the windshield. “You tell me something fucked up.”
Jim nods solemnly, looking Jax over for a second. “I don’t remember my mother’s voice.”
Jax snaps his head around and squints at him. "Yeah?" he says, guardedly incredulous, like he thinks Jim is making fun of him or something.
“Yeah,” Jim states plainly. “So, solidarity, or whatever.” He turns the key in the ignition, and the car rumbles a small protest before coming to a stop. 
Jax blinks at him, brows furrowed. After a pause, he says: "You wanna come in for a drink?"
“Tell me something fucked up,” Jax says, sprawled on the couch with his head hanging upside-down off the edge. “Something gross and weird.”
“When boy bees have sex their dicks come off," Jim supplies immediately. "Tell me something fucked up.” 
“No shit?” Jax says, eyes widening. “Jesus fuck. Bees are twisted.” “It’s your turn,” Jim reminds him. 
“Ah, shit,” Jax says, rolling over onto his stomach and stretching. “Fish piss in the sea.” “Weak,” Jim critiques. 
“Whatever. Tell me something fucked up.”
“Horned lizards can shoot blood from their eyes.” “How do you know all this shit?”
“Internet,” Jim says simply. “Tell me something fucked up.”
“Agh,” Jax complains, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes. He wracks his brain, trying to dig up any gross facts from his childhood that might have dried into a residue on the inside of his skull. “Flies puke on their food before they eat it.” “Yeah, that’s better.”
Jax's stomach tightens stupidly at Jim's approval, damn it to hell. “You’re so much better at this than I am.”
“Only one way to know for sure,” Jim says simply. “Ask me again.”
Jim plucks away at his bass, back stiff against the hard wood of Jax’s bedroom floor. He might be a little too drunk for this, he thinks, and opts for hugging the instrument instead.
“Tell me something fucked up,” Jim inquires of the ensuing silence, eyes cutting from the ceiling to Jax’s form on the bed at his feet.
“Sometimes I want to kill the things that hurt me," Jax murmurs, almost contemplatively, crossing his arms over his chest. He stares up at the ceiling like he can see through it. "Including myself," he adds tiredly. "Tell me something fucked up.” 
“I've fucked people for money before and I guess I probably will again.” 
Jax raises his eyebrows. "Shit," he mumbles, kind of sounding like swathes of postcoital Jim behavior are slotting into place behind his eyes. Jim's not sure how he feels about that.
"Tell me something fucked up,” Jim tries again.
Jax stretches on the bed, pale torso flexing and piercings glinting. “I think it's hot to get into fights. But especially if I lose. And even if the guy hates me. My friends used to tell me that would get me killed one day." He disgorges it all very matter-of-factly, rubbing one eye with his hand. "Tell me something fucked up.” 
Jim hesitates for a beat, before offering out his left arm. “I only gave myself this tattoo because I wanted to hurt myself and it was the only way I could think of that I wouldn't get in trouble for at the time, and now I'm stuck with it.” Jax tilts his head to consider the tattoo, though he's seen it a thousand times before. “I like it," he says quietly, and lets his head fall back onto the mattress. “Tell me something fucked up.”
“My ex-girlfriend's parents spent thousands of dollars on therapy for her and she was still a psychopath. Shows how much shrinks are worth. Tell me something fucked up.” That one sounded like Jax was hurrying through it, like maybe he regretted bringing it up as soon as the word 'ex-girlfriend' had fallen from his lips. Jax would probably say more if Jim asked, but he’s not in the mood to pry today.
“I know this guy who drinks his coffee black,” Jim says, mercifully.
“Ha, ha.”
Jim peers up at Jax across the diner table, a small toothy grin curling up his lip. “Hey. Tell me something fucked up.”
“I once got an infected cut that turned my finger green," Jax says breezily, before spearing a forkful of pancakes. Chewing, he continues, "Tell me something fucked up.” 
“Ugh, Gross. I got carded for cigarettes this morning.” 
“But you look so distinguished and mature!” Jax laughs.
“Tell me something fucked up.”
