#so even knowing they probably werent trying to make light of that because like. the wording of its the same but with theirs the context
gibbearish · 5 months
i know it was a joke that is sort of understandable in context so im not gonna say anything on the post itself. but boy seeing someone say "i'm also down with murdering a few actors if it leads to better movies" REALLY rubs me the wrong way
#like the context was op said 'if the gore is cgi whats the point' and someone replied 'do you expect them to just maim the actors'#then 'ohh i forgot about practical effects'#and its like. i get the joke. i get how you got to that joke. i get you didnt mean anything by it.#but 'so what if actors die as long as the movie's good' isnt uh. exactly a hypothetical is it?#like. isnt workplafe safety for actors like a huge fucking issue#both with set stuff and just. How They Treat Their Workers#like. even on safe sets dont actors srill get worked to the bone to the point theyre way more likely to like. get deathly sick or#be distracted while driving or turn to addiction#or even more outright things like. i cant remember who it was but that girl who that one director Deeply traumatized over and over again#because he wanted her reaction to truly be real?#and thats not even touching the entire world of stunt doubles#like. the movie industry seeing actors as disposable fodder as long as the movie is good is. real life.#so even knowing they probably werent trying to make light of that because like. the wording of its the same but with theirs the context#does have a /slightly/ different meaning#where the punchline is saying 'nah lets actually do (wild thing)' because taking a misunderstanding seriously can be funny#but in this case (wild thing) is actually (extremely common and fucked up thing) so its just. really not good imo#idk it just made me really uncomfortable and i needed to get it out of my system
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rayraelleaizawa · 3 months
They say something hurtfull in an argument
TW: sad, slight angst, fighting
Characters: Shanks, Beckmann, Mihawk
Side note: a bit ooc cause they'd never say something like that but we live for angst
Part 2: Making up after an argument
"Why do you always have to be drunk?" i asked him as he woke up with yet another hangover. Being together with Shanks is amazing, he loves you, he gives you everything you could wish for and more, but there is one thing you hate about his beheaviour: the constant drinking.
"Because we are pirates, we have to party" Shanks answered with a grin before he groans due to his headache.
"This drinking will kill you one time, do you know that? It's also a huge downturn in bed when i want to kiss you and all i can smell is alcohol on your breath." You kept on complaining, tired of this. "Alcohol damages your body so much, do you want to die so much earlier or what?" you snapped at him.
"Maybe I need something to make me feel better about your constant bickering." Shanks said with a growl, the grin disappearing.
You halted in your tracks. A look of hurt crossed your face as you shut your mouth close. Sadness welled up inside you at the thought, that you were also a reason why he kept on having this extremly unhealthy habit.
"I'm sorry then" you said quietly and walked out of your shared quarters, now probably only his quarters, cause you werent sure if you want to go back there and sleep next to him.
You were just worried about him, why didnt you notice that you were annoying him with that? You never said anything, helped him out of all his problems that he caused by himself with his childish demeanour, you only scolded him when he hurt himself. He never hurts others, he only lets himself get hurt. And that frustrated you beyond believe.
Didnt he know how much you cared for him? Did he even care? Are you even enough to make him start to look out for himself?
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid yourself in an empty room on the ship. You tried so much to accept his drinking habbits, you didnt even ask him to stop, just to not be drunk 6 and a half days of the week, and that every week.
You burried your face in your knees and cried. Where you that insufferable that he hurts his own body just to be able to endure your company? If you left, then he wouldnt do this to himself anymore, right?
Benn Beckman
"Really? Another one?"
You say annoyed as you watch your boyfriend light up another cigarette.
"Yes. Another one."
He plainly answers. You guys had this discussion before. You wanted him to smoke less, he said he'd try to but the amount doesnt get any less.
"Benn this really damages your lungs. Cant you please try to smoke less?"
You asked again, and he sighed annoyed.
"They help me relax."
You started to get annoyed by his short answers.
"You could relax with other stuff. You could take a bath, or i could massage you, or we could just spend time together."
You suggested as he sighed out audibly annoyed.
"And you think after all the work and stress I have the whole day I want to spend it around a person which constantly nags on me and where i cant let my mind settle even a bit?"
He snapped, looking at you angrily. You looked at him with an unmoving face before you adverted your eyes. You didnt want to show him that his words hurt.
"I'm sorry, I didnt know you couldnt let your guard down around me."
You said defeated, turning around and slowly walking away. You could hear him say your name quietly but you didnt want to turn around. You just walked under deck and into your cabin. You sat down on your desk and started working, tears running down your face as you felt a coldness within you.
Does he not trust me enough? I didnt know that I am a stress factor for him.
Dark thoughts pleagued your mind as you tried to just work through your feelings. You tried to not be even more of a burden. Tears ran down your face, some of them hitting the desk and some hitting the papers with the lists and research about the treasures your crew had gotten lately.
Benn works so hard, and I never made him feel better. I just added to his stress. He'd be better off alone, right?
Dracule Mihawk
"Could you please tell me when you plan on leaving?"
You said to Mihawk as he came back after two months without telling you that he'll be gone.
"Why? I have my own free will if i remember correctly."
"Because I worry about you when you just suddenly disappear! It isnt that hard to just leave a note or something when you cant tell me in the face that you have to leave."
You were angry at him. What did he think? He was your boyfriend so why couldnt he just tell you when he left for weeks?
He puts down his hat and went to get some vine but you stopped him. Him not even looking at you makes you feel like you're unimportant to him, that this whole matter is of no interest to him.
"Do you really care so little about my feelings? Or am I just a nuissance to you right now that you cant even stop walking when I talk with you."
He then looked at you, annoyance but also a sign of being unbothered on his face.
"You're acting like a child. If I leave again and dont come back you'll at least know why now."
He said that so matter of factly that you were stunned about his coldness. He moved around you to the kitchen to grab some vine, and you just stood there.
Did he really just say that I am the reason why he doesnt want to come home anymore?
You shook your head slightly, recalling his words again and trying not to be hurt by them. As you hear his steps starting to come back, you hurried out of the room and into your shared bedroom. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to make it make sense.
When did he start hating to come back to you? What exactly was so annoying about you? Why didnt he just tell you that he didnt like your behaviour anymore? Does he even like you anymore?
All those thoughts were running through your head as you packed the little clothes and stuff you owned. You didnt touch a thing that he bought for you. If he wanted to leave and not come back, then you will make it easier for him and leave on your own. That's what he wants, isnt it?
After you finished packing you quietly stepped out of his castle and made your way into the woods. Tears were still streaming down your face, but you ignored them. This was for the best, right?
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starrshaddow · 5 months
I think mizu is pretty blunt and straightforward to the point it's easy to misunderstand her as being rude
If youre the kind of person that considers someone's tone and aligns it with what you think they think of you, then you'll probably think she straight up hates you the first time you met
I mean imagine being in a very social place (maybe school event.) and you know absolutely NO ONE but her. You dont know her either but you share one class with her and she seems pretty chill. You try to at least stick with someone you know in this very loud and crowded place. You strike a convo, a very casual but somewhat confident one at that.
"this much people is tiring to be around, right?"
And she just
Stares at you.
Dead faced stare, no emotion. nothing
And your heart sinks and you feel so embarrassed of yourself
You were too busy thinking about how she just ignored you that you didnt see her look away and kind of, slightly glance behind her for a sec
Turns out she thought u were talking to someone behind her 💀
mizu's def very awkward outside of conversations that can be professional, school related, or other people related (i mean if you ask her about how she knows this person, or that person)
she's not very well with small talk or talking abt herself?
"i think so."
When she spoke u feel reassured so u keep on trying to talk to her more, but the stuff she says are really limited. her voice pretty uninterested. It gave you the impression that you were bothering her. So eventually, you stop talking to her.
Then it was silent for a lil while,
"how about you?"
She spoke and you forgot what you were talking about before she spoke.
The music from the event and the group who was performing was so loud. Its hard to think
Then she looks at you
Eyes blue and bright against the dark. Her face illuminated by the lights from the perfomance on the stage.
"why'd you come here even if you hate crowds?"
She's pretty
You will never deny that, as much as you will not say it out loud
I think when you left early, I think she walked with you.
You were both walking at the same path. You were both heading to the bus stop.
But when you got to the bus stop, she stops just a distance away from you.
"you ride the bus home too?"
"no." she places her hands in her trouser's pockets. "i just didnt want to stay there."
Then its just awkward silence 😭
Istg the first to the five moments you shared with her, i believe she's super awkward. She does try to strike up a convo back but shes so bad at it that she ends up asking the most random things.
One time it was so random it made you laugh
And she thought you were mocking her and she looked kinda sad 😭 so you had to reassure her that you werent making fun of her and that her question was just super random it caught you off guard
you two meeting each other and spending time together in long period of time is rare. Even the class you shared together wasnt enough to hang out with her.
you didnt even know her name (you forgot)
"your name is mizu?" you said. The class was filled with chatter at the time since the professor wasnt there yet.
"Yours is (y/n), right?"
"yeah." then you smiled. "yours is prettier though. Suits you."
She looked confused for a sec, but nods.
She looked shy.
"thank you."
her voice was low. but she meant it.
But overtime, i think you two getting closer stemmed from when you didnt go to class for like a week?
She was wondering what happened to you. She wasnt even sure if she should check on you because, again, you guys share so little convo that she's not even sure if it was even enough to consider you as a friend and check up on you.
So i think she asked a friend of hers, probably ringo or akemi (her last resort was to ask taigen) if they knew you or share a class with you. but they all didnt.
So she waited for you to come to class.
Would glance at the door to see if you'd walk in.
you werent close to her
but despite tha she somewhat feels better when you're with her in the class, you know? You dont talk much but your presence is really comforting.
She has friends that check up on her a lot but there are times when they feel overwhelming.
Whatever awkward silence that eventually became comfortable silence between the two of you was something she missed while you were gone
And also the little convo you make. And her awkward ones (even tho being reminded of some of it make her stare at the wall and feel immense embarrassment)
It made her realize she'd actually like to get to know you more.
So when the door opened and you stepped in, dressed in that distinct fashion you usually wear, she felt relieved.
"you've been gone for a while."
you chuckled and place your stuff on the chair beside her.
"yeah. i got sick."
"do you feel better now?" she asked, genuinely concerned.
She definitely asked for your number that day. And she deeefinitely stared at your number when she got home, wondering if she should text you and ask if you got home safe.
I think mizu's wariness of trying to build/have more relationships (platonic or not) happened because of mik-(cant even type his name. He disgust me 😒). The fact she was so open to someone and shed all her walls for him just to be betrayed and forgotten like nothing transpired between them is traumatizing.
I like to think that mizu was on her maybe 1st year while he was at his fourth year. She was super naive and thought he was the nicest guy when all he did was give her the bare minimum 😔. I think she loved him enough to actually live with him (just the memory of it disgusts her). She lived far from the uni and she definitely has to commute long hours back and forth. So she thought it was a good idea to live with him (it wasnt).
Man, did that guy scar her so much she thought she wouldnt be able to finish her 1st year.
She did text you that day.
