#shye speaks
shjiyemis · 8 months
could i request art of your eridan?
I drew something but I ended up experimenting with digital painting haha
Have Eridan silently crying and keeping his tears in after being stood up by Feferi, Unfinished as hell but his is fine haha
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I couldnt figure out how to draw my peets and tail in this so i just ended up just giving my usual chitin marks gythjtgr
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keeps-ache · 2 months
DARN, missed it again! 2nd anniversary of being a they/themer :D
#just me hi#i should cue a post for next year cuz i just Keep missing it hfhsv#cool though!! two years of queer yeah babyyy#i now have it/its but they/them was where i started hehe :>#i've considered neos but you know i think they'd be a bit much for me lol#character customization Truly#//i am NOT missing this blog's birthday. proooollyyyy hghfsh#these aren't such huge things but i like to know things have happened hfsh :3#these are two things i really only celebrate on here so i've just Gotta say it :33#//anyway i've been listening to the radio a lot (did i say that? i think i told you that some weeks ago lmao) and it's Funnn (mostlyyy) :D#yes they play the same 15 songs over and over and i'm starting to learn all the words to even the most unremarkable ones but that's part of#the Fun :DD#been listening to it because once in a while they play a song i already have in my playlist (yayy !!) or a song that i like (which then goe#in the Playlist (yayy !!)) that and it supplies a background track to whatever i'm talking about with my siblings which is funny at times#/imagine. you've slipped up. a secret of another's you were never supposed to know was mentioned by accident. so instead of#trying to excuse yourself from guilt you admit to knowing even More. the person you're speaking to is betrayed confused and overall upset.#and you're trying to get in contact with a ghost to give you pointers. it's not great. in the background Lovin On Me is playing#that's how our games have been going hfhsvhf#/i let them play in the plots of my stories sometimes and it's So Ridiculous Dude#i've had to ban specific organs from their characters because they were being wretched little beings. it Was funny though i'll not deny hfh#they've tormented shye + weirded out oath + killed and been killed many times#there were a couple times i saw genuine horror on their faces and i am living on that i'm ngl hfhsvbhs#like the horse thing! it would take a sec to explain so i won't go into it but oh i hurt myself laughing Lolll (it was dark but it was stil#funny hfbvs)#//OH i've gtg now lol --#ciao ciao see you somewhere later from now !! :D
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lowpolyshadow · 2 years
if i ever like streamed art or something would people be like . into that
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Mark Jefferies had some weird ass takes on Chicago: Justice...
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not---meat · 1 month
Chapter 12: Falling To Pieces
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Pairing: Javier Peña x McKenzie Martel
Rating: A - Adult
Warnings: Angst, domestic violence, domestic abuse
Summary: Javier takes Kenzi home.
Note: I apologize in advance for any historical inaccuracies. We are in the mid to late 90's now woooo. Officially after the events of season 3 of Narcos!
Steam rose from the coffee cup between her hands. A mind so troubled, it drifted away from her, wandering off into the depths of her being as shye waited for him to speak. To say something. Anything. McKenzie knew the peril that he was facing. She had seen it on his face the moment he saw her. The way that he reacted when she winced away from his touch.
They sat in silence for a while, his eyes scanning over her, taking in the bruises, taking in the split in her lip and her tear stained cheek.
"I don't understand, Kenz." He whispered, "How did you let it go this far?"
The emotion in his voice told the story of the heartbreak he felt. Seeing her this way was hurting him and she knew it. She knew that, if she were a better person, she shouldn't have called. At the end of the day, though, he was still her person. Her Cradle to Grave. There was nobody else that she could call.
"Kenz…" He spoke again, reaching out to her, touching her hand and trying to grab her attention. "Kenz, it's okay. I've got you."
Slowly, ever slowly, her eyes flickered to him, flickered about his face. Somehow Javier still looked the same. Somehow he had left and come back the same as she remembered. Yet there was something different in the way that he spoke to her. Something deeper, more compassionate. More caring. As if his words had more meaning to them.
Tears rolled from her eyes and she looked out the window of the diner once again. There was nothing that she could say, no explanation to be made.
"I love her." McKenzie spoke, her voice soft, broken and cracking, "I love her and… I - I thought she loved me."
Deep brown eyes filled with emotion stared over at her, meeting hers when they flickered back into his direction. Javier didn't say another word. A sigh passed his lips as he pulled out his wallet and left money on the table. He stood from his spot and walked over to her, offering her his hand.
"Come on, hermosa, let's take you home." Javier spoke, taking her hand into his. She stood, looking up at him with wide eyes. "To the ranch. Not to her. I won't let her hurt you again, Kenz. Never again. I made a promise to be there and I'm going to be there."
Kenzi opened her mouth to argue but Javier stopped her, shaking his head. He led her back to the truck, helping her into the passenger seat.
There was silence when they sat in the truck together. The both of them recalling the emotions, the memory of the last time she was sat beside him. The rain feeling too familiar to the both of them as it pinged off the cab of the truck.
Like a brutal reminder of the past. A horrific scene that brought them back to when she walked away from him.
Please don't leave me like this.
You don't have to love me back.
White knuckles folded around the steering wheel, hardly moving as he drove down the road. The radio played a song that Kenzi didn't recognize. Something about being broken. Kind of perfect. Not a word was spoken, letting the soft guitar ring out between them. Javier seemed to know the song, his grip on the steering wheel relaxing slightly as he tapped along to the beat of the gentle tune.