Jax raps his fork against the plate thoughtfully, swallowing his mouthful of pancake. Finally, he says: “MKUltra, dude.”
“...Good one.”
“Tell me something fucked up.”
Jim lets a long exhale out through his nose, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground as he ashes his cigarette. “I wish the crash killed me.”
He can feel Jax go rigid next to him, on the porch steps. Jax lifts his cigarette to his lips, hesitates, then drops it without inhaling. 
“Ah, well,” Jax says, staring across the street, “Then we’d never have known each other.”
Then this would all be easier for the both of us, Jim thinks, turning his head slightly to consider him. Instead, he says, "Tell me something fucked up."
Jax raps his knuckles on the passenger side door, bobbing his head to an internal beat. They've been driving for about an hour now, on their way south to Asbury Lanes for a show, and he's seriously starting to feel the boredom nipping at his heels.
He considers Jim: collar up, shades down, hands at ten and two. “Tell me something fucked up," he tries.
“Gas is like four dollars per gallon right now." Jim glances over at Jax, behind his sunglasses. "Tell me something fucked up.”
Jax grins at him. 
“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” Jax rasps, bracing one hand on the mattress and using the other to brush sweaty hair off of Jim’s forehead. Jim groans and twists, pushing his face into the sheets. Jax takes his hand away, puts it in his lap. 
“Hey. Tell me something fucked up,” Jax whispers, mainly trying to quell his own anxiety. Jim’s so out of it that it’s starting to scare him. 
Jim brings an arm up over his face, burying a fist in his hair as he curls his gangly body up into a ball. “I love you,” he croaks.
Jax stiffens and his stomach roils. He blinks blankly at the sheets for a few seconds, feeling like he’s just had the rug yanked out from under him. Then he swallows and tries to force his heartbeat back to baseline. 
You’re on drugs, he thinks dully in Jim’s direction. 
He says nothing aloud, just reaches over and drags a blanket over Jim’s curled form. 
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kwlsn · 2 months
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It happened too fast — like a daydream in summer night.
Sanzu decided to let himself get caught by Mikey, trying to shake them off you and the Haitani; as you went to the highway and changed all of your phones to a burner one, keeping a low profile after the three of you were currently wanted by the vicious leader of Bonten.
Your current residence was one of Ran's personal villas that's not under the Bonten's radar; stating that this was the only place where he could take a breath once in a while when Mikey started to overwork the older man, knowing how deep his hatred was for the lilac haired man.
The villa was minimalist. Almost no furniture except for the mandatory one. The walls were painted in dull ash grey with one-way floor-to-ceiling windows; keeping the privacy inside since Ran believed it was the priority when he built a new house as a Bonten executive director.
"Who actually thought three of us gone live like this one day?"
Rindou let out a sigh, kicking his legs as he sat down on the counter; earning a harsh slap from Ran on the shoulder while you were making breakfast for the three of you.
A full-meal course consisted of beef stew, roasted eggplant and some (failed) Mont Blanc, a request Ran made as he tried to make it based on his memory; cursing under his breath since he knew checking the internet meaning Bonten going to breath behind his nape, catching up on him thanks to a Mont Blanc recipe.
"How did you manage to get Sanzu to snuck me out?"
Rindou looked at you as if you were crazy, stating how he would never talk to a manic addict who wanted him to die every single day for drowning a pound of his powder; looking at Ran to speak to you about the runaway plan on his behalf.
"It was.. Takemichi. He made this whole plan — called 'the Runaway Bride',"
Ran rolled his eyes at the tacky name, feeling disgusted at himself for mentally agreed to it since all he cared about was your safety; feeling better now since the plan worked successfully and none of them were killed or losing a limb on the way to here.
"He said he wanted to save you from that lunatic, telling me that he got a perfect plan. It was crazy, low blow and reckless. But,"
This time he put his utensil down, raising his head to see you in the eyes; a soft smile he tried to hide was visible even though he tried to cover it with his hand and a cough, biting inside his cheek to prevent it from getting bigger.
"He was right. This mission is a success."
