#so she's very active and cognizant
clamorybus · 3 months
i know a lot of people find it corny or overplayed but ngl the "two headed calf" poem makes me cry everytime
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fangisms · 9 months
wish it on your worst enemy
A/N: if you see me butchering british slang 🤨 it never happened 🤫
Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your worst nighmare takes a nasty spill during a scrimmage because he was distracted by you. It’s only right you go and check on him. 1.9k words
Warnings: violence by bludger, description of injury, cursing, lovesick losers, enemies to lovers???? ‘enemies’ to lovers but really idiots to lovers
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George taking a bludger to the face was not the kind of news you would have liked to wake up to. Something had gone wrong during an emergency weekend scrimmage. He was laughing at something Fred said or shouting at Ron or maybe he was just distracted by his own thoughts and hadn't noticed the pesky bugger barreling towards him with every intent to bludgeon him unconscious. So he took a nasty spill from a considerable height and has been passed out in the hospital wing since six forty-five.
You rush down the hallway in your pajamas, cursing under your breath, face scrunched into a scowl, dead set on your target. Bloody quidditch. A few first years watched you nearly trample a group of girls in the hall. They were traumatized. It was bad.
"He's gone daft! This is absolutely mental—nothing is that distracting!" you shout at Ron who is actively trying to defend himself against you. He stopped you at the door because he heard you storming down the hall a full minute before you arrived.
"Calm down! He’s still alive isn't he?" he says.
"Not for long if I have anything to say about it—"
"Oi," Fred shouts, lounging in a rickety chair beside George's cot, "would you wait 'till he's at least cognizant to threaten him?"
"You!" you fume, "why didn't you warn him!" Ron has given up trying to stop you at this point. You push past him, headed straight for Fred.
"I did! I shouted for him three times. The git was proper distracted. Must've been dreaming of something really special." He winks at you, and you think you could ring his neck right about now.
"I think you mean someone," Ron teases.
Both of them. You'll ring both of their necks.
"What the hell are you two chittering about?" you hiss.
"Oh, nothing at all, your graciousness. We'll leave you two lovebirds"—Fred clears his throat, standing and nodding to his youngest brother—"I mean friends... to it."
You grumble and flip them both off as they leave. You plop down into the chair just in time for Madam Pomfrey to come fluff the pillow propped beneath his left leg. She catches your weary glance over his limp body.
"I wouldn't worry too much, dearie. Nasty spills are what young men are made for. He just needs a little rest. Time to recover," she coos, smiling up at you from the base of the cot. You briefly worry the back of your neck before managing a nod.
"Thank you, madam. I appreciate it."
She grabs a quilt from the stack she had brought to his bedside and flattens it across his torso. You tug the side to even it out, a hitch in your breath when your fingers brush his cold knuckles.
"You know, when I attended Hogwarts, the quidditch boys were all the rage. My boyfriend was a Beater as well—"
"Oh, George—! He's not my..."
"He was wonderful. But of course, he was always getting into spills. It drove me mad to see the boy I loved in so much pain. In the end, I told him he'd have to be more careful or I'd call it quits. He told me he had to focus on his career anyway." She stands silently for a moment. Solemnly.
"That's terrible. I'm so sorry."
"You live and you learn. Boys will be boys, I suppose." Out of her trance, she shrugs and gestures to the clipboard sat on the desk. You hand it to her.
"May I ask... what became of him?"
"He retired from Quidditch very young. Only a few years in and, bam: traumatic brain injury. Some people can't be helped!"
You can't help but snicker at her frankness. She smiles, pats your shoulder, and sighs.
"You just have to love ‘em while you can."
"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey."
"Of course, dear. You let me know when he wakes up." She scuttles away.
You take the silence of the moment to look at him. While you can. You prop your elbows on the edge of the cot and rest your head in your hands.
"Not sure how I feel about all of that information. Not sure how much I trust that advice." You tell him like it’s a secret, nose scrunched like there’s anyone else within earshot.
How fragile he seems laid flat atop this plastic wrapped bed. How rich the watercolor purples and yellows of his bruise. Down his neck, out across his jaw. The subtle swoop of his lashes, the rosy bridge of his nose. Then down to his bird bone fingers, your heart skips at the thought of tracing over the delicate skin.
He twitches, and you startle and sit pin straight. His muscles relax, though yours refuse to. You notice a rip at the hem of his folded quidditch robes and perk up.
Eight minutes later, you’re tugging just the edge of his robe into your lap while the rest is feathered out across the linoleum floor. Your emergency sewing kit is perched on your other thigh as you thread your needle and begin stitching.
George blinks the ache from his eyes, finally awake just to find you with a thin string caught between your teeth, your brow furrowed, and your fingers pinching fabric together. He reaches up and presses the heel of his palm to his forehead.
"Thank Merlin I wore something under my uniform today—"
The sewing kit clatters to the floor along with the robe and thread. Hopefully that needle will be easy to find. But you smile for now, and it’s one of the sweetest things he’s ever seen. No wonder he took a bludger’s hit. You’re bloody distracting. Even when you’re not around.
“I’ll go get Madam Pomfrey, she said—"
"Were you... stitching up my quidditch robes?” he says, just a hint of teasing in his hoarse voice.
You look down and gape at the mess.
"There was a tear in—when you fell, the bottom—there was a rip! I had a sewing kit on me, I was just... helping a friend."
He blinks. If he wasn’t completely crushing on you before, it’s safe to say that was the nail in the coffin.
"That's adorable," he warbles.
You look cross and put your hands on your hips and scoff.
“Well, you can’t very well play with a rip in your uniform!"
"No. No, of course not,” he mumbles, “Silly me.”
Usually, you’d mock him. You’d call him names and tease him for getting knocked on his ass by and inanimate object. But that smirk has you incapacitated. He's making this very difficult for you.
"Well!” he chirps, “Don’t let me bother you, I’ll just be lying here."
"But Pomfrey—"
"I'll live. My mind is alive, the neurons are firing. All is well, it can wait,” he says, “Please.”
Goddamn you, George Weasley. You muster up a pathetic sigh and sit back on the stool, getting back to work on his robe.
But he’s back to grinning like a fool, admiring the way your tongue pokes the corner of your mouth when you focus. It’s incredibly endearing.
"You're very beautiful."
Daggers. “Shut up.”
He chuckles. "What? I find you to be very agreeable, poppet."
"Gee, thanks, Weasley,” you huff, “Do you want this stitch fixed or not—"
"Don’t get your dear panties in a twist, I’m only trying to compliment you. Would you just take it while I’m too ill to make fun of you properly?"
But he finds you very agreeable. And now you know that out loud. More than an inkling. More than friends. Oh, he’s awful.
"Quit staring."
"Sincerest apologies."
You roll your eyes and glare at him while the needle punctures the thick fabric.
"Why don’t I just tell Madam Pomfrey—"
"And ruin a moment? Come on, let me get a good look at you, you're the reason I’m in this mess,” George mumbles.
"Yes, you! Your stupid face won't get out of my head."
"Be serious, Weasley—"
"I am! You’ve cursed me, poppet, can't think straight unless I’m thinking of you."
"That's not fair!" you say.
"No, it’s not," he huffs, "I love you."
Shock. From both of you. More than friends, and more than a simple crush, now. But love. Love, for Merlin’s sake! Do you love him?
"You're being idiotic—”
"No. I'm not. I've thought long and hard about it, and I love you, and you can't change my mind—"
"George, quit it,” you say.
"Everyone knows it, poppet, I adore you, and—"
"I love you, too, George, now would you shut up!"
Well, then. Secrets out, no holds barred.
And he’s smiling all smug to himself, even though his left side is a bit swollen. And you’re back to fiddling with the stitched up tear in his robe. You’ve got crazy eyes. He thinks you might murder the stitched up tear in his robe. Or confess your love to it.
You groan.
"Stop smiling like that. You look crazy."
He shrugs. "I am crazy…"
"Do not—"
"… Crazy in love."
"I hate you"
"I know."
You look at him. And he’s looking back at you terribly fondly. As fragile as he seems now, he feels invincible. You fold up his fixed uniform and set it on the desk.
"George,” you sigh, “you have to stop getting hurt."
He nods curtly. "Okay. I’m sorry."
You squint at him, suspicious and expecting just a little pushback.
"... It's... okay, I just worry about you. I don't like seeing you like this." The stool scrapes against the floor, and George reaches for your hand.
"I know you don't, poppet. It won't happen again,” he says.
"Good. And if it does, then—"
"Then I’ll quit the team.”
"I’ll do it. I’ll quit for you. I’ve got other things to worry about anyway. More important things than some silly sport where balls fly at your face."
Your eyes sparkle. For him, and it makes him absolutely giddy. He presses his thumb to the back of your hand and cocks a brow.
"Now,” he sighs, “would you come here and give me my hard won kiss?"
"Oh, so you won a kiss.”
"Nobly so. Dutifully and honorably. Nothing less than the best for your highness."
"Fine, whatever, only because you think I’m beautiful.”
You lean over his arm, trying not to nudge any of his tender injuries. While you’re being so careful, he’s straining for your kiss, jutting his neck out and shuffling under the quilt. He grunts at the overexertion, and you sit back before he gets his kiss.
"Nope! I’m getting Pomfrey!"
"One peck! Swear, I won’t move an inch!"
"Madam, he's awake!”
"Wonderful news, darling!" she calls from the other side of the wing, preparing a jug of water and a two glasses.
"You're horrible, and you torture me. You don’t love me at all, witch!" he whines, voice low
"On the contrary, I love you a good deal too much, which is why I’m so horrible."
He grumbles something under his breath.
Then chirps: "Be my girlfriend.”
You fold your hands in your lap. "If I must"
"And let me be your boyfriend,” he pleads.