And she was more than surprised to see you texting her back almost immediately
I did! :D thanks for checking up on me. Hav u eaten dinner yet?
You're just so?? Gentle and calm, it feels so reassuring and tranquil.
You feel like. this. Calming breeze of wind that soothes her
So she goes over her hesitancy of keeping and making relationships and starts pursuing you more, hoping to spend more time with you.
and when she did.. gosh.
You were a lot more than a gentle breeze, you were beaming with warmth as well.
She went out her way to check your schedule and compare it to hers. When she sees she have a vacant time, she goes to school to hang out with you
Say you have early classes while she doesnt even have classes that day? She'd wake up early to catch you on your morning break to eat outside with you.
It took you by surprise at first, but ofc you said yes
You just be sitting across from her, gazing out the window with her. You learned just now that Mizu likes the seats where she can see the outside. She's wearing a cozy loose sweater and her hair is tied up.
"what are the classes you're attending today?"
You see her purse her lips a bit and then she shakes her head. her little stray hair bouncing on her forehead.
"i dont have any classes."
Your brain short circuited
She saw your confusion, but she looked at your hands which is now holding your burger too slanted that the ketchup is spilling on your palm.
So she gently took your hand in her own, which is much bigger than yours. She takes ahold of your hand so easy that it made your brain malfunction more.
"i said," she started as she took your burger away from your hands to wipe your palm with a tissue. "I have no classes today."
Then she held your hand, and looked you in the eyes.
"I just wanted to see you."
And so,
This was when YOU realized you were totally into her.
That made you so flustered that you couldnt forget it when you came home.
Your stomach feels so warm and you felt so giddy over that.
You know better not to get over yourself, but it was still something that you think about often.
After a few days, when you were on your way home after your last class
It was late at night
The moon was shining down
Then you see someone near the entrance of the building, tapping at their phone and seemingly busy.
you felt kinda scared and cautious. So you just speed walked out of there and walked even faster when you hear footsteps after you
"wait," they called after you. "(Y/n), wait!"
You stopped walking and turned to see Mizu catching up to you.
She has a small smile on her face when she finally caught up to you.
Then she laughed
She looked so carefree
"You sure do run fast even with those short legs."
she looks so nice when she smiles that it made you forget you were mad(?) at her for scaring you like that.
You frowned.
"You're just tall."
She walks up to you. Close enough that you can smell her perfume.
It's faint but strong. Of course she's the type to wear masculine perfumes.
"Hm." she said. "Can't hear you from up here."
You looked her in the eye and shuffled closer to her.
You can tell she tensed up a bit but her gaze remained on you, wondering what you will do.
You raised your hands near her face to pull her hood over her head and pull the drawstrings
"Shut up and go home. No way I'm walking with you now."
She still insisted on walking you home. Of course, you gave in.
Now you're standing and waiting for the bus.
"Won't you feel cold?" she said.
"It's not really cold out here." you said.
"I meant in the bus, on the way home. The uni is a bit far from your apartment, yeah?"
You thought for a moment, then you looked at her with a furrow in your brows.
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
Mizu didnt respond, she just has this knowing look on her face.
She shuffled a bit. You thought she was going to do something snarky, until realized she was taking off her hoodie.
She walked up to you and with her hoodie in her hands. She leaned close to fix it over your shoulder. She made sure it was hugging you snugly.
"tell me when you get home."
mizu walked you home that night and purposely wore a hoodie bcz she wanted to have a reason to have you borrow her clothes and see you in them.
She's totally showing you that she likes you but you don't realize it yet 😭😭
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dollcherray · 2 months
So i hope you don't mind, i can request that same concept with Engel or Abby?(idk if i wrote their names right)
Like imagine having a obssesion with the (not so)perfect student: They make part of the student council, haves a honor roll(or is in idk how to say), haves straight A, teacher's favorite and these things
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A/N:I know i said i wouldnt write for minor yanderes, but im trying to get more flexible and going out of my comfort zone, ill give a shot for this one, although, if this IS problematic please warn me so i can take this post down.
Tw: Yandere topics, obsession, he tries to manipulate and gaslight you, i refuse to make reader have a happy ending.
type: Light angst/fluff, romantic, headcanons
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୨୧ I think it would be a bit understandable how Engel would get hooked up on you so fast, i mean, he is a very smart student himself, so i think he would have a heavy infatuation for you because of your inteligence and maturity.
୨୧ Engel would get close to you by talking about your favorite subjects and being extra informed about it, for example: your favorite subject is marine biology? bam, this boy is going to tell you all the fun facts he learned about whales on the internet so he could impress you.
୨୧ After Engel gets more intimate with you, he would try to keep his cool around you at the beginning, but there would be discreet signals, he would let his possessive side slip a bit sometimes because of how much you get praised for your effort on studies.
୨୧ Ah yes, the praising... the praising is what makes Engel get so possessive and jealous, because in his eyes he should be the only one to provide such compliments and take that sweet and gentle smile and laughs out of you, not others.
୨୧ But overall he would be very chill in the first few 2-3 months, but past the 3rd month is where it gets... very weird, Engel would get way more possessive and would show it more.
୨୧ Engel would start to dismiss both of you whenever someone compliments you, going from calm and collected to "uh huh, they really appreciate it but we need to go now, bye" and pushing you away meanwhile being oddly clinged to your arm.
୨୧ And because of you being really smart, you would notice it really fast and maybe pick up on his crush for you, and you would have to choose between confronting him or just leaving it aside.
୨୧ If you do choose to confront him about it, he would try to dismiss it and paint you crazy and gaslighting you, but it wouldnt really work on you since you are very smart, and that personally bothers him sometimes.
୨୧ Now if you try to toss it aside, it would get worse and worse until he doesnt even let you stop to help or get complimented by someone, just pushing you past them like they werent talking at all, and it probably would get to the point where you have to do the first scenario: confronting him.
୨୧ If you try to leave him in any way, he would show himself more smarter than you think, contorning any plan you have of leaving him, like if you try to ignore him, he would make you fall into situations you are forced to talk to him, like having to do a group work and etc.
୨୧ He may like how you are smart, but he can be more smart than you, dont try him, hes just trying to do whats best for you <3
୨୧ "You never ever getting rid of me ♡"
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pvnks0ul · 5 months
me and mrs. wolf (18+)
❊ werewolf/shifter!riri x fem!reader
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sypnosis: Riri ends up having to find a creative way to keep you warm during your first camping trip together, you get more than you bargained for.
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⚠︎: little plot ⁴ 🌽, kinda terotaphilia¿¿, mentions of hunting & eating wild deer(sry), dirty talk, readers really fucking cold, dom!riri + sub!reader, enlarged clit/girldick, several rounds, use of *mommy* + breeding kink, married au, amateur writing ! + bad descriptions of camping cause im js not built for that lifestyle!!
a/n: this was originally based off that one twilight scene (iykyk🧛🏾‍♀️) but shit really do be happening...🥲
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There was no denying the early morning view when you'd first arrived. Selfoss was..beautiful, without a doubt one of the most Ethereal landscapes you'd ever seen but no amount of breathtakingly clear skies or eye watering fields of perfect green grasslands would ever be worth catching pneumonia in the booty hole. You didnt know how much longer you could take before calling it quits and ditching to whatever was closest to a ' 4 seasons round here—quite honestly you were probably already there.
The fire outside endlessly crackled, only reason for it not being put out was because Riri wanted to keep it burning so she could surprise you with dinner. The problem being she waited till the sun had already set to go hunting... Was it obvious she did not have the privilege of cooking very often?
You watched the blurred flames quiver and roar from behind the tents sheeted walls as your teeth clattered at an alarming rate, limbs shivering so hard you'd began jolting randomly to make sure you'd still had control over your own body. But you honestly wouldnt be surprised if they'd all just froze and fell off right about now.
You tried to roll closer to the side nearest of the fire but it's distant warmth only baited you to come outside and embrace it.
And you were so close to giving in if only the sun hadnt already went down, the light from the full moon only something dim compared to the dark forests surrounding you. Riri'd originally asked if you wanted to come with but truthfully your legs were already tired from gathering all the sticks for the pit. The relief she felt when you said you werent feeling up to the chase, especially since you wouldnt be of much help anyways, didn't go unnoticed.
So the agreement was, you'd stay in the tent where she felt you were safest and she'd go hunt alone. A very simple and easy task.
You sat up on the thick foambedding Riri had laid ontop of the built in matt so you wouldnt be laying completely on the ground. And although stocky, the comforter did little to protect you from the chilly air, you had on both your winter coats and one of Riris leather jackets underneath but it was clear no amount of layering would save you— or atleast not with the clothes you'd packed.
you smacked your forehead multiple times over like that would help as you cursed yourself for not going with her. You probably could've convinced Riri to carry you around on her back, if you had.
You poked your head out of the tent and it was nearly pitch black outside, now. The firepit lit up the inside of the empty but tiny lot, just enough to see a few trees surrounding.
The wind blew once more and your ears were starting to burn slightly from how cold it was, even with your beanie on.
By the time your brain had registered what you were thinking about doing, you'd already gotten up & were planting yourself on one of the logs that assisted as chairs. Gloved hands reached out to the fire and only then could you finally feel the slightest umpth of warmth.
You don't get to enjoy the heat for long when a snap of a branch comes from your left, pass the entrance of the camping site and you freeze in place. You try to write it off. You had to remember you were literally in the middle of a forest, it was a given that some wild life would lerk about— and you tried hard to convince yourself that's all it was.
It comes again but dangerously close and your hands drop to your sides faster than your heart to the pit of your stomach, your eyes are wide open, you weren't sure if you were prey but you weren't going to stick around to find out and before the third one can come you've already dashed it back to the little pavilion.
Zipping it up as quickly as you could with shaky hands & thick gloves, covering yourself in the comforter as a shield from whatever could be coming incase it followed you in.
Your breath hitches in your throat as the footsteps near and all you can think about was how much you wished Riri was here to protect you.
The soft thud of something weighty being dropped near your tent makes you jump and freeze out of pure unbridled fear. You have yet to blink, irises shaking and again you feel stupid because the only thing you had to defend yourself with was a lousy clothespin in the front pocket of Riris jacket.
The familiar sound the zipper sliding down sends shivers down your spine and you clutch the small needle tighter, at least you'd be going down with a fight albeit not alot.
You're too scared to even move an inch when you feel a fluffy but ice cold touch on your shoulder. You yelped, moving to a crouch as you held your clothespin infront of yourself.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Riris voice booms & vibrates against you. You can tell she's holding back a laugh by the condescending tone.
You squirm in her grip, trying to turn around in her strong arms,disbelief written all over your face, "You scared me!" you reply with a huff before hitting her hard chest, "Why didnt you say anything when you saw me running?"
"Cause I like the way you run off when you know you're not supposed to be doing something." She chuckles before kissing the side of your face, "Like doing the exact opposite of what was asked when I–"
"Ok, yeah, i get it, damn." you huff and drop your head at the lecture only for her to lift your chin so she can look you in the eye.