Kenzi just stayed quiet, occasionally glancing his way as he drove down the pavement road leading to the ranch. It was Javier who spoke first, ending the silence between them with a barely audible, low whisper that was almost drowned out by the sound of the rain pinging against the cab of the truck.
"I'm sorry."
He didn't look at her, his gaze still fixed ahead of him as he leaned back in his seat.
"This is my fault. I shouldn't… Fuck. I shouldn't have left. I should have fought for you." Javier breathed, finally looking over at her, sadness reflecting in his big, brown eyes. "I'm sorry, Kenz. I'm so fucking sorry."
Words escaped her. Instead of saying a word, Kenzi just closed her eyes. She leaned against the seat and breathed out. The throbbing in her eye had gotten worse.
She just wanted to sleep. She just wanted to forget. The events of the night having taken their toll, McKenzie just wanted to curl up and let her dreams take over.
Noticing her silence, Javier let out a sigh. He unlocked the truck doors and slid out, shutting the door behind him. As Kenzi pulled off her seatbelt and moved to open the door, Javier was already there, opening the door for her, offering her his hand to help her out of the truck. Doing the things he had always done before but now they seemed like they meant more. Like he meant more.
It almost felt as though his touch had gotten more tender, as if the reasoning behind his actions meant more than they did before. Or maybe McKenzie was reading too deeply into it. At the end of the day his actions hadn't changed. Javier had always opened the door for her. He had always taken her hand and helped her out of the truck. This wasn't a new thing and yet, for reasons unknown to Kenzi, it felt like it meant more now. More loving. More tender. It wasn't just a friendly touch anymore. It was something more.
Unspoken words that, had they been revealed long ago, could have changed the trajectory that their lives had taken and yet now they just hurt. Broken hearts. Broken friendships. Yet Javier was still there, still keeping up his promise. Kenzi still called him even though she knew she had no rights to do so. Javier still showed even though he knew he had no rights to still love her.
But he did. He still loved her and she still loved him.
Not that it mattered anymore. Not that any of it mattered anymore. Too much had happened now and Kenzi wasn't in the right state of mind to let anything else happen. She hadn't spoken. She didn't know what to say.
Wordlessly, Javier led Kenzi into the house. He led her through the front door and helped pull her jacket off of her. He hung it up to dry and held her hand as she stepped out of her shoes. Kenzi watched him, noticing the small things he did. Noticing the way he made sure that her shoes were set to the side to dry, that the shoelaces were undone so they didn't crust up and dry in the tied position that they were in. She noticed how gentle his touch was when he led her throughout the house, walking past Chucho without a sound, knowing that a conversation with him could happen later.
Javier led her to his bedroom and let her sit on the edge of the bed. He kneeled in front of her and helped her out of her soaked jeans, tossing them into the hamper. Not a word was spoken between them. Not a sound made. He did everything she needed him to do, even helping her get into some of his pajamas.
All Kenzi could do was watch, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. How was it that she deserved him? After all that he had done, after all that she had done, after all of the bitter words and hatred passed between the two of them. How was it that he still cared for her?
Almost as if he had read her mind, Javier took her hand in his. He reached forward and ever gently wiped her tears with her thumb, smearing the wetness across her cheek and being careful not to allow the salty tear to touch the cut over the bone.
"I care about you, McKenzie. Nothing has changed. You're still the person I care about the most." Javier whispered to her, squeezing her hand gently. "You need to sleep, Kenz. Get comfortable, okay?"
He stood from the bed, glancing back at her before leaving the room. All Kenzi did was stare, her eyes flickering around his bedroom. Frames pictures of his life scattered about the walls and the surfaces, almost all of them including her. Smiling faces and shimmering eyes. Life was simpler then. Easier. Out of them all, though, one stood out the most.
Without even thinking about it, Kenzi stood and walked to his dresser, picking up the picture that she didn't even know existed. It was of them, of course, sitting in Chuchos livingroom.
A box of pizza in front of them, his arm around her, her head on his shoulder, with Javier looking up as Kenzi sat with her eyes closed.
"That was the night after grad." Javiers voice rang through the doorway, a glass of water in his hand. "We had just gotten back from the grad party. Your date had ditched you so I spent the night with you listening to music. You were drunk and falling asleep. I had to carry you to bed."
Kenzi nodded slowly, setting the picture frame back down where she found it. "I barely remember that night."
"I know."
"I didn't know this picture was taken."
Javier chuckled, the hint of a smile on his lips, "I know that, too. You were falling asleep. Chucho took it. We got some old films processed and… well there it is." Javier handed her the glass of water and an ibuprofen, "For your head. I don't doubt its going to hurt and swell tomorrow. I can take you to the clinic tomorrow."
Kenzi took the pill and popped it in her mouth, she used the water to wash it down and handed him the empty glass. "Thanks. I should… probably go home tomorrow, though. I don't want to make things worse than they already are."
Javier frowned slightly, clearing his throat. "Why don't you sleep on it, Kenz. We can talk about it tomorrow. Do you… need anything else?"
"No. No I should be alright, thank you." McKenzie offered him a small smile before making her way back over to the bed. She sat down on the edge of it, wrapping her arms around herself as she stared up at Javier. "Are you sure you're okay with me sleeping in here? I… I don't mind sleeping on the couch."
