#so it wouldn't even have occurred to me that there were Sex Things happening
mylittleredgirl · 1 month
my personal experience with The Premise was when i was 13 at my first star trek convention. i walked around having my mind blown open by the realization that this many people enjoyed star trek (and created things for it!!!), and was curious about the tables tucked basically under the stairs far away from the professional merch dealer's rooms.
a woman manning one of these tables covered in paper zines asked me if i liked The Premise, but it was a verbal conversation so the question i heard was, "do you like the premise of star trek?" with no capital letters but a sense of Great Importance.
i don't actually remember what i said, but it was definitely the wrong answer. this spun around in my head for years, because it was some kind of essential password for the key to the kingdom. but like, what was the premise of star trek? humans live in spaceships someday?? peace and love between humans and aliens in the 23rd century? why was that a pre-requisite for reading this carbon-copied stapled newsletter with kirk and spock on the cover that "might not be appropriate" for me to read?
anyway i assumed this kind of speakeasy table was selling political manifestos advocating overthrowing the government to get us to Star Trek Times faster.
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s4lv4tions · 9 months
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numerology; nsfw
pairing; gojo satoru x reader / gojo satoru x geto suguru (past) / geto suguru x reader (past) summary; numerology — the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. or: trying to move on. wc; 13.4k cw; death, angst, requited unrequited love, violence, smut (at the very end, but mentions throughout), canon divergence, spoilers for manga an; if you think you've read this before, you probably have! i posted this on my old tumblr a year or so ago, and it's still available on my ao3. this version is slightly updated and edited, but still diverges from canon as it was created at the start of the culling games arc :)
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The first time you bathe with Satoru, he cries.
You don't notice at first; he's quiet — abnormally so —, and his face remains pristine, unchanged. The only hint you get is a small, barely audible sniffle that stops as quickly as it starts — and you think he wants it that way. You don't think he's ever cried in front of anyone.
That's why you don't say anything. Just continue washing the suds from his hair, and pretend that the tears rolling down his cheeks are beads of water dripping from his hair — but you take extra care to massage the conditioner in, and peck his cheek as you finger-comb through silky, cloud-white strands. 
It occurs to you afterwards — as he lounges on your bed, scrolling through channels with a wayward hand planted on his stomach — that perhaps, it's the first time somebody has taken care of him. The first time ever, or just the first time since… since…
Geto Suguru's face smiles up at you from your vanity — a tiny polaroid, his face no bigger than the nail of your thumb. Beside him, Satoru grins, cheeky and bright-eyed — you don't think he's ever been any different —, and in the corner, the smudge of your thumb covers the lens. You don’t have to lift the photo and check the back to know what’s written there, in your scratchy, looping scrawl; the strongest, 2006.
"Lord of the Rings?" Satoru calls, carefree as ever. A yawn catches in his throat, and his fingers slip underneath his shirt to scratch absentmindedly at his chest. "Ooh, haven't seen this one yet…"
"Uh, yeah. Sure."
It was a better time. Less pain. Less responsibility. Less death — or maybe the same amount, just shielded by the blinding cover of childhood inexperience. Suguru was still alive and burning bright, Satoru was happy (happier. He didn't cry in the bath, at least). Shoko didn’t self-medicate as intensively as she does now. The days were spent in childish ignorance and stupid indulgence, and even when things seemed their darkest, you never lost hope. 
(It probably says a lot about you that, if given the chance, you wouldn't return. Whether that's because of what you know is bound to happen, and the pain is too much to experience again, or because you're so utterly pathetic that you'll take sadness and grief and a tiny shred of affection over… whatever it is you were back then, you don't know. A smudge in the corner of a picture of the jujutsu world's greatest.)
Suguru's eyes seem to burn into you. You turn the picture over, and rejoin Satoru on your bed.
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"It's been two years."
Satoru doesn't like to talk after sex. Not in any way that's really meaningful, you mean, nothing that lets you in. He loves jokes, empty small talk, work politics. Chatter that's deep enough to show he cares a little without bearing any part of himself — your injury healed up? When was the last time you had a break? There's a new teppanyaki place in Shinjuku, I'll treat you. Don't work yourself too hard, you'll put me out of business! 
If you're being honest, you didn't go into this expecting anything more than a person to scratch an itch with. 
You're already friends — though, you're not sure friends totally encapsulates what Satoru is to you, romantic or platonic. You've been friends since you were 12. Satoru, Suguru, you — and then Shoko, when you all met in your first year at Jujutsu Tech. That's how it's always been.
You swear sometimes you know him better than yourself. You swear sometimes it's his voice you think with. Is that what "friends" encompasses? Somehow, it doesn't seem enough.
Whatever. The point is that your relationship with Satoru is already strong; foundations tall and proud and unshakeable. You didn't start fucking Satoru in the hopes of forming a relationship — one was already there.
It's just... Satoru is young, yes, and he enjoys flirting, but (contrary to common belief) he's not all that keen to sleep with the first person who's willing. You don’t say this with the belief that you’re special. It’s just that with work, and especially with — y'know, his… romantic history, Satoru hasn’t found the time or will to just sleep around. At least, according to him.
Sheer willpower isn't enough to make those urges go away, though, and… well, you had them too, and you were willing, and he trusts you. And you'll take anything he'll give you, really, even if it's just scraps. Even if sometimes it makes you feel worse.
Today's one of those days.
You feel sick, after. Not because of him — because of yourself. Your polaroid of Getou and any other photo he's in has been turned over, anything that could remind you of him tucked away, but — but he's everywhere today, everywhere, and you'd fucked Satoru despite it. And Satoru is covered in memories of Getou, of course. Every freckle, every shifting of muscle, every jut of bone — did Getou touch him here? Caress every bit of him he could get his hands on? Tangle his hands in his snow-white hair, breathe against his collarbone? 
When you came, you cried. Pretended it was just because it was so intense, but behind your eyelids, dark, cat-like eyes stared back.
"Hm?" Satoru hums as if he didn't hear you, eyes fixed on the TV. Dumb doesn't suit him — it's honestly a bit of an insult for him to even try it. Like you didn't sense the stiffness of his limbs the second he'd stepped inside, or the crumbling edge of his smile, or the way he'd forced you to love him harder — pull his hair harder, scratch his back deeper, his Infinity turned off and his skin yours for the marking. 
Satoru's mannerisms are scribed into your brain. You catch yourself emulating them, sometimes; hands waving, head tilting, grin wide and posture open. You wear it like an oversized coat, an ill-fitting costume, and sometimes you wish you could stop taking on pieces of him. The more you take, the more you must throw away — and it's Suguru that your memory discards. You find yourself forgetting how he hummed when he woke up from a nap, or filled his cheeks with food like a hamster; how he scrunched his face up when he laughed, pretty all the while…
The point is that even with his incredible knowledge, his awesome strength, the sheer holiness of his existence — you know Satoru. And the fact that he came to you today isn't mere coincidence.
You decide to come out with it. You've tiptoed around it for 24 months, give or take, had a shockingly brief mourning period before the jujutsu world forced you along, and… even with what he did, Suguru deserves better. "Suguru died today."
A beat of silence. Then:
"Mm, I guess he did."
You'd spent the day staring out at the grey sky, the miserable sight of soaked pavement. Grey, grey, grey. Concrete jungle. Heavy rain clouds and an ocean of multicoloured umbrellas, bobbing and rolling to destinations unknown. You hadn't said it aloud; hadn't even thought of it, specifically. The knowledge of it had just sat over your head like a thick, sweltering fog — and if you know Satoru at all, you know that he'd done the same. Maybe he hid it better.
You don't have to look now to know that his lips are pressed thin. You find the sudden thought of looking him in the eyes daunting, anyways, so you turn onto your side, back facing him, and pick mindlessly at the sheets. You don't want to see what his reaction will be when you say—
"Did you know that I loved him — back then?"
You don't want to see the shock, or the confusion — and you'd rather not see a lack of them, either. What's worse, you wonder — him knowing and loving Suguru too, or not knowing and loving him?
You screw your eyes shut and try to will away the sudden surge of cold, like a sharpened dagger to your chest. 
(It turns out that knowing is much more painful.)
Suguru Geto had been the apple of your eye ever since you'd met. 11 and gangly and stupid in a way that all children were always stupid, Suguru had been a bit kinder than his white-haired counterpart. Satoru, being Satoru Gojo, had grown up with no fear of authority, no mindfulness for his less-powerful peers as anything more than people who existed around him. You and Suguru were allowed the title of friends, but very few were. Anyway — he grew out of that mindset, of course, but your fondness for Suguru stayed.
(Though they'd always seemed to be on another level than you — not even just in terms of power, but… just caught up in each other, always. Suguru had only ever wanted Satoru. And vice versa.)
And then Suguru changed. Right under your nose, he changed, and his sudden quietness made sense. His fatigue. The way his hands would always shake when swallowing an exorcised curse, always had since you were kids, and then suddenly they were ingested with a scary calm. Nobody understands the taste of curses. Not even you, not even when he’d explained it in sickening detail.
You sigh, then. Tired and lethargic and not from physically straining yourself for an hour. This is bone-deep, soul-weary. It's been held in for 730 days, or maybe more. Maybe you've carried it with you since birth. "I never apologised."
"For what?" Satoru asks — and he laughs, jolly, and the sound fits awkwardly in his throat. A clear attempt at feigning indifference, but he's a bad liar. He always has been, because he's never needed to lie. Perks of being the strongest, you guess. You can just come out and say shit — and if you can't, not saying anything technically isn’t lying. 
"I hated you, after," you confess. You dig your thumbnail hard intoyour pinky finger, taking momentary refuge in the sharp shock of pain. "I couldn't stand to look at you. When I did, I saw… I saw what you did. What you had, and what you had thrown away. I blamed you for Suguru. I blamed everyone except Suguru."
Another snicker, a bit too humourless. "You can't stand to look at me now."
"I…" You don't know what to say to that.
Truth is, you don't want to see his face. Contorted in pity, or disgust, or sadness for you. You've gotten used to living in his shadow — most everyone has — but that doesn’t ease the ever-present blanket of insecurity that you carry around your shoulders. It doesn’t dull the ache of inferiority you’ve been housing in your chest from the moment you were saddled with your technique. As you aged, you got better at hiding it, and you generally prefer your self-pity to go unnoticed, but Satoru—
He could always read you like a book. And you hated it. You hated being pitied by someone who was as powerful as him — someone as close to God as one could get. It was demeaning. Patronising. It makes you feel like a child again, bowing your head as your mother makes excuses for you.
You shift over — onto your back, and then onto your other side — and you look at him. You force yourself. Blankets pooled around his waist, his skin so pale it could be translucent, eyes icy blue and framed with fluffy white.
"You were forced to do it," you murmur. Your eyes remain trained on his chin — his are much too bright, much too all-seeing for comfort. "If you hadn't, he would've gotten worse. He never would have stopped. You knew that, you always did. It… took me a while to come to terms with it."
Satoru sighs. Then, he slumps down so that — like you — his head rests flat on the pillow, and his body arcs towards yours. He's forced himself into your sights again, in a way that’s gentle, but not so much that you wouldn't be able to figure out what he's doing: forcing you to face him.
"Would it have made you feel better," Satoru begins, reaching forward to brush his fingers against your chin, "if you were there when I did it?"
Would it have?
Would it have given you closure? Would you no longer spend your nights wondering what he'd looked like, what his last words were, his last thoughts? If he had spittled and roared in anger, if he had wept in fear, if he had attempted a smile, a joke? If he thought of you, or if you were just another insignificant blip in his radar?
In your mind, Suguru exists as his 17 year old self — smiling and mischievous, polite yet humorous. He puts extra broccoli on your plate and gently berates you to eat more. He tells you that you're a precious part of the team, that none of them would be who they are without you. He calls you crybaby because you always wear your heart on your sleeve, and tells you not to worry about things you cannot change.
Change what you can. Forget the rest and leave it to me, crybaby.
The bubbling hatred that had festered inside him has no place in your head. You want him to stay as he is, your Suguru that was never yours, shining like gold in your mind.
"No. He hated me at the end, I think," you say quietly. For a second, you dare to meet his eyes — bright and pointed in how they stare at you. You know he can see the tears that have begun to burn in your waterline, the way you ball your fists so hard you dig half-moon into your skin. He doesn’t need to be blessed with the Six Eyes to see.
"I wasn't interested in changing the world like he was, even with my Technique. That made him despise me, I think."
Satoru stares for a few more seconds. You wonder what he's thinking about. A second in your time is a lifetime in Satoru's; he must be thinking hard. 
But he blinks, at last; sighs so deeply that his chest caves in with it, before he winds an arm around your waist and pulls you close, bare chest to bare chest, only atomic space between you.
There's nothing sexual about it. You're nothing but bones and skin and blood, here. He moulds your head to his shoulder with one large hand and cocoons you in his embrace, warm. Protected. You're not sure who the action is meant to comfort.
And just when you think the conversation is over — just when minutes have passed with nothing but the sound of the TV between you both — he speaks.
"Suguru could never hate you. Trust me."
You don't want to know what that means. You're only beginning to get over it, two years later.
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Satoru is holding three onigiri in one hand, and two Starbucks' cups in the other — extra sugar, extra cream, extra ice, extra unicorn-marketing, just the way you both like it. 
"There she is!" Is the first thing he says as he meets you just outside the metro, grinning. 
It's sweltering hot today — the sun had risen early and would surely set late, and Satoru seems to be taking advantage of it. Gone is his Jujutsu Tech uniform and thick blindfold, but he's stuck with the all-black theme like he usually does — black jeans, black linen shirt, black socks and shoes. Even the frames of his sunglasses are black.
(Handsome. He's handsome. He's always been handsome — years later, you'd think you'd stop feeling the effects of it.) 
Lucky for him. You're not, y'know, the strongest sorcerer in the last century, so there's no leeway for you — and even in your summer uniform, the skirt and short-sleeved blouse, you're sweating. Your only respite is that the combined force of you and Satoru will mean this mission is going to be a breeze.
Satoru tsks. "Took your time. I almost ate your onigiri."
A man nearby jogs past, clearly in a rush, and Satoru has to step closer to you to avoid him. He could've stayed still. He wouldn't have touched him, anyway, with his Limitless.
"And you would've had to buy another, genius."
A pout. "You only love me for my bank account, don't you?"
(He's joking. It's a joke. 
But your hand shakes — a miniscule tremor — as you reach out to take one of the cups, and you know he sees it because he's Satoru and he sees everything. You turn away as quickly as you can, setting off in the direction of whatever place it is you're here for, and pretend that the fact that he can say it so casually doesn't kinda fucking hurt. 
(He could never say it like that with Suguru — so bluntly, so crassly. Not without softened eyes and softened smiles and a gentle tilt of his head — those are mannerisms reserved only for him, never to be seen again. Instead, you get snickers and digs in the arm and teasing pulls of your hair. Of course it’s a joke. That’s all you are.
Perhaps you should just be grateful for what you get. Perhaps you should try to stop comparing yourself to a man you once loved. Perhaps you should try to stop comparing yourself to a dead man. Perhaps, in the end, you just love the pain of it all.))
"Yeah," you reply, taking a large, sugary sip. "And don't you forget it, either."
Satoru catches up to you quickly, effortlessly; his arm flops around your shoulder as he tugs you in the opposite direction, chastising you for going the wrong way — but it stays there long after it needs to.
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Itadori Yuuji — Sukuna's dead-but-not-really vessel — thinks your cursed technique is powerful. He thinks it’s amazing that you can use reverse cursed technique — you must be really powerful, right? Gojo-sensei says you’re special grade. He also thinks you're very pretty. He tells you this over his fourth grilled pork belly wrap — this one bursting at the seams with kimchi, garlic, and roasted sesame seeds.
He doesn't say it in a flirtatious way — it's just an observation to him, simple and blunt, and you figure he has about as much of a filter as Satoru does.
"O-oh," you say, metal tongs frozen over the sizzling meat. "Thank you, Yuuji."
You had briefly met him for the first time before his death — Nobara, too. Megumi, the third piece of the golden trio, has been something of a little brother ever since Satoru had taken him in, and you know him well enough to know that Yuuji's death (or lack thereof) is weighing on him terribly. 
(There are too many parallels you could make. Suguru and Satoru. Haibara and Nanami.)
Hiding it does make you feel guilty. To experience that grief, that loss — even if it will soon go away when Yuuji rejoins jujutsu society — isn’t something to take lightly. But Yuuji needs a guide that isn’t completely off the rails. Satoru and you balance each other out, and balance seems to be something Yuuji needs.
He reminds you terribly of Satoru when he was younger. Maybe that's why you have such a fond spot for him — he's too goofy and well-meaning and genuine to dislike.
"Why are you acting surprised?" Gripes Satoru, chewing with his mouth open. "I tell you that all the time."
Your eyes narrow. You place a perfectly cooked slice of marinated beef on his plate. "You're you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He whines. "We're best friends, crybaby!"
"You don't say I'm powerful. You say I'm helpful. There's a difference. And don’t call me that."
"Is there?" Satoru asks, turning to Yuuji for guidance. The teen boy shrugs, preoccupied by assembling his newest monstrosity. "I call you pretty, too."
"Yeah, when—"
When you're eight inches deep in me, face buried in my neck, trying to get yourself off. Your cheeks flush with warmth at the thought, and you shut your mouth. Yuuji doesn't notice your slip up, busy as he is; Satoru does completely, and fixes you with a grin so sharp that you vow to not give him any more meat until Yuuji is completely full.
"It's not the same," you say, voice final. It's a lighthearted lunch. You don't want to ruin it by getting touchy over semantics, and that's exactly what'll happen if you keep going. "You say it to reward me. Like tossing a dog a bone."
You reach for the scissors to snip the meat into little pieces — and in doing so, you miss the brief frown that presses against Satoru's brow.
Neither of you say anything more on the matter.
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Satoru has known you for five years when he realises that he resents you. Not completely, and not for one particular or solid reason, either. He prefers not to think about it, in any case, because you're one of his closest friends — and even at 17, he knows that that's hard to come by. Especially as the Strongest.
Satoru stares up at his ceiling; stares at the miniature striations only he can see, the starburst-shaped gyrations of clay used to finish it off. 
Tonight, he's thinking about it. And many other things.
He hates that you're so hesitant about everything — he hates that you believe yourself so weak that you have to tiptoe. You, with your reverse cursed technique — which is a feat in and of itself — that could transcend time and space, just like he could. A technique passed down for hundreds and hundreds of years, accumulating power all the while…
(Your technique has lots of rules and regulations, of course. A handicap, and he understands it frustrates you, but his own frustration eclipses his understanding. Why should someone so strong feel anything but their own strength?)
He hates that you curl in on yourself when you're sad, or lonely, or angry. He hates that you wear your heart on your sleeve — he's never allowed himself to, not fully. He can't, never fully, because there are people who are watching him, people who hate him, people who want him dead. He can joke. He can make his political desires clear — but he can’t love like he wants to, and God forbid he cries.
He hates that you close your eyes and bask when it's sunny, like a cat in a sunspot; hates that you remember that he doesn't like chicken wings and prefers thighs; he especially hates that you watch over Suguru like it's your job, when Suguru doesn't need it.
And some part of Satoru hates Suguru, too. It was strange for him to come to terms with it, fond of him as he is, but as he grows Satoru realises that there's no love of his that isn't closely affiliated with hate. It makes the love all the more strong.
Satoru, for one, dislikes how polite Suguru is, even when he doesn't need to be. He hates that Suguru becomes a straight-faced, unfeeling thing when he's upset, and tries to hide it — the emptiness in his eyes unsettles him like nothing else.
Most of all, above all, Satoru hates that Suguru loves you, crybaby, and is too pussy to do shit about it. Satoru doesn't understand why, anyways, because he'd made it clear that if he wanted, Suguru could have you both and Satoru wouldn't care. Usually, the thought would offend him. How can you love someone when you already love me? When you've already sworn yourself to me? You already have the strongest, who else do you need? 
But… he doesn't know. He kinda understands. You're precious to him, too, after all, sunflower soaking up the sun. 
Like he said: there's no love of his that isn’t closely affiliated with hate.
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Six and a half hours after the hours-long meeting that followed the ruined School Goodwill Event, you find yourselves in a diner somewhere in Harajuku. It’s one of those weird fusion places, loaning ornamentation and tokens from classic American diners, serving omurice with fries, sushi with mashed potatoes, with a cute little mascot that looks like Elvis. It’s loud enough and bright enough to make you feel timeless. It's a sensation you can appreciate. 
Something’s been telling you that time’s ticking, and you’re not quite sure what it is. Trauma, probably. Anxiety. The fact that curses have been banding together, learning spoken language, amassing power — planning an attack on Jujutsu Tech, gaining intelligence, gaining anger.
Satoru doesn’t say it — doesn’t want to say it — but you think it’s unnerved him, too. The last time outsiders entered school grounds was… two years ago, wasn’t it? It’s crazy. Everything always seems to lead back to Suguru.
The attack has fueled something in both of you, anyways; something that makes you both stay up instead of knocking out like you usually do; something that makes you both hungry and restless and liable to travel across Tokyo past midnight. By public transport, no less. No warping or high-speed flying for you, tonight.
But you appreciate it. And you think that Satoru is taking things slow for the same reasons you want to — to take things in, to appreciate what you never think to appreciate. To admire the mundane, even for a little while. Satoru’s less emotionally attached to the jujutsu-less aspects of life than you are — bullet trains and waiting in line and standing on the train platform, escalators and traffic — but he enjoys them all the same when he has time to. And it’s not often The Strongest gets to experience pure, genuine normality, too, so maybe sitting in this gaudy diner and watching the world pass you by is a luxury he rarely affords himself.
He orders the most complicated drink they have — a sakura-caramel milkshake topped with whipped cream, glacé cherries, and an entire slice of cheesecake. He’s down to the last dregs of melting cream within 10 minutes, swiping fries from your plate between sips, ignoring your chides of rotten teeth and high blood sugar.
Blindfold swapped for glasses. Strands of hair drifting down against his forehead. 
You’re always reminded at the worst times of how handsome he is. It’s not like it’s a secret, or he’s unaware of it — and he takes pride in his looks, if his extensive skincare shelf and general attitude is anything to go by — but he puts much more stock in his strength, in his usefulness to others, his intelligence. The things he can provide for others. Not many people realise that.
Maybe you shouldn’t act so high and mighty. It’s not like you don’t appreciate his appearance as much as the next person — hell, half the time you’re trying to stop it from distracting you — but maybe you get a pass. Y’know, as a person who actually has reason to marvel over the stretch of his neck and the flush of his cheeks and how his lips go the prettiest pink when you kiss him. Or the cords of muscle along his arms; the slender-yet-thick bands of muscle of his chest and legs. The large, veiny expanse of hand — slim, delicate fingers wrapped around a paper straw…
"Are you gonna eat those?" Says Satoru, slurping obnoxiously. “Haven't eaten since dinner."
You push the basket across the table, uncharacteristically void of argument. "Go crazy."
Satoru sets his empty glass aside, but the straw remains in one hand. The other he uses to pluck up fries, 4 or 5 at a time, his gaze suddenly fixed on you as he chews nonchalantly.
"Y'know," he says, licking salt from his fingertips, jabbing the straw in your direction, "I can always tell when you're horny."
"Excuse me?"
"You squirm," Satoru continues — matter-of-fact, casual, as if he's talking about the weather. "And you get quiet.”
“I’m a quiet person,” you snap, nails pressing against your palms under the table. “Sorry I know when to shut the fuck up—”
“And then you get flustered. And when you’re flustered, or embarrassed, you get angry.” He raises his hand — signals the cute waitress for another basket of fries, and leans back with his arms splayed along the back of the booth. “Don’t look so surprised! How long have we known each other?”
If you were a better person, you’d probably admit that yes, he’s right. You do get quiet when you’re horny, and you do get angry when you’re flustered — if you were a worse person, though, you’d remark on how you're the first person he crawls to when he’s sad, or overwhelmed. How getting you into bed and losing yourselves in each other is a sort of therapy for him. How he always tries to distract you with cheeky grins and sly, flirty comments, but then afterwards he cries in the bath as you clean him up. 
You don't say that, obviously. Seems like a pretty shitty thing to bring up today of all days. He'd probably deny it anyways, but you don't think it's a coincidence that the attack has left him restless and he obviously wants to take you home.
The new fries are delivered to the table, but he looks right past them. He bows his head slightly, glasses slipping a little further down his nose so that his white-framed eyes peek over the top of them. 
"Let's warp home," Satoru says — and oh. There's that voice. That drop in tone, that lack of boisterous humour he always employs. It's soft enough to have goosebumps rising on the back of your arms, smooth enough to have you squirming — yes, squirming, you admit it — in your seat. "Alright?"
"Yes." And it's embarrassingly breathless, and embarrassingly quick, but Satoru doesn't tease you. Just smiles, raises a hand for the bill, and watches you all the while.
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You count seven stitches in the forehead of Geto Suguru.
Count, because it's all you can do. Everything else is lost to you. 
It feels like even your heart has stalled. Because—
Because Geto Suguru is dead. Dead, in the ground, no longer breathing, no longer living. Satoru had killed him. Satoru had demolished him.
The lips of the Geto in front of you twist — a sickening, stomach-turning imitation of the smile you once adored. On his face it's a sneer, a mockery. Your Suguru did not smile like this when you knew him.
"Hello," he greets pleasantly. His arms are hidden within the sleeves of his yukata. Hair down. Suguru always tended to wear his hair up, unless he was fresh out of the shower. Unless he was upset. It was too much hassle to take care of. You know when he took over the Time Vessel Association and donned the gojo-kesa he began wearing it down. "_____ _____, yes?"
You can't answer. Your ears are ringing. Your stomach gives a worrying lurch that winds up your throat — you think you're going to be sick. 
How? Why? Who — who is this in front of you? Because it's not Geto, not Suguru — and you don't say that because of longing or a pathetic desire for ignorance. This thing feels wrong. Inherently, blasphemously wrong. Looking at him for too long makes your cursed energy prickle. Seeing Suguru's image painted in such slimy, rancid energy has you gasping for breath.
Satoru, your mind whispers. Satoru needs to know.
He should. He needs to. But this pseudo-Geto does not look friendly in the slightest, and you are isolated.
Looking back, it had seemed fine to go alone to exorcise curses in the belly of Tokyo's metro. Taking old service tunnels and eventually entering abandoned tracks hadn't felt scary. You're a semi-special grade sorcerer with years of experience under your belt and a powerful cursed technique that could get you out of most, if not all, pinches, restrictions and regulations be damned.
"I'm sure you're very confused. I apologise, really…"
The reality of the situation hits you. Maybe hit is the wrong word — it doesn’t come as a bloody, stinging smack in the face. It’s a trickle of ice-cold water down the nape of your neck, drawing dread from your head all the way into the pit of your stomach. You don't think this is a pinch you'll come out of — at least not battered half to death, especially when a silver-haired curse decorated with stitches steps out from behind pseudo-Geto. The curse Kento had fought. The one that he said to look out for. Patchwork.
Immediately, you know fighting isn't an option. But what else is there to do, in the face of pseudo-Geto and his silver-haired, sentient curse? Your technique may not be limitless in your possession, but in theirs? If they did to you what they did to so many others — transfiguring you past the point of recognition, stealing your body and technique, desecrating your corpse with cursed energy…
"I can feel it from here," titters the curse excitedly. "So warm… I have to have it! Her soul, I have to have it!"
You could try to escape, but you wouldn't have enough time to run past them and through the winding corridors of the underground, even while distracting them with your cursed technique. They'd catch you within seconds. You’re sure they have curses lurking around waiting to thwart you, too.
You could burst directly into the layers of concrete and metal above — use your technique to revert them back millions and millions and years to their very first forms, atoms and subatomic particles, and then rebuild them up as an ascending platform — but that would take too much time, and you'd be completely defenceless while you did. Not to mention the toll it'd take on you.
(Not to mention the fact that you'd be bursting into the public eye from a giant crater in the ground.)
"I'm sure you know what I'm going to do," continues pseudo-Geto, amiable. "I would ask you to join us, but I know that is impossible. Therefore, there is only one course of action."
Can't fight. Can't escape. Can't get answers. Can't stay clueless. How contradictory.
You're not dying, that's all you know. And if you have to do the one thing you never wanted to do, then so be it. Anything is better than death. Death is not an escape, in this scenario — it’s a guarantee of imprisonment.
"It's a shame," pseudo-Geto sighs, bloodlust swelling. "Such a waste of a good technique."
You make a Binding Vow with yourself within seconds.
Using a magnitude of cursed energy usually out of your reach, your entire body will be reduced to atoms — intangible, untrappable, unkillable — for as long as it takes to retreat to safety. In return, you will be unable to think, unable to move according to your own will, only a mere pawn to entropy as the rest of the galaxy is — high risk, high reward.
There are many things that could go wrong.
In reducing yourself to essentially nothing, in splitting your cursed energy into billions of particles, you could reach a state of such low cursed energy concentration that you are, for all terms and purposes, considered dead. In doing so, your Binding Vow could break, and you would be unable to return to living. 
