#so hes used to people dismissing his abilities to control his magic and he HATES IT
aro-ortega · 5 months
cal and astarion do NOT get along. it started with astarion having a very dismissive attitude about cal where cal got the feeling that astarion was mocking him / dismissive of his abilities / telling him along the lines to "run along now, little boy" and cal absolutely hates these things so it already soured his opinion if astarion. and then astarion tried to bite him in the night, and cal reeaaaallly didnt like that astarion is lucky that he wasnt killed/sent away. but the funniest part of all this for me is when they were dealing with the flesh book; astarion wasnt there when they found it, but he was there when they acquired the stone to open it. and he wants it sooo bad, but cal wanted it real bad too, hes a sorceror he wants get better at magic / understanding it / have more magic/power at his disposal. so he refuses to give astarion the book and reads it for himself. he acquires the ability to cast speak with dead once/long rest as a ritual and, smug, he gives astarion the amulet of lost voices as a consolation prize since he doesnt need a mere trinket to speak with the dead any longer
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Personal Do Not Read Witchy Author List
There will be a google doc with updates as I find more authors to avoid. These are all my own personal opinion and I do take the author's actions into account when judging their ability to write legitimate information.
TW: Slavery, serial killers, racism, TERFs, creeps, neonazis, asylums, and a slew of other super unsavory things. I tried to make this list as PG as possible while highlighting the issues with these individual people. 
*Alestier Crowley. *
   He's a literal piece of garbage. Misogynistic, thief of a toooon of closed practices, has entire cults still dedicated to him, called himself a voice of God (both Abrahamic and apparently like 5 Egyptian deities??? I mean excuse me sir how about no??) He also declared himself ‘above’ Gods back in 1922 calling himself Ipssissimus. I hate Crowley so much I have literally stuck a picture of him to a dartboard before. He can suck an egg in the afterlife. He also put his own wife in an asylum for 'alcoholism’ because she wanted a divorce. The only thing he ever did right was get kicked down a flight of stairs at a temple once by a poet.
*Anastasia Greywolf*
   Appropriates at least Jewish practices if not every Indigenous practice there is. Wholeheartedly encourages people to use magic instead of going to a doctor for things like oh I dunno EPILEPSY And claims she has spells for like Marvel-level super powers which uh no Ana. You don't. Lots of Christianity for a supposedly FULL pagan and wiccan author. Her spells are all controlled like...so wrong. So, so wrong. Don't ask please. I can't begin to describe it. Advocates for smudging and uses phrases like "Cherokee Rituals", and the Romani G-slur. 
*Gerald Gardner*
   Made his own branch of wicca, the first technically, and his own coven had to make rules just so he wouldn't spill everything to any reporter that asked. Used Crowley as a main resource.
*Jason Miller*
   Claims to do Hoodoo. A horrible formatter, and generally super dismissive of being a rootworker and other potentially closed practices, has not been initiated. Has claimed that anyone can petition/pray to Papa Legba without initiation because "Vodou is a congregational religion/practice". From the Vodou and Haitian Vodou practitioners I have talked to that is VERY incorrect, it may be congregational but you still have to be involved in the community to be trusted with those practices because so much of it has been bastardized for media and racism purposes. He is also a student of Catherine Yronwode, who is another SUPER problematic figure in the Hoodoo/Rootwork community.  
 A link of his own words on culture appropriation which includes mild inaccuracy towards Indiginous Peoples and that they don’t ‘own’ certain practices when it’s very clear the wording of those practices DOES in fact come from those peoples. He’s fine with people being Yogis, or Shamans, or calling satchel spells mojo bags, and other such phrases and won’t correct people if they use such words out of context because “language changes”. Also says if someone within a practice says it’s closed to go to ANOTHER AND ANOTHER until you find someone willing to teach you??? That’s not how it works sir.
Source: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/on-cultural-misappropriation/
*Lisa Chamberlain*
   Not an actual person. This is a ghost writer name for a bunch of garbage literally copy and pasted from wikipedia into books. I wish I was kidding. 
*Lisa Leister/Lester/whatever other spelling she's used.*
   Such a major TERF. Like JK Rowling level TERF. Claims magic comes from a womb so anybody that doesn't have one isn't a real witch. Like WTF lady.
*Raymond Buckland*
  Where to start...uses the G-slur often. (His grandfather was romani so it blurs the line of blood quantum.)  Very sexist and obsessed with the idea of a woman getting uh...undressed for rituals while men stay dressed and more things I cannot say ina PG space??? As magic?? VERY anti-minor and LGBTQA+. Toxic, just plain toxic. Can't do it. I have read his Blue Book and it's the least problematic thing he wrote. I'm alright with it.
*Silver Ravenwolf*   WhOOO boy. So super anti-christian, which is fine and dandy...if you didn't claim to be in a lineage of braucherei/hexerei. Wiccan, like the type of wiccan that says no other witchcraft exists and yet has written folk magic books??? She really needs to make up her mind. Claims Satanists don't actually exist. Claims most Jewish powers worshiped "the Goddess" (whoever that is)??? Very cult-like language about "not telling friends and family about your new life/reality/experience/whatever". Also SO MUCH APPROPRIATION. SO SO MUCH. She also gets her history wrong, on a lot of basic information that most non-witches know about like say the Salem Witch Trials.
*Catherine Yronwode* Ooh man. So Catherine Yronwode’s career started as a comic book artist. She’s worked on such things like the Elvira comic, DNAgents, and a gaggle of super controversial trading cards which included the Kennedy Assasination, a serial killer collection, and the AIDS epidemic. Of which she was sued for using one half of the Hillside Stranglers duo in said killer trading cards without his permission, the judge sadly threw the case out because and this is a quote, “ If Bianchi had been using his face as a trademark when he was killing women, he would not have tried to hide it from the police.” There were two more from her comic days, but those aren’t super relevant besides the one that pushed the envelope of what sort of trading cards should be sold to children. On the magical side of things, I will be blunt here: As one of the ‘big bads’ of the Rootwork/Folk/Hoodoo community? I really REALLY dislike her. She has made numerous false claims about New Orleans/Haitian Vodou and that it’s only a very recent practice, non-religious, and slaves never used it because it didn’t exist yet??? History books and entire generations will disagree. An example would be this link of an open letter to her written by a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and someone she wrote a whole article about: https://conjureart.blogspot.com/2013/10/open-letter-to-cat-yronwode-and-lucky.html
She owns a few different websites namely https://www.luckymojo.com/, has written numerous Hoodoo based books, and actively has accused numerous people who have asked her for sources and or disagreed with her of plagiarism and has slung more mud that you can shake a stick at. 
She also praises a book on Marie Laveau and yet discredits herself by calling New Orleans Voodoo a new religion/neopractice??? She’s just confusing as all heck to me.
*Christian Day*   This guy’s just a creep. One stuck in the early 2000s mall goth phase even though he’s over 50. He also appropriates Hoodoo and owns two Hoodoo shops as well as multiple other witch shops in Salem and recently New Orleans on the French Quarter (Which is pure tourist fodder and not a reflection of true New Orleans Voodoo/Vodun/Rootwork). He has also harassed ex-employees so badly it’s landed him in court. His book The Witch’s Book of the Dead also reads very much like a list of accomplishments rather than anything useful. All about his television spots and experiences doing that. (Did I mention he was in an episode of Ghost Adventures? Yes, that one with Zac Bagans??? And it did not make us witches look too great, honestly speaking.)
Sources for Harassment Claims: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salem-witch-gets-protective-order-against-warlock/
*Yvonne and Gavin Frost*   I dunno how else to say this, I really don’t. These two? Pedophiles. Multiple writings of theirs included not-safe-for-work-or-children rituals that must include minors. Avoid. AVOID AVOID. AVOID ANYONE WHO USES THEM AS A RESOURCE! This should NOT be okay in any circle. They are VERY used within the Wicca religion so please be careful!!
*Orion Foxwood* Some of his information is very sound! I can’t fault him there. He does have a tendency to blend different traditions without actively TELLING you he’s blending them though. He’s and this is a direct quote, “He is a witch and Elder in Romano Celtic-Traditional Craft, High Priest in Alexandrian Wicca and teacher of the Faery Seership tradition. He is also the founding Elder of Foxwood Temple and a primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, a national network of covens in his line that have united to preserve the ways of his Elders. He was the co-director of Moonridge, a center for metaphysical, Craft and Faery studies in Maryland” That’s an awful lot of traditions to juggle and not only write on but actively teach. He also performs conjure, which in of itself might not be an issue but Conjure usually blends into Hoodoo really quickly if one isn’t careful! A lot of the traditions he talks about from his family sound quite familiar, he’s clearly from Appalachia but his books on the subject blend in his other practices instead of keeping them separate. 
*Starr Casas*   She’s in the same category as Orion, only she doesn’t necessarily give her credentials to be teaching Hoodoo, and even wrote a whole book filled with Hoodoo love spells. She also co-owns a French Quarter Conjure Shop, which if you ask any practitioners from New Orleans...is catered to pure tourists and not a true example of the crafts from the area. 
*Shawn Engel*   I’m gonna be blunt here. More appropriation of the Jewish practices, Hoodoo, and other information that is just plain UPG without saying it’s UPG and encourages throwing hexes at political party members solo. I read The Power of Hex and had to put it down numerous times just to gather myself and not throw it away, I don’t know if it was tone or sheer level of appropriation...likely both.
*Kate Freuler*   Of Blood and Bones is chock full of Hoodoo, full stop. Only acknowledges that something comes from Hoodoo once and also gets basic mythology information on the Deities she mentions wrong in some cases. Also a lot of the book seems to be UPG because the bibliography is super small for a 300 page book.
*Dorothy Morrison*   I picked up Utterly Wicked once. A very odd book full of Hoodoo and Vodun spellwork and misinformation, the author is also Garderian Wiccan so even the writing of a book full of hexes is slightly...concerning compared to the Wiccan traditions and redes. Odd is the best I have to describe how I personally feel. I will say this again: Voodoo Dolls are not used to cause pain, stop bastardizing that single aspect of the practice. Thank you.
*Helena Blavatsky*
 I dunno how else to say this either, her philosophy and occult knowledge, called Theosophy is a portion of what inspired Hitler. Pure unadulterated racism veiled in a ‘Atlantian Race Theory”. Horrible stuff, read for a class project once and felt disgusting.
*Christopher Penczak*Whoo boy. On the surface he seems alright, one of the first ‘male’ witches I had ever heard of except for Scott Cunningham. But the more you dig into his work the more inaccuracies and Christian bashing you see. For example: Christianty was the first patriarchal society. Uhm...I believe you’re kinda forgetting the men who ran Rome and Greece there sir. He also fully proposes the ‘burning times’ were like a ‘witch holocaust’. NO! NO IT WAS NOT. You can’t compare the hundreds of years and MAYBE a thousand-ish people dying to the millions that died in the short timespan the Holocaust was a thing. Fuck Christopher for that comparison and also for claiming it was a ‘burning time’ to begin with. (History says that most were hung...or tortured. Burning is a very small number of that list in general. 
He makes a lot of sweeping statements and sees witchcraft as a religion and NOT a practice. He whitewashes, fully harps on the Wicca = witchcraft = religion thing and THEN hones in on the difference between “white and black” magic and how cursing is evil and yet highlights certain practices that actively practice...cursing...as they have for generations??? He (atleast) doesn’t demonize Satanism but does still backhand the idea anyway, that they CAN’T be witches because witches only ‘heal’. Cultural appropriation and fetishization of ‘Native’ practices while calling them primitive all in the same breath, I just can’t with this guy. I really can’t. 
*Amy Blackthorn* 
Owns a tea brand called ‘Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends’ she is white. When questioned by BIPOC individuals she complains and blocks them instead of explaining why she chose the name Hoodoo for just teas. TEA. She is also the author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke (A book on smudging yikes on trikes), and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. 
Proof of blocking: https://thisblackwitch.com/2016/04/01/blackthorn-teas-whose-culture-is-it-anyways/
*Tarl Warwick *
Is more commonly known as Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube and other social media sites. Has written a pile and I mean a PILE of occult based books including ones on Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, demons, solomon, folk plants and healing, Kabbalah, and many MANY more. 
He makes no claim to being Jewish, and given his political wishy washiness, and multitude of controversies which includes claiming the Holocaust wasn’t ‘that many dead’, Charles Manson deserved release because he was ‘extremely innocent and didn’t kill anyone’, and fairly recently also wrote and published a book on Critical Race Theory and why it’s ‘garbage’. I can’t support him no matter how accurate some of his information may be (if any at all). 
*Temperance Alden* This really pains me to say, Temperance in her Wheel of the Year book made a claim that birth control “stunted her magical abilities” because it affected her hormones…in OTHER words unless you are a perfectly hormone producing WOMAN you don’t have great magical power. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. That is a slippery slope to claiming medication will harm you, not to mention how TERF-y it is AND completely disregards that magic is for well…everyone. Such a stupid gatekeep-y concept. 
*Sarah Kate Istra/Dver*
Advocates for using ‘spirit animals’ regardless of Indigenous beliefs and concerns. Is also a known ally with the Piety Posse, a neo-nazi group of pagans who claim the term polytheist can only apply to them and if you aren’t a Hellenistic pagan…you aren’t pagan at all. They also advocate for animal sacrifices, blood tests to prove purity, and other horrible HORRIBLE stuff. 
*Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis*
Obvious Neo-nazi, keeps images of swastikas on his personal blog, and not the ones that the nazis stole from, the nazi one. And super SUPER transphobic.
*Edward P. Butler*
Major persecution complex, spends half his twitter complaining about how monotheists are destroying…I dunno…everything? Also defends Krasskova quite heavily. Antisemetic as well.
*Galina Krasskova*
Hellenic pagans watch out. Defends the AFA. A ringleader of the Piety Posse. There’s a lot more horrific stuff about her and I won’t go into extreme details. But TW: Romanticizes SA with deities, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Compares debating to the holocaust, lots of victim blaming, gatekeeping, and screams folkish. 
*Diana Cooper*
Racist. Hard stop. Also appropriates chakras. Has a weird belief that food controls skin color and that Africa will never be a good country because it’s the solar plexus of the universe…or something like that. I got 20 pages into the book and literally couldn’t go any farther. Did I mention this book was supposedly on dragons???
*Judika Iiles* So much appropriation, advocates for making altars and working with closed deities. Lots of incorrect information including dangerous spellwork like obsession spells. And one in particular that has roots in a racist stereotypes. Avoid please! 
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littjara-mirrorlake · 1 month
what are the other praetors like in terms of statblock?
Note that every praetor's stat block is in progress, and the supplement is also constantly being developed and changed. That said, these are some main points of what I have had and largely used in my own campaign:
Praetors are the ancient dragons of the setting. Their power level reflects this. No praetor (or Atraxa) has a CR lower than 21.
Three of the praetors, Norn, Jin, and Sheoldred, have class types. Cleric, Wizard, and Bard respectively. These three are also the ones with full spellcasting abilities and prepared spell lists. I know that in recent publications D&D has started to move away from this, but the praetors were created long before that change and I prefer the flexibility of them anyway.