She pecks your cheek with chapped lips, forgetting what she was gonna say. Leading you to scoff when she releases her firm grip so she could remove her fuzzy noggin, “But...you were taking too long and i was freezinggg in here."
Riri quirks a brow, smirk festering to the surface, "I took not even 15 minutes."
You smack your teeth at her excuse, "you wouldn't understand." she laughs bolsteriusly, all whites showing as she tosses the hat to the side before seating herself against the back of the tent.
Riri pats the area beside her, "C'mere."
You crawl over to your wife, very tempted to climb into her lap but opting to just let yourself be enveloped when she wrapped her arms around you.
"Fifteen minutes feels more like forty-five when you're dying of frost-bite." you mumbled still not over it yet, snuggling into her, hogging her warmth for yourself.
"Mhmm.." she sighs. She knows that technically human bodies are much more vulnerable than one of her... stature but she also knows when her wife is being dramatic. Her hands rub up and down your back, earning a satisfied hum in response.
Your legs were stretched under you as her thumbs stroke at your cheeks, leaving goosebumps in their wake from how hot they were and it seems the both of you completely forgot about dinner.
She snorts at you before blowing air, "Well, I'll tell you what..If you miraculously manage to make it through the night, I'll get you the finest suite money can buy– in one of those what'd you call if? 4 springs? Gonna get you some proper breakfast and—"
"Mmm, thank god." You quipped before she could finish.
Riri smacks her teeth gathering you at the same time. "Yeah Anyway...all you'll have to do is sit pretty in bed and let me spoil you since you were willing to do this for me." she replies behind a smile before landing a fat peck to your temple, you moan approvingly, nodding as you clutched her shirt in your fist.
"I don't think you understand how much i appreciate it." You lift your head after a few seconds passed and she didnt let go only to find hungry dark orbs staring back at you, falling to your parted lips and then back up. Heat rushes to your face as you look anywhere but at her, "I- I do." an odd burning sensation sets in your core racing all the way up to your tummy.
"Yeah? I bet you still want me to show you though, huh?"
Riri wonders if it'd be selfish to have you right here and now, with how frozen to the touch you were just a second ago.
You grab at her arm, that doting look in your eye that you get when you're too shy under her gaze to speak your mind and she hastly decides it's not. That infact, the little action she's seeking would be helping you in the end.
So she drops her arms from around your body, shaking her jacket off and quickly undoing your puffy winter coats.
She pushes you onto your back without a word. You make sure your silence isnt mistaken for no, helping her in her mission to unbutton the first layers of jackets and slide them away.
Riri bellows at this. You always looked so pretty under her and it was a sight she'd never want to forget. She wastes no time climbing over you, straddling your thighs between her spread legs and leaning down to help.
She doesnt even need to survey once, rough hands just pulling and popping the zippers on the last few, "Ah–! Hey-" Riri brings her lips to yours in a means to shush you but she can't stop herself from the wantonly aura that read it was her who wanted more, her thumbs fumbling with the end of your shirt before yanking it up & over your bra. She grunts into your kiss a subtle, "Shut up, you won't even need them."
Your eyes flutter shut as you arch into her and there's no further argument. Just you kissing back with just as much fervor now, your hands grabbing the back of her neck and holding her closer. Riris hard fingernails scrape against your stomach as they made their way up to your breast, she fondles you gently through the fabric, circling her thumb in search of your nipple and pinching it between her index when she finds it.
You whimper into her mouth desperate for more but all she responds with is before doing the same to the other breast and pulling your bra down under the cusps of them once they'd pebbled hard enough.
She leaves you with a sweet kiss, then a peck that has you blindly chasing after her but you can't get far with the way she holds you down. You whine, bucking your hips up mindlessy absolutely desperate for any kind of friction. What you find in it's place takes you by surprise. You gasp before feeling at the bulge in her pants. Riri tenses on the spot, cursing under her breath before grinding into your palm.
"You brought your strap all the way out here, Ri?" you giggle while tugging on the tent in her pants.
Riri shakes her head, "No, I–!" she shudders when your hand moves even just a little bit, "No. It's all me." your eyes widen at her words.
You're immediately curious, feeling her up through her pants. Your fingertips going over her print and it's long, the thickest you've ever attempted to wrap your hands around. Your hands move lower and riri twitches up again. Right between a familiar set of puffy lips is where it sprouted and you're still a little in disbelief.
Riri holds your wrist in place, guiding it up and back down to the curved base. You can feel her hardening under your touch and it's oh so surreal. After a few more strokes you're already huffing under her, pupils pitch black & fully blown and she knows you're getting just as worked up.
And the shock of it all is not what you choose to focus on, if Riri says it's all her then you believe her. But that also means she must feel so suffocated in her tight-fitting boxers.
The first time you tried to move your hands away to pull at her pants, your reprimanded immediately. She takes it upon herself to push your wrists over your head, holding them in one hand, her extended claws were sharp and marking the skin just a little.
"Need t-to know if i can fuck you..." she whispers directly into your ear, your thighs clench beneath her at the blatant vulgarity.
Your words were caught in your throat in the middle of all of this. Riri takes advantage it, kissing over that side of your face multiple times before making her way to your neck, you gasp, opening your legs mindlessly and Riris already centering her bulge in the middle of your covered achy lips.
She whimpers because of how sensitive you managed to make her, abusing your swollen clit through damp fabric, frantic for a release and she needs to know if you're ready now more than ever.
Riri holds onto the back of your thighs, rolling her hips "Please.." she begs for what seems to be the first time, big brown eyes darting everywhere on your face, bursting with impatience, she felt like she was going to throb herself into a slow release.
You nod your head quickly, she could have whatever she wanted from you right now. Riri sighs before releasing your hands and you already know not to move them.
Riris anxious fingers fumble around for your leggings, tugging and tossing them to the side somewhere.
Your scent is strong and it takes over her senses completely, she almost puts her own needs aside just for a taste, an you can see the complexity in the pinch of her brows as her figure loomed overtop of you.
Evidently she made up her mind as the pads of her fingers now slid down to the edge of your panties and you can see her physically fighting the animalistic urge to rip them off of you. She utilizes her middle & ring, roughly dragging them to your ankle, letting you kick them off before she dips them lightly between your sticky lips, you hiss, giving it your all to not shut your legs around her fingers as she enjoyed the slick.
She decides it was enough with the waiting, you clearly needed this just as bad as her. Riri unbuckles her cargos, sliding off her boxers aswell.
Small desperate pants slip past your lips at the sight of your wife, taking in her muscular form but, what really captures your eye is the pretty little trimmed patch of curly hair sprawled down her abs. Your hands have a mind of their own as you grab her hips with one and claw at her toned tummy to her sport bra with the other.
She bites down on her bottom lip before swatting at you, "Fuck– Alright baby..." she speaks as she collects your wrists in one of her hands... again. She maneuvers your legs up to your chest, so she could appraise your gaping hole; so patiently awaiting her arrival.
Riris holds the tip of her erect clit in her hand, bringing it over yours and rubbing it in the wad of spit she just landed there, letting you grind up as you pleased till she had to go back down.
"Oww– huuh, ohh!" You whimper out the first words you'd spoken since she started this whole thing as she smoothly inches her way pass your entrance. Riri herself, is left hissing when she finally breaks through the ring, grazing each side of your walls effortlessly.
Your head tilts back upon entry, mind going blank as you grasped the comforter under you, needing something to keep you afloat. You're suffocating her and she's barely had a taste. she pushes further until your pelvics meet, bottoming out in one strained push.
"G–god damn." Her clit throbs inside of you, giving you more to stretch around in case you were becoming too accustomed with it the first time.
Riri murmurs more curse words under her breath from the way you clenched and halted her in place when she attempts to move. Only wanting to set a slow but satisfying rhythm to get you both used to the other.
She holds you down with one hand to your waist, pulling out to the rim of your pussy and then slamming back in. She moans louder, getting loss in the immediate pulsing of your gooey walls.
"Yes, Riri~–!" Your eyes roll as she starts to pick up the pace, fucking you harder into the matt. Not even her biggest faux piece had made you feel this full— you want some more and right now.
Her labia kisses yours as she digs deeper into you, strings of your arousal mixing with her own. "Fuck y/n." she whispers your name behind an exasperated grunt, pounding into you harshly as she held onto your waist.
Your face feels like it's on fire and your belly is rapidily turning, you were right on the cusp of an orgasm and too fucked out to warn her.
Yet you tried. You tried jerking on her clit to still her movements. But it only excites her more. She growls in response, "Mmmn—!" slapping your breast and biting her lip till she could taste iron when it bounced, ignoring your yelp completely, "Keep pulling on my shit, baby."
It grows again, the heads vibrating as your pussy adjusted around it and if it weren't for the constant sloshing from the mix of both of your releases against the other, you probably would've heard the humming.
You cry out at the stretch, pushing at her lower stomach to slow down but she simply smacks at your hands, "Nah, this is what she wants– look how she takes me. Don't be greedy, babygirl." Riri taunts referring to the loud squelch of your pussy every time she thrusted just a bit.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she shook the whole damn mat, "Riri—! I can't—" you try to fixate on the place where your body met hers, clenching around her again, throwing her off balance and she gives up on the steady strokes, "Gonna nmph—! Fucking fill you deep if you do that shit again, Mhmm.." She starts pistoling her hips into you, sloppily creating a dripping mess between your bodies, "..make you have all my babies."
You probably looked like a googly eyed fool with the way they rolled to the back of your head at her rambling, you want it all so bad, you felt delirious.
Your legs lock around her hips as you moaned out a chant of her name, clamping down on her clit with a deadly vice and her head falls back instantly, she lets you have it. Riri holds your lower stomach with her palm, hips stuttering as she ruts against you, desperately using you to empty all her nut into.
The silky straws of her cum are so warm and it makes you have an explosion on your own, your cream gushing and mixing with hers, leaking out of your pussy straight down onto the flat bed because that's you were too stuffed to keep any of it in.
And eventually all of the thick liquid combined slowly pushes her out completely.
Riri looks down to find her clit twitching, absolutely drenched in cum—she's not sure who's– still dripping from the ring formed near the base and that was surely your work.
She gets more aroused at the thought. Rubbing at your sensitive inner–thigh, ready for another round and apparently you were too by how they ease open for her.
"Can you give me a color baby?" fingers moving up to your silk-covered folds.
You blink slowly at her, nodding as you grabbed at the wrist of her curious fingers, "g–green.."
Riri bobs her head, trying not to let her smirk suffice. You're shaking, still on the cusp and yet you want more? what a slut. she hides it by kissing all over your face, making you whine when she got everywhere but your lips.
Your arms are quick to wrap and lock around her neck, pulling her down to you and Riri has to stifle a laugh at how desperate you were acting. Knowing she can't go on long when trying to resist you, she let's you win this battle.
This kiss was different then the first, you had her by the little strands of her neck hair, moaning into the hot kiss when she bit down on your lip, your mouth opens, accepting her tongue and you can feel her shaft poking and twitching with want against your lower stomach as she licked & searched every bit of it..