Javi pursed his lips slightly, shaking his head. He walked over to her and lifted her chin with his finger. "You get sleep. You need sleep. You've never slept on the couch here and tonight is not the day that you will start. You sleep in the bed. No arguments."
McKenzie stared up at him for a minute, eyes flickering about his face as she took in his words. "Okay." She whispered, "Okay. Just… Get rest. Get good rest."
Javier smiled softly, gently booping her nose before pulling away. He walked over to the door and leaned against the doorway for a moment, looking in at McKenzie as she slid onto the bed and pulled the blanket over herself.
"Cradle to Grave, Kenz." He murmured, flicking of the light, "No matter what."
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madame-fear · 1 year
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— ☆ amira speaks : ok so i had to re-write the whole thing because i had gotten too carried away ajksks anyways... would you guys want me to write a one shot about this? 👀 — summary : how you met, and how + when you started dating.
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: ̗̀➛ You met Luke because you are Jace's close best friend from school, his elder brother.
: ̗̀➛ Jace invites you to study together — or simply spend time chatting — at his house quite often, and there you had a chance to meet his parents, and younger siblings. There, you met Lucerys; a cute, shy boy with the most precious, big green puppy eyes you've ever seen in your life.
: ̗̀➛ Naturally he was a bit shy around you at first, though you catched his eye — and he caught yours —, and Jace noticed that right away. Obviously he always tries to get his brother to talk to you when you visit them at their home, but Luke just shyes away like a schoolgirlie with a crush.
: ̗̀➛ But Luke isn't the only one who gets teased — you get teased by Jace as well, especially when he notices both his brother and you staring at each other and then giggling while blushing intensely.
: ̗̀➛ With the passing of time, he eventually grew to be closer to you. It took time — and a bit of Jace pushing him —, yes, but at least he managed to make some small chat without dying of nervousness — he thinks very highly of you, after all, you're quite the graceful lady in his eyes.
: ̗̀➛ Eventually, the two of you began to hang out together more often; to the point where, one day where you had gone to visit them as always, before you left their home to go back to yours, Luke asked you out for a movie date together, since there was a cinema nearby their home. All of this with the help and good advice of Jace, obviously.
: ̗̀➛He didn't even know where he had gotten from the courage to ask you out, maybe it was his brothers intense gazing from afar while he did so, but oh well! Luke is lucky and has a date with a precious angel, that is you.
: ̗̀➛ You both were a bit awkward around each other at first, but throughout the movie date, you began feeling more comfortable with each other. This included some "casual" hand holding, Luke wrapping his arm around your shoulders — a bit shyly, but relieved when you placed your head on his shoulder —, compliments, etc.
: ̗̀➛ It was a delightful evening, just like you imagined it would be. And when Jace picked you up and took you back to your home, you said goodbye to him your own little way; and that was, kissing his cheek.
: ̗̀➛ Poor loverboy was badly teased by Jace the whole way back to their home to no end, as Luke's face was even redder than a tomato. For you, you just arrived home and calles all your girlfriends to gush about how your crush was so adorable, and had taken you out on a rather delightful date.
: ̗̀➛ After that, your feelings weren't so subtle as they used to be. There was constant and notorious flirting, staring, you began walking side by side and holding hands, sweet endearing nicknames, etc — everyone could see you liked each other to no end.
: ̗̀➛ Though, Jace had to insist a bit until he reassured to his young brother that if he confessed, you'd surely return the feelings. And wholeheartedly trusting Jace, they both brainstormed together so he could take you on a date, confess, and perhaps... have your first kiss, maybe maybe maybe? 👀
: ̗̀➛ Luke finally confessed his undying love for you on your second date. He had offered himself to take you stargazing late at night together — Jace's suggestion, actually —, and maybe bring some sweets or other similar things to spend the evening, and talk together.
: ̗̀➛ He picked you up from your home — nearly dying of fluster at how mesmerising you looked — and took you to a bit of an isolated, yet pretty field with some flowers, with an excellent sight to the moon, and it's surrounding stars. You'd be snuggling to his side, with your head on his shoulder, and his arm would be around your waist; rubbing his hand up and down leisurely.
: ̗̀➛ As you two speak and laugh together while peacefully stargazing, his hand would shyly reach yours, while his hazel green eyes lovingly stare deep into yours. He can't help but think how truly beautiful you are when brightly laughing at his awfully stupid and bad jokes, and if you say something, he wouldn't even be listening — he's too dumbfounded by your grace.
: ̗̀➛ And right there, without a second thought, he'd slowly lean closer to you — while gently holding both your hands —, staring deep into your eyes, and would give you an incredibly deep, loving kiss.
: ̗̀➛ The feeling of his lips against yours were a surprise, though a very, very pleasant one. Your eyes were widen and your body became lightly stiff with shock, but soon you gave in, and rapidly returned the delicate kiss; your hand immediatly cupping one of his cheeks, and the other one going to the back of his head.
: ̗̀➛ Once you pull apart, his eyes would never leave yours, and his face is fully flustered with red. At that moment, he grew a bit afraid with the idea that, perhaps, you weren't ready for such type of relationship with him, or felt comfortable.