All praetors have 3 legendary saves, 3 legendary action options, and 3 lair action options.
Very strong and very resilient. Not very fast. Doesn't move in combat a huge amount, focuses more on commanding allies and putting down AoE. Unless she wants to hit something really hard with her sword.
Many mechanics focus on mass ally buffs or summoning; she'll probably also have a passive aura of some kind that benefits allies, reminiscent of her +2/+2 / -2/-2 original card
Incorporates the abilities we saw her use in A Garden of Flesh, so she has an aura of shards that do slashing damage that she can dismiss to merge the shards into a very, very large sword.
In general, lots of area effects whether that's auras, buffs, or AoE
Jin's statblock is a nightmare. His legacy version has Portent (which he never used in PC encounters), but I highly suspect I'll have to cut that for the final version because it's so obnoxious to play against.
So many counterspells.
Similar to Niv-Mizzet in flexibility with spells and ability to regain spell slots as a legendary action.
Surprisingly good mobility, with psychic teleports and the like. His first card did have flash!
A lot of spell control, psychic spells, save control.
Her mechanic for mounting other creatures is very weird but interesting to design. They combine HP but largely use Sheoldred's own stats (except probably physicals) and any damage goes to the mount's HP first.
Has a reanimation aura, passively raising corpses that die near her into ghouls in 1d4 rounds
She is so incredibly bard.
She can turn into spiders and it's great
I really hate the D&D alignment system. That said, he is Chaotic Good.
Very fast, agile, and good at hiding.
A lot of draconic features, like Frightful Presence and a breath weapon. I've always really enjoyed the dragon parallels Urabrask has.
To be honest he is currently more or less an unusually stealthy Ancient Red Dragon without wings, but I do intend to make him more unique than that.
Thinking of adding minimal spellcasting, since we've seen that he is at least capable of ichor scrying and runic magic, as well as artifice. Probably "innate spells" style instead of the full lists Norn, Jin, and Sheoldred have.
Very heavy on sheer strength and pure physical damage by hitting things and running over them very hard.
Powerful regeneration, can regain HP a bunch of different ways including digesting enemies. Relatively easy to hit but hard to kill.
Being grappled by him is very dangerous and immediately starts absorbing you.
Of note is that none of the praetors' attacks really deal a significant amount of necrotic damage (with the exception of some of Jin's needles or whatever). This is partly because core-born Phyrexians resist necrotic, and the praetors spend a good amount of time beating up their own people. Also, if you're fighting Elesh Norn, you have bigger problems than phyresis.
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bearmemesreviews · 2 months
FotW: SDMI - The Grasp of the Gnome
Today's Freak of the Week is a more serious take on a creature type seldom seen outside of Children's Fantasy, Gnomes!
Yep, for years the fair folk and their kin have been delegated to just tiny humans with magic - ignoring years of folklore and cautionary tales that describe these creatures as actual monsters born from the earth with all sorts of nasty plots in their minds.
We have since turned around once again, around the same time superheroes started to scoff at tights in their shows and movies to an annoying degree, and as we get more public domain horror movies expect ANOTHER switch back to sincere fairy tale fodder.
But until then, let's talk about this parkour elf and his blue cheese touch.
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Backstory: Crystal Cove has a Reneissance Faire! Which the gang attends, displaying all their personalities in the costumes they chose to dress in. Notice how Shaggy and Scoob are dressed like pirates? Well that's plot relevant!
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An Evil Gnome has been terrorizing the faire, attacking those who come as pirates despite the medieval themed dress code. I don't know why, I'm pretty sure by 2010 pirates as a fandom were already petrified by a certain Disney Franchise's later films.
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Yep, Petrification! A really cool power that's seldom used, but when it is doesn't it look cool? I love the iridescent glowing blue veins that grow on the victims as they freeze in place. Neither freezing them in ice nor encasing them in stone, but still immobilizing them in a way that would be indistinguishable from "real" magic.
As for the rest of the plot, you may have started to notice that almost every gang member has been getting kidnapped at some point to give the gang something to act irrational over - Velma and Scooby fighting over the parrot from Shaggy's pirate costume when he's taken for example, giving Daphne some reprieve.
Mr. E offers his two cents on Shelma at the end of the episode, for reasons that'll become apparent later.
As the day goes on and the suspects, all dwarves or otherwise very short people, are dismissed, the gang finally trap the athletic Gnome with a good old pit. But not before Daphne actually gets to one up the gnome, using the one thing all fairies and other anklebiters fear - steel!
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Design: The Gnome is a classic fairy tale creature, and I love how MI's version has been redesigned to keep all the goofy, fantastical elements in place without straying too far to make it scary. It wears tattered clothing barely held together by some stitches where the sleeves connect, consisting of a simple tunic with red pants. It has boots, though it could also just be black wrappings around its feet. It also wears black gloves, metal arm bracelets with large bolts attached to them, a buckled sash, and a large, stitched-up red gnome cap.
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Its face is where it gets really good, with regular humanoid features exaggerated as they would be for a regular gnome - mostly a large nose and ears that stick out - but made extra freaky with beady yellow eyes with no irises, only red pupils. Its skin is also warty and a decrepit, green-tinged blue. Its eyes are even sunken in, making it look more like a corpse that's begun to mold.
Its powers include the ability to run and hop like a trained athlete, leaping around so fast he can't be captured or evaded, alongside a touch that paralyzes. This actually makes him one of the more physically threatening foes the gang's faced. And I like that the applies to a goofy man with a cowboy mustache and long beard tied into pigtails.
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Reveal: Daphne evades the paralysis touch by hiding steel gauntlets under her dress, catching the gnome off guard. He then tries to escape but only ends up trapping himself in a previously failed spike pit. Once captured it's revealed that of the three main employees of the ren faire, it was actually the pirate-supporting jester Gill Littlefoot all along. He tried to frame his wife, the pirate-hating queen, in order to get control of her money.
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I am not qualified to discuss any protentional ableism displayed by Patrick Warburton in Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated.
5/5 Really cool take on a classic archetype seldom used for Horror, and so well executed that I think it'd actually work well for its own folk horror movie like The VVitch. I am genuinely surprised by how much I like The Evil Gnome.
P.S. I love the explanation that the petrification was caused by the toxin of a made-up species of Jellyfish. I love when shows tries to explain away gimmicks by using an exaggeration of real-life biology, like how Pufferfish toxin can be used to create "zombies".
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
4, 58 and 69 (nice) for Mio
4. if they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
this is an interesting one because the man is proficient in arcana and has extensively studied magic at some point in his life in order to obtain said proficiency, but he uses it purely based on Vibes and that's very sexy of him, and he doesn't really know spells as a result - not like people like Sav or Cai or Laz would.
the wording of this question is a little weird to me so i'm just going to name a spell that isnt at all accessible to mio based on class and the fact he won't ever get an 8th level spell: Sunburst... because that would fuck severely with the aesthetic and it targets what he hates most with what he adores most. poetic justice and so on and so forth
58. what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality?
i don't think he sees himself as a very integral part of the group at all. he's just kind of there. he has his connections to each of them and he does care in his own weird way about them, but he could leave and he wouldn't worry about them. it wouldn't feel great and he'd miss them, for sure, but he wouldn't be at all concerned that they wouldn't be able to cope with a fight or whatever comes next in his absence.
in terms of the reality... i'm unsure, honestly. utility wise, he can do a lot that we haven't really touched on in game. he has useful features for espionage and subterfuge, which isn't something we really run into or at least it's not a method Talisman like to use. he can deal damage, he can crowd control, he can tank well enough, and he buffs the party. he can do A Lot, but none of that is done in a way where he is the go-to for any of those things.
part of it stems from me not knowing what the fuck to do with a dnd character when i made him and gave him a ridiculously useless stat spread that we had to patch up with feats as he levelled up so he's not Optimised like some other PCs, and part of it kind of came along when i played him and developed him and kind of understood that the narrative reason that he's a jack of all trades is because that's how he has to be if he wants to be a halfway decent king.
69. how would they describe their party members?
this is asking for trouble but the point here is you ASKED. i won't do wordy descriptions bc i dont have the braincells for that right now but shortform summaries are king, focusing a lot on how mio perceives everyone rather than Descriptions alone. let's go a-z
Alar: genuine bestie, a confidant, the perseverant edge to his own temperamental spirit. meryset, beloved of setekh but also beloved of ra. someone who understands the demands of divinity, and doesn't dismiss them. one of few people who could ask to walk into the hells and mio would follow. there's nothing more i can add.
Cai: a troublesome magpie, but a genuine friend. he brings laughter when it feels lost. that's an ability that can't be overstated, even if mio sometimes feels like he's gained another younger sibling to meticulously dance around at times.
Diric: strong and steady is a good descriptor. even in his worst moments he seems to have his head above water. in the same vein i think mio would describe him as frustrating, because he doesn't just lose his shit and bite back and scream and shout and throw a tantrum, and mio kind of wants to see it, to feel better. otherwise, though not as much at the forefront of the party since his return, mio still sees him as something of a compass to the group. and having shared some brief part of his life with diric, mio knows that in his heart he will always have a fondness for him, though it will take many different shapes and forms in the potential millennia he will live.
Laszlo: it is a strange echo with laz, there is a familiarity there in their station and perhaps some of the early experiences they had growing up but knowing that laz chose his new family and mio still holds onto his old one is perhaps a very telling schism between the two. mio respects him deeply, in the way he respected his tutors from the many colleges of Akhenaton - they held power in what they knew, and that could be dangerous, unchecked.
Savita: it's hard to know where to start. savita brings out the worst in mio, the pettiness, the self-importance, the indignance. but she also has good advice and is undeniably smart about the world, though maybe not wise. he struggles with her. he doesn't really know if they will reconcile that, ever, and while i don't think he's interested in bridging the gap, he's forced to accept the perspective she brings to the table. his feelings towards her are summed up by begrudging acceptance with a sprinkling of "you've shot me in the head and also saved my ass in equal measure and my gratitude and my pettiness cancel each other out into vague ambivalence"
Zinnan: like the feywild weaves and bends to whimsy and fleeting thought, mio's perception of zinnan traverses very unsteady ground. they're fascinating to talk to and they make appealing offers, but they're so untrustworthy. they're purposeful in action, but so aimless in themselves. you look at them one way and they appear in another. mio always enjoys his conversations with them, but he's always left feeling like he lost something in the process. he can't get a bead on them, but his one comfort is that you can always trust the untrustworthy to be just that.
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the-kingshound · 3 years
The third Arch Deleted Scene
The snippet here is a bit rushed at the beginning and in some other parts, as I did not want to go into even more spoiler territory. If you want to send me asks about this please be sure to advertise them as spoiler at the beginning, since not everyone will want to read them.
TW: blood, injury, poisoning, strong language.
3rd Arch – the seventh Trial
 Your stomach was knotted by dark swirling anxiety from the moment Arthur announced the diplomatic visit. You were familiar with the House, it kept being, after all, one of the most influent beside yours before and after the Emperor’s fall. This did not mean anything, though. Your homeland was beautiful but deadly, ready to swallow anyone whole to quickly digest them.
You promised yourself you were going to be at Arthur’s side at all times, and that’s precisely what you are doing now.
 Four days in, and the only major threat has been the amount of people wanting to interact with you. For the most part, Arthur smoothly deflects them to himself, for which you are endlessly grateful. You’re not in the mood to socialize, instead you keep on high alert, especially against the House leader and formal Ambassador.
You do not think he will pull anything while you’re here, after all you grew up together and you respected each other deeply, but one cannot be too cautious when the King is concerned – as demonstrated by the multiple scars that litter your body. You would go through all of it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping your King safe, but all you can do for now is stay by his side and keep the risks at minimum.
For this reason, when the Ambassador proposes a meal together with both yours and his knights, you are instantly weary.
“I don’t like this one bit, Arthur.”
“Me neither,” agrees Evaine, all the while lazily making their dagger spin on the table.
“I don’t deny that is not an ideal situation. On the other hand, a wrong move on their part would jeopardise their own negotiation,” counters Arthur as Morien finally snaps, blocking Evaine’s wrist with a tight grip and hissing an irritated “stop fooling around, for God’s sake!”
Evaine pouts. Yniol ignores them in favour of the matter at hand “they are certainly going to outnumber us, but if they wanted to attack us head on they would have done so before now, there were better opportunities. MC?”
You really think it through before answering “I wouldn’t put it past the Ambassador to try something, direct or more subtle, while we’re so exposed and out of our physician. Lania is not the head of his House for nothing, but aside from that he was always particularly attached to the Empire. We can’t afford to underestimate him.”
“Yes, yes” interjects Morien, having by now freed Evaine’s hand and left the table, dismissing themselves from the meeting “I’ll be prepared in any case. I swear you manage to hurt yourselves everywhere we go.”
And so dinner begins. It is a boring affair, but you won’t let yourself relax until it’s over. You sip on your wine, closely inspecting the hosts for any sudden or unusual movement. You find none, but you stiffen and your brows furrows. There’s something strange in your mouth, something strangely… bitter.
Time seems to freeze in front of your eyes. With an uncoordinated, panicked movement you jerk on the table and bat away Arthur’s cup, spilling its content on the table.
You place your hand on the table to support you as you rise, your dilatated pupils numbly fixed on the red liquid that’s quickly staining the tablecloth. It feels like an hour but actually only a second has passed before you regain your senses.
“Seize them.”
Arthur and his Knights are no longer seated by now, but the Ambassador’s men have drawn their weapons as well and pointed them to your delegacy, effectively halting their movements. You see icy red and do not spare another glance at the man now placed on your back while you snarl in the envoy direction.
Placing your fingers on the hilt of your sword, you hiss an enchantment to track the magic residue and the culprit is revealed in front of your eyes. Ignoring the taste of iron on your tongue, you spit out another enchantment and the room’s door is locked close with a lout snap. They will not get away.
Unfortunately, you lack the ability to free Arthur and the Knights, you are now surrounded and painfully outnumbered, but you know they can hold on until you have taken care of the threat at hand. You cough blood and half crash on the floor, but you ignore the alarmed voices of your Knights and crawl in the Ambassador’s direction.
How dare he. How dare.
“My, Lord…”
“Let them,” a voice says to your back “they will not go far.”
“How dare you” your breaths are ragged, your intestines raw and burning, your voice rough for the acid that invades your throat. The Ambassador’s face is a mask of contempt and stony resolution. He watches, halting his men while they try to block you, as you half-crawl to him, gripping with iron strength the wooden chairs to keep yourself upright.
“I have the upper hand, King Arthur. I’m afraid you are in no position to make such demands.”
“Release us, and call a physician for my spouse, and I will consider letting this incident go without consequences.”
Arthur’s voice is steady, calm and there is only a hint of something sharper, at least for now.
You can’t see your King, but the sound of his voice sends shivers down your spine. They tried to kill him. The House you grew up to respect is full of nothing more than vile traitors.
As your strength start to waver, you lose your balance and crush to the ground with the chair you were pushing your weight on. Still, you get up again and you and fix your gaze on the second born, now Ambassador and traitor “I’ve had enough of you.”