This kiss was messy & frantic, something that described the both of you to a tee in the exact moment.
Riri growls again, muffled but it still makes your head spin. You arch your back into her, the bottom of her clit rubbing ontop of your own and you have no choice but to leave the kiss, your head falling back in defeat as she kept rolling her pelvic against you.
"Ri! Wait, please–! just wait!" You were gonna cum if she kept going and hard, your body wouldn't have been ready for that yet.
You're flanking against each rushed thrust, as she panted heavily, "shit!shit!shit!" grunting lowly but with your constant running the satisfaction wouldn't be the same.
So Riri stops, she unravels your arms from around her body and sits back on her knees, "Come ride me." she bids, eager to have you all over again while licking at her lips, moist with your spit and cherry balm.
Your mouth gapes open as you stared at her. She purposely moved to the opposite end, knowing you would struggle to make it over there. Ri sits flat down on the mat now, her legs spread and clit swaying proudly over her lap and all you can do is bat your lashes pathetically.
You felt as if you were glued to the bedding with the way you body refused to move. Riris mean– she's so mean when she laughs at you. Shaking her head and crawling back over to you on her knees.
She stays silent as she pulls you into her chest before maneuvering your body the other way around. She pushes you roughly back down into the sheets, "Since you don't wanna listen."
Your brows raise for the first time as you weakly held yourself up on your elbows. You almost speak up but you're interrupted by the sound of a loud moan when she enters you again, moving without giving you a chance to adjust.
"Never gonna be able forget what this pussy feel like, baby." she murmurs softly despite her hard & cruelly plodding pace.
Her hands dig back into their designated slots on your waist and you drop your head, admittedly liking the harsh way she fucked and used your body for her own selfish needs. "Feel so good!" you mumble drunkenly.
The outburst earns you a slap to the round of your ass. You yelp, pulling off to the tip of her clit. "Eugnh! Fuck!" Sticking your back out, approvingly.
"Who told your ass to move?" she growls while roughly yanking you back to her mound, you mutter a meak apology that means nothing to riri as she clenched her teeth, watching you make a mess of her clit. She plays with the globes of your ass, spreading them pleasantly as you formed an unnatural arch trying to push back into her, feening for it.
"Yeah, baby? You like this position, huh? Dirty girl."
You only nod but riri corrects you, a crackle hits the air when she drops her open palm on your ass again, "Talk back to me."
You whine, arms giving out and slumping down to just your elbows, "f-fuck yes, mommy!"
Riri coos before slapping your ass again right in the middle as she snapped her hips, "You want it faster? Huh?"
You moan, "Yeah–!"
"Work for it then." riri sighs out cooly while stopping immediately against you.
Your knees shake pathetically as you immediately try. You throw it back for the first time, just tightening around her and hoping it'd be enough.
Riri squeezes the flesh of your ass in her hand in return having you curl into yourself at the satisfying burn, she bumps you against her until you were able to fuck yourself off her.
"See– shit! You know what you're doing baby."
Riri catches what you throw, grunting dirty pleasures into your sweaty neck, as you led her closer to a final climax.
"My good girl..Damn.", "Fuck, look how you working this shit."
You were brought to the final straw when she brought her hands under your body, pushing her way into your sloppy folds so she could rub at your small clit and ease your nerves. It jolts you again, but you don't run this time, just grinding down into it. You're sure to alert her though. An ear shattering, "M'gonna cum so hard mommy shiiit!"
"And mommy really wants your cum, pretty." She fucks you harsher, pulling you back and forth on her clit so hard you were gasping out at each one, the head tickling your cervix and pushing you further into your orgasm. "C'mon then."
"Ahh! Oh! M'gonna–so close shitghh–!"
Your orgasm racks through your body hard, you can't even keep up with riris strokes, letting her fuck you through your high and then you're clawing at your pillows tryin to get away. She keeps going until her hips stutter into an climax, exploding and pounding it into your coated walls until the high had escaped her.
You cry out finally sliding off her piece and closing your eyes, thighs still shaking just a bit as you went through the motions all over again. Your stomachs twisting and pulling and you dont even feel like turning around the right way– just wanting to catch your breath.
You're trembling slightly when her eyes set back on you, she can tell you're not all the way back yet. She moves between your legs to rub at your thigh and she finds it burning to the touch, problem solved, she smirks proudly.
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Riri sits on the same log you had, the muscles in her biceps bulge as she grips the buck by its front and back legs, laying it flat with a thud much louder than before, using her extracted nails to get rid of the rope she tied it's ankles with in one simple swipe.
When you finally come to and realize she's not by your side, you're immediately jolting up, thinking she left you again. You're quick to take notice of the thick comforter keeping you tucked in. It still hurt to move, your body was so sore but you were more determined to go find Riri.
You toss the blanket over, revealing a fresh set of the aforementioned girls sweatpants snug on your legs and you can't seem to remember how you even got then on.
you groan obnoxiously, lifting yourself up to properly rub the sleep out of your eyes, "Riri!?" your voice was hoarse from *the possible* hours before.
You hear a faint "outside!" and have already kicked into your winter boots. And Riri doesn't need an announcement of your presence, she can feel you idling close by and pats her thigh, you gladly squeeze your way into her bulging arms, wrapping your own around her waist but under her puffer so you could steal some of her body heat.
Riri gets side tracked once again, with your weight ontop of hers, completely forgetting about dinner for a split second as she wraps her arms around you and hoists you further into her lap, her head falling comfortably ontop of your chest while your arms become a cloak around her neck.
She breathes in your scent a little and goosebumps are sprouting under the thick garments now, "Don't you wanna know what happened?"
"mhmn." you shrug your shoulders, you weren't really sure at all, mind still hazy and too busy dozing off in her arms. She was naturally very warm & cozy, almost like a living teddy especially when wearing the fluffy coat you got her and your thoughts becoming pinkish brown mush, vision slowly becoming black dots filling in a canvas as you pressed tighter into her hold, were evidence of that.
The doe-like fluttering of your lashes has her stumped, she's not going to make you stay up since it was her fault you were so worn out in the first place but, she was going to make sure you ate first.
Apparently, you ended up falling asleep against her somewhere down that line anyways because when you next open your eyes, its with a tubberware bowl full of some sweet smelling soup in her lap and a silver utensil, pokin your lip. You furrow your brows, still not all the way up yet and Riri chuckles, "Try it. It'll warm you up a little bit more."
You happily encourage her spoonfeeding it to you after this sliver of information, humming at the unique taste once it hits you. How she was able to skin and gut that deer with you in her arms the entire time, still unbeknownst to you.
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This was supposed to be for Halloween but.. Well, I'll think of an excuse & comeback later 😚
🔖: @sapphicbarbz @shurislover @s0lam33y
(ty @lppriceisright for proof reading another fic for me!)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
thinking about him (spoilers for jrwi)
thinking about how in atleast 2 scenarios chip has blamed himself more then needed, first with ollie ("i took him from his home") then with gillion ("i gave him the card") and each time he tried to put on a confident face but really it ate away at him inside.
thinking about how gillion is constantly taking on responsibility and chip canonically sees gillion as inspiration (humble beginnings, bizly says the inspo from the future is from gillion tidestrider) and its not like he only takes some blame but usually its all the blame because gillion knows how to acknowledge his faults somewhat.
thinking about how chip takes promises ever so seriously (ie, not even doing simple lies after promising gill that he wouldnt) yet hes such an example of "change doesnt happen overnight" and how he acts can be directly or indirectly related to past adventures and/or trauma (probably even how he copes is atleast somewhat connected to the guy he killed under price).
thinking about how chip grew up looking up to arlin and seeing what a great example of pirates the black rose were and trying to be something atleast somewhat great and feeling like he failed when hes the only one on deck with somewhat an idea of what a pirate is.
thinking about how chip would lie to protect his friends yes but became a lying machine to protect himself before and hid his intents because while he can absolutely trust his crew his instinct is too not because he got used to being on his own and putting himself first and now hes around people (mostly gill) who put themselves before him to help protect him.
thinking about how easily gillion made friends with people on islands and eventually it rubbed onto chip too (ie: gryffin, felipe, etc) as he unlearned the idea that hes alone in a cruel world that only exists to make him suffer and theres a light in everyones life that makes it even just slightly better, no matter the background (main example is gill again).
thinking about how much gillion is willing to sacrifice for his friends and when felipe wanted to stab him every night, it was chip who tried to talk sense into gill because he cares for gillion and (most likely) was worried that felipe may be lying about healing and may full on kill him.
and all these thoughts (and more) make me feel so much when they found the empty rowboat with nothing but ashes and a fiendish smell and gillion starts blaming himself so chip grabs his shoulders and says "its not your fault, you werent the one who made him grab the card" because somewhere in my heart it feels like maybe chip isnt just talking to gill but to the part of himself that keeps on trying to hold onto every wrong hes done, every sin that keeps him up at night, every lie that is amplified in his skull, that he deserves forgiveness and not everything in the world lays on his shoulders.
and with these thoughts, one more comes to mind: chip and gillion are so similar in backgrounds and morals and thats why theyre the ones that break each others walls and misunderstand each other and fight because they probably dont even fucking see it.
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girlydemonbite · 2 years
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Sebek x Reader
Warning?: Lying? Manipulating?
Not sure if I like it, but with I've had the worst writing block so I'm just happy I wrote anything.
You know using his dear prince as an excuse was wrong but you just really wanted to have sex with Sebek. Would he actually ask Malleus later if he ordered Sebek to do this. You doubted it. He'd probably be too embarrassed or maybe he wouldnt be. Ethier way if anything you could tell Malleus that Sebek must be lying or got hit in the head or something.
"Malleus told me you have to give me anything I want." You werent exactly lying. Malleus had become one of your best friends lately and he did tell you if you need anything and he wasnt around that all you had to do was tell Sebek or Sliver to do something and they would as long as you told them Malleus said so.
"I dont think this is what he meant!" Sebek yelled.
You glared at him for a moment, before giving him a light smirk.
"Alright ill just tell Malleus that you wouldnt listen to me, which means you didn't listen to him. The man you gotta always listen to."
Sebek face looked irritated, because he knew what you were saying was right. If malleus told you, you could get whatever you want and Sebek didnt listen that meant he wasnt listening to his dear prince.
Sebek let out a irritated sigh, as he stared at you.
"Can we at least go somewhere where people aren't gonna catch us." Sebek asked as he glanced around the classroom.
"Like where? I think this is the best place. Everyone is out to lunch for a while. I doubt we're gonna be caught, as long as you be quiet that is." you gave him a small smirk. "Now just sit in your seat." you pointed to his desk.
Sebek didnt look thrilled but he sat down in his seat, not breaking eye contact with you.
"I dont got any condoms." he said flatly. "We're suppose to have a condom."
"You're clean right? and im clean." you gave him a sweet smile but Sebek still didnt look thrilled.
"OF COURSE IM CLEAN, BUT THATS NOT WHY IM ASKING." He yelled, you quickly tried to shush him.
"Hush, youre gonna give us away!" you whispered yelled at him. "And if youre talking about the cum part, just dont cum in me"
Sebek just let out a huff.