"Well, what else would you be?"
"Your servant, your house pet. A footstool if you needed it.”
“George Weasley, you’re a fool,” you tease, reaching over to fix a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Yes, I am. A fool who loves you very much.”
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Could I request the GoM with an s/o who loves to cook for them everyday?
Bentos, little snacks, sometimes breakfast and dinner if possible.
GoM + Kagami - S/O who cooks for them
He loves it.
He has some of the finest chefs in the world preparing his food on a daily basis, but he prefers your cooking.
It might not objectively be better, but it’s from you and from the heart.
Will actively throw his 5 star lunches away if you’ve made him something. Insists on having you prepare his meals for travel games as he doesn’t want anything else in his body.
He sort of expects it at this point.
It probably started off with him stealing food from them during lunch. In a flirtatious, but also ‘I’m hungry gimme’ kind of way.
He really liked the way they cooked though, so he started just stealing more.
In the end, it was just easier to make him his own so they could at least having something for lunch of their own.
Loves it, and gushes over each one every time.
Cute s/o’s making cute bentos is the pinnacle of the aesthetic he’s trying to build for himself.
Takes a dozen pictures of each one and posts them on Instagram with the hastag #bae-nto.
He really does like their cooking their. Their omelet rolls are almost as good as his mom’s.
He doesn’t have a big appetite, but he’ll make an exception for s/o’s bentos.
They actually started making them for him because they were concerned about Kuroko’s nutrition. Despite living this long already, he apparently couldn’t live on convenience store bread and vanilla shakes forever.
It gives him a bit of nostalgia, as his grandmother used to make them for him. He stopped asking as she got older as he didn’t want to burden her, and switched to the quick-fix lunches.
His favorite part is just sitting with s/o and enjoying their lunches together.
Surprised by it.
His parents work very long hours (it’s my personal headcanon that they are both doctors, which is why he wants to be one) so he ends up making lunches for him and his sister.
Having someone make a lunch for him is a rare treat at this point. Senna has tried, but given her age and small hands it usually ends up being animal crackers and seaweed chips.
S/O is even cognizant of the color of the day for Oha Asa and tries to curate bentos related to that.
He’ll eat them but he’s not happy about it.
Like Kuroko, s/o started making lunches for him because they were concerned about his nutrition. He can’t just eat junk food.
But he wants to only eat junk food, so when s/o brings him healthy lunches & snacks he gets moody.
The gesture is appreciated of course, deep down, but couldn’t they add more treats for him as a reward if he eats the stupid salad??
+ Kagami
Surprised, but in a really heart warming kind of way. He hasn’t had anyone make a lunch for him since he was a real little kid.
His dad didn’t cook. He usually ate the lunches provided at school in the US. The day to day cooking was provided either by takeout, microwave quick meals, or their housekeeper/nanny his dad hired. Kagami actually learned to cook so he could have some sort of homecooked meal as he got older.
So the fact that someone would want to cook for him for a change is a real punch in the old doki-doki muscle.
Plus, the way to any man’s heart is through his stomach 😉
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thesweetnessofspring · 5 months
One thing I think the fandom doesn’t do enough is give Peeta a little more credit with with being cognizant of Katniss’s feelings for him pre hijacking. Now do I believe he did think Katniss preferred Gale after the whipping and think he was very selfless about that that night. But I do also think he noticed her avoiding Gale about it and them not acting like a couple at all afterwards. And from the point of her broken ankle to the QQ announcement I always thought that he was noticing the signs of her behavior changing, he just refused to admit it because he was wrong before and doesn’t think highly of himself. And then from the QQ announcement he refused to think about it because he’s accepted dying for her and Gale is an easier solution for him too. I think the hug on the train was a relief for both of them to act a little selfishly and just give in to what they wanted (each other) before dying for the other and to not overthink everything to death like they always do for the sake of others
Ooooh Non coming in with the hot takes! lol
We know that Peeta--or at least hijacked!Peeta who has slowly been getting his real memories back--believes that Katniss is in love with Gale and will choose him after the whipping. We also know that Peeta questioned Katniss whether or not she loved him, whether or not she liked kissing him or kissing Gale.
And I think that this probably tracks for how Peeta was figuring it out in real time. That he knew not all of the Games was an act, that Katniss sought physical affection from him, that she was willing to die for him. But at the same time, all he knows about the kiss between her and Gale (the first one) was that it happened. As far as Peeta knows, Katniss has never kissed Peeta of her own free will but she did with Gale. And she lost it when Gale was whipped, responded to Haymitch's jab about Madge with jealousy, and stayed up with Gale all night, and that Gale had to spend at least days (maybe even two weeks?) at the Everdeens' while his back healed. After, the lack of Gale coming over he can no doubt put the blame on Gale's work schedule. And we don't know that Gale never came over, but it would be odd if he never checked in on Katniss for weeks when not only she's been hurt, but also because he's trying to win her over so he's going to come over whenever he can. And as for their lack of couple-like behavior from Katniss and Gale could also be explained by the increase of Thread's presence and Snow's threat, so that any couple activities they did would have to be hush-hush from anyone else seeing or picking up on.
But the Quell, THAT had to change things. The distance he put between them during training seemed to signal his own preparation to ensure Katniss wanted and chose Gale, so that she'd let him die for her. But once Gale is gone and will only see them as an "act" and Katniss lets her vulnerability show to Peeta...like you said, it was a relief to both of them. Neither broke the hug, it was the attendant coming in. Yet I also think it's important to remember how Katniss also got upset at Peeta for calling her pure and shut him out when she saw what happened to Darius and kept her distance at training (and resenting Johanna showing off her breasts, which she associated with Peeta and the elevator). Then she's back to being loving, and then the cameras were on. All of that to say, even when they're at their strongest (Quell-reaping onward) there's still bumps and difficulties as well as like you mentioned, Peeta pushing Gale forward toward Katniss so that she would live. As for the undeniable married-vibes they give off, as you said, Peeta could also explain those away. That she needs comfort, too, in these last days. That she's such a heroic, self-sacrificing person she would die for any number of people and he's no different. And again that wound he has of not seeing his worth and feeling unloved.
Thanks for sending your thoughts Non!
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Had a realization regarding the Aware AU. The question of if Sabrina & Adrien are friends was asked and I think the answer is an emphatic yes.
Cos timeline wise, Emilie disappeared when the previous school year was still on. This was followed by the grief and then the revelation "Our parents don't care about us" crisis's, leading out the school year & a two month break.
Sabrina may not have met Adrien during the school period, but during the break. When Adrien's actively agitating to get out, when Chloe is aggressively trying to both reinvent herself and generally distance herself from her parents. That's when she'd meet him and given how easily Adrien makes friends its easy on his end.
For Sabrina it'd also be a neat experience cos if we go by season 1 she was both very game for anything and also really liked the idea of her & Chloe being thick as thieves. Chloe tended to stamp the breaks on that and remind her who was leading, IE the "We're awesome- sorry you're awesome" thing.
Here though?
That's less of a thing.
Not to say its not present, if anything overcoming her dynamic with Sabrina would likely be one of the hardest things to do. But she also pointedly cares about their relationship and Sabrina idolizes her so there's no shortage of second chances.
Plus she'd be actively trying to cut out some of her more overtly unfair behaviors by virtue of them being mimicry as opposed to her trauma bleeding through. So while she might need practice, some things do get intentionally ignored or rejected to make a point. "No Sabrina's not my assistant she's my friend and probably way smarter than you, Felix."
Adrien's presence would also help in this regard. He'd not see the dynamic itself as inherently terrible. Its Andrey & Audrey, Emilie & Gabriel, even himself & Chloe to an extent. A more gentle accommodating (Weaker) personality being led by a more aggressive, bold (Strong) personality.
His main contributions would be just highlighting when she's acting too much like her parents, especially Audrey & otherwise serving as a buffer for when she's too prickly to be anything but hostile. With the former call out leading Chloe to usually reverse course change thrusters and circle back and the latter giving plenty of bonding time.
Plus, Sabrina's respect for authority is pretty much only respect for Chloe's authority. So she'd be very happy to help in any scheming and generally be down for whatever they are up to in easy defiance of Gabriel or Andre.
So yeah I think they'd definitely be friends by the time school rolls around.
How cognizant she'd be to their situation or what brought the changes on... I think she'd have picked up enough clues that she knows their parents suck & they realized their parents suck & are now essentially in a constant state of low grade rebellion.
The specifics, extent or ways this manifest in issues would be harder to parse given her general reverence/dedication to people she likes/admires. But I imagine she'd have a pretty decent grasp of Adrien's situation mechanically, and knows/deduces far more of Chloe's than she realizes.
Honestly I love Adrien and Sabrina friendships and I really need to write more of that.
Also while Sabrina isn't in the 'rich' club she can be put in the 'oh I realized my dad sucks' club.
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reilliane · 2 years
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✤ Universe: Remedy ✤ Concept: To save he who is damned to the deep a/n: four simple words, lovelies; chasm archon quest, beta!xiao. aditionally, fluff! ROMANCE! WE'RE TALKING BETA XIAO GO GET SUM-/smacked. angst is only for like, the first few hundred words.
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Who would've thought? A Yaksha such as he...
The cold wind embraces him in the harshest of manners, the sensation a desperate pull towards the depths of the Chasm. He can almost chuckle.
... Finally falling to his demise.
It's peaceful. The thought is saturnine but he isn't lying by any means. He feels much more peaceful than he initially thought and he, daresay, is fine to go this way.
After all, he has saved the Traveler and the group of misfits along with her. He has at long last ascertained the identity of the nameless Yaksha, he has no lingering regrets nor dampening worries.
Oh, what a lie.