You take a shuddering breath, your lungs filled with blood that’s now spilling over to your lips as you speak, but the pain you feel is nothing compared to the hot, blinding rage that’s consuming your every thought. Still, your voice is, as ever, cutting cold “you invite us here, offering a pacific discussion, and all you provide are poison in our drinks and weapons against my Knights and my King’s throat. You’ve exhausted my patience, Lania.”
You see him flinch at the use of his name. You remember a time long gone when you played together as kids, swearing you would be the ones to restore the Empire uniting your two Houses. Now these are broken promises and rotten friendships.
“MC,” the Ambassador says, “it’s over, you have to understand that.”
“Oh, you just wait,” interjects Evaine, almost immediately silenced by the Ambassador’s men.
You cough and choke on blood, and you can feel the physical weight of Arthur’s and the Knights’ worried eyes on your back, but you exhale and grip tighter your sword’s hilt. A wave of raw power invades your body and you are able to focus again.
“You know what I’m capable of, what I am willing to do for my King,” your voice is almost devoid of intonation, save for unforgiving hardness. His gaze falls on your non dominant arm and then on your throat, scarred by a thin horizontal line “I will gut you and feed you to my hounds. You’ll die like the backstabbing coward you are.”
They know as well as you do that you don’t make empty promises. There is a rustle around you that culminates in a sharp sigh from the Ambassador and swords pointed at your neck.
“Must we really do this, MC? I cared for you once, but you know that I will not hesitate to strike you down if you give me reason to do so.”
You don’t draw black nor move a single muscle, your eyes find Arthur’s blue ones and you find the King is dangerously immobile, his fingers brushing against Excalibur’s hilt in what could be mistaken for a soothing caress. When he speaks, his voice bears nothing else but firm command “you will not do that.”
Lania cocks his head to the side, appearing quite unbothered “oh?”
“How is your sister, Ambassador?”
At the same time as Lania stills, you blink. A violent cough than shakes your chest, and when your senses are fully back and you can breathe again Arthur has kept going with the same calm, calculated demeanor “I want to remind you that together with the Lord the wedded she’s now head of the Merthian feud, the nearer one to the south-eastern border.”
“What does it-“
“I am the one in control of the knights tasked with their protection. As per the arrangement we signed weeks ago, the border is under Camelot’s defence. But if I die, or if my spouse dies, my knights will retire, Ambassador.”
Oh, Arthur is not King for nothing. He is striking where it hurts the most – family – without even an drop of blood shed. You don’t hide a proud, feral smile at this. Almost immediately, blood invades your throat again, you can feel its taste on your togue, but you shove the pain back where it started in your burning stomach. You shiver. You love and hate seeing your King like this.
Lania swiftly unsheathe a long, curved dagger and you are immediately ready to bolt– swords to your throat be damned, you’ve had worse – but he makes no move in Arthur’s direction for now.
“Figured you had to hit low to get a reaction.”
“Release us,” Yniol commands, standing tall near the King.
“No” spits out Lania, his composure now fully broken “you stole our independence and our pride, Pendragon, you humiliated us and stripped our Houses of the opportunity to unite again. You are every bit of your father’s blood!”
He then turns to you, his eyes frantic, his expression pained and almost feral “I thought you were on my side!”
Blood rushes to your ears, a high-pitched whistle the only thing you’re able to hear at the moment. You feel sick. Sicker than before – sicker than what you’ve felt in years. You spit blood on the floor, your answer is weak and unnaturally subdued, “it was a- a long time ago.”
“We were like siblings!”
You can’t say anything, you only choke on your words. All that you manage to do is keep yourself upright only thanks to your sword.
“They are right, you really are your King’s hound, nothing more than Camelot’s bitch,” he tries the next word in his mouth like they were both foul and inevitable “the haghàn bajek*.”
Your vision is overcome by whit spots, your skin hot and freezing cold.
“Kill them all.”
You force yourself to focus. Protect your Knights. Protect your King.
After that it is pure, unbidden chaos. You tighten your grip on your sword, assessing where you’re needed the most. With the corner of your eye you spot Arthur, he’s a beautiful fighter, he is no match for – Lania.
Your magic flares alongside most of your nerve endings as you sprint in his direction, interjecting his blow with your own weapon. Unfortunately, the Ambassador is a skilled opponent and you’re already considerably weakened, all you can do is channel in your arms the strength of your steel determination to not let him reach your King.
“Stop trying to defend an enemy, MC!”
“Stop trying… to kill him.”
You are barely managing to defend yourself when Lania strikes back. You catch the dagger with your arm, it pierces through your skin just over your elbow but it won’t reach its intended target. No one will hurt your King while you’re still breathing. No one.
Pain paralyzes your arm, your breath is stuck in your throat together with a blood clot that feels intrusive and that fills you with panic. The finishing blow never comes, though. As you inhale again, you refocus on the room’s occupants and notice how Arthur’s Knights have the clear upper hand.
“Ah, and you thought you could beat the Round Table so easily,” Evaine all but purrs in a knight’s ear “that’s precious.”
“Stand down” Gawaine commands “you’re surrounded.”
You can hardly distinguish the shapes of your own knights, you’re nauseous, your stomach and throat are on fire. You fall down on your knees, exhausted and hurt. You feel like you’re going to throw up–
Where is Lania, where is –  
“Kai, get Morien here, please.”
Arthur’s voice is soothing, as ever, but tainted with worry. You can’t make his face out. There are arms supporting your weight, not his but equally familiar – Yniol?
“It’s going to be alright, dear.”
It’s the last thing you hear before the world goes black.
  *haghàn bajek = [REDACTED] traitor
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mlwritingprompts · 2 years
Submitted Prompt: Akuma Rebellion
Heroes' Day AU because the whole Scarlet Moth plan shouldn't have even succeeded.
"Hawkmoth, I give you the power to akumatise as many people you want."
Gabriel's magical costume changed as Catalyst boosted his miraculous' ability, and he then spammed the red butterflies and threw them at the population who were still horrified and crushed by the sight of one of their heroes akumatised, and the other turned to ash.
As the connection to the minds of the dozens of citizens he turned into akumas was established, he told Nathalie that he will be going to move so he will be able to coordinate his army of akumas, and left his lair, going to the Eiffel tower while calling for a few akumas such as Stormy Weather, Guitar Villain and Prime Queen to protect him and show the news of his appearance to crush the morals of the heroes and the rest of the population alike.
As the trio appeared in front of him, they looked for a few moments in silence as if pondering something before they spoke to him.
"So you are Hawkmoth?"
Stormy Weather asked looking curious.
"Yes, I am, now focus on the battle." Gabriel dismissively answered her before telling her to pay attention on getting the miraculouses, and as he looked away from the trio, he failed to see the trio's faces taking furious expressions.
"Oh, Hawkmoth, you really came at a very good time, now DIE!"
It was only thanks to sheer luck that Gabriel managed to evade the lightning created by Stormy Weather, shocked at the surprise attack, but he failed to get away from Guitar Villain's blast attack and he was forcefully blown away from the tower.
Prime Queen took a phone and used her ability to enter it, and thanks to Robustus having control over almost all the machines, she connected herself with all the screens in Paris, and sent a message to be heard by everyone in the city.
"Hawkmoth had appeared, now's our chance to crush him!"
The akumatised victims stood still for only a second, stopping their fights against the heroes, and then completely ignoring the surprised miraculous holders, quickly ran away from them, moving rapidly towards where their mental link told them where Hawkmoth was thrown into.
Akumas, beings that are born due to the Butterfly miraculous, corrupted and used for evil, and created from the negative emotions of people.
They are not, unlike what Gabriel seems to forget most of the time, a bunch of mindles puppets he can control however he likes.
They are created from a living being's desires, wishes and what they feel strongly about when a connection is made, and they will always move to fulfill that desire before anything else.
This is why they don't focus on getting the Miraculous like he wishes right away, choosing to do what they were created to do first, and only caring about what he wanted them to do after their objective was already fulfilled, or their objective itself required that they deal with the heroes, or if their goal was being sabotaged by them.
And this is where Gabriel made a huge mistake, as he didn't account for what their goals and desires will be in this scenario.
They had just saw (the illusion of) their heroes either turned into villains or killed, causing them a great deal of grief and despair, and another burning emotion of pure rage that was already there against the villain who caused all this terror on them.
Him Akumatising them only made them focus on that hatred, to strongly latch onto it, as grief and horror and rage consumed them.
Why would they obey him or care about his wishes?
They loathed him, hated him, they wanted to destroy him, for all the pain he caused them, for the suffering he had them live through, for continuously forcing his will on them, for making them watch in horror as their friends, families and loved ones were turned into villains forced to do his bidding.
Why would they care about this atrocious person or any of his selfish goals?
They won't, what they want is to give him the despair he gave them, to make him regret what he forced them to endure, and he had just foolishly given them the power to do so.
Which is why even as Gabriel was rising up from the ground, still reeling from the shock of all what just happened in these few seconds, the Akumas, his victims who are now determined to finish him off, had already started their rampage against him.
The sky, already full of black clouds, started unleashing heavy rain and lightning towards Hawkmoth's general area, as he tried to escape, but it was already futile, as the water around him started to freeze thanks to Frozer's power, and all the while, Princess Fragrance was unleashing her mind-controlling perfume.
Troublemaker was phasing though the ice directly towards him, with Vanisher alongside her, and Mime was using his ability to create an invisible barrier to lock the villain inside so he won't escape by jumping above, while few others surrounded him so if he was able to break the ice, he will be punched to oblivion by them.
The result was a foregone conclusion at this point.
As that was happening, Robustus took control of the machines in Paris, easily finding Catalyst, who was horrified and angry at the turn of events. Robustus activated the defensive mechanisms in the evil lair, and rockets and machineguns made themselves known, locking on the terrified Akumatized assistant, blowing up the Agreste mansion as a result as Catalyst flew away, injured but not dead, as her Akuma form was weaker than usual due to being created primarily to heavily focus on supporting other's abilities than fighting on her own. But even a weaker Akuma is still stronger than a normal person.
Catalyst fell on the ground, but she was hit by a large wave of water from Syren and was thrown towards Simon Says, who easily used his cards to control her.
The result was that in only three minutes since Hawkmoth's appearance, he was easily defeated by his own "army", and his accomplice quickly dealt with.
Marinette and the rest of heroes looked in bafflement as the Akumas easily defeated the terrorist who tormented the city, as he was forced into giving his Miraculous and his assistant's to the heroes, and exposing his identity as well.
A very poetic ending, wasn't it?
A tyrant ending up defeated by the rebellion from the very people he tormented.
And Marinette and the rest will make sure he won't be able to hurt anyone else anymore after freeing the citizens from the akumatisation.
Rewatching the season 2 finale, I never understood how no akuma decided to attack Gabriel.
Like, yeah, if the power of the Butterfly was giving power to someone and completely controlling them, I can understand, but mind-controlling the akuma is not exactly in the Butterfly's powers; Gabriel can talk with his akumas and even hurt them, but not outright controlling them. That was a in-universe rule that was made clear a few times.
But the Heroes' Day blatantly said "screw that!" and magically had all the akumas fully obeying him, when they should be obliterating his sorry butt due to all the trauma he caused, especially since the very reason they became his prey was due to him making them think he literally killed their heroes.
I normaly would have no problem with this; Cool Factor is a normal thing in kid shows, and it is usually fun to see the characters to act like they're playing "make-believe", but this show is wanting us to take it seriously (I recall Astruc literally saying a variant of "it's a deep show" somewhere) while hiding behind the "it is a kid show" excuse to not explain anything awful.
But it also blatantly wants us to ignore the blatant racism, misogyny, and to root for horrible actions and see them as Cool (White Rich Man Gabriel brainwashing people because it's apparently awesome, somehow) and Romantic (White Rich Boy Adrien's harassment of Kid Of Color Marinette, anyone?).
And the writers wonder why some people hate this show very much.
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heliads · 3 years
Follow Me Through (Part Four)
Y/N L/N doesn’t hate anyone the way she hates Peter Maximoff. When Peter vanishes one day and Professor Xavier asks her to travel through the dimensions to find Peter in a town called Westview, she’s sure it won’t end well.
previous / masterlist
a/n: wasn’t planning on doing another part but @elaineygrace​ had a good suggestion so you know we had to keep going 🤩
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You’re still kissing Peter when you hear the voice in your head. It’s not much, barely a gentle nudge at the corner of your mind, but it’s enough. Peter’s hands pause on the small of your back, and after a moment, he leans away. “They’re trying to find us.” You groan, calling up some remnant of your abilities so Professor X and Jean can’t see you. As much fun as it would be to explain to them why you were suddenly kissing Peter, you don’t much enjoy the thought of that discussion.
Peter pulls you close, still unwilling to head out the door despite the growing urgency of the mental nudge. “They’re probably wondering where we are and what happened.” You frown up at him. “Didn’t you tell them?” Peter shakes his head. “I ran out the second you left. I wasn’t thinking about them- you were my main priority.” You flash him a grin. “That’s cute, Peter.” He rolls his eyes. “It was a moment of weakness. I’ll try to avoid it.”
You glance between the two of you, at the way his arms are still around your waist and his lips only reluctantly away from yours. “I’m sure you will.” Peter laughs quietly. “Maybe not.” He presses one last kiss to your forehead, then steps slowly away. “Want to head back? I think they’ll start tearing the school apart if they don’t find us.” You nod, walking towards the door. “Let’s go explain ourselves.”
Xavier, Jean, and Hank are still in the lab when the two of you drift back into the room. The Professor has two fingers raised to his temples, evidently still attempting to find you. He sighs in relief and consternation when he sees the two of you. “You could have given us some warning before running out.” Jean turns to you, but her shared worry starts to melt away into confusion when she looks at you and Peter. Her eyes dart between the two of you, at the way you’re standing so close to each other without making any efforts to avoid one another. Her brow furrows, but before she can say anything Hank raises a hand.
“So, did everything work?” Grateful for the distraction from Jean, you step forward. “Yeah. I used my powers on the transporter and I found myself in Westview. After a little bit of searching, I found Peter. He was under some sort of spell, but I was able to break it after a while.” Xavier frowns. “What kind of spell?” You shrug. “Some sort of mind control thing. I think it was meant to keep him in the town. It wasn’t the best thing to deal with.”
Peter shudders. “Never again. It was awful.” Hank straightens up from the transporter in his hand with a look bordering on bewilderment. “Did you two just agree on something?” You raise an eyebrow. “Is that so strange to you?” Hank waves a hand dismissively, but that doesn’t stop him from turning to Xavier with a did you see that question burning behind his eyes. Peter looks between Hank, an equally confused Professor, and a fascinated Jean before a gleam starts to dance in his eyes.
Peter leans over you, casually draping an arm around your shoulders. He acts like it’s nothing at all, but from the way the three other mutants are staring at you, he might as well have broken into a song and dance routine. He glances over at them. “Do we need to do anything else, or are we free to go?” Jean stares at him. “Are you sure you’re not still under mind control?” Peter laughs. “No, I’m good. I’ve got Y/N, right? Everything’s going great.”
The Professor remains silent, and Peter takes that as his cue to leave. He guides you to the door, opening it for you before returning his arm to your waist. You can practically feel Jean burning holes into the back of your head as you walk away. You turn to Peter once the door closes behind you, eyebrow raised. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were enjoying this.” Peter just grins. “Maybe I am. Are you going to tell me you aren’t having fun?”
