#so apologies if im wording things in a problematic way at all
ocdhuacheng · 2 years
i get that people genderbend male character to be female in mxtx stories (esp if those ppl are wlw) because the majority of characters are male and it is focused on mlm content. so i support wlw simping over cool necromancer lesbians you go girlies, but in general i tend to stay away from genderbend stuff because sooooo much of it is made by cis ppl and it can be a bit transphobic? it also a lot of the times falls into the cishet gender stereotype shit of "women big boobie slim waist small big lips big eyes, men big buff strong macho 8 pack square" which is! oh no cringe!
yeah EXACTLY like my thoughts too. bc the vast majority of genderbending made by cis ppl really is just. like you said. biological gender stereotype shit. i feel like most trans people i see are made pretty uncomfortable by this, and i can totally see why, so i am too. but at the same time i DO understand wlw who want more content with girls/wlw characters esp when there are so few to begin with. so like im kinda willing to give wlw the benefit of the doubt in this case even though i dont rly like to interact with it myself. but also, my beloved sisters in christ... baihe exists
the only genderbending ill really interact with is works with sqx, he xuan*, and hua cheng like since theyre the ones that are shown to or mentioned to change gender in canon. (ling wen too, tho tbh i dont rly care about male!ling wen lmfao, just for the sole reason that, well. i am a lesbian. tho i do have to say the lore behind her male form is actually rather compelling and i think if mxtx were more skilled and open to writing analysis about gender, it could lead to a very thoughtful and nuanced discussion of how ling wen views herself, rather than just if she looks like a cis woman shes a woman if she looks like a cis man shes a man. because iirc she only shapeshifted to get the extra power she had in her male form? that doesnt mean that she is now a man, but in those scenes the book automatically refers to her as such. would love an extra about ling wen's self image and gender. but no, we had to get the statue sex and weird underage amnesia stuff 🙄)
BUT ANYWAY like idk if it really counts as genderbending in tgcf's case? but either way i know mxtx made that ~gods and ghosts can change gender at will~ thing just as a haha comedic relief thing like i think them having the power to do that is totally cool but i do not think it was done respectfully at all, especially with sqx, since mxtx kind of either intentionally or not sends the message (at least to me) that you can only be trans if you pass as cis. ive said it a million times before and ill say it again but the way sqx is never referred to as a woman (by the characters, the narrative, and even THEMSELF) after they lose the ability to LOOK like a cis woman is so so infuriating to me. like theyre not going to just STOP being genderfluid/trans just bc they cant change their appearance. and also not to mention throughout the book they were just kinda treated as being silly and immature for wanting to change their gender in the first place, so, another win for transphobia i guess. though i can appreciate having a canon trans/genderfluid character, they definitely could have been written better in that regard
*while i love fem!he xuan... it did leave a kinda dirty taste in my mouth when mxtx had to make sure we knew that he xuan only did it to appease sqx, and actually hated being a woman. and the way it was talked about too like 'oh he was forced to be in a womans body so OF COURSE he was super pissed the entire time' like i cant explain it but it was just kind of upsetting. kinda transphobic and misogynist. one might even say,..... transmisogynist 🤔
this answer kinda ended up going on a tangent but yea lol thanks for the ask ^^
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tainted-liquor · 8 months
racism and 'hiimayee'/'mayearies'
hi! so, I know Im not posting as frequently as I should be n I kinda fell off, BUT! theres a reason for that that I will be discussing today.
so, around maybe a month or so ago I was added to an insta gc with a handful of writers. Some being ash, maye, Dalia, a mutual friend named Ash, who we refer to as Lash, and a few others. Keep in mind, just so there is no misconception, the dominant population of this groupchat was both black and queer. I am not going to define who as its not relevant, and I would like to respect everyones privacy.
So, one day in the groupchat, we were all joking around when maye decided to call Dalia, aka @primaviva, a b--der h**per.
Now, for some who are confused lets go over the term 'b--der h**per' and its history.
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This is a racial slur that aims to offend the Latino community, specifically Mexican immigrants. it is a callback to the border laws that prevent non-U.S. citizens from entering the United States without legal documentation, otherwise known as a passport or a 'green card' that will recognize you as a U.S. citizen. Throughout history, the government has made it harder and harder to apply for U.S. citizenship. Especially if the person attempting to migrate doesn't have the appropriate funds to finance this kind of migration. This is a form of systemic oppression to further segregate POC from White America, and this system has been critized in the past due to its nature and America even being stolen land.
As stated above, this slur is aimed at Mexican Immigrants. However, anyone of any culture can be an immigrant. When Maye knowingly said this to Dalia, not only was she using a derogatory term used to berate those who spent years trying to find a way towards a better life against her, but she was also grouping her in a category that is not her own. Dalia is NOT Mexican-American. She is puerto rican and dominican. So not only does this term not apply to her, it groups the entire Latino community in a giant umbrella of ignorance that erases her culture, and throws it under one title that is not her own.
To put this into perspective, lets use a hypothetical example.
Jen is Mexican-American. Her culture has deep roots that contributed to everyday history. While some components of her history may be similar to other Latino heritage, they are not the same and differ in many ways.
Gabriella is Puerto-Rican. She too has some similarites to other Latino/spanish speaking cultures, but there is an entirely different story to how her people came to be.
Grouping Jen and Gabriella together is ignorant. Doing this overlooks and dismisses their difference in history and boils their culture down to one small similarity; Spanish. You wouldn't call Gabriella a deragotory term that doesn't apply to her, because not only is it racist, but it also takes a massive eraser to her culture and roots. To put these two under the same roof and unite them under one thing is essentially telling them "you're all the same."
Cultural erasure is already a big problem in non-white communities. Anything that differs from European american history is already not talked about, but to do this is just a slap in the face.
And to put the icing on the cake, this was her apology. Which took her 3 tries...
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#1, which was already an issue in itself...an emoji for racism is crazy.
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#2, which still wasn't sufficient for racism...
And #3, in which she attempt to deflect the situation by saying we use "problematic language". Which, is only the n-word amongst each other. Because we're all black!
She even got defensive when Dalia assumed she was Latino due to how quickly the word was sent like it was normal. This was not a PROPER apology, regardless of how lengthy it was.
And to make matters worse, this isn't the first time she's been caught saying some racist/problematic shit.
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This post is lengthy, and for that, I apologize. But I would like to address one last component of this post before I sign things off.
As you can see in one image, Maye cracked a joke about 'curry' when talking about Pakistani women's education activist Malala.
Let's take a moment to explain why this is problematic, and how cracking jokes about curry when on the topic of Pakistan is an issue.