Or you could float for days, weeks, years — safety is subjective, subjective is dangerous when it comes to contracts, and you can only hope that your own understanding of it sets the standard.
It's either this, this fleeting, terrifying chance, or death. With one, you can return to your school, your students, your Satoru — you can tell them what happened. You can bring justice to whoever has disturbed Suguru from his slumber. With the other — nothing. Just plain, utter nothingness forever and ever.
(You know which you'd rather.)
The last thing you recall, in spotty haziness, is the heart-stopping sight of Suguru surging towards you, eyes bloodthirsty, face contorted in malice. 
The last thing you hope is that Satoru isn't too upset about the risk you've taken.
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Eight days after your solo mission, you resurface — a discombobulated, stumbling mess on the outskirts of Shibuya, eyes glazed and mouth stuttering over syllables. A nearby Window calls the college within seconds, and Gojo is there just as soon — hands shaking when he grasps your arm and turns you to face him, fingers trembling when he cups your cheeks and brushes them under your eyes.
It’s you. It’s you, it’s you, it’s you, and he can breathe, he can fucking breathe, his chest is lighter than it’s been for those entire 8 days — all the while, he burns with an anger so intense it hurts. And Satoru is no stranger to anger, of course — knows it as intimately as he knows himself — but he's not sure if he can remember the last time it had rendered him breathless, trembling. Bloodthirsty.
It's not the time to think about it. Not when you're shaking in his arms, so frail and weak everywhere except your hands — no, your hands remain strong, fingers digging into his clothes and skin. He turns off his Infinity. The sting of your touch grounds him.
Shoko is already waiting in the clinic for him — she’d been preparing ever since the call first came in. The students (the ones on campus, at least) crowd together at a distance, buzzing anxiously as Satoru disappears swiftly into the depths of the infirmary with you in his arms.
Bad things happen often. Too often. Satoru isn’t sure whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that they haven’t gotten used to it yet.
“Gibberish,” Satoru answers when Shoko asks if you’ve said anything competent since he picked you up. “Just gibberish.”
Shoko is poking and prodding you with the usual doctor's shit — stethoscopes and thermometers and that blood pressure band that goes around your arm — and you just lay there and take it. Head rocking side to side, limbs trembling, mouth lolling open, and Satoru's trying not to lose his head because what good is taking your temperature? Do you look like you have a fucking cold? Is the way your eyes focus and unfocus normal? The way you can’t string together two syllables that make fucking sense?
But even with how he can see your cells malfunctioning all over your body, Shoko knows more about this shit than him. So he sits pretty on her swivelling chair, twisting back and forth, body the image of boredom but mind anything but. Time and time again, he’s reminded of how unprejudiced tragedy is — how it leaves no hint, no mark of itself, no time to prepare for the toll of it all. 
Satoru had greeted you briefly before you’d left. Said something about getting lunch together, that you better be careful because you were treating him — the same shit he said time and time again, his real plea hidden within the folds and twists of his jokes and quips. Be careful. Don’t die. I can’t lose you. You’re precious to me.
You’ll be okay. You have to be — he won’t allow anything otherwise. But if he’d known last week that you’d end up like this, would he have said those things out loud? He doesn’t think so. He’s cowardly in that way.
A few moments later, Shoko straightens up. Immediately reaches into the pocket of her lab coat and pulls out a cigarette and a rusting lighter, and is puffing out clouds of bitter air just seconds later. 
Shit. That’s not a good sign.
Shoko sighs. Rubs at her dark undereye circles and only makes them worse, taps her cigarette so that the ash falls to the floor. “I know what it is.”
Well fucking tell him instead of keeping it in!
“Oh?” Satoru says instead, leaning forward onto his knees. “What is it, then?”
“She used her technique on herself.”
“She does that all the time to heal."
“She didn’t heal herself,” Shoko snaps — and Satoru remembers that he’s not the only person you’re important to. That while he and Suguru had gotten ahead of themselves being the strongest, they’d left you and Shoko to stroll humbly along your own paths. The only girls in their year. The only person Shoko could fully confide in, really — at least in Tokyo —, the only person who had bothered to check up on her when she drank too much, smoked too much. Even if Shoko hated it. 
Shoko is upset. Satoru doesn't what to do with it.
(Alcohol — she likes alcohol. Satoru reminds himself to pick up the most expensive bottle of the stuff the next time he's out.)
(No. She’s trying not to drink so much, isn’t she?)
(Whatever. Life is short.)
“She dissipated herself.”
Satoru knows about your technique intimately enough that it immediately gives him pause — but he runs over the details in his head, just in case, as if it isn’t already imprinted on the flesh of his skull.
Your cursed technique allows you to disassemble items down to their most basic units — subatomic particles — while your reverse cursed technique allows you to reassemble them. Items can be reassembled into their previous form, or to another related form, but you cannot exceed the item’s natural entropy threshold. If you do, the item cannot be reverted back to a physical state, and you will bear the brunt of the resulting shift in energy.
It's a finicky technique. Finicky and fickle and the risks tend to outweigh the rewards — but you'd always used it so elegantly, so gracefully. Even when you doubted yourself, you had a handle on it. Satoru admired that about you.
("You don't say I'm powerful. You say I'm helpful. There's a difference."
You'd said that to him once, when he brought you and Yuuji to lunch. You'd acted like it didn't bother you but he could tell it did — he didn't need his Six Eyes to notice how your nose twitched and your eyes narrowed, displeased. 
But Satoru believes in two types of helpfulness. 
The kind he is — powerful, needed, a force to be reckoned with. Someone that keeps things afloat, that acts as a beacon in the dark.
Then there's the other kind. The usefulness of pawns, of bait. Necessary, but not fundamental. Desired, sure, but rarely crucial.
You've always been the first. Always. You and him and Suguru and Shoko, always. Even he could admit that.)
You disassembled yourself into atoms. Into nothingness. You lost your mind, your body, your energy, everything—
Satoru sighs. He's been doing that a lot today.
“I didn’t know she could do that,” Satoru says. His throat is covered in a layer of sawdust. He can’t remember the last time he had to actually focus on not throwing up. “Why would she do that?”
“She talked about it, before,” Shoko says. She leans against the bed you’re laying on, gazing over her shoulder — and the way she looks at you turns his stomach, the upturn of her brows, the sad downturn of her mouth. It’s as if you’re already dead. As if she’s looking at a living corpse. “Just… as a theory. A last resort to help her get away, if needed, but—”
“But what?”
“She knew she didn’t have the power for it,” Shoko mutters. Breathes another puff of cigarette smoke. “If she tried, she'd end up just… fading away. In breaking herself up, she'd negate the cursed energy that gives her the power to put herself together.
"And the side effects would be… well, you can see that for yourself. Stupid, so fucking stupid…”
“Well, obviously she has the power for it,” Satoru murmurs. “Or made the power for it.”
“A binding vow?”
Satoru shrugs. Clenches his jaw, watching as you scratch at the faux-leather underneath you. “It'd make sense. Explains how she put herself back together."
(But for what? What could have driven you to such lengths? 
A curse like Jogo wouldn't be all too difficult for you to defeat.
So who…?)
Shoko hums. She stares into space for a moment, eyes unfocused, and for a moment Satoru sees her younger self — the one who just started smoking, just started drinking, who carried the weight of all the people she healed (and those she'd failed to) tucked in her pocket. The Shoko that would make sarcastic quips and humble them when they needed humbling, but humour them when she knew the outcome would be funny.
A time when they had very little responsibility. Even him, shackled with it since birth. Comparing his duty from then to now is like comparing a boulder to the weight of the world.
He feels very old, suddenly, at 28.
"There's nothing I can do for her," Shoko says, softly. Regretfully. "If she did make a binding vow, I can only assume she made a condition about returning to normal. If so…"
Satoru can’t do anything about it, basically, she explains. Your condition is one that will only heal with time, patience, and the odd boost from Shoko’s technique. Maybe, she says — she's still unsure about that last bit.
It sickens him. It festers as a deep, curdling annoyance in his bones, his uselessness. It’s a sensation he had only felt once before, standing before the slumped-over body of Geto Suguru. Nothing he could do for him except put him out of his misery, and even then that felt like a cop-out.
So… he can't go directly after the thing that had forced your hand, because they had left no trace. He can't heal you, either. He can't take care of you while your body repairs itself, while your supposed binding vow returns you to your rightful state — that duty will fall to Shoko, or one of her interns. 
He can do nothing. And Satoru is nothing if he cannot be of use.
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Nine months after the events of the culling games, Satoru enters your room to see you sitting up — eyes wide, eyes seeing, and it only takes you fixing him with a single look to know that you're okay. 
(Subjectively. Relatively.)
Suguru Getou — Kenjaku — is finally dead — exorcised. He’s not sure which is the right word to use. All of his allies, killed or exorcised too. Nanami, murdered. Nobara, comatose. Yaga, dead. Inumaki, Maki, Okkotsu, maimed; the great houses of sorcery destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Satoru’s will. 
Itadori Yuuji — dead. Sukuna Ryomen — exorcised.
Adding up the gains, subtracting the losses, carrying the ones… Both sides seem to have lost pretty evenly. And he should be happy about it, too; things could have turned out much worse. And they would have, too, if he hadn’t pushed himself out of his pouting and escaped the prison realm — a feat that was half out of spite and half concern for the outside world, and maybe a little curiosity. Rage. Longing to see the bastard who’d stolen Suguru’s face and body, who dared to reanimate him and rouse him from peace — longing to slaughter the thing that had rendered you bedridden and half-mad for months.
He had been the one to kill Kenjaku. It only felt right to be the one to do so — he’d killed Suguru, after all; had been the one to leave him defenceless and open to manipulation. If Suguru hadn’t been dead, Kenjaku wouldn’t have been able to steal his body. 
Of course, Satoru ignored the fact that the very last rotten, desperate dregs of Suguru would have enjoyed Kenjaku’s plan — it was the only way he was able to keep his eyes open when he blasted his brain to bits. It was hard enough the first time.
All of these things sit on his tongue, bitter and souring and curdling — every detail of the battle, of the culling games, the colleagues and peers and students he’d held in his arms, the ones he’d comforted as they slipped away, the ones he’d reassured and promised. 
(Pink, blood-covered hair; a smile that never dimmed, a nervous murmur (“It’s okay, Gojo-sensei. I know what I got into.”). The shaky laugh that had followed.)
Satoru’s hands tremble at his sides.
Your eyes are wet with tears when you look at him. 
“How long has it been?” You croak — voice dry and cracked with disuse, whining in some parts, low and wheezing in others. Bone-deep, the fear in your voice, and for good reason — things had already been at a boiling point when you’d been taken down. Everything had moved past you. “Satoru—?”
Another selfish decision on his part: he doesn’t tell you. At least, not now, when the words threaten to vomit out of his mouth, when the pain is suddenly too fresh and too raw. 
(For one strange, too-long second, he’s reminded of his mother — weak, presence-less, powerless as she was. Empty-eyed and unhappy. She was hardly even a mother with the amount of governesses he had.
Somehow, though, every problem would seem worse when her eyes were upon him; every cut and bruise was more painful; every slight against him a grave insult; every mistake a cause for self-pity and temper tantrums — and none of it mattered, as long as she took him into her arms.
A rarity, yes, but… maybe one of the only fond memories he has of his childhood in the Gojo household.
Satoru feels like a kid again — suddenly sniffling from a bruise he swore didn’t hurt, his mother ready to pat his head and baby him and coo his name. Satoru. Not Gojo-sama.)
He crosses the room and plants himself upon your bed and takes you into his arms for the first time in months, and—
And for the first time since Yuuji’s death, since Nanami’s, since Suguru’s, since your injuries—
He cries. Openly. Heaving, chest-wrecking sobs; red, wet nose and ugly whimpers. It’s overwhelming. It’s cathartic. It makes the pain worse, for a second, before it begins to taper out in a bruising wave; with it, he remembers his darling underclassmen who died, his colleagues that he’d wanted to live at least a few more years; he remembers that despite years of being told so, he’s not God — he couldn’t stop Yuuji’s death, or Suguru’s, or Toge losing his arms, or—
“Thirteen months,” he manages to get out. “Thirteen months — you couldn’t talk, or move properly, or—”
Satoru grabs handfuls of you — hair, waist, belly, it doesn’t matter. He can feel you beneath his skin. Rushing, pounding blood, cells, micromolecules — and he doesn’t need to, but he engages his Six Eyes for a moment — actually engages them, doesn’t let them run unconsciously in the background. It’s a comfort to let himself see each receptor interact with each signal on each plasma membrane, to let himself see the tissues that formed organs that formed organ systems forming you, breathing, living, sentient—
He kisses you — or you kiss him, he’s not sure — but it’s far more intimate, far more tender than any touch he’d delivered unto you; hands clutching the sides of your face, your fingers digging into his wrists. You’re crying, salt on his tongue — and he only knows they’re not his own tears because you give a great, shuddering sob when you part, trembling like a leaf in the wind. 
“I had to,” you gasp, and he wants to tell you that he knows, he knows, he doesn’t blame you, sweet girl — did what you had to do to live, to survive— “I had to—”
“Only go where I can follow, okay?" His eyes are burning again, voice cracking with the promise, regardless of the fact that he’d rather you do it 100 times over than die. But it's the only way he can tell you he loves you without telling you he loves you, and he can't remember the last time he said the words aloud.
(He does. He remembers. And he remembers that Suguru wouldn't mind if he said it to you — that Suguru loved you as he loves you. And he remembers that Suguru is dead and doesn't have an opinion anymore, so it really doesn't matter, anyways.)
Satoru calls Shoko when he rights himself, barely pulling back from your embrace to text her something barely understandable and hurried. You don't say much while he does; still acclimating to being aware, being awake — he catches you with your eyes screwed shut and your nose buried in his jacket, fingers tight on his arms again. Grounding yourself. Reminding yourself that you're alive, and with him.
Shoko scolds you between rummaging around for a thermometer and scribbling your prescription in messy, barely legible cursive — calls you a dumb bitch for doing what you did, tells you that you owe her a bottle of wine and a trip to a fancy hot spring, and it all seems a little lighter.
(She cries a little — if the slight glassiness of her eyes can be considered crying. Satoru only teases her a bit for it, though you're quick to mention how he'd blubbered like a baby when he saw you, and he's humbled quickly.
It's the most normal he's felt in weeks.)
Shoko clears away after a few hours — gives you strict orders to rest, and sends him a knowing look that he's not all too sure of the meaning of. 
"You look tired, Satoru," you finally say when you're alone again. Your smile is sad, knowing, and Satoru curses it all. You deserve a grace period, a moment of ignorance before the grief settles in. "What happened?"
But when have you ever wanted a moment of ignorance? When has he ever been able to hide the truth of things from you? When have you ever been anything but his equal, his confidant?
"Everything," Satoru says. A short, humourless laugh punctuates his single-worded sentence. "Everything, crybaby. Everything that we thought could happen, and everything we thought couldn't."
A flicker of a smile — uncomfortable, flat. Your eyes flicker down to the bland, starched sheets of the hospital bed. "Did you see him?"
He doesn't need you to elaborate. There's really only one person you both mean when you say him.
"Who was he?"
Satoru shifts in his seat. "An ancient sorcerer named Kenjaku. His cursed technique allowed him to transplant his brain between bodies and possess them."
"And he chose Suguru."
"Yes. And many others, too."
"And you killed him."
"Yes. For Suguru, and for you. But mostly for Suguru.”
“I’m glad,” you say, but your fingers twist the sheets tightly. “When I saw him, I was angry. So angry, I… I wanted to kill him. I knew I wasn’t strong enough, and I knew he would kill me, but for a second—”
He understands. God, does he understand. “You wanted to take the risk.” No matter the cost, no matter the damage to your own body. Anger like that consumes.
“I did.” You swallow. Your eyes meet his. “It was like… adding insult to injury. As if it’s not enough that Suguru is dead, but this — this Kenjaku has to puppeteer him too. Disturb his peace."
The wind rustles the trees outside. The late-afternoon gold of the sun settles along the horizon, a burning orange that stretches the shadows and warms the wind and turns the side of your face honey-soft and sad.
“But I realised that I was probably the first person he’d revealed himself to," you continue, "so I was the only one that could warn you."
Always thinking about the good of others. It was another thing he admired about you — Nanami, too. Satoru, for all his big talk about changing the world of jujutsu, about being better than those who came before him, is really quite selfish. 
It's why his hands had trembled when he'd had to kill Yuuji. It's why he couldn't put Suguru in the ground the first time they met after he became a curse user. Even when he knows things are necessary, he tries his damnedest to hold on — just for the chance of it all. The chance that Suguru could change his mind. The chance that Sukuna could be removed from Yuuji without him needing to die. 
One snow-white brow raises. “And?”
“You’ve already lost too many people that you love,” you say simply, shrugging — like it's a simple fact, no need for experimentation, no need for an academic paper complete with its own abstract and footnotes. Like you've always known, in some little way, but you're only able to bring yourself to say it now.
And Satoru — well, it's no secret to him, is it? He's known it since he was 13, 14, 15 — had a bit of a buffering period, sure — and now here at 28, he knows it just as well. The point is that you're not supposed to know. Not while you're still healing from Suguru and… being attacked by fake-Suguru.
Regardless of what he knows and how long he's known it, Satoru feels his throat begin to close up, twisting and turning and holding his breath tight. He doesn’t like the feeling.
“Love?” He echoes. His voice has gotten a little empty. It's too soon for him to say it aloud, he thinks. It was okay when he whispered it in his head after making love to you; it was easy when he grinned at your scrunched up nose and scoffed comments and thought fuck, I love you. It was easy when he could pretend it was a simple, passing comment, a trick of the mind — but having it said as fact? 
Not so simple. But you don’t need to know that. “Is that so?"
You don't seem to notice his momentary pause — a lifetime of rambling in his time, a second's hesitation in regular time — too busy staring at the space where his fingers stretch apart over the sheets. Just inches away from yours. "We're friends, aren't we?"
"Oh." Satoru blinks back. "Oh, yeah. Best friends, you and I, crybaby."
"I know it's normal for us," you say, ploughing ahead, "to just lose and lose and keep losing, but… I'll be honest. I never fully got used to it, and I don't want to."
He wishes he could say the same, but he can't.
He understands, in some capacity. Nobody wants to see the people around them die, a continuous and vicious cycle. Nobody wants to get so used to loss that most funerals no longer hold any emotional significance. But getting used to it had saved him. Getting used to it helped him act without consequence, without remorse, and that's what the battlefield both needs and requires of him.
He could count on both hands the people he wants to save in this world — about half of them were dead, at this point. A lot of them died while he was imprisoned. Two, he had to kill himself. He swore he'd protect the rest with all Six Eyes, every non-existent boundary of his Limitless.
So Satoru doesn't care much about getting used to death and dying and loss and grief. As long as you're okay, he's okay. As long as his job as the Strongest is done, everything is as it should be.
He doesn't say that to you, of course. You'd probably curse him out and call him a heartless bastard. Instead, he nods, hums and agrees and tells you the names of those who died when you work up the courage to ask.
It's a long night. It's an even longer list.
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Shoko keeps you for observation for 10 days after you wake up — three days longer than necessary, but she won't hear it from him, no matter how many times he reminds her that technically she falsified her degree—
He's joking. Mostly.
Satoru volunteers himself to help you back home, taking with you the plastic bag filled with your cleaned sorcerer's garb and weapon. He carries it over his shoulder along with two teddy bears, a half-wilted bouquet of tulips and a half-eaten box of chocolates (all courtesy of the second years — except for the chocolates, which are half-eaten because of him). He winds his other arm around your waist even though you can walk perfectly fine, but — it's just in case. Purely precautionary. For once, you don’t argue about being babied.
In the midday sun outside, you tilt your head back and close your eyes and smile. For a moment, it's as if the sadness has melted away from you — the tears you shed over Yuuji, Nanami, Suguru. The tears you shed over him, and he wasn't even dead. Satoru is glad your eyes are closed — even beneath his sunglasses, it's painfully obvious that he's staring.
You decide to take the subway home — it's my first time outside in almost a year, you remind him, so he pushes down any arguments he might have and enjoys the too-cramped journey towards Akihabara. You’re both shoved standing together, between a panicked looking man holding a tray of coffee and a woman with her child hanging about her legs, your head bobbing against his chest as the train moves. 
For a moment — as the train passes momentarily out of the underground and becomes encapsulated in light — it's easy to drown in the normalcy of it all. For a moment, he sees himself looking in as a stranger would. Here, he isn't the Six Eyes; just a simple man taking his girlfriend home, standing close on the train, wishing to be closer. Riding home to your shared apartment where he'll peel oranges and feed them to you, where he'll lay his head in your lap and hold your hands to his heart.
His nose wrinkles. He prefers reality, he thinks, where he can be powerful and have you by his side; where he can protect you, uphold peace, change the jujutsu world for the best — and then go home all the same, and have you to hold.
"What are you thinking about?" You mumble against his collar.
"Oranges," he replies.
"I don't have any at home," you say, "or if I did, they're rotted."
"Don't worry — we cleaned your kitchen up. Me and the kids." It was an afternoon of Yuuji attempting to shove rotting potatoes in Nobara's face. That was before Shibuya; before everything, really.
"Oh? You got your hands dirty?"
Satoru tries to not think about that same beaming, smiling Yuuji's last breaths. "Of course! This is me we're talking about, honey. I was front and centre."
You snort, soft against his neck. It's a wonder he went almost a year without you. "Housewife Satoru. I'll keep it in mind."
When you return to your apartment, you shower together for the first time in forever. He spends extra time and care massaging shampoo into your scalp, detangling each knot; spends extra time rinsing the suds out, tilting your head back with a gentle tap to your chin. 
Steam clogs his mind. Almond shower oil and citrusy shampoo fog his senses. The realisation that you could have potentially been taken away from him sits heavy like a stone in his stomach — why it hadn't sunk in in the past, oh, 13 months or so, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he's terribly bad at caring for precious things — but if he could, if it's possible, he'll remould and reshape his hands, his heart, his mind, just for the chance—
"Satoru," you breathe against his lips, "Bow your head."
(Bow your head, you say. He'd kneel if you asked him to.)
You brush your hands through his hair; rinse him free of suds and bubbles and kiss his temples as you shut off the water. What is supposed to be healing for you is quickly becoming therapy for him — muscles relaxing, mind clearing of all responsibilities, mournings, obligations. All he knows are the soft, newly washed sheets beneath him and your nose in the crook of his neck.
It's a strange sensation, the lack of tension, his brain not working overtime. But hardly unwelcome.
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Satoru asks you if you saw anything when you were indisposed. Memories, flashbacks, prophecies? Blurry half-truths, nonsensical babbling? You tell him that you can't really remember — and you can't, not really, but you do remember one thing.
When you were 11, you met Satoru and Suguru for the first time. It's that memory that you can remember playing in your head, over and over and over again: Satoru and Suguru, scrawny and still-faced in their yukata. 
Satoru was from a great, traditional house. Suguru was not, but upon discovery of his powers, was taken into unofficial custody of the higher-ups. In most circumstances, you wouldn’t have been allowed within two feet of them — but the elders had deemed your cursed technique a great gift, and so you were warily accepted into the upper echelons of jujutsu society, a stranger, a foreigner.
Introducing you to the most powerful sorcerers your age was nothing more than political play, of course. The adults followed behind as you walked through the grand grounds of the Gojo family — (maintained by a team of 12 gardeners, according to the Lady of the house) — muttering and scheming between themselves, making sure nothing would go awry.
Nothing did, of course. Satoru picked his nose and Suguru told him it was rude and they bickered for a while — Satoru bickered, Suguru replied calmly and quickly. Satoru asked you if your technique was good or bad ("No such thing," interjected Suguru) and whether or not you think you could beat him in a fight. 
(That last question was to stroke his own ego, of course. Everyone knew he was the strongest sorcerer born in the last century.)
At some point, Satoru made you cry. 
You can't remember what about, all these years later — you'd think you'd remember, considering the fact that you know the amount of gardeners employed by the Gojo estate — but you know that you had tried to stop it; fists balled, teeth gritted, full-body heaves. Crying was the last thing you had wanted to do. Crying meant weakness. Weakness meant being taken advantage of.
But you were so scared. It was all so alien. You wanted to go home, but home didn’t exist anymore. You wanted your mother, but your mother was long gone. All you had left were stone-faced adults that were only interested in your abilities. 
Suguru had been confused at your reaction to what he took as a harmless quip — a little callous, as most children are — but he had reassured you nonetheless.
"Don’t cry. Satoru speaks before he thinks," he'd said, nudging your shoulder. "Sometimes you have to ignore him and he'll be so bored that he has to think."
"I can hear you," Gojo huffed. "I didn't mean to."
"See?" Suguru smiled. "Works like a charm."
Yes, Suguru had always been there to protect you. Emotionally, at least. He was willing to be kinder to people. More gentle, more forgiving. He'd believed that it was his duty as a sorcerer to protect those that couldn't protect themselves, and—
Well. That had changed, by the end, but having that memory replay in your head made you see the bigger picture of it all. Suguru's place in things. Your place in things.
You'd loved Suguru, no doubt. And you’ll probably always carry a piece of him with you — you'd hate to do otherwise. You’ll carry his kindness and his jokes and his catlike smile, all tucked away in bubble wrap somewhere in your chest cavity — but you will never disregard his wrongdoings. Since his death, you'd argued against the two sides of him; felt guilty for loving him after what he did, felt guilty for hating him after loving him and knowing him for as long as you did. Two halves of a whole. Darkness in light and light in darkness.
He was both of those things. You love him, but you don’t forgive him, and you probably never will. He will never again be the boy that comforted you after Satoru made you cry; he will never again be the boy who let you braid his hair back. He won't be the boy who slaughtered innocents, either — death's funny like that. Indiscriminately doing away with both the good and the bad.
And that's okay. Kenjaku is dead, after all, and Suguru can finally rest — and with him, your warring mind.
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Midnight strikes and you're still awake. You don’t even seem tired, and that's after a long shower and takeout and a movie. Usually you'd be a drooling mess by now, but tonight is different. Feels different. Satoru isn’t sure if it's just a year's worth of built up sexual tension or something else, but he feels it regardless. 
He's flopped on his stomach, hair still damp; you're curled up in the shape of a C, skin reflecting the light of the TV. He might visit Nobara tomorrow. Megumi usually goes on Wednesdays, too — they could make a day out of it, and you could tag along, too. He's got a craving for the pistachio macarons they sell near—
"I'm in love with you," you announce. 
Satoru doesn't bother asking you to repeat yourself because he knows he didn’t mishear. It isn't the knowing that shocks him — he's not stupid, and you wear your heart on your sleeve — it's the sudden, quick verbal affirmation of it that catches him off guard. After all, haven’t you two been putting this all off? Yearning for a dead man? Being pulled from two opposing poles?
He turns his head towards you, opens his mouth to ask you just that, and—
"After Suguru, I thought I'd never be happy again," you say, and you’re smiling like you didn't just say something inherently heartbreaking. But no, you look fond — content, even, blinking slowly at him. "And I thought I'd never feel for someone as strong as I did for him. But here I am: happy, and in love, and okay."
Satoru opens his mouth — then closes it quickly. For some reason, he remembers something Suguru said to you when you were younger: "Satoru speaks before he thinks." But he wants to think about this — about what he should say. How does he respond to you quite literally baring your heart to him? How does he tell you what he wants to tell you, what you deserve to hear? He's never been good with real, genuine words — emotional shit never came easy to him out loud. His thoughts are much more concise than his mouth is, but he guesses it's because it moves so fast in comparison.
Pity you can't read his mind. It'd make things much easier. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” but he wants to, don't you know? "You don't have to pretend. It’s okay. I know that… maybe you don’t love me as much as you loved Suguru, but I know you love me in some way, at least—”
Satoru frowns — strings of ideas and thoughts bunching up and stopping short as your words register. “As much as I— hey, stop putting words in my mouth—"
"The truth is," you continue on, "I feel lighter than I have in years. I don't dread life so much anymore. I don't dread you anymore."
"You… dreaded me?"
You hum. Your legs stretch down, arms forward, face scrunched up in a passing yawn. "I'm not stupid to think you didn’t know how I felt, but… I hated that I was so obvious about it. Even when I was fighting with myself about it, I was obvious. It made me hate being around you, sometimes."
You sigh, then — not as heavy and melancholy as they used to be, no. This is a sigh of relief, of cathartic release. 
Satoru blinks, and attempts to wade through the seventy-or-so compulsions telling him to make a joke, to laugh, to tease you. Maybe he should actually be serious for once. Say it straight and say it firm, so you can't take anything the wrong way. If there was ever a time for him to not beat around the bush…
"I've liked you since I was 17," he confesses, finally. "Me and Suguru, we were together, y’know, and we were happy. And Suguru loved you, and somewhere along the line I… began to do the same, but we were so young and then… Everything changed so fast. Everything broke so fast.”
Your fingers brush against his, and he breathes in a sigh. Your eyes are wide and watery, low light reflecting like glitter in your eyes. 