"Are you ready? we're wasting time." you sighed. "Just pull down your pants and we can get to work." you said as you started pulling down your shorts and panties. You watched as Sebek face turned slightly pink.
"Just give me a moment!" Sebek quickly blurted out, trying not to sound flustered.
"Hm, at least I know you like women bodys." you mumbled to yourself as you watched Sebek pull down pants and boxers down to ankles, before sitting back down.
Sebek didnt want to look at you, he felt so embarrassed. He was gonna have sex with a normal human. But he knew if Malleus ordered it and he didnt do it. He would be failing his prince. But that didn't make this any easier. But since his prince ordered this he might as well do the best he could. He better make you feel good, he didnt want you ranting to Malleus about how bad he was. He knew he better put on a good show.
Sebek lightly patted his thick thighs, glancing up at you.
"Well come on." he sounded confident now, giving you a small smirk.
And who were you to keep him waiting? Especially when you were basically tricking him. You quickly sat on his lap facing him and wrapped your arms around his neck before giving him a kiss, which you figured suprised Sebek cause he let out a small whimper, before his hands quickly grabbed your hips, to start moving your hips. Making his dick slide between your pussy lips. Sebek could feel how slippery they already were, which filled him with pride that you two havent even started and you were already wet for him.
Sebek could feel himself getting even harder as the seconds went by and he couldnt believe the want inside him that wanted to just slide into you. He didnt know why his body was acting this way so soon. You were just a weak human. Why was just this little bit make him so weak. He wasn't sure but it didnt matter right this second, cause he was dying to just slide into you. So much so that he ended up breaking the kiss that you two were having.
"I need in you." he whined, which he silently kicked himself for. He sounded so needy.
But he didn't even wait for you to answer or move, instead he was the one to move you. He lifted you up just enough so he could line himself up with your hole. Once he was sure he lined it up correctly. He quickly pushed you down on his dick, making a loud moan exit your throat. Which sent shivers up Sebek's back. Luckily Sebek gave you a second to get use to his size. He was a decent length, but his dick was fat which were stretching your walls open.
Seek could see the slight pain in your face, he wanted to laugh at you for not being able to take it, but he always felt like Malleus would want him to comfort you.
"You okay y/n? Do you want to stop?" Sebek tried to sound as caring as he could.
"No. No. just give me a moment." you mumbled as you buried your face in his shoulder, and took a couple breaths. You slowly started to move your hips trying to get use to it.
"Is that a sign your ready for me to move?" Sebek groaned through his teeth. Your walls were squeezing him more and more and he just wanted to move now. He wanted to be caring but he couldnt.
"Yes. move Sebek." you mumbled out, and that was all Sebek needed.
Sebek's hold on your hips tightened as he with ease started sliding you up and down his dick at a decent speed, making moans fly out of you which ended up being music to Sebek's ears. With every noise you let out it just went straight to his dick, and added to the pleasure so much so Sebek was letting out a couple groans and whimpers, which resulted in his grip getting tighter and his hips were now thrusting inside you hard every time he slammed you down onto him. The room was filling up with noises of every loud and hard thrust. But not that Sebek could notice, not with you moaning basically right by his ear. Every thought of being caught was out the window. At this point he wanted someone to see how good he was making you feel, and honestly he wanted to make you feel better.
Sebek thrusts stopped for a moment, and he just hold you down on his dick for a minute. Before you could even ask what he was doing he spoke.
"I want to make you feel better. Get off me and go bend over the desk. I have a feeling I can do better that way."
You slowly nodded as you eased yourself off of Sebek and went and leaned on the desk that was near you. You made sure to spread your legs a little bit, just enough that he could stick himself back into you. But Sebek hadn't even moved out of the chair, instead he was staring at you, taking in every part of you. He silently smiled to himself, he was honestly glad now that you had chosen him to do this task for you, even tho he wasn't sure if that was his dick talking or not. But in this moment he didnt care. He quickly got up and got behind you before once again pushing himself into you, and thrusting into you again. But this time you couldnt muffle your sounds, you would of used your hands but you needed those to keep yourself from moving too much. Sebek thrusts were too hard, they would have you moving too much on the desk. Now your moans were filling the air. Which only increased when you felt Sebek start playing with the little bundle of nerves, Sebek started making little circles on your clit with two fingers.
"Lilia told me about this thing a while ago. It was awkward but im glad he did now. He told me how this would make a girl go wild. But I figured I would never need it. My life is about protecting Malleus not fulfilling women pleasure. But im so glad I listened." Sebek groaned through his teeth as he talked.
You silently thanked Lilia for teaching this fae about the human body, as Sebek increased his speed not only with his thrusts but with the circles he was making on your clit. As much as you were enjoying this. You knew it wasnt gonna last much longer when you felt that feeling inside you building up.
"S-Sebek! im gonna cum. Don't stop." you whined out. "Please dont stop."
Sebek wasnt gonna stop anyways, he was chasing the same feeling too. He was just glad you were close too. When Sebek felt you sqeeze him even more and your juices run down your legs he knew he could let go too. But he didnt want to stop thrusting into you. He knew he shouldn't finsh into you. Thats what he was complaing about earlier but he couldnt get himself to pull out of you, not when you were still riding out your orgasm. Instead he decided to just shoot his load into you. And thats what he did. You felt his warm cum shoot deep inside you, as Sebek let out the most loudest moan. If there was anyone roaming the halls, you were sure you were gonna be busted.
Once Sebek was done riding out his own orgasm. He stayed there for a moment, just feeling his cum oozing out around his cock, he honestly wished he could stay like this for a bit longer. But he was sure you two were probably running out of time. He slowly slid out of you, letting all his cum slowly slide down your legs. He couldn't help but watch in amazement.
But thats when it kicked in. His cum was gonna get all over the floor, and not to mention your juices were all over the floor already and it was carpet.
"Shit!" Sebek yelled as he ran over to grab a couple tissues off of the teachers desk, you silently laughed as his soften dick swung back and fourth. as he quickly running back over to you and wiping his cum and your juices off of your legs. He wasnt sure what to do about the floor. "What are we gonna do about the floor!?" Sebek was getting nervous.
You felt bad, he looked really worried. You sighed as you grabbed your panties and shorts. "Ill go get some cleaning supplies. We should have enough time to clean up the mess." you told him as you slipped your bottom clothes back on. "Just stay here and don't let anyone come in. Especially the animal students." you said before leaving with wobbly legs, leaving Sebek by himself to quickly get his bottom clothes on. But when he touched his jacket he could feel that somehow you must of got your juices on him. He silently cursed himself for not taking it off, but how was he suppose to know it was gonna get so messy.
While Sebek was in his head, he didnt notice someone was opening the door. He figured it was gonna be you. But to his horror it was Lilia. Who had the biggest smirk on his face.
"What a mess you two made." lilia laughed as Sebek face turned even redder then it already was.
"How do!?" sebek went to yell but lilia just laughed.
"Just so you know. Im pretty sure Malleus probably didnt mean that you had to do this with her. But" lilia shrugged. "Its fine. But I probably wouldnt tell him that you did this for her. I have a feeling Malleus has some kinda feelings for her. And you dont want to upset your prince."
"What!?" Sebek yelled to his horror, yeah hes notice you two were close. But he never thought that Malleus had those feelings towards you.
"Just keep your mouth shut and maybe he won't find out." lilia slightly laughed.
Sebek didnt know what to say or do. But there was nothing to do now besides clean up the mess. And luckily you were back with supplys. But the horror that came to your face when you seen Lilia. But lilia just gave you a smile.
"Have fun cleaning." lilia laughed as he left. Leaving you two alone.
Sebek didnt know what to say to you, but he just took the cleaning supplies and started cleaning the carpet as best as he could. While you sprayed around the classroom to try and mask the smell of sex that you were sure was in the air.
"Y/n?" sebek mumbled out. That was probably the quietest you ever heard him be.
"Yes?" you answered.
"Lets keep this a secret."
You just gave him a small nod.
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thewertsearch · 10 months
TG: cant they just TG: tell us what direction its in TG: point a spaceship that way TG: blast off to adventure TT: No. TT: The geometry of the Furthest Ring is too complex. TT: Remember, its spacetime is labyrinthine. TT: In fact, it's not really accurate to call it spacetime at all. TT: Since it is outside the domain of any created universe, where those properties have become instantiated and stabilized.
Time and space are properties of reality - and if I'm understanding Rose correctly, The Furthest Ring is more like the raw material for reality. There's 'stuff' out there that could become reality, if processed correctly - and perhaps that's what Skaia is really doing, when you strip away the smoke and mirrors.
TG: i can kind of get that time is messed up there TG: with like loops and causality paradoxes and shit like that TG: being the knight of time here TG: not really sure why navigating the space would be a problem though
Sounds like what they really need is to get Jade in on this, too - but they can't, because Jade would take one look at this plan and scream.
TG: i thought you werent supposed to know shit about either TG: seeing as youre the seer whatever that means TT: I think it means I'm supposed to know shit about the big picture. TT: Which includes tidbits like that. TT: But the insides of my shoes stay free from the grit of the minutia.
Is Seer an analytical class about knowing shit, with Light relating to the idea of 'the big picture'? Or does Light symbolize knowledge, with Seer as the 'big picture' class?
Or, does 'knowing about the big picture' solely relate to the Seer class, with her Aspect instead influencing how she does that, and she just isn't mentioning how her Aspect ties into it, if at all?
Props to Hussie for managing to drop Title lore in the most maddeningly ambiguous way possible. I can't even be mad - this is the kind of evasive exposition we've come to expect from Act 5 Rose. I don't even think she's trying to be vague here - it's automatic at this point.
TG: ok you fly to it TG: then what TT: That depends on if John is successful.
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she's still s-tier tho
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TG: ok cool what is it TT: Can you promise you won't tell him? TT: It would probably make him more nervous than he needs to be if he knew. TG: ok i wont say anything TG: just tell me TT: It's a bomb.
Oh my god. She's really going to bomb the Green Sun, isn't she? She-
...well, alright, let's hear the actual plan, first. Then we can freak out.
TT: It is set to detonate precisely when the reckoning ends. TT: This is how long we have to put this plan into motion. TG: what the hell is a bomb doing in there TT: It could be a feature of any session not meant to bear fruit. TT: A means to wipe out a null session rather than leaving it lingering in paradox space for eternity. TT: Or it could be a mutation specific to our session. TT: I really don't know.
Difficult to say. The trolls didn't have one - but then again, they did create their universe, even if they didn't get to officially 'win'.
It's literally called the Tumor, which makes it sound aberrant - but it's a little unclear where that name came from. Rose's research includes Horrorterror intel, so that could be their term for it, or a translation of that term from Horrorspeak.
I think Sburb would garbage-collect failed sessions like this, though. They wouldn't be the first thing it obliterated in the name of cosmic progeny.
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This all started with a countdown, and then an explosion.
Maybe to Skaia, it only makes sense that it end with one, too.