Pakistan is a country in South Asia that neighbors India. This country has a beautiful and unique history of its own that very rarely is taught in classroom settings, just like I said earlier with any sort of history that is not European. One of the racial stereotypes of its South Asia is their 'abundance of curry', and all of their meals being some type of 'curry'
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This is again an ignorant and narrow-minded ideology regarding the topic of race and its similarities to other countries that are similar in certain aspects. It pushes people into a marginalized box, and labels them as 'all the same'.
I ask that you do research before spreading a harmful narrative about peoples culture, and don't be ignorant. Thank you for taking time to read this post.
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wenellyb · 12 days
oh yeah the Ryan stuff is,,, hm pretty awful. idk I remember Oliver stopped following him on instagram for a while, there were rumours that they didn't get on and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they took a step back from each other at that point (could be wrong but I think it was like a year) - kinda ruined some of the character a bit for me but generally most of the fandom seems to have 'moved on from it' (I'm not judging ppl either way bc I dont feel like it's my place). idk I dont like to be one of those people who spreads shit about actors regardless of what they did but yeah. it was pretty bad. I think most ppl in the fandom figured it had 'blown over' (ie, he'd apologised to other cast members etc) by Aisha's wedding since they were all in photos together. always sucks when someone is so openly racist tho. - feel free not to respond to this, I can see why people wouldn't want this stuff on their blogs but yeah generally this is common knowledge in the fandom from what ive seen also pls excuse poor word choice since im essentially repeating what ive seen said about what happened so some of these phrases don't necessarily reflect what I think about what he did
Hi Anon!!! Thank you for providing context, arriving in a fandom later means not knowing what has happened before. The Ryan Guzman thing is really awful especially since most people seem to have "moved on"....
His wife saying racial slurs is one thing but then him doubling down and excusing that behavior is disgusting...
Thank you again for sending me this and explaining what happened. I see no problem with your choice of words and I understand what you mean.
I get you not wanting to spead stuff about actors because some people don't understand the difference between calling out problematic behavior and cyberbullying... I wouldn't want to contribute to the latter either.
That being said, I'm still dsitrustful of that man, he didnt seem remorseful in that article I reblogged. So if he did apologize he must have done it because of the backash not because he believed it...You see, since he has so many Black friends, he should be allowed to use racial slurs.
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hi cas!!
im gonna rant at you for a bit if you dont mind :)
Im a minor that lives in a super tight night, close minded community. Super religious, super homophobic transphobic ect. Seeing as im a teenage girl whose questioning their gender and is definitely attracted to women thats kinda problematic lols. Honestly idek how to explain the situation without a bunch of details, but basically, theres a fifty-fifty chance of me being sent to conversion therapy or just cut off from any internet access (and i mean ANY. i have a flip phone for fucks sake.)if my fam finds out im queer, i have no support system outside of some internet friends who know nothing about my situation, and within the next few years(so like once i turn 20ish, thats in like 4 years but whatever) my family is going to expect me to get married to a man and start popping out babies asap. Btw thats whats expected of me in this community, marriage under the age of 25, have like as many kids as physically possible and god forbid higher education. And im not okay with that . Ffs i want to go to college, major in fine arts, meet a person i like and fall desperately in love or maybe not just have a bunch of close platonic relationships i want cats and a dog and a cute studio in a big city where i can dye my hair whatever color i want aand get an obsene amount of piercings, i want to wear pants!! I just want to live. Without expectations or limits or people who love me hating everything they dont know about me. Is that truly so much to ask for?
And im incredibly dramatic cuz i literally have the dream life. My family loves me, my parents are upper middle class, theyve never hurt me before(besides for all the anti everything rants haha) i literally have a full sized bed, which for some reason i see as the peak of being spoiled idk why. I go to school, not even public, a private religious school that prob costs thousands of dollars, i have friends(who are all part of this community btw and id bet my entire savings that most of them think gay is only a word that ppl use to mean happy lol) close ones even!! I have adorable neices and nephews(my 3 sisters all were married by the age of 20, so i have 11 niecesand nephews while my oldest sister is 31) im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out. No hope of college to get on my feet and find someway out, no people that'll help me fucking run away or some bullshit like that, hell ive considered it and then felt like shit, cuz what am i even running from? Im probably attracted to men it wont kill me to marry one. And i like kids, i wouldnt mind having any either. But.... i dont want to be trapped anymore. Cuz ill be honest thats what i am.if some one asked me to run away with them rn i would, no hesitation.
God im a mess😭😭 anyway this was me ranting in my notes app, im just apologizing for dumping this on a complete stranger(we're moots actually!!) albeit a very kind one :) i dont know what im looking for, but ill take whatever your comfortable giving ig.
I love and appreciate you<333
And hey this has been oddly cathartic so lmk if its okay for me to do this again sometime :))
"im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out."
Hon, you're not living the dream life...there's a difference between financial privilege and being happy, you know? It's pretty clear that this isn't what you want.
I'm not sure if you're asking for my advice here, or if you just want to vent. But I care about you, and if you want me to research some things to try to help you, I'm more than willing to (that way it's not on your search history.) Just say the word!
Until then, you are ALWAYS allowed to vent to me.
I'm naming you venting anon in case you write again!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 6 months
You're right about speaking up thing. I remember that time when that bangtan bomb or whatever that is dropped from the day of BTS's at white house and im the video they used a word which is actually used by jm's korean antis so kpjms got mad and others explained that things to international pjms and then we started tagging them and trending. I was in jkkrs space more than pjms back then but i still used to follow some pjms and when we got to know all pjms and jkkrs i know we were tagging them asking them to correct the subtitles and hrs later they changed the subtitles and since that day i know that if something is wrong you gotta speak up. There's this account on twitter @/NoabsNolife something they're either a k-pjm or they do translation and all, i have been following them for yrs now and from that account i actually got to know about them using anti word in subtitle. I remember many armys saying it's not a big deal and trying to shut us down but we didn't listen and made them change the subtitles.
We have done that multiple times, the recent one was how they made jm look insecure in that BTS game and we made them change the subtitles and they even apologized for using those.
About the RIAA idk if it's because of the trucks or not cause kpjms sent those trucks just 15-20 days before ig and this RIAA certification thing takes atleast a month(idk how true that is but i read it on twitter during jk's RIAA). But i as a pjm do not at all feel emabrrased for the truck thing. Atleast we're asking for clarification and not why our fav is dating xyz so I'm not at all embarassed no matter what others say.
Embarrassing companies and putting them on the spot has always seemed to me like the most logical thing to do idk 😭
We literally got abortion rights in my country by protesting and demanding for it.. I'd say historically everyone has had to ask for their rights.