"Sometimes, it keeps me up at night," Satoru says, laughing a pained sort of laugh. "Out of everything, that's what keeps me up — that we could've been happy together, all three of us. It never would’ve been enough to make him change, but…"
At least you would’ve known what it was like. To be happy together in that way. To be content. To find your places in the world, hand and hand. To know what it was like — even if Suguru’s fall from grace was inevitable — so you wouldn’t have to keep wondering until your untimely, gruesome, sorcerer-style deaths, or whatever. 
Back then, Satoru didn’t understand why Suguru never told you how he felt. He couldn't understand how he could be content watching from afar, looking but never touching. What Satoru wanted, he learned to take; the Strongest didn’t need to ask for permission, only forgiveness. 
He learned quickly that some things were better left unsaid. And now, 28 years old, half of his friends, students, colleagues dead — he understands even more. 
He remembers how Yuuji had tried to stave off tears when he realised he had to die; remembers how his student’s throat had felt being crushed in his hands. He loved Yuuji like a little brother. Like a son, even. He was family. He was his student, and yet his death had been necessary, and Satoru battled with it. It allowed him to succeed in the mission he was born to complete. But he had given up Yuuji in return.
There is no curse more twisted than love.
Therein lays the problem, he supposes. The second you love someone, you run the risk of having them end up like Yuuji did. Like Suguru did. Like Nanami did. When you are burdened with incredible power like Satoru is — like Suguru was — you must be able to sacrifice for it. The closer that people are, the more likely they are to be caught in the crossfire, the more likely you are to be hurt. Suguru hoped to avoid that at all costs. It was easier to watch from afar, less painful. 
Satoru is a tad more selfish. Which is bad, he knows, because he's too prepared to sacrifice. Even now. Even now, he knows that if caught between saving you and saving society, he would be forced to — to—
Satoru inhales. The only thing for it is to simply stop things from getting that far. 
He could explain all this to you. He could talk circles around you about it, in fact, but the truth is that it's all conjecture. Suguru isn’t here to tell him why he did what he did. He can’t speak for him, no matter how well he knew him.
"I don't know why Suguru never told you," Satoru says instead. He folds his fingers tighter, taking yours in his grip as he does so. "Guess that's something he took with him to the grave."
"I've stopped wondering," you say. “I’ll never stop regretting, but I’ve stopped wondering. I can’t stay rooted in the past any more. It was doing more harm than good."
And you raise your interlocked hands — nestle them under your chin and screw your eyes shut, like you're wishing on the evening star, like he's something precious to be treasured. All of a sudden he's 17 and confused about why he can't stop staring at you. He doesn’t have Suguru to tease him about it, now.
“I’ll never forget him,” Satoru announces — a warning, or a reassurance, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he’s telling the truth and nothing but the truth, and whether or not you like his truth is not his concern. He respects you too much to lie about this to you.
Your lips twitch upwards, a phantom of a smile. “Neither will I. "
"I'll never forget you, either."
The smile grows, blooms, blossoms, until it stretches bright and full across your face. The first smile of yours he's seen in a while that wasn't at half-mast, or tinged with sadness, or pain, or fatigue.
"How lucky I am," you whisper, "to be known by you, Gojo Satoru."
It should be the other way around, he thinks.
It's the first time he makes love in years.
Satoru has always fucked you. Always. No matter how tired you both were, no matter how injured — he'd always force himself to be rougher, force his touches to not linger as much as he wanted them to.
If he felt too much, he'd crack a joke instead of drowning in it; if he felt his eyes beginning to burn he'd bury his nose in the crook of your neck and push it down. If he thought of long, dark hair and cat-like eyes, he'd tighten your grip in his hair and the shock of pain would clear his mind. He fucked quick, and when he was done he'd lay far away enough that he couldn't feel your skin against his.
Tonight, he lets himself love and be loved again. 
You're on top of him, ass flush against his thighs, taking every inch he has to give you; his hands have found your jaw, thumbs brushing back and forth across your dewy, sweat-slick cheeks. One hand of yours clasps around his wrist; the other bands to his chest, nails digging red into his skin. Your cursed energy blooms, flushes, flourishes when he opens his eyes to look at you. 
He sees every pore, every hair, every dimple, every broken capillary, every scratch and scrape. Every part of you, bending to him in some places, unfalteringly stubborn in others. 
"Look at you," he mumbles, blinking dumbly. "So… pretty…"
You snort something like a laugh, and continue: up, down, up, down. Slow, grinding gyrations of your hips that make his head spin pleasantly; and with his Limitless nullified, he feels every inch of skin, every tensing of muscle, every scrape and press fully and completely. He’s never felt so engulfed in it before — the sensations of it all, the warmth, your scent, your weight above him.
He'd drown in you, if he could. Take you in his mouth and nose and ears and everywhere, until he's left gasping for air and grappling for something of substance. Maybe once upon a time he would keep those thoughts to himself, for whatever reason — but now he's allowed to be selfish in his affections, allowed to give more than surface-level compliments and vague declarations of love.
Between pleasure-ridden shudders and sloppy, wet kisses, he breathes:
"I want you everywhere," he says, "All the time. Over me, on me, in me—"
You raise a brow, impudent and teasing in a way that makes his abdomen tighten. "In you?"
And maybe he didn’t mean it in the way that you took it, but he plays along anyways, waggling his brows. "You heard me."
"You're terrible."
"I'm not joking," Satoru argues — but it’s hard to take him seriously when his voice quietens, when he arches up eagerly to meet your lips— 
When his grip on your lower back becomes painfully tight, when his lips part in a moan and his eyes screw shut and he throws his head back, hips rutting up to meet yours, and—
His peak rises to greet him — and his heart swells all the while. He finds himself clawing for you as his orgasm builds, hands clambering against your back, your neck, your hair, until (with a great, shaking breath, may he add): "Fuck, I — mmf, I love you—"
It carries him off to a state of fuzzy, empty-minded ignorance — pleasure tightening his entire body, fizzling from the tips of his fingers to his curling toes. Your name on his tongue, slurred and mellifluous, his smile dizzy and drunk. 
As you smile down at him, so unbearably fond, Satoru thinks that he doesn’t mind saying I love you aloud after all.)
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 1 | As You Wish ft Yuna
length: 10.2k words✦
Shin Yuna & Male Reader. 
genres: footjob, thighjob, foot worship, public sex, blowjob, oral sex, creampie  ✧ 
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The night you came home after the Spa session with ITZY was one of doing everything on autopilot, you didn't really pay attention to what you were doing, your mind kept on what had happened a few hours ago, and above all, in the difficult, incredible and terrifying request that Yeji had made of you.
Normally your mind was scheming every second that passed, but the moment where you overthought things the most was when you went to sleep. You thought about many things with the blanket up to your chest and your gaze fixed on the ceiling, and the question that most frequently occurred to you was 'am I really up to it?'. The work you had done with them, even with the limitations already imposed by the work environment, had been impeccable, otherwise you wouldn't be in the situation you were in, but you couldn't help but think that the pressure could work against you at any time, even knowing that you were not going to have any limitations of any kind.
And well, the other questions that occurred to you were stupid things that your head threw at you just to piss you off, such as: 'What will they do if I don't please them? JYP is going to disappear me into a pool of sulfuric acid?' or also 'If I do something they don't like, will they cut my dick off?'. Quite normal questions that the human brain asks in stressful situations.
That night you went to sleep restless.
The next morning you woke up to a message on your phone from an unknown number, but from the way it was written you could easily tell that it was from Hwang Yeji. The message didn't contain much, it was just a greeting, an address and a warning that emphasized that you should not arrive before 5 pm. You clearly weren't going to argue against that.
It was 10:13 in the morning on a Sunday, and despite having slept for more than 9 uninterrupted hours, you felt like a Bear whose hibernation was interrupted by a tremendously unavoidable situation and who hated his life. You made a quick breakfast, cereal and a couple of oatmeal cookies, and turned on the small TV in your kitchen to catch the day's news.
The truth was that you didn't even watch the news, your gaze was lost in nothing while your arm spooned cereal into your mouth from time to time, too busy thinking about what the hell you were going to wear to go, and that was just the beginning of the day.
2:43 PM and you were still sitting on your bed, staring at your wide open closet as you pored over your options. You had never felt so Grinch in your life, you even made the faint of lying back on your bed and saying: 'That's it I'm not going', but your common sense made you realize that this was tremendously stupid .
In the end, enlightenment came to you on its own, you didn't want to dress like you were going to a Met Gala, but you didn't want to dress like a bum either. You opted for khaki baggy pants, white trainers, a gray hoodie, and a black baseball jacket with white over it. You saw yourself in the mirror a couple of times, and surprisingly, you considered that you were perfect for the occasion.
You left your building at around 3:03 PM, took your car and drove to the address written in Yeji's message. It was about 10 minutes driving until you arrived, realizing that you were in a residential villa, and that Itzy's bedroom was a 3-story townhouse. You weren't surprised at all.
The townhouse was a little further apart from all the others. Located on the hillside and not far from the forest. You had to admit that it was a beautiful, peaceful place with beautiful views, perfect so that no one would ever think of finding them there. Clever to say the least.
You parked the car on the road a few meters from the gate and got out of the car while you put the keys in your jacket pocket. You stood in front of the gate, and you stared at a camera located to the right for a few seconds until you took out your phone to tell Yeji that you were outside. You only received an 'I know' as a response. You saw the camera again and waved.
Less than five minutes passed when the automatic gate began to open, and when it reached halfway, you found yourself face to face with Yeji herself, as radiant and beautiful as she always was despite not even wearing makeup. She was wearing black sweatpants, gray crocs, and a white tank top with no bra underneath. Your gaze went to the clearly visible nipples for a moment, but then back to her eyes.
"Hello there, oppa," Yeji smiled with her gaze fixed on you, her hands clasped behind her back, "Welcome, I didn't think you'd be here so late."
"Hi! Thank you" you greeted back with a friendly smile, walking past her to stand on the other side of the gate, "Well, actually I spent most of the time debating with myself, sorry."
"Oh, you didn't want to come?" She raised an eyebrow in the most dangerous way, and then stepped forward to stand mere inches from you, "Did you think you'd miss out on the chance to get our pussies as much as you want? Really?"
"Well, if you say it that way..." you were going to finish the sentence until Yeji put her hand on the back of your neck and pulled you towards her so that you were inches from her face.
"You don't turn down an offer like that, darling, it would be sacrilege," she took one of your hands and brought it to one of her tits, so that you could feel and squeeze it over the fabric of her tank top, "And I would take that as an offense to us," she approached your lips as if to kiss them, you felt her breath, but as soon as your lips brushed, she pulled away from you.
"I… right, fuck, I'm sorry," you took a deep breath, closed your eyes and exhaled to calm yourself, "wasn't that a little risky doing that out here?"
"Nah, we live alone, it's safe enough here to do that," Yeji turned around and started walking towards the house, you followed her close behind.
"That sounds too good to be true," you commented, looking at the rectangular pool you were surrounding and the crystal clear water flowing through.
"Well you're right, our manager comes every day to check that everything is fine and in order," you walked to the right, straight towards one of the glass doors. Yeji opened it by sliding it to the left, and made you go in first, "But he only comes in the morning, and as soon as he arrives, he's gone."
Yeji guided you through the giant and beautiful house, giving you a quick mini tour of just the places you passed. You got to the second floor, and as soon as you climbed the last step, you found yourself facing another glass door that led to one of the balconies, where there was what appeared to be a large rectangular jacuzzi with two steps.
"Fuck, they spared no expense," you muttered, looking out.
To the right of the glass door were the stairs leading to the third floor, and you barely glanced left to see a familiar face in the room at the end of the hall. You and Yeji walked in that direction, and now you were in what was the living room of the house.
"Oh my, look who we have here," Ryujin said playfully, sitting with her legs drawn up on the far left of the giant beige leather sofa, which spanned at least 10 feet horizontally. She wasn't even fully clothed, just wearing a baggy black sweater and blue panties.
Ryujin wasn't the only one on the couch. To the right, slightly away from her, Chaery was lying, staring at her phone and her head resting on the armband, which you were sure was more of a pillow, and the sofa could also be used as a bed. She was also still in her pajamas, extremely short white shorts and a loose-fitting shirt of the same color.
"Hi girls," you greeted with a smirk and a little bow to both of them. Ryujin got up only to give you a peck on the cheek and sit back down, but Chaery just waved at you with her view still on her phone screen.
"Oh, don't mind her, she just woke up and she hates us all," Yeji said, leaving you standing where you were and entering an unseen hallway to your left. You assumed that she led to a bathroom.
"It's 3 in the afternoon, are you serious?" you chuckled.
"She fell asleep late watching an anime on Netflix," said another person to your left who you hadn't noticed because of how quiet and still she was. You turned to see Lia, sitting on the counter in the corner of the kitchen, next to the outlet where she had her phone connected. She did go with ordinary two-piece pajamas, blue cotton shorts and a tank top of the same color, however, she was not wearing a bra either.
"Which one?" you asked, with your hands in the pockets of your jacket to take a few steps forward and analyze the entire room, you were unable to calculate an exact price for such beauty, but the oak wood floor and furniture, together with the intrinsic system of lighting in the whole house had to be worth 10 times more than your apartment.
"The Seven Deadly Sins..." Chaery replied, her voice sounding as if her soul had been sucked out of her.
"Damn, you wasted your time, I'm sorry," you winced.
"Please don't remind me," she sighed.
"Hey, want to have a seat? You're getting on my nerves standing there," Ryujin said, patting a space next to her. You went and sat down. Sitting there you could see the rest of the space, in front there was a small brick wall that matched the floor, a boiler on the lower right side with a compartment to store firewood on the left, and installed higher up, a TV about 50 inches where they were watching Bluey. To the left of the brick wall, another glass door that also led to the balcony.
"Oh, where is Yuna? I haven't seen her," you said, watching the show with Ryujin.
"She must be in her room doing who knows what, she's been there ever since she woke up," Yeji replied, leaving the hallway she entered a few minutes ago and walking towards the kitchen. It wasn't even 5 seconds after Yeji said that when you saw a pair of feet go down the steps that led to the third floor.
"Speaking of Helen of Troy..." Ryujin muttered next to you.
Yuna patiently walked down the steps, as if she were the princess of a fantasy kingdom whose suitors they were eager to see, but her face and aura didn't take her too far from that status tho. She looked utterly charming to you. Pink pants, tight cropped t-shirt with an evident push-up bra, and white sandals that let her pretty feet shine. As icing on the cake, she wore a little pink hair pin on one side of her head. Inevitably your gaze went straight to her delicious bare midriff, she seemed to notice, because when you looked up to meet her eyes, she followed them until your eyes met.
"Hi oppa," Yuna greeted you with a smirk, her hands clasped behind her as she joined you in the living room.
"Hi, my lady," you joked, returning the smirk.
"You were still in your panties when I left the bedroom before he arrived, how did you do it so fast?" Yeji asked from the kitchen, pouring herself apple juice into a glass.
"I saw him coming through the window," Yuna replied puzzled, as if it was obvious.
"Yeah, but you didn't answer my question," Yeji leaned her back on the table, then took a sip of the juice.
"Oh, I just wanted him to see me pretty and dressed up," the innocent little smile returned to her face, "Not like you guys who look like you just got kicked out of bed."
"I was," Chaery said quietly, eyes still on her phone. You held back your laughter.
"Whatever," Yuna ignored her, "Oppa, do I look pretty?" She waved her hair from side to side and then turned to look at you flirtatiously over her shoulder.
"Very pretty, yes," you agreed.
"I know, thanks," she winked at you and turned around again, "shall we go?"
"Uh? Where?" You turned to see Ryujin, with whom you exchanged glances, and she showed you that she was just as confused as you.
"I don't know, take me around," she shrugged, "although now that I think about it, I've been in need of shoes lately."
"Shin Yuna, you have a different pair of shoes for each day of the week," Ryujin said.
"I said I need shoes!" she protested, frowning, "come on oppa."
"Honey, did you forget that you are an idol and that you can't go out like that?" Lia also intervened, "wear a cap, mask and if possible, a coat."
"And you," Yeji said, staring at you, "make sure she doesn't do stupid things."
"She does them normally?" You looked at Yuna, who was playing dumb.
"No, but when she's around a cute guy," Ryujin said, with a mischievous chuckle, "go ahead," she patted your shoulder, and you were forced to get up from the couch.
"I'll wait for you outside, okay? I'll go start the car," you said, stopping in front of Yuna, she looked into your eyes, and you saw her back. Two big glowing orbs.
"Of course," she agreed.
You walked past her, and before you started down the stairs, you stopped.
"Uhm… can someone go with me?" you asked with a nervous giggle, "I don't remember how to get out."
"Don't worry, I'll go," Ryujin got up from the sofa and walked towards you to follow you down the stairs.
"God, thank you," you sighed.
Ryujin led you through the labyrinth they called home again, and when you were crossing the narrow corridor that led to the hall on the ground floor, she stopped you abruptly and pulled you towards her, causing you to pin her against the wall. You froze at the unexpected movement.
"I hate that my turn is still so far away..." she muttered, grabbing your waist, "I already want that dick inside me so bad..." Her hand went straight to your bulge, she squeezed it over your pants, and you were tempted to kiss her, but you thinked twice.
"Stop, Yuna's going to be here any minute," you muttered back, grabbing her wrist and pulling it away from your crotch.
"So what? She and I could suck your cock right here," Ryujin's eyes were fixed on you with great desire and lust.
"No, cutie, I'm sorry, it's her turn, it's her decision," you took the hem of her sweater and brought it up to her waist, held it with one hand, and with the other you rubbed her pussy up and down over the panties. She seemed surprised but not upset, "Relax, I'll make it worth the wait."
"You son of a…" she leaned forward slightly to kiss you, but she bit her lip to contain herself, "get out of here, the gate has a manual control on the side, the password is 120219."
"Very kind, see you later!"
And so you did. You separated from her, left the hall and followed the same steps as when you entered with Yeji. You circled the pool, and went to the gate. You entered the key as it was told, and it began to open slowly.
You went outside and went straight to your car, started it, and drove right to the front of the house to wait for Yuna. The aforementioned left the house a few minutes later, wearing a cap, face mask and black coat, she looked to the sides as a precaution so that no one was watching, and she got into your car.
"Are you ready, oppa?" Yuna asked, pulling down her mask but covering her face even more with the cap, "nice car, by the way."
"Thanks, it cost me two years of savings," you laughed, making a U-turn and starting to drive out of the residential village, "any specific place you want to go?"
"Take me to the Starfield, they have a Louis Vuitton store where they sell very cute shoes!" Yuna answered excitedly, but you only worried.
"You do know that everyone goes to that mall on the weekends, right?" you asked, eyes on the road.
"Oh, come on!" she complained, "No one will recognize me, I will not take off my cap or mask at any time."
"I know you won't, but I fear for some obsessive fan recognizing you just by…I don't know, your body."
"Well, that wouldn't surprise me..." you turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow, "Okay okay, sorry," she laughed, "but I still want to go, I'm a human being! Not a fucking circus animal."
"You have a point," you nodded, returning your gaze to the road, turning around a street to head up the highway, "As you wish, princess."
You arrived at the mall after a drive of about 10 minutes, it was difficult to find a place to park, but you took advantage of the fact that someone was just leaving to take their place. Yuna put her mask up again, and before she got out of the car you grabbed her wrist.
"Hey, no talking to high concentrations of people, you'd be too obvious," you warned, putting the car keys in your jacket pocket.
"Understood," she nodded, and then you released her to get out of the car.
As you walked through the mall you could feel the tension take over every fiber of your body. You couldn't believe you were on that site with such a massive public figure like her, but it wasn't being with her that made you nervous, it was the fact that any wrong move could get her and you in trouble. You really didn't have to, but you made sure to keep some distance from her just in case.
Yuna was obedient in not speaking, she just silently led you through the shops until you reached the Louis Vuitton store. The storefront was simple, but exuded elegance and exclusivity. And thank God, with the naked eye there were only 8 to 10 people inside.
You entered in the most discreet way you could, glued to the wall without attracting too much attention and going directly to the shoe area. It was then that Yuna moved away from you a bit to be able to carefully examine the shelves and tables. A store worker approached her to serve her, and within a few minutes, she took a pair of slingback shoes from a table with the distinctive brown color of Louis Vuitton and the logos of the brand as a print. The manager left with them, and then returned with the same ones but her size.
Yuna took off her coat and handed it to you, and as you sat down, she took off her sandals to replace them with the pair of shoes she had just chosen.
"Well? What do you think, oppa?" Yuna lifted her leg and made you grab her ankle to get a closer look at her shoe, but you knew well that she did it to make you remember what happened just days ago. The shoes were very pretty, they exposed her ankle and the vast majority of her feet, except for her toes, they certainly looked very pretty on her.
"They look nice on you, but I think you could go for something more… uncovered, perhaps?" you asked, releasing her ankle. Hearing that, the guy serving her showed her a variety of options. Yuna chose some that you recognized, they were champagne-colored eleanor slide sandals, which you also knew were fucking expensive.
She took off her previous shoes and put on her sandals. She repeated the process, and you grabbed her ankle once more.
"Something like that?" Yuna asked playfully, moving her fingers slowly to tease you. You stared at her foot, and your first instinct was to want to grab her toes and start kissing them, but you were in a public place, and you only controlled the flashbacks.
"Those are perfect, cutie, they're a yes," you nodded, and then released her ankle.
She wasn't happy with just one pair, so she had the worker show her more. This time, she chose double-strap sandals in the same color as the first pair she chose and with the same print.
Once again, she made you grab her ankle but with the other foot, and if you had liked the sandals she tried on before, you loved these. You pretended to look down each side of her foot to see the sandal, but it was just an excuse so you could caress her ankle and the sides of her foot with your thumbs. After a few seconds, you released her ankle.
"I must say… they're my favorites so far," you smiled, looking into her eyes, "you should take these, and those," you pointed to the previous sandals.
"Okay... but I think I need to go to the dressing room for a moment, I have some discomfort in my..." she made a move to grab her tits, but she didn't, "you know."
"Uh?" You frowned in confusion, "well, go ahead, I'll be waiting for you out here."
"That way, miss," the worker said, gesturing with his palm toward a hallway farther to the left.
"Thank you," Yuna gave him a small bow, and she turned to go to the dressing room.
Not a minute has passed since Yuna left when you received a photo from an unknown number to your phone. It was Yuna. And it was a photo that had just been taken in the dressing room mirror, which had nothing special, it was just her standing facing the front, without her mask or cap on. What really caught your eye was the caption: 'Hey oppa, I don't think I can do it by myself... can you help me?'
You put your phone away immediately, and the first thing you saw was the worker in front of you. You couldn't just stand up and go in the same direction as Yuna, you had to find an excuse. You thought about it for a few long seconds, so that in the end you ended up resorting to a cheap and typical excuse.
"Excuse me, where are the bathrooms?" you asked, standing up.
"Oh, that way sir," the guy pointed back again, but this time to the other side, to a hallway to the right. Very timely.
"Thank you."
You stood up and walked to where he told you to, but before entering the hallway you stopped, looking over your shoulder and making sure he wasn't looking to run with silent footsteps in the other direction.
The dressing rooms consisted of two rows, one on each side, making a total of 8 changing rooms with closed doors whose lights were all off except for one, one that was at the end of the row on the left, the furthest from the corridor. You walked with slow and silent steps, until you arrived in front of the door. You tapped twice with your knuckle.
"Yuna-ssi?" You called, almost in a whisper.
"Come in, silly, you don't have to be so quiet," she replied a tone higher than you, and then she opened the door for you to step inside.
"What do you need help with?" you were probably being very stupid, but at that moment you didn't get her intentions, who knows why. Of course this would not last long.
"Absolutely nothing..." Yuna took her coat from your hand and let it fall to the ground, getting dangerously close to you.
"So?" You saw her eyes, your head had already reacted, but you wanted to play the fool, "I don't quite understand why you made me come here."
"Don't you get the idea?" she hugged your torso with both hands, making sure to press her tits against your chest.
"Mmm, I don't know, I think you should cut to the chase and that's it," you put both arms around her shoulders and hugged her too.
"I want you to fuck me here and now, oppa..." she muttered without taking her eyes off you for a single second. She then withdrew an arm from around your body and reached down to grab the bulge over your pants.
"Did you go crazy, honey?" You couldn't help but smirk, "They could catch us at any time, it would be such a mess," you bit her lip, as she massaged your cock until it was rock hard.
"I promise I'll be silent... besides, I want to know how it feels to do it in a public place," saying that, she broke the distance between your faces and crashed her lips against yours.
"You better be quiet..." you whispered in the middle of the kiss, your breaths heaving with each passing second, "you better."
You removed her arms from around her neck and now put them around her waist, and she took hers from around your waist to wrap one around your neck as her hand continued to massage your cock. The kiss gradually warmed up, until your tongues began to intertwine inside your mouths. Yuna let out little moans from time to time, and your cock was already beginning to beg to be free.
One of your hands went to her ass, while the other continued to cling to her perfect waist, pressing your fingers into her creamy flesh. Soon that hand joined the other, and with both you gave her ass a strong squeeze that caused her to bite your lip and separate your lips from hers.
"Enough, I want that cock inside me," she reached with both hands to the button of your pants and undid them, and with a strong yank, she lowered them down to your knees including your boxers.
You complete her work, pulling your pants and boxers down to your ankles to get them off your legs. Already naked from the waist down, you kissed her again and grabbed her by the waist to push her against the wall in front of you, you cornered her against it, and then you made her turn around.
Instinctively she pulled her ass back, pressing it against the back of your cock, but you held her still, and began kissing her long neck as you ran your hands around her waist to reach the button of her pants and undo it, then you unzipped it, and grabbed the curb to lower them right down to her ankles. Your only obstacle now was a white thong, which showed off her wide hips and her round buttocks.
"A thong? I didn't know Shin Yuna was so slutty," you murmured in her ear, and she shuddered. You took two of your fingers between her buttocks and rubbed up and down her pussy, noticing that the fabric was beginning to get wet.
"But you like it, don't you?" she reached back and grabbed your cock, stroking it slowly, "I think he loves it," she looked over her shoulder at you with a smirk.
"You're a pretentious bitch, with all due respect," you rubbed her pussy for a few more seconds until you got tired of teasing. You grabbed the seam of her thong and lowered it roughly, not to mention nearly ripping it off. You made her get out of her pants and panties, and with your foot you dragged them until you left them next to your boxer and your pants.
"I know, I love being reminded," that was the last thing she said before you put your hand over her mouth.
"Spit," you ordered, and so she did, leaving enough saliva in the palm of your hand that you quickly brought it to your cock and rubbed it down the length of it until it was well lubricated. You returned your hand to her mouth, but this time for other reasons. You took your cock with your left hand, and took it between her buttocks to rub it up and down against her slit. Feeling this, she arched her back more and more, leaned her hands against the wall and left her ass at your disposal to do whatever you wanted with it.
You pressed your hand to her mouth firmly, making sure no sound came out of it as you gently pushed your hips forward, slowly leaving the first few inches of your cock inside her suffocatingly tight pussy. That she was going to be silent was all bullshit, at least at first, because as soon as she felt you inside her, she let out a moan that, if it hadn't been for the fact that it was suffocated against your hand, would have been heard throughout the room.
Yuna's entire body tensed, it was being difficult to fully get in due to how tight she was, but you were patient, and leaned back from time to time to push at least another inch inside her. You continued with the same procedure until half of your shaft was inside her, you looked into her eyes, and she just nodded, giving you the green light to make the final move.
You pulled out of her pussy one more time, spit into your hand, and salivated as much as you could on your cock before putting it back inside Yuna. This time you pushed more gently into her, and when you reached the previous point, it was as easy as slowly pushing your hips forward of her until you filled her completely with your flesh. Yuna let out another louder and longer moan, and you had to add another hand to her mouth to make her shut up once and for all.
You stayed inside her for a few seconds without moving, letting her tight walls gradually mold to your cock, and after a few seconds, you began to slowly move your hips back and forth, your cock moving completely in and out of her pussy.
Yuna's brow was furrowed as you fucked her at a slow and careful pace, trying to make as little noise as possible, but as much as you wanted to be quiet, having Shin Yuna pinned against the wall while you fucked her from behind warranted more energy from your part. Making sure you had a tight seal on her mouth with both of your hands, you began to move your hips faster, with thrusts that rocked her body back and forth with each crash of your pelvis against her ass.
You were incredibly tempted to do a lot of things, like pull her hair, or grab onto that pretty little waist while fucking her furiously, but you should have just kept at that pace, not slow but not aggressive either, perfect for a situation where you wanted to turn her crazy but not that crazy
Yuna seemed to remember what she had promised you a few minutes ago, as it was fairly easy for you to suppress her little whimpers of pleasure as you fucked her tight, wet pussy as fast as the situation allowed. That wasn't being enough for you, that's why you pulled her towards you and pressed her back against your chest, from that position it was easy for you to fuck her hard without making noise, and you did, starting to move your hips frantically. Inevitably that led to a double effort on your part to drown out her moans, but you didn't give a single fuck.
You were so immersed in your own pleasure that you did not even realize that a person had entered the dressing rooms, you had not heard the footsteps, but you did hear the knocks against your door. You stopped immediately, and Yuna's eyes widened as she looked towards the door to your left.