“I-I'm sorry, (y/n). I think I might've rushed you–” he spoke in a soft tone, quickly trying to apologise; but you cut him off as you shook your head. “What? No.” you said, cupping his cheeks. “You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.” you whispered. Before he could say anything else, you brought his face closer to yours again, and placed a kiss on his lips. His eyes stared at you dumbfounded, and with a toothy grin. “S-So, that means we are...” he stumbled upon his words, hesitating a bit to fully form the sentence. You sighed, but a grin formed on your lips at seeing how cutely timid he was around you. “Yes, Luke. This will be the beginning of our relationship. Now, shut up and kiss me.”
: ̗̀➛ Saying he's got the goofiest, lovesick grin ever and he's head over heels for you is truly an understatement at this point.
: ̗̀➛ You two would then probably spend a bit more of time there, laying in the grass, and snuggling to his side, while he plays with some strands of your hair and kisses the top of your head. Just enjoying the warmth of each other, and of course, fangirling intensely on the inside (this goes for the two of you).
: ̗̀➛ Even if you would've stayed there cuddling together for the rest of the night, it was eventually time to go to your respective homes. It was a bit disappointing, but at the same time, you were both excited for the following moments you'd be sharing together.
: ̗̀➛ Being the sweet lil gentleman he is, he took you back to your home while you blasted to your favourite songs — with a playlist he once made especially for the two of you to listen when you spent time together —, and one of his free hands remained holding yours tenderly.
: ̗̀➛ His hand would be trembling a bit, but it's just because he's extremely happy and a bit nervous to be on a relationship for the first time. Baby steps with him, please.
: ̗̀➛ Once you finally arrive to your home, you would've been more than excited for the other special occasions with him that are yet to come. Obviously you'd cup his cheek and fill his lil precious face with tons of kisses — leaving him with a light shade of pink all over his cheeks, and a dumbfounded grin.
“Thank you for this beautiful moment, Luke. This was sweeter than I hoped for.” as you slowly pulled away from his face after kissing him all over, you took hold of the bag you carried for the date, and opened the car door. “I can't wait to spend more moments like this with my now adorably timid boyfriend.” before getting off the car, you turned to look at him with a teasing grin, noticing he was intensely flustered, and smiling ear-to-ear. “I love you, humbug. I will be waiting for more of your messages.” flashing him a wink, you leaned to peck his lips — to which, he rapidly returned happily —, and then got off the car. His hazel eyes stared at you mindlessly as you got off the car, and entered your home, as a wide grin remained on his lips. His heart fluttered intensely, like it had never done before for someone.
: ̗̀➛ Oh, how mesmerised he is for you. Luke can't wait until he gets home to tell Jace all about it, and ask him for more date ideas, and advice with girls.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @mrsgrwy @dopepersonacloudllama
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heartsiintune · 11 months
🎈 "Furikaereba takusan no kansha ni michite!"🎈
★ I'm Mylo! I also go by Kas or Ven! I'm 16 years old, my birthday landing on January 28th.
♡ The pronouns I prefer are He/Star, along with Idol/Spider pronouns. These may change with my respective hyperfixations or special interests, so if you don't want to keep up with that, He/Him or They/Them is fine.
★ I am autistic, and because of this I have certain interests I've stuck with my entire life and can always talk about! These are Kingdom Hearts, Ni No Kuni, Ib, and Vocaloid. Along with these, I have other interests, some being hyperfixations. I enjoy Project Sekai, Splatoon, Noragami, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, along with others. I'm always willing to talk about any of these I've listed!
♡ I don't have much of a DNI, but at the moment it is heavily affected by my character hyperfixation, Rui Kamishiro. I ask that if you post hate about him or even claim to love him more than me, than I'd appreciate if you refrained from interacting. Along with these, I'd appreciate if you didn't follow me if you post hate of my spinterests or other interests unless we're close and I've given you the ok. Basic DNI criteria does apply, and I will say I am okay with adults interacting as long as they know I am a minor.
★ I am a multishipper and a selfshipper. I ship just about any Project Sekai ship, excluding sakikasa, toyasaki/toyakasa, enakito, and shizushiho (They are siblings. Do not ship siblings.) I also ship myself x Rui Kamishiro, myself x Haruka Kiritani, and myself x Riku (from Kingdom Hearts). Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, I ship Soriku, Sorikai, Sokai, Aquarella, and Akusai. In Splatoon, I ship Pearlina, Shye, and Agent 24.
💘 https://ruilovemail.carrd.co 💘
🎈 I believe that is it. Thank you for reading!
(time to go sleep 70 hours)
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gnatlistens · 1 year
song review: mirror -- shye
OK FIRST the mv:
I LOVE THE SOFT VIBES pulau ubin fits the song so well!! it sounds so sad and sentimental and i love that 😚💭
I also love that the MV has lyrics thank you for not torturing me like sugartown. or maybe after sugartown everything is awesome lmao
okay now the song:
i'm bias to feel-good and hype songs like phonecase but i think it's time i appreciate sad songs more! I really really like the chorus, verses not as much, the instrumentals and melody of the chorus is just. chef's kiss. it does sound like days to morning glory/augustine softness, and i really like that!! i feel like i didn't vibe with augustine as much, so i like that this song is changing my view of it :D
favourite lyrics:
"Looking at sunsets Waiting for a sign You make me feel free"
Not so much the words but also how it flows with the theme + the melody and instrumentals. it's basically my favourite line 
"My heart is running through the meadows It gets too quiet when I try to speak"
my second favourite line^^
edit: mirror grew on me over time, it is now a 9/10 i really like this song so i'm giving it a pinterest pic that matches the vibe
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I thought I was creating an unexpected twist but actually I was causing problems (for myself)...on purpose.