I know this kpop thing is not even close to being as important as human rights, but my point is... Whole laws get approved because people complain and protest. It does make a difference.
Of course, yeah, nobody really knows if it was because of the trucks or not. I think most people (me included) are just connecting the two events because they happened in more or less around the same days; another song getting the certification (which meant that the company was asking for those only for one member), and the trucks. Because the truth is that we've also asked for other stuff and they didn't comply with that, so. Maybe it was because of the trucks, maybe not.
They definitely didn't do it before getting Jungkook's, and we know why. That in itself is problematic, even if it happened now; it should've happened earlier. As someone pointed out a while ago, Jimin gets his song on Spotify #1 and the versions get split. Another member is given MORE versions added together so he can get that #1.
It's not embarrassing, especially considering that there really aren't many ways for the fandom to get in touch with the company. Mailing doesn't work. Tagging didn't work. Trending hashtags didn't work. Stuff that has worked when it came to a different member's release, mind you. So what other choice was there?
I'm honestly so tired of having to constantly be in this "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" mindset when it comes to Jimin and the company because none of what they did for him should ever be considered a gift. If anything, he's gifted the company more than they've given him; they're just paying him for his job with the same money he's earning them. They should be giving him unbridled support and should be doing all the paperwork in proper time and work just like they're capable of doing for other people.
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bullet-ant · 1 year
im going to try to describe in as few words as i possibly can why i think i developed avoidant personality disorder and offer some insight into how it has affected me personally. (i apologize if its constructed messily Lol)
first, i am going to quickly describe a memory and discuss my dad because i think it gives some good backstory to the points im about to describe:
when i was five years old, i had just received some incredibly good news while i was at home with my father who had just got the news too
i was absolutely brimming with so much joy and love and adoration for my dad in that moment that i wanted to tell him i loved him. i knew better than to do so, because he would always withdraw and wretch at me when i did, but i was just so happy and full of love. i thought maybe, since the news was good, he wouldnt wretch at me for saying it this time, so i took the risk and said it. "i love you", saturated with pools and pools of my deepest love and affection for him—it came bursting out of my heart.
he did immediately proceed to wretch at me, right in my face, and the joy and love i felt was instantaneously extinguished. suddenly i no longer cared about the good news. i never said those words to anyone ever again (even to this day as an adult i have not uttered that phrase to anyone since LOL). from this, i internalized my fathers disgust for me—for my identity—as something inherently wrong and gross with me at my core.
this was just one memory of thousands. my dad humiliated and degraded me in millions of other ways my entire childhood—it was chronic—and he let me know everyday that i was unloved.
every time i made the mistake of expressing myself in front of him he would reject me, so i put myself on lockdown and learned not to give anyone anything to humiliate or degrade or reject me with. if i give my dad nothing—if i express no feeling—hell, if i just turn all my feelings off—then i'll never experience the urge to express myself, and therefore will never experience the rejection that i know is imminent.
i perceive everything as though its an attack on my identity because that is all i ever knew. being myself never once yielded me love—it only ever yielded certain rejection and subsequently utter humiliation. in everyone i see daily reminders of who i was to my dad—cringeworthy, disgusting, shameful, humiliating, and most importantly, unlovable.
there was a certain point where i decided that, if that was how everyone was going to see me, it wasnt worth being seen at all. i decided that the only person worthy of knowing me was me. i shut down and split myself into two selves. my "false self"—whose job it is to handle all people-related dealings and guard the "true self"—the version of me that is really me.
when i am acting as the "false self", i am anhedonic. i struggle with the flat effect and to put the correct facial expressions on my face at the right times. the false self is mild, phony, and unfeeling. her job is to nod her head and always say all the right things without ever having to say too much; she says just enough to get people off my back. i am always acting as the false self so long as i am around another person—be it my family, friends, coworkers, etc. It is impossible for me to trust or even love anybody no matter how "close" they are to me because I am burdened with the knowledge that none of these people could ever truly love me back. they can (and will) reject me at any moment i let my guard down.
i often have a tendency to aggressively lash out at everyone because by default i assume their primary objective in trying to know me is just to reject (and further humiliate) me. obviously this is a problematic behavior, and it only serves to make me even less easy to love while also driving more and more people out of my life
when i expressed to my father that i loved him and he rejected me, humiliation and rejection became a trigger for me. nobody likes rejection—this is true—but i dont like rejection because i experienced it chronically, every waking day of my childhood. that is much different from someone who only experienced the normal amount of rejection on occasion or every so often. when rejection is chronic, it becomes impossible to separate it from who you are. it will make you feel as though you are on fire—i believe it's why avoidants fear it so viscerally
these are just a few of my thoughts; if you read this far thank you!!! please feel welcome to add your own insights or ideas (if any). this disorder is a massive iceberg, this post cant even begin to cover every way it has degraded the quality of my life. if you have any your own thoughts dont be afraid to share them👋
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kiruliom · 2 years
Boyfriend's is like problematic REALLY PROBLEMATIC
every main arguements Ive seen about this has either been
1: it fetishizes gay/trans/poly people
2: the creator said something racist once for one, the creator is a gay trans man who's open for polyamory, a lot of people misgender him and are generally transmisic towards him. also very racist sadly (hes indonesian)
for the second, he admitted it was way back when he was still learning english, and didnt know the weight of the words he said yet, he has since apologized for it. as someone who's also from a country not native to english I understand, people throw racist and even ableist slurs around everywhere here (which doesnt make it okay, but it helps visualize how people who arent educated on it can think its normal/alright).
what this "problematic" view is based on is either straight up transmisic or ignorance towards personal growth, which are both very harmful towards any community. you (and all of us tbf) grew up on cancel culture which makes you believe anyone the majority dislikes must immedietly be evil. this all started because some reddit nerds thought that the ads were cringe, and then it spread and people made excuses to hate it, which guess what! you dont need an excuse to not like something! I dont like dsmp, it's just not my tea, and thats okay!! boyfriends has been a media that helped me cope at bad times, it makes me feel happy as a queer ambiamorous man. we dont get a lot of man loving man content that is just,, fluff, happy stuff, no bad things happen its just 4 silly little guys loving eachother
also idk where to fit this in the above statement but like creator =/= creation, Im not supporting the creator financially in any way. also I am very critical of the media I consume so I dont "blindly defend it", I just look into it.