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aresontherun · 1 month
TANA fanart thingy
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Caught my eyes ever since I saw her, and gotta be my fav from TANA design-wise!!? So out of all characters that have been posted in @tanalogyosc she ended up being the first who I try to draw as a human.
i feel like the roots of her hair should be more yellowish uh
literally my reaction the first time I saw her:
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oh just some thoughts but hell, I openned like 5 tabs just to decide silly little things. (Im 97% sure Tanalogy guy you'll probably be the only one who'll read this till end)
I know I couldve just ask where she'd be from if she's on earth but at the end I just looked for the origins of her name. The name "Yasmin" is Persian (first names doesnt usually matter, at least), her last name is possibly English, but the flower jasmine itself is originated in mostly South Asia?? At first I just made her design based on English people, though, I find that instead of pale-ish western skintone (someone said about Brits barely see any sunshine even on summertime), a rather Asian one fits her most! Her hair was also dark brown in the beginning, till I decided on light blond. Eyes are the last one I colored, and I colored it green almost instantly because I just thought that it fits lol (and theyre the only place I can color as green that's not her clothes/ accessories) the thing on the middle of the flower (pistil?) is also green if that makes any sense.
I'd make a full personality analysis if it werent for the fact that I dont know her very much😔
Jasmine's probably a Se dom (ESxP) based on her intro, "Now in the present, she's as dandy and happy as she can be" its pretty clear that she receives happiness in playing music for people, and it looks like she doesnt really yearn the fame and/or money, but more for the sensation? Idk might be wrong. That might also means Fe so most possible mbti for her is ESTP (she does give me Ti vibes) 3w4
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scalproie · 4 months
god okay sorry I have to rant about this. as much as t8 got a lot of things right, it also keeps doing stupid fucking things. like at least heihachi isn't still stomping around but we STILL have to see his ugly fucking face. anyways, I think the issue comes with the fact that kazuya's trauma isn't taken seriously, probably bc he's the villain. which... is all sorts of fucked up bc its like "you can have trauma but only if you're a 100% good person, otherwise we're free to make fun of it as much as we want" and make fun/light of it they do with the callback to that scene in t7 where kazuya relives in trauma in front of us and then fucking reina win quote against kazuya like haha child abuse is funny when its towards a guy we don't like!!! heihachi is actually the good, guys, don't you know, even the CHARACTERS IN GAME bought his cute little attempts to "stop the devil." god. heihachi is so infuriating as a character for how much the narrative WANTS you to side with him and refuses to go into depth of his negative impact on kazuya and then go "oh heihachi was right all along! look at kazuya!!" without recognizing that maybe perhaps!... if heihachi was haha god forbid a GOOD PARENT to his SON WHO JUST LOST HIS MOTHER- ah who am I kidding... too much for this game to handle that lol....
LITERALLY LIKE I would appreciate heihachi a LOT more if the games werent constantly trying to make him look better than he is and push us into liking him.
He is a good villain. He is also extremely strong. but this is so hypocritical to tell us that because he is/was so strong, he deserves respect and admiration by characters in the narrative, when characters inside the narrative who equates strength and respect are said to be in the wrong (legit kazuya this very game)
I know the games wont ever be interested in ACTUALLY exploring the impact of heihachi's actions on both his son and grandson to make people see them (hopefully mostly kazuya) in a positive light bc theyre so scared of making heihachi look too bad so the least they could do would be to shut up about heihachi forever now that hes dead and let kaz and jin "live"
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ch0lwrld · 9 months
nights like these
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pairing: taehyun x f!reader
genre: college au, f2l, fluff, suggestive
warnings: shirtless taehyun (refer to picture above because god FUCKING DAMN IT TAEHYUN) also there's probably a lot of spelling errors and things that may not make sense cause I switched between my phone and my laptop multiple times writing this so just lmk in the comments... what you think!
you didn’t expect anyone to be at the pool at this hour. it was past midnight and everyone had already said their goodnights so you thought this would be the perfect time to swim. you didn’t get to earlier when everyone had decided to go, far too busy finishing up last minute assignments while everyone rushed to get ready and head to the elevator.
it was supposed to be a relaxing three-day trip for the six of you before school started again. you had all saved up from last summer to afford this trip and make it the best but not last of all the trips you had planned. definitely not last. it was exciting and you loved traveling but if you didn’t finish up the last of your summer class you knew you would never get it done. so you stayed in your hotel room that you shared with hueningkai and he made a promise to bring back up your favorite gelato from the gelato stand in the lobby. it was sweet but you knew it was disappointing you couldn’t make it so you tried your best to finish as fast as you could before falling asleep after hitting submit. you really hadnt meant to but maybe all that lost sleep during the week before had hit all at once.
you were surprised to wake up with a blanket gently placed across your figure. you realized it was already nighttime with the only light in the room being from the moon casting its glow from the hotel window. you looked to your left to see kai already asleep in bed, cozied up between the five extra pillows he ordered to the room once you had checked in. it caused a small smile to break onto your face as you got up and stretched. you took a sip from the water bottle you had brought, the ice still fresh and cool within the bottle leaving a refreshing feeling down your throat.
you limbs ached from the awkward sleeping position you were in but now that you were wide awake you couldnt just go back to sleep. the pool started to seep into your thoughts, and after missing the opportunity earlier today you felt like it wouldn’t hurt to try tonight. the pool is open 24/7 but seeing as its not a very populated hotel you knew there wouldn’t be anyone daring to go this late in the night. better for you, you thought.
you decided to slip into the two piece you had bought awhile back. it was an expensive set for a broke college student such as yourself but so comfortable. your friend had recommended it last summer and you're glad you took their suggestion. it fit your figure well, hugging you at the waist and giving your bust a nice lift. it was in your favorite color and the shape really did it for you in ways you didn't know a swimsuit could. if you saw yourself you would probably take yourself out! not even kidding. after checking yourself in the mirror you slipped on a matching sarong and made your way to the pool.
when you reached the entrance you could only hear the subtle sounds of bubbling from the jets in the water and soft jazz music playing from the hotel speakers. it was nice and really set up the mood for your swim. you were so busy setting your things down and taking your time stepping into the shallow end to realize you werent alone. the person making themselves known with a short call from across the room.
“so you’re just gonna ignore me?”
you yelped almost slipping but your grip on the metal handrail was enough to save you of such an embarrassment. you looked over to see taehyun, shirtless in the jacuzzi area of the pool.
“don’t mind me though.. i’m enjoying the view.”
you gave a subtle roll of your eyes towards his direction when he let out that soft chuckle of his. you took a minute to take him in, shirtless and settled in the jacuzzi. god he looked good. Don’t get me wrong, he always looks good but right now.. in front of you.. he was something else. ethereal. the water droplets just complimenting his firm chest, the shitty lights glistened against his skin that he somehow made look so good.
“why are you even here? its like 1am?”
“i could ask you the same thing”
“okay well i thought you had a bedtime sir”
“just because i keep a well organized schedule doesnt mean anything and stop calling it a bedtime!”
you chuckle.
“whatever.” you say as you sink further into the water, enjoying the way the cool temperature sets all around your body. the water felt good against your skin and you missed the feeling of swimming every summer since away for college.
you chose to float around a little bit in the empty pool for a minute before he broke the comfortable silence.
"how was your nap? i know you must've needed it being a bio major and all."
"uh it was.. good, how do you even know I feel asleep?"
"..kai sent a pic of you to the gc."
"OMG he always catches me at the worst moment" you cried out as you waved your arms at his revelation. it caused a bit of water to splash around and he chuckled at your little action.
"don't worry, it was cute."
"yeah with my face in my keyboard." you retorted back.
he just laughed, that handsome sound resonating across the room and into your heart. if you couldn't even handle it from here you don't know what you would do up close.
"so are you gonna keep talking to me from there or are you gonna join me?"
of course he had to ask. the thought was tempting, especially when you consider the warm bubbling public bath that is the jacuzzi. and before you know it, your body takes charge over your reluctant mind.
you don't know who or what propelled you to start walking up the steps and towards his direction but you couldn't stop now. you needed to be able to handle yourself around him and maybe you would practice that... now in front of his shirtless, sculpted figure.
he looked even better up close, you didn't even know how a person could make the poor lighting so good.
finally, you took the first step, taking all the willpower in you to not shiver against his gaze. you felt how he stared at your figure from head to toe as you slowly submerged yourself into the jacuzzi, allowing the ripples in the water to guide you to a seat in front of him. the jets against your back felt nice, it was something you tried your hardest to focus on without being too obvious you were a little bothered in more ways than one.
you knew you shouldn't think about him like this, having been friends since elementary school. your true day one. that day you had met on the playground was still so vivid in your mind. he had been nearby when you slipped on the vault bar trying to impress your friends with a flip of your own. it was really embarrassing thinking back on it, your friends hadn’t moved an inch from their spots on the bar to check on you so you laid there body still on the red rubber floor and head still stinging from the impact. you wanted to lay there forever, if even your friends didn’t care then you shouldnt either and that meant not getting up. you were gonna close your eyes until a short head of hair appeared above you, blocking the sky from your vision.
“hey are you okay?” the boy you recognized from your class asked. his eyes stared into your own with utmost concern laced within them.
“uh.. yeah”
“here.” he lent out a hand for you to take. you were reluctant at first but eventually took it, he was sweet enough to ask you if you were okay so you might as well.
“my names taehyun!”
“my names y/n!” sharing his cheerfulness.
“wanna go play on the swings?”
you almost said yes immediately but looked back to see your friends still enveloped in their conversation about the dolls that were popular at the time. making a new friend wouldnt hurt, you thought.
“yes!” and took his hand in yours to run towards the swings before anyone else took them.
sitting there in front of him like this was normal. it wasn’t like you’ve never been swimming together its just that.. lately you realized how the term “best friends” didnt seem to fit the feelings you had towards him. and it made this moment feel.. different. you blame your little crush on that fact that he had a massive glowup after highschool and started working out more. his arms toned and bare in front of you glistened in the dim lights the pool room provided but it gave enough to allow you to see how the water droplets slide off of his skin so nicely, everytime he moved to adjust his position they would flex in a way that made you feel… god you need to stop ogling your best friend of all things but you couldn’t with the way he looked so addicting.
you easily slipped into conversation, talking to each other was easier than breathing and he was always someone you loved to listen to. he was so smart and you’ve known that being in several classes together. he always had great advice whenever you needed it and you appreciated every bit that was kang taehyun.
you hadnt realized how close you two had gotten in the jacuzzi until you reached out to push his chest from you after he had made a joke. it barely took anything to lift your arm up to push back his chest and your eyes widened at the contact. you may have let your hand wander a little too long against it, you couldnt help it! but as soon as you realized it you took your hand away. soon becoming embarrassed and slipping your arm back into the water at your side.
“yes?” you refused to look up. you knew there would be a teasing look on his face and you didnt want to give him the satisaction.
“look at me.” he requested. but after you had refused he took it into his own hands, quite literally, and placing his palms below your jaw, pulling your face up to look him in the eye.
“nothing. just wanted to see your pretty face again.”