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keyframe-moved · 3 years
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shoutout to that time I managed to cram a build a bear vulpix into a promise pets outfit
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shjiyemis · 1 year
oh wait hi hello first you are so right about everything second i love the hc that karkat dyes his hair black, is there anything else u could tell us abt it? 👀
YES ACTUALLY!! I headcanon that trolls can have hair that is naturally the same as their blood color or have a hint of it in their black hair, the lightest I headcanon a trolls hair to be is white so a troll can even have something as close to naturally pastel blood colored hair!!
Karkat is one of those trolls that have the full vibrancy of his natural blood color in his hair which is bright red! He had to start dying his hair with black ink from a young age bc DUH murder and he doesnt wanna die????
The headcanon came up bc I saw an art of karkats gothstuck and he had fully red hair and i thought it was cool but also "he'll die with red hair :(" so stuck with having more of a tint in the beginning so he could easily pass as a rust or bronze with that amount of pigment.
i went fuck it at some point and thought "he could literally dye it to be safe and also MORE ANGST"
Imagine Karkat having to look at the roots his hair slowly become read and crying because he hates it and hates himself and wanting to be normal, then finally screaming at himself to suck it up and dying during his melt down. I love drawing young Karkat black stained fingers and with slight dark gray stains around his head that are only really really visible if someone looks long enough.
Imagine the relief when he realized he wont die for having bright red hair, the same color of his mutant blood but still feeling shame and disgust for even having it and still trying to dye it during meteor times.
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Also I started realizing that people would complain A LOT about red hair karkat in humanstuck (reasonbly so) and I thought "he can still be black and a redhead tbh yall :y" LIKE- Real life examples of real life black natural redheads
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Started implementing my troll natural redhead headcanon onto Karkat in humanstuck pretty quickly after!
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seanfalco · 3 years
1, 15, and D from the ask list?
I hope you're having a good Friday night. 💙
Thank you Shye! I hope you're having a good night as well <3
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Win - Not long, she's the impatient sort. Ten minutes might as well feel like an hour and that's about all she could probably last.
Aev - She's a little more patient than Win, she could probably actually sit still for an hour as long as she had something to keep her mind occupied.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Win - Win's the impulsive one, but surprisingly she's the one to probably think over what she says more (unless she's really angry, then she's liable to blurt out some really hurtful stuff that she doesn't actually mean).
Aev - For being the thoughtful one, she is more prone to just say what she's thinking, which sometimes makes for some awkward moments and backtracking (but usually Sean & Valdo find it endearing)
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Win was actually based off a pre-existing oc of mine for an original story idea I have, but that Win had a blue pixie cut and was more tomboyish, whereas Misfits!Win ended up with Kailee Morgue's face and a green bob with more of a party girl punk aesthetic, and TUA!Win is also slightly different.
Aev has always been Emily Rudd, though her hair colour differs slightly between AUs (Love/Hate!Aevy has blonde hair and Bad Samaritan!Aev has dark hair).
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ivendarea · 4 years
The Kitu
We Persist
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Banner art based on and supported by my Patrons ♥
The Kitu originate from the small island chain Drua Shye. Many centuries ago large numbers of them arrived in Ivendarea as refugees, having to flee their homes due to fear of enslavement, exploitation, and worse. The Kitu are a subgroup of the Jali people making up the majority of the population on Drua Shye. At the time of their mass exodus they diverged from the ruling norms established by the fascist government to a degree that threatened their very livelihoods. The Kitu honour a different god than other Jali, and practised magic in ways that were prohibited. Those who were caught worshiping the wrong deity or not adhering to the established laws regarding magic had to face severe legal consequences - from imprisonment and forced labour to death.
Despite living a mostly secluded and peaceful life, many Kitu nevertheless tried to oppose their government, which led to them becoming even more oppressed and in the end prosecuted as a whole. The only way to survive for those who didn’t dare to fight but also didn’t want to give up on their beliefs was to flee their homes.
Hundreds of years later the fascist government of Drua Shye has meanwhile been overthrown, and the remaining Kitu are no longer prosecuted, but still small in number. Few still live the way they used to and are trying to bring back long lost traditions. Those who have fled to Ivendarea meanwhile consider the peninsula their permanent home, generally accepted and integrated into Nyr society, while being able to stay true to their used way of life and religious beliefs. While most wouldn’t consider leaving Ivendarea to return to the land of their ancestors, a lot of Kitu do still have a desire to at least visit their country of origin some day, knowing it only from tales.
Table of Contents:
Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
Language and Dialect
Shared Values
Common Etiquette
Art and Architecture
Beauty Ideals
Courtship Ideals
Relationship Ideals
Continue reading below or on World Anvil
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Culture and History
The Kitu honour a deity called Yatana that represents the essence of magic. Yatana gifted the first mortals with magical abilities, who then proceeded to shape their own world and surroundings to their liking and advantage. The Kitu believe that the first mages were almost god-like people themselves, but over the course of the eons the following generations’ magical abilities declined until they reached a level comparable to their powers today. 