His grip tightens slightly around your waist, pulling you close to his side so he can press a kiss to your cheek. Your irritation disappears entirely, replaced by a swooping feeling in your stomach. “I’m not going to respond to that.” As the two of you walk through the hallways, you notice with an amused smile that Jean, Xavier, and Hank aren’t the only ones to be utterly bewildered at the sudden reversal in your relationship with Peter. A few students who know you well and know how much you used to hate the silver-haired speedster look at you like you’ve gone mad.
You glance over at Peter, noting the usual mischievous glint in his eyes. “We’re attracting stares.” Peter contemplates Storm, who’s practically stopped walking in shock at the sight of you. “We always did. We’re devastatingly attractive.” This is enough to make you choke on laughter, and the victorious grin on Peter’s face tells you he said it just to mess with you. “I hate you.” Peter doesn’t hesitate for a second. “No you don’t. You love me, remember? You kissed me in the middle of Westview.” You swat his shoulder, although you can’t shake a smile. “We all make mistakes.” Peter tilts his head to the side, considering this. “Maybe, but I don’t think this was.” It isn’t- not for a second.
Your paths have to part soon after that. You still have to go to school, even after jumping into another dimension to rescue your arch rival and fall in love with him shortly after that. The Professor timed the Westview mission so that you would arrive just before the school day started, ensuring that you wouldn’t miss a minute of your classes. Sometimes, you wish he wasn’t the head of the school just so he could cut you a break, but unfortunately not. So, you reluctantly leave Peter behind for the droning of your history teacher, although it would be lying to say that you paid attention to a word of the lesson. You happen to be thinking about other things, like that alternate New Jersey suburbia and the boy you rediscovered in it.
You have a fairly long break in your schedule after lunch, and make your way through the grounds during the afternoon. The sun drenches everything with a golden, hazy glow, especially the tousled silver locks of the boy you stumble upon outside. Peter is lying on a grassy hill, far enough away from the school for a little peace and quiet. He cracks open an eye when he sees you, then reaches out an arm. You have to laugh. “You look like you died an hour ago.”
Peter pouts. “Mean. Traveling between dimensions takes a lot out of you, you know.” You roll your eyes. “You’re forgetting that I made that trip too.” Peter waves a hand dismissively. “I was under mind control. Got you there.” You laugh. “Is the strain of having someone force you to forget me so exhausting?” Peter stretches out an arm to you once more, and when you ignore him a second time, he pauses for a second before a blur of silver envelops you.
Suddenly, you’re lying on the grass next to Peter, one of his arms draped casually across your back from where he’d carried you over. You prop your chin up on your hands. “I guess you’re not tired enough to drag me over here?” Peter doesn’t respond, just leans forward to kiss you. You’re still not used to this, to the casual displays of affection that proves he loves you, so you lie there, feeling a blush creep over your cheeks. Peter grins at this. “I just like being able to kiss you without being stopped by the mind control.”
You laugh, feeling the wind blow cool air against the heat in your cheeks. “You’re a terrible flirt.” Peter shrugs. “Maybe. Do you know how many times I wanted to kiss you in the middle of that town and I couldn’t do anything about it? It was awful.” He kisses you again, letting his hands linger on your back and across your shoulders. Between the sun, the warm summer air, and his lips on yours, you feel like you could melt away into the day and never surface again.
You lean your head back against Peter’s chest, feeling the gentle tickle of his breath on your forehead. “You know, I keep thinking about what that Agnes woman said. Something about how I was a ‘child of the Infinity Stones’ or whatever. Did you know what she was talking about?” Peter ponders this. “While I was under the mind control. I kept feeling like I was living with two sets of memories. She gave me some backstory that I think belonged to the real Pietro, and some information about her dimension. It was strange- I think their version of us is called the Avengers, and they had to deal with the Infinity Stones a while back. They gave people a lot of power or something. There were six of them- mind, reality, soul, time, power, space.”
You nod slowly. “I guess that makes sense for me, why I keep being able to do different things. Like, I can stop Jean from reading my mind but I can also summon magical energy. It never made sense before.” Peter thinks this over, then reaches out and grabs a rock from the hill beside him. He tosses it once in his hand before holding it up. “Can you move it? One of the stones was reality, right?” You furrow your brow, focusing. You hold out your hand, and the rock shimmers slightly in the air before rising, changing color like a chameleon. Now it is black, then sapphire blue, then an all too familiar silver.
Peter beams. “You’re thinking of me.” You give him a look before shifting the rock’s color to blue again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your reward for this act of rebellion is a kiss on the forehead instead of the lips. You’re about to chastise him for this, but then you hear the sound of footsteps stopping right next to you and you freeze, looking up as casually as you dare.
Jean stands before you, mouth slightly open as she stares with unabashed horror. You realize how this looks- Peter lying on his back on the grass, you curled up next to him in the crook of his arm. She points a finger between the two of you, moving it back and forth as she struggles to comprehend what she’s seeing. “You- Peter-” Her voice breaks off. “I thought you wanted to kill him!”
You shrug. “I guess I changed my mind.” Jean squints at you in confusion. “What does that mean? How is it that you disappear for a second to another dimension and then come back like-” She gestures wildly between the two of you- “Like this? What happened in Westview?” Peter flashes Jean a cocky grin. “It’s a secret. We’ll never tell.” She gives him a look before turning back to you. “Are you sure you’re not the one under mind control? I mean, you couldn’t stop complaining when the Professor asked you to go help Peter in the first place. Now you’re what, spending quality time together?”
Peter looks over at you, amused. “You complained?” You glance over at him, feeling a self-conscious smile starting to drift over you. “Yeah. I tried to make Jean do it but she wouldn’t let me.” Jean shudders. “I’m beginning to think I should have agreed. I think something seriously wrong has happened in the world.” You laugh, waving a hand at her. “You hated Scott for the longest time before you let him get close to you. Is it that surprising that someone else might do the same?”
Jean looks at you plaintively. “Yes, obviously.” Peter sits up slightly, careful not to move you. “Are you here for a reason, or just to gape at us? We have quality time to get to.” Jean seems suddenly swarmed with regret that she came over here. “I am going to leave now. If the world begins to fall apart, at least I’ll know that there was a warning sign.” You wave a cheerful goodbye to your friend as she turns and walks back to the school.
Peter watches her go. “I’m not sure she approves of us.” You laugh. “I’m not sure she’s come to terms with it. I mean, the last words I said to you before you switched dimensions were a death threat.” Peter leans back against the grass. “Yeah, but you didn’t mean it. Anybody could tell that.” You look over at him. “Anybody?” Peter nods. “Anybody. Even me.” When he kisses you again, you let all thoughts of other mutants and alternate dimensions fade away. The world shrinks away to only feature you, and Peter, and the fact that for the first time you finally get to fall in love with him. Nothing is in your way.
peter maximoff tag list: @enchantedcruelsummer​, @awaywiththe​, @amourtentiaa​
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
Ghost9 as Supernatural Beings (Supernatural AU)
I saw someone else do something similar to this with Cravity and them falling for a human so I might do that afterward and tag the original creator. Also I might be using a lot of the same creatures as the other person to which I apologize for, but they do fit the member really well.
Junhyung -> Werewolf
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The Alpha of his pack
Acts cold and tough, in order to keep his position
but secretly hates it
He doesn't like changing into his werewolf form or having to deal with people challenging him or other packs
Wishes he could be normal and not have to keep up his persona
Dongjun -> Merman/Siren
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His voice is heavenly
Loves to secretly charm humans from under ocean decks
Sometimes wishes he could be human too and experience human life
But normally just the little singing interactions with people is good enough for him
Unless he finds bad people, he has the ability to use his voice to control people and will use it if absolutely nessessary
Shin -> Wizard/Sorcerer
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Genuinely enjoys what he does
As long as everything goes right and he doesn't accidentally hurt someone or himself
Tries to ignore the bad world of wizards and sticks to personal study and improve himself
Would occasionally use his magic to help other people when needed
Or use it against bad people if he gets pushed past his breaking point
Kangsung -> Angel
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Enjoys his duties but another one that would secretly like to experience human life and then quickly dismisses it
Tends to be really likeable among the other angels
Does get kinda lonely though
But he has too many duties to think about it long
Only certain days like that when he's stressed out does he wonder more about the human world
Junseong -> Hybrid
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Definitely not playing into the 'Junseong Furry' joke
It does kinda fit though
Would be very playful, and sometimes messes around with normal people when they are in the woods
Doesn't normally wish to be human, another one that enjoys what he does and has other hybrid friends
Other than occasional arguments between other hybrid groups, but is mostly happy and content
Prince -> Vampire
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Another one that has to keep up a cold exterior and secretly hates it
Does the Vampire Diaries thing of trying to avoid feeding on humans by using animals instead
But also does have moments where if he smells human blood for too long, he could snap
Feels guilty about it for a long time though, and usually goes into hiding
Surviving the way he does is tolerable, but it's moments like those that make him want to be a normal human
Woojin -> Fairy
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He just suits it lol
Loves to just watch people taking forests walks
I kinda picture him as being a Tinkerbell and makes little random contraptions out of different forest droppings
And while he does like to watch people, he's normally pretty shy of them, thinking that they'd hurt him with their larger figures
Sometimes gets lonely too, but he'll find something to do eventually
Taeseung -> Shapeshifter
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Usually just turns into animals and enjoys life
Is mostly found either being a cat, a dog, or some type of reptile
Loves to become a dog and beg humans for food, or find human companions and spends time with them
Normally pretty happy with his life
Also has to ability though to turn into mythological creatures and while he normally doesn't hurt people, he'll definitely turn into like a dragon or something just to scare away bad people
Jinwoo -> Demon
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Hates that he has to be evil
Never likes or wanted to hurt people
Tries his best to stay away from everyone
But when he goes so long without feeding he loses it, and really loses it
Goes from being innocent to enjoying his evil natural, and then goes back into hiding, regretting everything
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt.4)
Not all heroes wear capes
Kaylan stood tall on the roof of the building. The spotted heroin was having trouble keeping herself safe.
 For the love of God please work!
 Closing her eye she took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, her yellow green eyes glowed and she swung her rope lasso and threw it towards ladybug. The loop secured at ladybug’s waist that made the said hero startle. With a strong tug Kaylan pulled the hero upward before she started falling down right in her arms. (here)
Her mind was exploding with worst case scenarios like a bullet train. The feeling of rope and the strong pull made her believe that she was going to be out of commotion just like that. But the moment she landed in someone’s arms, she was startled to see her savior.
 For as long as Marinette can remember, she never got fascinated by some glowing eyes. And she never voiced that. Not once in the future.
The beeping from the earrings startled them both. Ladybug looked around.
Thank you for your help but I need to recharge.
 Ladybug kept looking for any place to hide. With a wave Kaylan made a blue colored cube. The shocked face didn’t go unnoticed by her but she ignored it.
 It’s my magic. I made sure no one can’t either see or hear you.
 The spotted heroin who looked baffled at the sudden reveal couldn’t process what was actually happening. Rolling her eyes Kaylan pushed the other girl to the cube.
 Tsk! get inside.
 Once she was safe inside, Kaylan turned to observe the situation. From what she gathered from Marinette’s general information and her own research she just needed to find the thing that has the magical butterfly in it.
While the whole situation looked abstruse, she knew as a magic user herself, it was possible to defy logic rather easily and the living proof was rather in front of her.
 Since I saw many victim with the mind control ability the minions are nothing but an obstacle. Considering that they can turn the other like themselves it would be best if they could be separated from the main boss.
With the speed of lightening, the knife was at speaker’s neck. Ladybug looked frightened for a moment but it was gone. With a sigh she put the knife away.
 I believe that you are Ladybug.
 And you are new in Paris.
 And how do you know that?
Considering I know almost everyone in the city and I don’t think that there would be someone with such abilities here. It kind of give away.
 Kaylan looked away from the heroin and looked at the crowd that gathered at the base of the building trying to climb up.
 Your partner is incompetent.
 *sigh* I know.
 I have a few plans that can help you but it involved me in a dangerous situation.
 A surprise gasp left her lips as ladybug looked at the other girl astonished.
  I can’t put the life of a civilian in danger.
 Well too late for now.
Looking at what she was pointing at, ladybug felt a little nauseous. There wasn’t a single civilian in sight that was not affected by the akuma.
 Give me a few sample plans and I will tell you your role.
 The words forced themselves out of her mouth but she didn’t seem to care. There was a hint of frustration and helplessness hidden by the sheer determination in her eyes. A smirk made its way towards her face making the spotted heroin regret her words by a long shot.
This is so nauseating. Do they eat brain? Do you think they die if we crush their heads?
 A high pitched excited voice pierce through the crowd and every minion looked at the general direction. The shadow of two people behind a wall could be seen.
 Would you shut up? Your glass shattering voice is making me deaf.
 Excuse me?!
Geez you’re scaring the akuma with that voice. I think they are bleeding from their ears. Screechy voice!
 My voice is not screechy! Everyone knows it. Just because they are weak and pathetic and can’t bear a little loud voice doesn’t mean I’m the one to blame. God forbade, that akuma just couldn’t get any other ability from Hawkmoth……….like seriously! Zombies! So third class! And there are so many akumas that had minions. Like no originality! Don’t they have copyrights!
 A tick mark appeared on the akuma’s head.
Get them whoever they are swarm them and break them apart. How dare they say that I’m weak? I’m the strongest akuma yet. Get them! Get them! Get them!
 In no time the minions ran towards the two people leaving the main akuma all alone.
 I can’t believe her plan actually worked.
The spotted heroin called from behind before dodging the beam and knocking the weapon from plague doctor’s hand and tying her from her other yoyo. The main yoyo broke the akuma item and captured and purify the butterfly.
 Bye bye little butterfly.
 After a miraculous ladybug, the spotted heroin comforted the victim. Kaylan jogged towards the pair and extended a card towards the victim.
 My mother is a psychiatrist. You can schedule a time with her and go for a therapy. I’m sure it will do well if you don’t have to bottle up all emotions.
 The nurse gave a strained smile and left promising that she will schedule the session so something like this never happens.
The sing song voice of the leather clad hero made the other one flinch. Chat noir came smiling like a Cheshire cat.
 Chat noir! One again you came late and got hit instead of listening to my plan. You need to take this seriously!
 But I always take you seriously.
 Ladybug felt like giving a hard slap to his face. He didn’t listen to a single word she said and just spoke of his fantasy. It was nice listen to these when he was a good hero. It helps when the stress got into her but now it is just plain irritating.
 Chat noir you need to be a serious hero!
I am a good hero! I always save you like a knight in shiny leather.
 Th-that’s not what I mean!
 The one sided argument was enough to bring a headache. With a big sigh she pushed chat noir away from ladybug making him tumble down on the ground. It was lucky that there weren’t people around yet but the time was limited.
 Ladybug you should leave. You need rest anyway.
 Ladybug sighed in relief and left quickly. Kaylan turned to the cat themed hero with a fierce glare making the said hero flinch. Grabbing him by the collar, she pulled him up to her level.