He has one regret; [Name], Frostborne Beast, Subduer of Curses.
A fellow Yaksha.
His lover.
It is unlike him to leave his post without any warning, but the moment he learned about some suspicious—marginally supernatural—activity in the Chasm, he rushed.
Whilst fully cognizant of his plans and urgency, he only ever alerted Zhongli and the Goldets of his exodus. Now, it isn't like he didn't want to inform his comrade, but it's more of a case of couldn't.
[Name] wasn't in Liyue, an uncommon thing to consider for a fellow Adeptus and Yaksha. She visited the land of Mondstadt for a personal mission pertinent to her background and hasn't returned since.
And Alatus can't afford to wait. The best he can do is to relay his message to the Goldets. Then he left.
Look what's gotten to him now.
He's rather upset and, to be frank, in pain.
A usual occurrence, but his discomfort as of the moment leans more unto heartache. He can't bear to imagine that he's actually leaving without so much as a goodbye.
The feeling is extra bitter, more so since he promised a life of sincere tries; to try and love despite the karma, and to try and love despite the danger it brings them.
He's longed and pined for centuries and here he is, fleeing, vanishing—dying.
He will reunite with his brothers and sisters, yes.
But what of [Name]?
That reclusive, surprisingly endearing woman, to be left alone as the last Yaksha? The thought brings him immense guilt and he realizes for a fact that... this isn't how he wants to go.
Not in this state.
He doesn't wish to die this way, without having seen her.
He doesn't wish to die this way, leaving her to carry on the memory of her comrades alone.
But what can he do? He's emptied the reserves of his power and exhausted his might. All until he's but a puppet being cast deeper and deeper in the tenebrosity.
The surface light is but a small speck now, even. It's too late.
Alatus can only whisper his genuine apologies and heartfelt confessions in hopes of them being carried to his lover as he feels the surge of darkness start to gnaw from within.
With a final murmur of her name, he shuts his eyes.
But then it has gotten cold—no, the Chasm's always been cold—to the point of getting shivers. It feels like winter has arrived.
And it has.
Alatus opens his eyes to the sight of a myriad of snowflakes kissing his skin, splaying frost from the tips of his fingers toward his bare torso.
It might appear like a normal sight if not for the fact that he's falling down fast, yet the snowflakes are falling somehow faster. As if it is being willed to.
The gasp is barely able to leave his lips following the rise of his realization, for amid the ribbons of silver and sapphire, a ghost-like figure is summoned.
Beckoned from the call.
Arms appear from the envelope of frost around his form and strands of [c] billow from the snowflakes gathering just beneath his chin.
It all happens in the blink of an eye.
“I'm here.”
He is enraptured with the atmosphere of winter, held in her embrace until he becomes feathery light—then everything is turning white.
The very next second, he's perceiving the touch of solid ground, though he can't quite wrap his head around it yet. For still, he finds himself trapped in the lasting press of the serene snow.
It's bright, he realizes after a moment. He's at the surface.
He's not dreaming.
“Alatus.” he hears it a second time.
With a quick swivel to his right, his eyes turn owlish, stupefied as his breath leaves him. Even though he's seen the same being for the past centuries, his heart never fails to race as though he's laid eyes on her for the first time.
Snowflakes are just starting to dispel from her entire mien, cascading into nonexistence from her [c] tresses and leaving a touch of blue in her [c] eyes.
He can still feel her wintrous aura. One that's more fervid than cyclonic, which is a surprise in itself.
[Name] does not hide her displeasure under any circumstance, and despite this situation being likely to result in her fury... she does not encompass any ire of some sort.
Instead, the most telling of her chagrin is the crease between her brows and her pursed lips. She strides toward him with clear intent.
“What were you thinking?” she chides, voice low and icy, “If you hadn't called my name- archons, you're so-… !”
Ah, Alatus notices after a timid pause. He did say her name- he did not expect to be heard, however. As far as he knows, she wasn't anywhere near Liyue to begin with.
Oh, but then again, he knows not to underestimate the might and capabilities of a Yaksha. Especially her, someone he's bonded with on a level much more profound than simple camaraderie.
With a swipe of his tongue over his lightly dry lips, he works around his disbelief and works up a smile.
“Well, I did! And you saved me, right?” Alatus beckons his lady to come closer with an open hand, only for it to be slapped away in haste. “There's nothing to be-”
“You're an idiot as always!”
He yelps when his bicep is smacked, left mildly stinging with a warning of frostbite, though it fails to deter his elation. In fact, he only resumes his bout of chuckles.
Dropping his joy is not in the plans for now. There is absolutely no way he's going to slip how he's actually spooked at the idea of having escaped death.
Really, he'd hate to dampen the relief on his fellow Yaksha's face.
Lost in his bubble of thought, reality reels him back in the form of a particularly heavy slap on his arm that has him flinching with a pout.
“Ow, okay, that's actually beginning to hurt- woah!”
Alatus is unprepared for the brusque pull that sends him careening to the woman, almost sending them to the floor if not for the secure hold on his shoulders and his hand on the asphalt.
His exhale is shaky as he blinks and stares against the narrowed [c]s mere inches away. He can't start to wonder about the close distance when he's still astounded at the sudden careless action.
He dips his head down an inch, their noses almost touching as a frown surfaces on his face. “What was that for- mmph?!”
Heavens, he isn't prepared.
The spike of heat in his abdomen, lurching to his heart and creeping to his neck and cheeks- it's all too sudden. A feel of apricity covers his lips, tender at best.
Almost immediately, he no longer mulls about the stygian cage of the Chasm.
Enjoyment lasts only for a brief second—even though the kiss lasted longer—what with his delayed reaction, and [Name] pulls away. She no longer appears exasperated, just relieved.
“Thank you,” she breathes, “For calling me.”
For some reason, she's wearing her emotions on her sleeve today, and just seeing it causes butterflies within him.
It is usually the other way around. Not like that's what his mind is geared on as of the moment.
Still dazed from the kiss, he locks onto a single thought.
To satiate his wishes, Alatus chases to close the distance again, tingling lips desperate to get a feel of the nipping cold and make it warm.
He has no explanation for his impulsive craving, maybe it's because it's a long time since he's kissed his lover? Or perhaps because it's the first time she initiated the display of affection?
Regardless, he desires more and he surrenders into it—but the finger against his lips forbids him from getting what he wants.
“Don't get ahead of yourself,” the austere bite has him sighing in defeat. “Might I remind you that we are in a public place, still? And you've some business left to do. The Traveler is coming.”
Resigned, Alatus withdraws to fall on his bottom, his second sigh one of playful hurt. “I'm inclined to say that my dear is much more important business.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
He huffs in protest. “It did! Took me five centuries, though.”
[Name] rolls her eyes with a scoff, and although the gesture comes off as sardonic under the first impression, he knows it to be untrue.
He isn't blind to that smile, no matter how small!
The tiny curl is mirrored on his face.
Then, in the silence, he takes his lover's hand in his and squeezes it in gratitude. He just knows that If he decides to depend on his voice to convey his message, it will take him until the next morning to finish. So he resorts to his touch.
Even if neither of them voices out their own fears of the situation prior, it is perfectly understood and quelled in the assuring entwine of fingers.
The sound of rushing footsteps rips through the heartfelt moment, however. It incentivizes them both to stand and pat themselves off any dirt to appear presentable just as the Traveler and Paimon turn around the corner.
Lumine has a face of utter relief when she sees the pair of Yakshas, and Paimon's already begun to exclaim things in hysteria.
Alatus flinches at this, prepared for the floating pixie's sermon, to which [Name] chuckles at.
Their hands part away, heavy with reluctance but alas, there is business left to do.
“Hey,” he whispers, “Before I get told off, can you-”
Aware of what he wants, the female Yaksha turns away with a firm and frosty, “No.”
Her cheeks are pink, though, and Alatus snickers at the pretty sight.
Chagrined for the nth time, [Name] sends him a frown and says that a sermon from Paimon is the least thing that he should worry over. After all, he's had it coming after that stunt he pulled.
He doesn't understand something, though.
“'Least thing I should worry over'?” he echoes, genuinely floundered.
The statement only implies that there's something else, something greater that he should be concerned about. But what?
[Name] glances at the approaching Traveler before setting her gaze back onto him. There's a fire in her usually subdued eyes that tells of her repression, then, with a tap on his chest, she snarls.
“Fret over it when daylight has faded. The night is long and ours, I'll be waiting.”
She disappears in a burst of snowflakes before any question can be risen, leaving the man in a tiny world of wonderment.
Lumine arrives before a screeching Paimon does, confusion evident on her face. “What did [Name] say?”
Humming, Alatus crosses his arms over his chest and shrugs.
“That I should worry when evening-” he pauses, the cogs in his head twisting and turning until- “... Ah.”
“The night is long and ours. I'll be waiting.”
Lumine doesn't know why the Yaksha lets out an undignified squeak, face suddenly a shade of red that puts jueyun chilis to shame.
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a/n: yes, something is definitely implied in the ending. 'poor' alatus? ;)
I drew something for this from Lumine's perspective!
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @hey-comrade-hold-stil @limelightsuperhero @chloeloe @loptido @windyventi @nejibot @ganyuqrt @justrinnn @yasunamilk @alana5021 @koi-chairowo @uwu-dreams @01-407 @yvechu @mininji
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
[rotates a fic concept based on a Frozen fic I read years ago]
(I'll link the fic and explain the premise a the bottom of the post. If you've read Ghost on the Wire, that's my inspo. If you haven't, check the bottom for the summary.) Easy option for the AU in question is Domino twins because [gestures at Echo], buuuuuuuuuuuut I think it would be interesting with Anakin as the kidnapped experiment sibling and Obi-Wan finding him years later.