"Excuse me miss, is everything okay? You can't be in there that long," said the voice of the worker from the other side of the door.
"A-ah... yes! Everything is fine!" Being a bit bitchy, you continued to fuck her, but this time much more slowly and torturously, "I j-juuust need a couple m-more minutes," she gasped, "t-tell the g-guy that came with me that I-I won't be long."
"He went to the bathroom, miss, but when he gets back I'll tell him."
"Very kind, th-th-thank you."
There was silence, and the next thing you heard was the guy's footsteps walking away from the door, and consequently, from the dressing rooms.
"H-holy fucking shit, oppa..." she squeaked under her breath, looking over her shoulder at you, "that cock feels so… so good."
"And you'll feel better, come here."
You pulled out your cock, made her turn around and wrapped your arms around her slender body to give her an upward lift, she got the message and clung to your torso with her long legs, entwining them behind your back. You held her tight in the air, then leaned her back against the wall to push your cock back into her pussy. She was about to moan out loud, but you crashed your lips against hers in a fiery and deep kiss.
Yuna also grabbed onto your neck with both arms entwined around it, and she played with the hair at the nape of your neck between her fingers as you slammed her pussy against the wall. At this point, the noise you made was enough so that anyone passing near the door could perfectly hear the sound of your crotches colliding, but being prisoners of lust and adrenaline at the moment you didn't even think about it.
You untangled her legs from behind your back and went on to hold them yourself in the air, spreading them wide so you could fuck her pussy from the best possible angle. Yuna moaned like crazy against your mouth, and in response you just kept pumping in and out of her pussy without actually crashing your pelvis against her, but making sure that she felt your entire length go in and out of her pussy.
After a few seconds, Yuna grabbed your shoulders and dug her nails into them while her entire body shuddered in an unannounced orgasm. You held her legs tight while she writhed against the wall, and you didn't stop kissing her or fucking her for a single second.
Her pussy walls clenched around your cock so hard you thought she was going to rip you in half, but it felt so fucking good that you couldn't help but moan against Yuna's lips. Your moans overlapped each other, and you soon felt a tingle in your lower abdomen.
"Y-yuna... I'm going to cum, where-"
"Inside," she interrupted between little whimpers, while she was still past the last shimmers of her orgasm and she was looking into her eyes.
"But... are you sure?" you asked, slowing down the pace of your thrusts a bit.
"I prepared myself for this, idiot, just fucking do it," she sighed, smashing her lips against yours again.
You just let yourself go. You resumed your quick thrusts, clinging as tightly as you could to her legs with your fingers. Her pussy gave way for you, now less tight but wetter for your cock to slide in and out smoothly. It didn't take long for you to reach your peak of pleasure, it only took a few more hard pumps until you exploded inside her tight little pussy. You broke the kiss only to let a small moan into the air, moving slowly as you shot all your hot load into Yuna, who seemed to enjoy it as much as you did to feel the fluids rush inside her.
"Fuck… you came so much, oppa," she whispered, biting your lower lip, "it feels so good inside me."
Gradually you stopped between heavy breaths, and you left your cock inside for a few more seconds until you pulled it out very slowly, and as if it were a drain plug, your cum began to spill from inside her little by little to the ground under you two. You looked down, seeing the pool of thick white liquid that formed on the not at all subtle dark floor.
"I'm not cleaning that up," you murmured, your breath still ragged.
"We don't have to either," she chuckled, "thanks oppa, you already fulfilled one of my fantasies," she said with a smirk, giving you a little kiss on the nose.
"You're welcome, cutie," you finally put her down, and she avoided the best she could step on the cum, "You'll go out first, and you'll have to distract the worker while I go out."
"Understood," she agreed, "I'll take the opportunity to go pay."
"Are you really going to take those designer sandals?" you asked, picking up your pants and boxers to start dressing, "I seem to remember that they're fucking expensive."
"Honey, do you forget who I am?" she asked with the air of a pretentious bitch, you certainly weren't wrong a few minutes ago.
"Okay, I'm sorry my lady," you joked, watching her pull on her panties and then her pants.
"I'll see you outside, oppa," she stood in front of you, placed a hand on your chest and gave you a peck on the cheek, "be discreet, okay?"
"Didn't you forget something?" you asked, glancing at her cap and her mask.
"Oh, yeah, sure," she played dumb, as if she clearly hadn't been about to walk out like that, "don't be long," she said after putting on her mask and cap.
Yuna turned around and opened the door a little to see outside, and seeing that no one was coming, she went out and left you there alone. You waited around 5 or 6 minutes on the clock until you came out too, feeling like Austin Powers in one of his misdeeds. Luckily for you, the people who had entered the changing rooms were already inside their respective cubicles, and none of them had seen you.
You walked out of the hallway, and with your balls in your throat, you peeked out to make sure no one was looking your way. You ran to the other corridor, the one that led to the bathrooms, and you left there as if you had been there all this time. When you walked to the place where you were sitting before, you noticed that Yuna was no longer around, you even peeked over to make sure that she was still paying. You double checked that you had everything on you, wrapped Yuna's coat around your arm and walked out of the store, avoiding all possible eye contact with any worker or person in there.
As expected, Yuna waited for you outside the store patiently, with the bag from the store between her feet and her hands clasped behind her lower back. You quickly ran towards her.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" You looked around, making sure no one was paying too much attention to her, "Put your coat on!" you were probably overreacting, Korea was big enough for everyone in the mall to realize that she was who she was, but you'd rather be safe than sorry.
"Oppa, calm down," she laughed, taking the coat from your arm and putting it on with all the patience in the world, "it's not that easy to get recognized as an idol, besides, I have black hair, I could be any average Korean girl. "
"You have a point, but I don't want to be risky," you took the bag from her, and pulled out your phone to check the time, "Hey, can we go now?"
"Yep, let's go!"
You left the mall in a matter of a few minutes, you went to your car, and you left the Louis Vuitton bag in the back seats. You opened the passenger door for Yuna to get in, and then you also got in to start the car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the villa.
"When I drop you off at home tell Yeji to let me know when I can come back, okay?" you said, with your eyes on the highway.
"Oh, do you think the day is over for both of us?" Yuna asked, raising both eyebrows. She had taken off her cap, and she was looking at you with a quizzical expression, "You seem to have forgotten that you almost ate my feet a few minutes ago."
"And you almost didn't put them in my mouth, I think it's your fault too."
"It's just, you see...I really enjoyed our little session when we first met," she placed her hand on your thigh, "and I'd like to repay you well, oppa."
"Oh yeah? And how do you plan to do it?" you made sure you didn't have any cars in front or on the sides before turning to see her.
"I think…" she moved her hand up your thigh a little, near your crotch, "that cock would look really nice between my feet."
You had never stepped on the accelerator so violently in your life, but there was a first time for everything. You drove around 100 km/h on the highway, pulling out all your Baby Driver skills until you hit the road and relaxed your foot. Yuna could only laugh at your despair and sudden interest.
The scene would have been more spectacular if only you hadn't forgotten some crosses, Yuna had to remind you of the way to be able to continue and finally reach the girls' house. You parked the car right in front of the gate, turned it off, and got out to get the bag from the back seats. Yuna beat you to it, and went to open the gate with a remote control that she took out of her back pocket.
"There was a remote control this whole time?!" you asked, closing the back doors, locking the car and walking inside with her.
"Yup, but they were nowhere to find it," she laughed, "it was in my room all this time."
"Damn..." you sighed.
Yuna led the way, and you followed her into the house. You quickly went up to the second floor, and when you went up the stairs, just passing through the corridor was Yeji, who stared at you when you were about to go up to the third floor.
"Don't blame me if I walk in while you're doing it, it's my bedroom too," she warned, then walked out of sight toward the sofa.
"She's kidding, don't worry... or so I think," she hesitated for a moment, "well, follow me."
You followed Yuna up the stairs, took a hallway to the right, and went to one of the doors at the bottom. Yuna opened the door for you, and when you entered, you found a somewhat messy bedroom. There were clothes everywhere on both beds, including panties and bras of all colors and types.
"Did a tornado pass through here or what?" you said, taking a step forward and putting the bag down while Yuna got off her cap, mask and coat.
"Be thankful that we're messy and not dirty, it's just clothes," she got up on one knee on the bed on the right and began to gather all the clothes on top of it into a single pile and then dump it on the floor.
"Is it dirty clothes?"
"... Some," she said, looking down at the pile of clothes, "but let's not waste time on these things, come here, oppa."
She stood facing the bottom edge of the bed, and you closed the distance between the two of you by standing inches from her. You took her by her waist, and she wrapped her arms around your neck before joining your lips in an intense kiss, without intending to be delicate or tender. You planted your dominance from the start, pressing the flesh of her waist between your fingers as you dug deeper into her kiss. Yuna understood that foreplay wasn't even necessary at that point, so she simply sat on the edge of the bed and started undoing your pants once more. She lowered them to your knees, and you helped her off along with your boxers, freeing your still flaccid cock.
Yuna took off her shirt, and then she also took off her bra. Your gaze went straight to her tits, noting that she could very well be Itzy's second biggest after Yeji. You couldn't focus on her pretty tits for much longer as she took your weak cock and began to stroke it slowly.
"Oppa... be patient with me, okay?" she said, looking up, "I've never done this before."
"You don't have to worry, honey," you said, tucking her hair behind her ear and brushing her cheek with your thumb, "go ahead."
"Okay..." she looked down again at your cock, which was slowly starting to get hard thanks to the long fingers of Yuna's hand going up and down.
She leaned forward, and licked her lips before taking the tip of your cock into her mouth. You gasped, feeling the warm relief of her lips sucking slowly until your cock was fully erect. Yuna wrapped her fingers around your base and began to move her mouth little by little towards the middle of your shaft. She looked insecure, you could tell by how she looked into your eyes every few seconds, but the best you could do was nod with your head and keep rubbing her cheek and her hair.
That seemed to give her a little more assurance that she was doing a good job. She took you out of her mouth for a moment to get air, stroking your cock before taking it back inside her. This time she began to move her head at a more fluid and less leisurely pace, never going past the middle of your shaft, but that was enough for her to make you feel pretty good. She didn't give head as well as Yeji or Ryujin, but with a little practice she could become just as good.
During the first minute she dedicated herself to observing you carefully, noticing what movements you liked the most or what she liked that she did, and when she finally studied you, she began to move her head faster in a very messy blowjob. Her pretty pink lips glided smoothly over your hard cock now shiny from her saliva, and you took it upon yourself to let her know you liked it with little moans and facial expressions.
"Try to take more of it cutie..." you gasped, your hand on her head. She hesitated for a moment, but to your surprise, she began to push her head further, and further forward, until her nose was resting against your pelvis, "What the f… holy shit Yuna!" you moaned out loud.
She was able to take your cock down her throat for a few long seconds, but you also noticed that she was struggling as she did so, her face was scrunched up, and she was constantly making gagging sounds. Saliva flowed free from her mouth to her tits, and when she couldn't take it anymore, she took you out of her mouth with a long breath. Your cock was connected to her lips by thin threads of saliva, and you couldn't believe how unbelievably sexy yet cute she looked like that and with the pink bobby pin still attached to the side of her hair.
"Did you like that, oppa?" she said looking into your eyes as she quickly moved your hand up your cock.
"I fucking loved it, how can you do that with no experience?" you asked panting.
"I have a long neck, I don't know if that has anything to do with it," she collected the saliva from her lips with her free hand and returned it to your cock, stroking it with both hands.
"Honestly, I have no fucking idea, but come here, you deserve your due special attention, honey," you grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from your cock. Then you took her by her waist, and you made her get closer to the center of the bed and lie down on it.
You took off your jacket and hoodie, leaving yourself completely naked before climbing into bed with her. You placed yourself on top of her body, your two hands on either side of it. You lowered your face towards her neck, giving her small kisses and licks and slowly going down her attractive and marked clavicle. You stood there for a moment, but the two well-formed round mounds below caught your attention. Your mouth went right to one of her tits, sucking and licking her hard nipple while your hand massaged her other boob. Yuna moaned under her breath, and tangled her fingers in your hair as you now slowly lowered from the middle of her breasts to her abdomen. At that point, you made sure to spread a good amount of kisses all over her tummy and waist, and as you reached her lower abdomen, you used your hands to undo her pants, unzip them, and grab the hem of her pants and her panties, lowering both garments slowly until they were off her legs. Now both you and Yuna were completely naked in front of each other.
"Will you give me my special service, oppa?" she asked, biting her index finger, and picking up both of her legs to leave both of her feet in the air right in front of your face.
"Count on it, honey," you grabbed her by both ankles, and brought her feet up to your face to stick one of them directly into your mouth. You sucked on her toes one by one, placing special emphasis on her big toe. You used your tongue to salivate them and lick them all over, and once you were satisfied with one foot, you went straight through with the other to repeat the process.
With both feet salivated, you moved on to the second phase, which was to spread deep, wet kisses along her soles, the sides of her feet, and her ankles as well. You kept worshiping her feet for a few more minutes, until you began to move from her feet to her thighs, passing first through her tibia and her knee.
She instinctively spread her legs wide for you, revealing her pretty, shiny pussy. Your cock was more than ready to go in there one more time, but you had to hold back. You lowered your face until you were right in front of her slit, but that wasn’t your goal for now, but to plant more kisses both on the inside of her thighs and on the bottom, not resting until they were wet from your saliva.
Yuna let you have as much fun as you wanted with her pretty long legs, and so you did, even going so far as to kiss her just inches from her pussy, which was screaming to be eaten. After distributing a few more kisses, you stood up to take her by her ankles again, bring them together in front of you and begin to massage her feet slowly.
"Tell me, miss, do you want your pussy well eaten?" you asked, looking into her eyes and noticing that her face was slightly flushed, "or do you prefer a big cock that fills you up."
"I'm tempted by both options, sir," she played along, while you kept pressing your thumbs on her sole and on the back of her foot, "but I already tried one today, I'd prefer the other option."
"As you wish, ma'am," you released her feet, separated her legs, and leaned forward while holding onto her thighs.
You breathed hot breath over her wet pussy, causing Yuna to shiver a little on her mattress. You played with her for a few more seconds, kissing and licking the contours of her slit until you finally planted your tongue flat between her folds, giving her a slow upward lick that made her moan.
After the first lick you began to move your tongue slowly up and down, tasting her silky folds to give her clit a very light suction. Yuna grabbed your hair and started moaning constantly. You kissed far and wide without stopping to use your tongue for a single moment, Yuna's fingers got tangled in your strands, and you responded by licking her pussy faster now.
In no time you were eating Shin Yuna's delicious pussy for dinner. You focused on her clit right away, giving it frantic lashes with your tongue. Her moans quickly turned into squeals of pleasure, and she began to arch her back every time you touched one of her sensitive spots. You looked up, watching her chest heave up and down as she played with her own tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
You pressed your fingers harder against the flesh of her thighs, making sure she didn't move them for a single second despite the fact that she had already had some prior reflexes. Her adorable whines were music to your ears. You continued to attack her clit with the tip of your tongue, occasionally dipping down her folds to collect her delicious fluids. You decided to stick a bit of your tongue inside her entrance, and as soon as you did, she let out a louder squeal. Noticing that she had enjoyed it, you left your tongue inside her and began to move it in circles as fast as you could. Yuna pulled your hair so hard you thought she was going to rip it out, and it wasn't long before she exploded in your mouth.
Yuna squirmed like a rag doll on the bed, and you held her tightly against the mattress so that her pussy wouldn't move away from your mouth while you stuck your tongue out of her and licked her folds from top to bottom. You didn't stop eating her pussy, you just lowered the intensity considerably until her orgasm gradually reduced her spasms, that's when you released her thighs, which she simply dropped to each side of your body.
You gave her pussy a few more licks, wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, and straightened up to meet her eyes.
"Satisfied, ma'am?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll be more satisfied when you use my legs and feet to cum, oppa..." she muttered between heavy breaths, seeing your hard cock still sticky from her saliva.
You didn't even think twice before grabbing her legs and putting her on her side. You lifted her left leg, spit on your cock, letting it rest against her right leg, then lowered the leg you'd lifted back down to leave your shaft in a smooth sandwich of soft flesh. Yuna looked into your eyes, bit her lower lip and looked down, seeing the tip of your cock slightly protruding from between her thighs.
Without taking too much time you began to rock your hips back and forth, letting your cock slide completely in and out of her between her pretty, perfect thighs. You left your left hand clinging to her small waist, and the other went straight for her boob, which was starting to jiggle as your thrusts got faster and faster.
Her thighs definitely made your cock absolutely nothing to miss from her pussy, it was just as tight and soft but in a different way that was also driving you fucking crazy. Your hand squeezed her breast firmly, while your thrusts began to shake her from front to back thanks to the impact of your pelvis against her thighs.
With each of your pumps your cock also rubbed her wet pussy with the left side of it, which added an extra bit of utter and pure pleasure to your senses. You let go of her breast and her waist, only to grab her ass cheek and give it a hard squeeze, followed by a spicy spank that made her squeal. You kept your hand on her ass as you continued to use Yuna's legs for your own pleasure, and it felt so good that you closed your eyes and moaned.
"Use my feet oppa… use my feet and cum on them," she pleaded between gasps.
You did not answer anything and you limited yourself to comply with her wishes (which were also yours). You stopped the thrust of your hips and pulled your cock out from between her thighs, grabbed her around her waist and made her lie on her stomach. Yuna propped herself up on her elbows and looked over her shoulder at you, lifting her feet to place them both around your throbbing cock. Once again you spit on your hand, but this time to bring it to her feet and make them as slippery as possible.
You grabbed both of her feet and held them together, pressed against your cock to resume your frantic hip swings. Your cock slid in a very fucking hot way between her sexy feet, and both you and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Your hands couldn't go anywhere else but her feet, but you didn't care, having that perfect view of her wide ass, her hot back and her lust-filled face was more than enough to complement your ecstasy.
Her pretty feet served as your cock sleeve for the next two minutes, and between strong and intense thrusts, you began to feel blood rushing against your cock. You pumped a few more between the soles of her until you quickly stopped and pulled your shaft out of there, keeping a grip on her ankles with one hand while with the other you quickly jerked your cock off.
"That's right, oppa… give my little princess feet all your cum, please!" she moaned, watching as your hand quickly rubbed your cock.
As soon as she finished that sentence you exploded, releasing thick, hot streams of white liquid directly onto her now slightly red feet. You moaned out loud and closed your eyes for just a second as you emptied your balls between her toes and her sole. You opened your eyes again when the last jets came out of your tip, seeing Yuna's feet painted white everywhere. Your breathing was agitated. You released her ankles, and let your cock rest throbbing against her toes.
You two were silent for a few long seconds, where only both heavy breaths could be heard, when suddenly the bedroom door opened. Yuna was startled, but you were so exhausted that you didn't even flinch.
"Oops, sorry guys," Yeji apologized, walking between the beds to open a drawer in the nightstand and take out a charger, "Uh, you want toilet paper, a wet wipe, anything?"
"You could clean my cock with your mouth, right?" you asked rather boldly, raising your head to look at her sideways.
"I would, but it would lead to other things, and I don't have time for that right now darling," she wailed, then turned to Yuna, "Did you enjoy your feet being used, you little slut?"
"Shut up and give me the wet wipes, please," Yuna whined, her face flushed red between pleasure and embarrassment.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming, don't be a crybaby," she went to a hairdresser they had in the bedroom and took the packet of wet wipes to toss it to one side of you, "Oh, by the way," she saw you, hand on the doorknob, "you can stay the night if you want, our manager won't come tomorrow and we'll watch a movie."
"But I didn't bring any more clothes..."
"So what? You can walk around naked if you want, none of us will care."
"Well, if you say so," you sighed, taking a wet washcloth and beginning to clean Yuna's feet as Yeji left the room.
"I really thought she wasn't going to come in here, what a bitch..."
"Are you satisfied now, ma'am?" you asked, now using another wet wipe for the same job.
"Quite a lot, oppa," she nodded with a wide grin, "but... can you come kiss me?"
"As you wish," you put the wet wipes aside, and went to lie down next to her body. You wrapped your arms around her body, brushed a few strands of hair from her face, and pressed your lips against hers, beginning with a kiss that would last for at least twenty more minutes.
Spren Notes:
Here's a treat for the little jerk who insulted and annoyed me by asking me for a "part two" for Post Stress Therapy. Oh right, I blocked him lmao.
I have nothing to add here, but this is a special gift for the most die-hard lovers of Yuna's legs and feet ;).
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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batsythoughts · 1 month
Third up in the Yandere Baby Trapping, the one and only Dick Grayson!
Warnings: Possessive tendencies, manipulative behavior and actions, dubious consent, forced pregnancy (obviously)
Smut under the cut. Minors please do not interact with this post.
Dick Grayson was a bit more lovesick than the rest of his family when it came to your relationship
He had first meet you when he was taking Haley on a walk and she bumped into you
Dick swore he saw a halo glow over your head and flower petals flowing around you when he looked at you
He profusely apologized before asking you out with a bashful grin and dreamy eyes, how could you possibly say no to that face?
That's how the relationship with Dick had started. Now 5 months later, you were spending at least 4 nights at his place every week
He loved spending time with you no matter what was happening. Staying in for a movie, going to the dog park, even just going to the store with you was a beautiful experience for him.
Dick was already imagining the wedding bells as you would walk down the aisle to get married together one day
And hell, the two of you had a pretty healthy sex life that definitely helped him with expressing just how much he loved you
Dick's not even embarrassed to admit that he was the first one to say that he loves you to anyone who cares to hear it
And obviously Haley loved you as well. She got so excited every time you came walking through the door to his place
He was getting ready to ask you to move in with him to make it easier on you since you had quite a bit of your stuff over at his place
Dick had been talking about his plans with a few of his coworkers when one of the officers that was a few years older than him spoke up on his opinion
"I would hold off til the honeymoon phase ends. Me and my old girlfriend moved in too soon. Three months later, she got pregnant and started more fights than were worth it. Now I pay 900 bucks in child support every month. Word of advice, make sure the condoms you use aren't expired."
Most of the others dismissed what the guy said before telling Dick it was a good idea to at least try out
He smile while nodding his head before going about the rest of his shift with a small nagging feeling in his chest
He wasn't too worried about you moving in, you practically lived with him part time
But what did worry him was if a sudden change in the dynamic would pull the two of you apart. And the thought of you leaving him was terrifying to think about
That night when you had come over, Dick decided to just have the conversation with you about what would happen between you both if a baby were to sudden come into the picture
The both of you sat on the couch while putting the wants of the future you both wanted and thoughts for if the situation were to occur sooner than expected
"If we did happen to get pregnant at some point... I wouldn't give up on us, Dick. You're worth fighting for with something like that. But I also don't think it could be a problem since we aren't actively trying. But I it happens, then it happens."
Dick felt as though his heart melted at your words as he beamed while agreeing with you
He was so glad to know that the two of you would still be together if something like that were to happen and that you had already put thought into your response
He went to sleep that night happy as he held you close with Haley snuggled at your feet
It did take him another week to finally ask you to move in, which of course you agreed
Dick was ecstatic that he basically got the rest of your things moved to his place in two days of you saying yes
About a month after moving in together, Dick went to spend a weekend with his family for a new development project Wayne Tech was having
He excitedly told everyone the news of you moving in and how he would make sure to bring you along next time so everyone could see you
And with Dick being the oldest, he casually looked through his younger siblings' respective rooms to make sure they weren't doing anything dangerous or harmful
It was all going fine until he got to Jason's nightstand drawer and found not one but two boxes of condoms
That in itself isn't the problem. The problem was that the condoms were within a month of expiration and it seemed only a couple had been used
Instead of out right rushing out to lecture Jason about responsible sex and getting Bruce and Alfred involved, Dick waited until they were alone to talk
Dick carefully explained the potential dangers of using condom past their prime and that buying in bulk wasn't ever a good idea
Jason, though embarrassed and annoyed by Dick going into his room, said that he hadn't been active recently and forgot about the ones he had in his drawer
Dick relaxed at the fact his little brother wasn't engaging in unsafe sex
He gave Jason a couple bucks to get a new box while saying he would get rid of the ones he had so nobody accidentally used them
Dick truly did mean what he had said. Took both boxes back to Bludhaven with him and was about to throw them in the trash
Just as his hand was about to let go of the box, Dick's mind went back to the conversation at the police station and flashed to the agreement you both had about a sudden pregnancy
He took a second look at the boxes as the gears in his mind turned as he lightly bit his lip
He debated with himself the entire day over if he should throw the condoms away
It would be a waste to just throw them away, wouldn't it?
In an act of uncertainty, Dick put them away in his drawer from the time being
It was only when you came home and began guiding Dick to the bedroom that he saw it as a sign to keep them tucked away in the back his personal drawer to use at a later date
It only took him a month to figure out the time range of your cycle to accurately attempt to get you pregnant
He would always try to go through with it when you were ovulating, but he still pulled out to come when his nerves began to overpower his thoughts
It was three months into living together when you both got back from dropping Haley off for an overnight observation at the vet
Dick was just getting out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower. Wearing only his boxers as he tried walking to his dresser grab some sweatpants to sleep in
He stopped for a second when you both locked eyes and you gave him a relaxed grin
He returns the grin before going over to place a soft, lingering kiss to your lips
Dick pulled away to just have a calm night with the plan of doing nothing but sleeping and cuddling
When he pulled away and felt the breath you let out on his lips, Dick couldn't help as he leaned in for one more kiss
One kiss turned into three which lead to him on top of you in a passionate make out session
He guided his fingers over your body as he took off your clothes . Pulling away only enough to remove them from your body before returning his mouth back to yours
Dick pulled away for a few seconds to catch his breath before placing one more kiss to your lips until moving to reach into his drawer
He hesitated for a second as he grabbed the two boxes of condoms as he debated using them or the new box he had gotten last week
He didn't have the patience to open the new box when he felt your teeth teasingly graze his throat
Dick quickly got the foil packaging open to put the condom on before looking over your body with a look of awe
He teased his fingers over your entrance to make sure that you were ready enough to take him
He leaned down to trail his lips from your stomach upwards to the valley of your breast. Eagerly kissing both of them equally before gliding his tongue over each nipple with a soft groan
"You always look so beautiful, baby. No matter the outfit you wear or what you're doing at the moment. Always so gorgeous for me to love and appreciate."
A few more words of praise came from his mouth before trailing his lips across your collarbone, gently nipping the skin to feel your chest press against his when you gasped
Dick let out a sigh as he moved his head up from your throat before kissing you on the lips as he grinds into you
He pulled away enough to look down as he lined himself at your entrance
Dick couldn't help the moan that passed his mouth when he finally pushed inside, slowly inching himself completely in
He kept his thrusts shallow as he rests one arm beside your head as the other looped beneath your lower back to hold you closer
He took his time rolling his hips in the way he knew made your body tingle in the best ways
Dick smiled when he felt your arms wrap around him, one tangling in the hair at the base of his neck as the other rested in the middle of his back
The soft groans that came from the two of you filled the room as Dick picked up his pace just slightly
His hand clutched the pillow as he began lovingly kissing you again, his mouth barely getting an inch away from yours before diving back in
He felt your hand lightly tug at his hair as your back arched and you pressed against his chest
Dick could tell you were beginning to get close as you move your hand up his back as your nails dig into his skin
He moved away from your mouth before resting his head in the crook of your neck so he could hear all the noises you would make right into his ear
He let out a low groan as he felt you unintentionally rock your hips against his
He felt himself about to orgasm and felt himself holding back as his mind began to get hazy
He was about to pull out like all the times he had done before, but something just felt different this time
Maybe it was the way you held him closer from the back of his head, maybe it was the string of whines flowing from your mouth, or maybe it was the way you were squeezing down on his cock
Dick bit down on his lip when you both came together
He waited a moment before pulling out with a sigh while rubbing your side
He littered kisses across your collarbone, neck, and face while talking you back down from your high
After a couple of minutes before Dick got up from the bed to get you cleaned up and into fresh clothes before doing the same for himself
That night, Dick went to sleep with a smile as he held you close while drifting off to sleep
His mind finally came to the conclusion that he would finish the box, and if anything happened then he would live with any consequences that came along
After that, Dick wasn't hesitant to use the remaining condoms while knowing that things would work out eventually
It was about three months since he had began going through with his thoughts before something happened
You both were in the kitchen making dinner, just chatting away until you suddenly got quiet with your mouth agape
Dick asked what was wrong as your eyes looked down at the floor as you mumbled about how you were late
He felt his heart race while asking if you were sure, to which you gave a hesitant nod
He didn't even hesitate to grab his jacket and wallet to go to the drug store a block away
He went to the women's health section and scanned the option before settling on a digital test that said was 98% accurate
When he went to the register to pay, the guy who was the cashier gave him a weird look about how excited Dick was to buy it
He told Dick he hoped the results were the ones that he wanted in a sarcastic little comment
Dick didn't pay any mind to the comment before grabbing the box with a lopsided grin
"Dear God, I hope so."