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nickiemoot · 1 year
doesnt susies japanese bio say she's eliminating savages.
okay. first of all, before i start rambling, if this is referring to the "susie has never done anything wrong" post, that was clearly a joke. obviously she's done bad shit. she's a flawed character. she falls under the "redeemed villain" category like many kirby characters. don't get me started on the importance of a nuanced approach with flawed characters and the overall unfair treatment of female characters. if this isn't what you were going for, i apologize. you happened to stumble on a thing i have Opinions about lmao.
anyway. i don't speak japanese and i have to solely rely on other people's translations. so this is a lot of speculation on my part.
i think you're referring to the quote from star allies. i had to go to the wiki to find it, here's a copy and paste:
Her Dream Friend description states that she intends to bring back the company her father built. In the Japanese version, direct quotes from her are given: 「科学の力で 家族だんらん、幸せな くらしを ごていきょう…」("Through the power of science, I offer family harmony and a happy life...") and 「そんな理念の もと、ヤバンなヤツは くじょ、いたしますわ!」 ("I will exterminate the uncivilized!")
now i have no idea what the subtle connotations of the word that was translated to "uncivilized" is. i don't know japanese. i know that the word you used, "savages", has really serious connotations in english because of actual real life history. the haltmann company is definitely meant to be more or less "destructive western capitalism" in theme. but does this word in japanese mean the same thing as the highly specific and deeply racist english word? i don't know. the wiki translated it as "uncivilized". does that make a difference? i don't know.
here's my take: she is a person who was raised to believe she was superior to everyone. her father is rich and powerful and her people are very technologically advanced. she was probably spoiled as a child. her time in AD was no doubt very shocking and traumatizing, and when she came back there was no happy reunion because her father didn't recognize her. her response was... not healthy! she focused on revenge and didn't question shit! not until the star dream incident did she actually start questioning what she believed, how she viewed the world, the consequences of her actions, etc. obviously she wasn't immediately fixed and is now flawless! she has so much baggage to unpack! unlearning things is really hard, and unlearning whole worldviews taught to you since childhood is extremely difficult. this is a real thing, it's possible to unlearn prejudice irl but it's a long process that takes constant conscious effort. but i think she is trying.
plus, i highly suspect that the way that quote is written is meant to convey her way of speaking. "exterminate the uncivilized" is susie-speak for "defeat the enemies". the word "exterminate" is just scifi talk meant to make her sound robotic. and sure, the way she considers anyone not on her side as uncivilized is. problematic. but again, she's unlearning a lifetime of bias. if anything, it would bother me immensely if she was suddenly redeemed and perfect with no lasting effects! that doesn't happen!
anyway, im not gonna get into it because that's a whole 'nother goddamn essay i could write, but consider: kirby is full of redeemed villain characters including ones who are not really good guys at all (marx, dark meta knight, hell even taranza and magolor are questionable) AND YET the only one who gets judged like this is susie, the female ex-villain. female characters are always scrutinized more than male characters in the same fandom. why is that? think about it.
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af4ll1ngp1n37r33 · 2 years
Tw// antishippers , mental illness , ptsd , incest mentions , abuse mentions , age gaps
You know, I hate seeing antishippers use fictives as a way to say "Well fiction does affect reality!!!!!!"
As a fictive myself, I give less than a shit. You wanna write me fucking my grunkles, go for it. Wanna write me fucking my sister, go for it. I don't care. I have block buttons and blacklists and tagged words, I don't see any of it.
Would I actually fuck my grunkles or sister? No, ofc not, not my personal taste. But other fictives might do so or find them hot. Fuck you if you hate them for who they love.
Hell, people say Billdip is problematic, which yea, it is.
He traumatized me. I have PTSD from him I still haven't gotten rid of. My grunkle Ford has years of PTSD piled onto him, Stan had his mind invaded in his sleep and is paranoid to the point he's an insomniac. I got my body taken over.
And Im almost unhealthily in love with him. He's basically abused me and is thousands of years older than me but I'd die for him. Its not healthy nor is it okay at all. But its who I love and who I am. I wont fucking apologize for that.
TL;DR: Dont use fictives for your shitty arguments as to why people can't ship certain thing, because some fictives are proshippers and ship problematic things. Some of us also (in my case) are in or desire to be problematic relationships. Lets be decent human beings.
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
I think it’s super problematic that everyone is equating what Jensen said to being sexually attracted to a child and using emotively challenging language to sensationalise that. Our headcanon is that Jack is four, and it’s technically canon on the show but AlCal is 31 years old, and Jensen knows him on a professional and personal level as a 31 year old man. I think he was just responding in the moment to that. I’m not saying it’s okay what he’s said, but people coming for him for talking about a child in that way and also “his” child is just plain wrong. In the past Jensen has been incredibly respectful of women and that’s all we know of him. He’s a Texan man, likely he does have some sexist views… It’s all about context and I feel people are really beginning to take this too far and out of context because understandably their feelings are hurt. We don’t have to condone behaviour to understand it. There’s such a massive lack of understanding right now and it’s painful to see. Fair enough he’s a white Hollywood male who doesn’t need defending but also he’s a human being and what people are saying about him is damaging especially regarding the child shit. Fine drag him for being sexist (rightly so) but leave the child shit out of it. He just got angry in his own panel about people getting excited about him saying JJ and Arrow love them some daddy. Like everything he says is turned sexual anyways. Our lenses and biases play into our interpretation and sometimes we need to step back because we can be too close to something. Who knows what he even intended to mean with his throwaway comment. We’re not in his head and the backlash and vitriol and aggression may mean we never know what he meant or get an apology. When you fight someone in the way the fandom has dragged Jensen (who is known to be quiet, shy and private) they will just shut down and back off and there will never be growth. There are ways to handle ruptures (with compassion, care and curiosity) to actually repair what’s happened vs making sure the rupture stays (with anger and aggression). We will miss out on opportunities to hear him speak because he will be afraid to speak out for fear of saying something wrong. That’s not okay. If we want things to change then we have to create a safe, open, brave space where people can say what they need (and be gently called out on things they do wrong) so they learn and WANT to continue to talk about things and learn from us.
okay so i wasnt going to answer this but i have slept so yk what. lets go for it.
1) its not my job, or ANY of our jobs to create a safe space for a grown adult man to make homophobic and or wildly inappropriate or just blatantly offensive comments so we can "gently" correct him. Its not our job to "teach" him, hes a forty three year old grown man. And if he's going to share these harmful words anyway....then why would i want to create a space where he can feel even more comfortable saying these things???