Cultural Heritage
All Kitu possess magical abilities, as all Jali do in fact. What sets the Kitu apart is that they believe their powers have been granted by Yatana, while the Jali as a whole honour the aforementioned group of first mortals with magical powers as gods, which the Kitu resent. They don’t see themselves as descendants of gods, more as Yatana’s creation and outstretched arm in this world. “Kitu” as a term for their people does in fact mean something along the lines of “hand” or “tool of creation”. Therefore all actions they undertake in their lives should be carried out in honour of Yatana. 
Since the Kitu consider themselves tools of Yatana, not descendents of gods, their understanding of magic is wholly different from most other Jali. In Jali culture there are very strict laws on who even is allowed to perform magic, and to what degree. It is a godlike power that must be used carefully and with intent, never casually. Using it too intensively will make it dwindle. The Kitu though honour Yatana’s gift by using it as much as possible even for more mundane tasks, which is considered dangerous, wasteful, and disrespectful by other Jali. This is one of the reasons why the Kitu try to stick to themselves on Drua Shye, and why they were so heavily prosecuted in the past as traitors and blasphemers prior to their mass exodus. 
In Ivendarea, its land downright brimming with magic, they did not have to fear prosecution or judgement to the same degree as in their homeland. The Nyr, all magically talented themselves, were a little suspicious at first but generally welcoming of the Kitu once they learned about the reasons for their exodus. At the time of their arrival in Ivendarea the Aman’a Valeethi were already the dominant religion in Ivendarea, meaning the Nyr believed in a pantheon of gods that had little influence in this world. While the Kitu only honoured one god, Yatana’s overall “concept” bore many similarities to the Nyr’s gods, and so their religious beliefs were never as scrutinized or questioned as in Drua Shye.
Language and Dialect
In Ivendarea the majority of the Kitu speaks Nyrval in day-to-day conversations, most are also fluent in Trade and Azash. Jalani, the official language of Drua Shye, is spoken more rarely by the Ivendarean Kitu in everyday life, as part of their history and heritage though it is of course still taught in most Kitu-run schools.
Shared Values
Generally well-spoken and modest the Kitu are overall pleasant members of society that easily blend in with a crowd - sometimes they tend to be overlooked though, not always on purpose. 
Having brought forth many great and powerful mages they are a people of knowledge-seekers.  Inherently spiritual beings they feel a close supernatural connection to nature and others, despise conflict of all kinds, and put great emphasis on building strong communities that will help each other and stand by each others’ side in good but particularly bad times.
Common Etiquette
With the given historical background of oppression by their own government, often forced into seclusion and secrecy, the Kitu generally don’t share a lot of personal information with strangers - and similarly consider it rude to ask or press others about their backgrounds. Tolerance of others’ beliefs and cultural differences is thoroughly preached, as it is something the Kitu don’t take for granted and cherish. Modesty and reluctance are also virtues very important to Kitu culture - bragging or other public displays of one’s power, wealth, or influence are frowned upon, sometimes even shunned by the community as a whole.
With their exodus to Ivendarea, and over the course of many centuries, the Kitu have over time adopted many parts of the Nyr’s fashion into their own wardrobes. They try their best to blend it, standing out enough already through differences in outward appearance.
The Kitu prefer muted or darker colours, and more often than not tend to wear the style of flowing robes often seen in central Ivendarea. Darker colours not only help with blending in, they also bear some symbolic meaning. Before the Kitu were blessed with magic by their deity Yatana, the world was bleak and lifeless. Through their hands, Yatanas tools, they shaped it, created beauty and life. Dressing in dark colours therefore often is a spiritual statement - a reminder that without Yatana, without magic, darkness would still be omnipresent, and the Kitu are to work against this. It is the burden they carry in exchange for their power.
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While the “typical” Kitu wardrobe might appear bleak at a first glance, it is actually very versatile. Upon closer inspection one will notice not as commonly seen textures and dyeing/weaving techniques not as commonly found in traditional Ivendarean textiles. Kitu fashion walks the fine line between being form-fitting - useful for impromptu training sessions to hone their magical skills - and comfortable. Many times translucent fabrics are used to showcase tattoos, making the conscious decision to show a part of themselves that would otherwise remain hidden.
Art & Architecture
In both Drua Shye and Ivendarea not many examples of Kitu architecture can be found. In Drua Shye, during the exodus, the majority of Kitu settlements were destroyed as individual communities tried to rise up against the unjust government.
In Ivendarea the majority of Kitu settled down in larger cities, integrating themselves into the existing communities. The only significant examples of Kitu architecture here can be witnessed in their shrines to Yatana, small temples often build from stone and clay, the larger ones possessing a layered, pyramid-like appearance. Kitu art though, while mostly vanished from Drua Shye, is much more present in Ivendarea. There are many well-known Kitu authors and poets, even very sought-after cooks specializing in Drua Shye’s traditional cuisine.
The Kitu also have a distinct and varied culture of tattoo and body art. Very much in contrary to their often reluctant attitude in social situations, the imagery of the Kitu’s visual arts is bold and loud, expressing what they are not able to express through language or action. Tattoos in particular, beyond sometimes simply worn for aesthetic or spiritual reasons, can carry a lot of hidden meaning. Some depict social status and accomplishments, which is why high-ranking and older individuals are often more heavily tattooed. Other tattoos can also depict a goal a person has set for themselves, be it spiritual or more mundane - those tattoos often appear “unfinished”, e.g. are missing parts or are not at all or only partially coloured-in. As soon as the goal is achieved they are completed.