It was less than 10 minutes before Dick was back at the apartment to see you finishing up with dinner with Haley sat next to your feet
He went over and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder while holding out the box for you to take
You took it from him and started to head to the bathroom, which Dick followed close behind with Haley trailing along
When getting to the bathroom, you tried to tell Dick he wouldn't want to watch you pee on the stick, but he said he wanted to support you through the entire process
Cue to Dick sitting on the floor with Haley on his lap as he holds your hand while looking at you with adoration
When you were done, you washed your hands before sitting down on the floor beside him
You both stared at the little stick while waiting for the results to come up in the small window
After three agonizing minutes, the blank screen displayed the bold word 'Pregnant' for all to see
Dick just stares at it for a moment with his mouth parted before turning his head to you
Your gaze remained on the test in your hand as you kept quiet
Dick hesitantly called your name before you finally looked away. Staring at him for a second before a joyful smile spread across your face
"We're having a baby."
The both of you start laughing while hugging each other, Dick pressing kisses to anywhere he could reach
It took a few minutes before either of you got up from the bathroom floor because of how exciting the news was
When you did finally get up, Dick began fussing over all the things that you would immediately need for your health as he got your plate ready with a little extra food
That night before going to sleep, Dick was eye level with your stomach while lifting your shirt up to rest his forehead against your skin while happily talking about all the things he would do as a dad when the baby got there
He kept rambling for about 10 minutes until he shifted back up to hold you close with one hand on your stomach
The next couple of weeks consisted of making the appointments you would need, getting all the prenatal medicines, finding a doctor that would be good enough for the both of you
Dick had even brought multiple of those custom made matching shirts that some expecting parents get as a way to announce the whole pregnancy to friends and family
He even got a couple for Haley so she could be apart of it
That's exactly what the both of you did the next time he went to Gotham and you were able to go along with him
He had went into the manor first with the bags wearing a sweatshirt that said 'Protecting Precious Cargo'
Damian and Jason were the first ones to notice him walk in and they began poking fun at Dick being so smitten to get couple shirts
The rest soon noticed and began inquiring about where you were to which Dick said you were just taking Haley out before coming in to see everyone
The door opened as if on cue as Haley came rushing into the room to excitedly greet everyone with a onesie with 'Precious Cargo's Big Sister' on the back
They all looked at Dick confused until you came walking into the room with a hoodie that was a few sizes up from your regular fit
On the stomach area of said hoodie read, very boldly, 'Carrying Precious Cargo'
It all goes quiet for a moment until Alfred goes over to give his congratulations
The others soon followed with their own happiness of the news as you give a nervous smile from the attention
As the other talked to you about a few things regarding the baby, Bruce went over to Dick while asking if everything was clear between you both about the commitment and responsibility that came with a baby
Dick nodded while watching you with a smile while saying you both had previously talked in case the situation were to arise like it had
His favorite moment of your whole pregnancy wasn't announcing it to his side of the family though
It came a couple months after that trip when you were laying in the bed while Dick worked on putting together the bassinet to use for the bedroom until moving into either a house or bigger apartment
You were working on making an appointment for the maternity photos with Haley laying down with her head on your slowly growing bump
Everything was quiet until Haley let out a startled whine while sitting up and looking at your stomach with a small head tilt
Dick quickly shoot up while asking if everything was alright as you took a deep breath while looking down
He was about to ask again until Haley gave a small bark before poking her nose against your stomach as her tail began wagging
You looked at Dick with a shocked look before looking at your stomach again
"I think... I think the baby's moving."
Within seconds, Dick is sitting on the bed beside you with a hand resting on your stomach as the three of you wait to see if it will happen again
He was about to give up after a few minutes of waiting until he felt the most beautiful sensation he would ever know
It wasn't too strong, but he felt a gentle movement under his palm
He looked at you as if you crafted the stars in the sky as he then felt a more prominent kick under his hand
The laugh you gave from the feeling was a beautiful melody as Haley gave another excited bark while jumping around on the bed before nudging your stomach again
Dick grinned while leaning down to give you a quick kiss before placing both hands on your stomach while moving to rest his head on the bump
"You had us scared, little one! Mama and Daddy weren't expecting you to start kicking up a storm so suddenly! Definitely wasn't expecting you to be so active just yet."
He laughed when he got another soft kick in response to his words before gently kissing your stomach
"I can't wait for you to get here, little one. Daddy will take good care of you and your mama until my last breath."
He felt your fingers entangle in his hair which led him to let out a small hum
Turning his head, Dick looked at you while still rubbing you stomach in a soothing motion
Yeah, Dick was confident that he made the right choices to lead you both to this moment
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xiaq · 5 months
Hi, I have a bit of a personal question, so if you don’t want to answer this, I completely understand!! no hard feelings at all! long story short, I’m demisexual, and I just entered my first real relationship. My girlfriend lights me up inside in a way I’ve never experienced before, but being demi I have no sexual or romantic experience and I’m a little stressed about First Times. Do you have any tips on how to relax? Or at least how to be comfortable with that unfamiliar territory? Your little tidbits about your relationship with B really opened my eyes to my own situation, so I thought I’d maybe see if you had any tips for me. Thanks in advance!!
First: Congratulations! That's super exciting!
Talk 👏 to 👏 her👏 (!!!)
My partner and I talked A LOT before even the slightest hanky-ing of panky-ing occurred. (In fact, our first conversation about it consisted of me telling him I likely would not enjoy sex and wasn't willing to submit myself to things I did not enjoy anymore and him being like, "ok, no sex, then." Which gave me the time and inclination to feel things out further.) So, when I got to a place where I was like, "ok, conceptually, I do actually like the idea of physical intimacy with you, I'm just not sure I'll enjoy it in practice," we kept talking! I told him things I thought he should know about the past experiences I'd had that might color things we did. I told him about how anxious I was because this mattered in a way that was new and scary (because I was in real actual love and, as you might imagine, not handling it well). I let him ask questions and we made a plan to try things slowly in a low-stress, no-expectations kind of way. It was super valuable A. in making me feel like we were approaching an unfamiliar territory together rather than me entering it by myself and B. it apparently eased a lot of my partner's concern that he'd do something to hurt or scare me when he knew what was off-limits, what was ok, and what we'd need to figure out.
I'll be real with you. Our "first time" sucked. I was a nervous wreck. He called things only shortly after they'd started and was like, nope, time to cuddle and watch a movie instead. And the fact that we'd talked about this probably happening, and him confirming the initial promises he'd made that he wouldn't push me, and he wouldn't get mad if nothing sexual actually happened--that made me a lot less nervous during the next attempt. And each time was an improvement until things were, you know, better than I ever could have imagined. Fireworks. Rainbows. The whole 9 yards. It just took a lot of talking to get there.
Also, people seem to think that talking about sex-- test results, dislikes, preferences––is somehow not sexy. But I found it to be the opposite. 1. I love planning things. So knowing what "the plan" is ahead of time is very nice. 2. Talking about an action before trying it out can be... titillating. Let's say.
Anyway. Communicate! If she's as awesome as she sounds, she'll be honored and pleased to tackle the situation with you rather than being a part of the thing that's giving you anxiety.
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kurosstuff · 4 months
Lute x fallen! Reader: Fallen pt2
Summary: lute finally got the chance to see you again- but was it worth it?
Warnings: arguments, miss communication(lite refusing to fully explain herself/be true), violence. Reminiscing, blood- detailed? Ish, one mention of sex, idk what else
A/N: I hope I wrote her well?
Seeing you again made Lute- panic- even though it was a glimpse? It made her feel things she didn't even know what to call it-
She was pacing around her training room, trying to steel her mind. Make her warm heart cold. But she can't. Her moral self fully blames you for this. But- she blames herself for feeling- after all? How could you be blamed for what her selfish heart wants?
Her fist stopped before punching the demon dummy before sighing. Flapping her wings slowly to stretch, looking over at the picture she hid(that Adam was aware of? But allowed) of her and you - the day of the fall. Frowning, she went up to it - she didn't even look like herself. With how soft she looked at you - how her wing wrapped around you with her arm on your waist. Her scowl deepened as if she looked sick at the picture. That wasn't her.
That was a woman in love.
The meeting was dragging on - way to long. So Lute wandered out seeing how the other executioner was by Adam's side so? It should be fine. Walking around this pathetic hotel sneering at the sight. There's no way a sinner COULD be a winner.
She'd laugh, and HAS laughed in the princess's face for that dream. But deep down, she only wished it to be true for one specific sinner. A fallen. Glancing around, she grumbled behind her mask. Seething how dare that thought come to her mind? Why is she? An executioner thinking this.
Lute is inlove with a demon.
The thought sickens her - sure it was fine when you were an angel. In Heaven- sure, she still had no clue what she felt. Now-? She can't entertain the thought. Stopping, footsteps came behind her- she twirled her spear in her hand quickly moving to strike before stopping almost hitting the demons neck
"Its you" she snarled out glaring you down behind her mask but- she couldn't help the flush across her face- even now as a demon you are just as gorgeous as the day she met you- if not more. Given how free you seemed "what the fuck do YOU want"
You smiled that same one she dreamed of seeing - the one that helped keep her sane as she fought - trained, trying to forget you. But she couldn't forget your smile. Like it haunted her "to see you Lute~ i.. missed you"
"Why the hell would you betrayer?" Snarling at that- putting her spear away, ignoring how she longed to say how she missed you as well. Her heart hurt - burned at that - at your voice. "You made your choice. Picked the demons now you want to see me? What a fucking joke. Your a fool if you believe this changed things. Thatd id miss you"
Grinning as if her words had no effect on you - you shrugged. "Guess I'm a fool then~' her temper- her grumpy self never truly bothered you even in heaven- as if? You always knew what she wanted to say "i.. wanted to say. I'm sorry for leaving you alone-"
"If you truly meant that you wouldn't have done what you did." She quickly cut you off before sighing, looking around and against her own rules if this event would ever happen - against the rules above all together, she grabbed your arm, shoving you into a room alone.
Ignoring the teasing comment, you sent her way glaring at you, making you shut up. "Stay away from the hotel. Stay away from the city. I don't give a SHIT where you go. But you fucking stay away you STAY hidden" she snarled holding your shirt
Seeing your confused face she sighed "why? Why can't I? MY friends are here. I can't just leave them.' You grumbled out not at all worried about her this close- this angry. You knew she'd never actually hurt you- no matter what occurred the day you fell. She'd never purposely do it
"I'd have to kill you. Execution day is coming. I can't save you. I can't keep you fucking SAFE. You will die." She snarled in your face getting so close- feeling your breath hit her lips- oh how she does wish to kiss you- do the thing she's always dreamed of. But she won't. NOT like this.
Not with how Lute? The most loyal executioner. The guard of heaven herself betrayed them to warn and protect a demon. What a vile thing she's done. Taking a deep breath, she ignored you, calling for her. To come back.
Lute stormed off
They day of the fight was like any other- fighting through the city of those sinful vile demons. Lute in her cold Killer state mercilessly slaughtered any demon her way coated head to toe in their blood no one was safe from her grasp-
Stepping close, Lute sneered down at a demon "please- dont- dont kill me, I'll do anything! Want money? Drugs - sex?" Snarling without a word stabbed the demons through their chest ending that vile fucks life
"Disgusting. No wonder you're in hell." Hissing out "begging for your life in such a sickening way after what you did it your mortal life?" Staring in disgust before amongst the chaos - amongst the screams of the demons dying and the exterminators' deaths - Lute stopped paling looking over her blood ran cold.
She saw you.
Racing over, she begged herself to catch you - she ripped the angel. Begging to save you- she didn't care about the dynamic - she didn't care. you were a demon, and how she's an angel- she WILL save you "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF THEM-" ripping the angel off of you punching her as she took a protective stance over you bloodied spear in hand looking more freaked out hissing out "YOU DONT FUCKING HURT THEM. TOUCH THEM. DONT YOU DARE-"
Staring at angel down, watching her fly off sighing, knowing how she fucked up- knowing how she will get punished but- glancing back seeing your flushed face staring in awe at how Lute chose you. Made it all worth it in the end
"Don't get used to this," she hissed out, staring you down, cutting you off - refusing to let you thank her for this. "Don't even fucking say that ok?" Kneeling down to you checking the injury on you
"You..saved me?" Was all you could whimper out watching as Lute willingly taking care of the gash on your arm - a demons arm. Not wincing nor sneering - being uncharacteristically gentle with even you. "..but why?"
Huffing, she glared you down, grumbling at the back of her throat flushed, ignoring the signal for her immediate return. "..of course I fucking saved you. Why wouldn't I save you? My dove?" She whispered out, looking at you with those soft eyes behind her mask- shed only gave you. Never to your face, but when you weren't looking. Sighing, she stood up, straightening her mask. "Get out of town. I may not be able to save you again, " ignoring the now burning sensation from how Adam now demanded her return right then and there
"Better get going angel~ i-.. stay safe up there, Ok?" You whispered, smiling brightly, making her chest hurt in an odd way. A special one only she got to see- a odd sense of pride filled her.
Nodding, she backed up, huffing softly unable to speak the words she wished to say before turning and flying off up into the sky. Knowing this isn't gonna end well.
Love definitely changed people- no matter who they were or what they believed in before huh? Lute couldn't help but find it humorous.
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roguekhajiit · 2 months
TW: Transphobia
I had my first ever encounter with a transphobic member of the LGBTQ community this week.
At work on Monday, I overheard some co-workers discussing Transgender Day of Visibility and how President Biden issued a statement acknowledging Trans Day. Since it just so happened to occur on the same day as Easter this year, my very close-minded co-workers took that and Biden's statement as evidence that Trans people are trying to take over Easter!
Now, I consider myself to be Non-binary (specifically Demi-girl/Agender), but I tend to fly under the radar, which is very helpful since I live in a very, very red state. It doesn't hurt that my normal sense of personal style is very casual and all black. So, I can wear traditionally "men's" pants, and no one pays much attention to me, which is the way I prefer it. I hate anything that draws attention to myself.
So, I bit my tongue and hyperfocused on my work. Then, when I went home, the non-binary gremlin in me just couldn't be contained anymore; I opened Reddit and made a post about how no one is going around trying to steal stolen holidays.
Now, I was fully anticipating pissed off Christians to rain their uninhibited fake outrage down onto the comment section (which happened) but I wasn't anticipating a self-identified 60 yr old gay man to come into my comments saying things like, "Why would you put a Trans holiday anywhere near a religious holiday knowing every seven years it's gonna land on said holiday" and "As a gay man I believe that the one part of our community is stifling the rest of us."
Tell me you're transphobic without telling me you're transphobic.
Now, since I can't just ignore the sheer inaccuracy of his math; according to Google from 2001 to 2100, Easter will only land on March 31st 5 times. Five times in an entire century. The last time Easter was on March 31st, it was 2013. So, 11 years ago, or over a decade ago. No one gave a shit in 2013 that Easter and Trans Day were on the same day. But let the president acknowledge it in a statement and everyone loses their fucking minds.
So, why would you avoid celebrating something important in your life on the off chance that it might coincide with someone's religious holiday? Of course, you wouldn't. If your birthday is on Christmas, do you no longer have a birthday?
"Next, why wouldn't you place it in the month of pride then each day of pride month could have a different day celebrating each letter of the lbgtq+ community."
Yes, that is what Pride Month is for, celebrating the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. But are you gay only in June?
But sadly, even some in our diverse community isolate and vilify trans individuals just like what this old gay dinosaur is doing. For 15 years, a vast majority didn't know or even give a shit that Trans Day existed. That is until a president acknowledged it.
"May I point out there's no gay holidays that coincide with Yom kipper or Ramadan."
True, Yom Kippur and Ramadan don't coincide with any "gay holidays," but Shavout is directly in the middle of Pride Month. Any outrage there?
"So just piss off the Christian's so they have one more thing to hate us for. I find many in our community asking for acceptance while giving none, just my opinion and nothing more."
How very accepting of you to say, my lord.
"Maybe it's time we all in the gay community and cis people give the whole year to the Trans community."
But they aren't asking for the year, or even a month. They just want one day that is their own. And even members of our own LGBTQ+ community can't even give them that.
"I'm gay so I can't be transphobic."
Your statements say otherwise. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you are absolved of your transphobia.
Perhaps it's time we stop placating these dusty ass old gay dinosaurs and call them out on their hateful thinking. Their "I got mine" attitude only harms our communities. Just because you won the fight for same sex marriage doesn't mean you're safe. The fight for equality is never-ending.
More and more of us are having our rights stripped away right before our very eyes. Roe v. Wade has already been overturned, and they aren't going to stop there. They never planned to stop there. They are very methodically chipping away at our rights. Right now, they are focusing their efforts on the trans community, slowly outlawing their very existence. And while they have you distracted by that, they are quietly overturning same sex marriage laws. Your rights aren't safe and never will be safe as long as we have members in our communities who subscribe to this kind of thinking.
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
When Eyes Meet- Kagami Taiga
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Aomine - Kise - Murasakibara - Kuroko - Akashi - Midorima A/N: I never actually wrote an x-reader one shot with Kagami before, so I decided to do his entry in the mini series next. The soulmate concept belongs to ElfQuest
Ever since the dawn of humanity, we were born with two names. One we use in our everyday life, and the other is the name of our soul. This is a very special name, an intimate one. It was only to be shared with family or friends as close as kin. It was a private piece of you. But as long as people remember having two names, they can also recall a certain phenomenon that would expose ones soulname to another. This phenomenon, was Recognition. It occured without a pattern or rule to it. There were people who had known one another for years until it happened, but it could also be upon meeting the very person. All one knew, was they locked eyes with one another, and they knew. This was what society would come to refer to as, 'the moment you knew you had found your soulmate'. You hadn't Recognized yet, thankfully. Yes, thankfully, because you preferred to finish high school and get your life together before Mr Right would waltz into your life. You were a goal oriented young lady, even if you said so yourself. Studious and hard working as you are, your friend group consisted solely out of bookworms such as yourself. You were waiting for one as we speak. You expected him to pop out of nowhere, after all, he always did. But, today wasn't like usual, as you spotted the fiery red hair trailing towards you. 'Kuroko brought Kagami along again, huh? What did he flunk this time?' The thought brought a small, amused smile to your face, because as dumb as he was Kagami was always nice and pleasant company. It was rare to meet a guy who was so respectful and relaxed around girls at your age, as everyone else except for the rare soul such as your mutual friend Kuroko seemed to be set ablaze with teenage hormones. With Kuroko, it seemed a given considering his personality, but Kagami was such a typical teenage boy in every other area, that his calm around the opposite sex felt much more surprising to you. You greeted them as they appeared in front of you. "Hello, l/n-san." Kuroko greeted. "Hey l/n-san," came Kagami's more casual greeting. "Shall we go to the library?"
You giggled as you corrected Kagami's homework, Kuroko had went off to get you guys something to drink after sitting in the library for nearly two hours. Kagami's cheeks were a flaming red. "Is it honestly that bad?" He grumbled with a disappointed face. You looked up at him. "You have a lot of spelling mistakes, but I honestly think its kinda adorable." He looked at you surprised, his face a little red. "Is that so?" You hummed in response before you shyly looked back into your textbook, you hadn't meant for your compliment to make him blush and you didn't knew why it made you so happy on the inside. But Kagami kept looking at you, and his intent gaze forced you to make eye contact once more. "Something wrong?" "Eh well, I…" Kagami stumbled nervously and it made your heart halt. "After the Winter Cup and exams are over, would you like going on a date before I go back to the US?" "You're asking me out nearly 4 months in advance?" You asked, frowning. "Well, if things work out it could distract me, and these upcoming months are so important. I seriously want to graduate you know? But I really would like to go out with you at least once before I go back to the US!" Kagami babbled a bit and his anxiety yet level headed thinking came to you as the most delightful of surprises. You smiled and just as you thought Kagami was a guy worth taking a chance on as unlike everyone else he clearly had his priorities straight, it happened. "Iyam?" You asked with our mouth hanging open. "Irhn? He asked, more as a confirmation of the soul shattering event. He couldn't believe his luck, this was pretty much a guarantee that you wouldn't lose interest once he left the country, which had been his biggest worry upon the idea of asking you out. Neither of you noticed Kuroko creeping closer. "From the looks of it, she can't say no to your plans of a long distance relationship." You heard Kuroko's voice and saw him drinking his vanilla milkshake with a smirk. You all laughed, and accepted your own milkshake with a moony grin to match Kagami's.
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milkycarnations · 1 year
heyo! can you do a part two to that masky kinktober thing? like when they actually meet up? tyty!! love ur writing!!
I finally finished it! Hope this isn't too heavy. Thank you for filling my brain with these thoughts, anon. Here's the link to part one for anyone interested in the relationship between masky and the reader in this fic. This one occurs immediately after part one.
#1 Crush | Masky x afab!reader | 2.3k words
one-shot masterlist | mdni | cw: daddy mentions, breeding kink, name-calling, mask kink, home invasion but consensual?, explicit consent, minor fear play, unprotected sex, skipping foreplay
After finishing up the scene, you were exhausted. You used so much energy and passion, you wanted nothing more than to clean up and pass out for the rest of your evening. Rolling your chair back, you stood and stretched. After collecting your things you walked into the bathroom to rinse off the toys you had used. You couldn't stop thinking about him.
You spent a while in there, using soap and water to wash off the dried lube. The pair of panties you had inside you earlier was lying on the counter. You eyed them, recounting everything that had happened during the call. You took them out not too long ago, almost immediately after the scene. It wasn't particularly comfortable to have them shoved inside of you, but the sensation had you craving this man you didn't know. "Themaskedman" really had wanted you to send them to him and you were planning to do so the next day. You could only imagine the things he intended to do with them? Wrap them around his cock and jack off? Put them in his mouth and try to catch a taste of you? Either way, you ached and yearned for him.
He hadn't told you his real name, but you were obsessed with what you did know about him. You thought his cock was gorgeous and his mask was pretty, too. It was oddly soft and feminine, but hidden behind it was a man so depraved and needy - just like you.
You eventually rounded your things up and returned to your bedroom, organizing your toys and redressing into the robe you had cammed in. Flopping onto your bed, you sighed. If only he could have you in person. With that mask, too. He could rough you up without having to pretend over video calls. It had been a long time since you haven't pretended. Turning to your side, you flicked off your bedside light. You supposed now would be the best time to wind down for the day. You wouldn't have to cam again in a while and were excited to spend some time offline.
Your phone lit the front of your face as you laid. Whining, you opened your private DMs with themaskedman. Reading through the old messages excited you. You started mindlessly grinding into nothing. Would it be stupid to be so horny for him? He was paying you well, and you should be getting money out of each interaction with him but for some reason, you felt addicted. You wanted him.
you: so since you're kinda like my sugar daddy, i was curious. what do you do. like for work
You sent the message, body buzzing with anticipation. Surprisingly, he answered rather quickly.
themaskedman: nothing you need to worry your little head over, princess.
People called you pet names all the time: baby, honey, whore, slut, princess even - but from him? This name was special. The way he spoke to you made you feel so light and airy. You recalled the slight rasp in his voice and the slight southern drawl that he seemed to hide from you.
you: if you say so. but... any name i can call you by?
He took longer this time to respond, seemingly considering his answer.
themaskedman: hows masky sound? cute isn't it. unless youd like to call me daddy - since i'm kinda like your sugar daddy.
You huffed, laughing into your pillow.
you: i guess masky works fine ;)
You sat for a moment, thinking of something to say while he responded.
themadskedman: so you couldn't stay away from me huh? i can tell you don't get the attention you deserve. people expect so much from you and don't give anything back
you: im only a little touch starved. care to come by and ravish me?
He took several moments to respond, three dots flashing as he thought of an answer.
themaskedman is typing.
Had you gone too far? Was he put off by your abruptness? You frowned. Oh, how you hoped you hadn't ruined anything. He really was your sugar daddy and you were willing to give him something saccharine in return. You remembered his husky body, chubbier in the stomach with coarse wisps of hair on his thighs. Calloused, working hands that surely hadn't seen a day's rest. Absentmindedly, you rubbed yourself.
themaskedman shared a location.
You froze for a moment, dripping with a mix of fear and excitement. The location he sent you was your own, apartment number and all. You rubbed yourself a little heavier. He probably just found your address online, big whoop. You'd thought you'd been keeping yourself pretty secure, but maybe you were wrong. It was bound to happen.
themaskedman: only if you buzz me in
From the other room, the uncanny sound of the apartment's call box rang. Heart racing and heat dripping, you cautiously stood up from the bed. Heading over to your front door your vision confirmed what you had heard. You hesitantly pressed the button, allowing him access to the building. He was really here.
you: youre actually here?
themaskedman: I told you we'd make it 100 for a playdate.
You shivered as a knock rapt softly at your door. How had he gotten here so quickly? You ended the stream with him about 2 hours ago now. It shouldn't have been possible.
Reaching for the doorknob, you unlocked the door and slowly opened it. You sheepishly peered out. Letting out a gasp, you stepped back a bit. He was taller than you expected and still wore the feminine mask.
"Can I come in? Ravish you?"
You nodded sheepishly, moving out of his way, unable to stop yourself from rubbing your thighs together. You realized you were wearing the exact robe he liked. Once he was fully inside, you closed the door behind him. His boots were heavy on your apartment's wooden floors and he quickly worked to unlace them. You took note of his clothes: a heavy tan jacket, roughed-up pants, and a sturdy set of boots. He definitely didn't look like any sort of executive or CEO.
"You really wanna do this?" he asked.
You looked him in the eyes, hidden behind the dark sockets of his mask.
"Yes, I do. I'm sure of it." you said.
"You need it as badly as I crave you, too, right? You can feel it?" he murmured.
He snaked his hand into yours, rubbing his calloused fingers against your pampered ones. Leaning in closer, he nudged his head against yours. Dangerous? With a soft romantic side? You were way more into this than you expected.
"I don't just let any stranger into my house you know," you started.
"Oh? Not exactly strangers anymore. You fucked your pretty ass on camera for me."
"I'm willing to do a lot more than that. I think you're... special."
His hands raised to caress your sides, tracing his fingers up and down your waist.
"How did you find me here?" you asked him.
"I'm obsessed with you." he mumbled behind the mask, "may I?"
Fingers grasped at the strings of your robe.
"Please," you smiled.
Tugging at the straps, the robe shrugged down your shoulders, revealing your bare chest and legs. From behind the mask, his eyes scoured your figure as he hesitantly reached to cusp your breasts. Laughing, you grabbed his hands in yours and guided him, encouraging him to massage and kneed at you. Eventually, his thumbs slid over your nipples, carefully pulling and twisting. You let out a shaky moan.
"You're being so gentle. I thought you were here to ravish me?" you asked.
"I don't want to hurt you. You're so... fragile."
Pulling off the rest of the robe, you led him over to the bed.
"I promise you won't," you said.
You sat down as he took off his coat, followed by his shirt, and his worn-down jeans. He took extra care in stripping off his boxers, revealing his cock to you. He certainly was the same person who had video-called you earlier in the night.
You noticed he hadn't moved to take the mask off, but you weren't going to fight him on it. You liked the secrecy. The scary, mystery that anybody could be behind that mask.
Leaning back onto the bed, you lifted your feet to rest on the mattress, spreading yourself open for him.
"Does it look better in person?" you asked.
"It's everything I imagined and more."
"And how exactly do you intend to "ravish me"?"
He walked up to the mattress, leaning over your body.
"Looking into your eyes." he said.
"Missionary? Wouldn't expect it from a man like you."
"If it means I get to see all of you. You're always doing all the work on your streams. Don't you wanna be a pillow princess just this once?"
You smirked. It did sound nice - letting someone else take control of you.
He turned you around, laying you on your back with your head resting on your pillows. You had already begun physically dripping for him, something you rarely felt yourself do anymore. It was exciting - overwhelming even. He reached to push his fingers inside of you, but you stopped him before he could.
"Please, I just want your cock inside me now. Don't you think we've done enough foreplay? I've already cum tonight, I'm as ready for you as I'll ever be."
The mask tilted to the side as he turned his head.
"If you think you're ready for it..." he said.
Pushing your knees back he looked down at your pussy. You were sure you were red, swollen, and highly sensitive already and the grool dripping from your cunt was likely quite the sight to see. He spent a moment looking at you, wordless, before lining his cock up to your entrance.
He teased his head along your slit. Each time it glided over your clit you practically keened.
"I really can just slip right in, huh? Such a whore just for me."
"Just for you," you moaned along with him.
Pushing himself in, he gripped onto your thighs. He stretched you nicely as he slowly bottomed out.
"Fuck, I can't believe I'm inside you. You're dripping,"
"How long - how long have you wanted to be inside me?" you asked, breath shaky.
"I've been watching you for months. I've wanted to be inside you this whole time."
He pulled out before slamming back in.
"Fuck!" you whined, "you've been beating your dick to me for that long?"
He slammed into you again in response and pushed your legs flush to your chest.
"This isn't missionary and more you perv."
"What's it called?" he grunted.
Heat rose to your face. Surely, he knew what it was called if he was such the voyeur he claimed he was.
"Mating press." you mumbled near his ear.
You could've sworn you felt his cock twitch at the words, precum likely leaking inside of you.
"Fuck. Would you let me do that to you? You gonna let me cum inside of you?"
You nodded, unable to speak. His words alone were almost enough to make you cum. He was clueless, needy, and kind of an incel and the dynamic between the two of you was intense.