Cutting off the circuit was such a low blow and cliché; but, then again, no one would care about it since most people would be put inside the hall and Ran was given a privilege to move around as the main planner for the event, giving him a reason to have the electricity cut off around thirty minutes after he left the area, going straight to the underground parking lot until he got the sign to make a move.
"Thanks to Sanzu, though."
The younger man added, giving you more details on how Mikey asked Sanzu to always check everything the Haitani touched and went to; fearing that they going to sabotage this event when Sanzu turned a blind eye at Ran's doing and helped them to execute this plan.
Eh, 'kay? Not like I care, though. I'll be her guard so check the sign, lavender head.
It left you wondering now since you never actually knew about Sanzu until a few weeks ago when Mikey invited you for dinner.
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Sanzu had been imprisoned for almost two weeks, left with a glass of water and dried up fruits; not enough to make him full but more than enough to keep him alive after angering Mikey, his saviour and king.
His lavish clothes were tattered and covered with soots, slightly torn after he jumped out from the car and fell to the asphalt in high speed; rolling down the road while trying to shield himself from Kokonoi's shoots and his men, taking out his Glock and killed them one by one until there was only three of them by the side road.
"Better give me a good reason today."
"Nothing, I was bored."
He looked at the white-haired man with his signature grin, licking his reopening wound after Mikey landed a few punches on his face, purposely on his scars; trying to take out the traumatized little boy inside for the sake of this selfish mission.
Kokonoi wasn't a yes man or an obedient subordinate; he was a man who got his own goals and moves. But, what Mikey went through that night reminded me of how Akane slipped away from his life, leaving this empty hole forever while he was forced to stay alive and live to the fullest — with no sign of his first love in his sight forever.
"In three days, Mikey will let you go—"
"You'll be relocated to Shenzhen as the new leader of Wanzhenna."
Sanzu closed his mouth tight as Kokonoi left him alone, leaning his back against the cold wall and closing his eyes shut; realising what Mikey wanted from him. It was to stay away as far as possible from you so he could finally trace you and the Haitani while he kept a close eye on Sanzu.
Shenzhen was amazing and Wanzhenna been gaining a lot of power; but, he wasn't sure if it was his sober up due to no pills or the post-nut clarity towards the reality of his life because right now, he wanted to see you and say no matter how many times he died, he'd rise from the grave and save you even if it's from Mikey.
"As I thought, I shoulda keep my hair like before."
He let out a chuckle as a flash of your younger self showed up in his mind; a long, flowing pink hair that made contact with his bleeding shoulder and your eyes diligently trying to find any sign of fracture after Toman got attacked.
Pretty boy should have a pretty mouth, too, you know?
He didn't know what made you think he was considered pretty but he knew that the day you were no longer in Mikey's grasp; he knew that he got nothing to do with you anymore and he could go back, overdosing himself with these thoughts of him being happy for once; tasting the sweet lie at the end of this tongue.
"I hope I can see you again in my next life,"
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Ran could only say he was so thankful for having Rindou as the three of you were inside the underground bunker right now; hearing a faint noise of guns and drawers falling to the ground a few minutes after he locked the door from inside-only before someone could alter it.
"Your hunch is a lifesaver, Rin-Rin."
"Fuck off, manwhore."
Rindou tried to push his brother away, feeling disgusted at the attempt to hug him as you chuckled at their antics and turned to see the lounge; not expecting there would be more furniture inside here than the real villa.
A counter made of real marble and tons of freeze dried groceries inside the food storage; wondering how far he had thought about this before as you watched the older man tugged his little brother's hair and turned his head to look at you.
"Hey, adoptive sis, c'mere!"
He wrapped your shoulder with his lanky arm, nuzzling his cheek against yours as Rindou's hand tried to claw Ran's other cheek; emitting a slight chuckle from you.
Rindou left for the bed earlier, stating he was too tired on saving both of your lives as you and Ran enjoyed a glass of wine from his personal cellar, talking about things you missed out when he made this plan with Rindou and everyone.