Beauty Ideals
The Kitu value modesty, generosity, and gracefulness. “Beauty” is a vast term that encompasses all these and many more things beyond physical appearance - how a person speaks and acts, how they treat their surroundings and each other. For the pure physically aesthetic aspects, the Kitu consider tattoos on a person beautiful, because they can tell a person’s entire life’s story without a single word being spoken. Baring their inside to the outside world makes them vulnerable, but also brave and proud of their heritage, which are valued qualities.
Courtship Ideals
Holding themselves back and being generally raised to not be too brash, Kitu courtship is accordingly reluctant and slow-paced. If a person is drawn to another, few Kitu would openly approach the topic in conversation. Actions do more than words in this case, from spending time together, to little gifts, or writing each other poems to express one’s feelings in a less direct manner.
Relationship Ideals
The Kitu usually settle for relationships meant to last, most of them staying with one partner their entire lives. While not technically believing in the concept of soul-mates or rebirth, they do believe that there is a life after death in which lovers, friends, and families will be reunited again.
Thanks so much for reading ♥
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Adventures in Liveblogging: Shye Watches “Phantom” Youtube Stream
So I watching this and was jotting down thoughts as I went along. And now if you click that read more you are going to be subjected to all of them because I am feeling a lot right now.
To be honest, I’ve only ever seen one stage production of Phantom before now, a local production in my hometown and it was very clearly based on the movie more than the original script. So a lot of my reacting is to the differences. And also just being emotional
I am in unquestioning awe of ballet dancers. Like generally but also these ones
I love the Hannibal costumes 100x more in the stage production than the movie
Blech. I hate this version of the managers. They creep.
I actually feel for Carlotta. Why did they make her so awful instead of tragic?
“That this was never meant to be…”
Oh these lyric changes change things
I’m going to need Raoul to only sing, because his speaking voice is a bit annoying
That was not the key I was expecting. How is that going to counter Raoul’s when it sounds similar? I mean I like it but…
Digging the sparkly cloak, but not the hat. The hat is a little Inspector Gadget
Okay. Music of the Night as a plea (and straight hypnotism?) instead of seduction…I am feeling a lot of confusing feelings
Being covered with his cloak when she passes out? Now that is some Good Shit
Awkward, loud, key-mashing goes unnoticed but she’s woken by the quiet music box?
I like this little teasing/playful reaching for the mask. It’s a fun bit of levity
Oh this is scary-dangerous-Phantom not dramatic-temper-tantrum-Phantom. Like this Phantom might actually hurt her not just smash furniture
I like this Bouquet better, less of lech
Being in the office and their stressed attitudes make more sense than shouting around the foyer, but Firman in particular is…bad? Too much? I don’t know but I don’t love it
Same size note, many more words. Which means he used PTO on Firman’s for effect only. We love a dramatic bitch
I want’ Carlotta’s dress in this scene. Also she looks done with the managers’ shit and for that we stan (am I using that right?)
I didn’t think the Il Mutto costume could get worse but yikes!
Aw…we didn’t interrupt the production. Where is the petty drama?
Even more blatant disregard of instructions, what morons.
That pageboy costume. Hello my name is Gay
Oh good, we are in fact being MORE of a Petty Dramatic Bitch. Love it. Is the malicious chuckle necessary? No. But are we doing it anyway? Hell yes.
See this Bouquet didn’t even do anything to deserve to die. He was just minding his own business.
“He’ll kill me” not you. Interesting…
This Raoul is much more expressive. His confusion, fear, love are more obvious
The Desperation. The Longing. The LOVE. My heart can’t take it.
Pretty sure this song in my formative years is why I have unrealistic expectations for romance. Also, the spin-lift while kissing. Which this one pairs with a delighted laugh. I can’t.
Oof, the heartbreak turned to rage.
Pre-finale chandelier dramatics. Taunting. Excite
Is it weird that an ominous organ cord is comforting?
That is a Walmart Halloween skeleton costume Firman (or are you Andre? I don’t know I haven’t bothered to care which is which)
Ah the gaudy glory of a Masquerade! I love these costumes. And Christine’s boots. I could gush about nothing but the wardrobe for days but I’ll try to refrain a little.
I feel like y’all should have discussed this before the middle of a party
Is someone in the crowd dressed as the music box monkey?
Eh…that Death costume is a bit…much
Oh, the stage version skips the insults. I might work with that…
Notes gets a reprise?!
All of Carlotta’s looks are incredible. And also Christine’s dress right now. But I really want to talk about Carlotta who is a plus-size woman whose appearance is not a joke and who looks drop dead gorgeous every time she’s on stage. It’s amazing
Ah, here’s the insults I was expecting.
Oh this song is a goldmine I wasn’t expecting the order though I have many emotions and many more ideas
Raoul, cupcake, don’t threaten the madman. You can’t compete.
Ooh a piano plays itself. Clever.
I definitely can’t do this song justice. It scares me that I have to try. God is it daunting.
Okay, what the fuck is that hat?
I wish I could hear Raoul, but the other two overpower him
Taunting and tricks over direct confrontation. That’s an interesting approach
You’ve built your own tomb you idiots. He clearly has secret ways around and you’ve trapped yourself in the theatre
Okay, I don’t like this set of costumes. Except, once again, Carlotta’s. She looks fantastic
The clarity of this Christine’s voice makes me realize how many lines I miss with Emmy Rossum. But I kind of love that. Adds to the hazy memory premise of it
I like that this is more clearly seduction within planned choreography and Christine is uncertain if it’s in character or not. Sadly the costuming kind of looks like seducing a Nazgûl though.