Ahsoka, age 12, is the padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who lost his first padawan seven years ago and has been in mourning and self-doubt since; everyone thinks it's a miracle that he took her on, and she tries not to rock the boat because what if he decides he's not ready for another kid after all?
She's got a weird friend online that… well, if she complains about a senator or a mission, this person hunts down files pointing to questionable behavior by said senators and then dumps them in the Jedi's evidence box.
Since they're anonymously provided, the Jedi can legally use them to gain warrants, etc, because even if the law was broken to achieve it, they didn't do anything illegal, pay anyone to do anything illegal, or encourage anyone to do the illegal thing.
Obi-Wan takes a bit longer than he should to catch on to Ahsoka having a definitely criminal online friend, but decides to allow it so long as she lets him monitor interactions with this one specific person. He realizes that Ahsoka's random mentions of details coincide with certain infodumps, which Ahsoka wouldn't know because she's not privy to the fact that said data dumps happened at all.
War breaks out. Obi-Wan is frequently in a panic, because he already had one underage padawan die under his watch, and he's terrified of it happening again.
Various shenanigans, Ahsoka keeps up correspondence with her friend but it's much more heavily monitored now, in case of security violations. The friend still gives her heads up about suspected Separatist activity based on algorithmic analysis of shipping patterns and the like.
The friend tells Ahsoka he's in trouble. He needs help. Given the amount of information he's been giving the Jedi, they can consider him a confidential criminal informant that needs extraction and could continue being useful (important so they can justify using military resources when the Senate asks about budget expenditures).
They find Anakin, in a very similar setup to S7 Echo
Obi-Wan is. Not okay.
Ahsoka is freaked out by Anakin's physical state but fuck it! Friend! He needs medical help and he's really not exactly cognizant of the world around him.
Get him back to the ship. Get back to the Temple. Get him some medical help.
Figure out what the fuck is going on.
Turns out Anakin was captured on Sidious's orders when he was like... IDK ten. And then underwent experiments under the supervision of the Sith Lord. He still doesn't know who the Sith is, because Sidious saw his chatting with Ahsoka and only allowed it for as long as it wasn't anything too damaging, which means it was all either something that benefited Sidious, or something Anakin only barely managed to hide inside larger data packets (including his final request for help; he's gotten much better at cyber security on his own brain over the years).
But Sidious never did let Anakin know what his real identity is.
IDK where this goes but I do know Anakin is incredibly insistent on helping Ahsoka and the Jedi, and also that Obi-Wan cries on Anakin a lot.
He definitely would NOT be allowed out in the field, into battle, because the amount of physical therapy he needs. Immense. But he's probably with the 501st and 212th as their main data analyst/strategic dude? In this situation, the 501st doesn't technically have a Jedi, they're just a legion under the larger command of Obi-Wan and Cody, with their direct CO being Yularen, but Ahsoka's paired up with them regularly and she is honorary Jedi for the legion and everyone expects to get her officially once she's knighted, if the war lasts that long.
I do know that he chose Ahsoka to befriend because he had a vision of her becoming Obi-Wan's padawan a few years before it happened and went OH. BABY SISTER.
Any fic on this topic would have a heavy focus on Anakin's experiences with disability and recovery.
I feel like, while he can recover from a lot of the muscle atrophy etc, he probably has permanent damage to his bones and general health. He needs mobility aids, maybe a service animal to keep an eye on his physical state. Possibly epilepsy, since there was so much done to him neurologically. He definitely sleeps more than most people, has a very specific dietary plan, and relies a lot on the Force for things like getting things off of shelves.
A lot of this fic would by necessity happen with Anakin in a medical pod, communicating either in chat format or with a speaker. Possibly projected as a hologram approximation of himself despite the real body being in the pod.
Especially early on, he really is just text chat, before the war starts.
I think for the first few months of the war, when Anakin is still just a criminal internet friend Ahsoka happens to have, there are a lot of instances of him slicing into her comm during a mission and offering directions or information while she's like. Three quarters of a mile into a sewage system infil.
He's been on mute this entire time, but someone asks if the others remember which way to go, and he just pops up with "turn left."
It's the first time Ahsoka's ever heard his voice (or rather, an approximation of what he thinks he'd sound like at this age using some synthesizers normally used for waiter droids,) and it scares the crap out of her.
He wants to tease his baby sister! Sure she doesn't know she's his baby sister yet. But it's his obligation as a big brother.
They spend most of those months thinking he's some super cool slicer in a basement lair with eight screens and a bottle of orange soda and, basically, they're imagining Hardison from Leverage.
It's uhhhhh not quite that.
I think Ahsoka's a little betrayed at first that Anakin didn't tell her who he was, but she gets over it in favor of THIS IS MY FAVORITE PERSON LOOK HOW COOL HE IS pretty quickly
"It's my older brother's birthday and if everybody doesn't clap for him I'm going to blow up this entire ship."
Ahsoka: I'm gonna rob a BANK and Skyguy's gonna help! Obi-Wan: Ahsoka please he's still reco-- Anakin: DAMN RIGHT I AM where are we going
A whole lot of the emotional core would be the development for Anakin and Obi-Wan in a context where one's been mourning the other for so many years, and feels guilt for accepting his death instead of searching for him, even though he had evidence of Anakin's death (like "Sidious used Anakin's DNA to feign an accurate corpse burnt to a crisp" levels of evidence).
Obviously, there needs to be a heavy plot regarding figuring who took Anakin, why they did what they did, and whether there's any way to find them again.
I think the Domino twins steal Anakin for shenanigans of their own regularly, in part because they were usually the two with Ahsoka when Anakin popped up and started offering advice unasked.
IDK how I want to do the Rex&Anakin dynamic. That part's still percolating.
I do think Obi-Wan is very… delicate with him? He fusses. Anakin appreciates the part where Obi-Wan regularly tells him he's proud and loves him, but he's quickly very irritated by Obi-Wan treating him like he's made of glass.
Obi-Wan, however, is much more emotionally delicate than in canon, because he lost his master and his padawan within two or so years of each other, and blames himself for both. Part of him is convinced that Anakin also blames him.
(And part of Anakin… does.)
(For giving up on him, instead of searching for him even after evidence of his death came up.)
(Even though he knows, from conversations with Ahsoka before he revealed his identity, that Obi-Wan mourned him for years upon years before he took another student)
There's probably a specific medic whose job is at least 25% "Skywalker stuff."
I feel like it's easy to assign Kix to be Anakin's primary medic (there's a Jedi back at the Temple that's in constant contact) BUT I think it would make sense for there to be someone on hand as an assistant for the day to day, since he's on a military vessel and most of it isn't built in a way that's easy for him to navigate, especially with the Force, so I think it would be interesting to have Dogma assigned as Anakin's temporary care aide.
He's definitely someone who'd thrive on having a detailed list of Things That Need Doing, for a Jedi that has trouble remembering to take the medication that Kix said he needed, or to eat, or what have you.
And Anakin would. Probably have Dogma help him break many laws and regulations. Could be good for him.
Anakin: I want some hot chocolate. Dogma: That's not on the list Kix gave me. Anakin: But I want it. Dogma: ... Anakin: [starts levitating ingredients] Dogma, vibrating and maybe tearing up a bit: SIR PLEASE--
(Obi-Wan can be convinced to give him the hot chocolate. His brain is just going Baby Boy. Baby.)
Dogma makes so many calls to Kix for help keeping Skywalker alive.
Someone suggested he get an exoskeleton-style aid (think Rhodey post-CACW), but I think he does prefer more mundane mobility aids. Like, he's been forcibly teched up for… eight years? It's nice to have something that's just. Not that.
It's a chair with a motor. It's crutches with special padding. It's the Force, sometimes. Yeah he could take a shot at complex external support, but... he'd rather stick with the basics.
It's also like. A separation thing? He still uses his neurological hookup to do data analysis and slicing for the GAR and the Jedi (even though he was told MANY times that he doesn't have to and everyone would like it very much if he just stayed home at the Temple and focused on recovering), but he'd like to be able to ditch the complex tech stuff by choice when he's not at work.
I think Anakin puts a lot of stock in his ability to be useful. He'd want to 'detox' from it, so to speak, for a few months at a time very year or so. Just get out somewhere rural with lots of nature and a manageable number of people, and minimal tech. Regular missions with AgriCorps, maybe.
But he'd still think that, now that he has these skills and connections, it's irresponsible to not use them to help people.
I do not have the energy to write this out as an entire epic, which it probably deserves, but. Concept.
The Frozen fic was ghost on the wire.
Cyberpunk AU. Major element is that some people get neurological hook-ups to the internet and slowly get addicted to it to the point where they lose themselves to it (think the dream addicts in Inception, I guess?) The parents had died early on, and the sisters had been split up Anna made friends with a weirdo online, used this friendship to investigate the suspicious deaths of the parents. Weirdo is an insanely good hacker. Goes on a Recovery mission for the weirdo. Turns out the weirdo is actually Elsa, who was forcibly hooked up to the internet as a weapon? Ish? IDK she's a mega-useful hacker but she's been trapped in a medical pod thing for the past however many years and can't walk. Can barely talk, and regularly gets back inside a medical pod due to the lack of motor function and medical instability, and she needs to speak clearly to plan Cool Heists for the conspiracy investigation.