He let out a strangled noise as he started to pound into you at a proper pace. He was rough and deep and the sound of his balls slamming into you filled the room. Your hands gripped the sheets beneath you.
"You feel, so good." tears started to rim your eyes. You couldn't believe this. Your top donor was actually in your apartment, fucking you senseless.
Letting go, you lifted your hands to grasp around his shoulders.
Your fingernails gripped hard into the soft flesh of his back, scratching him up as he needlessly rammed into you. Breathless, you wrapped your legs around his waist one by one and pulled him in closer. Both of you felt him thrust deeper inside of you, each of you moaning in pleasure.
"Please," you begged nearly to tears, "please go harder,"
Though you cammed weekly, often for thousands of viewers each night, you found yourself again at a loss for words. You couldn't express how much you needed him, nor could you find a way to beg for him to fuck you the way you wanted. Either way, he seemed to know exactly what to do.
Quickening his pace, he gripped you harder, hands reaching around to cusp your face.
"Fuck, please make me cum."
He ran his thumb against your cheek before reaching a hand down to your clit. Rubbing in small circles, he continued thrusting into you. The combination was heavenly, and quickly became too much. Your fingers continued to claw at his back as you desperately tried to keep him pulled close to you. Still, he continued to fuck into you at just the perfect pace.
Both of you could tell that you were about to cum. It was present in the way your legs trembled and how you grew quiet as you shoved your face into his shoulder.
"Oh fuck," he said breathlessly, "are you cumming?"
You could barely manage a nod as your pussy clenched around him. After a few seconds, moans drew out of you as you rode your high. His pace quickened and he followed suit, rutting erratically as you squeezed around his cock.
"I'm gonna cum inside you. Gonna fill you up, finally. Such a good slut for me."
The sounds falling out of him were hoarse and needy and only made your cunt ache even more.
"Fuck you're amazing," he said, stopping to rest his head on you with his last thrust.
"Don't you just think we're perfect for each other?" he asked?
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nexysworld · 1 year
Guardian Angel 🖤 Part 4.3 🖤
Read on AO3 - Requests are Open - Masterlist
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 4.1| 4.2
A/N: Thanks for the support and patience for this chapter. Tumblr wouldn't actually let me post it in one or even 2 parts no matter how I tried to split it, so it's split into three parts (though you can read it as one chapter on AO3.)
Chapter Summary: In a an attempt to get reader to open up to him, he starts giving in to a change of scenery and other requests for her. Leon even allows her a special friend before he leaves on a work mission, leaving the reader home alone for the first time.
🖤Pairing: Yandere!Leon/Fem!Reader 
🖤Tags (not all apply to all chapters): NSFW, Masturbation, Dubcon, Sex, Gaslighting, canon typical horror and gore descriptions, probably eventual kidnapping or kidnapping like behavior, use of pet names like bunny. Leon induces some PTSD like flashbacks on purpose, general things of that nature. Unwanted creampie, etc. Probably treat as dead dove. Inappropriate use of animal collar. Threats of animal abuse (though none occurs and it's not descriptive.)
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The first day was easy for you. Being alone definitely felt strange, being alone with essentially free roam of the house was even more strange, but with Lucipurr running around with you, it didn’t feel as lonely as you thought, the little cat brought such an indescribable joy to you. 
You listened to music while you paced back and forth, watched TV, more pacing. At one point it even started to rain, so you took a seat by a window and read for a while. It was peaceful. Actually peaceful, you didn’t let your mind wander beyond the moment. So many bad things had happened, you just wanted to focus on the good for now while you could, and having Lucip around to take care of instantly brightened any even remotely soured mood you had. Besides, he needed you, you couldn’t lose it while he depended on you. The second day had been a bit harder. You hadn’t particularly liked waking up without the smell of food or Leon’s kisses. And if you thought about that further you felt conflicted about even feeling that way, especially with everything – no –  you immediately stopped that thought. N o bad thoughts. No bad thoughts . Luckily for you the cat had got your attention, meowing at you incessantly to remind you that it was breakfast time. 
The evening had been even harder. The scratching of the tree branches outside, the pitter-pattering of the rain on the roof, just the general creakiness of the old house had you on edge. While you trusted that no living thing would enter without Leon’s permission, that didn’t exclude the supernatural. You felt silly for even entertaining that idea, but it was hard not to when you were entirely alone. You swore the red eyed man was back, not fully, but  there was always something flashing in your peripheral vision freaking you out. It helped even less when the attic door had creaked open. 
It’s not that you hadn’t been curious, but, you felt you knew enough about Leon to know that he would know if you went up there. How would he know? You didn’t know. What you did know was that he would know. You didn’t want to know what the consequences of that would be. So, you closed the door and went back to bed, making sure the light was left on and Lucip was with you. 
Day three was the worst overall. Leon should be home that evening if his timeline was right, but you were bored by now, especially having no one to talk to, and were obscenely sick of cereal, sandwiches, and cold meatloaf. Movies couldn’t hold your attention, nor could reading. You opted to instead play some music out loud as you danced around the large house, sometimes picking up Lucip and swinging him around gently, before hugging him close to you.  
The music cheered you up a little, but that was short lived when your heart nearly came out of your mouth from the size of the spider you saw on the wall. “Lucip no!” You shouted when the cat had darted after it, chasing it up the stairs. You were frozen, especially when you heard a door upstairs creaking open. You’d prayed and prayed that it was the bedroom door, but it was never that squeaky, and besides it was already open. Through wobbly legs you made your way upstairs, a shoe in hand in case you needed to help Lucip fend off any more undesirables. Much to your dismay, the attic door was open and Lucip was nowhere to be found - no doubt having followed the 8 legged thing up there. You attempted to get the cat to come down through any means that didn’t involve going inside. “Here kitty kitty. Pspspsps” You tried at the doorway. No luck . Shaking the food bowl. Nothing . Treats? No . What were you supposed to do now?  Could you just wait until Leon got home? But how mad would Leon even be if he knew the cat had gone up there, would he take him from you? No! The very thought of losing what felt like your only friend, losing something that relied on you, you couldn’t let that happen. You couldn’t fail him like that. You just couldn’t, he was the ony ray of hope. A resounding crashing sound came from the room. Shit . If something important was up there…maybe you could pose it to Leon that you just wanted to keep the stuff safe from the cat? You’d been so behaved lately maybe you could beg for forgiveness and he’d be lenient with you?  
Another crash came while you were pondering what to do. Shit . Shit . Maybe Leon was right, he’d given you too much freedom and now you were getting way ahead of yourself, but you could only think of the small feline you needed to protect. 
~♡🖤♡🖤♡🖤♡🖤♡🖤♡🖤♡🖤♡~Leon was at a red light that was taking an eternity to turn green, he’d have blown through it but he knew it was a camera-light. He was so anxious to get home, get back to you. Watching you dance around the house and play with the cat had him in a really good mood. He had full plans to wrap you in his arms, make a nice hot dinner – probably lecture you about those over-sized bites – and reward you for being so good while he was gone.
With the light still yet to change, he opted to pull his phone out and check on you one more time. When he watched you calling the cat from the attic his blood ran cold – the second your form disappeared behind the door, his foot hit the gas maxing out his speedometer to get home as quickly as he could.
Despite him driving like a maniac, he felt like he wasn’t going fast enough, time had slowed down for him. Even when he brought the Jeep to a skidded stop outside, his legs felt heavy as he fumbled the key to get inside and up the stairs, boots thumping loudly with each step.
The door was still ajar, and you weren’t in any of the visibly open rooms. “Hey Bunny, I’m back.” He did his best to mask anything that might scare you. “I’m coming into the attic, it’s okay. I’m not mad.”
As he came up the stairs, he dodge a heavy book that was thrown at his head. He sighed, this is exactly what he expected would happen. And there you were surrounded by computer monitors, some were playing back tapes from the security footage he’d take at your old apartment.
In your hand you were gripping a manila folder with giant red print on it “SHULTZ CLASSIFIED.” In your other hand he watched in horror as you held a sharp piece of broken glass, your hand was shaking while it bled.
“I’m not fucking crazy! You made me think I was crazy, but I’m not crazy! Derek was real. He was my boyfriend, and he was real . You’ve been stalking me for over a year, you sick freak!”
“C’mon baby, lets talk ok? There’s no reason to be so upset.” Leon put one hand out like he was walking towards a cornered animal. He was assessing things as he went, trying to determine the best course of action. He might be able to use the collar, but he was concerned you’d hurt yourself more falling into the broken glass on the floor. His best bet was to get over there and disarm you, but he had to tread carefully, not wanting to push you over the edge before he could.
“Take me home.”
“Bunny, you are home.”
“Please, Leon, please take me back home to my real home. I miss my friends and family, I’m sure they miss me too. I know I’m not crazy now, so…”
“Bunny –” He took a slow step closer.
“If you don’t I’ll kill myself. I will, right now.”
“Let’s not talk like that, alright? You’re not being rational right now.” He took another slow step forward, hands still raised. In a sign of a truce, he unbuckled his knife and tossed it to the side, along with his guns and even the remote to the shock collar. “See honey? I don’t want to hurt you, it’s okay.”
Quick contemplation crossed your face. “Let’s go together then. Please…please I can introduce you as my boyfriend. They’d love you, really. I won’t tell them about this or anything I swear.”
Poor Bunny, negotiating isn’t going to work, it’s cute you tried though. Leon nodded anyway, taking another baby step closer. He just needed you to let down your guard for a moment, just a brief moment. “If that’s what you really want, we can probably work something out, ok? But you won’t be going anywhere if you hurt yourself. Do you want your family to know you killed yourself?”
The second you lowered the glass just slightly away from your neck, Leon took his move, grabbing your wrist so tightly you were forced to drop the glass. “See? It’s ok.”
“Please…please Leon I just want to go home. I just want to see them. I’m not crazy. I won’t report you or say anything. I can go back to work, we can go back to being neighbors.”
He brought his free hand up to cup your face. “Oh poor Bunny. You don’t understand, you don’t exist anymore.”
“You heard me, baby. You don’t exist. You don’t have any friends or family. You’re not even a ghost - you simply don’t exist outside of this property.“
“No..no way–”
“Yes way baby. You should know, you’re the one who ran ragged trying to find a single person who remembered –I won't even dignify his name — did you really think I wasn’t going to do the same to you? Though honestly this is for your own protection”
“My friends and family, they don’t know who I am anymore?”
“No. They don’t know you, they’ve never heard of you, they’ve never met you.. Let me be doubly clear, you don’t exist to anyone outside of me and the cat.” Leon was treading carefully now, this wasn’t the outcome he expected. He’d have to think about how he wanted to proceed long term now that you knew some of what happened. For right now though you were scared and bleeding. He decided to continue to act with caution, but not without regaining some control, especially when that look of terror appeared in your eyes upon Lucipurr bolting out of the room. It was clear that it occurred to you the cat was all you now had besides Leon.
“Hey, shhhh. You know what? Like I said, I’m not even mad alright? I’m not mad. You were so good the whole time I was gone. I know you only came up here because of the cat. That’s my fault for leaving the door unlocked.” He tugged the classified folder from your hand, setting it down on the desk next to them. “No time out, no punishment. Just come with me, let’s get you cleaned up.”
When you didn’t move he pulled you into a tight hug changing strategies. “You don’t want to leave Lucip all alone do you?” He felt you shake your head against him. “Good. And you don’t want Lucipurr to have to die because you can’t behave, right?” You froze. That’s exactly what he wanted.
“Bunny, I asked you a question. You wouldn’t want the cat to die because of you, would you?”
“Good, then I urge you to think about what might happen to Lucipurr if you decide to pull something like this again, it would really be sad if he had to die because you weren’t around anymore to take care of him.” Despite the open threat, he opted to rub your back still coaxing you to follow him out of the room. “Good girl. See? I told you, I’m not mad, don’t be scared. We’re just going to get you cleaned up. Shhhh.” He led you gently out of the attic and down to the bathroom, all the while thinking about his next steps.
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: georgesoot
today's interviewee is georgesoot/dreamwasfound, who, in his words, "emerged from the senior living center to tell all". under the readmore is a transcript if the questions and answers.
Q: What was, in broad terms, your experience in MCYTblr? Are there any experiences/events that stand out to you?
A: Well it was primarily an outlet to channel all my obnoxious thoughts about Minecraft at the time. I had started watching Minecraft videos during the Pandemic, and came across [they who shall not be mentioned] and noticed there wasn't really a community on Tumblr yet. I just knew that someone had to show up and make it gay. It was easy to slot myself in, start making posts that I will never understand how I thought they would be funny, and slowly built up some sort of a following due to my sense of humor but also due to my ability to soberly ~critique~ the Minecraft Men as content creators, micro-celebrities, and as people. I never really fell into niches or was much aware of what other people were doing, until I was kind of folded into this idea of Dream Lying. I don't mean to sound self obsessed but I didn't really care about anything beyond my immediate sphere of friends?
For instance, you mention with other interviewees the Elections. I did not pay attention to those for a single second. I do remember we were saying "stop the count!" because we thought Georgeeehd should have won. And I dubbed Wormweeb the Prime Minister of Mcytblr, but I don't even remember who was running? Or why this even happened?
But as for other events, if they were funny or I could wring something out of them, I do remember them. For example, the mass migration of Kpoppies to Tumblr after it was suddenly "legal" to ship content creators. That compltely shifted the "culture" if it can be called that. I remember all the fake stan accounts, but I never attempted to interact with them. Obviously I remember the Tapeworm post, all the Discourse, the Controversies, how I was able to get hundreds of notes by summarizing events of the DreamSMP, my great shame in life.
But yes, most of the time, I was not there to take things too seriously.
Q: More specifically, what was your experience being in Dream Lying/early critblr? Do you think your experience differed from “main” MCYTblr?
A: As for my experience in what has been dubbed Critblr, well I've been credited with helping to start that whole movement. I think it's funny, because truly the kind of reaction to [censored]'s warcry scandal just wouldn't play out today the way it did back then. But I think it's a function of being an adult, that I could look at [censored] not as an idol, like at all whatsoever. It's easy to swept up in the emotions of things. But as a veteran of Discourseblr, and multiple fandoms, I could see through [censored]'s lack of media training and awareness of the average center left teenage perspective on these issues like it was wet tissue paper. People were mad at for that, but I didn't care what people thought of me.
Maybe by coincidence the other members of Dream Lying also had similar worldviews to mine. Everyone could look past the stanning of it all and recognize when something "canceallable" occurred and discuss it frankly and succinctly. Well I couldn't discuss it succinctly but others could. So to answer your question, yes it was a different experience from the rest of the "community." And it got to the point that it wasn't just "holding creators to account" it became fun. It was fun being the buzzkill in an ironic sense, and also fun in an unhinged way to just create these ludicrous scenarios of [censored] the Young Republican cornering you in the hallway and asking you so how does gay sex work actually though? And again, shipping was a component of this too.
And we turned out to be right. At the risk of sounding arrogant, this will become a theme.
Q: In previous interviews with DLying members, we’ve discussed that misinformation/in-jokes were a big part of the culture, one of them being that Dream sued you for libel. Do you remember any others? Did you expect so many people to believe you?
A: As I mentioned, I didn't take things too seriously. I enjoyed doing a little light trolling, such as when I infiltrated a [censored] stan tumblr server and showed everyone his dogs, and then reveled in the drama of them acting like I killed their families. People also turned on me because I abandoned The Ship for a ship that comprises of two… perpetrators of sexual misconduct as of March 2024, though that would also be true of the Popular Ship as well.
Anyway my personal computer died sometime in early 2021, so I, as is per the usual for my personality, made it into a joke because it really was quite stressful. I mentioned to Reese Georgeeehd and Ozzie ohge0rge (sp?) that [censored] must've sent a virus to kill my harddrive. This evolved into [censored]'s legal team sending me a cease and desist letter, as I'm sure I was being extra ~critical~ on Tumblr at the time.
They asked if they could make that The Official Narrative. I cautioned against it, it leaked anyway, because their "Private Twitters" had hundreds of followers, and this enabled this joke to become a full fledged rumor. And then my "ops" as the kids call them, got wind of this too. Most didn't believe it, but some had this "If it did happen GOOD!" attitude.
But some other examples… let me think. We did try to heavily imply that Ranboo was a former member of our organization. We rarely outright lied about the creators, but we did usually distort or exaggerate things when it came to us, for comedic effect. Frequently someone will say to me "Oh so and so mentioned you again," and my go-to answer is always "Tell them I got hit by a bus," or "Tell them I'm withering away from my dementia in the nursing home."
I did not expect people to believe me, because I did not spread the rumor because I had completely disappeared from the "public" by that point. I purposefully devised a very unrealistic joke in the first place, so I really don't know who would believe that. Especially since I was known to be friends and enemies with doxxers, who could find that information out if it existed.
Like the thought of [censored] being so hurt by a single anonymous loser calling him a Trump supporter and a bad voice actor and someone who was going to hold his British friend captive in his basement and force him to go on a keto diet to the point that he starves to death, or that he had offshore bank accounts to evade Taxes, or that he paid his brother to be his body double (this turned out to be true), that he was pretending to be bisexual for clout, that he had 100% cheated on his speedrun (also turned out to be true), that he had enslaved his mother as his maid, that he and his other friend from Texas would engage in a little frottage as bros do… well the list is endless. But the thought of him being so offended that he gets his lawyer, whom he pays, to send me a cease and desist letter… well it's one of the few things I came up with that was actually funny.
Uh but no, anyone with a healthy attachment to reality would never believe that.
Q: I understand that you were also in EBblr and its surrounding communities. What was that like? 
A: I was never in ebblr… all I did was watch a few Tubbo streams, realize that he was probably gay, and I was right. Because what do you expect at this point?
I pointed out publicly that Tubbo and Ranboo were engaging in some light queerbait, except that they were obviously both queer. The point was I thought they (or at least Tubbo) were trying to engineer a New [censored], because that gets you attention which gets you money… like Kaceytron was right about everything? In these spaces, being Queer is a commodity. But I'm letting the point get away from me.
In private, I mostly reacted with bemusement, and we did have some genuine enderbabies, as I called them (mostly derisively), in our server, who took it all so literally and that it was so kawaii desu. I thought it was cringe. Like, Tubbo pretending to be coy and saying Ranboo's foot was bigger than his forearm. That took me RIGHT back to my days as a cringy 19yo baby gay trying to flirt. Oh I'm getting embarrassed thinking about it. But there were a few moments that Tubbo and Ranboo manufactured together that I thought were pretty cute and wholesome.
On the whole, I'm still confused as to why I'm included in this sub-community. I approached Enderbees as a marketing thing, or something of the sort. I never read fics, I never looked at art, I never really cared. I especially didn't care about their "characters" on the SMP, which also set me apart from the genuine unironic shippers. Some thought this was worse than shipping because I was committing that dreaded cardinal sin: speculating on CC's sexualities.
And yes, I popularized the word Truthing in this context. I explicitly modeled it after 9/11 Truthers, because the JOKE (hi remember none of this was meant to be too serious) was that we were deranged conspiracists who were probably best kept away from normal society.
Q: Is it odd to be regarded as infamous within the MCYTblr niche? 
A: No it's not odd, I at least partially strove for infamy. Any attention gratifies the ego after all, not just postitive attention. Then there was the absurdity of it all. Here I was, in the Pandemic, having multiple degrees, looking for jobs, getting a job, going to work, paying taxes, and theater kids in high school were probably drawing devil horns on my pfp and throwing knives at it. All because I said everything I said about [censored], or "speculated" that Technoblade was gay because he had drama kid energy, or called Tommy annoying that one time in 2020, or babied [censored] too much. There's really no end to the list of nonsense I was spewing.
And I'd argue that I'm not infamous. Gayminecraftmen had to tell me about your blog and your interviews. I'm doing this because my friends think it would be funny. And the Drama of Georgesoot emerging from the senior living center to tell all is the kind of stupid humor I like. But aside from this, I haven't thought about Minecraft in a while. I have to be spoonfed lore about these annoying content creators who don't even make content anymore. Anything I learn about the "community" now is against my will.
At the time, maybe I was infamous, but now? I don't care. To even dignify my "infamy" would be to admit that Minecraft Youtube is even relevant anymore. How pathetic! I just filed my taxes and got an oil change last week. Me and the homies are having Dune watch parties and writing elaborate screenplays for Timothee Chalamet to star in in our heads (shout out to Ciara). To reminisce on my Tumblr infamy for a community of mostly teenagers about Content Creators who made content for said teenagers and later preyed on those teenagers… is so opposite from the adult problems and adult interest I have. Not to be condescending but that's just how it is!
Q: What are some common creator criticisms that you remember from 2020-2021? Do you still stand by them?
A: The common criticisms have held up in my opinion. [censored] and [censored] were queerbaiting. [censored] was cultivating an audience of loyal vulnerable teenagers and he took advantage. So did [censored]. And [censored] who literally bites people? Oh… okay then.
Dream Lying was right about [censored]'s friend whom he invited into his home and whom he tried to gift a career, only to be outed as an abuser. We were right about [censored] coming from not just a conservative background, but a bigoted one, one that he refused to actually grapple with. We were right about MCC being rigged. We were right about the cheating scandal. We were right about so many things.
The only thing I was definitely wrong about was the [censored] really did hop off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan. I thought he for sure would just put off the [censored] team hype house meetup forever. My psychic powers don't always work I guess. That wasn't a criticism though, just my coping. Oh and I was wrong that Ranboo was an industry plant, but I was right that he's annoying and has no talent. And Dream Lying said from day one that Tubbo and Ranboo's little relationship would not last the summer and we were right! In fact during that whole thing I also speculated that Tommy would start queerbaiting and then he did! I felt like Cassandra at times.
Anyway back to the point. I mean the criticisms of [censored] were just all encompassing, and basically stemmed from the fact that he was like all these video game boys- a white man from a republican household who was not properly media trained because Streaming is not a real industry career and none of them were prepared for fame. And that has borne out over and over again. They all have shady pasts, they all abuse their fame and take advantage of fans. So I do stand by these criticisms.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to speak on or have archived?
A: Not really, I've already said far too much, so apologies to whoever edits these, I hope you enjoy the novel I wrote for you. I don't know, I have dementia, none of this is real. Karlarmy forever. Also who even knows if I'm the real Georgesoot.
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Freefall * Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw/OC (part 4)
Summary: Casey had always been a free spirit, living in the moment, never staying still for long. More than once, her loved ones told her she could stand to think more with her head, and less with her heart. But old habits die hard, and the choices Casey makes in the heat of the moment are about to change her life forever, whether she's ready for it or not.
Warnings: unplanned pregnancy, allusion to smut, original character, angst, sex outside of wedlock, friends to lovers, did I mention angst?
Taglist: @kmc1989, @phoward89, @bellaireland1981, @pinkpantheris, @djs8891, @shanimallina87, @tarotwithaura
Part One Part Two Part Three
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Bradley Bradshaw was having a very bad day.
He had expected this. As soon as he saw Mav sitting at the bar at The Hard Deck, he had known, somehow, that things were going to be messy. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't have been able to ignore the implications.
The rest of his fellow aviators might not have picked up on it, but Bradley had known almost immediately what the plan was. While his companions had all been wondering who would be teaching them, he'd been able to see it coming from a mile away.
Not saying anything about it had been a conscious choice, but he hadn't exactly been willing to risk the ensuing commentary from his peers if they learned the truth. Hangman, he knows, would have been particularly obnoxious.
All of it is a situation he would much rather avoid, and that had all been before Casey had come into the picture.
The thought of his best friend, and how strained everything seems to be between them causes his jaw to tighten, because of everything he had been prepared for since returning to San Diego, losing the simplicity that had always existed between them had not been a part of it. He'd become so accustomed to it that it never occurred to him that he could ever lose it. He wore it almost like a second skin.
Casey had clearly been holding herself back last night, though. He could've recognized the signs even if he didn't know her almost as well as he knew himself. She'd smiled, but it hadn't reached her eyes. Accepted his arm around her, but her shoulders and spine had been stiff. Tense.
He hadn't seen her after he'd been at the piano, and Bradley would be the first to admit he regrets that one small fact. That he regrets its implications. Because if Casey is so studiously avoiding him, it has to be for a reason. And there is only one reason he can think of that passes muster.
She regrets what happened the last time they had been together. Or at least, it seems as though she does, and that is a reality that is far more painful than anything Maverick or Hangman could ever throw his way.
The guy had been trying to talk to Bradley all day. Not all that unusual, he supposes, given how Mav has never exhibited much concern for boundaries before, personal or professional. But with everything going on with Casey—everything that had happened with Mav in the past, as well—Bradley would be a liar to say anything less than that he is absolutely not in the mood for any sort of conversation with the man, at all.
Mav, though, hadn't seemed to pick up on that. First, with the interaction on the tarmac, and then everything else that had happened in the air. And now, as Bradley finishes the last of the push-ups after enduring yet another kill-shot, he comes to the conclusion that all he really wants, now, is to be left alone.
A reality he is apparently not about to have, given how Phoenix is moving to crouch at his side.
"What the hell was that?"
"Don't worry about it."
"You trying to get kicked out? Breaking the hard deck. Insubordination. That wasn't you up there. Talk to me," The dark-haired pilot insists, genuine concern apparent beneath the demanding nature of the words. A concern that somehow renders the idea of denying her the information she clearly seems to desire enough to make everything worse.
And yet, that is precisely what Bradley intends to do.
"Seriously, Nat. Don't worry about it."
"Look. I'm going on this mission. But if you get kicked out, you leave us flying with Hangman. So what the hell was that—"
"He pulled my papers."
"What? Who?"
"Maverick," Bradley explains, resisting the urge to wince over how quickly the words had come out, whether he truly wanted to provide Phoenix with an answer, or not, "He pulled my application to the naval academy. Set me back four years."
"Why would he do that?"
Bitterness burns like bile at the back of his throat, a condition made only worse by the reality of how, no matter how many times he turns the matter over and over again in his head, Bradley has yet to come up with a suitable answer. He'd had absolutely no indication of Maverick's intention to do what he did. No way of knowing what was coming until it was far too late to stop it.
Not having a concrete reason for the betrayal is probably the worst part of it all, if Bradley is being honest. And as he risks a look at the woman still remaining beside him, he forces himself to do what he can to reassure her he isn't out of the game entirely. At least, not yet.
"I'm fine, Nat. I've got this."
"I'm not flying with Hangman?"
"You aren't gonna be flying with Hangman."
"You'd better not be talking out of your ass right now, Bradshaw," Natasha retorts, reaching out to punch Bradley in the shoulder, before standing to her full height once again, "Hard Deck tonight?"
"I'll see you there."
Seemingly satisfied with the response, at least for the time-being, Phoenix begins to move to follow their fellow aviators headed for locker rooms, and then the bar, leaving Bradley alone with his thoughts once more. In truth, he'd much rather just turn in for the night, given everything that's going on, but he knows that answer would never have been acceptable. It would have prompted more questions that he is not entirely sure he can clarify.
He is almost positive that Casey will be there, too, and as much as he wants answers from her, as well, about whatever it is that has her so tense it seems as though she could shatter into pieces at any moment, Bradley can't be entirely sure doing so will not end up making things worse. Something he knows already that he can hardly afford.
She'd stayed by his side in the aftermath of Mav pulling his papers. She hadn't budged, even when he knew it had to be costing her to be caught in the middle as she was.
It's that reality that has him all but determined to let her take this at her own pace. To come clean when she is ready, and not before.
But it would be a lie for him to pretend he is not hoping that moment comes sooner rather than later…
He isn't entirely sure he has the patience for anything else.
After spending the remainder of the morning in bed once she'd gotten back home from dropping Amelia at school, Casey catches herself rolling over to see the clock on her bedside table in order to check the time.
She'd slept for just about half of the day.
Groaning, Casey levers herself upright, fighting against the nausea brought about by the sudden shift in position as best she can. A hand lifts to drag through sleep-tousled hair. Her legs swing over the edge of the bed so that her toes can curl into the carpeting, and her eyes slip closed as she stretches out the stiff muscles of her neck.
Dimly, she can hear movements throughout the rest of the house. A clear indication of her mother preparing for another night at work. And before she can convince herself to remain exactly where she is, Casey is rising to her feet, managing one final stretch before padding over to her door and taking the small hallway to the kitchen at its end.
"She lives."
"You're hilarious, Mom."
"Was starting to wonder if I needed to call in reinforcements to get you out of bed," Penny teases, rummaging through a cupboard, and pulling out a small packet not long after, "Tea again?"
"You give up coffee since the last time you were home?"
"Just wanted a change," Casey shrugs, hoisting herself up into one of the stools that surround the kitchen island, and watching as her mother begins to boil some water with a familiar sort of ease, "Might have decided my stomach wasn't as young as it used to be, too."
"Too many nights spent abusing it while staying up late studying in college?"
"Something like that."
"I seem to remember warning you about that, now that I think about it," Penny muses, aware of her daughter's answering laugh, as well as the slight hint of a flush upon her cheeks, "Live and learn, and all."
"Or just the advantage of age lending you some perspective."
"Watch it, wiseass. I could just put the tea back in the drawer."
"You love me too much to do that."