I’ll say it just once, you better stop making her do all the work you dumb, lazy cat or so god help me I’ll be the one you will have to worry about.
  You can’t say anything to me. You’re just a new girl who came here yesterday. Ladybug and I are destined to be together.
 Chat noir yelled while struggling to get away from her. For a girl she was strong, far stronger than he is and he was the one with the miraculous, he should have more strength than a normal girl.
 If you think that you can get out, well you thought wrong.
She shook him violently before shoving him to the wall, rather violently.
  I hate people who think they are heroes and deserve the best. You are one of those heroes. Acting all high and mighty and calling himself a hero while you do nothing to live up to that claim and ladybug had to do all the work.
  You……… how dare you………….
 The anger didn’t last a second when Kaylan slammed a knife right next to his cheek. Now it was sticking right there on the wall.
How dare I? How. Dare. You? You think that the world revolves around you and they owe you a favor. Or worse. Ladybug owe you something. I might be new to all this but I can assure you a single piece of magical artifact can’t decide your destiny. So ladybug don’t owe you her love. GET. THAT. THROUGH. YOUR. THICK. SKULL.
 Chat noir didn’t move a bit. He had been scolded before but as Adrien not as chat noir. And this girl, she not only dare to scold him but she is also disrupting the peace of his class. She even sits next to Marinette.
 This girl is dangerous, he need to warn Marinette or Marinette will be trouble.
During his inner turmoil, he didn’t notice her taking out her knife or leaving. When he did came to his senses she was turning a corner. He wanted to follow her but his miraculous started beeping.
 “Guess I’ll have to warn Marinette tomorrow.”
Stepping down to the stairs after classes was dismissed, Kaylan found herself being hugged by her mother. She was asking question at a rapid speed. Some relevant and some irrelevant. Well not like it mattered. Her mother was safe anyway.
  In a distance she saw Marinette looking at her. When their eyes met, she send her an apologetic smile before waving her and leaving towards the bakery.
 Guess I’ll be asking her tomorrow.
   Life was great. Even with hilariously dangerous situation.
(Fiction fact: 
Kaylan has magic. 
she can make solid structure. 
she didn’t said any type of incantation like Zatanna or Constantine. it makes her a different type of mage or maybe a superior one. 
Kaylan do not use magic much, instead she uses her knife, especially for threatening. ladybug was an exception.
the two shadows were illusion that she made and manipulated the emotions of the akuma to separate the minions and the main akuma.
 Ladybug is the only one that can be seen in the head to head fight. 
lucky charm of this akuma was yoyo)
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wingletblackbird · 3 years
My Complicated Thoughts on Merlin
I started watching Merlin because I’d seen a lot of posts about it on Tumblr and heard good things. I struggled to watch it once we got to Season 4 though. I don’t think I have ever experienced such a love/hate relationship with a series in my life. I’ve tried to figure out why I have so many mixed feelings. Writing this post is cathartic, and has led me to the ultimate conclusion that I am in love with the potential of this show, but I don’t actually like what we were given. 
The Portrayal of Oppression/Morgana’s Arc:
Morgana’s arc could have been way more interesting, but they skip over too much important character development that we needed to see. In the beginning we see that Morgana opposes Uther’s cruelty. She is portrayed as being compassionate. We sympathize with her plight, especially once she discovered she has magic. 
This leads to an interesting moral dilemma. Should Morgana simply assassinate the king? Is Merlin’s long-game with Arthur more effective or moral? Uther is killing innocents. A revolution might be considered just. 
Instead, extremely rapidly, Morgana is played as the bad guy simply because she has decided to betray Camelot. We see her slaughtering innocent people herself when she becomes Queen. Why this transition to becoming like Uther but with magic so quickly? It made sense for her to want to assassinate Uther. That does not immediately make her evil. That needed to be more gradual. I saw the motivation for her hatred of Uther. But how she became evil, that is not portrayed well at all. 
We see hints of Morgana’s self-centeredness when she refuses to leave the Druids even knowing they’ll be slaughtered. Examine that streak. Show how a good cause can be corrupted by someone who becomes drunk on hate and power. The show tries, but it doesn’t quite get there. Show me that even a righteous cause can be led by a corrupted individual. 
Worse, the show does not show the nuance in any satisfying way. Show me that Morgana’s crusade against Uther and Arthur can actually be justified given that the law indicates that they would kill her and her kind. Morgana could legitimately consider Merlin a traitor. Her initial opposition to Uther is justified. He has committed and is committing genocide. Killing him could be seen as defense herself and other innocents. This could be opposed to Merlin’s bloodless coup, if you will. Which is the better option? What are the pros and cons?
And speaking of such oppressions, Merlin frees Freya and helps with Mordred. We really could have afforded to see more about how Merlin helps sorcerers escape, or about an underground network in general. How do they see Merlin? Do they hope he will influence the future king? Do they see him as a traitor? We see hints of this throughout the show such as with Gilli, but the writers never truly take it there. The story with Gilli ended up being about the corruption of power etc., and I liked it, but there was more to that story that needed to be addressed. Is it right or wrong for Merlin to defend Uther? Does it depend on the context? There are many times Merlin does that.
How Merlin Views Arthur:
Speaking of oppression, let’s talk about the effect it has on the psyche of Merlin. When we first meet Merlin, he has a strong moral compass, and confidence in his abilities. What he does not have is good self-esteem. He wonders if he’s a monster. He struggles because he is so powerful with something that is hated and can get him and his loved ones killed. Imagine the kind of fear that can creep into your soul when you have been watching people like you get executed since you were a child. Worse, you struggle to control your own abilities. You love your magic, maybe, but you also loathe yourself for the danger. 
Merlin, then, is a prime target for believing in Destiny. It’s nice to think he has a purpose in this after all. It is pretty clear that the Dragon is being manipulative. I don’t blame him after being trapped for decades. But Merlin is vulnerable and initially starts to protect Arthur because he needs to think he has a reason to be the way he is and is not a monster.
Having said that, I think we can say that Merlin does quickly come to love and respect Arthur. He believes that Arthur is a good man and will lead a good kingdom. All of these are good reasons to stay in his service. It is a good way to eventually show Arthur that magic can be good, to get a kingdom without oppression and the bloodshed of a revolution, and to protect a man he considers a friend. 
The problem with this is that by the end of the third season, Merlin’s double or triple motivation seems to narrow down in focus to simply protecting Arthur. Okay...but when are you going to have him see magic is good? I understand Merlin not being able to outright say anything because that might make him seem like a sympathizer, or just because of a lifetime of fear. But after all that subterfuge with Dragoon the Great and you can’t come up with a way to show magic doing something good without implicating yourself? Trust in Arthur’s character that you extol?
The fact is that by not revealing his magic to Arthur at the multiple different opportunities offered implies that Merlin does not in fact believe that Arthur is the man Merlin claims he is. I equally understand that growing up under that kind of oppression Merlin is not thinking straight. (Gaius does not help.) Furthermore, once you’ve risked your life to protect a man, it can become very hard to back out because you’ve already lost too much. It can also be hard to admit to secrecy after years of a relationship. But Merlin’s actions show that in the end, he does not trust Arthur, which is why he was supposed to have been protecting him. This suggests that Merlin is really just being emotionally manipulated. He has grown up in this oppression, and wants to believe his magic is good, and he has sacrificed too much, lost too much, at his point so he protects Arthur...even at the cost of other’s of his kind. 
If anything, Merlin goes from a kind-hearted boy who rescued people like Freya...to being willing to turn a blind eye to their suffering....!? Merlin goes from confident in the first season, with a clear moral compass...to being less so later on? When in theory, especially with Uther dead, he should be safer? More willing to take risks? 
There is another military aspect to consider as well. Morgana is a legitimate threat and without magic, Camelot cannot defend itself well. By not telling Arthur about his magic, or by not finding a way to make Arthur think about magic, Merlin is endangering everyone in Camelot. Arthur cannot defend his kingdom without the tools he needs. Merlin is now disrespecting his king, and making the decisions that are Arthur’s to make. How can Arthur command his armies without vital information? Merlin is powerful enough to be able to flee Camelot on the off chance Arthur tries to execute him. (In which case, maybe Merlin should join the other side.) He chooses to risk every life in Camelot rather than reveal his secret and help Arthur plan. That was acceptable for a minor coup when Morgana first took over. It’s not so great as the stakes progress.  Merlin was always willing to risk his life to do the right thing. And yet, when it counts the most, when Arthur is the one on the throne, he doesn’t?
This is never addressed in any satisfactory manner. 
Arthur’s Arc and Unfulfilled Expectations: 
This leads us to Arthur’s character arc. If Arthur’s character had shown Merlin the same respect in later seasons as in the first couple, I don’t think Merlin would have been placed in the position of having to truly betray his kind or indicate his trust in Arthur was wrong. Arthur even early in their relationship, like with Valiant, listens to Merlin. However, in later seasons, after so many years of faithful service, (and being right), Arthur is quick to dismiss him. (And then even that might get reversed in a dime...what are the writers thinking?) Of everyone from the knights to Gwen, Merlin is afforded the least recognition or respect it feels like at times.
Arthur also in the beginning showed concern for his friend. Additionally, he showed great concern in his own constipated way for Merlin’s feelings when he was down. Not so much in the later years... Why?
Moreover, has Arthur really learned to treat everyone as equals? Or only the one’s who have done something for him?
I don’t blame Arthur for his stance on magic much, because he has little reason to believe otherwise. However, in the earlier seasons we see him defying his father over things like killing Mordred, a child. Yet, in later seasons, he never seems able to step out of his father’s shadow. Never seems to truly realize how abysmal his father’s rule was. The Arthur of the early seasons ought to have grown enough to be able to do that, and therefore safely allow magic again. This does not happen. He is shown as being devastated by what he did to the druids...is this ever followed up on? 
This leads into unfulfilled expectations. Arthur was supposed to usher in a period of peace. Did he? No. And no matter what Kilgharrah says, I’m not buying it. If they had framed Kilgharrah as lying about that and manipulating poor Merlin for revenge, it would have made for a dreadful tragedy. As it is, it’s just a huge let down. If they had shown Merlin to be a tragic victim of oppression and manipulation who ended up not serving the man he thought he was...it would have been horrifying but interesting. As it is, I just hate it. 
Why would I want to watch someone who has been oppressed and threatened with death, lose everything to protect what he hoped would be his friend and his freedom, only to have to live with just being used? And be told that eventually, if you wait long enough, then you will have succeeded? That this was a good thing?! Is framed as a good thing? NO! I was sold a story about a man in a position of power being befriended by a man who has been oppressed. The man in power learns from his friend and becomes a man who helps liberate the oppressed. Together they create a better world. Eventually, the man in power dies tragically and we all cry. Instead I got this absolute garbage.  
I can see why Merlin’s fandom is so prolific. It is perfect for fanfic, because we have an interesting premise and interesting characters, but god-awful canon-writing. BBC Merlin is garbage with potential. 
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cowtale-utau · 3 years
I know a certain Violet Queen who will be happy to see this go up ;p. Here are the basics of CT’s SwapFellPurple!Sans, aka Doc’s relationships.
Undertale Sans/Ace – These two ran into some conflict pretty early on. Doc is used to running things his way, and completely, where as Ace was not backing down. Eventually things settled down, as while Ace was the “leader” and would always have final say, he was also willing to let someone else do most of the work, so long as they worked in his allowed parameters. Doc deals with all the “menial administrative shit” that Ace hates. There is still a little of a grudge there but its at least a grudging acceptance. Undertale Papyrus/Lief – Lief is soft in ways Doc doesn’t always appreciate. While never needlessly cruel, Doc can be demanding, exacting, and abrasive. He expects people to do as they’re told and do so correctly. Lief is a much softer touch and often goes about “consoling” any “hurt feelings” after Doc has made his rounds. This is more than a little frustrating, and Doc often feels undermined. There have been arguments over it, and the two largely avoid directly interacting. Outside of “work” the two can be cordial, and while they will likely never be friends, there isn’t any animosity. Perhaps a little bitterness though.
Underfell Sans/Chisel – Doc doesn’t particularly care one way or another at this point. He doesn’t dislike Chis’s personality, in fact they do have some things in common, and can have decent conversations. There was a time Doc was very put off by the laziness of some of his counter parts, Chisel included, but has since let it go. Chis does work hard when he really needs to and his mechanical knowledge in invaluable. His opinion ultimately sits between appreciate, exasperation, and neutrality. Underfell Papyrus/Spur – These two did butt heads a fair bit at one point, but have since settled in to camaraderie. There was some issues with respective bossiness, both used to being in control. However Spur quickly caught on that he was never really “in charge” in any kind of practical way, and was in no way prepared to be now. While he was used to issuing orders, he had no expedience actually making people work. Once he acknowledged this, and that he had no interest in changing it, they got along much better. They often train and discuss techniques together when Doc has some down time.
Underswap Sans/Scout – Exasperation might be the kindest thing Doc feels for Scout. Very vaguely, distantly, fond exasperation. While he appreciates that Scout can work very hard, he is also frustrated by how erratic and easily distracted he is. It doesn’t help that Scout would sooner laugh than actually do any work he’s given by Doc. Underswap Papyrus/Piper – While there isn’t any particularly strong attachment here, Doc doesn’t mind Pip at all. He’s mostly quiet and largely stays out of Doc’s “circle”. He does his tasks well and is largely non-disruptive, which Doc appreciates.
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip – These two get along a lot better than most would expect. Doc has a surprising level of understanding of Whip’s mentality, and knows how to not only manage his moods but work with him on them. While neither would ever admit it, they can be found some mornings being catty gossips over coffee. Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote – Doc doesn’t mind Coy. When given a task, he does it well, and Doc appreciates that. Most would assume Doc would be annoyed by Coy’s “lack of initiative” but honestly he just see him as being rather ‘lost’ most of the time, something he can understand. While it was never really an issue for him personally, he does understand that the world and their place in it has rather been up-heaved and adjustment can be hard.
Horrortale Sans/Tender – They don’t interact one on one very often but they get along well enough. Doc pushes people and expects a lot, but he also actually quite reasonable and very understanding of different people’s limitations. He understands what Ten can and can’t do, and as the gang’s primary healer he makes sure to keep track of any changes. Tender is somewhat limited, but also very dedicated to what he can do, and Doc appreciates that. Horrortale Papyrus/Cook – Doc appreciates Cook. He has his role, and he does it to the absolute best of his ability without pushing himself too hard, important traits to earn Doc’s respect. They don’t have a ton in common, but they get along amicably.
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Doc is confident, self assured, and comfortable. He knows himself, and what he’s capable of. While Underground, Doc never gave much thought to his “self esteem”, keeping a single minded focus on making sure he and Flint had the best they could in any given circumstance. Upon reaching the Surface, he found he was quite satisfied with who he is. He does have the rare moment of insecurity, where he questions whether he actually deserves what he has and is, given his methods were not always the most morally upright, but it doesn’t take long for him to shake this. He did what he could and had to with what was available, and he refuses to apologize for it. Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint – Things have gotten much better for these two since surfacing. While they were always close, and often codependent, Doc was often also at odds with Flint over Flint’s addictions. It became a matter of “as long as it directly interfere in anyway, I’ll ignore it” for a long time. When reaching the surface, there was a fair bit of arguing but Flint has started getting it together, as many of the stressors he had previously are gone, and Doc is proud of his little brother’s efforts.