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jennycalendar · 1 year
so. jenny lives timeline. when in s6 do calendiles have this breakup, does giles still go to england, is it still tabula rasa or do you place it somewhere else? does jenny stick around the scoobies and what happens with them when he comes back? is he feeling some (irrational) type of way towards jenny for willow going downhill "on her watch"? (or does s6 willow not happen like that in the jenny lives timeline?) what's buffy's feeling about jenny after giles peaces out? *sits cross-legged in front of the storytime chair*
oh BOY this is a fun ask. you literally never disappoint carolina i'm blowing u a kiss.
essentially, giles and jenny spend season six pre-buffy's resurrection having this very complicated thing going on, because this is a version of giles who has Lost His Daughter in a way that is much more difficult for him than in canon. giles in canon sorta deliberately cultivated emotional distance and detachment after jenny's death, but i think that this version of giles definitely would have started looking at buffy differently and at the very least allowing himself to admit and inhabit his love for her -- focusing on trying to take care of her, because jenny is in turn there to encourage him and to affirm that what he wants can sometimes have an overwhelmingly positive outcome! (she is the living example of him Pursuing What He Wants, and in a timeline where this led to him finding a happy relationship with a long-term partner, i think that would have really impacted the way that he looks at some of the other things in his life that he wants, i.e. to take care of and be there for buffy. especially with jenny there actively going "yes definitely take care of and be there for buffy.")
thing is though -- and i have perhaps talked about this before -- when the gift rolls around, this means that giles is hit with buffy's death in full force, and also very probably feels that his approach and his support may have limited her in her slayer-ness, because of course he feels responsible. so he spirals out into this all-encompassing grief that pushes jenny into a position of having to shove her own down to take care of him (i wrote a fic about this a while back!) and tensions are building but he's not really cognizant of it because, again, he's miserable. meanwhile jenny has no respite because she is just going "he's the watcher, it's obviously harder on him" and refusing to engage with how much SHE also cares about and misses buffy! she is being the adult in sunnydale!
so when buffy DOES come back, giles doubles down into the more familiar canon attitude of holding buffy at arm's length, because in his grief he has just completely convinced himself that that's what's appropriate for him to do. meanwhile jenny obviously hasn't changed her mind about anything she's doing at all, in part because i don't think she would have felt so immediately responsible for buffy's death in the same way as giles (but also because she literally Has Not Had Time To Process Her Own Shit), so suddenly she and giles are having these FURIOUS fights because he is seriously considering jetting off to england and she thinks that choosing to leave when the kids need them there the most is Absolutely Insane.
which is to say: giles still goes to england. still around tabula rasa. jenny sticks around w/ the scoobies, and i haven't really 100 percent charted out/settled on the ways that willow's own journey changes, but i am sorta enamored with the idea that not a lot about season six changes very much? willow definitely has this incredible intense downward spiral marked by antipathy towards jenny, who is constantly struggling to reach her. i'm on the fence re: xander and anya, because i think it really would impact xander in a big way to be around a committed, loving, supernatural-fighting couple through his formative teenage years, but i also think that seeing that couple break up right before his own impending nuptials might SIMILARLY really impact him.
buffy changes though! i think it would really floor her that jenny chose her over giles. this is probably the season where they end up actually getting closer in a way that's less superficial and nervous, especially since jenny is very team Buffy Needs Support In A Big Way. what i would really want as a theme is that jenny is making small amounts of positive change, but the overarching structure of everything stays the same, which in turn makes her convinced that she Isn't Helping and that Giles Was Right (when in reality what's happening is that, after such a long time working as part of a team to help keep these kids on the straight and narrow, she's floundering without her partner! she misses him! but of COURSE she is still doing good stuff here!)
i haven't really decided how far the willow thing goes. there is a part of me that's very attached to the horrible tragedy of all of it unfolding exactly the same way, especially because i think the giles/jenny confrontation at the end of season six would be A LOT. i like the idea of jenny reaching out to giles and saying "the kids need help, willow ESPECIALLY needs help" and giles brushing her off because he sees this as a continuation of their argument instead of an actual assessment, and then of course she's right and it all goes to shit and he comes back very gentle and apologetic and she is FURIOUS at him. especially furious because he's so much more what she remembers and loves, and she doesn't get the catharsis of being angry at someone who is being belligerent and shitty! but i ALSO like the idea of jenny NOT reaching out and trying to handle it on her own and being so humiliated and miserable by her perceived failure, and then giles coming in and seeing all of the little changes that she doesn't notice (buffy is emotionally present and comfortable with jenny in a way that did not exist before! post-breakup anya has a place in the group beyond Xander's Girlfriend, at jenny's insistence! pretty much all of the kids are so much more protective of jenny and SOOOO much less Team Giles about it, which in this weird way DEFINITELY makes giles really happy. like that IS his precious babe and she SHOULD be appreciated by the kids for it), & subsequently affirming that she did all she could!
also, post finale giles and jenny definitely have some very emotional poorly planned we-didn't-die sex after willow almost ends the world, and then jenny hits him with "i want a divorce." (what really happens is that giles takes this proclamation super seriously, as one would expect, and then jenny spends the first half of season seven being really weird and squirrelly and dodging all communication and never actually serving him with divorce papers. so they're sorta Loosely Separated for a while but it is very clear to all EXTERNAL parties that there is no breakup happening.)
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deepspacedukat · 11 months
His ears are just so cute in the pic I used below! Something about the shape in this shot in particular is just 😍 *ahem* Anyway, enjoy this little drabble!
Day 20: Orgasm Delay
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Yuris (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Doctor/patient relationship, interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, fingering, fingering wearing medical gloves, oral sex (female receiving), praise kink, mentions of mind melds, he’s giving her a “checkup” iykwim. *winkwink*
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All things considered, his unofficial exile was pleasant. He may no longer be able to practice medicine on the Vulcan homeworld, but Dr. Yuris was not displeased with where his honesty had taken him. Earth was a beautiful planet. He’d hoped to visit one day, and now he had the distinct honor of being allowed to tend to its inhabitants’ health.
At least he was no longer regarded with disgust. The Humans had no reason to believe him unclean or deviant. As such, they’d been cordial, even welcoming to him when he arrived. Yuris did his best to successfully treat and care for every patient who entered his office.
He supposed that was the reason his current actions seemed so scandalous. Being intimate with a patient in his own exam room was already scandalous, but they were even more so given his status.
“Yuris, please,” she breathed as his fingers swirled slowly and precisely around her clit. The Doctor was fully cognizant of the effect he was having on her.
They’d been intimate a few times before, but this was the first instance where they were taking the rather serious risk of doing so here. All it took was one misdirected patient or nurse who required a signature, and Yuris could be banned from practicing medicine altogether.
But he’d wanted to try this. He’d come so very close to begging her to allow him to please her here, but ultimately such an action hadn’t been necessary. His lover shared his desperation...and his desire for taking a risk.
She whimpered so brokenly when he pulled his gloved hand from between her legs that he had to kiss her to keep her quiet - not that such an action was unpleasant for him, of course. Kissing her was never anything but the highest honor and privilege.
“Breathe, ashaya. You have been so patient,” he murmured against her neck. Yuris had delayed her orgasm twice already, but he would not do so again. They had already been there for slightly longer than he’d anticipated, so he needed to make her come quickly. Given how she was trembling in his arms and spreading her legs wider already, he knew it wouldn’t be difficult to get her there.
The Vulcan dropped to his knees, coaxed her to the edge of the medical bed, and kissed his way up her inner thighs.
“Doctor?” He looked up at her seemingly innocent tone, and raised an eyebrow. “Thank you for giving me such a thorough examination. It’s reassuring to know that I have such a consummate professional who’s dedicated to ensuring my continued good health.”
Naughty girl.
“You are very welcome. Patients who actively seek to maintain their health as you do should be commended,” he murmured. “Allow me to reward you.”
She was forced to bite her lip as his mouth met the sweet drips between her thighs. Yuris knew she couldn’t cry out for him, but he would still make sure she was absolutely shattered by the time she walked out of his office.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper​ @slutty-slutty-vulcans​ @starrynightgardens​ @toebeans-mcgee​
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seek--rest · 2 months
Do you think SM4 is going to be college or a more significant time jump? I have to think they'll skip college because they're getting a little too old at this point to play college kids, plus it would make more sense for MJ to be involved in the plot if it's after college since she could be back in NYC
I think when it comes to speculating on SM4, I like to think of it in two ways: what I wish would happen and what I think is going to happen.
What I wish for SM4:
A time jump, at the very least a year but my dream scenario would be closer to a few years maybe no more than 5.
Regardless of how much time has passed, I'd want it where MJ, Ned and Flash are back in the city. Whether they've dropped out, transferred schools, or are graduated from MIT, they're back in the city and back in the "action"
I do not want their memories to be restored off screen, all at once, or in the first half. At minimum, I'd want it to be in the middle if not the end of the movie before they're actively involved in the plot with their memories restored or at the very beginnings of figuring it out.
The actual plot details and dreams of what I'd want to happen have shifted (and I've talked about it a lot before), but at its core, I'd want it to be a grounded, street-level Peter Parker story.
What I think will happen for SM4:
Little to no time jump, probably 6 months
MJ - and only MJ as played by Zendaya - will be in the movie in a significant role, likely with her memories restored off screen and/or giving the impression that her entire life in the time since the events of NWH has revolved around Peter/Spider-Man
There will probably be no Ned or Flash, maybe mentions or cameos. More so for Ned than Flash who is effectively a non-character in the MCu.
There will be a shit ton of heroes and characters speeding through plotlines within a 90 minute runtime that will end with Peter and MJ solidly back together and in love, set up for whatever maguffin is used as a stinger for the end.
From a story perspective, there are so many choices I could hope and aspire for SM4 but the MCU is not and has never been driven by story. It's driven by stakeholders, investors, audience reception and then plots that fit the overarching goal. Peter isn't a character that's the center, he's just one moving piece in a greater cinematic universe and worse, being in a tug of war with two different media conglomerates who are also cognizant of real-world marketing and media (aka, the star power of Tom Holland and Zendaya)
I wish story and characterization was prioritized over these external factors but while I can hope, I'm not naive.