"Do I, though?"
"You should!" Casey exclaims, unable to fully keep the laughter out of her reply, despite her desire to feign at least some level of indignant offense, "I am your firstborn, after all."
"That's true enough," Penny admits, moving the tea kettle of boiling water away from the stove's burner just as it begins to whistle, and pouring two glasses of the steaming liquid before handing one her daughter's way, "And since you're my firstborn, I think I know well enough when you're not being entirely honest."
"About whatever it is that brought you back home. And why a girl who's been addicted to coffee since she was sixteen is suddenly preferring tea."
"Change in preferences?" Casey hedges, almost immediately aware of how the slight waver to her response is unlikely to make it very convincing at all.
"Uh-huh. Try again."
Frowning, Casey wavers between the two options that now rest before her. Biting the bullet. Telling her mother the truth. Or, remaining steadfast in trying to come up with another lie. She knows it might be easier, in the long run, to opt for the former. That her mother might, in fact, be able to help, at least when it comes to deciding what on earth she is meant to do going forward.
In spite of that awareness, however, and regardless of whatever comfort it may bring, Casey still catches herself hesitating. She catches herself remembering that even speaking the truth will only make it real.
Before she can fully come to terms with any sort of a decision, though, she is saved by the sudden chiming of her cell phone coming from inside the pockets of the loose-fitting sweatpants she'd been sleeping in. And even if she can clearly sense Penny's disappointment as she scrambles to answer the call, Casey seizes on the well-timed means of an escape as quickly as she can.
"Casey? It's—it's Evie. Can we—can we talk?"
After the sort of day that he honestly should have seen coming, the relief Pete Mitchell feels at the prospect of walking into The Hard Deck to settle his tab from the previous evening comes as a bit of a surprise. He'd wondered, ever since realizing Penny was the proud owner of the establishment, if he'd actually be welcome, given how complicated things had once been between them.
Knowing that history, he could never have blamed her if she would have chosen to make her own life easier by refusing to allow him a place in it, but Penny hadn't done so. She had never once made a concrete move to turn him away. Together, the two of them had raised their daughter as best they could, even amidst the inevitable deployments, and he even liked to think of himself as something of a father-figure to Amelia as well.
Especially with the younger girl's own father as lacking as he was, Pete considers his bond with Amelia to be something of a blessing.
And that is even when she is doing exactly as her mother does, and giving him a hard time.
"Captain? Still?"
"A highly decorated captain," He corrects, watching as Penny stows the cash he'd just provided in her pocket, while Casey slips around her with a tray of clean glasses to replace behind the bar. She offers him a smile, though even he can tell it does not hold enough weight behind it to make it to her eyes.
He wants to ask her what causes that. Every protective instinct he possesses is all but insistent that there is something wrong, even if he cannot yet discern exactly what that something might be. But before he has the chance, he finds his attention pulled back to Amelia and Penny, just as Casey's is, as well.
"Finish up. We need to get the boat to the yard."
"I can't go."
"What do you mean you can't go?" Penny questions, regarding Amelia with a skeptically raised brow, though the expression hardly does anything to diminish her daughter's ensuing reply.
"Test tomorrow. I need to study," Amelia informs, her expression at least somewhat apologetic as she attempts to justify her sudden change in plans, "They only told us today."
"I can't sail her alone."
"Use the engine."
"And why are we taking her to the yard?" Penny persists, sharing an amused glance with Pete, before recollection dawns in Amelia's expression, and her shoulders slump just a bit in defeat.
"To fix the engine."
"I can help," Casey chimes in, stowing the last of the glasses behind the bar, and moving forward to lean her elbows against the wooden countertop resting between them, "That way Amelia can study all she wants."
"Says the girl who was throwing up in the bathroom all of thirty minutes ago?" Amelia counters, ignoring the way in which Casey's eyes seem to narrow in challenge in favor of going on, "Not exactly the sort of sailing partner I would want."
"I'm fine now, aren't I?"
"You're sick?"
"I survived on nothing but take out the entire trip here," Casey admits, hoping the lie will pass muster, even as she tries to ignore the slight flush of embarrassment that burns at her cheeks beneath the weight of her father's apparent concern, "I probably just picked up something from that."
"Really, Dad. I'm fine. And I'm sure I'll continue to be fine while helping Mom."
"Or she could consider letting me go with her, instead," Pete suggests, turning his attention toward Penny, even if he would be a liar to pretend his concern over Casey's apparent evasive answer is not eating him to the bone, "I mean, I am in the Navy."
Watching, as Penny, Amelia, and Casey seem to share a look meant only for the three of them, Pete maintains his silence, knowing, somehow, that to press his advantage now would only be a detriment, as compared to a means of success. But just as he is prepared to admit defeat, Penny is turning away from her daughters, and back to him instead, an almost mischievous smile pulling at both corners of her mouth.
"Alright then. Hot-shot. Why don't you show me what you've got?"
"Wow. You look like you've had an absolute day."
The words escape before Casey can fully bring herself to stop them, her fingers brushing against Bradley's as he takes a seat across from her at the bar, and she hands him a beer. He offers her a muted groan in response, the hand that is not holding the bottle swiping across his face as though seeking to erase all of the weight of the day he'd just endured away with a single gesture. The effort fails, much as he'd already suspected it would, and Casey finds herself managing an understanding smile not long after, her own troubles waylaid, for the moment at least, in favor of trying to assist Bradley with his own.
"What happened out there?"
"You don't want to know," Bradley replies, pausing for just long enough to take a swig of the beer Casey has handed him, before he forces himself to look her in the eye, "Might fly in the face of your one rule."
"Maybe I don't really care about that rule right now," Casey quips, cocking her head to the side and sending Bradley a look that she hopes will all but persuade him to answer her question head-on, "Maybe I just care about a friend who's clearly having a tough time."
"I'm not about to give you more to worry about, Case."
"Too late, Bradley. I'm already kind of worried."
"Well don't be," Bradley says, hardly missing Casey's almost immediate frown, whether or not he can tell, simply by the hasty way she seeks to erase it, that she hadn't wanted him to take note of it at all, "I'll get over it."
"Maybe you shouldn't have to."
"It's fine."
Aware that she is apparently not about to obtain a full answer, at least not right away, Casey settles for diverting her attention to wiping away a stray stain on the counter of the bar, instead, her teeth chewing at her lower lip whether she truly wishes to give into the gesture or not. Unbidden, some of her former apprehension at being in such close proximity to Bradley returns, and it is all she can do to maintain her composure as best she can.
She hates the idea of being estranged from him. Of being so strained that even the thought of carrying on a normal conversation seems impossible, but that seems to be precisely where they are. He can't bring himself to talk to her about her father because of a rule she developed when they were younger. A rule she had hoped would keep their friendship intact. And Casey?
Casey cannot fathom telling him the very thing that has been chomping at the bit to break free since the moment she'd seen him last night without also thinking of how likely it would be for her entire world to begin falling apart at the seams.
Some small part of her knows it is foolish to be as terrified as she is. It is the very same part of her that knows the longer she waits to come clean, the more disastrous the end result of her confession may be. If Bradley even begins to think she is deliberately trying to keep him in the dark, she cannot honestly say if he could ever forgive her, being far more privy to his tendency to maintain a grudge than most.
As nervous as she may be over the prospect of potentially losing him for good, however, Casey still cannot even begin to consider how she might broach the topic that is keeping her so panicked. And whether or not Bradley suspects anything behind her obvious case of nerves, it clearly is not enough to prevent him from breaking the silence between them, a calloused hand moving to rest atop her own before he speaks.
"Wanna get out of here once your mom gets back?"
"Oh God, yes," Casey exhales, knowing full-well that her mother's return will signify her father's as well, and seizing upon the idea of putting some distance between them, more for Bradley's sake than her own, "That sounds—"
"Any place in particular you want to go?" Bradley asks, already suspecting he knows Casey's answer before she can even put it into words. It is a testament to how well the two of them can read one another that she seems capable of managing a genuinely amused smile, even in spite of whatever nervousness keeps her holding bits and pieces of herself back. Though even that reality is clearly not enough to provide any restraint from her ensuing reply, his amusement escaping in the form of a laugh as she settles for an answer that is predictable, to say the least.
"Ice cream?"
"As if I didn't already know that would be your answer."
"You say that as though it's a bad thing," Casey laughs, taking some manner of comfort in the simple act, even as she turns to hail another request for a beer from farther off down the bar, "It's not, by the way!"
"Speak for yourself, Case. It sort of is."
"I kinda hate you right now, Bradshaw—"
"Nah. You love me and you know it."
Flushing at the remark, Casey forces herself to redirect her attention to the task of providing drinks to the other patrons gathering around the bar, whether or not her heart performs a giddy little swoop in response. She still does not know if she will be able to summon the courage to tell Bradley what is going on, once they have a few moments spent alone. But regardless of that singular fact, she would be a liar to pretend that time alone with her best friend is not precisely what she feels she has been needing all along.
Anything else, she will simply have to trust to fall into place along the way.
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daceydeath · 1 year
A Work Proposal (Part 8)
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Pairing: Felix x Reader Word Count: 2.9k Genre: Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, unprotected sex (don't be dumb), loss of virginity, hand job, creampie, soft dom reader, pet names (baby boy), dirty talk.
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
You had waited almost a week stressed about what could occur but nothing happened with Eui's departure, there were no rumors about Chan or the kids, none about you within the company and most telling, for you, no media articles claiming anything had happened. You even received a grovelling apology from the higher ups that had doubted you which was a very strange thing to receive, and you were pretty sure it had everything to do with how angry Chan had been. For their part the kids had been exceptional at telling anyone who would listen about the psycho that had been so infatuated with Chan she was almost stalking him and how many horrid things she had done to you and others in the company which would make any allegations all that more unbelievable. Once the girls from Itzy had heard about it they came rushing in to see you flustering the boys greatly as they hugged you and gave you endless compliments before telling them how lucky they were to have their noona and they would take you back if the kids didn't look after you better from now on.
"They will steal you from us?" Jeongin asked wide eyed "Can they do that?"
"No Innie, they can't and I wouldn't leave you anyway" you smiled fondly at him still laughing to yourself at how sweet the girls were.
"You sure, you seem very happy with them?" Minho teased making you smirk at him.
"They aren't as good in bed Minho so I would have to say no" you sniggered sending some of them into giggles and the others into blushing messes.
Chan had done his best during the whole turbulent time to make sure that regardless of what happened you would come out of every situation clean of any trashy rumors and he had kept his word, you discovered, when one of your friends from the legal department emailed you a copy of the NDA that Eui had been asked to sign before her termination making it impossible for her to tell the press anything without the threat of massive legal action. Everything had started to run smoothly again and as winter break approached you hope everything would be finalized for the new year to start again.
"Jagi?" Felix grinned looking at you with bright eyes "Did you want to come shopping with me tonight? I need to pick up some gifts for a few people"
"Course Felix, that sounds like a fun distraction as long as none of the presents are for me" you smiled genuinely at him.
"What if instead of a present I bought us snacks?" he chirped looking happy that you had agreed to go with him.
"Snacks are acceptable" you beamed collecting up your tablet and photo card samples that you had brought down to show them "Did you want me to meet you back down here later or should I just meet you there?"
"Back down here is fine we can head to the dorm the go if you want" his eyes shone as he spoke making you melt for him, Felix had that effect of most people if he was happy everything was good in the world.
You left for your desk feeling like you at least would have something fun to keep you feeling positive and playing the role of Felix's assistant while he shopped sounded more enjoyable and less taxing than anything else you were likely to do. Making your way back down to the dance studio you found yourself taking a seat waiting for the guys to finish up, you watched them go through one last song before Felix grinned at you and hurried off to shower and change so you could leave straight from the company. This left you with Hyunjin and Minho who immediately took advantage of your presence to show you a piece that they had been working on for a few months.
"This one is just for us" Hyunjin smiled dazzlingly at you "its just the three of us, and its different to our usual sort of things"
"How so?" you asked tilting your head slightly confused but your interest piqued.
"It's far more sensual than anything we would do as a whole group" Minho smirked as he went to start the music. You watched mesmerized as the two of them moved noticing the space that Felix should be occupying and trying your hardest not to give in to the temptation to stare too longingly at the pair of them. They watched you as carefully as you watched them, their eyes mapping your every facial expression, every lip bite and every time you licked your lips.
"Jagi?" Felix called as he walked back into the studio his hair done and his clothes changed into more street ware, black jeans that made his legs look amazing, white t-shirt and a black leather jacket he always looked so effortlessly sexy.
"Looking handsome Felix" you smiled teasing him a little and watching his cheeks warm up.
"I'd say you look good too but you always look beautiful" He smiled back warmly walking over to take your hand and lead you from the studio to the car waiting for you both.
"Such a flirt" you giggled making him laugh with you.
"Did you like the choreography? were going to work on a few projects as units so this is the beginning of ours" he explained letting go of your hand but guiding you through the hallways with his hand on your lower back.
"It's very sexy, or maybe it's more sensual than sexy but still it's hot" you fumbled your words trying to imagine him doing the same moves you had just watched Hyunjin and Minho perform.
"We can show you all together some time if you like" he teased his hand dipping lower on your back momentarily and squeezing your arse making you gasp.
"I would love that. A lot" you mumbled before taking a breath to steady yourself "What did you need to get today anyway? You only said gifts this morning".
"I want to pick up some sneakers for Innie, a bracelet for Bin and there was a shirt that I thought Hyunjin would really like but I need your opinion on" he listed "and if I see anything for Chan that would be great but if we manage these three I will be happy". You smiled at him as he opened to door of the car for you to step into asking the driver to take you to the mall and leave you there until he was needed again.
You had been in the VIP area of luxury boutiques before, the Itzy girls had always had you tag alone with them when they shopped, but it was strange to be treated like you were the same as Felix not just as his assistant. You had been treated like a princess by the staff at both Chanel and Saint Laurent, each going above and beyond to show you endless jewelry, bags and clothes as Felix tried on the shirt he wanted to get for Hyunjin, noting anything you particularly liked on a tablet that was located on the sided table by the door, making you a little suspicious.
"Do you think Hyunjin will like it?" Felix's voice broke your train of thought making you stand and walk over to the changing area, Felix looked incredible in the black silk button up shirt that he was wanting to get for Hyunjin "Jagi?" he giggled.
"Sorry...I think he will love it" you smiled bashfully biting your lip in embarrassment at being caught looking at him so longingly in public.
"So cute Jagi" he whispered leaning forward to tenderly press him lips to yours cupping your cheek.
"Felix" you warned playfully which just made him grin and deepen the kiss his tongue caressing yours as he pulled you tightly against him.
"Can't help it Jagi, you look too good" he smiled letting you go as he stepped back from you allowing you to walk back out of the dressing area so he could change. After leaving behind Saint Laurent and approaching Dior you felt the need to press Felix on what was happening.
"Felix, why are they treating me so well?" you whispered hoping not to be overheard by the security that had been assigned to escort you between the designer stores.
"Oh, I told them you are my girlfriend and need to be treated well" he blushed slightly biting his lip.
"Girlfriend?!" you whisper yelled looked confused.
"Yeah well that way you are allowed wherever I go and you get to see all the clothes and things you want, I get to kiss you and tease you" he smiled his usual sunny smile replaced with something more cheeky making you relent with your questioning. "Besides everyone has been keeping track of what you like so that we will know what to get you for presents, its win win really"
"Lee Felix!" you scolded quietly "didn't I say no more presents? you do know good boys are supposed to listen" making him laugh softly and take your hand, intertwining your fingers together. The same thing happened in Dior and then again in Prada which only made Felix grin every time he caught your eye. Finally after buying the final gift in Prada Felix led you back to the car to take you home again.
"Would it be alright if I leave a couple of these with you? Innie is really bad at searching for gifts" he chuckled rolling his eyes.
"Of course Felix, did you want me to just take them up or did you want to bring them in yourself?" you asked softly not wanting to seem like you were pressuring him for more time if that isn't what he wanted.
"I'll bring them up" he smiled brightly as the driver opened the door for you helping you from the car.
You walked into your apartment, flowers that Minho had sent you were sitting on your coffee table, the blazer Jeogin had bought you draped over the back of the sofa and the purse he and Han had gotten you hanging securely on a hook beside your door making Felix smile more.
"I'm glad the others take good care of you" he murmured placing the shopping bags on the couch turning back to you to cup your cheek stroking your cheek bone softly "Am I allowed to kiss you again jagi?"
"Of course Felix you are allowed anything you want" you whispered softly as he dipped his head to press his lips to yours gently caressing your lips with his own in a sweet kiss that made you see stars.
"Anything huh?" he teased stroking your sides with his hands causing you to shiver against him "Can we go to bed?" he breathed against your lips as he kissed you again.
"Yes Felix if you're sure you want that" you mumbled "I would love that".
He pulled you closer against him, pressing your hips against his as he pressed his pretty lips to yours silently groaning as you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Kissing Felix was one of the things you enjoyed the most he was so careful with you so sweet and loving that it made your heart swell every time his lips were on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck one hand sliding into the hair on the nape of his neck pulling him closer against you, of all the guys he was the only one who seemed to want to treat you like you were made of glass, the others could be tender with you treating you gently as they made love to you, but it didn't ever feel like this Felix had a way of making you feel like he actually loved you.
"Jagi" he whined softly against your mouth hid hands wandering your hips and arse squeezing and kneading your curves "Need more of you" you pulled away to see a cute little pout grace his beautiful face making you giggle as you led him to your room and playfully pushing him down on your bed making his face flush the prettiest shade of pink you had ever seen.
"You need more of me pretty Felix?" you teasingly smiled biting your bottom lip as you straddled him his hands instantly coming back you squeeze your hips as his mouth opened in a gasp. You remembered what he had told you he only participated in oral sex he hadn't wanted to go any further than that before, you felt yourself getting wetter at the idea he might want you to be his first, out of everyone he could easily have he might want you. Either way you were happy to tease him before you blew him if that was all he wanted from you.
"Yes please Jagi, need all of you" he whimpered pulling you down against his chest and connecting his lips to your neck and kissing his way up to your mouth his kisses getting more heated by the moment. You pressed your hips down against his crotch faintly rolling them against him to see his reaction, he groaned sweetly against your lips his length hardening beneath you.
"All of me?" you purred your fingers sliding up and down his clothed chest.
"Please jagi" he gasped as you began sliding your hands under his shirt to trace the muscles of his abs and chest hitching it up until you pulled it over his head to reveal him to you.
"Do you want jagi to take care of you?" you continued to tease him, beginning to press yourself harder against him and move your hips a little faster making his head drop back.
"Yes jagi, please jagi" he mumbled panting slightly.
"I've got you baby boy" you smiled down at him before standing up and undressing yourself slowly as he watched with half lidded eyes, licking his lower lip as you started on his jeans. "You tell me if it's too much Felix, I want to make you feel good" you murmured kissing you way along his thighs as he shivered under your touch.
"Already do jagi, you make me feel so good" he groaned his cock already hard from just the little teasing you had done to him "Just want to make jagi feel good" he whined again when you kissed your way past his member and across his abs causing you to chuckle as he writhed below you from teasing stimulation. Slowly you wrapped one hand around his cock pumping it slowly as you continued to kiss your way across him flicking his nipple with your tongue making him hiss and squirm.
"Such a needy baby" you cooed kissing his throat as his looked up at you with such innocent eyes.
"Wanna touch you, can I touch you? taste you? please" he asked softly his breath hitching in time with the hand you were using to pleasure him.
"Where you you want to touch me baby?" you smiled kissing his lips gently.
"Everywhere, anywhere" he mumbled between kisses letting you move yourself off of his chest and straddle his hips again, brushing your slick core against his length "Fuck please".
"Show me where you want to touch me baby boy" you purred again wanting to let him have enough control to tell you how far was enough for him.
Felix dragged his hands along your thighs as he sat up, a dazed look still lingering on his pretty face as his fingers danced around your hips to pull you further against him grinding your wet core against his cock slowly the tip rubbing against your clit perfectly. His lips were on you again, more demanding than before his tongue sliding against yours and sucking on your lower lip, groaning when he felt you growing wetter against him.
"Jagi, want to be inside you" he moaned his head dropping to your shoulder as he shuddered slightly.
"Alright baby boy, let jagi take the best care of you" you whispered into his hair removing his hands from your hips and lifting yourself off of him just enough to take hold of him and guide him to your entrance. Intentionally slowly you lowered yourself down on him letting him feel every inch of your walls as his cock slowly filled you making him moan deeply as you took all of him and sat back on him.
"Jagi, ah, fuck" he muttered his eyes closed as you rolled your hips softly his hands going back to where they were on your hips as you started to move.
"Such a good baby boy letting jagi ride you" you mewled enjoying the stretch you felt as you rocked your hips his dick brushing against you g spot perfectly. Placing one hand on his chest to keep your balance you cupped his face with the other kissing him tenderly. He groaned softly his eyes rolling back as you squeezed him with your walls.
"Fuck, you feel so good, your so tight and hot and fuck" he yelped as you started increased your tempo you knew he wouldn't last as long this time and you wanted to make it as good as you possibly could for him.
"I can't wait until you fill me up baby boy, fill me up so I'm full of you cum" you whispered against his lips kissing him again his thighs were tensing harder now so you knew he was getting close as his moans got louder.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" he yelled as he pushed you harder onto his hips thrusting up into you as he lost control of his composure "Jagi" he cried as he reached his peak emptying his balls into you.
You kissed him softly holding him against you as he pressed his damp forehead to yours, his breathing was ragged but the prettiest smile sat upon his lips. You stayed still allowing him to soften fully before you lifted yourself off of him, his cum starting to drip out of you and onto your thighs.
"That was amazing" he mumbled blinking lazily but still grinning.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it Felix I wanted to make sure it was good for you" you smiled back as he opened his arms to cuddle you which you instantly allowed letting him pull you onto his chest while he drew patterns on your back until his breathing returned to normal.
"Jagi can we go again?" he mumbled into your hair as you felt him growing hard once more.
"Always Felix" you giggled as he rolled you under him.
A/N: Thank you for reading my loveliest loves! Once again any likes, comments or reblogs are adored and cherished xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishastumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi, @seolarflare, @damnyouficc, @eastleighsblog, @wohaku, @bakedlilgoonie, @roamingpolar, @tara-skyhold, @queenmea604,
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ppoppokari · 7 months
the fae of the oktober woods
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pairing~ park seonghwa x oc! reader (this is for my bff katt ya'll)
genre~ (au) (h) (lowkey fluff)
ghostwritten for~ @horanghaejamjam (as a part of the atiny halloween project)
synopsis~ when katt had moved to quiet do-gooder neighbourhood they find that they got more than they bargained for. behind each preppy student and righteous priest was a fascination with the occult. what katt really wanted was to find love, but there was no way that they would find love in a town that felt like hell on earth... right? maybe just maybe they would have to look darkness in the eyes to find a love that would last for an eternity or more.
… or the one where curiosity finally got the better of katt.
wordcount~ 6.5k
featuring~ mentions of christianity, talk of ghost sex but no ghost sex actually occurs, an amateur summoning ritual (mentioned but no graphic summoning happens ), a haunted house, course language, a predator/prey dynamic, alcohol and drug consumption (every one is legal in this fic so don't worry and it's mentioned for a brief second, only seeing it if you squint), strange dreams, hints of smut at the end but no actual smut, i don't want to spoil it but seonghwa isn't who he seems to be- but spoiler he isn’t a faerie
playlist~ 🍄
a/n~ hi! it me~ i may have gotten way too carried away in this one, i was a horror writer for ten years of my life. so this really makes me feel nostalgic. and surprise katt!! i nearly spilt the beans so many times while writing this.
i love you so much buddy 🥹
also a huge thank you to @atinyhalloweenproject for giving me the opportunity to participate and for being so kind and patience, i truly truly appreciate it.
this is kind of creepy, like duh it's horror but this is the uneasy type of horror but it's still kind of sexy?
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“Tonights terrifying tale takes us to an everyday neighbourhood, the houses are perfect, the American apple pie life we all want and to make it better the people are just as perfect. But this isn’t about them, it’s a tale of lust, deep desire, and a dance with the devil.
In this episode we will peel back the streets of suburbia and you will find something dark and twisted… if you dare to look.
I’m your host Barry Collins and this is…”
There was no bad blood between you or the ancient, living skeleton of a host but with a swift movement you reached for the remote. Upon doing so you were immediately relieved of the grating static of the old re-run of some ancient black and white Halloween special that had been on loop since you moved in. 
Bringing your hands up you lightly pressed your fingers into your temple, an attempt to soothe the persistent migraine that had been lingering since the early hours of this morning.
To say your dreams were getting out of control was a huge understatement, but how could you put it into words. How could you approach your parents and say that you woke up feeling as if an invisible weight was pushing down on your chest paired with sharp ringing in your ears, oh, and don't forget the immediate urge to throw your blankets to the ground and remove your pyjamas that clung to you.
Technically you could, but that wouldn't even touch the surface of everything that had been going on.
One thing was apparent as you looked ahead and saw a human-shaped blur sitting next to you through reflection on the blank screen...The only thing you had control over was the tv.
With a sigh you stood, feigning ignorance as you often did. Three months in this house and such things were a common occurrence, whether it be out of pure exhaustion or extreme confidence you let everything remain as it was. There was no need to search for all your missing items if they didn't want to be found.
Passing by a generous handful of misplaced shadows you made your way to the kitchen, stopping to pet Prince and Gizmo who trailed close to your feet. "You want a treat? You both deserve a treat for guarding my room last night." Crouching low you kept them occupied with a scratch behind their ears before tearing the scrap of bacon that remained on your plate in half. Wiping the grease on the hem of your t-shirt you all but threw your dishes into the sink as you brought your hands up once again.
"Shh stop it, no more headaches, just calm down Katt, it's okay." Your self-soothing was starting to work until a cold hand gripped your shoulder.
A sharp exhale knocked the little air you had as you spun around on high alert. Your sporadic movement startled both you and your mom, you honestly didn't know you had it in you.
"Katt! My god, what's gotten into you?" "Mom, you scared me!" Your shaky voice was a dead giveaway that something was eating away at you, call it luck or mother's intuition but she could sense your invisible thoughts, words that never formed.
"You're so skittish today, is there something I should know?" "I'm not skittish! You literally came out of nowhere, and who grabs shoulders like that. You're like every horror movie mom ever." You were the only one amused by your comeback, which was apparent by your giggle and the fact she just stood their analysing you. So, you decided to break the uncomfortable silence "Don't worry I'm just a little tired."
"If you're too tired you might have to miss the church service tonight, I know they're expecting you to be there but you're honestly not going to miss out on much."
"What?! No! I mean I'm well enough, I'm so energetic right now don't sweat it."
You weren’t looking forward to the bi-monthly sermons that most of the town attended. There were only two things you wanted most in this world, 1. A boyfriend and 2. To spend as much time as possible away from your potentially haunted house. And church could probably give you two of those things but at what cost?
Luckily for you, you really didn't have to submit yourself to an extended church service, opting instead to abandon the sermon and have a bonfire with your friends.
At this point in time, you were being quite generous with the whole ‘friend’ title in a frantic attempt to distract yourself from how shit this town actually was. Normally you would have refrained yourself from being half as critical but honestly Birch Lake was unnerving and the people even more so. Your friends were as preppy as they could get, yet they had their generous dose of duality with their obsession with the colourful history of ghosts and the occult. In any other circumstance you would casually avoid them, but right now you had to make the best of what you had.
"If you need to rest you can stay home, the last thing I want to do is force you to go."
In a motherly fashion she brushed your bangs to the side, resting the back of her hand on your heated forehead.
"It's your call, do what feels best."
Your sleep deprived mind was playing havoc with the words you spoke, resulting in the most gracious word vomit.
"I don't know, I want… I want to, I need..."
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"You need to get laid."
Phoebe didn't even attempt to hide her eyes rolling to the back of her head “Katt I’m not repeating myself twenty fucking times because you have insomnia or some shit.” Even with all the attitude her eyes met your and she smiled.  “I was just saying, you’ve been here for like what? Five months?”
You nodded your head, trying to play it cool as the rest of the group eyed you, it was hard to tell whether the heat came from the bonfire or from their collective gaze burning holes into you. If it wasn’t for the shitty craft beer flowing through your body, you probably would have had the energy required to give a decent response, but you stayed silent drinking in the flames.
Having realised that you weren’t going to bite the bait Phoebe readied another comment before she was abruptly cut off by Tao “It feels like you’re overcompensating for something Phoebe, the lord asks us to look within, and from where I’m sitting, looking through you I see that you’re the one who needs to get laid.”
Amongst your group of friends who you truly would have avoided under any other circumstances, Tao was the most harmless. Regardless, he was still the leader of your group. He didn’t seem like much, but he had wit and charm, he was the shepherd who led your group away from the bible school hall, past the theatre and into the forest to get to a small clearing. Tao was the son of the head pastor meaning he knew how to skip sermons without anyone noticing. He was also the only person who had your back…when he felt like it…which made him a D+ at best but he was still appreciated.
Each person broke into a mocking chorus of laughter, which Phoebe joined in on “Haha ha ha hahahaha fuck all of you, I hope you all die in a ditch in your next lives.”