2) Do not tell me I "don't understand". I've been in this fandom for 10 years, since i was 11 years old. I've watched countless homophobic comments come out of jensen's mouth in real time for years. Ive seen the backlash in real time. I've seen the I've received the anons telling me i was a pervert and disgusting and pathetic and i should die for shipping destiel or saying dean was bi. And a lot of other people have to.
im allowed to be angry. we are all allowed to be angry about what transpired yesterday, and what has been said/done for years. Im allowed to be angry for him being blatantly homophobic about bi dean all those years ago, and the way the other side of the fandom supported him in that opinion and the disgusting hate/replies/comments/anons that stemmed from it. I'm allowed to be angry with jensen for multiple reasons whether its him consciously choosing to direct a racist copaganda show or for his years of homophobic comments, his years of sexist comments. We are all allowed to be angry. We're allowed to be hurt. And we're allowed to talk about it however the hell we want. He's rich. He's forty three years old. He's married. He has three kids. He's a grown adult man. He should know better. And you claim its "damaging" to him????? What about the damage his words/actions caused hundreds of queer teenagers in this fandom???
3) nothing i said was taken out of context. nothing i said was swayed by "my lense" or "my biases". I listened to the broadcast in real time. I watched the video of it once it was posted after. I saw the expression, the body language, hear the tone of voice and the laugh. There is simply no other "interpretation". It doesnt matter if it was "throwaway comment". He still said it. And that is exactly how he meant it.
4) jack is canonically three years old at the end of the show. they constantly reference and mention his age. in his second episode he says he is "one day old". This is not a "fandom headcanon". Its canonical fact.
5) jensen said "dean would", not "jensen would". Alex's age does not matter, because the question was not about Alex, and Jensen was not talking about Alex. The question was about Jack, and Jensen said "Jack". It's really that simple.
So please don't come into my askbox(or anyone else's for that matter) and tell me, how i should feel, and how i should handle it to spare jensen ackles' feelings. Don't tell me to be "compassionate", because he's "learning", he isn't a small child. He's a grown man. And don't tell me to "create a safe space" for him, when he's never fucking created one for us. Because all he's done is help encourage an environment where we have spent years, terrified to ask anything about destiel, or bi dean, for fear of exactly what happened yesterday. And at the end of the day, its not actually about the characters, or the ship, or the show, its so much fucking more than that and by this point that should be obvious.
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txbbo · 3 years
I've been debating making this because this is definitely not what my blog is known for and I was worried that people wouldn't want to see it, but with the amount of shit im seeing on twitter it's compelled me to make this because I'm so frustrated.
I feel like I could make 100 posts about 'Cancel Culture' and it wouldn't be enough, so I'm just going to focus on what caused me to write this tonight - the Tommy situation. *Warning for a VERY long post below*
To be clear, Tommy has been in 'hot water' on twitter for the past couple weeks, roughly starting with the KSI collaboration where he made a joke about dream stans.
Last week, when the SBI 'exposing account' got made and twitter hyped it up, someone made a Tommy account and made a thread of things he needed to be '''educated''' on: https://twitter.com/idktommyinnit/status/1379158964148002821?s=20
I'll let you read it for yourself (and come to your own conclusion) but to me.... half of this stuff does not require a twitter thread? Breaking it down accusation by accusation:
1) 'The Mexican accent' - the clips show he is clearly only doing it when copying big Q (who famously exaggerates his own accent) and there is zero malicious intent (Big Q is also IN the 3 clips mentioned in the thread, and obviously didn't tell Tommy it was offensive). There's debates in the comments from people who think it is offensive and people who don't, so I'm not trying to pick a side. To avoid accidentally offending anyone, maybe it is best for him to stop, but the way twitter acts as if he was purposefully doing this to offend people is just not true.
2- 'Making a slave joke' - Even saying that feels wrong, because it suggests Tommy is doing something awful. Instead, they are referring to the 'bit' that Tommy, Techno, Tubbo and Ant were involved in, when Tommy and Techno took Tubbo and Ant as their slave. People are taking this vod and using it to accuse Tommy of being insensitive to Black people, but I think people are just assuming the worst. Slavery existed long before the transatlantic slave trade and still exists today. This is a role-play server - Tommy 'forced' Ant to work for him and used the word slave, which to me is exactly what was happening? People 'murder' others on the SMP, people 'kidnap' on the SMP, people are 'terrorists' on the SMP, and all happen without issue. To add, Ant is a WHITE man. Tommy taking a WHITE man as a slave is not something uber problematic.
3- 'His reply to Techno's 'murder is bad' tweet'. - I get people saying that Techno's initial tweet was insensitive, but saying Tommy's agreement to this from almost over a year ago is something notable and worth addressing is just super nitpicky and is clearly only in there to pad out the thread. It also makes me wonder what other CC's interacted with it and if THEY should be cancelled too (according to twitter).
4 - 'The saying slurs' tweet / jokes about 'whats the worst word you know' - This one I can kinda see how people might not like it. However, it's clearly a 'poke' at his friends, making them seem like bad people. To me, its in the same vein as 'Tubbo is a Tory' or when Tubbo shoots back that 'Tommy is a Nigel Farage fan'. They're obviously not, but its making fun of your friends by saying they are, and mockingly making them out out to be bad people.
5- 'Covid jokes' - People are taking jokes he made about him 'having covid' and saying he shouldn't joke about this, even going as far to linking it to asian hate crimes. I don't even know how to explain that that this is just? not a 'cancellable offence'? I'm sorry but if I hear anyone in my family coughing I make a little joke that 'they better not have covid' and I know other people do. I have someone in my family who is extremely vulnerable to Covid and if they caught it, would quite literally die, but I can understand that jokes like these are harmless. The whole internet had a running joke that we were in a 'panoramic' or 'Panera' or 'insert any word that sounds like pandemic.
This thread got a lot of attention and anything he tweeted afterwards was spammed with the link and there were so many people upset that he hadn't addressed it. I saw so many people say how 'upset' and 'disappointed' they were in him.
Going on to today, this happened: https://twitter.com/khasiid/status/1380611890104139776?s=20
I get it, it looks bad. But for context (which the tweet doesn't give), the reply was only up for less than a minute. It was obvious to me, even BEFORE Tommy addressed it in his stream (clip here: https://twitter.com/cowrpse/status/1380640046202593283?s=20 ) that it was a mistake. In the clip, he clearly acknowledges his mistake and seems embarrassed. To me, this situation should just be laid to rest because a mistake does not need this much attention, but twitter disagrees.
In case it wasn't obvious by now, the tide is turning against Tommy and people are less willing to ignore genuine mistakes and assume the worst.