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mydaroga · 4 months
Fest for Beatles Fans 2024 Write-Up
In case anyone wants to know what goes on at these things, I can at least give you a run-down of what I did at this one, though as always there was far more going down than any one person could see. I tend to favor panels and discussions over bands, so I am sure I missed a lot of great music. Because the bands were great.
It was held this year at the TWA Hotel, which is part of JFK International Airport and has retained a lot of the features of when it used to be a terminal. I posted photos of it last year when I was there on a layover, and I still love it to death. They did NOT let me ride on the baggage thingy though. In addition, I was unable to secure a room at the hotel, though if they hold it here again I will be snagging one because, like I said, the place is bonkers.
I entered my cross-stitch in the art contest, because why not? While there ran into several people whom I had met last August at the Fest in Chicago.
Beatles Biography panel with Vivek Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle graphic novel) and Madeline Bocaro (In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono). Vivek comes off very passionate and sweet, very respectful of Brian Epstein and cognizant of the importance of telling his story right. Bocaro is also very passionate, but I'm afraid some of us present her personal Ono pendulum has swung too far to admit any human fault in her subject. I later bought the Brian book, but not the Ono.
First Generation Fan Panel was mostly Leslie Healy recounting her adventures, which are legion: she was at the Ed Sullivan dress rehearsal, and at Shea Stadium, and she's *also* the one who got that audio at Paul's house when she visited all four Beatles in 1967. Also, she had a Bearded Collie, which I also had growing up, so that gave me a thrill.
I entered the 60s dress up contest -- second time as Twiggy was the charm, and I won! And then there was a lot of dancing. Gogo boots, ironically, not so much made for such activities.
Chatted with some folks because it was more interesting that listening to the speakers, oops. The guy from the Ranking the Beatles podcast is lovely and we've already been in touch since. Also Terry Crain who wrote a great coffee table book about NEMS Beatles merch, which I bought last year.
Went to the dealer's room and bought silly buttons, like TO HELL WITH THE 'BEATLES' and I ❤️ PAUL. There were butcher covers and all that jazz, and horrid dolls, and all the lovely awful things, none of which I could ever afford. But I can buy buttons!
Lovely friends entered the talent contest and proceeded to the finals, and they kicked so much ass and I am so proud of them.
Academic panel with Ken Womack, Christine Feldmman-Barrett, and Andy Nichols was pretty good, a lot of talk about how subsequent generations get hooked and sort of the state of Beatles fandom/academia today. Which feels fairly positive, in the sense that all present felt there is more respect now than there was--though still room to improve on that score.
As a side note, all of my interactions with Womack convince me he's a great guy, very passionate in his love for the Beatles and very devoted not only to doing this right but in elevating lesser-heard voices. He's a very likable man.
Speaking of, next he interviewed Laurie Kaye, who did the radio interview with John on his last day. Her story was very moving.
Tried to dance again this evening after the talent show but unlike the previous night, everyone thought we were weird and stared forbiddingly at us from their seated positions.
Saw Jude Southerland-Kessler talk about the "birth of the beatles" but sadly it was NOT about the tv film of the same name. So I went to chat with Adrian Sinclair and Allen Kozinn instead, which they later tweeted about.
Beatlemania in the 21st Century panel was about, well, what it says. Next was Women's History of the Beatles which was also interesting and involved various writers, teachers, fans, podcasters, etc. I got to meet Erika from BC the Beatles which was very cool.
Then came the Laurence Juber and Steve Holley panel which I have mentioned elsewhere.
Jenny Boyd talked about fashion and the Apple Boutique, hosted by a lady who wrote a book about Beatles and fashion I would like to read.
Fantastic band with great additional harmonies, which I knew who they were.
I did not win the art contest. I did get a participation ribbon. I'm not even a millennial.
We then found a quiet place to chat, of which which the hotel had many, and then I needed to go to bed so I could be bad in like five hours for my flight.
I've probably forgotten lots of things but that is the general run down. There was also a video room, two stages for bands, more art, authors and guests at tables all weekend, and Mickey Dolenz, whom I did not meet but it's cool he was there.
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Which muse is the most likely to turn to evil? Is their descent into evil slow or is it bought about for a desire to do good (in their eyes)? Would they be able to be talked down or to turn back? What does their choice cost them?
unprompted asks | always accepting | @offrozenmemoirs
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Truth be told, my characters are built in mind to be antagonistic because of their own beliefs and mindsets. Not to say that they are actively inhibiting or challenging things, but everyone has opinions and experiences, which naturally spawns conflict and friction.
The most likely to turn evil are usually not out of their own accord. For example, Sino and Maisie's themes include what constitutes "loyalty" vs "obedience." One must ask at what point someone's allegiance is based on the personal beliefs that they've cultivated or subjugated upon them. 
It is no secret that the gnomes hold onto their primary influences very closely. Sino had a terrific influence as an 11-year-old after escaping Stelsel, and Maisie had a very stable family life growing up. However, a lot is happening behind the scenes, like Sino's place of origin and Maisie's community and family dynamics. 
If the wrong people got their hands on the gnomes, they would've, truthfully, been groomed to be those evils. I cannot see them being people of power to be evil, either. 
Their systems have maltreated them, placing them at the lowest tier of society. They have been neglected and ignored, without any peers to help them. One of them caught a lucky break and found herself in the orbit of humanity despite facing her own challenges. She always felt like an outsider due to her past experiences, which made her feel like she was never acceptable, replaceable, and beneath humans. On the other hand, the other person was born into a family with their own secrets and a community's paranoia. They were traumatized and projected their fears onto her. She always tried to do her best for others, and her pride guided her. However, she often questioned her worth because of what she "has" to do. 
In the current circumstances, Sino and Maisie have dealt with the world's evils differently. Sino cried and pleaded with the Lord of Night when she was younger to let her back into the Void. In contrast, Maisie held onto her own and remained optimistic. Both of them have a natural instinct to withdraw, but the ambassador cannot do so. On the other hand, the gunslinger does not reveal her vulnerability so openly, especially when so few have gotten close to her. While they both recognize the misdeeds and mistreatments they have faced at their ages, one has not connected the dots to realize the wrongs done to her.
For them, doing a sharp heel-turn to do evil isn't in the cards. It would've been a different story if they had other exposures in earlier life. Neither would derive pleasure from it; they would not have any autonomy in these situations. Depending on how young it happened, the idea of them being talked out of is complicated; I believe Sino would have a better time working/talking out of it while Maisie becomes relentless in it. It is a quality of hers to keep dedicated, no matter the cost; she tends to feel over-accountable for the issues that couldn't have been impacted or influenced by her hand. Surprisingly, she can be the voice of reasoning for people who have otherwise led a destructive path. 
For Maisie, it is always a matter of protecting the majority, while for Sino, it is about defending herself (as her primary connections are fae-based/nonmortal). The consequences that would belie Maisie would be ultimately being separated from her loved ones; it is a matter of context on whether or not she is cognizant of the actions. In her current campaign and the abandoned pantheon route, she displays a keen awareness that alters her perception of herself, making her see herself rather negatively. Meanwhile, Sino would be severed from humanity around her as it is something that has been revoked from her since birth; it only cements her worst fears as she folds and gives into the lie. As one can see, the consequence means irrevocable isolation.  
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cyjammy · 4 months
Speculation Station: Lilith Recruited Alastor?
7 years seems to be a very common timespan between two characters: Lilith and Alastor.
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As soon as I heard Vox note that Alastor was gone for 7 years and that Lilith was gone for the same amount of time, I realized that there had to be some correlation.
Alastor turns up after 7 years and suddenly an exterminator was killed. Lilith disappeared 7 years ago and now Charlie created the hotel. Something isn’t adding up.
These two may have been involved in some way or there was an event that occurred 7 years ago that led powerful sinners to have to go into hiding. But if I were to assume Lilith and Alastor made contact with each other in those years, I’d assume Lucifer would know about it.
These two may have been involved in some way or there was an event that occurred 7 years ago that led powerful sinners to have to go into hiding. But if I were to assume Lilith and Alastor made contact with each other in those years, I’d assume Lucifer would know about it.
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Hell I slowed down that clip multiple times to makes sure he wasn’t just looking at Charlie and Vaggie, but his head was turned a bit far back. I’m 75 percent sure he was looking at Alastor with amusement.
And Alastor remains as robotic as distant as usual. That doesn’t give much away, but humor me. Let’s believe Lucifer was looking for the sake of my delusion.
Why would Lucifer care about some overlord? He’s the king of hell, he might not even care to look his way. Unless he had something do to with his wife, which puts a whole new perspective on things.
I don’t know what Lucifer’s personality is like outside of that leaked clip I saw (Since the episode is out, it was the base animation for Lucifer singing "Champagne fountains, caviar mountains") but you can only tell so much based on a voice.
But if he doesn’t even know what his daughter is up to or that she even has a girlfriend, there’s definitely some form of neglect. Or he’s just busy, Charlie is an adult after all. He was cognizant enough to get her a meeting with Adam, but that was after the news broadcast.
Why did it take the news for him to take action? Was it just the news or was it also the fact that Alastor was in the picture? Was he watching over her from his throne?
There’s so much I still don’t know, and it’ll probably be revealed in due time. But I’m going to make a prediction that might be wrong, but I’m going to put it out into the universe anyway. Lilith killed the exterminator in the commotion and this is a way to get Charlie to take action and realize that fighting back may be the only solution to save Hell. Lilith cares for her people, the extermination caused the growth of hell to cease and she went away. Possibly to strengthen herself and find a way to kill angels.
Or, going back to the beginning of this thread where I stated an event may have taken place to get them both to disappear for a while. Alastor wasn’t active in hell. I think that may have been out of pure boredom.