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Somewhere between solid friendship and grudging respect. There is a certain measure of playful competition between them, which as Fells can come off at times hateful to the outside eye. However it is something Doc has great fun with, and considers Haze a dear friend. Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus – Doc doesn’t mind how soft Cirrus is, but Cir does find him a bit intimidating. There is always an expectation that Doc will start bossing Cir around, and while at one point that may have been a possibility, Doc leaves Cir entirely to Haze. He appreciates Cir’s artistic talents, but has little time of his own for such pursuits. There is no dislike but Doc has firmly placed him in a “not my responsibility” box, so as to avoid any conflicts.
Underlust Sans/Shine – These two aren’t friends as far as Doc is concerned, but they do get along somewhat well. There are parts of Shine that grate deeply on Doc, but he is exceptionally clever in regards to all matters of the mind, and Doc can appreciate this. While confident in his own abilities, Doc does occasionally reach out to verify that his approach shouldn’t have adverse effects on the people involved. Underlust Papyrus/Calico – Calico is a strange and enigmatic sort, and Doc is largely ambivalent to him. While he doesn’t especially mind Cali, there is something unsettling to him that puts Doc, who much prefers the concrete to the esoteric, on edge.
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Doc and Shuff bond over their mutual like of children and teaching/guiding. They don’t have much else in common but will happily swap tips/stories. Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot – Fox is a bit much for Doc. He doesn’t hate him, but his energy is a bit off putting. While he would find his work ethic impressive, his tendency to ignore his own and others limits irritates Doc as it is inefficient. Doc usually just redirects Fox to elsewhere so as not to deal with him more than needed.
Outertale Sans/Saturn – There is no particular feelings either way here for Doc. They don’t see each other often enough for them to develop a bond or aversion. In the rare interaction, Doc doesn’t mind Saturn, and they can make comfortable small talk. Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – An amicable relationship. They don’t see each other often, but Doc doesn’t mind Mer at all, and will hold a decent conversation with him.
Farmtale Sans/Sage – Doc holds no animosity towards Sage. Doc holds not much of anything towards Sage. If his view could be defined in a singular word, it would be “disregard”. Most are surprised to find Doc cares not at all about Sage’s seemingly lazy and resistant nature. The fact of the matter is, Doc doesn’t care. He has completely dismissed Sage as being beneath effort or even notice. It’s not his job to fix Sage, and he doesn’t care to try. Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – There is a good bit of mutual respect here. While they are careful to avoid the topic of Thyme’s brother, they both greatly appreciate how hard the other works to keep everything moving smoothly in their respective areas. Both also appreciate matters of the home, and the wish they could indulge in the peaceful domestics more often. Doc does often chide Thyme for not balancing work/life more efficiently, and they are as close to friends as they can get given how infrequently they directly interact.
G!Sans/Aurum – This one is a mixed bag. Aurum is impulsive and often unthinking and it drives Doc batty on the rare occasion he has to deal with it directly. Even more infuriating is that things typically just “work out” for Aur, when by all accounts they should not have. Doc views Aur largely as an unruly barely-adult, and must constantly resist the urge to lecture. He normally just would, but Doc has found the task pointless, and it’s much more effective to simply set Vir on him. Despite all this, he can respect Aur’s drive and work ethic, even if he finds it’s direction often questionable. G!Papyrus/Viridis – Friendly, when they manage to see each other. Doc appreciates Vir’s calm and intellectual nature. They often compare research findings and enjoy discussing assorted healing techniques, mundane and magical.
(Two in a day, as I know a certain someone was excited to see this)
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Godddddd I'm so upset that I dislike yen this much, doing main quests in skellige and Freyas ppl were doing stuff and she again disrespected other cultures with Geraly being against, "I may be inhumanly beautiful" I know she's meant to be confident but wowww. She's not confident and worried for Ciri she just comes off arrogant and selfish and vain. Like, fuck.
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The ultimate mood, anon. My Witcher fandom life would be so much easier if I enjoyed Yen ... but I just do not lol. Remember how I mentioned that things were going to get even worse than her stealing and using a potentially dangerous artifact? Yeeeaah. She also resurrects Ciri's friend to torture him for information, all while destroying another sacred garden to get the power to do it! It's not even a "She's so evil and I love it ���" situation for me because the game tries so hard to convince us that she's still The Best. Geralt's sexy soulmate, Ciri's adoring mother, the baddest bitch around who gets things done and does it with an effortless confidence... all while ignoring how horrific her actions and attitude are. Oh sure, other characters speak ill of her at times, but considering how much Geralt is written to adore her, no matter what you choose, that's all undermined. I love morally gray/evil characters, but I've never enjoyed them when the text refuses to appropriately acknowledge that side of them. Nothing is more frustrating to me than a story that frames disliking a character as the unambiguously wrong thing to do, especially when the text is piling up reasons to dislike them and, as a result, ignoring or shrugging them off their actions as not that bad. Yen is a rather extreme example of that for me. Despite her attitude, her choices, and other characters outright going, "Why do you like her?" the story as a whole works under the assumption that it's correct to like her anyway because Geralt loves her. And he loves her for... reasons.
They do meet before the wish, but only just. Major "The Last Wish" spoilers in this paragraph, so feel free to skip. Basically, Geralt and Dandelion run into trouble with a djinn, he goes to Yen for help since she's a sorceress (first time meeting her), he instantly falls for her because she's gorgeous and such (there's an elf there who is also madly in love with Yen. Men just... fall for her, instinctually), she heals Dandelion, Geralt agrees to pay her, but Yen has already decided on the payment she wants. She takes control of Geralt's mind and forces him to attack the town to seek revenge on those who have insulted her, resulting in him waking up in prison awaiting execution for "his" crimes. Meanwhile, Yen has gone after the djinn for herself because power/trying to regain her ability to have a kid. Geralt escapes, finds her failing to master the djinn (an attempt which btw has endangered the whole town) and despite what she's done to him, Geralt tries to get Yen to escape with him. She refuses, set on capturing the djinn even though it's obvious she can't. So as a last resort he uses the final wish to bind their fates together, saving Yen from the djinn in the process. Aaaaaand then they have sex.
So yeah, their rocky relationship is one of the main reasons why I can't enjoy Yen. For some their tumultuous history is evidence of realism, for me it's evidence that they're not actually very compatible and they're only together because a) that's the fantasy trope: protagonist men get together with the hot sorceress and b) because the magic is literally ensuring that they can't escape one another. I mean, canonically their fates are tied together by magic and canonically they spend about 20 years swinging between passionate love and fearsome fights... but there's supposedly no connection between these two things? No chance at all that they keep coming together because magic is drawing them rather than because they actually want/should be together? I wrote a meta a while back about the short story where they meet, which includes a present day scene where Geralt is criticized by another character — Nenneke — for running out on Yen. Thing is, he tries to explain that he left because she was "too possessive" and this is... flat out ignored. By both Nenneke and the fandom. There's a strong trend of ignoring Geralt's words in favor of a pro-Yen interpretation of events. He says he left because she was too possessive and she treated him like ____ — he's not allowed to finish the sentence and say what she treated him like because Nenneke interrupts him, saying she doesn't care about his version of events. Major yikes imo! She turns a claim of being possessive into Geralt not being man enough to stick around. The fandom likewise turns this into a case of Geralt getting cold feet and running out because he's a bastard who hates commitment. Likewise, Nenneke and the fandom claim Geralt is trying to get Yen money as a way of appeasing his guilt for leaving, he claims he's doing it simply because he still cares for her — even if he doesn't want to be with her — and knows she needs it. Geralt's words are frequently dismissed, in the same way others characters' opinions of Yen are dismissed. Any mark against her is treated as either a lie, or a convoluted claim that they don't really know her... never mind that an understanding of why she may act this way doesn't excuse the behavior itself. (Plus, the whole "Yen had a horrible upbringing, so of course she struggles being kind" perspective always fell flat to me when so many, including witchers, had horrendous upbringings too. The whole point is this world is a mess and most everyone suffers). It's supposedly true love, yet if someone came up to me and went, "I magically tied my fate to this woman to keep her from getting herself killed and we've spent the last couple decades having what many would term a rocky relationship, to put it kindly. I left once because she was too controlling. She once cheated on me. I likewise hooked up with others during our frequent breakups. A mutual friend used magic to get me to have sex with her — also while my lover and I were broken up — and though I view it as a dumb decision I'm happy to forgive her for, my lover is ready to commit murder because again: possessive. A lot of the time we're only a family because of our daughter. I once thought she'd horrifically betrayed us both. She didn't, but it says something that I was so ready to believe it, huh? Hmm? Permanently separated? Of course not! I love her. We're destined to be together after all :)" I'd be like, "Uh... you sure about that, dude?"
Not that Geralt doesn't make his fair share of mistakes in the relationship — he absolutely does — but I don't think it helps his case that he's immature in other ways and, frankly, that he's a very strong, badass witcher. It's easy to turn the hints we get about their relationship into a simplistic "emotionally naive man can't give the poor woman the commitment she wants" situation. Given Geralt's status as the badass fighter of the tale, it's likewise easy to dismiss his admissions of her being "possessive" and his general discomfort. He's the man. He's the witcher. If he's making any claims about how Yen isn't treating him well, they must be excuses, or exaggerations, because real men, especially physically powerful men, would do something about that — a something that's not sneaking out in the middle of the night. A lot of people read Geralt leaving as the ultimate proof that he's an immature bastard who doesn't deserve her. I read him leaving and think, "What were you trying to get away from? What was going on that made you think you could only leave by sneaking out without a word?" To me, that doesn't read as someone who felt safe, comfortable, and respected enough to do anything but slip away and try to wash his hands of things. And I'm not just pulling this "Geralt is at least somewhat afraid of Yen and isn't comfortable establishing boundaries with her" reading out of my ass. When Yen wants Geralt to kill the golden dragon for her and he refuses, saying he doesn't care anymore, his thoughts are:
He expected the worst: a cascade of flames, flashes of lightning, blows raining down on his face, insults and curses. There was nothing. He saw, with astonishment, only the subtle trembling of her lips. Yennefer turned around slowly. Geralt regretted his words.
And everyone is like, "See! Yen has improved so much. Geralt nearly made her cry, but she's supposed to be the bad guy here?" Meanwhile, I'm going, "Uh... anyone want to unpack why he expects fire, lightning, insults, curses, and blows to his face for telling her no? Why he's astonished that she wouldn't use her magic against him? Anyone think that Yen refraining from attacking Geralt when he refuses to murder on her command is a pretty low bar? No? Just me?"
Geralt and Yen's relationship makes me uncomfortable and a great deal of that discomfort derives from how much of the Witcher fandom shrugs off the fictional warning signs. I mean, I post primarily about RWBY. We watched a man in that show try to sneak away with his kids when his villainous wife planned to use them for a eugenics plan... and the fandom still blames him for that, refusing to admit that he was in an abusive relationship. Because that doesn't happen to men, right? I'm not saying it's the same for Geralt and Yen, simply because they are written to be soulmates. An abusive relationship was, quite obviously, never the authorial intent. However, I am saying that the a "This isn't a healthy relationship" reading is there, it exists as an interpretation, and both the story and fandom's tendency to dismiss it is something that hasn't helped me enjoy Yen's status as an otherwise well written, complex character. Their equality supposedly stems in part because they're both so flawed, yet each time I see a list of Geralt's supposedly equal faults they're... lacking imo. "Geralt bound himself to Yen without her consent." Yeah, to save her from dying from the djinn she was trying to enslave, after she refused to leave, while her actions threatened a whole town. "Geralt ran off without a word." Mmm hmm, anyone care about why? And my personal favorite is a scene you may not have gotten to yet (or may not get depending on your choices), but suffice to say, Yen is supposedly justified in physically attacking Geralt if he dares to challenge her in any way. That's the main takeaway across the fandom: If Yen is pissed off, you must have done something to deserve it which, in the relationship deliberately written to be "stormy," is something that sets all the alarm bells in my head off. Honestly, it kinda makes my skin crawl to go, "Geralt didn't deserve that" and get responses back of, "Yeah he did because he [insert basic human action here]." The Witcher world is hard and cruel, absolutely, but that doesn't mean I personally enjoy seeing an equally messed up relationship presented as something that's enviable in its flaws. "That's actually true love because the magically bound man who often expresses discomfort with his lover, written by a male author with a very iffy perspective on women, says it's true love." Crazy theory here, but... maybe it's not?
Idk, lots of rambling on my end tonight! For me, Geralt/Yen reads as something rather tragic which, in a canon that unironically upholds the relationship, and in a Yen-adoring fandom, doesn't make enjoying her character any easier. I keep coming back to Witcher 3, the comics, the show, even the books going, "Maybe I'll like her this time?" but nope, still trying lol.
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angellesword · 3 years
Jung Hoseok had self-control, a hunter like him would never lose to those bloodsucking monsters, but then he met you, a vampire who had pretty eyes and dazzling smile.
Would he be able to escape you?
“Too bad but it’s too sweet.”
word count: 2k (one-shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
pairing: vampire Hunter!Hhoseok x vampire!reader
genre & content warnings: blood, fire bomb, murder, vampire bite, vampire au, fantasy au, angst
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It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Hoseok groaned when blood covered his hand as soon as he touched his neck.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
The gaping wound made it impossible for him to sit, more so, to stand up.
But he had too.
He had to stand up and fight. He knew he would die one way or another, so it would be best to fight rather than lose to those bloodsucking monsters.
"Come on!" Hoseok groaned once more. His shaky hand was trying to fish something out of the pocket of his jeans.
That something was called calendula, a kind of flower that would help heal the vampire bite on his neck.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. He screamed these words inside his head again. This time, the frustration he felt was too much.
Fate was playing a sick joke on him and he couldn't believe it.
Why did he have to forget to bring calendula flowers during his night patrol at Bangtan Forest?
Hoseok couldn't believe that a hunter like him would be beaten by a rogue vampire. The latter were the type of bloodsuckers which were very strong. They couldn't control their lust for blood, causing them to suck the blood of humans dry.
Hoseok was also considered as the strongest vampire hunter in their city, he never once lost to these evils. Truthfully, he had killed thousands of bloodsuckers before.
But he knew he was no much to a group of rogue vampires. As mentioned, they were hard to kill since they had a lot of human blood in their system.
That was the thing about vampires. They grew much stronger when they drank human blood. This was also the reason why most of them refused to adhere to Bangtan City's law of only drinking animal blood.
"Fuck it," Hoseok released a deep breath. He was leaning on the trunk of the forest's tree, meaning he had a little advantage.
He could hide here while trying to shoot arrows on approaching vampires.
He could only wish he could pull this off. The bloodsuckers were extraordinary. They had super speed and the only way to kill them was through fire.
Ripping their hearts out, snapping their necks, drowning, or whatsoever wouldn't work.
Hoseok's only chance was to shoot them using arrows with fire.
It was now or never.