As both of your consciousness started to slip away, Ran looked at you with hazy eyes; words starting to get slurred and his self control became looser than before, almost drunk but sober enough to talk to you without making a mistake.
"Y'know, kid. Heard Hanagaki talked to himself,"
He hiccupped, taking his upper buttons off and resting his arm over his head; slightly leaning against the giant couch in the lounge while he kept his eyes on you.
"Dunno he was drunk or schizo, but that little shit talked to himself about time leaping at the hotel's toilet. He was really quiet but man, I got one helluva ear."
Head nodding off to his words, you rested your head against his shoulder and felt his arm over your stomach; eyes getting heavier with sleepiness and you thought you deserved one after a while.
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"... Sano. Sano!"
You woke up, finding Hina and Takemichi looking at you as you stared at them like they were crazy; looking down to your clothes as you realised that you were still at the summer festival and currently sleeping on a bench.
"We kept calling for you but you won't respond, do you know how dangerous this place actually is!"
Hina huffed out as Takemichi looked at you worried before Hina left you with Takemichi for a bit, saying she would buy something for you to eat and drink since you looked so pale; worried that you didn't have a proper meal before going to here.
Didn't want to waste any time anymore, you placed your hand on Takemichi's shoulder; eyes looking deep into his before you whispered under your breath.
"I can time leap, too."
He closed his mouth, feeling surprised that he wasn't alone in this one but he felt confused about why you always died in every timeline he visited; thinking that there might be a possibility that there was another time leaper like both of you.
You tapped your chin, thinking what Takemichi was probably right since these faint, chipped dreams — or memories — were different; whether it was your future, friends or death. As if, there was someone else who controlled your life between your death behind the stage.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
🍓🍄🍅 :>
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
No one else was writing an Eggman who was evil/competent/didn't get one-upped or killed off by another villain/didn't want to secretly fuck Sonic because villains can never be obsessed with killing the hero for any other reason according to the internet, so I pulled a Thanos and decided to just do it myself, and made it my mission to create the cruelest portrayal I could muster to spite those fics and then IDW and Frontiers... without losing his comedic edge, of course. (I'm sure there are good Eggman-utilizing fics out there, but good luck finding them in a sea of soft!Eggman fics, dead!Eggman fics, Sonamy fics, Sonally fics, Sonadow fics, high school fics, SA2 fics, Scourge fics, Eggdad fics, multiverse fics, fics where there's a villain team up but Eggman isn't included because the other villains consider him a joke...)
More seriously, it's as simple as wanting to pay tribute to a franchise that I love. Aside from my one-shots that helped me get some practice for writing the characters, I wanted to create an adventure that encompassed everything I value in a Sonic journey, be it from Classic, Adventure or Modern. Including but not limited to: overarching themes, visual storytelling, Eggman, zone aesthetics, creative Badniks, Eggman, superpower of teamwork, balanced tone, Eggman, subtext, characters being positively influenced by Sonic and/or his friends, Eggman, callbacks that are actually fun or have reason to exist beyond How Do You Do Fellow Fans, and Eggman.
As for Trudy, I was interested in trying my hand at an OC and whether I could make them as compelling as the official characters. Ever since the start, I was determined to shoot down the fandom overcorrection of OCs never interacting with the cast in any meaningful way lest they be accused of Sueism, and prove you can make OCs work with them if you try hard enough. Plus, since some games have a friend of the week who the story revolves around how Sonic impacts them, like Shahra in Secret Rings for example, I was eager to give that a try too.
So eventually, after writing out several concepts, I got this idea for a horse with a bouncy ponytail... Though Colony would be the one to bring her to life on paper (because I'm not an artist :<), the design was already fully thought out in my head, to the point where I was actually worried that I was being too demanding when I gave Colony my description, though she assured me that it helped her visualize it. Trudy's personality didn't take long to finalize either: I was already sick of modern female characters whose sole personality trait is "I'm a cunt, pls clap", and in addition to fighting back against the common claim that soft and kindhearted characters are inherently bad or Sueish, I also thought having a character like her would stand out in the Sonic cast, since a lot of the main regulars tend to have a prideful and/or temperamental side, albeit some more than others.