Taking her comment with a pinch of salt you all resumed back to what you were doing before, listening to Jeremy as he mentioned some old lost media legend. “That reminds me, Jeremy you’re into lost media and stuff, have you seen this black and white tv show it’s kind of like the Twilight Zone but it’s just supernatural horror?” Jeremy looked over the rim of his tortoise-shell glasses, squinting at you, his attention was peaked. “What’s it called?” “I don’t know the name of it, I always miss the opening credits or switch the channel.” “So, it’s one you’ve seen?” “Yeah, it’s hosted by this old guy Barry Collins that’s all I know.” Jeremy raised a brow contemplating what you had just told him “I don’t think I’ve heard of it.” “That’s strange it’s on probably eight times a day and it’s the same episode on loop, or at least I assume it is.” You may have been far too optimistic assuming he would solve this mystery in a mere couple of minutes “Well, sounds like a good show, maybe I can come over sometime and see it”.
As the minutes passed a layer of fog seemed to cover everyone’s eyes, a result of the weed and alcohol stash everyone contributed to. You initially wanted to dull down your senses, hoping the one can you had would serve as mental cough syrup, even though it wasn’t strong enough you refused to have any more. So, you sat, keeping yourself entertained by picking at your black and orange pumpkin nails.
It was when you looked up once more when you noticed something flicker at the corner of your eyes and your throat tightened, if it wasn’t for the size of the bonfire, you wouldn’t have noticed it. But the silver switchblade was shimmering as bright as the stars above. So, you could confirm that you weren’t jumping the gun or losing your mind you did a double take, what you didn’t know was that this would result in the worst mistake you had ever made.
Phoebe noticed the nervous flicker in your eyes as you looked towards her drawstring backpack that was slouched at the edge of the log she sat on. In an instant you had sprung to your feet, though you wanted to run your body was stuck in invisible quicksand, fear ceasing your muscles. There was a delayed reaction of a couple of long seconds before anyone noticed you jumping up in fear.
“Damn Katt you need to chill; you scared me half to death.”
“No! I’m not going to chill! You can’t tell me she isn’t going to hurt me! She has a knife!”
If this were any other circumstance, you would have taken a chill pill and even laughed about it, but this was a sick kind of déjà vu. It was hard to determine when the dream had occurred, each night blurred into one, but one image you would never get out of your head was the one where the infamous Phoebe stood, knife in hand, a piercing look in her eyes as a foggy darkness outlined her petite frame.
“You’re totally taking this out of context, this knife isn’t for you. I had other plans tonight.”
“But…” “No Katt, you spoilt the surprise, I thought you could all do a favour for me. I wasn’t going to mention it yet, but I did some soul searching and realised people suck, and there is no way I’m dating Justin again, but I totally need some dick so the next best option. Obviously summon a ghost to sleep with and call it a night.”
The saddest thing about that was the fact that you couldn’t tell whether she was that drunk or whether she had always been this insane.
“I can sense the judgement don’t act all high and mighty you would do the same thing.” “As far as I can tell I definitely wouldn’t do the same thing!” “Well, the knife isn’t for you, no blood sacrifice, it’s to cut hair, string and other some other stuff. I did the other part of the ritual earlier, but I needed an open fire, so I thought I’d get some help.”
You took a step back, grabbing your bag, you didn’t have to be superstitious to know that this was something you didn’t want to be involved in.
“You’re seriously overreacting Katt, hey, if you help me with the ritual maybe we could have a threesome with the ghost.” A thin layer of bile formed in your throat at the idea. But what truly made your stomach churn was the fact that no one was batting an eye, they had made it clear that they wanted to be in on this either for the thrill of it or they were all equally as insane as each other.
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Having stood your ground as best as you could for the whole entire night, you allowed yourself to turn in the other direction and run as soon as the candles were lit, and the sigils were roughly etched into the dank soil next to the fire.
Feeling permanently stuck in flight mode you found it impossible to catch your breath, though you were in motion already the swamp green forestry started to spin. In that moment you were waiting to fall face first into the mud and be taken out of this sweet misery but instead you kept moving, losing balance you hopped a few steps forward and into something, or more appropriately someone judging by the sharp sound of them being winded.
You had already made it up in your mind that if it were Tao or literally any one of those phonies you would shove them away and continue running. So, you readied yourself by pulling your arms back, but like an unstable slingshot your arms snapped down to your sides as you looked up to see the kindest doe eyes that were slightly covered by his loose black hair. Considering how you literally winded him, he still held a gentle gaze as he looked down at you, though nothing was said your heartbeat fell into a soft rhythm. For someone who looked as magical as the forest around him it was almost impossible to imagine what his voice would have sounded like. It was up to the stranger to break the silence and he did oh so gracefully, with a comforting smile he spoke his voice just above a hushed whisper.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, deep breathes. If you’re in danger just squeeze my hand.” It wasn’t like you to trust someone so quickly, but this felt different. “I’m fine, they probably weren’t going to hurt me, I just wanted to go home but I don’t know how to get out of here.” He opened his mouth to respond but paused as he heard the ominous snap of branches. Without hesitation he wrapped his arm around you “I can help you get out of here you just need to stick close and tell me everything. His grip was firm, but not vicious as he led you back to where you came from, you hesitated, your pace slowing down.
 As if he could read your mind, he went on to soothe you with his words once again. “We need to cut through here, there’s no way I’m letting you go back there. But now you’ve calmed down I need to know what you were running from.”  “I don’t think you’re going to believe me.” You pause awaiting his name. “Seonghwa.” “Seonghwa.” The way his name felt falling from your lips was addictive, “Well.” He paused too “Katt.” “Katt, I doubt you’d be this shaken up for no reason, plus I definitely heard some shouting.”
“I just escaped one potential murderer, so I hope you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing out here so late?” Without missing a beat, he answered. “I was picking mushrooms.”  Man, he was really out here being the most ethereal forest being in the universe. Noticing your bewilderment, he continued “My grandma used to forage as a child, and she asked me to go get some mushrooms.” Despite his simple explanation many of your questions remained unanswered, yet your curiosity pushed forward. “So, you’re a fan of ghost mushrooms then, interesting.” Seonghwa grinned at your dry retort “I’m more of an oyster mushroom guy, I imagine the poison would be too bitter for me.”
Scoffing at his response you were captivated by the instant shimmer of light that cast itself onto his cheek, as if he was warmed by the rays he hummed in delight, even though it was a mere streetlamp.
“There you go, I should be getting home.”
Your mind had already weaved a beautiful narrative of discovering “the one” hiding out beneath the shady leaves, so you held onto his arm for a few seconds too long. Seonghwa noticed, tilting his head like a curious rabbit before realisation set in. His soft gaze flickered with a sense of confidence, “Unless you’d prefer that I walk you home.” “I would like that but please don’t keep your grandma waiting.” “I don’t think she’ll mind; evening walks are kind of a norm for me.” “Thank you so much, I owe you one.” Seonghwa looked off into the distance shielding you from his suave grin, part of him hoping that you would give him something sensual in return. Despite his sinful temptation he looked back at you his sharp eyes softening as he feigned innocence. “Katt” He savoured each syllable, “You don’t owe me anything, unless…” He dropped the sentence hoping you’d bite back enough for him to charm you. “Whatever it is, yes.” “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, friend.”
For the first time that night you genuinely laughed.
“It’s your lucky day, I’m definitely looking for new friends.” The transition between extreme fear and instantaneous lovesickness left you in a daze, so much so that you didn’t realise that either A. Seonghwa knew where you lived or B. That you subconsciously knew where your house was, nor had you realised that you had released his arm from your tight, timid grasp. The swinging of your arms brought forward the autumn winds which then brought forward the faint smell of dirt and mushrooms. The conversation itself was way more colourful than the streetlights that made his eyes twinkle.
The house called your name, but you refused to listen, hesitant to leave Seonghwa’s side. It’s not like you fully believed that it was haunted or evil it just wasn’t it.  If he noticed your hesitance, he didn’t acknowledge it. There was something he wanted to say, but instead he glared at the house as if he had a vendetta against it.
“Thanks for walking me home, I really appreciate it.” “Of course, anything to see you safe from the Oktober ghouls and witches.” He said that part with a smooth chuckle, swiping his lower lip with his tongue.
“I hope to see you sometime soon Katt. You made my night even though you practically winded me.” “Hey! I said I was sorry, I think, look I was scared.” “Well, how about you make it up to me with a hug next time? Good night Katt.” One sheepish smile and a polite wave later and Seonghwa was up the road, looking back at you as you entered your house. What he didn’t see or hear was the delighted squeal you let out as you clutched your heart, excited butterflies warmed your heart as you closed your eyes, his face, no his smile, no… his everything was a good enough reason to keep your eyes clenched shut as you walked to your room, again it felt like you already knew this place like the back of your hand. Once you had made it to your room you fell back on your bed, too dazed, and your heart feeling too light to notice the misplaced shadows or the murmuring that surrounded you.
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You had fallen asleep, something you found hard to believe, but what was more of a shock was the fact that you also left the door unlocked. Your parents were prepared to enter a house devoid of all your belongings. Luckily nothing had been stolen and even better, after losing sight of you at church, they returned home to find you asleep with a peaceful smile on your face. Even so, they wasted no time questioning your whereabouts as soon as you made your way downstairs for breakfast. You had a keen sense of self-awareness in the way that you knew that your lie was utter bullshit, yet you decided to commit to the bit and claim that you were there for most of the bible study session until you got a stomach-ache and that the church knew about the entire situation and that Tao had walked you home.
“You know you can be honest Katt.” “I’m telling the truth! I haven’t been well lately; it might be a summer cold or like an autumn cold? All I know is it sucks, and I still don’t feel good.” Your dad was certainly more amused by your flailing arms as opposed to your mom who shovelled more syrup-drenched pancakes onto your plate, hoping you would calm down and eat. You didn’t show any sign of stopping, so your mom took any type of silence to interject “Don’t let your pancakes go cold.” Hoping that you had convinced your parents enough you ate, savouring the syrup. You were in no rush to finish them trying to delay the ordeal of doing the dishes today, yet it was that day that your saviour arrived at the door.
As soon as the knock resounded throughout the entire house you jumped up, speed walking away from your parents prying gaze. At this stage you would have been relieved to see the damn mailman, However, you were greeted with something way better. His hair gently fell across his forehead, even though it was a wavy mess it seemed calculated, and he wore a plain white shirt. Only one thought crossed your mind, ‘Were his lips always so rosy?’ Being so captivated by his morning beauty, you overlooked the basket in his hands. “Good morning Katt, I hope I didn’t wake you, but I’m just dropping by to give this to you, see it as a housewarming gift from both of us.” “I, that’s so sweet! You didn’t have to do that, really.” You hadn’t been able to put your finger on it last night but there was something about his eyes, whenever you looked into them you felt even more determined to keep him a secret, he was your own personal fairy, he was magical in every way, a midsummer’s night dream.
As soon as you heard your parents approaching you leaned in close to him, your breath catching the corner of his ear “I’m inviting you inside act like you don’t know me, I haven’t told my parents about you yet.” Seonghwa nodded “Why don’t you come inside?” Seonghwa was about to step inside, but he hesitated, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched. Cursing on the inside he stepped inside, lured in by the way you looked over your shoulder, beckoning him to follow you.
Seonghwa had always been perceptive, he could sense when he wasn’t wanted and even though he knew you were ecstatic to see him the constant chattering of disembodied voices was headache inducing. Still Seonghwa smiled appearing as charming as ever when he introduced himself to your parents “I can’t stay for long, I just wanted to drop this off.” You couldn’t tell if his ethereal nature was lost on them or whether they were in awe of him like you were. They seemed almost robotic in their response; it was rare for them to be this polite to anybody especially a guy that you liked. He must have had that effect on people.
“Park Seonghwa, I just got back a couple of days ago, out of town for my grandmother’s knee operation, we made this together to welcome you. It’s sort of a tradition of ours.” Your mom stood, impressed by his reserved nature. She reached for the basket noticing that it was predominantly food combined with a few small ornaments. “It’s all homemade.” He had a habit of smiling whenever he mentioned his grandma and it made you wonder if she was just as kind as Seonghwa.
Your mom was somewhat shocked at the revelation she gestured to the wooden ornaments “These too?” “Yeah, we carved them out of oak.”  You knew her silence meant that she was impressed, marvelling at the fine lines etched into the wood but Seonghwa couldn’t read her. “It’s not a good luck charm or anything it’s just something good to look at.” “I think it’ll look perfect right here.” Pushing it into the centre of the dining room table your mom scooped the basket into her arms. “Wait, is that strawberry jam? Pass it here.” Passing you the old hand-painted jar she walked into your kitchen, you assumed they were probably going to wear his name out behind his back, it was apparent by the fact that your dad trailed after her instead of Gizmo or Prince.
“You’re so magical I was literally craving strawberry jam.”  Since they had walked away Seonghwa had relaxed, a flirty smile overtaking him as he noticed you struggling with the jar. The brush of his hand sent a jolt of flaming electricity down your spine, but it had yet to disappear as his cool hands lingered on top of yours. “I’ll get that.” Upon passing the jar to him it was open in one swift motion of his wrist, as a force of habit you reached for the jar “Oh my, I told you I got it.”  Placing the jar on the table he dipped the discarded butter knife into it collecting the jam. He did the following with such ease, tearing off the edge of an untainted pancake and smearing it with red.
It was naïve of you to think that Seonghwa was an innocent man, devoid of any form of lust, in the short time you had known him he was constantly dancing on the fine line of being an innocent boy and a man fully aware of everything around him. In short, he knew what he was doing when he brought the pancake up to your mouth. His fingers were skilfully positioned to ensure that once you took a bite the jam would dirty them, in any other situation he would avoid anything sticky or that wasn’t mud. Unlike those moments he knew that someone, you, would clean them for him. Instead of removing his fingers he let them linger until you licked the jam from his fingers.
“That’s it.”
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Seonghwa’s words meant nothing at the time, but that was then after spending each day together that’s the reality you now had. You went from taking comfort into Tao’s kindness to chasing after Seonghwa, or at least you would be the one chasing after him if he didn’t show up at your house or approach you while you were out and lure you away. Following the situation with the strawberry jam Seonghwa was subtle. He would edge you by showing the side of him that was willing to kiss you silly, but for some reason he never did kiss you. He wanted to but not yet. So here you were in a section of the woods that you most likely ran past in a panic on that one night that you never wanted to relive. For once your life seemed like one every suburban teen lived even if you were a little too old to be considered one. You sat on the ratty tartan picnic blanket drowning in happiness.
Seonghwa made a habit of occasionally looking up at you from his section of the clearing, his hands littered with dirt as he ran his hands across the clumped dirt while he hummed along to the radio. “I swear I’m not holding it against you, but you did promise to help me.” “And I will I’m just thinking.” “About?” “Things… but more importantly why don’t you ever wear gloves when you do that?” “It depends on the answer that you want. I can give you sane or insane, take your pick.” “I’ll take the Seonghwa answer.” “Maybe it’s not the weirdest thing ever but I like the feeling of the dirt on my fingers so damp and cool, plus who needs cologne when the dirt makes you smell so fresh.” “Seonghwa, you know that half of the time I can’t tell whether you’re telling the truth or not.” “Yes, and I thought that’s what made you like me. I’m pretty sure you said you liked my Hozier charm, even though he probably copied my likeness.” Seonghwa prodded at the dirt again.
It was the second time you broke your promise to Seonghwa, you did say you would help him collect, mushrooms, acorns, and butterfly wings amongst other things. It sounded like a fun Saturday afternoon but as the time came you just wanted to admire how beautiful he was, a hobby that you discovered days after meeting him. The leaves blocked out the afternoon sun, providing you with the privacy you needed to make the next move.
Seonghwa looked straight ahead, despite being away from you he could hear the thudding in your chest, he sensed fear. But it didn’t make sense he hadn’t done it yet, immediate dread filled him. It seemed you had finally caught on to his lies. Instead of showing his exasperation he kept looking ahead at him, ignoring the centipede that crawled over him he pressed his palms into the wet dirt trying to calm himself. He didn’t feel fear, don’t get it twisted his dread came from the fact that the game of cat and mouse had been cut incredibly short.
“Seonghwa, I have something to tell you.” That’s not what he expected, he sighed in relief he had never been the best at reading human emotions. Bracing himself to be ever the gentleman you knew him to be Seonghwa rose from the ground, patting his on his upper thigh. Approaching you he kneeled peering into the deepest part of your eyes “What is it?” Honestly you were prepared to shout it out to him but having him this knocked all the air out of your body.
‘Get it together Katt’ you thought when he brought his hand up to your shoulder. His gaze was hooded waiting for permission, he was monstrous on the inside, but he wasn’t devoid of sympathy even if it was false in nature.
“I didn’t keep my promise.” “You silly thing, you can always start by searching over there.” “Not that promise… You told me the night we met that you wanted a friend, I owed it to you, and I can’t do it.” He thought he knew how this was going to end, yet you had him stumped. “None of this makes any sense Katt.”
“I don’t know how else to say this Seonghwa, I love you and that’s it.”
If Seonghwa knew how to feel guilt he would have but that wasn’t the way of the incubus, then again, he didn’t know whether he ever acted like his kind. As far as he knew he was the only one who played with his victims before devouring their lustful souls. It was the thrill of the chase he wanted more than anything. After your confession you had looked away from him, your nerves had gotten the best of you. But by the time you looked back up at him your heart that you had so lovingly given to him got caught in your throat. Your first reaction was to scream so you did, but over the loud radio and his hand pressed against your throat there was no way that scream would grace his presence.
Looking ahead all, you could do was shudder at the man in front of you, though he no longer looked like a living man. His skin was light pewter, coated in thick crackling mud that hardened across his arms, except for the mud on his finger which smeared against your skin. And his eyes? Oh, his eyes were something, even in your terrified state you wanted to swim in his too cold to be orange and the too hot to be blue eyes.
“Sshh little one, if you listen to me I… Well, I doubt you’ll be getting out of here anytime soon. But don’t fret.” The creature between you clicked his tongue against his partially sharpened teeth, but he faltered as you gurgled out a panicked gasp. “Katt, Katt, Katt what am I ever going to do with you. You betrayed my trust; you said you would promise to be my friend yet you’re looking at me like I’m a monster. Seonghwa leaned in his cool breath tickling the edge of your ear. “I couldn’t sense lust like I did when I first met Pheobe, she was lying there inside of the string circle oh so desperate. But let me tell you this. I didn’t want her. I wanted you.” Seonghwa released you and to his surprise you didn’t run, and it warmed him. After all, Seonghwa truly felt like he wasn’t like any other incubus, he didn’t know love, he thrived on fear, but you had captivated him. So, he intended to use the time he had with you to present you with the offer of a lifetime.
“Seonghwa, please I don’t want to die like this.” Seonghwa brought both of his hands up again but this time he cupped your face “Don’t be sorry sweetheart, you have no reason to fear me. You’re lucky she was so far north, if she was in any other part of the forest she could have easily summoned San, Mingi or Hongjoong and trust me they wouldn’t have let you leave. It’s still me.” It was frankly insane, this had to be one of your elaborate nightmares. “Katt, I was willing to kill you, but not now, I have other plans. I just want you to hear me out but first I would like you to enlighten me. Tell me… why were you so keen to want me?”
The urge to run was still present but looking at him you still managed to see the man you fell in love with, it was odd to still love something like him but his voice, this everything was enough to have you chasing after him. “I thought I finally found the person who truly understands me, I thought you would fool me into liking this stupid town but turns out I was the stupid one.”
“If you’re a fool then I am as equally so for I have a proposal.” His eyes were flickering like two sleepy flames ready to die out, you would have run but one thing was keeping you where you were, the growing warmth in his touch.
“I recall each word you uttered to me, you want the nightmares to stop, you want the voices to stop. What if I said I could help you?” Your throat was ashen dry, so you gave up on answering him, but your eyes said it all. “Instead of making a deal with the devil I would like you to consider making a deal with an incubus. Even if you failed to keep your promises, I know you will be able to keep this one.” At first you had assumed that your compliance was a way of survival but as strange, sick, and twisted as it sounded your heart already found a way to love him. “Tell me about this deal.”
Today was a day of firsts and Seonghwa finally had the pleasure of saying that he had experienced resting his head against that of someone he would have loved if he were human. “If you agree to do this, let me bed you out here let me give you a part of myself I can guarantee that no one in this town, human, demon, or ghost will harm you. I will protect you Katt, I will take away all the noise and all your nightmares if you let me.” “Please do it.”
He crashed his lips onto yours, you savoured the taste. It was rough but knowing Seonghwa or whoever this creature was it was safety. Bringing your arms up you clasped them around him encouraging him to dip his body down. “I’m trying hard Katt, but I want to taste you.” “I didn’t think incubuses cared about their victims.” “You’re mistaken you’re definitely mine but a victim? Of course not.” Seonghwa’s touch seemed to transition from stone cold to warm and comforting with each lingering kiss. After dragging them across each inch of your body he unbuttoned your black and orange cardigan. One, two or three kisses and you were addicted, it was hard to tell as each kiss bled into the other. Instead of letting the cardigan fall off your shoulder Seonghwa hooked the edge of it with his finger, dragging it down. Expecting more gentle touches you were startled by the sensation of his teeth nipping at your bare skin, ever the mystic forest fairy he seemed to be he made roses bloom in his wake.
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You had snuck through the back door this time, another faint smile gracing your lips, another difference was the fact that your parents were home this time. They remained optimistic, you were bright and talkative over the past few weeks, but this time you walked straight past them. Taking a seat on the couch you stared at the black screen ahead of you, you looked a mess, but you loved it. Your eyes were too cold to be orange and too hot to be blue, the mud was beginning to crack on your skin but probably the thing you were the most grateful for was the fact that Seonghwa kept his promises, the voices in your head ceased to exist and for a split second you could see Seonghwa sitting next to you.
“Whatever I feel for you Katt know it’s the most powerful thing in this waking world.” His words melted away along with his smoky figure. Staring ahead of the screen you couldn’t help but sigh as you rubbed your head before laughing, that was a habit you could stop now. The pain and the voices ceased thanks to him. As you closed your eyes, reliving the sensation of Seonghwa’s body on yours, his tongue wrapped around your most sensitive areas and his hands scratching down your back you closed your eyes. All that was heard was the tv turning on as the same ancient host was brought back to life.
“I will let you in on a little secret, listen closely. Sometimes love and terror can prove to be as beautiful as one another, we chase love because we fear that we will be alone but some of us look fear incarnate in the eyes and we fall in love. Next door to that everyday neighbourhood, that American apple pie life, is a forest. And some of us let curiosity get the better of us, but it’s certainly not all bad for we find new life by running away from the old. The piercing yowling of the ghosts cease to exist, because Katt looked evil in the eye and hidden underneath his heaving breath Katt heard a faint thud of a heartbeat."
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all rights reserved to ppoppokari
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horizon-verizon · 3 hours
It is Criston’s JOB to protect the king’s family, especially his heirs. You can’t convince me that if bodyguard, instead of security, goes to have sex and at that time murder occurs, it is not his fault. According to Fabien, one of the first thing Aegon has to say to Criston is “And where were you ? You supposed to protect my family”. Remember Viserys’ reaction after Aemond lost an eye, “How could you allow such a thing to happen ? [...] You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!”. This is actually the meaning of the guard and the reason why the guards follow the king and his family, to be ready at any moment. Criston’s lust and Alicent’s stupidity (or vice versa) the reason why Helaena became an easy target. Assassination attempt on the king and his family after an usurpation and start of the war is the first thing that can be expected.
WHY does Alicent think Helaena doesn’t need protection when the Greens started war with a brutal kinslaying and murdered Rhaenyra’s son ? They should have doubled all their guards from now on, rather than being so relaxed. Alicent knows that even her maid Talia turned out to be a spy. It has no excuse, Alicent IS awfully dumb and her desire for sex has blinded her mind it seems.
A) Alicent is convinced Rhaenyra always intended to murder her children to secure her claim, and now Aemond murdered her son, so if she was going to strike back, this was the moment of greatest danger.  
B) The Greens know Daemon is ruthless, violent, protective and unbothered by moral constrictions when it comes to achieving his goals. They know he’ll do something to avenge Rhaenyra’s son (never mind that Lucerys was also engaged to his daughter and would have ruled over Driftmark with her). If they think he’s power hungry, cruel and bloodthirsty, what better moment to do something drastic when the other side started it anyway ? He’d have at least some sympathy and further his (wife’s) claim to the throne.  
If there was a moment when the Greens should have been paranoid, THIS would have been the one. But Alicent took Criston away from his work to get sex, leaving her daughter and grandchildren unprotected. After Rhaenyra’s son is murdered and everyone waiting for a response attack. I suppose Alicent’s sexual urges couldn’t wait. Duty ? Sacrifice ? Never heard of them. 
I suppose Alicent’s sexual urges couldn’t wait. Duty ? Sacrifice ? Never heard of them. 
Whole ask is maybe in response to this.
Not a desire for sex for sex sake; a desire for intimacy like Rhaenrya with Harwin. However, that motivation--in Alicent's case--is still suspect bc she is doing most of what she does to spite/abuse Rhaenyra, so it's very possible that she also sleeps w/Criston out of some messed up idea that her otherwise complicit behavior allows her own actions to be as not-subject to the censure of the system she operates/uses against Rhaenyra.
Like those same feudal/Faith ethics are not themselves still compulsory on Alicent and several actors will seek her punishment for her "transgression". That somehow her father or most septons or whomever of particular authority will not condemn and dehumanize her if she were to ever be exposed. As if hiding the fact she sleeps w/Cole makes the act itself not something that would be considered sinful just bc she's hiding it and not "flaunting" her relationship. (Meanwhile Rhaenyra wasn't ever flaunting, what is she supposed to do, kill her own kids?! Give them up, then wouldn't she be a supposed "bad" mom, or a deadbeat one, still a "whore"?)
That's the real gag and the core of all the mocking of her & green/Alicent stans. The implications of the depth of her own hypocrisy.
So while yes, there is a level of stupidity here on Aegon, Otto, Criston, & Alicent's parts, the general desire/relationship for Cole is this. And IF is true that show!Helaena catches them together when she's trying to get Alicent's help or whatever, the writers would be more at fault than the character bc this character has been making very delusional, non deductive choices and especially without the actual political acumen that bk!Alicent had. Saying so, bc this was veering towards dangerous territory.
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n3felibata · 4 months
"Millie's side of the Chaz thing will be explained eventually!"
Well firstly, there's no implication (that I know of) that this is even true. Secondly, if it is, it wouldn't be as impactful since Chaz is dead now and the moment's passed.
My main issue with the Chaz thing is that this isn't the only time something like this happened. It'd be one thing if this was a one time thing, but you can't create a pattern where every opportunity to give Millie spotlight is consecutively overshadowed and expect Millie fans to NOT get frustrated. Especially when it's specifically her husband of all characters, so the writing can be read as instilling the notion that men come first in opposite sex relationships. Like seriously, has it never occured to anyone else how odd it is that it's never Loona, Blitz (individually), or Stolas overshadowing Millie? It's always Moxxie specifically. Isn't that weird?
It wouldn't have been as frustrating if the episode didn't start off with Millie ranting about Chaz. Like not even 5 minutes in, she bursts in yelling about how angry she is at him. Someone who hadn't seen any sneak peeks would assume that this would be a Millie centric episode and be set up for disappointment. If they're not even going to briefly explain her past with Chaz, they shouldn't make it seem like it's going to be the main conflict of the episode.
They didn't even HINT at anything. Like even with most characters who's backstories were explained later in the series, we get some sort of foreshadowing. Before Oops, it was already established that Blitz and Fizz were best friends that performed at the same circus. It had been implied before The Circus that Blitz seduced Stolas for the book. We know that Loona was adopted by Blitz from a dog she was 17 going on 18. But Millie and Chaz? Basically nothing. All that's known is that Chaz did something to piss Millie off, which... isn't a lot.
I really feel like Chaz's introduction and Crim's first appearance should've been 2 separate episodes. It would've slowed down the pacing & have more time to get to Millie's side of the story.
And then the episode ends with this dramatic scene of Millie killing a bunch of people and I feel like the only one who was annoyed by it. It made me realize that the Helluva Boss writing team seems to value female characters being badass over actually being well written. They even go as far as to have Crim pull the "how is she beating you when she's a woman?!1!!1" card in an attempt to make her seem even more like a feminist character, as if they haven't been reducing her to just a man's wife this whole series. May seem shocking, but writing women goes deeper than just putting them in fight scenes.
I remember someone not too long ago saying that a female character that exists primarily to be bad ass has little more agency than one that exists to be saved by a man, and I think about that a lot. It's so sad that Helluva Boss has seem to fallen into the trap of writers not understanding the difference between a strong female role and a female character that is literally strong.
This whole episode was a very good example of Millie being little more than a romance filler until an action scene is needed.
An episode taking place on Millie's childhood home being about Moxxie wouldn't be as frustrating if it weren't for the fact that an episode taking place on Moxxie's childhood home is still about Moxxie.
And the funniest thing about this? This episode was released during Women's History Month
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