The said vampire hunter inhaled deeply, he aimed to the right when he heard movements there.
Based on his expertise, he came to know that there were at most three vampires approaching him.
Hoseok could shoot many arrows in a span of only a few seconds.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Was probably the line of the night.
Hoseok was caught off guard once again when he was attacked by a vampire coming from the top.
The said vampire was you.
"You losing your charms now, hunter?"
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Hoseok wasn't supposed to be frozen on his spot as his eyes bore deep into your pretty eyes and dazzling smile.
Your presence should be screaming danger, but why were you acting as if you were his superhero?
You were.
You saved Hoseok. You carried him bridal style and then you used your super speed to get the hell out of his hiding spot, away from the rogues who wanted to kill him.
Regrettably, Hoseok didn't look thrill to be alive. His voice was stone cold when he asked why you brought him to your house. It was as if he'd rather die than be saved by you.
It was too late for that now. The rogues couldn't get to him because albeit inside the forest, your place was invisible. This was for your own protection—you asked a certain witch to cloak your home because you wanted to hide it from the prying eyes of mortals, or anyone else, really.
The only ones who could enter and see this house using their naked eyes were those creatures you had invited in.
You knew it was risky to let a vampire hunter inside your abode; however, you valued life more than anything else.
You didn't want the rogues to kill Hoseok even though you barely knew him.
Jung Hoseok was a well-known vampire hunter. This was the only information you knew about him.
You didn't really want to get involved with vampires, humans, or even witches. You only interacted with them when necessary.
Saving Hoseok was necessary in able for you to live a guilt-free life.
You were just like Hoseok before—a human who despised those vampires, but your life changed when a rogue bit and turned you into a bloodsucking creature.
It was the darkest point of your life. You thought you'd die when you were bitten. Most rogues couldn't stop sucking blood until their victims died.
Taehyung, the rogue who bit you, was a sadist. He was aware that you hated vampires and so he completed your transition.
Being bitten was not enough to become a vampire. You literally had to die in able to complete the transition. A person would only turn if they died with vampire blood in their system.
Taehyung snapped your neck after feeding you his blood.
It had been two decades since you turned, yet you could still remember that night vividly.
You still hated being a vampire too.
This was the reason why you helped Hoseok. You didn't want him to suffer like the way you did. Hell. You didn't wish it to happen to anyone.
Being a vampire was a curse.
But you couldn't deny that it had benefits too. You never got sick, you had super speed, enhanced ability to hear and see from afar.
These powers of yours were enough for you to stay alive. You figured that you could use your abilities to help unwilling people from turning into a monster like you.
You wanted to be like Hoseok, this was why you had been watching him guard the city and kill rogues for years now.
You admired him for trying his best to protect innocent people. You didn't want him to die since he was the only hunter who didn't have self-interest. He trained to protect people, not to gain power.
"I'm not dumb to believe you," Hoseok spitted on the ground when you told him why you saved him.
He didn't believe that there was goodness in vampires. The latter were the ones who killed the Jungs. His family begged the vampires to spare their lives, but they never listened. They only laughed as they drank human blood.
"And I know you're not dumb enough to die on my watch." You bit your wrist. "So drink,"
Vampire blood had healing powers. It was more effective than calendula flowers. If Hoseok drank your blood, all his afflictions would go away.
"Get your filthy blood away from me!" Hoseok shook his head vigorously, refusing to have a taste of your sweet, sweet blood.
You exhaled calmly. He would die due to loss of blood if he continued acting like a child.
"Can't you trust me for once? I'm doing this for your sake," you tried to feed him your blood again.
He tilted his head to the side. He wanted to push your hand away, but he couldn't.
You tied him into a chair and this was one of the many reasons why couldn't trust you.
"You took my freedom away." Hoseok gritted his teeth.
You sighed again.
"I'm just protecting myself. You're a hunter. You might kill me if I let you go,"
"Well you might kill me too if you don't let me go!"
"Why would I feed you my blood if I want to kill you? Make it make sense!"
Your voice was like a thunder, it was so loud. You couldn't help it anymore. Vampires' emotions were heightened, making you feel infuriated even though you were just annoyed.
"How would I know? I can't read your mind! What if you just want me to turn into a bloodsucker, huh!?"
His claim made you pause. Your wild heart was slowly calming down.
Hoseok was right. If you were him, you would be skeptical too.
"Fine." You clenched your jaw as you made your way to your small garden.
Hoseok thought you weren't going to come back, but you surprised him when you returned shortly.
You picked some calendula flowers to heal him.
"Is this good enough for you?"
His heart skipped a beat upon seeing your pale face. You didn't look so good and it was because of the fact that you were holding calendula flowers.
Calendula had healing properties for human, but it made vampires weak. They would either faint or feel exhausted once they ingested or touched the mentioned flora.
Calendula grew anywhere so Hoseok wasn't surprised that you had them in your garden. What surprised him was when you leaned closer to him, slowly covering the wound on his neck using the flower.
It was magical. Hoseok's head was spinning, so he just stared deep into your eyes to help him feel better.
Your eyes were the perfect distraction. It was so full of life despite you being undead.
"Y-You'll feel better in a short while," you whispered, still dazed because of the flower.
"I know." Hoseok cleared his throat, looking away from you.
You stood straight, inching away from him.
"Here," you handed him a knife which he took instantly. You saved him, so he would probably spare your life. You trusted him. "Free yourself. I won't stop you, but please..."
You paused to swallow hard.
"Be careful. Leave when the sun rises. Go south, the vampire—"
"I know the forest inside out." He dismissed you. He hated that you were telling him what to do.
But you simply smiled.
"I know that. I watch you fight every night, Hoseok. I'm just telling you the safest route to take. You know the forest, but you don't know us."
"Right." He didn't know you. He didn't know vampires. Your kind could attack him any time.
Most vampires had daylight rings, protecting them from the hot sun.
"Well, if you don't need anything else, I'll be off to my room," you started walking away because you were exhausted. Damn calendula flowers.
"Wait!" Hoseok stopped you though.
You turned to look at him, raising your brow.
"T-Thank you," he gulped. "For saving me."
The smile you gave him was soft and pretty and sweet.
It made his heart flutter.
You were so beautiful...
"It's my pleasure." This was the last thing you said before turning away from him; however, you looked back just when he thought you were already inside your room.
"And Hoseok?"
He met your gaze.
"You can come back anytime. I'll always heal you." With your blood or calendula flowers. It didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter even if you felt like you were about to faint any moment from now. You were too weak to move.
Fortunately the vampire hunter simply grinned at your statement. He wouldn’t hold you back any longer. Besides, he didn’t know what else to tell you because he doubted what you said.
He knew this night was the first and last time he was going to see you.
This was evident when he freed himself from the tight rope after he made sure you had retreated in your room.
He was out of the door now, but it didn't end with that.
Hoseok was a hunter. He was smart and he didn't trust anyone.
He smiled to himself as he nursed his remaining grenade in his hands. The timing was perfect. You didn’t have energy to run tonight.
You were a fool for trusting him. Only a fool would trust strangers.
And he wasn't a fool.
Perhaps four year-old Hoseok was a fool.
A fool who let vampires inside their abode when they offered him a candy.
He was only a boy that time.
He was only a boy when he met evil.
Two decades later, he got to interact with evil again.
You were the evil, so he left the grenade outside of your door.
He smirked.
Boy meets evil, but it didn't mean he would be tempted by your sweetness.
The grenade exploded.
Too bad, but it was supposed to be like this.
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Pirate Luka AU
I wrote this fic for my amazing friend @katydoodles​ Birthday. This story is based on Katy’s Pirate Luka AU (check her art if you haven’t yet because it’s amazing!), and it’s Luka/Harem (with Kagami, Chloe, Marinette and Adrien).
Beware this story may differ from Katy’s original story.
TW: mentioned violence (cut tongues / severed body parts) idk how I should tag this
Happy Birthday Katy! 💙💙💙
Luka admired his newly acquired prize in his ship chamber- the captain’s room. His boots were on the table, legs crossed and his back laid back, while he observed, satisfied, the jar that contained XY’s freshly cut tongue in it. His lips curled in a pleased smirk. He had been considering throwing it to feed the sharks, but the gratification the reward gave him made him glad to have dismissed the idea.
XY deserved to be silenced.
And he was now.
Once more, Luka reached where ‘justice failed’ with his law of silence.
Luka stood up to place the jar back to its place on the shelf. He took one step backwards and walked slowly around the wooden room contemplating his collection. Dozens- hundreds- of jars filled with tongues decorated the room, as if they were the displays of a museum. Each jar was completed by the owner’s name, the date, and their crime properly tagged.
All jars full- except for one.
The pirate ship’s captain teeth clenched and his black nails sank in his skin as he remembered that man- the man who betrayed his father’s tongue, the man who ruined his family. The man he swore revenge to. The man that turned him into a pirate, and the one he couldn’t wait to kill. His blood boiled at the memory of that face- that ugly face he had many ideas of how to destroy, such as-
A knock at the door distracted him from his thoughts.
“Come in” Luka ordered, releasing his anger; and his first officer obeyed, entering the room and closing the door behind her.
“Captain. Everything’s ready”
“Very well. Thank you, Kagami” he smiled, fixing one of the tags that were blurried by dust with his finger.
“Were you watching your collection again, Captain? It certainly is impressive. As expected of my Captain.”
Luka smiled proudly at his first officer. Who would have thought a noble Lady like her would fit so perfectly in his crew? He clearly remembered how grossed out she was the first time she entered his chamber. Now she was grossed out by the people those tongues belonged to: rapists, murderers, dishonorable and corrupted powerful people (such as judges or city rulers), slavers, pedophiles (the real kind, not those who draw harmless art like some people overreacting may say) and art reposters (those had all their tongues in the same jar, nameless but still punished). All of them were silenced now in Luka’s jars on the shelves.
His crewmates were mostly people saved from the hands of those men. He had let them choose if they wanted to join him or leave freely, but most of them wanted to stay to serve their savior. Nino had been one of the slaves Luka rescued. Alix was abused by her step-father, a corrupted ruler of one of the cities they stopped at. Kim was forced to hard work for stealing from a noble for the poor, and he was about to be hanged just before Luka stepped in to help. Ivan and the rest of his crewmates had similar stories to share.
Captain Luka was more than respected by all his crewmates, and he considered them friends. He trusted them blindly with his life, and it was the same for them.
“Let’s go, Kagami”
“Yes, Captain!”
Luka stepped out of his chamber followed by his first officer, who closed the door behind them. They walked upstairs to the deck.
“Land in sight!” Kim yelled from up the crow’s nest when he noticed Luka.
Luka approached the bowsprit, put one of his feet on it, and gestured to Kagami for a telescope. She immediately lent him one, and he observed the new landscape in front of him: a cliff, a lighthouse, a harbor, and a town. And more importantly: a castle up a hill.
“Ivan, turn 20 degrees to your right, we’re stopping behind those rocks”
“Yes, Captain!” Ivan obeyed.
“Nino, Alix, stay on your positions and take care of the sails”
“Yes Captain!” They answered in unison.
A smile formed on Luka’s lips. That’s the piracy he liked- steal treasures from the rich and punish the bad guys. That island appeared to have both. Luka licked his lips in excitement as he returned the telescope to Kagami.
“Hey!” Out of nowhere, a female voice from below yelled. “Help me up!”
Kagami’s eyes narrowed as she recognized the voice owner. She was about to draw her sword when Luka stopped her.
“It’s fine, Kagami, I’ll take care of her”
Kagami followed his instructions, but she didn’t even try to hide her disagreement. “We should sell her and she would leave us alone…” she mumbled, and Luka chuckled at her reaction. Jealous Kagami was always adorable and a delight. He couldn’t help but feel fortunate and moved for having her full attention- not that he didn’t have some worship for her too.
Luka walked towards a fishnet that rested at the side of the ship. He looked down, amused at the difficulties the person below was having to climb up. “You again, huh?” Luka asked. “Why do you keep coming back? Aren’t you scared of pirates? We could sell you, Lady Siren.”
“My name is Chloe!” her yellowish eyes glowed from below. “Hurry up and help me up! I have something to show you”
“Hmm… Those magical jewels from under the sea again, maybe? Weren’t they guarded by your other siren friend? Did you steal them?”
“Yes! I snatched a few! Now help me and let you show you!”
Luka sighed, but he couldn’t hide his curiosity as he helped her up. What he thought made him almost fall on his butt to the floor.
The siren had LEGS. Legs that still couldn’t control enough to carry her own weight, apparently, but still legs. Human legs. Luka’s breath was taken away by the sight, and even Kagami couldn’t hide her astonishment.
What was going on?
“What? Surprised?” Chloe attempted to stand up holding onto the rail, smiling triumphantly. “I told you those jewels were magical! I’m a human now! So hurry up and propose to me. Your ridiculous excuse is not valid anymore!”
Luka’s eyes started glowing in yellow, bright as the former siren’s one, but before he could open his mouth, Kagami stepped between them. “Show respect to our Captain! He would never marry someone unworthy like you!” She pointed her sword to Chloe’s throat and noticed Luka’s eyes return to his original sky blue color, freeing him from Chloe’s spell. “Try something funny and I’ll cut you,” she warned.
“How did you do that?” Luka asked, gesturing Kagami to lower her sword. “What happened to your legs? Is it the jewel’s power? What other powers do they have?”
Chloe directed a victorious smirk to Kagami from behind Luka’s shoulder. The first mate was boiling in anger, but her respect for Luka was more important to her own feelings. Loyalty was what Luka valued the most about her, her Captain had confessed to her before. She couldn’t betray his trust- not even for her jealousy.
“I told you they were amazing, didn’t I?” Chloe raised her chin proudly as she laughed hysterically. “I have this one for you too - the snake one. It has the power you just need to get your revenge. I can give it to you if you accept to marry me!”
“I’m not interested in marriage, but I’m interested in those jewels. What are their powers?” Luka asked, fascinated to see how she had indeed real feet and toes. He examined them with his hands and she giggled at the tickles.
“All of them have the ability to give legs to sirens. The Bee one, the one I have, can paralyze opponents with just one gaze. The snake one is special: can control both time and space. You can know where and when you can find whatever you’re looking for, and even predict your opponent's moves beforehand. For example... “ Chloe continued, and with a finger snap he made Kim teleport down to the deck.
“What the-!?” he yelled. “What happened? I was up the crow’s nest!”
Luka looked mesmerized at the magic he had just seen. “Kim, go back up. Sorry about that”. Kim scratched his head in confusion and started climbing up again. “How much for that jewel?”
“My Captain! You can’t accept that! That would be cheating!” Kagami shouted. “You’re better than that!”
“No, listen, Kagami. I don’t pretend to use this to take advantage of my enemies. I just want to find that man- the man who ruined my family. The man I swore revenge on. I’ll find him thanks to this jewel and I’ll finally be free from this hate that haunts me. The chase will be over”
“What about us, then, Captain!? What about this ship, our adventures!?” Kagami seemed heartbroken at the thought of her piracy story ending. And also scared to be separated from her dearest Captain. “I left everything for you and this crew! You can’t just betray us like that!”