“stop messing around”
“im not though. you’re really pretty, y/n”
your cheeks couldnt help but turn into a reddish hue and your ears perked up at the compliment. he thought it was cute how easily flustered you got at the simplest of compliments.
“cute” he said, as he tucked a loose strand of your damp hair behind your ear.
“dont say things you dont mean, tae. i know you’re only teasing.”
“you think.. i'm just teasing?”
“well.. aren't you?”
“i never thought of it like that.. didnt know it came off that way.”
you felt bad you didnt mean to say anything that would hurt his feelings.
“guess i’ll just have to spell it out for you now.” and he winked. god that wink.. it was so cheesy but you couldnt help the butterflies that swarmed your stomach.
you hadn't noticed how the distance between the two of you was nearly gone, your faces just inches apart and noses brushing past one another the more you stayed in this position. he was so close yet so far. you didnt know what to do, looking from his lips to his eyes in an attempt to see what lie beneath them. you didnt know what he was thinking or if it would be okay to
but, he knew what you were thinking, he always did. choosing to speak first.
“i want this. i want you”
“i… but”
“i want you, y/n”
it was enough to pop the turmoil that sat in your stomach and make the first move. crashing your lips onto his and allowing your arms to snake from their stilled position and around his neck. you loved the way you felt him shiver under your touch when you ran your hand through his hair. the way his hands seemed to find purchase at your waist, massaging circles into your hips felt too good to be true. you loved the way he tasted, the familiar minty toothpaste he used still laden on his tongue.
“god, you’re so beautiful”
you never knew you would hear those words escape from his lips. sure he’s called you cute and pretty numerous times before but never in the way he says it now. chests colliding and bodies moving in sync as if it was meant to be like this forever.
his words only allowed the heat against your cheeks to brighten and he knew you were blushing. making it worse as he teased your sides causing u to squirm against his hold.
“you don’t know.. how long.. i’ve been wanting to do this with you. to do this to you.” he said between kisses.
“god, you make me crazy” you couldnt agree more.
maybe it was the heat from the passionate makeout sesh you were having with tyun or the still warm jacuzzi but your senses were constantly on overdrive. completely enveloped in the feeling he gave you. it left tingles down your spine and your brain on 100. your legs felt like jelly with the way he so expertly knew how to hold you, knew how to touch you to make you melt against him. it made you wonder if you knew him the same too?
“WTF get a room!”
you immediately jumped back at the sound of another voice coming from the doorway. but taehyun held you firm, looser than before but close enough for you not to leave his side. you could see the way he stared at the voice with such annoyance.. you knew you shouldnt have been feeling this way especially with a third party now in the room but the butterflies really flew down to your kitty causing you to clench your thighs together.
“go back to your room, beomgyu.”
“yeah yeah i can see. you’re busy.”
“don’t mind me then!” beomgyu shouted.
he finally looked away from gyu as a big splash is heard from the main pool followed by a few other voices you can tell are getting closer to entering the room. the expression on his face immediately softens as he locks eyes with you. and he leans down to whisper in your ear
“why dont we find ourselves another place… to continue”
god he made you feel so crazy. but you didnt want it to stop.
you followed him like a puppy, still latched to his side hands intertwined. you allowed him to walk you two to his room which was fortunately just him. he had won the bet to have a room to himself and now it really was putting all the benefits to work. (in his favor?)
but once you had got into the room he got shy.
“ah sorry.. maybe you dont want to actually.. continue..” he said as he scratched the back of his neck.
“uh no no dont be sorry i..”
“i wont.. i wont do anything if you say you dont want to”
“i want to. i want you. i really do.. now more than ever im sorry thats its taken me so long to-“
then he places a quick kiss to your lips as he whispers against it, already missing the feel of his plush pink against yours that are probably brazen red. “then we don’t need to waste anymore time now.”
and it was back to the feeling he gave you in the jacuzzi. the jets in the water hitting your back now absent, but instead replaced by the feeling of his strong hands having found purchase on your waist again. you fit into him so well it made him feel dizzy. he couldn't get enough of you. he slowly guided you to the bed, hands lifting your legs up against his instinctually wrapping around his waist as he softly laid you down on the bed. he broke the kiss to place more against your jawline and down your neck to your collarbone. he nipped at areas you didn’t know could arouse you, soft mewls escaping your lips at the feeling of his teeth grazing against your skin. you tugged a bit at his hair, testing the waters. you earned a deep grunt resonating from his position at your chest.
he was wrapped around your finger even if you didn’t know it. anytime spent with you is never a waste, but he would make up all of the lost time you could’ve had together in this position over and over again. but he didnt need to tell you that.. he could just show you instead.
and show, he did.
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I have another matt x reader request: matt and y/n struggling with infertility, and then y/n has a miscarriage after finally getting pregnant :'( (ffs think i just need a good cry lol)
but this may be triggering so you don't have to! x
omg! hiii queen!!! love this request. It definitely was tricky to write because I swear, i wrote it like twenty-eight times before figuring it out lol. This ones not my favorite (writing wise) but lmk;)
Warnings!: Miscarriage, infertility, pain.
Currently, taking requests: slide em over babes.
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Stormy weather fit Hells kitchen the same way the sun belonged in Miami. 
You hated it sometimes, especially when Matt was out at night. droplets fell on the roof of Matt apartment which sometimes kept you up.— truly it was a pain. The walls nearly shook as the thunder crashed down on new york.
Though, when the storm was over, it was sunny. not really sunny, just— it was warm. Warm enough to feel cozy. Like a campfire, or if a chimney was lit. The Warm days reminded of you when you found out you were pregnant. You felt warm, cozy, and exhilarated just likelike a fire being lit. 
Though, your body treated you like a match that had trouble lighting. Often you would get that hope, that 'spark', but then it would blow away and go out. You hated it. You cursed yourself and your body when that test would come out negative.
Matt wanted a child, and so did you. He agreed only to have a child if you truly wanted one, and you did. Growing up you werent really the one to dreammmmm about having kids. But then you met matt and everything changed.
Suddenly you wanted kids. You really did. 
He brought it up, while you thought about it. He heard you heartbeat race when you two would pass by baby stores, and you would see the excitement come around his face when someone would ask you if you two were expecting. Then the day came when you actually could respond yes. 
you were pregnant. 
How? well of course you knew how much physically, you didn't know how it happened. You stuggled with this. Like really struggled.
Nights after nights, ivf treatments, freaking prayers from all the nuns at St.Agnes’s-- hell, you two tried everything but your body wouldn’t. you cried, christ did you cry. 
Nights after nights of feeling awful, gently feeling like a sack of puss covered by skin—  then after trying so hard, paying so much money to then see “negative” on the stick. Nothing worked, 
 Until something did. 
a kid. 
You hyperfixated on everything, down to names you decided Matilda Murdock, that would be her name is she was a girl. if it was a boy you wanted Mark, or Matthew. Something biblical always seemed like a good fit when it came to boy names.
You had a plan. You and Matt would save up and buy a town home in Hells kitchen. When you would have to school, the baby would stay with Maggie at the church, or Marci & Karen. if they couldn't take care of the baby, you’d maybe just maybe let foggy take care of it. but that was the last choice. Foggy was probably you and matts number one fan when it came to having a child. it sort of, also triggered the thought once. 
Of course the re was the whole thing about matt mentioning it, but foggy was the one who brought it up when matt came to the office complaining about hoe sore he’d felt. Foggy joked that the city needed a baby devil 
you laughed it off, so did Matt but that got the thought swarming in your head. 
but now, you’re pregnant. 
you're pregnant, you have the perfect boyfriend, you live the life of your dreams. You’ve got a job, you've got the whole law school thing going for you too. The job even payed well-- you can buy matt a new tie once and a while and manage to get your hair retouched wihtout not eating dinner. Y
our life is surrounded by calls from your family members but the baby, your life is surrounded by baby shower announcements and picking out different strollers. 
Now your pregnant and you wake up every couple hours to make sure the baby is kicking, well the baby isn’t old enough to kick but you get the picture. you just want to make sure everything is fine. 
As you slept through the rain, a weird ice came around you throat, though you thought noting of it. you coughed it off, and continued to place your head down not he pillows. then, it came again. 
phlegm escaped your mouth then blood leaked out of your lips. 
Immediately your brain went to inflammation! thats it. 
inflammation inflammation… what the heck do you do to cure inflammation? uh, green tea and fish oil. 
you tossed your legs over the bed and settled you feet not he cold wooden floor. 
You went over to the kitchen, and opened matts medicine cabinet and took out what you believed to be fish oil… or vitamin D. 
hell matt had everything in braille and in separate jars so telling what everything was, was mostly a hassle. 
as you took the vitamin out, a sharp pain was pinned on the lower part of your stomach. 
hell, this wasnt inflammation. 
coughing blood and shark pain? 
your knees came weak by the second, so did you head. 
the walls began to fog up as you slowly mad you way to the couch, but as you did you fell. 
matt heard the thump come down on the apartment floor, and he was near the apartment so he decided to check in to make sure everything was okay. 
as he opened the roof door, he cauh=ght the weight that weighed on the floorboard. he heard your heart race and sweat trickle down you temples. 
he ran down the stairs and dropped his knees by your side. urgently, ehr grabbed your shoulders, and listened again for your heartbeat. then he realized he only heard one. 
only one heartbeat. 
“No no no” said Matt with a choke as he grabbed your shoulders and pressed his body against yours, his voice shut as his tears fell down his cheeks. matt slowly took his bandanna off as yo began to wake up. 
you saw his eyes, they were red, bloodshot, “honey?” you asked as your frail hands went over is jaw, “is everything okay?” 
tears contiuned to stream down his face as yo hand went along his jaw. 
“Matt?” you asked. 
his tear fell down on your chest, then you realized why he had heard. 
“…no” you said as your hand went over your mouth, “matt no, please tell me no” 
he took his head.
he guided hs hands on your back, lifting you to his chest. 
“lord, please no” you yearned as your head c=pressed against his chest, “lord—“ you said as your heart beat raced. 
“its okay” said matt as his chin pressed against your head, “Sweetheart its,” his throat croaked as he said, “Sweetheart, its okay, everything going to be okay” 
tears soaked his shirt as you yearned in not only physical pain but mental pain. 
“Sweetheart” said Matt as you wailed, “Sweetheart, please” 
“they’re gone!!” you said as you tightened your grip along his torso, “my baby’s gone.” 
your throat practically closed, your heart beat escalated and you felt the blood slowly fall on your panties as you said, “My poor baby gone” 
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meetthesoldier · 1 year
Classpects. Give em here!!!