...And since British-accented characters in non-British works tend to be stereotyped as the snobby one, this time the British cast member (Viridonian cast member?) is the mellow one. :P
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Not so much a headcanon since it's already in my fic, but despite Sonic's casual body language and lack of lovey dovey talk, Eggman quickly figures out that Sonic is getting the fee-fees for Trudy because he knows that look.
How does he recognize that look? Because he's seen it in the mirror hundreds of times over the years, so of course he would know it when he sees it.
(The joke is that EggmanXHimself is my favourite ship that doesn't involve Sonic and Toll Girls... which also applies to Trudy, since she's slightly taller than Sonic lolololol.)
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I get so into scenery descriptions that I often have to cut them down into smaller pieces for pacing. I always have to remind myself that it's okay if the readers don't visualize every little detail of what's in my head... but I try to convey as much of it as I can all the same. XD
For character examples, I've got a couple of things I'd like to address. I apologise if a lot of this sounds like Channel Awesome "sorry you felt that way" handwaving, but the point is to show that I'm very much aware of how the following could possibly be divisive for some folk. Anyway, here goes:
First off, the recent talk about Shadow's dickish side has made me somewhat nervous about how I've chosen to portray him, since Stellar!Shadow is pretty lax for the most part. Granted, he doesn't have an excuse to fight Sonic here, and it's long after the events of SA2/ShtH/Battle/etc, so it can be said that he's slightly chilled out on Sonic's side of affairs since then. His general attitude remains the same as ever, and there's still some competitive banter between him and Sonic, but it's more amicable than the days of SA2, and on the whole, if stuff like IDW is anything to go by, I figured that Shadow fighting Sonic for debatably shoehorned reasons (depending on which game or adaptation we're talking about) is at risk of becoming equally as overbearing to Shadow's image as revolving everything around Maria's death.
That's not to say Shadow doesn't show an aggressive side at all... but in this case, it's directed at Eggman for using Gerald's memory as a front for his latest scheme... and that's before he learns other details of what the doctor has been up to this time.
Secondly, there was a lot of panicking over how to tackle Amy's stance on Sonudis. Obviously it makes sense that she'd initially be a little upset over Sonic feeling that way towards someone else, given how long she's been pining for him, but I want to make dead sure that it's played as sympathetically as possible instead of making her a yandere asshole, and I also wanted her to retain her upbeat persona and get something out of the experience instead of it being a downer ending for her so to speak. I know there's going to be someone out there who will take issue no matter what because "Sonic belongs to Amy!!!" (as if Sonic is anyone's property?), but I can only do my best, right?
Finally, since I mentioned one of my goals was to make the most monstrous Eggman I could while keeping him as his usual le funny eggperson self, naturally there have been times where I've wondered if I may have gone too far in a few places I've made it too in-your-face. In fairness to me, it's stylistically designed to be that way I've been very conscious about tonal progression in my fic, so at first there are only some subtle hints that Eggman's stooping to new lows beyond the usual on-brand dealings he does, and it's not until later on that the finer details of his true depravity become more apparent, culminating in... well, you'll have to wait and see how the endgame plays out. :] Like Shadow, there's some in-universe justification as well, since it's established that by this point in his life, Eggman is fucking sick of Sonic beating him all the time, and so he's giving the 120%, pulling out all the stops, and making absolutely sure that nothing goes out of his control. And it's not like it's just his cruelty that gets highlighted: his brilliance and insane determination get much focus as well.
Speaking of, I'm also conscious of the fact that some of the content relating to Eggman's darker actions might be considered stuff that you might not normally see in an official Sonic product, despite my known desire to make Stellar feel as official flavored as possible. But much like Sonudis, the idea is to tackle these elements with the mindset of "If this was in an official work, how might it play out? How would it be framed?" At the very least, I wouldn't say there's anything that goes so ridiculously far beyond the usual Sonic fare (like sexual activity, for a crude example), and you won't have to worry about zombot-tier misery porn where everyone just fails and sulks for a period that lasts longer than '06 loading screens.
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