“Oh, no, my dear Kagami. Finding that man will not change much. I want to keep sailing together with all of you, forever. You’re my family too” Kagami blushed at Luka’s unusually tender smile. “But I need to keep my promise. You know I never leave business unfinished”
“I understand, captain” Kagami used her sleeve to dry her tears. “But I still think it’s not worth it losing your freedom and marrying that- that fish for that purpose. We’ll find that man, we don’t need magic for that!”
Luka stared at Kagami, moved by her trust in him. She was really cute, wasn’t she? He almost couldn’t hold his smile back. “I know we will.  And I don’t plan to marry. I just don’t want someone else to kill him before we find him” He reassured his first officer, and she smiled fondly. That was his captain.
“Oh, no, pirate! No marriage, no deal!” Chloe rumbled under Kagami’s judging stare. “You have no idea how hard it was to get this! Not even all the gold from your world would be enough to buy it!”
“Then we just have to kill you and steal it, right?” Kagami glared, getting her sword ready causing Chloe to shriek.
“Wait, Kagami. We don’t know how to use it. We can’t kill her” That wasn’t exactly the only reason he wanted her alive. Luka couldn’t deny he felt himself… attracted to the siren’s looks. She was beautiful, even if she was somewhat noisy. And her singing voice was hypnotizing… He didn’t want her or her song to die.
“Make your decision fast, because if you don’t, I’m destroying it!” Chloe warned.
“No, no, wait!!
“Captain, no!”
“I’m going to destroy it! I’ll give you 10 seconds…! 10… 9…”
“No- wait!”
“8… 7…”
“Captain, you can’t do it!”
“6… 5… 4…”
“I know but-!”
“3… 2…1….”
"Chloe wait, I-"
“STOP WHERE YOU ARE, CHLOE!” A new voice shouted, and a new siren jumped from the sea to the deck. Her hair was long and black, and her tail was beautiful in pink.
“Argh! Not now, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe groaned in disgust. “He was about to accept my proposal!”
Luka stared as the new siren called for some magical words and shifted his tail to legs. ‘Another magical jewel’ he realized, and was fascinated by her beauty (the fact that she was naked didn’t help either). She looked as if she had come straight out from a painting, and his heart beat fast in an unknown feeling. The most beautiful song he had ever heard: clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. He wished for that melody to last forever in his ears.
“Chloe! Give the Miraculous back!” The siren shouted in anger. “You know how dangerous they are yet you stole them!”
“Hey!” Luka snapped out at Chloe’s cry and hurried to grab a tablecloth from nearby and offer it to the naked siren, while looking the minimum as possible. “Use this”
Marinette turned to look at him confused, wondering what was supposed to do with that. She noticed how Chloe was wearing something similar to cover herself, and the blush on that unknown man made her remember being naked was a big deal in the human world. She exploded in embarrassment. “Thank you…” she hurried to snatch the clothes.
She found herself staring at his relieved smile. And her heart started beating faster. Breath-taken by his handsomeness and calm. Their eyes met and time stopped, and Marinette finally understood why Chloe would wish to steal those jewels for selfish reasons. She would consider it too if she wasn’t the guardian.
“Hey! He’s mine, don’t you dare take him away from me!” Chloe hissed. She clumsily ran to Luka’s side and fell into his arms when her legs couldn’t support her any longer.
“Captain!” Kagami soon cried in worry, and approached to try to separate them.
“Chloe!” A new emotion formed in Marinette’s chest. Jealousy. “Give it back!” she jumped to pull her away from Luka.
And Luka- well, he couldn’t move. Surrounded by beautiful ladies… He had always been a heartbreaker, never a ladies man- what was wrong with him? He was enjoying that situation too much for his own sanity.
Suddenly, another siren jumped to the deck- a blond man with the most beautiful emerald colored eyes Luka had ever seen. Even Kagami seemed impressed by them, and that was new in Luka’s first officer.
“Adrien!” The mermaid called Marinette called him. “Help me!”
“Immediately, M’lady!” even his voice was cute, Luka thought. That couldn’t be healthy for his heart.
Adrien shifted to a human after calling for some magical words and Marinette tossed him a part of tablecloth she tore from hers. He looked confused at first, but imitated Marinette’s use for it.
Adrien tackled Chloe from the side, resulting in all of them falling down to the floor. Taking advantage of being on top after falling down, Luka managed to steal the snake Miraculous from Chloe. He raised up his hand… “Kagami! I’ve got it! Take it!” but… an eagle descended and took it from him in its talons and flew away from them towards the island in sight. “Ah-”
All of them observed in denial and powerless how the bird carried the powerful jewel away. Their faces turned blue out of the shock, and Marinette entered in panic.
“No no no! That can’t be happening! What are we going to do now!?” she bawled. “Chloe! This is your fault! You better help us recover it!”
“No, this is Luka’s fault! If he had agreed to marry me and didn’t try to play dirty this wouldn’t have happened!”
“Don’t you dare badmouth My Captain!”
Everyone’s eyes were on Luka, who, confused, was trying to process what had just happened. “Give me a minute”. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and waited for one minute. He came to his conclusion.
“I can’t deny this is partly my fault… So I’ll take responsibility. I’ll help you find the jewel, but with one condition: you’ll let me use it once when we find it”
“We can’t allow that!” Marinette and Adrien complained.
“Oh, and I’ll need you tell me more about these jewels in order to help you”
“Deal” Chloe quickly agreed, to Marinette and Adrien’s shock.
“Hey! You can’t decide that alone!” Marinette protested.
“You’ve seen the bird- it went into the lands. The rest of lost jewels could be on land too. What’s better than humans to help us? It would be ridiculous not to accept when all they ask in return is to use one of them just once!” Chloe exposed.
Marinette’s eyebrows frowned as she looked at Adrien, who seemed convinced with Chloe’s explanation. She couldn’t deny anything to those green eyes of him who desired to discover more from land and the human world, so she gave in, still unconvinced. “Fine”
“Great. Welcome abroad. I promise we’ll recover that jewel” Luka stood up and helped the rest of them up too, one after the other. “My name is Luka. I’m the Captain of this pirate ship. And this lovely lady is my first mate, Kagami.” She bowed despite her glare shown killing instincts towards all of them. Luka noticed and patted her back, causing her to calm down immediately. When he blinked at her with a sneaky smile she knew well, she realized his true intentions: he was going to get the jewel without having to marry the annoying mermaid. ‘As expected of my captain’, she smiled fondly.
“I’m Marinette and he is Adrien. I’m the guardian of the Miraculous and he’s my partner for this job. Nice to meet you, Captain”
Luka’s piracy adventures seemed to have just started now that 3 new unusual members joined his crew. Misunderstandings and fun seemed ensured.
What fantastic adventures lie before them? They couldn’t wait to find out.
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annhellsing · 4 years
A Hundred Demons
notes: i accidentally deleted my other naraku fic so have some uhhh questionable romantic liaisons rating: teen, there’s some making out but nothing heavier pairing: naraku / reader word count: 1,796
You pry up the cellar door and flinch at the smell of decay. The castle festers at its core, exacerbated by Naraku’s transformation.
He detests this state, but the struggle of holding his body together is prolonged by denying it. His most precious asset is his ability to reforge flesh, And for this process he prefers to be alone. You know that. Still, you descend.
The smell is worse with your feet in the dirt. You’re careful not to grip the ladder too tightly, should your grip make the brittle wood crumble. You closed the hatch before climbing down, the only light now from the cracks around its edges.
It’s barely enough to make out the mass in the centre of the room, but your eyes adjust. A wriggling, pulsing thing blinks it’s single eye. Then, another tendril uncoils slowly, as if in sleep. Knotted together and writhing as one are a hundred demons.
At their centre is his head, bowed in sleep.
You feel a lurching sensation, a knee jerk reaction to the dirt in the cellar. It feels like old, dried blood beneath your feet. The corruption has seeped into the support beams of the cellar. You doubt the place would stand on its own if not for his magic.
Blinking slowly, you wait for the head to notice you. A demon’s maw lolls open, it’s fleshy tongue poking out at you before it also succumbs to sleep. Naraku’s body twitches unnaturally, and then his true head finally moves.
You see two red eyes beneath his black fringe. His skin is so pale, white in the shadows like a death mask. He sneers in your direction, seeing nothing but darkness and the faint outline of a person.
“Kagura?” he snarls. His eyesight is poor when he’s in pieces. Naraku inhales sharply, recognizing the new blood that woke him is human.
“No,” you reply, “it’s me.”
“Hm,” he grunts. It’s difficult to tell if he’s still angry. “I did not summon you.”
You shift your weight to your hip, hazarding to step closer. No doubt he’s irked at his sleep being interrupted, but you understand that his desires are always a double-edged sword. Regardless of your actions, it’s his natural state to be displeased.
“I missed you,” is the only excuse you can offer. 
You half expect him to dismiss it as pathetic, but instead Naraku hides his shock beneath a grimace. 
“I didn’t think you were foolish enough to disturb me as I regenerate,” he finally tries, though it lacks the bite you know he can have.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” your chin is still raised to look at him. But Naraku understands that it is at once both practical and an act of defiance. Despite that, he can’t bring himself to lash out.
Instead, he laughs. It’s like dark water, pulling you in a few more steps. You’re lulled into a half-way sense of safety, worried less for your own bodily health. Perhaps it’s too soon, you fear. But Naraku seems unwilling to pin you with cruelty.
“Of course, I suppose I am the one who disturbs,” he says, “at least, for the time being.”
His cheeks are gaunt and heavy bags hang under his eyes. He looks tired, his voice is barely more than a reedy breeze. He creaks more than he speaks. You move even closer, until your toes touch the edge of the mountain of demons.
Naraku’s head is supported by a nexus of thick, gray tubes. His hair is entwined with the cellar rafters. He is hideous, you can admit that, and yet you shake your head.
“Do I not terrify you?” he asks, sounding more amused than shocked or angered by your lack of reaction. He does so love fear. “Most can’t bear to look.”
“Have many people seen you like this?” you ask, cocking your head to the side. You kneel on the body of the demon at your feet, using it as a stepping stone to get to the second.
Naraku makes a dismissive noise, unwilling to grace your question with an answer. He lacks one that will prove his point, and that annoys him.
“I thought as much,” you reply, “Kagura’s opinion hardly counts, in that case.” The demons are foul to the touch, but you manage to climb them one by one. Naraku stays terribly still as you do so, waiting and watching to see what you’ll do. 
“And yours does?” he asks. A hint of thank ink-black, cruel humour creeps into his voice again. Still, you don’t flinch. He wonders if you might wish to hear him laugh again.
“Generally yes,” you kneel on the back of a sturdier demon, your eyes at level with his. “As I’m your lover,” you’re close enough for him to smell your blood, and the hummingbird beat of your heart. 
You’re fragile, he thinks. But then again, so is he. And you’re looking at him with the worst kind of adoration a creature like him can fathom. Still, in his chest that’s now in pieces on the cellar floor, his heart that was once human lurches in your direction.
“You make a compelling argument,” Naraku decides. There is still a sharpness in his eyes, and it comes from ugly fear. You’re close enough that in a single, violent motion he could be dead. And your knife could be bloody.
But you keep your hands on your knees, looking at him with your head tilted. You move slowly, as if you know exactly what he’s afraid of. Maybe he has a right to be unnerved by this, but that won’t make you stop.
You lift your hands and put them on his cheeks, wiping dirt and grime from his face. His thin lips turn up into a smirk. He is a monster, a hateful, terrifying beast of hell and still you lean in to kiss him.
Your lips are human and soft. You’re warmed through, not disquietingly clammy the way he is. But you seem not to notice. You seem to reach through the haze of evil energy and the smell of decay to find the spark of heat belonging to Onigumo. That bit of life that makes you love him so.
He drags his tongue across your bottom lip, demanding out of habit that he be granted entry. Naraku gets what he wants, he’s used to that. So when you press your mouth closed, making a tight seal that his sharp teeth can’t break-- his eyes open.
“Did you come here only to torment me?” he asks, pulling away enough to be coherent. But he’s still so close.
He’s never felt more like an insect than when chasing your warmth. Naraku has looked on at moths flying headlong to their death, toward fire and now he understands why. It’s addictive, your humanity. It’s like a song that he could fall into.
He wishes he had arms, that’s what the longing in his displaced chest is telling him. He’ll wrap you up and keep you with him for hours when he’s finished remaking his body. And you won’t be able to deny him a thing.
But for now, you look at him with an amused expression he does not appreciate. You have ideas above your station and too little fear for his taste. At least, until you press your lips to his again.
It seems you grant him permission to deepen the kiss now, though he doesn’t know what’s changed. He’s the same as he was a minute ago, just as breathless and horrible to behold. Perhaps you simply wanted to prove you could control him.
That thought is simultaneously gut-wrenching and delicious. Naraku doesn’t know which is worse.
The smell of rot doesn’t register as pervasively, you notice. You put your hands in his long, black hair and drag his severed head against your mouth. Your fingers brush gray-mottled tendons and pale flesh. 
He’s making decisions about which parts of him to keep even as he accepts your kiss, but he’s working a lot slower than before you arrived.
You have a nice time ruining his solitary confinement, sneaking kisses over his cold flesh. You try your best to warm him, he realizes, and the sentiment is unhelpfully pleasant. He loses count of how many times he needs to reconsider his decision to discard part of himself, you’re a beautiful distraction.
“I’m inhibiting you,” you say when you finally pause to breathe. He mirrors the action, struck very suddenly by how distant the need to do so was with your mouth to his jaw.
“Deeply,” he replies.
“My apologies,” you say, bowing your head. “I really did miss you.”
“If it would please you,” he begins, making you lift your head, “you may stay a while longer.”
“It would please me,” you reply. You kiss the corner of his mouth, moving too quickly for his poor vision to see. “I’ll be still as a mouse so you can be done sooner.”
Naraku closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before nodding. You can feel a shift in the cellar as he goes back to sleep. So much for parting remarks, you suppose. But he isn’t one for affection, especially not when vulnerable.
You sit back on your knees, watching his severed head hang from the rafters. And the sight, to your intense displeasure, inspires no fear. You know what he is, who he is, and still you make yourself comfortable.
Somewhere in the space between Naraku regrowing his neck and shoulders, you too succumb to sleep. The dark, cool cellar fades away, as does the smell of rot. You lean against the old wooden wall, the demons underfoot don’t bother you.
By nightfall, he’s finished. And you, his lover, lie curled up on the packed earth. His body is as it was, but now it’s much stronger. He feels better, more in control and sturdy. As much as he would like to look down on you with vague disgust brewing in his now rightly-placed heart, he can’t.
You’re roused hours later, somewhere just as dark but less oppressively macabre. You’re not in the cellar any more, you know by the smell. The wet, old air is cleaner in this new place.
Your fingers brush the floor, no longer made of packed earth. It’s tatami, you realize, the same tatami found in Naraku’s private chamber. 
Sitting up, you realize how warm you are in this new place. Even in the blue-dark, you can’t feel anyone else’s eyes on you. You’re alone. 
You look down next, wondering what’s covering you. You didn’t bring anything when you climbed down the ladder. But thrown over your chest, undisturbed by your heavy sleep is a white cloak of baboon fur.
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