Today, during his birthday stream people were clearly already waiting for him to mess up. Around half way through, he started saying 'finna' out of context and Tubbo joined in. This led to tons of tweets telling him he was misusing AAVE, and while there were plenty of people willing to be patient and educate, there were also people seeing this as an example of him being a 'bad person' and someone who should be 'without a platform'. I think people forget that not everyone has the same internet upbringing as they do. In general, I think its noted that the misuse of AAVE is something that has just recently been brought to attention. I learned about it through tiktok and stan twitter, and I don't think it's unimaginable that a British 17 year old boy (who is not active on either) has never heard of 'African American Vernacular English'.
Just for a fuller picture, today has also brought about another 'criticism' that I just had to address.
1) 'Tommy made a KKK joke' - Like the 'slavery' point, saying this is extremely misleading. It makes people think the worst. Here's the clip: https://twitter.com/ghostburz/status/1380673589612011522?s=20
Here, Tommy and Tubbo are both joking about Tubbo's 'bit' of naming his alt streams 'aaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbbbb', 'cccccc', etc and how it would've been bad if it was 'kkkkkkkk' (for obvious reasons). That is literally it. It is a less than 20 second clip. Acknowledging that people woulda thought about the 'KKK' is not him 'not understanding Black issues', its a throwaway joke about the obvious.
Lastly, someone on twitter has made a tommyinnit (address asap) doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tZEZtBzikS-EYYkssfFtwVOoFqOwCK0zhStLe6H1wCc/edit
I've basically already covered everything in this document, but I wanted to mention how extremely 'guilt trippy' the whole thing is. I struggled to come up with the perfect word for the situation, and I am open to hearing other peoples opinion, but as I have mentioned none of these things Tommy has been accused of were done with malicious intent, and some I believe don't even need addressed at all.
'slavery is a source of astronomical trauma for black people, and isn’t something to be taken lightly if you’re to look into the horrors of the slave trade."
and "Oftentimes they are the last words we hear before we die and it really is not Tommy’s place to joke about words that affect us so negatively."
Are extremely emotional words for a 17-year-old boy to hear on his birthday, for stuff that I believe has been taken out of context and blown out of proportion.
I really feel bad for him, because such a large proportion of twitter (which ofc is the loudest side of the fanbase) is angry at him and is demanding (as the document says) ''either a stream or twitter thread/twitlonger to addressing this' and 'a long and serious apology instead of a short statement pre-stream'.
We all know how twitter works, and unless his apology is perfect (which to me means apologising for stuff that he should't have to, as explained in the thread), twitter will continue with this weird hyper focus on everything he does, and it's not going to end well.
Twitter's mentality of 'putting everything this person has done that could ever be considered problematic' into one neat little thread is so unhelpful and counter intuitive. I got overwhelmed reading some of the stuff people were saying about him, I can't imagine how he feels.
I feel like I have more to say but at risk of writing an essay longer than my actual work I have to do, I'm going to end here.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Sleepyhead (Request)
MCU cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Benedict Cumberbatch x gn!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request Description: Hiya♥️could i please request a teen x marvel cast were they always find her sleeping and taking naps everywhere around set and they confront her about it and she says something about having to take care of her little siblings because her parents are never arohnd do she gets no sleep. Sorry if its to long.❤❤❤❤❤😍🥰
Warnings: irresponsible parents, negligence, slight insecurity, stress
(A/N): sorry this is kind of centered around benedict, i find these mcu cast x reader ones difficult. also im watching a belarusian war-movie from 1985 about the holocaust. its absolutely terrifying (im very serious, i’d be cautious for trigger warnings). if you’re looking for a horror movie or something, search “come and see movie” on youtube and you’ll find the entire thing there (:
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At first, it had been sweet. A testament to the insomniatic youth, if you will. In every closet, behind every door, and on every soft surface, you could be found in between takes, snoring away.
They all agreed you were probably watching movies or playing games up late at night, computer screen illuminating your face. Or maybe you were chatting with your faraway friends. Either way, it was almost endearing to find you drooling on the couches scattered around the set.
Sweet and endearing at first, yes. But then the feelings about it, the longer it went on, the more your mature and well behaved personality clashed with the idea of you staying up all night, the more the feelings about your frequent naps changed.
To the set workers, the coordinators and overseers of the countless tasks on set, it became an issue. 
“Where’s Y/n? We need them for the next scene!” 
More often than not, several people would be running around set in search of you. And of course you apologized profusely when they found and woke you, but it didn’t matter when you never changed.
But to your coworkers, the talented actors and actresses on set of this huge movie production, it was concerning. Because you were their friend, undoubtedly. 
When you would be pulled out a distant break room, rubbing your dark and drowsy eyes, mumblings would start among them. 
“Are they okay?” 
“They just seem so sensible, I don’t understand why they would stay up like that.” 
And then there was you. Young and unfortunate you. Just trying to do your best, trying to please everyone. It was impossible for anyone to know how much you were juggling with. 
You felt like a bird with a broken wing, still flying but bound to fall to its death. You knew it was too much. You knew it was only a matter of time before you broke. 
Most teens felt stressed with just schoolwork, and then there was you. Battling long set days and huge mounts of schoolwork. And then the family.
Your parents that never seemed to be around. They were both working all the time and often left you and your siblings to yourselves. The problems with that was that you were the eldest, and your siblings were too young to take care of themselves. You were the one left to bring home groceries, to make dinner, to bring them to bed, and to help them with any of their schoolwork or difficulties. 
And it was too much. Simply put it was too much for you. You had managed back when you were just another teen at school, but now you were in a movie, you had a JOB.
Usually you’d go to set and work your ass off, get home and help the kids all day, and then do your schoolwork in the night. You almost never got more than an hour or two of sleep, which was why you settled for small naps during your filming sessions. 
You were so stressed, and you wanted to be angry, because in truth you had every right to. But you were too tired and too busy to be angry. Too focused on your siblings and doing good as an actor. But you would never want to involve your coworkers. You thought it would be embarrassing and unprofessional to involve them. So you carried the weight all alone.
“Wake up! Wake up!” 
Someone was shaking you awake. You blinked your eyes open. A redhead set assistant was yelling in your face, grasping your shoulders. 
She stopped when she saw your eyes turning to slits, before widening to look at her. 
“Am I on?” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. The lady scoffed.
“Are you on? Yeah, you’re on,” she spat and swung around, heels clicking on the floor, as she exited the break room briskly.
You were ashamed. Of course you were. You were so unprofessional and problematic. But you knew you had no other time to sleep, so this was your only option. The thought made you want to cry. 
Instead, you stood up and walked to where the scene would be filmed, through several hallways and technical rooms, before you arrived to the large set. 