Meg is far more emotional and is taking Piangi’s death very poorly
Oh, we’re actually harming Christine. That makes Raoul’s pleas more logical. Even if I was team Phantom (which I’m not) I wouldn’t be anymore
I mean you were literally just choking her out, so…
That is a fair reaction to seeing your love kiss a murdering psychopath, especially while strung up with a noose. They don’t try too hard to stay pretty with their faces. A+
He’s letting you go. Don’t try to fight him, just leave Raoul
Oh this is much more of a meltdown.
Okay this hurts. This tearful, regretful goodbye. No don’t look back. I can’t…
That is a real good outfit, Meg. We are back to Hello my name is Gay.
Nothing but the mask left behind…
I get that it’s not plausible in a live theatre setting but I miss the chandelier drop. That is my only true complaint and it’s a small thing.
This was a delight and I am FLOATING
Who is the woman in the gorgeous purple dress during curtain call?
Oh I love the smile of pride on Hadley Fraser’s face, especially as he introduces Sierra Boggess. Curtain calls make me feel a special kind of way
Andrew Lloyd Weber looks like he’s been crying and I want to give him a hug
Bless them. Bless this cast and company and orchestra and creative team. Bless them all.
Oh. Oh god. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Shut up. It’s beautiful.
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cee-grice · 5 years
🎃 What is the scariest aspect of your WIP? Bonus: share a related excerpt! 🎃
Oh, that’s a good question! I wouldn’t call either of my WIPs scary per se, but Interleaf sure does have some eerie elements. If I had to choose one, I’d probably go with Shye’s, the MC’s, paranoia and how his fantasies can blend with reality (literally and figurately speaking!), it’s just so fun to write:))
I can, actually, share a small excerpt of that! 
“The quiet around him told he wasn’t being followed. No watchful eyes, no shadows by the walls, no echoing yells.
And yet, no matter how loudly his muscles screamed, how much his lungs spasmed, no matter how alone he felt, Shye couldn’t stop.
There was nothing, absolutely nothing with him, just the grays and blacks and a dead silence, but dogs barked, cats mewled, and Shye found himself surrounded by clicking heels and fluttering dresses and popping wigs and unseeing eyes, and his breathing hitched, and his steps quickened, even though all it took was blinks to chase the images and sounds away.
There was no one chasing (he would have heard felt seen it), but Shye couldn’t cease running.”
Thank you for the trick:)))
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Hi, i have a friend (Mr.P) whom i got along with so well, until he got himself a girlfriend. Then, i suddenly started hating him AND his gf. I am not sure why i hate them so much. I have a boyfriend myself (even way before i met Mr.P), so i'm pretty sure it's not jealousy. Do you have any thoughts on why i hate Mr.P so much? I want to ask my boyfriend but he's too close to Mr.P to give a neutral advice on it. Thank you :) -Shye
Time-sensitive? I sent an ask sometime agoabout hating this Mr.P. The one with "Shye". I'm so sorry to botheryou guys, but there's been a recent development and I've grown to hate Mr.P somuch that it's affected my relationship with other people. In fact me and myboyfriend just had a REALLY big fight because I saw that my bf was gettingalong well with Mr.P and I hated that? Please help me. I've been diagnosed asdepressive and I can't trust my own judgment on this.. I feel so betrayed..
hey there! this is Shye, the one who sent youabout Mr.P. I sent another ask tagged Shye recently. I'm not really rushinganymore. I just want you guys to know that you're really awesome people, goingout of your way to help others. Bless you all.
Hello there, Shye!
I am so sorry that it’s taken so long for us toget back to you and to answer in a timely manner. We’re majorly backed up withasks right now, so thank you so much for your support and patience!
I think that the reason why you don’t like Mr.P is because sometimes, when friends get romantic partners, they stop talkingto their friends and spending time with them. You may have been subconsciouslyscared that your friendship with Mr. P was in jeopardy, so that’s why you felthate towards him and his girlfriend. However, I am not you, so I do not knowfor sure! I realize that it can be difficult to speak to someone you hate atthe moment, but I think you should talk to Mr. P and tell him that you don’twant your friendship to change because of his girlfriend. Schedule “frienddates” where you can go to the movies or have dinner with Mr. P. Those arenecessary in a friendship.
I’m so sorry that your relationship with Mr. Phas affected your relationship with others. I think you need to ask yourselfwhy, because I cannot tell you what you are feeling. Just because you arediagnosed with depression doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust your instincts. Mostof the time, we are aware of what we feel, we just tend to hide it sometimes.However, I am thinking that maybe it’s because you feel like you can’t trustMr. P because of his girlfriend, so you feel like you can’t trust anyone. Isuggest that you explain to your boyfriend that it’s nothing against him, youare just struggling with Mr. P’s relationship interfering with your friendship.Then, I recommend talking to Mr. P and have a completely open, honest chat withhim. Let him know of your feelings towards him and his girlfriend and ask himif he meant to hurt you. Let all of your feelings out, and then you can startto make amends.
You will overcome this, Shye. I know you will.
I’m here if you need anything,
Michaela xo
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