After killing all the old overlords and rising to power, he left, we know that much. And now for my delusional speculation. I think Lilith saw how powerful he was and asked for help. She wanted to protect her daughter and save demon kind.
This is why Alastor may have taken an interest in Charlie. Besides offhandedly seeing a broadcast about the hotel, he recognized her immediately and decided to show up to “help.” Now it could be argued that he just wants to make a deal with Charlie to further his power, but why would he suddenly appear to do that now?
Think about it, Charlie has been on her own for a while. Alastor was back around the time Charlie started the hotel, he was already in public when he saw the broadcast.
Even now he’s laying relatively low, not bringing attention to himself
by staying in the Hotel. By staying close to Charlie a majority of the time. If he cared to create an empire or become even more powerful, he has the ability to do so easily.
So why hasn’t he?
To keep tabs on her? To wait for her to give in?
It’s hard to say since he gives nothing away, frustratingly enough, but that’s why I love Alastor, he’s a puzzle and nothing will be revealed until he deigns it so with a witty comeback and a smile.
The only thing that will kill this theory on arrival is if Lucifer has no idea where his wife is. If Charlie asks if he has heard from her and he says no forget what I said about Lucifer, but Lilith contacting Alastor may have occurred.
7 years seems like something that may be a common theme for certain sinners. It’s already been mentioned twice, and I can’t wait to find out what happened to Alastor and Lilith during that time.
If Lilith did contact Alastor, I’m calling it now. (Watch me be horribly wrong 😭)
Now, after watching Season 1 and seeing all of this was fucking wrong and that Lucifer is a silly, depressed little man who loves his daughter, I see that I was simply overthinking. I hope you enjoyed this month old thread from Twitter guys.
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heir-less · 1 year
Okay I so appreciate that you have nuanced opinions on both William and Kate and Meghan and Harry. But I have to say I think Kate is fully aware about her uncle and what he says. I don't think his interviews or columns were necessarily sanctioned by Carole or Kate but I do not think he was told not to either. I think his opinion appeals to a population of monarchist and old Brits that the Middletons and Kate want to have behind them. I do not think the Gary and Samantha situations are similar because I believe if Gary was really told "no" he would stop. It seems like it's the Middletons MO to be a DM columnist at some point in their royal adjacency. It can be argued about how much autonomy Kate has over things that are said, and I think you've mentioned before that Kate may be more innocent than many think. I would argue that she is very aware of the profile that has been created for her and could have done much more to help her clearly vulnerable sister in law. They did not need to be best friends but it certainly seems that she allowed the powers that be build her up while being very cognizant of the real outcomes of what that could look like for Meghan.
Oh, I think Kate is aware and knows what her uncle says, don't get it twisted. I don't think she wants Gary to stop and he just won't. I just believe that Uncle Gary overstates his closeness to her for his own financial gain. I'm not sure if he's estranged from her, but the nature he writes about her is as if he was her second father which I highly, highly doubt. The fawning obsession he has for her is just . . . not a normal attitude to have towards your niece and I think he's exaggerating a lot of it. That article he wrote would be creepy if a husband or SO wrote it, let alone an uncle:
How Kate manages to spin all those plates simultaneously, with the eyes of the world on her, is almost superhuman.
I think it helps that she has never sought the limelight. She doesn't seek attention, that's not Kate; in fact, she's almost the reverse.
Wikipedia ought to have a picture of her under its entry for the words 'kind' and 'thoughtful'.
That's who she is; it is in her DNA and her bones.
I think the Middletons don't care to silence Gary because he's not saying anything that threatens them, quite the opposite. I have to admit, I do think it's stupid to believe that they're sending him out to push their narratives when they have their own comms team and media connections that are far more effective. That doesn't mean that they don't agree with him or believe he's saying good things, I just feel that he's doing it for himself mainly. He keeps talking about how it's the Middleton family lifestyle that changed William for the better and highlighted the contrasts between him and Harry: the Middletons might think they gain from this type of portrayal, but it's just bizarre and sycophantic. No real professional PR campaign is behind Gary's antics.
I think for Gary it's a total ego trip/masturbation session where he gets to fawn over Kate and credit his/Carole's "Middleton Unbring" as the future of the royal family despite all his firsthand stories of Kate being +20 years old. It gives Thomas Markle vibes where they played an active role in the upbringing and now think they're owed credit for making this person "everything she is."
It feels it's the Middleton family template that William will be using to raise his own family. We should celebrate the Middletons and the impact they have.
William certainly has: he's always ensured that, unlike other Royal in-laws, the Middletons are a non-negotiable inclusion
One thing I can't stress enough (something interesting) is how this narrative puts the Middletons in direct conflict with Charles and Camilla. It wasn't long ago that Charles felt the Middletons had too much influence over William's family life, and felt that they were prioritizing Carole over him. This again makes it crazy that the Middletons are so short-sighted and egotistical that they can't tell that Gary is more trouble than what he's worth.
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wordsafterhours · 2 years
Songs About You - Chapter 10 (Rowan's POV)
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Author's Note: Surprise! I hope you guys like this little snippet in Rowan's POV :) I'm currently writing chapter 11 but I thought it would be fun to do a R POV since we haven't seen once since the very start of this fic. Also, it's unedited (like all my stuff) so apologies for the errors.
Word Count: 1.9k
Being an adult had certain perks—the freedom to make your own choices, stay up all night, drink alcohol. But it also had certain downfalls, like the cognizance that time could pass in the blink of an eye. That you closed your eyes one day for a second too long and now it was a new month. Rowan felt like he’d only blinked, and it was a new month. 
Since the “incident” as he referred to it, he’d been struggling to appreciate the days’ time for what it was. Not one to let things fester, he had tried to ignore Aelin fleeing his driveway, not even bothering to address her statement with Lyria. He hadn’t known the blonde long, yet he could see how easily she wore her heart on her sleeve. Likely, whatever had happened between the two women had been a misunderstanding made worse by Aelin’s emotional stance. 
When he went back inside, Lyria offered nothing more regarding the situation, sticking to her prior statement that Aelin hadn’t been feeling well. His hiking group showed up not long after and he’d poured himself into the day’s activities, appreciative of the reprieve it gave. He’d be a liar though, if he said he didn’t catch himself staring at Lyria, analyzing her every word and movement, wondering if there was more to the story. 
Lyria had stayed the night, declaring herself too tired to go home. He didn’t mind, really, choosing to enjoy their arrangement. Companionship without a label was working for them and he wasn’t in any hurry to change it. She had made comments here and there indicating she wanted to be his girlfriend—he studiously ignored them. Rowan cared for her; he wouldn’t let it go beyond that. 
The day after the incident… that’s when he had found Aelin’s discarded bag on the back porch. Like a high school girl debating to talk to her crush, he toyed with the idea of texting her, letting her know she had left it. Eventually, he did and was subsequently left on read. 30 years old and left on read. The gods had a sense of humor for his life lately.
Now it was December and that stupid bag had been mocking him for weeks. It was perched on a chair by his front door, a constant testament that he didn’t even warrant a reply. He’d woken up today on the wrong side of the bed and her stupid bag was grating his last nerve. 
“I’m taking you to the damn bookstore,” he declared, angrily slinging it over his shoulder as he locked up to leave the house. Naturally, all the contents of the bag spilled into the passenger seat and floorboard when he chunked into the truck. A curse word accompanied each item he placed back into the bag. 
He was ready to be done with this and her. He was crazy for ever thinking the two of them could be friends. Her ego and lack of manners drove him crazy. She was emotional and he liked to think he was pretty even tempered. Also, he despised the way she organized some of the sections in her store, it made zero sense in his type A brain.
Rowan had the address for Present Tense and the two routes he could take to get there memorized which meant he didn’t have to listen to the music dim as his phone gave directions. Scrolling through his various playlists, he decided to forgo is usual musical choices, selecting something with a more alternative edge. Highly Suspect’s “Natural Born Killer” began to blast through the cab, it’s hard beats a welcome distraction. By the time he reached the store, his mood at improved slightly, leaving him confident he wouldn’t bite her head off when he handed over her bag. 
Bag in tow, he rounded the corner and peered into the large windows of the store. The lights were on and the fire lit, but he didn’t see Aelin, or anyone else for that matter in the store. The front door displayed its open sign, the door handle unlocked, moving freely when he jiggled it. A familiar tinkling of bells overhead sounded as he pushed into the store, drowning out any other noise for a few seconds. 
Rowan pushed the door flush, looking around for Aelin, and still not seeing the familiar hair of blonde hair anywhere. That’s when he heard it, loud retching and choking noises, like someone was struggling to maintain their airway.  His green eyes darted across the store, desperately seeking the source of the sound. The hallway behind the desk where the bathroom and Aelin’s office were was dark; the sound was too loud to be that far away. 
The heaving started again, only this time punctuated with muffled cries. “Aelin! Aelin is that you?” 
Heave. Heave. Heave.
“Aelin!” he called out while walking to the register. 
A loud thud his only answer. His heart seized in his chest when he looked over the countertop. Aelin was ghostly white splayed out on the floor, her hair wet and stuck to her face. Her breathing was fast, shallow. He said her name twice but no response. 
Rowan dropped to his knees, slipping his arms beneath her back and pulling her up against his body. Despite her skin being wet with perspiration, it felt cool to the touch. Resting his chin against her temple, he pleaded for her to wake up. His heart was pounding hard against his rib gage as he prayed to Mala for her to do something, anything to let him know she was okay.
Aelin’s small frame tensed in his arms and before his brain could process what was happening, she was pushing herself away from him, turquoise eyes wild, shocked. His own were as wide as half dollars, not understanding why she’d reacted like a terrified wild animal caught in a hunter’s snare. Holding out his hand in calm reassurance, he inched forward to help her up. The woman slid back with a violent shake of her head back and forth, a silent rejection.