Benedict, Robert, Tom (Holland), Chris (Pratt), Pom, and Dave were all gathered and ready to film. Your face was on fire, so you avoided their gazes, and just got into position to film the next scene. 
Benedict and Robert exchanged glances as you yawned, but before they could talk to you (as it seemed everyone was getting fed up with your constant sleepiness) the director yelled “action”, and the acting resumed. 
You all did the scene and you, surprisingly, did okay for having woken up about five minutes earlier. You continued doing several scenes for the movie all together, going through about three full scenes.
When the director was satisfied, everyone started scattering. You, rubbing your tired eyes, was already beelining for the break room, hoping to see an empty couch for you to crash.
However, before you could sneak off to catch some z’s, you felt a firm hand on your shoulder. You blinked, turning around and gazing at the person who had grabbed your shoulder. It was Benedict, Robert, Tom and Chris not fat behind him. He had a stern look on his face. 
“Y/n, we need to talk.”
“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” your tone was casual, or perhaps too exhausted to express any real emotion, but inside you felt your stomach churn with anxiety. 
“Why are you always sleeping?” Robert chimed in. 
“Yeah, because if you’re up watching Youtube or whatever, you probably shouldn’t!” Tom said.
“Not that we’re assuming that that’s what you’re doing! It’s just- You know..,” Chris explained, voice full of panic.
You smiled softly. You recognized that they were coming from a place of worry. Then, your heart sunk slightly. You could cry. Again. Over the thought of your lack of time and your endless responsibilities. 
“It’s nothing serious, it’s just..” you trailed off, trying to figure out how you could make it sound less sad. Things always sounded worse when spoken out loud, you found. “I have two siblings, and my parents are never around, so I’m kind of the person taking care of them.” 
Your coworkers in front of you fell silent. You could see it on their faces. They didn’t like it. 
“You?” Robert said finally, and you just nodded. 
“So, you’re doing a movie, doing school, and taking care of your siblings at the same time?” Benedict repeated slowly, and once again you just nodded. There was nothing more to say. 
“Why aren’t your parents there?” Chris asked in his serious-unserious voice. 
“They’re working a lot,” you mumbled, disliking the collective attention on you. The thought of the couch made you yearn for some rest. You could tell that there were many things they wanted to do in that moment. They wanted to fix it all. 
“Can’t you tell them you don’t have time?” 
“I’ve tried that already. They say they don’t have a choice,” to this, both Robert and Benedict scoffed and shook their heads. You just watched with heavy eyes. 
“Alright. Here’s what’s going to happen,” Benedict said quietly, eyes boring into yours, “I’m going to call a nanny to look after your siblings for a couple of days, don’t worry I’ll pay. You’re going to back to the hotel and sleep for at least 10 hours. When you’ve done that, and only when you’ve done that, will we talk about how we’ll move forward with your parents.” 
You were quiet. You couldn’t stand up to your parents like Benedict wanted you to. You just couldn’t. They were busy and that was understandable. 
Although, you had to admit, the thought of sleeping for 10 hours was enticing. Heck, worst case scenario, you could settle for 5! Your tiredness was like heavy cuffs and chains on your body, and Benedict stood with the shining, golden key right in front of you. 
“Benedict, I- I can’t do that to my parents-”
“No, your parents can’t do this to you! This is absolutely outrageous!” He was frustrated you could tell. Robert seemed upset too, while Tom and Chris stepped back and let the adults handle it. Though, they seemed sad for you. 
You went quiet. 
“I just-” 
“I don’t want to hear another word about how they’re somehow excused for their behavior. This is negligence, Y/n! This is too much for you and you know it! You’re exhausted and it’s so painful to see, so please. Just take me up on this.”
You sighed.
“Alright, then.” you said, body finally giving in to the attractive offer. Benedict’s face carried the ghost of a satisfied smile, before going back to the stone cold determination. 
You drove to the hotel in Robert’s car and they booked you an extra room, knowing that your siblings occupied the other one. As soon as you could fall back on the bed, you were gone, body screaming for rest. 
You woke up 14 hours later, feeling happier, brighter and well-rested. That feeling had been forgotten by you, but it was alright, you decided. Every inch of you blossomed with energy now. 
As promised, Benedict had ordered a nanny for your siblings (the nanny was a lovely human being, and simply amazing with kids). Benedict, Robert, Chris and Tom has split the bill. 
You called him when you woke up, and he dragged you to a restaurant, where the two of you had a long, long talk about why what your parents were doing was serious and unacceptable. He could tell he needed to explain it to you, because you, like many children, were ready to defend your parents’ at all costs. 
Needless to say, after Benedict’s advice you didn’t have to go through that kind of thing again. You settled it with your parents (as well as your siblings), and after that you were so grateful that Benedict helped you out of that responsibility, because it wasn’t yours to have. 
Benedict was just happy to help, the memory of seeing you sleep everywhere, now less endearing and simply painful. He didn’t like thinking about it, and so he tried not to, but rather focused on your laughter and bright smile. In truth, that’s the only thing that really mattered. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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spoonass69 · 3 years
cannot remember if ive brought this up here yet but this specific part of their apology
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is giving me very familiar vibes
ok so im focusing on the top tiny paragraph, and im going to try so hard to articulate this well
ive seen that exact apology, almost word for word, over and over from COUNTLESS peers. (i live in a ridiculously neoliberal area) The thing is, all the things that my peers did were pretty different, a few said that illegal immigrants deserve to be put in concentration camps, a few sent death threats to a classmate because they’re trans, a few r*ped several girls. but the apologies are all the exact same, and they have NEVER been followed by solid improvement (in my experience)
one similarity in all these situations, is the action being apologized for is way worse than anything someone would reasonably do because theyve been brainwashed by all the racist and sexist and homophobic media in America. these people 100% knew what they were saying and doing at the time, and they chose to do it anyway.
another similarity is that it always looks like an apology, but what it really boils down to is “i know this is wrong, i dont like that people are being mad at me for doing this. i think its rude and people should stop since it happened a long time ago and i havent said anything overtly racist in a long time so i think we should let it go and move on. this isnt relevant to me anymore” which is not an apology, it’s trying to cover it up, downplay it, and normalize going through this like wildly racist and bigoted “phase”
and the last similarity is that these people are still very problematic right now, like the people in trampstamps are singing out sexual assault RIGHT NOW but they won’t acknowledge that because oh it was a mistake we didnt know better youre not letting people learn and grow. people from my school said the same thing when i called them out for having a history of racism AND THEN posted about jewish people being their pet peeve. people who are growing dont usually do that sort of thing, but if they do they dont get upset at people for pointing it out. people who care about other people and care about being better are happy to have those things pointed out so they can stop so they dont hurt other people!!
basically, what im saying is these people arent sorry, this exact apology is a very dangerous tool people like them are using, and it really worries me how many people in my life irl fall for it.