EEP ok i have a whole list w everyy character i cld remember except the health inspector fuck the health inspector thats a joke. but hed probably just be a seer of life for the pun. my source on most of the ones for characters w less content is i made it the fuck up. ok here we go infodump time
jack: heir of heart (one of the most obvious picks in the world. look at him. there is no way hes anything other than a heart player.... all protagonists of stories about choice know is be heir of heart/breath/hope)
dave: knight of doom (IM VERY!!!!!!!! ENTHUSIASTIC!!!!!!!!!! ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is definitely a knight. he is definitely doom. it just feels right!!!!! knights have a natural inclination towards serving others and he literally serves henry (and in evil routes, jack) through doom, death, etc. you cld argue with what we knew about henry and the way he treated dave that he also served him through self sacrifice- allowing himself to be treated like utter garbage for the sake of keeping henry in his life. knights ALSO have a habit of masking personal insecurities, which i feel is reflected in his need to make himself seem "useful" to others, because perhaps he feels he is worthless if he cant be helpful.)
dee: maid of time (this one took a while to nail down ! but i think it works. it is rather an ironic title, considering she had very little time in her life, but afterwards she has all the time in the world to do as she pleases, and what she pleases is creating from the death of others- giving them the ability to move on into the afterlife, and in the process granting them all the time in the world. additionally, her death sparks the entire rest of the games timelines to occur. kinda flimsy but i think its a cool idea)
peter: sylph of blood (i think most characters who had to practically act as their siblings parents since their actual parents werent around for whatever reason are gonna feel blood-ish to me. when he confronts jack in his office in 2 during a bad ending, the main point he brings up is how youve ruined several families, the bonds between parents and their children, so that also made me think of him as a blood player. i chose the sylph class for him also partially because of him being an oldest sibling... big "be the bigger person", mediator energies from him, which is something i think a sylph of blood would almost HAVE to be fluent in.)
steven: mage of void ("sweep it under the rug, its probably fine!" immediately makes him read as a void player. the mage part is just his energies..... hes a knower ! and his life sucks because of it, no matter how hard he tries to use his meager amounts of power to benefit himself)
henry: thief of hope (look at him. being in his presence saps all good energies... and he does it on purpose!!!!!! literally his entire boss fight is him trying (and usually succeeding) at stealing all hope from your allies for himself. considered making him a prince but something about it didnt really resonate...)
matt: bard of space (codpiece funny)
jimbo: witch of space (teleportation go brrrrrr)
ronaldo: thief of life (probably human meat pizza go brrrr)
oscar: seer of breath (breath is all about freedom, and oscar wants nothing more than to have the freedom to express himself, even if its... under strange circumstances... and i like to imagine hed be very keen on sharing the joy of that experience with others, which is why i have him as a seer, though heir of breath would also work without the headcanon work.)
harry: maid of doom (EXTREMELY iffy on this one... spent a long time considering heart titles considering the overarching theme of forgetting oneself but erm. i couldnt pick one so i just said fuck it and picked one for another aspect i cn see.)
jake: prince of blood (deadbeat dad classpect)
roger: page of rage (evil_end_confrontation.mp4)
rebecca: seer of heart (this is more grounded in her literal role in the story, mainly shedding light on and allowing further exploration of the self and identity of harry ... also shes just heart player energies through the roof)
joe: knight of rage (source: trust me bro. just has big knight energies... also makes it ironic he has a prince (see bottom) so nearby, since in typical media a knight would serve a prince, but here he acts as his executioner... hehe! my source for him being rage is also just energies. although obviously the buildup of ACTUAL rage at abels actions, and decision to destroy a bitch accounts for part of that.)
terrence/tango: sylph of hope (omg... silly time! so the hope connections are hopefully obvious... hella optimistic and positivity focused pre-phonification, and through a bit of headcanon work id believe that he was an exception morale booster, thus healing the hope in his associates..)
everett: maid of space (ok, this one is literally all headcanon work, so i guess this is another source: trust me moment... its in his vibes, man! his extreme formality and "stiffness" (harrys words not mine) give off space-y energies to me. well, ok, they also give off timey and doomy energies... but thats besides the point. my point is hed look really cute in the outfit guys please)
abel: prince of mind (could also see an argument for prince of heart, considering he played part in destroying the identities of his coworkers, but i also see those actions as a destruction of justice- rather than allowing them to pass, as they deserve, he preserves and prolongs their suffering, all while destroying the karma and consequence he is bound to face for his actions, until he cant anymore)
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wikagirl · 3 months
I forgor I wanted to post this so here it is a month later.
Time to clown on the "indian" aka stereotypes about natives art project week stuff from primary school (like 2007/8) I found in a box at the very tippy top of a shelf while cleaning my room
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so first of can we please talk about how dusty this is? when I say it was at the tippy top of the sehlf I mean it like it was so far back I had to get a broom to pull the box forward, this thing has not seen the light of day for 16ish years
but now on to the contents
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so first we have these little pouches which, by themselves, would be a pretty neat and cute arts and crafts project if it werent for the context of the overarching theme
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then we got these things which I am assuming are supposed to be a pretty sad mockery/imtation of the medallions that are a traditional item in a lot of tribes in different variations across the american continent.
Gotta love how primitive these are, like it just shows the image that (sadly) most folks still have over here especially on the country side where learning about what european settelers did over in america is not seen as relevant enought to german history to teach about even tho the way settelers "managed" the "native issue" was literally the blueprint for concentrationcamps but that‘s a topic for a nother day
but I have give little me credit tho for scribbeling a literal thunder dragon on there, little me had good taste.
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then we got a flimsy little cardboard tomahawk and a drum made from a flower pot and like 8 layers of that thin paper people weap sandwhiches in. Again, the drum would be a cute idea for a craft project if it weren‘t for the context.
While I‘ll most likely toss out the other stuff I will try to actually salvage the drum, sand off the acrylic paint and give it a new paint job and slap some fake moss on it, make it a little fairy core drum so when my bff rings her ocarina we can be a little fairy bard group at larps.
okay and not for the the ✨costume✨
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yeah it-…its literally just a sheet with a neckhole and these fringey bits cut into it and a strip of fabric from the same sheet with little bisons on to it 😐👌 I am cringing as much as you are (probably)
so um yeah that‘s it. that‘s the post. I could write an analysis about this and how it perfectly displays the lack of care of european schools to properly teach about american history and what kind of rotten foundation the great land of the free is actually built on but honestly I don‘t really feel like I need to? I think you get the point?
like literally native hisotry is an OPTIONAL topic not in history but in ENGLISH class in 10th and 11th grade and only for vocabulary reasons, most of the time teachers tend to pick australian aborigines because it is a less political topic…aaand yeah its just really sad I guess.
I got lucky in 10th grade and had a teacher that eas close to retirement so she just didn‘t give a shit about the curriculum and freestyled about anything she was passionate about and since she lived in the US near a rez for like 10 years this was one of the topicss
also really glad that the internet exists and gave me the recources to educate myself more on topics like this because oh god I don‘t even wanna know what I would be like if that wasn‘t the case.
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was thinking a while ago about the overlapping concepts of "Art Style" and "Art Techniques That Come Naturally" and how i think in different ways or for different people they can feel either basically the same thing or violently, diametrically opposed. i was watching some guy paint with a palette knife on youtube and i was like man im jealous of how directly this guy understands what this specific texture looks like. and its like, not that im assuming his talent certainly doesnt have a long history of practice and study behind it but you can feel sometimes when someones so comfortable with the pathway to get a certain thing from their mind onto their paper that its not even a question. like that theres a deep animal familiarity with a specific texture or color gradient or anything you know. for me the feeling of light scattering through something to make it like, fleshy, or jelly, or waxy, is that kind of thing for me less through study and more because its just interesting to me and when i look at things i like to look at that. like when light comes through your fingers and turns them red. i dont have to work to know how to represent that its just something im familiar with in that way. and it always frustrated me when that was the singular texture i was really good at & that everything i made without putting a lot of hard work into understanding different textures would have that surreal jelly texture and to me that was like, the clear & blatant proof that all of my work was so amateur that it looked like that but im thinking now that its probably the same kind of thing as watching this guy make hard reflections on water with a palette knife. like, it's only 1 part of a well rounded understanding of how to translate impressions of the world into a stylized picture with your hands but it's also probably something that varies from person to person. like, its an obvious fact not EVERYONES baseline is that specific element and so its not necessarily just the look of amateurish mediocrity, its just a style. like the difference between that being My Style and a roadblock is just the desire to lean into it and explore it that i dont have. like not that that means anything one way or the other but mostly like, ohhhh my teacher was probably not just lying to me when he said he thought my style was interesting and creative, its just that because for me its trivial and didnt involve any real creative passion i didnt understand how there would be value in how it looks from a perspective where that isnt just a rote and boring part of the process. like that post about when you can Just Tell someones weird fetishes through their writing when they werent trying to write about their fetishes just i think its easy to find the interesting divergences looking at someone elses thought process and dismiss the interest someone else would get from the other side of the same difference. weird stuff
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pinkadork · 11 months
I wasnt just tired from the game or being up late. I was tired. I could feel everything getting worse and i kept trying to cling to them. I wanted to show i cared i felt like an ass after the night before id thought on shit and thought i could make it better. I made it worse and then wanted to be hurt about it and i was just an ass. Ive been an ass. But that day i became everything i swore i wouldnt. I cemented everything negative ever said about me. I fucked up. I had been fucking up yeah but i fucked it. I couldnt get past myself and see the bigger picture. I was so caught up in being alone that i didnt even stop once to think. Nigga i hate myself. And i should tbh. I keep being like i miss them i wanns be with them but is also like.
I cant man. Not rn. And maybe mot ever. But certainly not now. I need to find out how fix myself, i gotta be able to not let peoples coping skills that they have intact, be a thing that i feel like plsys into my insecurities. I dont want the insecurities. I love them. And i feel like i always will but like. How do i even show that at this point? And even if i do show that, why does it have to be that i want ti get back with them? I should be okay with just being friends and accept thats what we need to be. I can't pretend i dont have issues, and in the same light i can't act like my heart longs for them. I hate that im like this. I feel like im always gonna be a parsite as long as breathe. People only stay around me and talk to me or wanns do things with or for me because they care right?
But its like base level, dont die, and thats my fault. I'm not trying to gain sympathy but when i talk sbout i feel like i am. I end up feeling like all im doing is seeking attention and validation. I constantly want to know shit like, do you love me, are we good, are we okay, because i always felt like i was fucking up. When shit would get to a certain point and i mean for the worse, it feel like the same thing everytime, i hurt you, you hurt me, we apologize, we press forward but no one really forgives or forgets, we held it and went back and forth and when times were "good" I'd think, man we're gonna be okay, and inevitably something would happen. Sometimes us, sometimes work. Sometimes life . Either way I've felt like i failed you the entire time anyways and then I'd get bitter when you'd confirm it honestly. I'd feel like i kept trying to make thing better and go forward to do what i can to make you happy while we were here despite everything but i didnt fucking just accept that the reason you werent happy was because you were here. It always felt like it was me you wanted to leave not here. To the point i stopped listening even when you clearly werent.
I cant go back to therapy until august, when i do theyre supposed to check me see how im doing on meds and what not. My family doesnt want me to talk to you either. I wanna talk to you, sometimes i feel like too much. But in general i love having you my life. Its weird, its probably gonna be. I wanna try if you wanna try. I wanna show i can listen. I wanna show i care. I wanna show i support you and your choices. It doesn't have to lead to what ive been wanting. I just miss talking to my favorite person. I get my ranking fell. Its fine.
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