He ignored her, moving forward again. 
“Don’t,” Aelin whispered, her voice firm in warning. 
Worry continued to bloom uncomfortably in his chest, newly accompanied by a note of hurt. Aelin seemed absolutely rattled by something and didn’t trust him enough to accept help. He knew their friendship was tenuous but the look in her eyes was going to haunt his dreams for months to come. 
“Aelin, what’s the matter?”
“I said don’t,” she cautioned, louder than before. 
He was not going to let her best him, regardless of the situation. He would get to the bottom of this, warnings be damned. “I heard you, but I don’t care. What. Is. The. Matter?”
The little bit of color that had returned to her cheeks was receding, the pale white hue taking over once more. She sprang up, dropping her head between her knees, and Rowan took the opportunity to move closer. He stood over here, green meeting turquoise as she looked up at him. “Aelin’s can you just tell me what’s wrong?”
She nodded no, placing her head between her legs, body visibly spasming as she started heaving again. An agonizing cry sent Rowan to his knees as he cradled his body around hers. He pressed his cheek into hers, forcing her to brace against his left arm. Despite being much smaller than him, his body was shaking by proxy. “You’re shaking,” he cooed, unable to keep the pain from his voice. He felt her stiffen and try to pull forward, but he held his grasp firm, hushing her. 
“Aelin, I need to know that you’re alright. Do you need to go to the hospital?”
A few calm minutes passed with no response, so he pried once more. “Can you tell me what you has so upset, Ae?” His arms gripped her tighter, preventing possible escape.  “Aelin, I’m serious. If you don’t tell me what happened, I’m taking you to the hospital.” 
The lack of response was both tiresome and worrisome and Rowan had had enough. He shifted Aelin so that she was sideways in her lap, allowing him to cradle her face with his free hand and force eye contact. The gold rings in her eyes were muted, the turquoise flat, lifeless. Her lids closed, effectively shutting him out. A pang stabbed his chest as his heart ached for her at her having been reduced to this panicked version instead of the vibrant, stubborn, fiery person he’d known her to be. 
“Please don’t,” he asked, a last-ditch effort to get her to open up. 
“Can’t what?” his voice gentle.
“I can’t do this.”
He tensed, his 6’4” frame becoming a solid wall of alarmed muscle. “Do what?”
“Keep living,” Aelin admitted so softly it was almost as though she hadn’t spoken at all. Rowan stared at her in disbelief. Had he just heard her right? 
“Aelin. What the fuck happened?” 
“Arobynn,” she said succinctly. 
“Arobynn?” he repeated, confused. The way she said the name was like he should know whom she was referring to. 
“He was their friend.”
“Whose friend? I don’t understand.” 
More tears escaped her closed lids and were soon accompanied by silent cries, her body shuddering in untold grief. Rowan didn’t ask her to expand on what she meant, instead he continued cradling her, resting his head against hers as she soaked the front of his red shirt. He would hold her forever if it meant the tears would stop falling. He’d never heard someone sound so broken. He himself was no stranger to pain, having lost both his parents tragically, but somehow, this was different. It was as if there was only despair occupying her, allowing nothing else. 
Eventually, Aelin’s tears stopped.  His arms refused to loosen, as though they were solely responsible for holding together all her broken parts. “Arobynn Hamel was my parents’ best friend. He was my uncle and one of my favorite people in the world. Growing up there wasn’t a happy memory he wasn’t in.”
“But you said he’s responsible for your parents’ death?”
Aelin cleared her throat. “Arobynn James Hamel is a murderer.” 
Rowan’s breath audibly caught in his throat as her admission sunk in. He could feel his heart heart racing, bordering on beating right out of his chest. It suddenly all made sense—what he had walked in on earlier. There was still quite a bit of questions he needed answered but they would come in time, hopefully. Grappling with what to say, he elected to stay silent, not wanting to put his foot into his mouth. 
 “There’s more to the story but I just can’t today, Rowan. I can’t. I’ll tell you someday if you’re still around, but today, today I feel like dying and I can’t do much more but breathe in and out,” she declared candidly. 
“I’ll be here.” And he would. Rowan could feel his promise echo into his bones. He’d tried to deny it, had successfully up until this point, he was undeniably drawn to Aelin and could not stay away anymore, consequences be damned. 
“What?” she asked, surprise heavily coloring the one word. 
His thumb brushed against her lower lip causing her to open her eyes. His dark green ones were serious as he met hers. “I’ll be here.” 
Aelin’s berry-colored lip quivered beneath his thumb. “I haven’t scared you off?”
Rowan felt his lips quirk slightly upward in a smile at her remark. “No, I’m afraid it’ll take more than a borderline catatonic, panicked meltdown to scare me off. You’re stuck with me.” 
“To whatever end?”
“Yes, Aelin, to whatever end.” 
Tag List:
@rowanaelinn @theresyourfireandblood @backtobl4ck @leiawritesstories @morganofthewildfire @rowaelinismyotp @jorjy-jo @theresyourfireandblood @numbers-colors-fashion @swankii-art-teacher @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart  @stardelia @astra-ad-mare
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uldren-sov · 5 months
2, 15, 56 for camy!!!
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Ms. Camy Infamous!! tyty!!
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
She's quick to call people friend! Even if they're not close friends she will easily call people she's friendly with "friends." Not that she necessarily considers them friends, in truth, or even trusts them as a friend. But calling them friend costs nothing and if it means that whoever it is she calls friend either: feels better, acts nicer, and/or opens up more? Then she'll take that over being stingy over calling someone friend any day. She essentially taught herself to be more outgoing and charming once she began to step more into a more leadership role in the band. As a result she at least appears more open and makes friends more easily. Eventually that meant being more relaxed and comfortable with calling people friend, even if they're not necessarily her friends.
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
At Home: with her parents, she used to just lock herself away in her room and really not even engage with her parents when she was a teenager. If they were even around lol (which they weren't.) It was not a happy home. She was, at best, argumentative, and at worst, antagonistic toward her parents. For the most part, if she wasn't ignoring them or avoiding them, then she was making sure they were aware that she was not happy with them. At School: BACK IN THE DAY... she was LIL MISS WALLFLOWER. She was very shy and reserved, it was rare that she would let anyone close to her/Seven. At that point she really wasn't used to people wanting to get to know her or her trying to share her interests and it literally took a village (mostly Seven but then The Band) for her to start to talk to other people. Even so, her first official girlfriend was during SENIOR YEAR and it was STILL NOT GOOD, since she still was trying to figure out how to juggle having all these extra people in her life, all these new friends/acquaintances who knew her from the band and from clubs, and then now all of these new CLOSE friends. I feel like they probably broke up at prom LOL At Work: she is MS. ENERGY AND CHARISMA. At this stage she's leader, cheer-leader, mini-manager, and hype woman to her band. She loooooooooves the crowd and the crowd invariably loves her. She plays to them a lot and dances/jumps along with the beat to really hype up the crowd as well. There is nothing like the adrenaline of performing and high of being on stage before a crowd of people and receive that kind of adoration. No, it does not mean anything :))) what are you talking about :))). A high energy rockstar, who would have thought? With Friends: She's less "on" but she's still "on" in some ways. The band is her family, no doubt about that, but she's careful not to be 100% with anyone anymore. Seven taught her that, if nothing else, and even family keeps secrets from each other. There's still shades of the more thoughtful, introspective, girl when she's only with her friends, when it would not show at all when she's out with others. But, she's a lot more calm, serious, and snarky with them. Now that she's forced to face Seven again she also faces an old kernel of resentment now as to how the breakup/breakdown was handled by her friends and the fallout of it all. She's also aware now how to prevent herself from sounding bitter. While Alone: She keeps busy, she keeps active, and is definitely cognizant not to fall in a rut once she is away from all the stimulus of her life. All of that energy she normally has is instead channeled inwards and into productivity: what are the next steps, what does she need to do for the band. She does not rest, she does not stop, and does not think about how all of this focus on her band and her music has left her with little else. It's only under very specific circumstances that she feels comfortable enough to let go of everything and focus on herself and her feelings to write music. Being that vulnerable is no longer a safe feeling and her lyrics/writing/music are something she guards viciously. No one touches her notebook or her guitar. She hates feeling that vulnerable anymore but she might just die if she does not allow herself to make music.
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
It's rare for her to be scared anymore! As far as she's concerned, she pulled herself out of a fire and not only survived but thrived; she saved her friends, her band, her future. She has enough confidence now where that will generally carry her past the nerves that would otherwise rattle her friends. She needs to lead by example she's their face and moral support. So even if she was scared, she would not make the mistake of letting it show. Generally, though, she can at least look to Orion to have an even more reasonable approach that translates well to her reason when her confidence falters. His resolve and Devyn's compassion shore up the gaps in her armor when it comes to the band/her work. August has been an unexpected balm to her energy and intensity and her need to be on in front of her friends, so even just chilling silently with them is a bit of a comfort she's nearly forgot about. It's nice to have someone around she gets along with that does not have the baggage of knowing each other for years and who is genuinely invested in her band and her friends. Other than that, she does not want comfort from anyone. She will suffer in silence and alone and away from prying eyes if she can manage it. Any existential dread and fear gets locked away with the vulnerability she writes about, which is why she hates and loves making music. But no one gets to be a part of that anymore, she does not want comfort nor seeks it from her friends. If she ever dares to air out some serious concerns/personal fears, they're already generally solved and she's already mostly over it. They're token shows of trust rather than anything she actively seeks comfort from. :))))) It's an advanced version of her younger isolation but don't tell her that :)))))
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