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kingjasnah · 3 years
Unpopular opinion (apparently): Navani is a compelling character actually! Who is interesting to read! and really doesn't deserve all the fandom hate directed at her that I've been seeing lately
Honestly it's kind of confusing actually? By their own metrics, she's actually less problematic than Dalinar, but they give him a pass for all the same things they claim she's done (which are usually a massive reach anyway? They said she did war crimes and I said bitch where) Navani is supposed to be a war criminal because she a) was married to a conquering imperialist and b) she didn't vocally & wholeheartedly condemn him, but instead helped him run said empire. Oookay? Like. That's not objectively awesome in an ideal perfect world maybe but like...what?? Meanwhile, Dalinar literally commits war crimes on screen, and I don't see people arguing that this makes him a bad or even uninteresting character. If it comes up at all they're calling him a war criminal (affectionate), but they use the same label to argue that Navani is a waste-of-space character who shouldn't get any screen time.
The Geneva Conventions don't exist on Roshar lmao so it's kinda moot anyway, but fr I'm honestly struggling to remember a time when Navani broke them, explicit or implicit, so I'm honestly just really confused why that's a label ppl are latching onto, and perturbed by the double standard here. It's a non-issue for uwu Dadlinar, but why are y'all using the same yardstick to declare an older woman character poorly written and not compelling? Hypocrisy much, but also?? how do the two things even correlate lmaooooooo
(this post paid for by the Navani Kohlin protection squad. Haters come up with a reason that isn't thinly veiled sexism and/or ageism and then we'll talk.
Fine print: You're well within your rights to not like/enjoy a character but ffs words mean things, you can't just come up with these convoluted justifications to "prove" why the things you dislike are bad because you're so pure and only consume pure things so anything you vaguely dislike has to be irredeemably evil)
this might just be cause i haven't seen any egregious navani hate (certainly not made by people who like dalinar lmao) so im like.....i agree you can't forget about dalinar and gavilar's roles while criticizing hers, but that doesn't mean you can forget about her deal as well. the thing with stormlight is that nearly every lighteyed character has done pretty bad things, and the way the unification of alethkar was presented was very much a joint venture between gavilar, navani, sadeas, and ialai with dalinar also there. she wasn't the one riding out with them but she was very much instrumental in making those decisions. and she's not alone in her responsibility, but the responsibility exists. that doesn't impede on my or your ability to enjoy a character, like you said, I mean raboniel invented chemical gas attacks or something and everyone's obsessed with her.
she is a compelling character, and i do enjoy reading her pov chapters. i just feel like there's a bit of strawmanning going on here, and if im wrong and there are scores of posts that hate on navani while not having an issue with dalinar or gavilar i apologize, but there are valid reasons to dislike her
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kadssp · 2 years
i'm sure there are people being insulting to you, and you don't deserve that either, but no offense the way you're using 'afab' for your fics is just... wrong. it's not that people are messaging you for no reason, it's that you're using 'afab' when you really mean 'female'. when stating reader is afab, it's supposed to mean reader has a vagina, and that's it. but by using terms such as 'girlfriend' or similar gendering terms, you're implying that the reader is a girl instead. this can be a trigger for dysphoria for transmasc people. so, you're just mistagging your work.
this isn't a case of your content being bad or wrong, it's about you using the wrong words to describe your work. no one cares if you write about a girl, hell, if you only write with female readers!! no one fucking cares just tag your stuff right!!!
literally all you have to do is change 'afab!reader' into 'fem!reader' and that's it. i'm not asking you to apologize or whatever, i don't care. but when you're possibly making people uncomfortable by misrepresenting your work, why don't you just take the two minutes out of your day to change it? to me, it feels like you're being stubborn because you don't want to admit that you're in the wrong here. you're 18, yeah? stop acting like a child.
oh my god. if my fics are making people uncomfortable or are hurting them then im terribly sorry, truly i am. it was never my intention to do that to anyone who willingly reads my fics, but then come to me and tell me that it upset them. when i made this blog i had checked tons of other writing blogs that used afab the same way i do. so i never saw it as a problem or them correcting themselves because it wasn’t a big enough deal for people to come at them. it wasn‘t something problematic, it was their choice and people either read it or not yknow. so that’s what i did and my fucking god i’m sticking with it??? if you’re willing to click the ‘read more’ on my fics then you’re ready to read whatever may come with it. if what it written surprises or upsets you simply block the blog or scroll to find something you meant to read. stop dragging this on im not changing what i write because i even asked others and they’ve told me it was fine, they never got really any comments about it so it wouldnt matter if i did what they did too. one more fucking comment about this and im turning off anon asks. if you dont like what i write that’s fine, if it’s not what you thought it was going to be that’s also fine. stop bringing this up and find a blog that has things that dont trigger you to feel the urge to turn on anon and message about why what they write is wrong and why it needs to be fixed.
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blush-and-books · 3 years
i think madi should address the mr reyes thing of course but at the same tume she shouldnt have to apologize for her father’s problematic behavior
Hi anon! Yeah, I think there are a couple ways this could go.
First of all, if I see any, and I mean ANY attacks towards Madison following this reveal, it is ON SIGHT. Madison is her own person who is NOT responsible for her fathers actions. I, unfortunately, have friends with non-black fathers who commonly use the N word -- and my friends cannot change their fathers ways. They are either too afraid to try to do so, or their dads wouldnt even listen if they tried.
On top of this, Maddie is her own person. As gen-z's, a lot of us understand having more developed and correct views on a lot of issues such as this. Madison Reyes is NOT Ricardo Reyes.
We do not know what is happening behind closed doors. Maddie, if and when she is made aware of this issue, will handle it how she has to. We have to remember she is young. Standing up to your dad is hard -- I have personal experience with it.
Do I expect her to come out with a post that blatantly says "fuck my dad, all my homies hate my dad"???? No. I don't expect that from her actually, no matter how true it is or satisfying it may be. This is a big issue that has now brought EXTRA racism and EXTRA sexism towards Maddie's platform at the HANDS OF HER OWN DAD.
However, I expect her to say something and approach it how she sees fit. Publically.
We know Madison to be a confident, socially aware and very mature young woman. She respects the pronouns of her fans and talks about LGTBQ+ character ships and she knows how this stuff works.
Her own dad has put her in a really, really shitty spot. I want to see her say something -- I just don't know when and what it will be.
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